Aus Bibliography on Event Management (1)

7/21/2019 Aus Bibliography on Event Management (1) 1/36 AUSTRALIAN CENTRE FOR EVENT MANAGEMENT EVENT MANAGEMENT: AN AUSTRALIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY COMPILED BY: Johnny Allen Director ACEM School of Leisure, Sport and Tourism University of Technology, Sydney Rob Harris Director, Continuing Professional Education School of Leisure, Sport and Tourism University of Technology, Sydney Monique Huyskens Project Officer Australian Centre for Event Management University of Technology, Sydney 2001 University of Technology, Sydney 


event managemtn

Transcript of Aus Bibliography on Event Management (1)

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Johnny AllenDirector ACEM

School of Leisure, Sport and Tourism

University of Technology, Sydney

Rob HarrisDirector, Continuing Professional Education

School of Leisure, Sport and Tourism

University of Technology, Sydney

Monique HuyskensProject Officer 

Australian Centre for Event Management

University of Technology, Sydney


University of Technology, Sydney 

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© 2001

Australian Centre for Event Management

School of Leisure, Sport and Tourism

University of Technology, Sydney

PO Box 222Lindfield NSW 2070

Tel: 9514 5116

Fax: 9514 5195

ISBN: 1 86365 567 0

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Bibliographies, while never complete in their coverage, are useful in a‘broad brush’ sense in capturing the current state of play in a particular area

of research. This publication seeks to do this in the context of the

Australian event field.

The publication of this bibliography is designed to coincide with the

holding of the first Australian conference dealing with research in the events

area – Events Beyond 2000: Setting the Agenda.

It is intended to produce a more extensive version of this publication in2001. To this end, participants in the conference and other users of the

 bibliography, are encouraged to add to the listings of event research and

 publications. A page has been provided at the end of the bibliography for 

this purpose.

References to the Olympic Games are not included in this bibliography,

and can be found in:

Burkhardt, A, Toohey, K. and Veal, A. (1995)  The Olympic Games: A Bibliography, Centre for Leisure and Tourism Studies, University of 

Technology, Sydney, Lindfield, NSW.

This bibliography is updated periodically and is available electronically at:

We hope that you find this bibliography useful in the context of reviewingand locating relevant literature on the events field.

 Rob Harris

Australian Centre for Event Management

School of Leisure, Sport and Tourism

University of Technology, Sydney

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This bibliography has been organised into general research areas that relate to the event field,

and into event type classifications. If articles are identified as belonging to two or more

categories, it has been listed under multiple headings.


GENERAL RESEARCH AREAS..................................................................................2

GENERAL MANAGEMENT ISSUES....................................................................................2


R EVENUER AISING/MERCHANDISING...............................................................................6

CONSUMER /ATTENDEE/PARTICIPANT BEHAVIOUR ..........................................................6

EVENT OPERATIONS/LOGISTICS......................................................................................7

R ISK MANAGEMENT/LEGAL ISSUES................................................................................8

TRAINING/EDUCATION ...................................................................................................8

HUMAN R ESOURCES/VOLUNTEERS ...............................................................................10

ECONOMIC IMPACTS/EVALUATION ..............................................................................10

COMMUNITY IMPACTS.................................................................................................15

E NVIRONMENTAL IMPACT............................................................................................17

URBAN R ENEWAL/IMAGE.............................................................................................17

EVENT TOURISM...........................................................................................................18

OTHER R ESEARCH........................................................................................................19

TYPES OF EVENT........................................................................................................20

HALLMARK /MEGA EVENTS..........................................................................................20

SPORTING EVENTS........................................................................................................21

SPECIAL EVENTS/CULTURAL EVENTS/FESTIVALS ..........................................................25


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Appleby, L. 1991, 'Special events management - the challenges',  Proceedings of the

Sportswomen Step Forward Conference, 28-30 June, Australian Sports

Commission, Canberra, pp. 114-121.

Carlsen, J. 1995, 'Gathering information: meetings and convention sector research in

Australia', Journal of Tourism Studies, vol. 6, no.2, pp. 21-29.

Carlsen, J. 1999, 'A review of MICE industry evaluation and research in Asia and Australia

1988-1998', Journal of Convention and Exhibition Management, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 51-66.

Gamage, A. & Higgs, B. 1997, 'Economics of venue selection for special sporting events:

with special reference to the 1996 Melbourne Grand Prix',  Asia Pacific Journal of 

Tourism Research, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 15-26.

Giblin, D. 1995,  Investigations of Success Factors of a Major Art Exhibition, Masters

Thesis, Victoria University of Technology.

Hoad, T. 1992, 'Successful event management for sporting associations',  Proceedings of Sports Industry Conference, AIC Conferences, Sydney, pp. 1-3.

Kirchner, K. & Molloy, J. 2000, 'Wagner’s Ring Cycle: an insight into an international high

quality special event', in  Peak Performance: Proceedings of the Tenth Australian

Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, Council for Australian

University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE), p. 50 (abstract only)

McDonnell, I., Allen, J. & O’Toole, W. 1999,  Festival and Special Event Management ,

John Wiley and Sons, Brisbane.

Meeting Industry Association Australia, 1997  Professional management of meetings,

conferences and events, MIAA, Sydney

McCabe, V. & Weeks, P. 1999, 'Convention services management in Sydney four to five

star hotels', Journal of Convention and Exhibition Management, vol. 1, no. 4, pp.


Meeting Industry Association Australia, 1997  Professional management of meetings,

conferences and events, MIAA, Sydney

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Sharry, S. 1997, 'A super win',  Australian Leisure Management , vol.1, no.3, pp. 30-32.


South Australian Tourism Commission 1982, Planning Special Events and Festivals, South

Australian Department of Tourism, Adelaide

Stokes, R. 1996, 'Developing an events tourism portfolio model', in Tourism and Hospitality

 Research, Australian and International Perspectives: Working Papers from the

 Australian Tourism and Hospitality Conference, ed G. Prosser, Bureau of 

Tourism Research, Canberra, p. 89 (abstract only).

Tourism South Australia, 1990, Planning of Festivals and Special Events, South Australian

Department of Tourism, Adelaide.


Australian Travel Research Workshop 1987, The Impact and Marketing of Special 

 Events: Papers of the Australian Travel Research Workshop, Mt Buffalo Chalet,

Victoria, 12-14 November 1986 , Australian Standing Committee on Tourism,


Barkla, B, 1985 How to get what you want from the media : by giving them what they

want , Western Australian Government, Department for Sport and Recreation,

Wembley, Western Australia

Beauregard, L.E. 1997, Calendar of Special Events in New South Wales, Community

Information Association of NSW, Sydney.

Hannan, G. & Jolly, M. 1993, 'Creating and marketing major sporting events: the IMG

Australia step-by-step approach to successful event marketing, in  Maximising 

 Marketing Opportunities in Sports and Arts Sponsorship, IES Conferences

Australia, Sydney, pp. 91-95.

Jago, L. & Shaw, R. 1995, 'Special event calendars: some exploratory research',  Festival  Management and Event Tourism, vol. 3, no.3, pp. 49-58.

Jago, L. & Shaw, R. 1996, 'Special event calendars: conceptual and research issues', in

 National Tourism & Hospitality Conference: Proceedings from the Australian

Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, ed R. Shaw, Bureau of Tourism

Research, Canberra, pp. 60-73.

Keonig, U. & Whitelaw, P. 1998, 'Why I love pain: marketing long distance endurance

events: a case study of Australia’s largest cross country skiing event', in Tourism and 

 Hospitality: Delighting the Senses 1999, Part 2: Proceedings of the Ninth Australian Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, Council for 

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 Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE), eds J.

Molloy & J. Davies, Bureau of Tourism Research, Canberra, p. 6 (abstract only).

King, B. 1999, Convention and Meeting Market Segmentation in Hong Kong, Masters

Thesis, Victoria University of Technology.

Shilbury, D, Quick, S & Westerbeet, H, 1998, Strategic Sport Marketing , Allen & Unwin,

St Leonards, NSW.

Silbert, P, 1996 Go public : how to promote exhibitions, events & venues, Art on the

Move, Perth

Smith, E. 1987, 'Marketing techniques for hallmark events (the First Australian Defence of the

America’s Cup)', in The Impact and Marketing of Special Events: Papers of the

 Australian Travel Research Workshop, Mt. Buffalo Chalet, Victoria, 12-14

 November , Australian Standing Committee on Tourism, Canberra, pp. 76-96.

Tanabe, L. Green, C. & Chalip. L. 1998, 'Target marketing of sport events with multiple

competitions: lessons from the Gold Coast marathon', in  Proceedings of the Eighth

 Australian Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference   Part II, eds B.

Faulkner, C. Tideswell & D. Weaver, Bureau of Tourism, Canberra, pp. 441-442.

Victoria. Dept. of Sport and Recreation 1987  Marketing sport and recreation in country

regions, P roceedings of a seminar: 'Special Event Marketing', held on 15 and 16 July

1987 at the Warrnambool Performing Arts Centre, Dept. of Sport and Recreation,


Wells, J. & Dunn J. 1991, 'Marketing research for a hallmark event to maximise tourism

 benefits', in The Benefits and Costs of Tourism: Proceedings of a National 

Tourism Research Conference held at Marine Resort, Nelson Bay, New South

Wales, October 3-4 1991, ed P.J. Stanton, University of Newcastle, Newcastle,

 NSW, pp. 275-289.

Yaman, R. 1997, 'Marketing for events: a framework for study', in (comp.) R. Yaman & L.

Jago, Marketing for Events: Selected Readings, Victoria University of Technology,

Melbourne, pp. 1-7.

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Australian Society of Association Executives 1994,  A Guide to Sponsorship for 

 Associations: Sponsorship & Endorsement, How to Win and Retain It, the Risks Involved, and What it Means for Your Name and Logo, Australian Society of 

Association Executives, NSW Division, [Homebush, NSW].

Australian Sports Commission 1993, Volunteer Management: A National Framework:

 Incorporating the Volunteer Involvement Program and the Club Planning 

 Program, The Commission, Canberra.

Elliott, J. & Hanson, I. 1993, 'Event marketing - an insider’s guide to exploiting sponsorship

deals in the media', in  Maximising Marketing Opportunities in  Sports and Arts

Sponsorship, IES Conferences Australia, Sydney, NSW, pp. 81-90.

Geldard, E. & Sinclair, L. 1996, The Sponsorship Manual, The Sponsorship Unit, Victoria.

Hamill, A. 1990, 'Sports sponsorship - the development of selection and evaluation criteria',

Sports Management and Marketing, Australian Investment Conferences, Sydney,

 NSW, pp. 1-16.

 Maximising Marketing Opportunities in Sports and Arts Sponsorship: New and Highly

 Innovative Marketing Strategies for Maximum Corporate and Brand Exposure,

1993, IES Conferences Australia, Sydney, NSW.

Peppard, F. 1993, 'Understanding the effectiveness of sports and arts sponsorship as a

flexible marketing and communication medium - Melbourne Symphony Orchestra', in

op.cit., Maximising Marketing Opportunities in Sports and Arts Sponsorship, pp.


Poulos, J. 1992, 'Broadcasting and media rights: choosing your sponsor, what risks does it

and could it bring?', Sport and the Law - Happy Partnership or Forced Marriage,

2-4 July, ANZSLA Conference, Sydney, NSW, pp.1-12.

Skildum-Reid, K. & Grey, A. 1999 Sponsorship seekers toolkit, McGraw-Hill, Sydney

Sweaney, K. 1997 ‘Sponsorship Trends’,  Australian Leisure Management, vol. 1, no. 3,

 pp. 18-19

Yann Campbell Hoare Wheeler Research 1996, Corporate Support for the Arts 1996:

 Report of a National Business Survey, with Comparisons to Earlier Surveys in

1986, 1989 and 1993, Australia Council, Redfern, NSW.

Zubin, R. 1995, 'Sponsorship of major events', Australian Leisure, vol. 6, no.4, pp. 3-5.

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Bannah, A. 198-,  Money Making Miracles: the Case for Special Events, Fund Raising

Resource Centre, Forbes, NSW.

Harrison, B.J. 1995, 'Are special events lost in the land of Oz?',  Nonprofit World , vol. 13,

no.4, pp. 10-13.



Boag, A. J., Cuskelly, G., & McIntyre, N. (1994). Expectations and Motivations of MastersGames Competitors, in Playing On: The Proceedings of the National Forum on

Mature Aged Sport (pp. 11-21).Australian Sports Commission, Canberra

Cunneen, C. & Lynch, R. 1988, 'The social meaning of conflict in riots at the Australian

Grand Prix Motorcycle Races', Leisure Studies, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1-19.

Department of Communications and the Arts, 1997,  Attendance at Festivals November 

1995 to September 1996, Department of Communications and the Arts, Canberra.

Hamill, A. 1997, ‘The mood of the Australian consumer as we move towards the newmillenium’, paper delivered to The Big Event New South Wales Tourism Conference,

Wollongong, NSW

Han, T. K., Fredline, L., & Raybould, M. (2001).  Expectations and Satisfactions of 

 Participants in a Youth Sporting Event.  Working paper presented at the

Capitalising Research. Proceedings of the Eleventh Tourism and Hospitality Research

Conference, Canberra, 57

Heyward, M., Karsten, H., Schmidt, M., Taylor, N., & Wheeler, I. 1999, 'It’s a long way to

the shop, if you want a sausage roll: investigating factors that affect the purchase of food at a rock concert', in Tourism and Hospitality: Delighting the Senses 1999,

 Part 2: Proceedings of the Ninth Australian Tourism and Hospitality Research

Conference, Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality

 Education (CAUTHE), eds J. Molloy & J. Davies, Bureau of Tourism Research,

Canberra, p. 87 (abstract only).

Huygens, J. 1985, '1984 Adelaide festival fringe: research study - audience and participants' ,

 Maximising Marketing Opportunities in Sports and Arts Sponsorship, SA

Department of Labour, Adelaide, pp. 1-10.

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Jago, L. & Shaw, R. 1996, 'Predicting consumer behaviour in relation to special events', in

Tourism and Hospitality Research: Australian and International Perspectives:

Working Papers from the Australian Tourism and Hospitality Research

Conference, ed G. Prosser, Bureau of Tourism Research, Canberra, p. 42 (abstract


Jago, L. 1997, Special Events and Tourism Behaviour: A Conceptualisation and an

 Empirical Analysis from a Values Perspective, Phd Thesis, Victoria University of 


Lynch, R. 1991, 'Disorder on the sidelines of Australian sport', Sporting Traditions, vol. 8,

no.1, pp.50-75.

Mason, I. 1997, The audience at the 43rd Melbourne International Film Festival; A

 Psychographic Analysis, Masters Thesis, Victoria University of Technology.

McLeod, J. 1993, The Identification of Key Variables which Impact on Patron Demand 

at Major Special Events, Masters Thesis, Victoria University of Technology.

Raybould, M. 1998, Participant motivation in a remote fishing event,  Festival Management 

and Event Tourism, vol. 5, pp. 231-241.

Raybould, M. 1998, 'Motivation of event participation in a remote fishing event', in  Progress

in Tourism and Hospitality Research 1998 Part 2: Proceedings of the Eighth

 Australian Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, eds B. Faulkner, C.

Tidswell & D. Weaver, Bureau of Tourism Research, Canberra, p. 461 (abstract


Veno, A. & Veno, E. 1992, 'Managing public order at the Australian Motorcycle Grand

Prix', American Journal of Community Psychology, vol. 20, no.3, pp. 287-308.

Williams, J. & Van de Lee, P. 1986,  Report on a Survey to Visitors to the 1985

 Australian Formula One Grand Prix Adelaide November 1985, South Australia

Department of Tourism, Adelaide.


Bureau of Tourism Research, 1998 Measuring MICE industry infrastructure: a report, a

report to the Tourism Forecasting Council, BTR, Canberra

Graf, R. 1990, 'The synergy between major sporting events and facilities', Sports

 Management and Marketing , Australian Investment Conferences, Sydney, NSW,

 pp. 1-22.

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Perth Convention Bureau 1997,  Feasibility Study into the Development of a Dedicated 

Convention and Visitor Centre, Perth Convention Bureau, Perth.

Queensland Folk Federation Incorporated, 1997, Operational and Site Management Plan,


Raybould, M., Mules, T., Fredline, E. & Tomljenovic, R. 1999, 'Counting the herd:

applications of aerial photography to crowd estimates at open events', in Tourism

and Hospitality: Delighting the Senses 1999, Part 2: Proceedings of the Ninth

 Australian Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, Council for 

 Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE), eds J.

Molloy & J. Davies, Bureau of Tourism Research, Canberra, p.7 (abstract only).

Raybould, M., Mules, T., Fredline, E. & Tomljenovic, R. 2000, 'Counting the herd: using

aerial photography to estimate attendance at open events',  Event Management: An

 International Journal , vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 25-32.

Tonge, R. 1998,  How to Organise Special Events & Festivals: A Practical Guide  for 

 Non-profit Clubs & Associations, Gull Pub., Coolum Beach, Queensland.

Tonge, R. 2000,  How to Organise Special Events & Festivals: A Practical Guide  for 

 Non-profit Clubs & Associations, 3rd  edition, Gull Pub., Coolum Beach,


Williams, H.1996, 'Staging events',  Australian and New Zealand Tourism Professional ,

April, pp.10-11.

Weigama, P., Mills, G. & Ernst, A. 1998, 'Scheduling appointments at tourism events', in

Tourism and Hospitality: Delighting the Senses 1999, Part 2: Proceedings of the

 Ninth Australian Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, Council for 

 Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE), eds J.

Molloy & J. Davies, Bureau of Tourism Research, Canberra, p. 41 (abstract only).


Horsley, M. 1998 Horsley's meetings : procedure, law and practice,Butterworths, Sydney

Maxwell, T. 1992, 'Major events: rights and obligations of international and national sporting

 bodies', Sport and the Law - Happy Partnership or Forced Marriage, 2-4 July,

ANZSLA Conference, Sydney.


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Harris, R. 1997, Tourism Events Education and Training Audit , Tourism New South

Wales, Sydney.

Harris, R. 1998, 'Education and training needs in the Australian public events sector', in

 Proceedings of New Zealand Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference:

Third Biennial Conference: Advances in Research Part 11, ed J. Kandampully,Lincoln University, Christchurch, pp. 17

Harris, R. & Jago, L. 1999, 'Event education and training in Australia: the current state of 

 play', Australian Journal of Hospitality Management , Autumn, vol. 6, p. 45.

Jago, L., & Harris, R. (2001).  Event education in Australia: demand versus supply.

Working paper presented at the Capitalising Research. Proceedings of the Eleventh

Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, Canberra, 64

McCabe, V. (2001).  Educating MICE in Australia: an exploration of issues relating to

the curriculum design, development, and delivery of a meetings, incentives,

convention and exhibition (MICE) course within a regional university in

 Australia. Working paper presented at the Capitalising Research. Proceedings of the

Eleventh Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, Canberra, 87

Harris, R. & Jago, L. 1999, 'Event management education and training in Australia : the

current state of play', in Tourism and Hospitality: Delighting the Senses 1999,

 Part 2: Proceedings of the Ninth Australian Tourism and Hospitality Research

Conference, Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality

 Education (CAUTHE), eds J. Molloy & J. Davies, Bureau of Tourism Research,

Canberra, p. 4 (abstract only).

Perry, M., Foley, P. & Rumpf, P. 1996, 'Events management: an emerging challenge in

Australian higher education', Festival Management and Event Tourism , vol. 4, no.

3/4, pp. 85-93.

Royal, C. 1998, The Special Events Practitioners' Perspective of Accreditation: Is it 

 Essential , Masters Thesis, Victoria University of Technology.

Royal, C. & Jago, L. 1998, 'Special event accreditation: the practitioners’ perspective', in

Tourism and Hospitality: Delighting the Senses 1999, Part 2: Proceedings of the

 Ninth Australian Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, Council for 

 Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE), eds J.

Molloy & J. Davies, Bureau of Tourism Research, Canberra, p. 8 (abstract only).

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Barwick, J. et al (eds) 1994, Volunteer Management for Organisations, Australian SportsCommission, Canberra.

Flashman, R. & Quick, S. 1985, ‘Altruisim is not dead: a specific analysis of volunteer 

motivation’, in ed. L. Moore, Motivating Volunteers, Vancouver Volunteer Centre,


Hodges, J. & Carlsen, J. 1998, 'A tale of two festivals: volunteer motivations and

expectations at two Australian Folk Festivals', in  Progress in Tourism and 

 Hospitality Research 1998: Proceedings of the Eighth Australian Tourism and 

 Hospitality Research Conference  Part 2, eds B. Faulkner, C. Tidswell & D.Weaver, Bureau of Tourism Research, Canberra, p. 443 (extended abstract only).

McCabe, V. (2001). Career paths and labour mobility. Working paper presented at the

Capitalising Research. Proceedings of the Eleventh Tourism and Hospitality Research

Conference, Canberra, 89

Pocklington, J. & Noesjirwan, J. 1986,  Managing Volunteers: Community Organisations

 Project, Kuring-gai College of Advanced Education, Lindfield, NSW.


Arnold, A. 1986 ‘The Impact of the Grand Prix on the Transport Sector’ in Burns, J., Hatch,

J. & Mules, T. eds. The Adelaide Grand Prix: The Impact of a Special Event ,

Centre for South Australian Economic Studies, Adelaide, pp. 58-80

Australian Travel Research Workshop 1987, The Impact and Marketing of Special 

 Events: Papers of the Australian Travel Research Workshop, Mt Buffalo Chalet,

Victoria, 12-14 November 1986 , Australian Standing Committee on Tourism,Canberra.

Barron, V. 1996, 'Research on the impact of convention delegates on the Tasmanian

economy' , paper presented to MIAA National Conference, Hobart, Australia, 1996.

Bentick, B. 1986 ‘The role of the Grand Prix in promoting South Australian

entrepreneurship; exports and the terms of trade’ in Burns, J., Hatch, J. & Mules, T.

eds. The Adelaide Grand Prix: The Impact of a Special Event , Centre for South

Australian Economic Studies, Adelaide, pp. 169-183

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Bishop, G. & Hayles, J. 1986 ‘The Impact of the Grand Prix on the Accommodation

Sector’ in Burns, J., Hatch, J. & Mules, T. eds. The Adelaide Grand Prix: The

 Impact of a Special Event , Centre for South Australian Economic Studies,

Adelaide, pp. 82-92

Bray-Kelsey, O.J. 1995, The Economic Impact of Opera Tourism Including a CaseStudy of the 1992 Ballarat Opera Festival , Victoria University of Technology,

Footscray, Victoria.

Burns, J., Hatch, J. & Mules, T. 1986, eds. The Adelaide Grand Prix: The Impact of a

Special Event , Centre for South Australian Economic Studies, Adelaide.

Burns, J. & Mules, T. 1986, ‘A Framework for the Analysis of Major Special Events’, in J.

Burns, J. Hatch. & T. Mules, eds. The Adelaide Grand Prix: The Impact of a

Special Event , Centre for South Australian Economic Studies, Adelaide, pp. 5-37

Centre for Applied and Business Research 1986 , America's Cup: Economic Impact: Final 

 Report and Study Summary 1986, Centre for Applied and Business Research,

 Nedlands, Western Australia.

Centre for South Australian Economic Studies 1988, 'Modelling major sporting events in

Australia', Centre for South Australian Economic Studies, Adelaide.

Centre for South Australian Economic Studies 1991-1994 Sports economics : a newsletter 

and information service covering the economic aspects of sport and sporting 

events, Centre for South Australian Economic Studies, Adelaide

Dwyer, L. & Forsyth, P. 1996, 'MICE tourism to Australia: a framework to assess impacts',

in Tourism and Hospitality Research: Australian and International Perspectives:

Working papers from the Australian Tourism and Hospitality Research

Conference, ed. G. Prosser, Bureau of Tourism Research, Canberra

Dwyer L. & Forsyth P. 1997, 'Impacts and benefits of MICE tourism: a framework for 

analysis', Tourism Economics, vol. 3, no. 1, pp 21-38.

McDonald, S. 1990, 'The 1990 Adelaide festival: the economic impact', Centre for South

Australian Economic Studies, Adelaide

Davies, J. 1996, ‘The Buck Stops Where? The economic impact of staging major events,

 paper presented to the Australian Events Conference, Canberra

Department of Communications and the Arts, 1997,  Measuring the impact of festivals :

 guidelines for conducting an economic impact study,  National Centre for Culture

and Recreation Statistics, Statistics Working Group of the Cultural Minister's Council,


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Department of Sport, Recreation and Tourism, 1986,  Economic impact of the World Cup

of Athletics held in Canberra in October 985: Discussion Paper, Research and

Development Section, Canberra

Downey, B. 1991, The Tourism Impact on Victoria of its Special Sporting Events:

 Including Case Studies of the 1989 Bells Beach Easter Surf Carnival and the1989  Ford Australian Open, Masters Thesis, Victoria University of Technology.

Downey, B. 1993, 'Major sports events in Victoria: the economic impact and related tourism

opportunities', Leisure Options, July, pp. 28-32.

Dwyer, L., Mistilis, N., Mellor, R. & Mules, T. 1999 , A Framework for Forecasting the

 Economic Impacts of Events by Type and by Location: A Study for Tourism

 New South Wales, Centre for Tourism Research, University of Western Sydney,


Dwyer, L.M. & Owen A.D. 1991,  Evaluation of the Impact of the 1991 Tooheys’ 

 Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix at Eastern Creek NSW, 4-7 April 1991: A

 Report prepared for the New South Wales Tourism Commission, New South

Wales Tourism Commission, Sydney.

Ernst & Young 1994, The Economic Impact of the 1994 Australian FAI Indy Car Grand 

 Prix, Ernst & Young Consulting, Brisbane.

Ernst & Young 1994, World Masters Games, Brisbane1994: Economic Impact and 

 Market Research Study, Report prepared for the Queensland Events Corporation,

Ernst & Young Consulting, Brisbane.

Ernst and Young 1996, 1995 World Police and Fire Games: Economic Impact 

 Assessment, Melbourne

Faulkner, H. W. 1993,  Evaluating the Tourism Impact of Hallmark Events, Occasional

Paper Number 16, Bureau of Tourism Research, Canberra.

Fredline, E., Mules, T. & Divers, T. 1999, 'Sweet little rock and roller : the economic impact

of the 1998 Wintersun festival', in Tourism and Hospitality: Delighting the Senses

1999, Part 2: Proceedings of the Ninth Australian Tourism and Hospitality

 Research Conference, Council for Australian University Tourism and 

 Hospitality Education (CAUTHE), eds J. Molloy & J. Davies, Bureau of Tourism

Research, Canberra, pp. 12-21

Giddings, C. 1997,  Measuring the Impact of Festivals – Guidelines for Conducting an

 Economic Impact Study,  National Centre for Culture and Recreation Studies,

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra

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Hatch, J. 1986 ‘The impact of the Grand Prix on the Restaurant Industry’ in Burns, J., Hatch,

J. & Mules, T. eds. The Adelaide Grand Prix: The Impact of a Special Event ,

Centre for South Australian Economic Studies, Adelaide, pp. 95-103

Johnson, L. Foo, L. & O' Halloran, M, 1999, Meetings Make Their Mark: Characteristics

and Economic Contribution of Australia's Meetings and Exhibitions Sector,Occasional Paper No. 21, Bureau of Tourism Research, Canberra.

KPMG Peat Marwick, 1993, The economic impact of the Adelaide Convention Industry,

Peat Marwick, Sydney.

Market Equity South Australia 1996, 1996 Adelaide Festival - An Economic Impact 

Study, Report prepared for the South Australia Tourism Commission, Department for 

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