Atlantic Studios



Atlantic Studios Brochure

Transcript of Atlantic Studios

Page 1: Atlantic Studios

A f i r s t c l A s s

f i l m s t u d i o fa c i l i t y

Page 2: Atlantic Studios

P r o j e c t s f i l m e d at

at l a n t i c s t u d i o si n c l u d e :

t h e d e e P ( 2 0 1 1 )

s ta r r i n g Ó l A f u r D A r r i Ó l A f s s o n & J Ó h A n n G . J Ó h A n n s s o nd i r e c t e d b y B A ltA s A r K o r m á K u rP r o d u c e d b y B l u e e y e s P r o D u c t i o n s & f i l m h u s e t P r o D u K s J o n e r

a d d t h i s s o n g ( 2 0 1 0 )

m u s i c V i d e o b y G u s G u sd i r e c t o r s h e i m i r s v e r r i s s o n & J Ó n At l i h e l G A s s o nP r o d u c e d b y h e i m i r s v e r r i s s o n

t h e g o o d h e a r t ( 2 0 1 0 )

s ta r r i n g B r i A n c o x & PA u l D A n oW r i t t e n a n d d i r e c t e d b y D A G u r K á r iP r o d u c e d b y Z i K Z A K f i l m w o r K s

r e y k j aV í k W h a l e W at c h i n g m a s s a c r e ( 2 0 0 9 )

d i r e c t e d b y J ú l í u s K e m Ps c r e e n P l ay b y s J Ó nP r o d u c e d b y t h e i c e l A n D i c f i l m c o m PA n y

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W e l c o m e t o at l a n t i c s t u d i o s

h o t s P o t: i c e l a n d !

Iceland has recently become one of the hot spots for international film makers.

Unique locations with astounding natural beauty have attracted such films as Batman Begins, the flags of our fathers, tomb raider and Die Another Day just to mention a few examples.

With Atlantic studios’ excellent new facilities, producers can now complement their exterior shooting in Iceland with studio filming - or just come for the interior shots and take advantage of our first-class facilities.

Atlantic studios are located in the Ásbrú enterprise park, next to Keflavík International Airport.

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■ KeflAvíK internAtionAl AirPort

■ helGuvíK internAtionAl hArBour

■ ásBrú - town of reyKJAnes

■ city of reyKJAvíK

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g r e at l o c at i o n

P o P u l a r l o c at i o n s n e a r b y

Several popular filming locations are situated close to the studio: black beaches, lava fields, hot springs, mountain areas, geothermal areas, lighthouses and the Blue Lagoon spa, just to name a few examples. The Icelandic wilderness, with their majestic glaciers and many striking and unique types of landscape, are only a few hours away by car.

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f i l m e d u s i n g g r e e n r e n e W a b l e e n e r g y

over 70% of iceland’s total energy needs come from renewable energy sources and over 99% of all its electricity supply is either geothermal or hydroelectric in origin. Iceland is in a unique position to become carbon-neutral and oil-free ahead of most other countries, and to demonstrate how this ambition can be achieved. Both electricity and heating at the Ásbrú Enterprise Park are provided using renewable geothermal resources. By being filmed at Atlantic studios, a film project can be based on green energy.

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c l o s e t o r e y k j aV i k

Atlantic Studios are located only 45 minutes’ drive from downtown Reykjavík and there is a direct bus route, the “reykjanes express”, connecting Ásbrú with the two main Universities in Reykjavík.

Reykjavík – Iceland’s capital – is a young and daring city characterized by strong contrasts. It has an astounding variety of restaurants, offering both traditional and international cuisine cooked using the finest ingredients. Reykjavík city centre during the day and after hours at weekends, when the party is well under way, are two completely different experiences. Reykjavík is well-known for its vibrant nightlife, with trendy bars and clubs open until the (often not-so) early hours of the morning.

More information:

i n t e r n at i o n a l h a r b o u r

Helguvík harbour is 5 minutes from Atlantic Studios. Helguvík is the main oil-supply and distribution harbour for the Reykjanes area, and now offers improved services for industrial freighters and oil vessels. The port of Helguvík easily accommodates ships up to 200 m in length with a draught of 10 m by a 150-m long quay with a generous wharf area behind it.

i n t e r n at i o n a l a i r P o r t

Atlantic Studios are only 5 minutes away from Keflavík International Airport, from where there are direct flights to many of the major cities in the world, for instance London (3 hours) and New York (5 hours).

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■ sinGle AnD fAmily resiDentiAl

APArtments AvAilABle, All with-

in wAlKinG DistAnce from the


We can provide the services of world class crew and craft, as well as equipment rental houses, local casting agencies and production assistants.

e X c e l l e n t fa c i l i t i e s

ta k e a l o o k at at l a n t i c s t u d i o s ' e X c e l l e n t fa c i l i t i e s ; i n c l u d i n g s o u n d s ta g e , P r o d u c t i o n s Pa c e , s W i m m i n g P o o l , g y m n a s i u m a n d a Pa r t m e n t s .

W i t h i n W a l k i n g d i s ta n c e :

sPorts hAll & Gym


swimminG Pool



■ the sounD stAGe is Built with the

neeDs of the moDern film inDustry

in minD. everythinG you AnD your

crew miGht neeD is within wAlKinG


Page 9: Atlantic Studios


■ the cinemA is

within wAlKinG


■ A sPorts hAll AnD A fully-eQuiPPeD

Gym is within wAlKinG DistAnce.

■ we cAn ProviDe Acces to A

4-m-DeeP heAteD swimminG Pool

for unDerwAter filminG. the Pool

is within wAlKinG DistAnce from

the stuDio.

Page 10: Atlantic Studios


AviAtion relAteD

retAil AnD services

university eDucAtion

future resiDentiAl

Green enerGy PArK

film inDustrytechnoloGy PArK

heAlth villAGe

Page 11: Atlantic Studios


university cAmPus

DAtA center

Á s b r Ú f u t u r e V i s i o n

the ásbrú enterprise Park is a re-invented nato military base located next to the keflavik international airport. A compelling future vision has been created which aims to make ásbrú a one-of-a-kind enterprise park based on green energy. Today, ásbrú offers ambitious academic programs at keilir, a university campus, a business incubator and many other exciting projects such as a green energy research centre, a health village and an international data centre. Creative industries such as atlantic studios are a key element of the ásbrú future vision.

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g r e e n d e V e l o P m e n t at Á s b r ÚThe buildings at Ásbrú are being renovated in accordance with a policy of maximum reutilization of building materials. The aim is to minimise the use of new building materials, energy and space required for landfills, and to reduce harmful emissions. The method has shown to contribute significantly to the profitability of projects and shorten time needed for preparation. The development at Ásbrú is Iceland’s largest recycling and redevelopment project.

■ one fine exAmPle

of the renovAteD

BuilDinGs is the

former Ammunition

storAGe fAcility At

ásBrú which serves

As A BAllet school


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■ ABove: the BuilDinG of

the hAnGAr in 1943.

■ left: AtlAntic stuDios


at l a n t i c s t u d i o s

Ásbrú is an old military air base which was closed in 2006. It is currently being renovated and redeveloped by KADECO. Like most other localities in Iceland, it uses 100% renewable energy sources, both for electricity generation and space heating.

Sustainability and reutilisation at Ásbrú can be seen not only in the sources of the power supply and the definition of new roles and functions for the existing structures but also in the methods used in renovation.

Atlantic Studios are one of the environmentally-friendly projects at Ásbrú. These are located in a building that was originally the first large air-force hangar, built in 1943; later it was used for automobile maintenance services and equipment storage. A very high proportion of the extant buildings and materials was used in the construction of the studios.

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f l o o r P l a n fa c i l i t i e s & s P e c i f i c at i o n s

ProductionOffice B

Camera/Sound Cafeteria

Set Workshop/Storage

Kitchen Storage




First Aid

Make Up


Office Reception Dressing Room


ProductionOffice A


lenGth:60 m / 196'

g r o u n d f l o o r

fa c i l i t i e s o n g r o u n d f l o o r

■ wArDroBe, DressinG, mAKe-uP,

ProPs AnD storAGe rooms

■ DininG room

■ ProDuction offices

■ cAmerA AnD tech suPPort rooms

Page 15: Atlantic Studios


Office Space

Storage Office Office Office Storage

OfficeMeeting Room


Office Space/ Entertainment Room

OfficeOffice Office


wiDth:37 m / 121'

DocK Door:4 m / 13' wiDe 6 m / 19' hiGh

Dimensions of stAGe:2,220 meters2

23,896 feet2

heiGht:9.15 m / 30'

f i r s t f l o o r

fa c i l i t i e s o n f i r s t f l o o r

■ ProDuction offices

■ storAGe sPAce

■ entertAinment room

■ meetinG room

Page 16: Atlantic Studios

c o n t A c t A t l A n t i c s t u D i o s A t :tel.: (+354) 425 2100 // fAx: (+354) 425 2101 // emAil: [email protected] //

In recent years Iceland has been gaining a higher profile in the international film industry. Internationally acclaimed actors and directors have been working in Iceland

with highly skilled local crews.

2 0 % i n c e n t i V eReimbursements are offered for film and TV production costs incurred Iceland.

Producers can apply for reimbursements from the State Treasury of 20% of the costs incurred in the production of films and television programs in Iceland.

Applying for the 20% reimbursement is an easy straightforward procedure. Applications are sent to the Ministry of Industry and must be

submitted before starting the production.

For detailed information concerning the application procedure and forms please contact the Film in Iceland Agency.

w w w . f i l m i n i c e l A n D . c o m



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