August 24, 2014 bulletin

The Roman Catholic Community of ST. BRIGID PARISH, (St. Francis Xavier Church, Friendsville, Pa. and St. Augustine Church, Silver Lake, Pa.) (St. Brigid’s Cross) P.O. Box 75 17 Cottage Street • Friendsville, Pa. 18818 Phone (570) 553-2288 E-mail: [email protected] Father Casimir (Cas) Stanis, Pastor Kenneth S. Brennan, Deacon PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We the faithful of the Roman Catholic Community of St. Brigid Parish, (St. Francis Xavier and St. Augustine Churches), in union with our Holy Father, the Pope, and the Diocese of Scranton, are called through baptism to share in the mission which Jesus Christ has entrusted to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We in this Faith Community, under the leadership of our Bishop and our Pastor, cooperate to proclaim the Gospel in accordance with the teaching of the Church, to celebrate the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, for the salvation of all, and to witness by grace to the Kingdom of God so as to promote a culture of life, justice and peace. We especially endeavor to foster spiritual growth and evangelization in our present and future generations by drawing parish members back to active participation.”



Transcript of August 24, 2014 bulletin

MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEKEND St. Francis—Aug. 30th—4:30PM: Lector—Larry O’Reilly; Ministers—Kylie Keenan & Mary Shaughnessy; Servers—Declan & Daegan Giannone; Rosary—Margaret Flaherty St. Francis—Aug. 31st—8:00AM: Lector—Amanda Reeves; Ministers—Mary K. Manjerovic & Jeff Williams; Servers—Thomas Williams; Rosary—Debbie Purtell St. Augustine—Aug. 31st—10:30AM: Lector—Julie Perlick; Ministers—Roseanne Rouff & Bob Allen; Servers—Kiera & Riley Short; Rosary—Ann Zalepa & Caesar Siedlecki If at any time you see that a volunteer is needed for any ministry, please feel free to step forward and volunteer your services.

DECEASED Please pray for the deceased, especially Pauline L. VerValin, sister of Claire Griffin. May she rest in peace. Amen.

SANCTUARY LIGHTS, ADORATION VIGIL CANDLES & DEVOTIONAL CANDLE DONATIONS A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for a Special Intention requested by Joe Purr.

A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for a Special Intention. A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for a Special Intention.

CHURCH CLEANING St. Francis cleaners for the month of August—Jerry & Jackie Guiton.

St. Augustine cleaners Aug. 24 to 30—Barbara Mahoney & Bud Mahoney; Aug. 31 to Sept. 6—Ginny Schmitt. Volunteers are needed to clean St. Augustine Church. If you can help, call the rectory.

FLOWERS FOR OUR CHURCHES St. Augustine flowers are given by Heidi Jaeger in Memory of Rosa & Martin Schulz.

St. Francis flowers are given in Memory of Jerome Ryan. To provide flowers for St. Francis Church, please call the Rectory at (570-553-2288). To provide flowers for St. Augustine Church, please sign up on the sheet in back of the Church or call Heidi Jaeger (570-663-2459).

PRAYER LIST Lord, hear our prayers for the sick of our Parish and Community listed below and for those who are not listed and in need of our prayers. Katelyn Andre, Michael Haefner, Bill Jones, Jr., David Zevan, Rita Powers, Debbie Jones, Julia Zangara, Kyle Stoddard, Mary Lou Gregg, Sophie Padula, Madigan Gow, John Flynn, Donald & Terry Baum, Mary Bakay, Donnie Butler, Tommy Williams, Stephen Ambrose, Mary Riley, Toni Colardino, Evelyn Palulis, Tom Wenman, Linda Hollenback, Jennifer Lynn, Jerry Lynch, Tyler Fletcher, Anna Mae Coleman, Joshua Welch, Jean Ryan, Richard Hutchinson, Mary K. Long, Joshua Kaminski, Kathy Holt, Aleisya Abrams, Agnes Neville, Steve Hundiak, Mary Lou Fahs, Butch Rosencranz, Ruth King, George Kotch, Brooke Arnold, Hallie Brooks, Ken Roon, Sarah Murnigahan, Candy Coney, Walter O’Rourke, William Chaney, Mary Cadden, Sandy Szabo, Nancy Lynch, Daniel Gavin, Sue Anderson, June Riley, John Bauer, Adam Kelly, Francis Zernone, Shawn Burns, Quinn Seymour, John & Alberta Zielinski, Virginia Raftis, Fred Russell, Dorothy Catlin, Marie Donahue, Nancy, Matt & Emily, Bob Murphy, Robyn Lawson, Vicky Nelson, Rita Flynn, Elton Carr, Peter Purtell, Kaleena Dughi, Molly Getter, Sam Miner, Debbie Drewry, Bill Sheredy, Bub Davis, D.K., J.K., S.C.F., Rusty Carmen, Ronalee Eckert, Chelsea Judson, Doug Wheaton, John Paul Jones, Valerie Newhart, R.G., B.F., H.T., Amanda Branning, Deborah Gregory, Andy Mooney, Dave Hibbard, Anna Marie Gage, Jeff Barnard, Mary Elizabeth Healy, Javina Davis, Gloria Craige, Delmar O’Rourke, Steve Burrell, Walt Frystak, Cynthia F., Lori & Michelle Parsons, Barbara Borsavage, George Kotch, Jr., Leo Guiton, Joe LaFrance, Whitney Neville, Gregg Loboda, Nora Boczar, Richard Light, Tammy Fleming, Roger Doolittle, and Mark Kovach. May they regain full health. Please pray for the needs in our Parish Intention Books. Our Lady of Good Health, pray for us. Amen.

ARMED FORCES LIST Please pray for those in our Armed Forces, especially those from our Parish and Community, Christopher Reichlen, Patrick Allen, Shane Kalpokas, Ryan Gormley, Mike Griffith, Reed Shave, Matthew Kramer, Dustin Ryder, Bobby Brostoski, Ricky Trowbridge, Ryan Neville, Anthony Flynn, A. Jay Tewksbury, Jennifer Buttacavoli, Andrew Muscarelle, Adam Barziloski, Lukas Crisman, John Matousek, David Teetsel, Lisa Phillips, Carrie Krouse, Ryan Newberry, Wayne M. Bennett, Duane Thomas, Joseph Elliott, Michael and Sean Plitt, Mark W. Gregg, Bradley J. Bryant, and all who serve with them. May they all be protected and safe from harm and return home soon to their families and friends. Amen. Please call the rectory when the person you put on the Prayer List or Armed Forces List can be removed. If you know of anyone on the list who has passed away, please let us know so that their name can be removed from the list. OIL SPILL: Please continue to pray for a successful cleanup of the remainder of the spill.

The Roman Catholic Community of ST. BRIGID PARISH,

(St. Francis Xavier Church, Friendsville, Pa.

and St. Augustine Church,

Silver Lake, Pa.)

(St. Brigid’s Cross)

P.O. Box 75 • 17 Cottage Street • Friendsville, Pa. 18818 • Phone (570) 553-2288

E-mail: [email protected] Father Casimir (Cas) Stanis, Pastor

Kenneth S. Brennan, Deacon

PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “We the faithful of the Roman Catholic Community of St. Brigid Parish, (St. Francis Xavier and St. Augustine Churches), in union with our Holy Father, the Pope, and the Diocese of Scranton, are called through baptism to share in the mission which Jesus Christ has entrusted to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We in this Faith Community, under the leadership of our Bishop and our Pastor, cooperate to proclaim the Gospel in accordance with the teaching of the Church, to celebrate the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, for the salvation of all, and to witness by grace to the Kingdom of God so as to promote a culture of life, justice and peace. We especially endeavor to foster spiritual growth and evangelization in our present and future generations by drawing parish members back to active participation.”


Saturday - 4:30PM Mass - St. Francis Church - Confessions - 4:00 to 4:20PM Sunday - 8:00AM Mass - St. Francis Church - Confessions immediately following Mass

Sunday - 10:30AM Mass - St. Augustine Church - Confessions - immediately following Mass Or any convenient time upon request. WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP REPORT

Thank you for your kindness & generosity in our weekly Parish Collections: St. Francis (4:30PM) $ 1,015.00; St. Francis (8:00AM) $ 954.00; St. Augustine (10:30AM) $ 1,442.00. Holy Day Collection totals: St. Augustine—$132.00; St. Francis—$ 423.00.


“Respect for that dignity is owed to every human being because each one carries in an indelible way his own dignity and value. The origin of human life has its authentic context in marriage and in the family, where it is generated through an act which expresses the reciprocal love between a man and a woman.” Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith, Dignitas Personae: On Certain Bioethical Questions, 6


1st Anniv. CATHERINE ADAMS by the Family Sun. Aug. 24 8:00AM St. Francis Church - 21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

MRS. GERALD (RUTH) MURPHY by the Family 10:30AM St. Augustine Church - INTENTIONS OF OUR PARISHIONERS Mon. Aug. 25 12:00NN JIM KEENAN by John & Irene Norton Tue. Aug. 26 8:30AM St. Augustine Church - EUGENE C. MURPHY by the Family Wed. Aug. 27 8:30AM St. Francis Church - JEROME RYAN by Kay Keenan Thur. Aug. 28 8:30AM St. Francis Church - LEON & JUNE RAUB by Max & Rose Raub Fri. Aug. 29 12:00NN St. Francis Church - CATHERINE HUNDIAK by Norene, Marty, and

Leo Purtell Sat. Aug. 30 4:30PM St. Francis Church - VIGIL: 22ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

JEAN REBELLO by Gary & Betty Ellen Hardy Sun. Aug. 31 8:00AM St. Francis Church - 22ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME


Bud & Barbara Mahoney

St. Francis Church -

COLLECTION FOR THE CHURCH IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE Next week we take up the Collection for the Church in Central & Eastern Europe. This Collection supports Catholic organizations that provide affordable shelter and training for seminarians in a region that still struggles with the effects of Soviet rule. By providing pastoral care, catechesis, and funding for building renovations, your donations help to restore the Church and build the future in the region. Please give generously to the Collection next week. Visit (search “Church in Central and Eastern Europe”) to learn more.


“Children’s Worship Bulletins” - Copies are available in the back of the Churches today.

PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING The next Pastoral Council Meeting will be held THIS Wednesday, August 27th, at 6:30PM in the Rectory. All members are encouraged to attend.


The next Altar & Rosary Meeting will be held Wednesday, September 3rd, at 6:30PM in the Rectory.

CONFIRMATION Confirmation in St. Brigid Parish is Monday, September 29th, at 5:00PM in St. Francis Church.

PARISH PRAYER CHAIN If you would like to help respond to prayer requests (for anyone in need), please contact Rosalynd Perlick-Spencer (570-663-2212), Susie Reichlen (570-553-2618), or Mary Keenan (570-553-2431). If you have actual prayer requests, please call anyone on the list and many prayers will be offered for your particular intention.


If you would like permanent ADORATION hours or if you would like to take an hour on a trial basis, please call Andrea Chen at 607-669-4875.

FREE FOOD DISTRIBUTION VIA THE WEINBERG FOOD BANK This free food distribution for those in need is for RESIDENTS OF SUSQUEHANNA COUNT ONLY. Any resident of Susquehanna County who needs food is welcome. The Weinberg Food Truck is at the Ladies Auxiliary Hall in Lawton on the 4th Thursday of every month from 1 to 3 and 5 to 7PM. The next distribution date is THIS Thursday, August 28th.


A FREE ICE CREAM SOCIAL will be held THIS Tuesday, August 26th from 6:30 to 8:00PM, at the Little Meadows United Methodist Church. All are welcome to attend.

NEWS FROM THE CAPUCHIN SISTERS OF NAZARETH Come join the Capuchin Sisters of Nazareth for a Religious Life Discernment Retreat. This Retreat is for young women ages 16 to 30. The Retreat will be held Friday, September 26th, (beginning at 4:00PM) thru Sunday, September 28th, (ending at 11:30AM). The Retreat will be held at Mother of the Eucharist Convent, 6100 Jacks Hollow Road, Williamsport, Pa. 17702. Reservations are required. Please contact Sister Christina at (570-745-3334) or ( . Fliers are available in the back of the Churches.

BENEFIT FOR MOM’S HOUSE Visions Federal Credit Union is having a fundraiser to benefit Mom’s House. It’s very simple to participate, and very beneficial to our program. For every person that “Likes” the Mom’s House fundraiser photo, Visions will donate $1 to Mom’s House. Vision’s goal is to raise $5000 for Mom’s House. So just click on our facebook link shown below and “like” the Mom’s House fundraiser photo by Visions. Thank you for your support – pass on the great opportunity to your family and friends, and TOGETHER we can make this fundraiser a HUGE SUCCESS!!


Saturday - 4:30PM Mass - St. Francis Church - Confessions - 4:00 to 4:20PM Sunday - 8:00AM Mass - St. Francis Church - Confessions immediately following Mass

Sunday - 10:30AM Mass - St. Augustine Church - Confessions - immediately following Mass Or any convenient time upon request. WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP REPORT

Thank you for your kindness & generosity in our weekly Parish Collections: St. Francis (4:30PM) $ 1,015.00; St. Francis (8:00AM) $ 954.00; St. Augustine (10:30AM) $ 1,442.00. Holy Day Collection totals: St. Augustine—$132.00; St. Francis—$ 423.00.


“Respect for that dignity is owed to every human being because each one carries in an indelible way his own dignity and value. The origin of human life has its authentic context in marriage and in the family, where it is generated through an act which expresses the reciprocal love between a man and a woman.” Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith, Dignitas Personae: On Certain Bioethical Questions, 6


1st Anniv. CATHERINE ADAMS by the Family Sun. Aug. 24 8:00AM St. Francis Church - 21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

MRS. GERALD (RUTH) MURPHY by the Family 10:30AM St. Augustine Church - INTENTIONS OF OUR PARISHIONERS Mon. Aug. 25 12:00NN JIM KEENAN by John & Irene Norton Tue. Aug. 26 8:30AM St. Augustine Church - EUGENE C. MURPHY by the Family Wed. Aug. 27 8:30AM St. Francis Church - JEROME RYAN by Kay Keenan Thur. Aug. 28 8:30AM St. Francis Church - LEON & JUNE RAUB by Max & Rose Raub Fri. Aug. 29 12:00NN St. Francis Church - CATHERINE HUNDIAK by Norene, Marty, and

Leo Purtell Sat. Aug. 30 4:30PM St. Francis Church - VIGIL: 22ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

JEAN REBELLO by Gary & Betty Ellen Hardy Sun. Aug. 31 8:00AM St. Francis Church - 22ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME


Bud & Barbara Mahoney

St. Francis Church -

COLLECTION FOR THE CHURCH IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE Next week we take up the Collection for the Church in Central & Eastern Europe. This Collection supports Catholic organizations that provide affordable shelter and training for seminarians in a region that still struggles with the effects of Soviet rule. By providing pastoral care, catechesis, and funding for building renovations, your donations help to restore the Church and build the future in the region. Please give generously to the Collection next week. Visit (search “Church in Central and Eastern Europe”) to learn more.


“Children’s Worship Bulletins” - Copies are available in the back of the Churches today.

PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING The next Pastoral Council Meeting will be held THIS Wednesday, August 27th, at 6:30PM in the Rectory. All members are encouraged to attend.


The next Altar & Rosary Meeting will be held Wednesday, September 3rd, at 6:30PM in the Rectory.

CONFIRMATION Confirmation in St. Brigid Parish is Monday, September 29th, at 5:00PM in St. Francis Church.

PARISH PRAYER CHAIN If you would like to help respond to prayer requests (for anyone in need), please contact Rosalynd Perlick-Spencer (570-663-2212), Susie Reichlen (570-553-2618), or Mary Keenan (570-553-2431). If you have actual prayer requests, please call anyone on the list and many prayers will be offered for your particular intention.


If you would like permanent ADORATION hours or if you would like to take an hour on a trial basis, please call Andrea Chen at 607-669-4875.

FREE FOOD DISTRIBUTION VIA THE WEINBERG FOOD BANK This free food distribution for those in need is for RESIDENTS OF SUSQUEHANNA COUNT ONLY. Any resident of Susquehanna County who needs food is welcome. The Weinberg Food Truck is at the Ladies Auxiliary Hall in Lawton on the 4th Thursday of every month from 1 to 3 and 5 to 7PM. The next distribution date is THIS Thursday, August 28th.


A FREE ICE CREAM SOCIAL will be held THIS Tuesday, August 26th from 6:30 to 8:00PM, at the Little Meadows United Methodist Church. All are welcome to attend.

NEWS FROM THE CAPUCHIN SISTERS OF NAZARETH Come join the Capuchin Sisters of Nazareth for a Religious Life Discernment Retreat. This Retreat is for young women ages 16 to 30. The Retreat will be held Friday, September 26th, (beginning at 4:00PM) thru Sunday, September 28th, (ending at 11:30AM). The Retreat will be held at Mother of the Eucharist Convent, 6100 Jacks Hollow Road, Williamsport, Pa. 17702. Reservations are required. Please contact Sister Christina at (570-745-3334) or ( . Fliers are available in the back of the Churches.

BENEFIT FOR MOM’S HOUSE Visions Federal Credit Union is having a fundraiser to benefit Mom’s House. It’s very simple to participate, and very beneficial to our program. For every person that “Likes” the Mom’s House fundraiser photo, Visions will donate $1 to Mom’s House. Vision’s goal is to raise $5000 for Mom’s House. So just click on our facebook link shown below and “like” the Mom’s House fundraiser photo by Visions. Thank you for your support – pass on the great opportunity to your family and friends, and TOGETHER we can make this fundraiser a HUGE SUCCESS!!

MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEKEND St. Francis—Aug. 30th—4:30PM: Lector—Larry O’Reilly; Ministers—Kylie Keenan & Mary Shaughnessy; Servers—Declan & Daegan Giannone; Rosary—Margaret Flaherty St. Francis—Aug. 31st—8:00AM: Lector—Amanda Reeves; Ministers—Mary K. Manjerovic & Jeff Williams; Servers—Thomas Williams; Rosary—Debbie Purtell St. Augustine—Aug. 31st—10:30AM: Lector—Julie Perlick; Ministers—Roseanne Rouff & Bob Allen; Servers—Kiera & Riley Short; Rosary—Ann Zalepa & Caesar Siedlecki If at any time you see that a volunteer is needed for any ministry, please feel free to step forward and volunteer your services.

DECEASED Please pray for the deceased, especially Pauline L. VerValin, sister of Claire Griffin. May she rest in peace. Amen.

SANCTUARY LIGHTS, ADORATION VIGIL CANDLES & DEVOTIONAL CANDLE DONATIONS A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for a Special Intention requested by Joe Purr.

A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for a Special Intention. A Devotional Candle at St. Francis burns for a Special Intention.

CHURCH CLEANING St. Francis cleaners for the month of August—Jerry & Jackie Guiton.

St. Augustine cleaners Aug. 24 to 30—Barbara Mahoney & Bud Mahoney; Aug. 31 to Sept. 6—Ginny Schmitt. Volunteers are needed to clean St. Augustine Church. If you can help, call the rectory.

FLOWERS FOR OUR CHURCHES St. Augustine flowers are given by Heidi Jaeger in Memory of Rosa & Martin Schulz.

St. Francis flowers are given in Memory of Jerome Ryan. To provide flowers for St. Francis Church, please call the Rectory at (570-553-2288). To provide flowers for St. Augustine Church, please sign up on the sheet in back of the Church or call Heidi Jaeger (570-663-2459).

PRAYER LIST Lord, hear our prayers for the sick of our Parish and Community listed below and for those who are not listed and in need of our prayers. Katelyn Andre, Michael Haefner, Bill Jones, Jr., David Zevan, Rita Powers, Debbie Jones, Julia Zangara, Kyle Stoddard, Mary Lou Gregg, Sophie Padula, Madigan Gow, John Flynn, Donald & Terry Baum, Mary Bakay, Donnie Butler, Tommy Williams, Stephen Ambrose, Mary Riley, Toni Colardino, Evelyn Palulis, Tom Wenman, Linda Hollenback, Jennifer Lynn, Jerry Lynch, Tyler Fletcher, Anna Mae Coleman, Joshua Welch, Jean Ryan, Richard Hutchinson, Mary K. Long, Joshua Kaminski, Kathy Holt, Aleisya Abrams, Agnes Neville, Steve Hundiak, Mary Lou Fahs, Butch Rosencranz, Ruth King, George Kotch, Brooke Arnold, Hallie Brooks, Ken Roon, Sarah Murnigahan, Candy Coney, Walter O’Rourke, William Chaney, Mary Cadden, Sandy Szabo, Nancy Lynch, Daniel Gavin, Sue Anderson, June Riley, John Bauer, Adam Kelly, Francis Zernone, Shawn Burns, Quinn Seymour, John & Alberta Zielinski, Virginia Raftis, Fred Russell, Dorothy Catlin, Marie Donahue, Nancy, Matt & Emily, Bob Murphy, Robyn Lawson, Vicky Nelson, Rita Flynn, Elton Carr, Peter Purtell, Kaleena Dughi, Molly Getter, Sam Miner, Debbie Drewry, Bill Sheredy, Bub Davis, D.K., J.K., S.C.F., Rusty Carmen, Ronalee Eckert, Chelsea Judson, Doug Wheaton, John Paul Jones, Valerie Newhart, R.G., B.F., H.T., Amanda Branning, Deborah Gregory, Andy Mooney, Dave Hibbard, Anna Marie Gage, Jeff Barnard, Mary Elizabeth Healy, Javina Davis, Gloria Craige, Delmar O’Rourke, Steve Burrell, Walt Frystak, Cynthia F., Lori & Michelle Parsons, Barbara Borsavage, George Kotch, Jr., Leo Guiton, Joe LaFrance, Whitney Neville, Gregg Loboda, Nora Boczar, Richard Light, Tammy Fleming, Roger Doolittle, and Mark Kovach. May they regain full health. Please pray for the needs in our Parish Intention Books. Our Lady of Good Health, pray for us. Amen.

ARMED FORCES LIST Please pray for those in our Armed Forces, especially those from our Parish and Community, Christopher Reichlen, Patrick Allen, Shane Kalpokas, Ryan Gormley, Mike Griffith, Reed Shave, Matthew Kramer, Dustin Ryder, Bobby Brostoski, Ricky Trowbridge, Ryan Neville, Anthony Flynn, A. Jay Tewksbury, Jennifer Buttacavoli, Andrew Muscarelle, Adam Barziloski, Lukas Crisman, John Matousek, David Teetsel, Lisa Phillips, Carrie Krouse, Ryan Newberry, Wayne M. Bennett, Duane Thomas, Joseph Elliott, Michael and Sean Plitt, Mark W. Gregg, Bradley J. Bryant, and all who serve with them. May they all be protected and safe from harm and return home soon to their families and friends. Amen. Please call the rectory when the person you put on the Prayer List or Armed Forces List can be removed. If you know of anyone on the list who has passed away, please let us know so that their name can be removed from the list. OIL SPILL: Please continue to pray for a successful cleanup of the remainder of the spill.

The Roman Catholic Community of ST. BRIGID PARISH,

(St. Francis Xavier Church, Friendsville, Pa.

and St. Augustine Church,

Silver Lake, Pa.)

(St. Brigid’s Cross)

P.O. Box 75 • 17 Cottage Street • Friendsville, Pa. 18818 • Phone (570) 553-2288

E-mail: [email protected] Father Casimir (Cas) Stanis, Pastor

Kenneth S. Brennan, Deacon

PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “We the faithful of the Roman Catholic Community of St. Brigid Parish, (St. Francis Xavier and St. Augustine Churches), in union with our Holy Father, the Pope, and the Diocese of Scranton, are called through baptism to share in the mission which Jesus Christ has entrusted to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. We in this Faith Community, under the leadership of our Bishop and our Pastor, cooperate to proclaim the Gospel in accordance with the teaching of the Church, to celebrate the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, for the salvation of all, and to witness by grace to the Kingdom of God so as to promote a culture of life, justice and peace. We especially endeavor to foster spiritual growth and evangelization in our present and future generations by drawing parish members back to active participation.”

POT O’GOLD PARTY Our new Parish fund raiser is called “St. Brigid Parish ~ Pot O’Gold Party” and will be held on October 18th, 2014 at 6:00PM in Neumann Hall, Choconut. This will be an “Elimination Party”. A limited number (115) tickets are available at $ 100.00 each and need to be sold by October 1st. Each ticket admits one person plus a guest to the party. Included in the ticket price will be beer/wine/and buffet style food. Over $ 8000.00 in prizes will be awarded including a grand prize of $ 3000.00. Everyone who buys a ticket will go home with at least a door prize. On the day of the party at intermission as many raffle tickets as possible will be sold for $ 5.00 each for (8) separate raffles for (8) more $ 100.00 tickets. There will also be as many raffle tickets as possible sold for $ 10.00 each for (2) separate raffles for (2) more $ 100.00 tickets. These final (10) tickets can only be awarded to someone who already holds one of the original 115 tickets. If you would like to purchase a “Pot O’Gold” Party ticket, please contact John or Mary Butler (570-553-2199) or the Parish Office (570-553-2288). AT THIS POINT WE ONLY HAVE 30 TICKETS LEFT. PARISHIONERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO GET THEIR TICKETS NOW BEFORE THEY ARE ALL GONE!!!


We need help from individual Parishioners/individual people/families/businesses in the following ways. We need (6) more sponsors of $ 100.00 each; and (1) sponsor (or a few to share the sponsorship) of $ 3,000.00. (We already have sponsors for (2) $ 500.00 prizes; (2) $ 250.00 prize; (15) $ 100.00 prizes; and (1) $ 1500.00 prize.) If you would like to be a sponsor, please call the Parish Office (570-553-2288) OR call John or Mary Butler (570-553-2199). We need donations of a total of 96 door prizes. These could include bottles of wine, restaurant gift certificates, other gift certificates, bird feeders, bird feed, gift baskets, lottery tickets, sewing supplies, shop supplies, work lights, a pallet of stone, Irish items, items for pets, gardening items, etc. Only your imagination is the limit on what one of these prizes could be. If you can donate a door prize, please call Betty Ellen Hardy (570-553-2372) or Shirley Kelly (570-553-2362). So far 58 door prizes have been donated, however, we still need 40 more. If you are able to solicit sponsors, door prizes, or volunteer to work at the Party, please contact the Parish

Office (570-553-2288) or John & Mary Butler (570-553-2199).

DONATIONS FOR BASKET O’CHEER Monetary donations are needed to put together a “Basket O’Cheer”. A basket with Irish libations and other Irish Items will be put together to raffle at the “Pot O’Gold Party”. If you would like to make a donation, please put it in the collection basket in a marked envelope or mail to the Rectory.