Atlas Copco - Times Marketing 0487 13_XD_Range...• Combined with advanced Elektronikon ... Atlas...

XD Series Atlas Copco Quality Air Solutions Heat of compression reactivated adsorption dryers

Transcript of Atlas Copco - Times Marketing 0487 13_XD_Range...• Combined with advanced Elektronikon ... Atlas...

Page 1: Atlas Copco - Times Marketing 0487 13_XD_Range...• Combined with advanced Elektronikon ... Atlas Copco’s XD adsorption dryers use the heat of compression from oil-free compressors

XD Series

Atlas CopcoQuality Air Solutions

Heat of compression reactivated adsorption dryers

Page 2: Atlas Copco - Times Marketing 0487 13_XD_Range...• Combined with advanced Elektronikon ... Atlas Copco’s XD adsorption dryers use the heat of compression from oil-free compressors

Total capability, total responsibility

Right at the heart of your business, Atlas Copco delivers

quality compressed air for superior operational capacity.

From compressed air generation to point of use, you can

choose from our wide range of products to create

a complete compressed air system tailored to your

specific needs. All Atlas Copco products are engineered

to integrate seamlessly, ensuring the highest level

of reliability and energy efficiency.

Atlas Copco has been setting the industry standard

in compressed air technology for more than a century.

Our dedication to offer the best products and services

is not limited to plant air solutions, but extends

to air treatment solutions, meeting the exact needs

of the specific process. Around the clock and around

the globe, the XD adsorption dryer series is proving

to be a trusted partner for state-of-the-art high capacity

air treatment.


Atlas Copco masters each drying principle and offers the most energy efficient solution for each application.


At Atlas Copco we provide the industry’s broadest portfolio of offerings to help you achieve the most efficient compressed air system and optimize your production process at the same time.

energy effiCienCy

Heat of compression is the energy stored in the air during the physical compression process. By using this freely available energy source to regenerate the desiccant, energy consumption and costs are saved.

We are committed to your superior productivity through interaction and innovation.


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Since 1903 Atlas Copco’s philosophy has been to continually improve our products through intensive R&D, with the aim to maximize the value for our customers. Since the late 60’s we have been developing heat of compression dryers to match almost any size and type of oil-free compressors. What’s more, we are most likely the only company that can offer a complete range of heat of compression reactivated adsorption dryers. With the patented XD -70°C, Atlas Copco is also the first to offer a heat of compression adsorption dryer for the extremely low dewpoint range.



The professional follow-up

Service Contracts make sure you get the right maintenance, immediate response and genuine spare parts… all over the globe.

Trouble-free insTallaTion & Commissioning

The modular XD design is easy to install. Simply put the piping skid on a concrete floor together with the two drying vessels and just connect the flanges in between. Only one pipe is needed to connect the compressor to the dryer.

CompleTe safeTy

When an XD dryer is combined with a Z compressor, your process, products and the environment are safeguarded from contamination. Z compressors are the only air compressors TÜV-certified as

“oil-free” (ISO 8573-1 CLASS 0). Furthermore, XD-G units are equipped with an emergency back-up mode that allows the dryer to be fed with pre-cooled compressed air. Even under the most adverse operating conditions, Atlas Copco XD dryers keep your production going.

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Removing moisture from compressed air even in the harshest conditions, Atlas Copco’s XD adsorption dryers eliminate system failures, production downtime and costly repair and service works.

State-of-the-art, energy-free drying

high Corrosion resisTanCe

•Theuniquescopeof supply includesstandardstainlesssteelcomponents such as coolers, process valves, heaters and a strainer.



low noise



reDuCeD energy CosTs

•Atlas Copco’s zero purge solution does not consume anycompressed air. Consequently, there is no need to oversize your compressor installation to account for purge losses.

•Thehighperformancedesiccantminimizesenergyconsumptionduring the regeneration cycle.

•The lowpressuredropofall individualcomponents (coolers,vessels, piping, etc.) results in an overall low pressure drop.

•CombinedwithadvancedElektronikon® controls, the dynamic heating sequence optimizes the total energy needs.

•The state-of-the-ART control logic (Adaptive RegenerationTechnology) actively controls the regeneration parameters, responding to changing working conditions while optimizing the total energy needs.

•The high quality coolers ensure low approach temperatures, leading to lower loads of the desiccant and longer drying cycle times.

•Contrarytocompetitivesolutions,theXDZeroPurgecanuseboth of the installed coolers during the complete cycle time, thereby lowering the load on the desiccant and the energy required for regeneration.

•The XD-G versions are equipped with internal heaters thatgenerate the heat exactly where it is required: in the vessels.













in l/


General suitability of BD dryers versus XD-G dryers

General suitability of MD dryers versus XD-S dryers



flow CapaCiTy Comparison

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Thanks to their pioneering technology, XD dryers ensure the lowest pressure drop and lowest energy consumption for the highest possible efficiency – saving you time and money throughout the production process.


•Thehighcorrosionresistantstandardensuresextendedlifetimeand minimum down-time for maintenance.

•Thehighperformancedesiccanthasalongerlifetimeasitislesssensitive to aging and has a higher resistance to the acid condensate.

•Extended heater protection: temperature sensor, thermostat,minimum flow protection.

•Allprocess stainless steel valvesare standardequippedwithinductive limit switches, which are integrated in the advanced Elektronikon system.

•The stainless steel coolers are equipped with electroniccondensate drains with alarms. All vessels are oversized.

• TheextendeddatameasurementsareguardedbytheElektronikon, which monitors all critical components as standard: valves, heaters, water drains, air pressure, temperature and flow. This way, low energy operation and immediate feedback in case of malfunctions and safety shutdowns are ensured.

•Doublewaterseparationdesign:waterisseparatedinthecoolers as well as inside the vessels.

•Thereversedinternalflowdesignofthevesselsensuresanoptimaldistribution of the air flow over the entire width of the desiccant bed. This way, the load on the desiccant is reduced and its life-time increased.


easy insTallaTion & mainTenanCe

•The modular design existing of a flanged piping skid andinstrumentation and two flanged vessels allows for easy installation on site, reducing the installation costs to a minimum and guaranteeing quick commissioning.



•Thecontrollerarrivesfullyprogrammedon-siteandreducesinstallation time and cost.

•Minimumdown-timeduringmaintenanceofthedryerisensuredthanks to the rodding capability of water tubes with the cooler bundles in place.



•StandardElectronicWaterDrainswithmanualdrainstoallowservice while the dryer is in operation.



Page 6: Atlas Copco - Times Marketing 0487 13_XD_Range...• Combined with advanced Elektronikon ... Atlas Copco’s XD adsorption dryers use the heat of compression from oil-free compressors

Atlas Copco’s XD adsorption dryers use the heat of compression from oil-free compressors to dry compressed air. This heat is used effectively to regenerate the high quality desiccant, significantly

reducing energy and operating costs. As any need for outside energy supply can be eliminated, adsorption is by far the most economical method of compressed air drying.

The drying principle

Various XD-S/XD-G models are available ranging from 1050 to 7000 l/s (2226 to 14800 cfm). The dryers are designed to produce quality air with negligible pressure drop and, across the range, operate in two cooling modes: dry expansion, and full zero purge.

a wealTh of possibiliTies

xD-s models:Use the heat of compression for regeneration and feature dewpoints of -10°C to -20°C, dependent upon ambient conditions.Whencombined with the high outlet temperatures of a ZR compressor, XD-SPurgemodelscanachieveadewpointof-40°C.

xD-g models:Combine heat of compression re-activated adsorption and internal heaterstoachieveaconstantpressuredewpointof-40°C/-70°C or lower, regardless of ambient conditions.

Dry expansion cooling

Full flow zero purge cooling


Dry expansion cooling

Full flow zero purge cooling

xD-s pDp suppression xD-g guaranteed pDp

XD 1400-7000


TypiCal air flow example of an xD zero purge Dryer

Vessel A: Regeneration phaseVessel B: Drying phase

Vessel A Vessel B

Dryer outlet

Dryer inlet

Cooler 1

Cooler 2

Hot wet compressed air

Cooled wet compressed air

Cold wet compressed air

Cold dry compressed air

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Efficient air treatment equipment is crucial to reduce the contamination in the air that would otherwise produce corrosion in the pipework, lead to premature pneumatic equipment failure and cause product spoilage.

Incorporating advanced technologies as well as cost saving features, Atlas Copco’s XD dryers offer you real energy savings without compromise in production reliability and efficiency.

Built to endure

hoT air inleT

sTainless sTeel Coolers

•Heat of compression used for regeneration. • Noenergyconsumption.

•Maximumenergyefficiencyandextendedlifetime.• Guaranteedeasyinspectionandmaintenance.• Lowpressuredrop.

• Highwaterseparation.• Bundlescanberoddedinplace.

sTainless sTeel inTernal heaTers• Bygeneratingheatonlywhenneeded,energylosses

are limited. • OverheatingprotectionandcontrolbyElektronikon oneachheaterbundle.

• Theheatedairdoesnotneedtopassthroughanyvalves,ensuringareducedchanceofvalvefailure.

piping skiD • Reducedpressuredropthankstocorrectlysizedpipingdiametersandcompactbuild-up.

• Galvanizedpipingpreventscorrosion&eliminatescontaminationrisks.

waTer-resisTanT DesiCCanT• Lowdesorptiontemperatureandenergyconsumption.• Easyfillingandaccessviamanholes/blindflanges.

• Extendedlifetime.

elekTronikon• Easycontrol&monitoringfunctionstoincreasecostefficiencyandreliability.

• Fullyprogrammedandtestedduringproduction to reduce installation time and costs.

eleCTroniC waTer Drains wiTh sTanDarD alarm• Nolossofcompressedair.•Maintenance-freeandtrouble-freeoperation.


Drying Towers• Reducedpressuredrop.• Built-inwaterseparatortoreducedesiccantloadandextendthedryingcycle.

• Oversized.• Fullsizestainlesssteelstrainer.• Reversedinternalflowforoptimalflowdistribution.

high performanCe sTainless sTeel ValVes• Highcorrosionresistance.• ControlledbyElektronikon.

• Standardequippedwithinductivelimitswitcheswithalarm.

DewpoinT ConTrol (opTional, sTanDarD on xD -70°C)• Reducedheatingcycles,reducedenergyconsumption. • Dewpointrange:-100°Cto+20°C.

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Dirt particles, water, oil, oil vapor and condensate: these contaminants may cause disturbances of production systems as well as lost output or unusable products. The traditional adsorption principle used in the XD design is simple, robust and flexible using compressed air for regeneration while eliminating

any need for an outside energy supply. As no ambient air is used during the regeneration process, any possible contamination of the desiccant layer is eliminated and the air quality is on a par with heatless and heated purge adsorption dryer designs.

Towards a greener and cleaner environment

energy consumption for pDp -40°C

xD Versus The resT of The markeT

uniQue saVings

TheXD(PDP-40°C)guaranteestherequiredpressuredewpointat all conditions and delivers dry compressed air, without any dewpoint peaks or temperature peaks. Without compromises on reliability or power consumption, the XD ensures stable superior quality for your application.



Blower re-activated type

Heated purge type14001800
















(*) Assumption 1 kWh = 0.07 € / $ )

Class zero air QualiTy(*) aT The lowesT CosT in The markeT

The XD -70°C reduces the energy consumption up to 50% in comparison with the actual -70°C dryers in the market. The design reduces the load of the desiccant to an absolute minimum. The regeneration occurs in two different steps guaranteeing the outmost regeneration condition of the bottom and the top layer, resulting in excellent performance and an extension of the desiccant lifetime. Purgelossesareextremelyreduced.Bydesign,theXDsavesyouenergy and money, while you benefit from outstanding guaranteed performance.























savings by using xD pDp -70°C



AnnualCO 2 r





(**) Assumption: 1 MWh = 430 kg CO2

XD -70°C design

(*) ISO 8573-1 Pressure dewpoint quality.

Class pressure DewpoinT °C

0As specified by the equipment user or supplier and more stringent than class 1(*)

1 ≤ -70

2 ≤-40

3 ≤-20

4 ≤ +3

5 ≤ +7

6 ≤ +10

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Our Aftermarket product portfolio is designed to add maximum value for our customers by ensuring the optimum availability and reliability of their compressed air equipment with the lowest possible operating costs. We deliver this complete service guarantee through our extensive Aftermarket organization, maintaining our position as the leader in compressed air.

Peace of mind

aCTiViTy proDuCT*

genuine parts Atlas Copco Service kits & oils

extended warranties AIRXtend

service contracts ServicePlan

system audits AIRScan™

remote monitoring AIRConnect™

energy saving AIROptimizer™

product improvements Upgrade programs

* More information is available from your local Atlas Copco customer center.

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Numerousfeaturesareincludedasstandard.Someapplicationsmayalso need or benefit from one of the factory installed options.

Complete scope suiting all needs

sTanDarD for all xD Dryers






•Electronicdrainsonvesselswithalarm(incombination with drain of the coolers acting as double drain system)


•Highperformancestainlesscoolers with low pressure drop




•Full stainless steel high performance design process valves

•Non-contactinductivelimitswitches on all valves with alarm








aDDiTional sTanDarD feaTures for The g Version




Cooling moDe Purge Zero Purge -70°C/-100°F

Pressure vessel design 13 bar • • •

Prepared for heavy duty • • •

insulation of the vessels • • Std

electronic dewpoint control with alarm • • Std

Second pressure dewpoint read-out • • •

AnSi flanges for air and water connections • • •

matching sonic nozzle • • •

High resolution elektronikon display mkiV • • •

moDBuS interface • • •

ProFiBuS interface • • •

eTHerneT/iP interface • • •

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XD S/g

Free Air Delivery (1) Width length Height Skid




l/s / cfm mm/inch mm/inch mm/inch mm/inch

XDPurge XD-70°C Withoutinsulation Withinsulation XDS-version XDG-version


XD1400 1400/2966 3026/119 2990/118 2733/108 3474/137 3306/130 3415/134 2654/104 DN150/6" DN50/2"

XD1800 1800/3814 3126/123 3070/121 2813/111 3579/141 3307/130 3430/135 2654/104 DN150/6" DN50/2"

XD2400 2400/5085 3326/131 4151/163 3200/126 4217/166 3374/133 3493/138 2664/105 DN150/6" DN80/3"

XD3000 3000/6357 4000/157 4248/167 3410/134 4428/174 3417/135 3531/139 3163/125 DN200/8" DN80/3"

XD3600 3600/7628 4100/161 3963/156 3650/144 4533/178 3444/136 3563/140 3236/127 DN200/8" DN80/3"

XD4000 4000/8476 4200/165 4058/160 3745/147 4638/183 3448/136 3590/141 3236/127 DN200/8" DN80/3"

XD4500 4500/9535 4300/169 4163/164 3850/152 4743/187 3460/136 3617/142 3236/127 DN200/8" DN80/3"

XD5000 5000/10594 5012/197 4659/183 4121/162 5281/208 3760/148 3911/154 3896/153 DN250/10" DN100/4"

XD6000 6000/12713 5212/205 4859/191 4341/171 5491/216 3755/148 3773/149 3896/153 DN250/10" DN100/4"

XD7000 7000/14832 5312/209 4959/195 4441/175 5596/220 3783/149 3940/155 3896/153 DN250/10" DN100/4"

Technical specifications

(1) FAD at reference conditions:Ambient air temperature: 35°CAmbient relative humidity: 60%Compressed air effective inlet pressure: 7 barCompressed air inlet temperature: 120°CInlet relative humidity of compressed air: 10%Cooling water temperature: 26.7°C

The above dimensions are only an indication. Before calculating the space needed for installation, please always refer to the official dimension drawings.




XD 4500a: 3845 mm, 151"b: 4300 mm, 169"C: 3470 mm, 137"D: 3236 mm, 127"


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Inorder tobeFirst inMind—First inChoice™ forall your

compressed air needs, Atlas Copco delivers the products

and services that help increase your business’ efficiency

and profitability.

Atlas Copco’s pursuit of innovation never ceases, driven by

your need for reliability and efficiency. Always working with

you, we are committed to providing you the customized

quality air solution that is the driving force behind

your business.

never use compressed air as breathing air without prior purification in accordance with local legislation and standards.






