Availability of local biomass for production of ... · Koffiedik 16 16 16 16 16...

Availability of local biomass for production of electricity and heat in the Netherlands in 2020 Wolter Elbersen, GBEP, Rome November 13 2012 Koppejan, J. H.W. Elbersen, M. Meeusen en P. Bindraban. 2009. Availability of local biomass for production of electricity and heat in The Netherlands in 2020. Report for SenterNovem

Transcript of Availability of local biomass for production of ... · Koffiedik 16 16 16 16 16...

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Availability of local biomass for production of

electricity and heat in the Netherlands in 2020

Wolter Elbersen,

GBEP, Rome November 13 2012

Koppejan, J. H.W. Elbersen, M. Meeusen en P. Bindraban. 2009. Availability of local biomass for production of electricity and heat in The Netherlands in 2020. Report for SenterNovem

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Netherlands targets: 14 or 12 or 16 %

renewable in 2020










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Aim of the study

To get a better understanding of the possible role of energy from biomass, taking into account :

● The availability of biomass, both domestic and through import

● Measures to improve the availability of biomass, taking into account competing uses, environmental impacts into account competing uses, environmental impacts etc.

● Input for Netherlands National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) to European Commission

Predict the production of electricity and heat from local biomass in The Netherlands in 2020.


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Biomass Balance of the Netherlands (Mton DM)

Rabou et al. 2006

Meesters et.al., 2010

Domestic harvestableproduction

31 27.8

Plus: Import 33 39.9

Minus: Export -22 -28.6


Minus: Export -22 -28.6

Balance 42 39.1

Almost 2 tons per inhabitant..........

What part can we use for energy production?

• Meesters, K., P. Boonekamp, M. Meeusen, D. Verhoog en W. Elbersen. 2010. Monitoring Groene Grondstoffen. Rapport voor het Platform Groene


• Rabou, L.P.L.M., Deurwaarder, E.P., Elbersen, H.W., Scott, E.L., Biomassa in de Nederlandse energiehuishouding in 2030, 2006.

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Available? A matter of definition

Available for energy production

Financial feasibility Environmental aspects

Government policy

Available for energy production

Technical feasibility Public perception

Market mechanisms


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Which biomass categories?

� Primary by-products: At the source = sugar beet tops, straw,

verge grass, prunings, greenhouse residues, etc.

� Secondary by-products, later in the production chain =

potato peels, sugar beet pulp, sawdust, etc.

� Tertiary by-products, has had a use = used frying oil,

slaughterhouse waste, manure, household organic wastes, slaughterhouse waste, manure, household organic wastes,

used paper, demolition wood.

� Specific crops, rape, energy grain, Miscanthus, switchgrass,

SRC, sugar beet for ethanol, etc.

� Imports such as crops, primary and secondary (by)-products

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Tertiary by-products

Secondary by-products

Primary by-productsBiomass crops

Byproducts and/or dedicated crops?

Dedicated crops


Turnhollow, 1994

Imports?Secondary + tertiary by-products

Primary by-products

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Tertiary by-products

Secondary by-products

Primary by-productsBiomass crops

Byproducts and/or dedicated crops?

Dedicated crops


Turnhollow, 1994


Secondary + tertiary by-products

Primary by-products

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Byproducts and/or dedicated crops?

Tertiary by-products

Secondary by-products

Primary by-products


Biomass crops

Dedicated crops


Turnhollow, 1994

Secondary + tertiary by-products

Primary by-products

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To look into the future we use scenarios

Global open markets Local closed markets

Security of supply

1: Global Economy

Economics and financial profits prevail without national barriers

2: Transatlantic Market

Financial profits prevail within national and regional borders

Ecological and social sustainability

3: “Strong Europe” 4: Regional Communities

(also commonly used for agriculture, energy, waste, econ. devt, etc.)

Each scenario: expected biomass world view and policies:

● Presence of biomass type

● Availability of biomass type

● Energy Conversion Mix

social sustainabilityGHG and ILUC are drivers

3: “Strong Europe”

Global problems are solved collectively

4: Regional Communities

Global problems are solved on locally

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Availability= Presence - T1 - T2 - T3 - T4

Availability = Availability under a scenario

Presence = Presence of biomass under a certain scenario

T1 = conventional competitive uses (Feed, Food, Fibre, etc.)

T2 = new competitive uses (2nd gen biofuels, T2 = new competitive uses (2nd gen biofuels, chemicals, etc.)

T3 = has to be left behind for C soil, nature

T4 = not financially feasible under certain scenario

Per type of biomass a qualitative assessment


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Types of biomass

Study design


currentavailability forenergy purposes

Current finalenergy potential

2020 presencein 4 scenario’s

2020 availabilityin each of these

2020 energy potentialin the 4 scenario’sin 4 scenario’s in each of these

4 scenario’s

in the 4 scenario’s

Limiting factors Conversion technologies


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Quantitative approach :

1. Determine the amount of biomass present

2. Determine how much is available for energy production

3. What is the energy content in terms of HHV and LHV

4. Which conversion technologies are applied in the scenario 4. Which conversion technologies are applied in the scenario assumed

5. How much final energy does this yield

6. How much fossil energy is avoided

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k to n drog e s tof

S c ena rio

S troom

B ru te

b es c hik baa rh eid

1. G loba l

Econ om y

2 .

T ra ns atlantic

M ark et

3. (S trong

Europ e)

4. R eg ion al

C om m un ities

S tro 93 5 94 140 94 187

g r asstr o 8 5 4 6 4 9

N a tte g ew asresten a kker b o uw 74 2 - 148 18 6 297

N a tte g ew asresten tu in b o uw 28 0 - 70 84 140

G r oe n b em ester 7 0 - 14 14 28

F r u it- e n b oom te elt 80 -13 0 52 78 64 64

H o u t u it b o s z o n d er oo g s t 37 6 - 38 38 75

H o u t u it b o s m et oo g s t 1 ,244 62 249 37 3 498

H o u t u it la nds ch ap 48 0 48 96 14 4 192

N a tuu r g ras 1 ,080 54 162 27 0 378

B e rm g r as e n g ras van w aterw e g en 64 0 32 168 32 0 512

H e ide 14 6 - - 29 44

R i et 4 0 - - 12 16

E n ergi eteelt b in n en la n db o u w 9 ,900 50 99 - 50

E n ergi eteelt bu iten la nd b o u w 50 0 25 50 12 5 250

H o u t u it b eb ou w d e om g evi n g 28 0 280 280 28 0 280

N a tte b io m assa b eb ou w d e o m g evin g 49 0 25 - - -

G r as v oo r b ioraff in age 1 0,00 0 - - 10 0 200

R e sth o u t u i t h o u tver w erk en de in d u strie 57 6 383 383 38 3 383

S teekv aste (p lu im v ee)m es t 2,5 38 -2.9 33 2, 346 2, 030 2 ,346 2,0 30

D r ijfm es t 3 ,321 - 5,13 1 257 181 2 ,533 1,9 93

R W ZI s lib 34 9 349 349 34 9 349

� List of primary, secondary and tertiary biomass types and biomass crop in the A q u atis ch e b io m a ssa 0 – 5 - - 3 5

S w ill 0 - - - -

V o edin g s- en g e no tm id d ele n in du s tr ie

A ard a p p elre stp ro du cten 17 8 45 45 22 22

O liez ad en s ch ro o t 3 ,093 9 9 93 93

D ie rm ee l 21 3 213 213 85 85

A ard a p p el/tar w e z etm eel e n m eel 41 5 104 104 52 52

C ac ao d o p pe n 5 6 56 56 56 56

K offied ik 1 6 16 16 16 16

Su i ker bi eten res ts tro m en 13 2 33 33 17 17

B ie rb o stel 10 0 - - - -

G ro en teafva l 2 3 6 6 3 3

Visafval 1 5 0 0 0 0

R es tv ette n (p u tve tten ) 10 0 100 100 10 0 100

F ritu u rv ette n 13 0 - - - -

G es ch eid e n ing e za m eld G F T 73 8 738 738 73 8 738

P ap ie rre sid uen 2 64 – 317 288 262 25 8 239

T ex tiel 9 5 15 15 15 15

O u d en b e we rkt h o u t 1,5 64 – 2,0 72 1, 824 1, 517 1 ,610 1,0 89

R e stfr actie van H H A 2,9 21 – 3,8 95 3, 895 3, 041 3 ,307 2,4 83

R e stfr actie van i n du s tr ieel afval 916 – 1, 082 1, 082 885 99 8 778

R e stfr actie van K W D 1,0 82 – 1,2 26 1, 226 1, 021 1 ,170 919

V eilin g afval 3 2 25 25 25 25

C o m po s te erov erlo o p 3 0 30 30 30 30

S R F - - 800 - 800

T O T AA L 46,2 68 – 50, 364 13 ,763 13, 392 16 ,407 15,5 38

crop in the Netherlands

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You lose some and you win some....

� Used cooking oil was used for electricity and heat and is now used for transport

� Household waste to electricity is reduced due to recycling

� Protein containing biomass is going to be biorefined info high and low protein fractionsbiorefined info high and low protein fractions

� Verge grass was not used, or used for composting and is being used for thermal conversion and anaerobic conversion.

� Manure was not used and is starting to be used for anaerobic fermentation

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Calculation principles

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Conversion efficiencies assumed (ECN, 2009)



Energy output

Electricity Heat Gas “Loss”

AD + gas engine, with heat utilisation HHV 24% 27% 0% 49%

AD + gas engine, without heat utilisation HHV 24% 0% 0% 76%

Combustion CHP small with heat utilization LHV 20% 50% 0% 30%

Combustion CHP large no heat utilisation LHV 30% 0% 0% 70%Combustion CHP large no heat utilisation LHV 30% 0% 0% 70%

Combustion WtE plant, no heat utilisation LHV 23% 0% 0% 77%

Cofiring in coal fired power plant LHV 43% 0% 0% 57%

Anaerobic digestion + feed in to natural gasgrid HHV 0% 0% 60% 40%

Small scale combustion for heat only HHV 85% 0% 0% 15%

Bio-oil engine with heat utilisation LHV 41% 40% 0% 19%

Sludge combustion LHV 20% 0% 0% 80%

Supercritical gasification with fuel cell HHV 50% 0% 0% 50%

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Example: Chicken litter

Primairy energy


Chicken manure, 1.4 Mton

12.4 PJ HHV9.3 PJ LHV

Anaerobic digestion with

Final energy

Large-scaleCombustionwithout heat utilisation

2.8 PJ electricity 0 PJ heat 2.0 PJ electricity 2.2 PJ heat

Anaerobic digestion withgas engine and heat utilisation

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Results for availability (presence in brackets)




2Transatl. Market

3Strong Europe

4Regional Comm.

Mton dm 10.5 (48.6) 13.8 (50.4) 13.4 (47.1) 16.4 (47.9) 15.5 (46.3)

PJ LHV 125 (558) 173 (515) 167 (491) 179 (494) 173 (485)

PJ HHV 180 (881) 231 (910) 226 (855) 281 (868) 268 (841)

PJ Electricity 30 38 38 51 49

PJ Heat 13 15 15 28 35

PJ Fuels - 1 1 13 10

PJ Final 44 54 53 91 94

PJ av. fossil 83 101 102 155 157

bio eff (%HHV) 24% 23% 24% 32% 35%

fossil eff (%HHV) 53% 54% 54% 59% 60%

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Type of biomass (PJ final) in 2020








Tertiary byproducts (waste)

Secundary byproducts (process residues)

Primary byproducts (field residues)






2009 1 Global


2 (Transatlantic


3 (Strong


4 (Regional


Primary byproducts (field residues)

Energy crops

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PJ final per type of final energy







PJ Gas

PJ Heat






2009 1 Global Economy) 2 (Transatlantic Market) 3 (Strong Europe) 4 (Regional


PJ Heat

PJ Electricity

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Mapping primary biomass potential

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Conclusions (1)

Biomass for electricity and heat in The Netherlands:● 13-16 Mton DM in 2020 =

● 226-268 PJ primary energy =

● 54-95 PJ final energy

● 102-158 PJ avoided fossil energy =

● 3.4 to 5.4% of the expected energy use in 2020

Largest potential lies in better use of the biomass � more (energy) from available biomass �(energy) from available biomass �● Bioenergy chain efficiency 23 to 35%HHV, depending on scenario

Untapped biomass potentials are manure and primary biomass types (verge grass, crop residues, etc)

Biomass crops are over the horizon................

Beschikbaarheid biomassa 2020 23

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• Bioenergy is a means, not a goal by itself:

• What do you want to achieve? What are your drivers?

• Get good basic data: how much biomass is there??

• What is being done with the biomass now?

• know competing uses for the biomass

•• Scenario’s help to look into the future

• The largest potential lies in “better” “more efficient” use of biomass

• Include “other aspects”:

• GHG avoidance (5 to 10 $ per ton?)

• Nutrient recycling


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Manure and GHG emissions:

Palm oil by-products:


Energy crops:Energy crops:

Municipal waste:


Pyrolysis oil / Torrefaction:

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Avoided GHG when using manure for Anaerobic Digestion

Lesschen et al., 2009.

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Example: Oil palm46.8 million tonnes Palm oil production in 2010

For every ton of palm oil almost one ton of by-product could be made available for bioenergy at the mill

Approx 40 million tons (DM) of biomass = 720 PJ of (primary) energy

How about the nutrient/soil effects?

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By-product use inefficient, GHG

emissions high

Energy content Current use


EFB 22.3mulch/bunch ash -

methane is produced

Fibre 24.6Fuel in low

pressure boilers, 3% electricity 68% steam

Shell 17.3steam

POME 6.3

Open pond treatment methane is produced

Total 70.3

POME and EFB are the largest contributors to the release of GHG:Mtotal-current= MCH4-EFBs + MCH4-pome + MN2O = 2,13 +4,72 +1,2 = 8 CO2-eq ton/ha/year.

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Typha: The Senegal river basin and 2 dams

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Typha utilisation vs Typha eradication

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[email protected]

Koppejan, J. H.W. Elbersen, M. Meeusen en P. Bindraban. 2009. Availability of local biomass for production of electricity and heat in The Netherlands in 2020. Report for SenterNovem

Elbersen, H.W., B. Janssens en J. Koppejan. 2011. Availability of biomass for energy in the agri-industry. A report for NLAgency.