August Sermon Series: Life’s at Palmer Gulch KOA! It’s...

The Chimes Westminster Presbyterian Church We all have certain songs that carry a special meaning for us. Songs can capture and represent a season of life, a special person, a lesson learned, and much more. In August, we will be looking at how certain songs (a.k.a. Psalms) from the Bible can give us insight into God and into our lives, and give us words when our words aren’t enough. August Sermon Series: Life’s Playlist Beginning September 3, dinner will be served weekly at 5:45 and is open to all. Following dinner, at 6:15pm, there will be several opportunities: A Kids Choir will be led by our own Ali Kennedy (see below). Classes and Bible Study for Adults Westminster Youth: Collide (MS) and Echo (HS) will meet concurrently. Meals will be prepared by various groups and families. You can sign up to provide dinner on the sheet in the lobby! We have some exciting changes in store for this fall! Beginning in September, our Wednesday nights will feature a children's choir for kids in grades K-5. Singing, games, and fun are in the works! See page 4 for more details! Wednesday Meals Beginning Soon! Volume 47, Issue 8 August 2014 In this issue: Monthly Hymn Sing 3 Backpack Blessings 4 Serving Others 5 Fall Community Bible Experience 8 “Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” (Psalm 25:4-5, NIV)

Transcript of August Sermon Series: Life’s at Palmer Gulch KOA! It’s...

Page 1: August Sermon Series: Life’s at Palmer Gulch KOA! It’s not too late to register for FAITH Weekend at Palmer Gulch. Simply call 1 -800


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We all have certain songs that carry a special

meaning for us. Songs can capture and

represent a season of life, a special person, a

lesson learned, and much more. In August, we

will be looking at how certain songs (a.k.a. Psalms)

from the Bible can give us insight into God and into our

lives, and give us words when our words aren’t enough.

August Sermon Series: Life’s Playlist

Beginning September 3, dinner will be served weekly at 5:45

and is open to all. Following dinner, at 6:15pm, there will be

several opportunities:

A Kids Choir will be led by our own Ali Kennedy (see below).

Classes and Bible Study for Adults

Westminster Youth: Collide (MS) and Echo (HS) will meet


Meals will be prepared by various groups and families. You can

sign up to provide dinner on the sheet in the lobby!

We have some exciting changes in store for this fall! Beginning

in September, our Wednesday nights will feature a children's

choir for kids in grades K-5. Singing, games, and fun are in the

works! See page 4 for more details!

Wednesday Meals Beginning Soon!

Volume 47, Issue 8 August 2014

In this issue:

Monthly Hymn Sing 3

Backpack Blessings 4

Serving Others 5

Fall Community

Bible Experience


“Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in

your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior,

and my hope is in you all day long.” (Psalm 25:4-5, NIV)

Page 2: August Sermon Series: Life’s at Palmer Gulch KOA! It’s not too late to register for FAITH Weekend at Palmer Gulch. Simply call 1 -800

Page 2 Volume 47, Issue8

Chew on This… “Nothing that you have not

given away will ever be really

yours.” -C. S. Lewis

We are all myopic. (That is, we all need

glasses.) The Scriptures are living, true,

trustworthy, and sufficient, but we need help in

discerning God’s will and hearing God’s voice.

One day, Jesus was being tested by the

Pharisees. “Teacher,” they said, “which is the

greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus

replied: “Love the Lord your God

with all your heart and with all

your soul and with all your mind.

This is the first and greatest

commandment. And the second

is like it: Love your neighbor as

yourself. All the Law and the

Prophets hang on these two

commandments.” In these words,

Jesus gives us a pair of

spectacles, if you will, to see

rightly, and to live rightly. It’s all about love,

God’s love, and if it’s not about love, it’s


The Apostle Paul in the Scripture quoted

above says the same. The centrality and

supremacy of love is like a steady drumbeat

throughout Scripture (see, for example, Exodus

20, Psalm 136, Isaiah 43, Hosea 11, Zephaniah

3.17, John 3, Romans 5, etc, etc, etc.). Without

love, even our best intentions turn into dust and

straw. The recent decisions of our PCUSA

General Assembly have flared up some heated

conversations, especially regarding Scripture

and issues of sexuality. I have briefly shared

my own opinion about these decisions, but

regardless of whether you agree with me about

these things, the larger issue is the issue of

love, and about that we must agree.

Love—agape love, God’s kind of love, and

not our own variations and permutations of

love—is the rule. This love is the

lens through which we relate to God

and others. As we talk with one

another, even if we disagree, love is

the rule. As we strive to be faithful

to Scripture, love is the rule. As we

deal with the sin and brokenness in

our own lives, love is the rule. As we

embrace others as people made in

the image of God, love is the rule.

As we relate to others as the church

of Jesus Christ, love is the rule. Paul’s great

chapter on love ends with these verses: Now we

see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we

shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then

I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and

love. But the greatest of these is love.

Grace and peace to you,


Follow Pastor Bob’s blog at

It’s all about love, God’s love,

and if it’s not about love,

it’s worthless.

Foundations Class Resuming in September

Pastor Bob will be resuming his 9am Foundations Class on

Sunday mornings in September. Here are some of the

topics that will be covered:

The Bible: How to Read, Hear, and Obey

Christian Romance, Marriage & Friendship

The Witness of the Confessions

If You Have Not Love

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a

clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I

have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the

poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. (1 Corinthians 13.1-3)

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Page 3 Volume 47, Issue8

Stop Dating the Church

When it comes to finding a church home

everyone offers up different reasons they attend

church. You may have even heard or used the

phrase “church shopping.” It is a funny term

since you can’t actually buy anything. It is even

more peculiar because shopping indicates the

idea that you can own something and use it as

you see fit. If you go online to make a purchase

you rate the product and critique its pros and

cons. How many stars do you give

Westminster and what comments

would you leave? Well, that’s not

the point. You can’t own the

church. One thing and one thing

alone dictates our community: the

love of God in the power of the

Holy Spirit the person of Jesus

Christ, as witnessed in Scripture.

The church is a community that

is composed of messy people

dealing with a Holy God. The church is a

community that shows the world what it looks

like to give our life away as Christ gave his

away. Joshua Harris writes in Stop Dating the


As the meeting (Sunday church

service) starts, remember that you're

not here to be entertained. You're not

part of an audience - you're part of a

congregation. ... What matters isn't

even what you feel. Worshiping with

song is a chance to sing truth and

express praise and gratefulness to God.

So don't live by your feelings in this

moment. Instead, focus your mind on

the truth of what you sing and the

Person to whom you're singing. God is

observing and receiving your worship.

One of my favorite concepts regarding

Scripture goes like this: “The Bible can be like

sandpaper. Sometimes it’s abrasive.

Sometimes it’s comforting. Sometimes it

confuses us. Sometimes we agree. Sometimes

we disagree. But the call on us all is to be

changed and transformed.” The problem is not

with Scripture; the problem is with us. It is

hard to read because it calls us to

change and step away from our

personal preferences and toward

the Holy God who calls us.

If I were to remake

Westminster it would likely look

different and all of my preferences

would come through. If you could

remake Westminster it would look

different according to your

preferences. The hope is that we

put aside our preferences and commit to

faithfully pursuing Christ, and allow

Westminster to be a place that makes disciples.

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been

given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of

all nations, baptizing them in the name of the

Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

teaching them to observe all that I have

commanded you. And behold, I am with you

always, to the end of the age.”

-Jesus, Matthew 28:18-20

In Christ,

Pastor Dillon

Hymn-Sing First Sunday of the Month June’s hymn-sing was such a success, we’d like to

offer a monthly opportunity to sing

more of the great standards. On

the first Sunday of each month,

we’ll gather in the Sanctuary to

sing from 9:30 to 10:00am. The

next hymn-sings will be August 3

and September 7. Join us!

Come Share your Voice! Our Worship Ministry is open to new voices! If

you’d like to explore leading the congregation in

song, come check out a rehearsal or two

(Wednesdays at 5:45pm; 6:15pm starting in

September). Or maybe you’d like to be part of

an occasional ensemble? Contact Rosellen

Reese ([email protected]) for more

information or call the church office.

The church is a community that is

composed of messy people dealing

with a Holy God.

Page 4: August Sermon Series: Life’s at Palmer Gulch KOA! It’s not too late to register for FAITH Weekend at Palmer Gulch. Simply call 1 -800

Volume 47, Issue8 Page 4

Sunday, September 14: First Day of Kidventure! (9am)

Volunteers: Are you interested in helping with

Kidventure this year? We are looking for a few

more people to help with Storytelling, Check-

In, Substitutes, and Special Events. Contact

Jenn for more information and to set up an

interview so we can find the best fit for you!

Call 343-2164 or email [email protected]

New at Westminster: Kids Choir! Do you like to sing? Do you like to have

fun? If so, this is the thing for you! We will

learn and sing a variety of songs, learn music

fundamentals, singing techniques, play games,

and experience singing with one another in a

group setting. My goal in providing this class is

to foster an appreciation and enjoyment of

music, as well as providing an opportunity for

our Westminster kids to have a choir

experience by singing in church once a

month! Come join us, we'll have a great,

musical time!

-Ali Kennedy, Nursery Coordinator and Kids

Choir Director

[email protected]

Camping at Palmer Gulch KOA!

It’s not too late to register for FAITH Weekend

at Palmer Gulch. Simply call 1-800-562-8503

to make your reservation for August 22-24.

You can choose the type of camping you would

like, from tent, RV, camping cabins, lodge

cabins, and hotel rooms.

Depending on your site,

prices vary. Please call for

more information. The

highlight of the weekend is

sure to be the free concert

by Lybecker and Kutless, two well-known

Christian bands! This is in addition to the

wonderful accommodations at Palmer Gulch,

including swimming, biking paths, optional trail

rides, mini golf and more! Let Jenn Boerger

know you’ve registered so we can all meet up

for some fellowship and S’MORES!

-Jenn Boerger, Children’s Director

[email protected] or 343-2164

Blessing of the Backpacks August 24

School this fall begins Monday, August 25. On the previous Sunday, we

have a special time of praying for our students, faculty, and staff as we

ask God’s blessing on their year (symbolized by their backpacks). Please

plan to be part of this special tradition—and bring your backpacks/

briefcases! (Some students at West Middle School don’t have backpacks

or other necessary supplies. If you’d like to bring a spare, we can share

them through Love INC’s “Cases for Kids” ministry.)

Page 5: August Sermon Series: Life’s at Palmer Gulch KOA! It’s not too late to register for FAITH Weekend at Palmer Gulch. Simply call 1 -800

Volume 47, Issue8 Page 5

Camp Rimrock can be made by contacting John

Armstrong at 605-354-3891.

Intergenerational Biking Camp

Pioneer: Aug 29 thru Sept 1, 2014

(Labor Day Weekend) Love to ride your bike? Come and ride the

Michelson trail and explore the beauty God has

given us in the Black Hills of South Dakota. We

will be staying at our new facilities at Camp

Pioneer. There will be time for food and

fellowship, Bible study, bike riding, and

campfire. This camp is for all ages and

abilities. Bring your own bike and enthusiasm.

Pioneer Work Camp and Party:

August 15-17, 2014 Cost is free. Meals will be provided at the

Pioneer site. This is a primitive area so you will

need a tent or light camper, sleeping bags,

pillows, and towels. Some may wish to stay at

Camp Rimrock and come to the Pioneer site to

work. Bring the family for a wonderful, rustic

outdoor experience...see nature at its best...and

help us clean-up and continue development at

this ministry site. We will be celebrating the

progress of development at a "Pioneer Party"

Saturday afternoon and evening...come and

enjoy a great meal, tours and fellowship.

Reservations for the work camp or to stay at

Root Beer Floats August 26 It’s our tradition (and our great pleasure!) to share free root

beer floats with kids and staff from West Middle School on

the second day of school. Every year we give hundreds of

floats to kids as a tangible gesture of God’s care for them.

Come be part of the fun! If you can help set up & serve,

please come on the 26th at about 2:30pm.

We typically serve 300+ root beer floats! We will need

15 buckets of ice cream and 40 2-liter bottles of root beer.

You can drop off supplies in the kitchen any time! Thank

you for helping us bridge the gap with our neighbors across

the street!

Camp Rimrock 2014

Sunday Morning Van Ministry

Several people have expressed an interest

in being part of a Sunday pick-up/drop-off

ministry with our church van. We are still

looking for a few more people to fill out our

rotation. If you’re interested, please

contact the church office: 343-2164.

Way to go, Westminster!

We raised over $3,000

for the Love INC.

Clothe-a-Kid project!

Landscaping our Campus

This is something we can all agree

on - Westminster needs some

landscaping improvements! Well, we

are working on it and plans are in

progress! Of course, improvements

require funding. There is a “flower

pot” in the Lobby for donations, or

you can designate “landscaping” on

your check Sunday morning. Any

amount will help purchase pavers!

Soon the south entrance will be


This fall we will have a Perennial

Plant Sale! Please keep this in mind

if you would like to contribute or

purchase some plants. Daisies are

available to take now - Just put your

donation in the flower pot.

Questions? Contact Casey

Schurger at (651) 402-7252.

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Volume 47, Issue8 Page 6

August Birthdays

1 Cary Speirs

2 Susan Rawson

4 Jenna Vallette

5 Amanda Johnson

7 Cindi George

7 June Delp

11 Marilyn Brooks

11 David Slepnikoff

14 Gilbert Holsworth

14 Dinah Smith

15 Eula Mercer

15 Scott Kenner

17 Cheryl Barker

18 Jack McBride

18 Catie Hein

19 Connie Barringer

22 Gail Millard

24 Leona Potts

25 Mary Osborne

26 Dale Bruns

27 Allen Gibbs

28 Linda Rames

29 Cindi Wanek

30 Dan Horsley

30 Leilah Talbot

Note: Children are not published due to the

safe-child setting in My Westminster, our

database program.

Getting Connected to Westminster: WPC 101 There are many ways to get connected at Westminster, whether

you are a long time member, a fairly new member or friend of the

church, or somewhere in between. We will be conducting

WPC 101 classes every other month, with our next class being

September 28. This is a great opportunity to learn more about

Westminster: who we are, what we believe, where we’re

headed, and how to get connected.

Help is always needed with set-up, food preparation and clean-up

following the event. If you feel God leading you to support this

ministry, please give Kathy White a call at 593-2465.

Financial Snapshot (June)

June Only June


2014 YTD 2014 YTD


Giving $43,554 $34,764 $206,994 $208,584

Expenses $32,575 $34,927 $200,607 $212,807



$10,979 $6,387 ($4,223)

Building Fund Update

June Building Fund

Donations Received




Due June

Excess /


$2,109 $9,579 $33,333 $23,754

August Anniversaries

8 William & Marilyn Warvi (50)

9 Bob & Connie Barringer (29)

9 Terry & Janet Hofer (39)

12 Jack & Dorothy McBride (64)

23 Terrance & Shirley Hehn (46)

23 Scott & Jody Barbour (34)

26 Elmer & Nyla Lewis (62)

30 Ralph & Evelyn Williams (62)

Session Notes

At their June and July meetings, the Session carried out the

following business…

The Session joyfully received Monika Quinn into official

membership at Westminster.

The Session approved moving forward with a

comprehensive plan for improving our landscaping,

since it communicates a great deal about our hospitality.

Given the discussion around the General Assembly,

Session has postponed our remittance to G.A. until

further notice.

Page 7: August Sermon Series: Life’s at Palmer Gulch KOA! It’s not too late to register for FAITH Weekend at Palmer Gulch. Simply call 1 -800

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2

Echo- Day at Sheridan Lake (meet at WPC)

10am Ladies

Fellowship @ RC Library

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9:00am CBE

Groups 9:30am Hymn

Sing 10:00am Worship 11:00am


6:30am Men’s Breakfast CBE

11:00am Care Council

8:30am-Noon Staff Planning Time

10:00am CBE Group @ Westhills

11:30am CBE Men’s Group

4:00pm Echo @ WPC

5:45pm Praise Team

7:30am CBE @ Tally’s

10am Ladies Fellowship @ RC Library

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10:00am Worship 11:00am

Fellowship 11:30am Session

6:30am Men’s Breakfast CBE

11:00am Care Council

6:00pm Dinner & Prayer (ALL ARE WELCOME!)

7:00pm Deacons 7:00pm Ministry


10:00am CBE Group @ Westhills

5:30pm Girls for God/CBE @ Culvers

5:45pm Praise Team

5:45pm Echo @ Jackson Disc Golf

7:30am CBE @ Tally’s

10am Ladies Fellowship @ RC Library

Echo Missions


17 18 19 20 21 22 23 10:00am Worship 11:00am


6:30am Men’s Breakfast CBE

11:00am Care Council

10:00am CBE Group @ Westhills

5:45pm Praise Team

5:45pm Echo @ WPC

7:30am CBE @ Tally’s

Westminster prepares and serves Life INC meal (supper)

10am Ladies Fellowship @ RC Library

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 10:00am Worship 11:00am Fellowship _______________

31 10:00am Worship 11:00am Fellowship

6:30am Men’s Breakfast CBE

11:00am Care Council

First Day of


3:00pm Root Beer Floats

10:00am CBE Group @ Westhills

5:30pm Girls for God/CBE (TBA)

5:45pm Praise Team

7:30am CBE @ Tally’s

10am Ladies Fellowship @ RC Library

Faith Weekend @ Palmer Gulch

Looking ahead… Beth Moore will be in Billings, October 24-25! Ladies, watch for more details

closer to that date about going as a group! More info:

Page 8: August Sermon Series: Life’s at Palmer Gulch KOA! It’s not too late to register for FAITH Weekend at Palmer Gulch. Simply call 1 -800

1012 Soo San Drive

Rapid City, SD 57702

(605) 343-2164

“Our purpose is seek the

Kingdom of God by loving God

and others sincerely.”


Sundays at 10am

(Family-friendly service)

Meet: Connect people in

meaningful ways

Grow: Engage in Christian


Serve: Exit your comfort zone

for the sake of others

It’s never too late to experience the Bible! This summer,

many people at WPC committed to reading the books of the

New Testament. If you weren’t among them, or would like

another run at it, September is a great time to start.

Reading for about 20 minutes per day, you can read the

New Testament in about 8 weeks. And meeting with others

to discuss your experience is a great way to grow in both

friendship and faith. Sign up in the lobby for a September


Did You Miss Out on the Community Bible Experience?