Austin UltraHealth Comprehensive Ultra-Elimination Diet · 2017-02-19 · Austin UltraHealth...

Austin UltraHealth Comprehensive Ultra-Elimination Diet Welcome to the Ultra-Elimination Diet! I am pleased that you have committed to doing the Ultra-Elimination Diet. You will be amazed at the results you will experience in as few as 14 days on the program. There are two phases of the Ultra-Elimination Diet: The Food Elimination Phase and The Food Reintroduction Phase. The Food Elimination Phase of the Ultra-Elimination Diet is when you simply eliminate the “bad foods” and add the “good foods.“Bad foods” are those that are toxic to our bodies and those that create inflammation in our bodies. Examples of these toxic foods are: caffeine, sugar, alcohol, processed foods, fast food, junk food, trans fats and high fructose corn syrup. The most highly inflammatory foods include: gluten, dairy, yeast, eggs, corn, soy, peanuts, nightshade vegetables and citrus fruits, except for lemons. Toxic and inflammatory foods disrupt the internal processes of the body that optimize health and regulate weight. When we eat these “bad foods” our bodies can be left feeling tired, stressed and inflamed. Furthermore, toxins contribute to chronic pain and increase the likelihood of becoming obese, having high blood pressure, getting diabetes and being diagnosed with autoimmune or chronic disease. In this diet, and hopefully throughout the rest of your life, you will be replacing these toxic and inflammatory foods with “good foods”. By eating the “good foods” you should feel increased energy levels, more restful sleep, reduced joint pain, more mental clarity, weight loss and an overall improved feeling of health and wellness. Additionally, the Ultra-Elimination Diet will aid in identifying common food sensitivities. Avoiding these foods will help alleviate chronic health and weight issues. Allergies cause quick physical reactions such as swelling, hives, itchiness, and difficulty breathing if you have a true food allergy you likely already know about it. Food sensitivities, on the other hand, can develop over time, often because of a poor diet and a leaky gut. The consequences of improper food choices can manifest as delayed allergic reactions (food sensitivities) and cause weight gain, fatigue, sinus problems, acne, mood swings, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Because the reactions can take up to 72 hours to occur they can be very difficult to recognize. Eating a diet low in these inflammatory foods reduces excess swelling and fluid accumulation in your tissues, which will assist with your body’s healing and detoxification processes. The main inflammatory and allergenic foods avoided by the Elimination Diet are: gluten (from foods containing wheat, barley, rye, spelt, kamut, triticale and oats), dairy products (milk, butter, yogurt, cheese), yeast (found in baked goods, bread, beer, wine, cheese, vinegar, and on the surfaces of many fruits), eggs, corn, peanuts, citrus fruits (except lemon) and nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and eggplants). The Ultra-Elimination Diet will teach you how to replace the toxic and inflammatory foods with whole, “good foods” that promote detoxification and decreased inflammation. The diet also incorporates nutritional supplements, which enhance the ability of your body’s cells to detoxify, and easy exercise (such as 30 minutes of walking a day). The Food Reintroduction Phase of the Ultra-Elimination Diet is when you will gradually add back in the eliminated foods one at a time and note any adverse reactions you may have. This is the MOST important part of the Ultra-Elimination Diet. Please read over the “Reintroducing the Eliminate Foods into Your Diet” section at the end of the Ultra-Elimination Diet. You will go over these reactions with the Mel Sotos, RD at your follow up appointment and together you will decide which foods need to be permanently avoided and which foods do not. We hope that you will permanently avoid the toxic foods from your diet and live a happy and UltraHealthy life. Wishing you UltraHealth!

Transcript of Austin UltraHealth Comprehensive Ultra-Elimination Diet · 2017-02-19 · Austin UltraHealth...

Page 1: Austin UltraHealth Comprehensive Ultra-Elimination Diet · 2017-02-19 · Austin UltraHealth Comprehensive Ultra-Elimination Diet Welcome to the Ultra-Elimination Diet! I am pleased

Austin UltraHealth Comprehensive Ultra-Elimination Diet Welcome to the Ultra-Elimination Diet! I am pleased that you have committed to doing the Ultra-Elimination Diet. You will be amazed at the results you will experience in as few as 14 days on the program. There are two phases of the Ultra-Elimination Diet: The Food Elimination Phase and The Food Reintroduction Phase. The Food Elimination Phase of the Ultra-Elimination Diet is when you simply eliminate the “bad foods” and add the “good foods.” “Bad foods” are those that are toxic to our bodies and those that create inflammation in our bodies. Examples of these toxic foods are: caffeine, sugar, alcohol, processed foods, fast food, junk food, trans fats and high fructose corn syrup. The most highly inflammatory foods include: gluten, dairy, yeast, eggs, corn, soy, peanuts, nightshade vegetables and citrus fruits, except for lemons. Toxic and inflammatory foods disrupt the internal processes of the body that optimize health and regulate weight. When we eat these “bad foods” our bodies can be left feeling tired, stressed and inflamed. Furthermore, toxins contribute to chronic pain and increase the likelihood of becoming obese, having high blood pressure, getting diabetes and being diagnosed with autoimmune or chronic disease. In this diet, and hopefully throughout the rest of your life, you will be replacing these toxic and inflammatory foods with “good foods”. By eating the “good foods” you should feel increased energy levels, more restful sleep, reduced joint pain, more mental clarity, weight loss and an overall improved feeling of health and wellness. Additionally, the Ultra-Elimination Diet will aid in identifying common food sensitivities. Avoiding these foods will help alleviate chronic health and weight issues. Allergies cause quick physical reactions such as swelling, hives, itchiness, and difficulty breathing – if you have a true food allergy you likely already know about it. Food sensitivities, on the other hand, can develop over time, often because of a poor diet and a leaky gut. The consequences of improper food choices can manifest as delayed allergic reactions (food sensitivities) and cause weight gain, fatigue, sinus problems, acne, mood swings, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Because the reactions can take up to 72 hours to occur they can be very difficult to recognize. Eating a diet low in these inflammatory foods reduces excess swelling and fluid accumulation in your tissues, which will assist with your body’s healing and detoxification processes. The main inflammatory and allergenic foods avoided by the Elimination Diet are: gluten (from foods containing wheat, barley, rye, spelt, kamut, triticale and oats), dairy products (milk, butter, yogurt, cheese), yeast (found in baked goods, bread, beer, wine, cheese, vinegar, and on the surfaces of many fruits), eggs, corn, peanuts, citrus fruits (except lemon) and nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and eggplants). The Ultra-Elimination Diet will teach you how to replace the toxic and inflammatory foods with whole, “good foods” that promote detoxification and decreased inflammation. The diet also incorporates nutritional supplements, which enhance the ability of your body’s cells to detoxify, and easy exercise (such as 30 minutes of walking a day). The Food Reintroduction Phase of the Ultra-Elimination Diet is when you will gradually add back in the eliminated foods one at a time and note any adverse reactions you may have. This is the MOST important part of the Ultra-Elimination Diet. Please read over the “Reintroducing the Eliminate Foods into Your Diet” section at the end of the Ultra-Elimination Diet. You will go over these reactions with the Mel Sotos, RD at your follow up appointment and together you will decide which foods need to be permanently avoided and which foods do not. We hope that you will permanently avoid the toxic foods from your diet and live a happy and UltraHealthy life. Wishing you UltraHealth!

Page 2: Austin UltraHealth Comprehensive Ultra-Elimination Diet · 2017-02-19 · Austin UltraHealth Comprehensive Ultra-Elimination Diet Welcome to the Ultra-Elimination Diet! I am pleased

Additional Instructions for Completing the Elimination Diet

What diet have we prescribed for you?

1. Standard Elimination Diet * Please follow the instructions in this binder.

2. Grain free Diet * No grains but starchy vegetables (butternut or acorn squash and sweet potatoes) and legumes are allowed.

3. A combination of the Standard Elimination Diet and the Yeast Free Diet ** Please follow the elimination diet instructions but limit the following:

- FRUIT to ONE serving daily (in your morning smoothie) - GRAINS to ONE CUP daily

**Please wait to reintroduce foods until you have finished 6 weeks of the yeast free diet.

Eating out on the Elimination Diet

If you choose to eat out on the elimination diet, please avoid what we have asked you to avoid while on the elimination diet.

1. First and most importantly, remember, they are there to serve you, so do not be afraid to tell them what you need!

2. Avoid all sauces on items- this is where butter, vinegar, flour, and/or sugar are often hiding. 3. Make sure they are not dredging the fish or chicken in flour before sautéing. 4. Ask for them to use olive oil instead of butter for sautéing fish or vegetables. 5. Ask for olive oil and lemon juice or an avocado that you can mash up into the salad with some

lemon juice to use as a salad dressing. 6. If you don’t see anything you can eat on the menu with the above modifications, ask if they can

make you a plain grilled piece of fish or chicken or a small steak and bring you steamed, grilled, or sautéed vegetables on the side.

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How to Get Started on the Austin UltraHealth Ultra-Elimination Diet


Eliminate all caffeine, sugar and white flour

Prepare your kitchen by throwing out the “bad” and adding the “good”

DO NOT STOP YOUR ESSENTIAL MEDICATIONS (cardiac, blood pressure, thyroid, hormones etc) without consulting with your primary care physician first.

How to Eliminate Caffeine:

1. Start on a Weekend

Ideally, you should start weaning off of caffeine on a Saturday; this will allow you to take naps if needed. You may feel tired the first few days, since your body has been relying on caffeine for energy.

2. Reduce your Caffeine Intake Gradually

For the first 3 days, cut your consumption of caffeine (coffee, cola, black tea, etc.) by half. For example, if you typically have 4 cups of coffee in the morning, have 2 on Saturday, 1 on Sunday, and ½ on Monday. This gradual elimination eases withdrawal symptoms.

3. Drink Green Tea

You can have one cup of caffeinated green tea each morning; the overwhelming health benefits of green tea override its minimal amounts of caffeine.

4. Take Vitamin C

1000-2000 mg of Vitamin C is recommended to detoxify and balance your system during this time. Take on an empty stomach.

5. Drink Plenty of Water

To flush toxins, relieve headaches, and remain hydrated, it is important to always have at least 6-8 glasses of filtered water per day.

6. Go “Cold Turkey”

Be advised that if you rely heavily on caffeine, you could experience headaches for the first few days.

Adapted from Dr. Mark Hyman

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Tips for Eliminating Sugar and White Flour:

Start the same day you begin the process of reducing caffeine consumption.

It is easiest to simply go “cold turkey” (completely cut out all sugar and white flour from your diet).

Include protein in your breakfast (nuts, nut butters, seeds, and Dr. Amy’s Shake)

Combine “good” protein (fish, organic eggs, grass-fed beef, lean poultry, nuts, whole grains, and legumes), “good” fats (fish, extra virgin olive oil, olives, nuts, seeds and avocados) and whole complex carbohydrates (beans, vegetables, whole grains, and fruits) at each meal.

Don’t go low fat; the “good” fats that are listed above have a wide range of health benefits.

Eat every 3 hours. Snack on nuts and seeds. 1 serving is a handful, or 10-12 nuts.

Drink AT LEAST 6-8 glasses of filtered water daily.

Steps to Prepare Your Kitchen:

It is best to throw out the bad foods and get the good foods before starting the Elimination Diet to avoid

temptation. Being organized and prepared will allow the process to move much smoother. Preparing

some foods in advance will keep you on track, despite your busy schedule.

Throw Out the Following Items:

Sugar (white sugar, cane sugar, dehydrated cane juice, brown sugar, honey, maple syrup, high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, glucose, maltose, dextrose, lactose, corn syrup, white grape juice concentrate)

Sugar alcohols (sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, and maltitol)

Artificial sweeteners, like aspartame Natural sweeteners like Stevia, Agave, and

coconut palm sugar Alcohol Caffeine Citrus fruits and juices (except lemon) Yeast Dairy products Eggs Gluten Corn Nightshades (tomatoes, white potatoes,

eggplant, bell peppers) Peanuts Refined oils and hydrogenated fats Stimulants (decongestions, diet pill, ephedra,

and yerba mate) All flour products (other than those specified

later in this manual made from nuts and beans)

Processed food and food additives (check labels carefully)

Fast foods Junk foods Any foods that come in a box, package or can

or are commercially packaged contain chemicals, preservatives, and other unnatural ingredients

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Stock the Following Items:

Filtered water Fish (sardines, herring, wild salmon, black cod or sable fish, sole, and cod) Lean organic meats (lamb, pork, beef) and organic chicken breasts Fresh or frozen non-citrus fruits (preferably organic berries) Fresh vegetables (preferably organic; see Dirty Dozen list in binder) Legumes (lentils, garbanzos, navy beans, adzuki beans, mung beans) Brown rice Raw nuts (except peanuts) and seeds Flaxseeds (preferably whole organic to grind yourself in a coffee grinder) Lemons (preferably organic, not pre-squeezed) Milk substitutes (plain, unsweetened varieties of almond or coconut milk)

Helpful Tips for Meals: The key to success here is preparation!! Everything you need for the week can be conveniently ordered at Greenling and delivered right to

your house. (see instructions below)

We suggest that you pick 2 or 3 days a week to be your “Cooking Days,” when you make meals for the next several days.

We have a nutritionist, Mel Sotos, RD, LD, on staff who can take you on grocery shopping tours and

pantry cleanouts. Please contact the office for information regarding these. Greenling Instructions: Greenling will deliver everything you need for the Elimination Diet right to your doorstep! Simply go to

Enter your zip code

Choose “Quick Shop Baskets”

Choose “Party and Events”

Choose “ Austin UltraHealth Elimination Diet Basket!”

Page 6: Austin UltraHealth Comprehensive Ultra-Elimination Diet · 2017-02-19 · Austin UltraHealth Comprehensive Ultra-Elimination Diet Welcome to the Ultra-Elimination Diet! I am pleased

How to Enhance Detoxification on the Austin UltraHealth Ultra-Elimination Diet

The main key to detoxification is to keep your bowel moving!

You need to have AT LEAST one bowel movement each day.

If you are not already doing so, please follow the instructions below.

Keeping Your Bowels Clear: Many people have problems with constipation after starting the program, while others may have had bowel issues their whole life. Constipation is defined as having less than one bowel movement a day. Some people only go once a week, and this is not healthy; the Elimination Diet will address this issue. Clearing your bowels ensures that your body is passing ingested foods properly and promotes weight loss. 1. Basic Bowel Care

Eat 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed a day (can be sprinkled on a salad, vegetables, or in a shake)

Take 2 to 4 100-150mg capsules of Magnesium Citrate twice a day (discontinue if bowels become too loose)

Take 1000-2000 mg of a buffered ascorbic acid (vitamin C) powder or capsules once or twice a day on an empty stomach.

2. Take an Herbal Laxative – found at Whole Foods or People’s Pharmacy

It is important to take an herbal laxative the day before you start the program, whether you are constipated or not. This will ensure that your bowels are clear. You should take it around 10 am on the Saturday before you begin, as well as each day of the program if you are struggling with constipation.

3. Magnesium Citrate Liquid

If you do not have a bowel movement after taking the herbal laxative, take one 30-gram bottle of Magnesium Citrate (you should have a bowel movement within 6 hours after taking the liquid, if not try step 4). This should not be done more than twice throughout the program. Magnesium Citrate is available at any drugstore. You should talk about taking the substance with your doctor before hand.

4. Dulcolax, Bisacodyl Suppository or Fleet’s Enema

If steps 1 through 3 do not work, try Dulcolax, Bisacodyl Suppository or Fleet’s Enema; use as directed.

5. If Nothing Else Has Been Successful

If you have not had a bowel movement after trying steps 1 though 4, see your primary care physician for an exam.

Adapted from Dr. Mark Hyman

Page 7: Austin UltraHealth Comprehensive Ultra-Elimination Diet · 2017-02-19 · Austin UltraHealth Comprehensive Ultra-Elimination Diet Welcome to the Ultra-Elimination Diet! I am pleased

What to Expect on the Austin UltraHealth Ultra-Elimination Diet Depending on how much “bad food” you were used to eating on a daily basis, you may experience some or all of the following symptoms during the first few days of the program. For this reason, I recommend starting on a weekend or even taking time off work if possible to allow for time to rest if needed. However, the exciting news is that within a few days, many people report feeling great, having more energy and weight loss.

Symptoms you may experience during the first few days:

o Bad breath o Constipation o Achy, flu-like feeling o Fatigue o Headaches o Hunger o Irritability o Itchy skin o Nausea o Offensive body odor o Sleep difficulties

After the first few days:

o Weight loss o Better digestion and elimination o Fewer symptoms of chronic illness o Improved concentration, mental focus, and clarity o Improved mood and increased sense of internal balance o Increased energy and sense of well-being o Less congestion and fewer allergic symptoms o Less fluid retention o Less joint pain o Increased sense of peace and relaxation o Enhanced sleep o Improved skin

Adapted from Dr. Mark Hyman

Page 8: Austin UltraHealth Comprehensive Ultra-Elimination Diet · 2017-02-19 · Austin UltraHealth Comprehensive Ultra-Elimination Diet Welcome to the Ultra-Elimination Diet! I am pleased

The Austin UltraHealth Ultra-Elimination Diet Guidelines


Dairy Substitutes: rice and nut milks such as almond milk and coconut milk *only plain and unsweetened

Milk, cheese, eggs, cottage cheese, cream, yogurt, butter, ice cream, frozen yogurt, and nondairy creamers

Non-gluten grains and starch: brown rice, millet, quinoa, amaranth, teff, tapioca, and buckwheat

Wheat, corn, oats, barley, spelt, kamut, rye, and canned triticale

Animal protein: fresh, or water-packed fish, wild game, organic lamb, duck, chicken, pork and beef and turkey

Sausage, cold cuts, canned meats, frankfurters, and shellfish

Vegetable protein: split peas, lentils, and legumes

Soybean products: soy sauce, soybean oil in processed foods, tempeh, tofu, soymilk, soy yogurt, and textured vegetable protein

Raw nuts and seeds: walnuts, sesame, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, pecans, almonds, cashews, and nut butters such as almond and tahini. Roasted nuts contain oils, and the roasting process destroys the “good” components of the nuts, so be sure to get raw nuts only.

Peanuts and peanut butter

Fruits: whole fruits, unsweetened, frozen or water packed

Citrus (except lemon), grapes, canned fruits, fruit juices

Vegetables: all raw, steamed, sautéed, juiced, or roasted vegetables and sweet potatoes

Corn and nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplant)

Sweeteners: none Refined sugars, white/brown sugars, honey, maple syrup, high fructose corn syrup, brown rice syrup, agave nectar, stevia, molasses

Oils: cold-pressed olive, flax, safflower, sesame, almond, sunflower, walnut, canola, coconut oil or coconut butter, and pumpkin seed

Butter, margarine, shortening, processed oils, salad dressings, mayonnaise, and spreads

Condiments: all spices, including salt, basil, carob, cinnamon, cumin, dill, garlic, ginger, oregano, parsley, rosemary, tarragon, thyme, turmeric, and apple cider vinegar

Chocolate, ketchup, relish, chutney, soy sauce, barbecue sauce, teriyaki sauce, vinegar, and other condiments

Drinks: filtered or distilled water, decaffeinated herbal teas, seltzer, and mineral water

Alcohol, coffee and other caffeinated beverages, and soda or soft drinks

Things to Watch For:

Corn starch in baking powder and any processed foods

Corn syrup, evaporated cane juice, and other sweeteners in beverages and processed foods

Vinegar in ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard this is from wheat or corn

Breads advertised as gluten-free that contain spelt, kamut, or rye

Amaranth and millet flake cereals that contain corn

Canned tunas that contain textured protein, which is from soy; look for low-salt versions, which tend to be pure tuna with no fillers

Multigrain rice cakes that are not just rice; purchase plain rice cakes

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READ ALL INGREDIENT LABELS CAREFULLY Ultra-Elimination Diet: List of Approved Foods


Apples, apple sauce

Apricots (fresh)



Berries-all varieties



Figs (fresh)










Prunes all the above fruit can be consumed raw or juiced




Bamboo shoots

Beets, beet tops

Bok choy



Brussels sprouts










Lettuce, spinach, all varieties of greens





Sea veggies-seaweed, kelp

Snow peas


Sweet potatoes


Zucchini all the above vegetables can be consumed raw, juiced, steamed, sautéed, roasted, or baked

Non-Gluten Grains, Starches and Flours



Garbanzo bean flower



Rice-brown, white, wild, bran





Herbs, Spices and Extracts












Sea salt




Cereals and Pasta

Cream of rice or buckwheat

Puffed rice

Puffed millet

Quinoa flakes

Rice pasta

Plain quinoa pasta

100% buckwheat soba noodles

Rice cakes

Brown rice tortillas


All beans except soy

Lentils-brown, green, red

Split peas all the above beans can be dried or canned


Apple cider vinegar

Mustard (made with apple cider vinegar

Breads and Baking Ingredients

Baking soda

Rice flour and gluten-free baking mixes and pancake mixes *avoid ones that contain potato starch, corn, soy or dairy

Flesh Foods

Free range organic chicken, turkey, duck

Fresh ocean fish-Pacific salmon, halibut, haddock, cod, sole, Pollock, tuna, mahi-mahi


Water-packaged canned tuna

Wild game

Organic lean beef or pork

Dairy substitutes

Almond milk

Rice milk

Coconut milk


Herbal tea (caffeine free)

Mineral water

Pure, unsweetened fruit and vegetable juices

Spring water

Oils, Fats, Nuts and Seeds

Almonds (raw), almond oil

Avocado oil

Flaxseed (raw), flax oil

Canola oil

Cashews (raw)

Coconut oil

Grapeseed oil

Hazelnuts (raw) (filberts)

Olives, olive oil

Pecans (raw)

Pistachios (raw)

Poppy seeds (raw)

Pumpkin seeds (raw) and oil, tahini

Sunflower seeds (raw), oil

Walnuts (raw) all the above nuts and seeds can be consumed as butters and spreads

Page 10: Austin UltraHealth Comprehensive Ultra-Elimination Diet · 2017-02-19 · Austin UltraHealth Comprehensive Ultra-Elimination Diet Welcome to the Ultra-Elimination Diet! I am pleased

The Austin UltraHealth Ultra-Elimination Diet Overview Pre-Breakfast on an empty stomach

Wake up and have a large glass of purified water with ½ fresh squeezed lemon

Ultra NAC (1 pill)

Ultra Liver Support (1 pill)

With Breakfast

Ultra Probiotic– 1 pill

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills

Ultra Multi without Iron – 3 pills

Ultra Omega 3 – 1 pill

Make sure you are having at least one bowel movement a day If no bowel movement, use Magnesium supplementation and other suggestions as described on How To Enhance Detoxification

With Lunch

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills

With Dinner

Ultra Probiotic– 1 pill

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills

Ultra Multi without Iron – 3 pills

Ultra Omega 3 – 1 pill Before Bed on an empty stomach

Ultra NAC (1 pill)

Ultra Liver Support (1 pill)

Hot bath with ½ cup Epsom salt, ¼ cup Baking Soda and a few drops of lavender oil

Sauna, if possible

General Snack Suggestions

Rice cake or fresh raw veggies with nut butter, hummus, or guacamole

A handful of nuts and seeds – all except peanuts

Fresh fruit – any but citrus (limit the number of bananas to no more than 1 small or ½ large a day)

UltraCleanse Shakes (vanilla, plain, or berry)

Green smoothies or fresh fruit smoothies

Crunchy oven-roasted chick peas (recipe in binder)

General Suggestions Make sure you are…

Drinking plenty of purified water (AT LEAST 64 ounces)

Having AT LEAST one bowel movement a day

Doing light exercise for 30 minutes a day

Using a sauna if possible

Performing 30 min of relaxation, deep breathing, reflection

DO NOT CONSUME MORE THAN 2 UltraClear Plus shakes a day

Page 11: Austin UltraHealth Comprehensive Ultra-Elimination Diet · 2017-02-19 · Austin UltraHealth Comprehensive Ultra-Elimination Diet Welcome to the Ultra-Elimination Diet! I am pleased

The Austin UltraHealth Ultra-Elimination Diet Day 1

Pre-Breakfast on an empty stomach

Wake up and have a large glass of purified water with ½ fresh squeezed lemon

Ultra NAC - 1 pill on an empty stomach

Ultra Liver Support – 1 pill on an empty stomach

Breakfast: UltraCleanse Shake and you may add the following if you desire:

1 cup mixed organic berries or fruit of your choice

1 tablespoon organic flax seed⁺

1 tablespoon pumpkin seed⁺

1 tablespoon walnuts and almonds⁺

Unsweetened plain almond or coconut milk

Water and ice

Mix well in blender ⁺These are optional and should be ground first in a coffee grinder

Ultra Probiotic - 1 pill with breakfast

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills with breakfast

Ultra Multi without Iron – 3 pills

Ultra Omega 3 – 1 pill

Snack: Choose from one of the snack suggestions on the Elimination Diet Overview. Lunch:

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills with lunch

Spiced Lentil Casserole* Mixed greens salad with dressing* of choice Snack: Choose from one of the snack suggestions on the Elimination Diet Overview. Dinner: Chicken with Cherries and Kale* Mashed Cauliflower*

Ultra Probiotic - 1 pill with dinner

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills with dinner

Ultra Multi without Iron – 3 pills

Ultra Omega 3 – 1 pill

Before Bed

Ultra NAC - 1 pill on an empty stomach

Ultra Liver Support – 1 pill on an empty stomach

*recipe on AUH website

Page 12: Austin UltraHealth Comprehensive Ultra-Elimination Diet · 2017-02-19 · Austin UltraHealth Comprehensive Ultra-Elimination Diet Welcome to the Ultra-Elimination Diet! I am pleased

The Austin UltraHealth Ultra-Elimination Diet Day 2

Pre-Breakfast on an empty stomach

Wake up and have a large glass of purified water with ½ fresh squeezed lemon

Ultra NAC - 1 pill on an empty stomach

Ultra Liver Support – 1 pill on an empty stomach Breakfast: UltraCleanse Shake and you may add the following if you desire:

1 cup mixed organic berries or fruit of your choice

1 tablespoon organic flax seed⁺

1 tablespoon pumpkin seed⁺

1 tablespoon walnuts and almonds⁺

Unsweetened plain almond or coconut milk

Water and ice

Mix well in blender ⁺These are optional and should be ground first in a coffee grinder

Ultra Probiotic - 1 pill with breakfast

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills with breakfast

Ultra Multi without Iron – 3 pills

Ultra Omega 3 – 1 pill Snack: Choose from one of the snack suggestions on the Elimination Diet Overview. Lunch: Leftover Chicken from day 1 Dinner OR Lentil Soup* Cabbage salad*

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills with lunch Snack: Choose from one of the snack suggestions on the Elimination Diet Overview. Dinner: Grilled Beef Skewers with Zucchini and Mint Oven roasted Parsnips* Mixed greens salad with olive oil and lemon juice

Ultra Probiotic - 1 pill with dinner

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills with dinner

Ultra Multi without Iron – 3 pills

Ultra Omega 3 – 1 pill Before Bed

Ultra NAC - 1 pill on an empty stomach

Ultra Liver Support – 1 pill on an empty stomach

*recipe on AUH website

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The Austin UltraHealth Ultra-Elimination Diet Day 3

Pre- Breakfast: Wake up and have a large glass of purified water with ½ fresh squeezed lemon

Ultra NAC - 1 pill on an empty stomach

Ultra Liver Support – 1 pill on an empty stomach Breakfast: UltraCleanse Shake and you may add the following if you desire:

1 cup mixed organic berries or fruit of your choice

1 tablespoon organic flax seed⁺

1 tablespoon pumpkin seed⁺

1 tablespoon walnuts and almonds⁺

Unsweetened plain almond or coconut milk

Water and ice

Mix well in blender ⁺These are optional and should be ground first in a coffee grinder

Ultra Probiotic - 1 pill with breakfast

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills with breakfast

Ultra Multi without Iron – 3 pills

Ultra Omega 3 – 1 pill Snack: Choose from one of the snack suggestions on the Elimination Diet Overview. Lunch: Turkey salad

Mixed greens with a mix of cannellini beans, celery, scallions and apple chunks with Nutty Mayo or hummus Cucumber slices marinated with olive oil, lemon juice and dill 2 rice cakes or ½ cup quinoa

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills with lunch Snack: Choose from one of the snack suggestions on the Elimination Diet Overview. Dinner: Broiled lamb chop Fruity spinach salad* Lemony walnut green beans* ½ cup quinoa

Ultra Probiotic - 1 pill with dinner

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills with dinner

Ultra Multi without Iron – 3 pills

Ultra Omega 3 – 1 pill

Before Bed

Ultra NAC - 1 pill on an empty stomach

Ultra Liver Support – 1 pill on an empty stomach

*recipe on AUH website

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The Austin UltraHealth Ultra-Elimination Diet Day 4

Pre- Breakfast: Wake up and have a large glass of purified water with ½ fresh squeezed lemon

Ultra NAC - 1 pill on an empty stomach

Ultra Liver Support – 1 pill on an empty stomach Breakfast: UltraCleanse Shake and you may add the following if you desire:

1 cup mixed organic berries or fruit of your choice

1 tablespoon organic flax seed⁺

1 tablespoon pumpkin seed⁺

1 tablespoon walnuts and almonds⁺

Unsweetened plain almond or coconut milk

Water and ice

Mix well in blender ⁺These are optional and should be ground first in a coffee grinder

Ultra Probiotic - 1 pill with breakfast

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills with breakfast

Ultra Multi without Iron – 3 pills

Ultra Omega 3 – 1 pill

Snack: Choose from one of the snack suggestions on the Elimination Diet Overview. Lunch: Black Beans and Yellow Rice* Guacamole* Mixed greens salad with mango salsa*

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills with lunch Snack: Choose from one of the snack suggestions on the Elimination Diet Overview. Dinner: Broiled Cod with Dill Pistachio “Pesto”* ½ cup millet Sautéed snap peas or zucchini Baked Apples*

Ultra Probiotic - 1 pill with dinner

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills with dinner

Ultra Multi without Iron – 3 pills

Ultra Omega 3 – 1 pill Before Bed

Ultra NAC - 1 pill on an empty stomach

Ultra Liver Support – 1 pill on an empty stomach

*recipe on AUH website

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The Austin UltraHealth Ultra-Elimination Diet Day 5

Pre- Breakfast: Wake up and have a large glass of purified water with ½ fresh squeezed lemon

Ultra NAC - 1 pill on an empty stomach

Ultra Liver Support – 1 pill on an empty stomach Breakfast: UltraCleanse Shake and you may add the following if you desire:

1 cup mixed organic berries or fruit of your choice

1 tablespoon organic flax seed⁺

1 tablespoon pumpkin seed⁺

1 tablespoon walnuts and almonds⁺

Unsweetened plain almond or coconut milk

Water and ice

Mix well in blender ⁺These are optional and should be ground first in a coffee grinder

Ultra Probiotic - 1 pill with breakfast

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills withbreakfast

Ultra Multi without Iron – 3 pills

Ultra Omega 3 – 1 pill

Snack: Choose from one of the snack suggestions on the Elimination Diet Overview. Lunch: Left over black beans and yellow rice or left over fish salad and ½ cup of brown rice Mixed green salad with olive oil and lemon juice

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills with lunch Snack: Choose from one of the snack suggestions on the Elimination Diet Overview. Dinner: Cinnamon Chicken* Baked butternut or acorn squash, sprinkled with cinnamon Mixed green salad with dressing of choice*

Ultra Probiotic - 1 pill with dinner

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills with dinner

Ultra Multi without Iron – 3 pills

Ultra Omega 3 – 1 pill

Before Bed

Ultra NAC - 1 pill on an empty stomach

Ultra Liver Support – 1 pill on an empty stomach

*recipe on AUH website

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The Austin UltraHealth Ultra-Elimination Diet Day 6

Pre- Breakfast: Wake up and have a large glass of purified water with ½ fresh squeezed lemon

Ultra NAC - 1 pill on an empty stomach

Ultra Liver Support – 1 pill on an empty stomach Breakfast: Breakfast: UltraCleanse Shake and you may add the following if you desire:

1 cup mixed organic berries or fruit of your choice

1 tablespoon organic flax seed⁺

1 tablespoon pumpkin seed⁺

1 tablespoon walnuts and almonds⁺

Unsweetened plain almond or coconut milk

Water and ice

Mix well in blender ⁺These are optional and should be ground first in a coffee grinder

Ultra Probiotic - 1 pill with breakfast

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills with breakfast

Ultra Multi without Iron – 3 pills

Ultra Omega 3 – 1 pill Snack: Choose from one of the snack suggestions on the Elimination Diet Overview. Lunch: Bean and greens soup*

Topped with flax oil, garnished with chopped scallions and sliced avocado or guacamole* Tropical fruit salad

Sliced mango, kiwi and strawberries, topped with shredded, unsweetened coconut and chopped walnuts or pecans

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills with lunch Snack: Choose from one of the snack suggestions on the Elimination Diet Overview. Dinner: Grilled lemon chicken* ½ cup of nutty green rice* Spicy Stir-Fried Carrots* Mixed greens salad with olive oil and lemon juice

Ultra Probiotic - 1 pill with dinner

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills with each with dinner

Ultra Multi without Iron – 3 pills

Ultra Omega 3 – 1 pill Before Bed

Ultra NAC - 1 pill on an empty stomach

Ultra Liver Support – 1 pill on an empty stomach

*recipe on AUH website

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The Austin UltraHealth Ultra-Elimination Diet Day 7

Pre- Breakfast: Wake up and have a large glass of purified water with ½ fresh squeezed lemon

Ultra NAC - 1 pill on an empty stomach

Ultra Liver Support – 1 pill on an empty stomach Breakfast: UltraCleanse Shake and you may add the following if you desire:

1 cup mixed organic berries or fruit of your choice

1 tablespoon organic flax seed⁺

1 tablespoon pumpkin seed⁺

1 tablespoon walnuts and almonds⁺

Unsweetened plain almond or coconut milk

Water and ice

Mix well in blender ⁺These are optional and should be ground first in a coffee grinder

Ultra Probiotic - 1 pill with breakfast

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills with breakfast

Ultra Multi without Iron – 3 pills

Ultra Omega 3 – 1 pill Snack: Choose from one of the snack suggestions on the Elimination Diet Overview. Lunch: Quinoa Salad or Chicken salad

Mixed greens

Leftover chicken, cut into pieces

Your choice of guacamole* or nutty mayo* Leftover Beans and greens soup Rice cakes with almond butter

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills

Snack: Choose from one of the snack suggestions on the Elimination Diet Overview. Dinner: Bison patty Parsnip fries* Steamed broccoli, carrots and/or green beans topped with flax oil and herbs Baked Apple *

Ultra Probiotic - 1 pill with dinner

Ultra Enzyme – 2 pills with dinner

Ultra Multi without Iron – 3 pills

Ultra Omega 3 – 1 pill Before Bed

Ultra NAC - 1 pill on an empty stomach

Ultra Liver Support – 1 pill on an empty stomach

*recipe in binder

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Austin UltraHealth Ultra-Elimination Diet Food Reintroduction Phase

Reintroducing the Eliminated Foods into Your Diet

The reintroduction phase is the most important part of the Ultra-Elimination Diet.

Upon completion of the Food Elimination Phase of the Ultra-Elimination Diet (first 2 weeks), you will begin the Food Reintroduction Phase the Ultra-Elimination Diet. During this phase you will “bombard” your system with each of the foods by eating one food at a time -three times a day for three days. You will also keep track of how your body responds to these foods on the following “Delayed Response Food Chart.” Tracking your symptoms on the chart will allow you and Dr. Myers to gauge which foods you should permanently avoid due to sensitivities. When you reintroduce each of the foods below, eat them at least 3 times per day for 3 days to see if you notice a reaction. A reaction can be joint pain, rash, brain fog, gas, bloating, diarrhea, anxiety, headache, or basically anything. If you notice one of these symptoms, then you should stop eating that food immediately. After reintroducing each food go back to the elimination diet for 3 days before introducing the next food. We recommend reintroducing the eliminated foods back into your diet in this order:

Gluten Dairy Eggs Yeast Corn Soy Tomato Potato Eggplant Bell peppers Citrus Peanuts

You may notice that not all of the eliminated foods are listed above; this is because, in general, it is better to permanently avoid some things such as sugar and processed foods, than to reintegrate them into your diet. The items to be permanently avoided are listed below:

High fructose corn syrup Trans or hydrogenated fats Processed and junk foods Fast foods Artificial sweeteners Foods with additives, preservatives, and colors Caffeine and Alcohol may be used in moderation (a few cups or glasses a month)

To add back in each item, you will add only one new food group every 3 days. Especially while beginning the reintroduction process, you should be careful not to add back in more than one item simultaneously; be diligent in choosing how to reintroduce the foods. For example, if you tried to add back in gluten by eating a slice of bread 2-3 times per day for 2-3 days and you notice an adverse reaction, how will you know if the symptoms are being caused by the gluten, and not yeast or eggs (other ingredients often found in bread)? To help you in this process, here are foods that we recommend you use during the reintroduction phase for each group:

Gluten: whole wheat pasta, shredded wheat cereal, bulgur wheat, rye, spelt or kamut (found in bulk at stores) Dairy: Milk, cheese, butter or yogurts Eggs: eggs, cooked in any manner (scrambled plain, poached, hard-boiled, etc.) Yeast: vinegars, pickles, other fermented foods Corn: fresh corn, polenta, grits Soy: tofu, edamame, soy milk

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