ATOMIC ENERGY CENTRAL SCHOOL-3, MUMBAI Annual Report - 2019-20 ACADEMICS All India Secondary School Examination, 2019 (Class X): No. appeared 64 No. Passed 64 Pass % 100% Quality Index 8.13 Excellence Index 89.06 Overall Toppers Name Of The Student Marks Obtained out of 500 Percentage Position Prayas Sandeep Satkar 487 97.4 I Shivani Negi 485 97 II Krashnanshi Rajesh Upadhyay 481 96.2 III Subject-wise Toppers Subject Name Of The Student Percentage English Shivani Negi 99 Hindi Gaurav Kumar Rawat Twisha Nayak Niyati Trivedi 99 Marathi Rakhi Arun Salve 100 Mathematics Prayas Sandeep Satkar Gaurav Kumar Rawat Vinay Ningappa Kambar 100

Transcript of ATOMIC ENERGY CENTRAL SCHOOL-3, MUMBAI Annual Report ...



Annual Report - 2019-20


All India Secondary School Examination, 2019 (Class X):

No. appeared 64

No. Passed 64

Pass % 100%

Quality Index 8.13

Excellence Index 89.06

Overall Toppers

Name Of The Student Marks Obtained out of 500

Percentage Position

Prayas Sandeep Satkar 487 97.4 I

Shivani Negi 485 97 II

Krashnanshi Rajesh Upadhyay 481 96.2 III

Subject-wise Toppers

Subject Name Of The Student


English Shivani Negi


Hindi Gaurav Kumar Rawat Twisha Nayak Niyati Trivedi


Marathi Rakhi Arun Salve 100


Prayas Sandeep Satkar Gaurav Kumar Rawat Vinay Ningappa Kambar



Science Prayas Sandeep Satkar


Social Science Shivani Negi


Twisha Naik of class 10 (2018-19) has been nominated for Souradip Ghosh Memorial Award and the

results are awaited.

National Talent Search Examination 2018-19

A total of 27 students wrote the NTSE Exam Level-I. Master Prayas Satkar has cleared first stage. He

has proved as one of the best students who could prove his abilities in academic activities throughout

his educational period in AECS-3.

National Talent Search Examination 2019-20

The National Talent Search Examination for the year 2019-20 was held on 17th November 2019. 18

students from class X took the examination. The results are awaited.

School Level-Science, Social Science, Mathematics & Teaching Aids Exhibition 2019

The School level Science, Social Science & Mathematics Exhibition 2019 was organized on 29th June

2019. From Secondary Section, a total number of 65 exhibits in Science, 16 in Social Science and 11 in

Mathematics were displayed. More than 207 students participated in the same.

In order to inculcate scientific temper in the young minds, the exhibition was arranged for the

students of Primary Section also. A total number of 54 exhibits from Primary Section were displayed

in which 102 students participated.

Amit Jadhav and Prateet Baa of IV B won 1st prize for the project water dispenser. C Soumya,

Swaminath Nair, Srujesh Pradhan, Atarva Sharma and Saumya S Pannikar from IV standard won


Anushree Bhattacharya of class V A won 1st prize for the project “Hexagon is nature’s choice. Why?”.

From V standard, the other prize winners were Nabha Shinde, Amogh Jha, Saptajit Raha, Dhainya

Chheg and Gaurvi Sharma.

Best exhibits from each category in the secondary section were selected for the National Level


First prize winners at school level were, Lakshmi C for the Science project Scientific solution to

Challenges in Life , Sameer Atreya for the Mathematics project Areas and Volumes and Master

Vyshnav Nair for the Social Science project Balcony Permaculture as team leader.


All India Inter AECS National Science, Mathematics, Social Science & Teaching Aids Exhibition


The first prize winning projects at school level were represented at All India Inter AECS/ JC Science,

Maths, Social Science and Teaching Aids Exhibition-2019 held at AECS-2, Hyderabad on 20-08-19 &

21-08-19. Lakshmi C received First prize at National Level and brought laurel for AECS- 3, MUMBAI

Zonal Level Hindi Vigyan Prashna Manch -2019

In the Zonal level Inter-AECS Hindi Vigyan Prashna Manch, 2019, held at AECS-1, Tarapur on 30th

August 2019, our team was placed 2nd. The students who participated are Samir Atrey of X A and

Vyshnav Nair of X B.

Inter AECS Debate Competition

On 31th August 2019, Akshat Suman of IX C and Lakshmi C of IX B represented our school in the Inter-

AECS Zonal level Debate competition held at AECS-1, Tarapur.

All India Inter AECS/AEJC Hindi Debate Competition

AECS-3 Mumbai was given the responsibility of organising All India Inter AECS/AEJC Hindi Debate

Competition was held on 30th November at AEJC Mumbai.

Zonal level winners from Jaduguda, Tarapur, Kaiga, Rawatbhata and Manuguru took part in this



All India Inter AECS/JC Cultural Meet

In the All India Inter AECS/JC Cultural Meet held at Narora, in the junior category group song 10

students participated. In the event Instrumental music (wind), playing the flute Kaustubh Sonawane

won the first prize.

In classical vocal Hindustani, Durva Jagdale won the first prize. Mrs Mona Tailor and Mrs Nidhi Raheja

escorted the students

CCA Report-Secondary

The CCA was conducted in the school every Tuesday from the start of the session till October 2019.

These activities were a blend of individual as well as group events.


To achieve the true essence of these, all the students of the school were divided into 4 houses namely

Ashoka, Pratap, Shivaji and Tagore. Further the classes were divided in two groups – junior group

which included classes 6 to 8 and senior group which included the classes 9 and 10.

To appoint the student council of the school, a panel was set up to select students from the senior

group to take up the posts of captains and vice captains of the school and the 4 houses for different

categories based on their skills, talent and potential.

The year started artistically with Inter house art competition as the first event that got the ball rolling

followed by other individual events like book mark making, greeting card making, poster making and

slogan writing, solo singing, English extempore, article writing, story writing, debate and elocution.

Over 300 students participated in these events. This grand scale participation strengthens our belief

in the system of providing a platform to every child to showcase his or her skills and talents.

Certificates and cash vouchers were presented to 146 students.

We are indeed very proud of Aayushi Somkuwar of class 8A and Lakshmi C. of class 9-B who are the

CCA toppers for this academic session and bagged the First Prize in all three events they participated


CCA Report-Primary

This year’s Co-Curricular Activities began with segregating the students into four houses and then

choosing the School captains, vice captains, house captains, vice captains through a thorough process

of looking at student’s past performances academically and in CCA.

Followed by the investiture ceremony, where in the students took oath to fulfill their duties sincerely

with full dedication.

The CCA in the primary section saw a few changes this year. Instead of having just one CCA in charge,

the duties were divided amongst 2 of us. Smt Swati Kadam was in charge of the activities for group I,

that includes classes 1 & 2 and activities for group II were being handled by Smt Nidhi Raheja. Shri.

Shanker Singh sir being the member of the committee.

Another change which was brought about was that instead of having a dance competition for group

II, for the 1st time we held a drama competition.


Teachers from the pre-primary, primary and secondary sections of our school and guest judges from

other schools were called to assess the children during the various competitions.

Out of nearly 450 students of the primary section, more than 30% students received prizes in various

competitions today.

The children receive prizes in various positions with prize amount ranging from Rs. 100/- in a group

competition to Rs. 500/- in the individual competitions.

To ensure maximum participation each child could win in a maximum of 3 competitions irrespective

of the position or whether it was and individual or a group competition.

3 of our students have got 1st prizes in all competitions and have scored the maximum points.

Students are altogether receiving prizes worth Rs. 63,350/-


Induction programme for class IX parents

On 20th April 2019, an induction programme for class IX parents as conducted. It briefed the parents

about the change in the academic schedule and the exam pattern for class IX students.

Investiture Ceremony of CCA, Sports & Games

The School Investiture ceremony was held on 2nd May 2019. The Chief Guest of the day was Shri A K

Wankhede, Chairman LMC. He conferred badges to the prefects and reminded the badge holders of

their responsibilities.

Science Day

National Science Day was celebrated on 28th February 2019. To emphasise the observation and

reasoning skills, Mr Ajay Kumar Mishra & Mr Sudhakar Golla demonstrated simple Science

experiments from day to day life.

Yoga Day

5th International day of yoga was celebrated on 21st June 2019 in the school with great enthusiasm by the teaching and non- teaching staff members and the students of the school. More than 30 Student yoga demonstrators of classes 9 and 10 demonstrated more than 25 yogasanas, meditation practice. The session lasted for around 40 minutes.


The programme concluded with the talks by the PE teacher and the Principal Shri Lokesh Joshi, emphasizing the need of regular practice of yoga that will surely help students and all in general to achieve a better life physically, mentally and spiritually as well. Introduction of Two levels of Mathematics – Basic and Standard

A special meeting for the students of class X and their parents was organized on 24th July 2019, to

sensitize them about the new system of two levels of Mathematics introduced by CBSE, Delhi

Independence Day – 2019

On 15th August, Independence Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm.

Sadbhavana Diwas

Sadbhavana Diwas was celebrated on 20th August, 2019. On this occasion, Pledge related to

Sadbhavana Diwas was administered to the Staff members and Students by the Principal.

Swachhta hi seva

On the occasion of 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, on October 2 2019 government of

India has imposed a nationwide ban on single use plastic.

(A) On 3rd October as a part of awareness regime an informative lecture was given in the assembly by

Vice Principal Miss Inu Bansal, “What is single use plastic? What are the global concerns related to

disposal of plastic materials? Why single use plastic is to be banned?”

A pledge was also taken by the students and staff of AECS-3, Mumbai to join hands in curbing single use


(B) A number of laminated posters on switch to “Carry a bag” and “Say no to Plastic” have been

displayed at prominent places in school campus.

(C) In order to generate the awareness among the students about the harmful effects of use of plastic in

day to day life a poster making activity was conducted for the students of classes VI to VIII.

(D) As a part of Swachhta Hi Sewa, students of classes IX and X were involved in cleanliness drive in the

school campus.

(E) On 1st October, 2019 the students of classes IV and V celebrated tree plantation day. Our little ones

brought sapling of their favourite plant and planted them. It was pleasure seeing our little ones being

gardeners for a day.

Each class has a cleanliness monitor who looks after maintaining the cleanliness in each class.

The school has been declared No Plastic Zone


Teacher’s Day Celebration

As a mark of respect to the Teachers and as a part of Teachers’ Day Celebrations, students of class X

took up the responsibility of handling the junior classes in the first half of the school, on 16th

November 2019.

The celebration began with the morning assembly. The events conducted were garlanding the

portrait of Dr Radhakrishnan, lighting the lamp, prayer, speech by Iti Sasane from secondary and

Gauravi from primary.

Students of class X presented a beautiful programme for the staff to pay respect to the Teachers.

Children’s Day Celebration

The children’s day celebration was held on 14th November. Teachers conducted the morning

assembly. A fun fair was organised from 9:30am-12:00 noon.

A total of 52 stalls of food and skill oriented games were put up. It was an opportunity for students to

display their culinary and financial management skills.

Rajbhasha Hindi Week Celebrations – 2019

Hindi Pakhwada and Hindi Divas were celebrated in the school in September, 2019 and on 14th

September, 2019 respectively. Under these events various competitions were conducted for teachers

across AEC Schools and for students of AECS-3, Mumbai.

The competitions included essay writing, spot poetry writing, poster and slogan making and Hindi

typing for teachers and paragraph writing, dialogue writing, and essay writing for students.

Teachers and students both took part in these competitions in large number. Winners among the

students were honoured by presenting books as prizes on one fine day in the morning assembly for

Hindi Divas celebrated in the school.

Results for other competitions are awaited.

Vigyan Pratibha Learning Units

Mathematics and Science Learning Units were conducted on 3rd and 10th December by respective



National Vigilance Awareness Programme – 2019

In order to eliminate the evil of corruption from the country, the Central Vigilance Commission

observed Vigilance Awareness Week throughout the nation from October 28, 2019 to November 2,


This year the theme of observing Vigilance Awareness Week was Integrity – a way of life. With the

objective of spreading vigilance awareness among the employees and students, various events were

conducted during the week.

The events conducted were Pledge Taking Ceremony, Signature Campaign against corruption, Speech

by the student, Speech by the teacher, Poster making competition, Slogan writing competition, Essay

Writing Competition, Concluding ceremony and Prize Distribution

Fire safety awareness Programme: Report

Fire safety awareness programme was observed at Atomic Energy Central School- 3 on 23rd April,

2017. Fire safety officials from BARC Fire Services were at the venue at 08:30 hrs and conducted fire

safety awareness programme.

Shri. Mithilesh Kumar Vante, the Fire Officer along with Shri S.N. Kadam conducted live

demonstration programme and stressed on the safety aspects for the students of secondary classes.

All the students from class 6 to class10 were present for the demonstration.

The Fire Officials explained about the fire triangle, comprising of fuel, oxygen and temperature for

the production of fire. Precautions to be taken for fire hazards were stressed. The following

precautions were emphasised for big fires.

The students were advised to extinguish only small fires. They were asked to remove any one of the

three components from the fire triangle at the earliest.

Various extinguishers were demonstrated for extinguishing different kinds of fire. Fire was classified

as classes A, B, C and D.

The students interacted with the fire officers and all the queries put up by them were answered

convincingly by the fire officers.

It was a practical learning time for the school students which will help all students to handle fire

hazards safely if the situation arises.

Constitution Day

Constitution day was observed on 26th November 2019. It began with the reading of the preamble

followed by assembly activities dealing with different aspects of Indian constitution. Students of 9th

watched a documentary on Samvidhan. The other activities included a questionnaire on Indian

constitution and a poster making competition.


Library Week

The School Library of A.E.C.S. - 3, Mumbai is equipped with 10322 books, available for the students.

Students have been issued a Library card to be utilized during library period and to issue books of

their choice. It’s an effort to develop reading habits among all the students.

This year Library week was celebrated from 23 November to 27 November 2019. The following

activities were taken up to make it interesting for everyone concerned.

Sr. No.

Date and Day of Competition

Class Name of the Activity

1 23.11.2019 I &II Join the Dots & Colour the picture 2 23.11.2019 VI to X Poster Making 3 25.11. 2019 III to V Word Puzzle 4 25.11. 2019 VI to X Making of Book Marks 5 26.11. 2019 III to V Picture Painting 6 26.11. 2019 VI to X Essay Writing 7 27.11. 2019 III to V & VI to X Speech& Fancy Dress

The function was inaugurated by Vice Principal Ms. Inu Bansal and Headmaster Mr. Ajay Kumar on

23 November 2019. Books were exhibited in the library for students and teachers.

Following the inauguration, a variety of activities were conducted to enhance the inborn creativity in

every child and to push the child to think outside the box. Joining the dots and colorings activities

were conducted for classes I and II to encourage tingle their curiosity, creativity and imagination to

bring out the best in them with a splash of colours.

Poster making and bookmark making competition was conducted for classes 6 to 10 highlighting the

importance of reading books to showcase their art and talent.

Word puzzle activity was organized for classes 3 to 5 and essay writing competition was conducted

for classes 6 to 10 to enhance their language fluency, grammar and vocabulary and develop their

memory and concentration and knowledge of the English language.

Fancy dress competition was conducted for classes 3 to 5 to capture their interest and imagination

and nurture their spirit. The students participated actively in all the activities and discovered their

interests and talents.

A speech was delivered on the closing day of the library week by Mrs. A. R. Renuka Devi inspiring the

students to read highlighting the significance of reading in a student’s life.

Launch of AECS-3 website

The website of AECS-3 is given a new look with added features and updated information. The same

was launched during common teacher’s day celebrations on 16th November 2019 organised by AEES.


Prep Activities

Throughout the year, several activities related to celebration of various festivals were held which led

to their holistic development.

Under CCA memory test, nursery rhyme recitation, clay moulding, fancy dress, solo singing,

storytelling, drawing and colouring, origami were conducted.

Parents Teacher Meeting

The first parent teacher meeting was held on 27th July 2019. The attendance was 85%. The second

PTM was held on 5th October 2019. The attendance was 61%.

Visits and Talks

At regular intervals, significant and relevant talks were given by the experts on important issues like

“Goal Setting and Motivation”

Dr. Aditi Chaudhari, SO/E, Psychiatry Unit, BARC Hospital conducted an interactive session on "Goal setting and Motivation" for the students of class X. The Video Presentation was held between 9 am and 11am in the Multi Purpose Hall, of AECS-3 ,on 24.04.2019.

Lecture series on Popular Science for the students of AEC Schools at Mumbai

In order to inculcate the scientific temper and generate spirit of inquiry in the students Chairman LMC, AECS/JC, Mumbai Shri A. K. Wankhede initiated a lecture series covering wide spectrum of topics in science

The lecture series started on 9th August and till date 6 lectures are successfully completed. The students of class IX attended all these lectures.

Nehru Science Centre Visit

7 students of class 9, Vedika, Aryaa, Lakshmi, Archita, Arnav, Maitreya and Harshil escorted by Smt

Kamakshi Chaubey have attended the talk “How Indians Won The Silicon Valley” delivered by Shri

Shivanand Kanavi at Nehru Science Centre on 15th November 2019.

TIFR Visit-Frontiers of Science15 students of Class 10 along with Mathematics and Science teachers

have participated in the outreach programme organised by TIFR, Colaba on 24th November 2019.



The importance of sports and games in school encompasses more than just the benefit of physical

activity. It increases the self-esteem, mental alertness, team spirit and decision making among

students. Thus ,it occupies a vital role in our curriculum. The students actively participated in

different sports competitions and won medals and certificates.Table tennis, Chess, carrom, foot ball,

Volley ball, throw ball and athletics were conducted for secondary students


1)In the 2nd National Sports AEROBICS and FITNESS CHAMPIONSHIP held at Vasantrao Deshpande

Memorial Hall, Nagpur in mini category in trio event, the following students secured 3rd place in

aerobics (i) Nirjara Pawaskar of 3A (ii) Girija Shinde of 5A

(iii) Tejaswini Sose of 3A

2) NCC Camps

Rajashree Gawali and Ipshita Chaugule ,of 9C, participated in NCC camp held at central railway school

and junior college, Kalyan in three spells in September and Ocober 2019.

Vipul Sose, of 9C, Aditya Nanavare and Balaji Kurra, of 9B and Aditya Pawar, of 9A attended the NCC

camp held in AECS-4, Mumbai from 3rd June to 12th June 2019

Ashutosh Dalvi, of class 9B has attended Combined Annual Training Camp (CATC) at JNPT, Uran, in

the month of August 2019

The following students attended NCC camp, at MPP Shah College, Matunga from 13th May to 22nd May


(i) Alisha Sawant , Mahika Damke, Spruha Fanasia and Tanvi Hiremath of 9A (ii) Khushbu Shaikh, Sheron Mishra, Anushka Bhagwat, Vedika and Vahida Shaikh of 9B (iii) Rajashree Gawali, Arpita Hadimani, Harshada Kadam and Nehal Utekkar of 9C

The following students attended the annual training camp which was conducted at Central Railway

Secondary School and Junior college, Kalyan from 23rd September 2019 to 2nd October 2019

(i) Rajashree Gawali of 9C (ii) Ipshita Chaughule of 9C


(iii) Vahida Shaikh of 9B

Kirti Chandanshive , of class 9A has attended Thal Sainik Camp (TSC) camp at Aurangabad from 5th

to 16th August2019


(i) Gaurav Rawat of class 10 (2018-19) won Badminton Tournament (Boys team) organised by MSSA

held on 12th January 2019.

(ii) Saptajeet Raha, of 5B got 1st place in Rubiks Cube conducted by SPLASH

(iii) Anmol Sharma, stood 2nd in Badminton (SPLASH, U-10). He secured 1st position in Badminton

Tournament held at Chembur gymkhana on 14th July 2019

(iv) Shreyansh Negi and Malhar Morale, of 4A got 3rd place in Sunday league football

(v) Natraj Nawani ,of 4A got 2nd place in U-18 foot ball held at Junior College

(vi) Aarya mandavi, of 7A got two silver medals in Karate (ITO SHITO RIO) at state level

(vii) Iti sasane, of 7A got gold medal in Kata and Bronze in Kumite

(viii) Swanani Kulkarni, of 7B got bronze medal in skating short run and Silver medal in long run

conducted by Skate Life Academy.

(ix) Parth Kulkarni, of 5A got Bronze medal in long run conducted by Skate Life Academy

(x) Anmol participated in NCC-DDBA Badminton tournament held from 6th-14th July 2019 at New

Community Centre Anushaktinagar. He won the runners up trophy in U-10 category

xi) The following students bagged first position in the KABADDI tournament organised by ARWA in

January 2019

(i) Vipul Sose of 9c

(ii) Susgant Waghmare 9C

(iii) Aakash Kawade 9C

(iv) Rahul Battula 9C

(v) Harsh Dhere 8A

(vi) Mohit Raj 8B

(vii) Aditya Nanavare 9B

(viii) Alok Sharma 9A

(ix) Rajveer Singh 9B


(x) Ayush Waidande 9A

(xi) Anmol Kudwalkar 9B

xii) Arya Mandavai, of 7A has participated in 36th Maharashtra State Karate Championship held by

Itosu-Ryu- Karatedo,India at YMCA, Vashi and won second place in U-13 category

xiii) Anmol Sharma, of 4A secured first position in Badminton Ranking tournament held on 14th July,

2019 at Chembur Gymkhana. He also secured runner up position in DDBA tournament held at New

Community Centre from 6th to 14th July

xiv) Anmol Sharma, of 4A secured second position in Badminton U-10 organised by New

Community Centre from 9th November to 17th November 2019

xv) Malhar Marule, of 4A participated in football the Sunday league season-3 and secured second

runner up position

xvi) Shreyani Negi, of 4A was 2nd runnerup in Sunday League Season-3 held on 29th April 2019

xvii) Iti Sasane, of class 7A participated in 36th Maharashtra State Karate Championship held by Itosu

Ryu-Karatedo on 28th July 2019 at CBD Belapur & secured Third place in kumite & first place in

Individual Kata

xviii) Aarav Gupta, of 2C got 6 medals in skating in various events


(i) Mahurima G of class 9B has participated an secured 3r prize in Essay Competition held on 3rd

March 2019 to celebrate the World Hearing Day organise by Department of ENT, BARC Hospital

(ii) Iti Atul Sasane of 7A scored distinction in level-1 exam and qualified to appear in level-2 of Ganit

Prabhutva Spardha conducted by Brihan Mumbai Ganit Adhyapak Mandal Mumbai

(iii) Sriram Varrier of class 10B have written two stories titled “The Visionary” and “The Bunglow”

and they were published in the books “ The Big-Bang of Non Fiction published by Literatures

LightPublishers” and “Horror Short Story Anthology published by Criticspace Publishers”

(iv)Petroleum Conservation and Research Association organised painting competition on the topic

Oil Conservation towards Healthy and Better Environment. Around 134 students participated. Two

best paintings from each junior and senior categories were sent for exhibition at National Level.

Results are awaited.

(v) IAPT Exam Junior Science was held on 17th November 2019. 9 students appeared from our school

and the result is awaited.


(vi) India Wild Wisdom Quiz was held for classes 3rd to 9th on 13th September 2019. A total of 64

students appeared. Saptjit Raha of V B , Shaswat Fanasia of V A, Abhinav Nair of VI A and Viraj Chavan

of VI B have qualified for state level.

vii) Risshet Chand of class 2C won 2nd prize in dance solo (U-18) competition organised by Asteroids

Youth Group, Chembur during Ganeshotsav Festival 2019

viii) Ameya Ratheesh of class IV B won 4th rank in musical keyboard held at new community centre

from 9th November to 17th November (SPLASH, U-10)

ix) Johanna Joseph won consolation prize for Bharatanatyam held at Chembur Fine Arts on 12th

November 2019

Staff Enrichment Programme

1) Smt. Mary kutty Joy, TGT(SS) has attended In-Service Course 2018-19 in Kendriya Vidyalaya

Bhandup, Mumbai for 22 days in First Spell from 17th May 2018 to 28th may 2018 & Second Spell

from 23rd December 2018 to 1st January 2019

2) Smt. Swati Ramakant Kadam, PRT(SS) has attended In-Service Course during 2018-19 in Kendriya

Vidyalaya, Air Force Station, Ojhar for 22 days in First Spell from 17th May 2018 to 28th may 2018 &

Second Spell from 23rd December 2018 to 1st January 2019

3) Miss Inu Bansal, Vice principal, attended a course on public procurement held for central

government employees at National Institute of Financial Management at Faridabad from 26th August

2019 to 31st August 2019.

4) Shri Ajay Kumar Mishra has attended the first spell of TGT Science in service training from 5th June

to 17th June, at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Andrewsganj, New Delhi.

5) Mr Ajay Kumar Mishra and Mr Sudhakar Golla have attended a 5 day workshop in September 2019

at HBCSE Mumbai, in relation with Vigyan Pratibha Programme.

6) The following teachers have attended 3 days Heart fullness Education Programme during summer

vacation at AEJC Mumbai

(i) Kum. Priti Rohra


(ii) Shri. Siddharth S Ramteke

(iii) Shri. C L Sharma

(iv) Smt. Mona Tailor

(v) Smt. Shanthi Sreekumar

Staff achievements

1) Mr Lokesh Joshi, Principal received AEES Award at Central Level and was felicitated on 26th January

2019 at Common Republic Day Celebrations.

2) Shri. Ajay Kumar Mishra, TGT and Smt. Chhaya Ohal, MTS have completed their 25 years of

meritorious service in AEES and were honoured by AEES, during Teachers’ Day Celebration.

2) Mr. C.L Sharma,TGT, Hindi won 1st prize in English-Hindi translation competition conducted by

Nagar Raj bhasha Karyanbayan Samiti, Navi Mumbai, which was jointly organized by State Bank Of

India and Konkan Railway Corporation.

3) Nidhi Raheja PRT completed 6 months professional development programme for elementary

teachers (PDPET) course this year.


Mrs Vimala M Menon, TGT(SS) Maths/Physics, opted for VRS this September after rendering around

30 years of meritorious service in AEES. We acknowledge her services.

Internal Transfers from AECS-3 to other AEC schools

As part of Internal Transfers, from AECS-3 to the other schools, the following staff members were

transferred to the other AEC Schools in Mumbai.

1) Smt. Manisha C Chavan, TGT

2) Smt. Rama Chalke, PET

3) Smt. Manjit Kaur Pal, TGT

4) Smt. Saroj Bala Bishnoi, PRT

5) Smt. P. Jayashree Venugopal, PRT

6) Smt. Meniga Pushpalatha, PRT and

7) Smt. D V S Padmalatha, HM



From Other Schools to AECS-3, Mumbai

1) Shri. Lokesh Joshi , V.P was promoted as Principal.

2) Kum. Inu Bansal joined AECS-3, Mumbai as Vice Principal on transfer from PGT AECS-4,


3) Shri Ajay Kumar joined as HM on transfer from AECS, Oscom.

4) Smt. Shraddha Khadye, PET has joined our school family on transfer from AECS -2, Mumbai.

The other staff members who joined us on internal transfers are

1) Smt. Seethalakshmi, PRT

2) Smt. Bharati Siva Kumar, PRT

3) Smt. Suman Dubey, TGT

We deeply condone the demise of one of our office staff Late. Shri Satish Sawant .