Automation w selenium_brian_kitchner (1)

and the PageObject Design Model www.Seleniumonlinetraining .info 1


MindQ are pioners in offering real time industrail experts hands Testing tools online training. along with Real Time Project senarios. All the sessions are completely PRACTICAL. - Learn selenium from experts having more that 6 years of experience in selenium projects - Hands on goal oriented training with projects - 75 hours of videos on selenium - Interview preparation/questions on selenium - All the types of frameworks are also covered in the training.(Datadriven, hybrid, Page object model, Keyword driven frameworks) All the components in selenium will be covered. Components like: 1) Selenium IDE 2) Webdriver 3) Selenium RC 4) Grid 5) Selenium Database testing 6) Flash Testing 7) SVN 8) Maven 9) Applet testing 10) Junit 11)Test ng 12) Hybrid framework 13) Data driven framework 14) Page object model Java is also taught during the training. We offer the best selenium training in the market. About the tool: - Selenium is a browser automation tool - It works only on browsers and cannot automate desktop based applications - Selenium IDE only tests the applications in Mozilla firefox - WebDriver and Selenium RC can be used to test the application in multiple browsers - Webdriver is also known as selenium 2.0 - RC is also known as 1.0 - Selenium Grid is used to test applications parallely in browsers - Junit and testng are frameworks which can be used to implement selenium tests. Reports are also generated from these frameworks - Selenium tool can be implemented in various programming languages - Its more famous with java language. 70% of the industry uses java with selenium * Resume preparation and Interview assistance will be provided. For any further details please contact +91-9502991277 or visit Please mail your queries to [email protected]

Transcript of Automation w selenium_brian_kitchner (1)

Page 1: Automation w selenium_brian_kitchner (1)

and the PageObject Design Model


Page 2: Automation w selenium_brian_kitchner (1)

How Selenium Remote Control works You launch a server on your test machine. Your tests connect to that server via IP. The server launches a browser, with selenium

CORE embedded as javascript into the page. Selenium CORE simulates user actions with



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Doesn’t steal your mouse/keyboard.

Works with any browser that uses javascript

Works for any OS that supports java.

Very fast page interactions.

Large API Supports a variety of

programming languages. Can be run on remote


Can’t see anything outside the page object.

Not all browsers support all functionality.

Some pages aren’t automatable.

Can’t see inside third party apps

XSS Limitations


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A different way of automating the browser. Create a browser-specific driver to control the

browser directly. Have to do this for each browser!

Object oriented API Doesn’t need a real browser No javascript limitations No need for a server. Isn’t as delicate as selenium.


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Went into Beta Dec 24th. WebDriver + Selenium

The two projects have merged (literally) into Selenium 2.0

Large browser support and no javascript limitations.

No server The old API’s are still available. New API’s are becoming available.


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You have 2 options: IWebDriver

This is just the WebDriver api Doesn’t support a lot of browsers. Will need to change all your tests.

WebDriverBackedSelenium Uses the old Selenium 1 API But uses WebDriver to run things if possible Can use selenium 1 if the browser isn’t


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Object Oriented Doesn’t break nearly as often

Handles pageloads automatically Fewer problems automating

Somewhat more complicated API selenium.type(“password”,”thisIsMyPassword”); driver.findElement("password")).sendKeys(“thisIsMyPassword");

By.Id, By.Xpath, By.Name, By.ClassName, By.PartialLinkText

All the supported browsers work really well Can extend the API to add custom functionality. Works well with a Page Object design model.


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Adds a layer of abstraction into your code. Helps to organize your code once it grows large. All automation is automatically reusable and shareable. A way to separate tests from re-usable functions. A way to store information about how the system works. A way to specify what page functions start on, and what page

they end on. A way to programmatically break your tests when functionality

changes. Makes code maintenance easier. There is even a PageFactory class available to automatically



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Each page is defined as it’s own class. Actions (including navigation) are represented as functions for a class. Each function returns a new Page object, signifying what page the

actions stops on. Your tests “know” what page you are on, and will only give you access

to functions available to that class. Tests only talk to the page objects. Page objects only talk to the driver. Elements on the page are stored as variables for the page object. Automatic page validations can be stored in the constructor for each

page object. Tests become a string of well defined functions, not meaningless

gibberish. Tests can be grouped by namespace. Class Inheritance can be used to define functionality to a set of pages. We can make functional logic transparent to the tests by returning

different inherited classes.


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globalVars.logDescription = "log in"; globalVars.selenium.Open(globalVars.mobiUrl); functions.type("userId", globalVars.studName + "1"); functions.type("password", globalVars.studPass + "1"); functions.clickAndWait("signInBtn");"//a[@id='discussions']/span");"//a[@id='thingsToKnow']/span"); globalVars.logDescription = "Checking elements on happenings:by date page"; selenium.waitForElementNotVisible("//div[@id='THSContainer']//span[@class='ajaxLoadingHeader']"); selenium.waitForElementVisible("//div[@id='THSContainer']/ul[1]/li[1]");"//div[@id='THSContainer']//span[@class='replytext']");"backButton"); selenium.waitForElementVisible("//div[@id='TTHContainer']/ul[1]/li[1]");"//div[@id='TTHContainer']//span[@class='replytext']");"backButton"); globalVars.selenium.Select("byDateFilter", "label=Things Happening Soon"); selenium.waitForElementVisible("//div[@id='THSContainer']/ul[1]/li[1]");"//div[@id='THSContainer']//span[@class='replytext']");"backButton"); globalVars.selenium.Select("byDateFilter", "label=Things That Happened");


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[Test] public void testByDateTab() {

funtions.loginMobi();"//a[@id='discussions']/span");"//a[@id='thingsToKnow']/span"); functions.verifyThingsToKnow();

functions.verifyThingsHappeningSoon(); selenium.Select("byDateFilter", "label=Things That Happened");

functions.verifyThingsThatHappened(); }


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[Test] public void testByDateTab() {

selenium.Open(Moby_Common.MobyLoginUrl); LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage(selenium); HappeningsPage happeningsPage = loginPage.loginAs(Common.stud1Name, Common.stud1Password); happeningsPage.waitToLoad(); Assert.That(!happeningsPage.isByTypePageLoaded()); Assert.That(happeningsPage.isByDatePageLoaded()); Assert.That(!happeningsPage.isByCoursePageLoaded()); happeningsPage.filterResults("byDateFilter","Things That Happened"); Assert.That(happeningsPage.isVisible("TTHContainer")); happeningsPage.filterResults("byDateFilter", "Things Happening Soon"); Assert.That(happeningsPage.isVisible("THSContainer")); happeningsPage.filterResults("byDateFilter", "All Types"); Assert.That(happeningsPage.isVisible("TTHContainer")); Assert.That(happeningsPage.isVisible("THSContainer")); }


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public class HappeningsPage : WebPageBaseClass { private string _loadingImage =

"//span[@class='ajaxLoadingHeader']"; private string _moreLink = "more";

public HappeningsPage(ISelenium selenium) { this.selenium = selenium; this.title = "Happenings"; this.url = "index.html"; assertPageLoadedCorrectly(); }

public HappeningsPage waitToLoad() { waitForElementNotVisible(_loadingImage ); return new HappeningsPage(selenium); }

public ContentItemPage goToItem(string type, string name)

{ click("//div[@id='" + type +

"']//span[text()=\"" + name + "\"]"); return new ContentItemPage(selenium); } public HappeningsPage clickMoreLink() { click(_moreLink); return new HappeningsPage(selenium); } public HappeningsPage filterResults(string id,

string name) { selectDropdown(id, name); return new HappeningsPage(selenium); }}


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