A=tm · ~~~~1f:fDJ$1JU~.X~1f:fDJ=ttt>l . o . 1.3 The Permit Holder shall make copies of this Permit...

Jl il fliHI . 7.} la OUR REF: ( 38) in EP 2/N9/ C/1 27 Pt.3 Environmental Protection Department YOUR REF: 382902-0587 Branch Office ff fE SijJn 28th Floor, Southern Centre. TEL. NO.: t:Ml!t:I>'C ' tt /\{I Ill :>I:lW}:I 130 Hennessy Road, FAX NO : Wan Chai, Hong Kong. E-MAIL: !J.t HOMEPAGE: http://www. epd.gov. hk By Registered Post & Fax Environmental Impact Assessment (ElA) Ordinance, Cap .499 Application for Variation of an Environmental Permit Project Titl e: Improvement of Fresh Water Supply to Cheung C hau (Application No. YEP-502/2016) 1 refer to your above applicati on recei ved on 30 May 20 16 for variation of an enviro nmental petmit under Section 13(1) ofth e EIA Ordinance. Pursuant to Section 13(5) of the ElA Ordinance, we have amended the Envirom nental Pennit (EP-392/2 0 10/A). I attach the Environmental Penn it as amended (No. EP-392/ 20 10/B) for yo ur use. Under Secti on 15 of the EIA Ordinance, the amended Environmental Pe nni t wi ll be pl aced on the EIA Ordinance Register. It wi ll also be placed on the EIA Ordinance website (http :// www.epd.gov.hk/eial). Please note that if you are aggrieved by any of the conditions imp os ed in this Penn it, you may appeal under Secti on 17 of the EIA Ordinance with in 30 days of receipt of this Pennit. Should you have any queries on the above application, please contact my colleague 1 at (Louis P.L. CHAN) Principal Enviromnental Protection Officer fo r Director of Enviro nmental Protection

Transcript of A=tm · ~~~~1f:fDJ$1JU~.X~1f:fDJ=ttt>l . o . 1.3 The Permit Holder shall make copies of this Permit...

  • :;f;;~f-~ Jl il fliHI . 7.}laOUR REF: (38) in EP 2/N9/C/1 27 Pt.3 Environmental Protection Department *~fl~ ~~~H YOUR REF: 382902-0587 Branch Office ff fESijJn ~ ~ -s=-t~28th Floor, Southern Centre. TEL. NO.: t:Ml!t:I>'C' tt /\{IIll:>I:lW}:I

    130 Hennessy Road, FAX NO : ~H-~1!1:

    Wan Chai, Hong Kong. E-MAIL: ~ !J.t HOMEPAGE: http://www.epd.gov.hk

    By Registered Post & Fax

    Environmental Impact Assessment (ElA) Ordinance, Cap.499

    Application for Variation of an Environmental Permit

    Project Title: Improvement of Fresh Water Supply to Cheung Chau

    (Application No. YEP-502/2016)

    1 refer to your above application received on 30 May 2016 for variation of an environmental petmit under Section 13(1) ofthe EIA Ordinance.

    Pursuant to Section 13(5) of the ElA Ordinance, we have amended the Enviromnental Pennit (EP-392/20 10/A). I attach the Environmental Penn it as amended (No. EP-392/2010/B) for your use.

    Under Section 15 of the EIA Ordinance, the amended Environmental Pennit will be placed on the EIA Ordinance Register. It wi ll also be placed on the EIA Ordinance website (http://www.epd.gov.hk/eial).

    Please note that if you are aggrieved by any of the conditions imposed in this Pennit, you may appeal under Section 17 of the EIA Ordinance within 30 days of receipt of this Pennit.

    Should you have any queries on the above appl ication, please contact my colleague 1 at


    (Louis P.L. CHAN)

    Principal Enviromnental Protection Offi cer

    for Director of Environmental Protection


  • Encl.

  • Environmental Permit No. EP-392/2010/B !:lf:JtwfCJlMti~ EP-392/2010/B


    (CHAPTER 499)

    Section 10 and 13







    PART A (MAIN PERMIT) A=tm c~~m±~=tm:fr)

    Pursuant to Section 10 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO), the Director ofEnvironmental Protection (the Director) granted the Environmental Permit (No. EP-392/20 I 0) to the Water Supplies Department (hereinafter referred to as the "Permit Holder") on 2 June 20 I 0. Pursuant to Section 13 of the ElAO, the Director amends the Environmental Permit (No. EP-392/2010/A) based on· the Application No. VEP-502/2016. The amendments, described below, are incorporated into this Environmental Pemlit (No. EP-392/20 I 0/B) This Environmental Permit as amended is for the construction and operation of the designated proj ect described in Pa r t

    B of this Permit subject to the conditions specified in and attached to Pa r t C of tllis Permit. The issue of this Environmental Permit is based on· the documents, approvals or pemlissions described below:

    liHJ!i!V:~lll3~~n!¥1ti 1~'Wli (f~ 'Wli )~ 10{~E8 ~JUE: · ~:!J!1~iU~~~~ (~~ ) il~2 0 1 O:if:6F.l 2 8 ~~~f£-Wm~tPJ ~ t.Xffi5fft EP-392/2010 :tl:t·f ?KI%!ft CTf{.l} "gtFPJ~ffl~A" ) om~1~'Wli~ 1 3{~8'gm;E · ~~~siJ~]I!i:!;t(E!{:tJlgtf PJ~Ef';J$§!i~i5dtVEP-502/201 6{~Hi.W:tJl§tPJ~t.,l1H1~ EP-392/2010/A ot)T1~HE§~:(f/.$:~:tJl§tPJ~~~ 5dt EP-392/2010/B i*J o/.$:~!{1~HE8~:!J!gtfPJ~ · 7HOOffl~~~;&~~h¥B$?JTmBJ3Ef';Jtl35Eif~:!Ji El • :~}:fza~ •~*gtfPJ~cffi3ffim~&~sE8~~ o *~mgtfPJ~~*•T~~~- m~•gtfPJ~5g :

    Application No. Ej3§j!j~~5dt

    Document in the Register : ~'§C:$J:B'g~{tf::


    1. Improvement of Fresh Water Supply to Cheung Chau - Environmental Impact Assessment Final Report - Environmental Impact Assessment Executive Summary (Final) - Environmental Monitoring and Audit Manual (Final)

    Hereinafter refeJTed to as the "ElA Report" (Register No.: AElAR-151/20 10). ~)H!-tu.K1~ml:2)l:~If~ - ~m1ll~W~1r.S¥&f§-- i!:!J!lll3~§!¥1r.SfrilaJj®j~ - ~m~~&~lKt-fflt

    T f{.l} "~§!j!~f§-" (~'§C:$~i5dt: AEIAR-151/2010)

    2. The Director's letter of approval of the EIA Repm1 dated 4 May 20 I 0 (Ref. EP2/N9/C l 27 Il) ~:tJl{jjU~~-&m- 2010 .if: 5 F.l 4 8 gl±\ :tttAf:~g!J!¥~f§-Ef';Jf§ftf:Cli~#i5dt : EP2/N9/C/127 Il)

    3. Application for Environmental Permit subnlitted by the Permit Holder on 10 May 2010 (Application No.: AEP-392/20 10). §tPJ~ffl~A-~ 20 10 if: 5 F.J 10 8mxE8I.W:f:l§tPJmEf!g~c Ef1§iifl~i5fft : AEP392t2o 1o)

    4. Environmental Pernlit issued on 2 June 20 I 0 (Permit No. EP-392/20 10) ~ 20 10 if: 6 F.l 2 8 §§jEf';J!!:!J!§tPJ~ (§lfPJ~~~5fft EP-392/20 I 0)

    - I

  • ----~

    Environmental Permit No. EP-39212010/B

    ill:fJt~PJii.lUI~ EP-39212010/B

    Application No. Efi@H!1~.11i5dt




    Application for Variation of an Environmental Pennit on 21 November 2014 (Application No. VEP-454/20 14)

    t/ra:rm~~-"-~ 2o14 1f. 11 F.J 21 B~3Z~t'l~!~~!JlglfOJmEf!g~X:ft< EflgJ'Hlf*ii 5dt VEP-454/2014)

    Application for Variation of an Environmental Permit on 30 May 20 16 (Application No. VEP-502/20 16) ~o:rm~~A.~ 2o16 1f. 5 F.J 3o B~3Zs'{~~~!JlglfOJmEf!mX:ft

  • Environmental Permit No. EP-392/2010/B fl:f:l~PJiftli~ EP-392/2010/B


    Hereunder is the description of the designated project mentioned in Part A of this environmental permit

    (hereinafter referred to as "the Permit"):

    ""f~U~2js:f!!J±JlglfPJmCff*"glfPJm")AfiBJ'i.ITmJzttB':J:j:§~Ifj~ El H'g~~Bjj:

    Title of Designated Project m~IfEJfi El H'9.:3f*

    Nature of Designated Project f§~Ifj~ El H'9tt1t

    Location of Designated Project :f§~Ifj~ El 133iili~

    Scale and Scope of Designated Project f§~IfjJfi El H'9~JU~Wnmi!ID

    Improvement of Fresh Water Supply to Cheung Chau (This designated project is hereafter referred to as " the Project") ~5:!+1 ~7.)(fft~&~Ifj o (::z!s:f§~Ifj~ El ""ff*"Ifj~ El")

    Earthworks and building works in the Lantau South Country Park for construction and operation of a new submarine water main and its associated works.

    ~~*-~D0~~-fi±*&R.IfE~R~&W·--~~~7.KW& ~ffiU~Ifj o

    Chi Ma Wan Peninsula, Lantau Island, Adamasta Channel and Tai Kwai Wan, Cheung Chau.

    *•wz:mw~=¥-~ , ~~~5:Hi~~W~5Hi*:W:~ 0

    The location of the Proj ect is shown in Fi gu re I, 2 and 3 of this Permit.

    Ifj~§H'9iili~~7Gtn2!s:~PJ~~ l , 2&3~ o

    The Project is to construct and operate a new submarine water main across Adamasta Channel from Lantau Island to Cheung Chau, with the following major works : 1. Laying of a submarine water main of approximately 1,400m in length and

    500nml in diameter; 2. Construction of landfall and associated works near Ha So Pai and within

    Lantau South Country Park; and 3. Construction of landfall and associated works near Tai Kwai Wan, Cheung


    Ifj~ El~-~&.¥11¥-f~ El3 *!Wi!LlJ.¥~5J+I J¥~~~~5fH~~I3'9~JT~~7.Kw ' ~_j:_~~ El 'EJ.t!i: 1. ~-g9:-fiffi~".. I 4oo*~ - ][-t~sooii*H'95m~K7.KW : 2. tni¥J*-~BD0~~&ili~ra~!=iili~R~If'F#EHEI~~Ilj ; & 3. tn~~ili*n•~~-~I~#&ffigi@ ·

    - 3

  • Environmental Permit No. EP-39212010/B !J:f;l~OJmli~ EP-39212010/B


    . ) ; ( jgto/J~itfi*fJU> C ~ 354 .) ; C1~L.tf~Ji1lUto/J~S!-11*19U> C ~ 466 . ) ; lJ-R. ( ~Bti0~1'*f9U ) C~ 208 .) o/-fs:glfPJ~/-fs:~~~8x~~~ff:fDJ$1JUf.!HI:lB'gw:fg0mi1X.1f:

    1DJ:tJi:fc1f][l±J · ~~~~1f:fDJ$1JU~.X~1f:fDJ=ttt>l o

    1.3 The Permit Holder shall make copies of this Permit together with all documents referred to in this Permit and the documents refeiTed to in Part A of the Permit readily available at all times for inspection by the Director or his authorized officers at all sites/offices covered by this Permit. Any reference to the Permit shall include all documents referred to in the Permit and also the relevant documents in the Register.

    ~orm~~A~~~*~PJmB'g•*·•~*~PJmffi~B'gffi~~~R./-fs:~PJm A $ffi ~~~·1J-~~~~mmmAA1f:fDJ~~~~/-fs:~PJmffi~~B'gffi~I~/U$~~~ 0

    JtJ~~/-fs:gtPJm · ~~~~7-fs:gtPJmJ5JT~B'gJ5JT~~14&~-gc,fffi~B'g*§~~~f4 o

    1.4 The Permit Holder shall give a copy of this Permit to the person(s) in charge of the site(s) and

    ensure that such person(s) fu lly understands all conditions and all requirements incorporated by

    the Permit. The site(s) refers to site(s) of construction and operation of the Project and shall

    mean the same hereafter.

    ~PJm~~A~~*~PJmB'g•/-fs:~~~~I~B'gaWA·~~~~®.A±~~~~/-fs: ~PJmB'gffi~•~wm~ o i~mm~~R.VUim~EJB'gi~·T~MmR.B'gi~~ ~~-~'~' 0

    1.5 The Permit Holder shall display conspicuously a copy of this Permit on the Project site(s) at all

    site entrances/exits or at a conveni ent location for public 's information at a ll times. The Permit

    Holder shall ensure that the most updated information about the Permit, including any amended

    Permit, is displayed at such locations. If the Pennit Holder suiTenders a pa1t or the whole of the

    Permit, the notice he sends to the Director shall also be displayed at the same locations as the ""' .....,~,....,·R ,.""'",

    l>' 0

    - if]' \.A: ~ - 4 - ~ EPD ~

    ~ ~ #ljt 1):;


  • Environmental Permit No. EP-39V2010/B J..I!Jtf¥fCJgJffa~ EP-39V2010/B

    original Permit. The suspended, varied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the Project site(s).

    ~lfDJm~*IJS~ttif~Jfi El ~Iti!?.~.PJT*I~lli o~-~:1J1f:ti!?.U , M~~ti!?.~7G:$:~9=DJ~~ ~-:$: · ~*0=ttff~~M~M- · ffDJm~*IA~~~ttm®~~~7G~~:$:ffDJ mc~~ff~~•n~ffDJm)~•~•~·ffDJm~*IA~~~ffDJm~M~~~M · ~~re~~~~~~~~• ·a•*I~*I~DJm~ffi ~~~~iG · g•~~m·~~~ ~~~ffDJm~~~I~~§~I~~T ·~~~iG·

    1.6 The Permit Holder shall construct and operate the Project in accordance with the project description in Part B of this Permit.

    1.7 The Permit Holder shall ensure that the Project is designed, constructed and operated in accordance with the information and recommendations described in the approved EIA Report (Register No. AEIAR-151/2010), the application for Environmental Permit (Application No. AEP-392/20 1 0), the application documents for variation of an environmental permit (Application No. VEP-454/2014 and VEP-502/2016) and other relevant documents in the Register, the information and mitigation measures described in this Permit, mitigation measures to be recommended in the submissions that shall be deposited with or approved by the Director as a result of permit conditions contained in this Pennit, and mitigation measures to be recommended under on-going surveillance and monitoring activities during all stages of the Project. Where recommendations referred to in the documents of the Register are not expressly referred to in this Permit, such recommendations are nevertheless to be implemented unless expressly excluded or amended in this Permit.

    ffDJm~*IA~~~I~~EI~~~·-~&•a·~~T~ft~&m~a~ : ~*~ ~f¥&15- ( !f:§cffil-fii517t : AEIAR-15112010 ) • ~:I:JH9=DJmEf!~Jlii1 ( EfJIDHlH.i5m : AEP392/2010 ) • ~~~ij[~lfDJmEf!~g)({tj:: ( $~JliiHi5m : VEP-454/2014 & VEP-502/2016 )

    ~!f:Effil-~~~~ffi~X:~M~~~-M&~~-- ; :$:ffDJmAA~~~-M&Bmm ~:m•*ffDJm~•~•~~~~~~~~~~~m*~m~x:~m••~••m~ : ~&tti~~EI~mm~fi~~m§R&§~I~AAR-~Bmm~ · !f:EffiJ-X:~ffi~ ~-~D>~*Itt:$:~9=DJmBJJfli~7G ' ~ IHJJ ~~'gfJiffim® R. ' ~~F1j:$:glj=DJ~~BJJfli%'-ri~~~~

    1.8 All deposited submissions, as required under this Permit, shall be rectified and resubmitted in accordance with the comments, if any, made by the Director within one month of the receipt of the Director's comments or otherwise specified by the Director.

    m*I~:$:ffDJmm~~~~m~x:~·~amm~~~•~c~*I~)~ 1 M~~c~ ~F~-&:J51'T:f§~ ) , ~~-~~~-~not.J.~~lE~~~~~m~ .

    1.9 All submissions approved by the Director, all submissions deposited without comments by the Director, and all submissions rectified in accordance with comments by the Director under this Permit shall be construed as part of the pennit conditions described in Part Cof this Permit. Any variation of the submissions shall be approved by the Director in writing or as prescribed in the relevant pennit conditions. Any non-compliance with the submissions may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap.499) . All submissions or any variation of the submissions shall be certified by the Environmental Team (ET) Leader and verified by the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) referred to in Conditions 2.1 and 2.2 below before submitting to the Director under this Permit.

    - 5

  • Environmental Pennit No. EP-392/2010/B J.l~¥fPJii!ftii~ EP-392/2010/B

    •~m*~M~m~~#· W~~~~~-~~M~~~~#· &m•~~~mm~~ •§~~-~~K~M~m~~#,~~~-~~~~m c$~~~~~m•#~-$ ft o m~~#~~aw~n,~~--~~•®m*'~~~~~~~m•#n~~m ~o ~~aw~~~m~~#~m~,~~•&~m~ o ffi~m ~~14~m~~{48~{f{CJ{I~D/.$: , ~~}lEff~{IJR{tf:~ 2.1 & 2.2 r~,PJT:ill!~f!m!J ,~J3.HI.~t~ m&•~~m~~A~- , ~~~~*~~mm~~-~m~ o

    1.10 The Permit Holder shall release all finalized submissions, as required under this Pemlit, to the public by depositing copies in the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Register Office, or in any other places, or any intemet websites as specified by the Director, or by any other means as specified by the Director for public inspection. For this purpose, the Permit Holder shall provide sufficient copies of the submissions.

    ~~mM~A~reM~~*~~mm~m~~~#~a0~~0~A±~m · ~$*re ~~~#~*~~~~m~w~~-~~~oo•••,~•~m~~aw~~~~,~ w~m~~aw~•~•~·~~~w§m~~aw~~~$ ' ~*0~~~ 0 ~~ , ~t~mM~ A~~M1~5E~1ilJ~ii8~~/.$: o

    1.11 All submissions to the Director required under this Permit shall be delivered either in person or by registered mail to the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Register Office (currently at 27/F, Southom Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong). Electronic copies of all fmalized submissions required under this Pernlit shall be prepared in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) (version 4.0 or later) and in Portable Document Fom1at (PDF version 4.0 or later), unless otherwise agreed by the Director and shall be submitted at the same time as the hard copies.

    *~~mm~~-~m~~M~~#,~•~~~~~m~~~-*~~m~•~~• 19U~gcff1Hh$$• c:rJ~J.JJ:1.?3 : ~)/!)af:rf-Flbwm 13o 5m~~~:&cr~c,, 27 :tt) o ?JT~~*8t~m m~m~s~~{tf:~-~~T-11&:$ ' ~~~~~~:${~7f;gg§ ( HTML ) (~ 4.0 ~!liX1ftJ1&~) f!J~tm~~{tf:t~~ (PDF ) ( ~ 4.0 ~'xiftM&~) ~{'F , ~i~F~~~-~[EJ- ' W~~Wliltl ~~EJs~m~ 0

    1.12 The Director shall be notified in writing the commencement date of construction of the Project no later than one month prior to the commencement of construction of the Project. The Director shall be notified in writing immediately if there is any change of the commencement date of the construction.

    1±I~¥r~ El ~~~I~¥J&~M , ~~~:~Ym!F- 11~ F3 tJW®~~:t~I~¥r~ El ~~I~¥~1illii Blt§w~D-~ o :JitEI Blt§~D~{lfCJ~& , !16,~~:fr~PtJW®~~w~-~ o

    1.13 For the purpose of this Perm it, "commencement of construction" does not include works related to site clearance and preparation or other works as agreed by the Director.

    2. Measures before Commencement of Construction of the Project


    Employment ofEnvironmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Personnel ~1/JJ.fltltffE!l&lff& O!.NffEJ A.JQ

  • Environmental Pennit No. EP-392/2010/B !li:!Jt~'ilJM{&fii~ EP-39212010/B

    2.1 An Environmental Team (ET) shall be established by the Permit Holder no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the Project. The ET shall not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) for the Project. The ET shall be headed by an ET Leader. The ET Leader shall be a person who has at least 7 years of experience in environmental monitoring and auditing (EM&A) or environmental management. The ET and the ET Leader shall be responsible for the implementation of the EM&A programme in accordance with the EM&A requirements as contained in the EM&A Manual of the Project. The ET Leader shall keep a contemporaneous log-book of each and every instance or circumstance or change of circumstances, which may affect the compliance with the recommendations ofthe EIA Report (Register No. AEIAR-151 /2010) and this Permit. The ET Leader shall notify the IEC within one working day of the occurrence of any such instance or circumstance or change of circumstances. The ET Leader's log-book shall be kept readily available for inspection by all persons assisting in supervision of the implementation of the recommendations of the EIA Report (Register No. AEIAR-151/201 0) and this Permit or by the Director or his authorized officers. Failure to maintain records in the log-book, failure to discharge the duties of the ET Leader as defined in the EM&A Manual or failure to comply with this Condition would entitle the Director to require the Permit Holder by notice in writing to replace the ET Leader. Failure by the Permit Holder to make replacement or further failure to keep contemporaneous records in the log-book despite the employment of a new ET Leader may render the Permit liable to suspension, cancellation or variation.

    :(fif~J~ El 8'J~~If~~lffl:ml •~lfCJ~~~~.A.~~~0t'm!f!. 1@J=J IJXTI:-@fl:lj[!J ,~J3. o f!JJt ;J ,~J3.::f1~Wif~J~ El 8'J7¥~$i'Ji~1!WJ.rfi!Jt~ft.A*IfffoJ~WI~ o :ti!Jt;J,~J3.~~EI3-ijf!!Jt;J, ~J3.~J3.-&WH~ o :r~!Jt;J ,~J3.~J3.-&~~1ffi!Jt~~.&:fffi< C:£!~) ~:r~!Jt~:t.I)Jfffi~Y~ 7 if.~! ~ o f!!Jt;J,~J3..&f!!Jt;J,~J3.~J3.-&~~Btif~r~ El !!lt~.f.iffii*J~8'Jf! .liHYlAE: · ~Jrtrf!~'HRH o f!!Jt;J,~J3.~J3.-&~~f~ff:-::$:~C.~iffi • [EJ8~~C.~CJ!ffi~:l¥~~f!~¥fH5- (~~C.iffi ~i5Jft : AEIAR

    01511201 o ) .&::$:~lfCJffg8'JH~t~5£8'Ja*$1tf: , afi·~5£~a=xm5£~1c f!m;J, ~J3.~J3.-& ~~1f~~fffoJ~fJ;A$ftf:, ffl55?.~ffl55t.~fc1~ 1@IfF*I*Jm!~~TI:f!!Ji~ft.A o ff:J'i9:f!!Jt IJ' ~]. ~].-& 8'J ~[. ~~ iffi 8'J t~JJ ' ~~CJ f~ th1 WJ if~fA1'J:£!~~~ ( ~~[. ffJHj 51ft : AEIAR151;2o1o ) B'J~~.&*~lfCJmB'J?JT*I.A± , ~-&~1.tf1l~.A~I!l!is~~~ o f!!Ji;J,~J3.~J3.-&~o *1lli1f~C.~iffif~ff:~C.~ , *1llitt\1'Jfl~.f.iffiJ5JT9U~8'Jf~!Jt;J ,~J3.~J3.-&~~ · ~*fffi~-i-~::$: fb"Rftf:a'JmA£ · ~-&*Im~f!fffiJl>J

  • Environmental Permit No. EP-39212010/B :E.ft:f;l~CJm•~ EP-39212010/B

    ~I~~§~B~I~&~~ ~ ~~m~~A~~~~~ 1 @~~m-~•n•m~~ A o 5~nJ!m~tt

  • Environmental Pennit No. EP-392/2010/B J.ft:ljt~CJlM€:1~ EP-392/2010/B

    3.5 All temporarily affected works areas shall be properly reinstated after completion of construction of the Project. Natural materials such as boulders and rocks sourced from nearby areas shall be used at the works site within the Lantau South Country Park to shield and blend in the Project with the surrounding environment. The Pemlit Holder shall, within three months after completion of construction of the Project, deposit with the Director 4 bard copies and 1 electronic copy of the photo records showing the reinstated works areas of the Project.

    I~~§~~I~-I~,M~-~~~-~I~B~~~~§-m o ~~*-~~0 ~~~I~~~ffl~M~-~~~~~~~MC~-~&~~) ,~~tii~~§, ~ ~~-A~~-mo~I~~§~I~ 3@~ ~ , ~~m~~A~~-~~~~~~~ 4{5flil:fJ:2js:& 1{5fitT-:fJ:2js: , t)~~~~{I~1~1&~Itj:r~§ Itt!?. o

    3.6 No waste, spoil, excavated materials or materials alike arising from the Project shall be dumped in any environmentally sensitive areas including country park, coastal protection area, green belt and beach.

    Itj:r~§ i'J I¥~8'9~~Jgt~ , ~± , ~tf:\¥J.Ji!E~~~~fJ;Jt~*4 , ~/f1~ftJH~tl1f'$±J[~~Mi±l8'9 0ttt.~~ , m®ttt.~·§J!~B~0~ , ~iJ[f*~i~ , ~~Jdett!?.lffi'&~;~

    Measures to Mitigate Water Quality Impact during Construction


    3.7 No dredging or marine works shall be carried out for construction of the Project. Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) technique shall be used for laying the submarine water main.

    3.8 The following arrangements and mitigation measures shall be implemented during the HDD works for laying the submarine water main :

    a) The HDD launching site shall be located at the Cheung Chau works site as indicated in Figure 2 of this Permit. Forward reaming and pipe pushing method from the Cheung Chau works site shall be used for laying the submarine water main;

    ~~-~I~~~o#m·~~1f'2js:~~m~ 2 M~~~~I~oB~~~*~I ~,~~~~I~~m~Mmm&mA*~~~~ ;

    b) Only non-toxic drilling fluid such as bentonite shall be used for the drilling works. Al l drilling fluid and slurry shall be handled, reconditioned, recycled and treated at the Cheung Chau works site; and

    E~I~~~~ffl/f~mtt~-#~C~E~± ) o ffi~E#~&±·~~~,R ~,~•~m&•~~~~~~I~~fi ;

    c) All HDD operations shall terminate at least 2 metres below ground surface of the exit point at Lantau Island. A 300 mm high concrete bund shall be provided around the exit pit as indicated in Figure 7. No release of drilling fluid is allowed outside the exit pit at Lantau Island.

    - 9

  • Environmental Pennit No. EP-392/2010/B !:lm¥fPJM{fii~ EP-392/2010/B

    pJT~:xE:rtJm~~1'F~~~~ftk~LIJ/:BDj:j:8'9titiiit)T:®:YiiW=*~~.il: o 3~*t±~lllm 0 ~:tJ:~:::r:o:rmn)(~::k~ws~&o:tJ: )'~ 0

    3.9 The Permit Holder shall, no later than one month before commencement of the HDD works for the Project, deposit with the Director 4 hard copies and I electronic copy of the detailed proposal of the HDD teclmique and the management of the drilling fluid for construction of the Project. The submission shall include the following details :

    ;ffit~r~ El 8~5ErtJ~~It~~lfflM , §LfCiJ~t~~A~~~:Ym:lf!. 1@ Fi rtJ~-&ff:nQ:~~;;$:I ~~§~ffl8'9:xE:rtJm~~~&~~~j:j:~8'9~E~••8'9 4 ffi~m;;$:& l ffi•~AA;;$: o m: ~8~)(14~~~J3T}Zttg~·~ :

    a) Construction details of the HDD works used in the Project and setting-up details of the HDD launching site and reception site.

    It~r~§~ffl8~)ErtJ$l~It~8~1ifEI~¥·~' t)&g~:fi.)ErtJm~If~~Dj:j:&~4)(j:j: 8~~$·~ ;

    b) Details such as type, quality and quantity of the drilling fluid to be used in the HDD works;

    c) Details of the system(s) and arrangement(s) to handle, recondition, recycle, treat and reuse the drilling fluid and slurry;

    d) Details of the monitoring arrangement(s) of the drilling fluid; and

    e) Detailed contingency plan for dealing with any accidental or emergency polluting discharge during construction of the Project.

    ~~It~r~ El /ifEIMFs,~j~5'5~f0~1~~~~~~n)(8~~¥~H1J!!~§t i!IU0

    Before submission to the Director, the proposal shall be certified by the ET Leader and verified by the IEC as conforming to the information and recommendations contained in the approved EIA Report (Register No . AEIAR-I51/2010) ..

    ~-W;ffm:x~-&M , ~~EI3Ji~;J\~JUJl-&t~~&1!ilJ:fi.!!V:Ji~t~At~'l§I , ~B.JUt{:-t-@Jt~~t: JigSJZ¥&1§- (1HC,iffi*i5dt : AEIAR-I 51/20IO ) [*J!jtts~~r-4&~- o

    3.10 Temporary drainage measures and systems, including bundings, perimeter channels, containments, division of "clean" and "dirty" areas, enclosure or covering of stockpiles and wastewater treatment systems, shall be provided and properly implemented at the works areas as indicated in Figure 2 and 3 of this Pennit to mitigate water quality impact due to site runoff and other potential water pollution arising from construction of the Project. The Permit Holder shall, no later than one month before commencement of construction of the Project, deposit with the Director 4 hard copies and I electronic copy of the detailed drainage plan(s) showing the c:

    :s EA "' EPD

    - 10 - ' ~ il'll• ~


  • Environmental Permit No. EP-392/2010/B J;l;fjt~fOJmtii~ EP-39212010/B

    detailed design, layout, capacity, stockpiling and wastewater treatment arrangements at the works areas. Before submission to the Director, the drainage plan(s) shall be certified by the ET Leader and verified by the IEC as conforming to the schematic layout plans as indicated in Figure 4 and 5 of this Permit and the information and recommendations contained in the approved EIA Report (Register No. AEIAR-151/2010).

    ~~1f:t:~·rDJmlil 2 Rlil 3 .PJT*s';Jitiliii!'BIIIm:f~Wc;s~~~=*~~x.&£t=g~tvl:rWc;s~m~=7.Kt~n!E , ~~~m · m•7.Km · lll~~-~~r~~~ J.&r~•~ J · IIIM~m~~~~~ · tJ.&}gl.K~~~~x , I-:Jj;~mitilii~5Jitf;t7.K~s/;J~~.&I*~r~ El }!~If.¥DJti5~ 1¥~8/;J;tt1t!I. 7.K~~~ o 1£I~~§ B/;JW~I~ROOM · ~DJ§iffl~A~~~m:~ 1 @~~-~~~ ~¥~1E~I=7.K~tfli~ B/;J 4 Htil:f£:$:.& 1 17Y~:T-M&:t: , Rif\Itilii'BIII~F7.K~~$CB/;Jg$~1E~~~t · {:(pi[ • ~:!i · ~~f~W4.&}g7.KB/;J~~~~F~ o~I=7.KHiU1fm:x~~M , ~~ ffi !J:t.l;J\~JUilffi:f~§i ,&g~~:t.l~~A~ft·m~;tt~~:t:~DJ§i~ 4 .&~ 5ffiif\8/;JmHM~.&~*~~-

    015- UHcfffi~i5m : AEIAR-1 51/2o io) r~ul~s';J~W4.&W~

    3.11 Silt curtain shall be installed and maintained at and near the Lantau Island works site in accordance with Figure 5 of this Permit.

    3.12 No workshop or depot shall be provided at the Lantau Island works site.

    Measures to Mitigate Construction Noise Impact


    3.13 4 m high temporary noise barriers shall be installed at the locations as indicated in Figure 6 of this Permit during construction of the Project.

    4. Submissions or Measures prior to Commissioning of the Project I~~ElmA~~w~m~~x#~~~~m~

    4.1 Cleaning and sterilization of the submarine water main for commissioning the Project shall not be carried out between April and October to avoid the wet season and swimming season.

    Im~ El ~A~~M-fi8/;J~~R~8~~7.KWm~· ~m1f~~~+~MM•fi·~ ~00ffi~.&5j}(~ 0

    4.2 Sterilization agent(s) involving chlorine solution shall be properly treated and dechlorinated before discharge. Treatment and dechlorination process for the sterilization agent(s) shall only be conducted at the Cheung Chau works site.

    ~~~5~)W8/;J5Jl3W~Ujig~~~~£t~~J:I.&~~~1!t:1JDJ~FJJ9: o>Jl31JJ~UB/;J~~.&~~f~~.RDJ 1£-&5HII!ili- 1'J o

    4.3 The Permit shall, no later than one month before commencement of the cleaning and sterilization works of the Project, deposit with the Director 4 hard copies and 1 electronic copy of the detailed proposal of the cleaning and sterilization process. The submission shall include the following details :

    - 11

  • Environmental Pennit No. EP-392/2010/B Jll~~filJ!M~$1f EP-39212010/B

    trif~J$ii El B':l>~>f.&>t3wif~J&IfflM , §tPJm~~A.~$!i~0/'m~ 1@f3rtJ~-&f¥n9:>~>f.& ~-~~~~--WB':l4ffi~-~.& l ffi·~~~ o m!:~B':J~~~~~T~~~:

    a) Type, quality and quantity of the agent(s) and chemical(s) to be used for cleaning and sterilizing the water main;

    b) Detailed procedures and programme of the cleaning and sterilization process;

    c) Details of the type, quality and quantity of the chemicals and the process to be used for treating and dechlorinating the sterilizing agent(s) before discharge;

    >t3¥1Jf~tr~t:n9:M ~iHr~I~.&~ti.rJTf*ffl s~1c~:Ar~fl~~ , ~o1fi.&l~!i! , tJ.&~~~*~ ~s~M~·~ ;

    d) Details ofthe anangements and standards of discharging the sterilizing agent(s); and

    e) Details of the monitoring anangement(s) of the sterilizing agent(s) and the discharge. ~5~U5P3W:Al~.&~~I:1J9:s~§~~ffi~~F o

    Before submission to the Director, the proposal shall be certified by the ET Leader and verified by the IEC as conforming to the information and recommendations contained in the approved EIA Report (Register No. AEIAR-151 /2010).

    •••1±m~~-&M , ~:&ffi~J:JVJ\~J3JR-&tt

  • Environmental Pennit No. EP-392/2010/B :E.I:!Jt~fiiJiift*i$1f EP-392/2010/B

    a) conducting baseline environmental monitoring;

    b) conducting impact monitoring;

    c) carrying out remedial actions described in the Event/Action Plans of the EM&A Manual in accordance with the time frame set out in the Event/Action Plans, or as agreed by the Director, in case where specified criteria in the EM&A Manual are exceeded;

    ~D~}i:£!~-f.fffrplg1§5E8'9f~~ • .l'!Ut.tiJ~I~~-f.fffr plg8'g~{tf: I ff!JJHlltU?Jl§TBJ.l8'gB~ ~~-&M~-~~~ ·~fl$~/ff!JJH~M~~~M~ff!JJ ; ~&

    d) logging and keeping records ofthe details of(a) to (c) above for all parameters within 3 working days of the collection of data or completion of remedial action(s), for the purpose of preparing and submitting the monthly EM&A Reports and to make available the infom1ation for inspection on site.

    1£4~~~5(~~jGR\GMffxJrfJJ3@If'F~P9 · ~ffgc~i;&fmf.f_t)( ( a )~(c)~PJT~~ -~~M · ffl~-~~m~m~:E!~•~·~~w~~-~~~B:I~~M o

    5.3 4 hard copies and 1 electronic copy of the Baseline Monitoring Report shall be submitted to the Director at least 2 weeks before commencement of construction of the Project. The submission shall be certified by the ET Leader and verified by the IEC. Additional copies of the submission shall be made available to the Director upon his request.

    B:Il~Jff § 8/;J~~I{E~Iffl;EifJ · ~ff~&m¥ 2 {~£~ioJ-&m~¥~~~5~U¥&~8/;J 4 M~ :fl:

  • Environmental Pennit No. EP-392/2010/B !ll~~'fOJlMtil~ EP-39212010/B

    6.1 To facilitate public inspection of the Baseline Monitoting Report and monthly EM&A Reports via the EIAO Internet Website and at the EIAO Register Office, electronic copies of these Reports shall be prepared in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) (version 4.0 or later) and in Portable Document Format (PDF version 4.0 or later), unless otherwise agreed by the Director and shall be submitted at the same time as the hard copies as described in Conditions 5.3 and 5.4 above of this Permit. For the HTML version, a content page capable of providing hyperlink to each section and sub-section of these Reports shall be included in the beginning of the document. Hyperlinks to all figures, drawings and tables in these Reports shall be provided in the main text from where the respective references are made. All graphics in these Rep01ts shall be in interlaced GIF format unless otherwise agreed by the Director. The content of the electronic copies of these Reports must be the same as the hard copies.

    ~~~0~m~~~~~li•ww~&~~m~•~~~~~~oou••~M~~§~ ¥~'*&4~jJj !J§¥&'* ' t)~)(2js:;f~~~§ ( HTML ) (~ 4.0 gj(;~i&Jl&:$:) &f.~m1:ftX:{tf: ;f~:ft ( PDF ) (~ 4.0 ~~1~N&:$: ) ~{'F~¥&'*~~-Til&:$:' ~~F~1i~~[O]~ ' ~~~;$: ~PJ~{I~{tf:~ 5.3 & 5.4 J~pJT~W!Jj~Uf:f):2js:[O]B~mx o mm~ HTML 8'9!1&:$:~@ ' PJ~¥&'* ~[(j&;NfP1'F t!J~X::$:}l~58'9 § ~~~~~X:{tf: l'#jftffil:IJDA o fi§¥&'*1*l~r~~~~~~~1HEl ~m~*48'9JEX:I*Jf'Ft!J~X::$:}l~5 o ~~F~1i~~f01~ , ¥&'* 1*lJ5JT1§1Ql~~~~tJ3(~~ff:If:Z ~ GIF ;f~:ft115UtE: o ¥&'*~~ri1&21s:I*J~ , ~,~~~@~:fl:$:8'91*J~-~J( o

    6.2 The Permit Holder shall, within 6 weeks after commencement of construction of the Project, set up a dedicated Internet web site and notify the Director in writing the Internet address where the environmental monitoring data and project infonnation is to be placed. All environmental monitoring data described in Condition 6.1 above shall be made available to the public via the abovementioned dedicated Internet web site in the shortest possible time and in any event no later than 2 weeks after the relevant environmental monitoring data are collected or become available, unless otherwise agreed with the Director. The Permit Holder shall maintain the dedicated website throughout the entire construction stage and during the first operating year of the Project to facilitate public access to the environmental monitoring data.

    ~PJ~Mf§Am~I~~§~W~I~~I'#j~ 6 00£MI*l,mft~tE:li·W~~ff:~~ m§~~~~.&It¥J~ § 8'9~*4 ' :\tftt)~[§j}m~~~~~ill:pJT~ o J:)({l~{tf:~ 6.1 J~g)tBJI8'jpJT f§~m§~B·,~me~m~~J:~~~tE:li.WW~~0~M-,~ff~M~T~ /f1~~~1§~m~m§~B~49:~~PJ1ttM~1~~ 2 11£M , ~~~F~1~~~f01~ o ~lfPJ~ Mf§Am~~~~IM.&I~~§~$-UMOO·M~tE:W~~-~ ,~~0~~M~ m§~ft~ o

    6.3 The Internet web site as described in Condition 6.2 above shall enable user-friendly public access to the environmental monitoring data and project information including the Project Profile, the EIA Report, the Environmental Permit(s) and all fmalized submissions required under tllis Pennit. The Internet web site shall have features capable of:

    J:)({l~{tf:~ 6.2 J~g)t~8'9liqg~~~~~i16 ' ~,~~~{5efflpf5effl ' ~0~~~ji}i~m§~~&I~~§-~ , ~~~~I~~§Mft·~~¥&'*··~~PJm.&21s:~PJmm~mx ~pJTf§X:ftf:~t~ o ~~~F~1i~~f01~ , :e~IJliq9~~~~~i16~~fi{iffl31tf: , mfttT~:Wtffi :

    a) providing access to all environmental monitoring data of this Project collected since the commencement of construction;

    b) providing access to all finalized submissions as required under this Permit;

    - 14

  • Environmental Permit No. EP-392/2010/B !l:ll~OJiiJf(!i~ EP-392/2010/B

    c) searching by date;

    d) searching by types of monitoring data; and

    e) hyperlinking to relevant monitoring data after searching

    - 15

  • Environmental Pennit No. EP-39212010/B IIJJt~'rcrmf!l~ EP-39212010/B



    1. This Permit consists of three parts, namely, Part A (Main Permit), Part ·B (Description of Designated Project) and Part C (Permit Conditions). Any person relying on this Permit should obtain independent legal advice on the legal implications under the Ordinance, and the following notes are for general infom1ation only.

    :$glf0Jg~~::fof 3 15~ ' ~p A tiB ( glj= OJ~.±. ~15~:71 ) ; B $ (j:§ ~It,¥J~ § 8'gg)t~ ) Ez C tm Cglf OJ §~ f~ ftf:) off fOJ ~ i§ I:$glf OJ§~sS A±~~ §iyt ~~ {1% ~~ Btg $ f$ ~~~ gfj) 1il iL ~t f$ ~ 5e. , T }illgj:fftR f:J*- ~~~~ ffl o

    2. If there is a breach of any conditions of this Permit, the Director or his authorized officer may, with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment, order the cessation of associated work until the remedial action is taken in respect of the resultant environmental damage, and in that case the Permit Holder shall not carry out any associated works without the permission of the Director or his authorized officer.

    ~~&:$~OJ~B'gffW•#,•*~mmmAA~m~~~~*B'g~~~OJ~~ W~ffiHI~ , ~~~OJ~M::fofA~M~~B'g~~~W~~M~fi~~~ o tt~ W~T,~OJ~M::fofA*~-*~~mmAA~-,~m~fiffWffiMI~ o

    3. The Pennit Holder may apply under Section 13 of the Ordinance to the Director for a variation of the conditions of this Permit. The Permit Holder shall replace the original permit displayed on the construction site by the amended permit.

    ~OJ~M::fofAOJm•~~•rn~ ~3•8'gm~~•*$~~a:$~OJ~B'g•# o ~ OJmM::fofA~re~waB'g~OJ~••tti~~§I~~~ffiB'g~::fof~OJm o

    4. A person who assumes the responsibility for the whole or a. part of the designated project may, before he assumes responsibility of the designated project, apply under Section 12 of the Ordinance to the Director for a further environmental permit.

    ~-I~~§·~~$:71I~B'g~ffB'gA , tt~••azM, OJm•~~•rn~ 12 {1%8'g~Jl~~-* $ g)1ff*JT8'g f,S!~§lj=OJ~ 0

    5. Under Section 14 of the Ordinance, the Director may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment suspend, vary or cancel this Permit. The suspended, varied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the construction site.

    m•~~•rn~ I 4•8'gm~ , •*OJtt~~~~*B'g~~Tm~ffiM·~a~~ ~:$~OJm o S~~ffiM·~a~~~B'g~OJ~~~~-~I~~T,~~~ffi·

    6. If this Permit is cancelled or surrendered during construction or operation of the Project, another environmental permit must be obtained under the Ordinance before the construction or operation of the Project could be continued. It is an offence under Section 26(1) of the Ordinance to construct or operate a designated project listed in Part I of Schedule 2 of the Ordinance without a valid environmental pem1it.

    ~0~ :$§lf OJ mttIt~:r~ § • ~~ 1?.' $h¥ lt§ Fs, ~ 5}!3 ~X:@J , ~ iJ tt t.~iHft. ~~1?.' WJ$ I t.¥ ~§zM,~~~m•~~•rnm~~mg-ffi~~~OJm·m•~~•rn~ 2 6 C1 ) {1%8'g ~Jl~ , {:I WAtt 5~ ::for ::for 7J!j f~~glfOJmsS·~ 55?. T.~~ 1?.' ~h¥f~ gf1~~~ llf17& 2 ~ I t5~,PJT)71JBAB'gj:§~If_¥ J~ § , ~P~38~ o

    7. Any person who constructs or operates the Project contrary to the conditions in the Permit, and is convicted of an offence under the Ordinance, is liable:

    ~ffWAtt~&:$~0J~B'g-#T·~~~~I~~§ ,W·~~-rn , ~•m


    - 16

  • Environmental Permit No. EP-39212010/B J.fti:J!~fil]llftii~ EP-39212010/B

    (i) on a first conviction on indictment to a fine of $2 million and to imprisonment for 6 months;

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    Figure 1: Location of the Project (1 of 3)

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    Figure 2: Location of the Project (2 of 3) Environmental Permit No.: EP-392/2010/B I~~glfOJm~..\l\i5JJt : EP-392/2010/B!fill 2 : It¥r~ El f:tr:i:lil C-=-.L.= )

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    {Plan originated from Appendix C of documents received on 30 M ay 2016 with Application for \

    ' "~ Variation of an Environmental Permit no. VEP-502/ 2016) ' -~.it~~~ lliil!!li8liEI~ 2016 fl= 5 .El 30 Bti3l:.il!i!!tJilJmDJ:R$~!851t VEP-502/ 2016 (I()Xt-fllnt-1= c \

    ' Figure 3: Location of the Project (3 of 3) Environmental Permit No.: EP-392/2010/B

    f!f:J!~t oJ~~i51Ji : EP-392/2010/B Ill 3 : It~:r~ 13 {fr:lilll C.=-Z- )

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    Environmental Permit No.: EP-392/2010/B f~~~lfOJm~.Al\i5dt : EP-392/2010/B

    (Plan originated from Appendix C of documents

    received on 30 May 2016 with Application for

    Variation of an Environmental Permit no.


    llll!U~I3~ 2016 ~ 5 Fl 30 81!rl~J!&liU;l0!!=0Jii

    $~llililt VEP-502/2016I'JIJ)t~lif;l~ C

    Figure 5: Schematic Layout and Silt Curtain Installation at Lantau Works Area

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  • VI