Aussie Painting Contractor February 2013

Taking Care of The Most Important Asset in Business! (Part II) The Properties of Paints Top ways to Advertise Do you Suffer From Chronic Pain Aussie Painting Contractor Aussie Painting Contractor Issue #17 February, 2013 Aussie Painting Contractor with its new look for 2013! Enjoy reading... Split-Second Distraction Causes Life-Long Consequences


The Aussie Painting Contractor Magazine is here to assist Painters and Decorators, Small Business as well as consumers.

Transcript of Aussie Painting Contractor February 2013

Page 1: Aussie Painting Contractor February 2013

Taking Care of The Most Important Asset in Business! (Part II)

The Properties of Paints

Top ways to Advertise

Do you Suffer From Chronic Pain

Aussie Painting Contractor

Aussie Painting Contractor

Issue #17 February,

Aussie Painting Contractor with its new look for 2013! Enjoy reading...

Split-Second Distraction Causes Life-Long Consequences

Page 2: Aussie Painting Contractor February 2013

Join Aussie Painters Network and Receive...

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If now is not the right time to subscribe we can still offer you a complimentary One page listing in our

‘Find a Painter’ section.

• Instant access to our pricing and estimating guides

• Quotation guide to assist you when quoting

• Work Method Statement and Risk Assessment Guide

• Personal service and phone advice

• Web Listing for prospective customers to find you easily

• Free targeted online marketing & advertising

• Back-links to assist you in SEO rankings

• Your own page with Aussie Painters Network website

• Painter Help section if you are looking for work or looking for painters to help

• Your details listed in 5 postcode areas

Over 70,00 readership in 2012!Let us bring you to each of them...

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Page 3: Aussie Painting Contractor February 2013

Aussie Painters Network is bringing you more beNefits. For only $99.97

• Get Aussie Painters Network membership PLuS

• membership Card

• Your details listed in 10 postcode areas

• Discounted Quote books and Contract Pads

• special Give-a-ways

• Discounts on training and education

• Access to Legal Assistance

in Debt Collection

• information on Work Health and safety

• invites to seminars, forums and Webinars

• And many more benefits

Aussie Painters Network

Gold MembershipThrough the provision of services

from Master Painters and Decorators Australia,

Existing Members may

Upgrade!for $50,to become a

Gold member

Page 4: Aussie Painting Contractor February 2013


CONTRIBUTORS• Belinda Ross• Caroline Miall • Greg Menz• Graeme Franklin• Jennie Gorman

• Jim Baker • Leanne Staff • Michael Farrugia • Nigel Gorman • Scott Collins• Stephanie Gadd

EDITOR Nigel Gorman



6 Editor

7 Member Consultant

8 Spreading the Good Word – Top ways to Advertise for Next to No Cost

10 New Code to Cover Government Funded Projects

16 Taking Care of the Most Important Asset in Business (Part II)

18 How to Set Your Goals and Make Them a Reality

23 Getting More Action from Your Website

24 Split-second Distraction cause Life-long Consequences

32 The Colours of a Nation

38 Training Schedule

40 Industry Idiots

41 Important Contacts






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Opinions and viewpoints expressed in Aussie Painting Contractor Magazine do not necessarily represent those of the editor, staff or publisher or any Home Painters Info staff or related parties. The publisher, Home Painters Info and Aussie Painting Contractor Magazine personnel are not liable for any mistake, misprint or omission. All information contained in Aussie Painting Contractor Magazine is intended to inform and illustrate and should not be taken as financial, legal or accounting advice. You should seek professional advice before making any business related decisions. We are not liable for any losses you may incur directly or indirectly as a result of reading Aussie Painting Contractor Magazine. Reproduction of any material or contents of the magazine without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited.

From the Editor

Nigel [email protected]

0430 399 800

Hi all,

What a crazy start to the year, with devastating fires and floods across our harsh country! our thoughts are with those that have been affected especially where there have been fatalities. We wish all the best for the clean-up and getting back on track for 2013. Remember we are here to assist you in your business and will help in any way we can.

Are you looking to promote your business? As a Member we invite you to supply your information and pictures for this magazine to profile your business and gain invaluable exposure to potential clients. Imagine being able to tell your clients that you have been featured in the only national painting magazine of this country! others that have enjoyed this spotlight on their business have found that they have had an increase not only in their turn over but also in their profits. once featured you may find you will be able to charge your worth, not just the average price of other painters. So consider utilising this magazine asanother avenue of low cost advertising.

Check out our Member benefits, you don’t need to pay $600, $500 or even $400 to get the assistance you need; you can get it for under $100 by joining us as a Member.

once again good luck to those effected by our climatic conditions and remember that we are here as ‘Your Partners in Painting’.

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Stephanie [email protected] 724 794

Visit us on Facebook

Membership Consultant

Welcome again

After an eventful weekend here in Brisbane weatherwise and in surrounding Queensland and New South Wales areas, I would sincerely like to forward my deepest condolences to the affected flood victims and trust that once again, we will shine through with community spirit with the coming cleanup.

There have been significant changes within Aussie Painters Networkduring the past two months and these changes have resulted in our membership growing substantially which shows the growing trust and faith that Painters are instilling in us.

As with any membership that offers benefits for members. I would like to remind you that, for you to benefit from our offers, you, the member, will need to access them via your telephone or computer as is fit for your own business requirements.

To become a member of Aussie Painters Network you can join by visiting us at our website or calling us on the numbers provided. We are Australia Wide, and are here to be of service to you, the contractor or apprentice to help provide vital and beneficial information regarding the industry.

Membership is completely voluntary and before you spend hundredsof dollars on membership elsewhere, why not have a look at what we offer for a fraction of the price. I know you will be surprised.

Stay safe,

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spreading the Good Word -B usiness

omething like advertising your business particulars used to be such a simple

task… I’m sure many of you remember when, as long as you had your name in the yellow pages and maybe your local rag, you’d have enough business and goodwill to keep you going. But where are people looking for your details now? With so many noses glued to smart phones for convenient info, a digital presence is crucial. But that doesn’t suggest ignoring the tried and true ways of spreading the word. With such broad differences to how people across our cultures and generations gather their information, and so much competition and financial pressure, at least make sure you’re covering all your (data)-bases. Here are some ideas, both online and ‘old school’, for a whole lot of promotion for next to nix!

Build a page on FacebookCreating a Business page on Facebook is still free! It’s becoming an extraordinary marketingtool lately and there are plenty of people offering their services to help you utilise it.. Its pretty simple though so there’s no reason why you can’t figure it out easily enough yourself. Start by adding pictures of your work, before and after shots, testimonies and pictures of your operation and staff if they’re willing.

Suggest that your friends and family and past clients “Like” the page, and any updates you post will appear on their ‘timeline’. Try to put up at least semi-regular updates which can be photos, tips and hints or observations to share.

There are lots of resources online that will help you set up Facebook for business, just use your search engine and have a browse.

Create an Occasion Host an event - or sponsor someone else’s and you have opportunities to get your logo seen. Even provide just a free (or proceedsto charity) sausage sizzle at the local shops or sporting event (check with your local council first). You can create your event on Facebook too, and many web communities have pages that do not charge to promote an event. So get community minded and put yourself out there.

Join the Twitter RevolutionDo you tweet? Twitter may not seem to be of any relevance to you and your business. But it can be a great way to promote your business. It is simple and fast - you need only create anaccount and search to start to “follow” others in a relevant or targeted field. You will find the more you follow, the more that will follow you as you start to create a network. You don’t need to check out those tweets sent to you either. ‘Tweet’ much the same way as you post onFacebook and they can be linked so a post goes out on both. You also can schedule Tweets in advance so that you can plan a steady stream of marketing ideas.


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Top Ways to Advertise for Next to NO Cost

Use your car This might sound a bit naff but just make a poster and put it in your car window. Make it look professional enough by printing it out properly; even just a simple web address or your phone number. Sometimes being seen in the right place at just the right time could be this simple. Don’t do this if your car is looking a bit worse for wear or dirty! obviously if you have the budget for it, stickers or a magnetic decal with your logo and contact details would be the way to go.

Add comments at the bottom of web postings There are loads of web forums and message boards surrounding the themes of renovations and design. Stalk a few of these with searches relating to your area and you’ll find questions from those seeking things like technical tips or a roundabout cost… if you do a reasonable job of an answer then many sites will be quite happy to include a link back to your website.

Shops & Letterbox DropsDepending on where you live, you might find that some of your local shops will be quite happy to put up a small A4 poster in their windowand some local shopping centres or supermarkets still have free noticeboards. Make yourself some flyers just using your pc. If you can make an ok flyer, then do a letterbox drop. Take it further and do a routine letterbox drop in the streets surrounding your recently finished work. offer incentives.

Free directory websitesLook for websites that offer a free listing for searching for your business. Even better if they cover your industry alone, like our own!

Visit it and promote your business at no cost. make sure you’re there!

Caroline [email protected]

Place Your Ad Here

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F eatured

New Code to Cover Government funded Projects

new Code for Commonwealth funded building and construction work was released yesterday by The Hon. Bill Shorten MP. With the aim of

providing greater certainty, the Building Code 2013 outlines the current Implementation Guidelines for the National Code of Practice for the ConstructionIndustry and is to reflect the Government’s commitment to ensuring that all participants comply with Australia’s workplace relations laws with a clear set of consistent standards.

Mr Shorten said the Building Code 2013 would cut red tape by allowing buildingcontractors and industry participants to more easily demonstrate compliance with a range of requirements relevant to building work, and workplace practices.

The Code specifies obligations of a contractor with regard to any works funded by the Commonwealth and covers ‘sham contracting’, engagement of non-citizensor non-residents, right of entry, dispute settlement and work health and safety management.

The Building Code 2013 and the Supporting Guidelines for Commonwealth Funding Entities are available at


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The sponsorship and trip to the Victorian PGA Championship was a resounding success for Aussie Painters Network. We achieved some national exposureon television networks with professional golfers being interviewed in front of our sponsored Ninth-hole signage, and the Members who joined us had a brilliantweek away.

The prize winning Members for the trip were Clayton from Wet Paint-Ting and Gary of Lancaster Painters Australia.

Unfortunately Gary had to pull out due to his work commitments so after contacting Members, at short notice we were able to find a replacement in Jim from James W Decorating.

Both Members competed in the Pro Am on the Wednesday with our designated professional golfer, Jason Norris helping with tips and jokes around the course. Both enjoyed this once in a lifetime experience,spending time with professional golfers throughout the week along with the black tie dinner and all the buzz of the tournament.

Jim offered a few words of his own on the trip:I would like to thank Aussie Painters Network for the opportunity to attend the Pro Am Victorian PGA Golf Tournament in Ballarat last week. I am not a dedicatedgolfer and was very hesitant at first to accept your offer, but then I thought, ‘What the heck, give it a go!’

When you’re on the course and look around at other players though, you realise that, ‘you’re not that bad a golfer after all’. I can tell you, there weren’t too many people hitting the ball in a straight line. I only lost 4 balls, not like someone else!

Jason, (the ‘Pro’ that played with us) was quite human too, (lol) and helped us a great deal in the correct way to swing a club (many thanks mate).

The main thing was, we had a fun week, had a lot of laughs and met some great people.

Keep up the good work,

Jim BakerJames W Decorating

Victorian PGA Championship

Left to Right Matt Stone (pro golfer), Clayton (Wet Paint-Ting) Jim (James W Decorating), Nigel, Jason Norris (pro golfer)

F eatured

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It seems that everyone is finally back and rolling (no pun intended ) into the new year.

Master Painters & Decorators Australia are no different. February is a busy month as we get our member renewal packs out to members. The packs look brilliant this year with the new additions of:• Enviro-brush from Dynamic to support our new sustainability logo and the sustainable painting practices course accreditation. All courses in the area of sustainability such as lead removal and asbestos removal can be found on our training organisation MPA Skills web site at

• Master Painter & Decorator Australia Quote book• Master Painters & Decorator Australia Drop sheet

Enviro-Brush are available through the Brilliant Group Pty Ltd

All the other fantastic benefits & services are still on offer and can be viewed on our website under member benefits at

The one thing we are stressing to members this year is to actually take a good look at what’s on offer

because there are $1000 of dollars to be saved if the membership is utilised to its’ full potential.

But that isn’t all. We continue to monitor the progress regarding National licencing and have been actively involved in the review of the Electrical and Plumbing Regulation Impact Statements, to ensure that when it is the painters turn we get the best possible deal for our industry. There continues to be lots of rumours flying around in relation to whether or not painters will become registered nationally and that some states oppose the idea of national licencing. Let us know what you think by logging into the Master Painters and Decorators Australia facebook page and answering the question. If you don’t have a face book page and are keen to give us your opinion please send to [email protected] with the “subject” National Licensing.

Finally for our members look out for your invitation to the fantastic family day at Adventure World on the 17 February 2013. This FREE event for members and their

families should be a wonderful day in the sun and water and give you a chance to meet and mingle with the fantastic community of Master Painters & Decorators Australia.


2013 February Issue | 15

helping you to be successful in the Painting & Decorating Industry.

E Master Painters & Decorators Australia

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taking Care of the most important Asset in business! (Part II)


ast month we established that you are, “The most important

asset in your business.” I also hope that we clearly showed that the painting industry has inherent health risks. It’s time to look beyond simply makinga living each day, as there is an opportunity right now to act and to make better choices.

Reality of working in a toxic industryis simple, if you don’t make changesand start to take care of yourself it’s highly likely it will affect your health. What is really bizarre, is that peopletend to only take a proactive approachto health once they have lost it. There is a fact in the wider health communitythat men will only seek help when it’s serious.

So why don’t people make changes? There are many reasons, but for me I feel people avoid taking action because of the lack of evidence (“I am not sick, so what’s the point”).

This head in the sand approach has to change! You don’t wait until your truck is stuffed before having it serviced;make time and get it done. You have worked hard to build your business,raise a family and develop a loving relationship with your other half, “don’t you feel it’s time to invest in your wellbeing?”

I am not suggesting you throw down the tools, buy a combie and start eating mung beans. I am suggestingthat you become informed and knowing where to start can often be challenging.

There are some real easy strategies that you can employ now.

Limit the exposure to Volatile OrganicCompounds or the gasses that come off paints (VOC’s). There are many customers looking for GREEN alternatives which have great market opportunities. (speak to your paint rep about the alternative choices).Wear the appropriate breathing gear.Replace the van with a ute that has a canopy on the back (separate yourselffrom the paint in the back).Reduce skin contact during wash up and during application.Try and reduce stressors in your life (What’s causing the stress).Consume a diet high in a variety of plant based ingredients ie fruits and veggies.Ensure health & nutrient absorption is optimised (we suggest you use pro-biotic food)Drink 2 litres of filtered water per day (Not bottle water).

Getting serious about nutrition is a must while you choose to work in a toxic industry. There is not enough nutrition in a pie or coke to protect your cells from toxic injury. It means taking food with you that is fresh, clean and nutritious. I would also suggestsome very specific super foods to help clean and repair the body.

Tip 2 – Start replacing all processed foods with real nutrition, yes that means avoiding pies, sausage rolls and soft drinks. Eg fruits, fresh salads,soups, free range chicken wraps.

My Super Drink Formula Energy Blend(Which can be mixed into 1 litre if water and consumed throughout the day)

• Add ½ tsp organic fermented probiotic food• Add 2tsp organic New Zealand Green Barley • Add 15mls of plant based minerals

Nutrition should be the second most important consideration after removing the toxins from your working life.

If you can’t remove the toxins the nutrition is now of the utmost priority.our practitioner team can help developa nutritional plan for you and your business.

Scott Collins Naturopath/Nutritionist

[email protected] 554 92 554.










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How to Set Your Goals and Make Them a Reality

by Jennie Gorman

etting a goal and then making it a reality are two different things. It is easy to set the goals, as most

people who have ever made a new year’s resolutions will know. Making them happen is another thing.

Goal setting is all about firstly setting goals that are attainable,realistic, achievable and measurable. Masterminding involves joining with a group of like-minded people who have equal experience to share.. The groups can be business changing and challenging, which in turn can take your business to the next level very fast offering support and accountability effectively acting as your objective ‘board of directors’. Accountability is the main aim of the group.

A mastermind group will help you be accountable for your goal setting and this is where the correct group for you will be life and business changing. Being able to share your goals and dreams with others, will keep you on track to achievement.No one likes to appear a failure, so a group will encourage and support you to achieving if you let them.

By knowing your life and business Vision and Mission will help you to and vocalise it to your mastermind group. This is the first important step to take. Then document this so you can keep yourself on track.

I then suggest an Action Plan that is broken up into 3 monthcycles. All the steps that any goal will have need to be broken into bite sizable chunks. It can be quite overwhelming to visualisea goal in its entirety, but broken down into easy steps helps make it a reality and more easily accomplishable.

Then you need to set the goals that you want to achieve to reach both the vision and mission. Your vision is the picture you see in your head that you want to create in your world with the mission being the work you need to do to create that vision.



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The goals you need to achieve must be set in their individual areas … next 6 months, 12 months, 3 years and 5 years. As the world is changing so fast, ten year goals are a long way out, but it is good to have them in place too.

It is important that you have a start and finishdate for each part of your goal. This way you become obliged to achieve what you set out to do.

Brainstorming and discussion around each goal will be effective in helping you gain the

information, resources, suppliers and maybe the money you need. It is easier and quicker to do this with a group than wasting time trying things out that may in the long term take you much longer to achieve. Use your mastermind group to short circuit and create what you want quicker.

It is important at each mastermind group session that you review your action plan so that you all keep on track. Your achievementsare important to your group and if each participant is achieving, it means that your group is flowing and a success.

Action Plan broken up into 3 month cycles.

Conneixons Unlimited works in many different areas to support and educate business people from all business types:

MasterMind Groups; Networking Chats events; NetWeaving Queensland membership; Social Media workshops; Relationshipos Building workshops; Educating via events on living chemical free and home business owners.

Copyright © 2012 Jennie Gorman

For more information on masterminding, go to

Page 20: Aussie Painting Contractor February 2013

KNOwiNG the Properties of Paints -

How important?


believe it is critical for a painter to have a clear

understanding of the properties of paints in order to select correct coatings and identify paint defects in order to remedy them.

Here are some examples of how understanding the properties of paints can assist painters in problemsolving and product selection:

Organic or synthetic pigments – these tend to be less suitable for exterior environments as they tend to fade and break down in UV light, they are also more costlier and have poorer opacity. So, by identifying a coating that contains organic pigments a painter may assist a client to overcome some potential problems later. It will also have a bearing on the cost of the project and the amount of coats required.

Alkyds – mould loves alkyds, it feeds the mould as alkyds are made up of drying, semi drying and non drying oils. These oils provide a food source for mould, this make alkyd paints less suitable for very moist humid environments.

Yellowing – what binder goes yellow when exposed to warm humid environments where little light exist? That’s right, alkyds. Understanding this, a painter may choose acrylic enamels in these situations instead.

These are just a few examples of factors to consider when selecting coatings or identifying how to rem-edy defects.

Through the National Institute of Painting & Decorating we intend to create a series of videos assisting painters gain a better understandingof the properties of paints.

We have already produced a video as an overview, click the thumbnailbelow to view. We will create more videos soon.

We will also soon have an applicationthat works on your android or iPad that will provide a quick guide for professional painters and decorators.So we look forward to providing innovative and engaging solutions to assist you and/or your staff in professional development. 1300 319 790

Article by: Michael Farrugia


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[email protected]

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Getting More Actionfrom Your Website

Every business website should have a primary goal. Something that they want their visitors to do, buy or fill out. The best way to achieve this is to ensure they know that your goal exists.

With a website, most often these goals are found through linked text, menu buttons or linked images. These are generally known as “Calls-to-action”, or CTA’s.

An example of a CTA would be a “Request for Quote” link on your website that would then send the visitor to a form where they can request a quote for your service. Unfortunately most website owners don’t take the opportunity to push this feature on all or several of there web pages and the link may only be available on one page only.

If your primary goal, “Request for Quote” or “contact us” is only found on your home page, when your visitors click through to find out more about your business they are missing the link to contact you and you are potentially missing out on the chance to secure this lead.

Essential places your CTA should appear is on every page of your website, on your blog, on any social media pages (such as facebook, twitter and Linkedin. If you have an email newsletter use this opportunity to include your CTA. Include it at the top, bottom or to the side of your main text area. Your email facility is another useful communicationtool. Use it. Include your CTA in your email signature.You never know when someone might decide to click on your link!!

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Featured split-second Distraction CAUses Life-Long Consequences

You can book a SEAT workplace presentation by visiting

Our Booking Page

Call : (07) 3435 3117Email : [email protected]

Page 25: Aussie Painting Contractor February 2013

ohn Morgan had been riding motorbikes for most of his life but a split second

distraction ended his love affair with bikes and it also had other permanent repercussions.

Six years ago, John was riding his bike from the work site he was on at Murwillumbah to the family home at Runaway Bay.

A rigger by trade, John had worked in construction for many years. on this particular day, John was ridinghome with a group of mates, something that he had done hundreds of times before. However, his thoughts were still at the job site.

“I was on the road but my mind was back on the job,” he said.

Because of his distraction, John lost control of his Ninja 900 motorbike and careened off the road in the Gold Coast Hinterland. Within seconds both John and his bike were horizontal in the air, with John collecting a signpost with his chest, which pulled him off the bike. As well as sustaining paraplegia,John’s lung, stomach and liver burst; he dislocated his elbow and shoulder; broke his collarbone and a shoulder blade; cracked his sternum; and in total broke nine ribs.

Fortunately, one of John’s mates who was riding behind him saw the dust from his accident and that his bike was in the middle of the road.

John said he was in such a bad way that he made one of his mates pen a goodbye note to his wife and two young children, which is something that still burns in his friend’s memory to this day.

“My mate also rang my wife Lucy to tell her that I had broken my arm so she didn’t panic, and to meet us at the hospital. He didn’t actually think I would live long enough to make it to the hospital,” he said.

“It was a single vehicle crash, but it ended up hurting a lot of people – my wife and kids most of all.”

Miraculously, John pulled through and spent nine months rehabilitating in Queensland’s only Spinal Injuries Unit in Brisbane before returning home.

While life with paraplegia is an ongoing challenge, John continues to work and raise his family and he isan integral member of Spinal Education Awareness Team’s (SEAT) workplace injury prevention program.

As a SEAT presenter, John travels to workplaces around Australia to share his personal experience and injury prevention messages with employees in industries ranging from mining to transport.

“To me, safety used to mean doing everything the long way. Now I understand it’s about getting home to your family,” he said.

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28 | Aussie Painters Network

Keep your cool With summer upon us, the con-struction industry is being urged to keep its cool as we prepare for a host of new construction projects and summer’s scorching tempera-tures.

It is easy to underestimate the risks of heat stress and employers and employees should start thinking now about ways of minimising the risk of overheating.

Heat stress is the total heat burden to which the body is subjected, both internally and externally.

It depletes the body’s fluids which can lead to tiredness, irritability, muscular cramps and inattention. This could increase the risk of an incident in the workplace. Heat stress can also lead to a range of medical conditions, the most se-vere of which - heat stroke - can be fatal if not treated immediately.

Remember that a person suffering from heat induced effects may not be aware of it themselves.

Heat rashA rash appears when perspiration glands get clogged, but the body continues to perspire. This is a sign of diminished cooling capacity.

If this condition appears, drink only water — especially avoid tea and coffee.

Be especially alert to further heat stress.

After work, shower in lukewarm water to help open the pores. Raise your water intake to help prevent a recurrence.

Heat crampsThese can result from drinking too much plain water under extreme exertion and perspiration. The result is a deficiency in phosphorus, sodium, or other minerals the body needs.

There is no need to drink copious quantities of Gatorade or other sugary drinks, nor is there a need to take handfuls of salt tablets. When you get heat cramps, it is due to a minor imbalance and you need only a minor intake of the necessary minerals to restore balance. Use moderation.

Some massage of the cramped muscles will speed up relief.

Heat exhaustionCharacterised by clammy skin and usually dizziness.

Heat exhaustion occurs when the body cannot perspire enough to cool its core temperature.

If you feel you are suffering from heat exhaustion, ask someone near you for help. You may be temptedto “wait until a break” or walk to the first aid room by yourself, but don’t do that. In this condition, you could easily faint and suffer additional injury.

If a fellow employee believes you are suffering from heat exhaustion, follow their simple instructions and move to a cooler place where you can sit or lie down and begin to recover. You may not realize you are showing symptoms that are apparent to others.

The employee should loosen his or her clothing to allow additional airflow.

Give the patient some water and get them to sip it slowly. Don’t let them gulp it down as doing so may cause vomiting or bring on heat cramps.

Report the situation to your firstaid officer.

Keeping Cool

For more information on heat stress and sun exposure management, or any other OSH inquiry,

do not hesitate to contact Safety Solutions WA.


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2013 February Issue | 29

Prevention of Heat StressHeat stress is an occupational hazard associated with working outdoors. Generally, unprotected normal skin burns after only 10 minutes in the summer sun.

To reduce the risk of heat stress & sunburn:

◘ Wear protective clothing, such as a wide brim hat, long sleeves & pants, sun glasses & sun screen

◘ Replace fluid loss by drinking water at regular intervals

◘ Rest in a cool place with some type of air circulation

◘ Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Heat strokeThis is characterised by dry hot skin and sometimes a bluish skin colour.

This is extremely serious, and can easily result in brain damage or death. A speedy response can mean the difference between life and death.

Cool the victim as quick as possible, with wet towels or water. Do not use really cold water.

If you are alone with the victim, call for help as soon as the victim is starting to cool. If there are others,have someone call an ambulance and report a heat stroke in progress.Do not wait for your supervisoror anyone else to arrive.

Give the victim something to drink, if he or she is able to swallow and get them to sip it slowly. Do not let the victim have anything other than water or a thirst quencher to drink. Especially avoid tea, coffee or alcohol. Do not let the victim gulp down fluids.

The commencement of a number of construction projects, both withincapital cities and regional areas is likely to see increase in the numberof local construction and fly-in/fly out workers. For these workers, acclimatising to the region’s hot, humid conditions will be a big issue, especially as many will be spending their leave in much cooler areas.

Employers need to be mindful of this and develop procedures to assist workers in the transition, along with managing metropolitan area based workers.

WorkSafe figures showed that over the past five years 90 people had been compensated for heat stressrelated injuries and that 27 per cent of these involved lost work days.

Regular breaks, provision of shadedareas, appropriate PPE (long or light clothing, sun cream, wide brim, hats etc) along with a steady supply of cool and clean water should be the minimum employers should supply to their workers exposed to the sun and hot work environments.

0466 821 [email protected]

Po Box 3711 Success WA 6964

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P: (07) 3283 8848 F: (07) 3283 8847E: [email protected] | Aussie Painters Network

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2013 February Issue | 31

Insurance Premium FundingA lending facility for business clients who wish to spread the cost on annual insurance premiums over monthly instalments so that they can smooth out their cash flow.

80% of your debtorsin your hands

within 24 hoursWorth thinking about!

Unsecured or secured by policies financed: Finance is generally available without tying up the business and personal assets. In most instances no additional security is required. Directors’ guaranteesare usually required when financing is $250k.

Flexible financing term: Terms of 6 – 12 months, smooths out cash flow by breaking one lump sum into a series of payments over the year.

Finance a variety of insurance types: Bundle all insurance costs together, such as PI, Workers Compensation, general business insurance,motor vehicle fleet registrations etc.

Budget with certainty: Rate & repayment are fixed for the term.

No ongoing fees:Upfront documentation fee, the only fee applicable,competitive interest rates and fixed monthly instalments.

Rod and Ian ScanesPhone: (07) 3278 0825Fax: (07) 3278 0894Mobile: 0421 383 314 (Rod) 0421 383 315 (Ian)[email protected]

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of a NationThe Colours

ell, that was one of the fastest holiday seasons in history, I hope you are all back on deck, rested

and ready for work.

At this time of the year I like to reflect on what has been, and the possibilities of what will come. I take time to read a book or two and take pride in the fact that I was born in this great country and consider myself to be Australian through and through, with heritage from all over the globe. I guess in essence of am a citizen of the world. I hear music from different nations that stirs my soul. I read books about people and places that nourish my mind. Sometimes I find both...

This year I am re-reading Bryce Courtney’s “The Power of One” such a great story of how small overcomes big, how one small boy can grow up amongst such hatred and yet still love. The Tadpole Angel rises, a small white English boy in a country of South Africa during the WW2, victimized at school at a very young age, best friend to a German Professor of Music and writer of botanical books on cactus, communicator to all Africans, Zulu, Shangaan, good friend to the towns Librarian. I have the CD playing in my car I crank it up - LoUD.

Imagine this, walk into a room that is decorated in the colours of Africa, the rich ochre of the earth, the black and white and yellow of its people, the blue sky the green of the grasses, and the colours of all the African animals. Sit quietly for a moment in this space and listen, can you hear it, the drum beat the chanting... the colours of Africa conjure in my mind the sound that I associate with it.


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Now imagine a room in your house painted with the colours of Africa, sit there, you can surely hear it again, the colours create the feel that feeds the emotion that created the song.

Lets travel for a moment to a different continent and different place entirely, allow your minds’ eye to take you to Switzerland, do you remember its flag, white with a red cross, the alps are surely white with snow, the lowlands lush and green, the colours are very different here, they are bright and clear, such contrast. But to me the same thing happens, I hear the Mountain Horn playing the Cow bells tinkling, the tick, tock, tick of the clocks.

Having just celebrated Australia Day, I think of the colours of Australia, the amazing blue sky, the crystal clear oceans, the scorching sun, desert dunes, the flowers of the wattle and bottle brush, our flora and fauna.

Now consider the Colours of Australia, the yellow and green wattle, the black and white magpies, the red of the earth, the colours of the rainforests, the reef, the land and our people, our people from everywhere. Paint that in a room and I defy anyone who can enter without hearing the didgeridoo humming away and the chant of the bogan “Aussie Aussie Aussie”

You are probably wondering why on earth I am painting these pictures for you and as always there is a message, it is this...

When you are painting inside a family home, ask them if there is a place they love, a holiday they’ve been on, an experience they’d like to have, and perhaps you can help create for them a sanctuary where they will go to re-live that time in their life, use the colours of the nation, use their artefacts, pictures, photos to create the perfect place where they can go to forget the world we have to live in, and remember that part of it they’ve loved.

Colour, images and music really do conjure emotions that are often deeply buried in our soul.

Your clients will think you are creative, thoughtful and respectful,just by suggesting a sanctuary within their home, where they can just go and forget, remember, forget, a place where they can just BE.

Great Barrier ReefCoral Sea, off the coast of Queensland

Australian MagpieAustralia’s accomplished songbirds

Belinda Ross Colour Transformations

0413 464 289 07 3886 4488

Page 34: Aussie Painting Contractor February 2013

W ellness stress: Do You suffer from Ch

• Poor sleep• Chronic pain – particularly neck and back.• High blood pressure and poor circulation

• Stress• Low Energy• Muscle tension and headaches.

magine if some or all of these symptoms could be improved, or eliminated, through the simple act of you re-connecting your body

to the earth’s gentle surface energy.

What if it could be that simple? Would that get you attention?! We are so conditioned these days to high tech equipment and tests to tell us what is wrong with us, and often we are left without satisfactory answers, very little improvement in our condition, and a growing sense of frustration.

But what if the answer to at least much of our chronic health problems really was that simple?

Well, for more than 10 years now, thousands of people around the world - women, men, children and athletes-have been incorporating Earthing into their daily routines and the results have been extraordinary.

And you probably have never heard of it, or the extraordinary results it is achieving for people. Earthing is no longer just the domain of electrical items or equipment.

What Does Earthing Do?observations and research to date are indicating the following BENEFITS• Reduces or eliminates chronic pain.• Lowers stress and promotes calmness. • Improves blood pressure and flow - thins blood.• Neutralizes the cause of inflammation. This improves or eliminates many of the symptoms of disorders with an inflammatory pathway.• Relieves headaches and muscle tension.• Helps protect the body against EMF’s.• Helps prevent bed sores and dramatically improves healing.• Improves sleep in most cases.• Normalizes the body’s biological rhythms.• Recovery from intense athletic activity is accelerated.


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2013 February Issue | 35

ronic Pain or Any of These Common Ailments?

Not bad considering that all you are doing is re-connecting back to the earth. It always works and you will usually feel better, often very rapidly (within 24 hours or less). It can be as simple as walking barefoot along the beach, sitting outside with bare feet, or walking around as much as possible, with bare feet, outside.

These days though, it can be difficult to get all that outside time, but there is another choice. The use of conductive devices that will allow you to be earthed whilst sleeping or working inside, thereby protecting you from environmental EMF’s whilst giving you all the benefits of the Earth’s natural healing energies.

Sounds too good to be true doesn’t it? only this time it truly is TRUE! For more understanding of what earthing is and what it can do for you, go to:

CALLGreg Menz

B.App.Sc. / Alexander Technique.Health Advisor

Mob: 0434 544 834

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Even low levels of lead are harmful...

Even low levels of lead are harmful...

Paint Contractors, Parents, Renovators, Child-care Centre Operators, Teachers, Landlords, Agents, Pet-owners:

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Order Online • print fOrm • FAx/CALL : 1800 626 086

The LEAD Group’s lead test kits are the only ones available in Australia

for testing a wide variety of samples at a lab (which charges us a charity rate so you pay less).

You take the samples, and send them to Sydney Analytical Labs. The lab analyses the samples, and we explain the results.

*The water test kit requires less lab work and a lot less interpretation that is why it costs less Prices include postage within Australia, handling, lab

charge, results, interpretation & GST.

The LEAD Group is a charity (ABN 25819463114 )


Click here for videos onHOw TO uSE THE SAMPLiNG KiTS

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February 9 Wallpaper Course MelbourneFebruary 19 Imitation Marbling and Woodgraining SydneyFebruary 22 Green Painters Course SydneyMarch 5 Wallpaper Course DarwinMarch 6 Imitation Marbling and Woodgraining DarwinMarch 11 Safe Lead Paint and Asbestos Work Practices DarwinMarch 12 Estimating and Quoting DarwinMarch 13-14 Protective Coatings DarwinMarch 18 Estimating and Quoting CairnsTBA Wallpaper Course LauncestonTBA Safe Lead Paint and Asbestos Work Practices LauncestonTBA Painters Business Management Course LauncestonTBA Decorative Finishes MelbourneTBA Green Painters Course HobartTBA Safe Lead Paint and Asbestos Work Practices AdelaideTBA Wallpaper Course AdelaideTBA Decorative Finishes Gold CoastTBA Protective Coatings Gold CoastTBA Protective Coatings GladstoneTBA Safe Lead Paint and Asbestos Work Practices GladstoneTBA Anti-Graffiti Coatings Gold CoastTBA Anti-Graffiti Coatings SydneyTBA Painters Business Management Canberra

Boom Lift Ticket, Sydney, on demand ($750)

EWP Yellow Card, Sydney, on demand ($250)

Painters Business Management Course (distance learning) on demand.

Suitable for BSA Queensland license ($290)

Certificate III Painting and Decorating,Subsidised in VIC, QLD, TAS, SA, NT, NSW and ACT

Free for painters over 50.*

Conditions apply + This course is licensed by Sustainability Victoria

National institute of Painting and Decorating7 Glenbrae Crt | Buderim QLD 4556

T 1300 319790 | E : [email protected] |

Training Schedules for 2013National institute for Painting and Decorating


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2013 February Issue | 39

Course Date Time

Establish Legal and 25,26,27,28 Mar. 8.00am to 4.00pm

Risk Management 17,18,19 June 5.00pm to 8.30pm

Requirements of 24,25,26 June 5.00pm to 8.30pm

Small Business 2,3,4,5,6 Sept. 8.00am to 4.00pm

25,26,27 Nov. 5.00pm to 8.30pm

2,3,4 Dec. 5.00pm to 8.30pm

Prepare Surfaces for 4,5,6,7,8 Feb. 8.00am to 4.00pm

Painting PRB Colour 11 Feb. -Rev* 8.00am to 12.00pm

& Wall Papering 12 Feb – Exam 8.00am to 12.00pm

13 Feb. - Resit 8.00am to 12.00pm

8,9,10 April 5.00pm to 8.30pm

15,16,17 April 5.00pm to 8.30pm

23,24,25 April 5.00pm to 8.30pm

29 April – Rev* 8.00am to 12.00pm

30 April – Exam 8.00am to 12.00pm

1 May - Resit 8.00am to 12.00pm

15,16,17,18,19 July 8.00am to 4.00pm

22 July - Rev* 8.00am to 12.00pm

23 July- Exam 8.00am to 12.00pm

24 July – Resit 8.00am to 12.00pm

16,17,18 Sept. 5.00pm to 8.30pm

23,24,25 Sept. 5.00pm to 8.30pm

1,2 October 5.00pm to 8.30pm

7 Oct. – Rev* 8.00am to 12.00pm

8 Oct. - Exam 8.00am to 12.00pm

9 Oct. - Resit 8.00am to 12.00pm

Identify and Produce 26,27 Feb. 8.00am to 4.00pm

Estimated costs for 5,6,7,8 March 8.00am to 4.00pm

building & construction 2,3 April 8.00am to 4pm

projects 7,8 May 8.00am to 4pm

14,15 May 8.00am to 4pm

20,21,22 May 5.00pm to 8.30pm

27,28,29 May 5.00pm to 8.30pm

4,5 June 5.00pm to 8.30pm

11,12 June 8.00am to 4pm

6,7 Aug. 8.00am to 4pm

12,13,14,15,16 Aug. 8.00am to 4.00pm

10,11 Sept. 8.00am to 4pm

15,16 Oct. 8.00am to 4pm

22,23 Oct. 8.00am to 4pm

28,29,30 Oct. 5.00pm to 8.30pm

4,5,6 Nov. 5.00pm to 8.30pm

11,12,13 Nov. 5.00pm to 8.30pm

26,27 Nov. 8.00am to 4pm

10,11 Dec. 8.00am to 4pm

Course in Sustainable 26-Feb 8.00am to 4.00pm

Painting Practices 2-Jul 8.00am to 4.00pm

12-Nov 8.00am to 4.00pm

Remove Graffiti & Apply 16,17 April 8.00am to 4.00pm

Protective Coatings 6,7 Aug. 8.00am to 4pm

26,27 Nov. 8.00am to 4pm

Course in Restricted 28-Feb 8.00am to 4.00pm

Asbestos Removal 4-Jul 8.00am to 4.00pm

13-Nov 8.00am to 4.00pm

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The Industry idiots

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2013 February Issue | 41

Aussie Painters Ph. 0430 399 800

master Painters & Decorators Ph. 08 9471 6662

Australian tax office Ph. 13 72 26 / Ph. 13 28 65 Award rates Ph. 13 13 94 fair Work building & Ph. 1800 003 338mates in Ph. 1300 642 111

Important Contacts


(02)6207300013 10 501800 019 1151300 369 9151300 365 2551800 136 0891300 307 877

Workplace Health and Safety ContactsSTATE Website Phone

Cancer Council AustraliaSTATE Website PhoneACTNSWNTQLDSAVICWA

(02) 6257 9999 (02) 9334 1900 (08) 8927 4888 (07) 3634 5100 (08) 8291 4111 (03) 9635 5000(08) 9212 4333

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