Atmagazine nr. 9 E/UK

82 AT MAGAZINE Active tourism, with no boundaries 09 AT MAGAZINE Edition IT / UK / ES - Monthly - Year I - No. 9 - July 2013 OUTDOORACTIVITY Life and Works of doctor victor INTERVIEW 2 Silvio REFFO VS Michele CAMINATI YOUDISCOVER SASSISMO BARBARICINO Bouldering in Sardinia RUMUNDU Green dream bike


AT MAGAZINE Edition UK - Monthly - Year I - Nr. 9 - Jul 2013

Transcript of Atmagazine nr. 9 E/UK

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ATMAGAZINEActive tourism, with no boundaries


AT MAGAZINE Edition IT / UK / ES - Monthly - Year I - No. 9 - July 2013


Life and Works of doctor victor





SASSISMO BARBARICINO Bouldering in Sardinia

RUMUNDU Green dream bike

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summaryNum09 jul2013

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PENCIL, ERASER AND MOUSE...of Barbara Valuto




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AT culturam!

AT Decameron


On the cover::Il Dinosauro di Gomma, 7b+, Maddalena IslandPhoto © Michele Caminati -

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staff editor

Da sempre rincorro l’idea di poter diventare parte inte-grante di quel che i cinque sensi attribuiti mi per-mettono, attraverso tele, argille e metalli. Non esito a misurarmi ed esprimermi con diverse passioni, come la fotografia e l’arrampicata sportiva, che mi consen-tono di essere a contatto con le molteplici bellezze della natura...anch’essa come l’arte, infinita ed imprevedibile. Colpevole di un’inesauribile sete di co-noscenza per me, sarebbe difficile scegliere tra tante meraviglie che mi attirano, mi circondano e che vivo!

Barbara Valuto

Sono quasi trenta anni che pratico assiduamente tutto quello che è outdoor in Sardegna e nel mondo, dalla speleologia al tor-rentismo, dal trekking alla mountain bike, ma in primis l’arrampicata in tutte le sue salse, grandi numeri non li ho mai fatti ma mi sento in sintonia con la mia filoso-fia: “siamo tutti liberi di confrontarci come vogliamo con la parete, nel rispetto del prossimo”.

Gianluca Piras

Giornalista professionista, scrittore, laureato in Scienze della Comunicazione, ha collaborato con diversi periodici (“Il Tempo”, ecc.), agenzie di stampa (Unione Sarda, ecc.) e tv. Editor per network editoriali (Mondado-ri). Attualmente dirige “Dia-rio24Notizie”,”2012 Maga-zine” e “Sardinia Network”. È consulente dell’Ordine dei giornalisti della Sardegna e della Associazione della Stampa Sarda (FNSI). Dal 2008 è il responsabile del C.R.E. (Centro Ricerche di Esopolitica) e dell’Associa-zione intitolata al giornalista “José De Larra”. Dal 2011 è il presidente del GUS sardo, il Gruppo di specializzazione della FNSI relativo ai giorna-listi degli Uffici Stampa.

Andrea ConcasChe cos’è un’erbaccia?Una pianta le cui virtù non sono state ancora scoperte [R.W. Emerson].Esistono migliaia di metafo-re e aforismi che concettua-lizzano il mondo e la vita. Forse definire “erbaccia” la vita è irriverente, eppu-re, quanti innanzi ad una pianta officinale, dalle virtù note, sarebbero in grado di riconoscerla? Le esperienze, gli uomini e la vita stessa sono erbacce a cui guarda-re con curiosità e atten-zione, senza fermarsi alla prima impressione e scevri da ogni condizionamento impegnarsi a scoprine le virtù nascoste.

Giampaolo Mocci

classe 1973, Segno zodia-cale Vergine. Vivo e lavoro prevalentemente a Cagliari. Attualmente Delegata alla Sport della Provincia di Cagliari. Tra i vari incarichi ricoperti nel 1996 consigliere comu-nale del mio paese natio Jerzu e nel 2004 consigliere di amministrazione dell’ente regionale per il diritto allo studio.Amo la letterattura, la politica ed il diritto, in par-ticolare quello ambientale, sanitario e sui temi della nocività lavorativa sto con-centrando la mia attenzione negli ultimi anni.Film preferito : C’era una volta in America.Attori: Clint Eastwood e Meryl Streep. Il mio libro preferito è “L’ar-te della guerra” di Sun TZu.Le mie passioni sono la cucina e l’agricoltura.

Sabina ContuDa turista occasionale e di-stratta, sono diventata una vera appassionata di viaggi dopo il battesimo del clas-sico viaggio zaino+Interrail dopo la maturità. La laurea in Lingue e il tesserino da giornalista sono stati un pretesto per conosce-re a fondo altri mondi, altre culture e soprattutto stringere amicizie durature con anime gemelle erranti in ogni angolo del pianeta. Costretta dal lavoro a fissa dimora e ferie limitate, ho scelto una professione che, dopo l’esperienza in un tour operator e un albergo, mi consentisse di vivere in un ambiente dove il viaggio è insieme fine e mezzo: l’aeroporto. Di appendere la valigia al chiodo, natural-mente, non se ne parla proprio.

Flavia Attardi

Vivo a Oristano, dove sono nato il 20 maggio del 1961. Sono iscritto all’Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti e lavoro come responsa-bile dell’ufficio stampa e Comunicazione istituzionale della Provincia di Oristano, curando anche la redazione e la pubblicazione dei con-tenuti del sito istituzionale.Appassionato sportivo, ho praticato innumerevoli sport ma in modo significa-tivo scherma, calcio, tenni-stavolo, tennis. Ora pratico con impegno agonistico lo sport delle bocce. Sono presidente del Comitato provinciale di Oristano della Federazione Bocce e atleta della Società Operaia di Mutuo Soccorso di Ori-stano. Di questa gloriosa società, fondata nel 1866, sono stato presidente dal 1999 al 2005 e faccio parte del Consiglio di ammini-strazione dal 1996.

Oscar MiglioriniHo 23 anni e vivo a Carbo-nia, mi sono diplomato al Liceo Scentifico Tecnologico di Carbonia e attualmen-te sto completando il mio percorso formativo come studente in Scienze della Comunicazione a Cagliari.Entrare a far parte della redazione di questa rivista turistica on line mi entu-siasma e spero di dare un importante contributo.

Shawn Serra


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“Porta itineris dicitur longis-sima esse”.I latini dicevano “La porta è la parte più lunga del viaggio”: per iniziare una nuova vita bisogna trovare il coraggio di fare il primo passo, per cambiare biso-gna avere le forze di farlo. Per crescere bisogna volare via dal nido e cogliere al volo tutte le occasioni.Viaggi, musica e la potenza delle immagini per evadere e costruire una chiave che apra tutte le porte che si presentano lungo la strada.

Grazia SolinasSono cresciuto in campa-gna, adoro la natura con tutti i suoi profumi e i suoi colori. Mi piace condividere le mie esperienze, perchè come diceva mia nonno, puoi comprare tutto ma l’esperienza la devi fare, per questo lo scambio di esperienze aiuta a essere migliori. Il mare è la mia grande passione... veleg-giare con il vento che ti coccola è una esperien-za meravigliosa che tutti dovrebbero fare. Credo che si possa migliorare dando fiducia a tutti gli esseri umani, perchè ognuno di noi è un essere unico e irripetibile che vale più di quello che crede!

Andrea Masci

Vivo e lavoro a Napoli, sono nato nel 1976mi sono diplomato all’Acca-demia di Belle Arti nel 2003 in Scenografia.Fra tutte le passioni, quella che proprio mi riempie di più e mi fa vedere la vita con occhi diversi è l’Africa.Ed è per questo motivo che dedico questa collaborazio-ne a Thomas.“Un uomo integro”.

Per l’imperialismo è più importante dominarci cultu-ralmente che militarmente.La dominazione culturale è la più flessibile, la più efficace, la meno costosa.Il nostro compito consiste nel decolonizzare la nostra mentalità.[Thomas Sankara]

Massimo Cozzolino

Sono nato a La Spezia nel 1959 ma cresciuto a Cagliari.Ho fatto il liceo scientifico e mi sono laureato in Scienze Geologiche a Cagliari.Mi sono trasferito in Svezia nel 1988. Sono docente di fotografia in un liceo di Kristianstad, in Scania nel sud del paese.Svolgo in proprio servizi fotografici ma sono anche attivo come pubblicista.Sono appassionato di viaggi con contenuti anche avven-turosi.La mia filosofia é tenere il corpo, la mente e i sen-timenti in forma per cui faccio tanto sport, molti trekking, leggo molto ed amo la mia compagna Carina ed i miei figli Linnea ed Elias.

Roberto Finoli

Maggio 1985, Perito infor-matico (ABACUS), laureato in Scienze della comuni-cazione, appasionato di assemblaggio, programma-zione su Personal Computer e la musica rock. Il mio hobby della mountain bike mi ha portato a cono-scere luoghi ed a riscoprire il contatto con gli spazi verdi che la nostra terra ci offre. Le nuove esperienze se rivestite di un sano velo di sfida mi coinvolgono e motivano a cimentarmi con passione in queste nuove avventure.

Marco Lasio

Amo paragonarmi ad un diamante: le sue preziose e molteplici sfaccettature sono come le mie tante sfumature di personalità e di carattere. Anche il mio percorso personale e professionale è piuttosto bizzarro: ho due figli di 28 e 26 anni, un cane di 15, un nuovo compagno, adoro gli studi umanistici, ma ho un incarico di mana-ger presso una società di engineering, un brevetto di sub e amo il nuoto, un amore incondizionato per i libri, per i viaggi e per tutto ciò che è innovazione e tecnologia applicata alla tradizione. In tutto questo cerco il particolare che fa la differenza. Son un ariete e mi butto a capofitto in tutto ciò che faccio, ma tutto ciò che faccio deve divertirmi, deve farmi ridere.Il mio motto è: la vida es un carnaval!

Rosalia Carta

Over 30 years in the IT world.Passionate about new technology and always open to new solution.

Rinaldo Bonazzo

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisi-cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ul-lamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Patrizia Giancola

Appassionato da sempre per gli sport all’aria aperta come la mountain bike, il kayak, immersioni e tanto altro, ho sempre inteso la parola outdoor come momento di conoscenza. Il percorrere sentieri su due ruote o far scorrere il mio kayak sul mare della nostra Sardegna è sempre occasione di arricchimen-to culturale che soddisfa appieno la mia inesauribile voglia di conoscere. Negli anni ho collaborato con riviste di trekking e outdoor in genere. La fotografia è inoltre l’indiscussa forma di archiviazione dei miei momenti passati tra amici o in solitudine per i monti o per mare.

Stefano Vascotto


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Barbara Knapczyk was born in Cracow in 1960.She studied at Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow.Painting with profes-sor Stanislaw Rodzinski and professor Zbigniew Grzybowski.Drawing with professor Zbylut Grzywacz and professor Józef Zabkowski.Diploma in 1989.Tekstile art with professor Ryszard Kwiecien.All works inspired by the surrounding nature. Fa-vorites: landscapes, still life, portrait, themes of mountains.Her work are in private col-lection in many countries.She likes to travel and takes pictures.

Barbara KnapczykLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisi-cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ul-lamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Elisabetta Gungui

Sono Giuseppe Belli, cin-quantatre anni passati tutti nella mia città, Napoli. Essa, oltre ad essere una delle più belle città che io conosca è anche tra le più complesse e caotiche, di quello stesso caos incom-prensibile che contrad-distingue la nostra vita. Amo leggere e scrivere. Soprattutto la scrittura mi da modo di rielaborare la realtà che mi circonda e talvolta la possibilità di comprenderla meglio. Per questo ho pubblicato già due libri… e non c’è due senza tre.

Giuseppe Belli

Il mio nome è Angelo e, sono nato 55 anni fa nella zona più bella della Sar-degna, la Barbagia. Porto sempre con me, ovunque vada la sua natura, i suoi profumi, i suoi sapori, la visione e l’amore della mia gente che sono uniche. Sono ragioniere, divorziato e padre di una splendida figlia. Adoro il cinema e la musica in tutte le loro forme. Amo la poesia e la magia delle parole: quelle ben cantate, quelle ben re-citate e quelle ben parlate. Dalla mia gente ho impara-to l’importanza dei rapporti umani, a costo di deludere, a costo di deludersi perché come qualcuno ha detto: non si è mai soli quando qualcuno ti ha lasciato, si è soli quando qualcuno non è mai venuto.

Angelo Mulas

Cagliaritana di 35 anni, socievole, estroversa, crea-tiva e simpatica (dicono!).Lavoro nel mondo della sicurezza per le aziende, studioScienze della comuni-cazione e gestisco un Bed&Breakfast da circa due anni.Aspettative per il futuro? Esprimere sempre più la mia parte creativa nel mondo del lavoro (e non solo!).Sono appassionata di cine-ma, teatro, arte, musica, viaggi al fine di un arric-chimento culturale/sociale, poco sport ma primo tra tutti il tennis.Le poche righe a disposi-zione son finite per cui con-cludo qui la mia brevissima presentazione!

Denise LaiClasse 1974; sarda di na-scita e di sangue; attual-mente impegnata professio-nalmente presso l’aeroporto di Cagliari.Amante della natura, del buon cibo e dei viaggi; riesce ad emozionarmi un tramonto d’estate e allo stesso modo un gratacielo di una grande metropoli.Faccio mia la frase: [...]”Ac-cettare le sfide della vita significa porsi di fronte ai nostri limiti e ammettere di poterli o meno superare”... e a oggi credo di avere, an-cora, tante sfide da vincere!

Francesca Columbu

Giornalista, 45 anni, ama la vita di società e gli appun-tamenti mondani tanto che vorrebbe abitare in Lappo-nia. Invece, vive ad Asse-mini dove, peraltro, pare non abbia mai incontrato una renna. Siamo tutti appesi a un filo. E io sono anche sovrappeso (Franco Zuin)

Giuseppe Giuliani

29 anni, studia nella facoltà di Beni Culturali (curriculum archeologico) dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari. Giornalista dal 2010, scrive per blog, quotidiani e rivi-ste, anche online.

Marco CabitzaIl mio mondo è una valigia.Inguaribile sognatrice e viaggiatrice per passione; un’irrefrenabile curiosità mi spinge a voler conoscere quel che non so, capire ciò che appare ostico, superare barriere e confini.La sete di novità e l’entu-siasmo nel viverle sono la mia forza motrice, la parola è la mia arma (pacifica peraltro).

Valentina Morea

staff editor


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objective AT

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Balance between strength and fragility



Balance is the first principle of life, the yin and yang, good and evil, right and wrong, life and death are all of these are, the cardinal principles of human existence.

A child comes into the world in the fragility of his condition, fight every moment of his existence to acquire the necessary strength to survive the events of life.

How much force can there be in a child’s pre-teen? So much to climb up there where so many adults do not even dare to look at. A force that grows and increases day by day until something imponderable, unexpected, accidental, shows the fragility of that existence that is life.

C’est la vie! Perhaps in this simple French phrase, which has become internationally accepted, is enclosed one of the truths of life, but when it is associated with the existence of a child, it is difficult to accept it and not try a deep sense of injustice, anger and indignation.

In such circumstances it is never time of controversy, hunting or if the guilty, but it is the moment of silence for that child, because it is strong and does not deserve to be erected as an icon and remembered as the “victim” of a sport that loved with so much strength.

Good bye Tito!

Per la morte di un bambinoAlready you’ve started, you, baby, without knowing anything about life,

while we still we struggle in our old withered years.The space of a breath, a brief look at sample

light and air of the earth was not enough and you already have too much,you drowsy and not wilt thou arise.

But perhaps in a look, a longing in you appear suddenlyall games and all semblance of life, and horrified you flinched.

Maybe, baby, when our eyes will go out one day,we understand that the earth did not see, child,

more than they looked up and saw yours.(Hermann Hesse)

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Life and Works of Doctor Victor


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In the early ‘70s, Victor Serra approaches to the sport thanks to athletics and cross-country. It is affiliated in Libertas Campidano and also won a regional title in the 800 juniors. Do not know yet who will become dentist will use a bicycle to his movements, will make twice the circumnavigation of Sardinia in surfing, cross the Tyrrhenian always on the same table, it will fly with the hand gliding, will help to place a statue of the Madonna in the depths of Villasimius, win several regional championships of enduro and 37 years will begin to live another life with the sport bike, becoming a specialist in stage races, better rides in harsh



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In those years, he did not think that one day minimente racing bike would have to pay attention to the zebras crossing the road or that a warden would have covered their backs to prevent young lion with the manifest his affection too hard or trying to come up with him on the mountain bike.Many know him as Doctor Victor, thanks to its website, many more are wondering how to make a gentleman of 56 years to compete with the first in mountain bike races, although these have half his age. He does not pose the problem.The latest effort was the ninth place overall at the recent Rally of Sardinia mountain bike course in Nuoro. Before him at the finish line no Italian.Happen to see him in the center of Cagliari to move about cycling in traffic,

a bundle of muscles and nerves that seems to ask what motivates people to shut up in a box of sheet metal and get in line to wait.


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What was your first contact with the sport?I started with athletics, cross-country running. I won a regional

title in the 800 junior, when I was 15 years old. Then, turned 18 years old, I started running in motion. Then called regularly, only in later years would become enduro. I have won several regional titles, the last in 1990. At the same time I was surfing at a competitive level, I also participated in the World Cup in 1985.

With windsurfing are started than we can define unconventional activities?In 1987 I made the circumnavigation of Sardinia with the surfboard alone and in self-sufficiency. Two years ago I repeated the same

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experience, a little ‘because I was fine and I did not see a reason not to do so, a little’ because a friend wanted to follow me to make a documentary. Always with the surfboard in 1988 I crossed the Tyrrhenian Sea: Santa Teresa I aimed to Corsica, I lined, then the longest stage from Bastia to the island of Elba, eight hours in the open sea, and the landing there in the mainland at Piombino.

Then there are hang-gliding and the brackets from sub ...As I turned so hang gliding about twenty years ago, but it is often not challenging you have to do from time to time. I was part of the Club Sub Sinnai and are among those who led in the bottom of the sea of Villasimius statue of Our Lady of the shipwrecked.

What is the path to the bike?I got there almost by accident. I had a jumping shoulder, a knee that swelled and the orthopedist, also considered that I had several fractures caused by enduro, explained to me that the only thing left to do was ride. So I started to do sports at 37 years in practice at the age where others stop. I won a race and immediately I realized I could compete in the absolute. I won two European titles in the Marathon 24 hours. I was the last Italian to win the Iron Bike (in 2000). I participated twice Libyke, a stage race from 70-100 miles a day in the desert. Sand, thorns, stones, temperature fluctuations and risk of getting lost, the main obstacles.

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seguici anche su Fecebook!

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Un nuovo giornale

È sempre una bella notiziaquando una voce

si fa sentire tra le altre, nel panorama dell’informazione.

È una voce originale e,soprattutto, appassionata.

The first experience with extreme mountain biking?In Kenya in ‘97, a rally a week in stages from 80-120 miles. It crossed the Amboseli Park, you had to be careful to animals who suddenly crossed the street, especially zebras, and there were gamekeepers behind you protected from attacks of lions. Among other things, I won the hardest stage the light which rose towards Kilimanjaro. Then I raced in South America, Germany, Spain, races that are now gone.

Those were also years of experimentation with the bike ...I have traveled the world to test the bike dell’Aviotech. They were among the first to work the carbon fiber and in 1999 had made prototypes. I was among the first to run with the chassis made of carbon fiber. They looked at me wrong. Later, I also only produced by the bikes and all the material for racing. My brand was Megalith, there was a business project, but they were difficult years, the Chinese began to arrive and hold up their competition in terms of cost was impossible. With the Monolith I ran until last year. Now I use a Cannondale Flash. The next round?The Europeans, on August 20, hee still in Graz Austria. I expect 105 km.

The danger exists?Everything is very relative. I think it’s more dangerous to go Sinnai, where I live, in Cagliari. The danger is there, but it should not become such, must remain potential. Cycling see the ravines below you, in the surf, in the waters of Solanas, once had an eight-meter-long blue shark behind me, from Bastia to Elba I met a sperm whale, Kenya I have already said.

What is sport?It is something in which you believe initially as a hobby, then you realize it does well and then you can not do without it, it becomes almost an addiction.I am attracted to things difficult for me sport is a competitive fact, involves sacrifice and rationalization. I have to give one hundred percent regardless of race, toggle to always be


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There is a link between sport and the environment?Yes, it takes respect for the environment, through the woods, along the paths, for the animals. Climb the mountains must always be a difficulty, because this helps you also to respect the place where you are. There must be room for those who seek the comfort to get to a place, you do bring to avoid fatigue.

Up to what age want to go ahead?Since I go, I go. I have not thought about when to stop. Aging is relative, it is given by the lifestyle. Even

today in the mountain bike races coming in the top five, will mean something.

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There is a link between sport and the environment?Yes, it takes respect for the environment, through the woods, along the paths, for the animals. Climb the mountains must always be a difficulty, because this helps you also to respect the place where you are. There must be room for those who seek the comfort to get to a place, you do bring to avoid fatigue.

Up to what age want to go ahead?Since I go, I go. I have not thought about when to stop. Aging is relative, it is given by the lifestyle. Even

today in the mountain bike races coming in the top five, will mean something.

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Michele and Silvio are two of the strongest athletes in the Italian sport climbing. Young players in national and international competitions. Both have come close to climbing at the age of thirteen and soon gave form and substance to their mobility in the vertical world.Michele is dedicated to bouldering (climbing difficulty on the rocks), but betrays a future that will see him in climbing climbing. Silvio is its size in climbing at the crag, in spite of competitions and events has reached

Michele caminati Silvio reffo



Double interview with two of

the best athletes in Italian

sport climbing


Tomorrow I Will Be Gone, 7c, Rocklands © Michele Caminati -

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high levels even in bouldering. Even for him future developments, which will see him grapple with the verticality of the big walls.Despite the maturity and seriousness of these two guys, you are provided and subjected to this serious interview but at times irreverent, with irony and showing an aspect of their character hidden from the glossy pages of magazines portray them during their performance.

Michele caminati Silvio reffoVs

Covolo - Photo © Andrea Trivisonno

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The nickname of Silvio


Is it true that you’re more handsome than he?

I do not know, I do not usually spend hours in front of the mirrorto look myself ...

It is true that when you were born you were brown, blond teenage climber and you have become brown to neighborhood problems?

I confess, I’ve always dyed my hair ... now, however, are gray, with advancing age.

Age, shoe and slipper climb?

28 years old, 42 foot and 37.5 Futura ... but also to the arrival of Solution 38.

Maximum degree boulder?


… free climbing?

6b+ ?? ;-) Come on, this year I forced myself to learn as well ... I we’ll talk about next summer!

Is it true that you’re a “coisxedda de s’appiccheddara*”?

So you say around ... but I want to categorically deny!

At what age did you start and where to climb.

In 13 years in the indoor climbing gym in Parma ... and often in the trees around the house.

Leap of Faith, 8a, Rocklands © Michele Caminati -

coisxedda de s’appiccheddaradevil of free climbing

Michele and Silvio have responded to this sentence in the Sardinian language without

knowing its meaning.


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... of Michele

For many Miki, the Man for some fish.

Absolutely, what a question! But I think he is more talented …

It is true that when you were born you were black, blond teenage climber and you have become brown to neighborhood problems?

Heck I have discovered, I confirm everything, who knows what the next transformation, we hope to always be the most beautiful :-)

Biological age 82 years, 23 years age, 41 gymnastic shoe, shoe climbing 36.5. I have a small foot and when the wind comes lose my balance.

A few good up to 8a + boulder

... for a great stroke of luck routes up to 9a worked and a 8c flash …

What are you to tell !?!?

My first encounter was with climbing on the rock, in the walls around the Vicentino, at the age of 13 years, thanks to my father who passed on this passion. Over the years I have never lost the need for a continuous dialogue with the natural environment, real engine of my passion and motivation.

Melloblocco, Val di Mello - Photo © Andrea Trivisonno

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The gym and friends how much importance they had in

Well I would say is of fundamental importance ... the end is the place where people meet every day to train and stay in the company, I had the good fortune of not having to ever coach in a dark basement alone as a hamster.

You are methodical and follow strict training tables or you

I’m pretty methodical but I do not believe in the tables are too rigid ... I always try to listen and to train all that can still be trained. More than anything else I always try to have fun when I’m working!

It is harder to solve a block or courting a nice girl?

Definitely the second you said ...

It is true that you have become a strong climber to get somewhat depopulated?

So I thought ... but I guess I miscalculated! Let’s say that in the woods full of blocks unfortunately not “teeming” ...

Better a 7a or 8b exciting movements of mediocre beauty?

Better 7a, 7a better ... I also if you want someone to advise you!

Which aspect of climbing would not be able to give up?

Probably to climb.

If instead of being a climber “penniless” I was a soccer notch and spingeresti as a support of plaque extreme?

I have not even raised the issue ...

So you’re straight?

Unfortunately, it was better to be gay!

It is true that when you and Silvio go to climb together

Only if a weekday and never with a waning moon.

Kheops Assis, 8b+, Fontainebleau © Michele Caminati -


Also in this sentence always in the Sardinian language the two boys have responded without

knowing the meaning.


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your activities climber?

I have no friends ... (when depression). The gym and climbing wall I think they are the tools that have most contributed to the evolution of climbing in recent years. With little time you can really train effectively, in addition to being a place to share. The few friends ... but good!

train only when they go climbing?

I go to a lot of times, I try to follow a lot of instinct and what my body needs at that moment, being methodical in what I do.

I never understood how to woo a beautiful girl, can someone explain?!?!

more girls? It seems that before the threshing floor was

I’ll tell you: that was my real goal, but honestly I attract more men … ahahah

Well definitely an exciting 7a movements even if the difficulty is always very tempting!

I could not do without the sense of freedom and comparison with my limitations and my body.

player full of grain, such as tissue stringeresti a micro-

Gabriele Moroni, but perhaps not a tissue! Sorry after spending two months in Spain with him I can not get it out of my head.

All women tell me I’m gay and I’ll tell you, I begin to believe it too.

“fastiggiasi*” ?

Unfortunately I had few opportunities to climb with Michael, but the few times it was very fastiggiasi.

Frankenjura - Photo © Matteo Pavana

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Boulder or free climbing, where you feel most in synergy

It ‘s always been bouldering, but I like climbing in all its forms, and will also be well cliffs and mountains ... we know it.

Sharma: visionary climber looking for new lines and pushOndra: a machine chop degrees.Which of these two views of the climb is closer to you?

Surely the first ... but poor Ondra, it is not his fault if you keep!

How do you approach a passage or a way that you do not

Tactics of exhaustion ... sooner or later gets bored and let me pass!

You’ve just become a father. Your she is like you, fair in complexion and has a flowing raven hair hues, but the child has brown hair and she insists on scegliergli as the name Silvio. What would you say?

The gene is recessive brown hair ...

and ... to Silvio?

... You’re lucky that the brown hair gene is recessive!

Are you often around the world, which of these places has

Every place has given me great emotions, but perhaps most of all the Peak District in England, if we want to speak of emotions!

There is a line that you want to particularly go up?

More than a ... and I can never choose!

Motivates you further improve your personal level or gives the Melloblocco?

The Melloblocco should not be a race ... however I have found good reasons for both.

The big walls ... could represent an evolution future for

Surely! I already have some of the mind ... but it still takes a little ‘practice, slowly coming.

Samson, 8a, Burbage South, Peak District © Michele Caminati -

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with your way of life climbing?

I am much more in synergy in climbing rope, I find much more satisfying way to solve a very tough with so many passages that make me feel that nice cast in the forearms.

the boundaries.

It depends on the time and motivation, perhaps the perfect compromise!

let them dominate, what strategy you put in place?

I try to mechanize the best movements trying to put together sequences longer and longer without resting to finally solve the problem. I know no one believes ... I do fall and I’m going to drink a beer.

You’ve just become a father. Your she is like you, fair in complexion and has a flowing brown hair from bright reflections, but the baby has hair blacks and she insists on choose as the name Michele. What would you say?

I missed a few details!?!? Quiet dear everything is resolved, I’m going to set that have a beer at the bar.

and ... to Michele?

And now that you’ve wanted the bike, pedaling!

given you the strongest emotions?

Certainly by the time Spain and the journey that I did gave me great emotions, although every place I visit I leave something special, but perhaps the cliff which are more related Lumignano is, the place where I took my first steps as a climber and my dreams have grown and fed.

That line at that moment makes me dream.

you more loads the competitive context of a race, such as

I work out and I am so motivated to try to improve myself.

your climb?

I think that bringing the highest levels of a way to multi-pitch climbing is the ultimate expression of extreme. I will try in the future to even get close to my limits in this environment.

Covolo - Photo © Andrea Trivisonno

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It is true that you have participated in the selection for the

Evil. They preferred tamarro with a tight tank top and full of tattoos ... I still do not fail to see.

It is true that Maria is uglier than Silvio?

We are there ...

We’ve done a little thought ... you have thought about

Yes, most times ... in the end I came to the conclusion that you can never get it all, and there will always be someone stronger than you. So I try to live it in my own way doing things that most excite me and stimulate me, maybe trying to share with others.

Jerry Moffat said that despite their many efforts to reach will have been able to make its own contribution to

Very true, and it is also much more difficult to do so. Leave a piece of rock for others that tells you ...

If you suddenly came a guy by the name Pierre Allain, and thank him?

I hope I do not have to give a kick in the pants, I have lived and loved the “Foret” well I like him .. although unfortunately only foreigner visiting.

He greets us with a famous quote.

Il Dado è tratto! (The die is cast! - Trad route to Lagoni). Joke, however, as a student of physics / math I’ve always liked this:“In science one tries to tell people, in a way that is understood by everyone, something that no one knew before. In the poem, is the exact opposite” (Paul Dirac).

Vindicated and insults the interviewer, in a creative way.

I have little immediate creativity ... but I will study a plan of revenge in detail, do not worry! ;-)

The Island, 8b+, Fontainebleau © Michele Caminati -

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role of “tronista” to Men & Women, how was it?

I had to give up because I drew more men than women and the De Filippi kicked me out saying that I was inadequate.

It is true that Maria is uglier than Michele?

Absolutely not ... ahahahaha …

what you want from climbing?

My goal continues to be: many women.I wish that climbing is a path of knowledge of myself and the world.

high levels, only those who create and / or free first line climbing. What do you think of this reflection?

I’m not completely agree, I think that to make its own contribution to climbing is not much needed to be the first to release a line, as a free move with the maximum degree, or help with a new way of understanding the climb.

gave you a kick in the pants ... because you should still

You always know where you are and be aware that if today climbing is this, it is thanks to the people who came before us. Then I would not be able to scale with the boots!

An anonymous said that “only the pursuit of the impossible can lead to what is achievable”.

But what you have taken drugs before writing this interview!?!? Ma va a dar via el cul (But it should give away your back)!!!

Estado Critico, 9a, Siurana - Photo © Andrea Trivisonno

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Atomic Playboy, 7c+, Fontainebleau © Michele Caminati -

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Micheke Caminati

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Ceredo - Photo © Paola Finali

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Silvio Reffo

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Spesso ci si dimentica che molte delle nostre montagne sono “vuote”. Si pensi che in Italia ci sono oltre 35.000 grotte esplorate e inserite nei vari catasti delle cavità delle Regioni. Molte di queste sono caratterizzate da un’alta frequentazione di speleologi di tutta Italia per la loro particolarità e bellezza.Ma è bene ricordare che Speleologi si diventa col tempo nella pratica e non ci si può improvvisare!E’ bene evitare di andare in grotta senza le adeguate conoscenze tecniche ma piuttosto avvicinarsi alla Speleologia attraverso un buon corso di introduzione affidandosi a gruppi organizzati e dotati di apposite strutture didattiche riconosciute dalla Commissione Nazionale Scuole di Speleologia della Società Speleologica Italiana (CNSS-SSI) o dalla Scuola Nazionale di Speleologia del Club Alpino Italiano (SNS-CAI).Una escursione Speleologica SICURA è innanzitutto ben pianificata, è quindi necessario conoscere le caratteristiche della grotta e valutarne la fruibilità anche in relazione alle condizioni meteorologiche e idrologiche.Ogni Speleologo deve conoscere innanzitutto se stesso ed affrontare l’attività nelle giuste condizioni psicofisiche avendo cura di non entrare in grotta già stanco o affrontare escursioni non idonee alle proprie capacità. In particolare deve essere curata l’alimentazione sia prima dell’ingresso in grotta che durante la permanenza in sotterraneo. Evitare gli alcolici e bere invece molta acqua.La Speleologia moderna è caratterizzata dall’impiego di idonee attrezzature individuali e di gruppo. Queste devono essere scelte sulla base delle caratteristiche della grotta e ne deve essere curata la manutenzione e controllata periodicamente l’usura. Da non dimenticare:1. Un telo termico2. Un coltellino3. Un impianto luce di riserva4. un piccolo kit di primo soccorso per gruppo

Nella pratica Speleologica è necessario adottare alcuni accorgimenti:• è buona norma non andare mai in grotta da soli e ricordare che la sicurezza è un problema di tutta la squadra, quindi

ci si controlla a vicenda;• pulire le verticali dalle insidie “mobili” ed in ogni caso non sostare mai immediatamente sotto di esse;• controllare sempre in che condizioni si lasciano le corde di progressione;• essere certi che le comunicazioni verso i compagni siano percepite sempre correttamente;• rispettare il passo del compagno più lento ed impostare la progressione di tutto il gruppo su di esso• informare sempre UNA persona riguardo alla grotta in cui si va e al percorso di massima che si intende affrontare e

dare un presunto orario di uscita dalla grotta• nonostante si segua pedissequamente tali accorgimenti, nella Speleologia il rischio di incidente è comunque reale

ed oggettivo, come in ogni altra attività legata alla montagna. Per incidenti in grotta non si devono intendere solo gli infortuni (eventi traumatici con danni alla persona), ma ogni fatto accidentale accaduto nel corso di una esplorazione o escursione in grotta che ne abbia rallentato, impedito o compromesso lo svolgimento.

In caso di incidente:• è meglio sovrastimare la situazione e allertare il soccorso piuttosto che perdere tempo prezioso;• valutare la situazione che ha determinato l’evento e che può ancora rappresentare un rischio;• mantenere la calma ed evitare decisioni avventate;• prepararsi ad assistere un infortunato per un periodo anche prolungato, meglio se si è in due;• acquisire informazioni sull’accaduto circa dinamica dell’incidente e condizioni dell’infortunato;• in tutta sicurezza, due compagni devono guadagnare l’uscita della grotta ed allertare il numero unico per le

emergenze sanitarie 118 chiedendo esplicitamente l’intervento del Soccorso Speleologico comunicando le informazioni raccolte ed il luogo dell’incidente. Non abbandonare mai il luogo ed il telefono da cui si allertano i soccorsi per garantire sempre la piena raggiungibilità nel caso la centrale operativa 118 o le squadre del CNSAS abbiano necessità di informazioni più precise.


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It was in 1999, for us, the year of the turning point, joined in that group of semi-serious, completely stop the use of the rope and we are dedicated solely to bouldering. We were and are a group of friends united by their passion for climbing: I, the President (of anything), Angelo Marratzu, Vice President, Simone Masini, the Cashier, Roberta Mereu, the Secretary, Ciriaco Corrias, the climber Shepherd, only associated with a non-existent company. So we begin, some for fun, to clean up the areas of Sarule and Orani, sectors that dated back in part to 1986/89 when, alone and not by choice, I began to climb on the rocks without any special technical knowledge (crash, parade ,

departure seated). At the time I was motivated only by reading repeated like a mantra of “Climbing” by P. Edlinger and from the pictures on p. 96 of the campaigning on a

bow of 7b in Fontainbleau.






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It took 10 years of climbing on single pitch and multi-pitch routes in me, Simon, and Ciriaco we take conscience that maybe, climb on the rocks, that’s what we really satisfy most. Angelo and Roberta, however, begin to climb when in practice the transformation was almost occurred.For us climb was, and is, to find a group of boulders, clean all around them and identify lines of ascent, the most logic, without variations and eliminating, as much in vogue in many parts of Europe, all in the company Friends in complete relaxation. This we like to do, this is our bouldering, simple and ethical, without chipped holds or improved, topped only by the friendship of the group.For us, the steps, you can grab all that the rock face with, if he is not as difficult as our ambitions of the day, look forward to other lines tougher, up to satisfy the tastes of each one of us.Undoubtedly contributed to the development of our “visions vertical” the great friendships that if linked to people of unquestionable value athletic you open up the views. It was so clean lines until then and only dreamed, have become reality. Almost by accident Mauro Calibani came to visit us for the first time in those years, we became friends and accomplices rehearsed new discoveries.

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One by one, Mauro, lines began to release more and more hard and well, as Prole Cult, Utopia, In Search of the G Spot in Orani, Beirut in Sarule, and then get to where Mauro Orotelli free “line”, which we clean, dreamed and proven by many, even strong champion, but without success.


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It is “Cristine The Infernal Machine”, only 8a +, but keep in mind that Mauro did not exist at that time 8b. Overhanging wall of rare beauty, start standing on two small notches a bit ‘flared, with nothing for the feet. To the right and left arrampicatorio the desert, you can count with the fingers of one hand grips, only those, mix them as you want but the result is the same, beauty, purity difficulties and condensed to represent our way of interpreting the bouldering.Similarly “Boloorma”, to the Mount Ortobene, represents the purity of the line. A wall in a steeper drop plowed by a long tafone inverted V that becomes sequence of holes is that flares net. Is this for us is the essence of the Bouldering find “line”, a sequence of sockets that allow you to climb up that piece of rock without variants, eliminating, just as it was for climbers find “the weak point of the wall,” is in this light that we are born according to the most interesting lines on boulder that in climbing with rope. Over time, many other

climbers have come to try and get “our” steps, leaving even some nice new lines.


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Vademecum:L’arrampicata sportiva, l’alpinismo e le attività di montagna in genere, come tutte le attività all’aria aperta, tra l’altro sempre più diffuse, sono spesso praticate anche da persone inesperte che si sono avvicinate da poco tempo a questo tipo di turismo attivo.In caso di escursioni alpinistiche valutiamo bene che il nostro itinerario “verticale” sia adeguato alla nostra preparazione. Non sempre avere tanto entusiasmo equivale ad avere le “capacità” psico-fisiche e tecniche adeguate. È sempre consigliabile affrontare i primi itinerari di arrampicata solo dopo aver frequentato giusti corsi di formazione o almeno sotto la guida di compagni di cordata esperti.Avere cura di acquisire le adeguate conoscenze tecniche per affrontare l’arrampicata non è cosa banale, spesso gli incidenti (oltre che per fattori imprevedibili come la caduta di un sasso) si verificano proprio per mancanza di preparazione e per sottovalutazione dei pericoli legati a determinate manovre.Bisogna sempre tenere in considerazione che l’arrampicata, che sia essa sportiva che alpinistica, è una attività potenzialmente pericolosa e in qualche caso mortale:• Portare appresso il cellulare con le batterie ben

cariche.• Utilizzare SEMPRE il casco in percorsi alpinistici.• Avvisare sempre qualcuno dell’itinerario alpinistico

che ci apprestiamo a compiere.• Portare una lampada per il buio, un telo termico e

abbigliamento di riserva.• Verificare SEMPRE E PRIMA di ogni uscita il buono

stato delle attrezzature da utilizzare (imbrago, corde, moschettoni, fettucce, cordini, rinvii ecc.), e accertarsi di avere al seguito tutto il materiale tecnico necessario per la scalata.

• Non utilizzare MAI un solo ancoraggio per calarsi dalla via, sia in falesia e sia in una via di più tiri.

• Abituarsi a sbloccare le corde doppie solo per l’ultimo della calata.

• In falesia prestare la massima attenzione alla sicura del nostro compagno.

• In caso necessita chiamare il numero unico per le emergenze sanitarie 118 e specificare il tipo d’incidente e dove vi trovate, se in montagna o in falesie lontane da strade chiedete esplicitamente l’intervento del Soccorso Alpino. Se vi siete spostati da qualche parte per telefonare NON SPOSTATEVI dal campo telefonico perché la centrale operativa potrebbe richiamarvi per avere notizie più precise.

Buone arrampicate a tutti !



© A





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We recall with pleasure Marzio Nardi jumping from one stone to another as a child enthusiastic, freed flash “Cuccureddu”, to show that the class is not water, Lauren Laporte with his family in a few days has ground virtually all 7b / c flash, the humble Fred Nicole who seemed anything but conscious of being one of the biggest climbers in the world (he had just climbed Dreamtime), Riccardo Scarian “the tractor Trentino”, the very nice champion Ben Moon and Jerry Moffat and many others with whom we became friends and we shared wonderful moments.

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I think the real key to a passion that continues unabated, at least for my part, both the research, the perfect line that I hope in my heart that I never find. The spring constant discovery has led us in the years to clean a multitude of bouldering areas, composed of different sectors in almost three people, myself, and Angelo Simone (Ciriaco live for many months in Spain). That is how, much to the game but on friendship and sharing, the bouldering areas of Orani, Sarule, Orotelli, Ortobene (over 10 sectors of which some with over 250 steps), San Teodoro, Onifai, Pulchiana, Olbia and Serra Oseli. But most importantly, through this discipline, we have cemented our friendships in a way, it is appropriate to say, granite.

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RumunduGreen dream bike


The journey continues ...

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Three hundred stages, thirty thousand kilometers and nine million of cycling, a full year

riding his bike to travel the world in search of sustainable lifestyles, armed with a mobile phone, tablet and a small video camera to tell stories of men and women gathered in the corners the most diverse on the planet.


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This is an ambitious project by Stefano Cucca that on June 8 kicked off the adventure “Rumundu” starting from his native Sardinia to cross Italy, northern Europe and Iceland, followed by Canada, the United States and even Japan, China, but also the Pacific Islands, New Zealand, Australia, Madagascar and South Africa, to finally return home.The “endless pedaling” officially started the morning of 8 June, Sorso, a town of origin Stefano: he filled his canteen with water from the famous fountain Billellera, which seems to cause the folly of the drinker, discharged friends and family, thanked the sponsors and party, accompanied by the

sound of the trumpet recorded for him by jazz musician Paolo Fresu.

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First stop Sassari, then Putifigari, where he was invited to speak at the opening session of the newly elected city council and then Cagliari to embark for Sicily to

Palermo and Corleone. Here, in a land notorious, Rumundu has arrived at the Cooperative “Work and Not Just” who runs with great courage and organizes work camps in the land confiscated from the Mafia. The tour of the Sicilian young cyclist continues towards Capo d’Orlando, a town of thirteen thousand inhabitants nestled in the mountains Nebrodis, overlooking a clear blue sea, a true example of sustainability and livability for the quality of services offered to its citizens. Leaving behind Sicily, it starts to move up the peninsula, crossing Calabria and Basilicata, meeting the few sustainable but so many people with so many things to say and tell.

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A must in Southern Italy is Naples, a city much “folk that sustainable” (cited Stefano Cucca), a reality special charm that can be understood only those who live even for a short time. Rumundu arrives in Naples in the days of parades through the streets of the gay pride parade, an opportunity, a singular event that also allows to capture the essence of this project because basically talk about human rights mean, however, face a speech sustainability, having the courage and tenacity of not necessarily follow a series of models that are imposed. Naples is the city of a thousand contradictions that embraces heat with those who want to see and learn, but at the same time cast away those who remain disappointed by the rampant lawlessness that it is an open air museum, in its narrow streets, on the walls of his palaces can read centuries of history, stories, legends, often overshadowed by the sense of neglect

and decay that dominates especially the suburbs, but Naples is the warmth of its people, that excites and traps and could not leave you more again.


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The miles to go, however, are still many and the world is full of people, stories, situations, micro worlds, moments and sustainable lifestyles that not without difficulty, move in contrast with a setting of our society is strongly linked to the

consumption and to profits.

The journey continues ...

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An extraordinary way to go in

the Hereafter


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The funeral is not the end, but the end of life itself and as such is important and must above all make

noise, inspire awe and joy, moreover for ethnic Ga, death is nothing more than a transition from one life to


Not far from the center of Accra in Ghana, has developed a bizarre phenomenon, to customize their own

coffins, somewhat unusual. On the waterfront of Teshie among the musical instrument stores and shops selling

cold drinks, can be seen on display in the street, the fantastic coffins in the shape of elephant, fishing, eagle

and many other forms yet. These must reflect in some way the personality, thought, craft, or why not, the vices

of the deceased. That’s a coffin in the shape of fish, surely welcome a fisherman, while the shaped airliner of

Ghana Airways, can represent the desire of the deceased to travel. No limit to the imagination, the coffins may

have the most absurd forms, such as a mobile phone with a lot of display, or a shoe sneakers of a famous

American brand and or even in the form of a giant uterus but leave it to you the interpretation of this choice.


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This phenomenon arises not

so long ago, of about fifty years, when

Kane Kwei built one of the first coffin

shaped honeycomb cocoa and since then

was a crescendo of demands. Despite the

exorbitant sum of seven hundred dollars,

which is roughly equivalent to an annual

salary of a Ghanaian, orders abound for a

funeral because you are willing to well over.

I do not think that the pain of grief is

different from ours, it’s just lived with a

different concept. Death is not the end of

it all, according to an agnostic view, or the

day of judgment, according to the Catholic

vision, but this, for ethnic Ga, where priority

is an important step to overdo it. Does not

have much meaning as it has conducted

his life, but death must be surprising and

remembered, becoming a great social


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The burial of caskets takes place immediately after death, while the

funeral takes place even after a few months, this is to allow family members

to put aside the money needed for the big event. Attending a funeral was a truly

unique experience, the din of the speakers, the rhythm of the drums, people who

get in circle around the little altar decorated with long drapes where stands the photo

of the deceased. Participants dressed strictly in elegant clothes, wrapped in their

red robes and black of mourning. It exudes joy and sorrow, dancers dancing on the

growing percussion notes and deliver an all cash offer, honoring the deceased and

debts by raising the family.

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“Una storia, anzi due storie parallele, anonime come milioni di altre storie che potrebbero essere raccontate ad ognuno di noi. Perchè la letteratura non smette

mai di appassionarci alla vita degli altri, e perciò alla nostra, rispondendo così a quel primordiale desiderio di conoscenza della

parte piu’ intima del nostro essere.”





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Everything appears to our eyes irreverent, almost a lack of respect for the deceased, but here it is the opposite,

the spirits of their loved ones have a key role in the unfolding of everyday life. You can not change the pain of a death

in a feeling of joy, but I think this celebration of death can be a way to keep a close contact between the living and

those who are no longer tied to the land.

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This month we talk of couscous or cùscusu (French: couscous). This dish is a typical food of North Africa and Western Sicily, consisting of grains of semolina steamed. Today it is widespread throughout Africa and also in parts of Europe such as France and Belgium.Traditionally, the couscous was prepared with durum wheat semolina, usually accompanied stewed meat, in some areas of the coast of the Mediterranean Sea fish and or boiled vegetables. It can also be made spicy by adding the harissa, as prepared in Tunisia.

Slow at food

Cous couscon verdure e uova


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Cous couscon verdure e uova


In Sicily, in the areas of Trapani, the couscous is steamed in a special pot of glazed earthenware, but the dressing unlike the Maghreb is a broth of fish soup. From Sicily the couscous has been exported to Genoa and Livorno, where is prepared with lamb meat.

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The cascà is a variation of vegetables, imported into the kitchen and Calasetta Carloforte (Sardinia) by a colony of coral Ligurian moved the Island of San Pietro. In the past cascà was a simple and poor and the ingredients to prepare it were, in addition to suitably processed bran, cabbage or cauliflower and chickpeas. Over time, this dish has evolved and have added several seasonal vegetables and pork. So it has become transformed the pot of public holidays in recent times, prepared especially on the occasion of the Feast of St. Charles. For

many years in the month of April in Carlisle held a festival to preserve and enhance this dish culinary tradition tabarkino.

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Scopri il turismo attivo senza confini con

Ingredients for 4 persons:

250 g of couscous5 eggs1 pepper1 zucchini1 carrot1 eggplant250 g cherry tomatoes1 pack of basil8 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil. olive1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil. olive3 cloves of garlicSalt and pepper

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75visita il blog

Scopri il turismo attivo senza confini con

The Preparation

Put the eggs in a small pot with hot water, let it harden when it begins to boil the eggs for 7/8 minutes.Meanwhile, wash and cut the eggplant into cubes, add the salt and put it in a colander, do the same with the zucchini, carrot and bell pepper, once they are finished storing the vegetables in a bowl.Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large non-stick pan, peel the garlic, clove we will use it later, crushed 2 cloves and let them brown at this point, add the vegetables and cook over high heat until they become crispy.Add salt and pepper to taste.Put 250 ml of water in a saucepan and let it boil, when the water boils, add 1 teaspoon of olive oil.Pour the couscous into the boiling water while stirring for about 1 minute. Cover the saucepan with a lid and let it sit for 10 minutes.Cooled quickly the eggs in cold water, once peeled, cut into thin slices or wedges as you prefer.Now with fresh garlic, left out, rub a salad bowl and add, once washed and cut the tomatoes and basil.Season with 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and add salt and pepper.Let cool crisp vegetables. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to the couscous with a fork and sgranatelo.

We, store in the salad bowl the couscous along with the rest of the vegetables, stir and cover with the egg slices before serving.

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Dear friends, if we meet again! After a long ride to the Venetian Lagoon, this time we find ourselves in Piedmont, a region rich in history and culture as all the others that make up our beautiful country. Speaking of ancient crafts with some of the old place, it is not difficult to find those who still remember the “manhin”, just to mention one, which in Piedmont indicates that those artisans around the country mending pots and pans. This work required a lot of manual work, because the repairs needed to succeed well apply a double layer of tin nor too thin nor too. Always the elders remember that there was no village that did not have the blacksmith’s shop, when the horses were an important means of transport. Today in Demonte, in the province of Cuneo, there is a museum that once again this ancient activity with all its tools. After an initial immersion in the ancient crafts of this region, we would like to remind our friends tourists Piedmont, (which literally means “land at the foot of the mountains”) after Sicily is the largest region in Italy and consists of eight provinces. Its territory is mostly

at culturam !



ancient crafts of the del bel paese


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mountainous. The Alps surround much of its western side and at the foot of Monte Viso, the highest mountain in

the Alps Cozie, is the source of the river Po, the longest river in Italy. There are also numerous alpine lakes of glacial origin. One of the largest Italian lakes, Lake Maggiore, extends right around here. Turin, the first capital of the Kingdom of Italy, today is the capital of the region and, according to the statistics of a special ranking published by the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, is the third largest city of Italy for the conservation of ancient crafts. One of these was the Brentatore in Piedmontese “El Brindor.” Figure a little ‘picturesque, the Brentatore was a wine expert and the market addressed in the choice of these buyers. It was almost always a whimsical person and was easily distinguished by its distinctive uniform. He wore a blue coat and had plenty of hands almost always purple color of the wine. His task was not limited only to give advice on wine: he, after persuading the purchaser, who was almost always an innkeeper, was consistent with these also to the mode of delivery of the wine itself. Then the wine was sold in taverns and those who wanted to drink it at home on his way to buy it is precisely from these. The delivery was done by means of the “Bronte”, containers brought back who had a predetermined amount corresponding to a Stajo. The Stajo or bushel was an ancient unit of measurement that traditional Italian in Turin corresponded approximately to fifty liters. The Brentatore was in effect an official wine that in Turin, from one thousand seven hundred, until the beginning of the twentieth century, also had its place with a lot of legal regulation and currency of the Kingdom of Savoy. Most of them came from the valleys of Piedmont, in particular by Viù in the province of Turin. For the trouble of having to transport the wine in these containers as a kind of backpack, was still considered a hard and, in the late nineteenth century, the profession seemed in decline. What once was considered a taster as well as a connoisseur, in recent years had now lost its original character and was reduced to a mere porter wine. Around this ancient craft was formed a company that not only took on the task of transporting the wine, but also that of his qualification and assessment. Today, the Society of the art brentatori, who for a time had been suppressed, has revived referring back to its origins. It aims to enhance the wine as such, and to encourage its consumption without distinction as to type and origin, in the hope that it will be appreciated on our plates to be a noble product of nature. At this point, before leaving, I invite all our friends to greet tourists, toasting with a nice glass of red wine, which, drunk in moderation, appears to lengthen life. Greetings to all and the next episode.

ancient crafts of the del bel paese



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