
BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson AUSTRALIA Australian Holidays Have you ever wondered about Australian holidays, well now you are going to find out? Australia Day is the most important holiday in Australia. Anzac Day is about honoring the people in World War I. Queens Day is when Australians celebrate the birthday of Queen Elizabeth. Australia has just as many holidays as the U.S. &aq=f&aqi=g2g-s1g1g-s2g4&aql=&gs_l=img.3..0l2j0i10j0j0i10l2j0l4.6641l13079l0l14610l10l10l0l1l1l0l297l1174l6j1j2l9l0.frgb ld.&surl=1&safe=active#hl=en&safe=active&gbv=2&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=australian+holidays&oq=australian+holidays&aq=f &aqi=g2g-S8&aql=&gs_l=img.3..0l2j0i24l8.75005l86458l2l86974l20l19l0l4l4l0l188l1640l0j12l12l0.frgbld.&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_ pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=c576f1117f931df3&biw=1280&bih=827


culture, book

Transcript of Australia

Page 1: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson


Australian Holidays

Have you ever wondered about Australian holidays,

well now you are going to find out? Australia Day is

the most important holiday in Australia. Anzac Day is

about honoring the people in World War I. Queens Day

is when Australians celebrate the birthday of Queen

Elizabeth. Australia has just as many holidays as the






Page 2: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

Australian Day

Australia Day is the official national day of

Australia. Australians celebrate Australia Day on

January 26. It is the same date that commemorates the

arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cole in 1788 and the

proclamation sovereignty over the eastern seaboards

of New Harland. Outdoor concerts, community

barbecues, sports competitions, festivals, and firework

are just some of the many events presented in

communities across Australia.





Page 3: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

Anzac Day

Anzac day is celebrating the day when Australia

and New Zealand Army Corps fought at Gallipolis the

Ottoman Empire in World War I. Anzac Day marks the

anniversary of the major military action fought by

Australia and New Zealand forces during World War I.

Anzac Day means Australia and New Zealand Army corps.

Anzac Day remains one of both Australia and New

Zealand. Anzac is like Fourth of July in America.






Page 4: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

Queen’s Day

Queen’s Day is celebrating the Queen of australians

birthday. On the second Monday of June Australians

celebrate the Queen’s birthday. The Queen of England,

the Queen Elizabeth II, remains Queen of Australia. The

Queen’s birthDay is actually on april 21, but it is

traditional for monarchs to have birthdays from their

actual birthDay. Queen’s Day is a big holiDay for the

royal members.






Page 5: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

Australian Holiday Ending

Now you know about Australian holidays.

Australian Day is the official day of Australia.

Anzac Day is about remembering the people in

World War I. Queens Day is a Wonderful place

and has a lot of holidays.




Page 6: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

Australian Sports

Have you ever wondered about the sports the

play in australia? if you Don’t know you will

finD out in this essay. first i’ll tell you about

some of the most popular sports in Australia.

next i’ll tell you about how competitive the

Australians are to sports. last i’ll tell you

about some of the history of Australian sports.

now i’ll tell you about all these topics in this




Page 7: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

Some of the most popular sports in Australia

are some cool sports. One of the most popular

sports in Australia is rugby. Another popular

sport in Australia is golf. The most popular and

most competitive sport to Australians is cricket.

These are some of the most popular sports in








Page 8: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

next i’ll tell you about how competitive

Australians are to sports. Australians are some

of the most hardcore competitors in the world.

Also they are some of the dirtiest players. Like I

said before cricket is one of the most

competitive sports to them. It is so important

because they want to win so badly. Also like the

Americans, Australians love sports. Now that you

read do you see how competitive Australians are

to sports?,r:6,s:129&tx=145&ty=84&surl=1

Page 9: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

last but not least i’ll tell a little history of

Australian sports. Most Australian sports date

back to the 1800’s! also in 1960 australian soccer

was banned from the FIFA world cup. They were

banned because of the poaching players from

overseas. In a 2007 estimate, 615,544 people

participated in the Australian Soccer

Association wow. Those are some crazy but real

facts on Australian sports.






Page 10: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

Now that will conclude this essay on Australian

sports but first let’s recap what we talkeD

about. First I talked about the most competitive

and most popular sports in Australia. Then I

talked about competitive they are to sports.

Last I talked about some of the history of

Australian sports. Those are some of the cool

things about the Australian sports.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=e0cd7ed962469bcb&biw=1280&bih=827

Page 11: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

Australian Animals

Have you ever wondered about the animals that

live in Australia? Australia has many strange

mammals including two that can lay eggs. They

also have many marsupials including the

kangaroo. Australia has many kinds of animals

that are becoming extinct. In fact, Australia has

many different species of animals.

Australia has many strange mammals including

Page 12: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

two that can lay eggs called monotremes.

Monotremes are egg laying mammals like the

platypus and echidna. The platypus of Australia

is the only survivor of an original species which

lived 110 million years ago. An echidna is the only

native Australian mammal found throughout the

entire continent. In all, Australia has the only

two mammals that can lay eggs.


Page 13: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

Australia has many marsupials including

kangaroos and wombats. A marsupial is an animal

that carries their babies in a pouch. Koala bears

aren’t bears but are actually relateD to

wombats and opossums and are marsupials.

Wombats range from 70cms to 120cms in length.

Australia has many different types of



Page 14: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

Australia has many animals that are becoming

endangered. 10 species of fish and 12 species of

frogs are becoming endangered. Other species

that are becoming endangered are 13 reptiles, 32

birds, and 34 mammals. The reason most of these

animals are becoming endangered is agriculture.

Many Australian animals are becoming extinct

because of the advances of agriculture and need

for bigger farms.


Page 15: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

Australia has many different types

of animals. Australia has many

strange animals mammals like the

platypus and echidna that can lay

eggs. Kangaroos, wombats, and

koala bears are all examples of the

many marsupials in Australia. 32

species of birds 34 species of

mammals are among the many

species of animals that are

becoming endangered in Australia.

In conclusion, Australia has many

animals from egg laying mammals to

animals that carry their babies in


Page 16: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

Australian Foods

Have you ever wanted to know what foods

Australia eats? Well your about to find out. The

types of foods Australia eats. People who donate

foods to Australia. Fun facts for food in

australia. australia’s history is filleD with

cool, interesting facts.

Page 17: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

The types of foods Australians eat are bush

tucker, kangaroo, wallaby, and emu. I think they

got the name bush tucker from a food they found

on a plant. They hunt for kangaroo, wallaby, and

emu for food. They catch fish with a spear

because they Don’t have fishing poles like we Do.

Page 18: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

Italy donates different kinds of pastas from

overseas. Greeks brought olives and grapes for

Australia. Australians also donate foods

overseas. It is good to donate foods to countries

that Don’t have much fooD.

Page 19: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

Australians food was originally based on

British traditions. Australians have a special

cooking technique. Australians cuisine has been

DeriveD from tastes of immigrants. so it’s ok to

have different types of foods and techniques.

Page 20: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

Australians named a type of food a bush

tucker because it was from a plant. Australians

hunt for their fooD because they just can’t just

go to a Wal-Mart. They catch their fish with

spears because they do not have fishing poles.

The types of foods of Australia are important to

the Australians and you will want to learn about

them to.

Page 21: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

Great Barrier Reef

If you think Australia is cool, read this book!

Australia is a cool interesting place because of

its coral reefs. This park of the book focuses on

the best reef of all…the great barrier reef!





Page 22: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

One of the most important facts about The Great

barrier reef is that it’s the largest reef in the

world. It covers 1,960 miles of water. It has

squids in it so it goes pretty deep down. It is a big

part of the Pacific Ocean which is the biggest

ocean in the worlD. it’s a large reef but many

small fish live in it.



Page 23: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

There are many cool things around The Great

Barrier Reef. There is a cool marine park with

many cool animals. There is also a scenery park

with lots of cool things to look at. There is also

an island where many people go to live. I would

like to go there to visit and check out how cool

the island is.




Page 24: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

There are many cool things at the bottom of

the Great Barrier Reef. Human bones have even

been found at the bottom of the reef! Scientists

wonder if sharks are the ones causing all the

human bones at the bottom. The ratio is evening

out of sharks and fish because the sharks are

eating so many of the fish.



Page 25: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson

The depth of the Great Barrier Reef is over 2,000

feet! It has many

Octopi and squids in it, so it must be very deep.

There are also places where it is shallow, but

most areas are very deep. A human could not

stand without being under water in any area of

the Great Barrier Reef.,r:0,s:21&tx=92&ty=97

Page 26: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson


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"Welcome to Travel Blog." Travel Blogs, Photos, Videos and Maps. Web. 26 Mar. 2012.

Page 27: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson


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Http:// Web. 16 Mar. 2012.

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Jordan-Bychkov, Terry G. Australia. Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2003.


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Australia. Canberra: Australian Government Pub. Service, 1983. Print.

"What Is Australia's Great Barrier Reef?" About the Reef -. Web. 02 Apr. 2012.


"Wikipedia." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 02 Apr. 2012.


Page 28: Australia

BY Jaydon Butzman, Trevor Plomedahl, Ryan Mutzner, Sam Noble, Kaiden Watson