ATI-IVB conducts 1st Provincial Organic Agriculture Congress 2

Keynote Speaker. Another highlight of this event was the ribbon cutting of the organic products exhibit. This was led by ATI Dir. Asterio P. Saliot, ASEC Dante Delima, OIC-CD Pat Andrew B. Barrientos,Dr. Linda Umali of FORUM and Mr. Jonjon Sarmiento. Some of the participants shared their experiences on how they started and grow as individual or groups in organic farming. The primary objective of the activity is to identify and consolidate groups who are practicing organic agriculture for the eventual Organization of ORMISAD or Oriental Mindoro Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture and Development, Inc. This province-wide organic group was a concept initiated by the ORMIN TOTs headed by former Municipal Agriculturist of Naujan Mr. Ely H. Vargas. Likewise, the activity realized immense number of farmers practicing organic farming in Oriental Mindoro. Recognizing the need for an environment-friendly but self- sustaining way of farming, this group will work together to promote or- ganic agriculture and eventually con- vince other farmers to turn their backs on conventional farming. (JAEguilos) I n support to the Organic Act of 2010 which aims to promote, propagate, further develop and implement organic agriculture in the Philippines, sustainable agriculture advocates from MIMAROPA provinces gathered together for the 1st Provincial Organic Agriculture Congress held on February 8-9, 2012 at ATI-RTC IV-B compound, Barcenaga, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro. Organic practitioners, farmers and farmer leaders, extension workers, members of LGUs, representatives of SUCs and different NGOs attended the said event. Going back to basics, “Balik Organik: A Key to Sustainable Agriculture and Development” was the theme of the congress with ASEC Dante Delima as MIMAROPA Green Corn project, initiated 2 Training on Onion and Garlic facilitated……. 2 ATI-IVB Holds Orientation on e-extension in WPU 2 Wild Honey on its way to be labeled …….. 3 Regional Consultation for MS IVA&B, merged 3 8 batches of Training on CSB Conducted…….. 4 Growing Onion and Garlic in Organic Way 4 DA Sec Procy Visits Occidental Mindoro 5 Newsbits 6 FSTP Phase II culminated, Phase III commenced 6 The Untold Story 7 Business Planning Workshop……... 8 Municipal Agriculturists & AEWs….. 8 Farmer Leaders and AEWs goes Organic…... 8 Training Calendar for 2nd Semerster 2012 9 Learning Sites Update 9 Assessment on YAFP Scholars conducted 10 Impressions 10 Participant’s Expression 10 Field Exposure 11 MAGRO-MPC Completes 2nd Phase 11 TOT on Upland Rice Production held in Palawan 11 Page 12 ATI MIMAROPA’s SANDIGAN (1st Semester 2012) ith much enthusiasm and eagerness to apply what he has learned from the various trainings he attended, Senior Agriculturist Ruben P. Jugno is proud to say that he practices organic farming in his own backyard. He has been serving the Agricultural Training Institute for 17 years now. First designated as Agriculturist I then Information Officer at ATI- RTC- III; he was laterally transferred to ATI-RTC- IVB as Agriculturist II before he became the Senior Agriculturist until today. Being the Focal person of the Center for Organic, he was exposed and inspired by the promising offers if one ventures into organic farming. With the influence of the trainings he attended, conducted and facilitated, together with the encouragement of organic advocates, his dream of integrated organic farming system is now initiated including hogs and vegetable garden. Having the mini-integrated farming system in his own backyard, it is easier for him to share and explain the concepts and benefits of organic farming system on the implementation of the Center’s activities. Just like what he used to say during trainings that the best way to promote something is to try it first. “You walk the talk.” (JGDarm) “WALK THE TALK” Farm Practices Pictures in Action OIC Center Director Pat Andrew B. Barrientos during his opening remarks Cutting of the ribbon for the exhibit of organic products Executive Director Asterio P. Saliot challenged the participants on his inspirational message Understanding the nutrients of plants, Mr. Sarmiento used his improvised gadget to show it to the participants Dignitaries attended the Congress headed by ASEC Dante Delima ATI-IVB conducts 1st Provincial Organic Agriculture Congress ASEC Dante Delima served as keynote speaker during the 1st Organic Agriculture Congress in Oriental Mindoro Inside this issue: for bagging 2 awards (2nd Place in Resource Generation & Photography Categories) during the 25th Year Anniversary Celebration of Agricultural Training Institute. Keep it up! Way to go ATI-MIMAROPA!

Transcript of ATI-IVB conducts 1st Provincial Organic Agriculture Congress 2

Keynote Speaker. Another highlight of

this event was the ribbon cutting of the

organic products exhibit. This was led

by ATI Dir. Asterio P. Saliot, ASEC Dante Delima, OIC-CD Pat Andrew B.

Barrientos,Dr. Linda Umali of FORUM

and Mr. Jonjon Sarmiento.

Some of the participants shared their

experiences on how they started and

grow as individual or groups in organic

farming. The primary objective of the

activity is to identify and consolidate

groups who are practicing organic

a gr i cu l t ur e for th e even t ua l

Organization of ORMISAD or Oriental Mindoro Initiatives for

S u s t a i n a b l e A gr i c u l t u r e a n d

Development, Inc. This province-wide

organic group was a concept initiated

by the ORMIN TOTs headed by former

Municipal Agriculturist of Naujan Mr.

Ely H. Vargas. Likewise, the activity

realized immense number of farmers

practicing organic farming in Oriental

Mindoro. Recognizing the need for an

environment -fr iendly but sel f-sustaining way of farming, this group

will work together to promote or-

ganic agriculture and eventually con-

vince other farmers to turn their backs

on conventional farming. (JAEguilos)

I n support to the Organic Act of 2010

which aims to promote, propagate,

further develop and implement

or gan i c a gr i cu l t ur e in th e

Philippines, sustainable agriculture advocates from MIMAROPA provinces

gathered together for the 1st Provincial

Organic Agriculture Congress held on

February 8-9, 2012 at ATI-RTC IV-B

compound, Barcenaga, Naujan, Oriental

Mindoro. Organic practitioners, farmers

and farmer leaders, extension workers,

members of LGUs, representatives of

SUCs and different NGOs attended the

said event.

Going back to basics, “Balik Organik: A Key to Sustainable Agriculture and

Development” was the theme of the

congress with ASEC Dante Delima as

MIMAROPA Green Corn project, initiated 2 Training on Onion and Garlic facilitated……. 2 ATI-IVB Holds Orientation on e-extension in WPU 2 Wild Honey on its way to be labeled …….. 3 Regional Consultation for MS IVA&B, merged 3 8 batches of Training on CSB Conducted…….. 4 Growing Onion and Garlic in Organic Way 4 DA Sec Procy Visits Occidental Mindoro 5 Newsbits 6 FSTP Phase II culminated, Phase III commenced 6 The Untold Story 7 Business Planning Workshop……... 8 Municipal Agriculturists & AEWs….. 8 Farmer Leaders and AEWs goes Organic…... 8 Training Calendar for 2nd Semerster 2012 9 Learning Sites Update 9 Assessment on YAFP Scholars conducted 10Impressions 10 Participant’s Expression 10 Field Exposure 11MAGRO-MPC Completes 2nd Phase 11 TOT on Upland Rice Production held in Palawan 11

Page 12 ATI MIMAROPA’s SANDIGAN (1st Semester 2012)

ith much enthusiasm and eagerness to apply what he has learned from the

various trainings he attended, Senior

Agriculturist Ruben P. Jugno is proud to say that he

practices organic farming in his own backyard.

He has been serving the Agricultural Training

Institute for 17 years now. First designated as

Agriculturist I then Information Officer at ATI-

RTC- III; he was laterally transferred to ATI-RTC-

IVB as Agriculturist II before he became the Senior

Agriculturist until today.

Being the Focal person of the Center for Organic, he

was exposed and inspired

by the promising offers if

one ventures into organic


With the influence of the trainings he attended,

conducted and facilitated, together with the

en c our a gem en t of

organic advocates, his

dream of integrated

organic farming system i s n ow i n i t ia t ed

including hogs and

vegetable garden.

Having the mini-integrated farming system in his

own backyard, it is easier for him to share and

explain the concepts and benefits of organic

farming system on the implementation of the

Center’s activities.

Just like what he used to say during trainings that

the best way to promote something is to try it first.

“You walk the talk.” (JGDarm)


Farm Practices

Pictures in Action

OIC Center Director

Pat Andrew B.

Barrientos during his

opening remarks

Cutting of the ribbon for

the exhibit of organic


Executive Director

Asterio P. Saliot

challenged the

participants on his

inspirational message

Understanding the

nutrients of plants, Mr.

Sarmiento used his

improvised gadget to

show it to the


Dignitaries attended the

Congress headed by

ASEC Dante Delima

ATI-IVB conducts 1st Provincial

Organic Agriculture Congress

ASEC Dante Delima served as keynote speaker during the 1st Organic

Agriculture Congress in Oriental Mindoro

Inside this issue:

for bagging 2 awards

(2nd Place in Resource Generation &

Photography Categories) during the

25th Year Anniversary Celebration

of Agricultural Training Institute.

Keep it up! Way to go ATI-MIMAROPA!

G eared to reorient a group of

vegetable farmers toward

large-scale organic farming,

the Agricultural Training

Institute-Regional Training Center IV-B( M I M A R O P A ) i n i t i a t e d t h e

“Participatory Large-Scale Technology

Demonstration Trial on Organic Green

Corn Propagation” by detailing the fun-

damental steps of taking up sustainable

and profitable large scale organic farm-

ing through a training conducted last

April 12-14, 2012 at ATI-RTC-IVB,

Barcenaga, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro.

The training will be carried out through

an 11-week long training from planting to harvest. Forty seven organic farmers

from the different municipalities of

Oriental Mindoro mostly from Bansud

participated in the said training.

Mr. Noel S. Nilo, Agricultural Technologist from LGU-Victoria, being

the resource person of the activity

discussed about the seed selection

varieties, land preparation, crop

establishment and maintenance, pest and

diseases management/crop production

and marketing.

Also, Provincial Agriculturist Petronilo

Dimailig graced the event by discussing

the Crop Production Support for the

Green Corn Propagation Project of the Center. (JGDarm)

Page 2 ATI MIMAROPA’s SANDIGAN (1st Semester 2012)

MIMAROPA Green Corn Project, initiated

ATI MIMAROPA’s SANDIGAN (1st Semester 2012) Page 11

Editor Graciel V. Gacutan

Writer Josephine G. Darm


Jean Alexa Eguilos

Mabhel Catle

Mary Ann Magnad

Norberto Maur

Mina D. Lanto

Lay-out Artists

Graciel V. Gacutan

Allan Peradilla

Roseanne Nilo

Editorial Consultants

Ruben P. Jugno

Norberto C. Maur


Pat Andrew B. Barrientos



January - June 2012

(Volume 1)

P ALAWAN - With the aim

to make State Universities

& Colleges (SUCs) ap-

preciate the e-Extension

program of the Department of

Agriculture, an

orientation led

by the Agricul-

tural Training

Institute IV-B


was conducted

at Western

P h i l i p p i n e s

U n i v e r s i t y

among the Puerto Princesa and Aborlan campuses from March 8

and 9, 2012, respectively.

DA ATI-MIMAROPA Holds Orientation on e-Extension Program in WPU

Participants include faculty

members from the College of

Agriculture, Fisheries,

Business Management and

Information Technology

a n d s o m e

senior students from the

College of Agriculture.

Ms. Graciel Gacutan, DA

A T I - M I M A R O P A

e-Extension coordinator

served as the resource

speaker during the

orientation. She empha-

sized the relevance of the e-extension program among the SUCs.

To further make the partici-

pants internalize what

e-extension is, actual

demonstration was held for

both campuses. Before the activity ended, an agreement

to formalize the partnership

between WPU Puerto Princesa and

Aborlan campuses and DA-ATI-

MIMAROPA was made. (JGDarm)

presentation of e-extension to faculty member

participant demystified

actual hands-on

I n order to strengthen MIMAROPA

which ranks 2nd among the garlic

producing regions likewise 3rd

among the onion produc-

ing regions in the Philip-pines, another batch of

training on Bulb Onion

and Garlic Production

was successfully held in

Odiongan, Romblon and

was attended by 40

Agricultural Extension


The said training focused on essential

information about Organic Onion &

Garlic Production needed by the AEW

Training on Bulb Onion and Garlic facilitated in Odiongan, Romblon

page 3

particularly those involved in HVCDP

Project. Topics include overview of

onion and garlic production in the

Ph i l i ppin es , Ph i l i ppin e

Organic Act 2010 and its implementing rules and

regulations, how to

p r e p a r e o r g a n i c

fertilizer like Visicular

Arboscular Mycorrhizae

(VAM), Trichoderma

and Vermi composting.

Wood vinegar that will serve

as pesticide and insecticide not only in

organic onion and garlic but also

among other plants was also discussed.

Further, the thirteen (13) botanical

participants observing

onion inside green house

pesticides of 2008, useful of micro-

organisms that might help the plants

were also tackled.

Celso Olido of Regional Field Unit 4B, served as resource speaker who further-

more shared some of his experimenta-

tions and discussed the difference be-

tween organic versus inorganic

production guide of garlic, carbonated

rice hull production, the high value

crops development program and the

garlic road map (as of

March 2012).


ATI-MIMAROPA goes to organic farms

in Ilo-Ilo City, Bacolod City and ATI-RTC-VI

D esigned to enrich the

experience and capabilities

of the Oriental Mindoro

fa r m er l ea der s a n d

municipal agriculturists through actual observation on the facility and

operations of various farms involved in

organic farming, an Experience-Based

Enhancement Study Tour among the

organic farms in Bacolod City, Ilo-Ilo

City, and ATI-RTC VI was conducted

from March 20-25, 2012.

Fifty-three participants comprised of

farmer leaders from FORUM (Farmers

Organization for the Upliftment of

Mindoro), ORMISAD (Oriental Mindoro Initiative for the Sustainable

Agr icul ture and Development),

municipal agriculturists from the

province, and the Agricultural Training

Institute-IVB (MIMAROPA) training

management staff together with the OIC

-Center Director Pat Andrew B.

B a r r i e n t o s

joined the


Th e sa i d

e x p o s i t o r y

t our wa s

initiated by


Reynaldo V. Umali in his advocacy on

organic agriculture and his capacity as

member of the Congressional Oversight

Committee in Agriculture and Food

Management (COCAFAM) under the

sponsorship of Agricultural Training

Institute-IVB (MIMAROPA). “It provides further information about

organic farming systems that are

applicable to the operations of the

organizat ion,

w e a l s o

acquired some

tips especially

o n t h e

m a n a g e m e n t

practices, and

as the manager, I can use it to achieve success like some organic farms in Ba-

colod, which started from a simple

vision and eventually became the

prominent institutions pursuing the

advocacy. I was amazed by the different

technologies and their eagerness to

develop it, despite of some problems


by their

f a r m s . ” ,

said Paulo

U m a l i , M a n a g e r ,


when asked

on the relevance of the tour to their


Aside from the tour, the activity also

covers a training program component on

High Value Crops Development

Program (HVCDP) that capacitates the

participants in gaining knowledge and

ski l ls on h igh value crops entrepreneurship development trainings.

The activity ended with a fellowship

night on the last day of the tour

sponsored by the Agricultural Training

Institute-Regional Training Center-VI.

Director Allan P. Alimodian and the rest

of the staff of ATI-RTC-VI were indeed

very accommodating. KUDOS!


M agsaysay, Occidental

Mindoro – Phase 2 of

ICS Installation for

Smallholder Groups

was held on May 14-18, 2012 for the onion growers and rice farmers of the

municipality. Twenty-seven members

of Magsaysay Allium Growers

Multi-Purpose Cooperative or

MAGRO-MPC attended this training.

Fi ve da ys wer e fi l l ed with

participatory discussions, workshops

and group activities. Internal

inspection to two farmer/member’s

organic onion and rice farm in So.

Kabag, Poblacion, Magsaysay was

done on the second day of the


The organization’s ICS Manual of

Operations was reviewed and

evaluated as a huge requirement for

the certification process. Contents of

the Manual and other forms will be

modified in their upcoming meetings. (JAEguilos)


Completes 2nd Phase

of ICS Installation

TOT on Upland Rice Production held in Palawan

T here are new areas in rice

production which can be

developed such as upland rice.

By promoting upland rice

farming, we will hit two birds in one stone. Aside from increasing production,

we can also help indigenous groups”,

Sec. Alcala told.

In support to our dear Secretary’s, dream, the ATI-RTC IVB has

conducted the 2nd batch of a 5-Day

Training of Trainers (TOT) on Upland

Rice with Climate Change Technology

last March 26-30, 2012 held Bureau of

Fishery and Aquatic Resources-Regional

Farmer Training Center (BFAR-RFTC),

Sta. Monica, Puerto Princesa City. This

training was attended by forty two (42)

A g r i c u l t u r a l E x t e n s i o n

Workers (AEW’s) from different municipalities of Palawan, one (1) AEW

from Bulalacao, Oriental Mindoro and

one (1) Municipal Agriculturist from

Sta. Fe, Romblon. There was about 40%

increase in actual target (30) of

participants. LGUs realized the

potentials of the upland in producing

more rice to become self-sufficient in

terms of staple foods.

One of the interesting topics which

captured the senses of participants was

during “Sharing time” for the Upland

Farming practices among the participants. It is important to note that

indigenous People’s have different

practices and rituals that have

sustained for generations.

Training was successfully conducted

through the untiring support from the

Office of Provincial Agriculture of

Palawan. They have shared their

resources by inviting and ensuring the

attendance of the participants as well

as lending their able-bodied

Mr. Gerenimo Gevela as resource



ATI MIMAROPA’s SANDIGAN (1st Semester 2012) Page 3 Page 10 ATI MIMAROPA’s SANDIGAN (1st Semester 2012)

Let’s Hear From Them…..

“The most productive training I’ve ever attended.”


“Bacolod tour is exciting! Though it was a tiring tour, surprises are the

rewards in every farms, and institutions we reached. In the end, we are

very grateful that we, FORUM experienced it; and of course, experi-

ence is nothing without the application in our operation. I would like

to congratulate ATI staff, headed by Director Pat Andrew Barrientos.”

- PAULO UMALI, FORUM (Farmers Organization for the Rural

Upliftment of Oriental Mindoro

“Business Planning for the Set-Up of Organic Farm Production Module

is one of the excellent training module I have attended for all small

farmers….Thanks to ATI Barcenaga!” - JOSEPH SAPUNGAN, President, ACFA, Bagoong Pook, Alcate, Vic-


“Enhances and strengthens the knowledge and technologies and the

proper approach in onion and garlic production and on organic farm-

ing in general. Thanks to the management staff of ATI-Barcenaga.”


“Life is a process of building something and we all have the opportunity

to build something! I am a retired principal but now a simple farmer

and all this experience is an innovation for me. As participant of

Organic Training, I was able to acquire knowledge and skills that is use-

ful to my farm. I am excited to go home and practice the knowledge I

gained here. I promise to share the benefit of Organic Farming to oth-

ers.” - MYRNA ATIENZA (67) - Farmer from Tabinay, Puerto Galera



O tao, ano ang ginawa mo?

Kalikasa’y sinira, winasak at


Saan tayo ngayon titira kung

kalikasa’y sira na?

Pati mga ibon at mga hayop ay

natutuliro na?

Naturingang pinakamatalinong

hayop sa mundo

Subalit sariling tahanan ay sinira


Mabuti pa ang mga hayop, kapos

man sa talino

Ay patuloy na nangangalaga sa

atin mundo

O tao, paano na kaya tayo?

O tao, bakit mo nagawa ito?

Engr. Noel Faminialagao,

Municipal Agriculturist,

Roxas, Or. Mindoro

T he Youth for Agriculture and

Fishery Program (YAFP)

scholarship assessment for the

YAFP scholarship of Mindoro

Oriental conducted last June 12–14, 2012 was attended

by all of the 19 ATI

YAFP scholars of

MinSCAT-Main and

M i n S C A T

Bongabong campuses.

The two (2) Focal

Per son of both

academes attended the

activity who helped in

the facilitation and guided the scholars

in the action planning.

Topics discussed concerning the ATI-

YAFP scholarship made the participants

appreciative for all the blessing they

have been enjoying. With the story

shared by the Project Officer/ATI

Scholarship Focal Person they were able

to relate and learn the value of love

and sharing, being

careful to what one

says and do, value

f o r

money and most

of all being grateful and

giving back the blessings to less

fortunate people.

Also, part of the activity was the

distribution of their allowances in a

form of check.

As output of the training, the scholars

made an action plan for July 2012 to

June 2013 and a detailed action plan

on extension which can be

credited as an extension

accomplishment for both ATI

and the academe. No problems/

issues were identified and

precisely, the kind of activity

conducted is an activity worth

waiting for again for the scholars.


Assessment on YAFP Scholars

of Mindoro Oriental, conducted

To continuously engage in the said

activity, action planning was taken and

presented by municipality. Thus,

actual observation on onion planted

outside and inside greenhouse of Barangay Limon Sur and Limon

Norte, Looc, Romblon was part of the

activities to perceive the difference

between the two practices. Also,

participants witnessed the actual

installation and production of wood


Pa r t i c i pa n t s c om m en d ed t h e

management staff as they acquired

additional knowledge and relevant

ideas regarding topics cited.

Another valuable training was

successfully conducted.

The training was held at Haliwood Inn,

Odiongan, Romblon last May 15-17,



Center Director Cesar N. Vida and

OIC Center Director Pat Andrew B.

Barrientos graced the activity and

inspired the participants to be more

proactive with regards to being a

Magsasakang Siyentista, in their

opening and closing message, re-



Training on Bulb Onion...

wood smoke that produce


From page 2

honey did not materialize. The Resource

Persons from Organic Certification Center of the Philippines (OCCP)

recommended NATRIPAL members to

undergo a 2-day review, evaluation and

assessment of the organization’s Internal

Control System before they conduct the

last phase of certification

With much hope, the Center is looking

forward to the time NATRIPAL’s wild

honey will be labeled as “duly certified

organic product”, the first ever in


Wild Honey On Its Way To Be Labelled as


A spiring to be certified organic farmers, 39 members

of NATRIPAL (Nagkakaisang

Tribo ng Palawan) attended

the Phase 4 of ICS Installation for Small-

holder Groups held at Bancao-Bancao,

Puerto Princesa City, Palawan on April

17-20, 2012.

This was supposedly the last step to the

certification of their product. The first

three phases were conducted in 2009 as

initiated by DA-RFU IV-B. Due to incomplete ICS manual and other

matters needed for certification, the wild

A imed to update the

Magsasakang Siyentista on

the status of Techno Gabay

Program in Region 4, a Regional Consultation was spearheaded

by the ATI RTC IV-A,IV-B and ITCPH

among the 21 farmer scientists from the

different municipalities of the region.

The endeavour specifically aimed to

discuss the institutionalization of the

TGP under the Agricultural Training

Institute, explain the mechanics on

mainstreaming the MS on the existing

programs of ATI, and to identify various

extension innovations and modalities to

further improve the implementation of

the TGP. Also, it was designed for the

interaction of the MS’ to be able to learn how they successfully implement their

programs. Moreover, the activity aimed

to organize and elect officers for both

regions which will represent the MS in

the national


The 2-day

a c t i v i t y

held on

June 5-6,

2012 at A r i s a b e l


Los Baños,

L a g u n a

w a s


of the

T e c h n o


Institutionalization, STARRDEC program updates on issues and

concerns, presentation of various

extension modalities/projects, election

of regional officer of MS, business

meeting, and the field tour at

PCARRDD, ITCPH and Kahariam


Regional Consultation for Magsasakang Siyentista of IV-A and IV-B, merged

MS participants after

Kahariam Farm visit MS’ on consultation and

business meeting

Hoping that NATRIPAL’s wild honey will be labelled as “duly certified organic

product”, the first ever in MIMAROPA.

ATI MIMAROPA’s SANDIGAN (1st Semester 2012)Page 9 Page 4 ATI MIMAROPA’s SANDIGAN (1st Semester 2012)

T he government, through DA’s

“Agri-Pinoy Frame-work”

strongly supports initiatives

and actions for the

establishment of various system wherein farmer themselves can take

active role and wherein farmer’s group

can have access to wider seed sources.

One of these framework is the

Community Seed Banking (CSB) that

offers appropriate seed technologies

and best management practices to

ensure seed and food security.

With this, the ATI-RTC IVB conducted

series of 3-Day trainings on Community

Seed Banking around MIMAROPA provinces. This training focuses on the

topics regarding the right way of

producing high quality seeds from the

registered seed given by DA-Regional

Field Unit IVB (DA-RFU IVB) and

about policies and guidelines of CSB in

distributing seeds to their co-farmers.

Eight (8) batches of trainings were

conducted among the beneficiaries of

registered seeds previously distributed

by DA-RFU IVB. One (1) batch was

conducted in Marinduque dated Feb-

ruary 21-23, 2012 attended by thirty

seven (37) participants at A & A Beach

Resort, Laylay, Boac, Marinduque.

Another batch was held at Occidental

Mindoro on May 15-17, 2012 at

Farmer’s Training Center, Municipal

Agriculture Office, San Jose, Occidental

Mindoro. This training was attended by

fifty one (51) participants. Then three (3)

batches were slotted in the Province of

Palawan. One in Southern Part at Mount

Maruyog Farm and Garden Resort,

8 Batches of Training on Community Seed Banking Conducted Regionwide

page 7

here now, trying to disseminate the

message. And please do not ignore it. You

are here for others and we are counting

on you. We believe that after this

training, you are our voice!", Maningding said.

Participants experienced hands-on in

making organic fertilizers.

Speakers of this training were Mr. Jonjon

Sarmiento, Mr. Dewey Albufera and Mr.

Ruben Jugno.

The training was held on April 2012 at

Municipal Hall of Magsaysay, Occidental

Mindoro. (GVGacutan)

F arm ers of Magsa ysa y,

Occidental Mindoro were

given opportunity to have

knowledge and skills in

Organic Farming by having a three day training on Organic Production

Technology for Onion and Garlic

Growers. This was headed by the OIC

Center Director Pat Andrew Barrientos

with the Project Officer Mr. Ruben

Jugno. They also had the opportunity to

meet and heard the message of ATI

Central Office Deputy Director

Alberto Maningding. "We are now fac-

ing the challenge of Climate Change!

And this happened because we abused

our environment. That's why we are

Growing Onion & Garlic in Organic Way


Title of Training Date

Livestock Training July 3-5

Banana Production Technologies July 16-18

Planning Assessment July 2012

FITS Establishment July 2012

Regional Consultative Meeting P4MP July 19

Rootcrops Production Technologies July 19-21

ICS Installation for MESAFED July 23-27

Computer-Based Data Management July 23-27

Livelihood Training July 24-25

Monitoring & Evaluation of Livelihood Pro-


July 26-27

Regional TOT on O.A. August 6-10

Capacity Building for ORMISAD Officer August 15-17

Livelihood Training August 13-14

Livelihood Training August 16-17

Computer Based Data Management August 14-17

ICS Installation for MESAFED Phase II August 20-24

Organic Agriculture Training for Barangay

Captains of Magsaysay

September 3-7

Banana Tissue Culture September 5-7

Livelihood Training for OSY September 6-7

ICS Installation for San Jose Farmers September 10-14

Computer Based Data Management September 10-13

Livelihood Training for OSY September 11-12

Training on Organic Production Technology

for Farmers

September 19-21

Rootcrops Production Technologies Sept. 25-27

Regional Officer’s Meeting September 26

Training on Organic Production Technology

for FORUM Members

October 3-5

Mango Production Technologies October 9-11

Computer Based Data Management October 16-19

Training on Organic Production Technology

for Yakap at Halik Members

October 16-18

Training on Organic Production Technology

for MOFA Members

October 24-26

Banana Production Technologies October 23-24

Cacao Production Technologies October 23-24

Coffee Production Technologies November 8-10

Cacao Production Technologies November 6-8

Computer Based Data Management November 12-15

Cacao Production Technologies November 27-29

Rootcrops Production Technologies December 4-6

Banana Production Technologies December 11-13

Rootcrops Production Technologies December 17-19

Northern Part at Rovers Pension House,

Roxas, Palawan attended by nineteen

(19) participants held last April 23-25,

2012 and the last batch was on

Calamianes Group of Island (Coron, Busuanga, Culion and Linapakan) held

at Rural Agricultural Center, Coron,

Palawan last May 29-31, 2012 attended

by twenty eight (28) participants.

Two (2) batches of trainings were

conducted in Oriental Mindoro. The

first batch was held last February 28,

2012-March 1, 2012 and the second was

on May 8-10, 2012. First batch was

attended by thirty seven (37) and the

second batch was graced by seventeen (17) participants composed of

AEW’s and Farmer leaders of Oriental

Mindoro. Both trainings were held at

Agricultural Training Institute-Regional

Training Center IVB (ATI-RTC IVB),

Barcenaga, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro.

Additional batch of training was

carried-out in the province of Romblon

held at Haliwood Inn, Odiongan,

Romblon. This was conducted last March 13-15, 2012 and attended by

thirty seven (37) participants.

Two Hundred Fifty One (251)

Farmer Leaders and

Agricultural Extension Workers

(AEW’s) were trained on the new

Program of Department of

Agriculture, the Community

Seed Banking

Palawan Isaub, Aborlan, Palawan

Cooperator : Isaub Vegetable Growers Association

Cabigaan, Aborlan, Palawan

Cooperator : OISCA

Malinao, Narra, Palawan

Cooprator : CAR-GUM Young Farmers Asso.

Pulot Center, S. Espanola, Palawan

Cooperator : S. Espanola Vegetable Growers Asso.

Iraan, Rizal, Palawan

Cooperator : Fernando Franco

Caruray, San Vicente, Palawan

Cooperator : Caruray Vegetable Growers Asso.

Busuanga, Palawan

Cooperator : PADALU

Igang,Taytay, Palawan Cooperator : To be identified

Danleg, Dumaran, Palawan

Cooperator : Helen Geriane

RAC-Rizal, Palawan

Cooperator : Vegetable Growers Association

Occidental Mindoro Brgy. Bubog, San Jose

Cooperator - Luis La Torre

Crops/Project - Organjic Rice, Vegetables, Organic

Baboy, Vermiculture, FFS

Bagong Silang, San Jose

Cooperator - Reynaldo Villareal (Magsasakang

Makakalikasan) Crops/Project - Vegetables in greenhouse (pechay,

Ampalaya, cabbage, etcVermiculture,

Organic Baboy, Oganic Spray, FFS

Bgy. San Carlos, San Jose

Cooperator - Fe Concil (member FFF)

Crops/Project - Organic Rice, Organic Baboy,

Organic Vegetables, Organic,

Chicken, Vermiculture

Oriental Mindoro Pinagsabangan I, Naujan

Cooperator - Dewey Albufera Crops/Project - Organic Rice, Organic Baboy,


Dao, Naujan

Cooperator - Edgar Lalyo Crops/Project - Organic Rice, Organic Baboy,


Learning Sites for Organic Farming

participants of CSB trainings from

MIMAROPA provinces

ATI MIMAROPA’s SANDIGAN (1st Semester 2012) Page 5 Page 8 ATI MIMAROPA’s SANDIGAN (1st Semester 2012)

M arch 20, 2012 - Secretary Proceso J.

Alcala visited the

p r o v i n c e o f

Occidental Mindoro. With him are RED Santiago, ASec de Luna, Dir.

Efren Nuestro of BAI, and Dir.

Alejar of OSEC. Entourage includes

R F U I V - B

Operations staff headed by Dr. Vinas

and Tony Gonzalez;

NIA headed by

Engr. Rey Calusin, Dr. Manuel Asis of

BFAR, Atty Efren

Jabong of NFA, BAS, ATI, BSWM,

PhilRice, PCI and

PhilMec. Secretary’s itinerary

include Sablayan

Penal Colony meet-

ing, Calintaan FFS Mass graduation,

inauguration of

Hanger Type drier in Magsaysay, NFA Warehouse blessings and Press

Conference at San Jose.

Sablayan Penal Colony

The forum was also attended by the

municipal mayors of Sablayan and A b r a d e I l o g i n c l u d i n g

representatives from the Municipal

Agriculture Office; General Fajardo

of Bureau of

C o r r e c t i o n s ,

B a r a n g a y C a p t a i n s o f

Sablayan, Cooperatives, Federation

of Irrigators Association, RICs, Rice Millers, 4H club, PAFC,

MAFCs and SB members. He

announced the start of the construction of the Penal Colony

irrigation system, awarding of rice

harvester, tractors, and other

projects and awards. Attendance is about 500 people. Secretary

Alcala announced that he will intensify r ice production in

Occidental Mindoro by providing

more irrigation facilities, an

expansion area for corn production, and will promote coffee production.

FFS Mass Graduation at Calintaan

Aside from the Secretary’s

entourage, this was also attended by the municipal mayors of Calintaan

a n d R i z a l , a t t e n d a n c e i s

approximately 200 people. Secretary Alcala had committed three (3) BS

Agriculture Scholarships each for the

municipal mayors of Calintaan and

Rizal. However, he did not elaborate on where to charge it.

Inauguration of hanger drier at


Congresswoman Villarosa, and the

municipal mayors of Magsaysay & San Jose; and some of their

DA-Sec. Procy J. Alcala Visits

Occidental Mindoro

Sanggu nian Memb er s and Barangay Captains, MAGRO

officers and members of the

Municipal Agriculture Offices are

also present. The constructed drier is a two storey open building

encircled with hog wire where the

harvested onions and garlic of the

c o o p e r a t i v e

members will be s tor ed wh en

prices are low.

Once more, the Secretary stressed

t h a t M a n g o

P r o d u c t i o n , Coffee

Production and

Onion J u ic e Extraction will be

promot ed in

O c c i d e n t a l

Mindoro. He a s s u r ed t h e

M a g s a y s a y

farmers during the open forum that Organic Agriculture/ICS Phase 2

will be implemented immediately

as per their request.

Press Conference

During the dialogue with the press people, Sec Alcala mentioned that

he will call ATI to include in their

rice training the p r o mot i o n of

transplanted rice to

reduce cost of

seeds in addition to increased



Inclusion of the topic on the advantages of transplanted rice

will be carried out to all rice

related training activities not only

in Occidental Mindoro but in the whole region.

Sec Alcala mentioned that he will call ATI to include in their rice

training the promotion of transplanted rice to reduce cost of

seeds in addition to increased production.

I n consonance with the previously

conducted Farmers LED extension

seminar and planning workshop on

crop selection for the set-up of or-

ganic farm production modules in Oriental Mindoro, a Business Planning

Workshop was conducted from April 10-

11, 2012 at the Agricultural Training

Institute-Regional Training Center-IVB,

Barcenaga, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro.

Fourteen identified learning sites from the

different municipalities of Oriental

Mindoro were presented to and criticized

by the representatives from the Agricul-

tural Training Center-IV-B. The said

workshop aimed to make the participants

be more familiarized and acquainted with

their proposed learning sites in terms of

its entrepreneurial aspect .

This activity will be followed by the

set-up of the learning sites from the

different municipalities of the province which will be facilitated and monitored by

the Center.


Business Planning

Workshop for the

Set-Up of Organic

Farm Production

Modules R omblon - ATI MIMA-

ROPA held a three (3) day

training on Organic Pro-

duction Technology for 41

farmer leaders and AEWs at San Andres, Romblon last February 29-

March 2, 2012.

The training was graced with OIC

Mayor, Provincial Agriculturist

G e i s h l e r F a d r i , M u n i c i p a l

Agriculturist Dario Gacu and the

Privincial Manager of Philippine

Coconut Authority. They explained

the status of organic farming in the

province and specifically in the

municipality of San Andres, Romblon.

The training topics as designed were

discussed by the speakers from

PhilAgrivest Farm, and the Municipal

Agriculturist of Naujan, Oriental

Mindoro. The participants joined the

discussions and their shared experi-

ences. With much satisfaction of the

new learnings they’ve gained, almost

all of the participants said that they

will really apply what they have learned from the training to their

respective farms. (MCatle)

Farmer Leaders &

AEWs Goes Organic


MA & AEWs attend

training on Organic


O r g a n i c a g r i c u l t u r e

originated as a response to

a growing awareness that

the health of the land is

linked to the health and future of the people. I t i s a holist ic and

ph i l osoph i cal a ppr oa ch t o a

sustainable agriculture, with goals

including the protect ion and

conservation of the land for future

generations, the production of

high-quality food, the return to many

traditional agricultural methods, and

the harmonious balance of our


As such, the government from national to local levels must promote organic

farming throughout the country.

ATI-RTC IV-B, through its extension

services, conducted a 3-day live-in

Training Course on Organic Agriculture

for the Municipal Agriculturists and

Agricultural Officers on May 22-24,

2012 at ATI compound, Barcenaga,

Naujan, Oriental Mindoro.

A total of 17 participants composed of

12 City/Municipal Agriculturists and

Agr i cu l t u r a l Offi cer s , a n d 5

Agricultural Technologists from the

province of Oriental and Occidental

Mindoro, Romblon and Marinduque

attended the said event. Tapped

Resource Persons were Mrs. Elizabeth

delos Santos from PAgO-Soils, Ms.

Violeta Malicsi Chairwoman of

MESAFED, and Mrs. Pamela Henares of Buro-Buro Farms in Bacolod.

Included in the lecture were the topics

Nature Farming System, 7 Dimensions

o f S u s t a i n a b l e A g r i c u l t u r e ,

Vermicomposting, Homeopathy, Health and Wellness. Workshops and group

activities were also done for active

participation. Also part of the OA

module is field visit to organic sites

such as the SALIKA plantation of

carbonized rice hull in Canubing,

Calapan City, MOFA learning site in

Also, Barcenaga, Naujan and to Mr.

Jonjon Sarmiento’s organic farm in San

Narciso, Victoria.

The School-On-the-Air , another

extension program of the Center was

explained by the Focal Person of

E-extension Services Ms. Graciel

Gacutan on the last day of the training.

“The most productive training I’ve ever

attended”, impression given by MAO

Yolanda Mendoza of San Teodoro.

Despite the few numbers of attendees,

the whole training proves to be a



Participants of the training

Provincial Agriculturist Nilo Dimailig

inspired the participants

participants of the training


Thirty-six Socorro farmers gath-

ered at the covered court of Brgy.

Happy Valley, Socorro, Oriental

Mindoro last May 10, 2012 to par-ticipate in the “Training on Coffee

Propagation” spearheaded by ATI

-MIMAROPA. The said activity aims to develop the knowledge,

skills and capabilities of Socorro

farmers on coffee propagation.

Ms. Vicky Fortu of ORMAES

(Oriental Mindoro Agricultural

Experiment Station) and Mr. Sa-bino M. Palisoc, Consultant of

ATI-RTC-IVB served as the Re-

source Speaker of the said train-ing.

The activity was graced by the presence of Hon. Nico P. Valencia

and ATI-RTC-IVB OIC-Center

Director Pat Andrew B. Barrientos

who gave their inspirational mes-sages. Indeed, another productive

training for the Center.

Training on Coffee

Propagation expanded in

Socorro ATI-RTC IV-B conducted “TOT on Mango Production Technology” at

Haliwood Hotel & Restaurant, Odion-

gan, Romblon. 33 participants com-posed of Agricultural Workers and

ATI Staff attended the said training.

Mr. Eugene Fondevilla who served as

resource person discussed overview

of mango production and climate

change, strategies on mango tree adaptation on climate change,

integrated pest management (IPM) on

mango and the steps on hot water treatment. Actual demonstration on

mango propagation using multiple

rootstock technology was also part of the activity. Budded mangoes were

donated to the Provincial Nursery.

Organic Trainings

January to June 2012 - A total of 19 organic trainings including Internal

Control System (ICS) Installation

were conducted by the organic agri-

culture section headed by the Focal Person/Project Officer Mr. Ruben P.


Total of Two Hundred Fifty One

(251) Farmer Leaders and Ag-

ricultural Extension Workers

(AEW’s) were trained on the new

Program of the Department of Agriculture, the Community Seed

Banking wherein the main objective

was tor the farmer themselves to pro-

duce their own quality seeds to be

planted in their rice fields.

Resource Speakers were competent

Technicians from Provincial

From page 4

8 Batches of Training ...

Jonjon Bandoy Sarmiento


A lways with a smile flashed on his face, Mr. Jonjon Carlos Bandoy

Sarmiento welcomes his guests and friends to his HUMBLE place with


When you go into his place, you will be amazed on what is inside. He has an integrated farming

system surrounding his place. His land is planted with different fruit trees which gives

shade to his modest home. He also has flowering plants around which gives the area a

cool and enjoyable place to see. Also, he sur-rounds his place with medicinal plants of vari-

ous types.

Moreover, Mr. Sarmiento nurtures not only plants but animals as well. He has free-range

chickens and organic pigs. He also ventures into vermicomposting and makes his own juices

such as FFJ, FPJ, OHN and the like to serve as vitamins and antibiotics for his livestock.

All of these are manifestations of his passion

for ORGANIC FARMING. Because of this passion, he attended various trainings,

seminars, workshops and conferences promoting the natural way of farming. From

these trainings, seminars, workshops and conferences he attended, he was able to deepen

his knowledge on organic agriculture and apply it to his integrated farm system. With the posi-

tive outcome of the application of his learnings not only on his integrated farm system but also

on his way of living, the higher institutions saw potential in him.

Now, he is not just a listener but a speaker as

well. He was sent to various trainings on organic farming in the local and international

level. He has been a partner of the Department of Agriculture through the Agricultural

Training Institute in sharing his knowledge, skills and experiences as he ventures into

organic farming.

If before, he was only known in the regional level, today he is known in the national level

with a strong passion for organic agriculture.

He has been receiving invitations nationwide to serve as speaker and share his love and

dedication on organic agriculture.

Mr. JonJon Carlos Bandoy Sarmiento is truly a PRIDE of San Narciso, Victoria, Oriental



ANSALAY, Oriental Min-

doro - Last May 23, 2012,

a total of 24 farmers and technicians graduated in the Farmer-

Scientist RDE Training Program

(FSTP) in a Corn-Based Production

System for Sustainable Agricultural

Development Phase II with the theme

“Empowering Farmers for Socio-

Economic Progress” held at

Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro.

The FSTP was conducted through the

initiative of Mr. Romulo Davide,

FSTP Program leader from Los

Baños, Laguna. The said project aims to give small farmers direct training contact

with agricultural experts and scientists to

develop their technical and scientific

capabilities in growing corn and other

crops utilizing appropriate farming

technologies. It also aims to strengthen

the teaching, research and extension

capabilities of local government units,

(LGUs) and state college and universities

(SUCs) so that they can render better

services in their areas of responsibility.

The training program entails three phases. Phase I involves the

experimental trial on corn wherein

participants apply 8 treatments with 2


FSTP Phase II culminated,

Phase III commenced

Page 6 ATI MIMAROPA’s SANDIGAN (1st Semester 2012)

TOT on Mango Production

ATI MIMAROPA’s SANDIGAN (1st Semester 2012) Page 7

Phase II on the other hand is about

the on-farm demonstration of corn

among the farms of the

participants. Phase III is about the

adopt-a-barangay technology transfer or the application part of

the training program wherein the

participants of Phase I and II share

what they have learned from the

previous trainings among their

communities. Then, the cycle goes on.

Since the participants were

able to finish the two phases

already, Phase III was then

launched right after the

graduation rites. The

ceremony was graced with

the presence and inspirational

messages fromATI-RTC-IVB

OIC-CD Pat Andrew B.

Barrientos,Mr. Romulo

Davide and Mr.Reynalo

Comia both from Los Baños,

Mr.Nemesio Davalos

from MinSCAT, Ms.

Rachelle Montero from

DOST-IVB, Mr. Noel

Dacles, Adminstrative

Officer, Mr. Roger Ayap, SB

representative, and MAO

Rolando Tria from the

municipality of Mansalay,

Oriental Mindoro.


Corn husk products

FSTP Phase II….

From page 6

Agriculture Offices of MIMAROPA

provinces and technicians from Local

Government Unit of Victoria,

Oriental Mindoro, San Jose,

Occidental Mindoro, City Agriculture Office of Calapan City

and from ATI-RTC IVB.

These series of trainings were headed

by Pat Andrew B. Barrientos,

ATI, Center Director, Norberto C.

Maur as Project Officer/Resource

Speaker, Mary Ann C. Magnad and

Richard Templo as Technical and

Administrative Supports.


FSTP pictures

Graduates of FSTP Phase II

page 7