Automated stock trading and Portfolio optimization using ... · PDF fileAutomated Stock...

Automated Stock Trading and Portfolio Optimization Using XCS Trader and Technical Analysis Anil Chauhan [email protected] Master of Science Artificial Intelligence School of Informatics University of Edinburgh 2008

Transcript of Automated stock trading and Portfolio optimization using ... · PDF fileAutomated Stock...

Automated Stock Trading and Portfolio

Optimization Using XCS Trader and Technical


Anil Chauhan

[email protected]

Master of Science

Artificial Intelligence

School of Informatics

University of Edinburgh


AbstractFinancial market is highly dynamic system for which finding underlying price pattern is highly

complex. We have extended the previous work done on automatic stock trading using extended

classifier system (XCS) by implementing Q (1) and Q (λ) Reinforcement Learning algorithm.

We developed 14 XCS agents using different technical indicators like Moving

averages,RSI,CMF,SAR,ADX etc. We showed that by modeling financial prediction as single

step reinforcement learning problem and using the concept of delayed reward for checking

correctness of action taken, all the benchmarks strategies like buy and hold, 'keeping money in

bank' etc could be beaten. We have also shown that stock price movement is co-related with

other day price movement and reformulated the financial forecasting as a multi step process.

We introduced the concept of passive set and found that multi step problem formulation gives

best results. Q learning gave 18% better performance than single step reward only RL. Finally

we build a portfolio management and optimization system which learns online and does

monthly or quarterly rebalancing using the best trader to trade. The results showed that

reacting to the market dynamics doesn’t necessarily give us the best result. We showed that

such a system give us average performance between the best trader and the worst trader. We

also employed different trading strategies like “using more than 1 best agent” and “mean

reversal strategy” to do portfolio optimization.


AcknowledgementsI would like to thank my supervisor Sonia Schulenburg for introducing me to the world of

Finance and Classifier Systems and for giving constant feed back on my project. I would also

like to thank Abu ul Hassan for sharing previous version of XCS java code with me. Many

thanks to my friend Santosh for reviewing my initial draft of thesis and sharing ideas on the




I declare that this thesis was composed by me, that the work contained herein is my own except

where explicitly stated otherwise in the text, and that thesis work has not been submitted for

any other degree or professional qualification except as specified.

(Anil Chauhan

[email protected])


Table of Contents

1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................1

1.1 Introduction and Purpose....................................................................................................1

1.2 Motivation...........................................................................................................................2

1.3 Objective ............................................................................................................................3

1.4 Outline................................................................................................................................4

2 Background & Related Work.................................................................................................5

2.1 Background.........................................................................................................................5

2.1.1 Market Efficiency........................................................................................................5 Version of Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)..................................................52.1.2 Technical Analysis.......................................................................................................6

2.1.3 The Portfolio:..............................................................................................................6 Why do we need Portfolio?.................................................................................. Portfolio Management:.........................................................................................7

2.2 Related Work......................................................................................................................7

2.2.1 Machine Learning in Finance and Portfolio Management.........................................8

2.3 XCS Introduction from Stock Trading Perspective..........................................................10

2.3.1 XCS Input and Output...............................................................................................11

2.3.2 XCS Frame Work [15]..............................................................................................12

2.3.3 XCS Learning Cycle..................................................................................................13 Updating XCS Parameters.................................................................................. Genetic Algorithm role and rule evolution[15]..................................................15

2.3.4 Deviation from other LCS based Systems.................................................................16

2.3.5 Mind of XCS System..................................................................................................17

3 Implementation .....................................................................................................................18

3.1 Technical Analysis Usage in XCS....................................................................................18

3.1.1 Description of individual technical Indicators..........................................................19

3.1.2 Combining different technical indicators and working mechanism of different


v Composition of 14 Agents:.................................................................................253.1.3 Advantage and “Scope of Improvement” of current approach................................26

3.2 Improving the learning of eXtended Classifier System....................................................27

3.2.1 Classifiers in multi step Reinforcement learning problems......................................28

3.2.2 Implementing Q learning in Classifier......................................................................30

3.2.3 Eligibility trace and Watkins's Q(λ) .........................................................................30

4 Experimentation.....................................................................................................................32

4.1 FTSE data and Stability of the XCS System....................................................................32

4.1.1 FTSE Data.................................................................................................................32

4.1.2 Stability of the XCS System.......................................................................................32

4.2 Comparative Study of the 3 different Algorithm..............................................................34

4.2.1 Setting the parameters for the experiments...............................................................34 Setting Initial Exploration Rate..........................................................................354.2.1.2 Setting discount rate (gamma)............................................................................364.2.1.3 Setting Trace Decay Parameter...........................................................................37

4.3 Experimental Results for 3 learning Algorithm................................................................37

4.3.1 Observations:............................................................................................................39

4.4 Fault in the previous Reward giving strategy...................................................................40

4.4.1 Experiments with improved delayed reward Strategy...............................................40 Setting Initial Exploration Rate..........................................................................414.4.1.2 Setting Discount Rate (gamma)..........................................................................424.4.1.3 Setting Trace Decay (λ)......................................................................................42

4.4.2 Results with new delayed reward strategy................................................................43 Observations:......................................................................................................454.4.3 Experimental Results for all 3 learning algorithm with new delayed reward strategy

............................................................................................................................................48 Observations.......................................................................................................514.4.4 Fault in Q (1) learning ............................................................................................51

4.4.5 Experimentation with passive Set..............................................................................52 Finding optimum parameters..............................................................................524.4.5.2 Observations for Passive set...............................................................................55

5 Implementation & Experimentation-Portfolio Optimization............................................58

5.1 Implementation.................................................................................................................59


5.2 Portfolio Performance:......................................................................................................60

5.3 Results...............................................................................................................................61

Portfolio Management Results –.......................................................................................62 Observations: Portfolio Management results......................................................635.3.1.2 Analysis and Comments on Portfolio Management System..............................63

5.3.2 Change of Portfolio construction Strategy................................................................64 Results of Portfolio Management using more than 1 Agent...............................655.4 Experimentation with Portfolio Management taking few best companies in the Portfolio


5.4.1 Steps Followed..........................................................................................................66

5.4.2 Results.......................................................................................................................66

5.4.3 Observation:..............................................................................................................66

5.4.4 Experimentation with Mean Reversal Strategy.........................................................67 Results.................................................................................................................675.4.4.2 Observations.......................................................................................................68

6 Conclusion & Future Work..................................................................................................69

6.1 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................69

6.2 Future Work......................................................................................................................71




List of Figures

Figure1 XCS Frame Work [15]...............................................................................................13

Figure 2: Voting Strategy [19].................................................................................................17

Figure3: Q-learning: An off-policy TD control algorithm. [14]...........................................29

Figure4:Back ward view of eligibility trace [14]....................................................................30

Figure5: Tabular version of Watkins's Q (λ) algorithm. [14]...............................................31

Figure6: Mean Performance of 5 companies for different number of runs........................34

Figure7: DSGI Price Chart .....................................................................................................46

Figure8: DSGI, Wealth Chart of agents with old reward strategy......................................46

Figure9: DSGI, Agent’s performance with new delayed reward giving strategy...............47

Figure10: LAND, Price Chart.................................................................................................47

Figure11: LAND, Meta Agents wealth chart with old reward strategy..............................48

Figure12: LAND, Meta Agents wealth chart with new delayed reward strategy...............48

Figure13: Portfolio Management Results...............................................................................62

Figure14: Portfolio management using either best 5 or best 10 or best 20 companies......66

Figure15: Portfolio Management System using trend reversal strategy.............................67

Figure16: Comparison mean reversal strategy with normal strategy.................................68


List of Tables

Table1. Composition of different Agents................................................................................26

Table2: Details of 10 FTSE 100 Companies...........................................................................32

Table3: Experimental results for 100 run on 5 FTSE100 companies..................................33

Table4: Setting Exploration rate.............................................................................................35

Table5: Combined Results for Different exploration rate....................................................36

Table6: Setting discount rate...................................................................................................36

Table7: Setting trace decay parameter...................................................................................37

Table8: Experimental Results for 3 learning methodology..................................................39

Table9: Setting Exploration Rate............................................................................................41

Table10: Setting discount rate.................................................................................................42

Table11: Setting trace decay....................................................................................................42

Table12: Comparative results for 90 FTSE 100 companies with delayed reward strategy

for single step reward only RL................................................................................................45

Table13: Results of 90 FTSE100 Companies for different RL with new delayed reward


Table 14: Comparative Results for FTSE 100 companies using Passive Set......................54

Table15: Comparison with Only active set and with additional passive set approach......55

Table16: Combined Results single step RL without Passive set and multi step Q Learning

with passive set..........................................................................................................................57

Table17: Portfolio Optimization using single best Agent....................................................61

Table18: Monthly Portfolio management Using Best 3 agents.............................................64

Table19: Monthly Portfolio Rebalancing using different Number of Best Agents............65

Table 20: Portfolio Management System with quarterly re-balancing taking best 5


Chapter 1

1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction and PurposeAdvances in modern machine learning such as evolutionary computation have

enabled us not only to analyze data more efficiently, but also to understand any

underlying patterns present in the financial market. This effective exploitation of new

computation methods will help organizations to make better informed decisions which

will further improve their competitive edge [5]. Many different approaches like Neural

Networks (NN), Genetic Algorithms (GA) have been widely applied to predict the

financial market. However, for some of these systems the input data might not be as

rich in information content as technical indicators such as various types of moving

averages, break out rules, maximum and minimum prices in the preceding days or

fundamental indicators such as dividends, interest rates and money supply. More

recently, the academic world has shown some promise in the area of learning classifier

systems (rule based models) by Overcoming some of the most common drawbacks

neural models present to practitioners, such as the lack of explanatory power, high

variance in results and the need to continually retrain the nets when performance starts

to decrease. In addition, very few models have addressed the integration of more than

one learning paradigm within a single platform.

In this project, first we will try to improve the learning of the classifier system

by incorporating different Reinforcement learning algorithm. In all the previous

version of eXtended Classifier Systems (XCS), financial forecasting was solely

considered to be a single step Reinforcement Learning problem. However, we believe

price movement is not completely erratic and prices do follows patterns of ups and

downs. Price of any day affects the coming day prices and is in some way co-related.

Due to this we will try to model financial forecasting as a multi step process and


implement Q (1) and Q (λ) Reinforcement Learning algorithm. Secondly, we will

investigate the methods of portfolio construction and portfolio optimization. This will

be achieved by using a system which evolves technical trading agents, each learning to

trade stocks by modeling groups of traders using a variety of sets of technical

indicators. For portfolio construction, the main task will be to build a portfolio

management system attached to XCS which picks the best agents that can give the

maximum benefit in the long run. For simplicity, the equity market will be the prime

focus for this investigation, although (if time permits), tests could be extended to

foreign exchange to address scalability of the approach.

1.2 MotivationThe financial market is a highly dynamic system which depends on multiple

factors such as bank interest rates, company base strength and everyday changing

news. The motivation behind this project is to develop learning systems that can learn

in an online fashion and cope with rapidly changing financial market environment.

The main idea is to develop set of robust agents which uses Technical Analysis

information and different Reinforcement Learning Algorithm to do automatic stock

trading using eXtended Classifier System (XCS). They should be robust in the sense

that they should be able to trade profitably (beat different benchmark strategies) on all

FTSE 100 stocks. Finally we wish to build a portfolio optimization system which will

interact with this modified eXtended Classifier System (XCS) and harnesses the

strength of best agents and use different strategies like “taking best companies in the

portfolio”,”mean reversal strategies” etc to do monthly or quarterly portfolio



1.3 Objective The project has been subdivided into following sub tasks -:

1) Optimize the problem formulation for XCS: The agents present in current

system converts the information given by the technical indicators into Input

(Binary String) for the XCS. The XCS System further tries to learn the

optimum decision it should take when faced with a particular combination of

binary bits. The better we define the problem (i.e. combine the technical

indicator information) for the XCS, the better it will learn the underlying price

pattern and more robust and reliable decisions (buy, sell or hold) we expect it

to give. The aim is to develop such robust agents.

2) Formulate automatic stock trading and financial forecasting as a multi step

problem instead of single step problem by implementing Q learning and Q (λ)

learning algorithm.

3) Experiment with reward mechanism of XCS reinforcement learning portion to

see if the delayed reward feedback is better than currently employed immediate

reward feedback.

4) Explore the possibility of either giving negative reward to the agents for taking

any incorrect action or creating and rewarding passive set for the incorrect

decision taken by an agent.

5) Build a Portfolio Management System attached to the current XCS System.

The portfolio management system will be responsible for -:

a) Portfolio construction using different trading strategies like "utilizing

combinations of best agents instead of a single agent", "mean reversal

strategies" etc.

b) Optimize the portfolio by pro-active monthly, quarterly or yearly


6) Compare the performance of the trading agents against benchmark agents like

buy and hold, bank etc.


1.4 OutlineThe rest of this thesis is organized as follows:

Chapter 2 gives the background information on the subject and briefs the

readers about the current state of the art in “Financial forecasting domain”.

Chapter 3 talks about how we have implemented different agents and learning

algorithm as proposed in this thesis. It also talks about what errors we found

during implementation and how we changed our approach to tackle different


Chapter 4 presents the experimental results obtain after implementing different

Learning algorithm and our critical analysis of the results.

Chapter 5 presents the implementation and experimental results for portfolio

construction and optimization system and critical analysis of the same.


Chapter 2

2 Background & Related Work

2.1 Background

2.1.1 Market Efficiency

Maurice Kendall in his random walk experiment (1953) [16] found that the

stock prices are completely random and has no relation to the past performance. The

unpredictable price movement seems to confirm the irrationality of the market.

However, on deeper analysis it became apparent that random price movement

indicates a well functioning or efficient market and not an irrational one [17]. In its

most basic form Efficient Market Hypothesis says that markets are information

efficient i.e. all the available information that could be used for profit making

quickly gets absorbed in the stock prices and the prices may increase or decrease only

in response to new unavailable and unpredictable information. Version of Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)

There are 3 forms of EMH, which differs in what “all available information” is

composed of.

1) Weak Form hypothesis states that stock prices already reflect all the market

trading information like past price, volume movement etc. It means that if any

form of past price or volume data movement could be used be generate reliable

trading signal then all investors would have used them by now making the

information fruitless[17]. It suggests that any form of Technical analysis is


2) Semi strong form hypothesis states that any publicly available information

like prospects of firm including fundamental data on the firm’s product line,

quality of management, balance sheet composition, and patents held, earning


forecast and accounting practices must also be already reflected in the stock

prices [17]. This hypothesis makes the fundamental analysis also useless.

3) Strong form hypothesis states that stock prices also reflect information

available only to company insiders. Such information also generally gets

spread very quickly, leaving very less room for making profits.

Summarizing, we can say that if there is any pattern or information that is

exploitable, then mass of astute investors would attempt to profit from such

predictability, which would ultimately move stock price and cause the trading strategy

to self destruct.

2.1.2 Technical Analysis

Technical analysis is mainly the search for recurrent and predictable patterns in

the stock prices by using the past price or volume data. Technical analysis like weather

forecasting doesn’t result in absolute prediction about the future but help investors

anticipate what is most likely to happen to the prices over time. Dow Theory lies at the

root of technical analysis. 2 important points from Dow Theory are -:

1) Prices discount everything. Current price of stock fully reflects all the

information. Technical analysis utilizes the information captured by the price

to interpret what the market is saying with the purpose of forming a view on

the future [18].

2) Price Movements are not totally random. Most technicians believe that there

are inter spread period of trending prices in between random fluctuations.

Technician aim is to identify the trend and then make use of it to trade or

invest. More detail about technical analysis and how we have used it in our

XCS System is presented in section 3.1.

2.1.3 The Portfolio:

A portfolio is a combination of different investment assets mixed and matched

for the purpose of achieving an investor's goal(s). A portfolio can be viewed as a pie-

chart where each portion represents an allocation of the investment [6].

6 Why do we need Portfolio?

The aim of portfolios is diversification. Different securities perform differently

at any given point in time, so the idea is that with a mix of assets, the entire portfolio

would not suffer the impact of a decline of any one security. It’s like following the

simple practice of not putting all your eggs in one basket. Spreading investment across

various types of assets and markets reduces the risk of catastrophic financial losses. Portfolio Management:

Portfolio management is defined as the art and science of making decisions

about investment mix and policy, matching investments to objectives, asset allocation

for individuals and institutions, and balancing risk against performance [6]. It is an

attempt to maximize return at a given appetite for risk. In the case of mutual and

exchange traded funds (ETFs), there are two forms of portfolio management: passive

and active. Passive management simply tracks a market index, commonly referred to

as indexing or index investing. Active management usually involves a single manager,

co managers, or a team of managers who attempt to beat the market return by actively

managing a fund's portfolio through investment decisions based on research and

decisions on individual holdings. Closed end funds are generally actively managed.

2.2 Related WorkFama’s Efficient Market Hypothesis [20] (Section 2.1.1) and the Martingale

Model [21], [22] rules out any strategy or publicly available information or private or

return/dividends information, or use of technical analysis for excessive market returns.

There are proponents on both sides who believe we can somehow predict the price and

others who believe the prices are completely random. For example Burton J. Malkiel

in his Random Walk experiment [23] [24] showed that prices are completely random,

whereas MIT's Prof. Andrew Lo and Craig A. MacKinlay [25] published work, points

out that there is a long trend in the prices. Lo and MacKinlay investigated the weekly

US stock from 1962 to 1985 and found that random walk hypothesis could be easily

rejected .They also described several techniques for detecting predictabilities and

evaluating their statistical and economic significance. Work done by Pin Chen and Mu


Yen Chen [7] using an XCS based decision support system with technical indicators

has shown promises to predict stock price fluctuations efficiently and generated good

returns. Schulenburg [10] in her PhD research developed an LCS model of artificial

traders and tested it in the stock market using several groups of technical indicators.

Stone [26] in his PhD work applied ZCS on foreign exchange market. Competitive

returns were generated in their work in most of the cases, which suggests LCS models

can be successfully applied when modeling financial markets. More recently, Chen,

Lin [8] used XCS for predicting future market price movements. The model used

moving averages of price and volume for constructing environmental message.

Gershoff and Schulenburg [9] explored the collective behavior of XCS agents to

achieve accuracy in prediction.

2.2.1 Machine Learning in Finance and Portfolio Management

Moody and Saffell [1] presented methods for optimizing portfolio by using an

adaptive algorithm, Recurrent Reinforcement Learning (RRL), for discovering

investment policies. They demonstrated how direct reinforcement can be used to

optimize risk adjusted investment returns (including the differential Sharpe ratio)

while accounting for the effects of transaction costs. The RRL algorithm learns

profitable trading strategies in two ways:

● Maximize risk adjusted return as measured by Sharpe ratio. They used a

modified derived form of Sharpe ratio called differential Sharpe ratio for

online optimization of trading system.

● Avoid the downside risk by maximizing the Downside Deviation (DD) ratio,

which is defined as square root of the average of the square of the negative

returns. Using DD as measure of risk they used downside deviation ratio DDR

to measure the utility function.

RRL trader performed far better than Q trader and enables a simpler problem

representation, avoids Bellman’s curse of dimensionality and offers compelling

advantage in efficiency.

GAO and Chan [2] presented a trading and portfolio management system

called QSR which uses Q learning and Sharpe ratio algorithm. They used absolute


profit and relative risk adjusted profit as performance function to train the system

respectively. The experiments conducted on trading example based on foreign

exchange rate showed promising results.

Neuneir [3] formalized asset allocation as a Markovian Decision Problem and

optimized it using dynamic programming and Q learning algorithms. Neural networks

were used for value function approximations. Experimental results on German Stock

market showed this strategy to be better than heuristic benchmark policy.

Schulenburg and Ross [29][30] developed a LCS model where trader used

technical indicators to predict the price of IBM stocks. The system was able to beat all

the benchmark agents. Kyong and Sungky [4] used genetic algorithms to propose a

portfolio optimization scheme for index fund management. Index funds are designed

to copy the benchmark index with relatively small number of stock. The paper

reported that index fund could improve its performance greatly with the proposed GA

portfolio scheme. There proposed scheme is based on three fundamental variables:

Portfolio beta, trading amount and market capitalization. They demonstrated the

results, for index fund designed to track the Korean Stock Price Index.

Dempster and Jones [11] aimed to develop an adaptive trading system that

trades profitably by emulating the behavior of technical traders who adapt to the

market by changing it trading strategies. There trading system uses Genetic

programming to find the best combination of technical indicator to trade. The genetic

algorithm can chose the combination of technical indicator from initial set of 6

technical indicators namely AMA, CCI, MACD, MA Crossover, Price Channel, RSI

and Stochastic. They used a modified form of Sterling ration to gauge the performance

of trading strategies.

S = Return/ (1 + modified drawdown)

Alongside finding trading strategies via genetic programming they also tried to

optimize the built portfolio by quarterly re optimizing it. There experimental results

showed that such a system which uses combination of technical indicator can make

profit. The best strategy employed was able to give a return of 7% pa. However on an

average they weren’t able to beat buy and hold strategy. They also showed that trading

in adaptive manner wherein quarterly optimization of the trading strategy is done is


ultimately loss making, which highlight the penalty for over-reaction to short term

market behavior [11].

Schulenburg and Wong [12] experimented on Portfolio allocation using XCS

System by combining input data using technical analysis, general market condition

and options market conditions. There best performing agents performed substantially

better than benchmark agents like buy and hold, trend following, bank agent and

random agent. However, XCS agent’s performance varies depending on initial random

seed chosen and a single best performing agent can’t tell much about the performance

of overall system in general.

Dempster, Payne, Romahi and Thompson [13] used Technical indicators for

Intraday FX Trading using Reinforcement Learning and Genetic programming

technique. The set of technical indicator used by them were price channel break out,

adaptive moving average, relative strength index, stochastic, moving average

convergence divergence, moving average crossover, momentum oscillator and

commodity channel index. The performance of the System was judged on the basis of

Sharpe ratio and sterling ratio. There experiments were able to generate significant in-

sample and out of sample profits. However none of the methods produces significant

profits at realistic transaction costs.

2.3 XCS Introduction from Stock Trading PerspectiveXCS stands for extended Classifier System. It is an accuracy based classifier

system which is different from other classifier in the way that classifier fitness is

derived from estimated accuracy of reward predictions instead of from reward

prediction themselves. It is an Online learning machine, which improves its behavior

with time through interaction with environment. XCS learns through reinforcement

and the aim is not only to get more reward but to maximize the value (Summation of

all the rewards in long run). The System is given least amount of prior information, so

that most of the machine knowledge results from adaptation to the environment. We

don’t tell it how to do things but let it learn through fed inputs, action it takes and the

reinforcement it gets. If it does well, we give it positive reward else penalize it in some



2.3.1 XCS Input and Output

XCS Input Unit : The input to XCS is binary vector e.g. 10010110 where each bit

can be thought of as crossing the threshold of continuous valued Output of some

sensors. In our XCS, everyday the system gets previous day data about the individual

stock price (open, high, low and close) and volume. The Meta agents present in the

system apply technical analysis on this information to get buy (1), sell (0) signals. A

very simple example is moving average of price and volume. Let’s say a particular

agent calculates the moving average of price and volume for the past 10 days. If the

closing price of stock is greater than 10 day moving average of price, it suggests price

may go up and that’s a buy (1) sign. Similarly, if the volume of the stock is greater

than 10 day moving average of volume, it also predicts a buy (1) sign. So the input

string that will be fed into the XCS will be 11. This is a very simple example. In

actual, system uses more advance technical analysis to form the input binary string

which may range from 6 to 9 bits in length. Each bit can be either 0 (sell) or 1 (buy).

More detail about how the problem is being defined to the XCS System using

technical analysis can be found in section 3.1.

XCS Output: XCS output is discrete action or decisions. For example in our case it is

either 0(sell) or 1(buy). The final aim of learning cycle for XCS is to learn what action

it should take for a particular combination of input binary bits. Please note XCS uses

unsupervised learning (Reinforcement Learning) wherein at any point we don’t tell it

what is right and what is wrong. It has to find this out through experimental trial and

error and reward mechanism. Depending on the input string sometimes it is easy to

predict what the correct action is. For example if input string is 101111 i.e. out of 6

bits, 5 bits are suggesting to buy the stock, then the correct action must be to buy the

stock. However, at other times the correct action might not be so evident. For example

if the input string is 111000, the proportion for both buy and sell signal are equal and

we expect it to learn what weight would be appropriate to give to individual signal.

Even in real life scenario, on a given day an actual trader might face with situation

wherein there is no clear sign of buy or sell from combination of technical indicator.

He/She then have to judge from experience which technical indicator information

should be given more weight and decide accordingly.


2.3.2 XCS Frame Work [15]

XCS contains population of Classifiers. Each classifier in the population is

characterized by 5 main components -:

1) Condition part C, which specifies on what problem instances the classifier is


2) Action part A, specifies what action classifier takes when condition C is


3) Reward prediction P, estimates what payoff or reward classifier can expect on

executing the action.

4) Reward prediction error ε estimated the mean absolute difference of R with

respect to the actual reward.

5) Fitness F estimates the scaled, relative accuracy of classifier with respect to

other overlapping classifiers in the action set it is present.

In Short a classifier is a set of

<Condition> : <Action> => <Prediction>

Prediction is similar to payoff of Reinforcement Learning.

Eg 01#1## : 1 => 693.2

{0 sell : 1 Buy : # : don’t care}

This classifier says if first bit is 0, second is 1 and fourth is 1 and I don’t care about

others then after taking action 1(Buy), 693.2 will be the payoffs. The payoffs are

updated with the learning of system. The above given classifier’s condition matches

with following 8 input string. It might be the sum of all there payoffs.


010110 There can be 8 such cases



It’s different from other action based systems like Neural Network in the sense that in

Neural Networks payoff information for any Input are distributed over the whole

Network. Each classifier acts only a subset of problems. It checks whether given

condition is one on which it can act. If condition is there, it acts on it and predict

certain payoff.


Figure1 XCS Frame Work [15]

[P]: Classifier population F: fitness of prediction α 1\ε

[M] : Match Set ε: error in prediction

p: predicted value

2.3.3 XCS Learning Cycle

In the starting the classifier population [P] is generally empty. The agents use

the stock price and volume data to form the input string (For details please see section

3.1). The Input is fed into classifier population [P], which detects if there is any match.

The 4 classifier marked with -- in fig 1 matches the Input 0011. They are put in a

match set [M]. If no classifier matches the given input, XCS creates classifier by

covering mechanism (A rule is created at random and has random action and is

assigned a low prediction). A new rule has a certain number of don’t care sign (#) in

random position. The # sign give classifier an initial generality due to which it can be

tested on many input problem instances.


Covering is necessary only initially and vast majority of new rules are derived

from existing rules.

For example, suppose Input string is 11000101 and there is no classifier which

matches this input .Then the rule created is 1##0010# : 01 10

Continuing the process, after creation of Match set, XCS estimates payoff for each

possible action by forming a prediction array P (A). In fig1, 2 classifiers in the match

sets are predicting 01 and two are predicting 11. We take the Fitness weighted average

of prediction for each action

Predicted weighted = Σ prediction * fitness

Average --------------------------------

Σ fitness

Eg P(action=01) = 43*99 + 27* 3

-------------------- = 42.57


Similarly P(action=11) = 16.6

Hence, P(A) shows fitness weighted average of all reward prediction estimates of the

classifier in [M] that advocate classification A. The System follows an ε greedy policy

i.e. it takes the best action most of the time, but with small probability

ε (exploration probability) it also takes suboptimal action and chooses random action

from those in the prediction array. All classifiers in match set [M] that specifies

chosen action A forms the action set [A]. In fig 1, we have chosen the action with

maximum prediction i.e. 01 and 2 classifiers having this action are put in action set.

The System executes the prescribed action. Next day the correctness of the action

taken is judged by the stock price movement. For every correct action a reward of

1000 is given. For wrong action reward of 0 is given. It differs from normal

Reinforcement Learning methodology in the sense that for incorrect action, negative

reward is not given. For example let’s suppose the system predicts rise in the price of

stock and it buys the share. If next day the prices go up, then a reward of 1000 is

given. This reward is used to update the parameters of classifiers in action set [A].

14 Updating XCS Parameters

Initially on creation of a classifier, it is given a very low prediction value. After

getting the reward for the executed action, its parameters are updated as follows-:

Prediction : Pj Pj + α(R - Pj)

α Is learning rate (~ 0.2)

so if R > Pj then Pj value is increased i.e. it’s prediction will go up. As can be seen, if

this particular classifier is updated many times, Pj will tend toward ‘R’ i.e. predicted

value will tend towards the actual return from the process.

Similarly, other parameters are updated as

Error : Ej Ej + α(|R – Pj| - Ej)

Accuracy : Kj == Ej m− if Ej > Eo else Eo n−

Relative : Kj’= Kj / Σ Kj over [A]


Relative accuracy shows relative accuracy of classifier with respect to classifiers in

action set.

Fitness : Fj Fj + α(Kj’ - Fj)

Fitness of the classifier is an estimate of its accuracy with respect to accuracies of

other classifiers in the action set it occurs Genetic Algorithm role and rule evolution[15]

XCS applies Genetic algorithm for rule evolution. If the average time since the last

GA was applied, exceeds certain threshold then genetic reproduction is invoked in the

current action set [A]. The GA selects 2 parental classifier based on there relative

fitness in action set [A]. Two offspring’s are generated reproducing the parents by

applying crossover and mutation. Parents and offspring’s both compete in the same

population [P]. Niche mutation is applied in the classifier which means that the

mutated classifiers still matches the current problem instance or input binary string

they were able to act previously. If the offspring condition is subsumed by some other

classifier than it is not inserted into the population and only the numerosity of the

subsumer classifier is increased by 1. The classifier population is fixed and deletion is


done if over populated. Excess classifiers are deleted from [P] with probability

proportional to the action set size estimate that the classifiers occur in. If classifiers are

more experienced with less fitness there probability of deletion is more [15]. For more

information on this, readers are encouraged to read chapter 4 of martin butz book.

The classifiers which are more general will more often be part of an action set

and thus undergo more reproduction events and thus propagates faster. Thus the GA

process is expected to evolve the accurate, maximally general solution as the final


For example the below mentioned classifier undergoes cross over to give offspring on

the right hand side.

1 0 # # | 1 1 : 1 1 0 # # 1 # : 1 -----(1)

# 0 0 0 | 1 # : 2 # 0 0 0 1 1 : 2 ------(2)

Please note result of crossing are :

A classifier (1) which is more general than both,

A classifier (2), which is more specific than both.

A more specific classifier can never be less accurate. It is not the case always but the

process tends on balance to search along generality specific dimensions, using piece of

existing higher accuracy classifiers. It is clear that population will tend towards having

classifiers with greater accuracy [15].

2.3.4 Deviation from other LCS based Systems

• XCS reproduces classifiers selecting from the current action set instead of from

the whole population.

• Relative accuracy based fitness measure the performance of a classifier.

• Reproduction favors those who’s condition matches and come more often in

the action set.

• Deletion occurs from whole of the population.


2.3.5 Mind of XCS System

Figure 2: Voting Strategy [19]

Our modeled XCS System in its basic form consists of 7 Agents which uses

different set of technical analysis information to create the Input binary string. Each

agent has 25 copies which simultaneously do the trading and prediction. One voting

agent combines the prediction of these 25 agents and presents it to the meta-agent. The

system learns in an online fashion. There are two separate phases, learning phase and

trading phase. During the learning phase all the agents simply explores and updates

the parameters of classifiers and no actual money is invested. During the trading

phase, out of 25 agents, system randomly picks some agents who explores (take

random sub-optimal action) and other agents exploit (take best possible action which

is supposed to give maximum reward). While combining the decision, voting-agent

consider the factor of current wealth of 25 agents and discard the decision of those

agents who are loss making. Also any agent who is exploring (taking random action),

his action is not taken into account. Meta agent finally takes the decision of either to

buy or sell using the composite predictive power of 25 XCS Agent. For portfolio

management system 14 different types of XCS Agents were used. Due to continuous

process of exploring and exploitation even during the trading phase, learning of the

system never stops. Due to this continuous learning, if the dynamics of the market

changes, we expect system to capture those variations also.


Chapter 3

3 Implementation

3.1 Technical Analysis Usage in XCSTechnical analysis overall is more of an art than a science. There is no single

kind of technical indicator which can work for all the stocks in the market. In our XCS

System technical analysis information is used to make the input binary string. For our

purpose we used and coded 14 individual technical indicators. There are open source

library for technical indicators. However, we have coded our own set of technical

indicators, so that some form of heuristic can further be applied to individual technical

indicators to generate more robust buy or sell signal. For example one such technical

indicator, Relative Strength Index (RSI) ranges from 0 to 100 and gives over bought

and over sold condition for RSI greater than 70 and RSI less than 30 respectively. We

used heuristic to generate buy or sell signal in the range 30 and 70.More details about

this can be found in Section 3.1.1.

This section is further divided into following parts -:

3.1.1 Description of individual technical indicators and how they are used to

generate buy or sell signal.

3.1.2 Description of agents which combines different technical indicator


3. Advantages and “scope of improvement” of the current approach.


3.1.1 Description of individual technical Indicators

Technical indicator is defined as a series of data points that are derived by

applying a formula to the price data of security which can be combination of the open,

high, low or close over a period of time [18]. These data points can be used to generate

buy or sell signal which we shall shortly see. Technical indicators can provide unique

viewpoint on the strength and direction of the underlying price action.

Different technical indicators employed in our XCS System are -:

Moving average:

It is a lagging indicator which simply calculates average price of security over a

specified number of periods. Moving average filters out random noise and offers a

smooth perspective of price action. They work well when stock develops a strong


Usage of Moving average:

In our XCS System Moving average is used in 2 ways to generate buy and sell signal.

The location of current price, relative to the moving average: 10 and 20 day moving

average is used for this purpose.

if (MA10[index]-close>=0){binary+="0";}else{binary+="1";}if (MA20[index]-close>=0){binary+="0";}else{binary+="1";}

Location of shorter moving average relative to longer moving average.


Please note 1 is for buy signal and 0 is for sell signal. Binary is the appended binary

string which is fed as input to the XCS system.

We have deliberately used shorter moving averages (10 and 20) to reduce the lag in

the signal and concentrate on the short term trends rather than long term trend.

Parabolic SAR:

SAR stands for stop and reverse. It was developed by J. Welles Wilder Jr to find

trends in market price. It develops dotted line either above or below the security price.

The dotted line below the price establish the trailing stop for a long position (generates


buy signs) and the lines above establish the trailing stop for short position (our System

doesn’t short and only generates sell sign)

Usage in XCS: SAR value greater than current day high of day gives sell sign.

if(sar[index]> high){binary+="0";}else{binary+="1";}* Details of SAR Calculation is given in appendix

Average Directional Index (ADX):

It evaluate strength of current trend, be it up or down. ADX is based on accumulation

distribution line.

Usage in XCS:

Positive and negative direction index (+ DI, -DI ) are used to generate buy and sell


if(posDI[index]>negDI[index]){binary+=1;}else {binary+=0;}Commodity Channel Index (CCI):

CCI is a typical price based momentum indicator which was developed by Donald

Lambert to identify cyclical turns in commodities.

Usage in XCS:

CCI is band oscillator. Movement above + 100 indicates overbought stock and sell

signal is given. Similarly movement below -100 gives oversold sign and buy signal is

given. Movement between -100 and + 100 doesn’t give clear sign of buy or sell. In

such scenario we have used heuristic that if current CCI is greater than past 5 days

moving average of CCI then a buy signal should be given.

if(CCI[index] >= 100){//over boughtbinary+=0;

}else if (CCI[index] <= -100){//over soldbinary +=1;

}else if(CCI[index] >= CCIMA[index]){// + divergencebinary +=1;

}else{ binary +=0;}

Chaikin Money Flow(CMF):

CMF is an oscillator based on accumulation distribution line.

Usage in XCS:

CMF is bullish when it is positive and bearish when it is negative.

if(CMF[index]< 0){binary+="0";}else{binary+="1";}


MACD: Moving average convergence divergence.

It is a centered oscillator that is unique in having both leading and lagging component

in it. It is the difference between the 12 day EMA and 26 day EMA of a security.

Usage in XCS :

A positive macd indicates buy sign and vice versa

if(MACD[index]> 0){binary+="1";}else{binary+="0";}

A nine day Exponential moving average, EMA of MACD acts as trigger line to give

buy sells sign

if(MACD[index] > MACDSignal[index]){binary+="1";}else{binary+="0";}

Money Flow Index:

MFI is a Momentum indicator similar to RSI. It’s a good measure of money flowing

into and out of the security.

Usage in XCS

MFI above 80 indicates overbought stock and gives sell sign and below 20

indicates oversold stock and gives buy sign. In between 20 and 80 there is no clear

sign of buy and sold and so we have used positive divergence to create the buy or sell

sign. If current MFI is greater than 5 day average of MFI then a buy sign is given.

if(MFI[index] >= 80){binary+=0;

}else if (MFI[index] <= 20){binary +=1;

}else if(MFI[index] > MFIMA[index]){binary+=1;

}else{binary +=0;}

On balance Volume (OBV):

It’s a Volume based oscillator.

Usage in XCS

A rising bullish OBV line indicates that the smart money is flowing into the

stock and shows price uptrend. We have used it as, if the current OBV is greater than

past 5 days OBV then a sell sign may be given.


if (OBV[index]>=OBVMA[index]){binary+=1;}else {binary+=0;}

Percentage Price Oscillator (PPO):

This oscillator formed by taking difference of longer moving average from shorter

moving average of price in percentage form.

Usage in XCS: Used in 2 ways-:

if(PPO[index]> 0){binary+="1";}else{binary+="0";}if(PPO[index] > PPOSignal[index]){binary+="1";}else{binary+="0";}PPOSignal is found by taking 5 day moving average of PPO.

Percentage Volume Oscillator (PVO):

Similar to PPO except that instead of price, Volume is used for calculation.

Usage in XCS

if(PVO[index]> 0){binary+="1";}else{binary+="0";}if(PVO[index] > PVOSignal[index]){binary+="1";}else{binary+="0";}

Relative Strength Index (RSI) :

RSI is a momentum oscillator which compares the magnitude of a stock’s recent

gains to the magnitude of its recent losses and turns that information into a number

that range from 0 to 100 [18].

Usage in XCS:

RSI above 70 and below 30 indicates overbought and oversold condition and gives

sell and buy signal respectively. In between 30 and 70 we have used heuristic that if

current day RSI is greater than past 5 day average of RSI then a buy sign is given.

if(RSI[index] >= 80){binary+="0";

}else if(RSI[index] <= 20){binary+="1";

}else if(RSI[index] >= RSIMA[index]){binary+="1";




Stochastic Oscillator:

It is a momentum indicator.

Usage in XCS

Reading below 20 are considered over sold and above 80 are considered over bought.

We have used fast percent D in XCS. In between 20 and 80, heuristic similar to RSI is


if(fastPercentD[index] >= 80){binary+="0";

}else if(fastPercentD[index] <= 20){binary+="1";

}else if(fastPercentD[index] >= fastPercentDMA[index]){binary+="1";



Cross over of FastPercentK with respect to fast percent D is also used to generate buy

and sell signs.

if(fastPercentK[index] > fastPercentD[index]) {binary+="1";}else{binary+="0";}* for details about Stochastic Oscillator calculation, please see the appendix.

StochRSI :

It is a momentum oscillator wherein Stochastic oscillator is combined with RSI.

Usage in XCS:

if(stochRSI[index] >= 80){binary+="0";

}else if(stochRSI[index] <= 20){binary+="1";

}else if(stochRSI[index] >= stochRSIMA[index]){binary+="1";



Rate of change is centered oscillator. It gives percentage price change over the last 20

days. Buy signal generated if ROC is greater than zero.

Usage in XCS:

if(ROC[index]< 0){binary+="0";}else{binary+="1";}


Williams % R:

It’s a momentum indicator that works much like the Stochastic Oscillator.

Usage in XCS:

if(willPercentR[index] >= -20){//overboughtbinary+="0";


}if(( -80 <= willPercentR[index] && willPercentR[index] <= -100)){//oversold



3.1.2 Combining different technical indicators and working

mechanism of different Agents

Few points which we have considered while combining technical indicators are -:

1) Individual indicators in the combination should provide different perspective

towards the underlying price or volume movement. Indicators should

complement each other instead of moving in unison and generate the same

signal [18].For example Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) and Money flow index

(MFI) are both price based momentum indicator and provides nearly same

information and generates same signal and therefore as such shouldn’t be used

with each other.

2) It is generally useless to combine more than 5 indicators.

Keeping these things in mind and through lot of hit and trial experiments on variety of

stocks, we developed 14 set of agents which uses different combination of technical


For example one such combination used for Agent 1 is -:

CMF- A non trend following volume indicator to identify buying and selling pressure.

RSI - A momentum indicator used to identify potential overbought and oversold


Moving Average - A trend following indicator to identify the underlying trend in the


These indicators have very less in common and complement each other very well. [18]

24 Composition of 14 Agents:

Name of Agent Composition of AgentAgent 1 Moving Average (10,20),


Agent 2 Moving Average(10,20),PPO,PVO

Agent 3 Moving Average(10,20),Stochastic Oscillator,MACD,CMF

Agent 4 SAR,Moving Average(10,20),CMF, Williams %R

Agent 5 SAR, ADX, Moving Average,OBV

Agent 6 Moving Average (10,20),Williams %R,StochRSI,CMF


Agent 8 Moving Average(10,20),CCI, RSI, MACD

Agent 9 Moving Average(10,20),CMF,CCI

Agent 10 Stochastic Oscillator,ADX,Moving Average(10,20),CMF

Agent 11 Moving Average(10,20),PPO,CMF


Name of Agent Composition of AgentAgent 12 Moving Average(10,20),

Stochastic Oscillator, ROC,MFI

Agent 13 Stochastic Oscillator, MACD, CMF

Agent 14 Stochastic Oscillator, Williams %R, MACD

Table1. Composition of different Agents

For initial set of experiments only best 7 agents were used. For portfolio management

System all 14 sets of Agents were used.

3.1.3 Advantage and “Scope of Improvement” of current


Advantages: 1) All the technical indicators were used in there most basic form. No particular

threshold was set for any indicator to generate buy or sell signal. This serves

the purpose of minimum priori to XCS system, i.e. providing it with least

amount of information so that it can mostly learn from its action and adaptation

to the environment.

2) Each individual bit was independent of other bits in the binary string. So no

input information was duplicated in any form.

3) Oscillators generally gives sell or buy signal only when they are in over bought

or over sold range respectively. By using heuristic we were able to take

advantage of upward movement of oscillator and also made sure each

oscillator always gives either buy or sell signal.

Scope of Improvement in combining technical Indicators

1) There is no single correct or optimum way of combining different technical

indicators. A combination which might work for one stock might not work for

another one. We have combined technical indicators with our best knowledge.

Defining the problem in better way for XCS by combining different technical


indicators is open ended question and can be explored further. One thing is

very clear from our analysis is that the better we combine technical indicators

the better we can expect the learning of XCS agents and better could be the


2) Parameter optimization: With individual technical indicators, there are many

parameters which can be optimized. In most of the cases we have used widely

used parameters. This can be explored further. For example

a) For calculating positive and negative Directional index we have used

average for 14 days which is widely used. Such short of parameters can

be optimized to give best result with maximum number of stocks.

b) Moving average and moving volume is taken only for 10 and 20 days.

By doing this we have concentrated on short term price or volume

movement. By taking longer moving average, longer and more robust

trends can be identified.

3.2 Improving the learning of eXtended Classifier

SystemIn the previous version of classifier system, financial forecasting was considered

solely as single step problem where each day's Input to the System doesn’t have any

relation to the next or previous day's inputs. Here successive problem instances were

thought of independent of each other and all iterations were treated as independent.

This was based on the assumption that Input technical indicator information for one

day is completely random and has no relation to any other day. In such scenario the

classifier parameters in the current action set [A] are updated only with respect to the

immediate reward feedback only. However, a new approach is taken by us where the

basic idea is that the state of stock market on any particular day is not completely

independent of other days but is affected by how the market has behaved previously in

past few days. There is a positive or negative co-relation between the market states of

each day. Each classifier represents a particular subset of technical indicator


information it can act on and the possible action it will take. Keeping this thing in

mind, we modeled learning to trade via classifier systems as a Multi Step

Reinforcement learning problem where all classifiers in the action set [A] were

updated with respect to the immediate reward R plus the estimated discounted future

reward (Value function for the next state).

Q and Q (λ) are used as multi-step Reinforcement learning algorithm. Each

classifier represents a condition it can act upon and the action it will take. So each

classifier prediction value can be thought as state action value pair i.e. Q(s,a). Keeping

this thing in mind implementing Q learning is trivial in XCS. However one thing has

to be kept in mind that due to don’t care parameter (#) in the classifiers condition there

can be more than one classifier which can match a particular condition and all of them

form part of action set. So instead of updating just one classifier in each iteration, we

have to update all the classifiers present in action set.

3.2.1 Classifiers in multi step Reinforcement learning problems

A multi step Reinforcement Learning problem poses the additional complication of

back propagation of reward in an appropriate manner. Initial complication might arise

due to inappropriate reward propagation from inaccurate, young or over generalized

classifiers [15]. Q values for a Reinforcement learning problem tell the value of a state

action pair. A single classifier in itself is a combination of condition it can act and the

action it will take. So the prediction value of a classifier is just like Q values for a

particular state in Reinforcement Learning problem.

One-step Q-learning, governing equation is

This is equivalent to XCS update function for the reward prediction

β is the learning rate parameter,

γ is the discount rate


Reward prediction value thus coincide with the Q values Q(s, a). Thus, the prediction

array coincides with Q value entries. Without generalization XCS is just a tabular Q

learner where each table entry represents a distinct rule. XCS generalizes over states

that yield identical Q values with respect to a specified action [15].

A very important point that should be noted for multi step RL as mentioned by

Butz [15] is

“In initial phase of learning the back propagated reward signal is expected to

fluctuate significantly. As in RL, XCS is expected to progressively learn starting from

those state action combinations that yield actual reinforcement. Once such classifiers

are stably represented, back propagation becomes more reliable and the next reward

level can be learned accurately and so on. Thus as in Q learning reward will be spread

backward starting from the cases that yield the actual reward. Thus XCS learn a

generalized representation of the underlying Q function in the problem.”[15]

Q learning is a temporal difference learning methodology that doesn't require

any explicit model of the environment and learns state action value function just by

generation of episodes. It is an off policy learning methodology i.e. the policy we

follow(behavior policy) is different from the policy we evaluate(or optimize).In our

case we follow an ε greedy policy and learn the Q values for optimum policy. This

enables early convergence towards optimum Q values.

Back up diagram for Q learning is

Algorithm for Q learning

Figure3: Q-learning: An off-policy TD control algorithm. [14]


3.2.2 Implementing Q learning in Classifier.

The prediction of each classifier in last day action set is updated as

P = reward + cons.gamma * maxPredictionprediction += cons.beta * (P-prediction)Here maxPrediction is the maximum prediction of a classifier in current day action set.

Similarly, error property of each classifier in the last action set is updated taking

maxPrediction into consideration.

3.2.3 Eligibility trace and Watkins's Q(λ)

Q(λ) algorithm is a combination of temporal difference Q learning with

eligibility trace to obtain a more general method that may learn more efficiently. In Q

leaning, the temporal difference error(TD error) is back propagated only to last state

visited, whereas in Q(λ) each state is associated with an additional parameter called

eligibility trace which indicate degree to which each state is eligible for undergoing

learning changes, should a reinforcement event occurs. At each moment we look at

current TD error and assign it backward to each prior state according to state

eligibility trace at that time. We may think ourselves riding along a stream of states

computing TD errors and shouting them back to previously visited states. Figure4:Back ward view of eligibility trace [14]

* For details about eligibility trace and Q( λ) algorithm, readers are encouraged to look

at chapter 7 of Sutton and Barto book[14].

Watkins's Q(λ) is one form of Q(λ) which can be applied online. It offers the

advantage of faster learning. So we applied this to the classifier System to make

learning more efficient.

Watkin’s Q(λ) in pseudo code format.


Figure5: Tabular version of Watkins's Q (λ) algorithm. [14]

For implementing this learning methodology each classifier in the population

is associated with an extra parameter named eligibility which shows how much it is

eligible for the back propagation of delta error. Watkins Q (λ) is strictly followed as

shown in figure 5.

Delta error for any day represents error in the prediction .It is calculated as

deltaError = reward + cons.gamma * currPredictionValueMax - lastPredictionValue;currPredictionValueMax is maximum prediction value of a classifier in the current day

action set.

lastPredictionValue is the prediction value of the action that was taken yesterday.

Eligibility of all the classifier present in the last action set is increased by 1

The delta error is back propagated into the whole classifiers population taking trace

decay parameter into consideration. Further, if an exploitation step was taken the

eligibility of all the classifier is reduced by a factor of .However if an exploration

step was taken the eligibility of all the classifier is made zero.

Chapter 4


4 Experimentation

4.1 FTSE data and Stability of the XCS System.

4.1.1 FTSE Data

We used real data of 90, FTSE100 companies. Training + Trading

Period.Company Code

Company Name From To

AAL.LANGLO AMERICAN 5/17/2000 4/29/2008

SBRY.L SAINSBURY 5/16/2000 4/29/2008AV.L AVIVA 5/16/2000 4/29/2008BT-A.L BT GROUP 11/12/2001 4/29/2008CBRY.L CADBURY-SCH 5/16/2000 4/29/2008CCL.L CARNIVAL 4/23/2003 4/29/2008

CNE.LCAIRN ENERGY 2/21/2003 4/29/2008

FGP.L FIRST GROUP 5/16/2000 4/29/2008

FP.LFRIENDS PROV 7/10/2001 4/29/2008

LSE.L LON.STK.EXCH 7/24/2001 4/29/2008Table2: Details of 10 FTSE 100 Companies

* For details of all the 90 FTSE 100 companies used in the experiments please see the

appendix. The FTSE 100 companies data was cleaned and preprocessed at Level E

Limited and was provided by my supervisor Dr. Sonia Schulenburg.

4.1.2 Stability of the XCS System.

The initial generation of classifier population depends on the random seed and

thus Classifiers individual bit can have 0 or 1 or # (don’t care symbol) to represent the

problem space. Due to this variability is introduced in the system and performance of

XCS System varies in different run. A single run of XCS on a particular stock might

not give clear picture of the learning of the system. To check for the stability of the

system we followed following steps-:

1) Run the experiment 100 times to find the mean, max, min and standard deviation of the performance


2) In each run, find the yearly performance of individual agent on the stock. Yearly performance of the XCS agent on a stocks is measured as follows

a. After each year, calculate yearly percentage returns as

Yearly Percentage = Final Wealth of agents – Initial Agents wealth

return -------------------------------------------------------*100

Initial agent’s wealth

b. To find the net performance of stock, we can either take arithmetic mean or geometric mean of these yearly percentage returns. We took geometric means of different yearly percentage return as final performance measure for the stock

3) Take the average of yearly performance of all 7 agents to get the performance of an average XCS agent on that particular stock.

For our experiment we choose 5 companies which have different volatility

characteristics. By volatility, we mean they have different amount of fluctuation in

there price pattern.

Experiment results

Company OM.L LMI.L LLOY.L SVT.L XTA.LMean 11.77187 28.11772 6.221785 14.39186 29.08665Max 15.10893 33.09195 7.658274 15.91277 33.41367Min 8.665734 24.5644 4.536309 12.72837 23.99098Standarddeviation 1.413307 1.695753 0.621009 0.630542 1.837757

Table3: Experimental results for 100 run on 5 FTSE100 companies.

We also ran experiment to find mean for different number of runs like mean for 2 ,

3,5,7,9,12,16,20,25 runs.


Mean Performance for different number of runs









1 2 3 5 7 9 12 16 20 25

Number of runs





Figure6: Mean Performance of 5 companies for different number of runs


1) The system is found to give pretty stable performance as can be seen from low standard deviation for different companies in table 3.

2) Performance is pretty stable and approaches the mean performance after 16 runs.

For all our further experiments we ran the system 20 times to see the final

performance. All the result henceforth presented are the mean of 20 runs. A very

important point to mention here is that XCS is exposed to data only once and learning

is completely online. So at any point of time we are not cheating.

4.2 Comparative Study of the 3 different AlgorithmThe base XCS java code was written by Martin V. Butz and further modified by

Matthew Gershoff and Abu ul Hassan during there MSC thesis.

4.2.1 Setting the parameters for the experiments

The first step in comparative study is to find and set the optimum parameters

for each algorithm. From performance point of view Classifier Systems are considered

very robust in terms of setting of parameters. However we felt it must to at least

optimize following 3 parameters-:

1) Initial Exploration rate of all 3 learning methods.

2) Discount rate (gamma) for Q learning.

3) Trace decay parameter for Q(λ) algorithm.

34 Setting Initial Exploration Rate

To find the optimum parameters, experiments are run on a small subset of

stock (5 companies). We experimented with 3 different exploration rates 0.5, 0.2 and

0.02. For individual stock 7 different XCS agents are trading and there averaged

performance is taken for the comparison purpose. For example for company RR.L

Only Reward Learning(RR.L)

Exploration Rate = 0.5

Exploration Rate = 0.2

Exploration Rate =.02

MetaAgent1 17.95 15.66 16.99MetaAgent2 11.75 12.79 12.51MetaAgent3 14.73 17.96 16.40MetaAgent4 11.30 13.67 15.38MetaAgent5 12.47 14.16 15.44MetaAgent6 15.88 18.30 16.98MetaAgent7 12.76 11.77 11.35Agents Average 13.84 14.90 15.01buyandHoldAgent 27.63 27.63 27.63RadomAgent 13.74 16.62 9.69trendFollowingAgent 3.68 3.68 3.68BankAgent 2.53 2.53 2.53

Table4: Setting Exploration rate

Average shown in Blue is used for comparison purpose.

Combined results for different exploration rate

Single Step RL

CompaniesExploration Rate = 0.5

Exploration Rate = 0.2

Exploration Rate =.02

RR.L 13.84 14.90 15.01CNE.L 11.98 12.87 12.40BLND.L 13.74 13.88 13.88SABRY 2.80 2.92 2.19AAL.L 5.71 5.85 5.49Average 9.61 10.09 9.79

Multi Step RL - Q Learning

CompaniesExploration Rate = 0.5

Exploration Rate = 0.2

Exploration Rate =.02

RR.L 18.08 19.23 19.10CNE.L 11.67 12.32 11.81BLND.L 14.04 13.61 13.43SABRY 4.11 3.63 3.10AAL.L 9.70 9.21 7.76Average 11.52 11.60 11.04


Q(λ) Learning

CompaniesExploration Rate = 0.5

Exploration Rate = 0.2

Exploration Rate =.02

RR.L 13.33 17.18 17.42CNE.L 12.37 12.32 14.42BLND.L 11.22 11.27 11.57SABRY -0.02 1.07 0.60AAL.L 4.58 4.86 3.78Average 8.30 9.34 9.56

Table5: Combined Results for Different exploration rate

For single step RL exploration rate of 0.2 showed better performance than 0.5 and

0.02. For Q learning also, exploration rate of 0.2 was found best .The performance

didn’t change much between exploration rate of 0.2 and 0.02. For Q (λ) exploration

rate of 0.2 was found better than 0.5. However, exploration rate of 0.02 also showed

nearly same performance. In the end we decided to keep exploration rate to 0.02. Setting discount rate (gamma)

We experimented with 4 different discount rates 0.95, 0.70, 0.50 and 0.2 for

different stocks keeping optimize exploration rate of 0.2 and found that keeping high

discount rate of 0.95 gave best performance (Which is also default value of gamma in

Butz XCS code).

Result of one stock is shown below-:

RR.L Gamma(0.95) Gamma(0.70) Gamma(0.50) Gamma(0.20)MetaAgent1 13.29 8.45 12.33 9.85MetaAgent2 14.62 8.00 10.43 11.47MetaAgent3 15.66 9.03 8.67 10.79MetaAgent4 16.99 7.89 9.45 9.34MetaAgent5 13.67 7.27 10.78 7.33MetaAgent6 15.28 11.28 11.00 12.12MetaAgent7 16.80 4.77 7.07 6.99buyandHoldAgent 19.61 19.61 19.61 19.61RadomAgent 7.13 6.89 13.61 18.73trendFollowingAgent 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51BankAgent 2.53 2.53 2.53 2.53

Table6: Setting discount rate

36 Setting Trace Decay Parameter

We experimented with 4 different trace decay parameter 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 for

Q (λ) algorithm.

Combined Result for 9 companies is as shown below

CompaniesTrace Decay(0.1)

Trace Decay(0.2)

Trace Decay(0.5)

Trace Decay(0.8)

MKS.L 7.55 6.59 7.03 8.59NXT.L -2.90 -2.41 -1.30 -3.25OML.L 0.54 1.52 1.71 2.56PRU.L -5.37 -4.86 -3.63 -6.67PSN.L 5.42 5.79 5.00 4.66PSON.L -3.37 -2.61 -2.82 -1.56PUB 9.64 9.48 7.78 9.22RBL 4.36 4.91 4.32 3.26RBS -0.29 -0.23 -0.53 -2.54Average 1.73 2.02 1.95 1.58

Table7: Setting trace decay parameter.

Performance of stocks seems pretty robust regarding trace decay parameter. We used

trace decay parameter = 0.2 for our further experiments.

4.3 Experimental Results for 3 learning AlgorithmWe conducted experimented on 86 FTSE companies and compared there average

performance against Buy and hold strategy.

CompanyRewardOnly RL Q RL Q(λ) RL B&H

RR.L 15.69 23.07 17.61 27.62CNE.L 14.52 12.75 13.08 35.80PUB.L 7.11 10.69 9.66 10.11MKS.L 4.42 4.97 7.48 16.29XTA.L 30.67 37.22 36.01 50.88LMI.L 20.63 21.93 19.62 37.83PSN.L 9.06 11.49 9.24 9.49FP.L 2.30 2.45 2.56 4.51HBOS.L 0.72 -0.42 -0.97 -3.94LSE.L 27.94 32.48 30.30 37.02AMEC.L 20.74 22.26 16.04 26.07BDEV.L 10.39 12.59 10.81 10.02TLW.L 23.22 25.08 22.79 49.56CPG.L -2.83 -0.81 -0.01 3.01BB.L 4.44 4.31 4.27 1.61


CompanyReward Only RL Q RL Q(λ) RL B&H

TW.L 8.41 11.52 10.93 9.49KGF.L -4.15 -0.13 0.25 -13.83CCL.L -4.51 -4.93 1.08 -11.51NXT.L 0.47 -4.12 -0.19 -4.57LAND.L 1.19 0.52 -0.26 8.52STAN.L 1.32 3.40 4.72 17.37CPW.L 16.20 17.75 11.83 28.54UUL.L 1.20 -0.15 2.04 2.32SN.L -2.88 -1.00 1.12 7.96ICI.L 15.26 12.98 9.12 28.87RSA.L 0.63 2.38 0.05 -0.35KEL.L 11.20 15.45 9.47 19.00FGP.L 7.76 9.48 7.31 12.67ABF.L 5.92 4.29 4.23 9.44BA.L 9.40 8.36 6.16 19.19AL.L -3.44 -4.37 -2.14 -4.55REX.L -3.26 -5.35 -1.35 -0.40GSK.L -2.24 -3.60 -2.96 0.59CPI.L 7.94 8.48 7.50 12.76IPR.L 15.08 19.63 10.45 20.12BP.L -2.65 -1.48 -1.14 -0.69REL.L -2.78 -1.42 -0.06 -0.13WPP.L 2.64 -2.55 -0.87 1.50SGE.L -3.25 -4.51 -1.79 4.70MRW.L 5.84 3.12 3.01 7.77BAY.L 11.74 9.26 3.88 17.55PRUL.L -6.51 0.22 -3.37 2.91RTOL.L -2.17 -5.31 -1.76 -16.73BSY.L -7.68 -8.36 -2.94 -6.16RTR.L 25.69 19.30 12.07 33.17TATE.L 8.85 7.98 7.04 10.16LGEN.L -1.22 -0.15 -0.35 0.92SCTN.L -0.35 3.24 2.18 0.92DGE.L -0.79 0.31 0.75 2.91CBR.L 5.94 7.10 -0.28 4.50SAB.L 16.06 17.18 11.81 16.25RBS.L -1.18 0.85 -0.68 -6.20WOS.L 6.56 6.74 3.26 4.13SHP.L 11.90 9.01 7.45 14.31BLT.L 12.73 18.99 14.64 28.53SSE.L 12.24 12.60 11.41 14.91SMIN.L 5.29 1.23 1.59 3.93VOD.L 3.24 3.57 4.58 2.66TT.L 7.19 4.92 5.69 14.59


CompanyRewardOnly RL Q RL Q(λ) RL B&H

ANTO.L 35.39 31.57 28.53 39.83PSON.L -6.09 -8.71 -3.30 -1.44LLOY.L -2.49 -3.46 -1.59 -4.04BARC.L -2.21 -0.12 -1.32 0.32IIL.L 4.13 3.40 3.70 4.78HSBA.L 1.38 1.82 -0.09 0.43BLND.L 15.24 15.51 12.23 15.68ITV.L -0.46 2.95 0.33 5.76CW.L 9.56 4.04 2.37 3.68RB.L -0.19 4.25 4.89 16.30BATS.L 13.11 12.64 10.72 21.30JMAT.L 8.28 8.62 10.59 12.52IMT.L 3.92 6.02 3.64 13.49LII.L 9.57 9.51 8.36 15.50SDRC.L 5.12 5.60 2.72 9.42SDR.L 6.19 4.38 2.38 11.72DSGI.L -4.72 -3.89 -4.03 -8.26AAL.L 7.36 9.79 4.44 18.46AZN.L -6.39 -4.72 -3.07 -6.77ULVR.L 3.34 3.38 1.61 5.42FTSE 5.43 7.74 6.60 10.33BTA.L -0.06 -1.26 3.75 4.99DMGT.L -4.54 -6.75 -5.08 -6.00SBRY.L 6.20 7.38 4.67 4.50HMSO.L 16.44 15.76 12.23 17.42TSCO.L 10.67 8.79 7.64 10.32SVT.L -3.28 -2.89 -1.79 5.25Average 5.92 6.32 5.41 9.95 1.00 1.07 0.86Table8: Experimental Results for 3 learning methodology

4.3.1 Observations:

1) Q learning gave 6 % better performance than single step Reinforcement

learning. However, Q (λ) performance wasn’t better than single step RL.

2) None of the 3 learning strategy was able to beat buy and hold strategy.

3) There were many stocks for which average performance of agents was

negative. This indicates that XCS agents for these stocks aren’t able to learn

the underlying mapping of binary input to the correct action properly.


4.4 Fault in the previous Reward giving strategyThese observations made it clear that the classifiers weren’t able to learn

properly i.e. there parameters weren’t getting updated correctly. We identified that the

possible reason for this could be the way reward was judged in the system. The

correctness of the classifier’s action was decided on the next day price movement of

the stock. For example, if today XCS predict that prices are going to go up and it buys

the stock, then the reward is given to the classifiers in the action set [A] by checking

what happens to the prices the very next day. If the price goes up, which implies it was

right to buy the stock, it is given a reward of 1000 else a reward of 0 is given.

However, we believe the daily prices of the stock contain a lot of noise, fluctuations

and the judgment on the correctness of the action shouldn’t be solely done on the next

day price movement. For this reason, we changed the reward giving strategy and in the

modified system, reward was delayed by 5 days. We took the simple moving average

of the next 5 days closing price and on the 6th day we judged the correctness of the

action taken. So if we took a decision of buying the stock on the first day and the

average of next 5 days stock price was greater than first day stock price then it means

prices were actually in an upward trend and our decision of buying the stock was

correct and we further gave a reward of 1000. In this way we smoothen the noise in

the stock prices and expect it learn properly.

4.4.1 Experiments with improved delayed reward Strategy

We experimented again on all 90 FTSE 100 stocks starting from optimization of the

System parameters.

40 Setting Initial Exploration Rate

We experimented with 3 different exploration rates 0.5, 0.2 and 0.02

Reward Only Learning

CompaniesExploration Rate = 0.5

Exploration Rate = 0.2

Exploration Rate =.02

RR.L 23.88 21.17 22.29CNE.L 25.27 24.82 21.56BLND.L 24.29 24.05 23.40SABRY 14.59 14.44 13.70AAL.L 17.79 15.28 15.46MKS.L 15.56 15.61 14.83SDR.L 19.57 17.39 18.77Average 20.14 18.96 18.57

Q Learning

CompaniesExploration Rate = 0.5

Exploration Rate = 0.2

Exploration Rate =.02

RR.L 20.53 19.02 18.32CNE.L 17.23 16.94 16.41BLND.L 15.55 15.46 14.49SABRY 10.44 10.44 10.25AAL.L 10.32 8.37 8.67MKS.L 12.96 12.47 12.28SDR.L 10.26 9.73 9.56Average 13.90 13.21 12.85

Q(λ) Reinforcement Learning

CompaniesExploration Rate = 0.5

Exploration Rate = 0.2

Exploration Rate =.02

RR.L 10.91 10.34 11.21CNE.L 14.28 13.57 13.23BLND.L 15.34 14.30 13.66SABRY 6.14 7.05 5.87AAL.L 5.98 7.65 7.81MKS.L 10.81 12.07 10.19SDR.L 6.88 6.83 6.08Average 10.05 10.26 9.72

Table9: Setting Exploration Rate

For single step RL and Q learning, exploration rate of 0.5 gave the best results. For Q

(λ) exploration rate of 0.2 gave the best results. Few things that can be noted from

above results are -:

1) Changing exploration rate doesn’t affect the performance much.


2) For Q (λ) small exploration rate gave best performance. This make sense as the

eligibility trace is cut off whenever system explores, loosing much of the

advantage of Q (λ) algorithm. Setting Discount Rate (gamma)

We experimented with 3 different discount rates 0.95, 0.50 and 0.25 for

different stocks keeping optimize exploration rate of 0.5 and found that keeping low

discount rate of 0.25 gives best performance.

Company Gamma(0.95) Gamma(0.50) Gamma(0.25)RR.L 20.29 23.00 23.54MKS.L 12.07 14.80 15.01NXT.L -0.56 3.94 4.00OML.L 7.87 13.05 14.32HSBA.L 4.42 9.22 10.15ICI.L 11.11 19.43 17.94MRW.L 7.69 15.40 15.28AVERAGE 8.99 14.12 14.32

Table10: Setting discount rate Setting Trace Decay (λ)

We experimented with 4 different trace decay parameters and found that keeping high

trace decay (0.8) gave best results.

CompaniesTrace Decay(0.1)

Trace Decay(0.2)

Trace Decay(0.5)

Trace Decay(0.8)

RR.L 11.39 12.57 11.05 10.95MKS.L 10.92 9.43 11.40 13.49NXT.L -1.60 -0.33 -1.93 -0.38OML.L 7.29 7.90 8.48 7.84HSBA.L 3.03 3.32 4.16 4.90ICI.L 11.48 10.57 13.18 13.54MRW.L 3.55 4.64 5.58 7.52Average 6.58 6.87 7.42 8.27

Table11: Setting trace decay.

We kept these optimized parameters for further experimentations.

The thing that is very clear from above mentioned results is that Q learning is giving

best performance at low discount rate. It means it is tending towards single step

reward only RL. Also Q (λ) by setting high trace decay rate is tending towards Q (1)


Learning. Under such circumstances we don’t expect Q (1) or Q (λ) to give better

results than single step reward only RL for all companies.

4.4.2 Results with new delayed reward strategy

Results for 90 of FTSE100 companies: We first experimented with single step

reward only RL.

Agents Average WealthStandard Deviation(Yearly Performance)

Company Name

Old Reward Strategy

New Reward Strategy

Buy and Hold

Old Reward Strategy

New Reward Strategy

Buy and Hold

AAL.L 4.68 16.68 15.59 20.72 24.31 27.75ABF.L 4.96 13.20 8.86 11.40 4.64 12.43AL.L -3.14 12.21 -8.70 10.32 6.19 27.20AMEC.L 16.58 28.81 25.38 24.20 19.40 14.27ANTO.L 31.80 36.23 38.24 21.18 18.40 22.76AV.L -1.42 11.79 -3.89 20.23 12.53 32.71AZN.L -7.40 4.64 -10.41 9.61 4.37 28.56BA.L 11.81 26.13 6.14 29.64 23.91 49.12BARC.L -5.51 11.03 -2.84 13.26 8.55 26.22BATS.L 12.20 16.41 19.36 19.45 10.86 23.95BAY.L 5.23 14.89 -0.16 27.96 20.89 71.39BB.L 5.10 10.03 -2.27 20.72 15.00 29.69BDEV.L 9.44 17.91 -3.12 25.40 23.27 49.03BG.L 28.01 28.05 23.99 24.81 19.95 33.90BLND.L 14.50 23.23 10.08 19.22 13.81 36.32BLT.L 9.44 17.80 25.42 27.20 21.73 29.08BP.L -3.56 4.62 -3.17 14.86 8.35 23.55BSY.L -8.18 8.81 -6.82 12.02 6.90 12.06BT-A.L -1.78 8.87 3.29 9.83 10.40 19.75CBRY.L -4.74 5.88 2.73 12.76 3.55 19.23CCL.L -10.04 4.57 -11.51 11.17 5.66 11.31CNE.L 7.62 25.24 33.23 17.80 14.51 32.01CPG.L 0.43 9.67 0.03 7.52 8.00 26.28CPI.L 8.76 19.50 9.16 12.10 6.99 27.68CPW.L 5.62 34.32 22.81 47.97 35.63 44.18CW.L 2.50 22.89 -10.42 21.97 36.70 46.82DGE.L 2.90 8.78 1.85 7.05 5.17 15.41DMGT.L -6.76 6.61 -11.00 11.49 8.08 33.12DSGI.L -8.30 9.86 -17.08 18.34 12.25 39.54FGP.L 9.66 20.19 9.59 17.22 15.02 28.19FP.L 2.81 18.45 1.27 16.05 11.75 26.16FTSE100 4.25 6.84 10.18 6.92 3.80 7.07GSK.L -5.28 6.74 -0.27 14.17 6.45 15.17


Agents Average WealthStandard Deviation(Yearly Performance)

Company Name

Old Reward Strategy

New Reward Strategy

Buy and Hold

Old Reward Strategy

New Reward Strategy

Buy and Hold

HMSO.L 15.97 19.97 15.19 13.73 10.40 23.24HSBA.L 0.51 8.96 -0.60 7.43 6.90 15.94ICI.L 12.27 18.00 12.16 21.06 14.74 57.84III.L 2.73 14.09 -1.82 22.74 12.59 38.93IMT.L 2.52 6.84 12.47 17.98 12.03 16.28IPR.L 10.90 21.90 10.12 19.07 19.07 43.66ITV.L -4.13 10.70 -5.22 24.11 17.47 62.86JMAT.L 4.41 15.61 10.31 22.14 13.76 23.38KEL.L 11.69 15.88 18.43 14.53 11.79 12.83KGF.L -6.08 9.22 -19.68 11.33 12.11 37.07LAND.L -4.73 15.70 7.16 19.74 11.09 19.82LGEN.L 1.64 17.50 -4.78 11.94 13.42 32.62LII.L 6.53 15.91 13.67 18.68 13.28 21.20LLOY.L -7.59 7.83 -8.30 10.50 6.89 27.98LMI.L 12.88 31.68 29.38 45.84 34.16 54.78LSE.L 22.14 29.59 25.64 42.77 47.11 70.99MKS.L 2.40 14.90 9.73 29.98 11.46 39.30MRW.L 1.41 15.74 4.59 19.35 12.45 29.71NXT.L -2.17 3.71 -8.73 19.44 8.01 31.42OML.L -1.01 13.82 0.81 19.79 14.52 32.80PRU.L -4.68 8.78 -2.13 15.30 9.25 30.63PSN.L 4.85 20.63 2.13 11.64 21.37 41.44PSON.L -6.52 10.01 -4.58 17.33 8.87 25.03PUB.L 8.74 20.17 1.92 16.56 12.96 41.50RB.L 3.13 11.14 15.61 10.67 6.12 13.41RBS.L -3.99 3.39 -9.41 5.82 4.67 23.97REL.L -2.95 8.90 -1.20 7.67 7.49 14.93REX.L -0.99 10.38 -1.75 11.72 9.09 17.66RIO.L 12.16 15.64 25.12 37.24 26.82 44.72RR.L 7.69 22.83 19.61 44.90 42.83 58.63RSA.L -4.72 16.15 -13.72 24.22 17.14 49.57RTO.L -6.11 6.90 -19.19 9.70 7.68 20.90RTR.L 15.57 12.98 1.10 40.24 29.92 101.20SAB.L 9.34 15.58 13.29 24.31 14.46 28.46SBRY.L 0.69 14.39 -3.39 33.05 21.70 43.32SCTN.L 6.90 12.91 5.51 13.49 6.20 27.03SDR.L 4.80 18.32 7.33 18.49 11.86 30.72SDRC.L 6.17 15.40 5.81 20.09 10.95 27.29SGE.L -2.11 10.57 -1.19 19.47 12.04 37.26SHP.L 9.45 20.46 11.25 18.26 13.10 28.61SMIN.L 5.55 14.68 2.68 7.74 6.75 17.73


Agents Average WealthStandard Deviation(Yearly Performance)

Company Name

Old Reward Strategy

New Reward Strategy

Buy and Hold

Old Reward Strategy

New Reward Strategy

Buy and Hold

SSE.L 12.67 14.78 13.86 16.16 15.59 16.96STAN.L 3.66 14.21 17.23 8.09 6.16 6.36SVT.L -3.64 17.20 4.06 14.53 27.92 17.27TATE.L 7.49 18.64 6.45 28.39 16.68 34.97TLW.L 19.43 26.11 45.68 27.10 25.90 34.52TSCO.L 10.52 15.08 7.58 17.47 12.22 25.93TT.L 4.37 20.04 12.99 21.95 15.36 20.51TW.L 8.76 21.76 6.98 17.67 14.49 24.51ULVR.L 0.21 7.59 4.94 10.84 5.52 10.80UU.L 1.03 9.57 1.68 7.65 7.06 12.53VOD.L 3.79 17.14 2.23 15.16 15.48 10.12WOS.L 4.72 13.83 -4.46 17.82 13.72 43.48WPP.L -0.94 10.75 -5.18 10.78 11.37 36.87XTA.L 35.08 30.84 50.60 8.58 10.26 10.55Average 4.18 15.17 5.71 18.36 14.10 30.12

Table12: Comparative results for 90 FTSE 100 companies with delayed reward

strategy for single step reward only RL. Observations:

1) The new delayed reward strategy gave 263% better performance than old

reward strategy.

2) The new delayed reward strategy was also able to beat Buy and hold strategy

by 166%.

3) In new reward strategy 88 of 90 companies showed better performance than

old reward giving strategy.

4) In new reward strategy 79 of 90 companies (i.e. 88% companies) showed

better performance than benchmark buy and hold strategy.

5) The Standard Deviation (risk) for new reward strategy is 23% less than

standard deviation for the old reward strategy.

6) Standard Deviation (risk) for new reward strategy is 53% less than standard

deviation of buy and hold strategy.


Let’s take few examples to illustrate this

Company : DSGI

Figure7: DSGI Price Chart

The price of DSGI has fluctuated a lot from January 2002 to July 2008. With previous

approach of immediate reward feedback the very next day, agents gave an average

performance of -8.29% annually.

Figure8: DSGI, Wealth Chart of agents with old reward strategy

Please note few important things from the agent performance with old reward


1) The wealth of the agents nearly follows the same pattern as that of stock price.

This has been the characteristics of almost all the FTSE 100 Stock. So when

the price of stock rises, agent’s wealth also rises and when there price falls,

agent’s wealth also fall. This confirms our initial remark that classifiers are not

able to learn the prediction value corresponding to a particular technical

indicator binary input properly.

2) None of the agent is able to predict the fall in the price of stock during January

2007 to July 2008.


Figure9: DSGI, Agent’s performance with new delayed reward giving strategy.

Points to note for new reward strategy-:

1) With new approach the average performance of Meta Agents rose from -8.29%

to 9.85% annually.

2) All the agents were able to predict the fall in stock price from January 2007 to

July 2008 and all of them perform better than buy and hold strategy. When

Agents predicts fall in the stock price they simply sell the stock and keep the

money in bank. Straight lines in the above graph correspond to such behavior.

Note similar behavior of another stock LAND.L

Figure10: LAND, Price Chart


Figure11: LAND, Meta Agents wealth chart with old reward strategy.

Figure12: LAND, Meta Agents wealth chart with new delayed reward strategy.

The average performance of Meta Agents rose from -4.73% to 15.69% annually.

4.4.3 Experimental Results for all 3 learning algorithm with new

delayed reward strategy

We also experimented with all 3 learning methodology, single step RL, multi step Q

and Q(λ) with the optimum parameters found above.

Average Agents WealthStandard Deviation(Yearly Performance)

Company Name

Only Reward RL Q - RL

Q(λ) RL B&H

Only Reward RL Q – RL

Q(λ) RL B&H

AAL.L 17.09 15.27 13.84 15.59 24.27 25.11 15.95 27.75ABF.L 14.18 13.42 11.42 8.86 5.33 4.93 4.89 12.43AL.L 12.35 11.22 11.21 -8.70 6.56 6.29 10.61 27.20AMEC.L 28.08 27.63 19.01 25.38 19.06 20.34 15.65 14.27ANTO.L 38.09 38.15 25.14 38.24 18.17 18.01 25.75 22.76AV.L 11.94 11.56 6.04 -3.89 12.65 13.47 12.48 32.71AZN.L 4.86 4.07 5.69 -10.41 4.65 3.42 5.42 28.56


Average Agents Wealth Standard Deviation

Company Name

Only Reward RL Q - RL

Q(λ) RL B&H

Only Reward RL Q – RL

Q(λ) RL B&H

BARC.L 10.68 10.71 5.77 -2.84 8.29 8.05 11.79 26.22BATS.L 17.35 16.32 16.68 19.36 11.82 11.72 12.04 23.95BAY.L 16.15 15.51 11.98 -0.16 21.51 20.53 20.29 71.39BB.L 10.79 10.26 9.40 -2.27 16.65 16.44 21.57 29.69BDEV.L 17.87 18.52 13.90 -3.12 22.94 22.90 17.69 49.03BG.L 28.79 28.19 26.73 23.99 20.04 19.09 14.61 33.90BLND.L 24.04 22.53 17.81 10.08 12.78 13.34 12.33 36.32BLT.L 19.07 18.45 18.29 25.42 22.72 21.67 23.45 29.08BP.L 5.06 4.85 4.05 -3.17 7.95 8.31 7.15 23.55BSY.L 9.75 8.25 8.82 -6.82 7.18 7.86 7.96 12.06BT-A.L 8.35 8.63 9.76 3.29 9.54 9.30 9.79 19.75CBRY.L 6.66 5.18 8.06 2.73 3.64 3.13 7.48 19.23CCL.L 5.02 4.97 0.49 -11.51 5.88 6.50 3.63 11.31CNE.L 25.80 23.86 17.11 33.23 15.18 15.42 16.55 32.01CPG.L 10.14 8.89 10.44 0.03 8.47 7.95 5.30 26.28CPI.L 20.33 19.03 15.40 9.16 6.17 7.41 9.56 27.68CPW.L 34.83 31.92 26.27 22.81 33.87 34.80 26.22 44.18CW.L 24.50 24.84 20.59 -10.42 39.80 42.66 39.31 46.82DGE.L 9.47 8.72 8.34 1.85 5.94 5.25 4.95 15.41DMGT.L 7.12 6.44 1.99 -11.00 7.81 7.48 9.89 33.12DSGI.L 11.18 9.92 8.92 -17.08 11.40 11.37 13.25 39.54FGP.L 20.05 19.45 18.22 9.59 14.51 14.83 14.85 28.19FP.L 19.62 18.91 14.63 1.27 11.70 11.62 16.32 26.16FTSE100 7.43 6.29 4.25 10.18 4.24 4.48 5.10 7.07GSK.L 6.77 5.92 6.30 -0.27 6.77 6.29 9.32 15.17HBOS.L 9.27 7.61 6.12 -8.61 14.48 14.01 7.45 30.35HMSO.L 21.38 20.96 18.84 15.19 9.54 9.83 8.06 23.24HSBA.L 9.20 9.13 7.94 -0.60 7.29 7.28 10.32 15.94ICI.L 17.77 17.06 17.21 12.16 14.66 14.87 12.99 57.84III.L 14.10 13.78 13.45 -1.82 14.39 14.92 13.34 38.93IMT.L 8.73 7.17 9.17 12.47 10.44 12.17 11.87 16.28IPR.L 22.81 22.62 22.27 10.12 20.25 20.51 11.84 43.66ITV.L 10.96 11.10 7.31 -5.22 16.98 17.71 12.67 62.86JMAT.L 16.39 16.02 12.30 10.31 14.05 14.93 10.83 23.38KEL.L 16.69 14.92 13.60 18.43 11.62 11.75 8.80 12.83KGF.L 9.97 8.41 7.59 -19.68 12.43 10.96 9.58 37.07LAND.L 15.84 13.33 9.88 7.16 11.30 11.27 10.93 19.82LGEN.L 19.96 17.45 19.52 -4.78 14.02 14.36 16.31 32.62LII.L 16.20 15.74 10.68 13.67 13.36 13.17 10.41 21.20LLOY.L 8.46 7.45 4.27 -8.30 7.40 6.22 6.12 27.98LMI.L 31.98 33.05 21.30 29.38 34.56 36.34 24.94 54.78LSE.L 30.04 30.81 26.37 25.64 47.90 48.63 45.66 70.99


Average Agents Wealth Standard Deviation

Company Name

Only Reward RL Q - RL

Q(λ) RL B&H

Only Reward RL Q – RL

Q(λ) RL B&H

MRW.L 16.55 15.47 14.29 4.59 13.16 13.09 12.59 29.71NXT.L 4.26 3.07 2.55 -8.73 7.87 8.02 7.09 31.42OML.L 13.88 13.06 11.95 0.81 15.61 18.25 12.55 32.80PRU.L 8.92 8.93 11.71 -2.13 9.53 9.03 13.02 30.63PSN.L 21.37 19.40 14.07 2.13 21.93 20.89 17.61 41.44PSON.L 9.75 9.70 7.20 -4.58 9.69 9.70 7.82 25.03PUB.L 21.51 19.67 14.74 1.92 13.09 12.10 13.10 41.50RB.L 12.24 10.50 11.17 15.61 5.94 6.33 6.86 13.41RBS.L 3.90 3.48 0.33 -9.41 4.39 5.59 8.65 23.97REL.L 9.23 8.98 6.86 -1.20 7.37 7.69 6.91 14.93REX.L 10.86 9.72 9.61 -1.75 9.11 8.84 7.87 17.66RIO.L 15.47 14.86 7.54 25.12 26.36 25.93 16.25 44.72RR.L 23.22 22.12 12.98 19.61 43.26 43.18 45.13 58.63RSA.L 17.30 17.04 6.66 -13.72 17.11 19.17 20.43 49.57RTO.L 8.02 6.72 1.56 -19.19 8.29 7.79 6.05 20.90RTR.L 14.07 13.00 11.78 1.10 31.27 31.54 29.89 11.20SAB.L 16.28 15.23 14.48 13.29 14.10 15.19 13.98 28.46SBRY.L 14.73 13.36 14.30 -3.39 22.73 22.32 15.45 43.32SCTN.L 13.23 11.57 8.56 5.51 6.21 6.09 9.53 27.03SDR.L 20.07 18.38 15.78 7.33 11.23 11.65 11.45 30.72SDRC.L 15.47 14.28 13.35 5.81 11.24 10.58 10.71 27.29SGE.L 11.61 10.29 10.22 -1.19 12.56 11.83 16.87 37.26SHP.L 20.30 19.02 9.09 11.25 13.39 14.15 10.85 28.61SMIN.L 14.90 13.93 7.26 2.68 6.97 6.86 7.74 17.73SN.L 12.10 11.40 9.41 7.00 6.36 7.57 9.43 16.24SSE.L 15.65 14.11 16.03 13.86 16.17 16.57 13.70 16.96STAN.L 16.68 14.80 15.29 17.23 7.48 6.22 9.75 6.36SVT.L 17.69 17.30 15.75 4.06 27.83 27.18 27.82 17.27TATE.L 19.97 19.44 16.90 6.45 17.57 18.75 18.35 34.97TLW.L 27.16 24.93 22.86 45.68 26.25 25.73 18.88 34.52TSCO.L 15.00 13.39 12.43 7.58 13.39 11.87 14.27 25.93TT.L 22.23 20.46 19.01 12.99 15.63 16.02 11.39 20.51TW.L 21.61 21.18 18.60 6.98 13.61 12.32 12.46 24.51ULVR.L 7.97 7.63 6.76 4.94 5.68 5.83 7.87 10.80UU.L 9.98 9.29 8.05 1.68 6.61 6.73 7.32 12.53VOD.L 17.23 16.19 12.98 2.23 16.12 16.15 14.73 10.12WOS.L 14.56 13.54 12.66 -4.46 13.52 12.94 14.39 43.48WPP.L 11.25 10.11 9.40 -5.18 11.09 11.89 10.96 36.87XTA.L 33.38 34.12 24.41 50.60 9.19 7.63 13.02 10.55Average 15.83 14.93 12.44 5.71 14.32 14.38 13.74 29.90

Table13: Results of 90 FTSE100 Companies for different RL with new delayed reward strategy.

50 Observations

1) All 3 learning methodology were able to beat buy and hold strategy. Single

step RL gave 177% better performance,1step Q learning gave 161% better

performance and Q (λ) gave 117% better performance than buy and hold


2) Both Q learning and Q (λ) performance was less than Single step reward only


3) Standard Deviation (risk) for all three learning algorithm was less than buy and

hold strategy. Single step RL showed 52% less standard deviation, 1step Q

learning showed 52% less standard deviation and Q (λ) showed 54% less

standard deviation.

4.4.4 Fault in Q (1) learning

With our initial assumption that market behavior on different days is co-

related, we expected multi step Q learning to perform better than single step reward

only RL. However the results were contrary. We found that the reason for this was that

currently for any wrong action XCS just gave a reward of zero and didn’t penalizes

classifier by giving negative reward. Let say for example on a given day XCS can take

two actions either sell or buy. It took action sell which turns out to be wrong. We

expect the prediction of such classifier with incorrect action, sell to go down.

However, in old XCS version for Q (1) RL, with wrong action it will just be given

zero reward. Due to this prediction will still go up because of update equation.

Here, even if r is zero, Q(s, a) will increase because of γ max Q(St+1,a) .

We found this approach wrong. To tackle this, either of the below mentioned two

things could be done-:

1) If a classifier takes wrong action, give negative reward. The amount of

negative reward that should be given is another optimization problem and need

careful consideration.



2) After the creation of match set [M] we find which action is winner say 01

(Buy). Make two sets:

a) One action set containing all the classifiers who have won (already being


b) Second a “Passive set” containing all the classifiers who have lost i.e. there

action was not taken.

Union of action set and passive set makes match set. In case wrong decision is taken

instead of penalizing classifiers in action set (as suggested in point 1), we will give a

reward of 1000 to the passive set. This approach makes sense, since if instead of

action 01(buy), action 00 (sell) would have been taken then that would have been

correct and Passive set classifier would have been rewarded. By working this way we

avoid the necessity of giving negative reward.

4.4.5 Experimentation with passive Set Finding optimum parameters

We again started with finding optimum parameters as has been done before.

For single step reward only RL and Q learning, exploration rate of 0.5 gave best

results on small set of companies and for Q (λ) exploration rate of 0.2 gave best


Trace decay of 0.2 gave best results for Q (λ). For details of experimental results

please see appendix. Discount rate was taken as 0.95.

Comparative Results for FTSE 100 companies using Passive Set.

Average Agents Wealth Standard Deviation(Yearly Returns)

Company Name

Only Reward RL

Q - RL

Q(λ) RL B&H

Only Reward RL

Q - RL

Q(λ) RL B&H

AAL.L 15.27 22.79 7.44 15.59 28.06 16.65 10.48 27.75ABF.L 5.62 19.46 2.79 8.86 16.62 4.99 8.01 12.43AL.L -9.25 -1.28 -2.19 -8.70 27.40 19.47 7.28 27.20AMEC.L 22.28 26.25 9.55 25.38 13.63 20.78 8.01 14.27ANTO.L 37.24 46.00 17.03 38.24 24.00 21.38 12.46 22.76AV.L 7.56 19.94 2.14 -3.89 22.88 11.92 1.42 32.71AZN.L -6.72 6.07 1.70 -10.41 24.28 13.56 1.76 28.56BA.L 25.88 27.05 1.52 6.14 31.07 26.50 7.05 49.12


Average Agents Wealth Standard Deviation(Yearly Returns)

Company Name

Only Reward RL

Q - RL

Q(λ) RL B&H

Only Reward RL

Q - RL

Q(λ) RL B&H

BARC.L -6.02 9.07 -0.66 -2.84 25.09 13.64 4.70 26.22BATS.L 17.53 16.59 11.80 19.36 26.22 17.62 16.34 23.95BAY.L 12.15 21.95 1.65 -0.16 50.48 40.30 14.00 71.39BB.L -0.33 10.91 1.34 -2.27 30.38 24.97 10.54 29.69BDEV.L -9.93 18.86 4.67 -3.12 45.29 34.08 9.72 49.03BG.L 25.62 26.44 19.02 23.99 32.03 17.42 21.87 33.90BLND.L 9.15 22.72 9.15 10.08 36.99 19.07 14.71 36.32BP.L -2.81 11.68 1.07 -3.17 23.11 10.75 2.30 23.55BSY.L -4.89 0.80 1.09 -6.82 9.97 10.40 2.07 12.06BT-A.L 13.05 7.24 5.05 12.73 8.85 2.13 9.62 9.41CBRY.L 6.59 13.57 0.97 2.73 13.84 8.78 4.43 19.23CCL.L 2.87 4.16 -1.08 -11.51 23.65 17.28 3.32 11.31CNE.L 31.49 55.29 14.15 33.23 28.61 31.39 17.00 32.01CPG.L -1.63 10.79 1.49 0.03 25.83 14.22 2.50 26.28CPI.L 20.43 21.26 8.25 9.16 12.73 23.39 7.96 27.68CPW.L 20.33 39.82 4.12 22.81 45.57 31.63 6.64 44.18CW.L -4.13 23.41 1.60 -10.42 42.92 21.98 2.34 46.82DGE.L 8.59 7.62 1.18 1.85 7.99 8.41 2.79 15.41DMGT.L -3.76 10.97 -0.99 -11.00 28.93 13.76 3.92 33.12DSGI.L -16.43 4.18 1.35 -17.08 38.95 36.13 2.06 39.54FGP.L 9.86 23.75 4.38 9.59 27.88 20.84 14.72 28.19FP.L -2.97 16.76 2.87 1.27 24.29 21.76 5.04 26.16FTSE100 8.89 13.62 6.54 10.18 5.38 1.52 4.00 7.07GSK.L -0.38 7.13 1.99 -0.27 15.12 9.53 2.57 15.17HBOS.L -8.12 -2.53 0.44 -8.61 30.24 28.51 5.62 30.35HMSO.L 15.46 31.64 6.98 15.19 23.20 10.40 10.50 23.24HSBA.L 1.89 11.04 0.57 -0.60 14.06 9.11 2.74 15.94ICI.L 14.28 29.75 5.84 12.16 56.23 43.43 7.65 57.84III.L -0.58 8.99 0.82 -1.82 37.76 22.56 4.44 38.93IMT.L 10.93 16.87 6.29 12.47 18.33 9.29 15.59 16.28IPR.L 10.38 27.14 3.56 10.12 43.30 26.16 4.79 43.66ITV.L -8.10 13.53 1.31 -5.22 64.57 37.60 5.51 62.86JMAT.L 12.21 18.25 3.67 10.31 19.77 19.57 8.07 23.38KEL.L 17.41 22.78 9.60 18.43 14.20 9.99 9.48 12.83KGF.L -21.21 7.72 -1.44 -19.68 37.13 18.94 3.84 37.07LAND.L 6.87 13.96 9.42 7.16 19.24 17.00 12.65 19.82LGEN.L 1.24 16.24 1.26 -4.78 26.20 18.53 2.87 32.62LII.L 11.44 15.95 8.05 13.67 21.69 19.81 8.67 21.20LLOY.L -5.85 5.00 1.70 -8.30 25.23 17.84 1.88 27.98LMI.L 30.80 42.58 16.92 29.38 52.19 40.04 38.49 54.78LSE.L 26.59 41.10 11.51 25.64 70.70 54.46 40.46 70.99MKS.L 4.20 26.07 4.16 9.73 39.27 21.21 7.74 39.30


Average Agents WealthStandard Deviation(Yearly Returns)

Company Name

Only Reward RL

Q - RL

Q(λ) RL B&H

Only Reward RL

Q - RL

Q(λ) RL B&H

MRW.L 3.49 23.24 -0.93 4.59 30.40 16.00 11.61 29.71NXT.L 8.35 20.11 -3.70 6.58 20.85 16.82 2.81 22.65OML.L -0.91 10.95 2.35 0.81 34.08 27.85 7.10 32.80PRU.L 2.24 8.83 0.73 -2.13 25.58 13.30 2.73 30.63PSN.L 3.13 20.42 6.02 2.13 41.57 34.67 27.42 41.44PSON.L -0.45 10.56 2.07 -4.58 17.94 12.54 1.62 25.03RB.L 13.67 15.69 8.84 15.61 15.22 9.35 14.29 13.41RBS.L -8.33 9.05 -0.11 -9.41 23.42 14.36 3.06 23.97REL.L -0.90 7.80 0.95 -1.20 14.22 7.01 2.09 14.93REX.L 2.38 10.40 -2.26 -1.75 13.56 8.84 4.91 17.66RIO.L 25.74 23.63 15.40 25.12 44.08 24.78 29.35 44.72RR.L 15.84 30.62 18.57 19.61 48.63 43.65 37.32 58.63RSA.L -5.13 26.67 2.26 -13.72 41.76 30.89 0.77 49.57RTO.L -16.96 3.09 2.34 -19.19 19.17 11.87 0.44 20.90RTR.L 12.96 35.36 2.46 1.10 98.71 68.67 0.31 101.20SAB.L 14.30 19.88 6.90 13.29 27.43 20.66 12.39 28.46SCTN.L 3.62 12.47 3.07 5.51 29.14 12.50 3.38 27.03SDR.L 7.55 28.15 1.94 7.33 30.07 19.67 6.94 30.72SDRC.L 6.91 20.72 2.90 5.81 25.37 11.80 8.07 27.29SGE.L 2.77 13.86 0.32 -1.19 33.72 26.07 6.82 37.26SHP.L 9.51 24.09 2.55 11.25 30.36 13.21 6.46 28.61SMIN.L 2.23 9.51 0.10 2.68 18.30 14.00 3.90 17.73SN.L 6.35 12.45 1.09 7.00 16.68 12.96 5.56 16.24SSE.L 13.55 14.66 8.67 13.86 17.29 13.32 13.99 16.96STAN.L 13.69 21.17 7.89 17.23 9.18 6.30 3.90 6.36SVT.L 5.96 14.64 6.79 4.06 17.19 11.14 13.80 17.27TATE.L 6.36 12.12 0.48 6.45 35.11 23.20 12.87 34.97TLW.L 45.04 50.41 20.11 45.68 35.34 26.77 20.44 34.52TSCO.L 10.47 16.57 5.91 7.58 22.54 17.16 6.86 25.93TT.L 13.27 31.91 4.30 12.99 20.52 22.54 10.21 20.51TW.L 10.88 21.77 3.74 6.98 29.94 14.30 10.64 24.51ULVR.L 4.93 14.03 -1.92 4.94 10.76 7.99 6.05 10.80UU.L 1.35 12.56 0.95 1.68 12.70 11.39 3.39 12.53VOD.L 0.45 11.38 2.41 2.23 11.27 12.60 4.05 10.12WOS.L -3.54 14.68 2.00 -4.46 42.99 26.64 23.17 43.48WPP.L -3.34 15.48 1.16 -5.18 34.88 21.38 2.82 36.87XTA.L 48.56 48.03 34.26 50.60 13.55 18.67 16.51 10.55Average 7.22 18.70 4.73 5.98 28.41 19.84 9.28 29.90

Table 14: Comparative Results for FTSE 100 companies using Passive Set.


Average Agents Wealth Standard Deviation

Learning Type

Only Reward RL Q RL

Q(λ) RL B&H

Only Reward RL Q RL

Q(λ) RL B&H

Active Set 15.83 14.93 12.44 5.71 14.32 14.38 13.74 29.90Passive Set 7.22 18.70 4.73 5.71 28.41 19.84 9.28 29.90Optimization 15.83 18.70 12.44 5.71 14.32 19.84 13.74 29.90Table15: Comparison with Only active set and with additional passive set approach Observations for Passive set.

1) As expected the performance of Q learning increases from 14.93% to 18.70%.

However, performance decreases for reward only learning RL and Q (λ)

learning. The reason for this is not very clear.

2) Multi step Q learning is better than single step RL for 62 of 90 FTSE 100


3) Standard Deviation (risk) for Only Reward RL with active set is 28% less the

standard deviation for Q, RL.

4) Q learning with passive set approach was found to be best on performance

criteria. It gave 18% better than only reward RL. So for further portfolio

management only reward RL was used without passive set and Q learning was

used with passive set approach.

Combined Results single step RL without passive set and multi step Q with

passive set.

Average Agents Wealth Standard Deviation

Company Name

Only Reward RL Q RL B&H

Only Reward RL Q RL B&H

AAL.L 17.09 22.79 15.59 24.27 16.65 27.75ABF.L 14.18 19.46 8.86 5.33 4.99 12.43AL.L 12.35 -1.28 -8.70 6.56 19.47 27.20AMEC.L 28.08 26.25 25.38 19.06 20.78 14.27ANTO.L 38.09 46.00 38.24 18.17 21.38 22.76AV.L 11.94 19.94 -3.89 12.65 11.92 32.71AZN.L 4.86 6.07 -10.41 4.65 13.56 28.56BA.L 26.57 27.05 6.14 25.11 26.50 49.12BARC.L 10.68 9.07 -2.84 8.29 13.64 26.22


Average Agents Wealth Standard Deviation

Company Name

Only Reward RL Q RL B&H

Only Reward RL Q RL B&H

BATS.L 17.35 16.59 19.36 11.82 17.62 23.95BAY.L 16.15 21.95 -0.16 21.51 40.30 71.39BB.L 10.79 10.91 -2.27 16.65 24.97 29.69BDEV.L 17.87 18.86 -3.12 22.94 34.08 49.03BG.L 28.79 26.44 23.99 20.04 17.42 33.90BLT.L 19.07 33.19 25.42 22.72 24.16 29.08BP.L 5.06 11.68 -3.17 7.95 10.75 23.55BSY.L 9.75 0.80 -6.82 7.18 10.40 12.06BT-A.L 8.35 7.24 12.73 9.54 2.13 9.41CBRY.L 6.66 13.57 2.73 3.64 8.78 19.23CCL.L 5.02 4.16 -11.51 5.88 17.28 11.31CNE.L 25.80 55.29 33.23 15.18 31.39 32.01CPG.L 10.14 10.79 0.03 8.47 14.22 26.28CPI.L 20.33 21.26 9.16 6.17 23.39 27.68CPW.L 34.83 39.82 22.81 33.87 31.63 44.18CW.L 24.50 23.41 -10.42 39.80 21.98 46.82DGE.L 9.47 7.62 1.85 5.94 8.41 15.41DMGT.L 7.12 10.97 -11.00 7.81 13.76 33.12DSGI.L 11.18 4.18 -17.08 11.40 36.13 39.54FGP.L 20.05 23.75 9.59 14.51 20.84 28.19FP.L 19.62 16.76 1.27 11.70 21.76 26.16FTSE100 7.43 13.62 10.18 4.24 1.52 7.07GSK.L 6.77 7.13 -0.27 6.77 9.53 15.17HBOS.L 9.27 -2.53 -8.61 14.48 28.51 30.35HMSO.L 21.38 31.64 15.19 9.54 10.40 23.24HSBA.L 9.20 11.04 -0.60 7.29 9.11 15.94ICI.L 17.77 29.75 12.16 14.66 43.43 57.84III.L 14.10 8.99 -1.82 14.39 22.56 38.93IMT.L 8.73 16.87 12.47 10.44 9.29 16.28IPR.L 22.81 27.14 10.12 20.25 26.16 43.66ITV.L 10.96 13.53 -5.22 16.98 37.60 62.86JMAT.L 16.39 18.25 10.31 14.05 19.57 23.38KEL.L 16.69 22.78 18.43 11.62 9.99 12.83KGF.L 9.97 7.72 -19.68 12.43 18.94 37.07LAND.L 15.84 13.96 7.16 11.30 17.00 19.82LGEN.L 19.96 16.24 -4.78 14.02 18.53 32.62LII.L 16.20 15.95 13.67 13.36 19.81 21.20LLOY.L 8.46 5.00 -8.30 7.40 17.84 27.98LMI.L 31.98 42.58 29.38 34.56 40.04 54.78LSE.L 30.04 41.10 25.64 47.90 54.46 70.99MKS.L 15.71 26.07 9.73 12.68 21.21 39.30


Average Agents Wealth Standard Deviation

Company Name

Only Reward RL Q RL B&H

Only Reward RL Q RL B&H

MRW.L 16.55 23.24 4.59 13.16 16.00 29.71NXT.L 4.26 20.11 6.58 7.87 16.82 22.65OML.L 13.88 10.95 0.81 15.61 27.85 32.80PRU.L 8.92 8.83 -2.13 9.53 13.30 30.63PSN.L 21.37 20.42 2.13 21.93 34.67 41.44PUB.L 21.51 31.28 1.92 13.09 12.90 41.50RB.L 12.24 15.69 15.61 5.94 9.35 13.41RBS.L 3.90 9.05 -9.41 4.39 14.36 23.97REL.L 9.23 7.80 -1.20 7.37 7.01 14.93REX.L 10.86 10.40 -1.75 9.11 8.84 17.66RIO.L 15.47 23.63 25.12 26.36 24.78 44.72RR.L 23.22 30.62 19.61 43.26 43.65 58.63RSA.L 17.30 26.67 -13.72 17.11 30.89 49.57RTO.L 8.02 3.09 -19.19 8.29 11.87 20.90RTR.L 14.07 35.36 1.10 31.27 68.67 101.20SAB.L 16.28 19.88 13.29 14.10 20.66 28.46SBRY.L 14.73 10.77 -3.39 22.73 32.55 43.32SCTN.L 13.23 12.47 5.51 6.21 12.50 27.03SDR.L 20.07 28.15 7.33 11.23 19.67 30.72SDRC.L 15.47 20.72 5.81 11.24 11.80 27.29SGE.L 11.61 13.86 -1.19 12.56 26.07 37.26SHP.L 20.30 24.09 11.25 13.39 13.21 28.61SMIN.L 14.90 9.51 2.68 6.97 14.00 17.73SN.L 12.10 12.45 7.00 6.36 12.96 16.24SSE.L 15.65 14.66 13.86 16.17 13.32 16.96STAN.L 16.68 21.17 17.23 7.48 6.30 6.36SVT.L 17.69 14.64 4.06 27.83 11.14 17.27TATE.L 19.97 12.12 6.45 17.57 23.20 34.97TLW.L 27.16 50.41 45.68 26.25 26.77 34.52TSCO.L 15.00 16.57 7.58 13.39 17.16 25.93TT.L 22.23 31.91 12.99 15.63 22.54 20.51TW.L 21.61 21.77 6.98 13.61 14.30 24.51ULVR.L 7.97 14.03 4.94 5.68 7.99 10.80UU.L 9.98 12.56 1.68 6.61 11.39 12.53VOD.L 17.23 11.38 2.23 16.12 12.60 10.12WOS.L 14.56 14.68 -4.46 13.52 26.64 43.48WPP.L 11.25 15.48 -5.18 11.09 21.38 36.87XTA.L 33.38 48.03 50.60 9.19 18.67 10.55Average 15.83 18.70 5.71 14.32 19.84 29.90Table16: Combined Results single step RL without Passive set and multi step Q

Learning with passive set


Chapter 5

5 Implementation &


OptimizationMost of the discussion till this point, concentrated on the learning of the XCS

System and therefore we concentrated on cumulative average performance of all the

agents. We haven’t looked and used the performance capabilities of single best agents.

The agents vary in the type of technical indicators they used to formulate the problem

and find the underlying price pattern. Due to this they give good performance for

certain stock and bad performance for others. Also, the performance of agents may

vary according to whether the stock is in trending period or in trading period. In

trending period we expect the combination of lagging indicators like moving average

to perform better. In trading periods such indicators will not perform better and

combinations of leading technical indicators like oscillators, Stochastic or CMF are

expected to perform much better. However, please note while designing the agents we

have tried to make them robust so that they give best performance on a variety of


Aim of Portfolio management in XCS is to harness the profit making

capabilities of individual agents. We aim to build a subsystem which interact with

existing eXtended Classifier System and do monthly or quarterly portfolio rebalancing

and optimization. In this system all the agents will trade. According to some

performance measure (either maximum return or maximum sterling ratio for last

period) we will see which agent has done best in the last period (month or quarter) and

accordingly we will use that agent to trade for the next period (month or quarter). In


further sections we have explored different strategies like 'taking best 3 or best 5

agents to do the trading','taking top best companies in the portfolio' and 'mean reversal


5.1 ImplementationFor portfolio management we used all 14 set of agents as described in technical

analysis section. We needed certain criteria on the basis of which we can judge the

performance of the individual agents. The performance measures used were -:

1) Percentage Return from last period- In this we simply find which agents

have given us maximum percentage return in the last period (month or quarter)

and use that agent to trade for next period.

2) Sterling ratio: It is a risk adjusted return measurement. It is calculated as

Sterling ratio = Average Return for the period


Maximum draw down for that period

Unlike, Sharpe ratio, sterling ratio penalizes volatility only in downward


For portfolio performance measurement also, average return from 20 runs, as

has been described before is used to gauge the performance of different stocks.

Experiments were conducted on 56 FTSE 100 companies (Please note, we wish to do

monthly or quarterly rebalancing of portfolio for which it was essential to have same

starting date of trading for different stocks. Out of 90 FTSE 100 Companies, only 56

company’s data was available from Year 2000 onwards. So, we used only these 56

companies in our portfolio construction and rebalancing). Experiments were

conducted on both single step reward only RL and Q learning methodology with the

optimum parameters as found before.


5.2 Portfolio Performance:To measure the overall risk adjusted performance of the portfolio, Sharpe ratio

is used. Sharpe ratio was developed by Nobel laureate William F. Sharpe and is

calculated by subtracting the risk-free rate such as that of the10-year U.S. Treasury

bond (we took standard 5% for this) from the rate of return for a portfolio and dividing

the result by the standard deviation of the portfolio returns.

Sharpe Ratio = Rp – Rf




Rp = Expected Portfolio return (annual),

Rf = Risk Free rate (annual)

σp = Portfolio standard deviation

A higher Sharpe ratio describes how much extra return we can receive for the extra

volatility(risk) endured.

While doing monthly portfolio rebalancing modified form of Sharpe ratio formula is


Here, r is monthly portfolio return, f is the monthly risk free rate (taken as 0.42%) and

σr is monthly standard deviation in returns.


5.3 ResultsResult for one company for which monthly portfolio rebalancing and optimization is


Transaction Date Total Wealth

Best Agent Trading

5/2/2002 99889.28 Agent16/6/2002 100109.27 Agent47/8/2002 100329.74 Agent18/7/2002 98222.54 Agent19/9/2002 99350.09 Agent610/9/2002 106272.98 Agent711/8/2002 129037.14 Agent1212/10/2002 126184.09 Agent141/14/2003 126461.98 Agent42/13/2003 131545.70 Agent43/17/2003 129894.77 Agent14/16/2003 130836.95 Agent145/21/2003 115670.29 Agent26/23/2003 115202.85 Agent14

Table17: Portfolio Optimization using single best Agent

Please note how different agents were used to trade for a particular month

depending on there performance for last month. For the first month, May 2002 Agent

1 was chosen as default for trading. For second month June 2002, we compared the

performance of all 14 agents for the first month May and found that agent4 gave the

best results. We further used this agent to do the trading for second month, June 2002

and so on.


Portfolio Management Results –

Figure13: Portfolio Management Results

62 Observations: Portfolio Management results.

1) In initial system in which an average agent is trading with no portfolio

rebalancing or optimization at any time, annual return is 21.82%. In the new

system for which best agent is selected according to maximum return or

maximum sterling ratio for the last period and monthly or quarterly portfolio

re-balancing was done, performance of the system didn’t show much


2) Sharpe ratio also didn’t show much of the improvement in comparison to the

initial system.

3) For Portfolio which uses Q learning methodology, similar observations were

noted. Analysis and Comments on Portfolio Management System

While creating different agents we used combination of technical indicator in

such a way that they should show good performance on majority of stocks. We used

combination of both leading (oscillators) and lagging (moving average and moving

volume) indicators while designing Agents. Due to this the agents created were pretty

robust and doesn’t necessarily capture the movement of only leading or lagging range.

Also, different agents didn’t have remarkable difference in the performance. Due to

this portfolio using best agents was showing an average performance.

It should also be noted that the best agent for the last period might not be the

best agent for the next period. We expect that if Agents are solely designed to capture

either trending (only lagging indicators combination used) or trading market (only

leading indicators are used), then they have the capability to show much higher return

on the portfolio.


5.3.2 Change of Portfolio construction Strategy

We also noted that the best agent for the last period might not be the best agent

for the next quarter and using solely that agent for trading is not the best idea. Possible

remedy for this is that for the last traded period we find the best 3 or best 5 agents and

then let them trade for the next period. It’s like not keeping all your eggs in one

basket. Also, by using more than one best agent to do the trading, we are making the

system more robust. We expect such system to perform much better. We further

experimented by selecting best 3 or best 5 agents for the last trading period and using

them for next period.

Portfolio using Q learning showed better results than portfolio using single

step RL. However, trend in the results for both was similar. We further restrict

ourselves to experimenting only with 1 step reward only Reinforcement Learning. An

example showing Monthly Portfolio management Using Best 3 agents

Sr.NoTransaction Date

Total Wealth Best Agents Name

1 5/2/2002 356275.2 Agent1-Agent2-Agent3-2 6/6/2002 348550.4 Agent14-Agent13-Agent3-3 7/8/2002 347118.5 Agent7-Agent14-Agent8-4 8/7/2002 345733 Agent12-Agent13-Agent9-5 9/9/2002 360158.9 Agent3-Agent1-Agent8-6 10/9/2002 354231.6 Agent10-Agent11-Agent6-7 11/8/2002 348939.4 Agent14-Agent7-Agent1-8 12/10/2002 348692.1 Agent14-Agent6-Agent4-9 1/14/2003 349808.9 Agent12-Agent3-Agent10-10 2/13/2003 354686.5 Agent10-Agent4-Agent9-11 3/17/2003 366920.4 Agent3-Agent2-Agent11-12 4/16/2003 367894 Agent2-Agent8-Agent3-

Table18: Monthly Portfolio management Using Best 3 agents

For first month (May 2002) default Agent1, Agent2 and Agent 3 were used to

trade on all the portfolio stocks. Each agent was given 10k to trade. After first month

we just find out which 3 agents gave us the best performance in term of maximum

return or maximum sterling ratio. Such 3 agents (Agent14, Agent13 and Agent3) were

further used for the second month (June) trading. The accumulated portfolio wealth

after first month (May) was equally distributed among these 3 agents for the second

month (June).

64 Results of Portfolio Management using more than 1 Agent

Monthly Portfolio RB, Criteria Maximum Return1Best Agent 3 Best Agents 5 Best AgentsRET% VOL SR RET% VOL SR RET% VOL SR

Portfolio 23.32 12.38 1.48 22.90 12.52 1.43 22.55 12.26 1.43Table19: Monthly Portfolio Rebalancing using different Number of Best Agents

Portfolio using more than 1 best agent is also giving nearly the same performance as a

portfolio with single best agent. As has been explained earlier, the agents were

designed to perform on majority of stocks and though agents use different set of

technical indicators, they have similar performance. Due to this even after taking

different number of agents we are getting nearly same percentage return. However,

taking more number of agents in our portfolio makes it more robust which can be seen

by the drop in volatility of the portfolio by 3 % when best 3 agents were taken.

5.4 Experimentation with Portfolio Management

taking few best companies in the PortfolioTill now we have experimented with portfolio management using all the

companies available to us. However, in real scenario a person can not afford to have

stocks of all FTSE 100 companies. He may just want to have stocks of best 10

companies in his portfolio. We build of a Portfolio management system (PMS),

which can learn online and have only few companies in it say 5 or 10 or 20. The

procedure followed is similar to what we did before while creating portfolio with all

companies. Lets illustrate the steps followed for building portfolio management

system with best 5 companies in it and re-balancing it quarterly.

Best 5 Companies

Sr.NbrPortfolio Wealth Companies in Portfolio Performance

1 49706.78 SCTN-ABF-BATS-AL-RB -0.592 49964.53 UU-VOD-AV-BG-BATS 0.523 51077.29 CPI-REX-DGE-SMIN-AAL 2.234 60423.27 SN-IPR-AAL-BAY-RSA 18.305 61973.84 RSA-IPR-LGEN-TSCO-RTR 2.576 63422.65 BA-BLT-PRU-OML-RTO 2.34

Table 20: Portfolio Management System with quarterly re-balancing taking best 5



5.4.1 Steps Followed

1) For the first Quarter randomly pick any 5 companies from FTSE 100 stocks. These companies are shown in blue. During this time XCS System keeps tracks of the performance of all the stocks.

2) At the end of first Quarter, PMS checks among all FTSE 100 companies, which 5 companies gave the best performance. It further re-balances and optimizes the portfolio with these 5 companies. The criteria used for checking the performance of companies was either maximum return or maximum sterling ratio from the last Quarter.

3) The process is repeated after each quarter.

5.4.2 Results

We experimented with the Portfolio Management System using either best 5 or best 10

or best 20 companies.







































5 Companies 10 companies 20 companies

Monthly Max SterlingQuarterly Max Sterling

Figure14: Portfolio management using either best 5 or best 10 or best 20 companies.

Here the performance criteria used to judge the performance of companies is

maximum sterling ratio for the last period.

5.4.3 Observation:

1) By taking more companies in the portfolio, risk (volatility) decreases and risk adjusted return i.e. Sharpe ratio increases. This shows that as you take more number of companies in the portfolio, it becomes more robust and less risky.


2) Quarterly portfolio optimization showed better performance results than monthly portfolio optimization. This shows that it is not beneficial to short term react to the market dynamics.

3) It is easily identifiable that by taking more number of companies in the portfolio we are taking less risk. However, if we take more companies in the portfolio there is no particular trend in the performance of portfolio.

5.4.4 Experimentation with Mean Reversal Strategy

According to Investopedia

“The mean reversion strategy is based on the mathematical premise that all prices

will eventually move back towards the mean or average return. Thus, if a stock is

underperforming, its price will move towards its average value when the market


This strategy main idea is to incorporate under performing stocks in the

portfolio in the hope that trend reversal will take place in price movement and they

will become profitable.

Here, we followed the similar steps as described in section 5.4.1 except that

instead of including best performing 5 or 10 or 20 companies, we include the worst

performing 5 or 10 or 20 companies of last quarter. Results






































5 Companies 10 companies 20 companies

Monthly Least SterlingQuarterly Least Sterling

Figure15: Portfolio Management System using trend reversal strategy.


Here also, the performance criteria used to judge companies is sterling ratio for

last period. Observations

1) As more companies are taken in the portfolio, it became more robust. Risk (Volatility) has shown a steady decreases and Sharpe ratio (risk adjusted return) a steady increase for both monthly and quarterly re-balancing.

2) A riskier portfolio has potential to give more percentage return. By taking more companies in our portfolio the risk is getting reduced and so does the percentage return. Portfolio management is all about how much extra risk we are ready to endure for that extra amount of returns.







































5 Companies 10 companies 20 companies

Quarterly RB Normal StrategyQuarterly RB Trend reversal

Figure16: Comparison mean reversal strategy with normal strategy.

3) The normal strategy of taking best companies showed better performance than mean reversal strategy. The trading period used for the experiments is 6 years and this shows that in long run trend reversal strategy doesn’t work. I believe market follows trends of ups and down. It’s important to identify these trends. When market is in steady uptrend or steady downtrend, normal strategy of taking best companies will work best. However, in time of ups and downs, trend reversal might perform best. Conclusively we can say in the long run normal strategy of taking best companies is our best bet for maximum profit making, rather than mean reversal strategy.

* For details of the results please see the appendix.


Chapter 6

6 Conclusion & Future Work

6.1 Conclusion We started the project with the aim of improving the learning of the XCS

system for financial trading purpose. We began with creation and experimentation of

large set of technical indicators and used heuristic to optimize the problem formulation

which was then used to provide input to the XCS System. In the process, we

developed a set of 14 agents using different set of technical indicators whose

performance was far better than the agents which were previously getting used in the

XCS System. For future we expect that by utilizing more expert knowledge in

technical analysis we could further improve on this area. Next, we formulated

financial forecasting as a multi step Reinforcement Learning problem by

implementing Q learning and Q (λ) learning. During the implementation of this new

approach we find it necessary that if agents take a wrong decision we should either

penalize all agents (by giving negative reward) in the action set or reward the

complementary passive set (union of action and passive set is the initial match set).

We also found that the learning of the classifiers was improper with the old strategy

that judged the correctness of action taken solely on the basis of next days price

movement. For this we used the concept of delayed reward feedback in which reward

was delayed by 5 days and the reward judgment was done on the basis of moving

average of next 5 days closing prices. In the initial version of system we found that the

cumulative performance of agents for 90 FTSE 100 companies wasn’t able to beat the

buy and hold strategy. After implementing the above mentioned algorithm and

strategy, we found that the cumulative performance of all 90 FTSE 100 companies

was able to beat buy and hold strategy by nearly 160 %. We were able to confirm that

learning is proper in our new system. We were also able to prove that market does


follow short trends and it is better to formulate financial forecasting as a multi step

problem rather than a single step problem. Q learning gave 18% better performance

than single step reward only RL.

Finally, we built a portfolio management system attached to modified XCS

system which did monthly, quarterly or yearly portfolio rebalancing by using

predictive capability of best agent at a particular time. As performance measure to find

the best agent, we used maximum reward or sterling ratio for the last period. We found

that the performance of such a system is equal to the average performance of all 14

agents. This confirms the view point that reaction to market behavior doesn’t

necessarily generate better results. We also employed strategy of “using combination

of best agents”to optimize the portfolio. However, results of using this strategy didn’t

show much improvement over the existing portfolio management system. Finally, we

built a portfolio using best few companies(5 or 10 or 15) in it. We found that such

portfolio gives far better performance in comparison to the portfolio containing all the

companies. We also employed mean reversal strategy on this portfolio. However, we

observed that normal strategy of taking best companies showed better performance

than mean reversal strategy. There are many things which can be improved in the

current system. They have been mentioned in the future work.


6.2 Future WorkFollowing are the key areas which can be explored further to improve the modified

eXtended Classifier System -:

1) We believe after the amendments made to the learning of the XCS System, It is

learning properly and efficiently. However, currently XCS System is able to

use only the rise in the stock prices and when it predicts drop in prices, it

simply sell the company's shares and put the money in bank. The performance

can further be improved by implementing Shorting. Short selling or

"Shorting" is the practice of selling securities the seller does not own, in the

hope of repurchasing them later at a lower price. This is done in an attempt to

profit from an expected fall or decline in price of a security,

2) We believe the better we define the input binary string, the better XCS system

can perform. Work done on the combination of technical indicator can serve as

starting point for future work. The main questions that need to be tackled are -:

a) What other combinations of technical indicators can be used?

b) How many of the technical indicators should be combined for giving

input to XCS system.

3) Portfolio management system can be made more robust by including different

optimization strategies like low beta portfolio or high beta portfolio.

4) It is not very clear why passive set approach didn't work with single step

reinforcement learning and Q(λ) learning. The reason for this could be

researched over.

5) Currently XCS is used to do stock trading and portfolio management system

which is attached to XCS simply uses some heuristic to optimize the portfolio.

It would be very interesting to explore how XCS itself could be used for

optimizing the portfolio.


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8 Appendix

8.1 Technical indicators calculation.1) SAR :

Tomorrow's SAR value is built using data available today. The general formula used for this is:

Where SARn and SARn + 1 represent today's and tomorrow's SAR values

The extreme point, EP, is a record kept during each trend that represents the highest value reached by the price during the current uptrend. The α value represents the acceleration factor. Usually, this is set to a value of 0.02 initially. This factor is increased by 0.02 each time a new EP is recorded. To keep it from getting too large, a maximum value for the acceleration factor is normally set at 0.20, so that it never goes beyond that. The SAR is recursively calculated in this manner for each new period. There are, however, two special cases that will modify the SAR value:

• If tomorrow's SAR value lies within (or beyond) today's or yesterday's price range, the SAR must be set to the closest price bound. For example, if in an uptrend, the new SAR value is calculated and it results to be greater than today's or yesterday's lowest price, the SAR must be set equal to that lower boundary.

• If tomorrow's SAR value lies within (or beyond) tomorrow's price range, a new trend direction is then signaled, and the SAR must "switch sides."

Upon a trend switch, several things happen. The first SAR value for this new trend is set to the last EP recorded on the previous trend. The EP is then reset accordingly to this period's maximum. The acceleration factor is reset to its initial value of 0.02[18].

2) Accumulation Distribution Line: Popular volume indicator. Basic idea is that volume precedes price. First we find “Close location value”(CLV) which shows value of close, relative to the range of the period.

CLV = ((C - L) –(H - C)/(H - L))

Accumulation distribution Line = Σ (CLV * Volume for a period)

3) Commodity Channel Index :4 Steps involved:

a) Calculate Typical price(TP) = (H + L + C)/3

b) Calculate 20 days simple moving average of typical price


c) Calculate the mean deviation

d) CCI = (Typical Price - SMATP)/(0.015 * Mean Deviation)

4) Chaikin Money Flow(CMF)CMF = cumulative total of Accumulation Distribution Value for 21 periods

divided by cumulative total of volume for 21 periods.

5) Money Flow IndexTypical price(TP) = (H + L + C)/3

Money Flow = (Typical Price * Volume)

For past 14 days find

Money Ratio = Cummulative Positive Money Flow /

Cummulative Negative Money flow

Money Flow Index = 100 – (100 / 1+ Money Ratio)

6) On balance Volume(OBV)If todays price is greater than yesterday price

OBV = Yesterdays OBV + Todays Volume

Else if todays closing price is less than yesterday price

OBV = Yesterdays OBV - Todays Volume


OBV = Yesterdays OBV

7) Percentage Volume Oscillator(PVO)PVO = (Shorter EMA of Volume – Longer EMA of Volume)/ Longer EMA of

Volume * 100

8) Relative Strength Index(RSI)RSI = 100 – 100/(1 + RS)

RS = Average Gain / Average Loss

Average Gain = [(Previous Average Gain)* 13 + current Gain]/14

First Average Gain = Total of Gains during past 14 periods / 14

Average Loss = [(Previous Average Loss)* 13 + current Loss]/14

First Average Loss = Total of Losses during past 14 periods / 14


9) Stochastic Oscillator

10) Williams % R%R = [(highest high over 14 periods - close)/(highest high over 14 periods - lowest

low over 14 periods)] * -100


8.2 FTSE 100 Companies DetailsTraining + Trading


S.NbrCompany Code Company Name From To

1 AAL.L ANGLO AMERICAN 5/17/2000 4/29/20082 ABF.L A.B. FOOD 5/16/2000 4/29/20083 AL.L ALLIANCE TRUST 5/16/2000 4/29/20084 AMEC.L AMEC ORD 6/19/2001 4/29/20085 ANTO.L ANTOFAGSTA 1/5/2000 4/29/20086 AV.L AVIVA 5/16/2000 4/29/20087 AZN.L ASTRASENECA 5/17/2000 4/29/20088 BA.L BAR Systems 5/16/2000 4/29/20089 BARC.L BARCLAYS 5/16/2000 4/29/2008

10 BATS.L BR. AMER.TOB 5/16/2000 4/29/200811 BAY.L BR. AIRWAYS 5/16/2000 4/29/200812 BB.L BB 12/6/2000 4/29/200813 BDEV.L BARRATT DEVEL 6/19/2001 4/29/200814 BG.L BG GRP 5/16/2000 4/29/200815 BLND.L BR. LAND 5/16/2000 4/29/200816 BLT.L BHP BILLITON 5/16/2000 4/29/200817 BP.L BP 5/16/2000 4/29/200818 BSY.L BSKYB 5/16/2000 4/29/200819 BT-A.L BT GROUP 11/12/2001 4/29/200820 CBRY.L CADBURY-SCH 5/16/2000 4/29/200821 CCL.L CARNIVAL 4/23/2003 4/29/200822 CNE.L CAIRN ENERGY 2/21/2003 4/29/200823 CPG.L COMPASS GROUP 2/6/2001 4/29/200824 CPI.L CAPITA GROUP 5/16/2000 4/29/200825 CPW.L CARPHONE WARE 7/17/2000 4/29/200826 CW.L CABLE AND WIRE 1/5/2000 4/29/200827 DGE.L DIAGEO 5/16/2000 4/29/200828 DMGT.L DAILY MAIL'A' 5/16/2000 4/29/200829 DSGI.L DSG INTL 1/5/2000 4/29/200830 FGP.L FIRST GROUP 5/16/2000 4/29/200831 FP.L FRIENDS PROV 7/10/2001 4/29/200832 FTSE100 FTSE INDEX 3/11/2003 4/29/200833 GSK.L GLAXOSMITHKLINE 12/28/2000 4/29/200834 HBOS.L HBOS 9/11/2001 4/29/200835 HMSO.L HAMMERSON 1/5/2000 4/29/200836 HSBA.L HSBC HLDGS UK 5/16/2000 4/29/200837 ICI.L ICI 5/16/2000 4/29/200838 III.L 3 I Grp 5/16/2000 4/29/200839 IMT.L IMP. TOBACCO GRP 5/16/2000 4/29/200840 IPR.L INTL POWER 5/16/2000 4/29/200841 ITV.L ITV 1/5/2000 4/29/200842 JMAT.L JOHNSON,MATTH 5/16/2000 4/29/200843 KEL.L KELDA GROUP 5/16/2000 4/29/200844 KGF.L KINGFISHER 7/8/2003 4/29/2008


Training + Trading Period.

S.NbrCompany Code Company Name From To

45 LAND.L LAND SECS 9/9/2002 4/29/200846 LGEN.L LEGAL AND GEN 5/16/2000 4/29/200847 LII.L LIBERTY INTL 1/5/2000 4/29/200848 LLOY.L LLOYDS TSB GRP 5/16/2000 4/29/200849 LMI.L LONMIN 2/26/2002 4/29/200850 LSE.L LON.STK.EXCH 7/24/2001 4/29/200851 MKS.L MARKS AND SP. 3/20/2002 4/29/200852 MRW.L MORRISON(WM) 5/16/2000 4/29/200853 NXT.L NEXT 11/26/2002 4/29/200854 OML.L OLD MUTUAL 5/16/2000 4/29/200855 PRU.L PRUDENTIAL 5/16/2000 4/29/200856 PSN.L PERSIMMON 9/25/2001 4/29/200857 PSON.L PERSON 5/16/2000 4/29/200858 PUB.L PUNCH TVNS 5/24/2002 4/29/200859 RB.L RECKITT BEN GP. 5/16/2000 4/29/200860 RBS.L RECKITT BEN. GP 5/16/2000 4/29/200861 REL.L REED ELSEVIER 5/16/2000 4/29/200862 REX.L REXAM 5/16/2000 4/29/200863 RIO.L RIO TINTO 1/5/2000 4/29/200864 RR.L ROLLS-ROYCE 6/24/2003 4/29/200865 RSA.L ROYAL AND SUNN ALL. 5/16/2000 4/29/200866 RTO.L RENTOKIL INITL 5/16/2000 4/29/200867 RTR.L REUTERS GRP 5/16/2000 4/29/200868 SAB.L SABMILLER 5/16/2000 4/29/200869 SBRY.L SAINSBURY 5/16/2000 4/29/200870 SCTN.L SCOTTISH&NEWCASTLE 5/16/2000 4/29/200871 SDR.L SCHRODERS 1/5/2000 4/29/200872 SDRC.L SCHRODERS NV 1/5/2000 4/29/200873 SGE.L SAGE GRP 5/16/2000 4/29/200874 SHP.L SHIRE 5/16/2000 4/29/200875 SMIN.L SMITHS GROUP 5/16/2000 4/29/200876 SN.L SMITH&NEPHEW 5/16/2000 4/29/200877 SSE.L SCOT. AND STH.ENRGY 5/16/2000 4/29/200878 STAN.L STAND.CHART 1/22/2001 4/29/200879 SVT.L SEVERN TRENT 5/16/2000 4/29/200880 TATE.L TATE & LYLE 5/16/2000 4/29/200881 TLW.L TULLOW OIL 12/19/2000 4/29/200882 TSCO.L TESCO 5/16/2000 4/29/200883 TT.L TUI TRAVEL 1/5/2000 4/29/200884 TW.L TAYLOR WIMPEY 12/19/2000 4/29/200885 ULVR.L UNIVELVER 5/16/2000 4/29/200886 UU.L UTD UTILITIES 5/16/2000 4/29/200887 VOD.L VODAFONE GRP. 5/17/2000 4/29/200888 WOS.L WOLSELEY 5/16/2000 4/29/200889 WPP.L WPP GRP 5/16/2000 4/29/200890 XTA.L XSTRATA 3/21/2002 4/29/2008

Table21: 90, FTSE 100 Companies


8.3 Setting parameters for Passive Set.Setting Exploration rateReward Only Learning 0.5 0.2 B&HAAL.L 15.54611 15.60947 15.59329HSBA.L 2.082694 1.903172 -0.60372ICI.L 14.27386 13.486 12.1563MKS.L 4.446728 4.082051 9.730154MRW.L 3.307717 4.16874 4.593169NXT.L 8.187518 7.798162 6.575918OML.L -1.06169 -1.78683 0.805047RR.L 15.53187 15.85369 19.60784Average 7.789352 7.639307 8.557249Q Learning

0.5 0.2 B&HAAL.L 21.45264 20.78705 15.59329HSBA.L 11.34646 11.56546 -0.60372ICI.L 29.76451 28.95684 12.1563MKS.L 23.82818 25.23381 9.730154MRW.L 23.47143 22.91625 4.593169NXT.L 20.38398 18.9197 6.575918OML.L 10.6473 9.8369 0.805047RR.L 32.08418 30.20801 19.60784Average 21.62233 21.053 8.557249Q(λ) Learning

0.5 0.2 0.02 B&HAAL.L 6.746205 9.001104 3.096389 15.59329HSBA.L -0.09619 0.411505 1.010946 -0.60372ICI.L 7.725501 6.210549 6.078729 12.1563MKS.L 8.96266 8.009718 4.437538 9.730154MRW.L -2.20793 -2.18329 -0.32745 4.593169NXT.L -4.61885 -4.63048 -2.55267 6.575918OML.L 3.289822 2.829204 2.37 0.805047RR.L 9.335978 12.02342 18.13777 19.60784Average 3.642148 3.958965 4.031406 8.557249

Setting trace DecayQ(λ) Learning 0.8 0.5 0.2 B&HAAL.L 9.001104 6.379423 7.036763 15.59329HSBA.L 0.411505 0.703608 0.359937 -0.60372ICI.L 6.210549 7.17197 6.469978 12.1563MKS.L 8.009718 4.027111 3.425882 9.730154MRW.L -2.18329 -0.66926 -1.49622 4.593169NXT.L -4.63048 -4.18156 -2.6183 6.575918OML.L 2.829204 1.474072 1.948605 0.805047RR.L 12.02342 14.21432 20.37181 19.60784Average 3.958965 3.63996 4.437307 8.557249

Table 22 Setting parameters for passive set.


8.4 Portfolio Management Results

8.4.1 Reward Only Learning

Company Name

Before -No portfolio Rebalancing Criteria- Max Return Criteria -Max Sterling RatioAverage Agent Buy and Hold

Monthly Portfolio RB

Quarterly Portfolio RB

Monthly Portfolio RB

Quarterly Portfolio RB


AAL.L 31.62 24.27 24.59 27.75 33.99 20.69 0.80 27.75 21.71 0.66 41.53 20.64 0.92 21.67 16.74 0.66ABF.L 19.47 5.33 11.32 12.43 23.64 10.30 1.06 22.56 8.69 1.21 16.41 10.34 0.72 23.58 8.41 1.30AL.L 14.80 6.56 -6.69 27.20 23.76 11.78 0.94 18.01 10.14 0.83 14.09 9.68 0.63 16.23 9.25 0.80AV.L 15.54 12.65 -2.62 32.71 20.76 13.49 0.74 20.69 12.23 0.82 13.70 11.37 0.53 15.91 12.39 0.61

AZN.L 4.88 4.65 -6.46 28.56 2.71 6.64-0.3

3 3.93 4.52-0.2

7 4.06 5.84-0.1

9 4.50 4.46-0.1

6BA.L 47.48 25.11 6.01 49.12 53.59 18.61 1.18 48.45 17.20 1.20 42.16 16.85 1.10 51.60 19.88 1.11BARC.L 15.91 8.29 -2.49 26.22 19.66 9.18 0.98 14.31 7.95 0.78 17.26 9.13 0.85 17.36 7.74 1.02BATS.L 26.87 11.82 31.71 23.95 27.43 11.33 1.11 23.69 9.93 1.12 28.14 10.94 1.17 23.60 10.44 1.07BAY.L 25.69 21.51 -0.54 71.39 25.19 16.74 0.74 27.58 17.13 0.80 24.68 16.61 0.74 21.02 19.39 0.57BG.L 63.01 20.04 53.13 33.90 51.98 14.06 1.48 59.37 15.17 1.54 45.54 13.43 1.41 66.32 14.12 1.75BLND.L 45.33 12.78 10.23 36.32 48.85 13.30 1.49 36.38 14.81 1.12 46.76 12.46 1.54 41.57 13.36 1.36BLT.L 38.42 22.72 57.65 29.08 39.30 19.81 0.91 45.91 17.32 1.15 32.21 17.80 0.86 52.32 15.44 1.39BP.L 8.63 7.95 -0.30 23.55 6.13 7.91 0.09 7.23 7.01 0.22 6.42 7.66 0.12 6.03 6.74 0.09BSY.L 11.76 7.18 -5.78 12.06 9.40 8.06 0.38 12.45 8.43 0.61 12.22 8.38 0.59 8.13 7.87 0.29CBRY.L 7.83 3.64 3.43 19.23 13.53 7.61 0.74 11.45 4.56 0.94 9.42 7.67 0.40 9.97 4.82 0.69CPI.L 33.37 6.17 10.77 27.68 37.14 9.43 1.69 36.38 10.17 1.58 41.02 9.67 1.78 43.97 12.03 1.56DGE.L 11.21 5.94 1.98 15.41 9.89 6.30 0.52 10.20 7.70 0.48 10.04 6.79 0.50 7.70 7.59 0.25DMGT.L 7.09 7.81 -7.53 33.12 5.27 7.45 0.15 4.26 6.83 0.05 5.06 5.66 0.14 5.77 7.35 0.26FGP.L 33.32 14.51 14.30 28.19 34.16 10.45 1.44 40.04 11.74 1.49 29.87 10.08 1.33 28.02 11.37 1.15HSBA.L 12.16 7.29 1.62 15.94 11.06 5.39 0.74 10.56 4.64 0.80 10.04 4.65 0.71 8.37 4.42 0.51ICI.L 34.84 14.66 16.51 57.84 45.20 16.80 1.19 29.93 13.44 1.11 39.28 16.28 1.11 26.68 11.86 1.13III.L 22.22 14.39 -0.04 38.93 22.90 11.17 0.96 25.52 12.10 1.00 18.48 9.76 0.87 16.56 11.30 0.69IMT.L 10.92 10.44 19.48 16.28 11.87 11.67 0.43 9.64 9.78 0.35 9.72 11.35 0.32 11.12 8.99 0.48IPR.L 41.74 20.25 17.70 43.66 52.14 17.22 1.23 36.54 18.47 0.93 48.21 17.50 1.16 48.25 19.79 1.06


JMAT.L 26.40 14.05 14.62 23.38 31.19 9.94 1.40 28.17 11.00 1.19 26.45 9.81 1.23 27.44 10.88 1.18KEL.L 24.83 11.62 29.32 12.83 23.04 9.04 1.19 25.45 10.97 1.16 28.49 8.62 1.51 26.14 11.45 1.14LGEN.L 29.50 14.02 -3.67 32.62 29.96 12.51 1.10 36.92 11.22 1.46 27.44 12.48 1.02 39.43 13.35 1.31LLOY.L 11.70 7.40 -6.31 27.98 11.65 9.67 0.48 10.30 6.46 0.56 12.22 9.39 0.53 12.02 8.01 0.60MRW.L 27.52 13.16 6.00 29.71 28.82 14.04 0.96 23.43 11.60 0.96 32.37 13.93 1.06 22.86 14.06 0.79OML.L 21.59 15.61 3.43 32.80 26.66 14.06 0.90 27.73 14.51 0.92 19.12 13.25 0.69 27.57 13.74 0.96PRU.L 11.98 9.53 -0.66 30.63 11.60 9.42 0.49 23.02 9.47 1.14 12.05 8.61 0.56 14.64 9.67 0.68PSON.L 12.23 9.69 -4.51 25.03 17.98 8.87 0.92 11.78 8.90 0.54 11.32 9.17 0.48 11.62 7.69 0.60RB.L 15.24 5.94 25.89 13.41 24.77 9.32 1.21 16.25 8.13 0.90 18.87 8.76 0.98 13.81 6.97 0.84

RBS.L 5.19 4.39 -6.88 23.97 6.07 8.42 0.08 6.68 6.99 0.16 4.60 8.18-0.0

6 6.93 7.20 0.19REL.L 11.53 7.37 -0.84 14.93 9.17 7.38 0.39 10.59 7.16 0.54 9.46 6.77 0.45 11.10 7.53 0.56REX.L 13.79 9.11 -1.05 17.66 15.98 9.49 0.75 21.38 9.93 1.01 7.99 6.26 0.32 17.51 10.15 0.80RSA.L 31.08 17.11 -9.18 49.57 33.77 17.89 0.89 36.16 20.82 0.84 24.40 17.30 0.71 37.53 20.05 0.88RTO.L 8.90 8.29 -10.96 20.90 9.22 6.04 0.47 11.50 6.23 0.71 9.81 5.46 0.58 9.20 7.04 0.42RTR.L 21.78 31.27 2.05 101.20 25.98 17.75 0.72 28.68 15.04 0.92 17.32 17.58 0.50 23.09 13.80 0.81SAB.L 23.40 14.10 22.77 28.46 19.66 13.88 0.69 24.42 11.64 1.00 23.67 13.76 0.82 23.92 11.70 0.97SBRY.L 20.61 22.73 -1.18 43.32 22.08 11.19 0.92 19.74 13.36 0.72 20.76 10.12 0.95 22.08 13.02 0.82SCTN.L 16.53 6.21 7.08 27.03 19.23 11.71 0.77 13.07 9.39 0.60 17.05 9.20 0.83 14.80 9.75 0.68SGE.L 16.27 12.56 -0.48 37.26 13.76 9.55 0.62 14.08 7.12 0.85 15.55 8.38 0.81 11.07 7.72 0.55SHP.L 35.28 13.39 12.86 28.61 29.60 16.31 0.86 38.03 14.15 1.21 27.27 15.48 0.84 37.19 14.43 1.17SMIN.L 21.83 6.97 3.03 17.73 25.90 10.25 1.16 25.31 12.59 0.96 18.57 9.38 0.90 22.61 12.04 0.90SN.L 15.67 6.36 9.19 16.24 18.05 10.05 0.82 16.48 12.09 0.64 19.22 8.74 1.00 17.38 11.96 0.69SSE.L 22.75 16.17 17.42 16.96 24.11 11.50 0.98 25.80 15.28 0.83 22.96 10.94 0.98 21.94 13.66 0.78SVT.L 28.04 27.83 5.90 17.27 31.34 24.13 0.65 31.10 22.45 0.69 24.81 24.18 0.54 27.51 22.63 0.63TATE.L 35.11 17.57 8.15 34.97 34.45 12.06 1.27 42.23 16.52 1.13 37.12 12.48 1.30 41.33 15.78 1.16TSCO.L 20.94 13.39 11.61 25.93 21.59 11.14 0.91 17.68 13.45 0.64 21.61 10.52 0.95 17.38 13.58 0.62ULVR.L 10.83 5.68 6.01 10.80 7.57 9.13 0.21 10.78 7.13 0.56 7.36 8.26 0.20 10.55 6.44 0.59UU.L 13.73 6.61 2.97 12.53 18.43 9.21 0.91 20.44 10.28 0.94 16.47 9.06 0.81 18.03 9.74 0.86VOD.L 26.38 16.12 3.50 10.12 26.56 9.88 1.23 27.99 12.09 1.09 26.92 9.84 1.24 30.87 12.33 1.16WOS.L 19.70 13.52 -4.25 43.48 16.77 10.62 0.72 18.33 10.57 0.81 19.28 10.21 0.87 22.75 10.72 1.00WPP.L 15.95 11.09 -4.01 36.87 18.02 10.71 0.78 17.54 12.02 0.69 14.33 9.97 0.63 19.52 11.62 0.80Portfolio 21.82 11.77 7.01 13.88 23.32 12.38 1.48 22.98 11.98 1.50 21.11 11.59 1.39 22.47 13.42 1.30

Table 23: Reward Only Learning Portfolio Management Result


8.4.2 Q Learning Portfolio Management

Company Name

Before -No portfolio Rebalancing Criteria- Max Return Criteria -Max Sterling RatioAverage Agent Buy and Hold Monthly Portfolio RB

Quarterly Portfolio RB Monthly Portfolio RB

Quarterly Portfolio RB


AAL.L 41.78 16.65 24.59 27.75 55.29 18.98 1.18 61.43 15.59 1.53 55.44 18.98 1.18 51.51 15.37 1.39ABF.L 32.58 4.99 11.32 12.43 28.07 13.57 0.97 28.56 10.72 1.24 29.31 13.23 1.02 28.10 10.78 1.21

AL.L -1.15 19.47 -6.69 27.20 -1.49 18.53-0.2

7 -1.07 20.95-0.1

8 -1.74 18.62-0.2

8 -1.38 21.02 -0.20AV.L 33.25 11.92 -2.62 32.71 37.18 18.77 0.91 42.16 10.43 1.73 27.96 15.45 0.86 39.04 9.59 1.77AZN.L 8.98 13.56 -6.46 28.56 9.87 12.49 0.31 8.39 12.00 0.24 10.33 12.55 0.33 9.10 11.66 0.28BA.L 54.00 26.50 6.01 49.12 55.59 17.07 1.30 51.61 17.73 1.22 53.03 16.88 1.27 51.85 17.72 1.23BARC.L 10.84 13.64 -2.49 26.22 9.69 12.30 0.30 12.03 11.44 0.45 7.76 12.81 0.19 12.39 11.28 0.48BATS.L 26.72 17.62 31.71 23.95 30.34 14.78 0.96 26.85 13.73 0.94 27.71 14.80 0.89 28.06 13.66 0.98BAY.L 36.76 40.30 -0.54 71.39 38.12 24.24 0.77 41.94 32.35 0.68 36.82 23.42 0.77 46.89 32.68 0.72BG.L 59.91 17.42 53.13 33.90 59.02 14.07 1.60 58.05 12.35 1.83 53.50 14.09 1.50 60.17 12.73 1.82BLND.L 36.22 19.07 10.23 36.32 35.64 15.73 1.03 41.38 16.53 1.12 34.33 15.78 1.00 41.70 16.36 1.14BLT.L 87.19 24.16 57.65 29.08 77.74 21.18 1.30 95.86 17.88 1.74 70.87 21.40 1.23 93.35 17.68 1.73BP.L 21.00 10.75 -0.30 23.55 16.85 11.99 0.66 17.44 10.74 0.76 18.25 11.81 0.73 16.94 10.85 0.73

BSY.L 1.24 10.40 -5.78 12.06 2.88 13.46-0.1

0 3.54 14.18-0.0

5 5.30 12.63 0.04 2.65 14.29 -0.10CBRY.L 19.32 8.78 3.43 19.23 20.48 11.37 0.84 24.07 7.36 1.51 20.32 11.22 0.85 20.48 8.06 1.18CPI.L 35.66 23.39 10.77 27.68 41.57 12.54 1.41 29.61 16.32 0.88 40.29 13.24 1.31 30.22 16.32 0.89DGE.L 9.22 8.41 1.98 15.41 9.57 9.62 0.35 9.04 9.01 0.33 10.15 9.49 0.39 9.95 8.87 0.40DMGT.L 11.74 13.76 -7.53 33.12 11.22 21.78 0.37 11.55 21.28 0.41 11.68 21.75 0.39 12.07 21.21 0.43FGP.L 41.53 20.84 14.30 28.19 44.04 15.30 1.23 46.78 17.68 1.15 51.40 15.14 1.37 44.41 17.99 1.09HSBA.L 18.88 9.11 1.62 15.94 16.96 10.47 0.74 18.59 8.41 1.02 16.87 10.06 0.76 18.29 8.35 1.01ICI.L 59.90 43.43 16.51 57.84 62.30 25.36 1.02 59.55 21.33 1.19 54.13 25.39 0.94 56.69 21.68 1.14

III.L 10.87 22.56 -0.04 38.93 5.13 15.85 0.06 11.35 18.89 0.31 2.72 15.76-0.0

7 11.36 18.90 0.31IMT.L 32.71 9.29 19.48 16.28 35.55 11.69 1.34 27.67 9.45 1.35 33.14 11.70 1.27 26.30 9.35 1.31IPR.L 62.19 26.16 17.70 43.66 58.16 22.40 1.06 66.12 23.06 1.13 50.05 21.78 0.99 63.73 23.03 1.11JMAT.L 32.19 19.57 14.62 23.38 28.88 13.23 1.01 29.77 14.56 0.97 29.47 13.32 1.02 28.91 14.58 0.95KEL.L 40.13 9.99 29.32 12.83 36.80 11.85 1.38 38.81 10.34 1.74 35.50 11.86 1.34 39.25 10.33 1.75LGEN.L 25.98 18.53 -3.67 32.62 22.93 13.86 0.80 22.28 14.25 0.77 22.58 13.87 0.78 23.02 14.02 0.80


LLOY.L 5.22 17.84 -6.31 27.98 4.79 15.33 0.03 5.15 16.11 0.06 3.46 14.89-0.0

5 4.85 16.07 0.04MRW.L 47.09 16.00 6.00 29.71 43.66 17.68 1.07 44.68 19.19 1.04 45.89 17.86 1.10 41.39 19.06 0.99OML.L 16.76 27.85 3.43 32.80 15.89 20.13 0.43 14.86 21.72 0.39 12.45 20.64 0.33 15.70 21.17 0.42PRU.L 14.69 13.30 -0.66 30.63 19.37 15.33 0.63 18.58 14.02 0.66 18.37 15.41 0.59 21.00 13.55 0.76PSON.L 11.97 12.54 -4.51 25.03 11.51 14.46 0.35 10.77 11.59 0.38 13.45 14.19 0.44 12.19 12.50 0.43RB.L 24.70 9.35 25.89 13.41 23.19 10.80 1.00 27.90 10.73 1.21 25.43 10.75 1.09 25.89 11.01 1.11RBS.L 13.52 14.36 -6.88 23.97 15.19 14.09 0.51 13.37 12.62 0.49 15.12 14.13 0.51 14.58 12.60 0.54REL.L 9.92 7.01 -0.84 14.93 8.11 10.00 0.24 11.83 7.17 0.65 9.38 9.81 0.33 11.49 6.87 0.65REX.L 14.28 8.84 -1.05 17.66 15.48 12.15 0.59 12.09 10.56 0.49 13.44 11.97 0.50 11.67 10.67 0.46RSA.L 62.42 30.89 -9.18 49.57 76.86 21.51 1.28 64.14 25.04 1.04 67.17 20.92 1.21 55.83 24.56 0.97

RTO.L 3.76 11.87 -10.96 20.90 2.62 15.10-0.0

9 0.62 13.66-0.2

5 4.12 15.17 0.00 -0.43 13.12 -0.35RTR.L 94.09 68.67 2.05 101.20 72.00 26.92 1.03 82.92 26.44 1.14 73.52 27.02 1.03 90.07 33.27 0.98SAB.L 38.19 20.66 22.77 28.46 30.83 18.22 0.82 35.15 16.71 0.99 34.28 17.56 0.92 37.41 16.95 1.03SBRY.L 17.16 32.55 -1.18 43.32 14.56 17.51 0.42 13.08 20.97 0.35 18.99 17.47 0.56 12.53 21.06 0.33SCTN.L 18.49 12.50 7.08 27.03 16.27 13.83 0.56 20.30 10.91 0.88 17.40 13.72 0.61 18.89 11.08 0.81SGE.L 19.23 26.07 -0.48 37.26 21.52 14.60 0.72 18.50 14.17 0.64 21.44 14.38 0.72 23.72 15.06 0.78SHP.L 35.76 13.21 12.86 28.61 37.70 18.55 0.93 37.79 17.10 1.02 41.67 18.24 1.01 38.33 17.03 1.03SMIN.L 11.64 14.00 3.03 17.73 10.96 14.15 0.34 11.48 12.80 0.39 10.04 13.84 0.30 9.98 11.92 0.33SN.L 19.35 12.96 9.19 16.24 16.65 14.63 0.55 20.88 15.61 0.67 15.51 15.12 0.50 20.27 15.61 0.65SSE.L 21.09 13.32 17.42 16.96 24.42 12.17 0.94 21.26 14.30 0.73 24.66 12.20 0.95 21.14 14.20 0.73SVT.L 23.38 11.14 5.90 17.27 20.15 11.74 0.81 20.22 9.22 1.03 21.10 11.60 0.86 24.02 9.11 1.23TATE.L 18.94 23.20 8.15 34.97 18.48 22.27 0.47 15.40 27.34 0.37 15.60 22.54 0.40 14.75 27.45 0.35TSCO.L 24.71 17.16 11.61 25.93 25.00 11.97 0.98 27.24 13.16 0.99 23.09 12.79 0.86 24.45 12.24 0.96ULVR.L 20.42 7.99 6.01 10.80 23.38 11.48 0.95 20.50 10.48 0.93 21.42 11.74 0.86 19.32 10.63 0.86UU.L 15.87 11.39 2.97 12.53 16.58 10.00 0.75 16.71 10.70 0.73 16.03 10.14 0.71 15.95 10.69 0.69VOD.L 14.80 12.60 3.50 10.12 15.18 16.50 0.46 13.73 19.68 0.38 15.22 16.67 0.46 15.68 19.58 0.43WOS.L 19.45 26.64 -4.25 43.48 19.43 17.26 0.58 15.44 19.96 0.43 18.41 17.00 0.55 19.22 17.81 0.57WPP.L 23.56 21.38 -4.01 36.87 28.31 13.34 0.99 27.79 19.39 0.72 23.72 13.45 0.84 23.07 15.38 0.74Portfolio 27.46 19.85 7.01 13.88 27.21 19.19 1.16 27.74 20.52 1.11 26.32 17.98 1.19 27.42 20.10 1.12

Table 24: Q (1) Learning Portfolio Management Result


8.4.3 Different Number of Best Agents

Monthly Portfolio RB, Criteria Max Return 1Best Agent 3 Best Agents 5 Best AgentsCompany Name RET% VOL SR RET% VOL SR RET% VOL SRAAL.L 33.99 20.69 0.80 37.79 18.16 0.96 35.37 17.36 0.95ABF.L 23.64 10.30 1.06 22.77 9.73 1.08 21.94 9.80 1.03AL.L 23.76 11.78 0.94 14.29 10.88 0.58 14.08 10.79 0.58AV.L 20.76 13.49 0.74 16.22 13.35 0.58 15.16 12.28 0.57AZN.L 2.71 6.64 -0.33 3.91 6.58 -0.18 5.15 6.35 -0.02BA.L 53.59 18.61 1.18 55.66 16.93 1.31 60.27 16.42 1.41BARC.L 19.66 9.18 0.98 15.91 8.73 0.81 14.83 8.82 0.73BATS.L 27.43 11.33 1.11 29.48 11.14 1.20 28.49 10.75 1.21BAY.L 25.19 16.74 0.74 25.16 16.75 0.74 25.41 16.37 0.76BG.L 51.98 14.06 1.48 53.16 12.78 1.64 50.93 12.70 1.60BLND.L 48.85 13.30 1.49 45.48 12.49 1.51 46.44 12.27 1.55BLT.L 39.30 19.81 0.91 35.01 18.73 0.88 35.25 17.99 0.91BP.L 6.13 7.91 0.09 6.52 7.79 0.13 6.09 7.74 0.09BSY.L 9.40 8.06 0.38 11.80 7.62 0.60 10.75 7.73 0.51CBRY.L 13.53 7.61 0.74 10.02 7.25 0.47 9.50 7.26 0.42CPI.L 37.14 9.43 1.69 31.73 9.45 1.49 34.42 9.40 1.60DGE.L 9.89 6.30 0.52 9.16 5.89 0.47 10.03 5.78 0.58DMGT.L 5.27 7.45 0.15 5.91 6.25 0.27 8.65 8.31 0.51FGP.L 34.16 10.45 1.44 34.59 10.02 1.51 36.40 10.19 1.55HSBA.L 11.06 5.39 0.74 11.73 4.85 0.90 11.58 4.57 0.94ICI.L 45.20 16.80 1.19 41.71 15.21 1.23 34.44 14.48 1.12III.L 22.90 11.17 0.96 19.55 10.81 0.84 20.90 10.61 0.91IMT.L 11.87 11.67 0.43 12.02 10.33 0.48 12.67 9.72 0.54IPR.L 52.14 17.22 1.23 49.73 16.01 1.28 46.87 15.92 1.23JMAT.L 31.19 9.94 1.40 26.97 9.93 1.24 27.69 9.78 1.28KEL.L 23.04 9.04 1.19 26.41 8.80 1.39 27.32 8.71 1.44LGEN.L 29.96 12.51 1.10 36.55 11.50 1.39 36.06 11.10 1.42


LLOY.L 11.65 9.67 0.48 13.20 10.14 0.56 13.66 9.81 0.60MRW.L 28.82 14.04 0.96 28.21 12.98 1.01 27.88 12.97 1.00OML.L 26.66 14.06 0.90 26.91 12.47 1.00 23.33 11.67 0.94PRU.L 11.60 9.42 0.49 11.35 6.56 0.65 11.55 6.60 0.66PSON.L 17.98 8.87 0.92 14.43 7.27 0.84 13.25 6.93 0.78RB.L 24.77 9.32 1.21 19.32 7.90 1.10 17.83 7.70 1.03RBS.L 6.07 8.42 0.08 5.51 7.50 0.03 5.39 7.41 0.02REL.L 9.17 7.38 0.39 9.80 6.88 0.47 10.25 6.58 0.54REX.L 15.98 9.49 0.75 15.41 7.80 0.86 14.47 7.14 0.86RSA.L 33.77 17.89 0.89 35.75 16.90 0.98 29.37 16.90 0.84RTO.L 9.22 6.04 0.47 8.96 5.26 0.49 9.00 5.28 0.50RTR.L 25.98 17.75 0.72 22.97 17.07 0.67 23.45 17.20 0.68SAB.L 19.66 13.88 0.69 21.29 13.70 0.75 21.72 13.22 0.79SBRY.L 22.08 11.19 0.92 23.42 10.92 1.00 22.95 10.86 0.98SCTN.L 19.23 11.71 0.77 18.68 9.26 0.92 16.83 8.57 0.88SGE.L 13.76 9.55 0.62 14.79 8.02 0.79 14.80 7.93 0.80SHP.L 29.60 16.31 0.86 39.23 15.51 1.12 38.98 15.37 1.12SMIN.L 25.90 10.25 1.16 23.58 10.12 1.07 24.15 9.76 1.14SN.L 18.05 10.05 0.82 14.52 8.31 0.75 14.97 8.27 0.78SSE.L 24.11 11.50 0.98 23.63 11.24 0.98 23.31 11.07 0.98SVT.L 31.34 24.13 0.65 30.39 23.46 0.65 27.76 21.21 0.66TATE.L 34.45 12.06 1.27 37.41 12.28 1.33 37.11 12.17 1.33TSCO.L 21.59 11.14 0.91 21.56 10.18 0.98 21.75 9.43 1.06ULVR.L 7.57 9.13 0.21 10.09 8.74 0.41 10.64 8.04 0.48UU.L 18.43 9.21 0.91 15.77 8.37 0.83 15.26 8.18 0.81VOD.L 26.56 9.88 1.23 27.68 9.13 1.37 27.79 8.45 1.48WOS.L 16.77 10.62 0.72 18.83 10.29 0.84 19.13 10.18 0.87WPP.L 18.02 10.71 0.78 17.32 9.95 0.79 16.93 9.80 0.78Portfolio 23.32 12.38 1.48 22.90 12.52 1.43 22.55 12.26 1.43

Table 25: Portfolio Management using different Number of best agents.


8.4.4 Portfolio Construction using 10 best companies-with Quarterly optimization

10 companies

S.Nbr Portfolio Wealth Companies in Portfolio Performance



Figure26:Portfolio Construction with 10 best companies with quarterly optimization


8.4.5 Combined Results for Portfolio Management System taking less number of companies.

5 Companies 10 companies 20 companies

VolatilitySharpe Ratio PER Volatility

Sharpe Ratio PER Volatility

Sharpe Ratio PER

Monthly Max Sterling 8.77 1.03 20.03 7.71 1.38 22.56 5.84 1.92 24.10Quarterly Max Sterling 9.71 1.66 31.20 6.97 1.76 23.27 5.84 2.47 28.71Monthly Least Sterling 6.11 1.85 24.54 4.35 2.35 22.27 3.18 2.72 19.22Quarterly least Sterling 7.17 1.91 25.92 4.58 2.37 20.82 3.83 2.34 17.38

Monthly Max Reward 9.50 1.31 27.35 8.46 1.55 28.13 6.03 2.08 27.06Quarterly Max Reward 8.02 1.81 27.70 7.75 1.74 25.17 5.97 2.32 27.12Monthly Least Reward 5.69 1.47 18.73 4.51 2.09 20.75 3.38 2.29 17.50Quarterly Least Reward 5.98 2.25 25.66 4.62 2.56 22.67 3.77 2.68 19.43

Table 27: Combined Results for portfolio management taking less number of companies.