Attila the hun social studies project henry and nolan




Transcript of Attila the hun social studies project henry and nolan

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Map of Where the Huns Lived


Hunnic Empire in green

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Attila the Hun was king and general of the Hun empire from A.D. 433 to 453. Succeeding his uncle, King Roas, in 433, Attila shared his throne with his brother Bleda. He inherited the Scythian hordes who were disorganized and weakened by internal strife. Attila the Hun was the creator of the Hun empire and was the leader who lead his warriors into battle. To conquer land.

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Timeline• Attila, the Hun was born in 406 AD. At the age of 12, Attila was sent as a child hostage to the Roman

Court and in return, the Romans sent Flavius Aetius to the Huns. Not much has been recorded about his childhood.

In 433 AD, Rugila, the king of the Huns died. He left the empire to his nephews, Attila and Breda (Attila’s brother). The Huns had invaded the Eastern Roman Empire during the reign of Rugila. To avoid further invasion, annually, the Roman Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire paid the Huns certain amount of money.

In 435 AD, the Hun rulers Attila and Breda renewed the treaty with Theodosius II, the Roman Emperor. This treaty was known as Treaty of Margus. As per the treaty, the Romans had to pay double the previous amount.

In 441 AD, Attila invaded the Eastern Roman Empire because the Romans refused to pay the annual treaty amount. The Huns conquered the Balkans, Belgrade and Sofia. The army of Attila reached Constantinople and camped outside the gates of the city. The Roman Emperor renewed the peace treaty and agreed to pay thrice the original amount.

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Timeline Continued• Attila was not happy sharing his empire with his brother. In 444 AD, Attila and his allies murdered Breda.

In 447 AD, Attila again raided the Eastern Roman Empire and conquered the Thermopylae. Theodosius II again signed the peace treaty and this time the Romans had to pay four times the original amount.

In 450 AD, Attila received a letter from Honoria, the half-sister of the Emperor, Valentinian III, of the Western Roman Empire. She wanted him to make her his bride to escape from marrying someone whom she disliked. Attila declared war against the Western Roman Empire. The Roman army combined with Visigoths (Germanic tribes of Gothic origin) defeated Attila at the Battle of Chalons. After this defeat, Attila never troubled the Romans; he was never able to rescue or marry the Roman princess Honoria.

In 453, he married a young barbarian princess, Ildico. The same night he suffered a heavy nose bleeding. This condition choked him to death. However, the cause of his death still remains a mystery.

Historians say he was laid to rest in a coffin made of gold, silver and iron. A section of the river Tisza, one of the major rivers whose origin is in Ukraine, was diverted to bury his coffin in the riverbed. Later, the people who buried him were executed by his sons. This was probably done to keep the exact location of his burial a secret.

He was inherited by one of his many sons, Ellac. However, the other sons of Attila were fighting over the acquisition and division of the Hun territory, which led to the division of the great Hun Empire of Central Asia. The legacy of the Huns was lost after the death.

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Social Structure

The Huns as the most ancient civilizations believed that women were inferior beings and this year until 50 remained true even after centuries of evolution; additionally cruelty of the people has not changed much since at present we can see many violent incidents caused by acts as simple and as old so that people like the Huns struggled, fought and invaded.

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The Huns are never protected by any building. They didn’t even have huts they moved along on horseback. Even if they were approaching a city they would never go into a building unless they were in great need of help. They didn’t need houses because they were always on the move conquering new land.

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Marriage• Marriages were arranged between them to try and keep the peace.

Scouring over the available genealogy trees of the early Hunnic (Xiongnu) kings do show several Chinese princesses, agreeing with the notion that Chinese rulers offered their daughters in marriage to the Xiongnu on a few occasions. But blood seems to have flowed the other way as well. Liu Pang, Liu Heng (Wen), Liu Qi (Jing) and Liu Che (the great Wu) were all Han dynasty emperors, and they were all of the Liu family.

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• Hun clothing shared many features with that of the Scythian and Persians who war garments similar to modern trousers, the most distinctive Western garments. While the Huns seem terrifying and remote to the Western imagination, it is notable that modern Westerners do not wear Greek and Roman togas or the kilts worn by Roman soldiers , but pants mote like the garments worn by the people of the Steppe the including the Huns. Other Hunnic garments featured shirts, coats, and vests..

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Family Life• The Huns had no written language. Thus almost all of what we know

about the Huns come from the Chinese and Romans. As both fiercely hated the Huns, these sources are hardily unbiased. One account from the Romans indicates at birth, a Hun boy was slashed on his face even before he began to nurse. The Hun life was very demanding and Hun wars from an early age had to be taught from an early age to ignore pain. So the account is plausible, but I am not sure how accurate. There is also some anthropological fins suggesting skull deformation. The Huns were animists, practicing a primitive humanism. They worshipped various spirits and demons.

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• They are so little advanced in civilization that they make no use of fire, in the preparation of their food, but feed upon the roots which they find in the fields, and the half raw flesh of any sort of animal. They also would

put meat under there saddle to cushion there long hose rides and when they get of the horse they would eat the tenderised meat.

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Childhood in Canada/The HunsChildren that live in Canada are very lucky. They can go outside without having to worry

about people attacking them or taking over their houses. Canada has Police, Fire Fighters and Ambulance Services to help the people that are in need.If a child were injured or sick in Canada, they could call 911. Dispatch would send an Ambulance over to assist them. They would give the child medical attention and take him or her to a hospital. If one’s house was on fire, he or she could call the fire fighters to come and put out the fire. Fire Fighters are also trained in first aid, so if the ambulance could not come straight away, the fire fighters would be the first one to assist you. Finally, Police Forces are always around to help if someone were trying to get into a child’s or family’s house. They stop illegal activities. They use guns, pepper spray or tazers to do what ever means necessary to stop bad people. In Canada, children have a family and community to watch out for them. That was not true during Attila the Hun’s time. It was every man or women for themselves. In Canada we have laws and codes of conduct that people have to abide by which makes it safe to go outside and play. However, it was too dangerous to play in the fields of Greece, because of attacks. In Greece, it was very dangerous because the Huns were attacking constantly. There were no Police Officers or Fire Fighters, not even Ambulance workers. It would be very dangerous to live during those times. Luckily we don’t live in that time.

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Childhood in Canada/The Huns

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Wealthy peopleMany of the wars that the Huns started were not for conquest, but rather to raid riches. Gold was often buried but the wealth was spread amongst the army.

The huge booty that Attila extracted was supplemented by an annual subsidy from Constantinople of 2000lbs of gold. This wealth shows up in a string of fabulously rich burials of the Hunnic era, found in central Europe. In 451 and 452 AD, he turned westwards, attacking Gaul and Italy respectively. Again, these were not wars of conquest, but raids to extract wealth.

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Childbirth Practices• During the time of the Hun Period, many babies and mothers

died during childbirth. There were no special doctors or facilities like we have now, so women had their babies at home, usually on the floor. Sometimes the babies got stuck and both the baby and mother died. Sometimes the mother or the baby got an infection from the dirty environment and the mother or baby died. Women prayed to the Goddess Pi-Hsia Yuan Chin for safety during chidbirth.

• Pi-Hsia Yuan Chin Description: Goddess of childbirth and labor, she brings health and good fortune to the newborn and protection to the mother. Rules Over: Protection, good fortune, health, childbirth, labor.

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Childbirth Practices

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Religion of The Huns

• The Huns had a religious tradition that blended Shamanism with what western scholars have named Tengrism. This was a faith that worshiped Heaven as the supreme God and respecting certain mountains as seats of power. Tengrism was never an organized religion. However, it appeared in several forms among almost all the peoples of the Steppes of Central Asia including Turk, Mongol, and Tangut alike.

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Religion of the Huns


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One Common God

• The Huns, had a religious tradition that blended Shamanism with what Western Scholars have named Tengrism a faith worshiping Heaven as the supreme God and respecting certain mountains as seats of power. Tengrism was never an organized religion. However, it appeared in several forms among almost all the peoples of the Central Asian Steppes, Turk, Mongol, and Tangut alike.

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One Common God

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Music and art• It is believed that musicians served many ceremonial

functions in ancient Maya culture. In various funeral ceremonies, it is believed that a procession of drum and flute players would follow the casket of important women, filling the air with a gloomy and natural tune. After the casket is laid, the musicians would then cast their instruments, breaking them in the tomb just before it is sealed.

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Music and art

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Festivals• Music also filled the celebratory halls of

Bonampak after victories of war. In the ancient murals of the Maya city, conch trumpet players are depicted playing for the leaders of their city after a successful campaign. In a display of skill and artisanship, the murals of Bonampak clearly illustrate that musicians, while servants of the city lords, were held in much higher regard than common town people.

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Conclusion• In the fourth and fifth centuries, an invasion of nomadic tribes

exploded out of the steps of Central Asia into Europe. This threw the Roman Empire into disarray, eventually destroying it. The Huns arrived in Europe around 370 AD and settled in modern-day Hungary. Their appearance forced the long time residents, the Visigoths, Ostrogoths and other Germanic tribes to move westward and southward, into direct confrontation with the Roman Empire. Fierce fighters and superb horseman, the Huns struck fear into both the German tribes and the Romans. Sadly Attila died on his wedding night. He had drank too much alcohol, and passed out. While he was passed out he suffered a major nose bleed and choked to death on his own blood. It was a sad ending to a famous warrior and a great leader.

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