Attitude Measurement & Scaling Technique

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  • 8/9/2019 Attitude Measurement & Scaling Technique



    Measurement &Measurement &Scaling TechniqueScaling Technique


  • 8/9/2019 Attitude Measurement & Scaling Technique


    It is important for marketers tomeasure attitudes. Marketers try tounderstand these attitudes andinuence them to gain and advantage

    in the market. Measuring attitudes isa highly dicult process and unlikemeasurement scales in the physicallike measuring height, weight, etc.,

    measurement scales for attitude areless precise. There are dierentattitude scales that can be used tomeasure attitudes as precisely as



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      ttitude is a degree ofpositive or negative eectassociated with some

    psychological ob!ect. ttitudesare sub!ective and personal.ttitude inuences the behavior.

    "urchase decisions are basedupon the attitudes. The attitudescan change over time.


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      #ttitudes are an overallevaluation that allows one torespond in a consistently

    favorable or unfavorable mannerwith respect to a given ob!ect oralternative$.

      % Engel


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    Components o


  • 8/9/2019 Attitude Measurement & Scaling Technique


      This refer to therespondent&s liking or preferencesfor an ob!ect. This is also known as

    the feeling component.'a( I like the product )&

    'b( dvertisement )*& is poor.

     This component reveals thebuyers& positive  or negativeattitude towards the product.

     Aective component  Aective co


  • 8/9/2019 Attitude Measurement & Scaling Technique


      This refers to the respondents&beliefs, knowledge or awarenessabout an event or an ob!ect. This is

    usually ac+uired from friends,periodicals etc. sometimes, it is alsoknown as the belief component.tatements like%

     'a( I am aware of the product )*&  'b( I have no idea about the product)-&

    'c( That institute is ecellent.

    Cognitive component Cognitive component 

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      This refer to therespondent&s intention to buy.

     This is a situation prior to the

    purchase. In marketing, theusage and buying patterndepends on this component. This

    is also known as actioncomponent.

    Behavioral Behavioral  component com ponent 

  • 8/9/2019 Attitude Measurement & Scaling Technique


      Attitudes undergo changedue to fve actors:

    Information gathered in the pastrelating to the actual eperience

    Individual perception and belief 

    /posure to new information0hange in the group membership

    Individual personality

    Determinants oDeterminants o


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    1ominal cale1ominal cale

    1ominal scale is simply a system ofassigning number symbols to events inorder to label them. 1ominal scale is theleast powerful level of measurement. It

    indicates no order or distance relationshipand has no arithmetic origin. nominalscale simply describes dierencesbetween things by assigning them tocategories. 1ominal data are thus,

    counted data. The scale wastes anyinformation that we may about varyingdegrees of attitude, skill, understandings,etc.

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    2rdinal cale2rdinal cale

     The lowest level of the orderedscale that is commonly used is theordinal scale. The ordinal scale

    places events in order, but there isno attempt to make the intervals ofthe scale e+ual in terms of somerule. 3ank orders represent ordinalscales and fre+uently used inresearch relating to +ualitativephenomena.

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    Interval caleInterval cale

    In the case of interval scale, theintervals are ad!usted in terms ofsome rule that has been establishedas a basis for making the unitse+ual. The units are e+ual only in sofar as one accepts the assumptionson which the rule is based. Intervalscales can have an arbitrary 4ero,but it is not possible to determinefor them what may be called anabsolute 4ero or uni+ue origin.

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    3atio cale3atio cale

    3atio scales have an absolute or true4ero of measurement. The term)absolute 4ero& is not as precise as itwas once believed to be. 5e can

    conceive of an absolute 4ero oflength and similarly we can conceiveof an absolute 4ero of time. 3atioscale represent the actual amounts

    of variables. Measures of physicaldimensions such as weight, height,distance, etc, are eample.

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    6( 3ating cales

    7(Method of paired comparisons

    8(Method of rank order

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      T91: T91:
