
Who would be the audience for your media product ? I feel that my magazine would be as mainstream as “We love pop “ magazine and the audience that buy it will be similar . What separates me from the other business it is the fact my magazine it will be based on answering people questions (fashion ,health ,problems with weight, celebrities, etc.). This is going to be my unique selling point as I saw from ,my own experience, that magazines encourages and advertises glamourous lifestyle and perfect

Transcript of Audience

  1. 1. Who would be the audience for your media product? I feel that my magazine would be as mainstream as We love pop magazine and the audience that buy it will be similar.Whatseparatesmefromtheotherbusiness itisthe fact my magazine it will be based on answering people questions (fashion ,health ,problems with weight, celebrities, etc.). This is going to be my unique selling point as I saw from ,my own experience, that magazines encourages and advertises glamourous lifestyle and perfect body .
  2. 2. My target audience for my music magazine would be aged between 14 and 29, this is quite big range but I belive it is suitable for the kind of magazine Im promoting, this is backed up further by the price of the magazine (2.99) the price was made affordable for the people who are not working or dont have a stable income.
  3. 3. Love Pop have a feminine palette of colour (pink, purple, blue) that would attract teenagers most of them girls. It also appeals to the same genre of music lovers as my magazine.
  4. 4. Includes images that explain the genre of my magazine.
  5. 5. Primary audience The primary audience for my product would be mostly females as my magazine is a hybrid genre which include fashion. This will be combined with pop music and it might appeal to males but I would categorise them as a secondary audience because the majority of the features I would include within my magazine would be more female related.
  6. 6. Secondary audience My secondary audience would be people who wont necessary purchase the magazine but they would be attracted and they are going to start reading it when family, friends or colleagues had purchased it.
  7. 7. Ideal Readers The ideal reader for my product is someone who aspires to be like Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry. There are people who model themselves on these celebrities and will copy their hairstyles, fasion and stile because they want to be like them. The ideal reader for my magazine are people who are very up to date with their music taste and constantly are aware of what is in the charts and who are the biggest celebrities of the