Audience research


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Transcript of Audience research

Page 1: Audience research

Audience Research:

Audience Demographics

A- High ranking professionals: doctors, lawyers etc.

B- Middle class professionals: middle managers in business and teachers etc.

C1- White collar office workers: junior managers, office clerks, bank clerk’s nurses


C2- skilled manual workers: carpenters, electricians etc.

D- Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers: drivers, post sorters, labourers etc.

E- People substituting on state benefits: the unemployed, pensioners etc.

Age, gender, money income, class, nationality, ethnicity, culture, social, interests like

gaming and fashion, hobbies, education, region, Family size

Psychographic profiling:

-Psychographic profiling is designed to test audience and respond by attitude; they are

based on the inner qualities of a person

-Personality – lifestyle - values – activities – interests and opinions


Mainstreamers: 40% of population they like security dominant ideology follow

work patterns and leisure jogging nicely financially but not high flyers.

Succeeders: status and control high earners near top of field affluent and


Aspirers: desire status success and esteem. Ambitious like status symbols and

designer labels expensive don’t need to be rich they aspire to be wealthy and


Reformers: people who are less selfish believe in making a difference in the

world define themselves self-fulfilment and self-esteem. Likely to be in the caring


Trendies- crave attention of their peers

Egoists- seek pleasure

Puritans- wish to feel virtuous

Innovators- wish to make their mark

Rebels- make the world in their image

Groupies- just want to be accepted

Drifters- not sure what they want

Page 2: Audience research

Drop-outs – shun commitment of any kind

Traditionalists- want things to stay the same

Utopians- want the world to be a better place

Cynics- something to complain about

Cowboys- want to earn easy money

Fanzine is a magazine produced by fans themselves because of the proliferation and

lower in price of software anyone is able to create it. They are anti-establishment

believe all mainstream magazines IPC and EMAP are biased. Offer unbiased information

that is relevant.

Users and gratifications theory- focuses on the consumer rather than focus on the

message by asking ‘what do people do with media’ rather than ‘what media does to

people’. Audiences watch media to satisfy their psychological needs for example x factor

when people audition we judge them and are allowed to laugh at them satisfying their

need for entertainment.

To be informed or educated

In order to identify with the characters and situation

To be entertained

To enable themselves to socially interact with others

To escape from their troubled times