Autologous Fat Stem Cell Transplant.pptx

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Transcript of Autologous Fat Stem Cell Transplant.pptx

  • 7/29/2019 Autologous Fat Stem Cell Transplant.pptx


    Presented by

    Dr. Rodolfo B. Patio

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    Overview Distinction between adult and embryonic stem cells

    Sources of stem cells from ones own body Stem Cell Therapy

    Autologous Stem Cell Transplant Procedure Health Risk

    Issues Benefits

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    Stem cells are the basic building blocks oflife

    The basic cell from which our bodies are


    They are formed at conception andspecialized to become all the differenttissues of the body: muscle, nerve,

    organs, bone, blood and so on.

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    Their remarkable ability to becomeother types of cells makes themessential in the repair and renewal oftissues and body organs.

    Unlike other cells, they can divide andreplicate over and over again. They giverise to brain cells, heart cells, pancreascells, etc. and are a critical element in

    regenerative medicine.

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    We tap into our body's stem cellreserve to repair and replaceinjured or diseased tissue.

    Unfortunately, our reserve is finiteand as it becomes depleted, theregenerative power of our bodydecreases and we succumb todiseases, disorder and the ravages

    of aging.

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    Large numbers of stem cells areneeded for stem cell replacementtherapy.

    Embryonic cells are grown inculture, while adult stem cells arebest taken from the fat tissue inyour own body and activated byglycoproteins for maximum

    proliferation into a large numberof different cell types.

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    By using your own adult stemcells, there is no risk that yourcells will be rejected by yourimmune system which may be

    the case if you receiveembryonic stem cells.

    It has also been found thatembryonic stem cells used in

    laboratory animals have createdtumors. The use of embryonicstem cells is currently restrictedin the USA and other countries.

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    There are three sources from a patient thatcan be used clinically:

    bone marrow peripheral blood and fat.

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    Stem Cell Therapy harnesses the body'sown healing mechanisms to repair andregenerate damaged/diseased tissuesand organs.

    It involves extracting and purifying a highyield of stem cells, processing them, anddelivering them back to the body.

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    Unlike embryonic stem cells derivedfrom a fetus or stem cells derivedfrom animals, autologous stem cellsare derived from your own blood or

    fat tissue (adipose).

    Dormant stem cells are harvestedfrom 100cc of a patient's fat andperipheral blood through liposuction.

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    These stem cells are incubated instimulating growth factors, isolatedand infused back into the patientintravenously.

    The whole procedure takes up to 4hours in the operating room of thehospital under local anesthesia.

    It takes about an hour to harvest, 3hours to incubate and stimulate thestem cells and infuse them back tothe patient.

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    As a preparation, you need to fast or stopfood and drinks and water at least 4 to 6hours before the procedure.

    The procedure is done in the operating roomunder sterile conditions. Local anesthesiawith or without sedation by ananesthesiologist is used. 100cc of fats aresuctioned out from the abdominal or tummyarea as in liposuction and these are processed

    to extract the stem cells that are attached tothe fats.

    All the fats are thrown away so there is nodanger of fat embolism.

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    The stem cells are then activated using thegrowth factors released from the plasma of theyour blood. Once activated, the stem cells areadded to the intravenous fluid that has been

    running and infused to your vein in 30 minutesto 1 hour. The whole procedure takes 4 hours tofinish.

    You may remove the abdominal binder after 4

    days and one or two sutures are removed after7 days.

    You may resume exercise, gym, and sportactivities after 14 days.

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    The effect on your body starts to appearor be felt from 2 weeks to up to 11months.

    If you have a disease condition ordegenerative disease, it takes longer. Insome patients, they submit themselvesto another transplant to accelerate theirimprovement and experience more

    immediate quality of life.

    The transplant can be repeated uponpatient's choice earliest one year afterlast transplant.

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    There is absolutely no health riskwhatsoever since the therapy usesyour body's own stem cells. Thereis no risk that your cells will be

    rejected by your immune systemwhich may be the case if youreceive stem cells from sourcesother than your own body.

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    None. It uses the patient's ownstem cells which will beharvested from the abdomenfat. Furthermore, there will be

    no issue with regards tomatching of stem cells since it isfrom you and back to you.

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    Autologous Stem Cell Transplant holdsgreat promise against a wide variety ofdegenerative illnesses such asAlzheimer's and Parkinson's disease,

    cancer, diabetes, arthritis, spinal cordinjuries and even aging itself.

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    Aside from improvement from thedisease, its beneficial side effect isrejuvenation in terms of lookingyounger, feeling stronger and in

    some patients increased libido.

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    Thank you!