Authorities, Delegations and Directions Schedule · employment of staff and the delegation or...

1 OPERATIONAL DIRECTIVE Enquiries to: Manager, Ethical Standards, Corp Gov Dir OD number: OD 0432/13 Phone number: (08) 9222 6858 Date: 05/06/2013 Supersedes: OD 0009/06 File No: F-AA-21714/02 RSD-07918 Subject: Authorities, Delegations and Directions Schedule – Department of Health PURPOSE This operational directive confirms the updating and re-issuing of the Department of Health Authorities, Delegations and Directions Schedule (DoH Delegations Schedule). The new and only approved version of the DoH Delegations Schedule is the March 2013 edition, available from SCOPE This operational directive and the DoH Delegations Schedule apply to all staff of the Department of Health. Other legal entities forming part of WA Health have their own authorities, delegations and directions schedules. They can be accessed via the intranet sites of the North Metropolitan Health Service (NMHS), the South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS), the WA Country Health Service (WACHS), and the Child and Adolescent Health Service (CAHS). BACKGROUND Organisations achieve their goals through people and the distribution of power and responsibility. In the public sector, where the source of authority is often a statute, powers and obligations are frequently phrased in terms of being granted to, or imposed on, individuals holding specific positions. In many situations, it would be impossible for the individuals holding such positions to physically achieve the demands set out in the legislation without support, which necessitates the employment of staff and the delegation or authorisation of power to officers within an organised framework. The DoH Delegations Schedule describes that framework in practical terms. It sets out the approved delegations and authorisations for the Department, and specifies the positions or tier- level officers to whom delegated powers or authorisations have been granted. It also describes the lines of legal authority which create the power to act in certain circumstances, and explains whether, and how, delegations or authorisations may be approved, along with any directions or limitations on the exercise of power. The DoH Delegations Schedule forms part of the Department’s corporate governance framework and is an important reference document for all staff in all areas of the Department. It is highly recommended that all departmental staff are made aware of the Schedule’s existence and are encouraged to familiarise themselves with it. No Longer Applicable Withdrawn August 2017

Transcript of Authorities, Delegations and Directions Schedule · employment of staff and the delegation or...


OPERATIONAL DIRECTIVE Enquiries to: Manager, Ethical Standards, Corp Gov Dir OD number: OD 0432/13 Phone number: (08) 9222 6858 Date: 05/06/2013 Supersedes: OD 0009/06 File No: F-AA-21714/02


Subject: Authorities, Delegations and Directions Schedule – Department of Health

PURPOSE This operational directive confirms the updating and re-issuing of the Department of Health Authorities, Delegations and Directions Schedule (DoH Delegations Schedule).

The new and only approved version of the DoH Delegations Schedule is the March 2013 edition, available from

SCOPE This operational directive and the DoH Delegations Schedule apply to all staff of the Department of Health.

Other legal entities forming part of WA Health have their own authorities, delegations and directions schedules. They can be accessed via the intranet sites of the North Metropolitan Health Service (NMHS), the South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS), the WA Country Health Service (WACHS), and the Child and Adolescent Health Service (CAHS).

BACKGROUND Organisations achieve their goals through people and the distribution of power and responsibility.

In the public sector, where the source of authority is often a statute, powers and obligations are frequently phrased in terms of being granted to, or imposed on, individuals holding specific positions. In many situations, it would be impossible for the individuals holding such positions to physically achieve the demands set out in the legislation without support, which necessitates the employment of staff and the delegation or authorisation of power to officers within an organised framework.

The DoH Delegations Schedule describes that framework in practical terms. It sets out the approved delegations and authorisations for the Department, and specifies the positions or tier-level officers to whom delegated powers or authorisations have been granted.

It also describes the lines of legal authority which create the power to act in certain circumstances, and explains whether, and how, delegations or authorisations may be approved, along with any directions or limitations on the exercise of power.

The DoH Delegations Schedule forms part of the Department’s corporate governance framework and is an important reference document for all staff in all areas of the Department. It is highly recommended that all departmental staff are made aware of the Schedule’s existence and are encouraged to familiarise themselves with it.

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MORE INFORMATION More information about legal and practical aspects of delegation and authorisation can be found in the ‘Introduction’ to the DoH Delegations Schedule.

The Schedule will be reviewed regularly and updated as necessary. Queries, comments and suggestions for improvement are welcome and should be directed to the Manager, Ethical Standards, Corporate Governance Directorate. Professor Bryant Stokes A/DIRECTOR GENERAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WA


This information is available in alternative formats on request for a person with a disability.

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March 2013

Document Control: Corporate Governance Directorate Trim No: RSD-07918 For more information, contact: Corporate Governance Directorate 189 Royal St, East Perth WA 6004 [email protected] CONFIDENTIAL

PPrrooppeerrttyy ooff tthhee DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff HHeeaalltthh

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ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS .............................................................4

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................5

Background ...................................................................................................5

General Principles .........................................................................................5

Using the Schedule ........................................................................................7

Examples .......................................................................................................8

MORE INFORMATION ..................................................................................10

SCHEDULE ...................................................................................................12


General Administration ...............................................................................13

Facilities and Properties .............................................................................18

Financial Administration .............................................................................19

Human Resources .......................................................................................25

Information Policy ........................................................................................31

Legal Administration ...................................................................................33

Ministerial Process ......................................................................................35

Procurement and Contracts ........................................................................36

Index to Schedule ........................................................................................40

VERSION CONTROL ....................................................................................44

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Abbreviation / Acronym Meaning / Expanded Reference

CCC Act Corruption and Crime Commission Act 2003

CFO Chief Finance Officer

CIO Chief Information Officer

CMO Chief Medical Officer

CP Chief Psychiatrist

DG Director General

Dir, CG Director Corporate Governance

Dir Fin, HCN Director Finance, Health Corporate Network

Dir, L&LS Director, Legal and Legislative Services

Dir, SWC Director, Statewide Contracting

Dir, SD Director, Service Delivery

DoH Department of Health

ED, RS Executive Director, Resource Strategy

ED, PAQ Executive Director, Performance Activity and Quality

EO Act Equal Opportunity Act 1984

FMA Financial Management Act 2006

FMR Financial Management Regulations 2007

FOI Freedom of Information

GA/SC General Agreement/Statutory Contract

GST Goods and Services Tax

GVS Government Vehicle Scheme

HAM Health Accounting Manual

HCN Health Corporate Network

HIN Health Information Network

HIRS Health Industrial Relations Service

HRM Human Resources Management

IC Information Circular

ICT Information and Communications Technology

JDF Job Description Form

L&LS Legal and Legislative Services

LSL Long Service Leave

MfH Minister for Health

MfMH Minister for Mental Health

OAG Office of the Auditor General

OD Operational Directive

OGS Other Goods and Services

PSMA Public Sector Management Act 1994

PSC Public Sector Commission

SES Senior Executive Service

SHEF State Health Executive Forum

SPO (FOI) Senior Policy Officer (Freedom of Information)

SSCA State Supply Commission Act 1991

TI Treasurer’s Instruction

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This Schedule forms part of the Department of Health’s corporate governance framework and is an important reference document for all staff and all areas of the Department.

The Schedule sets out the approved delegations and authorisations for the Department, and specifies the positions or tier-level officers to whom delegated powers or authorisations have been granted.

It also describes the lines of legal authority which create the power to act in certain circumstances, and explains whether and how delegations or authorisations may be approved, along with any directions or limitations on the exercise of power. Information about related items such as departmental operational directives and state supply policies has also been included.

The Schedule will be reviewed regularly and updated as necessary. Comments and suggestions for updates are welcome and should be directed to the Manager, Ethical Standards, Corporate Governance Directorate.

Other legal entities forming part of the state public health system (usually referred to as WA Health) have their own authorities, delegations and directions schedules. They can be accessed via the intranet sites of the North Metropolitan Health Service (NMHS), the South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS) and the WA Country Health Service (WACHS).


Organisations achieve their goals through people and the distribution of power and responsibility.

In the public sector, where the source of authority is often a statute, powers and obligations are frequently phrased in terms of being granted to or imposed on individuals holding specific positions (eg a power granted to the Director General of a specific department or a duty imposed on the CEOs of defined accountable authorities).

Often, it would be impossible for the individuals holding such positions to physically achieve the demands set out in the legislation without support, which necessitates the employment of staff and the delegation or authorisation of power to officers within a framework which both facilitates and constrains the exercise of authority.

The Schedule is intended to describe that framework in practical terms.

General Principles

Some, but not all, powers and responsibilities can be delegated – some can only be delegated with restrictions, and some cannot be delegated nor can authority to act be given to another position or officer.

When powers and responsibilities are delegated or authorisations given, they must be exercised cautiously and within any limitations imposed by law or the policies of government, the Department of Health and the Departments of Treasury and Finance.

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Delegations are to positions or tier-level officers, not to individuals

When an officer exercises a delegated power, they do so in their name and position title, doing so as the delegate (ie the person to whom the power is delegated).

If a position ‘holds’ a delegation, only the original delegator of the power can rescind the delegation.

A person formally appointed to act in a position may exercise the delegations associated with that position, unless the terms of the acting appointment expressly exclude it.

Delegations are not usually able to be further delegated. If sub-delegation is allowed with respect to a specific power, it will be noted in the Schedule.

When an officer exercises an authorised power, they do so on behalf of the person originally holding the power – and that person (ie the originator) remains responsible for the exercise of the power.

Delegates may not act in their own interest

A person may not exercise the power granted under a delegation if it would generate a conflict of interest or confer a benefit on them personally. For example, a delegate may not approve their own overtime, leave, expense claims or higher duty payments.

In such situations, approval should be sought from the delegate’s line manager or, if that person does not hold the necessary power, from another person senior to the delegate who does.

Acts of delegates must be in writing

Whenever an authority delegated by instrument is exercised, that exercise is to be recorded in writing under the signature of the authorised person.

No officer is authorised to sign or to exercise a delegation on behalf of another.

If a situation arises which requires the exercise of authority or a delegated power outside normal operating procedures, the decision-making process should be documented and, if possible, advice sought – more information can be obtained from the Department’s Corporate Governance Directorate or Legal and Legislative Services.

Dollar amounts and GST

Unless otherwise noted, dollar amounts used in the Schedule are GST-inclusive.

State Supply Commission and the Departments of Treasury and Finance

In 2009 and 2010, the State Supply Commission (SSC) was merged with the Department of Treasury and Finance as part of the Government's drive to increase efficiency in the public sector.

In 2011, the Department of Treasury and Finance was renamed the Department of Treasury. At the same time, the State Revenue, Government Procurement, Building Management and Works and Shared Services functions of the Department of Treasury and Finance were transferred to a newly created Department of Finance.

Throughout those changes, the State Supply Commission Act 1991 and the related policies have remained, and continue to be, operative.

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Accountable Authorities, including the Department of Health, are required to continue to purchase goods and services in accordance with SSC supply policies and to comply with the requirements of any partial exemptions.

Using the Schedule

The Schedule describes delegations and authorisations to positions and position-level ‘tiers of responsibility’ – where the tiers reflect reporting levels ‘down’ from the Director General, who is categorised as Tier 1.

If responsibility for a function or action has been delegated or authorised, it will be described in the Schedule as having been allocated to a Tier level or to a specific position. The indicative Tier hierarchy, while subject to changes of organisational structure and position titles, is as follows:

Tier 1: Director General

Tier 2: Executive Directors

Chief Finance Officer

Chief Medical Officer

Chief Psychiatrist

Tier 3: Chief Health Officer

Chief Nursing Officer


Tier 4: Managers

Tier 5: Senior Officers

In some instances, delegation or authorisation is made to a specific position rather than, or in addition to, a Tier level. This may be to accommodate specific legislative requirements or because of the subject matter and the need for expert knowledge. Examples and more information can be found in the following section of this Introduction.

Changes to law (eg the Financial Management Act), policy (eg the Health Accounting Manual) and organisational structure (eg position titles) may affect the currency of the Schedule. Readers are accordingly reminded that, while the Schedule refers to the titles and identification codes of relevant documents (eg the WA Health Staff Air Travel Policy and Guidelines (OD 0378/12)), documents may have been changed or updated since the last review of the Schedule. Where available, hyperlinks are provided to electronic versions of policies and reference documents.

The currency of documents (along with the titles and IDs of any superseding items) can be checked via the Directives and Circulars search facility on the Department’s intranet site (Holii):

Where reference material is not within the Department’s control, notes about where more information can be found have been included and, where possible, hyperlinks have been provided to the websites of responsible external agencies.

The current (and only approved) version of the Schedule is available from the Department’s intranet site (Holii):

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Some powers and responsibilities can be delegated

In the following example (from the General Administration section of the Schedule – Item 5a):

the DG has the power (under s29 of the Public Sector Management Act 1994 (PSMA) to authorise the issuing of press releases;

that power can be delegated (under s33 of the PSMA); the power has been delegated to Tier 2 officers (ie to officers who are one

level below the DG) and to the Manager, Media and Communications; * there is relevant information available about press releases and media

communication, which can be found in the identified ODs.

Action Authority Source Power to Delegate

Delegated Authority

Comments and Additional


Media and Press

a. Authority to issue press releases

More information can be found in the Policy on Use of Official Information and Public Comment (OD 0327/11), the policy outline on Media Communication (OD 0113/08) and the directive on Public Relations and Media Coordination During a Disaster or Major Incident (OD 0208/09). **

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 Tier 2; Manager, Media

and Communications


* Tier 2 officers report directly to the DG and are usually of Executive Director or Chief Officer level. In this case, authority has also been delegated to the Manager, Media and Communications because of the expertise and knowledge presumed to be held by that position’s incumbent.

** Hyperlinks are provided to relevant directives or circulars on the Health on-line information intranet (Holii).

Some powers and responsibilities can be delegated, but with restrictions

For example, from the Human Resources section of the Schedule (Item 80):

Action Authority Source Power to Delegate

Delegated Authority

Comments and Additional Information

Classification of Positions

Recommendations to relevant tribunals and the Public Sector Commission concerning the classification of positions other than SES.

PSMA s29(1)(h)

PSMA s33 Tier 4 DG Subject to Public Sector Commission (PSC) regulations, standards and guidelines. *

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* Where relevant information lies outside WA Health’s control, hyperlinks are provided to the websites of external bodies.

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Some powers and responsibilities cannot be delegated, but a position or officer may be given authorisation to act or decide

For example, from the General Administration section of the Schedule (Item 3)

Action Authority Source Power to Delegate

Delegated Authority

Comments and Additional Information

Motor Vehicles - Procedures and Practices

Ensure approved procedures and practices relating to government motor vehicles comply with government policy and the WA Health Motor Vehicle Fleet Policy

DG More information can be found in the WA Government Fleet Policy and Guidelines and the WA Health Motor Vehicle Fleet Policy (OD 0232/09).

No power to delegate - authorisation only

Tier 4 FMA s78; TI 411

Some powers and responsibilities cannot be delegated, nor can authority be given to another position or officer to act or decide

For example, from the Financial Administration section of the Schedule (Item 64a):

Action Authority Source Power to Delegate

Delegated Authority

Comments and Additional Information

Approval to write off fees and other matters:

a. less than $100,000

DG FMA s78, s48(2), (3) and (4); FMR r7; PSMA s29; TI 807

No power to delegate or authorise

Applications for write-offs must be considered by a director-level officer prior to submission to the DG for final approval. The CFO must maintain a register of approved write-offs (TI 807(3)).

DG *

* Where there is no power to delegate or the power has not been delegated, the position or officer holding the original authority is confirmed in the ‘Delegated Authority’ column.

More information

For many staff, only some parts of the Schedule will be relevant to their positions and duties. For staff in senior and managerial positions, many of the powers and responsibilities described will be relevant to their functions if not their daily activities (eg Human Resources and Financial Administration).

It is highly recommended that all departmental staff are made aware of the existence of the Schedule and encouraged to familiarise themselves with it.

For more information about the Schedule, or to provide updates or comments, contact the Manager, Ethical Standards, Corporate Governance Directorate (see for more information).

Questions about the legal aspects of delegation and authorisation should be directed to Legal and Legislative Services (see for more information and contact details).

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Information about Treasurer’s Instructions and the Health Accounting Manual can be obtained from the Health Corporate Network (HCN) website.

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General Administration ....................................................................................13

Facilities and Properties ..................................................................................18

Financial Administration .................................................................................19

Human Resources ............................................................................................25

Information Policy ............................................................................................31

Legal Administration .......................................................................................33

Ministerial Process ..........................................................................................35

Procurement and Contracts ............................................................................36

Index to Schedule ............................................................................................40

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General Administration

Action Authority Source Power to Delegate

Delegated Authority

Comments and Additional Information

1 Misconduct Reporting

Ensure matters concerning misconduct are reported to the Corruption and Crime Commission (CCC)

DG CCC Act s28 No power to delegate or authorise

DG More information can be found in the WA Health Misconduct: Reporting Operational Directive (OD 0036/07), the Fraud and Corruption Control Plan (OD 0046/07) and the amended WA Health Misconduct and Discipline Policy (OD 0323/11).

2 Motor Vehicles - Government Vehicle Scheme

Approval for: Applications and approvals must comply with the WA Government Fleet Policy and Guidelines (see and the WA Health Motor Vehicle Fleet Policy (OD 0232/09).

a. admission to Government Vehicle Scheme (GVS)

DG FMA s52, s53; PSMA s29

PSMA s33 - not delegated


b. supply of private plates under GVS

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 - not delegated


3 Motor Vehicles - Procedures and Practices

Ensure approved procedures and practices relating to government motor vehicles comply with government policy and the WA Health Motor Vehicle Fleet Policy

DG FMA s78; TI 411

No power to delegate - authorisation only

4 More information can be found in the WA Government Fleet Policy and Guidelines (see and the WA Health Motor Vehicle Fleet Policy (OD 0232/09).

4 Motor Vehicles - Lease / Purchase

Approval for purchase or lease of new vehicles:

More information can be found in the WA Government Fleet Policy and Guidelines (see and the WA Health Motor Vehicle Fleet Policy (OD 0232/09).

a. Passenger vehicle - lease

DG FMA s52, s53; PSMA s29

PSMA s33 2

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Action Authority Source Power to Delegate

Delegated Authority

Comments and Additional Information

b. Commercial vehicle - purchase

DG FMA s52, s53; PSMA s29

PSMA s33 2

5 Media and Press

Authority to: More information can be found in the Policy on Use of Official Information and Public Comment (OD 0327/11), the policy outline on Media Communication (OD 0113/08) and the directive on Public Relations and Media Coordination During a Disaster or Major Incident (OD 0208/09).

a. issue press releases

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 2;

Manager, Media and


b. talk to media DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 2;

Manager, Media and


6 Public Relations

Approval of arrangements having an important public relations aspect (eg opening ceremony for new facilities)

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 - not delegated

DG More information can be found in the policy outline on Media Communication (OD 0113/08).

7 Travel Approval

Approval to travel:

The potential for conflict of interests must be considered and managed in all cases. More information can be found in the Managing Conflict of Interest Policy and Guidelines (OD 0264/10).

a. Intrastate (by car)

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 5 More information can be found in the WA Health Motor Vehicle Fleet Policy (OD 0232/09).

b. Intrastate (by air)

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3 More information can be found in the Premier's Circular Guidelines for Official Air Travel by Government Employees (2009/04 - see and the WA Health Staff Air Travel Policy (OD 0378/12).

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Action Authority Source Power to Delegate

Delegated Authority

Comments and Additional Information

c. Interstate DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 - not delegated

DG More information can be found in the Premier's Circular Guidelines for Official Air Travel by Government Employees (2009/04 - see and the WA Health Staff Air Travel Policy (OD 0378/12).

d. Overseas MfH Executive Power

Not delegated MfH More information can be found in the Premier's Circular Guidelines for Official Air Travel by Government Employees (2009/04 - see and the WA Health Staff Air Travel Policy (OD 0378/12).

8 Travel Accommodation - Approval

Approval of accommodation:

The potential for conflict of interests must be considered and managed in all cases. More information can be found in the Managing Conflict of Interest Policy and Guidelines (OD 0264/10).

Payment/reimbursement is subject to the provision of appropriate receipts or documentation.

a. Up to standard rate

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 5 More information can be found in the information circular Camping Allowance and Travelling, Transfer and Relieving Allowance (IC 0075/10).

b. In excess of standard daily rate

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3 More information can be found in the WA Health Staff Air Travel Policy (OD 0378/12) and the information circular Camping Allowance and Travelling, Transfer and Relieving Allowance (IC 0075/10).

9 Travel - Conferences / Conventions

Approval to attend:

The potential for conflict of interests must be considered and managed in all cases. More information can be found in the Managing Conflict of Interest Policy and Guidelines (OD 0264/10).

a. Local DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 5 Subject to local purchasing limits and support from senior management.

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Action Authority Source Power to Delegate

Delegated Authority

Comments and Additional Information

b. Intrastate DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4 Subject to local purchasing limits.

c. Interstate DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3 More information can be found in the Premier's Circular Guidelines for Official Air Travel by Government Employees (2009/04 - see and the WA Health Staff Air Travel Policy (OD 0378/12).

d. Overseas MfH Executive Power

Not delegated MfH DG endorsement must be obtained prior to seeking MfH approval.

10 Use of employee's own vehicle for official business

Authorise use of employee’s vehicle:

a. On a permanent basis

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3

b. On an ad hoc basis

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4

11 Publications

a. Authorise new reports, publications and new editions of existing publications

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3

b. Permission to publish if purely professional or scientific

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 2

c. Permission to publish any document or publication of a provocative or politically sensitive nature

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 - not delegated

DG Depending on the subject and circumstances, the DG may consult with the MfH.

12 Records Access

a. Authorise perusal of staff member's own personal file

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4 Staff have the right to view their own files; however, access must be arranged through an authorised HRM officer.

b. Authorise perusal of the personal file of another staff member

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4 Managers have authority to view the files of staff for whom they are responsible; however, they and other staff may only access personal files with the approval of an authorised HRM officer.

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Action Authority Source Power to Delegate

Delegated Authority

Comments and Additional Information

c. Authorise access to records by the members of the public under the Freedom of Information Act

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 SPO (FOI) More information can be found in the Freedom of Information Act and the WA Health FOI Procedures Manual (accessible via the Corporate Governance intranet site).

d. Authorise access to all departmental records

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 Dir, CG The Director, CG can authorise officers within the Corporate Governance Directorate to make decisions regarding access.

Item numbers 13-15 have been reserved for use re General Administration, but are not currently allocated.

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Facilities and Properties

Action Authority Source Power to Delegate

Delegated Authority

Comments and Additional Information

16 Departmental Facilities

Authority to enter into agreements to allow voluntary / subsidised organisation to use departmental facilities

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3

17 Facilities Management

Approval to initiate and develop facilities, including tender process:

Within approved budget. Unless otherwise noted, all dollar values are GST-inclusive.

a. Major new facilities or remodelling (exceeding $1M)


b. Minor new facilities or remodelling

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3

18 Property

a. Approval of purchase, rental or lease of land

MfH Executive Power

Not delegated MfH Within approved budget.

b. Approval of purchase, rental or lease of building

MfH Executive Power

Not delegated MfH Within approved budget.

c. Submission to MfH for Property Office leasing

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 - not delegated

DG Property Office leasing includes, for example, office accommodation.

Item numbers 19-24 have been reserved for use re Facilities and Properties, but are not currently allocated.

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Financial Administration

Action Authority Source Power to Delegate

Delegated Authority

Comments and Additional Information

25 Accounting Forms

Approval of the format of accounting forms other than Treasury and Finance forms

DG TI 819 No power to delegate - authorisation only


26 Financial Management Manual

Ensure procedures are established which provide adequate control over the custody, issue and maintenance of the financial management manual

DG TI 701 No power to delegate - authorisation only

Dir Fin, HCN More information can be found in the Health Accounting Manual (HAM).

27 Accounting Records - Destruction

Approve destruction of specific accounting records

DG TI 804(2) No power to delegate - authorisation only

CFO Must be carried out in accordance with the HAM (Section 202), and not within two years of completion of a relevant OAG Financial Attest Audit.

28 Act of Grace Payments

Submissions: Applications for Act of Grace payments must be considered and approved by the relevant ED and the DG prior to submission.

a. Up to $250,000

Treasurer FMA s78, s80, FMR r8; TI 319(2) and 319(3)

FMA s74(1) MfH

b. Over $250,000

Treasurer with prior

approval of Governor

FMA s78, s80, FMR r8; TI 319(2) and 319(3)

No power to delegate or authorise


29 Advertising

Authorise expenditure on advertising (including all expenditure on media, but excluding recruitment, selection and advertising)

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 2

30 Annual Report and Budget

Preparation of Annual Report

DG FMA Part 5 No power to delegate -

CFO More information can be found in the HAM (Sections

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Action Authority Power to Delegate

Delegated Authority

Comments and Additional Information


and Annual Budget

authorisation only

1507 and 2102).

31 Bank

Opening and maintenance of a bank account for purposes and conditions approved by Treasury

DG FMA Part 2 No power to delegate - authorisation only

CFO More information can be found in the HAM (Section 406).

32 Bank Reconciliation

Determine reconciliation requirements for cheque records to bank accounts

DG FMA Part 2 No power to delegate - authorisation only


33 Banking

Approval to bank less frequently than daily

DG FMA s78; TI 206

No power to delegate - authorisation only


34 Budgets

Approval to amend established budgets

DG FMA s52 No power to delegate - authorisation only

CFO Subject to endorsement by Treasury.

35 Cash Receipts

Approval of cash receipt forms / mechanisms - eg computerised imprints

DG FMA s78; TI 701(5)(i)

No power to delegate - authorisation only

CFO More information can be found in the HAM (Section 405).

36 Certifying and Incurring Officers - Appointment

Appointment of officers under the FMA and TIs:

More information can be found in the HAM (Section 208).

a. Certifying Officer

DG FMA s78; TI 304

No power to delegate - authorisation only


b. Incurring Officer

DG FMA s78; TI 304

No power to delegate - authorisation only


37 Authority for Incurring and Certifying

Authority for same officer to incur and certify

DG FMA s78; TI 304

No power to delegate - authorisation only

CFO In a manual environment, the authority is limited to items of no more than $1,000 value.

38 Chart of Accounts

Maintenance of departmental Chart of

DG FMA s52 No power to delegate - authorisation

Dir Fin, HCN More information can be found in the HAM (Section

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Accounts only 301).

39 Cheque Replacement

Issue of cheques in lieu

DG FMA s78; TI 701(5)(ii)

No power to delegate - authorisation only

CFO More information can be found in the HAM (Section 609).

40 Cheque Signatures

Approval for signing of cheques by other than two officers

DG FMA s78; TI 310(5)

No power to delegate; no authority given


41 Collection Agency

Appointment of collection agency

DG FMA s78; TI 202

No power to delegate - authorisation only


42 Collectors of Public Moneys

Appointment of Collectors of public moneys

DG FMA s78; TI 701, TI 801

No power to delegate - authorisation only

CFO More information can be found in the HAM (Section 402).

43 Fees and Charges

Annual review of fees and charges

DG FMA s78; TI 810

No power to delegate - authorisation only


44 Insurance Cover

Ensure that assets are subject to an appropriate level of insurance cover

DG FMA s78; TI 812

No power to delegate - authorisation only


45 Monetary Forms

Control over the acquisition, usage, storage and disposal of all monetary forms

DG FMA s78; TI 701

No power to delegate - authorisation only

CFO More information can be found in the HAM (Section 203).

46 Monies Shortages or Surplus

Maintains controls and Register

DG FMA s78; TI 803

No power to delegate - authorisation only


47 Patient Travel

Approval to meet part or total cost of patients requiring interstate treatment


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48 Payment Record

Approve format of manual payment record

DG FMA s78; TI 308

No power to delegate; no authority granted


49 Personal Cash and Cheques

Approval to keep personal cash or cheques in a safe or strongroom

CFO FMA s78; TI 214

No power to delegate; no authority granted


50 Petty Cash

Determine maximum monetary limit and classes of expenditure for petty cash purposes

DG FMA s78; TI 701(5)(ii)

No power to delegate - authorisation only

CFO More information can be found in the HAM (Section 601).

51 Public Property – Custody, Issue and Use

Ensure compliance with procedures and practices relevant to the custody, issue and use of public property, including registers and stocktakes

DG PSMA s29, TI 406, TI 410

PSMA s33 5 More information can be found in the HAM (Section 803.5).

52 Public Property - Disposal

Approval of the means for disposing of public property - eg auction, destruction (values are per line item):

Subject to SSC policy, procedures and restrictions; more information can be found in the SSC Disposal of Goods policy. Assets may only be disposed of after an Asset Disposal Form has been completed and sent to the Health Corporate Network.

a. Up to $1,000 DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 5

b. $1,001 to $10,000

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4

c. $10,001 to $100,000

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 - not delegated


53 Public Property - Other

Ensure that all other property is recorded in a register as prescribed in the Health Accounting Manual

DG FMA s78, TI 410

No power to delegate - authorisation only


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54 Purchasing (Credit) Card - Issue or Replacement

Issue / replacement of purchasing (credit) card to an officer and conditions of use

DG FMA s78, TI 321

No power to delegate - authorisation only

HCN PCard Administrator

55 Receipting of Moneys

Approve receiving of moneys through credit / debit card scheme

DG FMA s78; TI 213(1)

No power to delegate; no authority granted


56 Salaries and Wages - Pay Period and Pay in Advance

Approve pay period and pay dates for salaries and wages staff

DG FMA s78; TI 507; PSMA s29

PSMA s33 - not delegated; no authority granted


57 Salaries and Wages - Deductions

Approve categories for voluntary deductions from salaries and wages

DG FMA s78; TI 515(4); PSMA s29

PSMA s33 - not delegated; authorisation under FMA only

Director Employee Benefits,


58 Security Documents

Determine items to be classed as 'security documents'.

DG FMA s78; TI 811(1)

No power to delegate - authorisation only


59 Security Documents Register

Maintenance of a register of security documentation

DG FMA s78; TI 811(2)

No power to delegate - authorisation only

2 More information can be found in the HAM (Section 205).

60 Supplementation of Appropriations

Subject to Treasury through MfH requisition for additional funds from Treasurer's advance

DG FMA s78; TI 302

No power to delegate - authorisation only


61 Trust Fund Moneys - Accountability

Identify and classify donations, bequests and grants, which are not general operating revenues as true trust moneys or special purpose

DG FMA s78; TI 801, 806; PSMA s29

PSMA s33 - not delegated; authorisation under FMA only


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62 Special Purpose and Trust Fund Statements

“For and on behalf of” Accountable Officer - sign and forward copies of proposed special purpose statement or trust statement to Under Treasurer for approval

DG FMA s78, TI 802

No power to delegate - authorisation only


63 Telephone and Telecommunications – Use of private equipment and/or reimbursement

Authority to approve the use of private equipment and/or reimbursement for expenses

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 2 The use of privately owned equipment for DoH related purposes, particularly if it involves connection to a WA Health IT network, is restricted. More information can be found in the Mobile Telephone Policy and Guidelines (OD 0337/11).

64 Write-offs

Approval to write off fees and other matters:

HCN maintain a register of approved write-offs (TI 807), and must be advised of all approvals.

a. less than $100,000

DG FMA s78, s48(2), (3) and (4); FMR r7; TI 807; PSMA s29

No power to delegate or authorise

DG Applications for write-offs must be considered by a director-level officer prior to submission to the DG for final approval.

b.$100,000 to $250,000

MfH FMA s78, s48(2), (3) and (4); FMR r7; TI 807; PSMA s29

No power to delegate or authorise

MfH Applications for write-offs must be considered by a director-level officer prior to submission to the DG for his/her consideration of whether to submit an application to the MfH.

c. greater than $250,000

MfH FMA s78, s48(2), (3) and (4); FMR r7; TI 807; PSMA s29

No power to delegate or authorise


(with prior approval of

the Governor)

Applications for write-offs must be considered by a director-level officer prior to submission to the DG for his/her consideration of whether to submit an application to the MfH.

Item numbers 65-79 have been reserved for use re Financial Administration, but are not currently allocated.

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Human Resources

Action Authority Source Power to Delegate

Delegated Authority

Comments and Additional Information

80 Classification of Positions

Recommendations to relevant tribunals and Public Sector Commission concerning the classification of positions other than SES.

DG PSMA s29(1)(h)

PSMA s33 4 Subject to Public Sector Commission (PSC) regulations, standards and guidelines.

81 Approval to amend JDFs

a. Level 1-7 (PS or equivalent)

DG PSMA s29(1)(h)

PSMA s33 4 In accordance with PSC guidelines.

b. Level 8 (PS or equivalent)

DG PSMA s29(1)(h)

PSMA s33 In accordance with PSC guidelines.


c. SES and non SES positions above Level 8

DG PSMA s29(1)(h)

PSMA s33 2 In accordance with PSC guidelines.

82 Approval to classify and approve work value reclassifications

a. Level 1-8 (PS or equivalent)

DG PSMA s29(1)(h)

PSMA s33 3 In accordance with PSC guidelines and as approved by the Department of Health Classification Review Committee.

b. Other DG PSMA s29(1)(h)

PSMA s33 In accordance with PSC guidelines and as approved by the Department of Health Classification Review Committee.


83 Approval to create and abolish positions

a. Authority to create a position

DG PSMA s29, s36

PSMA s33 - not delegated

DG In accordance with PSC guidelines and as approved by the Department of Health Classification Review Committee.

b. Authority to abolish a position

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 In accordance with PSC guidelines and as approved by the Department of Health Classification Review Committee.


84 Authority to alter staffing establishment

a. Change not resulting in an increase in staffing establishment

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3 In accordance with PSC guidelines.

b. Change resulting in an increase in staffing

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 - not delegated

DG In accordance with PSC guidelines.

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c. change resulting in a decrease in staffing establishment

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3 In accordance with PSC guidelines.

85 Hours of Duty

a. Flexible or standard

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4 Relevant information can be found in the General Agreement and Statutory Contract (GA/SC).

b. Endorsement of attendance records

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 5 Relevant information can be found in the GA/SC.

86 Outside employment

Permission to engage in outside employment

DG PSMA s102(1)

PSMA s33 3 Tier 2 officers seeking permission require approval from the DG.

87 Pay Records

Approved form of record in support of gross payment of salaries and wages

DG FMA s78; TI 506

No power to delegate - authorisation only

Director Employee Benefits,


88 Employment Records

Approve form of records of service to be maintained for each employee

DG FMA s78; TI 501(1)

No power to delegate - authorisation only

Director Employee Benefits,


89 Personnel Matters - Approval of

a. Higher duties allowance

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4 Relevant information can be found in the GA/SC.

b. Overtime (including on-call and emergency call back)

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4

c. First Aid Allowance

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4

d. Working From Home

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3 More information can be found in the WA Health Telecommuting Policy (OD 0207/09).

e. Training Courses

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 5

f. Time off in lieu in payment of overtime

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4 To a maximum of 22.5 hours (per GA/SC).

g. Study Assistance

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4

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90 Breach of Standard Management

Management of claims of Breach of Public Sector Standards

DG PSMA s31 PSMA s33 4 In compliance with the Public Sector Management (General) Regulations and the Public Sector Management (Breaches of Public Sector Standards) Regulations.

91 Disciplinary Process

a. Initiate or authorise disciplinary process

DG PSMA Part 5

PSMA s33 4 More information can be found in the amended WA Health Misconduct and Discipline Policy (OD 0323/11).

b. Determine finding

DG PSMA Part 5 PSMA s33 4 More information can be found in the amended WA Health Misconduct and Discipline Policy (OD 0323/11).

c. Authorise penalty (excluding dismissal)

DG PSMA Part 5 PSMA s33 4 More information can be found in the amended WA Health Misconduct and Discipline Policy (OD 0323/11); information about penalties can be found in the PSMA.

d. Authorise penalty (dismissal)

DG PSMA Part 5

PSMA s33 - not delegated

DG More information can be found in the amended WA Health Misconduct and Discipline Policy (OD 0323/11).

92 Human Resource Standards Compliance

Ensure compliance with relevant Human Resource standards.

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3 Legislation relevant to compliance with Human Resources standards is subject to change, and includes the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 and the Disability Services Act 1993. More information can be obtained from Human Resources Management.

93 Separations (not related to disciplinary process)

a. Acceptance of resignation

DG PSMA s67 PSMA s33 5

b. Authority to dismiss

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 - not delegated


c. Recommend voluntary severance

DG PSMA s29, Part 6

PSMA s33 - not delegated

DG Only the DG has authority to recommend voluntary severance. Authority to give final approval lies with the PSC and the MfH.

d. Medical Retirement

DG PSMA s39 PSMA s33 2

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94 Approve Leave Without Pay

a. up to 4 weeks DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4 Excluding unpaid parental leave (per GA/SC).

b. 4 to 26 weeks DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3 Excluding unpaid parental leave (per GA/SC).

c. More than 26 weeks

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3 Excluding unpaid parental leave (per GA/SC).

95 Annual Leave

Approve Annual Leave

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 5

96 Accumulation of Annual Leave

a. Accumulation of annual leave up to 8 weeks

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4 More information can be found in the WA Health Leave Liability Policy and Guidelines (OD 0233/09).

b. Accumulation of annual leave over 8 weeks

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3 More information can be found in the WA Health Leave Liability Policy and Guidelines (OD 0233/09).

97 Blood Plasma Donors Leave

Approve Blood Plasma Donors Leave

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4

98 Emergency Services Leave

Approve Emergency Services Leave

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4

99 Full Time Study Leave With Pay

Approve Full Time Study Leave With Pay

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 2

100 Leave for training with Defence Forces

Approve leave for training with Defence Forces

DG PSMA s102(1)

PSMA s33 5

101 Long Service Leave - Approval

Approve long service leave

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 5

102 Long Service Leave - Deferral

a. Public Service Officers - beyond 3 years of due date

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4 Committed dates for commencement of long service leave are required for all deferrals. More information can be found in the Leave Liability Policy and Guidelines (OD 0233/09) and the GA/SC.

b. Government Officers - beyond 3 years of due date

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4 Committed dates for commencement of long service leave are required for all deferrals.

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103 Long Service Leave - Early access to pro rata entitlement

Approve early access to Long Service Leave pro rata entitlement

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4 More information can be found in the GA/SC.

104 Parental Leave

Approve Parental Leave

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4 Includes consideration of approval of 52 weeks of unpaid parental leave, with a potential extension up to 2 years (subject to other leave being exhausted).

105 Personal Leave

Approve Personal Leave

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 5 More information can be found in the GA/SC.

106 Payout of Leave

Approve Payout of Leave

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 2

107 Purchase of Leave

Approve purchase of leave

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3

108 Special Leave - International Sporting Events

Approve Special Leave - International Sporting Events

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4 More information can be found in the GA/SC.

109 Special Leave - Candidate for election to Parliament

Approve Special Leave - Candidate for election to Parliament

DG PSMA s29, s102(1)(e)

PSMA s33 2

110 Witness / Jury Service

Approve leave - witness or jury service

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s 33 4 More information can be found in the GA/SC.

111 Authority to advertise Positions

a. Intrastate DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3 Delegation applies unless superseded by Ministerial or DG directive. More information can be found in the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy and Procedure (OD 0339/11).

b. Interstate and Overseas

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 2 Delegation applies unless superseded by Ministerial or DG directive. More information can be found in the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy and Procedure (OD

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112 Authority to employ (not promote) within budgeted staff levels

a. Level 1-8 (PS or equivalent)

DG PSMA s29(1)(g)

PSMA s33 4 If the approving officer is on the selection panel for a position, the next highest level of management will become approving officer (and if the approving officer is the DG, the MfH will become responsible). More information can be found in the Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy and Procedure (OD 0339/11).

b. SES (not CEO)

DG PSMA s53 PSMA s33 - not delegated

DG See previous note.

113 Transfers

a. Transfer allowance

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4 More information can be found in the Position Abolition: Management of Employee Transfer, Redeployment and Redundancy Policy (OD 0210/09); the Advice of updated rates for the Camping Allowance and Travelling, Transfer and Relieving Allowance (IC 0075/10) and the GA/SC.

b. Removal expenses

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4 More information can be found in the GA/SC.

c. Removal allowances

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4 More information can be found in the GA/SC.

114 Secondments

a. Intra-Departmental

DG PSMA s66 PSMA s33 4

b. Inter-Departmental

DG PSMA s66 PSMA s33 4

115 Promotions

a. Level 1-8 (PS or equivalent)

DG PSMA s29(1)(h)

PSMA s33 3

b. SES (Not CEO)

DG PSMA s53 PSMA s33 2

116 Salary Point

Commencing Salary Point

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3

Item numbers 117-124 have been reserved for use re Human Resource matters, but are not currently allocated.

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Information Policy

Action Authority Source Power to Delegate

Delegated Authority

Comments and Additional Information

125 Authorise the release of global emails

a. Within the Department

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 Dir, SD Relevant Business Area Director to approve content prior to seeking approval from the Director, Service Delivery (Dir, SD).

b. Across the state public health sector

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 - not delegated

DG Relevant Business Area Director to consult with the Dir, SD prior to submission to the DG.

126 Operational Directives and Information Circulars

Authority to issue Operational Directives and Information Circulars

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 - not delegated

DG More information can be found in the Operational Directive relating to Operational Directives and Information Circulars (OD 0001/06).

127 Information Systems - Financial

Approve 'live' operation of a computerised accounting and financial system, including major enhancements, modifications and redevelopments

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 CFO Subject to approval by the CIO.

128 Information Systems - Non Financial

Approve 'live' operation of a management information system, including major enhancements, modifications and redevelopments

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 CIO Subject to business acceptance and sign off by senior management.

129 Authorise publication on the Internet

Authorise publication on the Internet

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3 More information can be found in the WA Health Style Guide for Corporate Visual Identity (OD 0367/12); WA Health Website Style Guidelines; WA Health Delivering Information in Accordance With Disability Access Regulations (OD 0150/08); and the WA Government Guidelines for State Government Websites.

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130 Authorise publication on the Intranet

Authorise publication on the Intranet

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3 See previous note re publication on the Internet.

131 Information contained in Information Systems

a. Approve all data collected, stored, used and disclosed in Enterprise Systems only

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 ED, PAQ More information, and definitions of Enterprise Systems, Local Systems and other terms, can be found in the Data Stewardship and Custodianship Policy (OD 321/11).

b. Approve all data collected, stored, used and disclosed in Local Systems only

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 2 More information, and definitions of Enterprise Systems, Local Systems and other terms, can be found in the Data Stewardship and Custodianship Policy (OD 321/11).

Item numbers 132-139 have been reserved for use re Information Policy, but are not currently allocated.

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Legal Administration

Action Authority Source Power to Delegate

Delegated Authority

Comments and Additional Information

140 Deed of Trust

Signing Deeds DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 - not delegated


141 Requests for Legal Advice

a. Internal advice from L&LS

DG PSMA 29 PSMA s33 4 Contact Legal and Legislative Services (L&LS) for more information.

b. External advice from source other than L&LS

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4 In liaison with the Dir, L&LS - other than in relation to industrial matters, which should be undertaken in consultation with the Director, HIRS.

142 Approval of Legal Costs

Approval of litigation settlement amounts:

a. Up to $50,000 DG FMA s52, s53; PSMA s29

PSMA s33; no power to delegate FMA power - authorisation only





In liaison with the Dir, L&LS. For litigation in relation to hospitals, refer to the relevant hospital / health service delegation schedule.

b. $50,000 to $250,000

DG FMA s52, s53; PSMA s29

Not delegated DG For litigation in relation to hospitals, see relevant hospital / health service delegation schedule.

c. Greater than $250,000

MfH Executive power

Not delegated MfH For litigation in relation to hospitals, see relevant hospital / health service delegation schedule.

143 Approval of RiskCover worker's compensation settlement payments

Approval of RiskCover worker's compensation settlement payments

DG FMA s52, s53; PSMA s29

PSMA s33; no power to delegate FMA power - authorisation only

2 Subject to the endorsement of the ED, RS.

144 Changes to Legislation

Recommendation to MfH for changes to legislation, including:

Recommendations to all legislation should be coordinated through the Dir, L&LS.

a. Acts DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 or not delegated - depending on the legislative basis / instrument


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b. Regulations DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 or not delegated - depending on the legislative basis / instrument


c. By-Laws DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 or not delegated - depending on the legislative basis / instrument


Item numbers 145-149 have been reserved for use re Legal Administration, but are not currently allocated.

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Ministerial Process

Action Authority Source Power to Delegate

Delegated Authority

Comments and Additional Information

150 Communicate directly with MfH and MfMH

Communicate directly with MfH and MfMH

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 2

151 Recommendation or submission of draft responses

Recommendation or submission of draft responses to:

Responses should be prepared in consultation with the DoH Ministerial Liaison Unit. More information can be found in the Ministerial Procedures Manual.

a. Ministerial correspondence

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 2

b. Parliamentary questions

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 2

c. Cabinet Submissions and Cabinet Comments

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 – not delegated


d. Other ministerial correspondence

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 2

Item numbers 152-155 have been reserved for use re Ministerial Process, but are not currently allocated.

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Procurement and Contracts

Action Authority Source Power to Delegate

Delegated Authority

Comments and Additional Information

156 Contracts - New Services and OGS

Authority to enter into contracts for new services, including the provision of Other Government Services (OGS) required by the organisation (but excluding contracts for the delivery of Health Services):

Subject to appropriate quotation / tender arrangements as per purchasing / tender procedures and departmental guidelines for entering into contracts on behalf of the Minister for Health and/or the Director General. More information can be found in the WA Health Standard Financial Delegations Schedule and the Health Accounting Manual (HAM).

a. Less than $200,000

DG FMA s52, s53; PSMA s29

PSMA s33; no power to delegate FMA power - authorisation only

4 Excludes GST

b. $200,000 to $3.5M

DG FMA s52, s53; PSMA s29

PSMA s33; no power to delegate FMA power - authorisation only

3 Excludes GST

c. $3.5M to $10m

DG FMA s52, s53; PSMA s29

PSMA s33; no power to delegate FMA power - authorisation only

2 Excludes GST

d. Greater than $10M

DG FMA s52, s53; PSMA s29

PSMA s33; no power to delegate FMA power - not delegated or authorised

DG Excludes GST

157 Contracts - Delivery of Health Services

Authority to enter into contracts for the delivery of Health Services (which relate to the provision of health and/or community-based services by State non-Government organisations):

Subject to appropriate quotation / tender arrangements as per purchasing / tender procedures and departmental guidelines for entering into contracts on behalf of the Minister for Health and/or the Director General. More information can be found in the WA Health Standard Financial Delegations Schedule and the Health Accounting Manual (HAM).

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a. Less than $200,000

DG FMA s52, s53; PSMA s29

PSMA s33; no power to delegate FMA power - authorisation only

4 Excludes GST

b. $200,000 to $3.5M

DG FMA s52, s53; PSMA s29

PSMA s33; no power to delegate FMA power - authorisation only

3 Excludes GST

c. $3.5M to $10M

DG FMA s52, s53; PSMA s29

PSMA s33; no power to delegate FMA power - authorisation only



Dir, SWC

Excludes GST

d. Greater than $10M

DG FMA s52, s53; PSMA s29

PSMA s33; no power to delegate FMA power - not delegated or authorised

DG Excludes GST

158 Entertainment Expenses

Authorise entertainment expenses

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3 More information can be found in the Department of Health Expenditure on Official Hospitality Policy (OD 0016/06) and Premier's Circular 2006/06: Guidelines for Expenditure on Official Hospitality (see

159 Application for Exemption from TI

Preparation, approval and processing of applications to the Treasury seeking exemption from certain Treasurer's Instructions

DG FMA s78; TI 104(1)

No power to delegate - authorisation only

CFO More information can be found in the HAM (Section 210).

160 Expenditure

Authorise expenditure on OGS in accordance with established budgets:

Subject to advice from HCN regarding purchasing guidelines and SSC policy, procedures and restrictions. More information can be found in the WA Health Standard Financial Delegations Schedule and the Health Accounting Manual (HAM).

a. Up to $5,000 DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 6 Excludes GST

b. Up to $25,000 DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 5 Excludes GST

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c. Up to $100,000

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 4 Excludes GST

d. Up to $500,000

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 3 Excludes GST

e. Up to $5M DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 2 Excludes GST

f. Greater than $5M

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 – not delegated

DG Excludes GST

161 ICT Procurement - Approve Procurement Plan

ICT Procurement - Approve Procurement Plan:

Subject to advice from Treasury/Finance/SSC regarding procurement plans.

a. Up to $5M DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 CIO;

Dir, SD

Excludes GST

b. Greater than $5M

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 - not delegated

DG Excludes GST

162 ICT Procurement - Award Contract

ICT Procurement - Award Contract:

Subject to appropriate quotation / tender arrangements as per purchasing / tender procedures and departmental guidelines for entering into contracts on behalf of the Minister for Health and/or the Director General. More information can be found in the WA Health Standard Financial Delegations Schedule and the Health Accounting Manual (HAM).

a. Up to $5M DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 CIO;

Dir, SD

Excludes GST

b. Greater than $10M

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 - not delegated

DG Excludes GST

163 ICT Procurement - Approve Contract Management Plan

ICT Procurement - Approve Contract Management Plan:

Contract management plans are not required for contracts of less than $1M.

a. $1M to $5M DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 CIO;

Dir, SD

Excludes GST

b. Greater than $10M

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 - not delegated

DG Excludes GST

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Action Authority Power to Delegate

Delegated Authority

Comments and Additional Information


164 ICT Procurement - Exercise or Decline Extension Options / Price Variations

ICT Procurement - Exercise or Decline Extension Options / Price Variations:

Subject to appropriate quotation / tender arrangements as per purchasing / tender procedures and departmental guidelines for entering into contracts on behalf of the Minister for Health and/or the Director General. More information can be found in the WA Health Standard Financial Delegations Schedule and the Health Accounting Manual (HAM).

a. Up to $5M DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 CIO;

Dir, SD

Excludes GST

b. Greater than $10M

DG PSMA s29 PSMA s33 - not delegated

DG Excludes GST

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Accounting Forms......................................................... Financial Administration .................. 25

Accounting Manual

See Financial Management Manual........................ Financial Administration .................. 26

Accounting Records – Destruction ............................... Financial Administration .................. 27

Act of Grace Payments ................................................ Financial Administration .................. 28

Advertise Positions ...................................................... Human Resources.........................111

Advertising ................................................................... Financial Administration .................. 29

Annual Report and Budget .......................................... Financial Administration .................. 30

Incurring and Certifying – Authority for same officer .... Financial Administration .................. 37


Bank ............................................................................. Financial Administration .................. 31

Bank Reconciliation ..................................................... Financial Administration .................. 32

Banking ........................................................................ Financial Administration .................. 33

Breach of Standard Management ................................ Human Resources........................... 90

Budgets ........................................................................ Financial Administration .................. 34


Cash Receipts ............................................................. Financial Administration .................. 35

Certifying and Incurring Officers – Appointment .......... Financial Administration .................. 36

Certifying and Incurring – By same officer .................. Financial Administration .................. 37

Chart of Accounts ........................................................ Financial Administration .................. 38

Cheque Replacement .................................................. Financial Administration .................. 39

Cheque Signatures ...................................................... Financial Administration .................. 40

Classification of Positions............................................. Human Resources........................... 80

Collection Agency ........................................................ Financial Administration .................. 41

Collectors of Public Moneys ........................................ Financial Administration .................. 42

Commencing Salary Point ........................................... Human Resources.........................116

Contracts – New Services and OGS ........................... Procurement and Contracts ..........156

Contracts – Delivery of Health Services ...................... Procurement and Contracts ..........157


Deed of Trust – Signing Deeds .................................... Legal Administration......................140

Departmental Facilities ................................................ Facilities and Properties .................. 16

Disciplinary Process .................................................... Human Resources........................... 91


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Employment Records .................................................. Human Resources........................... 88

Employ (not promote) within budgeted staff levels ...... Human Resources.........................112

Entertainment Expenses ............................................. Procurement and Contracts ..........158

Expenditure .................................................................. Procurement and Contracts ..........160


Facilities Management ................................................. Facilities and Properties .................. 17

Fees and Charges – Annual Review............................ Financial Administration .................. 43

Financial Management Manual .................................... Financial Administration .................. 26


Global emails – Authorise the release of ..................... Information Policy .........................125


Hours of Duty ............................................................... Human Resources........................... 85

Human Resource Standards Compliance ................... Human Resources........................... 92


ICT Procurement – Approve Procurement Plan .......... Procurement and Contracts ..........161

ICT Procurement – Award Contract ............................ Procurement and Contracts ..........162

ICT Procurement –

Approve Contract Management Plan ..................... Procurement and Contracts ..........163

ICT Procurement – Exercise or Decline

Extension Options / Price Variations ...................... Procurement and Contracts ..........164

Information contained in all Information Systems ........ Information Policy .........................131

Information Systems – Financial ................................. Information Policy .........................127

Information Systems – Non Financial .......................... Information Policy .........................128

Insurance Cover .......................................................... Financial Administration .................. 44

Internet - Authorise publication .................................... Information Policy .........................129

Intranet - Authorise publication .................................... Information Policy .........................130


Job Description Forms (JDFs) – Approval to amend ... Human Resources........................... 81



Leave Without Pay ................................................. Human Resources........................... 94

Annual Leave .......................................................... Human Resources........................... 95

Accumulation of Annual Leave ............................... Human Resources........................... 96

Blood Plasma Donors Leave .................................. Human Resources........................... 97

Emergency Services Leave .................................... Human Resources........................... 98

Full Time Study Leave with Pay ............................. Human Resources........................... 99

Leave for training with Defence Forces .................. Human Resources.........................100

Long Service Leave – Approval ............................. Human Resources.........................101

Long Service Leave – Deferral ............................... Human Resources.........................102

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Long Service Leave –

Early access to pro rata entitlement ................ Human Resources.........................103

Parental Leave ....................................................... Human Resources.........................104

Personal Leave ....................................................... Human Resources.........................105

Payout of Leave ...................................................... Human Resources.........................106

Purchase of Leave .................................................. Human Resources.........................107

Special Leave – International Sporting Events ...... Human Resources.........................108

Special Leave –

Candidate for election to Parliament .............. Human Resources.........................109

Witness / Jury Service ............................................ Human Resources.........................110

Legal Advice – Requests for ........................................ Legal Administration......................141

Legal Costs – Approval of ........................................... Legal Administration......................142

Legislation – Changes to ............................................. Legal Administration......................144


Media and Press .......................................................... General Administration ..................... 5

Ministerial Process:

Communicate directly with MfH and MfMH ............ Ministerial Process ........................150

Recommendation / submission of draft responses . Ministerial Process ........................151

Misconduct Reporting .................................................. General Administration ..................... 1

Monetary Forms ........................................................... Financial Administration .................. 45

Monies Shortages or Surplus ...................................... Financial Administration .................. 46

Motor Vehicles – Government Vehicle Scheme .......... General Administration ..................... 2

Motor Vehicles – Procedures and Practices ............... General Administration ..................... 3

Motor Vehicles – Purchase / Lease ............................. General Administration ..................... 4


Operational Directives and Information Circulars –

Authority to issue .................................................... Information Policy .........................126

Outside employment .................................................... Human Resources........................... 86


Patient Travel ............................................................... Financial Administration .................. 47

Payment Record .......................................................... Financial Administration .................. 48

Pay Records ................................................................ Human Resources........................... 87

Personal Cash and Cheques ....................................... Financial Administration .................. 49

Personnel Matters – Approval of ................................. Human Resources........................... 89

Petty Cash ................................................................... Financial Administration .................. 50

Positions – Approval to create and abolish ................. Human Resources........................... 83

Positions – Authority to advertise ................................ Human Resources.........................111

Positions – Classification ............................................. Human Resources........................... 80

Promotions ................................................................... Human Resources.........................115

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Property ....................................................................... Facilities and Properties .................. 18

Public Property – Custody Issue and Use ................... Financial Administration .................. 51

Public Property – Disposal ........................................... Financial Administration .................. 52

Public Property – Other ............................................... Financial Administration .................. 53

Publications ................................................................. General Administration ................... 11

Public Relations ........................................................... General Administration ..................... 6

Purchasing (credit) Card – Issue or Replacement ....... Financial Administration .................. 54


Receipting of Moneys ................................................... Financial Administration .................. 55

Records Access ........................................................... General Administration ................... 12

RiskCover worker's compensation –

Approval of settlement payments ........................... Legal Administration......................143


Salaries and Wages – Pay Period / Pay in Advance ... Financial Administration .................. 56

Salaries and Wages – Deductions .............................. Financial Administration .................. 57

Secondments ............................................................... Human Resources.........................114

Security Documents ..................................................... Financial Administration .................. 58

Security Documents Register ...................................... Financial Administration .................. 59

Separations (not related to disciplinary process) ........ Human Resources........................... 93

Special Purpose and Trust Fund Statements .............. Financial Administration .................. 62

Staffing establishment – Authority to alter .................... Human Resources........................... 84

Supplementation of Appropriations ............................. Financial Administration .................. 60


Telephone and Telecommunication – Use of

private equipment and/or reimbursement .............. Financial Administration .................. 63

Transfers ...................................................................... Human Resources.........................113

Travel Approval ............................................................ General Administration ..................... 7

Travel Accommodation – Approval .............................. General Administration ..................... 8

Travel – Conferences / Conventions ........................... General Administration ..................... 9

Travel – Use of employee's own vehicle

for official business ................................................. General Administration ................... 10

Treasurer’s Instructions –

Application for exemption from TIs ......................... Procurement and Contracts ..........159

Trust Fund Moneys – Accountability ............................ Financial Administration .................. 61


Work value reclassifications –

Authority to classify and approve ........................... Human Resources........................... 82

Write-offs ..................................................................... Financial Administration .................. 64

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Version Control

Document Title Department of Health

Authorities, Delegations and Directions Schedule

This Version March 2013

Effective Date 10 May 2013

Review Date June 2015

Department Contact Manager, Ethical Standards

Corporate Governance Directorate

Version Notes

v1.0 March 2013

Major revision of previous (August 2006) version – update of information; reformat of layout; inclusion of new section (Procurement and Contracts) and index; hyperlinked identification of departmental information, operational directives and external sites.

The current and only authorised version of this document (the Department of Health

Authorities, Delegations and Directions Schedule) is the one available from the

Department’s intranet site:

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