August 2015 -...

August 2015 8531 Macon Hwy Athens, GA 30606 706-543-6077 (office) 706-543-6199 (fax) Sunday School @ 9:40 a.m. Sunday Worship @ 11:00a.m. Wednesday Bible Study @ 10:00a.m. Pastor: The Rev. Tara Bulger [email protected] 706-621-3692 (cell) Church Administrator: Donna Rigsby [email protected] Please check out our website @ for our online calendar A Word from the Pastor Dear Friends, This past Sunday in worship everyone was given the opportunity to anonymously fill out a slip of paper that said, “I came to church today because…” The answers were as varied as the people who filled them out. Some of the answers received were: I came to church today to feel closer to God. I came to church today to see my friends, to listen and pray and to hear the choir too. I came to church today because I want to become closer to God and I was feeling distant from Him. I came to church today because our small church makes a big difference in my life. I came to church today so I can polish some of my rough edges. There are many more responses that I’ll be sharing with you over the next few weeks. But for today, I want to share with you one simple answer that was given: “I came to church today because I was invited.” This simple answer reminds us that all it takes sometimes is an invitation to bring someone in to our faith community. If we take all those reasons that we come to worship here at Friendship and share those with our friends, an invitation may be all that is needed for them to join us here. We ask them to join us because we have found something precious here at Friendship and we want to share that with others. The Gospel truly is Good News—and who couldn’t use a little more of that in our world? Grace and peace, Rev. Tara Bulger October 2015

Transcript of August 2015 -...

Page 1: August 2015 - appears in 1552, in a list of the Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal. This elite

August 2015

8531 Macon Hwy

Athens, GA 30606

706-543-6077 (office)

706-543-6199 (fax)

Sunday School @ 9:40 a.m.

Sunday Worship @ 11:00a.m.

Wednesday Bible Study

@ 10:00a.m.


The Rev. Tara Bulger

[email protected]

706-621-3692 (cell)

Church Administrator:

Donna Rigsby

[email protected]

Please check out our website @ for our

online calendar

A Word from the Pastor

Dear Friends,

This past Sunday in worship everyone was given the opportunity to

anonymously fill out a slip of paper that said, “I came to church today

because…” The answers were as varied as the people who filled them


Some of the answers received were:

I came to church today to feel closer to God.

I came to church today to see my friends, to listen and

pray and to hear the choir too.

I came to church today because I want to become closer

to God and I was feeling distant from Him.

I came to church today because our small church makes a

big difference in my life.

I came to church today so I can polish some of my rough


There are many more responses that I’ll be sharing with you over the

next few weeks. But for today, I want to share with you one simple

answer that was given: “I came to church today because I was invited.”

This simple answer reminds us that all it takes sometimes is an

invitation to bring someone in to our faith community. If we take all

those reasons that we come to worship here at Friendship and share

those with our friends, an invitation may be all that is needed for them

to join us here. We ask them to join us because we have found

something precious here at Friendship and we want to share that with

others. The Gospel truly is Good News—and who couldn’t use a little

more of that in our world?

Grace and peace,

Rev. Tara Bulger

October 2015

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Words of Friendship

Circle will meet at 9:45am at the

church on the second Tuesday the

13th. There will be a Presbyterian

Women’s Retreat in Clayton in

November. Please call Pattie Ivy for

more information. Santa Claus Express

for residents of Presbyterian Homes will be coming to

Athens just after Thanksgiving!



All are invited. Children are especially welcome.

160 Plantation Dr., Athens, GA 30605

(At end of Cedar Shoals Dr., turn left; go 500 feet, turn right;

7th house on right)


Caren & Maurice Snook will host their last of the year Garden Railroad Open House on

Saturday, October 24, 2015, from 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm (weather permitting).

Men’s Club will meet Oct8 at

7:00 pm in the Friendship

Room. All men are invited.

Sunday, October 4, 2015 is World Communion Sunday. On that day,

we will take communion together as churches all over the world do the

same. Invite a friend or loved one to the service—because the Lord’s

table just wouldn’t be the same without them!

Sunday, October 4, immediately following worship, we will have called

congregational meeting for the purpose of electing a nominating committee.

This committee will be responsible for electing elders to serve for the next 3

year term.

Please pray for the formation and work of this committee. And as we all know

churches need dedicated and gifted leaders, pray for our future elders.

Examine, too, your own hearts and be willing to serve if you are called upon.

We are a small church, but we have a big mission, and we need elders to


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Words of Friendship

Liturgist Money Counters

4 Monica Graham Marks Towles

11 Bruce Hildebrand Alan White

18 Wallace Salter Barbara Remmers

25 Kathie Shinholser Bev Davis

Communion Servers

October 4, 2015

Dori Allen,

Linda Kelly

Chester Lee

Ted Walker

Session Actions September 3, 2015

submitted by Marks Towles, Clerk

In recognition of the schedule and hours routinely worked by the Pastor (most recently impacted

by the preschool director vacancy), the Session approved a bonus for the remaining four months

of the year. This action brings her effective pay up to Presbytery minimums for a full time call.

The contract with Azevedo Properties has been signed. Interior painting has been completed and

the property manager will start showing the property to prospective tenants. The total cost of

renovations is expected to be approx. $7,500.

Tara has been appointed to a search committee for a new Executive Presbyter for NE GA


A friend who is a member of Athens Church has asked Tara to lead a bible study which meets at

Tara’s home on Thursdays.

We have an intern (Catherine Warren) funded by the Waddell scholarship. Among her duties will

be timely updating of media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) re Friendship news and activities.

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Words of Friendship


The choir will be offering “Lord, for thy tender

mercies’ sake” by Richard Farrant (ca. 1525-1580), so some

information about this little-known English composer might

be welcome.

Farrant’s early years are not well documented. His name

first appears in 1552, in a list of the Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal. This elite group of

priests and singers provided church services for the monarch; it dates back to the 13th

century and continues today. In his twelve years as a member of the Chapel Royal,

Farrant would have been active in other royal ceremonies as well. He participated in

coronations for Mary I and Elizabeth I and funerals for Edward VI and Mary I. After his

work there, Farrant took the post of organist at St. George’s at Windsor. In addition, in

1569 he assumed the position of Master of the Chapel Royal choristers. Farannt moved

back to London in 1576 and began a public theater where he produced his own

compositions, both music and plays.

One of Farrant’s important contributions to English drama was the creation of the

Blackfriars Theatre. This began as a venue for the Children of the Chapel Royal, who

were child actors associated with the chapel choirs; from 1576 to 1584 they staged plays

for the Queen. The Theatre was built on the grounds of a former Dominican monastery,

and the black robes worn by the monks lent the Theatre its name. The Blackfriars

company premiered plays by a number of dramatists of the period, among them Ben

Jonson, George Chapman and Francis Beaumont. Also of importance, the Blackfriars

playhouse was a source of innovations that would transform English commercial staging,

such as their employing artificial lighting and music between acts.

Farrant was one of the earliest composers who mixed the two mediums of music

and drama. He also wrote a number of plays which have not survived but whose titles are

recorded. Titles like Ajax and Ulysses, Quintus Fabius and King Xerses suggest that

Farrant preferred to develop serious themes with classical plots.

Apparently Farrant did not write much liturgical music, though his several

anthems and a setting of the mass proved to be popular and appeared in many editions.

These pieces reveal a sensitive, if restrained, feeling for text setting.

Musical Notes

by: Kevin Kelly

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Words of Friendship

At the end of September, Boy Scout Troop 149 held its semi-

annual troop Court of Honor, recognizing our Scouts (and

adults!) for their accomplishments since this spring. 13

Scouts have advanced in rank, and nearly 70 merit badges

have been earned, plus a number of special recognitions

ranging from the 50-Miler Award, the Mile Swim, and religious awards. The Cub Scout Pack (elementary

school aged boys) has begun meeting, and is planning a family campout in

October and a winter trip to the Yorktown Aircraft Carrier in January. The

Venturing Crew (Scouting’s co-ed program for high schoolers) held a

planning meeting in September as well, and will be recruiting new

members next month.

The troop’s September camping trip at nearby Lake Oglethorpe, focused

on the Fishing merit badge, plus some boating and other advancement

activities. (As usual, it rained!) Also, participants from our troop and two

other local troops who are signed up for Philmont Scout Ranch for next

summer hiked 11 miles on the Appalachian Trail earlier in the month,

enjoying great fall weather and scenes including sunrise atop Blood

Mountain. In October, the troop will invite the 5th grade Cub Scouts to

camp with us for our annual “pumpkin chunkin’” trip, where the Scouts

work in teams to build catapults to launch balls and the occasional

pumpkin—always fun!

At this month’s troop meetings, the Scouts have worked

on finishing off partially-completed merit badges for the

Court of Honor, as well as continuing to work on

Personal Fitness, first aid, pioneering, and backpacking.

At September’s District Eagle Board of Review, Harper

Cline became our troop’s newest Eagle Scout, and Grant

Fordham is scheduled for his Board in October.


Thanks for your continued support of the Boy Scout

Troop, Venturing Crew, and Cub Scout Pack.

Scouting at Friendship


Scoutmaster Paul Matthews

Scouts on top of Blood Mountain at dawn

Boating at Lake Oglethorpe

Kennon fishing at Lake


Mini Pizzas during

camping trip at

Lake Oglethorpe

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Words of Friendship

Scouts competing

in a speed-

The Preschool

Children have been

learning about

Community Helpers

and enjoyed a visit

from Curbside


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Words of Friendship

Ever wonder who carries out the mission of Friendship Preschool? We have an

incredible staff of gifted and dedicated teachers who guide the students in our care.

The youngest children who come to our preschool are welcomed into the First

Friends class (ages 18 months to two years) by Heidi Jaeger and Christina Williams.

Heidi Jaeger is married to Kevin and is mother to Sophie, age 10, and Luke, age 7.

Her favorite parts of teaching this class are the sweet hugs and fun conversations

she has with her students. When the kids from her class go home each day, she

hopes that they leave her classroom knowing they have been loved and cared for

here at Friendship.

Christina Williamson is married to Matthew and is the mother of twins Cole and

Dylan, age 12 and Ava, age 6. Her favorite part of teaching this class is when the

kids walk in and run to give her a hug. She hopes that each child goes home knowing

that they can learn and that they have discovered some new skill they did not even

know they had.

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Words of Friendship

Worship Attendance & Giving in September

Sept 6 Sept 13 Sept 20 Sept 27

Attendance 39 45 49 36

General Giving $2665.00 $4635.00 $550.00 $4477.00

Friendship Presbyterian Church

Year-To-Date Through August, 2015

Selected Assets and Liabilities

Inflows Year to Date

Outflows Year to Date

Cash in Bank -- General Fund 7,787

Cash in Bank --Restricted Fund 3,962 6,306 4,778

Total Cash in Bank 11,749

Due from PreSchool 10,000

Kerry Hill Educational Fund -- Oconee State 6,751 205 0

Savings -- New Covenant Securities 54,412

Mortgage Debt 41,398

Income Statement Summary

Year to Date (Actual)

Year to Date (Budget) Actual vs. Budget

Receipts from Congregation 89,510 92,507 (2,997)

Dye House Rent 4,888 6,460 (1,573)

Support from Preschool 28,701 36,934 (8,234)

All Other Income 1,214 367 847

Total Receipts 124,312 136,268 (11,956)

Administration Expenses 48,531 50,902 2,371

Personnel Expenses 75,709 79,570 3,861

Discipleship Expenses 350 267 (83)

Membership Development & Care 137 1,267 1,129

Mission/Bldg & Grounds Expenses 8,895 12,133 3,238

Worship Expenses 1,075 1,967 892

Total Operating Expenses 134,698 146,105 11,407

Net Income / (Deficit) (10,386) (9,837) (23,362)

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Words of Friendship

October 2015

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

27 Hannon Bulger 9:40 AM Adult Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service

28 6:00 PM Troop Court of Honor 7:00 PM Recorder Ensemble Rehearsal

29 Don Harris Ken Swindle 7:30 PM Athens Chamber Singers Rehearsal

30 Amy Ivy Linda Kelly 10:00 AM Bible Study 7:00 PM Friendship Choir Rehearsal

1 7:00 PM Pack Committee Mtg

2 David Coons


4 9:40 AM Adult Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 12:00 PM Called Congregational Meeting 4:00 PM Girl Scout Troop

5 7:00 PM Boy Scout Troop 149 7:00 PM Recorder Ensemble Rehearsal

6 Evelyn Montgomery 7:30 PM Athens Chamber Singers Rehearsal

7 10:00 AM Bible Study 7:00 PM Friendship Choir Rehearsal

8 7:00 PM Men's Club 7:00 PM Pack 149 Den 1

9 10

11 9:40 AM Adult Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service

12 Preschool Closed 7:00 PM Boy Scout Troop 149 7:00 PM Recorder Ensemble Rehearsal

13 9:45 AM Circle One 7:30 PM Athens Chamber Singers Rehearsal

14 10:00 AM Bible Study 7:00 PM Friendship Choir Rehearsal

15 7:00 PM Cub Scout Meeting

16 17

18 9:40 AM Adult Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 4:00 PM Girl Scout Troop

19 7:00 PM Boy Scout Troop 149 7:00 PM Recorder Ensemble Rehearsal

20 7:30 PM Athens Chamber Singers Rehearsal

21 10:00 AM Bible Study 7:00 PM Friendship Choir Rehearsal

22 7:00 PM Pack 149 Den 1 7:00 PM Troop Committee Meeting

23 24 Alan White

25 Ted & Doris Walker 9:40 AM Adult Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service

26 7:00 PM Boy Scout Troop 149 7:00 PM Recorder Ensemble Rehearsal

27 7:30 PM Athens Chamber Singers Rehearsal

28 Chester & Anne Lee 10:00 AM Bible Study 7:00 PM Friendship Choir Rehearsal

29 30 31

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Friendship Presbyterian Church

8531 Macon Highway

Athens, GA 30606

Friendship Presbyterian Church 8531 Macon Highway Athens, Georgia 30606

Phone: (706) 543-6077 Website: Email: [email protected]


As followers of Jesus Christ, assured of God’s unconditional love for everyone, we strive to be an accepting and joyful

community that centers upon worship, encourages personal growth, celebrates diversity, nurtures individual gifts, and moves

beyond boundaries to share, through service, Jesus’ love, compassion, and justice in an uncertain world.

Please submit news for November’s Newsletter

to the church office no later than

Sunday, October 26, 2015. Due to office schedule submissions after this date may not appear in next month’s newsletter.

All submissions are subject to editing.