August 2014 Meeting of Puerto Rico Python Interest Group

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Transcript of August 2014 Meeting of Puerto Rico Python Interest Group

PRPIG Meeting

Open Source Initiative

PRPIG is now an official OSI affiliate

Open Source Initiative

Great!...Uhh, what does that mean?

Wasn't Clear To Me...


For the first time...


We have the support of...

We have the support of...

We have the support of...

Let them fight for us!

More User Groups

New Projects

Open Source Evangelismto educate about and advocate for the benefits of open source

build bridges among different constituencies in the open source community.


Next week!

ChallengePost Entry

New Projects

Open Source Evangelism


More User Groups

Free and Open Source Software

If you are going to use it...

Then, it is in your best interest to
actively participate in the FLOSS community

It also follows, that building a local user community for the development of new talent is critical

We're Stronger Together!

Internet Relay Chat

freenode #lp-pr-en

FLOSS Rocks!

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