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Giving Thanks Annual Report Fiscal Year 2012 Fiscal Year 2013

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Giving Thanks

Annual ReportFiscal Year 2012 Fiscal Year 2013


A Time of Thanksgiving

Fighting Poverty, Caring for a Community

A Culture of Engagement

Celebrating the Holy Land

Honoring Poets Anew

Musical Exaltation

Vivid Visits and Inspiring Education

Summary of Operations and Program Revenue & Expense Fiscal Year 2012 and Fiscal Year 2013

Giving Thanks for Your Gifts to the Cathedral

Board of Trustees and Trustees Emeriti

Table of Contents











The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine Annual Report Fiscal Year 2012 and Fiscal Year 2013 3

As the holiday season begins again each year, the Cathedral is filled with visitors. Some are tourists from around the world. Some come specifically to affirm their faith—and to give thanks.

Periods in history that are fraught with division, discord and hardened positions often make thankfulness a challenge. The gap between the wealthiest and those with the least has never been greater—which is a sign of a profound societal ailment, and that can foster bitterness.

This cathedral is a unique place to give thanks. When I think about the last decade, I am filled with gratitude—to have been Dean when we were blessed to recover from a disastrous fire was both a challenge and a boon. I am thankful that the efforts on which our community embarked became the first steps in a process of renewal, creating the momentum for us to unveil a master plan. We began to place our buildings and our finances on a stronger foundation.

We now have an agreement with the Brodsky Organization to lease the north site on the Cathedral Close. This new housing will create almost ninety affordable rental units for our neighborhood while it also undergirds our current mission and enhances our

A Time of Thanksgiving

ability to launch new programs. All in the Cathedral community owe a great debt of thanks to the trustees, staff, and consultants who worked tirelessly to forge that agreement and plan for the future.

A more sustainable Cathedral—one of the great religious, civic and cultural institutions of the city—is offered anew not for ourselves alone but as a cathedral for all. Vital, timely and ambitious programs, such as The Value of Water, repositioned the convening authority of this great Cathedral. Again we were the roof under which compelling conversations were put into contemporary perspective—through liturgy, art, and discourse. I am thankful for that herald of other urgent topics we can address in our space in the coming years, such as The Value of Food.

South African artist Jane Alexander’s Surveys (from the Cape of Good Hope) was lauded by The New York Times as a moving and unsettling exhibition, which managed to raise issues of race, the environment, and the relationship between what makes us human beings and animals. It drew thousands of new visitors to the Cathedral.

Such discourse engages and delights, and we are then sent back into the world with a greater awareness and with a renewed commitment to each other as human beings. We will install Xu Bing’s remarkable Phoenix Rising project in the New Year. He is a Chinese artist deeply committed to his nation as a global citizen, whose art speaks to the vibrancy of China as it seeks a transnational language. Under the Cathedral’s roof the power of art to transform is amplified. We are offered new lenses through which to see the world. I am thankful for that new vision and for the ways our imagination is educated in the service of the future of humankind.

The Very Reverend Dr. James A. Kowalski Dean of the Cathedral

The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine Annual Report Fiscal Year 2012 and Fiscal Year 2013 4

Have you experienced music in the Cathedral? Then you know its uniquely soaring power. In 2011, Kent Tritle became our Director of Cathedral Music and organist. An internationally renowned choral director, since his arrival Kent has greatly enhanced the Cathedral’s music programs, and their stature ranks among the most respected (and beloved) of the city’s resources.

And the diversity of music—from Bach’s Mass in B minor to the contemporary music of crossover artist John Zorn—was a metaphor for how all are welcome and transformed here. Great musical traditions also hauntingly came together as part of the Holy Land program inspired by Rabbi Leonard Schoolman. Worshippers across times and faiths met beyond their differences, simply taking in truly great music in a great space.

Such music occasions thanksgiving, as shared celebrations take us beyond words. For me, this symbolizes the possibility of mutual respect and community. The Cathedral strives to promote that

kind of global citizenship. It is a conversation we need to birth again, in this country and throughout the world, if we are to stop the destructive polarization that tears down peace and justice rather than building it up.

When this great space is filled with human voices, its inspirational powers are taken to heavenly heights, and I understand again how important individuals are to the life of this Cathedral. Its vitality will always depend on the support of our many donors. We depend on your commitment each year—a connection that knits us together with the past, present and future. For your generosity, your hope for the future, and your faith in the work we will do together, I am deeply grateful.

The Very Reverend Dr. James A. Kowalski

Dean of the Cathedral

The Very Reverend Dr. James A. Kowalski before the Great Bronze Doors. Photo: Helena Kubicka

The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine Annual Report Fiscal Year 2012 and Fiscal Year 2013 5

With nearly half of the city’s population pushed into the ranks of the poor or near poor by the recent recession, Cathedral Community Cares (CCC) is more important than it has ever been. CCC addresses hunger and health through a cluster of programs. Our Sunday Soup Kitchen provides breakfast, lunch and a take-away brown bag meal to anyone who comes to our door. In 2013, we served over 22,822 meals to over 7,600 clients, a steady increase from the previous year, and higher than the worst periods of the recession in 2008–2009.

We also use the Sunday Soup Kitchen as an outreach mechanism, providing SNAP/Food Stamp pre-screenings and referral services that will pave the way toward better, more independent lives. In 2013 alone 282 clients received referrals from our outreach program.

Beyond our Sunday program, CCC also operates a Community Closet, open two days a week, from which clients are able to select up to five articles of clothing at no charge each month. Clothing is job-interview-appropriate. Interviews and emergency aid were provided to more than 2,600 clients at the Community Closet last year. In 2012, CCC added a part-time Health Education Specialist, Carolyn Alvino, who has focused on making connections with New York hospitals, health clinics, and health organizations. In 2013 she developed an initiative to provide educational programming and services both on-site and in neighborhood locations. As a direct result, we initiated screenings and programs on diabetes, nutrition, glaucoma, colon cancer, Hepatitis C, HIV, heart disease, substance abuse, breast cancer, and more for over 300 clients. We are on track to double the number of screenings and programs in 2014.

CCC rallied to raise awareness of proposed cuts to food stamps, together with the Dean, State Senator Gustavo Rivera, Monsignor Kevin Sullivan, and representatives of other outreach groups. Photo: Isadora Wilkenfeld.

Fighting Poverty, Caring for a Community

In 2013, we served over 22,822 meals to over 7,600 clients. We initiated screenings and programs on diabetes, nutrition, glaucoma, colon cancer, Hepatitis C, HIV, heart disease, substance abuse, breast cancer, and more for over 300 clients. We are on track to double the number of screenings and programs in 2014.

The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine Annual Report Fiscal Year 2012 and Fiscal Year 2013 6

A Culture of Engagement

A range of diverse arts initiatives have made the Cathedral a destination for visitors seeking culture that engages them with the world, programs that inspire wonder and provoke dialogue. In spite of the challenge of ongoing repair work, the Cathedral staged highly acclaimed presentations. The Value of Water was the first of a series of multidimensional exhibitions that address urgent topics through art, liturgy, discussion and performance. Voices of Japan: Despair and Hope from Disaster, presented the experiences of the Japanese people following the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami through poetry, photography, and music. The New York Times praised our presentation of the work of South African artist Jane Alexander, calling the sculpture and photographs of Surveys (from the Cape of Good Hope) “strange and wonderful,” in part because it made stunning use of the Cathedral space. In contrast, the Working Theater Company’s performance of La Ruta, a drama about the difficulties of clandestine immigration, took visitors into a different world by taking them

outside to the Cathedral’s north parking field—into a 48-foot tractor trailer transformed into a performance space. Again the Times raved, calling the play “vivid,”

“compelling,” and “immersive.”

Another jewel of the Cathedral is its rare and beautiful textile collection. The collection includes two priceless sets of tapestries from the 17th century—The Barberini Life of Christ tapestries from Rome and the English Late Mortlake tapestries, Acts of the Apostles, based on cartoons by Raphael for the Sistine Chapel. The three-decade-long restoration of the Barberini Life of Christ series has recently been completed by our renowned Textile Conservation Laboratory, which conserves both Cathedral and non-Cathedral textile collections and is an internationally-recognized professional training ground for apprentice and graduate students in the field. The full set of Barberini tapestries will be placed on public view in a major exhibition that will travel to at least two museums in 2015.

African Adventure, one of Jane Alexander’s startling and evocative tableaux, took on new life in the Chapel of St. Columba. Photo courtesy Darling Green Inc.

The New York Times praised our presentation of the work of South African artist Jane Alexander, calling the sculpture and photographs of Surveys (from the Cape of Good Hope) “strange and wonderful”…because it made stunning use of the Cathedral space.

The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine Annual Report Fiscal Year 2012 and Fiscal Year 2013 7

The Holy Land is the great cradle of three faiths, and The Holy Land Program, under the direction of Rabbi Leonard Schoolman, explored the many shared themes and ideals of this rich milieu at a time when understanding and tolerance are precious commodities. Launched in 2012 as part of the Dean’s Interfaith Initiative, the program vividly evoked the centrality of the Holy Land to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam through four different epochs: from the time of the Hebrew Bible up through our time. Public lectures, music, art, and film offered participants rich theological conversation and learning about the role religion plays in connecting us all. The Congregation of Saint Saviour also collaborated with the Cathedral in sponsoring nine Holy Land courses, including Exploring Exodus,

Introduction to the Qur’an, and Four Great Thinkers: Buber, Tillich, Heschel, and Kirkegaard. Lectures by distinguished scholars such as Dr. Eric Meyers, the Bernice & Morton Lerner Professor of Religion at Duke University and a noted archeologist, and Dr. Amy-Jill Levine (author and distinguished scholar of the New Testament and Early Judaism) illuminated the discourse. A trip to the spectacular new galleries for the Art of the Arab Lands at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and a thought-provoking series of films provided other perspectives and a new dimension of understanding. Sacred and secular history came vividly to life when Dean Kowalski and Rabbi Schoolman led an Interfaith Journey to Israel from March 3–12.

Celebrating the Holy Land

Map of the Holy Land, one of the Cathedral’s prized Barberini Tapestries. Photo: Cathedral Archives.

The Holy Land Program vividly evoked the centrality of the Holy Land to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam through four different epochs.

The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine Annual Report Fiscal Year 2012 and Fiscal Year 2013 8

The great writers of our nation have captured what it means to be a human being in their time and place, for all times and places. So the Cathedral uniquely honors their voices with memorials in the American Poets Corner. Over the previous two years, the names of two members of the pantheon of great American writers were inscribed in Cathedral stone. Novelist Katherine Anne Porter imagined humanity as a

“ship of fools” but with an ironic sensibility that enabled us to gain perspective on our foibles and failings. James Baldwin, the novelist, essayist, poet, playwright and social critic from nearby Harlem was a fierce and tender storyteller about what it meant to be black in America. Baldwin also was honored in 1974 with the Cathedral’s Centennial Medal in recognition of the Artist as Prophet, and his funeral was held at the Cathedral in 1987.

Honoring Poets Anew

Poet in Residence Marilyn Nelson honors James Baldwin at the 2011 Poets Corner induction ceremony. Photo: Helena Kubicka de Bragança.

The Cathedral uniquely honors the great writers of our nation in the American Poets Corner.

The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine Annual Report Fiscal Year 2012 and Fiscal Year 2013 9

With its powerful sonorities, the Great Organ rings out as the focal point for our music program, and renowned organists from around the world as well as young musicians eager to present their music graced the Cathedral with performances ranging from Bach to contemporary compositions. Kent Tritle, the Cathedral’s famed organist and Director of Cathedral Music, conducted J. S. Bach’s Mass in B Minor as a highlight of the Great Music in a Great Space concert series.

In a true spirit of celebration and open invitation, the music program attracts thousands of visitors each year, in part because of the talented guest musicians who participate. In 2013, the Cathedral Choir and Orchestra performed the beloved Requiem by Gabriel Fauré and Mass in G Minor by Ralph Vaughn Williams, with guest soloists, and later in the year, thanks to a generous donation, a performance of Gustav Mahler’s Symphony

No. 2, specially commissioned for the Manhattan School of Music’s Symphonic Chorus and Soloists, echoed through the Cathedral. The legendary vocalist Hamid Al-Saadi performed a concert of traditional Arabic music, while Mr. Tritle conducted the Cathedral Great Choir in The Holy Land: Jerusalem, a fascinating musical celebration of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam as part of the interfaith Holy Land Program. Most moving of all was a May 2013 memorial for the legendary jazz musician Dave Brubeck, who had performed at the Cathedral on several occasions. Notes of his music echoed throughout the great space of the Nave, performed by a stellar lineup of musicians that included Branford Marsalis, Chick Corea, and Brubeck’s sons Darius, Chris, Matthew and Dan. The Cathedral welcomed not only the New York Philharmonic and the Metropolitan Opera Brass, but also the prolific musician/composer John Zorn for a one-of-a kind concert on the Great Organ.

Musical Exaltation

All eyes are on Director of Music and Organist Kent Tritle as he conducts the Cathedral Choir. Photo: Joshua South.

The Cathedral welcomed not only the New York Philharmonic and the Metropolitan Opera Brass, but also the prolific musician/composer John Zorn.

The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine Annual Report Fiscal Year 2012 and Fiscal Year 2013 10

Each year, the Cathedral hosts approximately one million visitors, from worshipers, to tourists from around the globe, to school children from the neighborhood. Each one of them has the opportunity to experience and learn about the Cathedral in stimulating ways, thanks to programs of the Cathedral’s Department of Public Education & Visitor Services (PEVS). In 2013, PEVS offered 833 public guided programs for our visitors. There is nothing quite like it in all of New York.

At the same time, our programs for New York City public and other school student groups supplemented classroom curricula and supported Common Core Learning Standards for some 10,000 New York City students. Enhanced by object-based learning techniques and hands-on activities developed in partnership with the nonprofit Visual Thinking Strategies, the educational programming offered by PEVS covers topics from geometry and ecology to

literacy, music and medieval history, making the Cathedral a crucial city resource. PEVS also reaches out to audiences with special needs and disabilities with such programs as Sensory Tours, which employ sight, touch, sound, smell, and taste to help visitors experience the Cathedral.

The programs of PEVS are diverse, popular, and unique. In 2013, 10,000 K–12 students and 140 children and their families participated in guided visits at the Cathedral. Of these, 3,700 included an Arts Workshop as part of their visit, becoming stone cutters, gargoyle designers, architects, and scribes, even as some 9,400 performers of all ages came to the Cathedral to participate in 140 choir sings. Finally, our Greet Art program, developed in conjunction with the New York City chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, opened the world of art and the Cathedral to people with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Vivid Visits and Inspiring Education

Each year, the Cathedral hosts approximately one million visitors, from worshippers, to tourists from around the globe.

In 2013, 10,000 K–12 students and 140 children and their families participated in guided visits at the Cathedral.

Medieval Arts workshops introduce children to subjects ranging from art to geometry. Photo: Cathedral Archives.

Vertical Tours allow visitors to explore the soaring heights of the Cathedral’s architecture. Photo: Cathedral Archives.

The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine Annual Report Fiscal Year 2012 and Fiscal Year 2013 11

For the Period: 1 July 2011 through 30 June 2012

�����������$1,445,737 15%

$2,367,574 25%

$1,633,984 17%

$837,136 9%

$601,098 6%

$2,730,198 28%

Total: $9,615,727

Worship & Ministry

Arts, Civic Engagement & Tourism

Community Outreach

Institutional Support




$2,102,766 22%

$2,538,076 27%

$799,871 8%

$730,500 8%

$1,606,905 17%

$1,650,000 18%

Total: $9,428,118

Contributions, Gifts & Grants

Fee for Service

Audience/Visitor Contributions


Cost Sharing Allocations

Real Estate Allocation



Summary of Operations Program Revenue & Expense2012

The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine Annual Report Fiscal Year 2012 and Fiscal Year 2013 12

Summary of Operations Program Revenue & Expense2013

For the Period: 1 July 2012 through 30 June 2013 (Estimated Actuals)

Worship & Ministry $1,535,099 16%

Arts, Civic Engagement & Tourism $1,927,445 19%

Community Outreach $1,598,330 16%

Institutional Support $889,082 9%

Administration $881,981 9%

Infrastructure $3,062,177 31%

Total: $9,894,115


Contributions, Gifts & Grants

$1,853,893 20%

$2,647,470 28%

$786,854 8%

$785,893 8%

$1,646,125 18%

$1,700,000 18%

Total: $9,420,235

Fee for Service

Audience/Visitor Contributions


Cost Sharing Allocations

Real Estate Allocation



The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine Annual Report Fiscal Year 2012 and Fiscal Year 2013 13

$100,000 and Above Estate of Antoinette JohnsonThe Estate of Stanley E. Weaver

$50,000 to $99,999 Mr. Constantine M. Dakolias and

Ms. Monique CussonEstate of Huyler C. HeldThe Ambrose Monell FoundationJack and Susan RudinThe Estate of John M. Tebelak

$25,000 to $49,999 Mrs. Mary Jane BrockColumbia Community Service, Inc.The Hagedorn FundMr. and Mrs. James S. MarcusDrs. Wallace and Prema Mathai-DavisThe Oceanic Heritage FoundationPanta Rhea FoundationMrs. James C. SlaughterThe Estate of Charles Everett Whipple

$10,000 to $24,999 Lily Auchincloss Foundation, Inc.The Bloomberg Sisters FoundationMs. Susan E. B. BloombergMrs. James C. BowlingMrs. Edward T. ChaseEstate of James Crosby BrownThe Robert G. and

Jane V. Engel Foundation, Inc.Episcopal Charities of the Diocese of

New YorkEstate of Minita A. FingerMr. Gary A. GlynnMr. William H. HerrmanMs. Melinda LloydMr. and Mrs. Bruce MacleodThe Reverend Dr. and

Mrs. Daniel P. MatthewsMAZON: A Jewish Response to HungerMr. and Mrs. John E. MerowMr. Julian H. Robertson, Jr.The San Diego FoundationShepherd Kaplan, LLCDr. Steven M. ShulmanMr. Murry K. StegelmannMr. Michael S. Sylvester and

Ms. Sarah E. Nash

United Way of New York CityMr. Bruce WestcottMr. and Mrs. Kelly S. Wilson

$5,000 to $9,999Mrs. Sylvia Anastacia BellusciMs. Sherrill L. Blalock and

Mr. Jonathan SmithEstate of Francis P. BurdoCathedral Gardens ConservancyMs. Judy Collins and Mr. Louis NelsonEmergency Food Assistance Program

(United Way)Mr. David Austin FrickeThe Right Reverend Mary D. GlasspoolMr. and Mrs. Robert GutheilThe Roy A. Hunt FoundationDr. Leslie D. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Andrew G. McMasterMr. Norman R. NelsonThe New York Community TrustMr. and Mrs. Richard A. PaceMs. Susan RodriguezMr. Jerry I. Speyer and Ms. Katherine FarleyMr. and Mrs. T. Dennis SullivanMr. Wayne WalkerMs. Martha Wolfgang and

Mr. Peter Hutchings

$1,000 to $4,999 Ms. Nitya AbrahamDr. and Mrs. John G. Alley, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. William H. AndersonMr. and Mrs. Ronald R. AtkinsMr. and Mrs. Mike AtteberryMr. James E. BaconThe Belsky-Doyle Polikoff-Troubh Family TrustMs. Astor BenjaminMs. Constance L. Benson and

Dr. Brian D’AgostinoMr. and Mrs. Laszlo BirinyiThe Estate of James R. CampbellMs. Susan A. CannonMr. and Mrs. Juan C. CappelloDrs. Robert and Patricia CareyThe Carmel Hill FundMr. and Mrs. Rich CarrollMr. Lawrence R. Cohen and

Mrs. Barbara R. Reeves-CohenMr. Stewart D. ClarkeMs. Victoria L. Cole

The Reverend Canon Constance C. Coles and Mr. William McKeown

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart CutshallMs. Carol DauberMr. and Mrs. James E. DaviesMr. Xiaochao DengThe Right Reverend and

Mrs. Andrew M.L. DietscheMr. and Mrs. Ronald DoerflerMr. John A. DonaldsonMr. Donald F. DonovanMrs. Joan Didion DunneMr. and Mrs. Robert A. EngelEpiscopal Church Women, Diocese of

New YorkEpiscopal Community Of Central OrangeMr. Stephen A. FaceyMs. Mary Ann FisherAili and Austin FlintDr. Vaughn W. Folkert and

Ms. Valerie D. BarnettFood Bank For New York CityGlobal ImpactThe David and Alan Greene Family

FoundationMr. and Mrs. Jesse J. Greene, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Louis GroppMr. and Mrs. C. Warren HaasG. William Haas, Esq.Ms. Elsie P. HallMs. Helen HamlynMr. Philip L. HarrisMr. and Mrs. Gates H. HawnMr. David P. HenkelColin Higgins FoundationMr. and Mrs. William B. HoldingMs. Margaret E. Holyfield and

Mr. Maurice R. MeslansDr. James B. Hudson and

Ms. Julia R. Knox-HudsonHunger Prevention & Nutrition

Assistance ProgramMr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. HuntingtonMr. and Mrs. Robert JennesJewish Theological Seminary of AmericaJockey Hollow FoundationMs. Susan P. JohnsonMr. Mark W. JonesMr. Neil C. KatzMr. George S. KaufmanThe Anna-Maria and

Stephen Kellen FoundationMs. Margaret KellyMr. and Mrs. Richard Kelsey

Giving Thanks to Those Who Have Given Back

Fiscal Year 2013 (July 1, 2012–June 30, 2013)The Cathedral is profoundly grateful for the generosity of its many loyal donors— individuals, foundations, and corporations who make possible the Cathedral’s programs and operations, and help safeguard the magnificent building and grounds that are its legacy.

The Cathedral looks forward to an active and important future, thanks to the solid foundation built by your generous support.

The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine Annual Report Fiscal Year 2012 and Fiscal Year 2013 14

Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. KingThe Reverend Jean KiskaddonMr. David Klafter and Ms. Nancy KestenbaumThe Right Reverend Chilton R. Knudsen and

Mr. Michael J. KnudsenThe Very Reverend Dr. James A. Kowalski

and The Reverend Dr. Anne Brewer, M.D.Ms. Mary Ann LamMr. and Mrs. John T. LaneThe Reverend Canon Clement W. K. LeeProfessor and Mrs. David LeemingMr. and Mrs. Paul LeemingMr. James A. LindnerThe Reverend and Mrs. Richard LouisMr. John B. Madden and Ms. Elizabeth CookeMr. and Mrs. Joseph H. MarshallMr. and Mrs. Robert J. McKennaMs. Constance McDonaldMr. Raymond A. McGarrigleMs. Mary McGeeMr. and Mrs. David M. MentMrs. Helen Merrill-ZitoMr. Arthur M. Miller and

Ms. Roberta B. ConnollyMr. John R. Miller and Ms. Sarah H. WiseMr. Martini C. MillsThe Reverend and Mrs. Robert E. MorisseauThe Vincent Mulford FoundationMr. and Mrs. Christian MurckThe Reverend Joanne Neel-Richard and

The Reverend Mary Anne OsbornNew York City Council for the HumanitiesThe Reverend Canon Richard T. Nolan and

Mr. Robert C. PingpankMr. Peter Nordeen and Mr. Danny SendzikOld Stones Foundation, Inc.Ms. Dorinda J. OliverThe Oratorio Society of New YorkMs. Alexandra OttawayMr. Roger PanettaMs. F. Taylor PapeMrs. Robert R. ParksMr. and Mrs. Robert M. PennoyerMr. and Mrs. Eugene PinoverMs. Diane B. PollardMr. and Mrs. Horatio R. PotterMr. and Mrs. John W. PotterMs. Jane F. PutnamMs. Marsha H. RaMs. Virpi A. Ranta-SingletonMs. Judy T. ReemtsmaMs. Angela Reid-HardyMs. Martha RheinMr. and Mrs. Larry R. RockefellerMr. and Mrs. Steven C. RockefellerThe Reverend Margaret R. RoseMs. Karen Rothmyer and

Mr. Bernard J. RiversThe Reverend Harry G. RoyerMr. and Mrs. John RuddenDr. J. Scott Sawyer and

Ms. Margaret A. McHenneyMr. and Mrs. Homer SchaafMrs. Irwin SchneidermanMr. Kurt SchoknechtRabbi and Mrs. Leonard A. SchoolmanThe Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts SchoriThe Shapiro Family FoundationMs. Deborah S. ShinnEsther Simon Charitable TrustThe Right Reverend and Mrs. Mark S. SiskThe Right Reverend and

Mrs. Andrew D. SmithJames L. Snyder, M.D.St. Peter’s Church (Lithgow)Ms. Catherine StankeMrs. Phoebe R. StantonMs. Yvonne SterlingMr. and Mrs. Henry M. Strouss

Dr. and Mrs. Derald W. SueMs. Ekaterina SukhanovaDr. Matthias SzabolcsTheatermania.com, Inc.Dr. Frederica H. ThompsettMr. Peter J. TrappMr. and Mrs. C. Robert TullyMr. Christopher M. Turner and

Ms. Mary Beth TerryVerizon Foundation Matching GiftsMs. Irene M. WalshThe Reverend Deacon and

Mrs. Fred A. WaltersMr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Warner, IIIMr. E. Waide WarnerMr. Craig E. WeatherupMs. Pamela S. WeekesMr. and Mrs. Jonathan WeldThe Reverend Deacon Lynn WerdalMs. Kimberly WescottMr. and Mrs. Alexander K. WigginMr. Matt Williams and Ms. Angelina FiordellisiMs. Cornelia T. WinthropFrederic and Robin WithingtonMr. Charles G. WolfWorcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)The Reverend Susan Wyper and

Mr. George U. WyperMr. Takeshi Yoshiuchi

$500 to $999 AnonymousMr. and Mrs. Paul BabonBaker Charitable FoundationMr. Rosecrans BaldwinMs. Nancy Banks and Mr. Stephen PenmonMr. and Mrs. Benjamin BaxtMrs. Holly V. BeanMs. Sally C. BennerBistro 1018/Flavor CateringMr. and Mrs. Harold BontekoeMrs. Louise M. BozorthThe Very Reverend and

Mrs. Donald G. BrownMs. Prudence BrownMr. and Mrs. Thomas A. BuehlerThe Reverend and

Mrs. James L. BurnsMr. and Mrs. Sergio CarroMs. Amy C. ChiaroThe Reverend Canon and

Mrs. Domenic K. CiannellaMr. K. ClaytonCommercial Combustion Service &

Installation Corp.Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. ConstantineThe Reverend Dr. and Mrs. Edwin H. CromeyMrs. Vivian Davidson HewittMr. Frederick E. De LeauThe Honorable and Mrs. David N. DinkinsDomestic & Foreign Missionary Soc. of the

Episcopal ChurchMs. Diana L. ErbsenMr. and Mrs. William H. FishMs. Faith Sarah Tilton FraserMs. Martha E. GiffordMr. and Mrs. Roger Gilbert, Jr.Mr. William A. Glaser and Ms. Gilberta

Vansintejan GlaserMr. Joseph GodduMs. Janet GordonMs. Mary Louise GundlachMs. Sarina GwirtzmanDr. Judith HancockMr. Alex Hanes-Stetter and

Ms. Leslie BaldwinMr. William E. HavemeyerMr. Eugene Hicks and Ms. Karen P. Lee

Mr. Eric H. Holder, Jr.The Hungarian Pastry ShopThe Reverend Brenda Husson and

The Reverend Thomas FaulknerInasmuch FoundationMs. Carol IsaacMs. Feygele Jacobs and

Mr. Michael Cholden-BrownMs. Nettie Jensen and Mr. William S. JensenMr. Edward L. JonesMr. and Mrs. Stuart D. KarleMs. Maura KeaneyMs. Betty KranzdorfMr. John KurtzMr. Kenneth A. LeacockMr. Wing Lin LoMr. Thomas LollarMs. Mildred E. MadsenMs. Lizabeth A. MahaffeyMs. Gail MartinMs. Teresa MetcalfMs. Deborah MillerMr. Mark S. MitchellMr. and Mrs. Fortunat Mueller-MaerkiMs. Robbie NarcisseThe New York Altar Guild, Inc.Charles J. O’Byrne, Esq.Mr. Robert A. PalmerThe Venerable William C. Parnell and

Mr. Thomas ArnoldMr. and Mrs. Brent PorterMr. John PuterkoMr. Allan RamsayMs. Joyce E. ReillyRockefeller Philanthropy AdvisorsMr. and Mrs. Barry C. RossMs. Mary W. RoweMs. Victoria R. SayersScholastic Marketing Partners/Scholastic Inc.Mr. Gerhard SchulmeyerMs. Willa ShalitMr. Theodore A. ShankoffMs. Maria Elisa SilveiraDr. and Mrs. William A SimpsonMr. Craig SkiptunisMr. Scott Smith and Ms. Nancy A. BrownMs. Joanne SpellunSt. James Church - New York, NYSt. John’s Church - Beverly Farms, MAMs. Cheryl StouteThe Reverend E. Lee StreetMr. Peter W. StrongMr. Harborne StuartMs. Mae Mae R. TaylorMr. and Mrs. Peter P. ThurberMr. Howard TomMr. Roger TurgeonMr. Charles R. Tyson and

The Reverend Lynda Z. TysonMrs. Avonelle S. WalkerWaste Not Want NotMrs. Constance M. WeberMs. Bettina WitteveenMs. Alice J. WolfeMr. and Mrs. Taymore David Zarghami

$250 to $499 Mr. Fons A. Amaye-ObuMr. Mark L. Andrews and

Ms. Kristin SummersMs. Ramona M. AzulayMs. Michelle BarricelloMr. George D. BenjaminMr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. BoccinoBriggs Red Carpet AssociatesMs. Ana BritoMs. Alice C. BrownMs. Yvonne E. Brown

Mr. Michael BurkeMs. Ann BurrMs. Karin H. ButlerMr. Cass Canfield, Jr.Mr. Michael J. Carey and

Mrs. Margaret Brown-CareyMrs. Andrea CaveMs. Helen ChurkoMr. Fred J. ChynchukMr. Scott CockerMr. Michael ConnollyMr. and Mrs. Charles CrossMr. Richard CumminsMr. and Mrs. Gerald CurtisMr. Jonathan Day and Ms. Nina

DeMartini-DayMs. Adriana De La EspriellaMs. Nancy DeaneMr. Frank DeCrescenzoThe Estate of Virginia DemetriusMiss Natalie Gale DixonMs. Nancy E. DowdingMr. Charles V. DrewMs. Katherine J. DwyerDr. Glen I. EarthmanMr. Robert EdgarMr. and Mrs. Donald O. EiseleMs. Theresa Ellis-ReichMr. and Mrs. Oscar ElsaesserMr. Sylvan G. FeldsteinMs. Tara FitzpatrickMs. Eugenia C. FoxworthMrs. Beatrice M. FrancaisMs. Maria I. FriasMs. Mary M. FurlongMr. and Mrs. William G. GarrisonThe Reverend Carlson GerdauMr. William C. GivenMs. Jane F. GoldenMr. and Mrs. Stephen GrampsMr. Richard R. GrayDr. Marcia GreenleafMr. Paul HabigMr. Jeff HadsallMr. Martin H. HansenDr. and Mrs. Steven HarrelThe Very Reverend John G. HartnettMr. and Mrs. William S. HearstDr. Wylie C. HembreeMs. Joyce HensleyMr. and Mrs. Frederick C. HermanMr. Clyde I. HicksMs. Nancy A. HodgkinsonMr. John F. HutchinsonMs. Chequita Jackson and Mr. Junior SandersMr. Jerry JacobsDr. Vincent N. JarvisMr. and Mrs. Stephen JeffriesJoseph Allen Revocable Living TrustMartin and Wendy KaplanMs. Claudia KavenaghMr. Kevin A. KentishMr. Glen King ParkerDr. Theodore J. Kowalski and

Dr. Philip DevineMr. Howard KunreutherMs. Wailin LauThe Reverend Deacon Denise LaVettyMr. Alfred Law and

Ms. Glenda A. Fowler LawMs. Dorchen LeidholdtMr. Allan J. LenznerMr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. LeonardMs. Dale MandelmanMs. Delrosa MarshallMs. Alline MathesonMs. Lynn C. MautnerMr. Timothy McCabeDr. John A. McClung

The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine Annual Report Fiscal Year 2012 and Fiscal Year 2013 15

Ms. Susan J. McGheeMcGregor FundMr. Christopher McKenzie and

Ms. Paula Gifford McKenzieMr. and Mrs. Marvin MiltonMr. William H. MoellerDr. Lawrence MuscarellaMs. Rebecca H. NelsonMs. Varuni NelsonNetworkforgood.orgMrs. Jan L. NewmarkMr. Blake T. Newton, IIIMs. Yvonne Norton LeungMr. Sam OglesbyMr. Robert M. OlmstedMr. James O’RourkeAnne and Fred Osborn, IIIP.T.A. of Cathedral SchoolMrs. Katherine ParkerMr. and Mrs. Joachim E. ParrellaMs. Patricia Perlmuth

Mr. and Mrs. William A. PerlmuthMs. Dorsey PhelpsMs. Debra Given and Mr. Tom PhillipsPosner-Wallace FoundationMs. Bette PoundsMr. and Mrs. Mark A. PrescottMr. Bronislaw Pytowski and

Ms. Rosanne CosentinoMr. Dan RaboldLinda F. Rankin, MDMs. Janet RassweilerMrs. Edmee B. ReitMs. Judith Riven and Mr. Edward GoldmanDr. and Mrs. Clive RobinsonMrs. Dori S. RockefellerMr. Renato RosaldoMr. and Mrs. Arthur J. RosnerMs. Elizabeth B. RothlaufMr. Stephen RoweMr. and Mrs. David SchneiderMs. Lenore Schultz

Mr. David W. ScudderMr. Dickson S. ShawThe Reverend William S. Shillady and

Ms. Judith ManevalMr. Herbert P. ShyerMr. and Mrs. Peter J. SinnottMs. Bartu Sirleaf-CottleDr. Robert Sirota and

The Rev. Dr. Victoria SirotaDr. Gayle A. SkeeteMs. Marjorie M. SorensenMs. Lizabeth SostreMs. Elizabeth StarkeyMr. and Mrs. Mark SteinMs. Andrea G. StillmanMs. Louise StockerMs. Nancy StyerMr. Michael SwitzerMs. Cynthia TaylorMs. Jan K. ThorkelsonMrs. Janet Tomaszewski

Ms. Catharine TraykovskiMs. Elizabeth Truly and

Mr. Marino TurturMr. Frederick B. WarderMr. Duncan WebbMr. Henry WeidemuellerMr. Richard C. WhiteMr. John WilsonMs. Ann WithersMr. and Mrs. John WolcottMs. Lorna Wright

Gifts-In-KindAssociated Cut FlowersCK FoodsGramercy ProduceDr. Stephen J. HamiltonMr. Richard MooreDr. Steven M. Shulman

$100,000 AND MOREThe Estate of Hugh T. AdamsMr. and Mrs. Constantine M. DakoliasThe Horace W. Goldsmith FoundationJack and Susan Rudin

$50,000 to $99,999The Anna-Maria and

Stephen Kellen FoundationPanta Rhea FoundationThe Estate of John M. Tebelak

$25,000 to $49,999Asian Cultural CouncilMrs. Mary Jane BrockThe Coby Foundation, Ltd.The Hagedorn FundMr. William H. HerrmanThe Estate of Louise JonssonKalliopeia FoundationSamuel H. Kress FoundationMr. and Mrs. Bruce MacleodMr. and Mrs. James S. MarcusThe Ambrose Monell FoundationThe National Endowment for the ArtsMr. Byron Nimocks and Ms. Emily MurphyMr. and Mrs. Dennis SullivanMr. and Mrs. John L. WalkerThe Estate of Charles Everett Whipple

$10,000 to $24,999AnonymousThe Bloomberg Sisters FoundationMs. Susan E. B. BloombergThe Calamus FoundationThe Estate of James E. CampbellMr. Stephen ChuThe Church Pension FundColumbia Community Service, Inc.Ms. Barbara D. DellerThe Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.Emergency Food and Shelter ProgramMrs. Jane V. EngelEpiscopal Charities of the Diocese of New YorkMr. and Mrs. William O. HiltzJames S. Mitchell & SonsMs. Melinda Lloyd

The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Daniel P. MatthewsMrs. Mary Alyce MerowMr. Norman R. NelsonDr. Stephen W. Nicholas and

Ms. Ellen SargentMr. Julian H. Robertson, Jr.Dr. Steven M. ShulmanSilicon Valley Community FoundationMr. Jerry I. Speyer and Ms. Katherine FarleySt. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital CenterThe Rev. Dawn M. Stegelmann and

Mr. Murry K. StegelmannMr. Michael Sylvester and Ms. Sarah E. NashTD Bank, N.A.The Florence Gould FoundationTrinity Church, Wall StreetWells Hill Partners, Ltd.Mr. and Mrs. Kelly S. Wilson

$5,000 to $9,999 Mrs. Edward T. ChaseEmergency Food Assistance ProgramEnnead Architects LLPMr. David Austin FrickeMr. Gary A. GlynnMr. Huyler C. HeldThe Roy A. Hunt FoundationKalpa Tree FoundationThe Very Rev. Dr. James A. Kowalski and

The Rev. Dr. Anne Brewer, M.D.Ms. Jean KramerMAZON: A Jewish Response to HungerMr. and Mrs. Andrew G. McMasterMetropolitan New York SynodNew World FoundationMr. Morris W. OffitMr. and Mrs. Richard A. PaceMr. Gary ParrSandler O’Neill & Partners, LPDr. Matthias SzabolcsMr. Bruce WestcottRachel and Taymore Zarghami

$1,000 to $4,999 AnonymousDr. and Mrs. John G. Alley, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. William H. AndersonArnhold FoundationMr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Atkins

The Atlantic Philanthropies, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Mike AtteberryMrs. Joyce Phillips AustinAvalon Bay Communities, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. James E. BaconMr. Michael BellasSylvia Anastacia BellusciThe Belsky-Doyle Polikoff-Troubh Family TrustMs. Astor BenjaminMr. Malik BenjaminMs. Sally C. BennerMs. Constance L. Benson and

Dr. Brian D’AgostinoMr. and Mrs. Laszlo BirinyiJohn and Stephanie BluherMrs. Louise M. BozorthMr. Thomas R. BranninBroadway Cares Equity Fights Aids, Inc.Mr. Peter Brown and Ms. Jaye ChenBryan Cave LLPMr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. BuckfireBuilding Conservation Associates, Inc.Ms. Mary Lindley BurtonMr. Charles C. ButtMrs. Alisa A. CallenderMs. Susan A. CannonDrs. Robert and Patricia CareyThe Carmel Hill FundMr. James J. CarollThe Estate of Betty Mosley CashThe Rev. Cn. and Mrs. Domenic K. CiannellaMr. Stewart ClarkeMr. Michael Clifford and Mr. Robert LevyMr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. CohenMs. Victoria L. ColeThe Reverend Canon Constance C. Coles and

Mr. William McKeownMr. and Mrs. Andrew B. ConstantineMrs. and Mr. Gail CookeThe Reverend Barbara Crafton and

Dr. Richard QuaintanceMr. and Mrs. Lester CrownMs. Carol DauberMr. and Mrs. James E. DaviesMs. Denise LavettyMs. Christine Denham and

Mr. Robert W. SteinMr. and Mrs. Donald P. DillonMr. David Elgin DodgeMr. and Mrs. Ronald DoerflerMr. John A. Donaldson

The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Herbert A. DonovanMr. and Mrs. Robert N. DowneyMrs. Joan Didion DunneMs. Mary Ann FisherAili and Austin FlintDr. Vaughn W. Folkert and

Ms. Valerie D. BarnettHollis and James ForbesMr. Carl FrischlingFund for Public Health in New York, Inc.Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. of New York, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gilbert, Jr.Mr. Al GlowaskyMr. and Mrs. James C. GoodfellowThe Honorable and Mrs. Roy M. GoodmanThe David and Alan Greene

Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Jesse J. GreeneMr. and Mrs. Louis GroppMr. and Mrs. Paul B. GuentherMr. and Mrs. Henry GuettelMs. Mary Louise GundlachMr. and Mrs. C. W. HaasMr. G. William HaasDr. Judith HancockMr. Martin H. HansenMr. Philip L. HarrisMr. and Mrs. Gates H. HawnMr. David HenkelMr. and Mrs. Paul HerzanMr. Clay HilesMr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. HollowayMs. Margaret E. Holyfield and

Mr. Maurice R. MeslansMr. and Mrs. Arthur W. HooperMr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. HuntingtonMr. and Mrs. George D. IttnerMr. and Mrs. Robert JennesMr. Edward L. JonesMr. Mark W. JonesMr. and Mrs. Kevin JordanMr. and Mrs. Stuart D. KarleMr. Neil C. KatzKathleen and Richard KearnsMr. James A. Kelly and

Ms. Mariam C. NolandMr. and Mrs. Richard L. KelseyMr. and Mrs. Henry L. KingMr. David Klafter and Ms. Nancy KestenbaumDr. Muriel F. KneeshawMr. and Mrs. Matthew B. Kowalski

Fiscal Year 2012 (July 1, 2011–June 30, 2012)

The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine Annual Report Fiscal Year 2012 and Fiscal Year 2013 16

Dr. Rebecca KowalskiMs. Susan LakatosMs. Mary Ann LamMr. and Mrs. John T. LaneThe Laymen’s Club of the Cathedral Church of

St. John the DivineMr. and Mrs. Alain LebecThe Reverend Canon Clement W. K. LeeMr. and Mrs. Laurence C. LeedsProfessor and Mrs. David LeemingMr. and Mrs. Paul LeemingLoeb & TroperThe Rev. and Mrs. Richard LouisMs. Janine LukeMr. and Mrs. John MacKerronMr. Donald L. MagginMr. and Mrs. John P. McEnroeMr. Raymond A. McGarrigleCanon B. McK. WilliamsBob and Carol McKennaMs. Kathy G. McNeilThe Menemsha FundMr. and Mrs. Robert B. MenschelMr. and Mrs. David M. MentMr. and Mrs. Douglas MercerMr. Arthur M. Miller and

Ms. Roberta B. ConnollyMr. and Mrs. John R. MillerMr. Martini C. MillsMr. and Mrs. Alan MitchellMr. and Mrs. James S. MitchellThe Rev. and Mrs. Robert E. MorisseauMr. and Mrs. Robert E. MorrisMr. and Mrs. Lester S. MorseThe Vincent Mulford FoundationMr. Donald R. MullenMr. and Mrs. Christian MurckMr. Anthony E. NapoliMs. Marsha K. Nelson and Dr. Gigi MadoreMs. Alice NetterThe New York Altar GuildNicholson & GallowayThe Reverend Canon Richard T. Nolan and

Mr. Robert C. PingpankMr. Peter Nordeen and Mr. Danny SendzikMr. and Mrs. Joe O’BrienMs. Kathrine OckendenMs. Dorinda J. OliverDr. Stuart Orsher and Ms. Gladys OrsherAnne and Fred Osborn, IIIDr. Hal E. OttMs. F. Taylor PapeMrs. Robert R. ParksThe Venerable William C. Parnell and

Mr. Thomas ArnoldMr. and Mrs. Bruce PaulsenThe Penates FoundationMr. and Mrs. Robert M. PennoyerMr. and Mrs. William A. PerlmuthMr. and Mrs. Eugene PinoverMs. Diane B. PollardMr. and Mrs. Horatio R. PotterMr. and Mrs. John W. PotterMr. and Mrs. James David PriceMs. Jane F. PutnamMs. Marsha H. RaMs. Virpi A. Ranta-SingletonMs. Judy T. ReemtsmaMs. Angela Reid-HardyMs. Martha RheinMs. Karen Rothmyer and

Mr. Bernard J. RiversDr. and Mrs. Clive RobinsonMr. David RockefellerMr. and Mrs. Larry R. RockefellerMr. and Mrs. Steven C. RockefellerMr. and Mrs. Nicolas S. RohatynMr. and Mrs. David S. RossMr. and Mrs. James J. Ross

Mrs. Arthur RossMs. Mary E. RoweThe Rev. Harry G. RoyerMr. Howard J. RubensteinMrs. Arthur M. SacklerSanky Communications, Inc.Dr. J. Scott Sawyer and

Ms. Margaret A. McHenneyMr. and Mrs. Homer SchaafMrs. Roberta SchneidermanMr. Kurt SchoknechtMr. and Mrs. Warren L. SchwerinMr. and Mrs. Stanley DeForest ScottMr. and Mrs. Charles ScribnerMr. and Mrs. Charles SeidlerMr. and Mrs. James T. SherwinMs. Deborah S. ShinnThe Rev. Bruce M. ShipmanDr. Robert Sirota and

The Rev. Dr. Victoria SirotaThe Right Reverend and Mrs. Mark S. SiskMr. Scott Smith and Ms. Nancy A. BrownMr. Chandragupta Sooran and

Ms. Angie KarnaMs. Joanne SpellunMr. Burton B. StaniarMrs. Phoebe R. StantonMr. and Mrs. Boris StepichMs. Yvonne SterlingMs. Andrea G. StillmanMr. and Mrs. Mickey StrausMr. and Mrs. Henry M. StroussDr. and Mrs. Derald W. SueMr. and Mrs. John S. SuhlerMr. Philip TaylorTheatermania.com, Inc.Ms. Yvette TsiropoulosMr. and Mrs. C. Robert TullyUnited Way of New York CityVerizon Foundation Matching GiftsMr. Richard Wallgren and Mr. Martin RookMs. Irene M. WalshMrs. Constance M. WeberMr. Ronald G. WeinerThe Reverend Deacon Lynn WerdalMr. Steadman H. WestergaardMr. and Mrs. Alexander K. WigginMr. David WilkesMr. Matt Williams and Ms. Angelina FiordellisiMrs. Caroline Keller WinterMs. Cornelia T. WinthropFrederic and Robin WithingtonMr. Charles G. WolfMs. Martha Wolfgang and

Mr. Peter HutchingsMs. Lisa WoodsMrs. Helen Merrill Zito

$500 to $999Mr. and Mrs. Paul BabonMr. W. Allen BarnettThe Rev. John P. Bauman and

Ms. Susan EbersoleMr. and Mrs. Albert C. BellasMs. Marjorie A. BeutelMr. Zachary Block and Ms. Rachel LoebMs. Alice C. BrownMr. and Mrs. Russel ByersMs. Beatrice CarsonThe Cathedral GuildMr. Paul CothranMs. Alison CourtneyMr. and Mrs. Stuart CutshallMr. Robert A. CuttingThe Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Clifton DanielMr. and Mrs. Eugene J. DarconteDavid And Lucile Packard FoundationMs. Elizabeth de Cuevas

Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Episcopal Church

Mr. Brett DonhamMr. Robert EngelMr. and Mrs. Robert A. EngelMr. and Mrs. Esteban A. Ferrer, IIIMr. and Mrs. Stefan FordMrs. Beatrice M. FrancaisFrank Crystal FoundationMs. Faith Sara Tilton FraserMs. Mary M. FurlongMr. John L. FurthThe G&I Butler Family Foundation, Inc.Mr. James R. GainfortGeiger RoofingMs. Martha E. GiffordDr. Robert J. GlaserMs. Jane F. GoldenMr. Frank GoodwinMs. Sarina GwirtzmanMr. and Mrs. William E. HavemeyerMr. William H. HessMr. and Mrs. William B. HoldingMr. and Mrs. Hugh A. HowellDr. James B. Hudson and

Ms. Julia R. Knox-HudsonInasmuch FoundationMs. Feygele Jacobs and

Mr. Michael Cholden-BrownDr. Vincent N. JarvisMs. Helen Jiang QiuMartin and Wendy KaplanMs. Lillian E. KraemerMs. Betty KranzdorfMr. Matthew D. KupchinMs. Wailin LauMr. Kenneth A. LeacockMs. Mary K. LibbyMs. Hua LinLucia Woods Lindley and Daniel A. LindleyMr. Thomas LollarMs. Pamela MacktazMs. Lizabeth A. MahaffeyMs. Gail F. MartinMs. Constance McDonaldMr. and Mrs. Jack D McSpaddenMr. Ronald L. MelicharMs. Teresa MetcalfMr. and Mrs. Henry S. MillerMr. Mark S. MitchellMs. Robbie NarcisseMr. Dan OffuttMr. and Mrs. David R. OwenThe P.T.A. of The Cathedral SchoolMr. Robert A. PalmerMs. Clare Pierson and Mr. Peter HumphreyMr. and Mrs. Brent PorterMr. John PuterkoMr. and Mrs. David Rockefeller, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Barry C. RossMs. Deborah H. Ross and Mr. Russell HoganMr. John R. RousmaniereMr. Stephen RoweMs. Victoria R. SayersMr. William S. Schaaf and Ms. Joy ChangMrs. Irwin SchneidermanScholastic Marketing Partners/Scholastic Inc.Mr. Gerhard SchulmeyerMr. and Mrs. Axel SchupfMr. Victor L. SchusterDr. and Mrs. William A SimpsonThe Right Reverend and

Mrs. Andrew D. SmithSt. James’ Church - New York, NYSt. Peter’s Church, LithgowMs. Ruth S. StantonMs. Cynthia TaylorMs. Mae Mae R. TaylorMs. Mary Beth Terry and

Mr. Christopher M. TurnerMs. Jan K. ThorkelsonMr. Peter J. TrappMr. David Turner and Ms. Martha A. BantaMs. Mary Lou Van BurenMrs. Avonelle S. WalkerMr. Anthony J. Walton and Ms. Jennifer GaoWaste Not Want NotMs. Pamela S. WeekesMr. and Mrs. Byron R. WienMs. Ann Williams ChapmanMs. Lucy WintonMs. Alice J. Wolfe

$250 to $499Mr. Dilip AdvaniMr. Paul A. Argenti and Ms. Jennifer KayeBaker Charitable FoundationMs. Marilyn S. BarnwellMrs. Holly V. BeanMs. Dorothy J. BellMr. George D. BenjaminMs. Wendy BlissMr. and Mrs. Roman BninskiMr. and Mrs. Harold BontekoeMr. Charles L. BoothMr. Peter BoysenMs. Prudence BrownMr. Michael BurkeMs. Karin H. ButlerMr. and Mrs. John H. Byrne, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Rich CarrollMr. Lewis CenterMr. Kendall G. ChenMs. Amy ChurginMr. Fred J. ChynchukMr. Scott CockerMrs. Rhoda W. CohenThe Community of the Holy SpiritMr. Anthony E. CorboMs. Joyce R. CumberbatchMr. Richard CumminsMr. John W. Curtis and Ms. Margaret SarkelaMr. Frederick E. De LeauThe Honorable and Mrs. David N. DinkinsDr. Glen I. EarthmanMr. John S. EbbertMr. and Mrs. Oscar ElsaesserMr. Stephen A. FaceyMr. Eric H. FahnerMr. and Mrs. Paul FelzenMs. Brenda FurtakMr. and Mrs. Mark GarrityThe Reverend Carlson GerdauMs. Janet E. GertzMs. Patricia GillMr. Dougles W. GodleyMr. and Mrs. Stephen GrampsMr. Charles R. GroomsMr. Pearce W. HammondDr. and Mrs. Steven HarrelThe Harvey SchoolMr. and Mrs. William S. HearstMs. Marian S. HeiskellMr. and Mrs. Frederick C. HermanMs. Suzan P. HernandezMr. Clyde I. HicksMs. Nancy A. HodgkinsonMr. Harry W. HudsonMr. Douglass HuntMr. John F. HutchinsonMr. and Mrs. Stephen JeffriesMs. Nettie Jensen and Mr. William S. JensenMr. Walter H. Jones, IIIMrs. Audrey Sisson KashaMs. Maura KeaneyMr. Kevin A. KentishMrs. Glenda Kirkland

The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine Annual Report Fiscal Year 2012 and Fiscal Year 2013 17

Ms. Charlotta Klein RossMs. Eileen KoernerMr. Newton A. KoltzDr. Theodore J. Kowalski and

Dr. Philip DevineMr. Howard KunreutherMr. David B. LasaterMr. Alfred Law and Ms.

Glenda A. Fowler LawMr. Konrad LebasMr. Wing Lin LoMs. Meryl MarcusMs. Delrosa MarshallMs. Alline MathesonDr. John A. McClungMs. Susan J. McGheeMcGregor FundMr. Ronald M. Miller and Ms. Carol SchepkerMr. J. Thom MitchellMs. Frances S. MoffatThe Very Rev. and Mrs. James Parks MortonMs. Ingegerd MundheimDr. Lawrence MuscarellaMs. Jennifer NelsonMs. Varuni NelsonMs. Cassandra NettlesMr. Andrew NewmanMs. Martha O’DayMr. Robert M. OlmstedMr. Peter I PartridgeMr. Matthew J. Perlman and

Mrs. Kate PerlmanMs. Dorsey PhelpsMs. Debra Given and Mr. Tom PhillipsMs. Adrienne PlotchMr. J. Sheppard PoorPosner-Wallace FoundationMrs. Ashley H. PriddyMr. Kenneth S. PrinceMr. Paul W. PulleyR.W. Pressprich & CompanyMr. Allan RamsayMs. Janet RassweilerMs. Joyce E. ReillyMr. and Mrs. Robert J. ReveriMr. Reynolds and Ms. NisbetMr. Gregory RiceRockefeller FoundationMr. Renato RosaldoMrs. Elizabeth RouffyMs. Mary H. RountreeMr. Peter RuofStephen M. Sander Foundation, Inc.Mr. Robert E. Sanford and

Mrs. Melody SanfordMs. Stephanie SargeantMs. Mary Beth SassoMs. Louise SchafferMr. and Mrs. David SchneiderMs. Lenore SchultzMr. and Mrs. Andreas Scott HansenMr. David W. ScudderMr. Theodore A. ShankoffMr. and Mrs. Julia ShellyThe Reverend William S. Shillady and

Ms. Judith ManevalMr. Herbert P. ShyerMrs. Eddie E. SimsMr. and Mrs. Peter J. SinnottDr. and Mrs. Harley SmythMr. Harald J. SnikMr. Jack StokesMr. Michael E. StollerMs. Cheryl StouteMr. and Mrs. Sabin C. StreeterMr. Harborne StuartMs. Ekaterina SukhanovaMr. David L. ThompsonMr. and Mrs. Peter P. Thurber

Mr. and Mrs. Jose V. TorresMs. Elizabeth Truly and Mr. Marino TurturMr. Roger TurgeonThe Washington Committee of the National

Cathedral AssociationMr. Roy A. WatsonMr. Duncan WebbMr. Richard C. White

Gifts-In-KindGramercy ProduceCK FoodsDr. Stephen J. HamiltonMr. John KantakisMr. Richard MooreDr. Steven M. Shulman

The Cathedral staff makes every effort to correctly report gifts. However, if this list does not accurately reflect your giving for fiscal years 2011–2012 or 2012–2013, please contact the Development Office at (212) 316-7498.

Thank you.

The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine Annual Report Fiscal Year 2012 and Fiscal Year 2013 18

Board of TrusteesThe Right Reverend Andrew ML Dietsche Bishop of New York, Chair

Bruce Macleod President & Chair of the Executive Committee

Murry K. Stegelmann Treasurer

Mary Jane Brock Secretary

The Very Reverend Dr. James A. Kowalski Dean of the Cathedral

Sherrill L. BlalockDr. Patricia M. CareyThe Reverend Canon Constance C. ColesConstantine M. DakoliasGary A. GlynnWilliam H. HerrmanKristin Kearns JordanMelinda LloydJohn B. MaddenJames S. MarcusThe Reverend Dr. Daniel P. MatthewsJohn R. MillerNorman R. NelsonBruce G. PaulsenThe Reverend Dr. Thomas F. PikeDiane B. PollardJulian H. Robertson, Jr.Mrs. James C. SlaughterMichael S. SylvesterMartha D. Wolfgang

Trustee EmeritiJames E. BaconMrs. Edward T. ChaseThe Reverend Stephen J. ChinlundJoan CupoFrederic P. Herter, M.D.Benjamin D. HollowayThe Reverend Edward JohnstonHenry L. KingJohn T. LaneDr. Wallace Mathai-DavisMary Alyce MerowHarry SmithPhoebe R. StantonFred WibiralskeE. Thomas Williams

Non-Trustee Officers Michael J. Edwards, Chief Financial OfficerSusan A. Cannon, Assistant Secretary

Officers of the Society of RegentsDr. Vaughn W. Folkert, PresidentDr. Steven M. Shulman, Vice President

Board of Trustees and Trustee Emeriti