Automark Magazine March 2011

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Monthly automotive magazine from Pakistan, and the only automotive magazine from the auto industry to have an online presence.

Transcript of Automark Magazine March 2011

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Pakistan, being an agriculture-based country, needsto utilize its full potential in the agriculture sectorby shifting its focus from conventional agriculturemethodology to modern farming techniques. Thegovernment should focus on increasing its exportsin the agriculture sector through research anddeveloping more varieties of agriculture produce.Pakistan has vast areas of cultivated land but due toconventional way of farming and lack of know-howof modern technology and sowing methods, Pakistanis still unable to increase its per yield production,which is also the lowest in the region. Our countrygreatly relies on agriculture, thus modernizationand diversification of crops is very much needed inthis sector to get optimum results and increaseexports.New varieties of seeds should be developed andkeeping in view the internal requirements,agriculture research institutes must provide guidanceto the farmer for cultivating crops in demand in theother countries. Growers also pay attention to un-seasonal agriculture produce because it wouldprovide them good opportunities of exporting thesecommodities to other countries along with meetingdomestic needs. Demand for organic food isincreasing worldwide; therefore Pakistan can fetcha good market share by paying more attention toorganic agriculture.The people particularly in Europe are very muchhealth conscious and pay more for organic food.International agriculture experts must be invited tofind ways and means for increasing per yieldproduction and developing new varieties for fruitsand vegetables.Also farmers must be educated on growingtechniques to ge t optimu m produ ction.Agriculture research institutes should also introducetechniques to farmers for increasing shelf life ofperishable items because currently a large portionof vegetables and fruits are wasted due tounavailability of preservation methodology.


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The Magazine for Pakistan Automotive Sector

March 2011 Vol 4, Issue 03


Important AnnouncementThe management of the monthly Automarkmagazine is pleased to announce that Engr.Syed Mansoor Ali Rizvi has joined the Automarkadvisory panel from March-2011.He will be an advisor for the agricultural sectionof the Automark magazine. Mr. Rizvi completedhis B. Sc. in Agricultural Engineering ,1984from University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. In

1987 he completed a diploma in Manufacturing Technology from IBVocational Training Center of the Federal Republic of Germany. Inaddition to having worked in the industry for over 25 years in themarketing, service and field testing of agricultural machines, he hasalso completed various courses in Business and Project Managementfrom Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT), Canada. Currently,he is pursuing a Masters in Administrative Science from University ofKarachi.Mr. Rizvi’s core area of expertise is energy conservation in agriculture.He has conducted many energy audits and retrofits on tractors andtube-wells in order to evaluate energy savings and economic benefitsfrom the retrofits. He is a co-author of the book titled Fundamentalsof Tractor Mechanics and Energy Conservation (1998), printed byNational Book Foundation. In addition, he has also produced severalvaluable fact sheets for end-users for facilitating the optimum use oftheir tractors.In the past, he has worked for Allied Engineering & Services Ltd.,RCG/Hagler & Bailly, Inc. (USAID Project), Khyber Tractors (Pvt.) Ltd.,and Al-Ghazi Tractors. He is presently working as Business Managerfor CaseNewHolland (CNH) in Pakistan where his role is to supportCNH agricultural and Construction equipment brands in Pakistan.As an advisor for Automark, the lead publication of the Pakistanautomotive sector, he will make contributions to further improve thequality of our publications and bring it at par with other internationalmagazines of the automotive industry.

Editor :

Sub Editor :Contribution Writers :

M. Hanif Memon

Dr. Raja Irfan SabirSyed Mansoor AliRaja Irfan SabirShahzad TabishAli HassanMohammad Owais KhanOmar RashdiMuneeb Jawed

Imtiaz RastgarAbdul Majeed SheikhSyed Mansoor AliIHT FarooquiJ. Pereira

Mustafa Hanif

Abdul Khaliq

Agriculture sector needsto be modernized

Advisor :

Circulation Manager :

Designed By :

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Page 3: Automark Magazine March 2011

The Monthly Magazine for Pakistan Automotive Sector Your trust is our success


Valuation of motorcycle parts of China origin 09-10Exclusive Report on Auto Sector Meetingby Ali Hassan

Pakistan needs massive 11-14changes in Seed SectorExclusive Article by Syed Mansoor Ali

Increase in age limit of used cars fails 15-16to provide any benefit to car buyersCover Story by M. Owais Khan

Wrong policies in the auto sector 17-18causing huge revenue lossesExclusive Article on Auto Sector by Ali Hassan

The Electric Scooter 24-25Exclusive Article by Shahzad Tabish from NED-Karachi

Zardari invites Japan’s to invest in Pakistan 27

Honda Insight Hybrid Car 33by Muneeb Jawed from NED -Karachi

China and the Challenge 34-36of Environmental DegradationExclusive Review by Irfan Sabir from China

Vehicle Emission Control 36-37Exclusive Article by Omar Rashdi

Federal Secretary visits at SDC Islamabad - PR 40

Local assembled car price list 41Indus Motors CEO - Interview 43

Rastgar Launched Backhoe in Hyderabad 45

Workshop - Energy Conservation & Safety Standards 46

Launching Ceremony of 47Dutro Jr. and Gb bus at Hino Karachi


e-magazine Issueat our website

The only ONLINE automotive magazine in Pakistan

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Page 4: Automark Magazine March 2011

09AUTOMARK | March-2011

As new budget draws near, it is reallyhigh time for many established businesshouses and developing industries topresent a negative and positive pictureof each other before the government inthe pre-budget meeting or in otherforums to crush their opponents bygetting better incentives.Like past practice, a leading Japanesebike assembler has again alleged Chinesebike makers for procuring parts fromChina at lower prices.In this connection, the DirectorateGeneral of Customs Valuation, CustomHouse Karachi called a meeting for re-fixation of Valuation of Motorcycle Partsof China Origin on February 26, 2011 inthe office of the additional directorvaluation at Customs House Karachi.In the meeting the additional directorinformed the participants that AtlasHonda complained that the Chineseaffiliated assemblers importing spareparts for Assembly at $1.20/kg which islower side. The participants informedthe additional director that the carcommercial importers are bringingspare parts for 1,300cc and above at$1.80/kg and the value of 1,300cc carsis more than Rs 1.5 million and the valueof Chinese affiliated Motorcycle is Rsjust 38,000.Car is being used by one person and thesame value amount motorcycles areusing by a huge population. Customsvaluation allowed car spare partsimporters to import parts of different

cars $1.80/kg and they don't want toallow motorcycle spare parts importersto import motorcycle spare parts at$1.20/kg why? Because motorcycle isbeing utilized by poor people of Pakistanand cars are being used by rich society.

In case the Governmentincreases the value of

motorcycle spare partsimported from China of $1.20

to $1.50 then it will be veryhigher side and it may

encourage people to indulge inwrong business practice insteadof importing parts through legal

channel by paying taxes andduties to the national kitty.

Chinese bike makers say thatactually the big assemblers of

Pakistan are misusing themanufacturing.

They are also getting relief through IORC(Input Output Ratio Certificate) throughEngineering Development Board (EDB)

and seek relief for valuation ofmotorcycle spare parts imported from

China for higher side. They areimporting same parts from China

through IORC and paying zero per centduty, five per cent, and 10 per cent andthe Chinese affiliated assemblers areimporting these parts at 47.5 per cent

while commercial importers pay 50 percent custom duty on these parts.

For example if Chinese affil iatedassemblers or a commercial traderimport motorcycle shock absorbers fromChina then they pay more than RupeesOne thousand custom duty and othertaxes and the same parts imported byany vendor in loose condition pay onlyfive per cent or 10 per cent custom dutythrough IORC. It means they pay lessthan Rupees One Hundred custom dutyand other taxes to the Government.The value of shock absorber is same forboth the importers but IORC supportsvendors who are main suppliers to AtlasHonda and some other big assemblers.In response to February 26 meeting theAssociation of Pakistan Motorcycle andRickshaw Assemblers ChairmanMuhammad Sabir Shaikh explainedsome points to Customs Valuationofficials verbally but later submitted adetailed paper to keep the recordstraight.He was of the view that notice regardingthe February 26 meeting given by theValuation Department in a very shorttime/notice and it did not contain theagenda of meeting neither any workingpaper was enclosed.In the meeting it came to knowledgethat Valuation Department would liketo act on FTO order/directions and theparticipants were informed by theDepartment for enhancing the scopebeyond FTO directions.The meeting selected 22 items plus forrevisiting valuation but the notice didnot contain any information about it.The last valuation advises/rulings werebased on market visit by your staff.Before reaching any decis ion theDepartment should carry out marketvisit to reach at current conclusion.The representatives of Atlas Honda and

Valuation of motorcycleparts of China origin

Japanese and Chinese bike makers again indulge in blame game

Exclusive Report on Motorcycle Valuation meeting by Ali Hassan

continued on next page

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their venders/suppliers had misguidedthe Department about prices of theChinese items by giving the Japan originprices of these items, and they don’twant to fix Japan Origin and Fareastprices. If the Valuation Departmentwants to include their remarks forChinese origin parts then it must releasethree types of valuation ruling (China,Fareast, Japan).It was also pointed out in the meetingthat differences of prices in importsbetween Japanese assemblers have hugedifference for which the ValuationDepartment accepted that it was becauseof over invoicing.Sabir said the Association stressed thataction should also be taken against theseculprits because for misusing theCountry’s Foreign Exchange Reserves.Since the Department is valuing theChinese origins items therefore onlythose stakeholders should be called whoare importing the Chinese origin goodsas they are real stakeholders.Sabir informed the meeting that in2009-10 the Pakistani Assemblersaffiliated with Chinese firms produced885,422 units and Two Japanese(Honda and Suzuki) assemblersproduced 501578 units.As regards matter discussed in themeeting regarding base price of rawmaterials and example was given forLAYS CHIPS and Ordinary CHIPS withreference to Potato prices. APMA chiefdrew the attention when a person goesin the grocery markets he will finddifferent prices of potatoes and differentquality of potatoes.Further it was discussed regarding pricesof parts of Cars which is valued at $1.8per kg for commercial market uponvaluation of motorcycles parts it is alsobe considered along with this exerciseoth erwise entire exercise will bediscriminatory and biased.As regards non implementation ofvaluation advices/ruling he pointed outthat some of them were specific to thec o n s i g n m e n t . A l l v a l u a t i o nadvices/ruling should be placed on FBRWebsite so it can available to everyone.Section 25 suggests different modes ofvaluations but no rules behind it.Further most of Valuation orders/rulingadvices/ruling did not give the complete

details/basis of arriving at rates of items.This matter also needs immediateattention.APMA had provided a letter on thevaluation of Shocks Absorbers given byone of your Officers which was notconsidered by him and contents of whichare self explanatory.Sabir urged the Valuation Departmentnot to carry out the above exercise in ahurry as the matter require detailexercise and obtain extension with theFTO.Meanwhile, it has been reported in themedia about the rising smuggling ofmotorcycle spare parts, that is hittingthe local industry besides genuineimporters and dealers.All Pakistan Motorcycle Spare PartsImports and Dealers Association(APMSIDA) has said that smuggling ofspare parts has increased manifoldwhich is also causing billion of rupeesrevenue loss the national exchequer.If appropriate steps are not taken at theborders to curb smuggling of partsfrom China and other countries then theindustry and legal trade will close down.The Association had taken up the matterseveral times but the government hadyet to take any practical steps.The Associat ion ha d sugg est edwithdrawal of SRO 450 and additionalduty of 17 percent, besides reduction ofcustoms duty from 35 percent to 20percent.

The implementation of these suggestionswould bring the menace of smugglingto an end and the government wouldget more revenue through rising importof spare parts from legal channels.Import volume of spare parts hasdefinitely increased but the share ofsmuggling has also increased sharplyplaying a major contribution in the partsmarkets.Depreciation of the rupee againstvarious currencies and higher price ofraw materials in world markets are alsocausing problems to the genuineimporters owing to rising import valuewhich is af fecting local business.The Association believed that risingimport duty on spare parts hadincreased the smuggling and this illegalactivity can only controlled or curbedby decreasing the import duty on spareparts.The Afghan Transit Trade is alsodamaging the local industry as well asthe national exchequer. The demand forauto parts is highest in the motorcycleindustry that is 60 percent, then for cars,which constitutes 22 per cent, andtrucks, buses and tractors consume therest 18 percent. This demand is met byimports that cater 22 per cent while theloca l ma nufacturers supply theremaining 78 per cent.Motorcycle industry has performedfabulously in the last few years andcurrently 150,000 units are being soldev ery month whi le around 60assemblers including two to threeJapanese bike assemblers and restChinese bike makers are engaged in at ough competition. The annualproduction of these assemblers hasincreased to 1,387,000 units by 2009-10 as compared with 917,628 unitsprepared and sold by 2008-09. In 2000-01, bike production was 119,169 units.The share of Chinese bike makers intotal production of 13,87,000 units is60 per cent while three Japanese bikemakers hold 40 per cent. The import ofChinese b ike has already beensuspended since 2007-2008. Thehighest import of bikes was recorded in2003-2004 at 22,692 which plunged to156 units in 2006-2007 and since thenno bikes were imported…….

10AUTOMARK | March-2011

The representatives of Atlas Honda and their venders/suppliers had misguided theDepartment about prices of the Chinese items by giving the Japan origin prices of

these items, and they don’t want to fix Japan Origin and Fareast prices. If the ValuationDepartment wants to include their remarks for Chinese origin parts then it must

release three types of valuation ruling (China, Fareast, Japan).

Exclusive Report on Motorcycle Valuation meeting by Ali Hassan

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11AUTOMARK | March-2011

Agriculture starts with seeds. It is theleast expensive but most importantfactor influencing crop yield. Highquality seed is the basis of higheragricultural productivity. Seed qualitydepends on many factors such as seedpurity (amount of unwanted material),free from disea se, v ig or, hig hgermination percentage and seed size.On the other hand, farmers should bevigilant in their purchase of seed stockfrom a reputable seed dealer who hasproper cleaning, handling and storagefacilities. Proper storage of seeds iscrucial as excess humidity or heat cancause da mage in a short time.

The government of Pakistan, its researchinstitutes and agricultural universitieshave good understanding of seedscience. We have prestigious instituteslike Pakistan Agricultural Institute(PARC), Central Cotton Research

Institute (Multan and Nawabshah),National Institute of Agriculture andBiology, Faisalabad; agr iculturaluniversities have been conductingq ua l i t y r e s e a rc h i n v a r i o u ssectors/aspects of agriculture. Theseinstitutes have well-equipped labs andtheir staff is comprised of highlyqualified scientists with doctorates fromreputed foreign universities. Ministryof Agriculture (MINFA) overlooks theplanning and administrations of theseaffairs to ensure the growth andsustainability of Agriculture.In particular, the management of seedsis conducted by the Federal SeedC erti f i ca t ion and Re gi st rat i onDepartment (FSCRD), National SeedCouncils, Federal Seed RegistrationCouncils (FSRC) and Provincial SeedCouncils (PSC). Policies and legislationsthat govern seed productivity andmanagement and other seed relatedmatters include the 1973 Seed Act, whichwas updated and reviewed in 2008, andthe 2009 National S eed Policy.The nation does have the infrastructureneeded for ensuring better seed qualityproduction, however, despite theseprotective measures, the ground realitypertaining to ‘seed’ in the country is notvery encouraging. The reality is thatthere is a dire need for an immediatereview of the current state of affairssurrounding the production andmarketing of seeds. Inefficiencies, poormanagement, administration, andexecution of seed affairs are prohibitingproper and beneficial use of the facilitiesand legislations that govern seed affairs.The disorganization in the business iscausing huge losses to the productionof our cereals, vegetables, legumes and

by Syed Mansoor Ali

We have to strive hard to introducenew varieties of domestic seeds asimproved varieties and high qualityseeds are basic requirements forproductive agriculture, which is thebasis of sustainable economicdevelopment in Pakistan. In orderto provide an adequate seed qualityassurance infrastructure with respectto seed testing and development,we should bring multi-internationalseed companies in Pakistan.

Similar actions have allowed the Indian seedindustry to make huge contributions to theproduction of quality seed for Indian farmersand improving their food, nutritional valueand livelihood security. Superior genetics andtechnologies with excellent research anddevelop establishments have resulted inconsiderable productivity enhancements. Theseenhancements have helped India emerge as amajor player in the global seed business, withan estimated turnover exceeding USD 1.5 billion.As a result, today, India ranks fifth in the worldseed trade.

Syed Mansoor Ali

Exclusive Articl on Seed sector

continued on next page

Pakistan needs massivechanges in Seed SectorPakistan needs massivechanges in Seed Sector

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cash crops. This is a matter of graveconcern especially keeping in mind thefact that the agricultural sector ofPakistan provides employment, directlyor indirectly , to almost 70% of the totalpopulation and accommodates nearly47% of employed labour-force. At thebeginning of 2010, it was contributingalmost 21% to the GDP per annum, andas such a set-back to agricultureproductivity can affect the performanceof the economy to a great extent. It isshocking to note that Pakistan producesbarely 10% of its own (vegetable) seeds;it depends largely on imported vegetableseeds from China (15%), Holland &America (5%), and India (70%). If theinefficiencies are to be eliminated, thenthis dependency on foreign importedseeds could be reduced by a significantpercentage.In a conversation with Mr. ShakeelAhmed (Zamindar Seeds Hyderabad) itbecame evident that there are tworeasons behind the nation’s absence andnon-existence in vegetable seeds:

1) our farmers are poor and cannotspare crops to develop seeds. Theyare always in a haste to sell theirproduce for money for subsistenceand for investing in the nextharvest.2) There is no policy in Pakistanthat binds farmers to grow cropsaccording to the cropping schedulesimilarly like in India.This is one of the reasons behind why

Indian dominates as a source ofimported seeds. In other words, Indiaas a nation is at an advantage becauseby way of legislation farmers areinstructed to harvest crops according toa planned agricultural directive thatproves beneficial for the entire country.Their national agricultural planningallows them to fulfill the needs of fodder,seeds, and staple crops, thereby allowingthem to become self-sufficient andensuring that no shortages of crops orseeds occurs at a national level for whichthey would have to rely on imports.Whereas in Pakistan, the lack ofag ri c ul tura l p l anni ng a nd t heimplementation of whatever regulationsdo exists gives farmers and land-ownersthe freedom to grow crops based oneither trend or profit. Consider thefollowing example and the benefits thatcan result from adopting a nationalagricultural planning system: a farmerwith 10 acres of land according to anagricultural mandate based on the agro-ecological needs of various regionsgrows wheat on 6 acres, vegetables on2 acres, fodder on 1 acre, and leavesvegetables on the remaining 1 acre toproduce seeds.Similar actions have allowed the Indiansee d i nd ust ry t o ma k e hu g econtributions to the production ofquality seed for Indian farmers andimproving their food, nutritional valueand livelih ood security. Superiorgenetics and technologies with excellentresearch and develop establishmentshave result ed i n con sidera bl eproductivity enhancements. Theseenhancements have helped Indiaemerge as a major player in the globalseed business, with an estimated

turnover exceeding USD 1.5 billion. Asa result, today, India ranks fifth in theworld seed trade.While our performance could be gaugedfrom the fact that we have neither avegetable seed industry nor do wesupport what we do have. In otherwords, our assets are not beingconverted into a profitable industry forthe country. We have an average annualproduction of 1138 thousand tones ofonion in the country. The quality of ouronion is extremely good and producedin all four provinces (Sindh-Phulkara,Punjab-Desi Red, Balochistan - SariabRed and Chiltan-89 and NWFP Swat-1) but the only source of onion seeds arelocal farmers of the same area whoproduce on a limited scale with whatevermeans they have available at hand. Thefarmers of the adjoining area buy theseseed from them. These farmers have noidea of the total seed demand in thecountry and as such a short fall in onionseed occurs every year. This then leadsto a gap in the supply-demand spectrum(20-local: 80-Imported), which is filledby the Indian onion seed. It should alsobe noted that the output of the Indianseed is no match in quality and size tothat of the onions produced in Pakistanwith our own seeds.The situation with reference to seeds ofwheat, cotton, rice and maize are bettercompared to vegetable seeds. They arelocally produced and marketed throughseveral hundred companies in thecountry. However, inefficiencies in

continued on next page

Exclusive Articl on Seed sector by Syed Mansoor Ali

12AUTOMARK | March-2011

Exclusive Articl on Seed sector

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by Syed Mansoor Ali

research, execution of seed policy,susta ina bility, marketing ethics(adulteration, spurious seeds etc.) arecausing huge losses in terms of the cropyield. The situation in maize is muchbetter as imported Hybrid seed(2 500 Rs/10 kg ) is av ai lab le inabundance in local market.There are many companies selling wheatseed but not all of them sell good seeds.There are numerous small companiesoperating from their backyards followingno infrastructure to ensure seed quality.These companies randomly mix expired,spurious and/or wheat coming straightfrom the mills in good seed causing greatloss to the yield. Only a judiciallegislation can prevent this fromhappening and put in place a quality-control measure for seeds that are soldin the market. Another area that needsg overnment intervention is theavailability of approved varieties ofproduce from private companies. It hasbeen observed that approved varietiesdisappear quickly from the market andinferior stuff fills-in the vacuum. In2 0 0 8, Ag r i cul t ural Un iv ers it yTandojam, introduced a variety (TD-1)of wheat that had an average yield of70/80 maunds/acre. The availability ofthis variety is now scarce as only onecompany (Hira) in Punjab is producingit which is not sufficient enough to meetthe bigger requirement.Particularly for wheat and generally forall crops, our farmers need education,which could possibly be given throughextension specialists to disseminate newknowledge and skills to farmers to aidthem in successfully adopting andmaking a more efficient use of their landand allied resources providing emphasison good seeds and timely sowing withright quantities. The low yield in wheatis attributed (50%) to farmers as theyprefer using their own produced seed( whe a t s t ore d fo r t hei r o wnconsumption). The number of thesefarmers is significant because 60% ofour cultivated lands are owned by smallfarmers. The other area that requires

c ont in uous educa ti on is t heirunderstanding of the affects of yieldversus sowing time of seed. In wheat,there are three stages/timings of sowing:e a r l y (A g e t i /P a wa n ) , mi d dl e( M edi um/ S on a le ka ) a nd La t e(Pachati/Maxi). These stages have adirect bearing on the amount of seed tobe sown. The recommended quantitiesare 50Kg/acre, 70-80kg/acre and100kg/acre for early, middle and latesowing respectively. The vigilance (putthe right quantity of seed as per sowingtimings) in this area will increase yieldof wheat up to 30-40%.Cotton is our cash crop. We stand 4thin cotton production in the worldranking. We are almost self-sufficientand are able to fulfill the demand of alarge (approximately US$ 10 billiondollar) domestic textile industry. Sincethe introduction of BT varieties (this isnot a hybrid seed) our yields have

significantly improved from 40/50maunds (non-BT variety; No 78) to 70maunds/acre. Hybrid seeds are alsoavailable in the market coming fromAustralia that can increase the yieldfurther up to10 maunds/acre. However,its price is more than 50% than that ofthe local BT varieties. The BT varietiesare available in between 1800Rs/10kg-2 2 0 0 R s / 1 0 k g c o m p a r e d t o5000Rs/10kg (Australian Hybrid seed).The serious challenges pertaining tocotton seed could be better imagined bythe report, “Punjab probes 600 seedcompanies for infrastructure" publishedin The Nation (Lahore), Feb 08, 2011.

The report states that"Action has been initiated to cancel

the registration of the seedcompanies having no

infrastructure as per rules andregulations after investigation of600 registered seed companies inPunjab. The meeting also decidedto ban the sale of colored seeds sothat no excessive price could be

charged to the cotton cultivators.The meeting evolved strategy forprovision of quality and attested

seeds in the next season of cotton.The meeting was informed thatPunjab Seed Corporation willprovide approved seed of BT

verities of cotton of 45 thousandmaunds to cultivators for whicharrangements have been made.The Minister directed to apprise

the Punjab government of thereport regarding average

production after getting samplesof seeds available for cultivation

of cotton of Federal SeedCertification. The Minister also

directed Federal Seed CertificationDepartment, Agriculture

Department and AgricultureDepartment Extension to have

The situation with reference to seeds of wheat, cotton, rice and maize are bettercompared to vegetable seeds. They are locally produced and marketed through

several hundred companies in the country.The general complaint made by the farmers about the cotton seed is that

sometimes small companies sell the seeds of those varieties that did not makegood market by putting them in new bags with a label of good/popular variety.

continued on next page

Exclusive Articl on Seed sector

by Syed Mansoor Ali

AUTOMARK | March-2011 13

Exclusive Articl on Seed sector by Syed Mansoor Ali

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14AUTOMARK | March-2011

coordination and make regularmonitoring of the seed companies."

The general complaint made by thefarmers about the cotton seed is thatsometimes small companies sell theseeds of those varieties that did not makegood market by putting them in newbags with a label of good/popularvariety. The impact of such practicesfalls on yield affecting the financials offarmers and country as a whole.There is a great potential in the cottoncrop to increase our annual productionby 5-6 million bales, which could bringrevenue of 3 to 4 billion dollars for thecountry. This is possible by continuousand vigilant monitoring of the seedcompanies to curb the sale ofsubstandard and unapproved varietiesassuring the sale of qualitative andapproved seeds. This will maximizecotton production and in turn theeconomy of the country could bestrengthened.The rice seed has more or less similarproblems. In the year 2007, a reporttitled “Hybrid Seed Companies AccusedO f D u p i n g F a r m e r s ”( h t t p : / / o r y z a . c o m / A s i a -Pacific/Pakistan-Market/6391.html.)related that Pakistani farmers in Sindhfaced huge losses due to the Hybrid riceseed imported from China whichturned out to be unproductive. What is

needed is a quality-control measure thatnot only prevents this type of losses fromoccurring but also encourage goodcompanies like Guard to come forwardand play their role in supplying qualityrice seed to Pakistani farmers.We have to strive hard to introduce newvarieties of domestic seeds as improvedvarieties and high quality seeds are basicrequirements for productive agriculture,which is the basis of sustainableeconomic development in Pakistan. Inorder to provide an adequate seedquality assurance infrastructure withrespect to seed testing and development,we should bring multi-international seedcompanies in Pakistan .This is requiredto increase crop productivity andprovide enhanced food security in thecountry.

The seeds coming from foreign countriesdo not suit our soils due to variation inweat her. The di seases t hat aresuppressed there according to theirweather become dominant here due todifferent weather conditions, whichimpact the yield. Another importantaspect that our research stations shouldtake into care, particularly in cotton, isthat the seed should not be releasedbefore completion of the research ondisease and virus purity until it is fullya ppr ov e d a n d c e rt i f i ed . Th edevelopmental timeline for a seed isgenerally 10 years but we bring it intothe market in 4 years, which should nothappen.In order to start producing vegetableseeds in the country, it is suggested thatthe lands which are not under cultivation(21.56 million hectares are not beingcultivated fully due to lack of capital andirrigation facilities) should be given tothe army to produce vegetable seeds.Army ha s t he c a pa bi l it y a ndadministrative skills to undertake thisnational task for the development of our

country. They are successfullyrunning National logistics cell,Frontier works organization, andFuji Foundation (by former officersof Armed forces) which speaks involume about their capabilities.

Indus Motor, the maker of ToyotaCorolla, recorded a 34 per cent declinein net profit to Rs908 million in the firsthalf of fiscal 2010-11 primarily due tohigher cost pressures and lower otherincome.Manufacturing operations were affectedby rising input cost due to depreciationof the rupee against Japanese yen andother inflationary pressures, said thecompany in a press release.The result was accompanied by adividend announcement of Rs5 for everyRs10 ordinary share, according to acommunique sent to the Karachi StockExchange on last week......

Indus MotorCompany (IMC)

profits slowdown

Car sales have increased by 12 percentin first seven months of current fiscalyear FY11 to reach 72,580 units ascompared to 64,965 units in thecorresponding period last year, datareleased by Pakis tan AutomotiveManufacturers Association (PAMA).According to the latest numbers byPAMA, new year registration factor anddeferred sales from December were seenas “major reasons” behind surge in sales,which is also evident from the past trend,as car sales on a month-on-month(MoM) basis recorded a substantialincrease of 73 percent to stand at 12,934units as against 7,446 units in December2010.The highest growth was observed in theHCAR, as its auto volumes surged by 21

percent to 1,904 units in the monthJanuary 2011. Whereas, highest dropwas seen in DFML as its sales declinedby 59 percent to 23 units in the saidmonth.However, car sales for the month ofJanuary 2011 improved by 15 percentyear-on-year (YoY) to 14,668 unitscompared with 12,704 units sold in sameperiod last year.During seven months of FY11, the majorincrease was seen in sales of Pak Suzukias its sales grew by 14 percent to 45,113units compared with 39,646 units lastyear. This double-digit improvementindic ates gradual strengt heningconsumer confidence in the economy,Furqan Punjani, analyst at ToplineResearch said. .....

Car sales improve by12 percent in 7

month FY11

Automotive Sector - Update

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15AUTOMARK | March-2011

Increase in age limitof used cars fails toprovide any benefit

to car buyers

Confusion has gripped among thebuyers and in the markets over theconflicting media reports aboutincrease in depreciation on importof five years old used cars beingimported under various schemes.Two leading pr int media hadreported earlier this month that theg o v er n me nt h a d ex t e nd e ddepreciation limits by an additional10 per cent for assessment of dutyand taxes on the imported used cars.This move may result in bringing downprices of the used cars.The Economic Coordination Committee(ECC) meeting under Finance MinisterDr Hafeez Shaikh enhanced thedepreciation limit to 60 per cent fromexisting 50 per cent. However, thedecision was not made public after themeeting due to the fear of a backlashfrom the local auto-manufacturers.A statement issued after the meetingsaid only that the ECC has approvedsummaries of the commerce ministryseeking rationalisation of car prices indomestic market.As per law, the government allows oneper cent depreciation per month in valueof used cars for assessment of duty.Though the government extended theage limit of used cars to 60 months (5years) in December but even still animporter could avail a maximum of 50

per cent depreciation because of theupper capping.The new law envisages assessment ofduty to the maximum of 40 per cent ofthe original price of the five year oldimported cars.Auto industry people are also not surewhether the government has really takenthe decision regarding increase indepreciation but said that somethingwas cooked in the meeti ng ondepreciation issue but was not madepublic.However, in the past the PAMA andPAAPAM had remained very cautiousin the last ECC meetings since the issueof used car imports had surfaced.Feeling the gravity of the issue, thePakistan Automotive ManufacturersAssociation (PAMA) and vendorindustry represented by the PAAPAMon March 1, the day of ECC meeting,

had given an advertisement in theprint media seeking safeguarding ofinvestment of billions of rupees andjobs of 200,000 workers of the autoindustry.

PAMA and PAAPAM aredeeply concerned overthe government’s policyof liberalizing the importof used cars by increasingthe age limit from three

to five years. They againrecalled that like in the pastthe facility of increasing theage of used cars will bemisused by unscrupuloustraders and importers.The PAMA and PAAPAM did notmention clearly regarding depreciationon used car but their advertisement saidthat there is more anxiety on theproposal that further liberalization is inthe offing.“So far the government has not issuedany SRO or notification relating toenhancement in depreciation on usedcars,” an assembler said adding thatsomething was done in the last ECCmeeting as reported by some leadingprint media but some other mediaremained silent.

Exclusive Articel - Automotive Issues Cover Story by M. Owais Khan

continued on next page

The price of used cars has not declined sinceDecember 2010 when the issue of used car age limit

had hit the headlines of the newspapers. Even nonotable price cut is seen in locally assembled cars who

are now cashing up the demand arriving from thegrowers owing to rising farm income and good

prospects of some cash crops.

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16AUTOMARK | March-2011

He said that Pakistan has the mostliberal policy for used cars imports inthe whole region. He added that usedvehicles import policy must be regulatedso that growth of the local industry isnot impeded and consumer interest isprotected.The assembler said that the industryhas always asked the government to

provide a stable policy so that it couldplan effectively for future models andexpansions. The government should

reverse the decision on age limit of usedcars to three years and maintain thecurrent depreciation of allowance.

Perhaps the government fearing negativereaction from the assemblers did not

announce the decision on thedepreciation issue in the meeting.

Chairman All Pakistan Motor DealersAssociation H. M. Shahzad said theenhancement in the depreciation limitwill lower the prices of used cars andconsumers will definitely get a relief byg etting chea per i mported c ars.He said the government has still notissued any notification about thedecision on depreciation but hopefullyt he noti f i ca ti on would a rri ve.To encourage new players in the automanufacturing, the commerce ministryhad proposed to the ECC to approve apackage seeking reduction in duty to16.25 per cent from 32.5 per cent onimport of components, parts and CKDkits not manufactured locally, and 25per cent duty instead of 50 per cent incase of components manufacturedlocally.This special package was proposed fora period of three years to attracti nvest ment in the auto sec tor.The ECC asked the commerce ministryto prepare another detailed study on theproposed package to identify theinvestors and its impact on car prices indomestic market.According to the official statement, theECC asked ministry of commerce to givea detailed presentation on the matter ofrationalis ing of prices of locallymanufactured cars.Meanwhile, an English daily newspaperreported on March 2 that the CommerceMinistry proposed in the ECC meeting

that the depreciation cost on the importof used cars up to five years should beraised from one to two per cent permonth with maximum limit of 50 percent of the price. However some of theministries opposed the proposal andsuggested that the depreciation costshould be limited at one per cent for amaximum period of 60 monthsotherwise their cost would be near tothe locally produced cars.Finally it was decided that theCommerce Ministry and the FederalBoard of Revenue (FBR) would give adetailed briefing on their proposal inthe next ECC meeting, the newspapersaid.It is strange that the role being playedby the Ministry of Production has beenvery critical and also opposed by theauto sector on a number of occasionsfor giving suggestions to liberalizeimports of used cars and relax policiesin order to punish the assemblers fornot cutting the price despite variouswarnings.Neither the concerned Ministry nor thegovernment is serious in taking anydecision to benefit the end users. Theyare more interested in facilitating a lobbyof importers or some political friendsand die hard party supporters to takemaximum benefit.It can be gauged from the fact that thePrime Minister and President as perprint media reports were at odds overthe decision on age limit of used carsand finally president Asif Ali Zardarihad intervened in order to get reversedthe government’s earlier decision andthereby allow the import of five yearsold cars.The price of used cars has not declinedsince December 2010 when the issue

of used car age limit had hit the headlinesof the newspapers. Even no notableprice cut is seen in locally assembled

cars who are now cashing up thedemand arriving from the growers owingto rising farm income and good prospects

of some cash crops.Many car assemblers have already givenenhanced production targets to theirvendors for 2011 as compared to 2010in order to meet the huge demand. For

example, Pak Suzuki Motor CompanyLimited will assemble 11 per cent morevehicles in 2011 to 87,580 units ascompared to 78,840 units in 2010.On a random visit to the local markets,there is hardly any big difference in theprice of locally assembled cars andimported used cars of five years old thatarrived in January and February. The650 cc used cars are available in therange of Rs 550,000-650,000 whilelocally produced 800cc Suzuki MehranVXR CNG costs Rs 560,000.The almost 1,000cc imported usedToyota Vitz, Passo and Toyota Belta areavailable at Rs 750,000-1,050,000 whilelocally produced Suzuki Alto VXR CNG720,000 and Cultus VXL is available atRs 906,000.The 1,300cc Toyota X Corolla is pricedat Rs 1,250,000-1,350,000 while SuzukiLiana can be purchased at Rs 1,239,000and Toyota Corolla at Rs 1.3 to Rs 1.4million.In case the depreciation of used cars isnot raised then chances are slim for anyprice cut. Consumers had already losthopes that the car makers would evercut the rate sharply in view of losingstrength of the rupee against the Yen

and high demand of cars.Will the used car importers’ lobby passon the price cut to the consumers in casethe depreciation on used cars isenhanced? In absence of any check fromthe government they will further fleecethe consumers by demanding higherprofit margins.There is slight improvement in arrivalof completely built up (CBU) units ofcars as per figures released by theFederal Bureau of Statistics but usedcar dealers say that the figures alsoinclude arrival of new cars beingimported by the car assemblers.Import of CBU vehicles during July-January 2010-2011 went up slightly to$59.5 million as compared to $57million in the same period of last fiscal.Similarly, in January 2011, import ofcars stood at $11 million as comparedto $7.2 million in December 2010 and$8.7 million in January 2010.. ...

Exclusive Articel - Cover Story

Chairman All Pakistan Motor Dealers Association H. M. Shahzadsaid the enhancement in the depreciation limit will lower the prices

of used cars and consumers will definitely get a relief by gettingcheaper imported cars. He said the government has still not issuedany notification about the decision on depreciation but hopefully

the notification would arrive.

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Page 12: Automark Magazine March 2011

A lot of people and market analysts inthe auto sector blame the governmentpolicies responsible for causing hugelosses to the government’s revenueeither in motorcycle or car industry.Most of the times policies are made tobenefit some vested interest and SROsand notifications are issued either in thebudget, trade policies or some otheroccasions when the interested party ishighly dying to have the benefit at anycost.Recent changes in the used car importdecision relating to increasing the agelimit of used cars to five from three yearsshowing interest of top governmentofficials including the persons that runthe country are such a classic exampleof providing relief to their favoritesopenly leaving aside any benefit to theentire nation.Every body knows that increasing age

limit of used cars up to five years undervarious schemes is neither going to bringany relief to the people nor to hit thelocal industry which had launched mediacampaign over negative repercussionson the assemblers and the vendorindustry.However the local industry is morecautious of the misuse of the gift,transfer of residence and baggageschemes by the importers of cars ratherthan giving any relief to the overseasPakistanis. This misuse of facility foroverseas Pakistanis by the importershas been going on for the last a decadebut the government and concernedministries have never initiated anyenquiry to unearth a big scam.Perhaps the vendors are going to loosemore rather than the car makers as theyare highly dependent on the sale andproduction of local cars. Assemblers inthe last few years are already involvedin importing costly vehicles throughconsumers’ money which had beentaken in advance.On many occasions the customs dutyon import of vehicles had been changedto provide relief to the political partnersor friends.An example of missing 300,000 unitsin the production figures of two wheelers

is taken as a case of wrong policies andlack of coordination among thestakeholders and the concernedgovernment departments.

The chief executive ofEngineering Development

Board (EDB) was reported tohave quoted the figures ofPAAPAM that the country’s

two wheeler production hadswelled to 1.8 million units in2010 but the data collected

from EDB and Sales Taxdepartment revealed

production of 1.5 million unitlast year.

Nobody knows which the authenticfigure is and who made extra 300,000bikes in the country and where is thecollection of taxes and duties from thesebikes and who really collected it. Theamount of taxes and duties from300,000 units stands between Rs fourto Rs five billion which has been evaded.Perhaps PAAPAM has not given genuineproduction of bikes which the EDB chiefquoted without counter checking its

17AUTOMARK | March-2011

Wrong policies in theauto sector causinghuge revenue losses

Exclusive Article on Auto Sector Ali Hassan

It has come to knowledge that some assemblers after getting thiscertificate grossly misuse this facility by importing huge quantities of

parts from their original requirement and sell them in the open marketat higher prices. By doing this, such type of assemblers inflict huge

losses to the national kitty and take maximum advantageof government’s inventive packages.

Sources in the auto sector believe that the policies made under the AIDP and bythe EDB is causing huge revenue losses of over Rs 50 billion per annum.

Currently the auto sector is being run under a Tariff Based System (TBS) whichwas implemented in 2006 while three SROs – SRO-655/2006, SRO-665/2006

and SRO 693/2006 – cover the entire auto sector.

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Exclusive Article on Auto Sector Ali Hassan

department.To some extent the wing of FederalBoard of Revenue (FBR), the CustomsValuation – can be blamed forformulating controversial policies aimedat taking care of vested interest. Thedepartment gives out ruling underSection 25-A without seriously lookinginto the matter.The Valuation Department while takinginfluence from the powerful assemblers’lobby increases the valuation rates oftwo wheeler parts being imported fromChina while on the other hand thecompany, which lodges the complainagainst Chinese bike makers for underinvoicing, obtains IORC from the EDBto pay duty from zero per cent to 20 percent on various parts while otherimporters are paying 47.5 or 50 per centduty to bring the same parts.By fixing the valuation rate on higherside attracts other people to misuse thisfacility like bringing these parts throughmisdecleration which is called Khep inCustoms language. These items areimported in those containers who areless in weight but have good capacity.Some black sheep in the governmentdepartments having no tech nicaleducation and deputed on connectionsand in connivance with corruptbusinessmen and industrialists who aremore interested in their own interestcause huge revenue losses.These officials while taking bribe fromindustrialists issue concessional IORCto the concerned industrialist. This maybe noted here that in SRO656/2006 theassemblers are provided the list ofimportable parts very late and as a resultthe industry people while ignoring thesystem of PRAL either directly importth e parts or through commercialimporters.Pakistan’s car industry is also fullyuti lizing the benefit s of wronggovernment policies and causingrevenues losses by getting IORC fromthe EDB. Only heavy vehicle industry isnot providing any revenue shocks to thegovernment while the tractor industryis providing cheap farm machinery tothe growers and farmers.Despite wrong policies the two wheelerindustry has performed incredibly wellas compared to other sectors. Someextent the car industry has seen someimprovement in the sales for the lastseven or eight months. The growth inthese two sectors can be attributed tothe rising farm income of growers fromvarious crops and reasonable support

prices otherwise situation would havebeen different.

Some industry people saythat irrespective of loopholes, targeted interest andwrong policies the real loseris the revenue-starvedgovernment which hasbeen trying to multiply itsrevenue earnings throughvarious taxation measures.In the auto sector, the EngineeringDevelopment Board (EDB), a strongarm of the Ministry of Industries andProduction, is responsible in holdingmeeting with stakeholders and otherrelevant ministries to frame policies forthe auto sector. However, it has beenseen that the Ministry of Industry hadremained in the forefront by urging thegovernment to liberalize import policyon used car import in order to punish

the car assemblers for not reducing theprices. Even today after a serious ofmeetings with the industry stakeholdersthe car makers are firm not to drop asingle paisa on car prices.Then the industry in collaboration withthe government’s help is also managedthrough an Auto Industry DevelopmentPlan (AIDP).But sources in the auto sector believethat the policies made under the AIDPand by the EDB is causing huge revenuelosses of over Rs 50 billion per annum.Currently the auto sector is being rununder a Tariff Based System (TBS)which was implemented in 2006 whilethree SROs – SRO-655/2006, SRO-665/2006 and SRO 693/2006 – coverthe entire auto sector. These SROs arereportedly to have been prepared withthe help of powerful stakeholders of thebike industry.Under these SROs the import duty oncompletely built up (CBU) bike is 65 percent, 15 per cent on part s notmanufactured in Pakistan, 32.5 per centadditional duty on parts produced inPakistan making a cumulative duty of

47.6 per cent.After getting an incentive led inputoutput ratio certificate from the EDB,the rate of 47.5 per cent customs dutychanges into five per cent by changingthe name of parts at five per cent (subcomponent), 10 per cent for componentsand 20 per cent for sub assembly.However a certificate is also issued tothe manufacturers for importing rawmaterial at zero per cent rate of dutywhich the industry people term itbeneficial for support of the localindustry.It has come to knowledge that someassemblers after getting this certificategrossly misuse this facility by importinghuge quantities of parts from theiroriginal requirement and sell them inthe open market at higher prices. Bydoing this, such type of assemblers inflicthuge losses to the national kitty and takemaximum advantage of government’sinventive packages.This illegal practice cannot be donewit hout grea sin g the pa lm o fgovernment officials and the officialslooking after tariff issue in the EDBshould take a serious notice of corruptofficials around them and grab theindustry people involved in thesecriminal activities through which theyare becoming billionaire while thegovernment is losing precious earning.

The Finance Ministry led byDr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh cantake stock of the situationby holding a discussion withvarious associationsincluding Chinese bikemakers and seek their pointof view as to how revenueleakages can be plugged.Some Chinese bike makers believe thatinstead of three SROs looking after theissue of auto industry there should beonly one SRO by incorporating the threeSROs as the three SROs are helpingmany stakeholders and businessmen tomake money.The government should offer zero percent duty on import of raw material asper IORC.The announcement of new budget is justtwo and a half months away and thegovernment should indulge in brainstorming session with the stakeholdersif it is really serious in addressing therevenue shortfall.

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Page 14: Automark Magazine March 2011

23AUTOMARK | March-2011

Made in Pakistan & Japanese Brand Motorcycles

Production History Figures from 2003 to 2010

Note: For year 2009-10, figures are for 11 monthly only Source: EDB, APMA

Motorcycles Production Fig - History

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24AUTOMARK | March-2011

by Shahzad Tabishfrom NED UniversityExclusive Article on e-Bike

The two wheeler transportation has beenat service to mankind for more than acentury. Even before the evolution ofthe automobile, bicycles & motorbikeswere at service as a basic means oftransportation. With the passage of time,the technology that propels the twowheeler has changed in accordance tothe given needs & demands of theconsumer sector.The changing demands have alreadymade the modern day motorbike very

fuel efficient & environmental friendly,along with making the productionprocedures easy & access able that hasmade the motorbike very cheap as well.Considering all these facts & figures oneshould feel satisfied & content with theprogress of the motorcycle industry, butas we al l know that progress isdependent upon having a futuristicapproach. To keep the industry dynamic,looking ahead & inducing changesshould be the order of the day.The world of today has become veryspecific & choosy. Customers of todayrequire the maximum efficiency in leastinvestment & maintenance cost. Thisnature of consumer demands anevaluation in the technology or; in factc hang ing the t ec hnology it self .The motorcycle locally produced utilizesinternal combustion, Spark ignitioncarburetor based engine technology fortheir propulsion. Many methods &technologies are available that may be

utilized to induce changes inthe current Spark ignitionen gi ne to enha nce it sefficiency, like the suggestionto introduce Electronic fuelinjection (EFI) system insteadof the carburetor. Thisreduces the running cost ofthe two wheeler however; themaintenance cost of themotorbike remains the same.A dr a s t i c c h a n g e i ntechnology basically meanschanging the entire conceptof propulsion of motorbikeitself, i.e. introducing electricmotors instead of the InternalCombustion engine.

At a first glance thenormal scooter & ane l e c t r i c s c o o t er(generally referred asan E-scooter) doesnot differ at all. It iswhen one turns thepower source thebasic difference isrealized. The electric scooter producesno noise as it has no combustion cyclesto perform. During the ride the onlynoise generated is due to the frictionnoise of the tyres & the road.Electric motors as compared to internalcombustion engines are very efficient,in the conversion of supplied power intowork. So the first advantage of electricscooter comes in the form of its primeefficiency which is greater than even themost fuel efficient gasoline scooter.Along with the supreme efficiency, theelectric motor provides instantaneousresponse to the given input. Thisbasically means better accelerationcapability than the gasoline propelledtwo wheeler.

The overall assemble of E-scooter is almost

maintenance free. Any usualmotorbike having an

internal combustion enginerequires regular

maintenance in order tokeep it running. However,the electric scooter requiresnothing but electricity to get

mobile.Environmentalists find

“The Electric Scooter”

Focusing Towards ModernDay Urban Transport

The motorcycle locally produced utilizes internal combustion,Spark ignition carburetor based engine technology for their

propulsion. Many methods & technologies are available that maybe utilized to induce changes in the current Spark ignition engine

to enhance its efficiency, like the suggestion to introduce Electronicfuel injection (EFI) system instead of the carburetor.

Chinese-made electric scooters and bikes getrecharged at the 2004 Challenge Bibendum,

a green vehicle rally for carmakers. The event washeld in Shanghai last October. The recharging station

was provided by EDF, France's electricutility company.

continued on next page

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25AUTOMARK | March-2011

absolutely no issues withthe E-Scoter. Emissions

from the scooter itself arenil & the electricity thatcharges up the scooter

comes from the gridstations that produce up to70% less pollution, on anaverage from any other

pollution source.The cost to run the electric two wheeleris also low as compared to the gasolinecounter parts. As we all know that thegasoline prices in the internationalmarket are sky high these days & thisgets a direct reflection in the form ofraise in price of petrol locally. It is wellknown to general public that the gridpower is cheap as compared to otherpower sources, so the electricity utilizedto charge the E-Scooter contributes toonly 30% of the net cost of a gasolinescooter to do the similar mileage.Having read the advantages associatedwith the E-Scooter an instantaneousquestion arises in the readers mindabout the market availability & range ofthe product, with respect to power &price on offer.The immediate market of E-Scooter alsocomes from the same country which hastaken over 50% of two wheeler’s localproduction share, i.e. China. A diverserange of E-Scooters are readily availablefrom numerous Chinese manufacturers.The author has classified the range intocertain categories in accordance to theascending order of power & price & ismentioned as follows.The first category has electric motorconfiguration that gives an output

ranging from 500-800W. The maximumattainable speed ranges from 35-40km/hr. Range of the E-Scooter in thiscategory varies from 55-70 km. The cycletime of the battery is approximately 250cycles of complete charge & dischargeafter which the replacement of batteryis inevitable. The cost ranges from 500-600 US$ of the scooters in this category.The second category consists of E-Scooters having electric motor providingan output ranging from 1500-2000W.The maximum achievable speed rangesfrom 50-60 km/hr. as far as range isconcerned it can cover up to 90 km onone complete charge of the batteries thattakes 6-8 hours. The cycle time is 350cycles & the maximum payload capacityis around 150kg. The cost of an E-Scooter from this category is around1000 US$. A famous name in the localmarket “Qingqi” is also involved inproduction of E-Scooter in this category.The scooters belonging from thirdcategory have electric motor that gives3000-5000W, has a maximum speed of60-80 km/hr, can carry payload of 150& has batteries that get recharged in 6-8 hours with a good cycle time of 500cycles.Al l t he two wheel er categor iesmentioned above represent a designconcept of modern city scooter. As amatter of fact, locally the scooter designis not very popular; however this designconcept is the necessity of an Electricpowered two wheeler, as it providesample space for the batteries & theelectric motor.An init iative is required from the

Chinese motorbike manufacturersindustries to introduce the E-Scooter inthe local market. This initiative shouldbe taken by an already established OEMof Chinese orientation. This will not onlyenhance the range off the OEM’s productrange itself, but it will also diversify theview of the consumer who will recognize& invest for a better option i.e. Electricpowered two wheeler.In order to broaden the generalperspective & thinking, proper publicity& marketing would certainly be requiredso that the individual get encouragementto trust & invest in the technology onoffer. Just in the last year, motorbikehas seen its peaking as far as localproduction is concerned. Over 1.5million units were sold only in the year2010. The stats clearly indicate theimmense demand of two wheelerslocally, so the initiative of introducingelectric bikes; if taken by a local investorhas good probabilistic chances to get asuccess in the local market.Concluding here I would like to say thatworld these days is striving forsustainability in energy sector. Alongwith this, there is a huge demand to cutthe pollutant levels in all sectors in orderto protect the environment. An E-Scooter is the only remedy for this causeas far as current two wheeler technologyis concerned. There is a vast scope ofE-Scooter in the local market as well. Ipersonally hope that the E-Scooter isintroduced sooner than later in the localmarket, contributing towards a greenerfuture in Pakistan. Cheers!

The immediate market of E-Scooter also comes from the same country

which has taken over 50% of two wheeler’s local production share,

i.e. China. A diverse range of E-Scooters are readily available from

numerous Chinese manufacturers.

Exclusive Article on e-Bike

China plugs into electricvehicles. Battery breakt-hrough holds promisefor hybrids, fuel cells.

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Page 17: Automark Magazine March 2011

Smelling a robust demand of cars thisyear from the rural areas on theprospects of good crops, a car maker,having over 50 per cent market share,unveiled a plan to increase its productionby 11 per cent in 2011 as compared to2010.Pak Suzuki Motor Company Limited(PSMCL) in its vendor conference onFeb 18, informed the vendors aboutrolling out 87,580 units in Jan-Dec, 2011as against 78,840 units produced in2010.The PSMCL plans to produce 26,330units of Mehran, 13,550 units of Bolan,15,550 units of Ravi, 13,000 units ofCultus, 11,200 units of Alto, 7,350 unitsof Swift and 600 units of Liana in 2011.Meanwhile, a part maker said thevendors had also asked Pak Suzuki toenhance the production of 800-1,000cccars in coming months in view of theincreasing demand from the growers asthe country will witness increased wheat,sugarcane and rice production thisseason coupled with surging prices ofsugarcane and cotton.The cotton price is now tag ged atRs13,000 per 40 kg as compared toRs6,500 in September 2010, whileagainst the official sugarcane rate ofRs127 per 40 kg the sugar mills lifted

the commodity at Rs200.The vendor said higher production of800-1,000cc segment of cars will ensuretimely delivery. They also asked thecompany to focus their marketing tolure rural customers who purchase carson cash.Another vendor, however, pointed outthat the Pak Suzuki management’sproduction plan is highly optimistic ifseen in the context of high interest rate,inconsistent government policies,increased age limit of used cars undervarious import schemes and the law andorder situation.The management official replied thathopes were high on the back ofincreasing rural buying triggered bysome good cash and minor crops. Ruralbuying holds 40-45 per cent share ofthe total sales.

Pak Suzuki and also othermanufacturers did not see anybig negative impact on theirsales in times of floods from Jan28 to September 2010 in threeprovinces and even car salesr ema i ned b ri sk de sp itegalloping inflation, he added.

Overall car production and sales duringJuly-Jan 2010-11 grew to 74,977 and72,580 units as compared to 65,014 and64,965 units in the same period of lastfiscal despite reduced auto financing,which had been one of the main sourcesof demand in previous years.

Another car maker Indus MotorCompany (IMC) said that withPakistan’s macroeconomicindices showing some signs ofmodest recovery the companyexpects the second half of 2010-11 to be better for the autoindustry.In near term the company’s earningswill remain under pressure owing todeteriorating security situation, powercrisis, continuous depreciation of rupee,escalating input costs and morerelaxation for used car imports .The IMC said that allowing used carimports under various schemes hadbeen misused and currently, it hasstarted damping demand of locallyproduced cars. The used car importswill put additional burden on country’simport bill besides devouring foreignexchange, it observed.....

26AUTOMARK | March-2011

Car maker plans toraise output

The PSMCL plans to produce 26,330 units ofMehran, 13,550 units of Bolan, 15,550 unitsof Ravi, 13,000 units of Cultus, 11,200 unitsof Alto, 7,350 units of Swift and 600 units

of Liana in 2011.

Automotive Sector - Update

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Page 18: Automark Magazine March 2011

President Asif Ali Zardari on Wednesdayinvited Toyota Tshusho, a leadingJapanese auto parts giant, to invest inPakistan, as automobile sector inPakistan is flourishing with the passageof time.He said that Pakistan isproviding at trac tive investmentopportunities and security to foreigninvestors in various sectors and has setup a special economic zone at an areaof 2000 acres near Karachi for Japaneseinvestors.He was talking to JunzoShimizu, President Toyota Tsuhsho(Trading House dealing in supply of autospare parts), who along with Executiveof Toyota Corporation called on himhere.The President said, Pakistan offeredattractive facilities to foreign investors,a land of 170 million people with cheapand skilled labour force as well as liberalexport incenti ves offered greatopportunities to Japanese investors.He said that Pakistan would prove a hubfor foreign investors from where theycan export their products to Central

Asia, China, India and Middle East whilePakistani people would get employmentopportunities.The President said that Japan was oneof Pakistan’s trading partners, urgingfor further enhancing tr ad e andcommercial ties for mutual benefits ofthe two countries.The President said that Pakistan needsbetter trade terms with foreign investorsand seeks resources and support ofJapanese entrepreneurs to access itsproducts to the international markets.President Zardari said that Pakistan’smajor imports from Japan are motorvehicles and their parts and machinerywhere power generators and textilemachinery constitute t he mainproportion of machinery import.Presid ent Toyota Tsusho, JunzoShimjizu said that their company wouldtake benefits from the attractive andliberal policies of the Government ofPakistan and would invest in auto spareparts sector.Japan is the fourth largest investment

partner of Pakistan with cumulativeinvestment of US $ 385.9 million during1989-90 to 2003-2004,constituting fivepercent of the total investment inPakistan.The big surge of investment observedin 1995-96 in Independent PowerProducers (IPP) projects.The Japanese investment recovered andincreased by seven percent during 2002-03 to 2003-04 due to the increase ofinvestment in the automobile sector.The Japanese investment in theautomobile sector grew by more than5.5 times in 2003-04 in comparison withthe previous year (2002-03) to meet theg rea t domesti c demand of theautomobiles.Major sectors of Japanese investmentare joint venture projects mainly inautomobile sector. For example Pak-Suzuki Motor (Suzuki), Indus Motor(Toyota), Honda Atlas Cars (Honda),Gandhara Nissan Diesel (Nissan Diesel),Hino Pak Motors (Hino).

The Yamaha Motors Company Japanwould establish motorcycle plant inKarachi this year with investment of$150 million to cater to the increasingdemand of motorcycle in the country,Chairman Board of Investment, SaleemH. Mandviwalla said.“Although theproject was in pipeline for the last one-and-a-half year, the deal to this affectwas finalized during President Asif AliZardar i’ s recent vis it to Japan,”M a nd vi w a ll a to l d AP P wh i l ecommenting on the visit.The Board of Investment (BoI)Chai rma n said t hat dur ing thePresident’s visit, both the countriesagreed to further boost their trade andinvestment relations.He said the government of Pakistanwould fulfill all the requirements forestablishing the Yehama plant which,he said would have capacity of producing500,0 00 motorcyc les annuall y.

Mandviwalla said that the 1960’stechnology was sti ll in vogue whiledeveloping motorcycles in the countryadding the Yamaha plant wouldintroduce latest technology and producestate-of-the-art motorcycles.He said the groundbreaking of the plantwould be held within next two monthsadding that the plant would startproduction by the end of 2012 or early2013.He said that a Japanese company wouldbuild Karachi Circular Railway andelevated expressway from Port Qasimto Karachi while Mitsubishi Companyalso wanted to pour i n furtherinvestments in the country adding thatthis company was already having fiveproject in Pakistan.Besides, he said, that several othercompanies including Toyota have showninterest to invest in Pakistan, addingthat successful meetings were also held

with Japan International CooperationAgency (JICA).Mandviwalla said that the Presidentduring his meeting urged on th eJapanese Prime Minister to providePakistan-specific investment credit tothose Japanese companies which areinterested to invest in the country.The BoI Chairman was of the view thatPakistan and Japan were enjoying goodrelations however stressed the need forhigh level engagements to boost theserelations.He said that Pakistani mangoes, for thefirst time, would find space in theJapanese market where he said onemango would cost about Rs.3000.He said that Pakistan would also takesteps for attracting South Koreaninvestments in the country and disclosedthat President Zardari is scheduled tovisit South Korea this year in this regard.

27AUTOMARK | March-2011

Zardari invites Japan’sauto parts giant to invest

in Pakistan

Yamaha to establish motorcycle plant thisyear in Pakistan: Mandviwalla

Automotive Sector - Update

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Page 19: Automark Magazine March 2011

28AUTOMARK | March-2011

The local car manufacturing industryhas lambasted the decision of theEconomic Coordination Committee(ECC) to increase the maximumdepreciation allowance on imported carsfrom 50 to 60 per cent.Speaking to media, Pakistan Associationof Automotive Parts and AccessoriesManufacturers (PAAPAM) ChairmanAamir Allawala claimed, “Members ofthe government are pursuing vestedinterests in unfolding a step-by-stepplan to decimate the local automotiveindustry.”The industry representative alsoasserted, “ECC is soon expected toapprove an increase in the depreciationrate on used cars from one per cent totwo per cent per annum, thus, slashingthe customs duty on these cars to halfthe current rate.”Allawala questioned the economicviability of the government’s policy ofrelaxations in car imports. He warnedthat these policies would threaten thelocal car industry and could causemassive job losses in the sector.“Pakistan desperately needs industry-friendly policies that lead to employmentgeneration and alleviation of poverty,rather than appeasement of the elite

class for purchasing Vitz and Prados,”said Allawala.“The government should be facilitatingthe existing industry and devisingpolicies to attract new entrants, insteadof appeasing traders,” said Indus MotorMarketing Director Raza Ansari. Ansariacknowledged that car prices had risenin recent years but asserted, “the averageincrease has been about seven per centannually, which is considerably less thanthe rise in prices of inputs and thedepreciation of the rupee against othercurrencies.”He also pointed out that the car importscheme is meant for Pakistanis residingabroad but is instead being exploited bycar importers. “We have documentarye vi d en c e t o pro v e t ha t c a rsmanufactured over seven years ago arebeing imported and many importers are

under-invoicing their shipments bydeclaring 1,500cc cars as 1,300ccmodels,” alleged Ansari. “Governmentofficials are party to these crimesbecause they too are benefitting,” headded.Car dealers welcome importrelaxations“This decision will lower governmentrevenue and benefit a handful of cardealers,” said a spokesperson for thePakistan Automotive ManufacturersAssociation. He highlighted that thedomestic industry has an annualturnover of over Rs300 billion andemploys close to 200,000 workers.Rejecting the contention that carmanufacturers have failed to invest inthe country, the spokesperson said,“original equipment manufacturers(OEM) have further invested over Rs20billion during the past four years toexpand product ion c apaci ties.”Car dealers welcome import relaxations“These steps show that the governmenthas realised that the local car industryhas not kept its part of the bargain andshould not be given a free ride at theexpense of consumers,” said car dealer.

Car-makers blindsidedby import-friendly policies“The government should be facilitating the existing industry anddevising policies to attract new entrants, instead of appeasing

traders,” said Indus Motor Marketing Director Raza Ansari

Automotive Sector - Update

The State Bank of Pakistan has increasedmaximum financing limit for an export-oriented project under the Long-TermFinancing Facility (LTFF) scheme forplant and machinery from Rs1 billionto Rs1.5 billion.In a circular issued on Monday, SBPsaid banks and development financeinstitutions (DFIs) may continue toprovide financing facilities as per theircredit policies over and above themaximum limit from their own sourcessubject to compliance with prudentialregulations.In another circular, SBP said that banksand DFIs can entertain financing

requests of a new project or expansionand balancing, modernisation andreplacement (BMR) of existing projectson the basis of projected exports.The borrower will have to meetminimum export target – $5 million or50 per cent of sales whichever is lower– within a maximum period of fouryears, from the date of grant of refinancefrom the central bank in a phasedmanner. In the first phase, 40 per centof the export target will be met in thefirst two years while the remaining 60per cent target will be met in the nexttwo years or total period of loan,whichever is less.

Financing for export projects increasedDirector Brigadier Tariq Javed Rehanhas said that HIT has the capacity tomanufacture locomotives for PakistanRailways. Speaking at the LahoreChamber of Commerce and Industry(LCCI), he said that HIT would continueto play its role to strengthen theengineering industry. He said that HITwas increasing its liaison with privatesector and efforts were underway toenhance interaction with the indigenousi ndustr ies of Pa kista n fo r thedeve lopme nt of ma ter i als andcomponents. He said HIT is currentlymanufacturing the Al-Khalid MainBattle Tanks.

Heavy Industries Taxilacan make locomotives

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Page 20: Automark Magazine March 2011

If you want to purchase a new car whichgives you advanced technology for use.The New Honda hybrid cars recentlylaunched Honda Insight Hybrid in amore practical way with 5-door form orsystem. This car is the advanced versionof Original Honda Insight Hybrid 1999.In the world of gas or electric hybrids,this car set the pace for hybrids in theautomotive industry. After consideringall essential needs, experts designedthis car model. After launching this carin the market, still it is in much demand.The technique behind manufacturingthe Honda Insight hybrid is simple butstill latest. The production company usesan under-powered and un-thirstyinternal combustion engine whichprovides primary locomotion. To getmore power for better acceleration, theyused small electric motor that liesbetween the engine and transmission.The model is litt le similar to thesleek and sophisticated fuel cell vehicle.The front portion of the car is strongand eye catching too. The high qualityLED break lights complete the look ofthis car. Inside, it is having a generous5 passenger cabin. The 5-door hybridslips are showcased the active lifestyle.One very special feature of this car isradio data system; it is used to get extrainformation about your music. It is alsoinclude the facilities like Bluetooth andHands Free Link.The Honda Insight 2010 features allthe amenities. The 60/40 split rear fold-down seatback provides maximumcomfort space for people. Thecenterpiece of the car made up ofadvanced Integrated Motor Assist IMAsystem. The Battery pack is wellimproved. It is resulted into the costsavings and helps to reduce weight. Theengine carries 1.3 liter and has 8 valveswith 4 cylinders. The car has DC electricbrushless motor. Plus, it is equippedwith continuously variable transmission.The safety system of 2010 Honda Insightis well organized. It is not limited forcar crash but for driver and passengers

too. To enhance the safety of vehicleson the road, they implement advanceddesigns and features. The anti-lockbreaking system has latest techniquemodulator to pulse the breaks. Itsupports driver retain steering controland prevent wheel lockup. Fromairbags to advanced compatibilityengineering body struct ure is presentfor your protection.The electronic break distribution systemhelps the breaking forces at every wheelaccording to weight present in the car.The 2010 Honda Insight car is thecomplete packag e of st yle andperformance.

Hydrogen Cars are Naturefriendly carsIf you are really want to know hownature friendly cars work, then searchonline. You will definitely get suitableinformation about hydrogen cars. Theyare not just helpful for maintainingenvironment clean but they also savemoney which you spend on your carfuel. Day by day, the prices of fuelincreasing rapidly, hence, this alternatefuel cars are grabbing more attentionand popularity. These cars have a simplemeaning that is use water as fuel. So,you can easily imagine about the hugefuel savings. This is possible becausethese cars draw energy from water toboost your gasoline fuel economy.People from all over the world wouldlike to use this car. They understand theuse of water as a fuel. This fuel is suitablefor trucks, rockets,airplanes and evenfor tractors.From the internet and books, magazines,you can take more detailed at how thesehydrogen cars works and how theyefficiently work on water. From the carbattery, simple device electricity is usedto separate water H2O into gas. It iscalled HHO which means two parts ofhydrogen and one part of oxygen. It canproduce significant levels of energy dueto highly charged gas. From this wholereaction, water is remaining as a wasteproduct. It clearly means

no ha rm t o thenature. Hydrogenca rs s upport t oi m p r o v e f u e lec o no my . F romyounger to oldergeneration, everyonelikes this conceptand start using this.

The same amount of HHO is three timesmore powerful than gasoline. The otherinteresting part about these hydrogencars is that when energy is generated byburning gas more than three fourth islost through fumes. The remaining gasis gone in the form of part vibrations,as unburned fuel and fuel evaporations.With the presence of HHO, the enginestarts processing the fuel differently. Ithelps to improve fuel work efficiency.This fuel is totally safe. Because of theprocess hydrogen is produced and issimply released in the air. Currently,this hydrogen is not created from waterbut it is made from fossil fuels andmethane.Mostly Hybrid cars make use of thisadvanced technology. In this car, theyuse more than one type of fuel. To learnhow this hydrogen cars work, manydealers provide Do it yourself kit atreasonable prices. This system is easyto install and quick to learn. To increaseyour car's mileage three to four times,you can use water with your currentgasoline or diesel engine. Itcreates immense power and improvesperformance of engine. One moreadvantage of water fuel is that it cleansengine very well. This technology whichis used in this car is called greentechnology. It reduces emissions intothe air and it also resulted into lessamount of smog.Apart from all this advantages, thistechnology has many other benefits. Itnot only helps for environment but it isalso helps to maintain good health bykeeping air clean and pollution free.

Honda Insight Hybrid Car& Hydrogen Cars

By Muneeb JawedAutomotive Engineering- NED Univeristy

The safety system of 2010 Honda Insight is well organized. It is not limitedfor car crash but for driver and passengers too.

Automotive Technology - Review

33AUTOMARK | March-2011

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34AUTOMARK | March-2011

As 2011 starts off, the automobileindustry, a major source of innovationand economic growth, faces the evergrowing challenge of environmental de-gradation [1] around the world andespecially in China. Being the world’slargest auto market and manufacturer,China, has become the world’s largestemitter of Green House Gases, with theprediction to constitute 35% of newglobal energy demand in 2030, requiringit to seek ways of lowering its carbondemand and GHG emissions throughdisrupt ive i nnova tion [32 ] andalternative energy [33].The Chinese government with the aimof developing its automobile industry(through independent innovation) andboosting the economy is quite aware oft h e p ot e nt i a l t h rea t s o f t heenvironmental degradation and hastaken imperative measures to controlit. But the questions remains that beingthe world’s largest emitter of carbondioxide and the second largest oilconsumer, what alternative energysource(s) can China use to run itsindustries (especial ly automobileindustry). And, Why should green /alternate energy automobiles bedeveloped?

Alternative Energy Sources:China is an active country concernedabout the cl imate change and is asignatory to the Basel Convention,Montreal Protocol for the Protection ofthe Ozone Layer, Convention onInternational Trade in EndangeredSpecies, Kyoto Protocol [2] and theCancun Agreement. It has alsodeveloped a number of policies andplans to cater the problem of climatechange with regards to different sectorsof the society, especially the automobileindustry, the latest of which being thedevelopment of the "National Standard"for Electric Automobiles in April, 2010.China’s National Automobile IndustryP olici es and Pla ns. 2 00 4-20 10

Technology development and heavy

investment in renewable energytechnologies and installations haveincreased noticeably throughout the lastdecade in China, and investment inrenewable is now part of China'seconomic stimulus strategy [3]. Topromote the development of theemerging energy industries and meetthe carbon emissions reduction targetsof 2 02 0, t he Na tion al E nerg yAdministration (NEA) has compiled adevelopment plan for emerging energyindustries from 2011 to 2020 that willrequire direct investments totaling 5trillion yuan, according to the NEA on20th July, 2010 [4].And to cater its increasing demand forenergy, China is already using a numberof renewable energy sources, i.e. (a)Hydro Power: China's insta lledhydropower capacity has surpassed 200million kilowatts (kW) in late August2010. (b) Wind Power: China hasbecome the world's largest maker ofwind turbines in 2009 [5] (c) SolarPower: China produces 30% of theworlds solar photovoltaics (PV) [6]. (d)Bio Mass and Biofuel: China emergedas the world’s third largest producer ofethanol bio-fuels (after the U.S. andBrazil) as of the end of the 10th FiveYear Plan Period in 2005 and at presentethanol accounts for 20% of totalautomotive fuel consumption in China[7]. (e) Geothermal: There are more than3,000 locations of natural hot springsdistributed throughout various locationsin China with forecasts to 2020predicting that geothermal directheating use in China will be equivalentto that of a 1,300 MW dummy power

plant running at full capacity for oneyear [8].

Wind Power Plants inXinjiang, ChinaWhy should green automobilesbe developed?(Continued)……References[1] Cars, Trucks, Air Pollution andHealth. (Accessed 8th January,2011).[ 2 ] E n v i r o n m e n t o f C h i n a . (Accessed 8th January,2011).[3] Caprotti F (2009) China’s CleantechLandscape: The Renewable EnergyTechnology Paradox SustainableDevelopment Law & Policy Spring 2009:6-10[4] China develops 5-tril lion-yuana l t e r n a t i v e e n e r g y p l a n . on 8th January, 2011).[5] China Leading Global Race to MakeClean Energy. (Accessed:8th January, 2011)[6] Incentives, Falling Cost and RisingDemand in China's PV Market.Yotam Ariel, November 13, 2009. (Accessed: 8th January, 2011)[7] Chinese development status ofb i o e t h a n o l a n d b i o d i e s e l .[8] Geothermal Resources and Use forHeating in China. Zheng Keyan.Presented at the Workshop for DecisionMakers on Direct Heating Use ofGeot hermal Resources in Asia,organized by UNU-GTP, TBLRREM andTBGMED, in Tianjin, China, 11-18 May,2008.....

China and the Challengeof Environmental DegradationThe Chinese government with the aim of developing its automobile industry and

boosting the economy is quite aware of the potential threats of the environmentaldegradation and has taken imperative measures to control it.

Focus on Environment Exclusive article by Raja Irfan Sabir

continued on next page

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Page 22: Automark Magazine March 2011

China’s National Automobile Industry Policies and Plans 2004-2010

35AUTOMARK | March-2011

The automobile industry and parts

manufacturers have expressed seriousconcerns over the likely increase in the

depreciation limit for the imported usedcars because it would reduce customs

duty on these cars by 10 percent.The Economic Coordination Committee

(ECC) of the Cabinet in its meeting heldon Tuesday considered enhancing the

depreciation limit on imported used carsto 60 from 50 percent, hence further

reducing the duty on import of usedvehicles. However, no SRO has yet been

issued.Representatives of automotive industry

said that this decision would favourtraders instead of the local industry.

“Increasing depreciation limit will be anunwise move. Instead of facilitating and

protecting th e local industry andencouraging more investment, the

government is again favouring thoseworking in the interest of the imported

cars lobby,” said a spokesperson for

Pakistan Automotive ManufacturersAssociation (PAMA).

He said it was claimed that the movewould help bring down car prices. It

would actu ally make Pakistan adumping ground for cars that have lived

their lives, he said.An Indus Motor Company (IMC)

spokesperson said that facilitatingimport of used cars would hamper

investment by the local manufacturers.Furqan Punjani, auto analyst at Topline

Securit ies, said that enhancingdepreciation limit would have a negative

impact on the local manufacturers.Pakistan Association of Automotive

Parts and Accessories Manufacturers(PAAPAM) Chairman Aamir Allawala

said that vested interests in the FederalCabinet had managed to get import duty

reduced on used vehicles....

Auto sector concernedover likely cut in duty

The net profit of Pak Suzuki MotorCompany has declined to Rs 211.143million in the year ended December 31,2010, as compared to Rs 255.219 millionearned in the corresponding period in2009.The company's earning per share stoodat Rs 2.57 in the period under reviewagainst Rs 3.10 in the same period ayear back.The board of directors of the companyin its meeting hel d la st weekrecommended a final cash dividend forthe year at Re 0.50 per share i.e. 5percent.According to the financial results sentto Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE), thecompany's turnover increased to Rs42.642 billion in 2010 against Rs 26.234billion in 2009, while the cost of salesincreased to Rs 41.638 billion againstRs 25.664 billion.The company's profit before taxationincreased to Rs 668.015 million in 2010against Rs 427.843 million in 2009.

Pak Suzuki Motor

net profit declinesRepresentatives of automotive industry said that this

decision would favour traders instead of the localindustry. “Increasing depreciation limit will be

an unwise move.

Automotive Sector - Update

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Page 23: Automark Magazine March 2011

Pollution! It is the enormous problemto all counties even to the whole world’senvironment which is not good at all.Vehicle is also taking a measure part inmaking air pollution. Particles and gasesreleased into the air from numeroussources result in air pollution. Caremissions are j ust one of thecontributing forces that lead to increasedair pollution. The health risks associatedwith air pollution include some that candecrease your life expectancy and limityour ability to fully enjoy life.In order to control the air pollutiongetting from vehicle exhaust system,automotive technology is making use ofemission control system. The fuel neverburns completely in combustion camberand then undesirable exhaust emissionsare created as a result which indeedmakes pollution. Undesirable exhaustemission is because of non availabilityof oxygen in its pure form. As aircontains other gases like carbon,nitrogen, contents of other gases also,out of which only oxygen helps inburning of fuel.The systems used to regulate or cleanemissions are shown below

Exhaust Gas RecirculationPo siti ve Crankc ase Vent ila ti onCatalytic ConverterAir Injection ReactionEvaporative EmissionExhaust Gas RecirculationThe purpose of the exhaust gasrecirculation valve (EGR) valve is tometer a small amount of exhaust gasinto the intake system; this dilutes theair/fuel mixture so as to lower thecombustion chamber temperature.Ex cessive combustion chambertemperature creates oxides of nitrogen,which is a major pollutant. While theEGR valve is the most effective methodof controlling oxides of nitrogen, in it'svery design it adversely affects engineperformance. The engine was notdesigned to run on exhaust gas. For thisreason the amount of exhaust enteringthe intake system has to be carefully

monitored and controlled. This isaccomplished through a series ofelectrical and vacuum switches and thevehicle computer. Since EGR actionreduces performance by diluting the air/fuel mixture, the system does not allowEGR action when the engine is cold orwhen the engine needs full power.

Positive CrankcaseVentilationThe purpose of the positive crankcaseventilation (PCV) system is to take thevapors produced in the crankcase duringthe normal combustion process. Duringnormal engine operation, fuel vapor andexhaust gases created in the combustionchamber leak past the piston rings(referred to as blow-by) and enter thec ra nk c as e. Thi s b l o w-b y a ndcondensation if not controlled, cancontaminate the engine oil, damage sealsand gaskets, and eventually enter theatmosphere. These vapors dilute theair/fuel mixture so they have to becarefully controlled and metered inorder to not affect the performance ofthe engine. This is the job of the positivecrankcase ventilation (PCV) valve. Atidle, when the air/fuel mixture is verycritical, just a little of the vapors areallowed in to the intake system. At highspeed when the mixture is less criticaland the pressures in the engine aregreater, more of the vapors are allowedin to the intake system. When the valveor the system is clogged, vapors willback up into the air filter housing or atworst; the excess pressure will push pastseals and create engine oil leaks. If thewrong valve is used or the system hasair leaks, the engine will idle rough, orat worst, engine oil will be sucked outof the engine.

Catalytic ConverterAutomotive emissions are controlled inthree ways; one is to promote morecomplete combustion so that there isless by products. The second is toreintroduce excessive hydrocarbonsback into the engine for combustion andthe third is to provide an additional area

for ox idation orcombustion to occur.This additional areais called a catalyticc o n v e r t e r . T h ecatalytic converterlooks like a muffler.It is located in thee x ha u st s y s t emahead of the muffler. Inside theconverter are pellets or a honeycombmade of platinum or palladium. Theplatinum or palladium is used as acatalyst (a catalyst is a substance usedto speed up a chemical process). Ashydrocarbons or carbon monoxide inthe exhaust are passed over the catalyst,it is chemically oxidized or converted tocarbon dioxide and water. As theconverter works to clean the exhaust, itdevelops heat. The dirtier the exhaust,the harder the converter works and themore heat that is developed. In somecases the converter can be seen to glowfrom excessive heat. If the converterworks this hard to clean a dirty exhaustit will destroy itself. Also leaded fuel willput a coating on the platinum orpalladium and render the converterineffective. This is why, in the U.S.A.,all fuels designed for automobile enginesare now unleaded.

Air injectionOne of the first-developed exhaustemission control systems is secondaryair injection. Originally, this system wasused to inject air into the engine'sexhaust ports to provide oxygen sounburned and part ial ly-burnedhydrocarbons in the exhaust wouldfinish burning. Air injection is now usedto support the catalytic converter'soxidation reaction, and to reduceemissions when an engine is startedfrom cold. After a cold start, an engineneeds a fuel-air mixture richer than whatit needs at operating temperature, andthe catalytic converter does not functionefficiently until it has reached its ownoperating temperature. The air injectedupstream of the converter supports

Vehicle Emission Control

by Omar Rashdifrom St. Patrick’s Technical Institute

In order to control the air pollution getting fromvehicle exhaust system, automotive technology is

making use of emission control system.

36AUTOMARK | March-2011

Automotive Inside - Exclusive Article

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Emirates Gas LLC (EMGAS), a whollyowned subsidiary of ENOC, the Dubaigovernment-owned diversified energygroup, hosted the first InternationalCNG and NGV Conference at theMovenpick Hotel in Dubai. The objectiveof the conference was to promote thedevelopment of the Compressed NaturalGas (CNG) and Natural Gas Vehicle(NGV) Industry in the UAE andstrengthen the use of alternative sourcesof energy in the UAE including cleanfuels.The conference was inaugurated by HerExcellency Dr. Mariam Hassan AlShenasi, Undersecretary at the UAEMinistry of Environment and Water,and provided a platform for industryexperts from EMGAS, ENOC, ADNOC,Emirates Authority for Standardizationand Metrology (ESMA), Dubai Police,Dubai Municipality , RTA, foreigndelegates and suppliers to share theirknowledge and experiences.Saeed Abdullah Khoory, ENOC's ChiefExecutive Officer, said: "Identifying

alternative sources of energy andpromoting the use of green fuels is thecornerstone of sustainable development,a thrust area for the UAE. CompressedNatural Gas is the cleanest burning fueloperating today and is a viab lealternative in ensuring economically andenvironmentally sustainable energy usein the region."CNG has several advantages includinglower operating and maintenance costsand added safety. In addition, manyvehicles are specifically designed to runon natural gas and often have greaterpower and efficiency.Hesham Ali Mustafa, Senior Director -

Gas Marketing at EMGAS, presented onoverview of CNG as a green fuel fortransportation and highlighted themeasures taken by EMGAS to advancethe CNG as an alternative source ofenergy. He said: "ENOC has always beenat the forefront of experimenting andusing alternative technologies forpromoting a green and sustainableDubai. The UAE has already embarkedupon a n ag gressi ve CNG/NGVprogramme and we are working towardsoperating our own CNG stations acrossthe UAEin the future," he added.CNG transportation fuel is fast becomingan alternative to traditional petrol anddiesel fuels with many countries aroundthe world promoting its use. It isestimated that 450 vehicles in the UAEoperate on CNG with 20 CNG fillingstations already operational in AbuDhabi, Al Ain and Sharjah. Also morethan 11 million vehicles worldwideoperate on natural gas with the AsianPacific region having the maximumnumber of CNG stations and vehicles -6.6 million CNG vehicles and 8,500 CNGstations.EMGAS first introduced CNG as asuccessful alternative fuel for the marineapplications in Dubai more than twoyears ago and also worked with the RTAto introduce CNG on Abras that operatebetween Bur Dubai and Deira on theDubai Creek. EMGAS also signed anagreement with Dubai Municipality tointroduce CNG in all public transport.Caption: Zaid Al Qufaidi, ManagingDirector of EMGAS, Dr. Mariam HassanAl Shenasi, Undersecretary at the UAEMinistry of Environment and Water,Saeed Abdullah Khoory, ENOC's ChiefExecutive Officer and Lee Seng,Executive Director of Asia PacificNatural Gas Vehicles Association.....

Emirates Gas LLC hosts CNGconference to promote alternative

sources of energy

combustion in the exhaust headpipe,which speeds catalyst warm up andreduces the amount of unburnedhydrocarbon emitted from the tailpipe.

Evaporative EmissionsGasoline evaporates quite easily. In thepast, these evaporative emissions werevented into the atmosphere. 20% of allHC emissions from the automobile arefrom the gas tank. In 1970 legislationwas passed, prohibiting venting of gastank fumes into the atmosphere. Anevaporati ve c ontrol system wasdeveloped to eliminate this source ofpollution. The function of the fuelevaporative control system is to trapand store evaporative emissions fromthe gas tank and carburetor. A charcoalcanister is used to trap the fuel vapors.The fuel vapors adhere to the charcoal,until the engine is started, and enginevacuum can be used to draw the vaporsinto the engine, so that they can beburned along with the fuel/air mixture.This system requires the use of a sealed

gas tank filler cap. This cap is soimportant to the operation of the system,that a test of the cap is now beingintegrated into many state emissioninspection programs. Pre-1970 carsreleased fuel vapors into the atmospherethrough the use of a vented gas cap.Today with the use of sealed caps,redesigned gas tanks are used. The tankhas to have the space for the vapors tocollect so that they can then be ventedto the charcoal canister. A purge valveis used to control the vapor flow intothe engine. The purge valve is operatedby engine vacuum. One commonproblem with this system is that thepurge valve goes bad and engine vacuumdraws fuel directly into the intakesystem. This enriches the fuel mixtureand will foul the spark plugs. Mostcharcoal canisters have a filter thatshould be replaced periodically. Thissystem should be checked when fuelmileage drops.....

37AUTOMARK | March-2011

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International - Energy Conference

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38AUTOMARK | March-2011

The Made in Gujranwala exhibitionwould facilitate small and mediumenterprises (SMEs) to market theirproducts at national and internationallevel, said Federation of PakistanChambers of Commerce and IndustryRegional Chairman Mian MuhammadTariq Shafi.The Small and Medium EnterprisesDevelopment Authority is holding theMade in Gujranwala exhibition at theGujranwala Business Centre (GBC),Gujranwala. GBC has been recentlycompleted by SMEDA, in collaborationwith the Gujranwala Chamber ofCommerce and Industry (GCCI) forproviding a shared display facility forth e Gujranwala based industries,especially the SMEs.Shafi visited the exhibition along with15 prominent businesspersons.

Chaudhry Aamer Ata Bajwa VicePresident, Khawaja Khawar Rashid,Manzoor-ul-Haq Malik, Tahir Malik,Osama Hass’an Yusuf, Anwaar A Sheikhand other prominent businessmen wereincluded in the delegation, a statementsaid on Thursday.Tar iq S ha fi said that M ade inGujranwala exhibition would allow localbusinesses to gain know how of theinternational business trends, productstandards, and international traderegulatory regime.Ata Bajwa said government shouldresolve energy cr is is to enhanceproductivity.GBC Chairman Sheikh Muhammad Alisaid the expo was meant to promoteGujranwala’s local industry at nationaland international level....

The Engineering Development Board(EDB) a nd S mall and MediumEnterprises (SME) Business SupportFund have agreed to develop andpromote the engineering industries ofPakistan to make it more productiveand competitive in the local as well asin the international markets.A Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) in this regard was signed hereby Aitazaz A Nia zi and Saqui bMoyuddin, CEOs of EDB and the Fund,on Friday. The objective of the co-operation is to establish a generalframework to facilitate cooperation inspecific areas in order to promotedevelopment of the SMEs in engineeringsector of Pakistan.....

MoU inked to promoteSME engineering


Made in Gujranwala expoto promote local SMEs

Pakistan has achieved self-sufficiencyin manufacturing the equipments ofint ernati onal sta ndard used inCompressed Natural Gas (CNG) sector.“Locally produced CNG equipments arenow competing with internationalbrands quality-wise as well as inperformance in the market,” officialsources said here.In order to promote indigenousproduction of CNG equipments, the Oiland Gas Regulatory Authority had givenpermission to eight companies formanufacturing and assembling of CNGC ompre sso rs, D i spe nse rs a ndConversion Kits for vehicles subject toc on fo rmit y o f th e l a i d do wninternational technical standards.After achieving the self-sufficiency, thesecompanies have recently started toexport the local ly manufactureddispensers to Argentina and Bangladesh.Presently, Ms/Tesla Industries -Islamabad, M/s Advanced ElectronicInternational - Karachi, M/s GlobalPakistan - Lahore, M/s Comcept Pvt Ltd- Islamabad, M/s Carbon Products -Islamabad, M/s Green Technology -Peshawar, M/s Siddiq Sons - Rawalpindiand M/s Landi Renzo, Pakistan areoperating in the country and producingCompressors, Dispensers, PriorityPanels and Conversion Kits.

manufacturing facil ity in PakistanIreland’s largest dealer and distributorhas travelled to Pakistan for meetingswith state officials over a proposal tobuild a truck manufacturing facility,reports daily paper.The paper said Robert Harris, themillionaire trucking magnate, is inneg ot iations with the Pakist anigovernment to set up a business thatwould import used Irish trucks into theAsian country, to be reconditioned andsold to local companies.Senior executives from the Harris group,Ireland,s largest truck dealer and thedistributor here of Hino, Iveco and Isuzuvehicles, travelled to Pakistan last monthfor meetings with state officials.Mark Barrett, its tender manager,presented Pakistani government officialswith a proposal to build a manufacturingfacility.Harris also wants to set up a network oftruck dealerships in Pakistan, as well asbuilding a testing centre for used trucks.

According to the paper, Barrett offeredan initial investment of 3 million Euros.We have been working on this for a year-and-a-half, said Barrett. We want toexport used trucks from Ireland, rebuildthem using local people and sell themon.The Harris group has received thesupport of Naghmana Hashmi, thePakistani ambassador to Ireland. Barrettsaid the proposal could not proceedwithout Pakistani government support.“The ball is in their court now, he said.A new Pakistani government policy tooverhaul the industry provides thattrucks should be upgraded to Europeanquality standards.We could do the testing. We would beopen to doing it on a public-privatepartnership with the government, saidBarrett. As for opening dealerships, wewill have to see what reaction we getfrom the government.

Irish entrepreneuroffers trucks

Company also wants to set up a networkof truck dealerships in Pakistan, as well

as building a testing centre for used trucks.

Pakistan becomesself-sufficient in

CNG kits production

Local Industry - Update

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The government on last week extendeddepreciation limits by an additional 10per cent for assessment of duty and taxeson the imported used cars, a move thatcould lower prices of the cars butdeferred an i ncent ive pac kag eencoura ging investment i n theautomobile sector.The Economic Coordination Committee(ECC) meeting under Finance MinisterDr. Hafeez Shaikh enhanced thedepreciation limit to 60 per cent fromexisting 50 per cent. However, thedecision was not made public after themeeting due to the fear of a backlashfrom the local auto manufacturers, asource privy to the meeting told press.A statement issued after the meetingsaid only that the ECC has approvedsummaries of the commerce ministryseeking rationalisation of car prices indomestic market.As per law, the government allows oneper cent depreciation per month in valueof used cars for assessment of duty.Though the government extended theage limit of used cars to 60 months (5years) in December but even still animporter could avail a maximum of 50per cent depreciation because of theupper capping.The new law envisages assessment of

duty to the maximum of 40 per cent ofthe original price of the five year oldimported cars.However, it is clear that the governmentfears a reaction from the local automanufacturers who are unhappy withthe decision to import used cars.The E CC post poned two ot hersummaries of the commerce ministryin this meeting, which dealt with aconcession package for new investorsin automobile sector and extension offive years facility to other vehiclesinstead of current cars.Pakistan Motor Dealers Associationchairman H. M. Shahzad said theenhancement in the depreciation limitcould cause a dip in prices of used carsin local market for end consumers.He estimated a difference in the range

of Rs150, 000 to Rs200, 000 in pricesof used cars following extension in theage limit to five years followed byenhancement in the depreciation value.To encourage new players in the automanufacturing, the commerce ministryhad proposed to the ECC to approve apackage seeking reduction in duty to16.25 per cent from 32.5 per cent onimport of components, parts and CKDkits not manufactured locally, and 25per cent duty instead of 50 per cent incase of components manufacturedlocally.This special package was proposed fora period of three years to attractinvestment in the a uto sector .The ECC asked the commerce ministryto prepare another detailed study on theproposed package to identify theinvestors and its impact on car prices indomestic market.Similar remarks were made on the othersummary of the minis try seekingextension in age limit of vehiclesincluding trucks, buses etc for overseasPakistanis.According to the official statement, theECC asked ministry of commerce to givea detailed presentation on the matter ofrational ising of prices of locallymanufactured cars....

Used cars depreciationlimit raised by 10pc

39AUTOMARK | March-2011

Pakistan Motor Dealers Association chairman H. M. Shahzad saidthe enhancement in the depreciation limit could cause a dip in prices

of used cars in local market for end consumers.He estimated a difference in the range of Rs150, 000 to Rs200, 000

in prices of used cars following extension in the age limit to fiveyears followed by enhancement in the depreciation value.

Automotive Sector - Update

The much-awaited double-decker touristbus project is yet to take off. CapitalDevelopment Authority (CDA) sent theproposal to the finance ministry for finalapproval to start double-decker touristbus service in the capital.Former CDA boss Kamran Lashari hadconceived the idea. The incumbent CDAchief, Imtiaz Inayat Elahi, followed upand gave the relevant departments twoweeks to come up with the terms andconditions and invite interested

companies to submit memorandums ofunderstanding.But without following the properprocedure the civic body has given thetender to a multinational company, saida senior official of CDA on the conditionof anony mi ty . He showed hi sreservations in this regard and askedthe CDA chairman not to give thecontract in haste without followingproper procedure.The official told media that it was

decided that the authority would floattenders for local or multinational firms.“But th e tender was given in anobjectionable manner to a company thatwas demanding a huge piece of landfrom CDA for establishing two busterminals,” he said.“Selecting of Ali Automobile Companydoes not make sense, as it does not fulfilthe requirements mentioned in theadvertisements published in nationalmedia for inviting proposals,” he added.

Double-decker bus halts at finance ministry

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40AUTOMARK | March-2011

Right to left: Mehfooz Elahi, Mian AkramFarid, Arif Azeem and Khalid Khan

Toru (Joint Secretary)

Ministry will help out SDC Islamabadin acquiring land for building

said Arif AzimMinistry will help out SDC Islamabad inacquiring land for building. Arif AzimFedera l Sec retar y Labour andManpower Mr. Arif Azeem has said thatthe government will make all out effortsto provide land for the building of SkillDevelopment Council, Islamabad so thatcouncil could be able to achieve targetsby establishing its own sophisticatedand well equipped training labs oftechnical and vocational trades.The Federal Secretary was talking toChairman Skill Development CouncilIslamabad Mian Akram Farid here onLast week during his visit to SDCIslamabad. Joint Secretary Labour &Manpower Mr. Khalid Khan Toru,Director General National TrainingBureau (NTB) Ms. Razia Zuberi and Mr.Mehfooz Elahi President IslamabadChamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCI)were also present in the meeting. Mr.Arif Azim said that the government willrequest ILO and UNDP to help SDCIslamabad by providing funds to buildworkstation for technical trainings at itsexisting training labs.A multimedia presentation on SDCactivities was also given to guests bythe Director of SDC Islamabad. He saidthat SDC Islamabad has trained 16557trainees since its inseption till July 2010.He also said that SDC will double thetrainees and partner institutes duringthe training year 2010-2011 for boostingskills and knowledge of those alreadyin employment and those about to enterthe market and take the students up tothe level of working with their ownprojects and with professional level workflow by covering important areas like

Technical / Vocational and Managementand IT. He promised that an EmploymentCell will be established at SDC soon forthe better placement of their trainees inindustry.Mian Akram Farid under lined theimportance of skil led workers ineconomic development of Pakistan. Hesaid that a large number of them areneeded not only within the country buttheir export to other countries can bringmuch needed foreign exchange. This isjust a beginning and we have a lug wayto go to boost our manufacturing sectorto make it the driving force for economicgrowth. He discussed the future plansof SDC with guests. The task isenormous, but achievable, with thesu pport of the government andmanufacturing industry. He shared theidea to develop SDC as BusinessSupport Organization (BSO) with

collaboration of Chambers and IndustrialAssociations.Mr. Murtaza Zaidi, SDC Board Memberinformed the guests that SDC is goingto launch its own ManagementInformation System (MIS) in March forstreamlining of SDC activities as wellas track record of trainees. He alsoexplained its features. Mr. MuhammadAfzal Malik, SDC Board Member saidthat SDC will provide linkage to industryand universi ties by establ ishingResearch & Development Center.Reviewing the performance, SecretaryLabour & Manpower and other guestsnoted with appreciation that SDCIslamabad has done a very good job tofill the skills gap and training needs ofthe country. Mr. Arif Azeem, along withChairman SDC and other guestsconducted a tour of SDC facilities andchecked the ongoing trainings.

From Left to Right: Ch. Waheed-ud-Din (SDC Board Member), Malik Muhammad

Afzal (SDC Board Member) Ms. Razia Zuberi (DG NTB), Mr. Arif Azeem

(Secretary Labour & Manpower), Mian Akram Farid (Chairman SDC Islamabad),

Khan Abbas Khan (Ex-Board Member SDC), Murtaza Zaidi (SDC Board Member)

Mr. Tariq Mehmood (Director NTB) and Mr. Aslam Bhutta (Ex-Board Member SDC)

Left to Right: Arif Azeem during a prese-ntation along with Mian Akram Farid,

Mehfooz Elahi (President ICCI)

Arif Azeem visiting SDC training labsalong with Mian Akram Farid(Chairman SDC Islamabad)

Press ReleaseMinistry of Labour & ManpowerSkill Development Council Islamabad

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Rs. 539,000CHEVROLET JOY Petrol

Price updated February 2011




ALTO VX 1000cc



Rs. 464,000Rs. 510,000Rs. 516,000

Rs. 560,000



Rs. 671,000Rs. 720,000

SUZUKIModel Price




GLI 1.3 VVT-i Rs. 1,462,000

XLi 1.3 VVT-i Rs. 1,337,000

2.OD SAL SUNROOF Rs. 1,824,000

2.OD Std. 2000cc Rs. 1,385,000Rs. 1,734,000

Rs. 1,705,000

ALTIS 1.8 VVTi A/T Rs. 1,790,000













Rs. 865,000

Rs. 906,000

Rs. 1,169,000

Rs. 1,239,000

Rs. 1,160,000

Rs. 544,000

Rs. 596,000

Rs. 604,000Rs. 657,000

Rs. 519,000

Rs. 1,230,000

Rs. 488,000

Rs. 539,000



Sunny Ex-Saloon 1.6L M/T Rs. 1,225,000Sunny Ex-Saloon 1.6L CNG Rs. 1,305,000

S. Super Saloon 1.6L M/T Rs. 1,370,000

S. Super Saloon 1.6L CNG Rs. 1,450,000


Rs. 7,30,000

Rs. 7,15,000



Rs. 6,85,000CUORE CX

NISSANS. Super Saloon 1.6L A/TS. S. Saloon 1.6L A/T CNG

Rs. 1,470,000Rs. 1,550,000

NISSAN DIESEL TRUCKSDiesel Truck PKB 211Diesel Truck PKD 411HDiesel Truck PKD 411EDiesel Truck PKD CD 411Diesel Prime Mover CWM 454

Rs. 3,000,000Rs. 4,150,000Rs. 4,260,000Rs. 4,600,000Rs. 5,500,000




Model PriceACCORD Rs. 5,866,000

CITY I-VETC AT Rs. 1,454,000CITY I-VETC MT Rs. 1,324,000


Rs. 1,659,000Rs. 1,834,000

ACCORD CR-V Rs. 5,316,000

CIVIC VTI Pt Rs. 1,779,000

Rs. 1,909,000


Model Price


CHERY QQ Petrol Rs. 588,000CHERY QQ CNG Rs. 628,000


Rs. 2,269,431Rs. 2,545,000

Rs. 2,150,260


(90 S/WJEEP STD)(110 S/W A/C)

(90 Soft Top)

Car / Light Vehicle Price ListCar / Light Vehicle Price List

APV 1.5L GLX MT (CBU) Rs. 1,824,000APV 1.5L GLX CNG (CBU) Rs. 1,899,000

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Page 29: Automark Magazine March 2011

42AUTOMARK | March-2011

Pakistan is an agriculture country whichhas rich and vast natural resource base,covering various climatic and ecologicalzones. Hence the country has greatpotential for producing all types of foodcommodities. Agriculture has animportant direct and indirect role ingenerating economic growth. Theimportance of agriculture to theeconomy is seen in three ways: first, itprovides food to consumers and fibersfor domestic industry; second, it is asource of scarce foreign exchangeearnings; and third, it provides a marketfor industrial goods. The booming andblooming agriculture sector of Pakistanhas risen significantly, due to good cropsincurred support to economical stabilityof farmers, though, decade boundunstable political condition has not shedits effect in the life of a common manowing to elevated inflation.Agrarian based economy of Pakistan hasgiven rise to some business sectors liker e a l e s t a t e , c o n s t r u c t i o n s ,

communi cat ion, aut omob ile, &education.Tractor is an automobile that yield avital role in the efficient performance ofthe grower, and a high quality Tractoris time-saving and economical to theproductivity of the crops.HERO Russi has appeared a qualitytractor. The company HERO MotorsLimited based upon its philosophy ofcustomer orientation is offering uniqueafter-sales-service facility al l overPakistan, this offer is fiducially enoughto delight the farmers and customers.The company is offering 13 months or1300 hours (whichever be first)warranty.HERO Russi Tractor has now affiliatedwith PAMA upon the production ofHERO Russi Tractors in state-of-the-art manufacturing and assemblingfacilit ies at the plant situated inHyderabad. HERO Russi Tractors arealso available on subsidiary prices ofGovernment of Pakistan through all

commercial anda g r i c u l t u r eb a n k s .Moreover, thecompany is alsop r e s e n t i n gleasing facility ofHE R O R uss iTractor to farmers on easy installments.HERO Russi Tractors are available inthree variants each of 50 hp delivers theunmatched performance according tothe need of the customer. The threemodels of HERO Tractors are HERORussi 500 Classic which can pull & carrythe load of 8 to 9 tons, HERO Russi 500Deluxe 10 to 12 tons and HERO Russi500 Dabang 12 to 16 tons. HERO RussiTractor has efficient fuel consumptionas low as 3.25 liter per hour.The sale of HERO Russi Tractor hasgrown significantly in a very early ageof its development as PAMA has rankedit at top-3 brands of its category....

by M. Iqbal WajidBrand Manager, Fateh Motors Ltd.,

PAMA has affiliated HERORussi Tractor Farmers have

endorsed it.The sale of HERO Russi Tractor has grown significantly in avery early age of its development as PAMA has ranked it

at top-3 brands of its category

The Federal Board of Revenue hasrejected the Engineering DevelopmentBoard's claim that the tax authoritieshave not fully implemented the PowerPolicy 2002, on import of plant,machinery, equipment for powergeneration projects.Sources told local press that the EDBhas received the comments of the FBRon the National Engineering ExportsDevelop-ment Strategy (NEEDS)developed by the EDB. According to theEDB proposal, there was need forimplementing Power Policy 2002, inletter and spirit, with no duty exemptional l owed on i mport o f l oc al lymanufactured goods as provided in the

relevant customs exemption notification.Both the PPIB and the FBR have toensure proper implementation of thePower Policy.The EDB has received the FBR responsewhich says that the Power Policy, 2002envisaged, inter-alia, a concessionaryrate of 5 percent customs duty andcomplete exemption of sales tax forpower generation projects. However,the scope of exemption is restricted tothose items, which are not manufacturedlocally. These concessions/exemptionsare notified vide SRO 575(I)/06, datedJune 5, 2006.In the year 2008-9, the Ministry ofWater and Power moved a Summary for

the Economic Coordination Committee(ECC) of the Cabinet wherein it wasproposed that the projects which haveachieved Financial Close or expected toachieve financial close within March,2008 may be allowed to import coolingtowers, heat recovery steam generatorsand feed water pumps after paying 5percent customs duty irrespective of thefact that the same are manufacturedlocally or otherwise, as one timerelaxation. The same was approved bythe ECC and in pursuance of the ECCdecision, SRO 412 (I)/2008, dated April30, 2008 was issued, FBR responseadded.......

Power Policy 2002 FBR rejectsEDB claim

Automotive Sector - Updated

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Page 30: Automark Magazine March 2011

Poor research and development ishindering Pakistan’s growth in theautomobile sector. Unlike India,Pakistan cannot experiment smallercars like the Tata Nano due to poorresearch and development.In an interview with MEDIA, IndusMotor Company CEO Pervez Ghaissaid that Pakistan is unlikely to seesuch projects as a result of limitedresearch facilities.Speaking on the recent price hikes,Ghais claimed his companyincreased car prices by only sevenper cent in the last 28 months.“Looking at an annual increase of3.5 per cent, I must say theincrease is justified, he said.“It annoys me when thegovernment claims our cars arenot in reach of the common man,because we target the nichemarket, not the common man. Ourcustomers are ready to pay forquality products, as they know theywill not be cheated,” he said,defending the company’s pricingpolicy.He added that Daihatsu Cuore wasknown for its quality, which is thereason for its comparatively highprice, and said the company isproducing 210 cars per day at fullcapacity.Speaking on the issue of newentrants in the industry, he saidthat automobile manufacturers willonly come to Pakistan when theyare offered consi stent andconducive policies. “No new

manufacturer will enter the industrywhen he sees inconsistent policies,”he said.Elaborating his point, he explainedthat companies like Toyota makelong-term plans, which requireconsistent government policies.“You see foreign investors havewide range of choices to invest inany country but they will rarelyinvest in markets where they seeinconsistent policies,” he said.On the policy regarding import offive-year-old cars, he believes itwill hurt the local industry, but notas much as expected, as thepercentage of imported cars in themarket is limited to just five percent.Ghais highlighted the significanceof manufacturing, saying populouscountries l ike Pakistan needmanufacturing-based economies.“There is nothing wrong withtrading but Pakistan does not havea choice – it needs to choose eithermanuf-acturing or trading as theeconomy’s base,” he said.However, he asserted that Pakistanoffers strong investment scenario

for carm-akers, asthepopulationis risingandenergyand gove-rnanceissues arelikely toimprovesoon.Giving anexample,he said, “Toyota, for example, hasincreased its equity share from 25per cent to 37.5 per cent in justtwo years.”When questioned on imported cars,he replied that local cars were notinferior compared to imported onesin terms of performance. “Ourquality is not inferior and one cancompare our quality and prices withtop brands in regional countries,”he said.Comparing the sales pattern, hecommented, “I think more growthshould be witnessed in small carsales, as people will prefereconomical cars due to high inflationin the country. However, over thelast two years, we sold moreCorollas than small cars – which isnot a healthy sign because itrepresents short-term growth.”

43AUTOMARK | March-2011

Country lacks research anddevelopment: Indus Motor CEO

Comparing the sales pattern, he commented, “I thinkmore growth should be witnessed in small car sales,

as people will prefer economical cars due to high inflationin the country. However, over the last two years, we sold

more Corollas than small cars.

Automotive Sector - Interview

“There is nothing wrong with trading but Pakistan does not have

a choice – it needs to choose either manuf-acturing or

trading as the economy’s base,” he said.

Mr. Pervez GhaisCEO Indus Motors

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[email protected]

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Page 32: Automark Magazine March 2011

45AUTOMARK | March-2011

A large gathering of civil contractors,leading landlords and officers ofagricultural departments attended theCASE back hoe launch at Nerun KotQasimabad, Hyderabad.Mr. Maqsood, CEO of Rastgar, gave anintroduction of their businesses carriedout by their group in Pakistan. Heassured to the gathering that hiscompany is fully capable and equippedin every respect to provide an exquisiteafter sales service, spare parts andtraining support to the buyers of CASEmachines in Pakistan.Mr. Mansoor Rizvi, Country Managerof CASE NEWHOLLAND, gave anexhaustive presentation on the machine.He appreciated the efforts of M/s.Rastgar towards the introduction of

CASE mach ines in Pakistan. Mr.Mansoor said that CASE backhoeloaders are one of the most useful multi-purpose machinery available today forconstruction workers, farmers and othercontractors. While highlighting thediversities of this machine, he said thatit can work like a medium size crawlerexcavator, wheel loader and small dozerbesides other application like ashandling of construction material,hammer applications and as a post holedigger.Mr. Imtiaz Rastgar, Chairman of Rastgargroup, thanked the participants andstressed the need of good qualityconstruction equipments in Pakistan.He said many new projects of highimportance such as coal , marble , oiland gas are emerging in the country

which will heavily require new qualityconstruction equipments to achievequality results with reduced downtime. Explaining the reason to select backhoe first to start the marketingcampaign , he said, during the visit ofIndia he has seen an extensive use ofthis machine there, which is locallyproduced by CNH and sold in thousandsevery year in India.A demonstration of CASE backhoe wasconducted by the engineers of M/s.Rastgar who had exhibited the variousfunctions and capabil ities of th emachine. The participants showed greatinterest in it.In the end, guest were served withsumptuous lunch.....

Case Construction DealerM/s. Rastgar LaunchedBackhoe in Hyderabad,


Construction Machinery Launched in Hyderabad

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46AUTOMARK | March-2011

ENERCON along with ACE Energy (Pvt)Limited jointly organized a Workshopon Globally Accepted Practices for thePromotion of Energy Conservation andSafety Standards in Different CNGApplications on 17th February, 2011 atM arriott Hotel, Islamabad. TheWorkshop was of special interest toc o n c e r n e d R e g u l a t o r yAuthorities/Departments, OMCsoperating or hosting CNG outlets at theirpetrol pump sites and CNG AssociationMembers. Mr. Farid Ullah Khan,Managing Director, ENERCON andSyed Ahmed Masood, ManagingDirector, ACE Energy (Pvt) Limited.,has given details of the workshop. Theworkshop was also attended by H.ERodolfo Martin Saravia ArgentineanAmbassador, while Federal Secretaryfor Environment graces the occasion.Pakistan’s energy mix is highlydependent on oil and gas. It has to spendaround US$ 10-12 billion a year onimport of crude oil and deficit petroleumproducts, mainly diesel and furnace oil.Pakistan is working on policies tosubstitute liquid hydrocarbon fuels withnatural gas in a bid to cut down itsimport bill and to improve theenvironment.Pakistan has been lucky to have anumber of natural gas discoveries in thepast 2 to 3 years with an output potentialof more than 1 billion cubic feet of gasper day within the next 4 to 5 years. Thegovernment is encouraging fast-trackdevelopment of these discoveriesthrough different incentives to bring theadditional gas in the national pipelinenetwork.Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is asubstitute for gasoline (petrol) or dieselfuel. It i s considered to be anenvironmentally “Clean” alternative tothose fuels. It is made by compressingmethane (CH4) extracted from naturalgas. Argentina and Brazil are the twoother countries with the largest fleets ofCNG vehicles. The Compressed NaturalGas (CNG) sector of Pakistan by end of2009 has attracted over Rs 90 billioninvestments during the last few years asa result of liberal and encouraging

policies of the government.Presently, around 3,105 CNG stationsare operating in the country in 85 citiesand towns. It has provided employmentto above 30,000 people in Pakistan.Over 3 million vehicles were convertedto CNG as of end 2009, showing anincrease of 35 percent yearly. AllPakistan CNG Association (APA)confirms that CNG stakeholders haveinvested Rs.90 billion in this sector andanother Rs 20 billion investment is inpipeline. The CNG consumers hadinvested around Rs 60 bil lion inconverting their vehicles to CNG. TheCNG was replacing at least 6.12 billionliters of petrol every year and savingforeign exchange to the tune of billionsof dollars.Government’s petroleum pol icyencourages use of compressed naturalgas (CNG) as transport fuel to replacepetrol as well as diesel oil, to providenatural gas to thermal power plantsusing furnace oil, and to increase localproduction and import of liquefiedpetroleum gas (LPG) to replace keroseneand fuel wood.CNG is a highly environment friendlymotor fuel for improving ambient airquality. It is lead-free fuel with negligiblesulphur and particulate emissions.Carbon monoxide emissions are onlyone tenth as compared to petrol. It alsoproduces much lower carbon dioxideemissions as compared to petrol anddiesel oil. It thus helps in keeping our

environment clean pollution free andalso in mitigating global warming effectcaused due to greenhouse gas emissionsof carbon dioxide. Chemically itnormally consists of, propane andbutane, over 90 percent methane withsmaller amounts of ethane, carbondioxide and other trace gases. The highmethane content gives natural gas a highoctane rating (120-130) and clear-burning characteristics, allowing highengine efficiency and low emissions.Federal Government plans to formulatestrict and stringent standards for relatedemissions to keep our cities and roadsclean for the sake of ourselves and ourfuture generations. With increasingpopulation of CNG stations in thecountry we need to have safetyparameters in different application.Safety Aspects are also very important.The Directorate General of Gas in theMinistry of Petroleum & NaturalResources and the Chief Inspector ofExplosives are looking after thestandards and safety issues related toCNG conversion, dispensing and use.The HDIP provides technical supportfor safety, inspection, standardizationand certification of CNG machinery andequipment and cylinders under PakistanCNG Rules, 1992. There is a dire needt o implement practi ces for t hepromotion of Energy Conservation andSafety Standards in Different CNGApplications to avoid any un-towardincidence...

Globally Accepted Practices for thePromotion of Energy Conservation and

Safety Standards in DifferentCNG Applications

By Asif Masood, Chief TechnicalOfficer ENERCON/ ECF

From left Mr. Farid Ullah Khan, MD, ENERCON, Mr. Khawaja M. Naeem, FederalSecretary for Environment, H.E Rodolfo Martin Saravia ArgentineanAmbassador and Syed Ahmed Masood, MD, ACE Energy (Pvt) Ltd.,

Workshop - Energy Conservation and Safety Standards

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47AUTOMARK | March-2011

H ino pak Mo tors Li mi t ed, t heprogressive manufacturer and assemblerof Hino trucks and buses in Pakistan

recently introduced the new Hino DutroJunior (4x2) and Hino Gb Bus to its

customers in a graceful LaunchingCeremony held at Hino Karachi.(Hinopak’s 3S dealership).

Mr. Takeshi Ito, DMD, Hinopakwelcomed a nd t ha nked all the

distinguished and honorable guestspresent in the ceremony. In his addresshe said the introduction of Hino Dutro

Junior and Gb Bus fulfils customersrequirement specially in LDV segment.

He highlighted that we are confidentthat newly introduced LDV truck andbuses would be beneficial in terms of

profitability due to product quality, itsbetter fuel efficiency, low maintenance

cost would be and additive edge of thesevehicles in the commercial market.Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Hideya

Iijima, Managing Director, Hinopak said

that he feels very proud that we areintroducing Dutro Junior & Gb Bus tofulfill our customers requirement. He

highlighted that Dutro Junior truck forint ra-c ity g oods tra nsportat ion

movement designed especially for LightDuty segment to fulfill the requirementsof drivers and owners of this segment.

However, in bus segment Hinopak isintroducing Gb bus for small distance

passengers movement that will caterwith proven Hino quality, durability andreliability.

Mr. Abbas Saifuddin, Chief Executive,Hino Karachi assured strong product

support to Hino vehicles on behalf ofdealership.Chief Guest of the occasion was Mr.

Mohammad. Hussain Syed, DO(GeneralAdministration) CDGK. In his address,

he appraised the efforts of Hinopak inpromoting new and safe technologies inthe transport sector. He congratulates

Hinopak for launching Hino Dutro

Junior and Gb bus, the ultimaterequirement of LDV segment. He alsoappraised Hinopak and its staff for their

contribution in CDGK CNG bus projectby offering reliable and quality buses

for the citizens of Karachi.Mr. Shahab Anwar, DGM Sales andBusiness Development, Hinopak in his

address said that the induction of DutroJr. and Gb bus in our portfolio would

provide complete range of vehicles forour valuable customers. He highlightedthat it is the confidence and our

customers support we have introducedthese Light Duty Vehicles in order to

cater the needs of our valued customers.The ceremony was attended by variousdignitaries from different walk of life,

customers, etc.A large of number of transporters

inspected the vehicle and appreciatedHinopak’s efforts for providing solutionsto the local transport industry especially

in LDV segment for city operations.......

Launching Ceremony ofDutro Jr. and Gb bus at Hino Karachi

Automotive Sector - New Arrival Press Release by Hinopak

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48AUTOMARK | March-2011

Pakistani trade delegation organized byKOTRA Karachi consisting on eightdelegation members belonging toprominent Pakis tani designing &construction c ompanies vi sitedHOMDEX 2011 exhibition & attendedbusiness meetings from 9th to 12th Feb2011.KOTRA Karachi organized this businessdelegation; a Foreign Trade Mission &government Agency of the Republic ofKorea affiliated to the Embassy andengaged in promotional activities forthe bilateral trade and investmentbetween two countries.The main purpose of this delegation wasto provide an opportunity to Pakistaniconstruction related companies forindividual business meetings andexploring the high-tech construction,designing, alternative solutions & lowcost housing industry.Delegation members were, Atif InamOsmani Director of Osmani & Company,Mr. Syed Khurram Bukhari Director ofAhbab Associates, Mr. MuhammadAsim Farooqui Director Safia Trade, Mr.Ahsan CEO of Stereo Electronics, Mr.Muhammad Afsar Ali Director of Hi-Tech Alternate Energy Systems,Muhammad Mansoor Ahmed Directorof Lakhpati Associates & Mr. AsmatUllah Director of Asmat Brothers. Mr.Muhammad Rehan Hashmi, GeneralManager, leaded this Trade delegation& represented KOTRA Karachi at thisforum.

The construction industry of Pakistanis g rowing rapidly i n terms ofinnovation, low cost housing, andalternative solutions for houses, thusthis delegation was aimed to provide thechance for the enhancement of mutualbusiness cooperation & in transfer oftechnology, joint ventures, technicalcollaborations & allocation of newsuppliers for boosting & upgrading thelocal construction industry.Korea is among prominent and reliablemachineries manufacturers of the worldand also a global hub of variousmachineries.Delegation members were keen andenthusiastic to explore the Koreanmarket. During this business tour thedelegation members attended exhibition& individual business meetings in COEX

Hall Seoul. Several delegation membersvisited the site/factories regardless fromthe cold weather which touched -10 ‘Cduring their visit . Mr Atif OsmaniDirect or of Osma ni & Co wa sinterviewed by the Korean NewsChannels & by Korean print media.Overall the visit of Trade Delegationproved extremely useful from thestandpoint of delegation members indeveloping business ties with the Koreancounterpart, visiting their facilities tohave a first hand knowledge of theirproduct and manufacturing techniquesand above all changing mindsets of ourentrepreneurs to embrace moderntechnologies for producing world marketproducts.

Business Delegation of Pakistani Companiesvisited Korea for Construction Related

Exhibition & Meetings

Pakistan exhibitors have negotiatedbusiness deals at world’s leadingi nt ernat ional trade fair of theautomobile industry “Automechanika”,held from 14 to 19 September atFrankfurt, Germany.According to Trade DevelopmentAuthority of Pakistan (TDAP), a largenumber of buyers visited PakistanPavilion which was placed at primelocation in the fair.They took keen interest in the productsput on display, appreciated their highquality and negotiated business deals

with Pakistani exhibitors.TDAP has arranged the participation ofPakistani exhibitors and reserved 200square meters of space for Pakistanpavilion in which 16 companiesdisplayed a wide range of productswhich included hand brakes, silencer,sil pump gears, tube connectors,suspension parts, engine mounting,automotive rubber hoses, gears, shafts,condensers, radiators, door moldings,aluminum parts, tractor parts, hydrauliclifts, engine casings, hub sets, etc.About 4,486 exh ibitors from 76

countries participated in this event. Outof these 80 percent came from abroad.The event was attended by 150,000visitors from 140 countries TDAP saidthat Pakistani exhibitors have expressedtheir satisfaction on the arrangementsmade by TDAP and our mission.TDAP hoped that participation in thisevent will go a long way in promotingexports of automotive parts not only toEurope but to other regions of theworld....

Exhibitors from Pakistan negotiate business deals

Exhibition & Conference - Update Press Release

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Page 36: Automark Magazine March 2011


70cc Motorcycle

Retail Price

Rs. 42,500/=

Rs. 41,000/=

Rs. 39,000/=

Rs. 39,500/=

Rs. 40,000/=

Rs. 47,000/=

Rs. 39,000/=

Rs. 39,500/=

Rs. 41,000/=

Rs. 39,900/=

Rs. 46,000/=

Rs. 47,000/=

Rs. 41,000/=

Rs. 64,500/=

Rs. 40,000/=

Rs. 40,500/=

Rs. 38,500/=

Rs. 38,500/=

Rs. 38,000/=

Rs. 38,500/=

Rs. 42,900/=

Rs. 40,000/=

Product &

Model Name

Aan AI-70

Asia Hero AH-70

Bionic AS-70

Crown Lifan CRLF-70

Diamond SD-70

Dhoom YD-70

Eagle DG-70

Ghani GI-70

Guangta GT-70

Grace CT-70

Hero RF-70

Hero RF-70 Plus

Habib HB-70

Honda CD-70

Hi-Speed SR-70

Jinan JN-70

Leader LD-70

King Hero KH-70

Moon Star MT-70

Master MD-70

Metro Hi-Tech MR-70

New Asia NA-70

























Product &

Model Name

Pak Hero PH-70

Ravi Premium R1

Ravi Hamsafar-70

Road Prince RP-70

Royal Star RS-70

Royal RL-70

Racer AS-70

Safari SD-70

Sakai SK-70

Star DL-70

Sohrab JS-70

Sonica SM-70

Super Asia SA-70

Super Star SS-70

Super Power SP-70

Super Power Delux

Toyo TG-70

Target TT-70

Unique UD-70

Union Star US-70

United US-70

Zxmco ZX-70

Retail Price

Rs. 42,500/=

Rs. 47,000/=

Rs. 43,000/=

Rs. 39,000/=

Rs. 39,000/=

Rs. 42,500/=

Rs. 39,000/=

Rs. 40,000/=

Rs. 39,000/=

Rs. 39,900/=

Rs. 41,500/=

Rs. 42,400/=

Rs. 39,500/=

Rs. 40,500/=

Rs. 40,500/=

Rs. 45,000/=

Rs. 39,500/=

Rs. 39,500/=

Rs. 41,000/=

Rs. 42,000/=

Rs. 40,000/=

Rs. 40,500/=



















Price updated Feb-2011

AUTOMARK | March-2011 51


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Page 37: Automark Magazine March 2011

125cc Motorcycle 100cc MotorcycleBrand & Model Name

Habib HB-125

Sitara ST-125

Super Star SS-125

Hero RF-125

Honda CG-125 STD

Honda CG-125 DX

Metro MR-125

Ravi Storm-125 Euro II










Retail Price

Rs. 88,000/=

Rs. 55,000/=

Rs. 54,000/=

Rs. 75,000/=

Rs. 86,500/=

Rs. 109,900/=

Rs. 55,500/=

Rs. 78,000/=

Brand &Model Name

Asia Hero AH-100

Ghani GI-100

Habib HB-100

Honda CD-100

Sitara ST-100

Super Star SS-100

Super Power SP-100

Unique UD-100










Retail Price

Rs. 50,000/=

Rs. 45,500/=

Rs. 55,000/=

Rs. 73,900/=

Rs. 51,000/=

Rs. 48,000/=

Rs. 55,000/=

Rs. 60,000/=






Yamaha MotorcycleProduct &

Model Name

Yamaha YD100

Yamana Yama4

Yamaha YB100 Royale

Retail Price

Rs. 75,000/=

Rs. 71,100/=

Rs. 72,000/=








Suzuki MotorcycleProduct &

Model Name

Suzuki Sprinter ECO

Suzuki Sprinter STD.

Suzuki GS-125

Suzuki GS-150

Suzuki Shogan

Retail Price

Rs. 69,000/=

Rs. 72,000/=

Rs. 81,000/=

Rs. 88,000/=

Rs. 76,000/=

52AUTOMARK | March-2011


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