Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive...

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Transcript of Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive...

Page 1: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa



Page 2: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa










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Page 3: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

M1 - GI Sequence

Oral Cavity and Salivary glands

Winter, 2009 Cell and Developmental biology

Wheater 14.1

Page 4: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane)

epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Submucosa Muscularis Externa

inner-circular outer-longitudinal (3RD layer in stomach)

Serosa or adventitia Glands

- Glands within the GI Tract - Glands outside - Salivary glands, Liver, Pancreas

Wheater 14.1

Page 5: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Oral Mucosa 1.  Lining Mucosa: lip, cheek, floor of mouth,

soft palate, ventral surface of tongue Epithelium - non-keratinized Submucosa contains salivary glands

2. Masticatory Mucosa: gingiva, hard palate Epithelium - keratinized or parakeratinized Submucosa - absent

3.  Specialized Mucosa: dorsal surface of tongue 1. Filiform Papillae – keratinized epithelium

2. Fungi form Papillae - non-keratinized epithelium 3. (Foliate Papillae) - rudimentary in human 4. Circumvallate Papillae – non-keratinized epithelium with

associated taste buds and von Ebner’s salivary glands

Page 6: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Slide 115

Oral cavity

Vestibule Oral cavity proper

Michigan Medical School Histology Slide Collection

Page 7: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Slide 114 Lip

Oral mucosa: St. sq. non-keratinized epithelium

Labial salivary glands in submucosa

Skin: Hair follicles sebaceous glands sweat glands

Vermillion border (zone) Dilated venules and veins lacks salivary glands







Michigan Medical School Histology Slide Collection

Page 8: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

absence of salivary glands dilated vessels

Michigan Medical School Histology Slide Collection

Page 9: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Muco-gingival Junction

Source Undetermined

Source Undetermined

Page 10: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Orofacial Histology and Embryology, Moss-Salentijn, L., et al., F.A. Davis Co.

Page 11: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Tooth Structure


(mineral content)




Cell and Tissue Biology, L. Weiss 6th Ed. Pp. 597

Page 12: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Diagram of a tooth (incisor) in its alveolar


Sam Fentress, Wikimedia Commons Source Undetermined

Page 13: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Teeth in Alveolar Bone (Sockets)

Source Undetermined

Page 14: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Periodontal Ligaments (fibers)

Orofacial Histology and Embryology, Moss-Salentijn, L., et al., F.A. Davis Co

Page 15: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Cellular Cementum,

Cementocytes, and Dentin



Orofacial Histology and Embryology Moss-Salentijn, L., et al., F.A. Davis Co

Page 16: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Deciduous and Permanent Teeth

Source Undetermined

Page 17: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Forming Tooth



Michigan Medical School Histology Slide Collection

Page 18: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Source Undetermined

Page 19: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Orofacial Histology and Embryology, Moss-Salentijn, L., et al., F.A. Davis Co

Cormack D., p.485

Page 20: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Erosion of Enamel and Cavity Formation

Source Undetermined

Page 21: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Orofacial Histology and Embryology, Moss-Salentijn, L., et al., F.A. Davis Co

Page 22: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Weiss/Greep, Histology, 4th ed. P.637 Drosenbach, Wikipedia

The Epithelial Attachment

Page 23: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Indiana University

Page 24: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

X-section of the Tongue

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Muscles Source Undetermined

Page 25: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Filiform and Fungiform Papillae

Non-keratinized epithelium with secondary papillae and scattered taste buds.

Keratinized epithelium, no taste buds

Source Undetermined

Source Undetermined

Page 26: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Abnormal Keratinization of Filiform Papillae

Geographic tongue

Hairy tongue Over keratinized

Under keratinized

Source Undetermined

Source Undetermined

Source Undetermined

Source Undetermined

Page 27: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Circumvallate papillae and Taste Buds

US Federal Government, Wikipedia

NEUROtiker, Wikimedia Commons

Page 28: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

A Visual Approach to Histology, Wismar and Ackerman

Page 29: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Taste Buds

Source Undetermined

NEUROtiker, Wikimedia Commons

Page 30: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Bloom and Fawcett, Histology, p. 568

Page 31: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Areas of Taste Perception

Wela49, Wikimedia Commons

Page 32: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Major Salivary Glands

1.  Parotid

2.  Submandibular

3.  Sublingual

US Federal Government, Wikimedia Commons

Page 33: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Saliva Secretion About 1,000 ml/day

Submandibular Glands 65% Parotid Glands 23% Sublingual Glands 4% Minor Salivary Glands 8%

Flow Rate 0.3 ml/min (Unstimulated)

Stimulation Autonomic Nervous System

Composition Varies with flow rate

Page 34: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Composition of Saliva

Water Ions: Bicarbonate, potassium, sodium, chloride, etc Glycoproteins: Mucus Proteins: Enzymes – Amylase (parotid gland), nucleases,

etc. Cells: Desquamated Epithelial cells

Leukocytes pH: ~ 7.0

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Text/Atlas of Histology, Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1968

Page 36: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Structural and functional Unit of Salivary Gland

Source Undetermined

Page 37: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Myoepithelial Cell

Kim, SK

Page 38: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Gray’s Anatomy, Wikimedia Commons

Page 39: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Mixed, Sero-mucous Gland

Mucous acini

Serous acini

Michigan Medical School Histology Slide Collection

Page 40: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Submandibular and Sublingual Gland

Michigan Medical School Histology Slide Collection Michigan Medical School Histology Slide Collection

Page 41: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Michigan Medical School Histology Slide Collection

Page 42: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Parotid gland

Michigan Medical School Histology Slide Collection Michigan Medical School Histology Slide Collection

Page 43: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Serous (parotid) Acinar Cells

Kim, SK

Page 44: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Innervations of the Acinar Cells

Salivary Gland secretion is regulated by the autonomic nervous System NE: Nerve endings of

postganglionic fibers



Hand, A.R., J. Cell Biol. 47:541, 1970

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Kim, S.K. Bloom and Fawcett p. 695 Kim, S.K.

Page 46: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Intercalated (blue) and Striated (green) Ducts

Michigan Medical School Histology Slide Collection

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Salivary Gland Ducts

Source Undetermined

Page 48: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

EM of Striated Duct Cells

Source Undetermined

Page 49: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Role of Striated Ducts in Saliva Production

Image of ion flow through striated ducts removed

Regents of the University of Michigan

Page 50: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Junqueira/Carneiro 3rd ed. P. 340

Page 51: Author(s): University of Michigan Medical School ... · Layers of the Digestive Tract Digestive Tube (GI tract) Mucosa (mucous membrane) epithelium lamina propria musculris mucosa

Intra and Inter Lobular Ducts

Source Undetermined

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Intra (left) and Inter (right) Lobular Ducts

Michigan Medical School Histology Slide Collection

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Slide 3: Wheater 14.1 Slide 4: Wheater 14.1 Slide 6: Michigan Medical School Histology Slide Collection Slide 7: Michigan Medical School Histology Slide Collection Slide 8: Michigan Medical School Histology Slide Collection Slide 9: Sources Undetermined Slide 10: Orofacial Histology and Embryology, Moss-Salentijn, L., et al., F.A. Davis Co. Slide 11: Cell and Tissue Biology, L. Weiss 6th Ed. Pp. 597; Orofacial Histology and Embryology, Moss-Salentijn, L., et al., F.A. Davis Co. Slide 12: Sam Fentress, Wikimedia Commons,, CC: BY-SA; Source Undetermined Slide 13: Source Undetermined Slide 14: Orofacial Histology and Embryology, Moss-Salentijn, L., et al., F.A. Davis Co Slide 15: Orofacial Histology and Embryology; Moss-Salentijn, L., et al., F.A. Davis Co Slide 16: Sources Undetermined Slide 17: Michigan Medical School Histology Slide Collection Slide 18: Source Undetermined Slide 19: Orofacial Histology and Embryology, Moss-Salentijn, L., et al., F.A. Davis Co; Cormack D., p.485 Slide 20: Source Undetermined Slide 21: Orofacial Histology and Embryology; Moss-Salentijn, L., et al., F.A. Davis Co Slide 22: Drosenbach, Wikipedia,; Weiss/Greep, Histology, 4th ed. P.637 Slide 23: Indiana University, Slide 24: Source Undetermined Slide 25: Sources Undetermined Slide 26: Sources Undetermined Slide 27: US Federal Government, Wikipedia,; NEUROtiker, Wikimedia Commons,, CC: BY-SA 3.0, Slide 28: A Visual Approach to Histology, Wismar and Ackerman Slide 29: Source Undetermined; NEUROtiker, Wikimedia Commons,, CC: BY-SA 3.0, Slide 30: Bloom and Fawcett, Histology, p. 568 Slide 31: Wela49, Wikimedia Commons,, CC: BY-SA 30 Slide 32: US Federal Government, Wikimedia Commons, Slide 35: Text/Atlas of Histology, Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1968; Kierszenbaum p. 53 Slide 36: Source Undetermined Slide 37: Sun-Kee Kim

Additional Source Information for more information see:

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Slide 38: Gray’s Anatomy Plate 1025, Wikimedia Commons, Slide 39: Michigan Medical School Histology Slide Collection Slide 40: Michigan Medical School Histology Slide Collection Slide 41: Michigan Medical School Histology Slide Collection Slide 42: Michigan Medical School Histology Slide Collection Slide43:Sun-KeeKimSlide44:Hand, A.R., J. Cell Biol. 47:541, 1970 Slide45:Sun-KeeKim;Bloom and Fawcett p. 695 Slide46:MichiganMedicalSchoolHistologySlideCollectionSlide47:SourceUndeterminedSlide48:SourceUndeterminedSlide49:RegentsoftheUniversityofMichiganSlide50:Junqueira/Carneiro 3rd ed. P. 340 Slide51:SourceUndeterminedSlide52:MichiganMedicalSchoolHistologySlideCollection