THE LINK Bi-weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North The Link – Bi-Weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North “Rotary Serving Humanity” 1 | Page- AUGUST IS MEMBERSHIP MONTH ….. which means it’s time to celebrate your Rotary club, your members, and the good you do in your community and around the world. There are many ways to join in the celebration, but, thanks to Ant and Dael Connolly – we have a new Satellite Club – the Durban North Satellite Club of Kwa Sani. Saturday 20 August 2016, saw rain, sunshine, pouring rain and then fairly settled weather. Warm enough for us to be outside. Twelve prospective Rotarians gathers at the charming home of Ant and Dael in Himeville – Ant’s “fire-pit” was the centre of attraction. Ant welcomed all present including Hilary and Gussie Augustus who were invited to represent the “mother” club. Ant explained the workings of the Rotary Club of Durban North Satellite Club of Kwa Sani and all members completed the Member Application Forms. Gussie, on behalf of Durban North presented the Chairman of Kwa Sani, Ant Connolly, with a Rotary bell and mallet, the 2016/17 RI Presidents them banner “Rotary Serving Humanity” and the Durban North banner. The new club was presented with 250 blankets, courtesy of the generosity of Past District Governor Gerald Sieberhagen. These were PRESIDENT Ann Bricknell [email protected] 084 907 0862 SECRETARY Gussie Augustus [email protected] 082 339 3451 TREASURER Hilary Augustus [email protected] 082 556 0299 All branded for the occasion Gathered around the “fire-pit” Ant receives a blanket from Gussie

Transcript of AUGUST IS MEMBERSHIP · Bi-weekly...

Page 1: AUGUST IS MEMBERSHIP · Bi-weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North Issue 5 –25 August 2016 The Link – Bi-Weekly

THE LINK Bi-weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North Issue 5 –25 August 2016

The Link – Bi-Weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North

“Rotary Serving Humanity” 1 | P a g e -


which means it’s time to celebrate your Rotary club, your members, and the good you do in your community and around the world.

There are many ways to join in the celebration, but, thanks to Ant and Dael Connolly – we have a new Satellite Club – the Durban North Satellite Club of Kwa Sani.

Saturday 20 August 2016, saw rain, sunshine, pouring rain and then fairly settled weather. Warm enough for us to be outside.

Twelve prospective Rotarians gathers at the charming home of Ant and Dael in Himeville – Ant’s “fire-pit”

was the centre of attraction.

Ant welcomed all present including Hilary and Gussie Augustus who were invited to represent the “mother” club. Ant explained the workings of the Rotary Club of Durban North Satellite Club of Kwa Sani and all members completed the Member Application Forms.

Gussie, on behalf of Durban North presented the Chairman of Kwa Sani, Ant Connolly, with a Rotary bell and mallet, the 2016/17 RI Presidents them banner “Rotary Serving Humanity” and the Durban North banner. The new club was presented with 250 blankets, courtesy of the generosity of Past

District Governor Gerald Sieberhagen. These were

PRESIDENT Ann Bricknell [email protected] 084 907 0862

SECRETARY Gussie Augustus [email protected] 082 339 3451

TREASURER Hilary Augustus [email protected] 082 556 0299

All branded for the occasion

Gathered around the “fire-pit”

Ant receives a blanket from Gussie

Page 2: AUGUST IS MEMBERSHIP · Bi-weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North Issue 5 –25 August 2016 The Link – Bi-Weekly

THE LINK Bi-weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North Issue 5 –25 August 2016

The Link – Bi-Weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North

“Rotary Serving Humanity” 2 | P a g e -

warmly received and will form the first project of the new satellite club. These twelve new members will be entered into the records of Durban North – bolstering our numbers.

Great fellowship followed; the rain did not stop the celebrations and people “braaiing”

We need to support this great group of enthusiastic new Rotarians and assist our satellite club in al their endeavours.

The official induction of the members of the Rotary Club of Durban North Satellite Club o- Kwa Sani will take place shortly.

Our thanks go to Ant and Dael for this initiative – not easy getting committed people together who want to serve.

Charter members of the Rotary Club of Durban North Satellite Club of Kwa Sani

Page 3: AUGUST IS MEMBERSHIP · Bi-weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North Issue 5 –25 August 2016 The Link – Bi-Weekly

THE LINK Bi-weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North Issue 5 –25 August 2016

The Link – Bi-Weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North

“Rotary Serving Humanity” 3 | P a g e -

Bundle of Joy: It’s all happening at last –

Our grateful thanks must go to M-Projects for their donation and making this dream come true.

Next : We need to furnish the two classrooms – tables and chairs; cupboards; black/green boards – you name it – we need it.

The classrooms are being delivered – disaster - the truck breaks down.

Foundations are laid and the concrete base has been poured.

The classrooms are eventually delivered and are being erected.

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THE LINK Bi-weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North Issue 5 –25 August 2016

The Link – Bi-Weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North

“Rotary Serving Humanity” 4 | P a g e -

Some of the board members - from left to right: Luyanda Mnguni (PRO), Kwanda Ngxukumeshe (President), Roxanne Conacher (Vise- President), Ayabulea Mathe (vice- secretary)

Pieter Rittles and Maria Kapp

Membership continues…. at Interact level We have submitted an application to form an Interact club at Curro Embury High School, Lillian Ngoyi (Windermere) Road, Morningside to R I.

A more enthusiastic group of learners, guided by the most enthusiastic teacher, Mr Pieter Rittles and assisted by Ms Maria Kapp, we couldn’t wish for. Their first official project is this Friday – a can collection outside Checkers, Windermere Centre from 2.00 - 6.00 p.m.! We hope to be able to officially charter them within the next few weeks.

The first official Meeting . . . . . . .

Teacher in charge – Mr Pieter


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THE LINK Bi-weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North Issue 5 –25 August 2016

The Link – Bi-Weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North

“Rotary Serving Humanity” 5 | P a g e -

Well done to our newest member, Carin Napier, for agreeing to hold the computer skills course on Saturday mornings.

A cosy evening at President Ann's home on Saturday enjoying scrumptious soups and

socialising — attended by Shirley Piek, James & Carin Napier, Laura & Peter Donet,

Pres Ann, Jane Russell, Brenda Swanepoel, Rowena Neveling, Past Exchange student

Melanie Schoessow, Cathy & Jason Stevens, Mike Mylrae and behind the camera -

Alma Maxwell

Page 6: AUGUST IS MEMBERSHIP · Bi-weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North Issue 5 –25 August 2016 The Link – Bi-Weekly

THE LINK Bi-weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North Issue 5 –25 August 2016

The Link – Bi-Weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North

“Rotary Serving Humanity” 6 | P a g e -

August Birthdays

26 Peter Coutts

27 Brenda Swanepoel

A message from Debbie Wybrow :

From Lionel's family

Dear North Durban Rotarians, Anns and Friends

We are deeply grateful for your love and support of our precious Dad, Lionel, in recent months,

and for the heartfelt reminiscings you have shared with us since he died.

Rotary was part of Dad's everyday, with the Durban North Club being dearest to his heart…

To every person who added significance to his life and who honoured him in his passing – thank


Each of us has the privilege of continuing the legend that is Lionel and his legacy through our

wholehearted and lifelong commitment to "serving humanity". Big shoes to fill … but we know

that we can, and we will.

With our sincere appreciation

Debbie (on behalf of Anne, Brad and Chris, Laurie and Tim)

[email protected]

Neil Snatt

Our sympathy goes to Zoe & Adriaan Verhagen on the passing of her beloved

dad, Neil Snatt. We extend our love and prayers to the family.

Veronica Raaff

Veronica has not had an easy week after suffering a setback over the weekend with a bleed into

her chest and her one lung collapsing. This was made worse by a misdiagnosis which resulted in

the correct treatment only starting on Monday morning. She is now stable but still in I C U

Peter Gooderson

Two beds from Veronica, in I C U at Ethekweni Hospital, is Peter G having had an emergency by-

pass on Wednesday morning. He is now stable.

We wish them both a full recovery.

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THE LINK Bi-weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North Issue 5 –25 August 2016

The Link – Bi-Weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Durban North

“Rotary Serving Humanity” 7 | P a g e -

At My Age …. At my age I have just realized I still have so many unanswered questions!

I never found out who let the dogs out...

the way to get to Sesame Street...

why Dora doesn't just use Google Maps...

why we don't ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"...

why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed...

why "abbreviated" is such a long word...

why lemon juice is made with artificial flavor yet dish-washing liquid is made with real lemons...

why they sterilize the needle for lethal injections...

and, why do you have to "put your two cents in" but it's only a "penny for your thoughts"

where's that extra penny going to...

why do The Alphabet Song and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same tune...?

why did you just try to sing those two previous songs...?

and just what is Victoria's secret? ...

and do you really think I am this witty?? ...

BONUS: What is Pokémon GO?

I actually stole this from a friend who stole it from a friend of her brother's girlfriend's

Uncle's cousin's, baby mamma's Doctor...

Now it is your turn to steal it from me... Enjoy the rest of your day!