ATLANTIC CO U TY · CI--I~ANGE IN RAILROAD SCHEDULE ... town nt a modenitc rate oI speed and the...

ATLANTIC CO U TY THIRTY-THIRD YEAR--NO. 41. RIVER CHANNEL STAK[O CLUB PLANS BOAT HOUSE CI--I~ANGE IN RAILROAD SCHEDULE Twenty=three Trains Daily At Court House Station. /, Twtqlly-thrt’e 1Fains slop d;tlly lit ~ the Court ]hmne ,’~h.Hion nnder the new .’Summer ~hcdnh~ which went lute effect yesterday. The train ~erviee is all that could he desired withJthe po.<~il)le exceplkon of the 7.]5 South evenings which doeg not stop. This would be a very couvenient train for employees of the cotton DMllandotiler~ who wish to g ° to At- lantic Uiiy}lg~ for l)nslnL’.~,~ or ple=u~ure. "the gtfle}’nt)ou St.l’Yiel) is t’.~t’el)liona]iy good.. The-re~ised .~(’ht’dule in full is a~ I’ol]ow~ : V~" EEK DAY.’~--Courl l]m~ ~latiou--Nortl~ : " *~) i ,1.1 o,):, ¯ ¢).) ,- j,) o i ,),) ,~,, .lJ, .).--, 11.~ ,I. ni.. 1.1-1, 2.~, 3.__,0.t4, ~.--, .I._, 10.’>_2 ’, 11.’~2 p. m. ~outh: 12.15, 5.51, 8.~, 7.’Z2, ’ ’*’ 10.15 a. m.; 12.21, 2.15; 4.15, 13.2.3, 9.15, 10.15 p. aa. Main ,’St~dion--NorIh: ,";.lba.m.; 1.16, 5.tSp.m. ~)uth : 5.19, s.2l a. m.; 1"2.’21. B.21 p. m. ,~6IllltlHy t-41lnv exeepl 7.’_>2 a. 111. dt)l’.,~ Ill)I .-top ~¯5~ p. III. NI)I’III’~ I11 i ’t)lli-I Jli)ll.’-J’¯ INSPECT MOTOR BOATS, MAY’S LANDING, N.J., SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1910. AUTOS ;RASH, AT TURN t ! Second Smash-up of Season Due to Ignorance of Driver Who Was Operating Car First Time--Ma- chines Badly Damaged. BUDGET OF COUNTY NEWS. Brief Paragraphs Personal and Other- wise Bunched for Quick Reading, Hammonton. The boulevard between lhis place and Egg Harbor City i.~ being regravelled by the County. 3lr. d. E, Maples and family ]rove taken of their new eoth/ge on t)rehard Slreet. 5frs. L. 55onfi)rt recently underwent au operation for (:atamct of the eye. 51rs. Edwin Jones, of (’ollingswood, nnd Mrs. J. MneDougnlt, of Acre, "visited ~Irs. ~V O. 5]oyt last week. Establishment era h>cal employment bureau is considered by the {’ivic Club. Walter Piez will be. honv? t.his .’Summer and will play with the local i,a,,e l),q:l teal)l. Mrs. %Villiam M. Pollard and sons, of Athin’- tic I?ity, are visiting at thi~ place. ~evenl] new nlit~)li}~)l))Je’~ have bfn pl~lr- qhased hy reMdent~. Nvw otllcer~ ofllle lrmal telephone cJ)mpany have beeu elected "is fi)llows: PreMdent and viets to State Prison for Robbery --Many Prisoners Waive Trial and Plead Guilty to Charges. Judge E. A. Htgbec sentenced several prLsoll- ers in Crhninal Court Monday, following the disposition of ca.~s where prL.-~0ners waived the right of tndieB’nent and trial by jury anti ¯ pleaded guilty lo theireharges. Tim sentences hnposed were r~ follows : John Keefer, gnu~d h~reeny, eighteen months in ~tate Prtr, on at hard labor. Jack {)sbor~e, larceny, eight months in State Prison. ~- Jacob lIolzman, larceny, one year in Ntate I’rison. Charle.~ .~mith, larceny, six months in {:ounly Jail. Jofi]l Peppers, hirceny, four monlhs in aflernL~)n. 9A P;LMinie Park beI~n’e It la}’~e crowd at lh0 hands of the Atlantic Uity *:ollegians by the ~’ore oft 1o I. At no staze of the game did the .m,<~oei.ition have .d "hmk in" dud fromthe very first it was-ev~r’lentthnt Manager Me’leher was here to win with the aggregation that will represent thest~-shore on the diamond dzfring the.sraLsozL The features of the game were lh~ battery work alld sell- .-~qtlonal/ielding and -;lugging ()f l’~Irl 3Iaek for the Col]cations, while for tim A~soeiation Snyder diMinguished himself in left gmrdcn and with tile stick, the twirling of Edward and fast fielding of Kez{,Jugh at tifird ?w,k. The score : A.~sociation 1~. Illume, 2b ...... ,~ ..................... 0 .qnydef, If. ........................... 1 W. Al~bOll, eL: ............. " ....... i) Edward.% p.rf. .................... I} ,’-tie’wan, e .......... :.. ................ 0 Applegate, 3b.rL ................. 0 It. I). -.L t’;. tl 2 3 2 2 3 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 o l 0 i) 7 2 1 0 1 1 0 JE jur (_at Tiv a~ one bo[ eru - . -] ¯? Y AWARDS PLAINTIFF : $6,500 DAMAGES. - die3" Wins Long Case Against :: avileer On- Mechanic’s Lien-- ther Civil Court Issues Tried efore Judge.Endic0tL COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO LEASF~ SITE. , No Definite Action Taken How- ever and Structure May Not be Built Until Next Season--Fottr New .Members Admitted. 4 ViMting ynt’hl~,nit.u ~-hould now dif- ficulty navigmting the chn]nwl ~)I fin" i½}-eat l, 1~.~ 4 ]]arl)or Hivt.r at high wnh.1’, ;i.- the t’l)l}r.~t ¯ lrroui ClihlWI);l It)thb, pla.’t" h;t> bt’Pl} ~lnkettq)y the .Xlay’s l,nnding Ynt,lit Club. At the lnonthly lUevting Thul.’sday evening oI lln’ Ul’db il v,n~ detqded to farther .-!.nke lhe channel, iks n]em- The second aul~)mohlle accident of the,~a- .~on here occurred Tilursdny afternoon at the Intersection of the County l)oulevards nt the Union Hotel, wl)en two ears, an " F. M. F." and a Pierce " Arrow," were I)’~dly rlamnged hy a eollisiou, the occupants fl)rtunately e~ coping-injury. The ears were owned by two l’hiladelphlans. The " Arrow" e:lr ~,,,’,’Lu .,,Aandhig l]ellr the hnleI, otl’the tvfty tO Ocean Uily, when the " E. .%I. F." came ayouDd the corner towards l’hil:ldelphia. The driver t)f the l:llter, a ne~" car, wa.~ at the sleeriug whet-I f,)r the firm time and it is ihonuht he loM his head when he .~w the other (’ar, as he failed -. .. b~ter t’i-i(~., of ]’ltmsxmtviHe, who W a~ In- in February, 1:~7, by a.Fa.~t Shore Line: it Bakt.rsville, w:~ awa.rded n verdict- ,day of’~,Yf10. Price lind just .~tepped off: th-bound earqt the Bakersville station was crossing t)ie tracks when a Norlh- :1 Imin struck hbn. He Was rendereda !e for life b~" the nceident hind found l.t / Skippers Wi]] Do Well to Have Their to apply lhe brakes and em.M~ell f:drly into!he Craft Ready for .Officials. ] front of the o|her car, sm:Lshing his own ]aml~% %VJth lbe return o[ weather, lho / llend]ng lhe ax]e of his eqr and .slzMaining f, lll dehii] of United !~ihltes CUMOlns ]z_.~pectors [ otlier damage. The n]aln injury to the "Arrow" wn.s a broken front wheel, while ;tre now on duly for the in>l)ection of motor ! the axle "was slightly twisted and the guards boii[:% ~E]ghl il]~l)eetol.’s have ht.t.n asMgned to ! bent, together with other minor injuries. The duty in the Nee[lad ])istrict which embnices t "Arrow" car was insnred, hence the owner the tcrrih)ry f]’mn lhe .Mt%lliea River h) I,apei wi]] stand no ]o.,,~ through the accident. .May. In Atlanlie L’ity ah)ne three insl~’etor~ ’5:his c~nler is a 1)ad one for slntnge drivers and lhere shouldbe some aclion Pike}} I) 3" th0 llll]lorities to enforcu In;w})hzv~ Io proceed Uiwards il al a Mow .~pl.0d. ]hid lmth c~lrs boeu niovi}]g at a ]}ornPi] l.’nle of speed,lhe accident might ]}ave resulled more .,~eriously. B,)lh c:u’s were t:lken ti) ])Pall’~ g’11’:tge fi)r 1’e l,;l i r~. Proceedings in the Surrogate’s Court. l.etters of .-\dminiM~ltion el)on the (.~tate of .%doph }h)fer were gninted io Li)llis :\. Ziegler. Letters Testamentary were granteti upon lhe following estates: %Vil]iam A. Brown, deeeased, !o Lena :Brown, and llichard l)ilhm, decaised, to %Villi:xm ]z. 5litx, dec~..~ed. inventories filed: The perso}ml (’state of Louis J. Errieo appnfised Ihe valne of~2,M3. The ren] und personal e.,,tatc of lens.sell ]l. Leeds appraised the value of .~1,674.75; of E]i- zal)eth A. ]Jeeds the valne of $4,674.75. Motor-Cycles Numerous. .Motor-cycles are far lnore nun]erou:4 this ytmr on lhe’pnbli0 highwnys, being seen :llluoM as freqilcnlly ,q.~ antoinobiles. 5t is li t-onlnlon thing to see half-n-dozen or ]noro nt once, :is the riders seems to puffer Io t},’nvel to- ~ether 1,’other lhan sing]b’. %Vith few~e~eep- lions the n]nchines are driven throngh the town nt a modenitc rate oI speed and the noise ; of their exhaust is usually su/licient tO clear the Mr[~el n long dishin0e aheati. Women rhler~ ;ire i)ecasionli]ly scen~ ~Ollte rhling tall o deni and others ~ingly. Get Rid of Flie~. %Var}n weather brings in ils wnke swhrzn.~ of lht).~o d:lngeron~ pc.Ms, hut]~o-flies, which ...oeul ll) deligtri iu carrying itlth nud dis~s~. gel’l)}s inlo hon)c~ and n]ilkP lift, ll}lp]t~lsau[ gent.nll]y. The t]rsl prt~aution is H) screell till’ hi)niP lhorl)nghly, lheli deMroy the Ilit>> inslde nnd ]a.’.l, bat lnost iuiporhinl of all, dl;,~troy the brt~2ding })]Itc0s Ollt.~idP, such ,"Is def’aly]ng niatter, old vegehibles, debris, etc. t,’ll~s and tlllh go logt~lher and there is nil ex- cuse for vill}er. l~ig f2at~h af Weak-fish. The Anglesea fl~-et came )n Tuesday with nearly "OnE > thorl.~:lnd barrels of walk-fish. Trip ilfIer lrip bad 10 })e })1111~’ by lhe vats loaded with })il.~kel.~ of /ish, tl) the tl~h p]al- feral, where Inore th;lll It score of nlen weD, ]h-ed~ l’reMtleut of eu~lged in packing ;liid icin~ the I1.’,1~ nnd g{.t- manager, A.J. :Bider; Vice-President; 3I. L. Jackson ; ,~eereh~ry, 31i~ Mamie M;erner; Treasurer, Samuel Anderson ; I)irectors, U. I,’. Dsgood, W. J. SmiIh, ~,V. I~. Black, A. E. He]- man, Charles ]:ittlng "and F. N. Thoma.~.’ Licenses for selling ]iqnor have been granteti by {Y6nncil Iv 31: J. Dwyer, Jcxsel)h Campiglia and (’harlcs Penz. {’ouneil lias gmnled t01he Fourth of July (’elel)rali,m ( ’ommittee lhe exehtsive rise of the of the }’:irk for 1lie celebnltion .nnd has also ordered lhe Park illumh~lted for the oeca.,don. .............. L__ Pleasantville. %Valter ].akc, ,if Atlantle City, was the ~,uest of his daughter, 5Ir~. Nc~lh .~milh, ~undny hist. 31i~.-~ Ella ,’41naliw~’M, of-’]’ort :Bepub]h-, i~ vlMtin,.., friends here. - Mrs. \Vii}inn1 l,~ds and 31iss Edith Leed~ ]Pft 31onday l;lsl for Oregon, where 1)ICy will renhqin for the ~lll]llner. - 31r~. Mary Gardiner and Mrs. Adam G of Oce;in [’ity, were visiI~)}.~ Sunday. Mrs. I. k’. Ha1’tzel] is Sl~Cnding .~vcnll d:i:y~ wilh h’i~md~ in ])hiMdeIpidn. 31i..~s Eliz:} Nelson i.~ v!siting friends al tlridgeton. Mrs. l.evi it. CorIland ’. r)Jl eh;hlreu> have ro- It}rile(1 h) tht, il- hoIlle :it l_ireenhlnd, :N. (’., -lfLer ,’,])endilig sevt.Fal nloulh.-; here will} her parents, 31r. and 31L~. 5a’mc Andl’eM’& T. it. ]ll)se, of ]’,)rt l’,opnblh., ;vnsa viM’illr ~at Ilrilay hiM. The 31i.~os Laura and ]’:Hen l;lake are visit- ing /-e]nIiYcs in ]}}-ook]yn, N. Y. 31r:~. ]);tnicl ]". ~l’angilll, of .May’s l.~lnding vi.qted rehitives here. last Hundny. Oravelly Run. 31}’. ahd 31rs, ll. 13. Towell and .~on have r_ r~ turned lo Atlantic Cily after spending two weeks wilh hel’ lnolher, 3Its. Uarrle G. Abbo*t. :Miss Bessie G. Abbolt is Spending her vaca- tion with relatives and friends in Phihide]ph]a and Egg Harbor Cily. Mrs. Morris Simons innl 31i.~s Miss 31aude Babcock were liw gnL’sts of 5Ir. and 3] rs. A. B. Crowell. ~Ir.-~;l~Izzie l’rit’>th.5 "and doughier 31able and 31r. ,Iohn :qliXtOll Of t]znnnontun spenl ~unday ;l~, l]il’ ~l}e>D- i)f 3Ir. and .-~ll’s. A. ]L L’r[)wel]. County Jail. ])avld ,’4. Waters, I:u’eeuy, one yc~r in ,’State Prison. Joseph 31urnly. unlawful enn’version, ~Z5 fine. ])avid ~Vilson, pleading uot guilty to larceny, wa.~ .sO :tdjudged by 1he Uourt and disehnrged from custody. .’Levenil other prisone1’s who hnv0 l)een con- victed during the h>rm, but upon whom sentence has been ft.’served pending further invest]gatilm of their crimes, wilt be called to the bar Tuesday next to I~rn their, punish- meat. t"rl)minent among these is Mamie Owens, convicled of keeping a disorderly house at Atlantic City. L)ther prisoners who wish to waive trial and ple-r~d guilty ",,rill be gl’¢eu an Ol)pOJt.UniLv to do .so. ]~y waiving the right of indictmeut by the Grand Jury,- ])ri.,~)liel~ coil rt-Peive .~nt¢-.nee IiO%v ;ind sel’vt ~ Iheir tinie, otherwbil~ they faust v;ait unlil October to have their eases disposed of. The criminal tour1 i’~llelltlt>l- for the l)reseut tern] I ts well cleared. Pralse "for Representative. ¯ ,%ays a ,lislmteh from 3Vashin,,Ion: "’John J. (.;nrdnor, the ’.’qlge of Atlantic,’ like 3Ir. I.ondt,nslagPr, is .~er’¢ing his ninlh terln in (’ l’erennially there,s h~lk of nominat- tug a nelv nlan ill his ste-ui, but tim Otll)osition to lii~ retLlru tl) (’tlugrt,>s usn:llly subsides bt.- I;)re the llrim.lries are held, and this will be the ~-xst, this yt,;lr. 3Ir. Gardner has di~ tinguished hiniself lhis year as lize aulhor el ttie po.~hfl .saving~ bank bill, a m~l~ure wbieh re, luirt.d nil end of lilac aud r£-sP~ql’ch ill iLs I)re])aHlthin, :llid t|}e eu]}gres~nlltn %)’D.~ highly i~onlp]ilnented by nlauy of his l{epubliean t’olteaguvs for the t:xl)lall;ltiou (ll tilL’ nleaSure, which he lnade when il v¢;t.., beilig eonsidered lly the eaucus. °* NewAbsecon Pumping Station. "rite flew waler works plant :it Abseeon, where Atlantic City get~ iL.~ water .~upply, will J)e a modern li]’e-t)roof structure when ira- provemFnt% costing $-10,000, are completed. The ])hills hiIvv bvt, n prepart~d under the di- rt.ctit)ll of the lJolll’d of ~,V;.lter L’onlnii~.,~iouer~, of which Com]nodore Louis Kuehnle is ehair- ni;u}. 5"raclically the entire building, which ¯ ,va.~ partly destr,~yed by /’Ire, will "bl" rebuilt. Egg Harbor City. 3Ir~. (’athrlne %Vlnterburg .".lunday last eele- bl’iltt-d her .,,evunli(~th birthd:ly annlvor.~’lry. The Board of Trade at a meeting Men,lay e~,ening re,}ut>.MPd {’~)pneit to lighl Linl’o}n Park during the S}llUnicr. 31aria Bnbeck, a well-known resident, died lIL~t week at the age of seventy-four years. ,Jnlins l)ihlmnn, of New ilochclle, N. Y., is visitor. Mr. and Mrs. ltiehard L’arler returned Tues- of The material u..,cd will be chiefiy concrete. Another Republican Field Day. ]’lit, Young 5]t.n’.~ llepub]ican l,eagne of At- lantic I’ity, whicii reeenl’ly enj~’ed an outing ~ll ~t)lfler.~’ l’oini t’ity, will have a field-day al Egg tla rbor t’ity ",’4atnrday, July 7J, whieii will be ;i grt~ll event, says the o//ieials of the organ- l.-~t*il,)~ T)l,* .-lt}.,ir ill ~%~)1]11"~* }?oint Wll~ il grt~zt sueeoss but plans for the Egg 1]al-bor Cily outing are mneh more ehibontte and a llne lhne is l)rmni..~,d fi)r the Leaguers and their gl}esls. 3Iyro,se,ss... ........................ 0 1 [’ummings, p ....................... 0 0 Wig~I.esworth, lb ....... ..." ..... 0 0 Kenough, 3b.: ..................... 0 1 1 7 Uollegian.~ 1t. 5t. Barrett, cL...: .............. :.s ...... 1 Mnck, 2b ............. ¯ ......... ......: :I Fogarty, If. .......................... 0 Bader, tb ............ : ............... 0 I)’I)owd,ss ............ ..-7. ........... 0 ttelfrieli, 3b ....... . ................. 0 3Iorgnn, p. rf...i ................. 1 Nagle, e. .............. , ............... 1 S~lreh,p .............................. 1 I ;urley, e .............................. 1 0 0 0 9 1 0 "2 "2 0 "7 14 4 i ~. A. E. 0 ’2 0 0 t 7 :i II ¯ 1 0 i) 0 ¯ 2 4 [) 0 ’2. :; 4 "2 0 ’2 3 0 1 0 I) 0 1 s 1 0 i) I) 0 D 1 I 0 . 0 7 10 :.’7 11,.’~ Association ............. :. 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0--1 ta:l Co]legian~; ..... "-.-, ............ "2 :; 1 0 0 1 0 0 0--7 l:.--A. Earned runs, Associ;ttion 1; t’ollegiuns, 1: A ¯ ’~tolen bases, A~sociation 1 ; (’ollegifms 2, leg: Two-b:L~e hits, 31,qck 2, Kenough ; .’Struck out ! ZzL~ by Cummings." 1 ; Edw.irds 13; St~arch 2; Mor- ~t. bnln o.~. ]~ases on balls by Cnmnlin~. 2; Ed-. En( wards 2 ; M,)rg:~an_ _, ">- Irnipirt.~; Burdg~-}toover. ; ver~ " "i ~nd }II:.Ir.H-:ZY nASE }LALI, lllNGI.Et4, plat Keep the crowd back oIIhe lines, t)y ~everal players were accidentally spiked, bro TOO much changing about in. t.he tint-:up, tea( Edward-~ is.a gretit twirler and a liard hitter, rhc Cheer 1111 -- forget tilt" defeat, lutik0 ~OOd "I0- low day. illl:’l Nagle, catcher for the I’olle~i:n~, is a filst :’av ;nnn. - :ies Lt~lvt:all jt~ahmsy i)nt of iire game and ])lay ng t6 win. Hat iNodisg~lce to meet dL’ft:l’~ ;{t ltie |)andsof ]in~, tl~e Collt-gians. i’~’t!] Snyder’s lJying (’aleii in h.fl garden wasofi nor tbe sen~’~tionnl order, nee 8on]e say that 8tewal’t h~-q hi.~ nerve aIlPr I the: the initial inning. 3Iyrose p]ilyed well at Mlort ;is did ~Viggle.~ worth at Ilrst station. The (_’ol]egians, after "i l i111e practice tog}-ther, will be a strong bnneh. :Before finding fanlt wilh nnotller play(.r, I)o: ~ hi0 sure you are perfect yourself. f g’al i)’])owd :it short and’ttelfrieh at tidrdput t:utc U l) a star ~]ne for 1he ~iMtOrs. i re, it %%’. :\bbott pnl]ed downa liard iiil liner near -\ eenlre :field feueoafler a hard run. I His ,";iX viclories and onlytwo ¯ def~It~--k’t-ep the c f Cl firstin mind an(l forgel’the others. Tim pitching staffof the t’ollegians-i~ in Iine shape but tile. infield needs more i)ra(-tiee team work. ];51rl 3Iaek had a grt~lt day al .~cun(l. He :leeepl(~d al] Of his tcn i’hilnce.% n}ade lhrt,. ]~llliS nlld 5Vi!s crediled witll four hits including two tvi- (>-l~ggt. }’.~. Cumn}ingslnl.4 a good: repiliation "is :l t’a£1 .M:lb ar[Jst.. 511 .~lm’ting oll’~/he was nnfortuuaI~ in hitting lwo b;lth,}~ al}d givinL’ two l)a:<~es Ser Io first, when erl’ol.~ allowed the nlen to score. 1 ~i11~ iml ~Mble t,> look after hi.~ busineK% that of~ " eon actor. Price, wheeled into court in a" cha by his son, w~s the principal witness for the aintHL Thv ea;~e wa-s started Thursday ale ing find tize verdlct of the ~u~ was r¢~,}~ Cd -lfter a brief tt.l.iberalion shortly fdler the o’eioek. .." .\ ~}’dict for 51,~, th-e full tmaount of the ¯ li: ~e eliihurd by t’..D0ngllty, of 0celia City, an(; property owner on .KentuckyA~enue, Atl tic (’iLv, in his ~uit agains-t the Atlantic I’it: ;usiffrss Men’s Lt~ague wasreturned by a fur: a the Circuit Court before:Judge Allen . B. ] :licott 5Iondav. Doughty;-~ sued to recover for umge done by a fire alleged to l~-ve been star~-d by sparks from .’1. :fire-works display -~i,,n !el ;L’S ;.l ]~.trt t)f the :Business 3Ieh’s .League :}t~’Ul on tile open 10t adjoining the .Re~l itp aud I~1~¥ Building tWO years ago. rt~r a ti’i:,l ht~ting two days, marked by I ~attles betw£en coun~sel, the jury in the - qf~amuel H~qdley vs. Walter K. CSvileer ,I.lin CircnitCourt before Judge Allen:B. [il]ott Thnr~day morning found.Ii spe~al li~ for the phdntil/’. Emerson RicharO~ * ,~. A. l;~urgeois were counsel for the n~in, while thedefenddnts were rei~resented, - .., %’. Lewis and C..L. Cole.: The s~lit ~a.~. lNtat in in~chanics llen and i-n~olved e~n- t~l betiveen the p -]ainliff and. defendants. vi~rdict returnedby the jury was asfol- , :i " \Ve lind It verdict ford generalJudg- : it against .~Valter K. L’avileer and Jesse 1~ i/tler a~ builders for both i’entn0r proper- fi)~r the sum 6f-~).M with interest amount- to1~1:0-t3.0t, and a Special Judgment g~LinSt tall G. Ginn, owi~er of the pr0pei’ty, begin- " : lg5 feet from Atlantic A’,-enuennd ngain.~t tear K. (’a}-ileer and-Jesse I~ Cavileer a.~ tggge~ of tht ~. property and a special judg- t amdnst George l=l. Eng.lish mort~agee of )roperty bt-ginning. 1~ feet from.Atlantie- ~kveat~e for thesum of $9:~1 with interest .rnc tnJtmg to $1,043.04. " We also flnd.a "verdlcl l,)r i~,,£,g~neral jud~ment~’- against ~5". K. Cavi]eer for No~ 215 Rhode /sland A’;euue for the sum ](,f $i;0,5.1!) with -interest from June 1,1909, n~ !iim to .-.’5,:~2.1:~ and n special Judgment as ~.V.. K. t’avileer and JeE-,e G. 3Ic-; lic a, mortgagee for ..-74,145.9:.3 with interest J in,: 21, 1 (~.i, aluQunting lO $-l,493.~y,F iet )n(1 verdiL-t ag~tin.~t a railroadthisw_~4k ¯ e! lrned ye.~te:’day afternoon in the ca~ ~ar~t~ H. lmw ank 3ohn H. Bernard, ad- } lini~tmtor agaiu.~t the At!earle City railroad, :: for $1,(XI) d:tmnges. Two y~ar~: ago a car st~l,Jk an anto~uobih: -lit 31orris Avenne and the oe- cupant.-) .were injured~- one fiitMly, ihe. . row p ,,ut ,,f the ;iccident. The railrc~id )lli~ cd thilt the ;ltiIonlobi[e cr~.~ed the -act q fi’l,lit of tik- trolb-9 and th0reby e,)n- il.u tO the itct’idenl. - ]n the Churches. . =[ ~ in [he 31ethodisL .Epi~i)pal Church )w will be as follows : 9..’~0 a. In.CL’tss 31r. ;unl 31r~. 31. t]. 3J,,r>t.;u),l chihlri,n have ,%’o]ne ohl residents .’~ly lhe:v get used 1o ’eln, n)ljYed h) ]Jal}lnli)nll.ql. Tile nlHny friends of but we nol]ee they fee] llnc,)nlforhl])h~jns| the 31r. 3h)r~e will I>t. l)h-a.~ed t,) !t’:l/’l} that he is .’~lnie W}IeU l])e " birds" begin ti) sing ill spite lnll)rOvil}L" in hel}llh, of their 1)l~l.,.led fan}ilhlriiy wilh tin, i)~.-;ls. Rush For Seashore. The wlu’m weather this week shH’ted ;l gen- era] ruMl for the s~iMiorc from to%vaN :ind eities, Hlou.~xnds of people being tr:lns])orted across the,"llale daily. ]10si(le]lLs of lhis ])]:le0 Ll:~)k ad~Ti, nIJlge nf the excell0nt lnl]u service dud nlally Sl)el}t a day or cYeuilig al the t.c~)l shore. TILe ct)utrasl l)etwt~m liie land :lad se:~ air is not}cr~ble =’is goon as the trnins r[,~lt.h the ]i]Pildt)%v.,~ be2;ol]d }’]en.,~;lul’¢ille. 0, Bathing Days Here. ]Mthing in the Gratt t,,,,, ]l:u’bor l’iver and in Lake Lenape hus ltegnn fi)r the F.e’L-;.on al{d bathing p:lrtles nrP popnlar. ]]y f;tr the luost llll]}leTons Dl}}l))lg lhe b’llher5 are |lie boys,| ’wllo are Y;f~l in ]:ll’Y.~ ntlln])ol.’v; .’It Ib{, *s f’C~ll ]1 " it~ ; ncli.ilg" i/ull "junk-h J l:iE’ wh;t}’f," 1WI} l’ilVf)l’- ill? "swilnlUill’ hole>." })eunillT|on~ ]’,)h}l also ;I lhvorite bathing ]~hlt’e. Another Big Limb Fell. Al~t)ther big ]i]nb fell t’Satnrday afternoon froln a decayed oak tr~ on 31aln ,"~treet nt~r the ]’;irk, lmrrowly nii.K,;hlg Toni ,’SIewarI, who we.,, pns.~ing ill his aunt)nil)bile. The ellt]re tre,- iN de[’:lyed and siiou]d (.i)n}e down, as shonhl ~eVel’ii] ol}]Pr~. Tinll, for tile ])l’l)})er;lt)I]lori- Iit.’~ to :lw:lken to tiieir rl,sl~ot~sil)ility. Summer Al’l .Right. ,~’~lll)lln0r %VaS sct}eduh-d tt) t)f~iU Tuesday l,~q, June 21, and il did. i)ld ~ol did his besl and it wa.snl] that could ])e desired. Even the ml)squito~ ]}t-ard nl)out it and Pillne Out iu full folce t,)ce]ebmee. Sun-bnrned mid hot. ;\ ]minter the other day w:l.~ painIingn fence O/l ~(’l’l)ntl Slreet. lie h~)ked worried, but suddenly lib; f;l[*e I,righh.ned and lie Marled lo l)iiinl faster dud f;lsWl) *’ \Yhy are 3"¢,1i hnrryin~so?" asked n pe- destrian. " I ]lllven’t nluvh paint left," lie replied/’ ’~an’ ]’ni tryin" I,) /in]~h lhcjob 1)eft)re iL~all ~o)n:" No Celebration ? ]’~on}’th i)I Jnly is ol}ly ten days away and no signs i)f "lny kin(1 of eelebi,’ntion ,’ire evident 5t is likely that the holiday will be observed in a quiel manner, a.,~ no plans for auy public meeting or et.lebnttion are.lllldL’r Way find the time is now too short lo t)relo~re q’or -exercises. 31any resideuts will sl)0nd the day at Allanlie Cily, or enjoy pri,,’ate t)ic-nic~ in lhc|n’nut,- tii:lte neighhorho~d. Will R~cover. Mrs. F}’ank Tarlecki, of this pl~we, who rel:ently underwent an opentth)n al Die Atlan- tic I’ily lto.q)ilnl fi)lll)wiug :l hmg illn~_~s pneninollin, i.,~ f;L’~t recovering and lhe physi-. t’ilt n~, 1)elieve MIL" will be hilly restored to h~llth. Harvest Time At Park. IL ].~ harvest time nL :Industrial Park. Ye.~- terd:ly nfte1’n,~)n Itarry Newcoinb tackled the hill ~)wlh of grass "lnd "weeds with his lno’w- ing n}aehine and greaI]y i}nprov(~ the appt~ar - ante t7 the squai’e. Bo a Reporter For you]~el! nnd neighbors’..’5end to the newspaper office any hlterestlng news in the w-’}y of eL’alters, parties, etc..\lwnys sign yonr ha}lie to ci)]nnlllnicatiol]S ,’Lu all evlden{’e of good failh. " worked " IJy a /brger ,’Saturday night last Al)pl0gate, during lhe storm. 1)isgni.~edas n painter , wilh Kmuse, rf. stained ovendls and a palnl can. on his ,qrln,. he walked into at least lhreq p]nees of busine.%s and sncceffded in getting "pay cheeks" t~shLKl. The IDiin v.’a.s dark complexioned and aboul Ihirty-live 5"oa1% ,,hl. Tile authoritie.u are (rn hls t l’ail. .T.- The ]in0-up against .Hll’InnlontoB ~,¥i’L’~ aboul I :eel Forger Busy at Shore. the best of the st~l~)n--Edwllrds, p.; Stewa]’l, ~ el, Atlantic City mereiiants were c. ; %Vigglesworth, Ib. ; t)oane, Ob. ; 3Ivrose, ss.; i ."i5: Mosquitos Drove Y. M, C. A. Boys From Carhp. Twenty young nlen of thv Athlntie Uity Y. 3I;l’. A.r-who have bD2n tnimping over thc (’onnty and cahilling out when nigl)t-.overtook them, were driven frozn their ci~mpal XVt.y- Ta’l-t Coming To Shore. 1 lC 5 i . 1 IIlli "~e(.] t loll I ~v.: ]’lit t e l I err ’edl .~ 10.30, pr~tching thesub- erveney in the Serviceo[G-od." 2.30 p. - 7 ath Schooi : 7.30 p. m. preaching from "ect, "The True Disciple." A tlfleen .,t, ng .-.erviee will -precede the sermon. nnsic ~i’ll berendered by the Church , bl)th servieem Eve,~-Tbody welcome. ~. 5leery, I’a~tm:. :v. Ch:u’lvs P. %Vaywill take charge of )it in the Presby!erian Church te- a and pr~:arh both morning and eyen- will :ll.~r) conduct the :i’rayer meeting toy evening al 7.4-3 P. 3IJ~ .~lbbalh PreMdent Willi:,n It. Taft has aeeepted an month Tnesday evening by swarms of rues-. invitati~)n to alteud the annual eneampmeul quitoes. They hiked l,) this phtce and eaniped oftlie Grand Army of lhe B.epublie in A.tlan- Wednesday n~lil down the river, at i)oehl’s tie City in ~elitembcr, unle.~ tinfor~een public Point. The nlOSllU]tt~,s seem to have tbl- lowed them there, Its), fin’ after a night ol bu.~iness should absulutely prevent his pre- sence. He thinks he can review-the pa’mde of suffering they pulled up stakes and tmniped lhe velenins on ,’September 21. Yice-l’resident iiome, re-aching -the 5". 31. t’. A. ht~td,luarter- Shernnu~ has promised his attendanee on at :It nOOn. Many ofthe boys had swollen limb: leiL,~t one day, not /i:xed. Railroad Responsible. The rnilr~ld is held responsible fin" the dealh of William Prt.~)ott, who was struck nnd kil]t-d by nn expre.,~,~ at Pleasantvilte last wc~ek I13" lhe verlliet of the Coroner’s jury, which eo]n])leled its in~,’tzsIigalion of the :lceident" "~Vetlnesd:ly last. Coi)it, s of the verdiel will be seul to Hie city nutho]’itie~ of ]’h~..’~lutville and lhe t)etober Gnind Jury. Severe Storm Along Coast. I)nv of the nlf~t severe e]ecfric storm in yeaz’~ and from the lnosquito bitt.’~, and all ot them were fi~ot-sore and rc~.idy to brt~ak eaimp. anyway, They had a plcasant jaunt througt} lhe niai,II]and~ howeYer, before the "birds" made tent-life uneon]fortabte. School For Deaf Closes. Ulosing exercises at lhe ~late ~School for the D~af at Trenton were held Thursday afternoon, the n.~’~enll)ly rooin, were Ihe pl’ogP, lln "was given, being filled with relaIives and friends of i the PUl)ils.. Prof. John P. Walker, principal, presided at the exercises, which ,,,,’ere parliei- in hy the pupils, who gave exhibitions The sl,)rni elun0 suddenly, reaching this l)face Miorlly bed)re ,-_ix o’elt~:k and la.~ting until t{.n o’c]oek. It WIIS no[ so sever~ here ;is in the Northern p’lrt of the ."41iltv, say reporls. No Beach Posers. M;lyo1’ F. P. kltoy, of Atlantic Uily, will euu- duet.n thorough aaml~,uign lhi-~ sea.,~)n agalnst eess thai the ~chool is achieving in lhe edut’a- tion of the dt>nL ProL \Villker ii~ one of the eountry’s exi,erts on the training of the deaf an.d dtunb and lhe Work of thv ~,ehool is sol’ond to noue. Improve Light House. Abs£con Ligh3. ttouse has I>c~n t’qUfl)pt~t ¯ ~,-tn>,)l lit 2..’3) l’. 31. ; L’hristian Endeavor meet- il:g :tt ¢Lt.3 t’. 31. Topic: "Money, Men ,-,-.rid I" ,’ayl ~:: .\t>,) Tfiree Gr~lt 3Iis.~ionary ~eeds." .- A eel: ~li:~t invihition is e.’ktended to all to ,’inend tt: e serv cc..~. Rrv. Charles 1".¯ Was;, Pastor. 5el" "ic .~ wiIl t>e held to-morro:w in St.Vinceht ] , - ¯ lh~ t Uatholic Church- "L~ fodow~: 3Ia.~s at 0 a~ 110.:~0 a. hi.; Su~ay Seh~l _~.a0p. m. " :fir 4 ser~’it-~ s.00 p.: m. 31u~ie by Choir. ~2,-. [ ~". ttellIlt-~-%~y, PiLStOr. / Access: To Library. : .- \II a e ident~ of Ath’m{ie County who hay e t apr v,ttC libntry or access tb il iibmry In ’ir ht :lie to%vn lnay beeome a member of ? Car ~egie lAI,ral3", Attantic Lqty, free of ~t. Tt i~ i.- one of the finest librnriL:-s in the St; ltt. :ln~ [ Connty resident~ should avail them° ,~.I vt.~ or i Lifts opporlunily tO enjoy !iterature In ~ll its br~aiehes. Full line.¢ of :fiction,.p6et]~Y, _ Mlilo~)plLv; science :lad other books ure. i~ed o:~ lhe ~ht.lves ~Ind, may be token "r~ m tlle iibnlr:- " for " "]inaiIed l:~-rSods. ’a rds of/’neull,ers:hip lnay b~ I .,~-~-nrt~d froi~n the ibl’~irial or :i~.<islauls and nlnst be signed by t rtrsl et, before books can be taken out by the i,, der. ~-’ree rt~uling roozil_-~ forehtldren, and d0ira}tment i)f enrrent news!~lpers and ,t’: ’led [C; tl~ ;trea 1~o provit!ed. ¯ Milli~ Dollar Pier. 1 ,anl’il:l’_" in thc.~pe~rg.olh is one of"the latest balh01~ on the l)eaeh:attired in abbreviated with a ne’i~" uil vapor incandt~cent li,_’ht ap- attmcliotis :tt 1}1% lhvorile place of nm~- bathlng suits whoare Rnown:ls " ]:s,sers." The plinttus. The new lamp W:L’~ lint in service for nwnt.. "]’hv d:mt’ers move abo.ut benea!h presenceof such perso;nson the beach iz oh- the tlr~t lime ~Vednesdav and made.a most iutertwi1|ing vint~ and branchc-s, tin truly. brilliant illuniinati0n some two and a h’.llf I 1-~uropf~l$ fashion. The many other aCtractlbns viouMy objeetionable to visitors and a detri- times brighter than the oil beacon, whit.h w:l- [ of the l)i~tr- have beeu improved andadded to, lnenl to the rt.~ort, so Die lift~gulird~ wi]!,,4~ on the ]lxlk-onl for olrendel~, in use for %’Lqlrs at lhe top of the tower. The ] uutil visito]~.are offered the tinct nml~ent inere:Lst~l brilliancy 0f the light will enable it/in - ;r~at l var!ety, -ill at !he 9ne price 0f ad- Boy Drowned. to he seen more-ph~inly im the ~’ean and at a | nii*’dou,.leli eehts. The bangs in attendanee . Jnn}ping inlo lhe swift-/lowinz current of gr~lterdistanee in thick wcather The th)vcrn- /are the 5t.~t to be had and in addition to ]ikt" ) ] or-ca k t’-,~. New Material For Cloth. ,Janie~ ~,Y. ~lieii, ~r., i)f this place, h,’L’~ in- Ytqlh-d a new ])l’lX’e.~s whereby flax and xamie fibre- win be bleached white, carded and spun L~L~iiy a.~ e~tton. The e~st is fifty per cent. le.~., than th:d of cotton and the process is ¯ shnple, bleaching requiring ,)n]y three hour~ and dot, s nl)t injure the llbre. 31r¯ ,’Shed is t.rying to intert.~l c;lt)itn] in the mannhieiure of ihc.~e yiirn.~: Building Warehouse. Wurk is progrt~,slng rapidly on lhe big new warehou.,~e of the Water Power L’olnpany whh:h is bei),g er,x.ted on lhe, h)l adjacelit P,tstilne l’arR. The huilding is being con- .~tructed of /Ire proof nniterlal for the safe sturing of cotton g~ls, TownshipCommittee Will Meet. The Juh- meeting of the Tbwnshlp Con)n)ittee will be held Saturday eventng next at .:Library Hall, when blll~ against the Townshlp for road work and other improvements will be audited and ordered pald. ". Dress Making and Sewing. Apply 3Ir~. }]. Pt. Kendall, .May’~ Landing. ./ rc~JdenD.; had a I~.ste o[ rt~l] Sun]lI’l[:y "w~ltl]er h)r lhe fl~l time this .St-iL~Ono I. O. O. F. Exercises. The ]. O. D. F. ]mst ~unday, nssl.~ted by the Capitol L’orn~_t,]~mti, held ser-vlees over the gntves of dep/rted members nt the’Lenieterles. ~In the evening the members attended serv]ees in the M. E, Church in a body, where Rev. 8¯ K. Moore l)eached a .~peelal sermon. Tennis Popular, Tenni.~ i~ growing hi popularity wilh the young l×’ople, especially among lhe youth,s who find the ¯b~se ball field uncomfortably warm tht.~e bof Hmmmer day.,. The eobi grounds In the rear of the.Surrogate’s otllee are constantly In u~. Moonlight On The River. Motor-b(mL~ were out In full force this week, the tld~ suiting for pieturemlue moonlight trips on the Great Egg ]]arbor. The launehen were he.~rd ]ate during the night, gay with With merry ~ngeru. . Cleaned Church. The.ladles of the Prt~byterian Church gave that building a thorough Thursday and-also cleaned the Manse, /. . %: "~ -. furnishing music fi)r dancing:giyedaily con- Bea[:h Thoroughfl,re. AI]:lntie Uily, in :in -’it- Ineul 3rill 1)lace. a silnilar light al L’:lpe 3Iny eerts. Th~ net h~lu!s altract an e~]er-lnere~.~g . New Launc Completed. . leml)t Io eml~lnl0 his bnele an(1 other men during 1he prv~nt naonlh., numbt.r }~eople, wh.o. are no In who were enjoying a swhn In the thirty-foot ¢ " the large~quariums where all kinds of strange CapL Jack Barrett liaJ~ completed his new eimuuel,, eleven year old Levi 31m~-Donald, instruct Sunday School Teachers. and curi(~us /~sh are exhibited~ A day at the speed launch hall, bnt will not equlp it until son of Walter MaeDon:fld, a Mly policeman, The seventeenth annual sexton of the shore is ~ot c6mplete ~ut avisit tothis - " ishebulltdJsp°SeSon sp~ed°fhiSlines°therandlaunch’will makea~taunchThe new boat drowned Tuesday evenlng l~fore aid could "school of methods" oftheNewJersey ~unday big pier. . . " " ]""- " . " . . flyer [’.raft, reach hlm. . , School As.soelatlon will be held at tl~e .High I * ¯ ¯ 5o, 1. o. meet, a. ~chool :Building, Asbury .Park, bc~in.ning - Atlant!c Led, e . Benners Closes O~ce. Tuesday, JulyL, nnd w H) lmst tree weell.. ~-un- every Friday evenin~ in the Lod~,e Room over " Make Use of Slogan. Evan T..Benners, SLate Supervisor of the day School teachers who attend the le~turt~ the Pc~t-, t2]ce. : ° " : 51erehnnts and others who have business 1910 census, has closed hts office at 31oores- w-lll be charged small fees. Noted religious ~ --" statlonery are urged hy the :Board of Trade to town and dismissed hisns.sistanL% all the cen- workers and educators will deliver addresses Post-Office Hours. print the slogan, "31ay’s Landing, the Town sus data haviligbeen eompleted and forwarded during the i{’eek and the session promis~ to of Naturnl Opportnnitle.%, on their stationery. Io government headlluarters at W:LshIngton. be highly inlercsting ;~ well a.s Instrnctivc. The .ma~ls. e]ose at the post-olTiee:a.~ foilo~i-s : - . - .North--8.t~ ) a.m. and 5.00 p.m South--8.00 a.m. i : - *- The ligures of thecensus will be mlidepuMie " .v. - 12.10and! 10p ira:- - - .,~ .. Waterlilies Plentiful. by Federal officials. Many Autiles. Mail Is ,ollected from the mail box at the Wnterll]ies are being gathered in large quart- ~" - The ine]:e~tse ]n the 11.~2 of llutolnobilt.~ is ap- Court Hutlse .~ta[ion ;It S.00 ~L hi. and5.00p, m. - -: tltles by pie-ale parties, the fragrant flowers Your Dog Will Be Mad. parent in the lage numberofmachlnes tm.,~sing ~ " : ~.: b)~omlng along the shores of Lake. Lenape And you can’t blame him eiLher, If you lew~-e : Ihrough thisplace -to nnd from Atlantic CHy. . " " i :; In large quantliles, l~im ehalned In the hot sun will, out cool, fresh Last Sunday tlie highways were kept hot wlth- i. un ; ,Tides at Atlafitie City. Inlet. water to drlnk. T/y ]t yourself If you think it ’the rush ,of the cars and If the weather Ls filir I-~ ............ ) .... --Hi~h: Low _ --::.] Building and Loan Association Meeting. Is pleasant to "l~qd a dog’s ]lfe." :Be con- tf~mormw all records wlll probably be broken " " "-- A.3L ]:3L A.~t. ]’.~. " :.j- ".rh~ t regular nionth]y nieetlng of the ~lay’s slderute of the anhnnls :xnd kind. enlmgh to for heavy travel It i~’g’ratifyiug to note the :zL-?-~’lt-u-rd:]~’:-[[7[~"--~’-~ i" :q-~-~-- ~-~) ,~4~.. _ ,- .. ~, . .. " .:;’ ~ntida, "..:.. ............ I 10.05 t 10~3 I 4.06 t 3.oo ¯. IAlndlng :BuLIdlng nnd l.~xin Association wtl] look :to thelr eonlforL snlal] nun~ber ofst>eeding-:nlaehine~ and 1here 27 3Iond:{ ............. _ ..... I 10.55 [ ll.10 [ 4.50 I 4.,18 ;<, ke held :lu Room .N-o. 1, yeal’s0Pern ]=Iouse, * ~tre few eon}phtJllLS of drli-ers who d-o nol "-~ Tue~d~v 111.55 .=:.... r i: 5,~ : Tuesday evening, 2~h last Money lo loan on Launch For Sale. o~serve the road rules, ~ Wt~ue;d’~;2:-:::::::::2:-: I .o41 .a9 I. &~ t 6.50 "< :, ial. - 30 Thursd: , 1.1)2 I ].48 1 7’.21 I 7.59 : .;~ bond nnd mortgage, iL,’.l. Vannaman, 8ec’y. Open Yamlly ]nunch, 3h.p. Appl~J.T.]-l. ~ " . ........... , ¢ Smlth, Clarktown. " " Novel Way to Bag Game. . < " TItlE WEATHER, - = : . )-i~, Organ For Sale; : " : ~" ~ "JoJ,:~ders" In an auto %~ ednestlny night,- Foist for Pennsylvania[ Delaware imail. :=’ii~ ¯ Souvenir Post-cards. on the road between" Hammonton and Egg New J er~y, Fair to-day, iLlght to moderate: ::j;~ $125 ~;stey Organ )’or hale ebeap. -,~pply 8eenle, blrthdaynndnllkl’ndsatUnderhlll~. HarborCltyr~nover. nnd killedawlldduck.i Northwinls. Sundiwfalr. ;-. ¯ .-. [.:;~:[~ Water Power 8tore. - - . . . , .. %~ ¯ .. " : - , - - . ~7".~.~ ...... - :’- --. "_ 7- "~,~ :- .:-, " ": -: : i-: :-::

Transcript of ATLANTIC CO U TY · CI--I~ANGE IN RAILROAD SCHEDULE ... town nt a modenitc rate oI speed and the...




Twenty=three Trains Daily At CourtHouse Station.

/,Twtqlly-thrt’e 1Fains slop d;tlly lit ~ the Court]hmne ,’~h.Hion nnder the new .’Summer~hcdnh~ which went lute effect yesterday.The train ~erviee is all that could he desiredwithJthe po.<~il)le exceplkon of the 7.]5 Southevenings which doeg not stop. This would bea very couvenient train for employees of thecotton DMllandotiler~ who wish to g° to At-lantic Uiiy}lg~ for l)nslnL’.~,~ or ple=u~ure."the gtfle}’nt)ou St.l’Yiel) is t’.~t’el)liona]iy good..

The-re~ised .~(’ht’dule in full is a~ I’ol]ow~ : V~" EEK DAY.’~--Courl l]m~ ~latiou--Nortl~ :

" *~) i ,1.1 o,):, ¯ ¢).) ,- j,) o i ,),),~,, .lJ, .).--, 11.~ ,I. ni.. 1.1-1, 2.~, 3.__,0.t4, ~.--,

.I._, 10.’>_2’, 11.’~2 p. m. ~outh: 12.15, 5.51, 8.~,7.’Z2, ’ ’*’10.15 a. m.; 12.21, 2.15; 4.15, 13.2.3, 9.15, 10.15 p. aa.

Main ,’St~dion--NorIh: ,";.lba.m.; 1.16, 5.tSp.m.~)uth : 5.19, s.2l a. m.; 1"2.’21. B.21 p. m.

,~6IllltlHy t-41lnv exeepl 7.’_>2 a. 111. dt)l’.,~ Ill)I .-top ~¯5~ p. III. NI)I’III’~ I11 i ’t)lli-I Jli)ll.’-J’¯




Second Smash-up of Season Dueto Ignorance of Driver Who WasOperating Car First Time--Ma-chines Badly Damaged.


Brief Paragraphs Personal and Other-wise Bunched for Quick Reading,

Hammonton.The boulevard between lhis place and Egg

Harbor City i.~ being regravelled by the County.3lr. d. E, Maples and family ]rove taken of their new eoth/ge on t)rehardSlreet.

5frs. L. 55onfi)rt recently underwent auoperation for (:atamct of the eye.

51rs. Edwin Jones, of (’ollingswood, nndMrs. J. MneDougnlt, of Acre, "visited ~Irs. ~VO. 5]oyt last week.

Establishment era h>cal employment bureauis considered by the {’ivic Club.

Walter Piez will be. honv? t.his .’Summer andwill play with the local i,a,,e l),q:l teal)l.

Mrs. %Villiam M. Pollard and sons, of Athin’-tic I?ity, are visiting at thi~ place.

~evenl] new nlit~)li}~)l))Je’~ have bfn pl~lr-qhased hy reMdent~.

Nvw otllcer~ ofllle lrmal telephone cJ)mpanyhave beeu elected "is fi)llows: PreMdent and

viets to State Prison for Robbery--Many Prisoners Waive Trialand Plead Guilty to Charges.

Judge E. A. Htgbec sentenced several prLsoll-ers in Crhninal Court Monday, following thedisposition of ca.~s where prL.-~0ners waivedthe right of tndieB’nent and trial by jury anti¯

pleaded guilty lo theireharges. Tim sentenceshnposed were r~ follows :

John Keefer, gnu~d h~reeny, eighteen monthsin ~tate Prtr, on at hard labor.

Jack {)sbor~e, larceny, eight months inState Prison. ~-

Jacob lIolzman, larceny, one year in NtateI’rison.

Charle.~ .~mith, larceny, six months in {:ounlyJail.

Jofi]l Peppers, hirceny, four monlhs in

aflernL~)n. 9A P;LMinie Park beI~n’e It la}’~ecrowd at lh0 hands of the Atlantic Uity*:ollegians by the ~’ore oft 1o I. At no staze ofthe game did the .m,<~oei.ition have .d "hmk in"dud fromthe very first it was-ev~r’lentthntManager Me’leher was here to win with theaggregation that will represent thest~-shore onthe diamond dzfring the.sraLsozL The featuresof the game were lh~ battery work alld sell-.-~qtlonal/ielding and -;lugging ()f l’~Irl 3Iaek forthe Col]cations, while for tim A~soeiation SnyderdiMinguished himself in left gmrdcn and withtile stick, the twirling of Edward and fastfielding of Kez{,Jugh at tifird ?w,k. The score :

A.~sociation 1~.Illume, 2b ...... ,~ ..................... 0.qnydef, If. ........................... 1W. Al~bOll, eL: ............. " ....... i)Edward.% p.rf. .................... I},’-tie’wan, e .......... :.. ................ 0Applegate, 3b.rL ................. 0

It. I). -.L t’;.tl 2 3 22 3 1 01 1 1 12 o l 0i) 7 2 10 1 1 0



- . -]



die3" Wins Long Case Against ::avileer On- Mechanic’s Lien--

ther Civil Court Issues Triedefore Judge.Endic0tL


No Definite Action Taken How-ever and Structure May Not be

Built Until Next Season--FottrNew .Members Admitted.


ViMting ynt’hl~,nit.u ~-hould now dif-ficulty navigmting the chn]nwl ~)I fin" i½}-eat

l, 1~.~4 ]]arl)or Hivt.r at high wnh.1’, ;i.- the t’l)l}r.~t¯

lrroui ClihlWI);l It)thb, pla.’t" h;t> bt’Pl} ~lnkettq)ythe .Xlay’s l,nnding Ynt,lit Club. At the lnonthlylUevting Thul.’sday evening oI lln’ Ul’db il v,n~detqded to farther .-!.nke lhe channel, iks n]em-

The second aul~)mohlle accident of the,~a-.~on here occurred Tilursdny afternoon at theIntersection of the County l)oulevards nt the

Union Hotel, wl)en two ears, an " F. M. F."and a Pierce " Arrow," were I)’~dly rlamngedhy a eollisiou, the occupants fl)rtunately e~coping-injury. The ears were owned by twol’hiladelphlans.

The " Arrow" e:lr ~,,,’,’Lu .,,Aandhig l]ellr thehnleI, otl’the tvfty tO Ocean Uily, when the " E..%I. F." came ayouDd the corner towardsl’hil:ldelphia. The driver t)f the l:llter, a ne~"car, wa.~ at the sleeriug whet-I f,)r the firmtime and it is ihonuht he loM his headwhen he .~w the other (’ar, as he failed

-. ..b~ter t’i-i(~., of ]’ltmsxmtviHe, who W a~ In-in February, 1:~7, by a.Fa.~t Shore Line:

it Bakt.rsville, w:~ awa.rded n verdict-,day of’~,Yf10. Price lind just .~tepped off:th-bound earqt the Bakersville stationwas crossing t)ie tracks when a Norlh-:1 Imin struck hbn. He Was rendereda!e for life b~" the nceident hind found l.t


Skippers Wi]] Do Well to Have Their to apply lhe brakes and em.M~ell f:drly into!he

Craft Ready for .Officials. ] front of the o|her car, sm:Lshing his own ]aml~%%VJth lbe return o[ weather, lho / llend]ng lhe ax]e of his eqr and .slzMaining

f, lll dehii] of United !~ihltes CUMOlns ]z_.~pectors [ otlier damage. The n]aln injury to the"Arrow" wn.s a broken front wheel, while;tre now on duly for the in>l)ection of motor ! the axle "was slightly twisted and the guardsboii[:% ~E]ghl il]~l)eetol.’s have ht.t.n asMgned to ! bent, together with other minor injuries. The

duty in the Nee[lad ])istrict which embnices t "Arrow" car was insnred, hence the ownerthe tcrrih)ry f]’mn lhe .Mt%lliea River h) I,apei wi]] stand no ]o.,,~ through the accident.

.May. In Atlanlie L’ity ah)ne three insl~’etor~ ’5:his c~nler is a 1)ad one for slntnge drivers

and lhere should be some aclion Pike}} I) 3" th0llll]lorities to enforcu In;w})hzv~ Io proceedUiwards il al a Mow .~pl.0d. ]hid lmth c~lrsboeu niovi}]g at a ]}ornPi] l.’nle of speed, lheaccident might ]}ave resulled more .,~eriously.B,)lh c:u’s were t:lken ti) ])Pall’~ g’11’:tge fi)r

1’el,;l i r~.

Proceedings in the Surrogate’s Court.l.etters of .-\dminiM~ltion el)on the (.~tate

of .%doph }h)fer were gninted io Li)llis :\.Ziegler.

Letters Testamentary were granteti upon lhefollowing estates: %Vil]iam A. Brown, deeeased,!o Lena :Brown, and llichard l)ilhm, decaised,to %Villi:xm ]z. 5litx, dec~..~ed.

inventories filed: The perso}ml (’state ofLouis J. Errieo appnfised Ihe valne of~2,M3.The ren] und personal e.,,tatc of lens.sell ]l.Leeds appraised the value of .~1,674.75; of E]i-zal)eth A. ]Jeeds the valne of $4,674.75.

Motor-Cycles Numerous..Motor-cycles are far lnore nun]erou:4 this

ytmr on lhe’pnbli0 highwnys, being seen:llluoM as freqilcnlly ,q.~ antoinobiles. 5t is lit-onlnlon thing to see half-n-dozen or ]noro ntonce, :is the riders seems to puffer Io t},’nvel to-~ether 1,’other lhan sing]b’. %Vith few~e~eep-lions the n]nchines are driven throngh thetown nt a modenitc rate oI speed and the noise ;of their exhaust is usually su/licient tO clearthe Mr[~el n long dishin0e aheati. Womenrhler~ ;ire i)ecasionli]ly scen~ ~Ollte rhling tallo

deni and others ~ingly.

Get Rid of Flie~.%Var}n weather brings in ils wnke swhrzn.~ of

lht).~o d:lngeron~ pc.Ms, hut]~o-flies, which...oeul ll) deligtri iu carrying itlth nud dis~s~.gel’l)}s inlo hon)c~ and n]ilkP lift, ll}lp]t~lsau[gent.nll]y. The t]rsl prt~aution is H) screelltill’ hi)niP lhorl)nghly, lheli deMroy the Ilit>>inslde nnd ]a.’.l, bat lnost iuiporhinl of all,dl;,~troy the brt~2ding })]Itc0s Ollt.~idP, such ,"Isdef’aly]ng niatter, old vegehibles, debris, etc.t,’ll~s and tlllh go logt~lher and there is nil ex-cuse for vill}er. ’

l~ig f2at~h af Weak-fish.The Anglesea fl~-et came )n Tuesday with

nearly "OnE> thorl.~:lnd barrels of walk-fish.Trip ilfIer lrip bad 10 })e })1111~’ by lhe vatsloaded with })il.~kel.~ of /ish, tl) the tl~h p]al-feral, where Inore th;lll It score of nlen weD,

]h-ed~ l’reMtleut of eu~lged in packing ;liid icin~ the I1.’,1~ nnd g{.t-

manager, A.J. :Bider; Vice-President; 3I. L.Jackson ; ,~eereh~ry, 31i~ Mamie M;erner;Treasurer, Samuel Anderson ; I)irectors, U. I,’.Dsgood, W. J. SmiIh, ~,V. I~. Black, A. E. He]-man, Charles ]:ittlng "and F. N. Thoma.~.’

Licenses for selling ]iqnor have been grantetiby {Y6nncil Iv 31: J. Dwyer, Jcxsel)h Campigliaand (’harlcs Penz.

{’ouneil lias gmnled t01he Fourth of July(’elel)rali,m ( ’ommittee lhe exehtsive rise of theof the }’:irk for 1lie celebnltion .nnd has alsoordered lhe Park illumh~lted for the oeca.,don.

.............. L__

Pleasantville.%Valter ].akc, ,if Atlantle City, was the ~,uest

of his daughter, 5Ir~. Nc~lh .~milh, ~undnyhist.

31i~.-~ Ella ,’41naliw~’M, of-’]’ort :Bepub]h-, i~vlMtin,.., friends here. -

Mrs. \Vii}inn1 l,~ds and 31iss Edith Leed~]Pft 31onday l;lsl for Oregon, where 1)ICy willrenhqin for the ~lll]llner. -

31r~. Mary Gardiner and Mrs. AdamG ofOce;in [’ity, were visiI~)}.~ Sunday.

Mrs. I. k’. Ha1’tzel] is Sl~Cnding .~vcnll d:i:y~wilh h’i~md~ in ])hiMdeIpidn.

31i..~s Eliz:} Nelson i.~ v!siting friends altlridgeton.

Mrs. l.evi it. CorIland ’. r)Jl eh;hlreu> have ro-It}rile(1 h) tht, il- hoIlle :it l_ireenhlnd, :N. (’., -lfLer

,’,])endilig sevt.Fal nloulh.-; here will} herparents, 31r. and 31L~. 5a’mc Andl’eM’&

T. it. ]ll)se, of ]’,)rt l’,opnblh., ;vnsa viM’illr~at Ilrilay hiM.

The 31i.~os Laura and ]’:Hen l;lake are visit-ing /-e]nIiYcs in ]}}-ook]yn, N. Y.

31r:~. ]);tnicl ]". ~l’angilll, of .May’s l.~lndingvi.qted rehitives here. last Hundny.

Oravelly Run.31}’. ahd 31rs, ll. 13. Towell and .~on have r_r~

turned lo Atlantic Cily after spending twoweeks wilh hel’ lnolher, 3Its. Uarrle G. Abbo*t.

:Miss Bessie G. Abbolt is Spending her vaca-tion with relatives and friends in Phihide]ph]aand Egg Harbor Cily.

Mrs. Morris Simons innl 31i.~s Miss 31audeBabcock were liw gnL’sts of 5Ir. and 3] rs. A. B.Crowell.

~Ir.-~;l~Izzie l’rit’>th.5 "and doughier 31ableand 31r. ,Iohn :qliXtOll Of t]znnnontun spenl~unday ;l~, l]il’ ~l}e>D- i)f 3Ir. and .-~ll’s. A. ]LL’r[)wel].

County Jail.])avld ,’4. Waters, I:u’eeuy, one yc~r in ,’State

Prison.Joseph 31urnly. unlawful enn’version, ~Z5

fine.])avid ~Vilson, pleading uot guilty to larceny,

wa.~ .sO :tdjudged by 1he Uourt and disehnrgedfrom custody.

.’Levenil other prisone1’s who hnv0 l)een con-victed during the h>rm, but upon whomsentence has been ft.’served pending furtherinvest]gatilm of their crimes, wilt be called tothe bar Tuesday next to I~rn their, punish-meat. t"rl)minent among these is MamieOwens, convicled of keeping a disorderlyhouse at Atlantic City. L)ther prisoners whowish to waive trial and ple-r~d guilty ",,rill begl’¢eu an Ol)pOJt.UniLv to do .so. ]~y waivingthe right of indictmeut by the Grand Jury,-])ri.,~)liel~ coil rt-Peive .~nt¢-.nee IiO%v ;ind sel’vt~

Iheir tinie, otherwbil~ they faust v;ait unlilOctober to have their eases disposed of. Thecriminal tour1 i’~llelltlt>l- for the l)reseut tern]

Its well cleared.

Pralse "for Representative.¯ ,%ays a ,lislmteh from 3Vashin,,Ion: "’JohnJ. (.;nrdnor, the ’.’qlge of Atlantic,’ like 3Ir.I.ondt,nslagPr, is .~er’¢ing his ninlh terln in(’ l’erennially there,s h~lk of nominat-tug a nelv nlan ill his ste-ui, but tim Otll)ositionto lii~ retLlru tl) (’tlugrt,>s usn:llly subsides bt.-

I;)re the llrim.lries are held, and this will bethe ~-xst, this yt,;lr. 3Ir. Gardner has di~tinguished hiniself lhis year as lize aulhor elttie po.~hfl .saving~ bank bill, a m~l~ure wbiehre, luirt.d nil end of lilac aud r£-sP~ql’ch ill iLsI)re])aHlthin, :llid t|}e eu]}gres~nlltn %)’D.~ highlyi~onlp]ilnented by nlauy of his l{epublieant’olteaguvs for the t:xl)lall;ltiou (ll tilL’ nleaSure,which he lnade when il v¢;t.., beilig eonsideredlly the eaucus.°*

New Absecon Pumping Station."rite flew waler works plant :it Abseeon,

where Atlantic City get~ iL.~ water .~upply, willJ)e a modern li]’e-t)roof structure when ira-provemFnt% costing $-10,000, are completed.The ])hills hiIvv bvt, n prepart~d under the di-rt.ctit)ll of the lJolll’d of ~,V;.lter L’onlnii~.,~iouer~,

of which Com]nodore Louis Kuehnle is ehair-ni;u}. 5"raclically the entire building, which¯ ,va.~ partly destr,~yed by /’Ire, will "bl" rebuilt.

Egg Harbor City.3Ir~. (’athrlne %Vlnterburg .".lunday last eele-

bl’iltt-d her .,,evunli(~th birthd:ly annlvor.~’lry.The Board of Trade at a meeting Men,lay

e~,ening re,}ut>.MPd {’~)pneit to lighl Linl’o}nPark during the S}llUnicr.

31aria Bnbeck, a well-known resident, diedlIL~t week at the age of seventy-four years.

,Jnlins l)ihlmnn, of New ilochclle, N. Y., is visitor.

Mr. and Mrs. ltiehard L’arler returned Tues-

of The material u..,cd will be chiefiy concrete.

Another Republican Field Day.]’lit, Young 5]t.n’.~ llepub]ican l,eagne of At-

lantic I’ity, whicii reeenl’ly enj~’ed an outing~ll ~t)lfler.~’ l’oini t’ity, will have a field-day al

Egg tla rbor t’ity ",’4atnrday, July 7J, whieii willbe ;i grt~ll event, says the o//ieials of the organ-l.-~t*il,)~ T)l,* .-lt}.,ir ill ~%~)1]11"~* }?oint Wll~ il

grt~zt sueeoss but plans for the Egg 1]al-borCily outing are mneh more ehibontte and allne lhne is l)rmni..~,d fi)r the Leaguers andtheir gl}esls.

3Iyro,se, ss... ........................ 0 1[’ummings, p ....................... 0 0Wig~I.eswort h, lb ....... ..." ..... 0 0Kenough, 3b.: ..................... 0 1

1 7Uollegian.~ 1t. 5t.Barrett, cL...: .............. :.s ...... 1Mnck, 2b ............. ¯ ......... .’ .....: :IFogarty, If. .......................... 0Bader, tb ............ : ............... 0I)’I)owd, ss ............ ..-7. ........... 0ttelfrieli, 3b ....... . ................. 03Iorgnn, p. rf...i ................. 1Nagle, e. .............. , ............... 1S~lreh, p .............................. 1I ;urley, e .............................. 1

0 0 09 1 0"2 "2 0

"7 14 4i ~. A. E.

0 ’2 0 0t 7 :i II

¯ 1 0 i) 0¯ 2 4 [) 0’2. :; 4 "20 ’2 3 01 0 I) 0

1 s 1 0i) I) 0 D1 I 0 . 0

7 10 :.’7 11,.’~Association ............. :. 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0--1 ta:lCo]legian~; ..... "-.-, ............"2 :; 1 0 0 1 0 0 0--7 l:.--A.

Earned runs, Associ;ttion 1; t’ollegiuns, 1: A¯ ’~tolen bases, A~sociation 1 ; (’ollegifms 2, leg:Two-b:L~e hits, 31,qck 2, Kenough ; .’Struck out ! ZzL~by Cummings." 1 ; Edw.irds 13; St~arch 2; Mor- ~t.bnln o.~. ]~ases on balls by Cnmnlin~. 2; Ed-. En(wards 2 ; M,)rg:~an_ _, ">- Irnipirt.~; Burdg~-}toover.; ver~

" "i ~nd}II:.Ir.H-:ZY nASE }LALI, lllNGI.Et4, plat

Keep the crowd back oIIhe lines, t)y

~everal players were accidentally spiked, bro

TOO much changing about in. t.he tint-:up, tea(Edward-~ is.a gretit twirler and a liard hitter, rhcCheer 1111 -- forget tilt" defeat, lutik0 ~OOd "I0- low

day. illl:’l

Nagle, catcher for the I’olle~i:n~, is a filst :’av

;nnn. - :iesLt~lvt:all jt~ahmsy i)nt of iire game and ])lay ng

t6 win. HatiNodisg~lce to meet dL’ft:l’~ ;{t ltie |)andsof ]in~,

tl~e Collt-gians. i’~’t!]Snyder’s lJying (’aleii in h.fl garden wasofi nor

tbe sen~’~tionnl order, nee

8on]e say that 8tewal’t h~-q hi.~ nerve aIlPr I the:the initial inning.

3Iyrose p]ilyed well at Mlort ;is did ~Viggle.~worth at Ilrst station.

The (_’ol]egians, after "i l i111e practice tog}-ther,will be a strong bnneh.

:Before finding fanlt wilh nnotller play(.r, I)o: ~ hi0sure you are perfect yourself. ’ f g’al

i)’])owd :it short and’ttelfrieh at tidrdput t:utcUl) a star ~]ne for 1he ~iMtOrs. i re, it

%%’. :\bbott pnl]ed down a liard iiil liner near -\ eenlre :field feueo afler a hard run. I His

,";iX viclories and only two¯ def~It~--k’t-ep the c f Cl

first in mind an(l forgel’the others.Tim pitching staffof the t’ollegians-i~ in Iine

shape but tile. infield needs more i)ra(-tiee team work.

];51rl 3Iaek had a grt~lt day al .~cun(l. He:leeepl(~d al] Of his tcn i’hilnce.% n}ade lhrt,.]~llliS nlld 5Vi!s crediled witll four hits includingtwo tvi- (>-l~ggt. }’.~.

Cumn}ings lnl.4 a good: repiliation "is :l t’a£1.M:lb ar[Jst.. 511 .~lm’ting oll’~/he was nnfortuuaI~in hitting lwo b;lth,}~ al}d givinL’ two l)a:<~es SerIo first, when erl’ol.~ allowed the nlen to score. 1 ~i11~

iml ~Mble t,> look after hi.~ busineK% that of~ "eon actor. Price, wheeled into court in a"cha by his son, w~s the principal witness forthe aintHL Thv ea;~e wa-s started Thursdayale ing find tize verdlct of the ~u~ wasr¢~,}~ Cd -lfter a brief tt.l.iberalion shortly fdlerthe o’eioek. .."

.\ ~}’dict for 51,~, th-e full tmaount of the¯ li: ~e eliihurd by t’..D0ngllty, of 0celia City,an(; property owner on .KentuckyA~enue,Atl tic (’iLv, in his ~uit agains-t the AtlanticI’it: ;usiffrss Men’s Lt~ague wasreturned by afur: a the Circuit Court before:Judge Allen .B. ] :licott 5Iondav. Doughty;-~ sued to recoverfor umge done by a fire alleged to l~-ve beenstar~-d by sparks from .’1. :fire-works display-~i,,n !el ;L’S ;.l ]~.trt t)f the :Business 3Ieh’s .League

:}t~’Ul on tile open 10t adjoining the .Re~litp aud I~1~¥ Building tWO years ago.rt~r a ti’i:,l ht~ting two days, marked byI ~attles betw£en coun~sel, the jury in the -qf~amuel H~qdley vs. Walter K. CSvileer

,I.lin Circnit Court before Judge Allen:B.[il]ott Thnr~day morning found.Ii spe~alli~ for the phdntil/’. Emerson RicharO~ *,~. A. l;~urgeois were counsel for the

n~in, while thedefenddnts were rei~resented, -.., %’. Lewis and C..L. Cole.: The s~lit ~a.~.lNtat in in~chanics llen and i-n~olved e~n-t~l betiveen the p -]ainliff and. returnedby the jury was asfol-, :i " \Ve lind It verdict ford generalJudg- :it against .~Valter K. L’avileer and Jesse 1~i/tler a~ builders for both i’entn0r proper-fi)~r the sum 6f-~).M with interest amount-to1~1:0-t3.0t, and a Special Judgment g~LinSttall G. Ginn, owi~er of the pr0pei’ty, begin- ": lg5 feet from Atlantic A’,-enuennd ngain.~ttear K. (’a}-ileer and-Jesse I~ Cavileer a.~tggge~ of tht ~. property and a special judg-t amdnst George l=l. Eng.lish mort~agee of)roperty bt-ginning. 1~ feet from.Atlantie-

~kveat~e for thesum of $9:~1 with interest.rnc tnJtmg to $1,043.04. " We also flnd.a "verdlcll,)r i~,,£,g~neral jud~ment~’- against ~5". K. Cavi]eer

for No~ 215 Rhode /sland A’;euue for the sum](,f $i;0,5.1!) with -interest from June 1,1909,

n~ !iim to .-.’5,:~2.1:~ and n special Judgmentas ~.V.. K. t’avileer and JeE-,e G. 3Ic-;lic a, mortgagee for ..-74,145.9:.3 with interestJ in,: 21, 1 (~.i, aluQunting lO $-l,493.~y,F

iet )n(1 verdiL-t ag~tin.~t a railroadthisw_~4k¯ e! lrned ye.~te:’day afternoon in the ca~~ar~t~ H. lmw ank 3ohn H. Bernard, ad-

} lini~tmtor agaiu.~t the At!earle City railroad, ::for $1,(XI) d:tmnges. Two y~ar~: ago a car st~l,Jkan anto~uobih: -lit 31orris Avenne and the oe-cupant.-) .were injured~- one fiitMly, ihe. .

row p ,,ut ,,f the ;iccident. The railrc~id)lli~ cd thilt the ;ltiIonlobi[e cr~.~ed the-act q fi’l,lit of tik- trolb-9 and th0reby e,)n-il.u tO the itct’idenl. -

]n the Churches. .=[ ~ in [he 31ethodisL .Epi~i)pal Church)w will be as follows : 9..’~0 a. In. CL’tss

31r. ;unl 31r~. 31. t]. 3J,,r>t.;u),l chihlri,n have ,%’o]ne ohl residents .’~ly lhe:v get used 1o ’eln,n)ljYed h) ]Jal}lnli)nll.ql. Tile nlHny friends of but we nol]ee they fee] llnc,)nlforhl])h~jns| the31r. 3h)r~e will I>t. l)h-a.~ed t,) !t’:l/’l} that he is .’~lnie W}IeU l])e " birds" begin ti) sing ill spitelnll)rOvil}L" in hel}llh, of their 1)l~l.,.led fan}ilhlriiy wilh tin, i)~.-;ls.

Rush For Seashore.The wlu’m weather this week shH’ted ;l gen-

era] ruMl for the s~iMiorc from to%vaN :indeities, Hlou.~xnds of people being tr:lns])ortedacross the,"llale daily. ]10si(le]lLs of lhis ])]:le0Ll:~)k ad~Ti, nIJlge nf the excell0nt lnl]u servicedud nlally Sl)el}t a day or cYeuilig al the t.c~)lshore. TILe ct)utrasl l)etwt~m liie land :lad se:~air is not}cr~ble =’is goon as the trnins r[,~lt.hthe ]i]Pildt)%v.,~ be2;ol]d }’]en.,~;lul’¢ille.


Bathing Days Here.]Mthing in the Gratt t,,,,, ]l:u’bor l’iver and

in Lake Lenape hus ltegnn fi)r the F.e’L-;.on al{d

bathing p:lrtles nrP popnlar. ]]y f;tr the luostllll]}leTons Dl}}l))lg lhe b’llher5 are |lie boys,|’wllo are Y;f~l in ]:ll’Y.~ ntlln])ol.’v; .’It Ib{, *s f’C~ll

]1 " it~; ncli.ilg" i/ull "junk-h J l:iE’ wh;t}’f," 1WI} l’ilVf)l’-ill? "swilnlUill’ hole>." })eunillT|on~ ]’,)h}l also ;I lhvorite bathing ]~hlt’e.

Another Big Limb Fell.Al~t)ther big ]i]nb fell t’Satnrday afternoon

froln a decayed oak tr~ on 31aln ,"~treet nt~rthe ]’;irk, lmrrowly nii.K,;hlg Toni ,’SIewarI, whowe.,, pns.~ing ill his aunt)nil)bile. The ellt]re tre,-iN de[’:lyed and siiou]d (.i)n}e down, as shonhl

~eVel’ii] ol}]Pr~. Tinll, for tile ])l’l)})er;lt)I]lori-

Iit.’~ to :lw:lken to tiieir rl,sl~ot~sil)ility.

Summer Al’l .Right.,~’~lll)lln0r %VaS sct}eduh-d tt) t)f~iU Tuesday

l,~q, June 21, and il did. i)ld ~ol did his besland it wa.snl] that could ])e desired. Even the

ml)squito~ ]}t-ard nl)out it and Pillne Out iufull folce t,)ce]ebmee. Sun-bnrned mid hot.

;\ ]minter the other day w:l.~ painIingn fenceO/l ~(’l’l)ntl Slreet. lie h~)ked worried, butsuddenly lib; f;l[*e I,righh.ned and lie Marled lol)iiinl faster dud f;lsWl)

*’ \Yhy are 3"¢,1i hnrryin~so?" asked n pe-destrian.

" I ]lllven’t nluvh paint left," lie replied/’’~an’ ]’ni tryin" I,) /in]~h lhcjob 1)eft)re iL~all~o)n:"

No Celebration ?]’~on}’th i)I Jnly is ol}ly ten days away and no

signs i)f "lny kin(1 of eelebi,’ntion ,’ire evident5t is likely that the holiday will be observed ina quiel manner, a.,~ no plans for auy publicmeeting or et.lebnttion are.lllldL’r Way find thetime is now too short lo t)relo~re q’or -exercises.31any resideuts will sl)0nd the day at AllanlieCily, or enjoy pri,,’ate t)ic-nic~ in lhc|n’nut,-tii:lte neighhorho~d.

Will R~cover.Mrs. F}’ank Tarlecki, of this pl~we, who

rel:ently underwent an opentth)n al Die Atlan-tic I’ily lto.q)ilnl fi)lll)wiug :l hmg illn~_~s pneninollin, i.,~ f;L’~t recovering and lhe physi-.

t’ilt n~, 1)elieve MIL" will be hilly restored to h~llth.

Harvest Time At Park.IL ].~ harvest time nL :Industrial Park. Ye.~-

terd:ly nfte1’n,~)n Itarry Newcoinb tackled thehill ~)wlh of grass "lnd "weeds with his lno’w-

ing n}aehine and greaI]y i}nprov(~ the appt~ar-

ante t7 the squai’e.

Bo a ReporterFor you]~el! nnd neighbors’..’5end to the

newspaper office any hlterestlng news in thew-’}y of eL’alters, parties, etc..\lwnys sign yonrha}lie to ci)]nnlllnicatiol]S ,’Lu all evlden{’e ofgood failh.

" worked " IJy a /brger ,’Saturday night last Al)pl0gate,during lhe storm. 1)isgni.~edas n painter , wilh Kmuse, rf.stained ovendls and a palnl can. on his ,qrln,.he walked into at least lhreq p]nees of busine.%sand sncceffded in getting "pay cheeks" t~shLKl.The IDiin v.’a.s dark complexioned and aboulIhirty-live 5"oa1% ,,hl. Tile authoritie.u are (rnhls t l’ail.


The ]in0-up against .Hll’InnlontoB ~,¥i’L’~ aboul I :eelForger Busy at Shore. the best of the st~l~)n--Edwllrds, p.; Stewa]’l, ~ el,Atlantic City mereiiants were c. ; %Vigglesworth, Ib. ; t)oane, Ob. ; 3Ivrose, ss.;i ."i5:

Mosquitos Drove Y. M, C. A. BoysFrom Carhp.

Twenty young nlen of thv Athlntie Uity Y.3I;l’. A.r-who have bD2n tnimping over thc(’onnty and cahilling out when nigl)t-.overtookthem, were driven frozn their ci~mpal XVt.y-Ta’l-t Coming To Shore.

1 lC 5i .

1 IIlli

"~e(.]t loll

I ~v.:]’lit

t e lI err


.~ 10.30, pr~tching thesub-erveney in the Serviceo[G-od." 2.30 p. - 7ath Schooi : 7.30 p. m. preaching from

"ect, "The True Disciple." A tlfleen.,t, ng .-.erviee will -precede the sermon.nnsic ~i’ll berendered by the Church, bl)th servieem Eve,~-Tbody welcome.~. 5leery, I’a~tm:.:v. Ch:u’lvs P. %Vay will take charge of)it in the Presby!erian Church te-

a and pr~:arh both morning and eyen-

will :ll.~r) conduct the :i’rayer meeting

toy evening al 7.4-3 P. 3IJ~ .~lbbalhPreMdent Willi:,n It. Taft has aeeepted an month Tnesday evening by swarms of rues-.

invitati~)n to alteud the annual eneampmeul quitoes. They hiked l,) this phtce and eaniped

oftlie Grand Army of lhe B.epublie in A.tlan- Wednesday n~lil down the river, at i)oehl’s

tie City in ~elitembcr, unle.~ tinfor~een public Point. The nlOSllU]tt~,s seem to have tbl-lowed them there, Its), fin’ after a night olbu.~iness should absulutely prevent his pre-

sence. He thinks he can review-the pa’mde of suffering they pulled up stakes and tmniped

lhe velenins on ,’September 21. Yice-l’resident iiome, re-aching -the 5". 31. t’. A. ht~td,luarter-

Shernnu~ has promised his attendanee on at :It nOOn. Many ofthe boys had swollen limb:

leiL,~t one day, not /i:xed.

Railroad Responsible.The rnilr~ld is held responsible fin" the dealh

of William Prt.~)ott, who was struck nndkil]t-d by nn expre.,~,~ at Pleasantvilte last wc~ekI13" lhe verlliet of the Coroner’s jury, whicheo]n])leled its in~,’tzsIigalion of the :lceident""~Vetlnesd:ly last. Coi)it, s of the verdiel will beseul to Hie city nutho]’itie~ of ]’h~..’~lutvilleand lhe t)etober Gnind Jury.

Severe Storm Along Coast.I)nv of the nlf~t severe e]ecfric storm in yeaz’~

and from the lnosquito bitt.’~, and all otthem were fi~ot-sore and rc~.idy to brt~ak eaimp.anyway, They had a plcasant jaunt througt}lhe niai,II]and~ howeYer, before the "birds"made tent-life uneon]fortabte.

School For Deaf Closes.Ulosing exercises at lhe ~late ~School for the

D~af at Trenton were held Thursday afternoon,the n.~’~enll)ly rooin, were Ihe pl’ogP, lln "wasgiven, being filled with relaIives and friends of ithe PUl)ils.. Prof. John P. Walker, principal,presided at the exercises, which ,,,,’ere parliei-

in hy the pupils, who gave exhibitions

The sl,)rni elun0 suddenly, reaching this l)faceMiorlly bed)re ,-_ix o’elt~:k and la.~ting untilt{.n o’c]oek. It WIIS no[ so sever~ here ;is in theNorthern p’lrt of the ."41iltv, say reporls.

No Beach Posers.M;lyo1’ F. P. kltoy, of Atlantic Uily, will euu-

duet.n thorough aaml~,uign lhi-~ sea.,~)n agalnst

eess thai the ~chool is achieving in lhe edut’a-tion of the dt>nL ProL \Villker ii~ one of theeountry’s exi,erts on the training of the deafan.d dtunb and lhe Work of thv ~,ehool issol’ond to noue.

Improve Light House.Abs£con Ligh3. ttouse has I>c~n t’qUfl)pt~t

¯ ~,-tn>,)l lit 2..’3) l’. 31. ; L’hristian Endeavor meet-il:g :tt ¢Lt.3 t’. 31. Topic: "Money, Men ,-,-.rid

I" ,’ayl ~:: .\t>,) Tfiree Gr~lt 3Iis.~ionary ~eeds." .-A eel: ~li:~t invihition is e.’ktended to all to ,’inendtt: e serv cc..~. Rrv. Charles 1".¯ Was;, Pastor.

5el" "ic .~ wiIl t>e held to-morro:w in St.Vinceht] , - ¯

lh~ t Uatholic Church- "L~ fodow~: 3Ia.~s at0 a~ 110.:~0 a. hi.; Su~ay Seh~l _~.a0p. m. ":fir 4 ser~’it-~ s.00 p.: m. 31u~ie by Choir.~2,-. [ ~". ttellIlt-~-%~y, PiLStOr.

/ Access: To Library. : .-\II a e ident~ of Ath’m{ie County who hayet apr v,ttC libntry or access tb il iibmry In’ir ht :lie to%vn lnay beeome a member of? Car ~egie lAI,ral3", Attantic Lqty, free of~t. Tt i~ i.- one of the finest librnriL:-s in the

St; ltt. :ln~ [ Connty resident~ should avail them°

,~.I vt.~ ori Lifts opporlunily tO enjoy !iterature In~ll its br~aiehes. Full line.¢ of :fiction,.p6et]~Y, _Mlilo~)plLv; science :lad other books ure.i~ed o:~ lhe ~ht.lves ~Ind, may be token"r~ m tlle iibnlr:- " for " "]inaiIed l:~-rSods.’a rds of/’neull,ers:hip lnay b~I .,~-~-nrt~d froi~n the

ibl’~irial or :i~.<islauls and nlnst be signed byt rtrsl et, before books can be taken out by the

i,, der. ~-’ree rt~uling roozil_-~ forehtldren, and

d0ira}tment i)f enrrent news!~lpers and,t’: ’led [C;tl~ ;trea 1~o provit!ed.


Milli~ Dollar Pier.1 ,anl’il:l’_" in thc.~pe~rg.olh is one of"the latest

balh01~ on the l)eaeh:attired in abbreviated with a ne’i~" uil vapor incandt~cent li,_’ht ap- attmcliotis :tt 1}1% lhvorile place of nm~-bathlng suits whoare Rnown:ls " ]:s,sers." The plinttus. The new lamp W:L’~ lint in service for nwnt.. "]’hv d:mt’ers move abo.ut benea!hpresenceof such perso;nson the beach iz oh- the tlr~t lime ~Vednesdav and made.a most iutertwi1|ing vint~ and branchc-s, tin truly.

brilliant illuniinati0n some two and a h’.llf I 1-~uropf~l$ fashion. The many other aCtractlbnsviouMy objeetionable to visitors and a detri- times brighter than the oil beacon, whit.h w:l- [ of the l)i~tr- have beeu improved andadded to,lnenl to the rt.~ort, so Die lift~gulird~ wi]!,,4~ onthe ]lxlk-onl for olrendel~, in use for %’Lqlrs at lhe top of the tower. The ] uutil visito]~.are offered the tinct nml~ent

inere:Lst~l brilliancy 0f the light will enable it/in - ;r~at l var!ety, -ill at !he 9ne price 0f ad-

Boy Drowned. to he seen more-ph~inly im the ~’ean and at a | nii*’dou,.leli eehts. The bangs in attendanee .

Jnn}ping inlo lhe swift-/lowinz current of gr~lterdistanee in thick wcather The th)vcrn- /are the 5t.~t to be had and in addition to]ikt" ) ] or-ca k t’-,~.

New Material For Cloth.,Janie~ ~,Y. ~lieii, ~r., i)f this place, h,’L’~ in-

Ytqlh-d a new ])l’lX’e.~s whereby flax and xamiefibre- win be bleached white, carded and spun

L~L~iiy a.~ e~tton. The e~st is fifty per cent.le.~., than th:d of cotton and the process is¯ shnple, bleaching requiring ,)n]y three hour~and dot, s nl)t injure the llbre. 31r¯ ,’Shed ist.rying to intert.~l c;lt)itn] in the mannhieiureof ihc.~e yiirn.~:

Building Warehouse.Wurk is progrt~,slng rapidly on lhe big new

warehou.,~e of the Water Power L’olnpanywhh:h is bei),g er,x.ted on lhe, h)l adjacelit P,tstilne l’arR. The huilding is being con-.~tructed of /Ire proof nniterlal for the safesturing of cotton g~ls,

Township Committee Will Meet.The Juh- meeting of the Tbwnshlp Con)n)itteewill be held Saturday eventng next at .:LibraryHall, when blll~ against the Townshlp for roadwork and other improvements will be auditedand ordered pald. ".

Dress Making and Sewing.Apply 3Ir~. }]. Pt. Kendall, .May’~ Landing.


rc~JdenD.; had a I~.ste o[ rt~l] Sun]lI’l[:y "w~ltl]erh)r lhe fl~l time this .St-iL~Ono

I. O. O. F. Exercises.The ]. O. D. F. ]mst ~unday, nssl.~ted by the

Capitol L’orn~_t,]~mti, held ser-vlees over thegntves of dep/rted members nt the’Lenieterles.~In the evening the members attended serv]eesin the M. E, Church in a body, where Rev. 8¯K. Moore l)eached a .~peelal sermon.

Tennis Popular,Tenni.~ i~ growing hi popularity wilh the

young l×’ople, especially among lhe youth,swho find the ¯b~se ball field uncomfortablywarm tht.~e bof Hmmmer day.,. The eobigrounds In the rear of the.Surrogate’s otlleeare constantly In u~.

Moonlight On The River.Motor-b(mL~ were out In full force this week,

the tld~ suiting for pieturemlue moonlighttrips on the Great Egg ]]arbor. The launehenwere he.~rd ]ate during the night, gay withWith merry ~ngeru.

. Cleaned Church.The.ladles of the Prt~byterian Church gave

that building a thorough and-also cleaned the Manse,

/. . %: "~ -.

furnishing music fi)r dancing:giyedaily con-Bea[:h Thoroughfl,re. AI]:lntie Uily, in :in -’it- Ineul 3rill 1)lace. a silnilar light al L’:lpe 3Inyeerts. Th~ net h~lu!s altract an e~]er-lnere~.~g .

New Launc Completed. . leml)t Io eml~lnl0 his bnele an(1 other menduring 1he prv~nt naonlh.,

numbt.r }~eople, wh.o. are no Inwho were enjoying a swhn In the thirty-foot ¢"

the large~quariums where all kinds of strangeCapL Jack Barrett liaJ~ completed his new eimuuel,, eleven year old Levi 31m~-Donald,instruct Sunday School Teachers. and curi(~us /~sh are exhibited~ A day at thespeed launch hall, bnt will not equlp it until

son of Walter MaeDon:fld, a Mly policeman, The seventeenth annual sexton of theshore is ~ot c6mplete ~ut avisit tothis - "

ishebulltdJsp°SeSon sp~ed°fhiSlines°therandlaunch’will makea~taunchThe new boat drowned Tuesday evenlng l~fore aid could "school of methods" oftheNewJersey ~unday big pier. . . " " ]""- " . " . .flyer [’.raft,

reach hlm. . , School As.soelatlon will be held at tl~e .HighI * ¯¯ 5o, 1. o. meet,a. ~chool :Building, Asbury .Park, bc~in.ning - Atlant!c Led, e

. Benners Closes O~ce. Tuesday, JulyL, nnd wH) lmst tree weell.. ~-un- every Friday evenin~ in the Lod~,e Room over "Make Use of Slogan. Evan T..Benners, SLate Supervisor of the day School teachers who attend the le~turt~ the Pc~t-, t2]ce. : ° " :

51erehnnts and others who have business 1910 census, has closed hts office at 31oores- w-lll be charged small fees. Noted religious ~ --"statlonery are urged hy the :Board of Trade to town and dismissed hisns.sistanL% all the cen- workers and educators will deliver addresses

Post-Office Hours.print the slogan, "31ay’s Landing, the Town sus data haviligbeen eompleted and forwarded during the i{’eek and the session promis~ toof Naturnl Opportnnitle.%, on their stationery. Io government headlluarters at W:LshIngton. be highly inlercsting ;~ well a.s Instrnctivc. The .ma~ls. e]ose at the post-olTiee:a.~ foilo~i-s : - .

- .North--8.t~ ) a.m. and 5.00 p.m South--8.00 a.m.i :- *- The ligures of thecensus will be mlidepuMie " .v. - 12.10and! 10p ira:- - - .,~ ..Waterlilies Plentiful. by Federal officials.Many Autiles. Mail Is ,ollected from the mail box at theWnterll]ies are being gathered in large quart- ~" -

The ine]:e~tse ]n the 11.~2 of llutolnobilt.~ is ap- Court Hutlse .~ta[ion ;It S.00 ~L hi. and 5.00 p, m. - -:tltles by pie-ale parties, the fragrant flowers Your Dog Will Be Mad. parent in the lage numberofmachlnes tm.,~sing ~ " : ~.:b)~omlng along the shores of Lake. Lenape And you can’t blame him eiLher, If you lew~-e : Ihrough thisplace -to nnd from Atlantic CHy. . " " i :;In large quantliles, l~im ehalned In the hot sun will, out cool, fresh Last Sunday tlie highways were kept hot wlth- i. un ; ,Tides at Atlafitie City. Inlet.water to drlnk. T/y ]t yourself If you think it ’the rush ,of the cars and If the weather Ls filir I-~ ............ ) .... --Hi~h: Low _ --::.]

Building and Loan Association Meeting. Is pleasant to "l~qd a dog’s ]lfe." :Be con- tf~mormw all records wlll probably be broken " " "-- A.3L ]:3L A.~t. ]’.~. " :.j-

".rh~ t regular nionth]y nieetlng of the ~lay’s slderute of the anhnnls :xnd kind. enlmgh to for heavy travel It i~’g’ratifyiug to note the :zL-?-~’lt-u-rd:]~’:-[[7[~"--~’-~ i" :q-~-~-- ~-~) ,~4~.. _ ,- .. ~,. .. " .:;’~ntida, "..:.. ............ I 10.05 t 10~3 I 4.06 t 3.oo ¯.IAlndlng :BuLIdlng nnd l.~xin Association wtl] look :to thelr eonlforL snlal] nun~ber ofst>eeding-:nlaehine~ and 1here 27 3Iond:{ ............. _ ..... I 10.55 [ ll.10 [ 4.50 I 4.,18 ;<,

ke held :lu Room .N-o. 1, yeal’s0Pern ]=Iouse, * ~tre few eon}phtJllLS of drli-ers who d-o nol "-~ Tue~d~v 111.55 .=:.... r i: 5,~ :Tuesday evening, 2~h last Money lo loan on Launch For Sale. o~serve the road rules, ~ Wt~ue;d’~;2:-:::::::::2:-: I .o41 .a9 I. &~ t 6.50 "< :, ial.

- 30 Thursd: , 1.1)2 I ].48 1 7’.21 I 7.59 : .;~bond nnd mortgage, iL,’.l. Vannaman, 8ec’y. Open Yamlly ]nunch, 3h.p. Appl~J.T.]-l. ~ " . ..........., ¢ Smlth, Clarktown. " " Novel Way to Bag Game. . < " TItlE WEATHER, - = : . )-i~,

Organ For Sale; : " : ~" ~ "JoJ,:~ders" In an auto %~ ednestlny night,- Foist for Pennsylvania[ Delaware imail. :=’ii~¯Souvenir Post-cards. on the road between" Hammonton and Egg New J er~y, Fair to-day, iLlght to moderate: ::j;~$125 ~;stey Organ )’or hale ebeap. -,~pply

8eenle, blrthdaynndnllkl’ndsatUnderhlll~. HarborCltyr~nover. nnd killedawlldduck.i Northwinls. Sundiwfalr. ;-. ¯ .-. [.:;~:[~Water Power 8tore.

- - . . . , .. %~¯ ..

" : - , - - . ~7".~.~

...... - :’- --. "_ 7- "~,~:- .:-, " ": -: : i-: :-::

REAL ESTATE TRIINSKRS i MlSl]ELLIINEOUS flEI]ORDSBrief Description of the Properties

That Have Changed Hnhds and

the Considerations as Shown by

Records of Clerk’s Office.

Atlantic City.

I - -

tOther Matters of Import to the

Real Estate and Financial WorldEntered of Record at the CountyClerk’s Office.

I ..............

Cancellation of ~fl0rtgages, Atlantic City." Y’hc Sh’,m, 7<,i/ho.i a./Dzw"

The world loves a well dressed man,and a well dressed man prefers a"B & K" Straw, because it’s handmade,smartly shapped, cool, comfortable andeasy fitting, almost as light as air andrightly styled¯ In Sennit Splft Milan.Mackinaw Leghorn and Panam.a

$ J50 to $6.00

Tl,*-y ~;litl Ill.) V,’l)ll~¯d ])ri,|Pi’t I)lehllporhinl

ero-<)l)~g~ i£ tile unilllT)oi tllni f)lll-.-4 were elhl~-


./’]’h:’ll was :l f;lJl’-lllindPtl )lr,)po,.iIh)n, at tiny

~.l|e. P~,’en if it ~,v;’.~ llOt alt~l,lher ~i’et’l)t;d)le.

’Tile nlLh(xid ~.-ked Ihe lo3~vnsli*,oplo lo lllltk0

any other propo.ithln they winil-d iuld it

would be eon.~idert~l.

Thai 31"il.~ all Ill!it wil- dolil.. ]1 ~,l-it.~ an ex-

I~lleni opp4)rlliility It) ~ritb. ibr qni~lion, |Jill

It weitl, b)" llnhi~-ded. Jl |~ ii~ll yei li)o ]ale li)

lq~2t~ liow~eG illid nil ]ill)el. liini..~il[mid |)e tt)~l.

~iVbt-lller or nol liie d;lngt./’on~ i’rl~.~hl~o~ hi lhi.~

lown ¯~)lali ll~ng[>r exi>t ih,llends whi)lly u]~)t’t

lhe p~.~l,le, iill~)liih ttil~il ¯ dilly chosrn l¯l’],lt¯

~ntsHv~ Tiiere i.~ Dil ]l)ll~i.r t4llly rPIL~Jll fi,r

lmletion; the rliilr, md hll.~ ~,:gnitlPd iis d.-sile

todowhat i~ riglit by the lllunlt’i]~l]ilynnd il

iS llp tO lhe lllll]lur]lit~ ti) lnPt’t llleltl :il I~t.-I

Illt, l~,Wli, y lind ~t.llre Prol-,er l)l’~)lt~’llliii.



H LL 332

Opposite City Hall,

The Subjectof wriling yollr will is vt’ry nlln’h

like, lh:lt i~f iliSlll’in~ ylnlr lift’. N~)

ill;lny hl.silnlo ailtl ~l~], ])l}llillg il

elk bill it yt)il will ,~ll) 1) lind lhiilk ;l silnp]0 lllIittt’r it is:llid !ill%l"

iliad’it- i~lsier yl)llr lni]ld wiii })P

M’hiqi )’t~tl know lhnt llt3",ltlr tll~llh

3"t)llr a,~lnle will be seltled hi lle-

~-nrd,qnee wilh yilllr dt~i~ yellwill ]’JrOllipl}y alli,nd lo lhis In]-

.4 7’LA2;TIO £.’17";t; .’~: J.

.,4 n rpl n ~ .................................................... .~.50, fifo [i Vnillvilleil 2"r~lIll.~ ......................................

$:~,000 /


¯t ; . :

- Of people don’t give su~ticient attention to the " 1importmit n]atter of selectifig mr Executor. TheAtlantic Snft7 Duposit and Trust Co. is organizeduT]der the law. If any of i~s officers die. they are

succeeded by men ectuallv as capable. "Therefore,when they are your Execu[0r, there ~s no chanceof toss or mismmmgenient: throngh ’the deathof tile ])nrty acting in this capacity.: VFe draw

wills frcc when appointed Executors. ;

N.%2-’E 2)}:l>t).~l’] " ]h)N]-::,~ FOR ]~J’:NT~ ~K3.1)O UP. "t

Capital and Pr0fits $460,1000 :i :’ " Deposits, $],600,000! . : , ..

The Atllant c, Safe Depo /Jt & Trus Co,N.E. Cot. Atlantic & New York Aves~, Atlantic City, N; J.

Bell Telephone 1193-A

904 Atlantic Avenue,



.R A "T .~ ~ : ""FlaI l~al, inonth bulmingfl’om

dt till 10 1). nl;:For N ])ceem}~r, Jannars- ..... ~1.00

, March ............ i...; ................... 75April, 5Iny, ,lung, 3nly, August..~. ....... : ,60

¯ ~epte~ October .................... :....=.: .... 75

Meler 1 ~.i-i 2000,Walb~ ......................... ~15

Minil:nnn ch;irge of 75 ets. per mouth.

:--FB)nl lll(’tPr :lln]~];lI r~ltt~_’:

5 1,el eenL oil },illa ofi~.00 or over

!0 ])el venl. on bills of .%00 or over17) pel cent. nn hills of 15.00 or tix-er

cent. Oil 1)ills of .=..)9.00 o’r over

l0 t,er ten , addititmal ~li.,a-ount on all bills l~idby 5th of.lnmlth in E~g Harbor City,nr the

~th in L’~n di ng.

When You Want Solid Cig;

The 6’/yar Qf QIulj

Our "El Proctor" and "Bride Gi

Sold by the

you knowRem ovablle


Ifyou learn about it, you will seelacks :a feature that is essential--soall typewriters will try to have it.Offering this teatfire is the


¯ and


Gomfort Smoke

is" are Unequalledl

o °7¸aten

a ~pewrl.ter withoutssential that dventually

one ~ewriter now ~..y.

"0 " " " "

s for information:asa.Removable-Platen is

at: Ii -does, .¯

PREmiErco.,i i.e.;

eacuse, N.Y. "Bmllclieli everywili~

. ~ " : i- .....























¯ L\


¯ . . . .




/ /

- _ _ ---- _ : ........... . _




-t tl FI~IFF’S ,’5 ~1 F " i L’i 111"~I{IFI" S ~;\LE

By virtue of a writ ,ff lh.ri facial, to niv di’ ] ~By vlrhle eta veyit i,f fleri f:lehl., to nle di-reeh-~l, i.~sued out Df the .New Jel.~l~y CoUrt ol[ rth~led, i~sui.d ont of the New .ler.,-ey Court elt’haneprv, will be l~L~ltl at l)ubiic vendlle, ou Uhanqery, will I>e sold at public ventlne, i)n




at two t)’t’lix’k ill tile afternoon lif.~.tid day, litKuehnle’s Hotel, corner Atlantic and SouthCan)line Aveuue. in the L’ity i)f Atlant]et’lly,COUlIIy Of Atlantic and ,’4 hill, of New Jersey,

All lho.~ certaht tl~lt’L~ tit piirl’eis isf huid;llld 1)relnise.~. ~iluah. ill tht > i’ilS" of Ai]nnliot’ily, ill lilt" t’i)Ullty Of .\lhuith" nnd St;lie ofNew Jcl.’>ry, and dc.-.eribcd separnteiy ;isfollows :

1~)t Nil 1.--lieginnlllg ill n l~)inl ill 1he-~lt’e~tel’lV iino of Ill’el’gill .\Yellui" pile hlllldred

:tnd tiff.{ ~t,t l.~,)uLhw~trdiy fri)ln .l~Je Soutl!erly]hie of .\tlantit" .%_Vellue, add rllns llieuce{11%Veslwardly t)ill~ille] with .~II;intie ~\Yeuue~me hundred ~uld seven ty-fl "c fevtl thencet:~) ,,4outhwardly ilanillel with tJeorgill .\venuelllirty-lhrtk’ mud one-tilh-d feet; thence I:i)Eastwardly panlllel with Atlantic .~.YellUe OUe]lundlx~d :lnd.~¥enty-llve f~t tll lhe \\’eMerlyline of Gl~)r~’lll Avenue; nud theul:e (4) North-wnrdly :llol]7 lhe ~Vt.~terly ]iue t)f (31~)]’gi;i.-\venlle lilirty-thn~" lind phi-third f~.l h)lht.l)Dll’P t)f })t°gIllllill~’~.

Li)l Nil "’--l{i-~inlling ill lht- %lt’t’Mt’l’ly lh~c

~)f llt~)rlhl Avi,]lue ;it a pohlt disffl~nl i)l]i’-lq~lln-drPd fi~,l ~olll]lward]y Il’l)ill tin’ ;’4ontherly ]iHe

rlf .\ll’ln]ie .JIYellue, -ind rllnllin_ ~ lhl’nre It)\Ve~Iw;lrlllv nnd lutr;llh,l wilh Al’hl]llir .\vP-nl3e o he h\lndl’etl anll Hfly h.-t; Ihenl’e (2)

SoIlthWalMly and panl]hq with tlt~rgla Avl,-n!le dny it~l; thence (.’I) .}]iMwnrdly andparallel with ¯-%thintie Avenl]t; cue ]]undl’l~dand fifty feel h) ti’flP Vl’e..,h,rly lille of’llt~)rgiaAvenue ; thenre t-J) Northwardly in and alongthe .’~1.i4 .~V~-~tel’lv lille ,)f ~;eor,gi:l .\¥enue fifty


at _lwo o’rh’x’k in lhe afternDon of said day, atKuehnle’.~ Hotel, eorner Atlantic aud Soulh(Tarolina Avenue, in the City of Atlantic City,County of Atlantic and Stnte of Hew Jersey.

All lhal-lrncl or ]t)t Of land and pl~PIlliS~PS,silU;lle in the .City of Allantic I’ity, in LheCounty ,if .\l]:lnlh’ and ~late i)f ~ey," Jersey,hen nded an d de~el’il)ed a-s billows :

B,.~inhing at Idle Norlhwa~rdly corner of_~ledilernlnt~tn lind ]{l~senioIlt Aventles andextendiug thence (l) Norlhwl.~lwardly in the]’7~Lqwardlv line of :Rosenlout Avenue twohundred ~{nd twelve and one half feet to the,’~outhwardly line of Drexel .\venue; thence12) Nortllea:~twardly in ~lid SoutLwrly line of~)rexe] Avenue liflv-et~ht and eighty-fivehundredths feet B) the "~’csterly line of landconveyed hy .\ndrew J. lh)binsou and wifeto lhe Consun~ers ~Vater Conlpany a-,~ in deedrecorded in book 1L~. Imge :~’4; theuee (:{)S,)ntheastwardly 1we hundr~M and twelveft~t and sixly-one i)ne hnudreths of a ft~)I

fin. I.>hlte i}f the :~tid decedent, withhl nineln,)l)lh~. /roln thi,~ dnte, or they will be forev,rbarrt~l frl)nl pl~).~eeutillg or rc~:oYering Lhc~rne :l~ilill.~I the ~llb~rib/~.r;

~,IA]BEL P. iRWI.~,]gxPt-ntrtx.

Atlantic City, N. J.Mtl3"’> l :incline, N. J., .June 4, 1910.

N*l )TI i "1-: TO CI{EI)/TO]L’-I.

l’-,qlttt~ i)f l’~iehard l)llloil," d~’cl’:L’~ ~f~ll.

I’u~mmt t- the order t)f ]’~nlal~lUP] L’. ~hanerSllrr¢i~atP i)f lhe [’l)untv i)f Atlantic, this da~i;lde on |he "lpplie;lIii~l of the rindersign~Execrator of thc .~lid decedent, notice-is herebgP,-en to the crt-dltoru of the .~iid doeedentexhlbtt to the snbscrlber, under oath or affirm-athm, their chliln.~ hnd dennlnds a~alnst thet~l~tte of 111[..~ahl dt~cl.denl, wiJiihi nine monttl.~Ironi it!Is dale, or Lhey will be forever barredfrom prt~’euting or recovering the ~meagainst the m~b.,uriher.


Exg-cu t,Jr. /2-10"N. Ohio Ave., Atlautic City, ~. J.

Ma)’~ Landing, N. J., June 20, 1910.


Nolic~ is hereby given thal then.ccount of thesub~x-ril~r as AdTnlrnistnltrix e.La. of the estliteof Prt_.~ton. Adams Anl0~, dect~a.,~ed, will lmauditt.d all(] .’.~ted 1)y the Surrognte lindrep)rt~d h,r ~vtt]ement to tile Orphans’ Courtof Atlantle {’ouuty, on V,’ednt.~day, the twen-tieth day ofdhly next.

Admi~[~tratrix e. t. ’a.Atlantic City, N. J.

1)ated June 1% A. D.. 1910.TtIOMPf#)N & I’OLE, Pr6etor~.

Atlantic t/ily, N../.. ¯


s H Ell I FF’S SA LE.By x]rhle of a wrlt -f /lerI faeia.% h) hie dl-

rPe[’et], Issued I)’Llt of tile ~ew J01~ev t’llurl i)ft,haneery, will be s01d lit pub]it: vendi%e, i)ilX

S.VI’VRI)AY,- TIlE ~E(’t)N]) ])-%]" I)F


al two o’ch~’k tn the allernoon el .,~tld day, "itKuehule’x Holel, corner of;’~oulh Carolina nl}d+-\llnnllc Aveuue.% in the City of Atlantic City,County of.-\tl:lntic and State of New .)el.’sey.

All the fo]h)whlg trn~t or parcel of landand prelnL~ hereinafter partlculnrly do-scribed, situate in the City of Atlantic City,in the County of At]antic and State of NewJersey, bounded and de.~rlbed as lollows:

Begiunlng nt the Northeast corner of Empire,rod Kentucky Avenues being two hnndredand rilleen feet North of Ik).cifle Avenue~thence .N’ortlierly along Kentucky Avenuefilly feet; thenee E+mterly r~tnltlel with P~clflcAvenue eighty-~ven feet to a lhree feet widealley ; thenee Southerly along said alley lilftyfeet m Empir~Avenuc: thence.. ~Vestvr]yah)ng Enlplr~,"Nvenue eighty-seven feet to tileplace of beginning.

And aL,~o all of lh0 go~ls and chattels herein-after niore partlcular]v d~scrihed nnd situatei~ the building nl~m "the lands and premlses

for ;l m~’ller ill the Narthwardly line of said hereinbefore described known as "The Old.MediternUlean A.¥enne ; :llld lhenee (4) SOIllh- }t~nestead," to wit: Seven nnlhogauy’burl~us iwt.~lwnrdl.v ill .~d~! Northwardly line slxly- and wa.~hstand.,% twenty-4.ight oak bureausfive fct.t nnd twenly-one t~e hundredths t)f ;hid w~Lstx,~tantls, pine birch Bureau and w.a.~h-i1 fi)l)t tt) .~iid e,)rl)er ;trill l,];ll-e l)f l)v~jnning. ~land, thtrtyonlne iron beds, twenty-one conlb, tieing a p;ll¯l {)f the ,%illne prL’llll~,l’?4 Vl’]lich

:it twt) t)’rhlek in lheaflel’lll)on t)l >.hid ]~nehnlt.’~ Hotel, i’i)rner :\thinlie lind ~onlht’;irolin;i .\vl,nnrs, ill lhe eiiy i)f Alhinlic i’ll PoUnly tit ¯\thintic and ,’4hire of_New ,lersey,

All l}l;ll eerhlin l-iIY hit or Irlu’t of hind;llld ln’ellli~-i -,l, Mtllnle in Al]nnlic i’ll)’, 17curtlyiff ..\tl:lnlic nnll ~hih, i~fNew .]rl.~r.V, I)onudcil;ill{1 desi’ribt.d ~!.~ fi)l]i)ws:

lh’~i]lllhl~ in lhe ~i)nlllvrly ell;4,, of Billlh,.\vvnue diM;lnt lh]rly-lhrl-i, f,,i,t l-]tMwardly

,i)f ~i)ill]lt-~l>l r~)rner i)flN)llnecliellllintl Bnllh..\’¢enni,, nl)d rnll~ lllt, lll~, I1~ l-.~l~twartl]y alol}g:llll] ]11 the ,~41)llther]y l’~17t’ ,~f]l;llth’ .%Velllll’

Ihh¯ly-lhrPv fl~’l t’~l); thl,nrt-t~l ~o’lthwilrdly

lnattrt.~ses, elghleen cotton mattPe~,es, threedozon oak chah~, one dozen oak rockers, one-half dozen wood rockers, two oak rockers,tin’ee hundred and sixteen yard.~ matting,forty.five yhrds sa_voney carpet, one hundredand eighty-nine and one quarter yards velvetcarpet, three hundred and sixty-seven andt~ree quarh.~r~ Bru.~seLs carpet, two hun-dred and rift)" and one quartcr)’ards ]ngPaiucartel, twdnty ~eLs pillows and bolsters, onelliet-c ]inolennl, ninet)’o.~Ven .I-1. 1{. shades,twch-e six loot table~, one dozen porch rockers,H}rec and one slxth dozen .~tatr pads, thirteenlind ,)ni-half yards oil clolh, five yards lino~Icnlu, six oak ])O]C~ and tlxturt:% twe]ve bol-sters aud tw~h’e plllows.

And also all the following d~t’ribcd good.%ehatle]s and pel%onal property situate as:lfi,rt..~lid nnd here]nafh’r more pariieularlydescribed a~ h~llows, to wil:

}.:]even heds, eleven sprin,.-s, eleven ]nal-II"e.~st~, t’wentv-lwo l)il]ows, ~ eleven bhair~,t’ eYen" bureaus, eleven ~,Ya-Sll-~hlnd.s, two]re,qiades, lnatling In rc~nns :~3. 34, 3.5, :~, "&q, 39, 40,¯ 12, 44, -15 and -1,’4, 17;)0 piece sets Df di~hl~, ~hL~;~PS,k ill yes, forks, .~Ollp alld t~l ~poons restx~ctlvelv;t :lwning’% 1:~ porch chnil.~, -1 dt.~ik~, 4 f,)ldil~gr~)l~., ~ tilt.% nllittrt...~’s~ .-~) l);).il% vllrIa|llS, it’e-b,xes, l~) Mn~21~, 150 I)illow ea.~i.~,, 1o0 n:ipkhl.~, 50 tabIL~C],)lh~, ] loullge~.

.\ 1-o I he following:In eXcllangi.--o phu-e lmrlursuit, phlnoand

.-ih~], 4 pail" llii’P uilrlains, l]lllNlt~ NIIIIIll lint] Ii

in hall-shiir.~- 2 cignr eases, h)okin,.: ~l:l~sh’.lil rllek.

In diuing-rl~)m--}.~0 ~llah’s, 12 \lichen--3 tables, 4 ehall~.And also all o]her goods, chattels andp~u’-

~onal j)roperty situ:lte a.s nfore~,id ownedbylhe .~ud Peter B. l~isley, whether 1he ~llhe behereinbefore partieuhn’ly enumerated or~ot.

Seized a~ l!le prolx~rty of Peter B. Risleyand others -and taken in execution at the suitof Thoma~ E. French, Samuel K¯ l~obbins and~3eorge J, bergen, Receive~, and to be sold by

ENOCH I~ JOH~’SON,Sherlff.

!Dated May :-~i 1910.

TIIOMA.~ F~ FRENCII,Ij]-:O]{GE J¯ bERGEN, lh~’eiverG

Solicitor~.tSL Pr’.~ ft%’, $26.00.


By virtne nf a writ ef flcl’i fileias, to me dl-reeled, L~ued out of tile New Jersey Conrt ofrhanccry, wlll be sold at public ",’endue, ou


AND TEN.:t-[’-rat two o’clock in the aIlernoou nfsaid day, at

Knehll]e’s llolel, corner Athlntie and South{ ".lro]ina AYenu£.~,l in the (’it)" f)f At]anlic CRy,i’ounty of Atlanth" and Shire ofN0w Jcl~ey.

¯ All that IPaet m" lol of huld lind prelni.~t~.,>qlua]e Jn the Uily ~)f Alhlnt]c (’ily, in lheI.’l,nnty of At]anlic and Slale i)/ NrW .Je]:sey,boundt~fland dt:,~erilled ns billows:

Beginnh~g in the Northerly line of P;~.iflcAvrmle distani .~eventy-flYe feet ]’21stwardly.from the E~Lsterly line of Delaware Avenueand extending thence tl) Eastwardly alongllie Northerly ]hie i)f’I)aei~c Avenue ~cventy-seYvn }i’ft eighl inches, lhen0e (2) North-


By virtue" of an order to me directed andl~s-ued ol~L of the Court of Chancery of NewJersey, In a ecrtaln t~ll]~ wherein Jnne L.I)gden el. vir. :ire eouH)}ainanls, nnd .J,~iah3h~ernle is defcndan], Ihere will he snhl a!pnblic vcndue On


, ¯ TEN,’

at two o elock In the afternoon of .~xtd day, atKuehnle’s HoLel, bl~ the corner of Allanttl. andS’6utl] Ci&rolhni AYeuut.~, In 1he city of AI-

¯ lant]e City, in the County of Atlautie and Shirepf Nt w Jersey. ,

All the following (l~:eribed llact of hind nudpremises situate, lying and being in theTownof Mammonton, Count) of Atlautic and Stateof New Jersey, boundt~:l and d~,~cribed u.~follows :

~Beglnuing al a point in U~e eentre of Fif-teenth ~treet at a dlstance of five chnins nndtwenty-five links ~,)uthwesterly Iron] thecentre of First l~oad, thenee extending (1)

a]ohg the line of huld :L~ e,mveyed Ix) the ~aidWilliam L. :Meserole South forty-three degre~twenty-five mtnutes 1,2ust twenty chains to apoint ; thence (2) panfllel wllh Fi~eenth ,’#treel~outh forty-six degret-~ twenty-five minutes%V~t four ehnlns and ,seventy-five links to a

Fint; thence (3) parallel with Flrst Roadorth forty-lhrec degr,-t~s twenty-five minutes

West twenty cllair~s to the ecntre of FiNeenthStrt~.~t afores,Md; thence (4~ ah)ng the eentreof .~’lld Fifteenth Street N orth~_a.~terly fi)urchains and seventy-five llnks to 1he,lace ofbeginning, containing nlne and on~hnlfacr~0f land, be the same more or le.~s.

Including lhe estate ~nd inter~t by thecurtesy of the complainant, Elwood }t. Ogden,In the said premises, together wlth all andslngular the hereditaments and appurtenancesto the .~aid premises belon~nl{ orln anywlsellplrmrtalning, ~aid premises "will be sold freeand e]eur of the estate and interest by curtesyof the :~,~ld ,Elwood i-1. Ogden¯

SAXtVEL t~ Pz22x, _+"3 lX~.’hll .-~la~ter.

Dated June ]8, 1910.

THOM].~ON & COL~,So]leltors for I’ompla]nni~ls.

5t. Pr’s fee, ~’~].;y2.

I)! oPOSAL Sealed bids or pr, ll~sals endorstM "Pro)x)sa]s

for L’onstruetion Highway Bridge Lily LakeOeennville, (;all,)w:ly Townshi’p, At]llntleL’oU]lty, N. J." ~vilh the nan]e of tl~ per~m ort’orpol~ltibn nl-ikin~ the-41i4, wi}l be receivedby the lloard of Ch,)scn Frt~ho]del.~ ofAt]iln-tie Uountv, when enlled Ior by the Director.dnrin_ ~ :l’nleeting of Ith"l.l body IO be heldJuly 7, 1:)10, nt 11 ,)’clock A. M. in Ihe rc~nno! the Young Men’s Replihllean .I.~ague, illIhe Bartldtt lhlihling Annex, Atlanlic t’ity,N.J.

Each bid mn~t b0 accompanied with acertified cheek in the sum of nnc hundredII00.00) dol]arm made p;tyab]e to F. F. l)oughlv,l)lrector.

Bg. nd wiih npproved.:t~mrety t~*tte ann)uutoisix hundred (600.00) tiollars will be r~luiredfor lhe fa]thfu] perfi)rln:mce of the eonlrneL

Specifie:lti0ns will !~e ft]rnished on applicn-lion to E. ]). ]~ightlnire, Couniy Engineer,31/) thlrIlett Bnlldin,w,-Aqimti¢ tldity, N.J.

Tile h,mrd re.,~,rvt.~ tile righl to rejoct’;l~yor al] bids if it shall dt~en~ it for the publicintere~l ~o Io d’0.

F~A N K. E.N D]’:llL’] N,Uh:firman of the Brldge Committee.

2] Pfs fee, ~5.40


NolIee is hereby given tl~at the account otthe sub.~rlbel, as E_3ecutor of the estate oILewis E. Jeffri~, decea.sed, will be liudtIedand stated by the Surrogate and reported forsetllementlo the Orphans’ Court oi" AtlantleCounty, on V;ednt~:day, the twentieth day of,Jill)’, ]]ext.

I’}lAti]¯lL~ I:1. JEFFli]Y~:.t,Ex eeu tor.

Atlantic Clty~ N. J.Dated June 1~, A. D., 1910¯


NoLice is hereby ~iven that the a~’eouut elthe xnb~’riber, m,+ Exe6utor of the t~tate of

rJohn D. %% il]itims, deeen.sed, wtll be auditedand stat(~d by the Surrogate and reported forsettlement to the Orphans’ Court of AtlantlcCounty, on Wednesday, the lwenlieth day ofJuly, i~ext.

I.SRA EL P+oG E.R.S,Executor,

3lihn;ly, N. J.l)illed Jnnc iN, A. 1)., 1910¯


-.I’; X eC ull)r, ........i l:)i Y. I)hh) ,lye., Allanlh, t’ilv. N..l.

l)atvd .Jtllle ].N, A. I)., 1910.I’I.XI’J’;NUE l’~:~-rrr, l>rut.tor.

Atlantic Uily, N.J. - ........


~Notit’e il~ hereby given that the accl)unL~ of

1he sub~rriber, ilS Execntrlx of the e~tate of.a an, dt,-t-a d; l>e audiU¯d KHI San Jbse Igca]eand stated by the ~urrognlte and reporled for.-~ttlen~-nl h; tile Orphans’ Court ot Atlantic by using

I;’onnty, on Wedno.sday, the twentieth day of

+’+ SALOXIN EMMX ])IY, LI)N,Execntrlx.

Atlantic t’ily, N. J.Dated June 1S, A. I)., 1910.

ELI H. CiIAXDLE1L Proctor. ]Best Insect Destroyer 0n the market.Atlantle City, N. J.

..... 2 ....... ,5’ohl in rin~ Quontil~J.


Notice Is hereby given that the account of Priee per gallon .................................. ,...50cenLu

the subscriber, a.~ Guardlan of the estate el By the l~rrel, per gallon....-. ................... 40 centsJohanna Relldlng, lun.%tlc, will be auditeda~d. shited by the .~’lurro~-v;te and reported forSetlJenlent to the Orphans’ Court of AtlanticCount)-, on Wednesday, the twentieth day of Mnnufactnred by IheJuly, next.

L. Monmouth Chemical Works,Guardian,Smith’s Landing, N. J.

Dated Jmle 15, A. :D., 1910. ./ For mile by

~Notice Is hereby given_ lhat the account of

:’" " " " Cologne, N. J.

/~0UISA F. HO~RNE, ]~LO]ilST.

Admlnlstratrl~, - ........... _" ...............................- _ nammonton,:,’.J. Cut Flowers and Plnt---a--s.

I)aled June 18, A. D.: 1910.ELI ]:[. (_*]IANDLEIt, ~Proetor. ¯

Atlantic City, N, J.Beautiful Blooming Plants......................

NOJ;.I(’EOF+ SEWTLEMENT. Artisttc Floral Emblems for FuneralsNotlce Is hereby given that the nceounL~ of

the subm.rlber, as Sub. Administrator e. L a. el Arranged at Short Notice.the..~tate, of Edward 8. Reed,. deceatled,wnl De-au~liteo anQ stated by the Burrogateand reported h)r settlement to the Orphans’ Long DtstancePhone.Court of Atlantic.County, on Wednesday, thetwentieth day of J’u]y, nexL

c,A,,,m~ su~l~a I-t~.x~, EDWARDS FLORAL - HALL t~O.,"~-~ 8ul~. Administrator c. L a.

Dated June II~ A. D., 1909. 107 South ~ ,,r’aro’lna Av0., South,BOLTE dt MooY,Proetor~Atlantic City, N.J. ATLANTIC CITY, ~I. J,

. . :. . .¯


JU’NE 25,


J, E. t’. AIIBOTT,Connstqh)r-at-Lnw,

31~ter In Uhnncery,31AY’S I,ANI)I.NG, N, J.

ALBERT C. ABBOTT,2]k Attonwy-at-Lnw.

Solicitor nnd 51a+,+ter in Chnneery,MAY’.,"I LANDiN{J, ~, J,

IIE1LMAN L. HAMILTON,I-1 Cou U.’~] h )r-at- I.~1 w,

L<tra~t" Phone xlJc+ ItA~BUI~ CITy, ~’. J.

DOBERT H. INGERSOI,I.,II Cou ]~sel 1 or-ate ]+ilw.

I)/Bce:--Currie Building,t ’orner Athmtlc and .~6uth Caroline avee..

ATLA~T]L" fifTY, N.J.

]G~I,I H. (’HANDLER, ’ Con iz,,ell or-n flaw.

l~)o]ns 1 to 4 Black,tone Bnilding," ATLANTIC cl’rY, N. J.

J OHN N. W:bS~COTT,Att[)rney-nt-I-xw.

I)tlh.e:--Bartlett Building, "ATLA.NTIU CITY, .N.J.

{ ~i EL)RIDE A. BOURGEOIS,tSl" Counsellor-at-Law.

Practice in New Jerse:y, :Philadelphia andUnited States Distriet and Circuit Courts.

Real ~2~state and Law Building,ATLANTIC C]’TY, N.J.

£’~ ODFREY & GODPREY,Attorneys-~t-l.~w.

~ollcltors in Chancery and Notarie.~ Public ;Conveyancing in all iL’~ branches; ~al Es~uteand /nsurance ; ixmns negotialed ; Collectionsa spec. ial ty.

Rooms 315.31t~17 Bartlelt Building,Corner ~onh Carolina and Atlanlic ayes,,


W ~RY & STOKk,"-~,Cou n..~ell ors-tit-l.atw.

Solicitors, 3Iasters nnd Examiners in tqmn=eery; Pn~ctie~ in the United States and Cir-cuit Uonrt~.

OlYice: Currie Building,Corner Athlntic nn’d South Carolina ave%


REPI’.WTO ,*¢ .REPETTO,Attofney.~nt-L~rw,

Masters in Chancery.Roon~ .37 R~ll E.s~ate and I~-lw Building

Bell Phone 190 A. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.l’hiladelphia Ol~ee:--717 ~tVnlnut sl.

M \ T,N Attornes~al-l.~lw,Rooms.544-5 BarUett Building


E DMUND C. (JA~SKILL, Jii.,Attorney-at-l~aw,

1{OO111.’4 406-7-8-9, t "kirtlett l~uilding,Both Phones. ATLA-~TI U CITY, ~. J.

¯ . -.


Rebui} di g


.f -

Lake & N 7tey Company" DEALERS IN

L inber and M illwork, C0al, Lime, Brick,Terra C0tta Pipe, Paint, 0il, (/lass

and Builders’ Hardware


Mill - and "Yard " =Above ltic Avenue:

,. - -:¯ 7

3red TolayWhKeWy z d0 es

t~ood hardy birtl.s t)r~l for utility

url~ses. "/’l]e~e :ire the best nil round~rl~ 1]lere nre, eilher for ment or egYs.

hey make g~.)d menly broi]ers’snd arerollfle lnyers for Winter eg+~+.

Eggs $1 per 13CocF~els $3 up

7he Proffr ss veFoultry Plant,





TO-DAY Evening ~.30_


Big HippodromeOn the Sea

e Trapne!l and Evellen,Comedy Acrobat,;.

ttx~m ]n the World

DANGING :. - . -- _ _

Programs’by the B.oyal ltaiian Band. "

and Orchestr~ " ~:

:Marine Theatr~


i Wins ton’s Sea I Jans.alyEquestrian ~ Lions In lhe.World~ _ -<.


A, M. --- +N~r 4L30 P.M.

+ .+



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Copy;IghL 1910, by American Press

.\ssocla tloll.

A gelltlemnn, handsomely dressed,qIlghtod from a ral]way traln at a sub-el’bat) srntlon nnd, golng out to wherern~’inge.~ st,rod waiting, 1,~ok,od aboutfor one h,, .~xpected to meet him.l’~ssing a landau In ~hich sat a youngwoma~ hi the costume of a maid, shecalled to him:

"Beg p:,rdon, Mr. ~4re you Mr. Jur-

negan ?""] :lln."

"]’re bees) ~,-nt by Miss ~’hlteheadto meet yuu"

"lndeed 7’"’Yes. sh-. .Mi~s XVhilehe;:d was i;a-

tendiBg In v,,ii)e hi,l-self, bul she W/IScalled n wnv .-.udd,.qllaithls m)>:uilng.’"

~Ince it was n f, mr hour j,mrneyeaei~ way .Mr. .lnrnegnn deeded tostay. Bnt what ’,v:~s he to do to amusehimself till 1o:norl-()w? lie and MissWhitehead were b,,th Ira,rested .in anest::le that wn~ In lltitz:ttl,m. Mr. Jur-nevnn’~ f:lthor and 5ii.~ \Yhitehead.~suncle had been lmrtners in bnslnessnnd hqd left their nfi’:~irs hi a tnngle.Mr..lm’n,,gnn 5L.cliwd tn httve the bestof the IpN::I situnth)n, and Miss White-hcad’s :lttorm,y ~,lvl<J.d her to n~eetMr. .lurm.g:ln. wh,m.~ she had neverseen. o.nd (21ltle;l’~ or it5 effect a compro-mise. IIe srrungly recommended herto marry him if .Mle couh]. She hadinvited him to her honle for a conler-once. As he rolled ahang he concludedto Immp the mald.

"Does Miss \Vhhehend live alone;"’he asked.

"Yes. sir. with n housekeeper :for:.haperon."

"’Good mlst russ’:""’Very g~rM--in some ways, sir.""In what warY""’~,YoII. sh’, there’s nothing mean

el,out her. .qho l,ays good wages andgives us dn>s out’ qulte often, besides

.-lo’s of fine c:mt,,ff cl,)thlng. But she’svery lndept ml~yrt, does things her ownway, nnd the neighbors call herfr),;:ky."

There was n,,thlng 1~ this to help5!, Jurnc.=nn to an oplnion as towh,.,ther he a’onld be able to make a,-o.’?_u,rorntse f:lvc, r:lble to hls own inotd’,.sts or n,)t. though the tact thatMiss was not lne.qn lookedm.:l. On r~n,’hh~g her residence healI=bted and w:ls shown to his room1,3- n Inans,,rv:~nt. There he made hisl,,iiot and went d ,wn to luncheon¯After th2t he hod n whole afternoonbefore hit’,: wi;h L, lhh’t~ to do. Going,,’~ to the pi::zz:~, he lit :1 cigar. Them:N enm,. (,!.11 with perl/,dteals, whichsh,. pl:)e.:i ti.q n t:~l,le near him.

"Miss ’~;)]lt,’ht’::d /,,It] n~e ] was to

(],, lay bust 0, II.d~l.~t. ).,ill" waiting

en:.v as l,us>~i,h’, sh’.;"I don’t k!l,)Xv h,_,w y,,ll can do that

bet:er th:ln l,y tt.II!ng nle nb,out MIss

\gh}tehvad.’" he resI,,,t:d,.d "Sitdnwnlii,,] toll me uh::! sh,’ tS like."

"l’;;e ,_’ivl d, li:uirt,i at s,,ating herselflw:r n aontl,-i~,:ltL t,nt II’e.[l’t’0t] that iflie \vollh] lu,rr~lit l:).r t,) gt.t her needle-

work s!/~. w, ;:!,f ,i!:>v.ei" aBy ,iuestiol/s

he mi.z)~r .>’:¢. I!v ,.zlndly ,’onsentedand on twr r, tnrt~ ~,tgall his ln,jtlir]~3.

"How ,,!d Is .’,li:-s V,’hitehead’t""l d~.n’t kn,~’,v..<!r She might be

thirty""Thirty: : h,.:ti’ti >:h," u,qs lint more

th;In tw,m;y tw,,."



LI’:(~A L,

wt,sl line of .New Jersey avenue;thence t4) Southeasterly, along thes:,me, one hun,tred.tweniy .feet to lhel)hlce of beginning, 1-},’Ins lots known;Is N~,-~. 43, 49, 50, 51 In ,l~e.cIlon ]]on y,]nn of lots of Al)FPeon (’ity Im-

j)rovement Compnny, n c,)p:>" of whichis. /(led in the (’Jerk’s ())lice nf h,nLic (’ounty, New Jersey.

f May’s Landing.


F:.very merchant andpro:. "-.

gre~sive business m~n should

have a Bank Accouni-and

pay his bills with checks. His° " L

standing among business men¯ k ¯

is betier ; there is no danger

¯ el losing )honey, and eyery

check is a receipt for th.e

payment made.

In our inierest Department

we pay you’ 3 per cent. interest

on your savings,

A~ little ~ one dollar to

start wi~...

Let us start you right ~th.your Bank Account. ~’ "


( D. MAKEPEACE, President. ;:

h R. MORSE, cashiei’, ..¯ ". / .


. .,

.. ¯ o ¯ :o ¯

3 WS " -J:

m;lnaze h;).rn~,)lii~)ll:tT. ihi, 1)r,)l~er|y

wI!ioh they were j,intl- inlerested.I]t- Was i)r,),.p,,l}na \vhen lhi’ maid 113-

terrupt(-d him."lt st,sins i,, m),. sh’¯" she ~ahl. "that

by far the l)esl nTr;in=,.ment to bema4e is for you ../nd,,.Miss Whiteheadto marry. 1 hope you’ll il0ver tell her1 propose~l such n thlng. If yon dol’;l lose my I,laee.’"

tax." I was already late and said:: th, (’lerk’>, ~)fliee of Atlantic (’,)unty

"I had oft,n thou;:hi of that myself,""Come again. I have not got the: in. P.,mk Nri. 309 of Deeds, folio 23 &c,

~ald Jurnegan. n;iturallv surprised, money here." Whereupom wtth the:, ADo ).,xcepting all the following de-" rapidlty ,if a conjurer, he produced seville,} ],Is or tracts ~anvey’t~d t,)

"Bat I nln opposed tn mnrrvhig a w~- fr(,ln his p,,cket a paper, apparently a’ J:’mes ]~ Smith :is follows:mnn older than lnyself. Yon say thai.Miss %’Vhltehem] Is thlr-ty nnd home-ly?’"

"] aid l)0t a Jtnlge uf beauly. YOUmi;+ht think her fairly good looking."

1~,.ginnin~-: nt a l)oint on the South-warrant Ivl" in)" arrest. ’/’his seemed w,.s t side of New Jersey avenue one

to me to be ,-arrying the joke too far.nnd so 1 asked the manager to be kind ; ]~l;~,,lr,,,t ;In,] 1}fly-live feet from thetqiOl]gh to I1:13¯ the man the money. IIe) .N,))’thwesterly side of Fifteenth street;,~d runs thonve I1) Southwesterl.v."?’:l s,, at i:l:(:e, and the good incume;’l,:llallel with Fi/teenth street ¯ one

"It tnkes two tr) nlnke n b:n’galn. 1;~x col]color re, piled, "And now may )n)n,lred thirty-seven.nn8 forty-elgin)%Vh;’.t ,1o you thi:lk 5]lss Whitehead. .I have a seat to see the showg"’ And’ h:)n,]rvdths feet to n point; thenceweald say to your l,l~n?" he -got il. That’s I,ondon. i =,-~ Norlhwesterly, parallel with New

"She favors It." ’ .],.r:,,3 ¯ av,,nu- one hundred nnd twen-"Favors It.).’ i Pleasure and Pain. J :v r,,)t t,, q point, thence (3) North-

"Yes, sir. She has told me several! P](,asure nnd pain are ]he nnilsl,.:)sterly nnd parallel with first coursetimes that It’s the only way of maklng.i whil.h faslim lhe body and soul to- i,,nr- hun,lred thirty-seven" nnd forty-a ~atlsfactory l)ernnlilent seltlemenL" [gelher.--Iqul;irl’h,

ieight hundredths, feet to the South-

~Inith t,) tile Brig;ultine linln’ovenlent I’onl-- Egg }]:lrbor I’ity ..................................... 12,677.40pnl]V, 1hi,n)’0 (lS) :th)ng l|le Northwt,.-lerly lin,,ol ¯ 1"lie h~.M inenthnled tl~ll’t lind al,)ng the }>4g ttarl,or "rown.~hip ................ " .............7.D72.1r~.Northwesh’rly lint, s t)[ lhe Taleln tnlel (whert, i;alloway Township ............................... S,917.:;0the s41nle pri,jeel .Nln’lllweslerly of lhe lines of lI:lnlilt, nl Township .............................. 12.-liJ.3.7tlhe t~riganline lnll)rirw’nleni i’l)liipany Inu.t~ill ;I genl_.r;ll N,)rlheu:,ter]y dil’H.tiou ;lbl,ul I:[alnlnl)nl,nl ......................................... :{’~LX;4.,E{tlll’~ ~ l))o))mtlld nll,l l’,)llr lllllidred fetq t,)l})e IAnw~M ................................................. 2,~1.7BN,)rthwvMerly lil)e of Bh)ek fifty-two :is lmngl~)rt ................................ :...: ............ f~;6.1)]todd |,leek is Stl/l%l’ll on a lll:lp Of ];rJ.~iIlltit-l(,,N.J., thenl’e runnin_,z (10) nhmg the North- Margntet’ity. ......................................... 4!~).7:!"wl¯M,q-ly lille ,If l]le ...4iid >l,h~.k riiqy-two and 3Itlllh¯a "l’o@n~hll~ .................. : ......~ .......... :1,76-t.64f~)lh)win,.., thw Northw).-sterly line i,f l}le %’11)’- N,,rtbllel.d .............................................. 2.~.)7.13iOIlS I)h~ks ;ind ~-tl’t~el~ .-ho’wll i<)n ltle .~lid lnnpof Brignntine in nn 1-5~sIerl~: dirl_.elil,n aboul Ph"l~lutvilh~- ........ ............................ .-.,,|~l ,~ ~. _,~,.ven hnndred and lilly lcel lo l.he Northwest- Fort ]h.pu|flh" !’it). ............................. 2,~’~.7Xier]y lille ($1 lhl’ afl)rt’511id Irilt’l .’511rYP~’£~d |)) ~()lll{ IN’ l>t) Ut " " ’) ’ ’1 "t 113 ............................... ,.%t, ,4./]’}li:l~t";ls ’ htrrl_-tI. .]aillllDl’v 17, 1.~’4.~, lhenI.p run- ~.~llillg (2"0} ;ll,)l)g l)ll" ~l,l*l]l$~.l~lerl~" lil~i¯oflt)l¯ V,.nln.._- t’iiy. ..............................................

.-aid (iarrett tr;t,’I ;uld nl,)ng the Northwt~t- %,\’eylnl,ut]i Township ............................ 3,!I)-1.51

171 1 I II I I 1 t ! I I t I!1 I-I I I I!I


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