Ava R-I School District · Justin Gilmore Steve and Jean Canape Melissa Payne Pat Henry Trish...

Ava R-I School District Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) 2015-2019 5-year plan Adopted by the Board of Education May 21, 2015

Transcript of Ava R-I School District · Justin Gilmore Steve and Jean Canape Melissa Payne Pat Henry Trish...

Page 1: Ava R-I School District · Justin Gilmore Steve and Jean Canape Melissa Payne Pat Henry Trish Haltom Bart & Melanie Ellison Alison Decker Jared & Rebecca Smith Laura Walker Sue Curry

Ava R-I

School District

Comprehensive School

Improvement Plan



5-year plan

Adopted by the Board of Education May 21, 2015

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Comprehensive School Improvement


Beliefs, purpose, and mission are extremely important to

establish as the school improvement process begins and

continues. They are the core of the school and are critical

throughout the process. Behind these guiding principles is the

compelling why of school improvement. The principles must be

kept in the forefront throughout the improvement process and

throughout every aspect of school operations.

Leadership must reinforce and model their use. Planning is very

important for schools whether they want to undergo drastic

change or not. Too many schools attempt to balance multiple

school plans, unsuccessfully.

With one comprehensive school plan, priorities can be

determined, elements can be leveraged, and a mission can be


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Committee Members ................................................................................................... 4

Mission ....................................................................................................................... 5

Vision ......................................................................................................................... 5

Beliefs ........................................................................................................................ 5

Description of Planning Process ................................................................................. 6

Needs Assessment ....................................................................................................... 6

Strengths & Weaknesses……………………………………………………….…………7

Goals ....................................................................................................................... 8-9

Goals, Objectives, & Strategies ............................................................................ 10-16

Monitoring and Evaluation ...................................................................................... 17

Action Plan Assignments……………………………………………………………18-25

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Administrators Board Members

Dr. Nancy Lawler Ron Wallace

Mike Henry Dan Watson

Aaron Dalton Randy Spurlock

Teresa Nash

Connie Lee Students

Clint Hall Hope Evans

Nathan Houk Hailey Pedersen

Lakota Blakey

Faculty/Staff Chase Dodson

Debbie Byers Lacy Diel

Terry Philpott

Tracy Griffith Community Members

Annette Copeland Jana Lumb

Diane Premer Regina Robertson

Ashley Forrest Marty& Courtney Mitchell

Justin Gilmore Steve and Jean Canape

Melissa Payne Pat Henry

Trish Haltom Bart & Melanie Ellison

Alison Decker Jared & Rebecca Smith

Laura Walker Sue Curry

Missy Tate Chris and Lindsay Wade

Jeff Martin Art Corum

Ginger Gastineau Will McFarlin

Sheila Rieken Mark & Tina Henry

Danny Letsinger

David Norman

Jerry Johnson

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The motto of the Ava R-I School District is

“Enter to Learn, Leave to Achieve.”

VISION: The Vision of the Ava R-I School District is to educate today’s youth to

achieve in an ever-changing world. Through a cooperative effort, we are committed to

providing a comprehensive education in a supportive environment that challenges and

encourages all students to become successful and productive citizens.

We Believe. . .

1) School should be a positive, safe place where all students can learn.

2) School promotes effective communication and positive social skills.

3) Every student should have access to current technology.

4) Our students should be involved with the community in a positive manner.

5) Parents are a significant factor in student success.

6) Every student matters.

7) Education is more than subject areas. It is citizenship, behavior, and social skills.

8) The partnership between school and community is vital.

9) A positive school experience promotes self-respect and respect for others.

10) Students should have the appropriate educational foundation to reach higher levels of

education or go into the work place.

11) Diversity in our school and extra-curricular activities matters.

12) Effective communication with students, parents, and the community is important.

13) All teachers/staff in the Ava R-I School District should be people of high character,

highly qualified, and passionate about students and teaching.

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The Ava R-I School District and Board of Education are committed to

the students and patrons of the community. We believe that as a small

rural district we have many advantages to offer our students. As part of

this commitment, it is our belief we must continually examine and

evaluate all of our programs, goals, and long-term plans. The

Comprehensive School Improvement Plan provides the structure and

guidance for all programs coordinated by the district.


Student motivation

Higher student involvement

Technology infrastructure

Student support during transition years

More dual credit/degree opportunities/career-readiness

Security issues/safety concerns

Food service guidelines

Financial issues/concerns

Vocational improvements (healthcare, ROTC, vocational school)

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Ava R-I School Improvement Plan

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Goal 1—Develop and enhance quality educational/instructional programs to improve

student performance and enable students to meet their personal, academic, and career


Each student will meet or exceed academic performance standards in all areas

on district, state, and national assessments and work toward continued

improvement/growth throughout the educational process.

Each student will develop college/career ready skills (technology, personal,


Students’ needs will be considered in developing appropriate educational plans

for students.

Goal 2—Recruit, attract, develop and retain highly qualified staff to carry out the

mission and goals of the district.

The district will continue to recruit, develop, and retain high qualified

teachers, staff, and administrators

Administrators, teachers, and staff will participate in professional

development activities which are focused on increasing student achievement

and critical in developing high-effective staff.

Goal 3—Provide and maintain appropriate instructional resources, support services and

functional and safe facilities.

The district will provide and maintain attractive, safe, accessible, and

functional facilities and grounds for students and community use.

Support services will continue to be an area of focus to improve the well-being

of our students.

Goal 4—Promote, facilitate and enhance parent, student and community involvement

in the district educational programs.

The school district will develop and implement plans to enhance the school

district’s communication process with parents and the community in order to

provide the best education possible for all students.

The school district will develop and implement plans to enhance the school

district’s communication process with parents and the community in order to

provide the best education possible for all students.

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Goal 5—Govern the district in an efficient and effective manner providing leadership

and representation to benefit all students, staff and patrons of the district.

The school district will implement plans and systematic procedures to acquire

and maintain funding to achieve district short and long-term goals

The school board and school leadership will manage the school as efficiently

and effectively as possible.

The district will identify and establish short and long-term goals and strategies

to achieve long-term solidarity.

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2015 Ava R-I School District CSIP Overview

Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Action Steps

1. Goal: Develop and enhance quality educational/instructional programs to

improve student performance and enable students to meet their personal,

academic, and career goals.

1.1 Objective: Each student will meet academic performance standards

in all areas on district, state, and national assessments and will

improve as he/she progresses through the educational process.

Strategy: The district will make data-driven decisions.

Action Step: The district will provide MAP and EOC

training for all teachers to improve scores in reading and


Action Step: Revise curriculum at each building level to

meet student needs, interests, and grade level

expectations and course level expectations.

Action Step: The district will make improvements to

instruction based on weaknesses according to assessment

data results.

Strategy: The district’s written curriculum will meet state and

district goals in order to help students succeed on MAP, EOC,

state, national, and local assessments.

Action Step: Curriculum will not become stagnant, but

will continue to be updated and changed as

lessons/projects improve.

Action Step: Curriculum will be reviewed continually to

determine weaknesses and improvement areas.

Strategy: Common assessments will be developed for all grade-

levels and courses.

Action Step: Assessments will be written for all courses

to enable teachers to determine student comprehension

and help determine teacher effectiveness and gauge


1.2 Objective: Each student will develop college/career ready skills

(technology, personal, social).

Strategy: School will provide real-world/technical skills for


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Action Step: Curriculum will be revised to include more tech

prep coursework including technical writing and reading in

Math, science, and communication arts.

Action Step: Maintain and add technical courses: Current-

agriculture, business, FACS, auto technology, and

construction trades

Future: nursing, computer systems/technology, more

Strategy: Mental and physical health are critical for student success

and will be a focus area of the school.

Action Step: Counselors will be on hand at all building


Action Step: PE instructors will maximize time spent at

high activity levels in PE classes to promote health/wellness.

Action Step: Food service will meet national standards and

strive to provide healthy and enjoyable meal options for


Strategy: Attendance rates will increase and meet MSIP 5


Action Step: Attendance incentives will be offered at all


Action Step: Truancy court will be used for students with

chronic unexcused absences.

1.3 Objective: Students’ needs will be considered in developing appropriate

educational plans for students.

Strategy: Alternative instructional programs will be available to

meet students’ unique, individual needs.

Action Step: Alternative school will be an option for high

school students who meet the criteria.

Action Step: Home-bound services will be offered for

students who meet the criteria without jeopardizing student

or staff well-being.

Action Step: Alternative diploma/GED options are

available for students.

Action Step: A gifted program will be implemented during

the after school program to help challenge students who

qualify for the program.

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Action Step: Special education services will be available for

all qualifying students including IEP and 504 students.

2. Goal: Recruit, attract, develop, and retain highly qualified staff to carry out

the LEA (local educational agency)/District mission, goals, and objectives.

2.1 Objective: School will provide annual quality professional

development as determined by administration and staff.

Strategy: Professional development will be provided by the district

in the summer and throughout the school year.

Strategy: Professional Development Committee (PDC) will review

and approve PD opportunities from district teachers/staff.

Strategy: PDC will determine “focus” areas each year that will help

each building and the district, as a whole, determine areas of


Strategy: Administrators and staff will use their annual evaluations

to help determine focus areas for them to improve.

Strategy: Provide students the opportunity to enroll in vocational

education programs as well as college preparatory coursework and

gifted programs.

Action Step: Enter into an agreement with an area

community college to provide on campus college credit.

Action Step: The district will increase its dual enrollment

course offerings and articulation agreements with area

institutions of higher learning.

Action Step: Provide gifted education to all students who

qualify in grades 4-12.

2.2 Objective: Teachers and staff will participate in professional

development activities which are focused on increasing student

achievement and critical in developing high-effective staff.

Strategy: Core area/grade-level and vertical teams will engage in

relevant professional development and will collaborate about best

practices, analyze data, monitor progress, and adjust strategies.

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Strategy: Additional PD opportunities will be available for

administration/teacher/staff in activities specific to their

professional development plan and/or district goals.

2.3 Objective: The district will develop procedures to recruit and retain

highly-qualified teachers, staff and administrators.

Strategy: Provide support for staff

Action Step: Beginning teacher/Mentor program.

Action Step: Veteran teacher assistance program.

Strategy: District will work to provide a competitive compensation

package for employees.

Action Step: District will continue to work to keep

salary/insurance/benefits rising with inflation/improvements

as able

Action Step: District will continue to work to improve fringe

benefits of working in the district.

3. Goal: Provide and maintain appropriate instructional resources, support

services, and functional and safe facilities.

3.1 Objective: The district will provide and maintain attractive, safe,

handicapped accessible, educationally sound facilities, ground and

transportation for student and community use.

Strategy: The district will develop long and short-range plans for

the maintenance, renovation, and replacement of facilities to

accommodate the district’s instructional programs.

Action Step: The CSIP will be reviewed annually and

restructured every 5 years.

Action Step: The district will conduct an annual survey and

facility review to address short-term facility needs.

Action Step: Appropriate maintenance request forms will be

available for staff to request custodial and maintenance


Action Step: Each building will have annual building plans.

Strategy: The school district will provide the necessary technology

infrastructure, hardware, and software to meet the educational

needs of all students.

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Action Step: eRate funds will be used to help finance an

overhaul of the district’s technology infrastructure over the

next two years.

Action Step: The district will set a technology plan each year

that will be reviewed and updated to continually make

technological improvements.

Strategy: Students will be provided a safe means of transportation

to and from school.

Action Step: The entire driving staff will meet each year for

in-services regarding the safe transportation of students.

Action Step: Bus drivers will be trained in CPR, assisted

breathing, and general first aid.

Action Step: All bus drivers will receive annual training in

positive methods to improve student behavior on the school


Action Step: All bus drivers will receive annual training in

dealing with unsafe students on the school bus.

Strategy: The district will continue to implement crisis plans and

conduct emergency drills in order to properly train/prepare for a

real emergency.

Action Step: District and building emergency plans will be


Action Step: Emergency drills will be conducted multiple

times per year.

Action Step: Emergency drill data will be used to determine

changes and improvements needed.

Action Step: District will conduct annual intruder training

as required by the Department of Education.

Action Step: District will seek guidance from professionals

to help determine the safest processes for students and staff

in emergency situations.

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4. Goal: Promote, facilitate, and enhance parent, student, and community

involvement in the district’s educational programs.

4.1 Objective: The school district will implement plans to enhance the

school district’s communication process with parents and the

community in order to provide the best education possible for all


Strategy: The district will offer classes/courses focusing on parents

and community members as the target audience.

Action Step: Bears’ Den adult courses will be offered—CNC,

welding, aviation, etc.

Action Step: Counselors offer parenting courses to local


Strategy: New and more effective communication tools will

continue to be researched and evaluated to find more effective ways

to reach a higher percentage of parents and community members.

Action Step: ParentLink, FaceBook, Twitter, the school

app, the school website, and other media avenues will

continue to be used and improved for effectiveness.

4.2 Objective: The district will continue to work to partner with the

community to work together toward providing the best education

possible for the students of our community.

Action Step: The school district will reach out and build

relationships within the community.

Action Step: The school district will allow facilities to be

used by the community for events/gatherings as approved

by local school requirements..

Action Step: Parents and community members will be

included in building plans for the district, buildings, and


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5. Goal: Govern the district in an efficient and effective manner providing

leadership and representation to benefit all students, staff, and patrons of the


5.1 Objective: The school district will implement plans and systematic

procedures to acquire and maintain funding to achieve district short

and long-term goals.

Strategy: Funding sources will continually be searched for to

find ways to fund programs/activities to improve our school


Action Step: Grants will be actively pursued as new and

continued funding.

Action Step: Federal, state, and local moneys will be

spent with CSIP goals in mind.

5.2 Objective: The school board and school leadership will manage the

school as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Strategy: The district will keep/maintain policies current and


Strategy: District school board members will receive training for

their positions.

Action Step: Board members will stay active in MSBA

training throughout their term(s).

5.3 Objective: The district will identify and establish short and long-

term goals and strategies to achieve long-term solidarity.

Strategy: CSIP will be reviewed/revised annually and

restructured every 5 years.

Strategy: Buildings/grade levels/departments will establish

vision, value, goals, and plans for each school year.

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MONITORING & EVALUATION Designated administrators will be the persons responsible for monitoring

improvement objectives, strategies, and actions. It will be the responsibility of each

administrator to ensure that the strategies are implemented as outlined, annual

actions or activities are identified, timelines are met, and appropriate data are

collected and assimilated to determine whether or not objectives have been

accomplished. Adjustments will be made as needed to strategies, and actions will be


The Superintendent will reconvene committee members each year to review overall

progress on the CSIP. At this meeting, central office administration will review data

demonstrating whether or not progress has been made in accomplishing the objectives

and will recommend any revisions to objectives, strategies, or actions. Annual

revisions, if needed, to the CSIP will be presented to the Board of Education for their

consideration and approval.

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Goal 1: STUDENT PERFORMANCE Develop and enhance quality education and instructional programs

To improve performance and enable students to meet their

Personal, academic, and career goals.


1. Each student will meet or exceed academic performance

standards in all areas on district, state, and national

assessments and work toward continued

improvement/growth throughout the educational process.

2. Each student will develop college/career ready skills

(technology, personal, social).

3. Students’ needs will be considered in developing appropriate

educational plans for students.

Ava R-I School Improvement Plan

Objective Strategy/Action steps Start/End Person(s)

Dates Responsible


student will

meet or




standards in

all areas on


state, and



and work









1. Decisions made for the district will be made

with evidence of student impact using district


2. Testing data will be reviewed annually to

determine strengths and weaknesses.

3. Curriculum will not become stagnant, but will

continue to be updated and changed as

lessons/projects improve.

4. Assessments will be written for all courses to

enable teachers to determine student

comprehension and help determine teacher

effectiveness and gauge learning.





Assistant Superintendent,

Building principals

Assistant Superintendent,

Building principals

Assistant Superintendent,


Assistant Superintendent,

Building principals, Teachers

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Goal 1: STUDENT PERFORMANCE Develop and enhance quality education and instructional programs

To improve performance and enable students to meet their

Personal, academic, and career goals.

Ava R-I School Improvement Plan

Objective Strategy/Action steps Start/End Person(s)

Dates Responsible


student will



career ready





1. School will provide real-world technical skills

for students.

2. School will continue to work to find ways to

expand the technical skills of students.

3. Counselors will be on hand at all building


4. PE instructors will maximize time spent at

high activity levels in PE class to promote


5. Food service will meet national standards and

continue to strive to provide healthy and

enjoyable meals.

6. Attendance rates will increase and meet MSIP

5 standards.







Building principals

Superintendent, Assistant

Superintendent, Building



PE instructors, Building


Food Service Director

Building Principals

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Goal 1: STUDENT PERFORMANCE Develop and enhance quality education and instructional programs

To improve performance and enable students to meet their

Personal, academic, and career goals.

Ava R-I School Improvement Plan

Objective Strategy/Action Start/End Person(s)

Dates Responsible



needs will







plans for


1. Alternative instructional programs will be

available to meet students’ unique, individual



Special education director,

counselors, principals,


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Goal 2: HIGHLY-QUALIFIED STAFF Recruit, attract, develop, and retain highly-qualified staff to carry

out the Local Educational Agency (LEA), the District mission, goals, and



1. The district will recruit, develop, and retain highly-qualified

teachers, staff, and administrators.

2. Teachers and staff will participate in professional development

activities which are focused on increasing student achievement and

critical in developing highly-effective staff.

Ava R-I School Improvement Plan

Objective Strategy/Action steps Start/End Person(s)

Dates Responsible

2.1 The

district will


develop, and

retain highly


teachers, staff,




1. Professional development will be provided by

the district in the summer and throughout the

school year.

2. PDC will review and approve PD opportunities

from district teachers/staff.

3. PDC will determine “focus” areas each year

that will help each building and the district as a

whole determine areas of emphasis.

4. Administrators and staff will use their annual

evaluations to help determine focus areas for

them to improve.





Assistant Superintendent

PDC committee, administration


PDC committee, administration


Superintendent, Assistant

Superintendent, Building

principals, Teachers

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Goal 2: HIGHLY-QUALIFIED STAFF Recruit, attract, develop, and retain highly-qualified staff to carry

out the Local Educational Agency (LEA), the District mission, goals, and


Ava R-I School Improvement Plan

Objective Strategy/Action steps Start/End Person(s)

Dates Responsible


and staff will

participate in




which are

focused on




and critical in



effective staff.

1. Core area/grade-level and vertical teams will

engage in relevant professional development

and will collaborate about best practices,

analyze data, monitor progress, and adjust


2. Additional PD opportunities will be available

for administration/teachers/staff in activities

and training specific to their professional

development plan and/or district goals.



Building Principals,


Assistant Superintendent, PDC

committee, Building Principals,


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Goal 3: FACILITIES Provide and maintain appropriate instructional resources, support

services, and functional and safe facilities.


1. The district will provide and maintain attractive, safe, accessible,

and functional facilities and grounds for students and community


Ava R-I School Improvement Plan

Objective Strategy/Action steps Start/End Person(s)

Dates Responsible


district will

provide and





and functional

facilities and

grounds for

student and



1. The CSIP plan will be reviewed annually and

restructured every 5 years.

2. Each building will have annual building plans.

3. The technology plan will be

reviewed/approved annually.

4. District and building emergency plans will be

reviewed/updated annually.

5. Emergency drills will be conducted multiple

times per year.

6. Emergency drill data will be used to help

determine changes and improvements needed.

7. District will conduct annual intruder training

as required by the Department of Education.

8. District will seek guidance from professionals

to help determine the safest processes for

students and staff in emergency situations.









Assistant Superintendent, CSIP


Building Principals

Technology director, Assistant

Superintendent, Building


Superintendent, Building


Building Principals

Administration team

Assistant Superintendent

Administration team

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Goal 4: PARENT AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Promote, facilitate, and enhance parents, students, and community

involvement in LEA/District educational programs.


1. The school district will develop and implement plans to enhance

the school district’s communication process with parents and the

community in order to provide the best education possible for all


2. The school district will continue to work to partner with the

community to work together toward providing the best education

possible for the students of our community.

Ava R-I School Improvement Plan

Objective Strategy/Action steps Start/End Person(s)

Dates Responsible

4.1—The school district

will develop and

implement plant to

enhance the school

district’s communication

process with parents and

the community in order

to provide the best

education possible for

all students.

4.3—The school district

will continue to partner

with the community to

work together toward

providing the best

education possible for

the students of our


1. The district will offer

classes/courses focusing on parents

and community members as the

target audience.

2. New and more effective

communication tools will continue

to be researched and evaluated to

find more effective ways to reach a

higher percentage of parents and

community members.

1. The school district will reach out

and build relationships within the


2. The school district will allow

facilities to be used by the

community for the events/gatherings

as approved by local requirements.

3. Parents and community members

will be included in district plans.






Administration team



Activities Director


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Govern the LEA/District in an efficient and effective manner

providing leadership and representation to benefit the students, staff, and

patrons of the District.


1. The school will implement plans to acquire short and long-term

funding to achieve district short and long-term goals.

2. The school board and school leadership will manage the school as

efficiently and effectively as possible.

3. The district will identify and establish short and long-term goals

and strategies to achieve long-term solidarity.

Ava R-I School Improvement Plan

Objective Strategy/Action steps Start/End Person(s)

Dates Responsible

5.1—The school will

implement plans and procedures to acquire short

and long-term funding.

5.2—The school board and school leadership will

manage the school as efficiently and effectively as


5.3—The district will

identify and establish short and long-term goals and

strategies to achieve long-

term solidarity.

1. Funding sources will continually

be searched for to find ways to

fund programs/activities to

improve our school district.

2. Grants will actively be pursued as

new and continued funding.

1. The district will keep/maintain

policies current and relevant.

2. District school board members will

receive training for their positions

throughout the year.

1. CSIP will be reviewed/revised

annually and restructured every 5


2. Buildings/grade

levels/departments will establish

vision, value, goals, and plans for

each school year.







Superintendent, Assistant


Administration team

School board

School board, Superintendent

Superintendent, Assistant


Building Principals

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