*AUMEDA MAYASK POPE FOR A DIVORCE NAVAL TRAINING · returning to Dresden,' did not resume marital...

Mitchell Thompson, lot on S side of . Santa Clara avenue (as. widened to 80 feet), -331:17 feet W of Union, 8 137.50, "SV parallel: with Santa Clara avenue; to point 110.50 E from K line of Grand street measured along said line parallel with : Santa Clara avenue. N to S line of Santa Clara avenue, E to beginning,- block 12" of may of Town of Encinal and land adjacent; Alameda; $10. ¦.. . Charles A. Sessions to Ella A. Sessions (wife), lot on N line of West Eighth street, 77:6 W of Union, W 37:0 by N 110:2. lot 4 and half of lot 3, In block 049,. map of blocks 549, 550 and part of bloqk 561, property of Colonel John Scott, Oakland; gift.- Nellie V. Jones (single) to George* Sterling, lots S8.13 feet on Greenbank avenue by 100 feet on Oakland avenue, being lots 8 to 10 and H, block E, map of Lincoln Park; Oakland; $10. I Robert 1 and Agnes Dalziem wife) to. Thomas "W. Corder, lot on W line of Broadway; 50 feet S of Birnie street, said point being ., in center ofca cci tain , brick wall thereon . located S a«J feet to center. of said brick wall, west and along same 65:3'/i feet. to land 40 feet E from and parallel with.center of Telegraph avenue, N 20:10^" feet to center of . brick wall, . E 72:354 feet to beginning-, together with all lanrl lying between W boundary in said lot and cen- ter, of. Telegraph a-veue; Oakland ;' S10. »Harlow P Bancroft to Robert B. Cuthbert, E 15 feet of loC 48VS and W 15 feet of. lot 49.' amended map of subdivisions Mosswood Tract, Oakland; $10 . . Same to Knud Nielsen, lot 32 1 /5 and ; "W 10 feet ofI lot 32. amended ' map of subdivisions same. Oakland; $10. , . " . S. Gertrude Smyth (widow) to Union Savings Ban); lot on' W line* of San Pablo avenue, 303 N or Park street, VV'270 to S line land now or formerly of Mary S. Fernald. SW 20 to land now or formerly of Thomas Mclnerney, NW 132 to line dividing plats 6 and 38. thence follow- ing said dividing line SW 300 to E line of Watts street, etc.. NW W. NE 690. SB 156:3 to beginning,- portion plats 6 and 38,-. map Rancho V. and D. Peralta, Oakland Townchip; also lots 47 to 49,. map. Templeton Tract, quit- claim deed, East Oakland;; $10. - . ' ¦ Charles and Katherine or Katha Jurgens to Chris McNamara (single).** lot beginning at in- tersection of E line of Adeline street and W, line of San Pablo avenue. S 133:3, W at right angles to San Pablo avenue. 36, thence- at right angles to Adeline, W 36 to E line of Adeline N 133 :3 * to beginning, being lot.0, block C84, j map Watts Tract, Emeryville, Oak- land Township;: $10. , . .. .\ F. H.ahd Fannie M; Lawton and-M. P. TV.' and Emma G., Albeo to William and Minerva F Wilkinson, lot on W line Of Walnut street, 168.50 S of Virginia. S ICO by W 127.40, '.lots 19 and 20. Percy. Tract, Berkeley ;. $10.' •_ , Joseph. M. Phinney : to', Myles ¦ and Elizabeth" Pickthall. lot on*-E corner of Jackson '-and Grove streets.. NE 45.31 by SE 149, lot 1. block ¦93 map of portipn Sather. Trust Property, Ala- meda; $ie. ¦¦¦•, ". . .. ¦ -•> ¦ ALBUQUERQUE, .N. M., Dec. 24.—The Atchlson, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad hospital was totally destroyed by last night's fire. . One of the patients, whose name was not learned, died from expos- ure and fright. » Hospital Fire . Costs One Life. OSHKOSH, Wis.,'r>ec. 24.—Isaac Harry Stratton and Miss Josephine A. Larabee were married at 11 o'clock "to-day at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Jose- phine Larabee. Rev. E. H. Smith, .pastor of the First Congregational Church, per- formed the ceremony. The ¦' groom is a son of. the late Colorado "millionaire. HELENA, Mont.,. Dec. 24.—The famous Pennsylvania mining case was decided by the Supreme Court to-day. The case was an action lor -damages in which the Mon- tana Ore Purchasing Company sued the Boston and Montana Company for dam- ages for alleged trespass. The Boston and Montana Company appealed and the court sustained Judge Clancy in part, The Supreme Court modifies the rulingof the lower court by cutting down the di- mensions, of the .Johnstown .mine,"^ which F. Augustus Heinze can work, and dlS- allows in toto the bill of* costs for $258,000 that was filed by Heinze. . . j The case may be carried to the Supreme Court of the United. States. - Stratton's Son .Weds Miss Larabee. Decision Is Hendered in the Famous Pennsylvania Mining Case in Montana. ¦ HEINZE'S BILL OP COSTS DISALLOWED BY \ COT7B.T VIENNA, Dec. 24.—Tho Crown Princess of Saxony, through M. Lachenell, a for- mer professor of Switzerland, has in- formed-the Neues Wiener Tageblatt that she Intends to take Immediate steps to cbtflin a divorce. She will not go. to Salz- burg for fear of being placed In an asylum. In- two letters^ to her- intimate friend, Princess TJheresa of Bavaria, the Crown Princess complains bitterly of her treat- ment at the Saxon court, where she al- ways was subjected to the strictest dis- cipline. She says the official statements In her case are incorrect. : Will Herself Attempt to Obtain Legal Separation. . FLANS OF THE FBINCESS. VALLEJO, Dec. 24.— Coroner Mc'Donala hold an inauest in Benicia to-day to de- termine the cause of the death of J. Jen- sen, who was killed on the streets of that town on the 14th inst. The jury found that George ,Kevase shot Jensen and charged him with- willfulmurder. Kevas Is Charged With. Murder. SAN BERNARDINO. Dec. 24.—Jack Doyle, a wealthy mine owner, whose home- is in Riverside County, is lost some- where on the Colorado Desert. Two weeks ago he left Grays Landing to meet a representative of an Eastern syndicate which proposed buying one of his mines some miles distant from that place. He rode a burro and had one pack animal. A tew days ago these animals 'wandered into ¦, Ehrenberg, Nev., almost famished for want of water; Doyle has not been heard of since he left the landing. A searching paxty has been formed to search for him> His Burro and Pack Horse Return to Town Almost Famished for . "Want . of Water. MINE OWNER IS LOST ON 'COLORADO DESERT LOS ANGELES. Dec. 24.—The Pacific Furniture and Lumber Company's build- ing at the corner of Central avenue and Seventh street was -completely destroyed by fire at an early hour thte morning. A carload of lumber and all the stock of furniture, together with the machinery, was destroyed. - The loss will be at least $15,000. . -v V ' Fire Destroys a Furniture Factory. Their disagreements reached this crisis" In June after Professor Giron became the chil- dren's tutor. The Princess at that time con- sidered seeking; a divorce and visited her "f riencj, the Princess Theresa of Bavaria, who dissuaded her. The Princess; however, after returning to Dresden,' did not resume marital relations. BERLIN, Dec. 24.—The Lokal Anzeiger to-day prints aidispatch Dresden saying that King George *o f Saxony sent several of . the highest police officials to Geneva to observe and report on the ac- tions, of the fugitive Crown Princess Louise. One official returned yesterday by way of Vienna.; The others will,re- main at Geneva. A divorce of the Crown Prince and Crown Princess is regarded as impossible during the lifetime of King George, who entertains" stringent religious s'cruples against divorce. *• The Protestant cJergy, however, hope that Berlin will bring pressure to bear for a divorce." The sympathy of the people of Dresden seems wholly with the Princess, who is of a cheerful, pleasure-seeking ' disposition. The Crown Prince lo^ed to torment her. Among the writers forbidden ) her were Tolstoi, Zola and Nitzsche. Professor Andre Giron is described as an idealist of the extreme type. It is re- lated that his family once considered the. question "of confining him in an asylum because he refused a legacy on'. "the grounds of delicacy of feeling. " The Crown Prince - beat . the Crown Princess, according to an editorial state- ment in the "V/Dssische Zeitung, one of the most .careful newspapers published in Berlin, which adds: Conservative Berlin Journal Declares He Beat the Princess. CROWN PRINCE'S BRUTALITY. DRESDEN, Saxony, Dec. 24.—It is re- ported here that the Crown : Princess of Saxony, left for her husband a written confession of her relations with M. Giron, together wiVh a declaration -.of' her in- tention of never returning to the Saxon court. The court has no official informa- tion as to the present whereabouts of the Princess, but It is known here that she is going to Mentone, France, to reside. The court at present is with considerations as to the *best course to pursue. It is believed that the Pope will be appealed to- to grant an absolute di- vorce/ - . . "While the newspapers this morning gen- erally commend the scheme as a cour- ageous attempt in the direction of a very necessary reform, it is expected that it will meet with much opposition. ..Its prin- cipal defect as pointed out in editorial articles this morning is that engineers and marine officers will still be debarred f f cm attaining flag rank and all cadets tbtiefore will want to enter for the execu- tive branch. The Standard says: "We do not blame the Admiralty for hesitating to follow the example of the United States, in whose navy executive ami engineer officers have been combined (with very dubious results): but. the Ad- miralty has gone bo far that it certainly will be compelled to go farther." LONDON, Dec. 25.—Official papers have [been issued which give full details of the ne.V scheme for naval education, under jvhjch the training of officers ii to be" uni- fied and simplified by the- adoption of a single system for the - training of cadets for all three branches of the service- executives, engineers and marines. The scheme as now detailed confirms the previous forecast. It will become ope- rative next July. For the first several yeors all cadets will receive identical training, in every branch of the service, special attention being given to scientific study. Thenceforward from the age of 20 the cadets will be drafted into the dif- ferent branches and will begin to special- ize. The scheme enables speedier promo- tion, provides for revised rates of pay, the disappearance of engineers' disabilities and promotion to the rank of commander by selection. - : \\ Similar Work to Be Given in First- Years for All] Branches of Service. Fugitive Princess Louise Never to Return to Dresden. : Admiralty Plans New, System of Education' for . CadetsL Saxon Cgurt Considers Move to Quiet Scandal. ' MAY ASK POPE FOR A DIVORCE NAVAL TRAINING TO BE MODIFIED REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24.. •Morris. Ada^ Ralph, -j Abraham and. Ida Brown, Bahr' or ; Bar and Sophie Sheldemaii, Philip and Betsy Lipp'tt and Godfrey and TJdra. Fieher to M. H de Young, lot on NE corner of O'Farrell and Polk streets, E 275 by N 120; $io. : . ¦ -. ¦ . . /¦.'¦.¦•¦• ; ¦ J. B. Levi?on to Bella F. Gerstle, lot on N line of Pacific avenue. 154:3H. E of Stelner, E 51:2>4 by N.127:8U; $10. Same to Alice G. Levison. lot on N line of Pacific avenue, «103:l ft K of Stelner, E 51:2V4. N- 127:8U W 16:9»4. N 9:9%, W J4:4S, S 137:6; $10. :• / j Leopold Seligman to Nannie A: Meyerfeld (wife of M Jr.), lot on NB corner of Fell an'l SUnyan streets. .E 137:6 by N 137:6, quitclaim deed; $5. - . " . Morris Jr. and Nannio A. Meyerfeld to Reu- ben H Lloyd same; $10. ¦ . ¦¦ ' . J Frank and Maria Walters to M. D. Stein, lot on SE corner of Walnut and Jackson streets- 'E 88 by S 127:8V!; 410. '";; Francis D. Sheldon and 11 argaret L. Jones to Virginia P. Taggart. lot on NE Hn* of Dore Btreet 95 SE of Folsom, SE 27 by NE 85; $10. Franz Muller vs. George Koenig (by receiver) to Fran* Mullor. lot on NW line of Harrison street 100 NE of Eleventh.. NE 36:3 by NW 137:6; 54900. i s , Estate of James Ryan '(by Daniel Dunn, ex- ocutrix) to Sophia Lawson, lot on E line of Minna street, 165 N- of Fifteenth, N 25 by E 80; $1690. ' ¦ . Peter ' A. Smith to Elizabeth K. Freck, lot on E line 'of Dolores street. 161 N of Twenty- third, N,2S by E 117:6; $10. Elizabeth K. and Henry, M. Freck to John F. Byrne, same; $10. < . - - ' f J) Emanuel L. and Rose Heller to Frederick W.-Zcile, undivided 1-0 of lot on S line of Bush street 97 E of Sansome. E 40:6 by 3 137:(5; $10. ' Samuel W. and Hattie Heller to same, un- divided'1^6 of same; $10^ ;,. " *.i Sanfcrd Sachs to same. - undivided 1-3 of same; $10 .'¦. " '• m ¦ Martin 'Sachs Company -(a corporation) to same, undivided 1-3 of same; .$101 lybernia Savings and Loan Society to J. W. Smith lot on NE line of Dore street. 315 SE of Bryant. SE 25 by NE 85;: $1000. Matthew and Catherine Kavanagh to Kath- crlne A. "Rivers lot on NW corner of Califor- nia and Dupont streets. W 112:6. N 97:6. W 25. N 20:4, "E 137:0. S 117:10; $10. Thomas W. Rivers to eame, same; gift. K Carrie B. Wirtz to Gustav F. Roden, undi- vided half of lot on S line of Geary street, 112 ;9 W of Leavenworth. W 24:9 by S 137 :«; $10. Bank of California to" Nat M. Raphael, lot on NE line of First street, 1>S:9 NW of Harri- son, NW 40:3 by NE b'8:9; $10. Alice Morrison and Annie :McKernan to Alice F. Ellis (wife of Thomas P.), undivided half of lot on NW line of Hunt street, 200 NE of Third, NE 27:6 by NW 55; $10. Benjamin : H. and Frances Lichtenstein to Georgiana M. Perkins (wife of W. F.) and Jo- seph M. Mastcn, lot on N corner of Third ; and Hunt streets. NW 40 by NE 80 r $10. Henry ,"J. Wynne to Annie McICernan, lot on NW line of Hunt street, 80 NE of Third, also distant 140 NW of Howard, NE 40 by NW 55; also lot on NW line Of Hunt street, 200 NE of Third, NE'27:0'b$ NW 55, quitclaim deed; $10. AlicR Morrison, Alice F. or Alice T. and Thomas P. Ellis; Annie McKernan, William T>. and Alice 13. Brown to Joseph M. Marten, Georgiana M. Perkins (wife of William F.), lot on NW line of-Hunt street, 80 NE of Third, NE 40 by NW C5; $li>. w Alexander H. Baify and W. O. Watson to samfe, lot on SE line of Sherwood place, 100 NE of Third, NE 60 by NW 55; also lot on NW line 6f Hunt street, liO NE pf Third, NE 20 by NW 05; $10. ' ; James Shea to Katie Shea, lot on SW corner, of Seventh and Minna streets, SW 80 by.NW 30; $1. . Fciix and Georgiana Lestrohan to Henry A. Arnold, lot on SW line of Chesley street, 195 NW of Bryant, NW 80 by SW 80; $10. . ' , .; Alice M. or Alice "and Henrietta Dunne and Fiances McHugh to Hattie Simon, block bound- ed N by H Btreet, E by Twentieth avenue, S by I street, W by Twenty-first avenue; $10. John H. Roeseter and ' Frank J. Grace to same, same; $10. " •"• ¦¦ - William E. Balnes to Kossuth D. Bronson, re-record 1978 D. 191, lot 12, block I, Park Lane Tract 7; $10. " Ebtate of Richard Darling (by Robert Mc- Elroy. executor) to A. Ruef, lots 20 to 23, Holi- day Map A;. also lots 1 to 4, S, 0, 20 and 21, block 711. tide !and3; Tilso lots 9, 10, 18 and 20, block -712, same; $225. " i , Builders' ( Contracts. Cecil W. and Susie II. Mark (owners) with Kern Bros, (contractors), architects L. S. Stone and H. C, Smith All work for a Otwo-story framo building (two liats), on N line of Clay street. CO W of Cherry, W 40 Jay N 70, W. A. 84i»; $70C0. v / ¦ s Theresa A.' Oelrichs and Virginia Vanderbilt (owners) with Western Expanded Metal and Fire Proofing Company (contractors), architects Reid Bros. Fireprooflng for lioor. arches, roof arches and suspended metal ceilings for a hotel building, bounded on W by Mason 'street, N by Sacramento, E by Powell and S by Cali- fornia; 599.C6S. x Same owners with Gray Bros. (contractoTs), architects same Concrete, foundation for same on same; $ . Harry N. Stetson (owner) with George Good- man (contractor) Excavation, concrete- work, cement floors and concrete foundation, . for a five-story brick building, on S line of Bush street,. 80 W.of Stockton, W.78, S 82:6, W 39:6, S 5, E CO, S 50. E 57:6, N 137:6; $5425. California Fruit Canners'- Association (cor- poration) with J. Pattinson (contractor)— 'All work for a one-story frame building (machine wareroom). on S line pf Bay street, between Maron and Taylor, through to Vandewater; SISIW. . Alameda County. George O. and Benjamin, F. Simmons, Eliza- beth Fountain Simmons (wife), William Henry Simmons and . Elizabeth Dall Simmons (wlfe> to John B. and Archibald Johnson, lot. on BW corner of Second and Alice streets, W 75 by S 200 ¦ lots 15 to 22, block 10, Kellersberger's 'Map, warranty deed, Oakland; $5000. / Elisabeth Kryster (wife or John) to' Lena "Williams (daughter), wife of John, lot on N line of Eighth street, 233:3 E of Union, E 33:3 by N 87:10, block 548, Boardman' s. Map, Oak- land; gift. M. F. and Alice Cochrane (wife) to James W. Cochrane Company (corporation), lot be- ginning :f E line of Kirkham street. . between , Twenty-fourth and Twenty-sixth, extending: B of uniform width and distance 115, being N 11:6 of lot 4, block X, and S 38 feet of lot 5, block X, map of survey of northern extension of Oakland by U. F. Boardman, Oakland; $10- George and Carrie R. Sterling, (wife) to TSealty Syndicate, Jot on NW corner of Felton and Baker streets, W 128.97 by N 80, lots IS and 19, block 9, Map of Herzog- Tract," Oak- land; $10. " , Henry and Bertha Ahnefeldt to John L. and Bell Valentine (wife), lot on SW corner of Butterworth and Ralston streets. S 33:9 by "W 120, Berkeley; $10. .,.-.. Mountain View Cemetery Association to John. Taylor, rot in cemetery. Oakland Tdwnship; *2S5. : . Maria Franke (widow) to Henry 12 Sammi (executor of the estate of Carl Christian Vo- rath), lot on SE corner of Williams and Pine streets,. S 50:71,4 by E 80:7%, lots 17 and 18, subdivision of block 38, "Whitcher's Map Tract 406, Oakland; $50. William and Elizabeth F. Lebrecht to Frank K. Mott (single), lot on S. line of Sixteenth street, 100 W of Telegraph avenue, W 50, S 107.08, E 17.80. to point" 100 feet measured at right angles. S from said line of Sixteenth street, E 33.94, N100, lots 5 and 0, map of sur- vey made for G. C. Potter, Oakland; $10. Harlow P. Bancroft to Elizabeth A. Turner (wife of George M.), lot 89V4, Amended Map of Subdivisions of Mosswood Tract, Oakland; $10. Taft & Pennoyer (corporation) to C. C. Volberg-, lot 10, block P, Map of Paradise Park, Oakland; $350. . John W. and Irita Doubleday to C. M. Cook, lot on E line of Telegraph avenue, 50 N of Prospect avenue, N 45, E 100.25, S 45. W 100.13. Map of McClure Academy Grounds, Oakland; $10. Axel L., anfl' Eleonora'C. Saxtorph to George Sieble (slr.ele), lots 6 and 7, block B,.-map Knowles and Potter subdivision of Kennedy Tract, East Oakland; $10. Bartine and Alice' L. Carrington tq Lyman Allen; lot on S line of Channing way, 2io W v of Audubon street, W -15. by S 135, lot" 20,' map Bell- Drocerty. Berkeley; $10. Elizabeth J. Eaton (widow) to Bernard' P. Miller, lot on NW corner of Wheeler and Essex streets, W 06.79 by N 105, lot 13/ block D, Amended Map of* E portion of Newbury Tract,' Berkeley; $10. . . Bernard P. Miller (single) to Anson S. Blake, same, Berkeley; .$10. ..". . •. " ¦' Catharine Danahy (single) to Thomas Cur- ran, lot' on N Hne of Addlson street, 50 E of Sherman, E 50 by N 137:9, lot 8, block A, map block A. Twitchell Tract, Berkeley, sub- ject to all liens; $500. . Mildred Freud (widow) to Harriet E. Hamp- shlr« (widow), lot beginning at corner formed by S line of HopRlns street or county road No. 1135 -with W line- of Wilson avenue, S 203:7 by W 130, being lots 25 to 32, block E, map of subdivision of ncrtion of blocks I, A, E and F of revised map of ¦ Prospect Hill - Tract, Brooklyn vTownship ; $2850. Bridget RIgney (widow) to John J. and Car- rie M. RIgney (son and daughter), lot on S line of Twelfth street, 101 W of Cypress, W 26' by S 110. being E 2C feet of lot 10. map Center Street Home Lots at Oakland, Point, Oakland; gift Charles W. and Carrie V. Fisher to Virginia H. Barker, lot On N lino of Chase street 75 E of Cedar. E 88:6 by N 135; $10. Frances S. Noyes (widow) to Thomas J. Daniels, lot on E line of Adeline street 50.23 S of Forty-second. -E 199.605. NE 50, E 10, SW 100, W 214.39, N 50.23, portion lot 17, map H. C. Dohrs Homestead, Oakland; $5. ¦ Frank H. Ayers (single) to H. Eppinger Jr., lots 1 and 3 to 30, block A. and lots 1 to 15, block B. map Oakland Harbor Tract. East Oakland; $10, . . , , ; Home Security Building and Loan Associa- tion to" William H. Hardy, lots 6 and 7. block E, map Knowles and Potter subdivision Ken- nedy Tract, 'East- Oakland; $10. ' . !.-..;¦ Berry-Bangs Land Company (a corporation) to Harriette Carlson, lot on 3 line of. Manoa avenue, 250 S of Stewart; S 100'by E 14S, lots 16. and 17, block H, map- Berry-Bangs Tract; Berkeley; $10. - .. Minnie F. and Robert Grelg to Glennie Da- vies lot on N line of Parker street. 188:6 W of Triton, W 25 by N 135. being W y 2 of lot 18 Steele Tract. Berkeley; $10.. ., . . E A. and Julia E. ; Trefethen (wife) to James R. Waterbury. lot on S line.of Delaware street, 227:G W of Sherman (now Grove), W 72:0 by S 135, being portion N M of range 2. Hardy Tract, as per map said tract, Berkeley; $10. \ T. M. and Nettie Van Vlear' Edmunds (wife) to Charles A. Bailey, lot. on E.llne of Seventh street 100 S of Channinff way, E 270. S 61:55, W 270 N 47:13, block 135, Corrected Map Ray- mond Tract. Berkeley; $10. Charles A. and Alice C, Bailey (wife) to William W. Farweil, lot on W line of Ninth street 201:3 N of Bancroft way, N 50 by W 130 lot 11, block 118, Map Tract B. Berkeley l>and and Town Improvement Association, Berkeley: $10. ." ' ' Louis Blint to Mrs. T. Marie Bllnt (wife), undivided half interest- in*,lot on -N. line of Adflison street, 51 -W of Price, W 51, N128:4}i, EDI, S'12Q:6V»; lot 11, block 2, Map of Tract A, Berkeley v Land and Town Improvement As- pociatlon, Berkeley; $10. - Thomas R. and Mary. E. Hayes (wife) to Board of Education of the Town of Berkeley, lot on S line of Russ street, 246 E of i College avenue. E 61:0 by S - 102:5, lot 18, 'block A.- map of property of Berkeley Villa Homestead Asscciatlon. Berkeley; $650. - - I Eleanor A. and Daniel E. Hayes to same, lot on S line of Itus3 street, 307:6 E of College ave- nue, E 123 by,S 102:5, lots 16 and 17, block .A, same, Berkeley; $1300. . . a K. L. and C. A. Gons.or Gove to R. R. Er-« win, lot 28. Melrose Tract, Brooklyn Town- ship; warranty deed; $10. - .-..-.¦ -.•...;". Margaret G. and .Thomas W. Williams to^ Charles M. Jenkins (single), lot on W. line or Oak street; 105. S of Buena Vista avenue, S 45:2 by W-.100, block 39, -map of 'lands adjacent to Enclnal, Alameda; $10. .-•• —>¦". ; Thomas H.' Lindsay, to *Agnes C. Shaw (widow), lot on BE comer or Pacific avenue and Oak street. E 62, S 112, E 38, "S SS, W 100, N150, lot 20 and portion of lot 19, block 47,' T. -A. Smith's map of blocks 46 and 47, lands adjacent to Encinal,. Alameda v $10." . Charles P." Eggleston to Ambrose T.-Eggl«s- ton, lot 23.'- block E, map of . Leonard tract; Berkeley; $10. '; , *. ¦ Robert J. and Carlotta -.Tyson (wife) to THE SAK EB!A'K"eiE-Cb CALL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER^ 1902. 11 *AUMEDA AIJTERT3SEMF.NTS. ALAMEPA HEAL ESTATE, EEjB i,ur bvautifu! homes fcr sale, li-oal location. Great bsrcalft. EASY TERMS. ALAMEDALAND COMPANY. 1SC0 Park gt.. Xlamc-ria. HHRKELEV ADVERTISEMENTS nEHKELJIV HEAL ESTATE. $CO0 CHU18TMAS j)n?sfiit for somebodyT~4^ rvK)n-:eJ house and pood lot In best part of West Berkeley; must be eold; casv terms. , C.-HENEY & BERRY, Berkeley Station. FECIT? ALE ADVERTISEMENTS FRIITVALE REAL ESTATE. LARGE list cT desirable property (open Sun- day).P. H.Blake. Fruitvalc. E. 14th st.,nr.P.O. OAKUXft ADYEKTiSEMENTS; OFFICE, 11 18 BROADWAY. OAKL4AD REAL ESTATE. J25 FOK a iaree lot." 25x128,' In nne~loc<intj\ adjoining East Oakland; tine soil; about 2 jm blecks from electric cars and schoolhouse; only 14 lots left cut cf 6uO; willsell at ?2 50 i-ash, $1 o'J monthly; must close out the tract at once; SO families now located here; it is* kss than acreage price; ihe lots are high and "ry. adjoining lets have sold for $75; title penect. Send for circular. 4."3 Seventh eT. opp. Broadway station. Oakland. Carriage *!•<•*>. H. ¦/.. JONES, owner. OAJOAXD HOTELS. ~ HOTEL TOURA1NE. Fourteenih~alid~^£lay~6ts —Lofty ceilings, bpacicuE hails; modern and select; a home for families cr single ladles and cxatHmea; suites and single rooms; ramp.e rooms for Torr.merclal men. OAKLAND FIKMTIKE FOR SALE." n-RXlTT-RK rood. and ohear tins mor.thTll. SCHELLHAAS. 40S Eleventh -St.. Oakland. aOOVk FOR HOLSElvEKPIVG. ELI,ls; S04— 4 Rood rooms, furnished "foi > PocgefcBCptay; also sinsrle room. OCTAVIA. COg- 3 to 4 completely furnished - cingl* or on suite; centra!. OTARRKI.L. VUPi—Z or 4 furnished rooms tor hou^K^epfns. tTOCKTCJN, 120C—Model hcuse; newly. fur- RUaed housekeeping rooms. $5. S12: free cas- baths. ' CLASSIFIED advertisements s.n<J subscription* at Call branch orflce. 2200 Flllmore. A BRANCH officp for Ca'.l advertisements and rubscripUcns bas been established at 103tf >'al?ncia ft. UUO>1*> TO LE'J Furn. aud tnloro. AliGYLK Hotel. _2ol McAllister New, elegant «unnr. 75c day upward; McAllister cars to poor; har.dscmegt grill room in California. A— BRUNSWICK House. 14S Sixth— Rooms Jjc to Jl per night; Jl 25 to $5 per week, and Mpht houFekeeijine rooms; open all night. AT The Ala;onte." 873 Market tt. (or No. 1 riRk Et.) Rooms 25c. 50c, $L Jl 50 nig-ht- Sl 60 to flO per ••veek: house open all nisht. BU11NETT. 1426 Market <o!d No. 13G4) Fur- r.lt hed rooms, tultes, eingle; also furnished. CXIFFO&O. *JiH Ellis, cor. Mason—Elegantly iurnishfd sunnr rocras; prices reasonable. ELLI*;, 221 'Mozart)— Nicely furn. rooms 35c. »1 50 Dlgla; $1 50. week; open all ni&ht. KELL. 1j(.-S—1 furnished. 1 unfurnished front runny room: reasonable: epposite Panhandle; private family; reference. 4 ROOMS. $% (south): no children; handy to Vnicn Iron Works. Rox 3CO\ Call office. Orzr.i Southern, Tth ar.d Sii&sior. Rooms 5Oc to f-1 I>0 night: ?2 to week: reading room. HOWARD. 715. nr. Third <St- Pavid'e) Sunny furnished rccnis en suite or single; clean beds; Jl 50 to $5 per v.-eek; reading room. KEARNY. 23S Furnished rcoms for man and wise; also for lipht housekeeping-; other rooms for gentlemen; nicely turnit-hed. URKI.V. H04 Funny /ronl single and dcub!s ! Toum tor gents; Sj and *7; grate, gas. MCALLISTER. 204 (The Alton) Large alcove bay-window room, good for two gents, and other rcoms; running water: gas; phone. MINNA. ?«j7. corner 8th—Nevrly furnished bay- •*naaow rooms; $1 per week; tranglent. OTARKELL. 20 Sunny furnished rooms and ofnceg; elevator; elec. lights; day. week, mo. TAYLOR. 51 SB Fi;oiit room; piano; grate; privilege of lt'ltehen: private family. WILLIAM,124, near Post. bet. Tayicr and Jcnes Sunny room with stove; reasonable. CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptions j| received yt CaU branch office, 2200 Fillmore st. A BRANCH office for Call advertisements and subscriptions has been established at 1CW8 Valencia st. ItOO.'.IS AXD BOARD. XuI^tcjkju-m'^ can and european plan; 150 rooms. elite or single; private baths; electric lights and steam heat- ERS THROUGHOUT; PHONE IN EVERY ROOM; FIRST-CLASS CAFE ON STREET' FLOOR. L. MeKENXA. PROP. THE KENMORE, STS Geary Handsomely fur- nlEbed parlor suite, with Jbath; also large single rooms; good board and service; ref- erences: Phone East 1070. OLD EtevenEon mansion opp. ; Grace Church, with annex. 807 California St.; attracUve in- tcrior; exceptional table; free billiard room. HOTEL REGINA, 418 Turk New house, ele- gantly turn.; all mod, inap'vments; European. LAMBOURNE, 420 Eddy—High-class house- furnished euites or single; eteam heat. ItOO.Ms .<>D ItUAUU WANTKU. TOL'NG man would like to board In a private family -tvlicre he could make himself a home; Id or 15 minutes' walk from the City Hall; ¦tate terras. Box S045. CaU office. D1VIDEXD NOTICES. « SAVINGS and Loan Society, 101 Jlonlgomery et., corner of .Sutter The board of directors declared a dividend for the term ending De- cember 31, l'Jtitl. at tb^j rate of three and one- <iua4ter '«',4) per cent per annum on all de- posits, free of. taxes and payable on and after January 2, iao:{. Dividends not called ; for are added to and bear the same rate of dividend as the principal from and after January 1, 1903. CYRUS W. CARMAN V" Cashier. CALIFORNIA Safe Deposit and Trust Com- pany, corner California end Montgomery sts. For the six months ending December 31. llKC, dividends fcavo been declared on de- pot-its In the savings department of this ¦ company, as follows: On term deposits at V the rate of .; 0-ao per cent per annum, and Ron ordinary deposits at the rate of 3 ptr cent Mr annum, free of taxes, and payable oa and after Friday, January 2, 1903. Divi- dends uncalled for are added to the princi- »^ aftrr January 1. llXXi. J. DALZKLE, U'On N, -"Manager. EAN FBAKCXSCO Savings Union. 532 Calilor- n»a St.. corner of Webb— For the half year ending- with tla- ."1st -of December, 190^-^ dividend h^« been declared at the rate per annum or three and forty-two one-hur- drrathy (3 42-100) per cent on u-rm deposits «::a inree (3) per cent on ordinary deposits, free of 'taxes, payable on and after Friday. January X^I^U^LOVELL WHITE. .Caslii**. TUB Gernian Savings and ¦ Loan Society, 528 . California, st. For the half year ending with December «1. »i:>02, a dividend has been de- clared at the rate of three end one-eighth i3 5 ,i>per cent net annum on all deposits, frte cf taxes, j-ajabie on and after Friday. Janu- ary 2. l&Gi. GEOUGE TOUKNY. Hecretary. THE Continental BuiWir.g and Loan A*For!a- tfen, 3el Calitornia *t.. has doclared for the fix months^ ending "December 31, 1002, a. di- vidend cf 8 per cent j/er annum on monthly payrc«it stcck. 6 per cent on term deposits And 5 t>cr ct-r.t on ordinary deposits, free cf taxes. HON. WASHINGTON DODGE. President. ' WILLIAM CCREIN. Secretary. j * -DIVIDEND notice— Mutual Ravings Bank of 1 6*n Francisco, «3 Post st.. for the half year . ci.ding December 31. ll>02,- h dividend has Ixr-t-n declared at the rate of three (3) per cer.t ter annum on all deposits, free of taxes,- payable en and after Friday. Jauuary •J. 1903.- -GEOKGE A. STOKY, cashier. A DIVIDEND Irj liquidation of S per cent on ail oeposits has been declared by the Califor- nia - SavJnz* and Loan Society, payable on s«~d after MONDAY. Dec. 22. 1802, at th« .office of the Society. Mills building, second Vr.oor. room ' 2S. Kan Franelscc. Cal. CHAS. ¦W-U. FARQUHAEEOX. Secretary. •¦ ifuilBOLDT Savings and Loan Society, 18 Ofary rt.-^-Tli'e <lii-ectors have declared a dfv- jdend of .1 p*r cent per annum on Its dcjx>tslts, payable oa sir.4 aftor January 1!, 1903. -.* EliNEST BRAND. Secretan\ ¦ SOLICITORS . HIGH-CLASS -solicitors t\-j>nted for legitimate enterprise. THE INVESTORS' AGENCY, J«7 iix/uttxmcry et. S. V. . OCEAN STEAMEBS. _ /^rf?F^ 1 *<v ¦ Steamers leave San Fran- /£v^ —^S*S. Cisco as follows: Ai-£>_^«$\ For Ketchikan, Juneau. A*/ V^^S V*\ Skaguay, etc..~Alaska 11 a. I I\»J*A I m ' Dec - 2 Jan - 2'Chan \ \ XajMga/ I to company's steamers at \*iv'\\ Seattle. ' VJ^*^!—- -a j/ For Victoria, Vancouver. Port Townsend. Seattle. Ta-' . coma, Everett. Whatcom 11 a. m., Dec. 27, Jan. 2. Change at Seattle to this company's steamers for Alaska and G. N. Ry.; at Seattle for Tacoma to N. P. Ry.; at Vancouver to C. P. Ry. "-£: For Eureka (Humboldt Bay)—Pomona, 1:30 p. m.. Dec. 29. Jan. 4; Corona, 1:30 p. m., Dec. 26. Jan. 2. ' . i -„ For Los Angeles (via Port Los Anireies and Redondo). San Diego and Santa Barbara Santa Rosalia. Sundays. 0 a. m. State of California, 9 a. m., Dec. 28, Jan. 2, 8. *J For Los Angeles (via San Pedro and East San Pedro). Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Mon- terey, San Simeon, Cayucos, Port Harford; San Luis Oblspo, Ventura. Hueneme and 'Newport. (•Ramona only.) . Ramona. 9 a. m.. Dec. 24, Jan. 1. Coos Bay, 9 a. m.. Dec. 28, Jan. 5. For Ensenada, Magdalena Bay. San Jose del Cabo, Mazatlan. Altata, La Paz, Santa Rosalia. Guaymas (Mex.) 10 a. m., 7th of each month. For further information obtain folder. Right reserved to change steamers or sailing date. TTOTCET OFFICE— 4 New Montgomery st. (Palace Hotel). Freight office. 10 Market street. C. D. DUNANN, Gen. Passenger Agt.. ' ; 10 Market st... San Francisco. . "* O. /?. & N. CO, "Geo. VT. Elder" Bails Dec. 19, 29, Jan. 6. 18. 28, Feb. 7. ' ' "Columbia" talla Dec. 24. Jan. 8. 13, 23. Feb. 2. . .- . ¦ Only Steamship Line to PORTLAND, OR.. and short rail line from Portland to all points East. /Through tickets to all points, all rail or steamship and rail, at LOWEST RATE3. Steamer , tickets Includes berth and meats. Steamer sails foot of Spear st. at 11 a. m. D. W. HITCHCOCK, Gen. Agt., 1 Montgomery st. TOYO KISEN KAISHA. (ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP CO.) : _: Steamers will leave wharf, corner First. and Brannan streets, at 1 p. m., for YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG. calling at Kobe (Hlogo). Nagasaki and Shanghai. .and connecting at Hor-rHonr "with steamers for India, etc. No cargo received on board %m day of sailing. 8. B. AMERICA MARU.Saturday, Jan. 10, 1903 S. S. HONGKONG MARU.Thurs.. Feb. 5. 1903 S. S. NIPPON MARU (via Manila).. ... .......... Tuesday, March 3, 1903 Via Honolulu. Roundtrip tickets at reduced rates. ' For freight and passage apply.at Com- 1 pony's office, 421 Market street, corner First. •W. H. AVERT. General Agent. 0C?8U!CS.SX© o =SsE; S. S. ZEALANDIA, for Honolulu, Monday, Dec. 29, 2 d. m. S. S. SONOMA, for Honolulu. Samoa. Auck- land and Sydnay, Thursday. Jan. 8, 10 a. m. S. S. MARIPOSA. for Tahiti. Jan. 11. 10 a. m. AD. SPRECKELS a BXOS.CO., Agts..TicketOIfica,643 If aric^SL FfsiBlilOflKa,323B3rkel«,,Pfe:l8.7 i PacifcSt AMERICAN LIXB. NEW. YORK, SOUTHAMPTON LONDON. Phlla-.iDec. 31. 10 am Phlla..".Jan 21 10 am St. Paul.Jan. 7, 10 am Friesl'd.Jan. 28, 10 am . KETJ STAR >LINE. ' NEW -YORK. ANTftTSRP, -PARIS. "Kroonl'd.Jan.- 8, 10 ain|FrIesIand:Jan. 17,' 10am Zeeland-Jan. 10, 10 amiVaderl'd.Jan. 24/ 10 am <;HAS. D. TAYLOR,G.A.P.C.,30 Montg*my st. COMPAGITIS : ' GENERALS . TRANSATLAHTIQUJ DIRECT LINE i TO HAVRE-PARIS. ¦¦.L Sailing every Thursday, Instead of UjgCfWfii Saturday-. at 10 a: in., from Pier i~_ MiTniflfiTT North, River, foot : of Morton street. * ¦ Fiyct-class to Havre. $70 and upward. Ssc- ond-class to Havre,$45 and upward. GENERAX. AGENCY FOR UNITED STATES and CAN- ADA, '22 Broadway (Hudson building). New York. J. F. FUOAZI & CO.. Pacific Coaat Agents. 5 Montgomery avenuei San Francisco, Tickets sold k by 'all Railroad -Ticket Agents. BAY AND . KIVEB ' STEAJkLERa 'FoiTursrFA^^ : Sleamers GEN. TRISBIE or MONTICELL(t 9:43 a. m., 3:15 and 8:30 p. m., except Sun- - day. Sunday, 9:45 a. m., 8:30 p. m. , Leaves Vallelo, 7 a. m.. 12:30 noon. 8 p. m., except Sunday. Sunday. 7 a. i m., 4:15 p. m. Fare M cents. Telephone- Main 1508. ' Landing . and of Hce; pier 2, Mission-street dock. HATCH I BROS. ' .... .._ ¦¦_•____;; . ._.., _ SPECIAL XOTICES. LADIES! Chichestcrs EnKlifh rennyroyaTpilfs arn the best. Safe. -reliable. Take no .other. Kend 4c. stamps, for p-irticulars. "Relief for Ladies,*! in letter, by return mail. Ask your druggist. ChichpEter Chcm. Co. : Phlia.. Pa. £E\V1AG MACH1XES AXW^SUrPLlKS. ALl^kinds bought, sold, rented, exchanged; rj. pairing; lowest rates. Tel. Green 114. 205 llh. ALL kinds bought, sold and rrpairins guaran- teed. Chas. Plambeck, 1015 Mission, Dr. 15th. ¦STAMMEillXG OK STUTTKItlAU. CKLE1311ATED Melbourne system lor Im- pediment at school.' Van Ness and lUarket. ; 21ABHXAGE LICENSES. T1& foIloTvins morriaes licenses were Issued yesterday : Alexander McKcIlar. 32. ."21 Van Nc?s ave- nue, nr.d Anna B. Foster. 2U, 321 Van Ness. Dafrtel G. Carr, JO, Placerville. and Maud M. Ames, -J2. city. . ' George H-. Williamson, 23, 3123 Twenty-sixth ftreet, and Camllle J. Dumoutelle. ID, 3123 Twenty-sixth street. Herbert G. Bedford. S2, 3420A Mission street, and Annie Osterloh, 2:!. 1531 Valencia street; Charles A. Rdnd, 45, Yuba City, and Kate de Mott. 33. Yuba City. Jacob Johnson, 25, 238 Shipley Etrect, and Bertha Hermanson, 22, 238 Shipley street. Clarence A. Kirkpatrick, 24, 427 O'Farrell street, and Lelia M. Phillips. 20, Oakland City. Ind. - William T. Wallace Jr., 25. Jlendodno, and XHlie M. Bowman, 20, Mendocino. .lames G. MeOlelland," 2-3. Elk, and Teresa- F. Dougherty, 26, Elk. Samuel Jacobs, 2$,- USl Golden Gate avenue, and Erny Happ, 22, CiO'i Olive avenue. : Wallace E. Pearson. 21, 242 Shotwell street. ar.d Sadie Swan, 21. 2l»20 Sixteenth street. I Harry 3.- Simpson, m J3, city, and lsabelle ! Millar. 27. city. ] ¦ John S. Bryan, 33, city, and Jessie R. Canv 24, city. Patrick A. Connolly, 30, Springfield. Mass., and Louisa G. G. Jackson. 17. 725 Fifth ave. Charles T. Nounnan, 2S, 3024 California street, and Charlotte V. Lane, 20, 2324 Cali- fornia street. Samuel McQueen, .12, 42S Geary street, and Tena Mosehart, 23, '.','!'£ Kills street. Henry Hipkins, 21, city, and Carrie Dee Rogerf:, IS, city. . * George A. Lewis, 2S. 3400 California street, and Fortuna Zaro, 23. Coima.- . Frederick A. I^awscm, 47, 635 McAllister street, and Eva Q. Lawton. 32. 635 McAllister. Thomas Corcoran, SO, 1713 Washington street, and Elizabeth Kavanagh, 26, 1122 Broadway. Charles E. Esselstune, 37. 20S Bush- street, and Elizabeth T. Benson, 21. 1032 Jackson st. <-Jus-tav A. Biiehine, 25. city, and Amanda C. Ilornlcin. 24,- city. James A. Bodine. 34. city, and .Anna Lamp- ley. 33, city. Edward A. South worth, 21, city, and Eva A. j Low rev, 21, city. i Charles Martin, 36, city, and Dora Moller, j 21. city. Louis Lagornarslno. 21, Colma. and Isabella Mdlerhi, 16. 8468 Nineteenth street. Thomas E. Kent, 21, Oakland, and Flora B. Myse-il. IS, city. Henry B. Hyatt, '.'M. Douglasville, Ga., and Lulu Kaufman. 22, Colusa. Charles F. Moll. 21. 73 Harriet street, and Marie G. Timke, 22. 73 Harriet street. . ¦ . Thomas Hurst. 24. Gtt Harriet street, and Alice G, Green, 22. 68 Shipley street. Martin lllich. 32. 272 Brannan street, and Catterina Luplch, 23, 272 Bsannan street. j Melville N, Hornbuckle. 27, 404 Sixth street, and Frankie,Rfppey, 1!>. 019 Larkin street. Bertie L." Houck, 23, 81B Boardman place, and Emma Balsmeler, 22, SIB Boardman place. Burton J. Wurch. 20, city, and Leah M. Medeirlos, 23, city. Artless L. Knoles, 21, city, and Henrietta D. Dlederich. 22, city. Robert Bonner. 32. San Mateo, and Gertrude C. V.'immer. 25, -city. ¦ B1R iBS—HARBIAaES—DEATHS. Birth, marriaze and death notices sent by mail will not*>e inserted. They must be handed in at either cf the publication offices and ue indorsed with the name. and residence of per- sons authorized to have the same published. BORM. EBERLE In this cltr. December 2, 1802, to tho wife of John Eberle, a son. ¦ mabsied! ¦ . .- McQUEEX— MOSEHART—In this city. De-. cember 24, 1&C2. by the Rev. Paul Brtinke. Samuel McQueen and Tena Mosehart, both of this city. . PEARSON SWAX In this city, December 24, ' 1'.Kj-2, by the Rev. F. A. Keast, pastor Ep- . worth M. E. Church. Wallace E. Pearson and Sadie Swan, both of San Francisco. WALLACE—BOWMAN—In this ctfy, Decem- ber 24. 1902. William True Wallace Jr. and Xc-llie M. Bowman, both of Mendocino. Cal. _____ Booth, Emilie B. Koenecke, Margare- ' Bories. Manuel tha Campbell, Anna T. Later, Rose Clement, Dr. Rufus Lauterbach. Chas.W. Culver. Charles G. Lucas; Clara B. Daniejs, Margaret E. McElroy, Winifred Davis, Michael Moore, May Fisher, Antone F. Morrison, Mary E. ¦ Foster. Major E. S. Page, C. S. Hagreniann, Kathar- Rodgers. William D. Ine C. Riley. John ¦»¦ Hale, Arthur C. Rowland, Edward Hayes, Ellen Sauer, Genevieve Henwood, Emily M. Shearer, Cornelia Johnson, Mary E. .. Sobey, Lizzie Kavanagh,- Maurice Smith, Ernestina Kelleher, Margaret Spiro, James Kopp, Michael Westerlund, Andrew BOOTH In this city, December 23, 1002, Emilie B.. beloved wife of F. E. Booth, daughter of Mrs. Frank Maxson, mother of Kadah Booth, and sister of Warren and Jerry Croxcn, Mrs. E. D. Owen and Louis W., Frank O. and H. E. Maxson, a native ot Mayfield. Cal|. aged 37 years. .. {Cy Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully iBVited to attend -the funeral Thursday, December 25. at 2 o'clock, from the family residence, leoO- Broderlck 'street. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery, by the electric car from Eighteenth and Guerrero streets. -' - / BORJES Inthe City and County Hospital, De- cember 24, liK)2, Manuel Borjes, a native of Azore Islands, aeed 31 years. . '.; CAMPBELL— In this city, December 24. 1902, Anna T., beloved wife of John Campbell, and mother of Mrs. T. O'Connor, Mrs. F. Good- win and Grace and Ethel Campbell, a native of New York, aged 44 years 8 months and 16 days. CLEMENT— In this city. December 23, 1902, Dr. Rufus Herbert Clement, oldest son of the late R. H. and C. E.. Clement, a native of San Francisco, ased 32 years. (£-?¦¦ Services Friday, December 26, at 10 o'clock, at the mortuary chapel In Odd Fel- lows' Cemetery. CULVER— In this city, December 23. 1902, Charles G., husband of the late Mary Cul- ver, beloved father of Charles E. Culver, and . son of Mary Culyer, a native of New York, aged 4S years 5 months and 2(3 days. - 1 ¦ [C7"Friend5 and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to "attend the funeral to-day (Thursday), ' at 12 o'clock, from the parlors of McAvoy & Co.. 1239 Market street, ba- tween Eighth and N'nth. thence to St. Rose's ¦ Church for sen-Ices at 12:15 o'clock. ' Inter- itent Holy Cross Cemetery. DANIELS In this city, December 23, 1902. Margaret E. Daniels, dearly beloved mother of Mrs. E. M. Groean. Thomas. A. Daniels of Flanagan, 111., aud William and the late Frank Daniels, a native of Edinburgh. .Scot- land, aged 78. years 8 months and 8 days. JE-yFrientJs and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Friday).- December 26, at 11:30 a. m., from the residence of her daughter. Mrs. E. M. Grogan, 1625 Church street, near Twenty- ninth. Interment Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland, via 1 p. m. creek boat. DAVIS In this city, December 21, 1002, Mich- ' ael Davis, a member of Comanche Tribe, •Improved Order of Red Men, Hollo, P. I., a native of Maine, aged " 55 years 5 months and 17 days. EyFriends an« acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral Friday, December 2(5. 1902, at 10 o'clock, from the funeral parlors of Joseph Hasan, 1707 Sac- ramento 'fitreet, near Polk, where funeral services will be held under the ausoices of Montezuma Tribe No. 77." Improved Order of Red Men. Interment Mount . Olivet Ceme- . tery, by carriage. FISHER—In this city, December 24, 1902. An- tone Francis, dearly beloved husband of Ignacia FUhor, and father .of Joseph, Ellen, Antono, Constance and Annie Fisher, a na- tive of Portugal, aged 59 years 11 months and 9 days. FOSTER—In Oakland. December 23, 1902. Major Emory E., beioved husband of Jessie E. Foster, and father of Jessie Foster, a. na- tive of aged C4 years* 1month and .18 days. HAGEMANN— In this city,-December 24, 1002, Katharine C. .dearly beloved daughter of Philipp and Margaret Hagemann, and sister ;-of Charles, Margaret, Rosie and Lizzie Hagft- : mann, a native of San Francisco, aged 18 i years 8 months and 8 days. . 7 . -^ ! lETFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral Friday. December 26. at 10 o'clock, from the parlors of H. F. Suhr &. Co., 1137 Mission street.' between Seventh and Eighth, thence to St. Paul's Evangelical Church, Howard street, between Tenth and Eleventh, where services: will be held.* commencing atM :3b p. m. In- i terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. .._.¦'¦ * r*.^._?.E5ZJL l l^L?JT. Y .:'. fl I OFFICE: 916 MARKET ST. J F. J. Monahan. Pres. Geo. E. ZIorr, Sec MONAHAN & CO., (Inc.) FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. 23c't'--Jil ilifcsion et. Telephone Mission 31« ADVERTISEMENTS. . United States' Branch. STATEMENT - or thk CONDITION AND AFFAIRS OS* THE— HELVETIA SWISS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY •' OF ST. GALL. SWITZERLAND, on the 31. it ' day ot December, A. D. 1001. and for ts» - year ending on that day, as made to th-» In- surance Commissioner of th« State ot Califor- nia, pursuant to the provisions of sections 619 and 611 of the Political Code, condensed aa-pe* blank furnished by the Commissioner. - ASSETS. Cash Market Value of all Stocks •-..—.. and Bonds owned by Company... $ 631, 0R3 00 Cash In Company's Office..... ' 1,783 93 Cash In Banks 23,763 83 Interest' due and accrued on all' Stocks and Loans 3.291 SI Premiums In due -Course ot Collec- -- tion 81.534 St ' Total Assets "..$693,214 LIABILITIES. ' Losses adjusted and unpaid......... $10,573 dt Losses In process ot Adjustment or In Suspense '.. 13.176 27 Losses resisted, including expenses.. . 6.376 Oil Gross premiums on Fire Risks run-' nlng one year or less. SiS.040 81;. - >»-- reinsurance SO per cent 29,020 44 Gross premiums on Fire Risks run- ning more than one year. $2a,- 452 30; reinsurance oro rata 13.577 37 ' All Other liabilities...... 8,427 84 Total Liabilities $£4,153 83 .- •• INCOME. Net cash actually received tor Flro - premiums :. ..$267,102 It Received for Interest and dividends on Bonds. Stocks. Loans, and from all other sources » 23.084 OS ' Total Income .$200,778 EXPENDTTtTRKS. " Net amount said (or Fire - Losses (including $32,473 82, lossea ot •previous years) $368,588 S3 Paid or allowed for Commission or Brokerage 134,223 M Paid for Salaries. Fees and other charges for officers, clerks, etc.... 3,000 04 ¦ Paid for State. National and Local taxes 12.664 83 All other payments and expends- . ' - - ¦ tures 20,188 61 Total Expenditures ............ $338J74~I5 ' 1 ** ¦ ¦•• Fir*. Losses Incurred during the year.... $362.8^8 63 rtiakg and Premiums. [Fire Riaka.| Premium*. .- Net amount of Risks written during the » year $44,528,629 $536,208 SO Net amount of Risks expired during the :-V> ,, year 43,427.286 $00,378 IS Net amount In force - t December 31. 1001.. f 6,362.1381 87.493 11 BAai'L R. WEED, of WEED b. KENNED^T" ' _ Manager, Subscribed and sworn to before this SQiii day of January, ¦ 1902. ' . F. FISHBECK, Public. SYZ& CO., General Agents. * 433 California Street* United States Braneft STATEMENT - . ' OF THE ' CONDITION AND AFFAIRS BALOlsp FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF BASLE SWITZERLAND, ON TH» \ 31st day of December. A. D. 1901. and for the year ending on that day, as mad* ta the Insurance Commissioner of the Sut» o{ California, pursuant to the provisions of sec- tions 610 and. tilt Of the Political Code, con- densed as per blank furnished by th« Commit* ' ioner - ASSETS./- Cash Market Valu« or an Stocka and Bonds owned by Company $647,812 Cash in Company's Office 2J» 84 Cash in Banks.. ".... 87,928 M - Interest due and accrued on all Stocks and Loans 1,163 M Premiums In due Course of Cbllec- ... tlon : '• '•• 84,729 23 Total Assets $TtU889 81 LIABILITIES. ~" Losses adjusted and unpaid $36,843 84 , Losses In process of Adjustment or „•¦-. Hn suspense.: 87.669 33 Losses resisted. Including expenses. . 11,639 Gross premiums on Fire Risks run- . n"g F on e year or less. $344,567 14; ,„,¦_, reinsurance 50 per cent 172.283 5T Gross premium on Fire Risks run- ning more than one year, 1115,- . 011 51; reinsurance pro rata...... 83,934 85 Commissions and Brokerage duo and to become due 20,941 to ;' \ Total Liabilities .$333.308 INCOME. N«t ca*h actually received for Fire - _ - - premiums - - ••• ¦ ••• ...$401,360 93 Received for Interest and dividends on Bonds, Stocks, Loans, and from all other sources. ........ V 22.338 74 Tout Income.... $423.900 69 .."¦ EXPENDITURES. , - Net amount paid for Fire Lossea (In- cluding $31,368 85. losses ot previ- ous years) ......'.....$330,614 07 Paid or allowed for Commission or; ¦*¦ :*¦; - - ¦ Brokerage ........'. ......:.. 133,231 0T Paid tor Salaries, Fees, and other charges for officers, clerks, etc 1,500 00 Paid for State. National and Local ~Y taxes ...:...:.'........... 2.747 34 All -other payments and expenditures 1.806 ?& Total Expenditures $468,399 24 . - - . ' Fire. . ' Losses Incurred during the yeaK... $369,916 6O •¦ RUks and Premiums. [Fire Risks. [Premiums . Net amount of Risks | written during the year $45,600,637 $331,715 83 Net amount Of Risks ex- - ' '.- plred during "the year. 42,441.671 497,370-64 * cember 31. 1901.'.- 33.77t.7fel 480.S79 63 SAM'L A. WEED, of Weed & Kennedy. ''<;•'. ¦-. . ¦ Manager.-/ -. Subscribed and sworn to before me.' this- 29th' day of January. 1902. - ' ', F. FISHBECK. Notary PubUo.* SYZ & CO.," General Agents, * ¦ 433 California Street HALE—Inthis city, December 24. 1902, Arthur C.. beloved infant ton of George and Lizzie- Hale, and brothfr ot Francis Hale, a native of Kan Francisco, aged .13 days. HATES- In Berkeley, December 24, l!>02, : EU?n; beloved wife ot the late Eugene Hayes, nnd mother ot" John, Cornelius, Timothy and Nellie Hayes, Mrs, Jeremiah -Sullivan and Mrs. T. P. Roark, a native of Ross-Carbery, County Cork, Ireland, aged S5 years and.. 6 months. . C^Fricncis and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Friday), at 9:.'5O o'clock, from the residence of her daughter Mrs. T. P. Roark, 2019 Ninth street, thence to St. Joseph"? Church, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her. soul, com- mencing at 10 o'clock. Interment St. .Mary's Cemetery. Oakland. HEXWOOD— In this city. December 24, 1902, Emily M. Henwood, a native of England, aged 72 years. . ¦ .^ JOHNSON— In this city, December 23, 1002, Mary Ellen, beloved wife of Frank Johnson, and mother of Jeremiah Francis and Mar- ET&ret Henrietta Johnson, .^and daughter of the late. Jenemiah and aiary'EJ O'Connor, a na- tive ot Lynn, Mass., aged 28 years 11 montlu ond 28 days. : . . ". . inT'Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully iiuited to attend the funeral Friday, December 2«, -at 9 o'clqck. from her late resl- . dence, 1^-10 Chestnut street, thence to St/ Brigid's Church, . where , a solemn requiem high mass . will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock- Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. Please omit flowers. KAVANAGH— In this city. December 23, 1002, Maurice Kavanagh, beloved father . of Rob- ert P., James A. and Dennis .!.- Kavanagh, S. J., a native of County Meath,' Ireland, . aged 73 years. ffj^The funeral 'will tak-e place to-morrow (Friday), at 8:30 o'clock, from tho parlors of J. C. O'Connor & Co., 767 Mission street, thence to St. Paul's Chureh, -where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the re- . pose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 o'-clock. Interment private. , ' _ .• KELLEHER In this city, 'December 24, 1902, Margaret Kelleher, <¦. native of Ireland, aged 70 years. > . . ¦ KOrP—In this cSty. 'December 24. 1002, Michael Kopp, dearly beloved son of Mathias and the late Mary Kopp. and beioved brother- of Nicholas and Matthew Kopp, a native of tiernuuty, aged 08 years 2 months and 15 daygr cChicayo, 111., papers please copy.) E^Funeral notice hereafter. Remains at the parlors of the Gantner &< Guru z Under- taking Company, .1209 Mission street, ' be- tween Eighth and Ninth. . _ ' . •' KOENECKE— In. Oakland, Efecem'ofr 24, 1002. Margaretha, beloved wife" of Henry Koenecke, a native of •Germany, aged (34 years 11 months and 9 days. ' LATER— In this city. December 23; 1902, >Rose. beloved wife cf the late. James Later, and mother of William, .James, John and the late Annie Later, a native of County Tyrone, Ireland, aced 62 years. . ... IE3""Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attand the funeral to-morrow . (Friday), at 10 o'clock, from'the funeral par- lors of the Henry J. Gallagher "Undertaking Company. 20 Fifth street, thence to St. Jo- seph's Church for cervices. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. . LAUTERBACH—Iri thte city. ' December 22, 1902, Charles W. Lauterbach, beloved hus- band cf ¦ Gretchen Lauterbach, a native of Bremen, Germany, aged 42 yeai-s. and 6 months. CTFriends and acquaintances are respect- . fully . invited to attend the funeral Friday, December 20, at 2 o'clock, from Elks' Hall, 223 Sutter street. Remains at the paiiors of Porter &-White, 122 Eddy street. Inter- ment private. . B. P. O. ELKS—Members of San Francisco Lodge No. 3, B. P. O. Elks, are hereby noti- fied to attend the funeral of our late brother, Charles W. Lauterbach, on Friday afternoon, December 2(5, at 2 o'clock, from the lodge- room, 233 Sutter Street. By order of PfeRCY V. LONG, Exalted Ruler. LUCAS In this city, December 24, 19C2," Clara B. Lucas, beloved v/ife of John P. Lucas, ¦ a native of New York, aged 42 years 8 months and 14 days. " - McELROY— In this city, December 23, 1902, at St. Joseph's Ifome, Winifred McElroy, dearly beloved wife of T. F.- McElroy. (Bos- ton papers please copy.) ¦ , C^Friends and acquaintances arc' respect- fully invited to attend a requiem high mass, which Will be celebrated for the repose of her soul at the chapel of St. Joseph's Home, Park Road avenue and Baker street, com- mencing at 9 o'clock. Friday. December 20. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. . ¦ MOORE—In this c!ty,' December 24, 1902. ¦ May, daughter or Nora and the late Joseph Moore, and sister of Mrs. Moran, Mrs. Net- ting and John, Joseph and Emmett Moore, a native of San Francisco, aged 19 years. MORRISON— In Oakland, December 23, 1902, Alary E. Morrison, widow of the late George H. Morrison, and mother of Mildred H., George H. and Helen Morrison and Mrs. E. Bruce Elliott, a native ' of Massachusetts, aged 57 years. E^i-'rionds and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral services . Friday. -December 2(J, 19u2, at 2 o'clock, at the funeral parlors of ~C. H. Wever, ' 1602 Park street, Alameda. Interment Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland. PAGE In this city, December 24, 1902, C. B. Page, a native of Maine, aged 75 years. RODGERS— In Alameda, December 23, 1S02, William D. Rodgers, brother of Mrs. C. L. Woods, a native of Pennsylvania, aged 74 years 10 months and 23 days. (St. PanI pa- pers please copy.) *f GyjFrienda and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend' the funeral Friday, December 26. at 10 o'clock, from. the late residence, 2019 Railroad avenue, Alametla. Interment Mountain View Cemetery, Oak- t Uind. . v RILEY— In this city, December 23, 1Q02, John, beloved husband of Catherine Riley, and father of Thomas and Daniel Rlley,. Mrs. Patrick Le Strange, Mrs. George Kilpatrick, Mrs. James McCormick and Mrs. Edward Lawler, a -native, of County Westmeath, Ire- land, aged 72 years. (New York papers please copy.) (C"?FrlendB and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attand the funeral to-morrow (Friday), at 8:30 o'clock, from his late resi- dence, 01 Federal street, thence to St. Bren- . dan's Church, 'where a requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul at 9 o'clock. . -, > " - ROWLAND In "this city. December 23. 1902. Edward, beloved husband of Alice Rowland, and father of Edward, Alice and Hadden Rowland, a native of Liverpool, England. . (C****" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow (Friday), at 9:45 o'clock, from 121 Eddy street, under the ausulces of Pacific Lodge No. 138. F. and A. M. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery by 11:30 train from. Third and Townsend streets. SAUER In this city, December 24, 1902 (of diphtheria), Genevieve, beloved daughter of George and Mary Sauer, sister of George Sauer, and granddaughter of Mrs. G. Sauer and Mrs. T. Jones, a na,tive of.Berkeley, Ala- meda County, aged 2 years 1 month and 24 days. . ' -.. SHEARER— In this city, December 23, 1902. Cornelia, beloved wife of George A. Shearer, daughter of Mrs. Cornelia Young Seely, and sister of Mrs. Frank M. Haight, Frank H. Seely and Alexander B. Seely, a native of California, aged 32 years 3 months and 1 day. (Watsonville papers please copy.) ' lETFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral Friday, ». December ' 2C, at 11:15 o'clock. Xrom St. 'James Mission, Richmond- District.. Inter- ment Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland. -. . 'sOBEY In the City and County Hospital, De- cember 24, 1902, Lizzie Sobey, a native of California, aged 52 years.' SMITH— In the City and County Hospital, December 24, 1902, Ernestina Smith, a native of Germany, aged 69 years. , SPIRO— Inthis city, December 24. 1902, James, beloved son of George and Etta Spiro, a na- tive of San. Francisco, aged 1 year 3 months and 25 days. WESTERLUND—In this city, December 24. 1902, Andrew E., beloved husband of Johanna Westerlund,- father , of . Ester Westerlund, and brother of J. V. Westerlund and Mrs. Selma J. Nlckander, a native of Finland, aged 41 years 3 months and 14 days. . ¦ Shar\eif\arv O FLORAL DESIGNS- tO7_POWELL"^LLLIS^5056 Oscar Holliday Banghart enjoys a vogue as a portrait painter second only to that of Whistler and John Sargent. He is a most conscientious worker and demands absolute obedience ,,, from bis sitters. Woe betide the society dame who disregards Mr. Bang- hart's . instructions as to what dress she shall wear when sitting for her portrait. One can easily beliave this, after looking at the gowns worn. by his ladies in the famous set that is being given free every Sunday with the Sunday Call. More than once Mr. Banghart has refused astonishing fees rather than paint a woman who wanted 9 "flattering portrait-".

Transcript of *AUMEDA MAYASK POPE FOR A DIVORCE NAVAL TRAINING · returning to Dresden,' did not resume marital...

Page 1: *AUMEDA MAYASK POPE FOR A DIVORCE NAVAL TRAINING · returning to Dresden,' did not resume marital relations. BERLIN, Dec. 24.— The Lokal Anzeiger to-day prints aidispatch Dresden

Mitchell Thompson, lot on S side of .SantaClara avenue (as. widened to 80 feet), -331:17feet W of Union, 8 137.50, "SV parallel: withSanta Clara avenue; to point 110.50 E fromK line of Grand street measured along saidline parallel with :Santa Clara avenue. N toS line of Santa Clara avenue, E to beginning,-block 12" of may of Town of Encinal and landadjacent; Alameda; $10. ¦.. .

Charles A. Sessions to Ella A. Sessions(wife), lot on N line of West Eighth street,77:6 W of Union, W 37:0 by N110:2. lot 4 andhalf of lot 3, In block 049,. map of blocks 549,550 and part of bloqk 561, property of ColonelJohn Scott, Oakland; gift.-

Nellie V. Jones (single) to George* Sterling,lots S8.13 feet on Greenbank avenue by 100 feeton Oakland avenue, being lots 8 to 10 and H,block E, map of Lincoln Park; Oakland; $10.IRobert


and Agnes Dalziem wife) to.Thomas"W. Corder, lot on W line of Broadway; 50 feetS of Birnie street, said point being ., in centerofca cci tain ,brick wall thereon .located S a«Jfeet to center. of said brick wall, west andalong same 65:3'/i feet. to land 40 feet E fromand parallel with.center of Telegraph avenue,N 20:10^" feet to center of . brick wall, .E72:354 feet to beginning-, together withall lanrllyingbetween W boundary in said lot and cen-ter,of.Telegraph a-veue; Oakland ;' S10.

»Harlow P Bancroft to Robert B. Cuthbert,E 15 feet of loC 48VS and W 15 feet of. lot 49.'amended map of subdivisions Mosswood Tract,Oakland; $10 . .

Same to Knud Nielsen, lot 321/5 and ;"W 10feet •ofIlot 32. amended

'map of subdivisions

same. Oakland; $10. ,. " .S. Gertrude Smyth (widow) to Union Savings

Ban); lot on'W line*of San Pablo avenue, 303Nor Park street, VV'270 to S line land now orformerly of Mary S. Fernald. SW 20 to landnow or formerly of Thomas Mclnerney, NW 132to line dividing plats 6 and 38. thence follow-ing said dividing line SW 300 to E line ofWatts street, etc.. NW W. NE 690. SB 156:3to beginning,- portion plats 6 and 38,-. mapRancho V. and D. Peralta, Oakland Townchip;also lots 47 to 49,. map. Templeton Tract, quit-claim deed, East Oakland;; $10.

- . '

¦Charles and Katherine or Katha Jurgens toChris McNamara (single).**lot beginning at in-tersection of E line of Adeline street and W,line of San Pablo avenue. S 133:3, W at rightangles to San Pablo avenue. 36, thence- atright angles to Adeline, W 36 to E line ofAdeline N 133 :3 *to beginning, being lot.0,block C84, jmap Watts Tract, Emeryville, Oak-land Township;:$10. , . . . .\

F. H.ahd Fannie M;Lawton and-M. P. TV.'and Emma G., Albeo to William and MinervaF Wilkinson, lot on W line Of Walnut street,168.50 S of Virginia. S ICO by W 127.40, '.lots19 and 20. Percy. Tract, Berkeley ;.$10.' • •_ ,

Joseph. M. Phinney :to',Myles ¦ and Elizabeth"Pickthall. lot on*-E corner of Jackson '-andGrove streets.. NE 45.31 by SE 149, lot 1. block¦93 map of portipn Sather. Trust Property, Ala-meda; $ie. ¦¦¦•, ". . . . ¦ -•>

¦ ALBUQUERQUE, .N. M., Dec. 24.—TheAtchlson, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroadhospital was totally destroyed by lastnight's fire..One of the patients, whosename was not learned, died from expos-ure and fright. »

Hospital Fire. Costs One Life.

OSHKOSH, Wis.,'r>ec. 24.—Isaac HarryStratton and Miss Josephine A. Larabeewere married at 11 o'clock "to-day at thehome of the bride's mother, Mrs. Jose-phine Larabee. Rev. E. H. Smith, .pastorof the First Congregational Church, per-formed the ceremony. The ¦'groom is ason of. the late Colorado "millionaire.

HELENA, Mont.,.Dec. 24.— The famousPennsylvania mining case was decided bythe Supreme Court to-day. The case wasan action lor-damages in which the Mon-tana Ore Purchasing Company sued theBoston and Montana Company for dam-ages for alleged trespass. The Bostonand Montana Company appealed and thecourt sustained Judge Clancy in part,The Supreme Court modifies the rulingofthe lower court by cutting down the di-mensions, of the .Johnstown .mine,"^ whichF. Augustus Heinze can work, and dlS-allows in toto the billof*costs for $258,000that was filed by Heinze. . • .j The case may be carried to the SupremeCourt of the United. States. -Stratton's Son .Weds Miss Larabee.

Decision Is Hendered in the FamousPennsylvania Mining Case in

Montana. ¦


VIENNA,Dec. 24.—Tho Crown Princessof Saxony, through M. Lachenell, a for-mer professor of Switzerland, has in-formed-the Neues Wiener Tageblatt thatshe Intends to take Immediate steps tocbtflin a divorce. She willnot go. to Salz-burg for fear of being placed In an asylum.In-two letters^ to her- intimate friend,Princess TJheresa of Bavaria, the CrownPrincess complains bitterly of her treat-ment at the Saxon court, where she al-ways was subjected to the strictest dis-cipline. She says the official statementsIn her case are incorrect. :

Will Herself Attempt to ObtainLegal Separation. .


VALLEJO, Dec. 24.—Coroner Mc'Donalahold an inauest in Benicia to-day to de-termine the cause of the death of J. Jen-sen, who was killed on the streets of thattown on the 14th inst. The jury foundthat George ,Kevase shot Jensen andcharged him with-willfulmurder.

Kevas Is Charged With.Murder.

SAN BERNARDINO. Dec. 24.—JackDoyle, a wealthy mine owner, whosehome- is in Riverside County, is lost some-where on the Colorado Desert. Twoweeks ago he left Grays Landing to meeta representative of an Eastern syndicatewhich proposed buying one of his minessome miles distant from that place. Herode a burro and had one pack animal. Atew days ago these animals 'wanderedinto ¦, Ehrenberg, Nev., almost famishedfor want of water; Doyle has not beenheard of since he left the landing. Asearching paxty has been formed tosearch for him>

His Burro and Pack Horse Return toTown Almost Famished for

. "Want.of Water.


LOS ANGELES. Dec. 24.—The PacificFurniture and Lumber Company's build-ing at the corner of Central avenue andSeventh street was -completely destroyedby fire at an early hour thte morning.A carload of lumber and all the stock offurniture, together with the machinery,was destroyed. - The loss will be at least$15,000. . -v V


Fire Destroys a Furniture Factory.

Their disagreements reached this crisis" InJune after Professor Giron became the chil-dren's tutor. The Princess at that time con-sidered seeking; a divorce and visited her"friencj, the Princess Theresa of Bavaria, whodissuaded her. The Princess; however, afterreturning to Dresden,' did not resume maritalrelations.

BERLIN, Dec. 24.—The Lokal Anzeigerto-day prints aidispatch Dresdensaying that King George *of Saxony sentseveral of. the highest police officials to

Geneva to observe and report on the ac-tions, of the fugitive Crown PrincessLouise. One official returned yesterdayby way of Vienna.; The others will,re-main at Geneva. A divorce of the CrownPrince and Crown Princess is regarded asimpossible during the lifetime of KingGeorge, who entertains" stringent religiouss'cruples against divorce. *• The ProtestantcJergy, however, hope that Berlin willbring pressure to bear for a divorce."

The sympathy of the people of Dresdenseems whollywith the Princess, who is ofa cheerful, pleasure-seeking


The Crown Prince lo^ed to torment her.Among the writers forbidden )her wereTolstoi, Zola and Nitzsche.

Professor Andre Giron is described asan idealist of the extreme type. Itis re-lated that his family once considered the.question "of confining him in an asylumbecause he refused a legacy on'."thegrounds of delicacy of feeling. "

The Crown Prince-

beat . the CrownPrincess, according to an editorial state-ment in the "V/Dssische Zeitung, one of themost .careful newspapers published inBerlin, which adds:

Conservative Berlin Journal DeclaresHe Beat the Princess.


DRESDEN, Saxony, Dec. 24.—It is re-ported here that the Crown :Princess ofSaxony, left for her husband a writtenconfession of her relations withM. Giron,together wiVh a declaration -.of' her in-

tention of never returning to the Saxoncourt. The court has no official informa-tion as to the present whereabouts of thePrincess, but It is known here that sheis going to Mentone, France, to reside.The court at present is withconsiderations as to the *best course topursue. Itis believed that the Pope willbe appealed to- to grant an absolute di-vorce/

- . .

"While the newspapers this morning gen-erally commend the scheme as a cour-ageous attempt in the direction of a verynecessary reform, it is expected that itwillmeet with much opposition. ..Its prin-cipal defect as pointed out in editorialarticles this morning is that engineersand marine officers will still be debarredffcm attaining flag rank and all cadetstbtiefore will want to enter for the execu-tive branch. The Standard says:

"We do not blame the Admiralty forhesitating to follow the example of theUnited States, in whose navy executiveami engineer officers have been combined(with very dubious results): but. the Ad-miralty has gone bo far that it certainlywillbe compelled to go farther."

LONDON, Dec. 25.—Official papers have[been issued which give full details of thene.V scheme for naval education, underjvhjch the training of officers iito be" uni-fied and simplified by the- adoption of asingle system for the

-training of cadets

for all three branches of the service-executives, engineers and marines.

The scheme as now detailed confirmsthe previous forecast. Itwillbecome ope-rative next July. For the first severalyeors all cadets will receive identicaltraining, in every branch of the service,special attention being given to scientificstudy. Thenceforward from the age of20 the cadets willbe drafted into the dif-ferent branches and willbegin to special-

ize. The scheme enables speedier promo-tion, provides for revised rates of pay,the disappearance ofengineers' disabilitiesand promotion to the rank of commanderby selection.

-: \\

Similar Work to Be Givenin First- Years for All]

Branches of Service.

Fugitive Princess LouiseNever to Return to

Dresden. • :

Admiralty Plans New,

System of Education'for . CadetsL

Saxon Cgurt ConsidersMove to Quiet

Scandal. '




WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24..•Morris. Ada^ Ralph, -j Abraham and. IdaBrown, Bahr' or;Bar and Sophie Sheldemaii,Philip and Betsy Lipp'ttand Godfrey and TJdra.Fieher to M. H de Young, lot on NE corner ofO'Farrell and Polk streets, E 275 by N120;$io. : • . ¦ -. ¦ . . • /¦.'¦.¦•¦• ;¦•

J. B. Levi?on to Bella F. Gerstle, lot on Nline of Pacific avenue. 154:3H. E of Stelner,E51:2>4 by N.127:8U; $10.

Same to Alice G. Levison. lot on N line ofPacific avenue, «103:l ft K of Stelner, E 51:2V4.N-127:8U W 16:9»4. N 9:9%, W J4:4S, S137:6; $10. :• / • j

Leopold Seligman to Nannie A: Meyerfeld(wifeof M Jr.), lot on NB corner of Fell an'lSUnyan streets. .E 137:6 by N137:6, quitclaimdeed; $5. - . " .

Morris Jr. and Nannio A. Meyerfeld to Reu-ben H Lloyd same; $10. ¦ •. ¦¦

' .J Frank and Maria Walters to M. D. Stein,

lot on SE corner of Walnut and Jacksonstreets- 'E 88 by S 127:8V!;410. '";;

Francis D. Sheldon and 11argaret L. Jonesto VirginiaP. Taggart. lot on NE Hn* of DoreBtreet 95 SE of Folsom, SE 27 by NE 85; $10.

Franz Muller vs. George Koenig (by receiver)to Fran* Mullor. lot on NW line of Harrisonstreet 100 NE of Eleventh.. NE 36:3 by NW137:6; 54900. i s ,

Estate of James Ryan '(by Daniel Dunn, ex-ocutrix) to Sophia Lawson, •lot on E line ofMinna street, 165 N- of Fifteenth, N 25 by E80; $1690.

'¦ .

Peter'A. Smith to Elizabeth K. Freck, lot

on E line 'of Dolores street. 161 N of Twenty-third, N,2S by E 117:6; $10.

Elizabeth K. and Henry, M. Freck to JohnF. Byrne, same; $10. < .- - '

fJ)Emanuel L. and Rose Heller to Frederick

W.-Zcile, undivided 1-0 of lot on S line of

Bush street 97 E of Sansome. E 40:6 by 3137:(5; $10. '

Samuel W. and Hattie Heller to same, un-divided'1^6 of same; $10^ ;,. " *.i

Sanfcrd Sachs to same.-

undivided 1-3 ofsame; $10 .'¦.

" '• • • • • m ¦

Martin 'Sachs Company -(a corporation) tosame, undivided 1-3 of same; .$101

lybernia Savings and Loan Society to J.W. Smith lot on NE line of Dore street. 315SE of Bryant. SE 25 by NE 85;:$1000.

Matthew and Catherine Kavanagh to Kath-crlne A. "Rivers lot on NW corner of Califor-nia and Dupont streets. W 112:6. N 97:6. W25. N20:4, "E 137:0. S 117:10; $10.

Thomas W. Rivers to eame, same; gift. KCarrie B. Wirtz to Gustav F. Roden, undi-

vided half of lot on S line of Geary street, 112 ;9W of Leavenworth. W 24:9 by S 137:«; $10.

Bank of California to" Nat M. Raphael, loton NE line of First street, 1>S:9 NW of Harri-son, NW 40:3 by NE b'8:9; $10.

Alice Morrison and Annie :McKernan to AliceF. Ellis (wife of Thomas P.), undivided halfof lot on NW line of Hunt street, 200 NE ofThird, NE 27:6 by NW 55; $10. •

Benjamin :H. and Frances Lichtenstein toGeorgiana M. Perkins (wife of W. F.) and Jo-seph M. Mastcn, lot on N corner of Third;andHunt streets. NW 40 byNE 80 r $10.

Henry,"J. Wynne to Annie McICernan, lot onNW line of Hunt street, 80 NE of Third, alsodistant 140 NW of Howard, NE 40 by NW 55;also lot on NW line Of Hunt street, 200 NE ofThird, NE'27:0'b$ NW 55, quitclaim deed;$10.

AlicR Morrison, Alice F. or Alice T. andThomas P. Ellis; Annie McKernan, WilliamT>. and Alice 13. Brown to Joseph M. Marten,Georgiana M. Perkins (wife of William F.), loton NW line of-Hunt street, 80 NE of Third,NE 40 by NW C5; $li>. •

wAlexander H. Baify and W. O. Watson to

samfe, lot on SE line of Sherwood place, 100NE of Third, NE 60 byNW 55; also lot on NWline 6f Hunt street, liO NE pf Third, NE 20 byNW 05; $10.


James Shea to Katie Shea, lot on SW corner,of Seventh and Minna streets, SW 80 by.NW30; $1. .

Fciix and Georgiana Lestrohan to Henry A.Arnold, lot on SW line of Chesley street, 195NW of Bryant, NW 80 by SW 80; $10. . ' ,.;

Alice M. or Alice "and Henrietta Dunne andFiances McHugh to Hattie Simon, block bound-ed N by H Btreet, E by Twentieth avenue, SbyIstreet, W by Twenty-first avenue; $10.

John H. Roeseter and'Frank J. Grace to

same, same; $10." •"•


William E. Balnes to Kossuth D. Bronson,re-record 1978 D. 191, lot 12, block I,Park LaneTract 7; $10.

"Ebtate of Richard Darling (by Robert Mc-

Elroy. executor) to A. Ruef, lots 20 to 23, Holi-day Map A;.also lots 1 to 4, S, 0, 20 and 21,block 711. tide !and3; Tilso lots 9, 10, 18 and 20,block -712, same; $225.

"i, Builders' (Contracts.

Cecil W. and Susie II. Mark (owners) withKern Bros, (contractors), architects L. S. Stoneand H. C, Smith

—All work for a Otwo-story

framo building (two liats), on N line of Claystreet. CO W of Cherry, W 40 Jay N 70, W. A.84i»; $70C0. v / ¦

sTheresa A.' Oelrichs and Virginia Vanderbilt

(owners) with Western Expanded Metal andFire Proofing Company (contractors), architectsReid Bros.

—Fireprooflng for lioor. arches, roof

arches and suspended metal ceilings for a hotelbuilding, bounded on W by Mason 'street, Nby Sacramento, E by Powell and S by Cali-fornia; 599.C6S. xSame owners with Gray Bros. (contractoTs),architects same

—Concrete, foundation for same

on same; $ .Harry N. Stetson (owner) with George Good-

man (contractor)—

Excavation, concrete- work,cement floors and concrete foundation, . for afive-story brick building, on S line of Bushstreet,. 80 W.of Stockton, W.78, S 82:6, W 39:6,S 5, E CO, S 50. E 57:6, N137:6; $5425.

California Fruit Canners'- Association (cor-poration) with J. Pattinson (contractor)— 'Allwork for a one-story frame building (machinewareroom). on S line pf Bay street, betweenMaron and Taylor, through to Vandewater;SISIW. .

Alameda County.George O. and Benjamin, F. Simmons, Eliza-

beth Fountain Simmons (wife), William HenrySimmons and .Elizabeth Dall Simmons (wlfe>to John B. and Archibald Johnson, lot.on BWcorner of Second and Alice streets, W 75 by S200 ¦ lots 15 to 22, block 10, Kellersberger's'Map, warranty deed, Oakland; $5000. /

Elisabeth Kryster (wife or John) to' Lena"Williams (daughter), wife of John, lot on Nline of Eighth street, 233:3 E of Union, E 33:3by N 87:10, block 548, Boardman' s.Map, Oak-land; gift. • •

M. F. and Alice Cochrane (wife) to JamesW. Cochrane Company (corporation), lot be-ginning :f E line of Kirkham street. .between,Twenty-fourth and Twenty-sixth, extending: Bof uniform width and distance 115, being N11:6 of lot 4, block X, and S 38 feet of lot 5,block X, map of survey of northern extensionof Oakland by U. F. Boardman, Oakland; $10-

George and Carrie R. Sterling, (wife) toTSealty Syndicate, Jot on NW corner of Feltonand Baker streets, W 128.97 by N 80, lots ISand 19, block 9, Map of Herzog- Tract," Oak-land; $10.


, Henry and Bertha Ahnefeldt to John L. andBell Valentine (wife), lot on SW corner ofButterworth and Ralston streets. S 33:9 by "W120, Berkeley; $10. .,.-..

Mountain View Cemetery Association to John.Taylor, rot in cemetery. Oakland Tdwnship;*2S5. : .

Maria Franke (widow) to Henry 12 Sammi(executor of the estate of Carl Christian Vo-rath), lot on SE corner of Williams and Pinestreets,. S 50:71,4 by E 80:7%, lots 17 and 18,subdivision of block 38, "Whitcher's Map Tract406, Oakland; $50. • •

• William and Elizabeth F. Lebrecht to FrankK. Mott (single), lot on S. line of Sixteenthstreet, 100 W of Telegraph avenue, • W 50, S107.08, E 17.80. to point" 100 feet measured atright angles. S from said line of Sixteenthstreet, E 33.94, N100, lots 5 and 0, map of sur-vey made for G. C. Potter, Oakland; $10.

Harlow P. Bancroft to Elizabeth A. Turner(wife of George M.), lot 89V4, Amended Map ofSubdivisions of Mosswood Tract, Oakland; $10.

Taft & Pennoyer (corporation) to C. C.Volberg-, lot 10, block P, Map of Paradise Park,Oakland; $350. .

John W. and Irita Doubleday to C. M. Cook,lot on E line of Telegraph avenue, 50 N ofProspect avenue, N 45, E 100.25, S 45. W100.13. Map of McClure Academy Grounds,Oakland; $10.

AxelL.,anfl' Eleonora'C. Saxtorph to GeorgeSieble (slr.ele), lots 6 and 7, block B,.-mapKnowles and Potter subdivision of KennedyTract, East Oakland; $10.

Bartine and Alice' L. Carrington tq LymanAllen; lot on S line of Channing way, 2io Wvof Audubon street, W -15.by S 135, lot" 20,' mapBell-Drocerty. Berkeley; $10.

Elizabeth J. Eaton (widow) to Bernard' P.Miller, lot on NW corner of Wheeler and Essexstreets, W 06.79 by N 105, lot 13/ block D,Amended Map of*E portion of Newbury Tract,'Berkeley; $10. . .

Bernard P. Miller (single) to Anson S. Blake,same, Berkeley; .$10. ..". . •.

" ¦'

Catharine Danahy (single) to Thomas Cur-ran, lot' on N Hne of Addlson street, 50 E ofSherman, E 50 by N 137:9, lot 8, block A,map block A. Twitchell Tract, Berkeley, sub-ject to all liens; $500. . •

Mildred Freud (widow) to Harriet E. Hamp-shlr« (widow), lot beginning at corner formedby S line of HopRlns street or county road No.1135 -with W line- of Wilson avenue, S 203:7by W 130, being lots 25 to 32, block E, mapof subdivision of ncrtion of blocks I,A, E andF of revised map of ¦ Prospect Hill


BrooklynvTownship;$2850.Bridget RIgney (widow) to John J. and Car-

rie M. RIgney (son and daughter), lot on Sline of Twelfth street, 101 W of Cypress, W26' by S 110. being E 2C feet of lot 10. mapCenter Street Home Lots at Oakland, Point,Oakland; gift

Charles W. and Carrie V. Fisher to VirginiaH. Barker, lot On N lino of Chase street 75E of Cedar. E 88:6 by N 135; $10.

Frances S. Noyes (widow) to Thomas J.Daniels, lot on E line of Adeline street 50.23S of Forty-second. -E 199.605. NE 50, E 10, SW100, W 214.39, N 50.23, portion lot 17, mapH. C. Dohrs Homestead, Oakland; $5. ¦

Frank H. Ayers (single) to H. Eppinger Jr.,lots 1 and 3 to 30, block A. and lots 1 to 15,block B. map Oakland Harbor Tract. EastOakland; $10, . . , ,;

Home Security Building and Loan Associa-tion to" William H. Hardy, lots 6 and 7. blockE, map Knowles and Potter subdivision Ken-nedy Tract, 'East- Oakland; $10. ' . !.-..;¦

Berry-Bangs Land Company (a corporation)to Harriette Carlson, lot on 3 line of. Manoaavenue, 250 S of Stewart; S 100'by E 14S,lots 16. and 17, block H, map- Berry-BangsTract; Berkeley; $10.

-.. Minnie F. and Robert Grelg to Glennie Da-vies lot on N line of Parker street. 188:6 Wof Triton, W 25 by N135. being W y2 of lot18 Steele Tract. Berkeley; $10.. ., . .

E A. and Julia E.;Trefethen (wife) to JamesR. Waterbury. lot on S line.of Delaware street,227:G W of Sherman (now Grove), W 72:0 byS 135, being portion NM of range 2. HardyTract, as per map said tract, Berkeley; $10. \

T. M. and Nettie Van Vlear' Edmunds (wife)to Charles A. Bailey, lot. on E.llne of Seventhstreet 100 S of Channinff way, E 270. S 61:55,W 270 N 47:13, block 135, Corrected Map Ray-mond Tract. Berkeley; $10.

Charles A. and Alice C, Bailey (wife) toWilliam W. Farweil, lot on W line of Ninthstreet 201:3 N of Bancroft way, N 50 by W130 lot 11, block 118, Map Tract B. Berkeleyl>and and Town Improvement Association,Berkeley: $10. ."

' '

Louis Blint to Mrs. T. Marie Bllnt (wife),undivided half interest- in*,lot on -N. line ofAdflison street, 51 -W of Price, W 51, N128:4}i,EDI, S'12Q:6V»; lot 11, block 2, Map of TractA, Berkeley vLand and Town Improvement As-pociatlon, Berkeley; $10.

-Thomas R. and Mary.E. Hayes (wife) to

Board of Education of the Town of Berkeley,lot on S line of Russ street, 246 E of iCollegeavenue. E 61:0 by S

-102:5, lot 18, 'block A.-

map of property of Berkeley Villa HomesteadAsscciatlon. Berkeley; $650.

- -•IEleanor A. and Daniel E. Hayes to same, loton S line of Itus3 street, 307:6 E of College ave-nue, E 123 by,S 102:5, lots 16 and 17, block .A,same, Berkeley; $1300. . . a

K. L.and C. A. Gons.or Gove to R. R. Er-«win, lot 28. Melrose Tract, Brooklyn Town-ship; warranty deed; $10.

-.-..-.¦ -.•...;".

Margaret G. and .Thomas W. Williams to^Charles M. Jenkins (single), lot on W. line orOak street; 105. S of Buena Vista avenue, S45:2 by W-.100, block 39, -map of 'lands adjacentto Enclnal, Alameda; $10. .-•• —>¦". ;

Thomas H.' Lindsay, to *Agnes C. Shaw(widow), lot on BE comer or Pacific avenue andOak street. E 62, S 112, E 38, "S SS, W 100,N150, lot 20 and portion of lot 19, block 47,'T.-A. Smith's map of blocks 46 and 47, landsadjacent to Encinal,.Alameda v $10." .

Charles P."Eggleston to Ambrose T.-Eggl«s-ton, lot 23.'- block E, map of .Leonard tract;Berkeley; $10. '; , •


• Robert J. and Carlotta -.Tyson (wife) to



EEjB i,ur bvautifu! homes fcr sale,li-oal location. Great bsrcalft.




CHU18TMAS j)n?sfiit for somebodyT~4^rvK)n-:eJ house and pood lot In best partof West Berkeley; must be eold; casvterms. ,

C.-HENEY & BERRY, Berkeley Station.


LARGE list cT desirable property (open Sun-day).P.H.Blake. Fruitvalc. E.14th st.,nr.P.O.


OAKL4AD REAL ESTATE.J25 FOK a iaree lot." 25x128,' In nne~loc<intj\

adjoining East Oakland; tine soil; about 2jm blecks from electric cars and schoolhouse;

only 14 lots left cut cf 6uO; willsell at ?2 50i-ash, $1 o'J monthly; must close out the tractat once; SO families now located here; it is*kss than acreage price; ihe lots are high and"ry. adjoining lets have sold for $75; titlepenect. Send for circular. 4."3 Seventh eT.opp. Broadway station. Oakland. Carriage*!•<•*>. H. ¦/.. JONES, owner.


HOTEL TOURA1NE. Fourteenih~alid~^£lay~6ts—Lofty ceilings, bpacicuE hails; modern andselect; a home for families cr single ladlesand cxatHmea; suites and single rooms;ramp.e rooms for Torr.merclal men.

OAKLAND FIKMTIKE FOR SALE."n-RXlTT-RK rood.and ohear tins mor.thTll.SCHELLHAAS. 40S Eleventh -St.. Oakland.

aOOVk FOR HOLSElvEKPIVG.ELI,ls; S04— 4 Rood rooms, furnished "foi> PocgefcBCptay; also sinsrle room.OCTAVIA. COg- 3 to 4 completely furnished- cingl* or on suite; centra!.

OTARRKI.L. VUPi—Z or 4 furnished roomstor hou^K^epfns.

tTOCKTCJN, 120C—Model hcuse; newly. fur-RUaed housekeeping rooms. $5. S12: free cas-baths.


CLASSIFIED advertisements s.n<J subscription*at Call branch orflce. 2200 Flllmore.

A BRANCH officp for Ca'.l advertisements andrubscripUcns bas been established at 103tf>'al?ncia ft.

UUO>1*> TO LE'J—

Furn. aud tnloro.AliGYLKHotel. _2ol McAllister

—New, elegant«unnr. 75c day upward; McAllister cars topoor; har.dscmegt grillroom in California.

A—BRUNSWICK House. 14S Sixth—RoomsJjc to Jl per night; Jl25 to $5 per week, andMpht houFekeeijine rooms; open all night.AT The Ala;onte." 873 Market tt. (or No. 1

riRk Et.)—

Rooms 25c. 50c, $L Jl 50 nig-ht-Sl 60 to flO per ••veek: house open all nisht.

BU11NETT. 1426 Market <o!d No. 13G4)—

Fur-r.lthed rooms, tultes, eingle; also furnished.

CXIFFO&O. *JiH Ellis, cor. Mason—Elegantlyiurnishfd sunnr rocras; prices reasonable.

ELLI*;,221 'Mozart)—Nicely furn. rooms 35c.»1 50 Dlgla; $150. week; open all ni&ht.

KELL. 1j(.-S—1 furnished. 1 unfurnished frontrunny room: reasonable: epposite Panhandle;private family; reference.•

4 ROOMS. $% (south): no children; handy toVnicn Iron Works. Rox 3CO\ Call office.

Orzr.i Southern, Tth ar.d Sii&sior.—

Rooms 5Oc tof-1 I>0 night: ?2 to S« week: reading room.

HOWARD. 715. nr. Third <St- Pavid'e)—

Sunnyfurnished rccnis en suite or single; cleanbeds; Jl 50 to $5 per v.-eek; reading room.


Furnished rcoms for man andwise; also for lipht housekeeping-; • otherrooms for gentlemen; nicely turnit-hed.

URKI.V. H04—

Funny /ronl single and dcub!s !Toum tor gents; Sj and *7; grate, gas.

MCALLISTER. 204 (The Alton)—

Large alcovebay-window room, good for two gents, andother rcoms; running water: gas; phone.

MINNA.?«j7. corner 8th—Nevrly furnished bay-•*naaow rooms; $1 per week; tranglent.


Sunny furnished rooms andofnceg; elevator; elec. lights; day. week, mo.


Fi;oiit room; piano; grate;privilege of lt'ltehen: private family.

WILLIAM,124, near Post. bet. Tayicr andJcnes

—Sunny room with stove; reasonable.

CLASSIFIED advertisements and subscriptionsj| received ytCaU branch office, 2200 Fillmore st.

A BRANCH office for Call advertisements andsubscriptions has been established at 1CW8Valencia st.

ItOO.'.IS AXD BOARD.XuI^tcjkju-m'^

can and european plan; 150 rooms.elite or single; private baths;electric lights and steam heat-ERS THROUGHOUT; PHONE IN EVERYROOM; FIRST-CLASS CAFE ON STREET'FLOOR. L. MeKENXA.PROP.


Handsomely fur-nlEbed parlor suite, with Jbath; also largesingle rooms; good board and service; ref-erences: Phone East 1070.

OLD EtevenEon mansion opp. ;Grace Church,with annex. 807 California St.; attracUve in-tcrior; exceptional table; free billiard room.


New house, ele-gantly turn.; all mod, inap'vments; European.

LAMBOURNE, 420 Eddy—High-class house-furnished euites or single; eteam heat.

ItOO.Ms .<>D ItUAUU WANTKU.TOL'NG man would like to board In a private

family -tvlicre he could make himself a home;Id or 15 minutes' walk from the City Hall;¦tate terras. Box S045. CaU office.

D1VIDEXD NOTICES. «SAVINGS and Loan Society, 101 Jlonlgomery

et., corner of .Sutter—

The board of directorsdeclared a dividend for the term ending De-cember 31, l'Jtitl. at tb^j rate of three and one-<iua4ter '«',4) per cent per annum on all de-posits, free of. taxes and payable on andafter January 2, iao:{. Dividends not called ;for are added to and bear the same rate ofdividend as the principal from and afterJanuary 1, 1903. CYRUS W. CARMANV"Cashier.

CALIFORNIA Safe Deposit and Trust Com-pany, corner California end Montgomery sts.—

For the six months ending December 31.llKC, dividends fcavo been declared on de-pot-its In the savings department of this-« ¦ company, as follows: On term deposits at

V the rate of .;0-ao per cent per annum, and

Ronordinary deposits at the rate of 3 ptr

cent Mr annum, free of taxes, and payableoa and after Friday, January 2, 1903. Divi-dends uncalled for are added to the princi-

»^ aftrr January 1. llXXi. J. DALZKLE,U'OnN, -"Manager.

EAN FBAKCXSCO Savings Union. 532 Calilor-n»a St.. corner of Webb— For the half yearending- with tla- ."1st -of December, 190^-^dividend h^« been declared at the rate perannum or three and forty-two one-hur-drrathy (3 42-100) per cent on u-rm deposits«::a inree (3) per cent on ordinary deposits,free of 'taxes, payable on and after Friday.January X^I^U^LOVELLWHITE. .Caslii**.

TUB Gernian Savings and ¦ Loan Society, 528. California, st.—

For the half year ending withDecember «1.»i:>02, a dividend has been de-clared at the rate of three end one-eighthi35,i>per cent net annum on all deposits, frtecf taxes, j-ajabie on and after Friday. Janu-ary 2. l&Gi. GEOUGE TOUKNY. Hecretary.

THE Continental BuiWir.g and Loan A*For!a-tfen, 3el Calitornia *t.. has doclared for thefix months^ ending "December 31, 1002, a. di-vidend cf 8 per cent j/er annum on monthlypayrc«it stcck. 6 per cent on term depositsAnd 5 t>cr ct-r.t on ordinary deposits, free cftaxes. HON. WASHINGTON DODGE.


WILLIAM CCREIN. Secretary. j*

-DIVIDEND notice— Mutual Ravings Bank of 16*n Francisco, «3 Post st.. for the half year.ci.ding December 31. ll>02,- h dividend hasIxr-t-n declared at the rate of three (3) percer.t ter annum on all deposits, free oftaxes,- payable en and after Friday. Jauuary•J. 1903.- -GEOKGE A. STOKY, cashier.

A DIVIDENDIrj liquidation of S per cent onail oeposits has been declared by the Califor-nia

-SavJnz* and Loan Society, payable on

s«~d after MONDAY. Dec. 22. 1802, at th«.office of the Society. Mills building, second

Vr.oor. room'2S. Kan Franelscc. Cal. CHAS.

¦W-U. FARQUHAEEOX. Secretary. •¦

ifuilBOLDT Savings and Loan Society, 18Ofary rt.-^-Tli'e <lii-ectors have declared a dfv-jdend of .1p*rcent per annum on Its dcjx>tslts,payable oa sir.4 aftor January 1!, 1903.


HIGH-CLASS -solicitors t\-j>nted for legitimateenterprise. THE INVESTORS' AGENCY,J«7 iix/uttxmcry et. S. V. .

OCEAN STEAMEBS._/^rf?F^1*<v ¦ Steamers leave San Fran-

/£v^—^S*S. Cisco as follows:Ai-£>_^«$\ For Ketchikan, Juneau.

A*/V^^S V*\ Skaguay, etc..~Alaska—

11 a.II\»J*A Im ' Dec

- 2"« Jan - 2'Chan S«

\ \ XajMga/ I to company's steamers at

\*iv'\\ Seattle.'

VJ^*^!—--a j/ "¦ For Victoria, • Vancouver.Port Townsend. Seattle. Ta-'.coma, Everett. Whatcom


a. m., Dec. 27, Jan. 2. Change at Seattle tothis company's steamers for Alaska and G. N.Ry.; at Seattle for Tacoma to N. P. Ry.; atVancouver to C. P. Ry. "-£:

For Eureka (Humboldt Bay)—Pomona, 1:30p. m.. Dec. 29. Jan. 4; Corona, 1:30 p. m.,Dec. 26. Jan. 2. ' .i-„

For Los Angeles (via Port Los Anireies andRedondo). San Diego and Santa Barbara

—Santa Rosalia. Sundays. 0 a. m.

State of California, 9 a. m., Dec. 28, Jan.2, 8.*JFor Los Angeles (via San Pedro and EastSan Pedro). Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Mon-terey, San Simeon, Cayucos, Port Harford; SanLuis Oblspo, Ventura. Hueneme and 'Newport.(•Ramona only.).Ramona. 9 a. m.. Dec. 24, Jan. 1. Coos Bay,9 a. m.. Dec. 28, Jan. 5.

For Ensenada, Magdalena Bay. San Jose delCabo, Mazatlan. Altata, La Paz, Santa Rosalia.Guaymas (Mex.)

—10 a. m., 7th of each month.

For further information obtain folder.Right reserved to change steamers or sailing

date. •TTOTCET OFFICE— 4 New Montgomery

st. (Palace Hotel).Freight office. 10 Market street.

C. D. DUNANN,Gen. Passenger Agt..'; 10 Market st... San Francisco. ."*O. /?. & N. CO,

"Geo. VT. Elder" Bails Dec. 19, 29, Jan. 6.18. 28, Feb. 7.

' • '"Columbia" talla Dec. 24. Jan. 8. 13, 23.

Feb. 2. . .- .¦ Only Steamship Line to PORTLAND, OR..and short rail line from Portland to all pointsEast. /Through tickets to all points, all rail orsteamship and rail, at LOWEST RATE3.Steamer ,tickets Includes berth and meats.Steamer sails foot of Spear st. at 11 a. m. D.W. HITCHCOCK, Gen. Agt.,1Montgomery st.



• Steamers will leave wharf, corner First. andBrannan streets, at 1 p. m., for YOKOHAMAand HONGKONG.

• calling at Kobe (Hlogo).Nagasaki and Shanghai. .and connecting atHor-rHonr "with steamers for India, • etc. Nocargo received on board %m day of sailing.8. B. AMERICA MARU.Saturday, Jan. 10, 1903S. S. HONGKONG MARU.Thurs.. Feb. 5. 1903S. S. NIPPON MARU (via Manila)..... .......... Tuesday, March 3, 1903

Via Honolulu. Roundtrip tickets at reducedrates.

'For freight and passage apply.at Com- 1

pony's office, 421 Market street, corner First.•W. H. AVERT. General Agent.

0C?8U!CS.SX© o=SsE;S. S. ZEALANDIA, for Honolulu, Monday,

Dec. 29, 2 d. m.S. S. SONOMA, for Honolulu. Samoa. Auck-

land and Sydnay, Thursday. Jan. 8, 10 a. m.S. S. MARIPOSA. for Tahiti. Jan. 11. 10 a. m.AD.SPRECKELS a BXOS.CO., Agts..TicketOIfica,643 Ifaric^SL



Phlla-.iDec. 31. 10 am Phlla..".Jan 21 10 amSt. Paul.Jan. 7, 10 am Friesl'd.Jan. 28, 10 am. KETJ STAR >LINE.'

NEW -YORK. ANTftTSRP, -PARIS."Kroonl'd.Jan.- 8, 10 ain|FrIesIand:Jan. 17,' 10amZeeland-Jan. 10, 10 amiVaderl'd.Jan. 24/ 10 am

<;HAS. D. TAYLOR,G.A.P.C.,30 Montg*my st.




TO HAVRE-PARIS. ¦¦.LSailing every Thursday, Instead of UjgCfWfii

Saturday-. at 10 a: in., from Pier i~_ MiTniflfiTTNorth,River, foot :of Morton street.

*¦Fiyct-class to Havre. $70 and upward. Ssc-

ond-class to Havre,$45 and upward. GENERAX.AGENCY FOR UNITED STATES and CAN-ADA,'22 Broadway (Hudson building). NewYork. J. F. FUOAZI & CO.. Pacific CoaatAgents. 5 Montgomery avenuei San Francisco,Tickets sold kby'all Railroad -Ticket Agents.



'FoiTursrFA^^:Sleamers GEN. TRISBIE or MONTICELL(t9:43 a. m., 3:15 and 8:30 p. m., except Sun--

day. Sunday, 9:45 a. m., 8:30 p. m., LeavesVallelo, 7 a. m.. 12:30 noon. 8 p. m., exceptSunday. Sunday. 7 a.im., 4:15 p. m. Fare Mcents. Telephone- Main 1508.

'Landing .and

ofHce; pier 2, Mission-street dock. HATCHIBROS.' .... .._ ¦¦_•____;; . ._.., _

SPECIAL XOTICES.LADIES! Chichestcrs EnKlifh rennyroyaTpilfs

arn the best. Safe. -reliable. Take no .other.Kend 4c. stamps, for p-irticulars. "Relief forLadies,*! in letter, by return mail. Ask yourdruggist. ChichpEter Chcm. Co.:Phlia.. Pa.

£E\V1AG MACH1XES AXW^SUrPLlKS.ALl^kinds bought, sold, rented, exchanged; rj.

pairing; lowest rates. Tel. Green 114. 205 llh.ALL kinds bought, sold and rrpairins guaran-

teed. Chas. Plambeck, 1015 Mission, Dr. 15th.

¦STAMMEillXG OK STUTTKItlAU.CKLE1311ATED Melbourne system lor Im-

pediment at school.' Van Ness and lUarket.; 21ABHXAGE LICENSES.

T1& foIloTvins morriaes licenses were Issuedyesterday :

Alexander McKcIlar. 32. ."21 Van Nc?s ave-nue, nr.d Anna B. Foster. 2U, 321 Van Ness.

Dafrtel G. Carr, JO, Placerville. and MaudM. Ames, -J2. city. . '

George H-. Williamson, 23, 3123 Twenty-sixthftreet, and Camllle J. Dumoutelle. ID, 3123Twenty-sixth street.

Herbert G. Bedford. S2, 3420A Mission street,and Annie Osterloh, 2:!. 1531 Valencia street;

Charles A. Rdnd, 45, Yuba City, and Katede Mott. 33. Yuba City.

Jacob Johnson, 25, 238 Shipley Etrect, andBertha Hermanson, 22, 238 Shipley street.

Clarence A. Kirkpatrick, 24, 427 O'Farrellstreet, and Lelia M. Phillips. 20, Oakland City.Ind.

-William T. Wallace Jr., 25. Jlendodno, and

XHlie M. Bowman, 20, Mendocino..lames G. MeOlelland," 2-3. Elk, and Teresa-

F. Dougherty, 26, Elk.Samuel Jacobs, 2$,- USl Golden Gate avenue,

and Erny Happ, 22, CiO'i Olive avenue.: Wallace E. Pearson. 21, 242 Shotwell street.

ar.d Sadie Swan, 21. 2l»20 Sixteenth street.I Harry 3.- Simpson, mJ3, city, and lsabelle!Millar. 27. city. •

] ¦ John S. Bryan, 33, city, and Jessie R. Canv24, city.

Patrick A. Connolly, 30, Springfield. Mass.,and Louisa G. G. Jackson. 17. 725 Fifth ave.

Charles T. Nounnan, 2S, 3024 Californiastreet, and Charlotte V. Lane, 20, 2324 Cali-fornia street.

Samuel McQueen, .12, 42S Geary street, andTena Mosehart, 23, '.','!'£ Kills street.

Henry Hipkins, 21, city, and Carrie DeeRogerf:, IS, city. . *

George A. Lewis, 2S. 3400 California street,and Fortuna Zaro, 23. Coima.- .

Frederick A. I^awscm, 47, 635 McAllisterstreet, and Eva Q. Lawton. 32. 635 McAllister.

Thomas Corcoran, SO, 1713 Washingtonstreet, and Elizabeth Kavanagh, 26, 1122Broadway.

Charles E. Esselstune, 37. 20S Bush- street,and Elizabeth T. Benson, 21. 1032 Jackson st.

<-Jus-tav A. Biiehine, 25. city, and Amanda C.Ilornlcin. 24,- city.

James A. Bodine. 34. city, and .Anna Lamp-ley. 33, city.

Edward A. South worth, 21, city, and Eva A.jLow rev, 21, city.i Charles Martin, 36, city, and Dora Moller,j 21. city.

Louis Lagornarslno. 21, Colma. and IsabellaMdlerhi, 16. 8468 Nineteenth street.

Thomas E. Kent, 21, Oakland, and Flora B.Myse-il. IS, city.

Henry B. Hyatt, '.'M. Douglasville, Ga., andLulu Kaufman. 22, Colusa.

Charles F. Moll. 21. 73 Harriet street, andMarie G. Timke, 22. 73 Harriet street. . ¦ .

Thomas Hurst. 24. Gtt Harriet street, andAlice G, Green, 22. 68 Shipley street.

Martin lllich. 32. 272 Brannan street, andCatterina Luplch, 23, 272 Bsannan street.

j Melville N, Hornbuckle. 27, 404 Sixth street,and Frankie,Rfppey, 1!>. 019 Larkin street.

Bertie L." Houck, 23, 81B Boardman place,and Emma Balsmeler, 22, SIB Boardman place.

Burton J. Wurch. 20, city, and Leah M.Medeirlos, 23, city.

Artless L. Knoles, 21, city, and HenriettaD. Dlederich. 22, city.

Robert Bonner. 32. San Mateo, and GertrudeC. V.'immer. 25, -city.

¦ B1R iBS—HARBIAaES—DEATHS.Birth, marriaze and death notices sent by

mail will not*>e inserted. They must be handedin at either cf the publication offices and ueindorsed with the name. and residence of per-sons authorized to have the same published.


—In this cltr. December 2, 1802, to

tho wife of John Eberle, a son. •¦

mabsied! ¦ . .-McQUEEX—MOSEHART—In this city. De-.

cember 24, 1&C2. by the Rev. Paul Brtinke.Samuel McQueen and Tena Mosehart, both ofthis city. .



In this city, December 24,'

1'.Kj-2, by the Rev. F. A. Keast, pastor Ep-.worth M. E. Church. Wallace E. Pearson andSadie Swan, both of San Francisco.

WALLACE—BOWMAN—In this ctfy, Decem-ber 24. 1902. William True Wallace Jr. andXc-llie M. Bowman, both of Mendocino. Cal._____Booth, Emilie B. Koenecke, Margare-

'Bories. Manuel thaCampbell, Anna T. Later, Rose •Clement, Dr. Rufus Lauterbach. Chas.W.Culver. Charles G. Lucas; Clara B.Daniejs, Margaret E. McElroy, WinifredDavis, Michael Moore, MayFisher, Antone F. Morrison, Mary E. ¦

Foster. Major E. S. Page, C. S.Hagreniann, Kathar- Rodgers. William D.

Ine C. Riley. John ¦»¦

Hale, Arthur C. Rowland, EdwardHayes, Ellen Sauer, GenevieveHenwood, Emily M. Shearer, CorneliaJohnson, Mary E. . . Sobey, LizzieKavanagh,- Maurice Smith, ErnestinaKelleher, Margaret Spiro, JamesKopp, Michael Westerlund, Andrew


In this city, December 23, 1002,Emilie B.. beloved wife of F. E. Booth,daughter of Mrs. Frank Maxson, mother ofKadah Booth, and sister of Warren and JerryCroxcn, Mrs. E. D. Owen and Louis W.,Frank O. and H. E. Maxson, a native otMayfield. Cal|. aged 37 years. . . •

{CyFriends and acquaintances are respect-fully iBVited to attend -the funeral Thursday,December 25. at 2 o'clock, from the familyresidence, leoO- Broderlck 'street. • IntermentCypress Lawn Cemetery, by the electric carfrom Eighteenth and Guerrero streets. -' -


—Inthe City and County Hospital, De-

cember 24, liK)2, Manuel Borjes, a native ofAzore Islands, aeed 31 years. . '.;

CAMPBELL—In this city, December 24. 1902,Anna T., beloved wife of John Campbell, andmother of Mrs. T. O'Connor, Mrs. F. Good-win and Grace and Ethel Campbell, a nativeof New York, aged 44 years 8 months and 16days.

CLEMENT—In this city. December 23, 1902,Dr. Rufus Herbert Clement, oldest son ofthe late R. H. and C. E.. Clement, a nativeof San Francisco, ased 32 years.

(£-?¦¦ Services Friday, December 26, at 10o'clock, at the mortuary chapel In Odd Fel-lows' Cemetery.

CULVER—In this city, December 23. 1902,Charles G., husband of the late Mary Cul-ver, beloved father of Charles E. Culver, and. son of Mary Culyer, a native of New York,aged 4S years 5 months and 2(3 days.


¦ [C7"Friend5 and acquaintances are respect-fully Invited to "attend the funeral to-day(Thursday),

'at 12 o'clock, from the parlors

of McAvoy & Co.. 1239 Market street, ba-tween Eighth and N'nth. thence to St. Rose's

¦ Church for sen-Ices at 12:15 o'clock.'Inter-

itent Holy Cross Cemetery.


In this city, December 23, 1902.Margaret E. Daniels, dearly beloved motherof Mrs. E. M. Groean. Thomas. A. Danielsof Flanagan, 111., aud William and the lateFrank Daniels, a native of Edinburgh. .Scot-land, aged 78. years 8 months and 8 days.

JE-yFrientJs and acquaintances are respect-fully invited to attend the funeral to-morrow(Friday).-December 26, at 11:30 a. m., fromthe residence of her daughter. Mrs. E. M.Grogan, 1625 Church street, near Twenty-ninth. Interment Mountain View Cemetery,Oakland, via 1 p. m. creek boat.


In this city, December 21, 1002, Mich-'ael Davis, a member of Comanche Tribe,

•Improved Order of Red Men, Hollo, P. I., anative of Maine, aged

"55 years 5 months

and 17 days.EyFriends an« acquaintances are respect-

fully Invited to attend the funeral Friday,December 2(5. 1902, at 10 o'clock, from thefuneral parlors of Joseph Hasan, 1707 Sac-ramento 'fitreet, near Polk, where funeralservices will be held under the ausoices ofMontezuma Tribe No. 77." Improved Order ofRed Men. Interment Mount .Olivet Ceme-. tery, by carriage.

FISHER—In this city, December 24, 1902. An-tone Francis, dearly beloved husband ofIgnacia FUhor, and father .of Joseph, Ellen,Antono, Constance and Annie Fisher, a na-tive of Portugal, aged 59 years 11 months and9 days.

FOSTER—In Oakland. December 23, 1902.Major Emory E., beioved husband of JessieE. Foster, and father of Jessie Foster, a. na-tive of aged C4 years* 1month and

.18 days.HAGEMANN—In this city,-December 24, 1002,

Katharine C..dearly beloved daughter ofPhilipp and Margaret Hagemann, and sister;-of Charles, Margaret, Rosie and Lizzie Hagft-: mann, a native of San Francisco, aged 18i years 8 months and 8 days. . 7 . • -^

! lETFriends and acquaintances are respect-fully Invited to attend the funeral Friday.December 26. at 10 o'clock, from the parlorsof H. F. Suhr &. Co., 1137 Mission street.'between Seventh and Eighth, thence to St.Paul's Evangelical Church, Howard street,between Tenth and Eleventh, where services:willbe held.* commencing atM:3b p. m. In-

i terment Mount Olivet Cemetery.

.._.¦'¦ * r*.^._?.E5ZJLll^L?JT.Y.:'. fl

I OFFICE: 916 MARKET ST. JF. J. Monahan. Pres. Geo. E. ZIorr, Sec

MONAHAN & CO.,(Inc.)

FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS.23c't'--Jil ilifcsion et. Telephone Mission 31«

ADVERTISEMENTS. .United States' Branch.





•'OF ST. GALL. SWITZERLAND, on the 31.it

'day ot December, A. D. 1001. and for ts»

-year ending on that day, as made to th-» In-surance Commissioner of th« State ot Califor-nia, pursuant to the provisions of sections 619and 611 of the Political Code, condensed aa-pe*blank furnished by the Commissioner.


Cash Market Value of all Stocks •-..—..and Bonds owned by Company... $631,0R3 00

Cash In Company's Office.....'

1,783 93Cash In Banks 23,763 83Interest' due and accrued on all'

Stocks and Loans 3.291 SIPremiums In due -Course ot Collec-

- - •tion 81.534 St


Total Assets "..$693,214 0»


Losses adjusted and unpaid......... $10,573 dtLosses In process ot Adjustment or

In Suspense '.. 13.176 27Losses resisted, including expenses.. . 6.376 OilGross premiums on Fire Risks run-'

nlng one year or less. SiS.040 81;.-

>»--reinsurance SO per cent 29,020 44

Gross premiums on Fire Risks run-ning more than one year. $2a,-452 30; reinsurance oro rata 13.577 37

'All Other liabilities...... 8,427 84

Total Liabilities $£4,153 83 .-•• INCOME.

Net cash actually received tor Flro-premiums :...$267,102 It

Received for Interest and dividendson Bonds. Stocks. Loans, and fromall other sources » 23.084 OS


Total Income .$200,778 1»


Net amount said (or Fire -Losses

(including $32,473 82, lossea ot•previous years) $368,588 S3

Paid or allowed for Commission orBrokerage 134,223 M

Paid for Salaries. Fees and othercharges for officers, clerks, etc.... 3,000 04 ¦

Paid for State. National and Localtaxes 12.664 83

All other payments and expends- . ' - -¦

tures 20,188 61

Total Expenditures ............ $338J74~I5' 1

**¦ • ¦•• Fir*.

Losses Incurred during the year.... $362.8^8 63rtiakg and Premiums. [Fire Riaka.| Premium*. .-Net amount of Risks

written during the »year $44,528,629 $536,208 SO

Net amount of Risksexpired during the :-V> ,,year 43,427.286 $00,378 IS

Net amount In force- •

tDecember 31. 1001.. f 6,362.1381 87.493 11

BAai'L R. WEED, of WEED b. KENNED^T"' _ Manager,Subscribed and sworn to before m« this SQiii

day of January, ¦ 1902. '.F. FISHBECK, Public.

SYZ& CO., General Agents.*

433 California Street*

United States Braneft





OF BASLE SWITZERLAND, ON TH» \31st day of December. A. D. 1901. and

for the year ending on that day, as mad* tathe Insurance Commissioner of the Sut» o{California, pursuant to the provisions of sec-tions 610 and. tiltOf the Political Code, con-densed as per blank furnished by th« Commit*'ioner


Cash Market Valu« or an Stocka andBonds owned by Company $647,812 5«

Cash in Company's Office 2J» 84Cash in Banks.. ".... 87,928 M

-Interest due and accrued on all

Stocks and Loans 1,163 MPremiums In due Course of Cbllec-... tlon : '• • '•• 84,729 23

Total Assets $TtU889 81


Losses adjusted and unpaid $36,843 84 ,Losses In process of Adjustment or „•¦-.

Hn suspense.: 87.669 33Losses resisted. Including expenses. . 11,639 6«Gross premiums on Fire Risks run- .n"gF

one year or less. $344,567 14; ,„,¦_,reinsurance 50 per cent 172.283 5T

Gross premium on Fire Risks run-ning more than one year, 1115,- . •

011 51; reinsurance pro rata...... 83,934 85Commissions and Brokerage duo and

to become due 20,941 to

;' \ Total Liabilities .$333.308 3»

INCOME.N«t ca*h actually received for Fire

- _ --premiums

-•- •••¦••• ...$401,360 93

Received for Interest and dividendson Bonds, Stocks, Loans, and fromall other sources. ........ V 22.338 74

Tout Income.... $423.900 69 .."¦

EXPENDITURES. , -Net amount paid forFire Lossea (In-

cluding $31,368 85. losses ot previ-ous years) ......'.....$330,614 07

Paid or allowed for Commission or; ¦*¦ :*¦;- -


Brokerage ........'. ......:.. 133,231 0TPaid tor Salaries, Fees, and other

charges forofficers, clerks, etc 1,500 00Paid for State. National and Local ~Y

taxes ...:...:.'........... 2.747 34All-other payments and expenditures 1.806 ?&

Total Expenditures $468,399 24

. - -.


Fire. . 'Losses Incurred during the yeaK... $369,916 6O •¦

RUks and Premiums. [FireRisks. [Premiums.Net amount of Risks |

writtenduring the year $45,600,637 $331,715 83Net amount Of Risks ex-

- • ''.-

plred during "the year. 42,441.671 497,370-64*

cember 31. 1901.'.- 33.77t.7fel 480.S79 63

SAM'LA. WEED, of Weed &Kennedy. ''<;•'.¦-. . ¦Manager.-/ -.

Subscribed and sworn to before me.' this- 29th'day of January. 1902.

- '',

F. FISHBECK. Notary PubUo.*

SYZ & CO.," General Agents, *

¦ 433 California Street

HALE—Inthis city, December 24. 1902, ArthurC.. beloved infant ton of George and Lizzie-Hale, and brothfr ot Francis Hale, a nativeof Kan Francisco, aged .13 days.

HATES-In Berkeley, December 24, l!>02,: EU?n; beloved wifeot the late Eugene Hayes,

nnd mother ot" John, Cornelius, Timothy andNellie Hayes, Mrs, Jeremiah -Sullivan andMrs. T. P. Roark, a native of Ross-Carbery,County Cork, • Ireland, aged S5 years and.. 6months. .

C^Fricncis and acquaintances are respect-fully Invited to attend the funeral to-morrow(Friday), at 9:.'5O o'clock, from the residenceof her daughter Mrs. T. P. Roark, 2019Ninth street, thence to St. Joseph"? Church,where a solemn requiem high mass will be

• celebrated for the repose of her. soul, com-mencing at 10 o'clock. Interment St. .Mary'sCemetery. Oakland.

HEXWOOD—In this city. December 24, 1902,Emily M. Henwood, a native of England,aged 72 years. . ¦ .^

JOHNSON— In this city, December 23, 1002,Mary Ellen, beloved wife of Frank Johnson,and mother of Jeremiah Francis and Mar-ET&ret Henrietta Johnson, .^and daughter of thelate. Jenemiah and aiary'EJ O'Connor, a na-tive ot Lynn, Mass., aged 28 years 11 montluond 28 days. : . . • ".. inT'Frlends and acquaintances are respect-fully iiuited to attend the funeral Friday,December 2«,-at 9 o'clqck. from her late resl-. dence, 1^-10 Chestnut street, thence to St/Brigid's Church, . where ,a solemn requiemhigh mass . willbe celebrated for the reposeof her soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock-Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. Please omitflowers.

KAVANAGH—In this city. December 23, 1002,Maurice Kavanagh, beloved father .of Rob-ert P., James A. and Dennis .!.- Kavanagh,S. J., a native of County Meath,' Ireland,

. aged 73 years.ffj^The funeral 'will tak-e place to-morrow

(Friday), at 8:30 o'clock, from tho parlorsof J. C. O'Connor & Co., 767 Mission street,thence to St. Paul's Chureh, -where a solemnrequiem mass will be celebrated for the re-. pose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 o'-clock.Interment private. ,


—In this city,'December 24, 1902,

Margaret Kelleher, <¦. native of Ireland, aged70 years. > . . ¦

KOrP—In this cSty. 'December 24. 1002, MichaelKopp, dearly beloved son of Mathias and thelate Mary Kopp. and beioved brother- ofNicholas and Matthew Kopp, a native oftiernuuty, aged 08 years 2 months and 15daygr cChicayo, 111., papers please copy.)

E^Funeral notice hereafter. Remains atthe parlors of the Gantner &<Guru z Under-taking Company, .1209 Mission street,


tween Eighth and Ninth. . _ '. •'KOENECKE—In.Oakland, Efecem'ofr 24, 1002.

Margaretha, beloved wife"of Henry Koenecke,a native of •Germany, aged (34 years 11months and 9 days.


LATER—In this city. December 23; 1902,>Rose. beloved wife cf the late. James Later,and mother of William, .James, John and thelate Annie Later, a native of County Tyrone,Ireland, aced 62 years. . ... •

IE3""Friends and acquaintances are respect-fullyinvited to attand the funeral to-morrow. (Friday), at 10 o'clock, from'the funeral par-lors of the Henry J. Gallagher "UndertakingCompany. 20 Fifth street, thence to St. Jo-

seph's Church for cervices. • Interment HolyCross Cemetery. .

LAUTERBACH—Iri thte city.'December 22,

1902, Charles W. Lauterbach, beloved hus-band cf ¦ Gretchen Lauterbach, a native of• Bremen, Germany, aged 42 yeai-s. and 6months.

CTFriends and acquaintances are respect-. fully. invited to attend the funeral Friday,December 20, at 2 o'clock, from Elks' Hall,223 Sutter street. Remains at the paiiorsof Porter &-White, 122 Eddy street. Inter-ment private. . • •

B. P. O. ELKS—Members of San FranciscoLodge No. 3, B. P. O. Elks, are hereby noti-fied to attend the funeral of our late brother,Charles W. Lauterbach, on Friday afternoon,December 2(5, at 2 o'clock, from the lodge-room, 233 Sutter Street. By order ofPfeRCY V. LONG, Exalted Ruler.

LUCAS—In this city,December 24, 19C2," Clara

B. Lucas, beloved v/ife of John P. Lucas, ¦ anative of New York, aged 42 years 8 monthsand 14 days. " -

McELROY—In this city, December 23, 1902,at St. Joseph's Ifome, Winifred McElroy,dearly beloved wife of T.F.- McElroy. (Bos-ton papers please copy.) ¦ ,

C^Friends and acquaintances arc' respect-fully invited to attend a requiem high mass,which Will be celebrated for the repose ofher soul at the chapel of St. Joseph's Home,Park Road avenue and Baker street, com-mencing at 9 o'clock. Friday. December 20.Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. . ¦

MOORE—In this c!ty,' December 24, 1902.¦May, daughter or Nora and the late JosephMoore, and sister of Mrs. Moran, Mrs. Net-ting and John, Joseph and Emmett Moore,a native of San Francisco, aged 19 years.

MORRISON— In Oakland, December 23, 1902,Alary E. Morrison, widow of the late GeorgeH. Morrison, and mother of Mildred H.,George H. and Helen Morrison and Mrs. E.Bruce Elliott, a native

'of Massachusetts,

aged 57 years.E^i-'rionds and acquaintances are respect-

fully invited to attend the funeral services. Friday. -December 2(J, 19u2, at 2 o'clock, atthe funeral parlors of~C. H. Wever, '1602Park street, Alameda. Interment MountainView Cemetery, Oakland.


In this city, December 24, 1902, C. B.Page, a native of Maine, aged 75 years.

RODGERS— In Alameda, December 23, 1S02,William D. Rodgers, brother of Mrs. C. L.Woods, a native of Pennsylvania, aged 74years 10 months and 23 days. (St. PanI pa-pers please copy.) *f

GyjFrienda and acquaintances are respect-fully invited to attend' the funeral Friday,December 26. at 10 o'clock, from. the lateresidence, 2019 Railroad avenue, Alametla.Interment Mountain View Cemetery, Oak-tUind. • • . v

RILEY—In this city, December 23, 1Q02, John,beloved husband of Catherine Riley, andfather of Thomas and Daniel Rlley,. Mrs.Patrick Le Strange, Mrs. George Kilpatrick,Mrs. James McCormick and Mrs. EdwardLawler, a -native, of County Westmeath, Ire-land, aged 72 years. (New York papers pleasecopy.)

(C"?FrlendB and acquaintances are respect-fullyinvited to attand the funeral to-morrow(Friday), at 8:30 o'clock, from his late resi-dence, 01 Federal street, thence to St. Bren-. dan's Church, 'where a requiem mass will becelebrated for the repose of his soul at 9o'clock. . -, > " -


In"this city. December 23. 1902.Edward, beloved husband of Alice Rowland,and father of Edward, Alice and HaddenRowland, a native of Liverpool, England. .

(C****"Friends and acquaintances are respect-fullyInvited to attend the funeral to-morrow(Friday), at 9:45 o'clock, from 121 Eddystreet, under the ausulces of Pacific LodgeNo. 138. F. and A. M. Interment CypressLawn Cemetery by 11:30 train from. Thirdand Townsend streets.


In this city, December 24, 1902 (ofdiphtheria), Genevieve, beloved daughter ofGeorge and Mary Sauer, sister of GeorgeSauer, and granddaughter of Mrs. G. Sauerand Mrs. T. Jones, a na,tive of.Berkeley, Ala-meda County, aged 2 years 1 month and 24days. • . '

-..SHEARER— In this city, December 23, 1902.

Cornelia, beloved wife of George A. Shearer,daughter of Mrs. Cornelia Young Seely, andsister of Mrs. Frank M. Haight, Frank H.Seely and Alexander B. Seely, a native ofCalifornia, aged 32 years 3 months and 1day. (Watsonville papers please copy.)'

lETFriends and acquaintances are respect-fully invited to attend the funeral Friday,

».December'2C, at 11:15 o'clock. Xrom St.

'James Mission, Richmond- District.. Inter-ment Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland. -. .

'sOBEY—In the City and County Hospital, De-

cember 24, 1902, Lizzie Sobey, a native ofCalifornia, aged 52 years.'

SMITH—In the City and County Hospital,December 24, 1902, Ernestina Smith, a nativeof Germany, aged 69 years. ,

SPIRO—Inthis city, December 24. 1902, James,beloved son of George and Etta Spiro, a na-tive of San. Francisco, aged 1year 3 monthsand 25 days.

WESTERLUND—In this city, December 24.1902, Andrew E., beloved husband of JohannaWesterlund,- father ,of . Ester Westerlund,and brother of J. V. Westerlund and Mrs.Selma J. Nlckander, a native of Finland,aged 41 years 3 months and 14 days. . ¦


Oscar Holliday Banghartenjoys a vogue as a portraitpainter second only to that ofWhistler and John Sargent.He is a most conscientiousworker and demands absoluteobedience ,,, from bis sitters.Woe betide the society damewho disregards Mr. Bang-hart's . instructions as towhat dress she shall wearwhen sitting for her portrait.One can easily beliave this,after looking at the gownsworn.by his ladies in thefamous set that is being givenfree every Sunday with theSunday Call. More than onceMr. Banghart has refusedastonishing fees rather thanpaint a woman who wanted 9"flattering portrait-".