Audience feedback

Audience Feedback Survey Results & Analysis rLb Pictures

Transcript of Audience feedback

Page 1: Audience feedback

Audience Feedback Survey

Results & Analysis

rLb Pictures

Page 2: Audience feedback

Our audience feedback indicated that 16/20 participants surveyed thought our digipak looked professional and followed conventions of our chosen genre (indie-rock). This was particularly important to us as we wanted our digipak to be realistic and similar to other album digipaks within our genre.

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Audience feedback also indicated that 16/20 people surveyed thought that the front cover of our album digipak was visually appealing. This was important to us as we recognised the importance of having an eye-catching cover in order to attract/appeal to an audience and how this could in turn, generate sales. We did also take into consideration the fact that it may not be to everyone’s individual taste and so this was how we accounted for the 4 participants who chose ‘No’ to the question.

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18/20 participants stated that the album digipak looked like a real artists album. This was a particularly pleasing result for us as it indicated that we had successfully followed conventions both of the genre (album digipak), as well as Indie-Rock genre conventions. We spent a lot of time researching into real media texts and so we felt this score highlighted how thorough we were when it came to emulating real artists albums.

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Our target audience indicated that they liked many different features of our album digipak. However, the most commonly noted were; the image on the CD, the front cover, the range of images used and that the text was easily readable. These were all important factors to us when creating our digipak as it showed we were able to take feedback from our individual draft album digipaks in order to create a successful ancillary task. Feedback from our drafts highlighted that we needed to use a larger variety of images and make the text more readable, and so, from our audiences’ answers we saw that we were successful in making these improvements.

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For what our target audience would improve, 7/20 participants surveyed stated that they would improve ‘Nothing’. This was very pleasing to us as this suggested we had met the expectations and standards of our core target audience. However, two common areas for improvement were; to change the font colours and to use more similar images. In production we did however make a conscious decision to use varied images in order to portray the many different stylings of our artists and to give our audience more information about her. We also decided to utilise dark text colours so that the writing would stand out against any background. We were therefore quite surprised that these aspects were issues for our target audience.

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16/20 participants surveyed thought that our website looked professional and fitted our chosen genre. We were pleased with these results as we carried out a lot of research into other artists websites in order to fully understand the conventions of this ancillary task. We did question as to why 4/20 people voted ‘No’, as we felt our website homepage looked professional and very obviously related to the Indie-rock genre, e.g. through the use of dark colours, unique layout, etc.

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17/20 participants indicated that they thought the website homepage was visually appealing. We were very pleased with this as we aimed to create a very visually stylistic website in order to catch our audiences attention and thus, attract them to our artist. We stuck to our house style, using vivid, block colours for effect, as well as utilising stylish images of our artist on a sliding banner of pictures. For the 15% who voted ‘No’, we understood that the website may not have appealed to everyone’s individual taste.

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Once again, 17/20 people stated that our website looked like a real artists homepage. This indicated that we had carried out successful research into real media texts, as our target audience thought we followed the conventions and stylings of a real artists website. It highlighted that our website was realistic and professional.

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Our target audience indicated that they liked our varied use of images featured on the website homepage. In particular, they liked the use of the sliding banner of pictures. They also liked that we had links to iTunes and social media. We were glad that our audience indicated these features as they are especially important in attracting our audience of teenagers. The fact that they noticed these suggests that they would buy the music by our artist and/or share her music through social media sites.

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5 participants surveyed stated that there was ‘Nothing’ to improve. This was pleasing to us as we felt we had successfully followed conventions of the website homepage as well as appealing to our core target audience. However, two specific comments that were made was to use a different background and to make certain elements on the website bigger e.g. the artists name, links to social media, etc.

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17/20 people said that our music video was professional and related to our chosen genre (Indie-rock). We were pleased with this result as it implied we had successfully followed genre conventions and reflected the amount of effort we put into making our video professional through the use of varied camera shots/angles, framing a shot, as well as post-production elements, such as editing.

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17 people stated that the lip-synching in our video was ‘convincing’. This was a particularly important aspect of the music video to us as we realised the importance of lip-synching looking professional. We spent a lot of time editing the video in order to make sure that the lip-synching looked believable, as we knew that if the lip-synching wasn’t in time then this could affect the overall success of the music video.

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All of the answers from our target audience in regards to the narrative/storyline of our music video were all generally correct. They picked out key themes represented in our video e.g. happiness, depression, appearance and identity, etc. We were pleased that our target audience were able to identify these different emotions portrayed by our artist and felt that perhaps our audience could identify with her on the basis of these emotions and themes.

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5/20 respondents indicated that they liked the use of a black and white filter. We were pleased with this as we felt this element incorporated the indie-rock genre into our music video and enabled us to convey emotion. Another element our target audience liked was the style of our artist, and the fact that the video followed conventions (was obviously indie). This was important to us as we wanted to make it clear to our audience what genre we were working in and also to make our music video look professional by successfully copying the conventions used in such real media texts. Other comments stated that they liked the lip-synching and thought it looked professional, and they also liked the themes within the video, perhaps because they could identify with them?.

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6 participants stated that there was ‘Nothing’ they would improve, which pleased us greatly. However, one specific comment that was made by 6 respondents was the use of the black and white filter and the fade to colour. Respondents felt that we should use the filter throughout the video, perhaps in order to emulate our chosen genre better?.

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16/20 participants felt that our three pieces of work were obviously related. This was particularly important to us as we wanted to create synergy between all of our media products, and felt that it was important to carry our house style throughout our media package. We were especially careful to use the same fonts and colours throughout our three pieces of work and wanted it to be obvious to our target audience that they were connected. We were disappointed that 4 people felt they were not, as creating synergy was one of our main focuses.

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The majority of the answers for this question were based on the style of our artist. 11/20 participants surveyed understood that she was an indie/alternative artist. We were very happy about this as it indicated we had successfully styled our artist and made our genre obvious to our target audience. However, one comment stated that they didn’t understand our artists image. We were surprised by this as we thought we had made it clear, however, we realised that our artists image was down to individual interpretation.

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15/20 participants indicated that overall, they would be likely to take an interest in and listen to our artists music. We were especially pleased by this as it meant we had achieved our goal of appealing to our core target audience. We also understood that the style of music chosen (Indie-rock), may not be everyone’s preference, and so, we realised that the 5 people who voted ‘No’, may not actively listen to music within our chosen genre. The statistic indicated to us that our artist would be popular with teenagers and that overall, our production work was successful.