(ATS3-APP09) Integrating Symyx Notebook into an Enterprise Management System

(ATS3-APP09) Integrating Symyx Notebook into an Enterprise Management System Mike Wilson Advisory Product Manager [email protected]


Managing operation of a large scale deployment is a challenging task, especially when corporate IT environments may be managed by several third-parties, each playing a very specific role in ensuring that your Notebook deployment is reliable. Enterprise management systems are often used to make this task easier. In this session we will examine ways to use your enterprise management system to manage key services and performance indicators in your Notebook deployment.

Transcript of (ATS3-APP09) Integrating Symyx Notebook into an Enterprise Management System

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(ATS3-APP09) Integrating Symyx Notebook into an Enterprise Management System

Mike WilsonAdvisory Product [email protected]

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The information on the roadmap and future software development efforts are intended to outline general product direction and should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision.

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• Management System Basics• Notebook Architecture• Monitoring Guidelines• Integration Approaches

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Management System Basics

• Range of options to monitor services– Standalone

• Windows Event Logs• PerfMon• Task Scheduler

– Enterprise Management Systems• HP OpenView, Tivoli, BMC• SNMP, Dedicated Modules

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on Manageme


Accelrys Vault Server

Symyx Notebook by Accelrys

Notebook High-Level Architecture

Experiment Editor

Framework Platform



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& Chemistr


Notebook Platform

Pluggable ServicesLab



Material Lookup


Accelrys Draw


ServicesQueryIndexWorkflow Repositor




AuthenticationAuthorizationWindows Communication Foundation

Discovery Gate W-S


Automation Studio

Content Managemen


Data Warehouse

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Vault Services• Vault Web Services (Microsoft IIS)

– Vault Private Service • Communicates with message processing and workflow service

– Vault Public Service • Handles client communication

• Symyx Vault Message Processing Service (Microsoft Windows Service)– Microsoft Windows Service– Vault message processing service

• Monitors vault message processor application– Vault message processor

• Manages asynchronous processing of vault objects via MSMQ

• Symyx Vault Server (Apache Tomcat)– RAS (web service)

• indexes object properties, contents, structures and reaction STS (web application)– Security Token Service– Query Service (web service)

• Superseded by Accelrys Query Service in Pipeline Pilot 9.0

• Symyx Workflow (Microsoft Windows Service)– Workflow enrollment/processing

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Process Monitoring – Web Containers

• W3wp.exe*32 and w3wp.exe– Automation point

• Restart World Wide Web Publishing service– Requires restart of Symyx Vault Message Processing Service and Symyx Workflow Service

– Review• Windows and associated service log files to determine why the service was stopped

– Alert level high

• Tomcat6.exe*32– Automation point

• Restart Symyx Vault Server 1.0– Requires restart of Symyx Vault Message Processing Service and Symyx Workflow Service

– Review• Windows and associated service log files to determine why the service was stopped

– Alert level high

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Process Monitoring – Windows Services

• Ensure the following core processes are running– symyx.vault.message.processing.service.exe*32– symyx.vault.messageprocessor.exe*32– symyx.workflow.service.exe*32

• Automation point– Restart associated service if process is not running– Note: symyx.vault.messageprocessor.exe*32 is set to restart every 24

hours by default and if it detects a win32 error.– Alert level high

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• Vault Monitoring Guidelines– Recommended thresholds and

alert states– Includes example jobs that can be

installed on your Vault servers– Standalone monitoring– Network management integration

Contact Accelrys Support to obtain a copy

Monitoring Thresholds

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Integration Example: Process Memory Use

• Process memory is an important indicator of the health of a server process

• We will examine how Microsoft Powershell can be used to retrieve working set memory for the Vault Message Processing Service

• And how it can be plugged in to HP OpenView or other enterprise management systems

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Monitoring Process Memory and Sending Alertsparam (

[string] $processName = $null,[int] $limit

)$agent = "";$manager = "";$port = 161; # default$trapPort = 162; #default$hrSWRunName = "";$hrSWRunPerfMem = "";

Write-Host "Checking memory usage for $processName";$process = Get-Process -Name $processName;if($process.Memory -gt $limit) {

Write-Host $process.Memory "kB is more than limit" $limit "kB, sending alert";Send-Alert -Process $process;

} else {Write-Host $process.Memory "kB is less than or equal to limit" $limit "kB, no



Via HP OpenView


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Getting Process Memory via WMIfunction Get-Process {

param ([String] $Name

)$process = Get-WmiObject win32_process | ? { $_.ProcessName -eq $Name }

[PSObject] $result = New-Object PSObject -Property @{Name= $Name;Id= $process.ProcessId;Memory= $process.WorkingSetSize / 1024;

};return $result;}

Built-in PowerShell capability

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Getting Process Memory via SNMPfunction Get-Process {

param ([String] $Name

)[PSObject] $process = Get-SNMP -Agent $agent -Port $port -OID $hrSWRunName -Walk | ?

{ $_.OIDValue -eq $processName}$id = ($process.OID -split "$hrSWRunName.")[1];[PSObject] $processMemory = Get-SNMP -Agent $agent -OID "$hrSWRunPerfMem.$id";[PSObject] $result = New-Object PSObject -Property @{

Name= $Name;Id= $id;Memory= $processMemory.OIDValue;

};return $result;} Get-SNMP part of

NetCmdlets from nSoftware

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Sending an alert via SNMPfunction Send-Alert {

param ([PSObject] $Process)[System.Int32] $snmpv = 2;$id = $Process.Id;$process_OID = "$hrSWRunName.$id";$process_OIDType = "OctetString";$processMemory_OIDValue = $Process.Memory;$processMemory_OID = "$hrSWRunPerfMem.$id";$processMemory_OIDType = "Integer";

$null = Send-Trap -Verbose -Community "public" -Version $snmpv -OID - Manager $manager -ObjectID ("", "", $processMemory_OID, $process_OID) -ObjectType ("Timeticks", "ObjectId", $processMemory_OIDType, $process_OIDType) -ObjectValue ("6", "", $processMemory_OIDValue, $id);}

Send-Trap part of NetCmdlets from


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Sending an alert via HP OpenViewfunction Send-Alert {

param ([PSObject] $process

)$ovinstalldir = $env:OvInstallDir;if($ovinstalldir -eq $null) {

throw [Exception] "HPOM agent not installed";}$opcmsg = Join-Path $ovinstalldir "bin\win64\opcmsg.exe";$null = &($opcmsg) application="Accelrys Vault" object="$process.Name"

severity="major" msg_text="$process.Memory kB is more than limit $limit kB";}

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Monitoring Process Memory and Sending Alertsparam (

[string] $processName = $null,[int] $limit

)$agent = "";$manager = "";$port = 161; # default$trapPort = 162; #default$hrSWRunName = "";$hrSWRunPerfMem = "";

Write-Host "Checking memory usage for $processName";$process = Get-Process -Name $processName;if($process.Memory -gt $limit) {

Write-Host $process.Memory "kB is more than limit" $limit "kB, sending alert";Send-Alert -Process $process;

} else {Write-Host $process.Memory "kB is less than or equal to limit" $limit "kB, no


Retrieve process memory• SNMP, WMI

Send notification• SNMP, OpenView, SMTP, etc.

Automate status checks• Enterprise Mgmt System• Windows Task Scheduler

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For More Information

• Contact Accelrys Support to obtain a copy of the “Vault Monitoring Guidelines”– Including sample management jobs that can be installed on

your Vault servers

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• We saw an overview of Vault service monitoring points and built a PowerShell-based monitoring solution that can integrate into an enterprise management system

• Other Notebook sessions that may interest you– (ATS3-APP13) Tips and Tricks for Monitoring and Managing Symyx Notebook Server Performance– (ATS3-APP14) Troubleshooting Symyx Notebook client performance

• Resources– Notebook IT/Admin forum on the Accelrys Community

• Email [email protected] to join– Troubleshooting guidance: [email protected]

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The information on the roadmap and future software development efforts are intended to outline general product direction and should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision.

For more information on the Accelrys Tech Summits and other IT & Developer information, please visit:https://community.accelrys.com/groups/it-dev