Automated Investor System

You’re About To Discover A Proven Step-By- Step System That Makes You A Fortune Buying And Selling Houses Using Other People’s Money… The real estate market has changed. It’s made a comeback and it’s strong! And right now – more than any other time in history – we’re perfectly positioned to profit.

Transcript of Automated Investor System

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You’re About To Discover A Proven Step-By-Step System That Makes You A Fortune Buying And Selling

Houses Using Other People’s Money…

The real estate market has changed.

It’s made a comeback and it’s strong!

And right now – more than any other time in history – we’re perfectly positioned to profit.

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But that’s ONLY IF you know how to take advantage of the situation.If you want to make real money as a real estate investor – or just want to make a few big checks on the side “flipping” houses then

this may be the most important message you’ll ever read.That’s because I’m going to pull back the curtain on my business that buys and sells 5 to 10 houses every money in just a couple

hours per transaction.My name is Dolmar Cross and I run and investing company called 3-

Day Cash Buyers. I’ve bought and sold hundreds of houses using other people’s time and money. In fact, I’m the top investor in the

market invest in – located 2 ½ hours away from my home.

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I’ve fine-tuned a method that lets me have total control over my business.

I never have to set foot in the properties, I never have to see the properties in person, I never talk to the sellers or agents, I never talk to the buyers or even market the properties for sale when it’s time to sell

them. And I don’t sign any closing documents.Literally…

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Everything Is Outsourced andAutomated throughout the page!

So that’s my big promise to you today.You’re going to see the ins-and-outs of my business, see my system work

live before your eyes.It doesn’t matter if you are a complete real estate newbie or an

experienced investor following the automated system I give you, you can…

Earn a minimum of $5,000 - $10,000 per house (but often much more!)Do this in just a few hours per week

Use other people’s money to fund your house buyingNever have to talk to house sellers or buyers


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Run A Completely Automated and Outsourced Real Estate Business That You Can Manage In Your Spare

Time From Anywhere In The World So You’re In Total Control Of Your Income, Time and Freedom!

Yes, I realize that’s sounds like a “too-good-to-be-true” claim in a world full of hype, but I’m going to prove it to

you today. The worst thing I can do is allow you to sit there and think this is too good to be true, because I’ll

be cheating you of the ONE chance, the ONE opportunity to hit a major financial home run.

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So I’m going to be completely transparent with you today.

As you continue to read this message you’ll see proof of how I buy houses “off market”… meaning

without real estate agents for pennies on the dollar.

In fact, here are several recent deals all verifiable on public record…

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Could You Imagine Doing Several Of These Deals A Year? … Or Several A Month?

… What could it do for you?Money, Power, And Freedom Is Waiting For You!

Picture what this could do for you and your family, your lifestyle and your happiness.

… See yourself paying off debt and get out from under the thumb of credit card companies and lenders.

… Feel what it would feel like to enjoy more time with your loved ones, take your dream vacation, or fill your day with

your passions and hobbies you enjoy.

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… Imagine saving for retirement, stash your nest egg away, and never worry about the future because your taken care of.

… Enjoy the little luxuries that have been just out of reach… the new car, upgrade your wardrobe, dine at nice restaurants without worrying about the bill!

… Pay off your kids education and set the up for a rewarding future without the fear of student debt.

It’s all possible – and I’ll layout everything you need to know about making a fortune in real estate!

I’ll share how I get the money to buy properties without risking my cash or credit.

And you’ll see how I run my business – virtually.All that’s needed is a laptop or tablet and Internet connection. (Heck, I’ve flipped

properties and got checks while on vacation from just my smart phone.)Real estate is FUN and Easy once we…

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As you continue to read I’m going to address the 3 big challenges real estate investors face today…

And then give you the 3 UNFAIR ADVANTAGES to dominate any real estate market you choose.

I’ll show you how to find houses to buy for pennies on the dollar - coming to you with zero marketing cost, and very little effort –

No realtors or “on-market” properties that are over priced with way too much competition to buy,

There’s only ONE thing required of you to do to find these properties and it takes about 5 minutes.

And you can get results within the same day…sometimes within MINUTES! (yes minutes)

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In fact, I’ll show you even MORE proof of this working for investors all around the country.

Then you’ll see how to get a qualified lenders anxiously waiting to give you money to fund your real estate deals.

And have ready cash buyer actively looking for real estate to purchase from you IF you decide to ever sell the property.

You can easily flip these properties to these buyers to make a very good fee or get funding for properties you’d like to buy and hold in your rental portfolio to build long-term wealth.

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You’re collecting cash on deals you flip or collecting monthly cash-flow on deals you decide to keep for yourself. Either

way, you’re winning.

It doesn’t matter if you’re starting with no experience. What I’m going to show you is easy and profitable. It doesn't

matter if you’ve tried real estate and failed.

Many investors got killed by the last market crash.Myself included!

In fact I was left with nothing!

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I created this system as a way to make a big come back… but on my own terms.

And I’ve been successfully investing since 2011 consistently buying 5 to 10 houses per month ever

since using this exact system I’m showing you today!

It doesn’t matter if you're an advanced investor doing deals, buying houses and apartments.

You’ll discover how to…

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And it doesn’t matter if you’re working full time, part time or have no time.

Or if you live in a small market or an over competitive market.

You can do this anywhere, anytime and still do several deals a month following what you’re about to

discover.When you follow the steps I share with you with our

system, you take control.

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Now while there are lots and lots of huge discount deals out there to find, the fact is, it’s getting harder and harder to find

those deals.

Good deals on properties listed from real estate agents are hard to find. Yea you use to be able to call up a realtor and have

them send you listings daily that hit the market and you make offers and buy some of the good deals that popped up, but

even that source is drying up.

The Automated Investor System Brings The Opportunities To You.

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And I created this system as a direct response to what’s happening in the real estate market today.

You see, we’re faced with a 3 big challenges.Challenge #1: Getting The Property

The first challenge is that inventory is running low.A couple years ago the market was flooded by foreclosures.

Throw a rock and hit a foreclosure that was sitting on the market.Not any more.

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There’s a lot of competition from retail and investor buyers on the Multiple Listing Service and the truth is, unless you’re well connected you’ll have a

tough time getting a steady flow of properties from your realtor or the MLS.

At the same time it’s getting harder to find motivated sellers and off market properties.

The traditional ways of marketing for deals – frankly – sucksYou have better things to do with your time.

So challenge #1 is getting property.

I’ll show you how the Automated Investor System brings properties to you.

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Challenge #2: Getting The MoneyThe second challenge is after you find a property – how do you control it.

Real estate is about buying low and selling high or holding on to that property for great cash-flow.

But the best deals comes to those who have the cash to buy fast.

But if you don’t have money to buy then what good is any of this?You need cash to play the game.

And we all know how hard it is to get loans from banks these days.

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Besides you can’t wait the typical 30-45 days for a bank to fund your deal .Your success is directly equivalent to how fast you take action.

I rely on private investors to fund multiple deals because I don’t want to use my own money or risk my credit!

With my private lenders I can just email a deal and I’ll get an answer.

There’s no begging for money.

They want a long term relationship just like I do because they know the stock market and traditional investment vehicles won’t serve them as well

as real estate.

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And with private lenders you have no issues with loans or banks or credit related regulations. These lenders don’t care about your

credit, or how much cash you have in the bank.It’s All About The Deal!

I’ll show you how to get my list of private lenders in a few minutes – but this has been my secret weapon as to how

I’ve built my business so fast.

And with this unfair advantage I’m going to show you in the Automated Investor System you’ll be able to cherry pick only the

best, most profitable deals in the marketplace.

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Challenge #3: Getting The BuyersNow the third missing key to real estate success is


If you’re looking to flip properties, buying and selling.…that’s the name of the game. Buy & Sell for quick cash.

Otherwise you’re losing money every day.And we don’t want that.

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Thanks to the system, properties are sold very quickly…usually in a matter of days.

Remember those two deals I just shared with you that I sold on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve…well I also bought them that same


They were both bought and sold the very same day thanks to my buyers.

Remember, we’re looking for easy and profitable.No banks, no hassles.

It’s fast.

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The Automated Investor System Is The Only System That GIVES YOU Sellers, Funding, And Buyers…

Check out the next page.

Click the image for more info.

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This is your complete instant reference guide to virtual Investing.You’ll discover how I do deals – without ever seeing the


I don’t talk to sellers or buyers and get wires to my bank account monthly.

My entire business is broken down into easy follow processes anyone can follow.

You’ll see every piece at a glance you’ll see how simple system really is and how to get paid fast!

It’s taken me years to perfect this model…

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And All Together…

The 6-Modules And Business Mind Maps Are Easily Worth $10,000 Considering What You Can Make

From Just 1 Deal!

Get More Info on The Next Page.