•THE VVEATHER r -,''irair.aBl«r<lar’ nlgtit iDd fluuaay. .^Ooolor-iin M uln.and wo6t portlonB „ -'.ot''at«to;^-Maxlmum-and mJnlmi*tBw' IHtf. *on>porftl-uro» tor the 3i hour period ' at G p. m. Krldny were 8C lell War Heroes f;fn J^i^orm i Speech University Honors' Student Volunteers :;' Who Sacrificed Lives During World Conflict In France, _ onANoT5> Vn.. Mny 13 (UP) ■Thirls' ijiIleH from n raJJroad. lilgh' ■ii[) In n crovlco of the Bliio UlclRei' ■ prcsldonl . Hoover -today dollvcrad ~n broailcast heard throushoul UnUcd SlntoB. . ' . I't.' wM lh« flfHl o l BCToral nd-, drwMs'ho.expoctn to jnoko ff&inj Ills 'fUhlnB cajup" .thlB- summor: orer.i i. now'radro oliffnmont tlio! .broftdcMtlng ogehelea -hnva- pro-] oiitUha asnlatanco-or. ... . or^a, pracdcq he iritonda u> ln.\hj»- other caiiip' Spcoclicn. ’T.lic mlnropliono wns placcd on n tnlilftj In hln'.'Intc. iabtn livltiR'ronm .< .Iin- rcMo)' In on dlMf'rliilr m hK.^mke. Ijiuds .Coninll nfwl ' The' npB.ech' Iinrnlded ihn valci oC'tho SOI l>oyn from Cnriioll .Ifiiit-.ilirlr livoa In Franco. Iirp'slileiii, look occ«i»Ioii, howovj lb'draw the a<ttmUon of the Jinl-| lori.-^to ,aJr our yotilh who over, never lo como_ back.’’ Tho'prcalilcnt Bald In ■part: '•Fourlcen years ubo this morn- IniC'an Amorlcnn combgiam cnrrleil'<0 the Alano front flrBl Amcrlcat) hattlo flae liorno I- 'In the Kroat war nnd snvo llio first domcaBtratlon. ttiat tho mlRiit of .ihe New World wan niMtor' IDR- for tho declRlvo Imuv. . ■•'ThlB .imlt. was compoaod il- inOBl entlroly of' 'undcriiTaduatus of Cornell UnlVcfslty and .' wbb un- dot-.. tho.rIttRderahIp of- Capl. lid- Ttokhtuii.’ ft-Cornell- Biudont ' -'-.U.-w foiiiiill ,|.[<licy weri! toUiHy tUffcronl. ImlliMt hero t'^ay iJiat iie.'was 'l'li« womiin. wliowi tmiiie.llic iVlHllcd iliono yeHtorOay fl>y a ‘■Jimcj Sheriff refuned ' lo rovciU. . waa iTaylov." ii'Uhoiisli hu «:lnlmcil h Iil '! urrcmpd jpstordny wlillo rJclliiS] Antyw.-ui mil 'llio ipernrm waiilcil In llio; '>ii a inirk, ’ She told liorl ,„-pT^lhDj-n <'lly I'ui' tiiicfltlonlns In hcimc wils in ‘I’pnrlii, 111., and iliut ................ . ... ' -"|ll|0 Blnylnr; d Chnrlux Cniwfo['d,|Hho..wuH eni-oute (O Ituiiiidup, ni'oxni; l»iiIxo Ilron-^i. ipolillelon. find Mofherl • Sj>cncer, Maiil. lie cur ulie said, liiid hrok^l innnaRcr und hflc-..... , ■ “Two hundrWflndjal*!/four 6t iheni did; Dot r«(ut-ir:. .1 am. liappy today to talc* p a « Jn'.Uie.dedlctlon, • of,(r.pcrflian«mt:iiiotn;orlal to Ih.oae nieli'. or Cot-noU['4in vbr*lly wlio . I6U HieIr'llvo»''‘!ll)''th6.1Vbr]d i^-nr. :'';SlBoiricnDt In'U tselt .this mom- orial laJclefl on' a'^brbdder aspect: C; WhllO|we;.pay -- .•!—n.. 10 iha Borvlco btrtlie Cornell men.-.whoBO .najnoi-nre. carrcd In»eulIful.BhrltieV,tho occasion recallB.tiio m a t ptui in our.var . «t(oni plar««l.'b)r' the -men of 'all |<:;.' 'unlVi^lt!es^iuid'colleges. . , |:c‘.--."Tjiese.young'niah of the Tlnk-' '■ham unll'..worBV't}Tplcal'. Amerlcun J hoy*."Their eidJbrlbhceii itid ilhslf .friB«lou».‘tyj>if/:tljo::reBp<«B9 • of r^.Amertcan volunteer^ '.apranr' uii .'-v-rlRtit'.aiia.' loft;' yotuis' Rien ctnr-' ,'.'i-l „‘ dfferbd to. rlilt;',tl)ell- :fntnre— i- in ' h- *. B»«hj . onldLliW ,, 1 trass l«HFA!LS IBiOESULI Woman Is Hold, Then I By. Porsyth, Montana Officers , • WAS HITOH HIKING'WAY Nip^ANGEtES Car Broke ’ Down While En | to Husband FOilSYTIl, .Mom.. May 23 -(UPl —AJwonmn. arrontod,yestordiiy Ini tlio Mlof abo might.i)e Mrfl.'I..yda. ;ShiIilurd, CBoipod murdcrcsii f )llio lilaJio Sinto I’onKenllary, j released todny l>y vSlicrlff C, . .. P.itiorson, _ ' ' . . I .SticrHf Patterson • HOld tlitit'lbo Visitor,At Pnson Believed to!,vo,„iin rcHcyilJled Mr«. Bnutnr<J III _ _ --- . every rcBpcoi. hlondtj hair. Wiio oyoH, and tnihelghth lind welRlii- Tfiijay a finser lirlnt export wji ----- icallci! from, MlleB City to elieck , 8A.V OUENTIN PmSON'. Cnl.. j'‘'‘ NfKX M (IJIM-Albert Marco, coi.-l!!'« Ivktcd l»B AnRoloH Tico lord. Hflld Key To KJJlinff of Orusadora - Of 29.000.000 fnmlllcs In tho Unllnl klalen. ibp Ilrowns of Iiidlnii- jnpoll* were dclorlcd as "flioaC typical" In n mi'i.iit nntlon- n>nlrsl. Tlipy'ro so lynlcal.' In .fiicil. lUai tlioy nil co l.. .iiirli Hwrcl. H.rrotliC'y' Mth. Drown kl-i'iis Ixiiii ,, .............................. . •. frcmj IKi la riclit. John Hr.wn, n, wiili I’al, ilicr raiiiliy poi: Mm.'' ...... Olid Merrill j. iirnRti. 14, Unmu (« h culcii' nrivoril .fliitw. • : I AUTOiUSIRY,. P f l S i EXPENSE I ■Og[Dn/inAi Hear Hcuds I Effort to Aid Stabilization POSTAGE BOOST LOOMS May Ask Oongrcss for Cent Mail Rate. OllA.VQE, Vu.. Mny PrPKldoiil Ilnovcr nrrlVfd inday at liln rniiip on (lit- Kaptikm. rlvcrp lo Kpuiit nunllii'r n rcit Piid ■/„ ill ImBlnoJs- pontcrpa' i's- liiliT-! ■peracd with nnly brief The Mrlvo i WlllIC IIOIIM WIIR' 1 ncntlicr, the fnl dniit'fi itri*\ 'a1, Two of llio 1 thn country. tiirlni; iind llie posliil •ciaIi lo lio KiiliJCi-U (If a r‘i-r|i > frrcnces. . Kd'el FiirJ I’n-i'iil i-'vlilo jnaRftzliiol in for'Kolt iiiid|,„“ f, FRANCE MOURNS ^MARINE HERO I’rnncn dvca wa« •pliiniiod •III Uol.i-rl II. -Marini* corp«. a iyaiidslUlo iriio called'on Silm woj* cn route now to Lob Anf;oln» to nM DlKirlcl Aitorney fiiiMon nttB...- ^ "'She Isn't tlio June Taylor «h»l, L09 AUReles Wn'iit lo (iiicf<tlon," ho. Mia. "Thoy wunt another, June Taylor. . . .•'.Tho wopfffn tlia t . came Jiproj doesn't know anytlting nhouL tliono phoollntn and neltlior do. I." .'(Jiilfd Anl.^hcr•^•nnl^ iMarco contended that iintll ycx- lerdaj- ho ahfays knew <lho woman who catno'io Bco hlni.only a« llrs. A.'M.'Do.novan/Ycat<Srday..ho said. .............. - jllit.i;.!nDt'her on«i toiir m m Ago. €Ci«V a dtheroni'ono ifrom tho pprsoa who'canio -lo sec me." . ' Don’t IWre^e Him Authorities, however, scoffed at Marco's .statement* nrid contended the June Taylor tlmt vlsllcl here, ywlerday ./waa tho'xino wanted la; lAMAngeles. ' lillch-hlke tlio r ^S 'jOld Oregpn Trail Holds . Interest For Toiirists; niablle liidimiry wan Kds.-l KuldhiK liarid In hU fmli.-i troll. iilniilH. Km whs liivlii-u. ,h i- »ald »( llin AVhlt.7 H..ii-ii-, »l' i«-i mil tbp.oxncnlirfl lo <:nnii!iK iliii Hlluatluu In s:mu»liiil l)i>- s:inu ninnnvr aH tlic vnrUius rovi.rniiK-n Premier Laval Appeals . . Foreign ffiinia'tor In = fqco of; Crisis , aiOISL'. Jt<iy 23—Tlio roiniinco ofj ]llic Old Orcson Trail atnnd.i third innioni; eoBtorn iKopIo .for-ibo „ Ithlngs 7or wlilcli Iditlio Ih ixitcd:, 'fidalio polatocii nnd Scnnlor Uorulil _ laro tiio otlier Iwo, aCL-ordlns to ll.l ,1’arMinB. aocrotar)' of tlio Idiihol jiiinto chambcr of coniincrrc.-.whTt; Iha.H Just returned .froin tho cniili lioconftrrcd with offlclalBc).' hvh . ....... ........... ...., I . . the OrcRoh Trull Memarlal araoci- ----- ------- ........ Lttvnljatpeiilcd lo Por MIhliter ArlUlde Brlnnd today to. recomlder’ bliV announced dcalr9| lo- reilsn. j/l«iloo.whJfh-lsxnnii>nlffiilOBtif.^-ol8tntistics of, 19, ( ....... ' • Pygj, Year 'Unfortunately," ■ sayri atr. Par. ^.-.iH,-."th» ea8t Is under ijie im. ipresaibn that hlat<)ry. eloppetl wlih , • ■ „ ■ fi ipresaion that hlat<)ry. eloppet . The’a gurd-L,o ,hjrt«on rolonleB; C1«JI unco In tho preBont crisis or unti ,„n ^uch lm«-booii a •n'n»v»l ocCord la ronched <u;<‘ |pHsi,etH.y tlio asBoelatloii In ihb'llaguo rohchca a dcclHinn ......... ...... regard lo tlie''Austro-Oerninn,r They saW sho nnswcrod exactly ‘onis union w^s ' . rtrcsswl .-ill descriptions o f tlio woman for Prender Laval,-, who eallcd *am bUlceni are soarohdig. Orlanfl at tho Qunl JD'Or^iay. ^iMnroo.*»!d;''M«. Donovaa-vwant-j iirlmd told-.lh# Pwmler tlmtl,,,^o-."w 1. to talk, to n it s Ju« to ojfovo iho nnval rostllta reoclied so fur'.............. Uiai .he wn« not tilio, J>me. Taylor unre BurpasBCd ; lilfl.-hopoH. Ho 1b who was sm^ht, The woman Is 1 aaiUIIeil, he salt|i also tliat acconi- ipllshed by tlio asBoelatlon In bring. jne to the atlentloa of.vctfHtcm ixn. pit- thnt the' divitiopmonl nC ilie] wesi plays a'very Invpbrinut i«irt J!n American Watory." i The ilitoclAtlo'n wortclnK thrnuglii 4ml(eVe<l.lo have conipleto Infoi__ lion' as to-'who did tho work and Xl'y.the'f/uittdora were elain. ' Clisiiipioli SpeUers ■ '^LeSte ^For, .Cajiital SALT- U K b'T ci TY;. Slay 23 i.UD,T5.VlaU_flHil_W'nha'a,bcBi Juvf enlle* spellers wore onrdule- to waihlngtin., D. C.,* today, whore Ihcy will; cohipolo In (ho natloa'al spelllDg bee. ;• . . . • ' They are MIbb. Mnry 'LouIio Ybung of QoodlnE. Idaho, and MIib NelSa- Marchant of ^Ildvale, ytub.' The.'jdrl«, boljr 13 y^nrB ot age. ere--t*ancroae<l.' . by WrB; On« BaehmaD, Salti-Laho <;Iiib-.womaa- .'Prlics -I d * the -national-canian nilLC0osl^^;«r.'|2500''CAi(li-4wards. Victimij Body Found ; Oil' Railroad' Tracks : :.,(lW)iiManglod --- -.IS'OOOjnfUQiii . (too M dteoharso. 1 woallns ftk;-'.Tho:- Uiiui' ikMlba- 8-,000 .HOMELESS IN DANUBE FLOOD ‘BUC11ARB9T,' Ilounmnla. Atay X (Up)-Approxlmately SOir rpersoni •%vero homelesB today and several luindisd liou*e» had.boon destroyed Ihy Uio Damibe rivor, which over- tlowedimrt* pt.dalntz (In Moldavia, on tlio loti liturti) an d nclKh.-borliig villages. Troop* w;oro asBlstlnfe In roller work. Idaho Falls Deed BrmgS-Boy Medal OlTy. W 23 .( IIMB. Bfglo.gMUl of BAiiT —Donald.. SaJt.Lako — conUIcato oK :<iere.lroni <or Bavliw> Jocl( '.Jh:«»^.Snake ....ijuno' a.JMO. ...M-Uiv-cuxd Xr«. Salt Lake lEljpElFioVi/f-..::-: B iiilr^ 2S <Ce)iiBlflfc: fc:;r0ta«y.i’mjuted;j*te llvfln.^hc1pii-/.'ifeUib bl8l>Tvayrbfr ^wyaPrlc^(yflH^lp«r- iB p^ along tho trail In Idaho, and Hcvval of tlie'so markero'tiaTO al> ready been nei.Vhey nro iinlqiiu In design lielog, an ^oiillirio oC.Idbiib In aanilMono and bonrlnK:a bronze jilacque' Indicative of tho Oregon Financing tho oroctloo of.these Imarken was affected Uir6ui:]i tho! llBsunnceiiy congress of a'moinorlal |ha« doUar. 7?il« ppln boIIs for ?l land &lr. Parsons imyB nnycno n'luh- in^q^btaln obo of.llieso'coins lyid 'ibcUer not delay aa-ho inform- led iby the assoclaUon. offlcors Uiat ithoy-wlll soon too recalled. It 1 b Iprobahly fho’:iast'ihomorial ’ Ircasnry will eVor .Isnuo. ; TIES 1V0RL1) n\llK •DVCIIS STADICMi Eran....... lll.; May-13 lUP)—l;eo SenUnnn of, 'imnola,.tled a-rocord for, Ihc ISO.yard JjIgU luirdles Jion day. Hls.tbnoiwas 14.<.i • MLOIEAT ACREAGE OROP-S The posliil Kcrvlci' lia»' Ix-uii Tilled as the Krc»irnl ciitorjii ibe world. II dno« an »n JslnrsH of mnre 11 i;in 4siiO,i»"i. —and always nl a In.^H. Tlio d, cll beUlB faced thin Ilmal year .. $HU.OUO,IIOO; whldi inust bi- imlil ]<'alii.‘ L'ABOR IS Bia 'PROBLEM Upholding: of Wago ..Stuilea Difficult Anglo XUW YOHK. May ii .(UP)-i - Generally nnsatlBfactory. caiploy.- riifiil nnd Induattlnl cohdUlon.i provollrd In mom accllons. of-tj>f»- country diirlog tli’o pant week »h Rcnv'ciU huMiiuss- ' coniliiuca' rciuljinuncni to -tfhanglng stniid- ardH- r . . ' • ; , I’roducilnn and cAnnumptlon, ns* ccpt In a few Insinnces, contlniied w.’ll helow normal and iinder tUo ,l.'vcl« of a year ago wilh s'eaU-, nirni recnrdlng.. the Inmedli^ fimire n.n cloudrd'as cver. .,Busl- neH» liidexcB showed the InduatrUl 1.-V .-1 lOlsmly under, (he.proceH- Ini; wpck, bflucnccil oalargeex- ii'ut. by Hca^innal coR«ldera(lom<. PrIfos IrfTelllrfc' . NotwithwliLndUig Hid advcTFO conillllons, luipnrlont .potunll^l tiiclors coaUnued to a w rl thcm> polvi^H. i>rincl|>al .of ihcae were ■U io Ktcndy rcailJiiKtment nf crcdll and . of «• KeneriU locrosiUi International Conference Endsjiu' milroud freight rates, Tho' With Agrccmenrto Select j Ir/.I.'iT ,. deficit ; .... ttiD.OtlO.OOO. \\ 'lth tlio treasury f.iclHK Hildc bllllan ilallar deflcll :it Aliprnval xvii . hKlvvn. howpt-i-r. end of-the yciir, Mr. Iloovi'r liaB.Un, iiroponul for crcallnn of mnnlfcstiHl BrswliiK tnnc<jf4» <"'or‘inieriialldnal in.'Tiiuinoiit roimnlt .19 , Couhtrios] beoreaso the niiiiaUon l>iua«qnt Washington; jiay 23 tup)— docreiue nf appruxlniutoly two . jr cent In tlia !3:il-32 wliont acreage ,lii^!) cr>nntrlcH .wax r((- pf>rl<!d tsilny by-thu departmnni of Rgrh'ulture. Tho cnunirlCB did not inclndo AuBlriillu. Argontlnii. ■ *Rnntla cr China, Iiul were said by tli;t de- partment lo reprcHcnt ahont thrco| fourths, of ihe total world ncrouKe, 13ie IndlcRlfd acreatfo In tho 11), countries l> Ifll. XOS. (lOO for IP.11-1 1!, .compared ^^1lh W5.278.000 lust yciir.’' .. Tho .reiwrl Bold world whcnt ,prlccn kliowcd a lendency to Ini^ ) during'April nod the flrxt 9f Mny. Tlie styengthcnlnK was'diio. largely to reduction :of.wheal stodCB-ln-iminy Biiroponn Icounlrlci. and soniewhnl unfavor* ;abIo.crop proBpcciH In sonio parul of Enrbpe and la thcrsprlnirwhwit! reglbn^of llio United Stnto.H'and Canada; BBlan-sowings wero reported lo bo much detaywl conipal-ed W Inal .year, -nlthnngn rnplu p gresA Is now belifg made.- if thu I: i.O.MltKS, .Mil) 2: r of i,i:i‘|-Tlu- nmCcrflii-e loilay wlilioiit vould • ol)viatcyrcducillon of 1 . way worker*'- waKr.< and result in IncrvaHed spendUig for einlpmcnt liy the ralliwidR. Malnialalng tho present waga- «cnU>. contliiucH uppermost •*ubject In view of Ihe strong stand laken - i ‘'y agnUiBt wage cuts and a ' i‘‘ ‘ ‘ 1UlnUlnr Btimd by llio admlnUlra- l Uio jms; Sflci- de- Aik Inrreaio PoBtii»a*lur^Owi(iml.- Brown, -.and, lit four aniUlaniH'.were prepared {Contlmied oa l^ge Two) TODAI’S GAMES .nx;tii|iTr.R riiEss A jre liim i^KAGirfj- -- i Boston ..... -..,,.000 000 100— 1 4 Phlladclphlt':-;.420 100 OOx— 7 10- Llsenbce,- Ourham, llrlllhart an Berry; EaroBhaw andCocltriuie. ilKht Itiid advii-i. .......... wheat K.-dHc-lnn' mid exporting |cou»irh'B alllioucb there i»ouia l)o' .mj-.jiowcr ,lo 'nfOKC.-. .r- ; • The -nioriiliig pTehary .iies«lbni which boon •cnnnlderHl' cru-, clal and iil. which the flndlnBn' ofl the plnnnliig ''ommlllee were lukcn up, adjouriifd. nud wan nnnoiinccd aa tho laiit of the coa^ercnei'. At a KiihMciiiii'iil coiirereare wltt> pn\BJ repra-cnlflllv^ U’was atiit- • |cd^hal t>n<KalhmaK Iind Ctin- , U-lUilod lt« wirli nnd approved. NwKh c-ruita ullKlit amendments, a; “ [cbuimunlciue incdudlnK the propos-l leveianu 1 |.;i,r]jcr reporl hml said that o.-ich and Tuio: Kcr-Lf e^„,(,„inK cpia- roll and Sewell. , „ „pre,entailro fip.r ,.nmn h " 'hU bodv, 'vhlch wi«1d dpvote: Hrsi (.nino „ ,„'ltBClf largely lo preventloli of r'dumplris" and- similar, iautlawcd . FALL t’AUSKS DKATH. JWAQHLNOTaN. May 23 (BP) ' M)«.' Krenk tUdgway. 37, wlfo of a nieoAMr of tho federal fanii lioard, 'feII;rIx'4lories to her death today; eENEEAEBIfTLEE DODGES DTJT>Tj CATCHESJIOIAL CHINOOK SALMON Detroit ...-I-OOO 000 2tKt— ? 8 3 St. 1- ouIb '. :_..„-.0!2 OOl'lZK— 7 U 2 ■'Hoyt. SulliTan , aud . Schangj Gray itnd .Ferrell. . ’Washington .;..00 0 001 0 0 5— 0 U Q V4w York-..' ..... 010 OSl 00x-r-7.n1- — Brown. flichBr-'-aad-llnisravt*.- Snonccr;- I'eneock;',-•Wells :• and Dickey -XATIOXAI. lk a c u k nrst-'gahli!— • ' . JI.-H. -r- Philadelphia 000 110 MO— » Jt-/ 1 Brookl>-n — 010 000 6 S.-.l i J. ,Blllolt. Shield. H. Blllott and IDaTlB. nflaBh!' -inrk, Holmach, Quinn. Mattingly,-Shauto and IM- Second :*ame:- .. . . Phlla. '.,....010 000 624— 7. 12 .,1 Brooklyii _.... lOO 000 COO-r- 1’. 8 2 • iBolea .und Heasa; Day nnd Lorn- )nrdi. '. i; .PonTr.Ai\D,->Qiy:2anrp)~; Wajor Oeneral SmodloyD. Butr.- .ler-MUthftt'lO iJouijd noyal; .Chinook .'uliavn; In 42i 4 Oolum-- ' -:ftija :rlve'r;rodayi(tft«rnoon. ■ :to-Jtw UieaiiHlUot- •10JnniDgB-".'.;':.'"' , R..H. B. at. totil8 -.;..-,000;M0HJI0 I—2 4 0 . ^.urinWh^.UlRvtlnrgcnBnU : < --r-;.'. ; PliMburlBlj':l'~.aO0 000;«&-'+ ». 3HJdlBlL-*_nfijnl-^Chte»|0_Wl 000^00^ •Imon . iMelno iSa IMflnipT^ain T»ttSkr,4s''in*arttht«.'';- Beteh ana.-HaHnot$K'Virr-t— ......... .......... ... .■^w yorJ{ oi^Bo3lon.tiio«W«iod. practices. WEATHER DELAYS jAIRMANE.UyERS Mob Siorms Town Bftll Of Greenwich in nemand ^ For Raise i -■ OBKENWICH. ' Coon., . Moy,- 23 (IJPt-A mob of 1,000 itriklAc •. bichway , Itborars .fltormed, towa hall lodhy. croshing In the front ,. door and rcalsdng etforU-of polleo: to dlBperso them; .. ; . . Town Counsel 'Wllbiir,B.,Wrlg|jt.,-- aftor watching a.BQUttd o(.40.po- ; illcemen helpless befbre .the mW.: •. ideclnred he would call-oaf tno..-.-,- ' illltla' i( order, 'were.not 'r«ator«r ., . 'MnV iMlTCHELL FIELD, 23 (UP)—Tho nlr miu____ ______ Now .York city weco dilayeU for ' throe'{lourx todsy becnuse ot-low telling and threatening, weclhor. d'.C72 planes, under* prcuonl plans, will leave the varJoiis Long Jsland alrports al-4!28 P. M. ' Btead of.ls28 P.-M., OB had »i planned. .i--:'’ r - , Rioter Is-Killed, III 61 iman Figlit 4oday! In' Aaay.-'iowiit'iati^cebtral -Germa&y-^d>iDStlievilabiVilddui trial district. , ^ .,'Ti f-t-vl r, BarrlcodM vwero ______ : :»Mioed^wia«Wi»3SPiOr ...................... --iRWiir^JseW .... *lrlker«-.left lhr*e hlthWojr. . eonstnictlon Jobs 'jreslerday.'? ntandlng |6,B0 ' InBtefld-ttt^y "neprOBtnlatlves Uit^Mniti Hon comtMinIe* " to m ire •qtiiotly , « ' ei«i to-•oonrerew crowd DBlyconllUi ward,ttcMss iljoip: front of tDWn.hal^.............. . Tho\.j«Ucotn«n, -,wl»ldtD|r:’r iUek8,--,ivere driven :bac)tr;“ uotll at ,Uit. ihey, ' ' corrldor«.o('.tbo hi r:Th»'pr«iiuja ot C l .. . ,Uio*e.-la.lbB.«a.«gfJBst t, of'.-th#'*ulldln«.'---- ^HOW HOWx ACE^dKEiJ^EDEVIL. PIlTOTS D lE D iIN i

Transcript of AUTOiUSIRY,. l«H F A !LS PflSi EXPENSE I IB iO ESU LI...

Page 1: AUTOiUSIRY,. l«H F A !LS PflSi EXPENSE I IB iO ESU LI … · 2014. 12. 12. · dniit'fi itri*\'a1, Two of llio 1 thn country.

•THE VVEATHERr -,''irair.aBl«r<lar’ nlgtit iDd fluuaay.. Ooolor-iin Muln.and wo6t portlonB

„ -'.ot''at«to;^-Maxlmum-and mJnlmi*tBw' IHtf. *on>porftl-uro» tor the 3i hour period '

at G p. m. Krldny were 8C

le ll War Heroes

f;fn J^ i^o rm i Speech

University Honors' Student Volunteers

: ; ' Who Sacrificed Lives During World Conflict In France,

_ onANoT5> Vn.. Mny 13 (UP) ■Thirls' ijiIleH from n raJJroad. lilgh' ■ii[) In n crovlco of the Bliio UlclRei' ■ prcsldonl . Hoover -today dollvcrad ~n broailcast heard throushoul

UnUcd SlntoB. . •' . I't.' wM lh« flfHl o l BCToral nd-, drwMs'ho.expoctn to jnoko ff&inj Ills 'fUhlnB cajup" .thlB- summor: orer.i i . now'radro oliffnmont tlio! .broftdcMtlng ogehelea -hnva- pro-]

oiitUha asnlatanco-or. ... .or^a, pracdcq he iritonda u> ln.\ hj»- other caiiip' Spcoclicn. ’T.lic mlnropliono wns placcd on n tnlilftj In hln'.'Intc. iabtn livltiR'ronm .<.Iin- rcMo)' In on dlM f'rliilr



Ijiuds .Coninll nfwl ' The' npB.ech' Iinrnlded ihn valci oC'tho SOI l>oyn from Cnriioll .Ifiiit-.ilirlr livoa In Franco. Iirp'slileiii, look occ«i»Ioii, howovj lb'draw the a<ttmUon of the Jinl-| lori.- to ,aJr our yotilh who over, never lo como_ back.’’

Tho'prcalilcnt Bald In ■part: '•Fourlcen years ubo this morn-

IniC 'an Amorlcnn combgiam cnrrleil'<0 the Alano front flrBl Amcrlcat) hattlo flae liorno

I- 'In the Kroat war nnd snvo llio first domcaBtratlon. ttiat tho mlRiit of .ihe New World wan niMtor' IDR- for tho declRlvo Imuv. .■•'ThlB .imlt. was compoaod il-

inOBl entlroly of' 'undcriiTaduatus of Cornell UnlVcfslty and .'wbb un­dot-.. tho.rIttRderahIp of- Capl. lid-

■ Ttokhtuii.’ ft- Cornell- Biudont ' -'-.U.-w

foiiiiill,|.[<licy weri! toUiHy tUffcronl.

ImlliMt hero t'^ay iJiat iie.'was 'l'li« womiin. wliowi tmiiie.llic iVlHllcd iliono yeHtorOay fl>y a ‘■Jimcj Sheriff refuned ' lo rovciU. . waa iTaylov." ii'Uhoiisli hu «:lnlmcil hIil'! urrcmpd jpstordny wlillo rJclliiS]

Antyw.-ui mil 'llio ipernrm waiilcil In llio; '>ii a inirk, ’ She told liorl,„-pT lhDj-n <'lly I'ui' tiiicfltlonlns In hcimc wils in ‘I’pnrlii, 111., and iliut ................ . ...' -"|ll|0 Blnylnr; d Chnrlux Cniwfo['d,|Hho..wuH eni-oute (O Ituiiiidup, ni'oxni; l»iiIxo Ilron- i.

ipolillelon. find Mofherl • Sj>cncer, Maiil. lie cur ulie said, liiid hrok l innnaRcr und hflc-.....

, ■ “Two hundrWflndjal*!/four 6t iheni did; Dot r«(ut-ir:. .1 am. liappy today to talc* pa« Jn'.Uie.dedlctlon,

• of,(r.pcrflian«mt:iiiotn;orlal to Ih.oae ■ nieli'. or Cot-noU['4in vbr*lly wlio

. I6U HieIr'llvo»''‘!ll)''th6.1Vbr]d i -nr. :'';SlBoiricnDt In'Utselt .this mom-

orial laJclefl on' a'^brbdder aspect: C; WhllO|we;.pay -- .•!—n..

10 iha Borvlco btrtlie Cornell men.-.whoBO .najnoi-nre. carrcd In»eulIful.BhrltieV,tho occasion recallB.tiio m a t p tu i in our.var

. «t(oni plar««l.'b)r' the - men of 'all |<:;.' 'unlVi^lt!es^iuid'colleges. . , |:c‘.--."Tjiese.young'niah of the Tlnk-'

'■ ham unll'..worBV't}Tplcal'. Amerlcun J hoy*."Their eidJbrlbhceii itid ilhslf .friB«lou».‘ tyj>if/:tljo::reBp<«B9 • of

r .Amertcan volunteer^ '.apranr' uii .'-v-rlRtit'.aiia.' loft;' yotuis' Rien ctnr-'

,'.'i-l „‘ dfferbd to. rlilt;',tl)ell- :fntnre—


i n '


* . B»«hj

. onldLliW , ,

1 t r a s s

l « H F A ! L SI B i O E S U L I

Woman Is Hold, Then I

By. Porsyth, Montana

Officers , •


N ip ^ A N G E t E SCar Broke ’ Down W hile En |

to Husband

FOilSYTIl, .Mom.. May 23 -(UPl —AJwonmn. arrontod,yestordiiy Ini tlio Mlof abo might.i)e Mrfl.'I..yda.

;ShiIilurd, CBoipod murdcrcsii f )llio lilaJio Sinto I’onKenllary, j released todny l>y vSlicrlff C,

■. .. P.itiorson,_ ' ' . . I .SticrHf Patterson • HOld tlitit'lboVisitor,At P nson Believed to!,vo,„iin rcHcyilJled Mr«. Bnutnr<J III

_ _ --- . every rcBpcoi. hlondtj hair. WiiooyoH, and tnihelghth lind welRlii-

Tfiijay a finser lirlnt export wji----- icallci! from, MlleB City to elieck

, 8A.V OUENTIN PmSON'. Cnl.. j'‘'‘NfKX M (IJIM-Albert Marco, coi.-l!!'«Ivktcd l»B AnRoloH Tico lord.

Hflld Key To KJJlinff of

Orusadora -

Of 29.000.000 fnmlllcs In tho Unllnl klalen. ibp Ilrowns of Iiidlnii- jnpoll* were dclorlcd as "flioaC typical" In n mi'i.iit nntlon- n>nlrsl. Tlipy'ro so lynlcal.' In .fiicil. lUai tlioy nil co l..

.iiirli Hwrcl. H.rrotliC'y'Mth. Drown kl-i'iis Ixiiii ,, .............................. .•. frcmj IKi la riclit. John Hr.wn, n, wiili I’al, ilicr raiiiliy poi: Mm.''

...... Olid Merrill j. iirnRti. 14, Unmu (« h culcii'nrivoril .fliitw. ■ • : I

A U T O iU S IR Y ,. P f l S i EXPENSE I

■Og[Dn/inAi Hear Hcuds

I Effort to

Aid Stabilization


May Ask Oongrcss for

Cent Mail Rate.

OllA.VQE, Vu.. Mny PrPKldoiil Ilnovcr nrrlVfd inday at liln rniiip on (lit- Kaptikm. rlvcrp lo Kpuiit nunllii'r n rcit Piid ■/„ ill ImBlnoJs- pontcrpa' i's- liiliT-! ■peracd with nnly brief

The Mrlvo i WlllIC IIOIIM WIIR' 1 ncntlicr, the fnl

dniit'fi itri*\'a1,Two of llio 1

thn country.tiirlni; iind llie posliil •ciaIi lo lio KiiliJCi-U (If a r‘i-r|i > frrcnces.

. Kd'el FiirJ I’n-i'iili-'vlilo jnaRftzliiol in for'Kolt iiiid|,„“ f,


I’rnncn dvca wa« •pliiniiod

•III Uol.i-rl II. -Marini* corp«. a iyaiidslUlo

iriio called'on Silm woj* cn route now to Lob Anf;oln» to nM DlKirlcl Aitorney fiiiMon nttB...- "'She Isn't tlio June Taylor «h»l, L09 AUReles Wn'iit lo (iiicf<tlon," ho. Mia. "Thoy wunt another, June Taylor. . ..•'.Tho wopfffn tlia t . came Jiproj

doesn't know anytlting nhouL tliono phoollntn and neltlior do. I."

.'(Jiilfd Anl.^hcr•^•nnl^ iMarco contended that iintll ycx-

lerdaj- ho ahfays knew <lho woman who catno'io Bco hlni.only a« llrs. A.'M.'Do.novan/Ycat<Srday..ho said.

..............- jllit.i;.!nDt'her on«i toiir m m

Ago. €Ci«V a dtheroni'ono ifrom tho pprsoa who'canio -lo sec me."

. ' Don’t IWre^e Him Authorities, however, scoffed at

Marco's .statement* nrid contended the June Taylor tlmt vlsllcl here, ywlerday ./waa tho'xino wanted la; lAM Angeles. '

lillch-hlke tlio r S ' jOld Oregpn Trail Holds . Interest For Toiirists;

niablle liidimiry wan Kds.-l KuldhiK liarid In hU fmli.-i troll. iilniilH. Km whs liivlii-u. ,h i- »ald »( llin AVhlt.7 H..ii-ii-, » l' i«-i mil tbp.oxncnlirfl lo <:nnii!iK iliii Hlluatluu In s:mu»liiil l)i>- s:inu ninnnvr aH tlic vnrUius rovi.rniiK-n

Premier Laval Appeals

. . Foreign ffiinia'tor In

= fqco of; Crisis

, aiOISL'. Jt<iy 23—Tlio roiniinco ofj ]llic Old Orcson Trail atnnd.i third innioni; eoBtorn iKopIo .for-ibo

„ Ithlngs 7or wlilcli Iditlio Ih ixitcd:, 'fidalio polatocii nnd Scnnlor Uorulil

_ laro tiio otlier Iwo, aCL-ordlns to ll.l ,1’arMinB. aocrotar)' of tlio Idiihol

jiiinto chambcr of coniincrrc.-.whTt; Iha.H Just returned .froin tho cniili

lioconftrrcd with offlclalBc).'■ hvh . . . . . . . . ........... ....,I . . the OrcRoh Trull Memarlal araoci-

----- -------........ Lttvnljatpeiilcd lo PorMIhliter ArlUlde Brlnnd today to. recomlder’ bliV announced dcalr9| ■lo- reilsn.

j/l«iloo.whJfh-lsxnnii>nlffiilOBtif.^-ol8tntistics o f , 1 9 , (

....... ' • • Pygj, Year'Unfortunately," ■ sayri atr. Par.

.-.iH,-."th» ea8t Is under ijie im. ipresaibn that hlat<)ry. eloppetl wlih, • ■ „ ■ fi ipresaion that hlat<)ry. eloppet

. The’a gurd-L,o ,hjrt«on rolonleB; C1«JI unco In tho preBont crisis or unti ,„n ^uch lm«-booii a•n'n»v»l ocCord la ronched <u;<‘|pHsi,etH.y tlio asBoelatloii Inihb'llaguo rohchca a dcclHinn

......... ...... regard lo tlie''Austro-Oerninn,rThey saW sho nnswcrod exactly ‘onis union w^s ' . rtrcsswl

.-ill descriptions of tlio woman for Prender Laval,-, who eallcd *am bUlceni are soarohdig. Orlanfl at tho Qunl JD'Or iay.^iMnroo.*»!d;''M«. Donovaa-vwant-j iirlmd told-.lh# Pwmler tlmtl,,,^o-."w1. to talk, to n it s Ju« to ojfovo iho nnval rostllta reoclied so fur'..............

Uiai .he wn« not tilio, J>me. Taylor unre BurpasBCd ; lilfl.-hopoH. Ho 1b who was sm^ht, The woman Is 1 aaiUIIeil, he salt|i also tliat

acconi-ipllshed by tlio asBoelatlon In bring. jne to the atlentloa of.vctfHtcm ixn. pit- thnt the' divitiopmonl nC ilie] wesi plays a'very Invpbrinut i«irt

J!n American Watory." i The ilitoclAtlo'n wortclnK thrnuglii

4ml(eVe<l.lo have conipleto Infoi__lion' as to-'who did tho work and Xl'y.the'f/uittdora were elain. '

C lis iiip io li S peU ers ■

'^LeSte F o r , .C a jiita l

SALT- U K b 'T c iTY;. Slay 23 i.UD,T5.VlaU_flHil_W'nha'a,bcBi Juvf enlle* spellers wore onrdule- to waihlngtin., D. C.,* today, whore Ihcy will; cohipolo In (ho natloa'al spelllDg bee. ;• . . . •' They are MIbb . Mnry 'LouIio Ybung of QoodlnE. Idaho, and MIib NelSa- Marchant of ^Ildvale, ytub.'

The.'jdrl«, boljr 13 y^nrB ot age. ere--t*ancroae<l.' . by WrB; On«

BaehmaD, Salti-Laho <;Iiib-.womaa- .'Prlics -Id * the - national-canian

nilLC0osl^ ;«r.'|2500''CAi(li-4wards.

Victimij Body Found ; Oil' Railroad' Tracks :

:.,(lW)iiManglod --- -.IS'OOOjnfUQiii . (too

M dteoharso. 1 woallns

ftk;-'. Tho:- Uiiui' ikMlba-


‘BUC11ARB9T,' Ilounmnla. Atay X (Up)-Approxlmately SOir rpersoni •%vero homelesB today and several luindisd liou*e» had.boon destroyed Ihy Uio Damibe rivor, which over- tlowedimrt* pt.dalntz (In Moldavia, on tlio loti liturti) and nclKh.-borliig villages. Troop* w;oro asBlstlnfe In roller work.

Idaho Falls Deed BrmgS-Boy Medal

OlTy. W 23 .( IIMB. Bfglo.gMUl of

BAiiT —Donald.. SaJt.Lako — conUIcato oK :<iere.lroni

<or Bavliw> Jocl( ■ '.Jh:«»^.Snake....ijuno' a.JMO.

...M-Uiv-cuxd Xr«. Salt Lake

lEljpElFioVi/f-..::-:B iiilr^ 2S <Ce)iiBlflfc:


llvfln.^hc1pii-/.'ifeUib bl8l>Tvayrbfr ^wyaPrlc^(yflH^lp«r- ‘

iB p^ along tho trail In Idaho, and Hcvval of tlie'so markero'tiaTO al> ready been nei.Vhey nro iinlqiiu In design lielog, an ^oiillirio oC.Idbiib In aanilMono and bonrlnK:a bronze jilacque' Indicative of tho Oregon

Financing tho oroctloo of.these Imarken was affected Uir6ui:]i tho! llBsunnceiiy congress of a'moinorlal |ha« doUar. 7?il« ppln boIIs for ?l land &lr. Parsons imyB nnycno n'luh- in^q^btaln obo of.llieso'coins lyid 'ibcUer not delay aa-ho inform- led iby the assoclaUon. offlcors Uiat ithoy-wlll soon too recalled. It 1b Iprobahly fho’:iast'ihomorial ’

Ircasnry will eVor .Isnuo.

; TIES 1V0RL1) n\llK•DVCIIS STADICMi Eran.......

lll.; May-13 lUP)—l;eo SenUnnn of, 'imnola,.tled a-rocord for, Ihc ISO .yard JjIgU luirdles Jion day. Hls.tbnoiwas 14.<.i •


The posliil Kcrvlci' lia»' Ix-uii Tilled as the Krc»irnl ciitorjii

ibe world. II dno« an »n JslnrsH of mnre 11i;in 4siiO,i»"i.

—and always nl a In. H. Tlio d, cll beUlB faced thin Ilmal year .. $HU.OUO,IIOO; whldi inust bi- imlil ]<'alii.‘


Upholding: of Wago ..Stuilea

Difficult Anglo

XUW YOHK. May i i .(UP)-i - Generally nnsatlBfactory. caiploy.- riifiil nnd Induattlnl cohdUlon.i provollrd In mom accllons. of-tj>f»- country diirlog tli’o pant week »h Rcnv'ciU huMiiuss- ' coniliiuca' rciuljinuncni to -tfhanglng stniid- ardH- r . . ' • ; ,

I ’roducilnn and cAnnumptlon, ns* ccpt In a few Insinnces, contlniied w.’ll helow normal and iinder tUo ,l.'vcl« of a year ago wilh s'eaU-, nirni recnrdlng.. the Inmedli^ fimire n.n cloudrd'as cver. .,Busl- neH» liidexcB showed the InduatrUl 1.-V.-1 lOlsmly under, (he.proceH-Ini; wpck, bflucnccil oalargeex- ii'ut. by Hca innal coR«ldera(lom<.

PrIfos IrfTelllrfc' .NotwithwliLndUig Hid advcTFO

conillllons, luipnrlont .potunll^l tiiclors coaUnued to aw rl thcm> polvi H. i>rincl|>al .of ihcae were ■Uio Ktcndy rcailJiiKtment nf crcdll and

. of «• KeneriU locrosiUiInternational Conference Endsjiu ' milroud freight rates, Tho'

With Agrccmenrto Select j Ir/.I.'iT,.

deficit ;.... ttiD.OtlO.OOO.\\'lth tlio treasury f.iclHK

Hildc bllllan ilallar deflcll :it Aliprnval xvii.h Klvvn. howpt-i-r.end of-the yciir, Mr. Iloovi'r liaB.Un, iiroponul for crcallnn of mnnlfcstiHl BrswliiK tnnc<jf4» <"'or‘inieriialldnal in.'Tiiuinoiit roimnlt

.19 , Couhtrios]


the niiiiaUon l>iua«qnt

Washington; jiay 23 tup)—docreiue nf appruxlniutoly two

. jr cent In tlia !3:il-32 wliont acreage ,lii^!) cr>nntrlcH .wax r((- pf>rl<!d tsilny by-thu departmnni of Rgrh'ulture.

Tho cnunirlCB did not inclndo AuBlriillu. Argontlnii. ■* Rnntla cr China, Iiul were said by tli;t de­partment lo reprcHcnt ahont thrco| fourths, of ihe total world ncrouKe, 13ie IndlcRlfd acreatfo In tho 11), countries l> Ifll. XOS. (lOO for IP.11-1 1!, .compared ^ 1lh W5.278.000 lust yciir.’' ..

Tho .reiwrl Bold world whcnt ,prlccn kliowcd a lendency to Ini^

) during'April nod the flrxt 9f Mny. Tlie styengthcnlnK was'diio. largely to reduction

:of.wheal stodCB-ln-iminy Biiroponn Icounlrlci. and soniewhnl unfavor* ;abIo.crop proBpcciH In sonio parul of Enrbpe and la thcrsprlnirwhwit! reglbn^of llio United Stnto.H'and Canada;

BBlan-sowings wero reported lo bo much detaywl conipal-ed W Inal .year, - nlthnngn rnplu p gresA Is now belifg made.-

if thu I:

i.O.MltKS, .Mil) 2:

r of

i,i:i‘|-Tlu- nmCcrflii-e

loilay wlilioiit

vould • ol)viatcyrcducillon of 1 . way worker*'- waKr.< and result in IncrvaHed spendUig for einlpmcnt liy the ralliwidR.

Malnialalng tho present waga- «cnU>. contliiucH uppermost • *ubjectIn view of Ihe strong stand laken -

i ‘'y agnUiBt wage cuts and a' i ‘‘ ‘ ‘ 1 UlnUlnr Btimd by llio admlnUlra-

l Uio jms; Sflci- de-

Aik Inrreaio PoBtii»a*lur Owi(iml.- Brown, -.and, lit four aniUlaniH'.were prepared

{Contlmied oa l^ge Two)

TODAI’S GAMES. nx; tii|iTr.R riiEssA jre liim i^KAGirfj- - -i

Boston .....-..,,.000 000 100— 1 4Phlladclphlt':-;.420 100 OOx—7 10-

Llsenbce,- Ourham, llrlllhart an Berry; EaroBhaw andCocltriuie.

ilKht Itiid advii-i. ..........wheat K.-dHc-lnn' mid exporting |cou»irh'B alllioucb there i»ouia l)o' .mj-.jiowcr ,lo 'nfOKC.-. .r- ;• The -nioriiliig pTehary .iies«lbni which boon •cnnnlderHl' cru-, clal and iil. which the flndlnBn' ofl the plnnnliig ''ommlllee were lukcn up, adjouriifd. nud wan nnnoiinccd aa tho laiit of the coa ercnei'.

At a KiihMciiiii'iil coiirereare wltt> pn\BJ repra-cnlflllv^ U’was atiit-

• |cd^hal t>n<KalhmaK Iind Ctin- , U-lUilod lt« wirli nnd approved. NwKh c-ruita ullKlit amendments, a; “ [cbuimunlciue incdudlnK the propos-l

leveianu 1 |.;i,r]jcr reporl hml said that o.-ichand Tuio: Kcr-Lf e „,(,„inK cpia-

roll and Sewell. , „ „pre,entailro

fip.r ,.nmn ■ • h " 'hU bodv, 'vhlch wi«1d dpvote:Hrsi (.nino „ ,„'ltBClf largely lo preventloli of

r'dumplris" and- similar, iautlawcd


JWAQHLNOTaN. May 23 (BP) ' M)«.' Krenk tUdgway. 37, wlfo of a nieoAMr of tho federal fanii lioard, 'feII;rIx'4lories to her death today;



Detroit ...-I-OOO 000 2tKt—? 8 3 St. 1-ouIb'. :_..„-.0!2 OOl'lZK—7 U 2 ■'Hoyt. SulliTan , aud . Schangj Gray itnd .Ferrell. .

’Washington .;..00 0 00 1 0 0 5— 0 U Q V4w York-..'.....010 OSl 00x-r-7.n1- — Brown. flichBr-'-aad-llnisravt*.- Snonccr;- I'eneock;',-•Wells :• and Dickey

- XATIOXAI. lk a c u k nrst-'gahli!— • ' . ■ JI.-H. -r-

Philadelphia 000 110 MO— » Jt-/ 1 Brookl>-n — 010 000 6 J. ,Blllolt. Shield. H. Blllott and IDaTlB. nflaBh!' -inrk, Holmach, Quinn. Mattingly,-Shauto and IM-

■ Second :*ame:- .. . .Phlla. '.,....010 000 624— 7. 12 .,1

Brooklyii _....lOO 000 COO-r- 1’. 8 2 • iBolea .und Heasa; Day nnd Lorn- )nrdi. '.

i; .PonTr.Ai\D,->Qiy:2anrp)~; Wajor Oeneral SmodloyD. Butr.- .ler-MUthftt'lO iJouijd noyal; .Chinook .'uliavn; In 42i4 Oolum--' -:ftija :rlve'r;rodayi(tft«rnoon. ■ :to-Jtw UieaiiHlUot-

•10 JnniDgB-".'.;':.'"' , R..H. B. at. totil8 -.;..-,000;M0 HJI0 I—2 4 0.

.urinWh .UlRvtlnrgcnBnU : < --r-;.'. ;

PliMburlBlj':l'~.aO0 000;«&-'+». 3HJdlBlL-*_nfijnl-^Chte»|0_Wl 0 00^00^ •Imon . iMelno iSa IMflnipT^ainT»ttSkr,4s''in*arttht«.'';- Beteh ana.-HaHnot$K'Virr-t—

......... .......... ....■^w yorJ{ oi^Bo3lon.tiio«W«iod.



jA IR M A N E .U y E R S

Mob Siorms Town Bftll O f

Greenwich in nemand ^

For Raise i - ■

OBKENWICH. ' Coon., . Moy,- 23 (IJPt-A mob of 1,000 itriklAc •. bichway , Itborars .fltormed, towa hall lodhy. croshing In the front ,. door and rcalsdng etforU-of polleo: to dlBperso them; .. ;. . Town Counsel 'Wllbiir,B.,Wrlg|jt.,-- aftor watching a.BQUttd o(.40.po- ; illcemen helpless befbre .the mW.: •. ideclnred he would call-oaf tno..-.-,- ' illltla' i( order, 'were.not 'r«ator«r .,

. 'MnViMlTCHELL FIELD,23 (UP)—Tho nlr miu____ ______Now .York city weco dilayeU for ' throe'{lourx todsy becnuse ot-low telling and threatening, weclhor.

d'.C72 planes, under* prcuonl plans, will leave the varJoiis Long Jsland alrports al-4!28 P. M. ' Btead of.ls28 P.-M., OB had »i planned. .i--:'’ r - ,

Rioter Is-Killed,I II 61 im a n F ig l i t

4oday! In' Aaay.-'iowiit'iati^cebtral -Germa&y-^d>iDStlievilabiVilddui trial district. , ^ .,'Ti f-t-vl r, BarrlcodM vwero______

: :»Mioed^wia«Wi»3SPiOr ...................... --iRWiir^JseW

.. . . *lrlker«-.left lhr*e hlthWojr. . eonstnictlon Jobs 'jreslerday.'? ntandlng |6,B0 ' InBtefld-ttt^y

"neprOBtnlatlves Uit^Mniti Hon comtMinIe* " to m ire •qtiiotly ,« ' ei«i to- •oonrerew crowd DBlyconllUi ward,ttcMss iljoip: front of tDWn.hal^............... Tho\ .j«Ucotn«n, -,wl»ldtD|r:’riUek8,--,ivere driven :bac)tr;“ uotll at ,Uit. ihey, ' ' corrldor«.o('.tbo hi r:Th»'pr«iiuja ot Cl .. .

,Uio*e.-la.lbB.«a.«gfJBst t, of'.-th#'*ulldln«.'----

^ H O W H O W x A C E ^ d K E i J ^ E D E V IL . PIlTOTS D l E D i I N i

Page 2: AUTOiUSIRY,. l«H F A !LS PflSi EXPENSE I IB iO ESU LI … · 2014. 12. 12. · dniit'fi itri*\'a1, Two of llio 1 thn country.


» " ' 0 f lIlL-llixlay

—-.NaHnniilinnrctn «.v..r Hit pIupo Pill*:,

c-lnli l« liiit n'rew potccnt- poliilH wlitiv ihny ilr« two

•111 trnmpM I)fbiii<l ilio ChlonRO Ciitis.•luj >iu liol'Iprs nf fniirih ponlllnn.

.. -icinry over .phMadol-j LaBarbft by Aggressive

Saturday, May; 23; ;l9Sl

worlil.. Vliho&L ODb iitnm «t imUlJhiiMii.. tlipyVKOiiRlit -tn- oiu-r/ out iticlr Idonl-of nmiiiooil. It luvnlwu lmnlsliii>». . dnngur. oven ilcaili. bu( dicy woro un- nfrnlil. With lionds crocl. wlin vlbrAnl tread, (hoy IcfL llHiIr trAii* ins MWns. • Allvo 'wiiii *-purpq.w. nllvo wlih hflnor. nllvo-wltti faith, tlinlr only wjxloiy wno liow aulM- ly tlioy could roI over thnro. Tlioy Iiful no'ifluolnnfi nbout w)iat was rilicad ot lliciii. LIFu to 'tllfeai liftd)>ccn sweet, JnynuH, nliil cai >rrcc. Tomorrow It mlKW bu ended. Yol ibey Jipvor tiilUTcd nntl Knvo' ii;)

tHo ivlilch tliby 1)0- rlgtii. Tlioro

•I)|pd wliiitcvcr rnmo' wUli iinlli', mid (liny dM not (iRk quen-

K. Tlijy h.-il no Imtrod In lliclr IH, bill llii'y \v(vit. nboiit tlioic H’lili n fiill ri'solvo to [iliiy

In a tcrrlMo I)iia>>

"fililn, llic' Rolilnn hurt licld iiercnilil cinw plncB ■prucriraJly siiico llio utait; Cnfc •j.'iOf ttin flcaion. '

' A two • run -rnllr In llie sli{|i ...liE ,iiiiuA- »Ioiil)lo, liy. O’Doiil, .. >lnglM- liy ■ttoiR-jr TJISBnnctlo and WrJclit nnd a lonp

•It < 1inehcd tho tirsieUKKi fciunn for nrrmklyn, Dliiy Vanct inii>il rwns forced In ili« ninili InnVns ■Iniiiiif.-.'wlHm Htruck In rl(o facn by Wlilt-

wnomlpr but Jock 'vMr,t„ <l"'nn pitchcd UN wny oiil nf >1 ’ '""‘'‘" 'lio lo wlicn lio rcllrpil' ilio illdn nf-

> tor runhict'n'won’ an Honmd nnd •til lu tlilrd'wUU oiilyonn out.

• BftLc Horniari'fl liome'Tim wUIi .two nmtofl <in Vci.m In llic iliird la-

V ^.nlnfc W03I tiiiffflctinl If) di'fMl I ’hlladclpliln In (ho Bccond on'

'■/"'counior.Oioi . ojjjgp contfHla wcr*:.......... 'flcliisdlllotl. They worn (lin Amorl-

' coa.lenyiio KoniP.i liHlwwnChlKiRji . nml-Clovelnnd and Dulroll jid'St.

■ __Jx)u1fl. noih wofo pqalponpd bv-

. Battlo

, ilaiikod .ttic S.wn-Sc'iiiiir.rK anil JinU lilllc

iioii'i.Iv III <'i)iprtflii>! the vlclora, T ■ til I*, u lHi tlie help of .nmrman'g Iili. hUik'. The- Solotii* K«l i-ISbl hlli. Ill ih<* ■uaiiirf l)iif hnfo nof Bcoml' In -0 liii)ln»;H.

()al;liind i-lltiilu'il iM«t &»m.......Into HlxMi liliico r>7dffea(lliK tho I

T f^m^tteraffTo% 8cn^nTac<rMll»on-~for-hB-iicrtgTnieti-iii<ft oho lft’ni’»rii~inTho'r 'before' cfooo .«muflVM»rt)y..,;Tho,oa»voiplcturb'«!K)wg Mr*. J’ayna \Vhltauy'ii.Grw>ntr6o’.'aiclbl08 star BhowliiR 1 irco>ycar iai(, 'four lenctha Jn.rfrortt' of tliu Dlxlanii K anus" Swce|) AUjIn Hiicond p!aco nnd flcyoii Ic

running of Uio’.K«mur_of !'J Tiiiikln(::Hirco>yi!ar^iai(;'f(........... ............................ .Avlck> LMnlo wito jiaq ^wiuffrwiyis-cnty Qmnd la {'rsiikncM. Tlio rciii.ilnilci'’ ihp fl

Babe Merman’s BatAids In Double Win;

• BnOOKT,I.V, May 23 (Ilf)- , — i'cslerilfcyN. Jifffli Hal)# Her-

v i »nnn, ' x lu u ilf lB outtlcldor,’ ..-whMe I*iminfc '»Jlayfa a' biB

... jmrt In .RrnoMrn’K . Iito tic- . V' *"«•'?*' l>liir«dcl| Jiff.

■ ■ moD’ii lilnfflo a«oiinl«d /ur

in*'*’. ; , wUIch ther wou n fo S.othilc

h[».tabUie rdh-irllh.twa male* u......-- on I)iuio-eubrlied tlie-«c«na

«caitle ■■Indians, 0 ],

(W) - ,| ('Imitinlnll I

. iOJI'JW YOItK, .May ............WVr1ir« l-Yalliniwc'U-ht CiiaiDplci.. ChrlHlaphor (Ital) lUiitiilino Kxiiiy wan rccoftnb.rti iis.riiUT of hl'< iU- VlnlOll In fiK't as well as Iti naiifo;

Thf ruKEi-il lliilc llarUiird, (Vtiiii,. Italian iTfwliv-ly .Hr.i>roVcl Dm iiv lief ('Iiiit '.hi' wiilion” nllYllKltl

Yesterday's GamesXATrONAJ, "^AOrK

First Kuino: Brooklyn- OOt flD2 00&-3 7 J riillaJclpliIa... 100 010 000-2 7 1

OiittcrloHt Vnncc, Qiiinn and Ix>- Jins:' BaRgo and Davla.,

Sccond 'gaiiio: ' n.H;K.:UrooklyA ___ 003 001 001—6 10 1Plitlndclpliln.. 000 010 100-2 S :' Balltrlcn: • ShaiKo and I^iabar Si;.. CoIllbB alid Cavla.

Only eojncg aclicdulcd. ..

AMEitH'AV MAOirK' Dfilroll a t . Bl. Loula, pontpdaul,

•tVOt gTOlIQjS. . * I.C h lco^ at Oiovoland. po.tlpAn'

t ij; m b. .

lx>9 AngolM 4; Aiis^ooy 3. > iW>ll>'»-o6(lil2: San rrailcIftM 4.

, Oo:<land.3; Scattio J.

. ..iid vli-li>rv ovMllartiii _(>f CaUf.iuiiu lit ijijiiitro "canU-ii lanl iiii;bl

Tlu.'iHHit wa« ri'iiilul»V'.,. italliio'H only giri'Vloihi C'|lltlo <l«r<-riKi>, »'hrn iln-, . ^orlliy tliiiinplDii I,.III.............iH'ltlii}; wld.s-lo .loftai Khl Clicii-.)- latc. roKurdctl an onc> of (lic.inily Krwil ri(rht<TM of'ilic liny,

Aa ill Ibii Cliin'oliiic JlirJii. Iial- llillno won by i..|ciillniHl} iMrijhii,'

■ till- 111 1il» (ijiininuiit aiiil I'iiino Ix-hliiO ui it'lii the niuiiiliraiiiH

vordlct or Uoforo.' Kl,| .■M.l’urili.nil mil Ju.l«cH Hilly Job atiil (J.. Kelly. Tbu ilrclxlua uiik . ikiii vi'llh iho Njipi'iiitDm, lilihouKh a Jorlly of ni.'ivsjiaiianiic'ii lU •irilwitio n.oIli-v<'<l Iji liai li:i'« < |T hltUnK. vlcvpfibii.'clns unit iib 0 mnlc<‘ llatliilino ihIhm <'ariiii| it li-aiiL H diau-.


hVlT.OI. Sl._ 1..JIII!, SiirniiT, \Vi|..!illii;1 II,



I «V rXITKll l-ilKSS TOItT llAM Icm v. .V,’ Y.—NIcli

Pnlrner. . 107. * rtofealed-' llnltl.'njt Tr;ird>;; 171-. flO); Uqihorto Tn^ riani. JO.'., drow wiiti Jiick Kane, 1S!K (S).

I crjNICV IHLA.S-n-iric (lll<'h,-io. IM(i1i|ii'0 .Ini' Alinrlro, MO, (2(; •;Jarkl« l’liillt>». H5. di'fciitwl Haia- iiny'Whil.''128, cl.-f.M.Ink M.'tid?/. " I t r d.f(.j.

' ...

Ninv Y<I1!K iIclKiteil Iluiili Andy Ravliila,ViKiia.-list:. (I

|kno<'k<.<l (.at

OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Ahem. ■ Contlnufd prom Paso On«)

Announcer in Plano To Broadcast Eiice

lay :■;! (Ill>) IKI .lit iipnri Iip-ii loiiK dlKiinrt I'o ii.poi^nl 10-

SAN'l’A MAltl,-Kor el..- 1 tory,. iirocrcK!. ill niclriB Tvciit wK,morrow liy alt:iili.....

Tho f<-at will bi. lln.Il■r(llkt :l durlnj; tli.- niiinlnj; of 11 r, lirc-Olyiii|ilf; lil.:y.!lti roa.I rac/ Color..(I iiwciiti.r.s ivlll ldi«itify the foJili./, and iiinRniHH .it llic

will ho mpnrluO froiii a rndia i''ltiiiil«!(l piano.Iiy llnn!< Ohrl. fonniir 4i:;.;loi)al ruiiatvur ryillnK, chnmplpn JcHtallon K.S.Mit, telll broailcBHt iho ovunt.

.N-i'Ml VtiiU'. . -IT 'i»:t'iii, Hojiidii _


1. •n.iilk.s . SlmniriiiM, Altilcllrn

■lirltr, ViinkicH .... Allilctka

. . iiT.ui..LK.Mis‘ sr«i»:.s, iD tovaU . May ri d ll’) — Ten ;co1lj«cTJ of llic ilocky Moiiiiiiilti,;eonrorojic.v t,imllfU-.|_»»;n, for. tbc[............nimllWK toiliiy In tho unitiiiil track .Miilr "I (inil field. «nt>c.|. lHab nnlversily, ' ' itlUo'liuldbrH. Icsl Oio way In tiitull- lluni Colorado Unlvcmlty oiid J^lorado AkkI.)s iir..K»lnK ctIwd ho- Wnd In Boeond Ihlr.l iwiiiinuii.

Dern Wins Match

From Cantonwine

«A l.r .I..AKI-: <;iTY,.May 2.T (I)!', ■a Dorn. .Sail l.nko bc.'»vy\i’elKbt

wreatlor today lirul vlndlcatwl him- Hclf of oliarsoH <|iat he In allpplaK.i .. In u r»tiK.h anU.inniMi. match|

'niKlil Dcrn .lofciitc.d Howard (iin*! Ipnivlno. ”25 .jioiind inntmuii from Iowa. l-\>nr falls 'ivern recinlrcd K «lfflnlloly {'■litbllii, Dora's Hllpr m•

;y. ono /all liclnu nilcd llleKal, fitanlHliiB Xl)ynzko, J35 pound'

.Illicitly .llniwseii of Itoiiay' An«trnlla In II iiilnulMl .:r«o IlKMly Iiobl.

idficllonH nccL'SHfiry liy 3i>nit> .t__Ipanlcii. Ttio latest tii'iportaal or* Knnlztti'nn (ii olaiih waRO. raZon Is the I'aramount- .I'ubllx .cnrpora- tl(ia which' yoKordny nnnouncc.l cnlH o( 6 to 2f. iier,^rttt .- ■' 'WItIv wnrld lift^pIoymcDt call* mated by al ItaHt bac aulliorliy R» aii|)ro,ipl)liiK , <1i6 20,000,0011 ninrk. or nr.irly dniiljlo Hint of a yenr-nfto, it <a iintnrul for ibM. Hnbject ta ronm in for mitcli dis>, cii!ixloii. Whether prCKont. woriil ' wasc npalp.4 can bo nialntaiaod a’, fiiricnl Ici'els In <li<> facft (if llio Kiiritluii nf labor and low iielllnrt

< |4 a niiilter hr ccnjcctiiin di'iK.nilK on Iho coiifKO bt

-iMln....H . over. Iho ni'Xl

Auto Indu^ry

’ fCoiitliiiiinl Proin 1‘aKo pno)

:tn rccomuicnd tlial.'tliD ficnt claait 'I ■postal ralo hn Incrotiscd trorri 2 'to I214 centH, CsnKroBs li'as'nol' lookotl’ favorably npon sntti «tiR8oatl:ns In tho Vast, but a dlfforB'at UrIU may _ now, bft placed on-tlio.-KltuallOD In. I vlow or roatIltlDa‘.of'.'tba ti'caaury.

Tlic poBlQl bfllflBls'aro prepared ’ to ilcay that'Uicy iinvo';-cut down In iiuriinnnel''hecauii.y’ of ' tlio do* prosKlnn. Thiilr flKnrCK sliftw u not I:«x of 1:21 cmploycB hccatiiio rc- pIai;cittcnfB liave not bcon nwdu for all who have rcHlRncl,'Olcil or.i-o- llrcl. • . ,

The Porto Illcan'iiltiiaiian is to D (llscunnetl npnn tUo. ar.rIval-nD*

nlKht .>r Ony, TIiRaildro ItbnHCVoli.'lo iH flylTTi:. Iioru frcia. lilii ponu

py lendlns'moro'.diaii a-I.OOO.OOO- ilwaka anntmlly. tlir> Chicago publlo library hw the worhVa larKC«t cir- Itiilatloii.’[ _

I Moro tliiin r.OO toy' faclorlca. Ih jtlio Unltcil Slatvx liiivu a yearly |p^netloa-ralue^l at .nearly |IOO,-

SA.V J)li:co .- ,1;I.SI, d.ifralcd Hlj; ‘lloy !■,

<Iiiil(.al kiioi.koiii (lij

Hooksnandn Slides

Klitnn's 1,1.. ..AveraccH rch.ancd thP othor tlax.

rov.-rlnjc rlioT lna mouth of Uio ibainfball .. <.iiiispalKti, ‘bIu)\vp<| liid Alhli-llcH- -lilKliiK •;i«Iitb 111 the Ainorlrait Irfasn.,, w|Hi n aKo.of-.'JjO. .Tliut canio day tho]lonin i.troil la tflral -pli .......'In iJic iinawer. Tliero nn wor-s. onp la Jii fleldln;.-. iinothcrl'-.V, la In iiltx-JiliV and- tho thli.l l« Al', ..............Tbi> Atlilotkiuhiii

t i.J . tlio.

iLcn ivasilji^' hita. , \.It-Hcein.s tliai whencTerJhe ehil)|

lytHla .oao,-ruii,l».-wln a l/ll gftme.' Iinf„riia-. IH forlhuomlilK in Iho Ilnifl IniiliiK, A Kaiue nt OJilraRO ho oihor «lj.y.w»s tyiilcal/ Two ..... ■ - tho flKhlUMniililK

. 1» the' nno-ril) .bult;.tGatii thnl wInn - the .pennant iTlial hoinj: imio. tho AIIiIpIIch i«e<« to llio HfiliinK- toward Ihoir lliln IntnilKlil i'haiit|iloii.sIiip, -

. J’roni|il S.T»lcp. f.'ri fintr hoii(i«l«iju-|„[AthfcUii-

f.;sS K 3 t'. .............

•. A3rt-ni( ATf I.KAOnEWon X>wt re• OJutw—

. WiUadolphla ..:_:-t_SO.N«Tt-Vork .•.;.;_.!...-..-..18 .10■■(■Wlnaiilhjlon ... IS 21•Dotrolt .......10- M'chicoBo — :--- : ... ij- 17

. cioveiiui'a ........12 , ISBoHton ............ ........II IS

•Bt; licmli .... .......... !I 17

Won l/ost PM.

vnuroowjm ____.14 17I’llnfljtirRh ----- ;..JJ itjninadelpltla _..„I3 IT


Tlios AngelosPorttond.s— :'San SVaucIsco _.ailHBlOn*'^.Oakland

.„ COILNRYX CltKlV FAV<IIIKr>.. - .ITHACA, \N V., May '23 (UP)- . CornoU.Tmec! n-. heavy favorite ■ oviE^Harvnrd, SyrMUno.and Maw- -.«ehaMU*’.ln«tUntii.of Tcchnolosyl

.v;.ln,^:^ialr^'fnaual:regall8, ou-.ldku • • Camea .totfy,. : • . . • ...I Tho_-lOlO -J biiRhbcnpsIo .cliamp lon8.^Wlios» victory over Tal>< adi> .J'rlpewoa Ia«t Tveek slonuioU.llierr (uVoae.of tliQ.OQUtaoaintf uasttfc

icrtiiw. ^ fr t io year, .wwonot ei. ,;|»c<od._t0:.«*p0rl0D<!e mncJi.aiffl.ttiJty.ito -Wlnnlnff aMhousM neilhci

-tMrvto'l.Twr SyrftCB»8.hiu b«*n pofwUod. ■

FM.llnfr Vlliil I’crhapt not onoiinir«>ii»i>ba.slR hnsl

[been pinccd on a Ic-ani's fleldln!; In [thin nmilcrn .l>:um.all ora. TIki day

4ho W illo Sox' of Nick All-' a pen-

Llidifif^Krrjili of'-.the par.l \ plioiiomcnal, Imt Uiutxi A'n Rn Kcl 'am when (ho celllni,' Ih no Ksry. lUdoy anil Jlijiliop' arc carilM l.y 'hatiobsill I'lica aa Jiu . .. (uupio of ball pliiycra. Iliit la the pin.h ihcy Keeni (0 have Jnst what 1: lakes to win.

Not inuc1r«ti'onH him .lieea plnrcd n the ripldini; :il>lliik.n or Sliiunt)un,

lliia... nnd .Mlll.>r. i)ut I do not1«- .llcve there Is a lic'.ler oncfUilOer In elihc'r leflRuo Uiaii Al Slnimonii, »>iid auklrn und all. In a Krhils Itn Ih [nlHnyit KiiniililInK iin.lei'>n loni; lly lor nalllnE a niniicr at 11 haao.

....... _nd clho iilc)uiai..wIflsa AVonilor.H” seomH ri-niote, hnt; wlUt'a^now-.fliall HiIh' year' ricldlnK'i ha8 ..1»et»mo nn importani-Hem .In Tho»n ClnntnjOlh ' I .,tim a flcIdlnK.. and hllUiiKTho AthIoti<-« Jiavo como In for'staadpoliii; the GJautn look (0 ho,'

criticism on fleldlivK. Time nndiwlnncrs In tho Nallonari.<aBno : iDRalii' liar’ih a ir exporU Jiave lie- afilter a ninntli of play.- They aro..... • ‘ ntoimiea of tlio Infield firgj Ip lleldlnp, firai In hltUnB and

of lT>xx. miHhop. 5ol«y.|jho •pHcbera Jlnve beCa cx -oUInK

lirretn nlons .ill s'limmer—IM*- jalminauK, Walker and lluliboll.

■oiir corrciipoadenl. Hiy tlic «oy. ■plckca Uroolclya to win thlti year. ThP IlKurea kIiovv tlioy aro. u tmd HKhth In hlltlnK, », dcp1oriA>ly laid c'iKbtb in m-ldliiK and Iho iilldilUK lias bi'Uii i>oor. U‘n JiiaC loo bad.

Ail’Passenger.Bies; 'Fi'om Hesrt AttackflinUJEBaTON, \V(u»ii.; .Mny 23'

—Stricken with u Jicart. ntlaek! wjillo ridInK the air forry Jiotwecn j

IHtl« 1

and-DyJtos, TTio only atmwor .<o!iiio tonilwt cxpcctatlonii 'of Me­dial Js: Dorliapa lOiey aro not trtar.Ofaw. I’eiJiaps 4iio T)UclilnK haa

.ripldcrs in llio. ficnws that Hiilll>ecn too.Kimd to loaf. Hut tlicro aro Ohaac. £<ldlo 'Colllna' and thoa'o three 'Who can be <1.:pundcd' iipoh

The End-and a Beginning

With commencement there are launched into the busy business world many young men. and women. Some w ll only tarry awhile until they have funds for college— others will sfey to take their nghtful places.

But pll will prosper more if they stait building now for the future—and via a Savings Account IS one of the best routes to mdependencei

First National Bankof Twin Falls

.Member, of,-Eeglonal.-Bank'T derol':EeservovBystem [

I'apori. nnnns lila irorfnnnl tj- fccla liidlcolcl Uiat 'ho iwas ODiploy- od liy 4110 Toralon 'nalaneo coir l>any. W California. • . ,


Twin Fall* , Veterinary Hospital

.|)r. tl. it. flrflnm'Bi Tnierinartiinm end kiK 9 -::

FOR SALEAUTO bdoii d^Ass 'siiiBtDS. t window'


M O O N 'S ^

Paint & Furniture’ 1Sjioro

GreasingWashing $ 2 . 0 0

. In fact, you:-can iTiake;up’any rtioney-savipg - •

combination from our. riiliar: Specials , that y^u.

like.''Take any ntimTjer of-the services we o ffe r r.

specially, multijil^ one and you have the

total cost :n dolJars. , t

: ' V • Ts your car all • set" for th a t- ; Sunday.tnp--Jfiitisn’t 'd nve ."

^ right down here and we’ll'have • It all.setforvvou bnght and., .

' ‘ V ■ early Sundaymoming. We=aTe;,,v> . '.- open day and mghtl; : , • r .>>:•

. t

Make-This Garage Headqulrtefs, Ij'In Pi eparation ftfr Your \

Page 3: AUTOiUSIRY,. l«H F A !LS PflSi EXPENSE I IB iO ESU LI … · 2014. 12. 12. · dniit'fi itri*\'a1, Two of llio 1 thn country.


J . U.U-TIMT■ J *','''"■*11 Avc. nncl Setoiiil St. N.

Sinrkoy, mlulsitr.^ ">• Siitiilny cliurcli scliool,

/' “ pro^uiii adujHtO

11 a.-III. MoniiiiK woralilii. Sui.■ ■ imin, -Tlio I’ rluu of Vti-iiry"

llio pastor.i • G’.i'i p. 111. Yoiiiii; I’cojihi'.i liiHir.

I llio Kuiilor aiiclcty vv||l loii'UiU a mcttliis KctlliiK tanu tM 1UW«

• • 111 lIlO IIl.lklll!C of Ilto'i HIICCHKPB.8 p. III. CvciliiiK iicrvinij. BcriiKiii,

..'■Wliun' Satan-Ciimca ;o L'liiiicli,"><y llic yiiatnr.

Tlic cliurcli MleiKls ^^InHimiun... . ....

I ll t MKTIWiH^• f»urlli Avenue.

‘ r. «t»(ow, ^ ln^8l«r. ■1-, i>. m. Cliurcli nclioo! oucli

.o’unilAj- iiiornlnjf. nnd oftoni .tlUHs-• , ta oiiil <lcpnrtincnt for nil aKoa,- .' IX to\. Nornlns-aervScf! of w^r-" «liljv, Annual MomorlRl utrvlcc.

' ' ‘ixtsts of iionor will lju inembcrH• Ul ilio viirlous jmCrlotlc Aihl i.citvIco , vrgftnlmiDMB or ttib clly. Mr whom

Btats will be reserved. Tlin clH-lr will .sine tlio nntliem -rof I'cace

, . and Por, Plonly" by K!iaHll ;ii;••liporso lllco will aliiB “Tuntliiii To-'lOH" l>y KlitrcdKu, nnil tlio mlii- . Inter »vm j^roaeli tlic McbiorJal iu•-

luoii oil VMomorlob—unil iJriuuiH."7 p.m . Iiitcriiiedlntu. !,'juvo'.-iii

Lcobuo 111 uic clmi.ol.,

7 p. 111. soiiliir Kpn-oftli 'ijf.nn? In• lUa narlop, Bpwoith • l..rni!in; imiil-

vorniiry wili-Iic olmorvcU'wldi Vorn Snckctl Icailcr.'

. S II, 111. Ki'onliiR, HO-vlru <'t wiir- "iilj'; Sllrrlnn Iiymna. Iintli 'olil tliciii I)V tlic uliol und iiuw. will l»(! .sans rroiil tlic Tlicc." aoln l>y ill

. iiu ^ i. U'Hli-llio uia ,f ,i.o n!cTt. ii;s. Tltorc will bo

oiillcoti llio icrmon will iiri-sont "Tlic SiniiiK‘L'11 . i>r Mm iJllrly Churcli ' ns Iho Hucnii I lu iv 'lurlon pfjcrmnnB on "T.lio Uoiuiimij olthp m iiV

Mitl-.wo.jU ilevotloiiiil Hjv;..- \Vpi|. iiuj'lny ovoiilnit :ii S ii. in. ,. Women's f’oritian M'khioh

oicly nt '.ho Ohiircli Tliiir.

I Kndcav-

i’.HKSllvrKKiAN Clirltl'll' Jjiuo/I Mllliiv. mliiinK'1';IO;UU Hululny school.11;0D Morning »'oi»Iil|>. Hithi

liy tlie. paHtor,' '•Qmre Why." / ........................ h I'-ivc

Till, liilnfmcillalc anti ..ncillor; . .!lirl»lian l;in!Uav(if'..

I ' »;W' KwiililK npnVru.• Bcrhlnii !iy Hit llpi'. H- II. •I'lni

' ii« ■>; (IruBon iin “Vlaloii Wltlioiil ' '• Sfiiliii;.''I' MrH. 1,1. N. TiTiy will nine "Tl

h a CIctii Hill Far AwiiJ-." .'HhM .M;Uicl Itaniun will ri;iiilcr i\ vl

!• Tnciliiy, Tx;ii, [!uy Sci>iHii.VVi.'ilni'nili.v S:(lll .Ml'oIIiik iif llli: i

II Dally Vni’utlii.i llllilc- i.illiiol ujtrk-!

Tii'ii iiay..'tni-c'l OH-.iiili.:il(iii;irj L'Pujittun lit 'lliu itiiirri


riet eiler Coal CompanyYour Heat Merchant, New Peerless Coal.

^ . For Coal That’s Fine

Iron •Eireman Automatic Coal Ihirner PHONE 8-0-9

! IJfc liidi'cil f" many iiinii.rc«; Snaiipi^d ItikIiIu llii- liimy tnnrl jClirlHt rciltcm!) iiiid rIvuh 1( l>oauty l.nvc h1I|)k In nml kIvok iL livarl.

, ThU IH (L cliiy »{ caiii«iaH jii-l iliiiiliiks. Tlu.' niKiii'iiitit ki'OlM .1

Jit rc coid M iHi'iihiiia oill- ' anil t:o«lul (rii'iiO:!, A j-Ikm lilt! lilj;li«aj icll.', nH (,ci lind.i.'. w,. niuior. ,M«;.

con.iil.'c wIIIiijL , Anil (lie tiiiliy :it liij luivv • lu' iilcHln; UVvii

^liHTvnlH, All llils I" M iniml liitorcslini;.

out til? bring focc at ClirlM! Tbo film comcB liarH ft ’lilBiik op so- oliHciire that wc find lltdo iilca- »iiru In 11. ThlA lin:a is Ibo .

, moral. Look ut llfn s'limrcly aaJ IK.M tho prniinr fouu". Wiuch out j tor llic Bliudutvs nAil nll tlioM)

ut 111,' .iiy til..-: ililnK» iliat nmr thP plctiiri Sao «Uoiv ilw ills- to. It lliut CUrlsl Is Itl tliD Ctimr lk'r»ar<l’< »n lli» .nnil not on tim slilO- Tiiuu tits

be u jiIc.-iAnnt oullntr, aud uc,'hlBli«- .................

Desert Prospector Takes NotbI Way

To Donate Money

•AOO, .Mny :I3 (VP)—Msyor J. ('irmiilj wds looking ta-

•l.iy r>'i' 'siiiiiu brlKlit } iiiit: tol- Idws n'lio nfcd n naw slnrt" lo kIvo ■tlioin' K'.OOO M a prwonl from "Oood • Tinio" Charllo Daw- Mim. mi agfcl' "(Tujisrt rn f who foiintl i« "bollle nf kpIiI 'luH” - wiinirt’ io iilvi! It away.

CcT/iink rcacivnil tlni JS.QiiO, ill 111 IiIIIk. Ill a. Ipllcr wtflchUbVhIiii wrolp frniii <lii) Bralia • Hold. Tli.1 aoioinpWiylHK letter

.UAH IJ ii:im’s luDK iinil rcfiulrcO

i"m /'vm '^ ''""“I’’*- TIiiT'pwiniajliihl?II" '" 'a 'I Iilarlu-'l tlip writer an probably

old niiil recMu.was runifnibcrtil iil Iha

Drako n» "u lllioral old fclloB- •. Mill) AV'nri.' u noiiilirero." Do tcsIb- ti'U'd ;i« finr San Kranclpco. ’

III iho louer he explained his ftlniKKlta a»- n "ponr I-oy," (old




llililc'SelKio] ’

. . \’(.nil l>li!-l

ScrriiDti “ ’riKi Kvfi.'lasliiiK (iosjiL-I''

8;0l). oVloe){ Siiiulfty livtiiiiif; H.Ol)


V'lll.SI' I'llltlK'I'IAN 'Sliii'ilinao jjtU'Ul unil Sfxill /

[iiic .Sorlli.CIcn W, lliitioii, pn-Hlor. \

' KKUD, I'eniocoht lilhli; aihool.lltV'i '.Mnriiltiu M'or.slili) and thu!

I.Did'!. KuiiDCr, Vocal duel by Mri.: JI. N. Terry'.md Konnctli llcn'Iai;-; mm. Beruion, "The EvcrlaHlliii;, C:a|id" (lien W, Muitoii, — '?;0u .Jnnbr. Iiilormnllnto. 8c».-!

Icir anit iiclu’l Clirlailan ICiiOcav;/)-. ' ■ «:l)U ICvorilRu worKlilp uiid.«nnn! BPrvlie Icil liy tlip im.sior. SlnKliiK by inilo cIiotUK. Sortnon, "Thoi [WHJicniiin’.? HsUlo." Olcri W. IIiil-ljtonr-, — - ....... ;

i FIllfiT i'Hl'KCtr «»!•• CllinST, I; ; sciKN'i'is'r ' 1I lUnNliill. avriMlii uaHl. ’ . I

F A M O U S C H U R C H E S O F T flE W O R L D -llriaa,

llnrli: colni. Ttl.' IlHlI - r



ciitttre, russ aud tiavoiiporto—uriccd to'Mll. '■


a .White Moi’tuarylnoorporatea■ ‘ Funeral Dircciors-

« • . - To Ment Your Confluence -

- • ' ■ iB Our Aim

T k a W M O O " ^ ' l i l ta M . W h i to . . M g i

.. tSaylPWitli flowerspowers for all^Occasions.

y ^ r W . m Flowers Everywhere*


* Q r lo W jIUi

atoro’Phone. 645yirietor

Green House 646


Empire Auto ShopOld n ob le and Vjkmg sale Sery ce

General Eep^iripg jind stot^ge

Mechao cal Labor Now f 1 00 fieE kour i]: Phonfe768W lS l2 A « N p r t h

■Twm'-! all jMarl)l6ealid'

A:.comp1ISt8i;l!ne.(!{;itiRtRUih f.. •«Vjm .;fiHit:

ncia_________I ■fltin


Constructive JUrfticifiirt Apprfe^tcdConstru


:;iilblf«s lalrKlcal pro- h<Mul'<. uriiiH Kiid tcf!

.............. I <!oii!il yim hove liwiiIhi- vliilni of tlli ani;Lt«iir iJic^u- Ki'.il'lierl

rsycliohicy lpll« Ha thill ibo iiitiiil In alw'iiy.A lalkliiK ululi tdt*. 1111(1 ilcvcln|i ii; llicia. It ho lei u< h(i|>c ihey .•iir.n out belter. Thjru 1.1 cvldcncp tlial thpy don’t. For l:i>UaUinK' llti' Id liilto a nctenci!. Our frlondshlps iwd expcrlcncui rovuiil itic uiillniel)' iihodiiw. Or

lui- .INYII*''I iiRiy fojtnrcit. that oro ao.irhHiinnln,: U, ll». cari' chapel <>r ^1;..^ueatrft faenoro do la fA-chc, hcci^yie of

A wim.. hlKlorj inljjh.: be mil:.......... ll’n I'oll" ‘n 'I'o I'tl'ry Hut -our chief ollcdho In In llio

... 1 ...... ......... ccllnse ot QoJ.

I unlrunce iiiid tlnis liinn the vi-sli I bulv. Knim tlic (.ontPr of ili< jHanc'uary lianKH a I'luiiiilllicr ii . nlilfli Ihii nacri'd tlaine huK hori liein IlU . lllJ: wliliout liiter«il/i-

' Blini for over a tentiiry, N6iir tlic

a tdiir Ilt> Wbiit II iillltiil idcluro llfo 1» wUb- lllon.

toriunu anil toiind ll- Then, lio salil, lio euiiie 'hnuk U> Clilcogo On a visit nnd docltlud <o sivo Romo (.t hlH iiionoy away lo yoiiag tnuu JiiHl iitnrtlni; out. Dut, llio lottir (.T.titiclcd, "Oood Tioio" Cliprllb didn't know linn’ tn xlv« nipnsy uv,'u,y ao l\a read J.Uc vn'«rB alul ilecmcd.'Maynr Cemialt waa Ihe man LO do It tor him,

"I am a4i old follow 4hat the boy# 0111 w«*l pQll 'Good Tlmo Charllfi nawROH' hocniiso l.VM wuyn piilllni; for good <lmo« vrhon ihWiRM looked protty. dark.’ wrdo n.wsno to tlie Mayw.

Jftfo'' oxi>oru Jinwut ?! por coot , nf Uh 'prodiiMlon at ruir allk and rtboiit'87 per ccat ot Ui eDU tcx-.,.

? Q U E ST IO N S ? A bou t the B ible

Hr. KIHJ-AIIK’S CATHOLIC Itcini a Koy*cr. i'. A.8 It. lit. iind 10 u. u>._Afu)<ucD wl

4J). m.'llalyliuur. . r

Tell Me a Stoiy

dc*f. WM-SUII jipaTkllas-. dfl' llBrMva Pousoni.drovo- lilB. aM- oowTi.ino roaa w *n«rltot. i :• ^ow inoJ^MUBi-wai.anxloi toToacn idfnittrkBt.«Briy,jn,:6rdi ,io:.»triM, a good.r. disums.a.ltrso BtlckJa his liaiiJ iio..liurried ni* . Qccaa aiooc-1» ,rnii M, tdsr could woddlo -on ^hQli Vi a b c« TVii a ti« Q« ft■ • • • • • V w;

CBthcdral—dt. Aususline, FloridB.

b AtMori.’ud.




c'ti <oK {(i]onmi oio:f«iiow iitair Jcn8w:.wl»., wo.-.w«rtvIi#T.......... ............... -.......

u u tier u d to ft jwB

ih« aobi* duceniiaau M <li» Ver^

w Si: standing, amid .iho.

h ChtisUan' lo-wa c

Th» •■•hlBlory.:-of. Uio-iwleaHinj lorlda-b. lilentlcal'-'.wlUi':

tory..jt>tMnWloni-- all ovflr„.,ihtt world. It: n. «-htory o i umvory, /un!d-. iiprllf. • vhor(il»m.. alnfii;.- tot.r

. .. :i«ho;.:-liad;;,;ial



ovor. .malcuiff' i-alwwJ:'. cone, ratia a.sracen


• Jowelry of .the Finest,

(jual t

LoCalInspectorj.f6r.»0 S Ii RE

.115 Shoshone'St» SoMh;

Detweiler Coal''Cw^pany.-

Vonr Heat -Merchant New Peerless.Coal

For Coal That’s Fine- -






SaS.Mnln Atchuo Sooili

FAEMEES SE R V IC E STATION’ Math'Olaaen-r- A. J. Clasen, Props. ,



Phono 1658 701 Ma h Are, East


; ■ -TOM ?&TE^H0M E OUTFlTTm^;-

Elkt Build Twin Fat



1 45 Seco n d A

Page 4: AUTOiUSIRY,. l«H F A !LS PflSi EXPENSE I IB iO ESU LI … · 2014. 12. 12. · dniit'fi itri*\'a1, Two of llio 1 thn country.



I A Column Conducted-----by- <• —


“•tTi y Mail." rujaUlo In i\dv«nce* O

■ wlillc

*n,.. AVIATION AND PROSPERITYAUTOMOBILE production, some economic expei-ts|

.'contend, loiles the prosperity of our country. Over- ^M^uctibn of cars, with a near-saturation jjoint in the matfet, has had considerable to do with present de- iJil^iofl:. - I

'> B u t a new industi^, an infant now. but destined to| qe^^pie'a giant witliin the next decade, probably will xnlfe the business cycle of our country in the near fU t«re'. That industry is aviation. •• We can trace the beginning of the i^resent depres

fjon .hack througli 1930. The preyiou$.iy^ar set an all- t#m,e record in auto production, with- aii output of 5,- .100,OqO motor vehicles-In 1930 this .figure Was Cut bymore.than two million! - I Steel, mills, in the peak of production in 1929,- sud­denly found their orders cut off. Rubber factories, glaffi manufacturers, upliolsterere, lumber mills, rail' noads and'other industries, depending to some e ^n t]

•' to thejautomobile busjpp^s for their orders; were in! -— 'jfsituation. No wonder the countiy sufferedx

come a dayi aviation leadere say,. whe_n ,3uAries will lool^tO 'airi)lane mariufacturera

flor huge ordere. Then, thgy contend, the country will lave, two m ighty factbi*snn rjs^lating the Remand for }aw materials, and steadying the. rocking bpat of arosperity. ' '

ilALI'll HAIITO.V.Kiicst ot, Cl.i.rllu CluLi.llJt^ 1.01 lion, miidc frotiutuil IrltfiiT-Alliii lie (clci>Iiuiio uilJIh lu n Kir] imii c<t "lUilU," Hiiciil loiif; ]iurlu<ls i (crcrjali wrlllnS' nurl pnccd il:

jtloor for liuiirH In a liKlor mooi irlylo H. HoKliiHon. Kccrclnry i 0 niovlo star. «nld."Ho used' lo Hotid lliu Kin l)le unylnB lie would enll her

lii^ur nnd tHiw

:lmc.: IllO I' 11 w

Our Washington LetterSenator J. Boomboom McWhorter la P in ing W orried About

Thu Legalized Grape. Juice That Makci-.'t --- Pickctlnff” of Spc.nken6loB flnd-Frejfdi



iir uou.s'KV i)urcni;ii ■ WASIli.S-OTO.V—"ITolitbUlon .

HIOC-MJ.SI.; WAM'lCll MII,t,H. the Mollyn.^ocl d:iiiclnK l»- slruclnr. IiilsHml liin ciic- durlni; nti Drrol>nti(- clniuo iind pcr- niUlcd Oyiitlila Ooiiilc. d.inccr, to full and lirr

limst imy lier Jfinoo, for Unit iiiiiaiinl »an liy Suiicrlor • JudKc

Oiiy F. RiiKli.

a cros.H-

[THOSE FEMININE STYLES ...OFESSO R HATIRV ALLEN OVERSTREET of fJ'ctHe College of the City^of New York says that

• women \vill do a complete reversal to Victorian man-swooning^and the costumes of the sedate

^tS in 'the next 10 yeafs.^^ProfeSso^^verstreet foresees that the tendency to-

i!^ictorian!sm as a result of the newest modes, iht today,” he says, “we find women wearing long sji'c&rs^ts and taking on what they believe are mipate airs. The first thing we know they will be “ again.!' Ten years is the period he sets for; ,.«nsfonnationto't^;, .. .i^_',p^pfessor!,Since’:fWhen .'has a feminine ^yle e TertiAined “in” fdi- ao long as 10 yeare? Since r'hav6 .long skirts and high waists proved'any-

1 except that within six months hems w ill be high ;jidjjbeIt6,:Io,w7. Sinpe,.^yhen:has any .gown.infiuenceiri

-any-wdmari’s manners and customs except to make

f ry i^ i^ fo ij.^ ^ r ie v ^p ^o re h t one’ . ..JDearjvde^^prorCTor*-«-'Why didn’t you^speak to

)^cur setretaiy?

; LA UGH IN G THE DEPRESSION A W AY THE .10-day Jubilee week party which Chicago threw* publicly for "better times” recently, had a more

,^ inu!ating effect on the citV's business than all the| (Jhtieiy .prbj^'esies of our Pollyana - economists. It|hejped co i^irm what many contend, .that most of the dinicuUies of the, present slump are largely-mental.■: VChica;go's celebration, in which an estimated quarter o f a million pewons reveled'in parades, car-; myals, 's^eet d ic in g dn'd/confetti-ihrowing, to thei ^e h ^e n ts <jf “^ o d times ahead” and “ i-etumingl

:«perity,” was a tremenddys triumph for psycho- TT.’iMerc'hants, reportiiig"iricreased sales, said that, ;|or;many years h'as business been so brisk,


HVK DOIJ.AHS ord iiuzzio conic.lL iniiy

|P|Ornw'[(Til ItaHoiisnen. \v]io Ih inR 16 ycnm al FoIkiiiii f:r K'liry. from bolus di-porlcd m mark. IlBBimiH.icn, JoIilcs* without lundn. unod , llie iirlin monoy to-(Uo a iiRtltlcin :r<>r n vril ot 'Imb yjs corpiia. Hln .|iclltlun. sciri written, BlRlcd tliut he iirrlvcd I tlilii couiury.ln 1011. TJ o ItiiniiKn lluti .liiWK iirpvldo thill * i.pnn..... '-I l)u itbijorlcd for a trim

illlfU fite yt-nra uftor iirrli

JlftdO losn. hy hii

iiiMiik'1. Gray, lliiy, ii Into uilstrcs-H.

c« !■’. A. Snyr),;r. wild cii(nl|> revel-

.;lc« of nuro crcniii,__dlKlirovoil

liy frloiidn. who drcliircil lliiil <irny Ii;iy wns UvidliiK ii fliilct lllc 111 tiiu ll(>lly\v<i()il lliimnnu w itty liniiic mid' Ik Htiidlously Jircjmrlns liliiiBcIf '

Ir lienth'ir In olwaya liiid f Ir IiouiIk It lu alwayn Imil f pollllciatm. 'TtlO Mclcnco

HliM In liatioil <m tlio tli(!() < im liirci! Kroii|i or iico|ilc «• r Hrriiitli tliiilr hcadn. On lly, they iVin’tIf you ivill hxjk nt ytu Ihjii v» ill yj>iii' ncw/ijiaiKTT'yfjii w

thiil. tiiald'M

'Hint'Is .what "yoti' jilrki'lliiK,

..''(ieltlac coiivictcil Kinjrl.en-’l'

o f hupllOK" Hither story, or *750 tltio or $57,111 In... .MnJlitliiiid .. ,

.VeV -Yiwi; Rii,t iday. J»ll''«ccKcnco ................. .W«ni. yiPKin(.i an comiiarert wlthl <8 days la I’oanBylvanlii nnd .No'r' Jcnicy. .■„i

'>V imilll-talllluiiiilrc nninc‘f ‘’n ftmt la, gol'iB oii ihc’plairor/fl'i dfbnlo til? dry ln\v« with n-n)pVii‘ KctiUlvu of the • Autl-Salooa Li'.iruv.

-rito ijIk

lock niiyboily’ up Ullb'-inViliaBli/l mombbf'of tht) 3ury-whloljl

convlclcd U iiietnWrs dt n rum] rink hgro '!□ .WnAhlSKton nayn lioj wait lii'a daw for lioura nnd duor' not rRiaciuK'r.nny vorcllct. ao Llsi

Icnianillue a ncv

iiilrliial m Klu'ilier <fk’ftiiii tlio (ItllCI

•iir-Liho cimc ini>w('di.Milei id jiot cmiiiu«r«!(l)ll .shii'f hlH

:ndch your he,ml Il ton miieh yo ii^ ,. .11 inlxdl ii[i au<r '

a Veil I'iKiiir Till, .(111 Ihiltimdio Jlioy ulnn Jiu a laiiii wlu>.liii,| hecil a

1 liritdu

aro llkfilyarrive ill lliii toliilly coiiduxlnn Hint jirolilhliroi really all ixHilc iiflcr nil.

HiTi-’ti Iho 'C'allBC ■ ialculml 'n ihi' hnltlos "iluro-Tkjf Ktmio o(hcr • new.*; Him "> I’w lioo»ej:o«-

llci(is whicli. kcun Kuoiilo rcniciu-ily loadtic!.’ Vis'. brhiK ahoiit . i>i'oIiltil(ibn, .iinil 'i''lh't:i.'«rfl nuld ci'ili whieli may tunipt llictn to lliflilc; flu'lr IioIHoh Ihuru there Inn't atiy himho In (h,3 <|ucHlIun .iIjwiI thv si world: . . . Ihlliltluii.

•There arc co in p a n ic iphk’hik, ''.Mr. Join hlK kcprt .If_i:r;u’0 Jtiluo ta ovcry-ilha hVlRllNli Itoily'a eolhir anil leaving k so il;<lih will fcrinonl. Th/iy avo vory carc-liitid fu1 nut Id say It tvlll lu.-ilii: whlc.ilhi All It" inakvH In biirniuidy,. uaii-'ni

fur ‘dliioi ippono If all oil WJlUl ,-uiiIiU Ih]

Bi'li:- Clynnc-I’ercy, )aritonc, arrlvu.s .In

rliil...-iyilwv-tlio-wct^n/fonii mii liu dry nrKUhltadonii nro bcgln- MnK'Hcw drives..,—I- ilo'not'lnslift iliut nil ihl? mWH proves iiuyllilns. -Init If, it' irovcH luiyinini; M. all 1< .iirovca Jiiil iirolilbitlon 1», nqU. ati,,lBHUc oxteW lii-ll'c nowai.m.'Qrs;,«fld- .Mr. KiiHkob'B jnlnd. Tliero;*ro plenty

other liilnK" lo (hlnk’ tiliuiit and nm Aur« wp »liO(ild •; till ..Ue na

lin.|U>y,lU klllKB."

Seniors'G ite H o u se

P a r ty A t E e t o h u m

SUOSIIO.S’R May 23 <Si«>clnl)— ho moiiilierH of thu lO.H KTud- illuK'clnM.ofVho SlioBlioilo MkU

Miliool cHjoyed a thrcoKlny hoimc wriy »> 'he Kctchuui Kami> Jiolol II ICetfJiuni tho-early p iu l ot tlio i-eek.'roturnlnR' Jionio ' Wcdncsiluy venini;,; DurluK 'hull' »ojoiirn ' lio iipptr'co'nil^y Uii'y-' onjoycil rip over (liOcia siliiitnll ito Almr

,.ad, Ited n«h lalteii^and ii>filn()thiioroM In tho St.iiilcy -BAsIn cogif- ,ry. . "nwy roi>6rt ii' qiilto scvoro iiitm- jslomi I'Alilnx I>< Kolclkuni mil Ilidleji Wcdaesday. MIbh Mar-; rariil Shiclnlr, teaohor’ and clnus idvlsor.'uf'the cliiss of.;il031, actcd ji chniKTone, ' ' • ' Kil’mmor n'licnlliiu suhool../^pon-

HorcU,'l>y Iho‘llnplifit cli>ir<;h. »nti 'under Iho dlrcoihiii oC Miun Ayrua of nuisc, Is ill Krjsion a l tho Bap-I

diureli._ TIdH school.' -will -;iiistj ive<*l(i< nnd boya and


^ O U i

NotIh a t^

M a yiK now

What Others

_TI]K lliixrs iOA5K IN mAHq . J.0Ht0r T*. Aiborl. ^ l o odjmoiit ■'



(O HUcIl



F iiIIh.

Uo w

In' Tcu



a«lt;lrniKino oil you may

Ililtik Kv need tulvl Jeit IruHi forclKnc

■Tlio clilet of pol

......... ijtered. Tho'work conniMB , of IllWoj■Mdylur ii.Mudy. •■liiKiiiK. manual trnlnlnic for[ dll 11,111 iliu lAiys .md Hen’hiK foc..xb« Klrifi. Ills !iuh-i''''"’" ‘ seveaty-flvo iboyH and girls

Din/o enrolled in lliln worlc; i Mr. Jiid Mrs. M. t . Wiliitcniiclt of Shoshaiic, Mr. and Mrs’. A.-Sch-

u ' ■erfiiuihora niitl daiislilcr,' Joon. titn: ,.,L , Mr, iiml Ml«. John- Witoiiatk ol " , ■•CalK.irnln, wero «li,1i(..‘te«lm; In •» nni> n ’I"-' '•I’l' '' river .coinilri''

' (Wedneud.iy. *

inHfnnl ’Si)rnym3, luiilributor o f fi-

[rticlp.s and storie.H

iKuzincH iiH Harii- Snlurdq.v Inverting

4jrolhci- of

I''. ypruKUii,',Twill

a .forinorly a Jcwolcr

and f^fjitjialrtucl iit-

!’B wrller tlifbiiB-li hiK

D trndc iiubllcatloni.

’riinea rMiltn).

Music SuperTispr.

pf • tlio Amerli-on .boiflon, «9tlmatoa; — th.-Kt 'fi-om Sp to SlO .TwroJirt of Ujo , : »a,BOO,OOO lonnc(l lo Idaho TctiraiiH- niidcr Uiu, now adiuM6(l-con»ott-M., nntou loan- 'law lins tlroody BjxMi spent and that llie rcst of ■1)<5 »pent -wUliln tho next sixty ®im>; ' llo thinks <li4l Ihb larger partbt.It WiCiit to pay dobU oontraotoA.^ ,l veterans prior tu ho'>V/, Unm haH not jut a'lot ot .inoiioy IWo clrculallon ibiit iias-Tfrl ,i . istoreil the credit of'a (kW uuinW,:of tlicm. That a s«xl bU o( .iiionoy wont to pay for automobllc.s,> ho ndniita, ibiit reBsrds Uio.ftWQr.Vr nioI)i1c ns a. Tieceully and. In liltf 'i) lialoloii thoro has been llUlo m lsu^ \ ot tho moiioy. • .in.i,,’.,\

> huvo no,8ymi>aUiyildoii that unydse tliAtlho vclcrai»».i. \ . jiuiw flt'to ntalio ot thfa nranoy cou1«I„ \

• Ok* colled •'mlsir e.’" Il was tJicJr \ ii'n’nnuy,'Klvcn tlieni Jjy a. gratoful \ |i;oTcrnmont to uie as they aaitlilM i \ innit iho pity la that the fifty iicmnt/. I llban' nulhorUcd. exhmls Uio ioun ' Ivjiluo of tlicao ccrtlflealM. T lio. Ilrtiiis draw in'iertMt and-when"tlio •.

. ji.-criltlcnlcs itiature; Uiero .will r not •■ 1)0 oiioiicU duo on them to uny-for i , fcvon n-fourth elasa runoral. .^Tio,,. ' loans ‘ ........................

jwptcdtliiit Jn due time Uio' rovwj*-*'. ■ rV43 ■D.rvi nJoufwIllitcfrKlvethls:dobtau'4i4wnHu i Jjun i iviarri6S'

THIS C U R IO U S W O R L D iJiy tho Uidti'd ^;aiea <if iCl),Oi)U.iUi i jHiaii tho nrea pf 'tho s

I i>ark«.

'iliUIIL. 'May 2J (Special)—Olircfi- dny evonlns at tho .Harper home 01 aiKby. Ml8s Jilarjorio Hjirpor and Orral S. Luko were miiriicd

I! o'clock. Iinmedinlcly aftor the , ..;ciiinny Uiey left for. Salt I>akn, iCIty, wlicrotliey will upend a briefj Ihonoynioon. olter whicli thoy i>lai) to visit frlcnils al ..Tron ‘ ‘ ' Utiili.

Mr. Luko la enturini; tljo -forCBt] »crvlc6 In Oio liiuuntalui, of noi-Ui* crn >ldu1io uiiil wll> rcinalii Micro tlirouRh the suninier nioivHiB. Mrs. Liuko will relurn <o hcri.boiiio, ol-j nifi'liy. Mr. nnd Jlr^. Liikfl-.wlU ro-' turn in -tho Illl to Uuhl' wlicro lio will rCTHino his work Oici InKtriK'tor of niUKlc.', phyiilcH

IliuyuholoKy Ju iho. lluhl kcIk Silioiter'iH (IJinii

At n ;alunflicr, parly WednoHdny ivcnio?, ' iMIm : Ruth McCluxky

(!harnilnKly cnterlaUicil n croun of clslit sirles. The quests, wort ■Kflihcr lliint, 1)oHb CMiiit.n, Aru- Sicllo Soulh'wlck; Thelma Krotli, riorenco'MoDonell, Clirolyn CJbb nnd nesi/lo.HeJlmanck. DiirliiB the

p their {ull'hcc valuo.

6b63nian'MDiT61'oe.r b.;,;

- G f r a n t a T b - W t e

COOUINO. .Muy 23 Ifipoclairti^H ' |l>aclm V. (ioodman w‘a^ mntciliuiT .

In , Jiidro.D. H. SutphBn.'« ,

r. Tin' a ■ *;!S-.7l‘

Till-: l>i(|.\(;i.j o|.- he waiiion of Ar«on1luii a> lf»!..‘!‘!'.l..i'|inr>itiuc .iia ci ds reccnl South AnicrJc-n I fnund many fli;inK>-H at

lAlrts," the iirliico naid nt lucl. '•Ilm I fonnd no cli' ho women ot ArKcnllnii. Gonlle-

, nen, thoy are o.h bMnllfiil nn chnriiiliii; iis tlie flrnt time I

A JtWOktJ Ntl.MnUll h-rscs, ,l»t7,' tor ChluiKo Ini? hnvp been ontcred In M-dny,W-i»hln»?ton Turk r 1’lie 0.000 milled Anicr; Derby lo ho rnn .fiino M li

oupt'Tliursdny. 4fny, JIifrom L-..,. In AV. (itJodnian; on Iho 'diarco.trf .

dCfloi-tloii. The ploltitUt waa nluo- «!lTcii:her nmldcn nani»,of Loat|i;\,: V. J'oc. Tlio couple were iw rlciJim ; ' P.iycttc In'iJnnuiry. .1SS6. B-iC,.. BUIott of Holflo nrowarcOf.fta ftl,-.-

icy tor rhe iilaliitlff nnd J. n . - _ .jiid, for Uio.jlerendani. Tlio com... 4>lnlni,-wiis-.filc-l May 21.

).MiTjlo '.p. ■ ■ ''Vidno wolit'

kvcnluK where Mrs. HnkluR. otfl-, ■hiicd a* InuJiflllriKjofflcor for tJio II. h{ JeroMio.'" ' •i,,Atmrni-y Trank Marlln'of ItolHO |waa atlcndlns Jo lt8«l.m\tlor(i In the ditiirlcl ciiurl 111 Gooding 'niiniiduy.

Of London for lffn''popnlB ' 'ar cont arc Uuglnns. .10 p.. ___ _

B,' 8 iKtr cont Ocriiiaufl. nu<l, xnt I'Vciich, There nro'oboui..-

Id May 21. ' , .

co" Biatlon' hnH^Sieor Tnrklih Ritliii. :

ntdlijy the Contlren. «r Foot.apeelalJat^-.

-------1.... „___ __L

acted IITwenty CJranii; winner

of the Keiitiicky Derby, Mate. Whiner of tlio ProaknesiT Sweep All, which placed kcp- oiul In. Iho Kciitneliy Derby. «ad many oilier leadlni; a

ildy win {.-unipcte In theAnicrlci Derli

lA y S e wEat this country needs to help lift it out| tt^^e-'depreMiori .18 more jubilees a la Chicago. A ‘•■laing'.celebration canUiam-Avtonici^ffect on busi-

■*;., felectric enough, to .awaken'people from .:Ibtighf.&fi'<le8^nd|;^41^dit,to Chicago for tack

^gHhe’;.d^ression’ ffie horns!

3 iackyard. 9r vacant lot truck, garden is going to fe e ,im p o r ta n t nietliod of i-elieving the wants of

^ijnemployed this siimrtier. Fred C. Croxton, vice, 'unnftn-jof• the president'3‘'Emergency Committee ■ Eiiiplpyrhent; pointebiitthatthere has been ahuge ^^ jn ;y e g e tab le gardens in the United States this

l\muher,'arfd says that many part-time or laid-off use them to provide themselves with

• i^vnuraber of business, concerns which own idle and, such as railroad and minmg companies, have.en- jputiged -vvorkers whom-they have had to lay off to ■aise vegetal^les on tracts, of comjiany land. In many ties relief: committees-and civic organizations have iken-upr/theiiwork. And,.of coui'se, the jobles^rrian

who has.a backyard h^^ oNvn is turning truck-gar- ^'^ner w ithout any prompting.

. . ■ AEGUMENT BY RADIO r i§>interesting to note that Germany and Russia

J conducting a-soA of verbal war by raj^o these;

'J f 'ft.began'Sivhen Soviet- broadcasting stations startei ;vMn^ng-'out revolutionary, speeches in the Germart ' .janguage.for the. consumDtioti. obviouslv. of. potential t ^Sramumslic converts; on the German 'side of. the; i Iwrdec. ♦L - '•'— ^the^Germans have retaliated by broadcasting,

-•.‘lectures pticm ng cQnditions Soviet|

^i|)articuiiu:';squabble will prtbably-be ironedl K enougfrln ^o rt prder; B ut the germs of 1

nar-argument. are there: Modem sci- — :uinternationaJ communication,,

''iohe more source of possible'

, JOII.V MeKKNZMO whk' u|elof)i in thu .New Yuri! ik.imrl___

liivy of JCTflo. Nowilouki. ... _ ... lie l« cnninilsulL Hnlary of JI6.0.far from Tiihui....doc«a’t (.'vei}'(/f(no<v

MclCcn%: api>dnklui: funil

jarguo for boiiic plvr. prDjoctH whin IMaynr Jaiuon, J. Wulker Inicrrinit- |e<l him nnd unkcd It ho could i;ct I Im»c .of iibaenc:c Xrom tho civil icrvlce. MeKciuio nnsiired lilin that he c:uld. "Well, when you leaVe

lldj .iiieellnK,"- the mayor said, so bilk to the dock dopartnieni

anil heconio tiiiimilaalon-ir." The {iinyor said he apiiolnted McKcnilo hccaiige of Ji5» ability und hli.,28 lyeara of uprvlco w ltirtlic dopart-

TWli.\Ty on'A.VD,. •.'.'AtiiM. Antfy.-.Man O’War und-'Aironw II wore uni:uK' the '.‘lurtlcg width fnlled lo qualify. In a 1 0 .Inch'dasir riico In -which Went l'oln(, a 'niuddcr.V.'SPt a record ycHterdny-of 26 fltconds West,Point IfoW ner hK-Jlar- tha.Lyons'.of Koliliiiion aud dis­placed', IliinniNK wnler. .u 'anap.- per, an record Iiojdcr. for the lo«al "track." Duko Ili 'owncd liy Earl VounB. wan aeuphd,''

jnd Durnule. owned by.Chnrlcn piinireeitc, w.. s, Ujfrd;

, , THK ;x i B DICTKCTOU" wu» :dcIlalioly ruled out of- the sccond 'rial of VIrKlI Kirkland on. clmrHl'» If iimnkrliiK Arlcno - Dravpa,, his iwectlicarl. Mont o.f n inornlns. WM 'Pcnl, gucatlonlm; oxiicrf wltOeaica resard nK tho accuracy, of-l^donard Keeler* Imtirunmnt , wljlcirihe claims dctecta fnluuhooda'br'SaiiK* Ins tlie blood. proHBuro of' (lift,«ub> Jcci. Keeler. payclxploKl«(, of • 'orlll•- weitorn I'rilveralty nnd ihvonior of Ihe deieeior. lestlflort Uut lh« In. s rumontfiad Iwen iisod In'iiboul llO.W caeon Iti-cltflit or nlpe Biotos und Ifuit,"iliijro l«.no qu.estlon tliai lt‘a're,uita arc acc«rale.".l)r: Her- man .S. aiindcsen, hoHUh' corinnlK ! oner of Chicago, sold lio-tiAd’.ieoa tlio detcclor 'uaod:.'lu..fiir-or 'JO in.urdep oa*M;-.And',. tliaf :jhb .«>. lulU nhow. ••ft rcttoonalilel’.deBrce -if aecurtfcy.'; On croBfl'%xjilnrnailoo ilis-Jiwlth • commlBiiloncr., anld IhOi

Page 5: AUTOiUSIRY,. l«H F A !LS PflSi EXPENSE I IB iO ESU LI … · 2014. 12. 12. · dniit'fi itri*\'a1, Two of llio 1 thn country.



, , LgtieT5Mi:'t’I.nrch'i-SVL.. , .

4-3pte^iW z'" • lUorw cUfclKS.aoany. May *24. ,

L-nWerjilj'Otiila ‘ rJle<il*/«9“4*r. ' .V* Uultolty'Guild Wm incol Mod.

' Uiiy. rteilBg.'Vl’.lU? home or Mlao . lnw.i.Wagal<»r>.i|2 ■AUdtn.on ai

- Mnu Niotiols'.lios been conrUicd . ■ fb-llW'bwl ror'Uio paal two wccka,'

Ho''1ir UiB -sbn' of Mr. and Mm .I...... ■N'oiih.-NlcliqlB.-.

frco-foJI parailiulQ Jump , record < ,4|iao ■ f«ol. broken two years a«ol>y-II California-Bluiilor, will rIvo

ati oxlilblUon of n <,000 free-fall l>arachu(o.Jump ni: the Twin FatlH olriion . Sunday oi 5 o‘«locl(, • aa ft fonturo*-ot. tlio riytne »tunls sponBored by • Haddock Klyin

■fsaittfeftrf;>d iM n, Jl: A. sweet a

titonaiiig to-, l«avo Monday f Bnrtnsfleld,, Mo,-,<o .visit rolatlvi , Lktonlhoy .will eo <o Kniinas Cliyl lo’.utleiu! Ui6 Nationalvcritlon, Jung. 3-8..

ChiMren :> AtiitUnfli

Arrij., .

.Mr, aud itrg, Arlliiir It. Ilrowii, Twin ftllflr are tbu. purcntu of i Bon'-bord Tliursrtay ut a Drlvolo iinnlinrlum.vilr< and- Mrs.- It., U. FOK.'Twill.Falls; are'-tlio parents

> or a.'dDUEhlcr.'Xorn Frldny, nl»o 'a prlvftto Mnlldrlnn)

■V.',MlnorCilllKJoii - Uan^am {'eiMlcn ... .

vA -mlnor eo11lBlon-ln.-v.-lilc1i fond-i ora of tothcarBWCro drtmaeed wasi reported to police .FVldny nleht by'

Keluni-FrauTrli<. T(f.OBiIon . a'l...-Mn> »nd Mrs. 0. TT. SlroUcclt

liavb T«turnfd fronj Osden. nltor

iMarrinBhi.—. _I Ilarvoy8.iHalo, Twin rtills c»uu- Ity agcnl, and.Irto C. Qordon, I’ort- !]JcalIon ..wJiJi/tlic IcouDty rcoordor, lioro Friday after* nt>on .<or a mnrriaBo IlccnHe. Mr. Halo hae treen conflncd at the Twin ™iB cou'niy -lioBpluH -for nlioui-. 'month durlnfc tUo honlini; of i bW)kcn Vaco alifforcd In n fnll. Tlje lirlde-elect camo hero Crom l>ori-| land tollowlns hlg Injury.

(iHiironIr C«iil|iniiy'>Ylns Cano

The iCnllcd StutcH Flilclliy i lOuRrnnty coiirpany. rciircHonled Altornoy Frank U Siojihiin. In < irlct ceurl Friday won llio <-i awlnat )y. C., I'ond niiit, Jalm McOratb.-Tlio-.caao wah one In n-A/ch Vi\ C. i'Qiid-rcfUBCd to jiro- ra(o 'litB Interest with other clnlm- a«l8, OB a prodUco dcnlor.’it bond ■

Rabl OlaM »Icx At HosiiKal,- • ■

'Seymour Faircliliil,' 7r>. Droniln- oni wcM end fnrmor died onrly Saturdoy morfllns at ilio Twin Falls count)' Kcneral hospital fotlowlns soreral wcckM’ lllneBs.

'The Irady was taken to tlio John- laon njortuury In i)ulil,-Mr. Fair* lehlld •hnd 'bctn - a sculdcnt of Melon Vnllcy Mince. liiOC. a.member, of the ■" Latlvi Saints cliureli.

E>-eE‘ X A XUNHtTtD.) ifSOftRWELS O' MOWS;* FEW N-V.. •- ^^«e0S^N■ fctJ-.VOO M*,TWf..tO TrtM.

\J OOUftRG /uMt\.'I.^MEBe-6 ‘tTBOARO.•VOO, CLEkR lTO9R6AN-6fi.Vy/-GUAR0,-WI«PRlS0NER:

Mussoliai Takes Fall; 'Conies Up-Wilh Smile

• ", UO.MI-;. M;.y :!-’l {fl'l-frrpilcr;Ii<‘tillo .MiirfKulliii waH fhriiu'ii

iKirsi- wlillc rIdliiK loiliiy. JlcI HllnliUy <inili'L-<l ulwiil thu

« lakliiK Ills i i»lri. OM.V 0?W. F(H>T-SI'ECIAUHT, irmry .,.;.rly rl-lr In tliv IS TWIS t’jM.LS.' niono.ijlll.

,iivirlrwiii;n-hin litjrHD ttiiiiiiti|i-j livor TuSt6r:; A'(lT. ......... • ' -

li'tirtiru ami, full lb-his litiitM,' 'jdtchini; tlio-lir'oiiilor to Uie sruund)

' y.Nin'illnily::-- ' - .. -word tttat^cl-nmi;' -

I h|K or lcliil rc!ildcn . riicflvcd a JarBo luriyi

..........iHH parllcliJatliiK.ln Ihc;-a<hletIi:_ei»riilTiil_lii:K._________ i2_

• r eiftCL£5-J\BO'J£ THEM, AMO BULL PICUd'A FGUJ HftP.MLGSS A shots rv w m of shovjing his cowtcMPr. whciewtl.'/ WE PLWJ6 WftNPERSOFF. ftUD toon FORGOTTEM, . .

jpocfttcllo, Scliool Head TcllsJ

1 Seniors Ucccssily For

j Moro Knowledge


iP ive Scholarships Presented

i By Siiplirintciidcni

Joftl 11. UV<M'. cr»iiiiivoiBiiy i>r

nch. ndilrc'MKccI Ulio Twin FiillH hi)

jnfKiif;' , - VI l-Mucatlon IH II par iinc.a ii iI hii'o ill. hiinmnlzInK (in' .-m iai i ivurm;. Doan Dyer s;ilil. !lo jmli: out 'that. vdUL' ioil v.'lp< d out IinicllBCH of hiirnliiK wilc!ii;«. [i iHhlnK limane ]>er>inna, nnri niiilii-;| tnhnliiR Blnvory. Thi- IhUiv tiutwoon French iiiiil Cerniaii

Id) wan rCMnun»llilo for ilii: (Hii :ak of- the World «^r m«l ve Iwun avol.k'd. .'wHii .■.lii.-i

1 linn cf lidlli •pcoplc'Ji m tlK iM-it. Il-:lcs or oath nlli.-i, lu- : .ilcl.

I'rocroNS SI...I)riii!ru>i« or udurMlli'li ili .\moi


■'I'on’t clioke her unless you have to. Bugs. After all, slic's going 10 be Hildy.'s motfiorrin-law, antl'fiildy h'crc

^has to live w ith hcf ,af-



11 <I(InXTfln-’FallS'and are-leavlni; iioon<Tirln Fnllo llni 10 >li( Mr Linflpld a t . Stanley. ilUBiiIlnllnlluiiwhere 0)Qy will. <iit>nd the -BUin-!. T.lio ,aTipheiitl(in of Urdull ___tne'ft ' • '• cloy. W, 25C Jcfforson atrccl. /orl

Se)iti4gter Honor RoUs Of|J^nic^ /Released by Principal

I'Mward • atcljro. -nnd., 'Loujao KJbby. I^ul»o KrenRcl, Alice Leslie,

lo hanbr r«fli:ot the .soliool

_ _ 1. with a record • ot all-A;B. fcccordlnC'to the 'lionwH

• ihp,B«ni«}<irconlaltui..6atiajno9, ln-|

.-isgsssssas^ot4J»*'«l8htli.A grmle. The Bdiolftr-| .ilijRiliQDor.roll for Uio third.perlodl^fnwnai.'lhorudlns ' fii6m tba «BToatb:B.«ra(Ie, 18

vf county andflinio under loinis of, It law paucd Ojy the -last IcRlBla-i lure, waH approved Sniurdny niornrl hiR Jiy District JiidBO W. A. ll.'vli-!

Clark, MlldrctI Ora}', lionnlo Joliu-|

Third 1-rrl.Ml . l'\>lliiwlnK Ih llio 't:Illz():i>iliil>|

Lonor ixill fiirthe third purlod' Xcvoiith 11 Otel OhriMtc) ;k)rJ»^liViir, tidlth lUnintrcc, \VuU|

ficvonih A — Kaiherlnu Allmnn, ■Vrn Amlrcws., .N'orman IJabbol,

Oliftrlotto Itubcoi'k. Winifred Hal)-!C. nallL-iiKer, I'aul Brady, lllnckcr, Ma^y iBrndley,

fedwnixl McicB. Itulph, Mlllor, amr-;FVnnco8 'Kiljland,' Amhrotw BvanHi lollo Rutbliart, Esther Sluck. Carol Helen' Given,,Kathryn Cofif, Iria

Jean Smock. Harrj Tuljor. Doima ,p, ijmgcnwallor. Carrie LclKhton, WxttJb. .'Donald Werner. lilizrfbeth jf^HlBO Joy . SlooroliouBe, Lciuiacl Wilin^ltwao—\VilUama—JlatllartLl;ulilon^_'.Ru«ri |

nnd trcatmoiit for.cook, mid limlKloy will for p- .-o iliio fo T n inv n r ltuhcrculosib at the Joint e»i>cnKo'llol«g (o enter ii-lio«i.ltal tlioru Sini-1 UTidUUtilj.fc; lU JU lU U .

'iilny. Ills Im iIiu fitKl uiipllpjition ini • t n f i l l ' *Tnin'KallM loiinty 'tor trcutmont]- 111 UcH’ uOlllSlOIllindor tho iio»-icKlMlatloii. ' I

.Vlnth U-ainaro<l Cray..7iOlujrli>«o“

■ il(b •BM-«aMi,i-A'i:8 e :.ahd 34 «romi

roll for tl.e sonicalor: _ ., Isweot, Margaret Taylor. Daisy' Oono^OTonUi B .- 0«el ChriBlensoH,-TOoma«. .Helen.'Toolnon.- WarUmEMlth-lloualrcc.----------- . .iTurner. Kenneth .Ulrich..- l/>ulsoScvcnlli A»— ICAtlicrlho. Allrnan,' uhllK. •Uule»'Ti’Urfon.d3cs«lo Welcli.

Fcrfl Andrew*, Charlotto,-DabcockJ^oncoa Wteon/nulli Wiicsnian. • Wlnifrea BcttKock.M.C. BnllenKor.l 'Plshtli U-^ladya Oavldson, Vlr-i Paul iBendy. Tftlmace filflcker. MIlvS'"'"'•' '"■i.'PharloB iwblusbn. , ,ilred Qrose, FIbroncoOrdls FVanccs' BifjU{i.A-Bfl(li.AJu4aiartiIi.'Law.| Brbland, Ambrose Evans. Joe OUtu. - « "« Allcaberryi.Dob AntlUa Leon-

ItttonBltip'hftnoV •roll'lf**'*'' * '” '’’ Kothorlno Ootf, JHb K ! Arrington, Loiila Arrington. U .hlKlVn^rtod, ai„:,Goodman. BtreJjrn Ouoat, OranvHlo ^-BacoA DaVnoll. Frujik

I’ '”'''''-- Aii-.rt .Bechor, DoroUiy ,‘FnyoaiH6r..D«U JoBeph»nt>. Bur;r-

t.jrivy« o.jwu». .juj. juu iuu _ ' Camoron; 'Editli ' house, !Loui»c PuUlor, nuBsel'nay-Ka.H ierluo .'Oo lw ell., Hatwoy : baro, llloody .Rood. vVcoJa S a r t iv e l J ,0 * i ! l l e ;CralB, Unn Davis, ,-Bllljf. Behlffnan, Helen .Sevorin,'S«>'i'«,,,I>oW>>, Mllllcent EWvldBo, :'^^MorBarofSl.o T,. Jjn.roii S e i i t h : ' I J ln io K . . CccH Chan.' Mary ,' HbOBMUi.^yew. AUJdrod Swcol.'f}*™®” - . ” “"*son. 'Vlrsirtla'

Mar«aroii%iylor, . jjalay -. Dene “ ?>''>**■ .'.PI'IIIId. llolnrielt.'- viola. ________ .’ Tliouitifl. Helen Ty»latm, Mariha S '"“ ';,JW»«od8cs,,Dorotlty,Hop.l


.'.-.atarjQrlo- 'Stovena,

•.- Woody, Hoed,

P»w, BIKcr;' BllM lxstli___-------- ; -KiUtBrino'-Col.

:, :Loia. Dartliiir;



Eiglith A-Deth Alnawortlj.' Law-, . meo AllHberry,. IWb AnthJs, LcoQ> ard' Arriflgten, --Louise.. Arrlncton. IKft-OacoDV'Frauk-'Beatty,. ^Ibortj BetHibr. Dbrothy Doll, Bmtl Benson, Faye- B|t<«r, ,®lljafl>(rth' ,BoUnvon,, JoBEiphlDO ’.Dui^hnlter,' BIluOMtUOamtmn, Kattiefine Colwoll. Hdr- Toy.CooV,'Omlle Cr«Ug.*l«lfl Dor-' lliig{;Una'!)arl8. 0oltlloD<<Hi8,-'Jvlo PHmoPC.;,Cecll.-C&an,- AUce. • Joaii 01ftnd6a,-;V.lf nIa:Ho............'lyndaHowl........................

fame* H’ooim. v-Dorothy

K s s s f S s iS i s s g SKr*hgol.,Alicc.'ai<lillfc-';- - - *

g © ;-

rrlciin ■

will play |h<-ir >IcaKiie' Knmo ut t' , ................acainNt tho lIuliKunin un Um„ticiid dinniond, Tlio loa.I . cUil) .won ttli.M.iuy «vuiiini:. Van iKaiiif at iJuhl hiHi Sunday, <J ; o , ...... .......... '2. TIio Kaaiie boio -will ' stai f s-t,

da In-- , _____ , tlio ulslilh irraiii', mill Ih hi

T»iln Fnils, IIdIiI lial'l V 7 I ........ , '.i..,,..,,,,.,. „r •■><> ■"Mnn l» flnr ICl-re m i ^ Amni.-aiis

Thu Twin I'-allB ,, L,?.iJ “ hiii.- in IMO liicr..-..... ' ln lunil^ '„ l, ‘Vr,.|,....i|iii "tniiii n lini it ' ’■'"’ “-"f" *'* In'^l""'""-' '>f bi-i'

7; : , .............• ......... 'iK-cmi-nl ..xov.M«c-s.

Van D iiiifiilly in- Ki'uduiiliurwi whun lhccui.p?. Ii.'vvlilrh tliey

t.ivttr.. riaini;, collide,I uitii .-i c»r|»>»>; It iiiis«ii)!e. |iref>'i!i})iy Idrivcii l.y Mr>«, 11, Ci. il»y«H. ”CU I U " ’''’- but «I«cwhiT« if Jiecc»»ai IbUio l«ikes lioiilcvard, al liii.- liitor-l ll*-’ «l">’'« briefly;'i«i'tloii «r .\inlii uvu'imr anil tlftli;‘.HtiW-t cajl. ' ' ' '' Misu I’ari'olt wa-f llirinYn

Ht-ro To VMl.l’arvnls.

UouL ur.4 , Mr;i-i Minor MollW0III nnd eiilldren of FoK Mcadc. G a , M|ft t„r, ;vhrn Hit ,nnd Mr. and Mr«, Wim'cn S.Jopcn ilio dour. !5tio rotclvtd Injiirlu-HParKor nna bohk., nf -Uviliibout tho head nnd riBht-sliouldor, Vch^. Kev„ aro vixlilnf; hero-^it spo wax tukun to her iinine uiid a Ihtf lionifiH ut parentB.' l.lcutcnaiil ijipyaiclan Huninioiicd. X-r.-\>n were Itonwell iLud Jlra. Ilobetca PnrUornioin3;tiikcn Saturday la dctcriiilnui

........................... '■ ‘wliolhflr the rlslit shoulder had^>^-brokcnT*-It' 111' fint' tn?lh;\T!d~Uint

, nnd daURlitvr

...dnuf;hlcr ot Mrs.

till abDut AdBUKt I, eolflK to San jnryv Pranelifcowhoro-,<hoy • will ' -tmll . '•f6r thq:Canol Zone to which-point'

uii<hi.'rntl■ riuuii of the L’jiiviT»lly of Id.iliii,;!

ar which tic iK-bPiJil.S<'hcilar--'hliwl'rf*enli'd

J-'our «rlmliir»bipa won (iurln!t;l tlio year by hiKh sclioiil kIuiI ' were prc-ientcd, liy Siipurlnlgn W. li.- Smith. Jiilk-l lhj'il.:n |>rcBcnU'd with the Kciinlandiip lu vtjcal music Kiven by tivo Cole-

~ !achcn>'-collcKC.-Wal':

CnlU-d .Ull-t»’ .ilav|rr|>l4-e<- »llli

.IdolpliK .M(<i)J..ii . .M;ir) IlHiin inl i:ii'r.'tl Ilrrliin I'lit ll'lfrrr» Cliirl.1' -«ntt .Monn- ■ .Stomv

raiiii'd .V. Y. .Uiiiu i.lay tha',nniiil >

SUN .-M ON .- T U ES.!


Clara Bow in “K ick In ”

:,J(I|{KI,AMI n.SK .VJIJOUltSSJJeiKu'mnt ‘llonwoir hi BlRncd. TJio rarkors, wiiu nro at

after a brief sojourn here. ; ji„ Ui6 bccoiuI trial of VJpkII Klrk- Mland. former Gary. IiIkU Bclioorathi' ^Icto.charKOd -with thD murder of his . H^eetjieart, Arlciio OrarcB.

lacc Ijarson received the BcIuiUir- Khli« (ilvc.n by Ihi! lliilnii P.i ri’.tlroijl for arRlciillural v C.luK MchuliirHhlpK nwnrdcd hy tho hlKh. Hchboi ;wi'ut to LeVernfi Snckett tor Whitnmn.collece

. Rvelyn • Dickey, for Ooodlng -jlleso.

Mr*. C. H. Krenplc, iircnldcJit ot

.VAO'AllAIISt). Xluy”23TuPj ' ^ l ‘'j® 'f""'" *'■“"« A".'"!?" AsBOclR- .................... .. • - ' lion of UnlvorRlty Women; pre­

sented the'echolarship offered'by tlin.t orcaniaitlon to Alma Carlson., Mnrearel >lelRS wns flrat oaiubd a!-j

o'Imdly duniasod. '

Sw im m ing Ptfol ,Is " ______ __________• -n TtJ'l-'-rT! •■^Waiid'8 awounl ycBterday of. KrnJuBKm by.W. 1. Sacked, prtal-

rrOPOSG Q . x o r l / l L y i c pokorparty whicli ho ond Arlbno dcc^. of iho Twin •■'bIIh W rd of'‘ uttondcd lod the state to call five;Bcliool trustoos. Ai| oudicnco oT

iltcrnaie.'Dlplonins wore' prcscnlcd to tho

— ....... by, W. I.

iil'l'Jlks hull ---------- - -- ,o'clock to dotomilne.<lio-advliut'(»>tl>

... .f unde---- ------— ‘hot a

. . nlJMttal witncmoj' ibe lioWi (ouae Jind onjy

tills flunimcr. . - ' , ., ’.Itcpr^neiilalivcH «T loi-ul ehrJc. aud 'rrhlernal -o'rsanltalion hBVO.bcen .Inrlteil to Tiartlc(init« J

I the. twBBlon .In order- <d .^miiilatb I'PloiiB: whlcli will ‘ liavo UiO/Mi>ited ibaoklnir of llii»- comniUnltJ . 4t '-li 'fltatod Sjy'jplin W. Qhihnm, who KH-.i day wnn named clmlnnati.or.'ft cbmL', niltteo from one of ihe clifljn to^ In- I vestlsato tho ifeasahllUy ot Uio -pro-j

ONLY ONK FOOT .SI'iiCIALJS'I IN TWIX FALLS, riione.MO. Or. ,?osler^Adf..:t -v,;-


' ' ^ 0 ® W i a E I M — ' MAEV ABTOR'V - .'•m :raE :E A D IJ> > P B O D 1 jq T I01 f; ,...


Arthur Ii.‘- SManS& Co. >First jMortgage Loans, Insurance, Sales. \V(* Imvu M-vtTiii First .MorlirtiKo Loans tiomi'U'lnli.

ri-uciy for delivery lo inv(,'»Jj)rs. *5001).on ,a cliHys-in'-funp: propertji worlli . ilnWK) iit._prt‘3cat .priec.iluvclt'.ii^OOO 011

Itit'hlv iniprovt’d 40 wtirlli’ $7.')(K);-$18()0:on very I, chiKc (o Kiiril)erly.‘ wortli-':{!80(X): $10(X) tip li:Wcll iiiii

provctl -14 A. 'nciin-Filcr.-SvDrth $0500; 41'jOO - u ; iiswG-nii.- tnotlerii dwtOlii.^ ju i 2\' j\.' Biiliurlmn’ tract; ___to Twill-rnlk^i^Mso etiniilly wi-li 8ccurpd-;li)uiiH;iuj.w|nt»UH otlmr HUins. Invoslors jirti' mvifctV tp.'ic lcct froni-'oiir.'lUt^

,. I '^ J l S'ALH: Oiin of, lliLlK'St-'iniarti this-eniiiily u t T l i u ^iiiiWiiiBH linyc. hru* in kuimI utinililitm. LouatioiiV cloxu to'

-■(AIho nil 80 i;f\y.ow iifr’s'KNiirt' of- frtin,,Sonic property'-woiikl'lie''I'l'i'tl ill [iiirl |iiiyiiirii[ Vij Ull«.i;nVo rcBiilcnw ,lot»;a -N'orlli mill Adiliiion, iiupriivcil- w itli 'sliiiQi •tinrchiixer of'tliw-Hiti,'ivf tvill Iohji

ino‘3orn'liimie.f>i.’ ; 'iviiui/j ' I ' -;


l^ p p ie rL 'A S T , T I M E T

/S iT i- a n d S rp .


'• • EM C 'V C -- ’ -— -----

uo»t. improvoipcnu.- utpp.;in' ar.-pt

Page 6: AUTOiUSIRY,. l«H F A !LS PflSi EXPENSE I IB iO ESU LI … · 2014. 12. 12. · dniit'fi itri*\'a1, Two of llio 1 thn country.


R e c e p t i o n A r r a n g e d A p p e a r I n R e c i t a l B e f o r e f i v i n . F a l l s A M i e n c e

. * A f t e r ■ C o m m e e c e m e n t ‘

...I ......111' J| clcliL'illl'ttl IT. i li.lllii cvi'iiiii^' will'll 7'-‘ 'I'n III

rTiilljTI iri .•WtlVf-tMHiI.ii,. Ml-,. iiwir s uivHliiJiliii^' rill-.-- \i>- ■

. ,s i

iiiiorllllll) )V)T'

Aiiiomk ihv

«r i)ii-. i,r t

!)<■ Join

’ t«niillu!ni lii.iiirli... iloHvi-r.'.l 111.- (•

(IrpsiH: Siipl. \\‘ ■ V. X. •rcnry. M

liiirt,. lU'iiii or Kl lilKl. «<HI<.oI. «i, <lMil AUhh IIiiiiI

■ '■ • K*l»t«rr.... lljimi iirrlvji.! i. , tllO KlltMtH Wi.'IV. ,, .porlimlly of' vK'v i,ffJiNfcn, Ihi}-Jiiy

bi'ils nnd nllifi'''l>roii«hl .iiilij i cll TIrIkh. norilurtul IriB ami I>luo ri I)y fcjitliery ......... I SDI.-Mii'il. •'•'-‘I-' AUiin;., fli|^^

'I I'Hd;;.-, III. hly' . . .

Ti:.\( JIMtt!>r> ll(i\0i|i;t)

JKoiitrB. -J. U. WIil'liui,....and Mrs. Chiirlwi • Ji. ' -M.VrlcI;, '•Until. MiBs Juno J’r.ihT i>n-.<l.lMi

- 'over llio lllirnry.. wiipri' .vii:i -v'-HoU'h 'BrailimUoii i;lfi;i dis-' Miiyejl. IiowHt or (iiliii.i ,ltI

•iiii'ri;ili.......tiKi lirr:ikI;iHl l-'iIiLi> 1(1 <■'<•( eft (ri c'.iiiiiill-

I ..................< Swi-ii-oit, Tvrl.ill’iillf likli iK'liiicil JiiiirniiHHiii tc.ivil.

I’ liiitim iiri)luHi-iv iicr;will,. IrlM IIII.I VrWiil wiv.iiri. Hi nj^lli' /vainr.'cl llii' tiinl.-

■ p;;on - jroiuti •HO.V, icachci* (>r'|ilnn(> iii l>:imoui Sthool ot Nfiislc, IJonvur. will iilUiour at -tlic Oriih(.-iiiii Oicntro Jiinv :t, In conncclion ivllli tUo urciieiunllon t;C MiRH Nclllo .Vol- Kon In cgiu-cn 'nailer lliu iuih-

nlcdH or tliu. lucal Aiiivrlcan :Ji>n 'I'osl.

1/7"itliu Iiiia n KoiiliiH iTor jimjccl-' .... luir uiilliUKlanm liilo ivii

licricc ntnl liiliTiipersra 1ii>r no liUoriirL'tatloiin wllli -wllty 1 illiDiiluAlIvi^ rcniiiillH uiK'iit

con>[Kixition ut linjul,

Im. 'Moi't'i.''iill Ik u lil'iiilui;! ot To!)liiR Maltlmy -Scliiml of

no I’laylni;. U iikIoii. KiiKhiiicI,1 Un>< »iu1llv(J. In ilddldou. N uarl) cIiIIiIIkkxI

|E p isoopa Iians ''6o

To C o n v o c a t io n A t

CaD ita l T h is 'W e ^ l

Only, imu -fcrvlco will bo ln'W. siiniby nl AaCflliiilon ICnhcoiiill, •liurfh.. Ui'ay 12. I{. Allinunn nn

, iiiiiMi'CB,-A- niilUNl-Huvvlto—ror-_llii ;i>irL<li ■ ami tlic cliiirc'li kcIiocI cclcbrnllon pt llio Holy rnmniinv Icin. will l,r; IkOU at-To o'clock, fnl. loK’cil liy II lirlur HULV-lcu on tlu Fcii«t of I'untci'onl. Hpcirlnl niutfic

limiiicil. Xo early iicrvlcb bo cnndiictccl,

Afipr dm Jifivh-rt Dean Allnipn and ilcU'Kiik's troni lliv iiiirlMli will inolor to n;|jic to lUlonil twenly-llilril . iinniiiil convocallon, of tlic illni'PHir o( lilalni coiniiicnc IiiK b'liiKliiy nhd uuiclnillnf; Tucm- .lay,

New Goal Field

Is Pound W ithin

Cliioago's Limits!


;hviruVA i !:. ''-’I''

L E N ^ H S m a y VARyTaNdTbE " ^ A R T , say s PATOU; COAT MUST . . YOlhOV L INES OF THE GOWN .

illli, llrti'D Wliltzcl. Helen Hay!. Ill Uniwn. KaUiorlne Hn!iilirti-j. U(i i-liilrrli. l.'ninroH JuUy. IK-I- •I' Mi.iiii, Kiiiil .Koiiwurlliy a':i(]|

Anriiial Poppy Sale Cond)ic^ed Saturday

'nv 11 .iiv.sT>:itv i>. sri'i''vuiily ).en;i.iiM iilK-iulwl

II .'IviitiTy Miclal HimiiHowd «y Uun MrCiHik ilrclf. Ijiilli!!! of llio (irniKi Army of llur' Uonulillc Krlilny eve- iilni: at llic Imnio of '.Mrs., C. U

j.Slilliiiian Mr.i. KuIdJi, .Tniiiltcy.1'caiiliisn,,

liofn ■

May 'SJ {Vvr-L a liaii Ittioii (O;«oorerwl

Ills coiintry;'''llJi1ii iliu clly .Ihiilw of Oilcaso |/iiiil'idiiH iij KiioJ <»ntliracltu fuel :w<;r« lak.,r, (odny • from !l ToRlon ;n('vpr III fi>rt< iiiiHjiBPtcd of fonlaf;}- UiK aiiyiliiiiK nioru viiliiutilo <]ian (llri. . . . * I

'rhi' liUlory ot the •’cbiil flcl.ri KUI-H If. 1500, wlicn tlic dMknl of Iliu I’lillailcLplilii und llcadltic' (Vjal company wuro bwuiiI •Dy iflro.i

.A/lcr Dio ilin-ks C0})ai>HCfl mid llnirncil .iivay. tliorc rcnmlnod a )iianuiiolli lioAp uC vul. wIilcU ])Inzcil for iwn uiunlliij tli'au dIcU'ouli lo.iv. InK wtiiU aiJiii'arod to Ibe (t Biiiull nioiiniiilii of aslics. , • • ;

Pill yoQi'.H, llio ifliL-M liucamo 'vliii iliri; <JrnHK 'irrow nvor I-. »iilli1lnK« wcro crwlcil li..Tli« tiro wuH rfiirsoiifln.

r. . Umri.' fitiiill" Mis-

. ^ :...... .

Saliirdny In (Jfslrthudni; I lo ri'd r>oiililc< K-li! aniiiially i liclicfll of OlKablccl .voaTiiii;;'

ilr failillle.s.lioi'liics wcro maniifii••'ii'i'il'

by ilUiiblcil iiion at tlx: I'liiMil: rflulM Vuh rana’ lio.iiillal. al H'll.'.'.J

larKC iiorllon i>t llic moni'y i':-: •Ill'll tor iiiiniilL'H sold liut;: nil ; ■iiialti 111 Twin Kills lo Ilf iiHc'il r llio ii:ll(<f proKrnin^cauK'l iiii: iliu l.o}:lun Aiixlllarv, accMdlni;'

li. 1). AKCC, amoral <;lia:r-i UioRalc. I

Flapper i-'a Nn y Says

foriiiorlues ai ilif bninu lIiinKiMi, Iiuiioriiii’

, ItiiUi Sral. niic Kf ^radiiitito'. Oilier Riirata

.",':».’..MiH'H’iU.i:mi!_L'iii:j..........ITovOM ami Olildy.H

V|.Mi-.;»r.t. lvi.‘iiiictji UonnlnB, Ollvi'riliiilll iJ coppor In lU'Cd.iiiid.JainL-a'llii. snmo inotui Ih ■

!• |.'tai«-L-ll. ■ - ' v'^nr;iliicfi'1l('l‘1UlVcli'\s

M'IKlOl, I'lll.VrifA l,[i:iVK,\ Iii.w n t

j 'l'vm:!iiT.i- of- \V:i!;lilnRITIl 'f;cll'iOI It'iiUrlalni'tl nlil, a iHnn.ri- In linn,

-'(inn /fuzff SfuliaiTi'y, [irln. I. otio cviinliiK lliiii wrrii iil llu.II ot Mi-s, \V. 'I'. [.rsllP.

]<j;lil>«/orini.,| llic dwiirnllons. ,M1h,.' ' liaiidKonn;:.Viilii.f(..y

,\,'IKflJ('AN l.KA<JI'K ClIIKK 1 TO m: t'iKtsKN h-ki)m;si>ay|

l,'IIH.'ACO. May U (l)i’)—Tliuj Anicrlcnn I.riKnc will clioo:iu it; nirrwnr Ifi-1111' lalu'B. S. Barn-! ;uil, ll« pr<l 1dl■Il1. ai ■ a-'niPCllns I .•a1l«l I t lioiin \Vcdiur.idi.y nl llml Cl.'viOand hold In Clcveliitid. It'

loduy. I j

cottnKc-B iiro IiuIiik . Oorninny and .UoliiK

wnllK. •

, nm tir -Klrrlric TurklHJi lliillis. Miin ntiil )Vunmii AtlcnJnnU I'liniie 8IU..l)r.-i'uiiler-t'uul.S|>o{aulUt.-

.doci aftp. Soverol* ttet ,<Iowp, ..«ii-uo|t oonl. Tlii> n«(wa.apr6iia.

AV’r>isU",-waB on. . •r A'ly-lho "cruHfi of-iiio ooal pllo

Ih 100,(1. II wai*' dfvciopoil. nnil oA’fy fninlly in iiio far bouMi- Bldo ,iicM»l}Orlioflil wn« 'l>ii«y todiiy

IV and linuililfc' mVny fhoir supply ot \WJal frorti r «id- ••mirio." I-Xcn «lio-iro,m(vrT-attrt clillrtrcn tool

Thoro , Bovornl figlitji

w t t k w u s «A .V / . ' 8AI.T ■. liAJCE/ -Cl'ry.,'' :*Iny 23

(W’)- Ilot]tH» V.-lliiBin aybMBO, ' as, Wfiff 'kHled • K'lslntillj.r ycstprday whon lio Jell,from a.m ick .Urlyon by a.frlcnil wt.oni lio 'lif it l.b id - '. •Jon, fnroncii,/prlar to lila dopart* u'ro. lo'J.c:allCjrula.LHoaBo’u .

'^atuL^ay.'kay 2^,

Ri'Uli r/lK ^M B 3 TiVANT AU3, l



I^anso tills motor Iibh Junt bi'cn Jnnpd up ln,<jur nhdp. Aiiil.tliat incnnB m,i koIuk to Biro iiiuny_linpny liourw.oE .aailBfaciory acrvlcc.

l-ltlCKH, A.S, AI»VAVS. AKi;

fil5Asii>AUM; juiit!; *.

R e y n o ld s M o to r G o .Phone 42Q^ — 207-09 Shoahon'e South

L IN K ’S S C H O O L O F BUSINESSil»i; Idali-) I'-nll.s I’Dcnuilo . T«-ln-l-'aliH

ANNOUNCESL- rcBiihir innntbly ( wci-k's) hcIk.oI .ralo S cjr n ttbool muntliii aru pa'd for in

Tills utter.1« K.iod u|. lo and Jnclndlits.jiiDo 10, jy;uAIoi) Siinitner S •llll;l OiiciiInK Ua'tes '

Mon3ay73une 1, aiia Monday, Ju n e 8,\'ijh;__^ issi's orjiimizcil nil lIn'sii’dalvH-iu ! '

Clri! %> SlM.rllintitl ■ Sli-imtypy ■ ‘-Tijiidi''rypu'rit ijii«

Hdolcl.-iTitiiiff niul 'Acc-nmiHitff;.''*' .

' . OrlRlnitlHy la UiV fl •foniiiil, v*ry u 1«wiilcJi <B' UL‘teclirt)ln wlifi Krcrn, itiaiivf

•• trouii(nUou*ly 'plctnrp«i|Mo iiad n Itunc: ilotal IllRlil; A (brninl now cvunint; Idi a '

' • ' of «io aunm .ihnl lKm«iK wuiro 'Iti liumtcau of tv-liH* fcinioli

pen rroiii ilir

'KtHi.nKU (’I.ASS.IIATi;IS inn'.si-

.MI"S Aiinn Mary MaKfl. ItanlUm,; l»''hoiis(i.KUc;a l.lil« wcokt-al Unj ,

iC.M.IKIlKMA riMl*;ts I’lANNHI). .MIm -Ila.lK.I Ilolirrls aiiit .Mina! Virginia Smllli 'liitid Hiijiilay on u- v-icatloii irln I

.r.ilKornhi iiolnl;;.

I’lii'MiMi, ( ;m ;sC-. l.i!fh ,

...•anianlli n-lvTl! f.mnic- l'<-r(cin;i, prliiripal!i-apV Iiro'"' H”' t-l'i'’(iln i;i.!iuiili i

i.lilor.;""^ .tiX'itly at a [.li nli- ibh; ivirK 1

S S tr«| | ^ 3 ^1 ^^

d t o i l a rADVERTISIN,G helps you. sLretch your dollar. You dp

not need to shop around, all day to find .what you \yant

at tlie price you can affoixJ to pay.' The advertisements' •

in the newepapei’s te lf j^ u whore can buy it at^thii

ItAvost irice. Advertisemenls save you,time, save inoncy,

sijve pliysical effort., They make-buying easy and:sUre.;

Advertising enables the woman in the;hoine to com* -.

[jare values without moving from ,her eSsy,'chair. She .

can shop comfortably in her. own living-room^ ■ WKenj^

she has decided w hat and, it takes.;but ''

.. jiltle time and effoi-t to coiiipleie.tiieipurchaseSi; ‘

Women np])reciate, IKe "advaritagcs of , advertising'. , •;

They trust i t They believe in'the”g6o'ds'advertised : . .

and buy-them.\-; •• , . : •. - .■ - •, '

Keep within^your budget by

purchasing 'merchatidiBa you:SeC'advertised -

in.yournewspaper V ..

I’Ari. STAHK HKi:i,EV. .S. JJ.ctf I’onlandj'OroKnn •

Mcmbw.odlio Hoard.-oM-ccturo;. Bhlp <jt iliu siothcr. CliHBflC.lhe': lirxi Cluirdi of .OhrJpu.Sclcattjt,

.. .In liostoj). AtuB*............

, .SlX»AV,,liAY 2 l,.ntS ,P . S r;j I-1151I0,wilintiyjihltwl'tn nlVwi<i;

Page 7: AUTOiUSIRY,. l«H F A !LS PflSi EXPENSE I IB iO ESU LI … · 2014. 12. 12. · dniit'fi itri*\'a1, Two of llio 1 thn country.

E3,1931 ” . . . . , . , , _, ~ roAHO EVENING

: m irpHozas S I .


^ch,ln»orllop..pcr llae___ Ogttn# month. oTtrj I»#ue, each •

lOBcrUon, per — -Six inonths'.'coBtraat, eTerr I....,

nbr Hnft ... • ' - •■ *iM'iJk'on -for lesa itiift

Ilnfl. Mlnlinum cha^ - i k

New Today, I 'X l^ lR N f— l-oHiiiro fo 'A mllo' No, of 5 iioliKs. nl norl A. Swopt M Slur


NflUTItKKN HKAN8.Su I'OJINI) • None boitor In Idnho. You can't <Ufonl-tO'|)lnni-lnrorlor-TiaDdrSi!ll your own uml Imy certified’. Oci tn«m tu Harder Uonti Coinniuiy, Twin t'Bllii, or tor further Intor- ninllon wrlle or cnll 'C. V. Trui,

\VB HAVR a fow Eerly Ohlel m ali vpnltfi neoil iioin^iM wo

,wlll let mil oil acprt mid hnlf ro- hasln. Thia la Rood

GAHDKN n.AXTS Dillk 81'pO, clc: Wo nro onci

oveiilnsir: Piirroit Prult Store, il; Main Kasl. ^

Classified;B IT CA llO N S WASTEjy

. WANTUR — Ciiriientor work liy •dny nr cnntract. Seo tiii nml aav.: money. J . .

WANiriJU—Wiirk hjr.^iixfcr am /aiiEliWV.. lioii«rdleiOiliiR ur wiilili

irlilldrfU to cnro for. 1‘Iio:k

KOU SAU;—Arriilo ; Norilicrn Sei-il ilctinB.', Twin Falls, I’lione 1I!I


rO E SAlil-fMlflcellaneona

' "t or“bale—so'ibT pjoin nioeki, each OSc; Stock Sftit Mck«. Mr cwt 70c; Calelte Ri 8Hflll~liuliaorr~cwC~S0'cT D}^lof Shell, D£r c_wt. II.IO at' Klnndy

‘ t Kinaoy

KOU SAi;t^6,3n HhnrcR of Twin falls cannl Co. walor at JGO.OO. Cnll or nco Junenii II. xfUiliin ' ilie EvonlHR TliijeR office.

USBD Fl’HNlTUItB — Kllch^n , sIovcb; tnblbs, ctialra, riiKsI

and'davenporu iirleert in soil,■ Furjjliuro Store..Xoon’s i;aint ^riI

KOU 8AI.I?^iliied Sc;ui' cultivator, k'»'< CnnsoUiliitod Whkoii

Twin Knlla.

in:tT,n. Ave.. amut


Tbday’s Markets and Fihaiicial New's -Livestock

P g S n

m i m m iN, Y. Stocks

Al., Toin-Kii, NKW .VOllK, May 2:! (ljl>)~IBiopkn ilrllif.1 BiPiiriiiy lowoi- In IJip' wtr!< niii *(V53io„ ♦o<ln>- Uii.uiiiiiiiu 1(1 on? of.tlip dul<!-<( iradlnp porlods]Hiililni'.ri' < of tlie ciirreiil lii'nr iimrkot. Jioiirtl.x Avliinnceil iiji to 2 polul.i in (lio lenil-|cjiiiiiiiu !ii> Pr»*an(l 10 nearly'S In iit lensl iJ'a.;,. Thiv«



niiml mejHy. '•10 fn'edlilin

I lOc with fc'v sirletly.«• strictly, rsld. Iiiilk

(rV.UI.l MVK.ST()('KlA. Ila „--- .

a.iiiin; .iirepi ifift. Market V stradyr toll $IUO:il»llk G-

' hlKjily jjTfKnlinT<M«i?cl iiiiiilornli.'lv liniir null *vJor»I U-vc rliril n.‘ ir c\ >

I' InliTpHi ■ (It I



fllriliflll-Ijn.'i.Od. ..........jea. Low!

'-Worm In winter and cool' SAI,U—iimer. On Mnln. two Ijlaikn’Call «t'S22 3rd t ToaloJllco._l*lionc 071,

.li—I.loyil l-<Miiii 1)111

FOIIrnEN"^ 2 or il roo IkIicU aiit. hcTfirdini; to. yoi ■(Woirioeatlon. cool nrwl < nlilc, RaraKO II •donirncl. Gij.j.j; •

n fiirn r neeil,|'~ :mifoit-i I’tionel

• FOn SAI.I-:

PotatoesFOR- nKNT-i-PiirnlBtied lli;ht

boUMkicplnj; apartnicnia. Clone ... hi.'1«w rate* liy wt-ck or. m'ontli.iloen riie Oxford, IliS Main no.rih. i/lilpi

wi'iikcr; Aliilia

• «'iirp.-\fio vot .VtokslOIUCACO. M.iy 2:1 (Ul’)—rolii-;

track ISI: niTlvalH

SI'.'|| SIIKKJ'.'iT. Jf).SKI'll, ,\l:iy C:! (IJI‘) U

1)A)—SliEf'ii *.SjO. fat lanili.s 2:.. f.O ceiilit ItlKher. iikpU hIiocp :

of liri-i <i>i:ittiy HCltlnK 'S,n», Clioke .'Ci'lirsinUii. wn(d i $li; <Jiolcp tilalin BjirliiKerH

APAUT.\JHNT8 FOn IlK.ST - I Dae In. inodcrn. A<iract

prlcci, .I’tiono IGOC. Cnllfon

imiiliH l<

KOlt UMNT InRH niilH. 2U1II.

i-iKti «tli AVI Local. Markets


WA.VTI?r#-'n(i.ii.ework, liamtlnR. Call nnnit. SallHfoetloi :i.HHUreii: M. & M. PfttntlUR iin<:

nrniliiK t;o. "r'alntor.t oi MerV-" • .

Tlie lellixvini aro rorrfclcil Kvuiilni: Tlnii’ avenisfl prlcui

I tlio hcnt &va Ttio prices nr,

. without 1

Miirkot (iiiotatlona Itally by tlie Idulio jmill r<>|irvfloii(' the ipaid, Hcc-ordliiK lo |

lulilo liirormiittoii. 'ibJ(M!t t

' ........... 'li'l.' 'vlllll.|;i.C'll-!< >-|lllll:;.'l;, 5S..-,ij; ,|,.,;k I;,l

I<1| ri' 'liilH <4,<K|||;■ll.v ( ' iltfiiilii;i HlirlllK llllllli,'..

l''lltTI.»VM i.lVr.STDCK''iirn.A.Mi. ,\i;,y i;‘<-lililrli,'iH cla.H.s li;ivi''-<li>i-tlji<:il III I'l'iiI.H wliMr' fi'cili rn tia'n>

lotlce by tlio dualora. ever, {traders nrii iirr'Od tu

. 'Il tlio niitluiiat mnrketH. wlih Lwhlcli tlicao local milrkLas vrlll

rise and (all,. fihcKa


M tLO D Y ,G lR L■. : M D E W E Y G R O V E S ^ ...^om os-oF ,.

' T1I~:1IkI, J7.r,ii- I

nOAIlD AND noO.M for •flugenlul lionio.'Plwily of hot v lor. Twin bodH.. 1I70M. qiORe in,

•UOOM AN-n'iliOAIlD. Itca.ion., ,\Wli ■‘ 50 2nd Avo.J

i;OST on eTIlAfl3D--TQp.'Iillo SliAplierd piiphy* 3rd Ave.

|Ba.M.,l’honc J270.,

WAMTe 'd M adE LX A M E O P s|

, WANTBD -r-»nckiir- and Imck-. raVe. Phono 48JS Hjuelloti. ).

• M. IllgBs.

';WAJn'J3D—A load io .I’/irtlaiidl by truck, not liiliir thnii Sitliii ' '

• .May; 23, 4'hoilo noquo.

C[403 ^1 'Avo. No; _____

FOB BALE—A“ toaobilc8

' KFl'OSSKHSEII CAK.S Ho Kuro to see thcnu lluiinHHen*

od carn -hefflrD liuylUR.•10 7 Oakland Coucli. .,,__ J250,»0l!l2S \Vh1piiel 4-dr. Sedan }200.0U 1!)2G Misox Co9uh (eo«d)

idltlon) .......................JIOO.OH

Common Alfalfa, cwt. .Alslkc, civt.____ ____ _ .

I'utjitueBHiiNHOlH, .Vo. I owl..... ..........iHiffBOlH; No, 2 ;...........I. ' Llreniock IChoIro 1Ir1i( biitcliera, ICO t<

210. ]iounil» .

. n»kcii

■ AMD P O U L ra y l

■ FOI\ aAM'J—lirboil- siiwa, bow's *llh plsx -by Ride nnd weiincr lilEi, U Balloy. Wondclt, Molio. '

1 Ilwaeaihtft’ wo' rude. 'Alim kIvo 'Kooil tornift.

TWIN PAM.a MOTOI’IS ! ,'JoacR & Jones. 1‘rup.'i.-.' .333 Main I3ant. .


I, 210 to.:r.o ix>unilH ...........................

OvcrwolKlil hutchcrB, 260 lo300 poiindK ................. ......

UndcrwelKhl.butclier«. 125 lo160 ipnnniln '.„..................... .

i’acklDR KDW8. good :!SI)', poundera >«p ..... ,',.................Sleora----------- _....Bc an

Hgfor* ___________and

. ! Conl n«J*ll • (Delivered)' .

Yard price, {1.00 lois

CLASSIFIEDDIRECTORYResppnsibleii^BUainesr-;'^ ProlessionalOfficet o f: Twtnf F4ll«'::AIph«beU.cally Art-anged

: •;v.f6t;Quitk,Re£ere^^^ . j;,:

5!|ltevTaMeScheduies.ot,jia8B<jhsor W ins

inJ motor sbigM paasjng ihrousli Twin 1 'nllB dally, aro oa <oIIowa:

• novlMd Mny,23 - ORKOW SlIOnT LrfE

' '.']t Ktkoiind' , ,No. 1B«, leaves ........... . 7:10 n. pi.

|No. 84, l e a v e ? . . . 3:15 p. m.

l4o. 83,1. Wolillioimd

No. ICS,.leaves : . 2:23 p.r SouJMwoml

niiUy Kxwpl Si«n«lny *■ 9W6llB,l».'.-._Uv--

INo: SO,- (rflDT.WellB, .jir.; 2:60 v: r

.1:30 p. 1

■ CflAITKtt III «QO t.* i)i (Iiihitin Witli

'rmimiy.-"Not If lean help II," lie.

tcriiitMCillr. "JiiDl ealiiR down for liinie tee nulor." . ,;

"Tdiiiniy Wilson, you , ‘liavcn'r IreeiT drlnkhiR;" • ‘

"Oh, Aiiiit Km, ctocj evorytlilnc liuvo. to ho accurcllni! to


thengnt. .

ratty lli'liik ynu luiil. vmd with n t.iiirli 01 "I'll CO dinvti ,niiil 111

illil iifll nUJcet. niiit 1 niQVed on, tur hoavy llKiii-c'In xray drriiiing sawa Brotcanuely etmljllnn a Rlnnl pongiiln.' Whun be dcurtil the |iad readied (lit'' kltelicn III! allppcd-noIcCly down tliD .Blalra and out lo tlio .frOnl porch.

llo n his bade; I.(rant door. Ills suitcase lu.lilo hand, whcri a tiall (roni (hq nelBltWlni garden hruufhl lllni to n halt;

"Iley, Toiniriy," ti BhrlU ! toIco Sited., -Qon- an our 'plcnJcr - Toinniy dlU not stay to -hear

more.'.He .hurried back tipaUIra and iliDvtd ilie sDltcaso undur the bed. A few hilnulcs laldr lilB ’aunt called .uv Irutn the lower ..liall:. “Toniniy, Mlcliael'a bere and ‘WifnlB to know It you're eotoe' on the plcnlcr • .• :'

Tu'nimy. stuck his^hcad ' out of. bli door aail called back: ’*Ko. I'm

"You're ^lolpu wlili -mo.:’ hi?! ' UticIc.O.ebnB Ji,lil In. emerBlnS'psr- .llally from the. hatlirooin. ■■Scolni .'.Jpa'Mj Bft'alce you'fii got 'no «*cu»e

: •.. TOmtny ..h4dr:'hls eliblce... -.. thoUklil' b* batlAit'd' lie -««rtttl|ily ;»»»nT’*bTni[ :on'any. plcnrc UhBt > W^pcr^oailly ‘eeaducted ’ U;r\ 0«ryl


|l. H.h«*hl'«ca(ia 'bbth:-InVllA- •ItooB,'; butMllft;uilc) ''«UfiSa|ngv[,ls ;iaientlon;'t4wBred:iitm'n^,b

•drmed Wiii Ip.lp, tli«:ki(cl)tov. ‘..>- s a I

nie '^he poor boy l<^tia all: l«»ed o|ii ihu rtmarked<kymp ' /hdtrcJly tO lKTOPB'lll pflHllMM:.,

^ h I <k B r ’«• • n a iJ

* ef a il

r hlfl uncle nuked tilth

10 tlicnivr last nigbt. IouUIiik I'oii. ni'id slio nald Irene nim Vnwny tor n while. 1 IIioiikIiI IS alt rlKhl when I met llcryt."

,^^(4 for n aoda,"."MuBt have l)Con,prclty Into,"

Tommy piireucil, "She wan at home when 1 left tliero last alghk and tUat n-aau't early."' ‘‘Suro U wag Inle.. Sbo was get''

I Ins something fur her lootbcr; said alio had hyalerlca.-Imt sbo lool eu like sbo needed somelblat Ur he «elf.- - •

*‘U'm, aho made n quick rccor. ery.“ Tommy retorted, tooklni over toward lleryl, nlto waa herd picnic t:roup Into lesser sj ttio old car. Of course be could the Bhadon's under ber etc*. or that tlio color'whlch was usual* ly hcra'naturally .-today tras trum tlio rouge poc.. Sbo \vaa louthlug, and lianterlni; her snng with her ciiatomnry llt:bi-licortueii. which necmed to Tommy 'In-hts present

l!iK» risiiiliutk }IT :


flpteed pmH TiSd uV llkM tapB-j <UII> flkhl," h#—

* " ' wIttilawbleil 9W%.ttilrd

f . SB •«IB B 1


Wt’'j/?pperf 4iii'cf/y.Joan,l/ie »/airi and out fo lAe'/ronf ps'rcfi.

undo MOlTcd.'..!fcomo on. lefa go."They .Wont cut and boI Into M:

.Iloffmao's Bhliiy' now ear, tliclr nslilng'.tacklB'alaived In the toit aoau.'but'iio ilgD df a luiich Ima- kcl, that ;T6miny:«mldBce.

•'bqa't ■wo.Mtr-'-ho wJrrlcil.••■.'NBval-"irilnd."-hli undo n •we.rcd abriitilly; i\'."8lart licr «P:'■. tl.ioy,,iiaif goae abnut. V) nillea' c_ a now alaiQ higlrway that travrfrSM a pdrllou ot .UiiK lihiDd tram ixtat. to'-»est .vrliw:mey pgsaeil Hoi ' and;, lb«Tiu*oiWr»'.'ol''h«r,-plb party.;, .-.Tooim'y-atowiei) darkly thes) Id ani^er .to ;th«ir>ff|oiilii of

«ttd’.. ll<I luind 'wavlntc. :...

;kTthttt,kwVn,.pe*l. ;,Toi£my;jmit-

.5ogi:a;>»ld 'car:tahIn Ihoiear* iitKl Hoilp ad tirotn tS bnl To nr y'.p5l'4

«ieu'’'2lth wwb” *T’In tac leBt Uint Uinn Wc tfltottf .mnh..fc«pn:tfd„Uioy #rrlT#d-‘at.’ j

r ^Qu lung (19% : $

'rpiMB paaeed and Toiifta); fidgeted

'Avhlle.hla uncle lemalRod la- Dido the carnse.' At Ihia rate 'they’d-never get hack In time for him to seo Jreno befer* the, day wns cone. And he'd niada mtnd since starling out lhat tiis; niiiRl see her. Maylie she 1)0 80. stubborn tifler'.A thinking things ovci . And,U‘woutd ecrlalnly suit hla iHans-to bnire th'oir % elnpcmenl over' wltti.'' -lie T>i^ita'pUn(smt~tinni~ticfDra~eB(= legtf'reopened to brl'ag lil»' auni round't; his politt of view.

Ho was abotiC lo tie l&sldo an^ iirs<i,hla,uncle lo.set.iilpns lo their! destination , when Der)'l and her ennc'came rattllne down npca him.' Jklrr ItoB’man. Bftliog- her. arrival.' .quit bM’Btalllng mucIi to tlio relief, ot . lio. eange owner, and caine out .toJsUll her ha woa glad she'd .Eot

A .uilniilD 'TominT. Itilanfid,

Kna R ([olcdup Job. Uut hoSi* «

(aVoted blamatetk «lih Ireee—Iib

t left loBiJii'jjboiiii^

••Comn on." she' cnllfd l9 them. -My UIdH wlU'le Kcltliig hungry Ijcforo you've got your heoka tmltcd.”

n^:IlVL liiBlsle ! upi Tommy had to a

licpcfully, "you'll Ret tlila overcrowding.". •

“I know every cop on i^iig la land |jy hla first name," neryl boasted, nnd Tommy.said; “1 dare Boy you do." .

They arrived .Unnily. somewhat . confused 'aa lo tlio proper bwnen sliip of various assorted arms and * loga. nt. thoVach.'nnd piled out uccorilliic to tlielr reapecllre Sly

Oeryl watched Tonirayaa'd bta iinclo tako oft (or ihelr fliblag wllb ' ,S9nulDb.. louRlog: 111, tier -liiadowrt- .- eyta. Sho loved-flslilni,. but coHldn't leavp bcr..Bang-HiBt,w4a:.' hot promisa to thilr.moihfti''

Thejt needed herrBupcrTlilon,.fo'r tlioy wore:.* rarin' to .go,''.-sa ahey''■ ■ !d her.-','- •• •

(lls iDlo.tha depths of Pride ot Ih'i Sea and.eel tli»t alove'uaembtol.?. slio directed them.' ‘’‘We're EolDl to'hnTo.flaU.” ;,'j:

■■Maybo.-'PIgniy trunied;:;., -Ther biialcd- tbinrifelves'iwllh: tliB'» elove and fu#l,-:wltli diggliig a ds p* hbloilD''ihe vaie^; b?eIoti.’dhd'Vb6ttlM''d{iDkInr.wiifef-.

lloniir-untll-bU oT't&e:____................. i»b-6l 6rtlieBri

I BAatid'i ardbb'di (■TO nnl.\)iia:ti(.tbeilfl

\ k ......A •. « aA

SSniiSliT' .lu a t bit )nt«r4

« U tuiT

II ni;irkitn. Mmi- T.7fi fur thic'O

viiili;hl liiilcliorH. ,I DU H;r|.2i)n II,. v,Tk .holfo light

Bccure almvo . lulk »7.tO-$T.SO, .

icn ciiuip cjuotablo about fuly, Krn-iserii cleared tmovenlv ■ or hoHt linn lb. slccrs topped SK V'llk 17,25 npwolRhts: 1101) mil ni> fallcil to sccure nbo/o' in Uijvor grntlcs, Bra.<s atoei'«‘ vn to JC: StCLTs anil heifer irllnca loppetl nl J7.75. Onu

fc<l ycdTllnM offer • JS.CO mil. helters J7

Konil Ktaile cpwa ,<iown wllh ciittcrH aininnw—

ciiuorii sa-H.KO.Sbeop: L.-imbs decllneil Jw: dur-

lim week; ycarlhiRK Imvo a n,r<iiv-ii| $1 los while ^wci (jiiiXjihlo atearty to weak with alow . outloU dhotco lamSj-reachBdrlilifl with medium' to.good. gtadea‘|0l $7: ycarllngB topped on.cloao U '. «G.CO witu bulk'}^50-$S; these of jitronK sfclBht. down to,J3. Ewea;., cloareil nioslly . Jl.BO-18 • with ■ • choice bwcR below 120 II), n|Uo-}J.


(USDA)—Hbsa for .woek-2900. dl*,::;S.'iO. Hoga nnd 'aowB fully 25-. ‘

IccntH, a|)6l8 36. ceiita' lower Into ' top J7.50. wccka bulk »7.J5 In «.'7S; I'licklns -Bowa. IS'to I8.7B.. Today- - ISO Ktcady tw!j load.i H6 I ■” ' pound IdnhoB 17.60,'

Catlin: tli/c'duya HOO-cIlreel 206, corn woak;- Jn: hetwoon-Bmdoa.y jc lower; cows liiacUvd: f ' ' \nr IfjiKlK 'n c a r .V R r fo d '...,. i;ii) pound cnke. - sroaa -jueen .'i

‘77.21; to ;?.S0; loadirtO paund.fcd' i ycarllrisa »7.7f.j, biilk' 086 ■ In AOBll': pound.IfS.OO to,»T: mcdliitti-IB. ,$B.25: •Moxlcona IS.fiO tn'|R75^.? common c^wa'fS is )3.r.O;'euiton.'^

-to »2.60. •., Sheep: Jlvo,da}-ji ,10,050, dlnedtiS 32G0.. doHlrable , Uniba ''at W-llt'oW wonrk. -iindt!T«Kidoa ,2S ,tO 60 I lower;, dock cholco’.OO I led Inniha $8: :extremb tapigc' to 70..pound' wot)ledvnnd.'d.._,.,_, *7.35- to '»7.76.r;,.medllmv''laffiolK |f0.2B to •*?: 'Cbmricn', idpck 8i» pniuiil :»liflrn'.' ’yaifiriMi? jn.10 HltaWy.- V ....

'. ‘ nofiTox -,.HOSTOn ; ,'ilay

dtioiund .oir racllciiUr;.'a)Ullni^'M VoaJ- Was :inu6li alower-durtn'a.iUiS past,. ,;«6cit' ;'iiinn^>.ftp;i«nirt;‘ pdaU; Tho ; tradloif ;W»iflJi6l limltwl.- U»vmodenito::qi»}»—" 68-»;:i(ip-«stind;.lItte>,'.8r,“-



Page 8: AUTOiUSIRY,. l«H F A !LS PflSi EXPENSE I IB iO ESU LI … · 2014. 12. 12. · dniit'fi itri*\'a1, Two of llio 1 thn country.

f Paee~CiBlit IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS; IDAgQ^ i. 'VBatm(laV.'Mayj23|lMl'-

Mayor Appoints i’ C jjljeparbment Heads

nURi,>:v. Mriy 2:1 tappciiiii— I ■'jlnyo^ K.‘ ,C. Jlnrlow imnoiinred |

• nppolntcoa lo vurloiin otlU-fH. tjils • Train No.' «(«k,.(or a ncrt:<l nf two j'cmvh, .

followliiK IlHt cmiili'ycil; , Trniii No. simpt anil l.rldno.-WIIllum HsUprl

— “ ana-Jntnc8-1tfito:-Tiolic-er«iortiniT: •Clu'rlt. ■ clllot .T. H. Yciirmiiii ;m<l *Triilii N'o. C.'M.. OrPfn’tpr. rnlroltiii'ii; p>iy-'

■; ulclan, ’Dr. •Jo«cpU /Prc-m. in,i: firo' Tmln No.. • •ilojuirimont, .Ciinlnc, clili-f; •

I^nic olKiion, flrciiinii uiul H. S.:- Ajlams.' t'ollef man;, wutor dcimri-1 TiiiIiia';ci. : . njent. A, C. Jlyncnwm. J. K. Moiiti-' •— • in#!. KArlnRC. C. C. Dally; ccmc-; tcry, noliorlit; »-l«'rloal, IVi.rl

U . s . Mail Closing TimeOUT OUR'W AY

iirl’m; hookkpeiicr, .MyrHc ;:mnrckecpor, Allen Slcrnp.■ Tho olflccH of rliy nlt:irn .

• pliltCP JiliJsr> not iik yet lircn tlllfil. nli.1) nniiolnliiKMils in llio

KKiTlIip April I:!

Mllkl Itolllll)

Siiiilll Ildliliii 'ncl, IJiill)- .ixci’iii HuMiljiy

I iiiil c-ln»n liinll <1

/ VAH ,. H E A R D •ME RlC-iV^r

A M 1 ? , VA4E.LU iVO.OR

- n ^ e . vKuv-u

e e ReAOV

• ^ o o g e t O f F ■ WOUR

/ -ftieRe's A FONMV Fed riAA-r p o o rSAP- IS -frt’ u A s r G u vikiTh' WOR1.O -TH' SiG-

• Sv^ora' VNOUUO P A V A mY , ATtfeKlirOM T o , OF?rrAVfe_SERlOWS\-':<'-.,_Oi?„


.{e5.-SoT nHV FonoER ] A £ioV \-S> BeNEATiH I

VOOFt N0"ncs. y *Trt’ ■

M>iOD6R IT M A K e S .VOO WK6N • v o oKioTice ThW.rne o ok»v NOTtce-S'OO-^WCfT-WOTTCIM'HI.M-

Y p i n ’v e N e v e r W o r n a G i r d l e ?

E v e r y S m a r t P e r s o n ' ^ • •

W e a r s o n e t h i s

^ S e a s o n ------ ' — -------

hecn nimlft.

- 1‘lnnl M<iri‘ Vl-li .CllRfila Ilnil HQil (inn fliili nfialn "J/''

plknicrl ■en.ilcr»-'- irui)l{ itmit. i!ireo|„],rj,. lp«ll«»jQllc..lil.t;asHlii i^rrok. AV. (o,,,

V, .MW*; iJiii- wcek iiroimht 'la .oud l,,^ n* /• • (r«m TWln'Ffllw iC iho niiiip oxy-'

UiKi wcL'h. ;ii).imn. Wflro • , . %p_lcij'In'CaMMin crrok.

• jti»;taillos‘-. I.ilcmry cliili ninl nl ; . , OiVliomo of Mr.H. M m H, liondicr. k' ' llilt week. lOcciliis till' follovvlni:

'.olSicni; I’roBlilcnti’.MrK.' Ivfl Cnil- •iniiflaoti;' vlcQ iircslilotit. MrB; A.

rccnnlliiK scnrclnry

'.S fc 'S ff i........... .................... ....

.• lllilCd oC

j w M a n y ’s

iKitchen ’•••By SjlKlpr Mury

:“h What Others 3|. Say

<-'.rVc-ii lil'mlm'ni'l-! SH(II'IJ) Clt|.MI\Al.l.V l\Sl\l:....... . l iu: iu;i.i) !>• .sTA'i'K Asvj.r.'iipriil (’cMiIonI ; — ^llilnho Sinlv JonrniiJi

111 iUNit-'Vn“ s7M)(l,’ On Ai)Ht 10 K. lO, Tliiiini.-'i, [lie • rill ^nislliiti'iilK; noM- wurilfn of <lic- ulatc |k'jilli-.ii-' ro.tiKT Hlkiilln<*yi <iiiry. or.U-rcil hU niun Iraiisfcic.l III a^•«llui lllcl hyjfTOni (he . iti lHon 10 ilic- a»yliii,7

<:i>hil.lniv(ionK| 1,1 iiiiickfonl. In Jho JiiimhiTWIPIl (ilK.'Hl-lio lKi.!y. S ■nil, mlicr fiinilH .ilii'y

flBiima.H 1I1C niiiln illHli, iia-.lliu niiiln Ul.'li tlioy nc?oil to t)o nntvly kii[>|iU'<iu'iii<mI i|>y iilllk.

T!mro urc iiinny vnriellM of clvliil'!)Mri!i Kiiit n'r<« .iiii>re ckllcalc- ly'Ilaviircil ilinii llio "navy" lit-an' tiHiinlly.cnlIc<l 4u inlti<l when l>eann 110 llll)nI!<lnl l. Ui'dU .Vortlii^m. Imat, m i kldm-y ix-jiliw, dollolio,' ■ullitn' oyo. cruiilierry iiiul liliK k :irc •xcolli'iil vai'lcllr.!'. i-iicl UiivIiik a'

alKO, ii,,ce |)r|sonqr.s Kei vhic' scnleiKT.i ■ for nuirdcr nnri (lio lliree olliprs wpic fcrvlniT time for forKcry aiiii Kinnrt .Inrrtony. I'ollnwlnK (tie ni nonni^ippM of ilin or.lor-hy (li u-anlcn.. U^'Ib WilllajnH. comnii! Kloner of imlillc welfare, iiroloiil n l llifi-move. I KiiyhiK llio hhvIiii wiiH oi'urcrnwclecl. Atlcirnry (l.'ii oral Krcil J. linln'Ork In 11<ij<lnlivi Bnid ili<. nix ..... IiikI Iio:roEiiIarly cnniinllloil ami iln> r.ih

liartlciilarjyi"''*" liD.ii'iy (IIkIi

:• Jnliii

jiHHlliisttlHliIni: fla'

. iQ-ramt Am -vlciiuIrfcOi iMitalo 1» r«'KanJo<I oh n <Iln- ncntiiini.ilii.i uuike«:n«r.ftcccSKtty. oinl a* Ions hh it .Is „a Im'jpditiivpritaliHrylnc. nntirlsli.l In thal Jiiinilinr

■ Rtrils Iwvl. wliJtP aiitl mraly, aial ■wcll-ii.iilimcnl meal forl.Donalrl, k,-iii np fnim Clarli roiui-Bii’ 'nppwWltiK • aiMliU.n 10 tim'iyUiirluR days. !'y mul ihen In timt u lol--

' llUhll. mil whitn gK)liU*ici< 1)C-| ■\vh,.a rl<i> anil llir ir;i»l.--f<M»lS| !nw iiilwrnnr fur wlil<'li MU m'li- 11 a«il or ijKMM- ijm illly .ju sn iin iic il i»jIhI<h'», wirJi. Iik'i'h 'va* larrra.n-il iinc In l.'ii

vcKvliiMiH a.i iH'i'la. <'arir/ls. crl.'i'y.lywir.s: Alfri'il Ili'n<Ii!i-.Haii, sr-ivli:j; ladlMii'x an.I slioiilil lia;.'i llfn Kctileiiri! for ai<KiiiiI( .i:nl

'Miiiicd 111 aliuni)iiiii;i>. CnnitilmKlon'niiirilor of a i:)-yea£-j)Jil Kirl niiil nr:<liin\vlHR lior body Inin a Kprlmr

'S ’-

ini‘ Kliniild l)p kepi In 4Ii6 penl- iillary railier llimi tiio menial >h|illal. iiH loiiK iLs [(Inlio )ia» a.) ar c fot* llio i rliiiLaally InHiino.

! V.-K.ail'lllCX aUll Cl-!;.

olA-.OHfercnt vurioilfs* of dried li^a»; PCM nnil , jcmlln. Jionilny.

R e a l EstM e T ra n s fe rs


- l|»,pa»le-foodB—may ito scrveil lii' ■ flofwlrfblo (liHlics Ihni w ill find mic- ■ . clllrtfavor on pol)iliul(K>H iiirJiiiH. '

. «n.jilamilnR a meal lii wlilch

UloL-TJico'-artd______.................... .............,;fi»Jvwu;^er-^Qr;fltare Pron,

anil <..., CR Kiipply tlin'n

ia iK)iatbcH:............................................ . .... ... ArlHifi; Joe Jitclnick for niaa*

jfood clcnicnls ftiuiiU ia iwMatbcMlHlaiiKlKcr by killing u man at out sallJttHctorlly: *i Isiiosllnnc. lator wan Kent In II Is a mistake .two coimiuiiily ilic-'nsyliiin for a slidft time a.ii

'liiuilo iby hoimekoPi)oi-« li> ililnkjwaR Carl llfncst. r.onianro'd fraiiil 'noutco W »UrcU can <Ako H\<f .plncc this cnnwx for «. trrm of from'

____ _______'of iiininlocs' tn Uic illot wlili ycnrw for rbri;cry.Htiircli 'io lliojuwno rcsiili. TliO caloric •vaino mav' -

IntormatlAft FarnlRh«-d !>> Inttrniimntiiln Tlllo UunmntT >


\vi)_\vnt,. A. dill

Klmhi'rly. <1.Tiini.'i-H Ailil lr> Klaiborly. > '

Hill) Klihlicrly Sinram- Co. t VIIIi>’4i' nl Kiml>riiy. :i. 1>(.‘ l,i>l !)

I Illli r,. riini.'r'A AiM lo ICIiiil«-i l> i Wl) lOclhyli- Van Itip.'i- 10, I'M. Zhln.ii‘11. S.'.-I’C. Illkj

iiiilii. ' W»—JaircH A. Croni lo

•r.;:iniilco. J250O. Lots IJ-ir.-l III, Twin Fatlrt. ,

‘j »WiJ-J, II; Slnnillcc lo TO. I).;

", IJIk ],) lllk 12, raveslor-s ScconU Art.l

’■ I___________ _ a i iL

■ VlllaKo nfillnmlltoii. MO, LoH ll-15-lfi. -liml •1111. Twin KnllH.

, Hifrxiis (iiicHins T« I'A insl‘AIII.4 (IM’)—Si-aor. i;iTilUi>, ICr-|

niliilann, fr/nii llio . I’liillpliinca, lias Jiinl arriviil III .1’arin u'iiii ■l.fHIO orcniu lilVinio ' wlileli will lie exlillilled nt flK^'Prf'nch Co!- niilal lOxpoHltlM. Sonpr Urnilti’.nn 1b nn niilliorlly ori nrclildR' ami FayH iliiit in IiIh 'Icnilco'.ion lin Iiaa many imlikc any.. «iRan it.' Ilurope liDforfi. • . . . |

T r y a

You won’t even knoW .j^

you havc-ohc on, young ;

lady-r if yoD wear a Jun-.'

.ior •Wrap'Around’" like

■ 'this! .

$ 1 .9 8I t 13 mideo( shining rayon

saun, with just enoughboning to mould ydur hips to Fashion's lines. The aproli

back, panel extends-well down over th? hips, and has a

. y gpttfl.f plqitjcfl.t'.jhc-top. The front panel is cut short- ■ for freedom of movement: • - '<

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<:U .ttisn t.R io iitb ting itJacIC

SEED POTATOESAll Ivinda of 5>eed Potntoes, Nortliorii, Grown Raiwets nnd ,|

Ifiirnls certifietj nnd non .corlificd. t Jio best hociI obtain-.•

alilo also nil ItiiidH of Jionic grow n.. . . . . j ...............

See or Call W . B . Savage Produce Co;V , . Phonfl 42 cr 24-E;2.or 2W.12:Kimbaily,v.,-- '