Atl MdwnTr 007 Time Date

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Transcript of Atl MdwnTr 007 Time Date

  • 8/2/2019 Atl MdwnTr 007 Time Date


    Calendar Events, Festivals, and Seasons

    At- At - Moment or Instant of time (second(s)?)

    wnwt - Wenewt - Hour

    hrw - Hrew - Day

    tp ra mD / tp hrw mD - Tep ra medj / Tep hrew medj - 10 day Week

    Abd - Abed - Month!

    rnpt - Renpet - Year

    wp rnpt Wep Renpet - Opening of the Year (New Years) Peek flooding of Nile/Hapi-!

    psdntyw - Pesedjenetyew - New Moon and Festival

    smdt - Semdet - Full Moon and Festival

    wAg - Wag festival

    Axt - Akhet - inundation / flooding season

    prt - Peret - growing / coming forth season

    Smw - Shemew - going away of / harvest season

    hb sd - Heb Sed - 30 year jubilee festival for the Nesewt Bity
