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m^m^^mmms^msm MiSpi .3r.i» 'HoS. vl'i.*CdJif<3af&dflfottfi'PirstPa<je.. T k T Of ijoaadsijfon fbudkets';^ lit&j:? andiUMHal; drajt«is:fOE6apkiQSi table cloths; etc. " t lQ > jjc«d t h£ais«$ some shelves are ex»? ,olc«eji'fty 1 -^U,cllriK.class doors, and •"*". "Where the principal uoorjs. left open ^ch^thi*i9^rwiu^<le9lrflbl8i;jiCtie:<. ' $l>^&91S0hs IcttObjaa'cTaset'raay open Intv^thyjiOuo^to advantage, but it • "• ' .• dhoutd.be made to close tightly when ,• ynotJalactualriiso. iTho- practice,pL & making the:.china closet, a passage* Jr?; with doors at eltherohtf Is not a good ««s one;" 3M?~-";att;;Qrdih&ry' ho'uso where .'",; .t^o~Kils,tr46^-wa8hes'the choice cHsbts; ":.fja pajQtiy.'aink is open to tbo objection t<* that tb&Tcaterls soldonr hot enpughto, •''?.?)#eJSectiv>r/,Tfa'e_ portable"* tub QUod.-: !-(".(TsJVItJiouiijg^vatcr Iroui ; the: kitchen ; -.7:-j'range is b«ftterroem:<:im;>».u ; " ; •'-' ,:J::;I g^e > <spat;iaflil, : ^at J ciqs«t ! should be ,„:l»o4y±p.^hjb; IrcmT^Toor,, bht not topq ; r hWtw^Cot en>rv> tWeretfc^Jtfshould be ,i?t> atgood sizevwith pjenty.-ol- hooka long: '-•>/iftaoughtdjKJlQia : iVstoye-plpq hat-se- •.•^uleiyiajari.strong-ieniiugb.tb teari'ff 7-' t>si<£p.t|U/?i'-'-.TiM'iuit hooks' shau}d;be; - •-; Jhiglt*enough to have on, independent ''• ? Towotcoat hooks'belqwv~ana unless . provision is made In a lavatory or side oomSfclas*et'»fonjsuclc.things, there . shpuldbe-boxes tor pigeon holes Tor >•: boors, andsboes-nearthefloor. ' ! t To each chamber- there sho'uld be ^> ; one ftood,cios6Vand , ?to the-principal "Void i>vd.'„Tu"ei-; should have plenty of hooks, and' a shelf,- or : -two- high up. The practice of putting fixed chests, or drapers.!u.thesQ.ciosets, though-edtri- T mon: is nof a""good one,. The old- TaScionbd.:. bureau- exposed in the ...broad Jight-.ot-tbo roomis ; "better. On the first chamber floor or on a .stair- case landing'should be a linen' closet" with two, or-threo deep drawers and a good many shelves placed hear - to- gether and. .wide: enough for piles of sheets, etc. In- the nurse-y a small medicine'cupboard is a convenience for other things beside drugs. .'•:.. \Ia. the.attic-a. trunk room is almost indispensable, and a storage place for woolens is .equally important. -This latter shouldTbe roomy, and especial- ly-guarded against the housekeeper's greatest enemy, moths. Cedar and camphor are riot.'only, expensive, but are not a sure protection.-.-. The place .should ,b& well -lighted (moths., .are : averse, to .'-light),-, and- should bnv'Oa, tight closing .do'or, 1 .". 2UI"closet ; walls, floors' andcoilings: should -be;painted ir it caa.b.e>au"oraea. ""Pains should be - ;taken to^see that tho floor-board joints are sn'a'gi'aiid nil cracks and crevices avoided. „'".'.* • . 'v iTheilconsicleratioa of this, like' all- mother house problems, must end! witfc the statement that every casei has its VSpecialiieeds,jwUich must, bci studied .' .by the Jighfc_6f common serise.' '-What others do and have done is of use, but perhaps' as often teaching- what to avoid as what to follow. Modem liv- e iDg requirements,have becQ.me execed- ,-ingly! complicated. •Perhaps we may -driftbabk-fromthe confusion oryxes; ent luxuries to- some of the olu^rnrie: ..simplicity. If clothes axe only for use? comfort and real beauty,-less) storage ., might be needed ror them, and if our houses were simpler in their coastruc- , .tion and.arrangement.they would .re- r. quire; muoh'.Jess- "everlasting plhki rig up." " . 'v-.;iv 1FKOW- f **Haio is an actfvl\<>nvy"a papsivo disr : pleasuxe.;utt^jjebu hot surprise us, therefore/ 4& see, Jkov?. aulcjcly v envy- |^8^ig0ate;i|j|l j^gfj ^fei 5 : it Was~corTtam asTTis wonddriulihit r ,trj4th;,nfld erjcorSprlngarrom thep^anitf« sour.cei.wemust orten, thererdre;^^ warcrof injuring error lest we. injure Disricftrr. .. ZasxsssBstxxi EMirxnat-i-JiimiM cook.. ,~ J . COStello.-: i .•"•-. •'"; Tmf dhii^use" of THUKSTON'S J[V.ORX, PEAiii;TooTKPovi(DEK will preseirS'e the Ueeth trorndScaRnftd, keep.them.clean,-; white- and Bound; as ardentrlflceat -1ST npt 'ciiiji'^E.t^-fe<HsncWnrA3tas > <'' , ^ , n3 -, -. J»m»i Ov"UnO»lej-.Stf«^a«>rXc>. 3, Abeol »trt*C.' jwacilioc3eH>'st«im»rHo;-3,-Wnton axrteu -?-.) *ms\p<$<i£Xastm w. Ho. «,"'Hon» - »tr««.';. ,.,. v ^e»(^9,Hool:fio41a<l<ler.Co^!Co;JAJ>«elstr«et' "HKWIl'mVMWI .'f :-J Bftptd BOJS'O OOV:> ; O>.1,".HQO« »tre«t. QDUCK'SVCWSH TE.\—The great and 'cheap.^medj^fpr Dysjpepsia. Billlousvj ness,v-aiid - Beadache; As- so Druggists-. JPrlco 25 conts.^ d by, .all ;'j T-; / SJ>ek;iiiia5C«Sl«o.jrf'iDii ^Catarrh* Ms"'' rccosnliiKr - H9 '"tiia'- niost universal, disasrjwable and dlsgustlnjj- (lis- case known to the human race,- and the offorts to euro It have been mosUy frulUots. Tho more tho victim ot this loathsome disease has snuffod. washed,'deluged, gargled and gaff- god over the nauseating smarting and blistering effects ot tho wonderful euros, offered for tho curo'ot catarrh; the moro.discouraBcd. Add -dls-. gostod ho 1)ocoine3v' tho- aisousft; continuing- Its rsv'asesTintt^rin breath becomes so Offensive that his nea- i< trlouds avoid him, and ho'.Becs distinctly b.-...rj him the ghost of consumption. But,.dear lrleiil..oheer-.uprtl>erp.'l3 hope for you. -TJso-OBboi-ne'9-Catarrh-.Expeller- accord- ing to directions, a consUtutlonal as jrelLas. local remedy, and you can onco moro taile"^6ur place In society and not bffaTDldaa, but anxious- ly sought and eagerly.(Hteatloned In iregaxd to' tho wonderful euro of catarrh: you'Jflll'a onco stato that Osborne's Catarrh EipeUcr Is : choapest.and besj,^3.well as most dollghtfal'to' •us'o/ahda^'bottlb' Costing flfty cents, make? a. f quart for >use*"6eht»by f -'man- on receiptor, price. Addross tho International Medical Co. Xo.TlG Broadway, >'. Y. Sold by K. DEXO; Bon-:) rtout. ."John^Si-Eltlnge, Jr. agent for Kingston: Price of Food in Old Times. Amiil the never eudintr comments on the high price of provisions, it is difficult Tor us to realize the fact that a time existed. in Britain's history .. when_whear,.as.food for one hundred -:,,.; for,a , whoIe".Uay,fwasjworth.6ulyashilyri - - irhgva'od'tli&ftverage-Npriee of sheet)*; four pence. In the reign of Henry I. the price of wine was raised to six )>ence a quart for red and eight pence '.-.•'-.•»'quart;-Tor' white; in order that the - .' sellers J migi»tbe enabled to live-by'it. r ' , -Wlien the jvheat.was at six shilliugs-a -'-quarter (.eight.-bushels), the farthing: ' . ;.- «loaLwas:tobeequaiin.weighttotwen-l tyounces-iflhacfeof the whole grain, I ; '^. ".-.'fthd toVsiiteeif .dunces^ if. consisting -T ::»olelyof.whiteVi Aha>wheri the wheat '. was only, one shilling and- six pcrnee" :y ' : : perquartet, atf-it sometimes was,"'tho. farthing white loaf was to contain-six-- ty-four-ounces,-and-rthe whole grain , * ntpeti'rsi-vpooii'dloat of good wheaten bread for a farthing. In thenine- -T-teenthyearof tbexeign of Edward I., the price of provisl6ris"of the City.of. London was fixed by the Common' Council at artrtrlir.by which Two pullets were sold at'three'halPpehce, a part- ridge;or'"tworwoodcock for the same, while a fat lamb was to be six pence '_p » -•irom Christmas to Shrovetide, and the ,: -'-'"rest of the year four pence, ilafthd' •??. <? -fourteenth "centrrry" Parliament..!iix^d- V '-- ~ tlie-price^or'a"IJit"ds'atfofty-eightshil~ . . lings t a;8horn sheep, at live shillings, •. ' two dozen eggs at three pence ahd.the ^ - :best wino ac-twenty«ents per tun. ; -An : r actrof Parliament passed in 1533, set- tled the value of'beef and pork fit a half-penny per pound, and veal at three farthings. 1 Mrs. Gov. Haves is a handsome, re- >~ lined airtl kindly matron; dark eyed " """and black haired. Her home she'is said: to mako cozy, and comfortable ;.'' rjther' tharrpretefntious. There is an ' -"-l-. --.amusing story;told-6ther -visit to her :;-husbano's cafopio 1803;- In; ope of the •'•' ebm'paniejj ollns regiment was a good- . aatured.unsophistlcaiedsoldiernamed PflrJcer, who, befora Mrs. Hayes's ar- '• 'rival was known; waa.iaoienting to his comrades thefact^tfaat there was no- .-.."-,•. .-body in eatnfp to-mehd'arid put pockets ». . '.-.in nJ8inrfredblouse^ -One-Df -them re^; 1 •-''I'ij.jjed'r "Wliy'don't you "take it to the .•'-••'"woman who does tne sewing for the ... regimeotund get her to fix it?" "Didn't I n >w there waaench awomnn; where "• is she ?" aSkedParKef. "She's up. in the colonel's tent,", said his comrade, "and if you'll take your blouse up , . there she'll mend i t , for, y o u ; that's 3 'k2 ^vhat she's hero for;" Parker al^opce _„.rT_i<art&JToT the*co5onersteDt, blbaso-in . y hand.- Col.- Hayes politely- returned t* ifJt his9alute,;invited him in, and inquired 1 ,."?.. what ho watited." ; He replied that he ' -';„. 'wahtdd his blousomended and pockets' .'put in,-and that ho understood there/ . was a woman there to doscwing for the regiment. With a merry twinkle In ,Ji!s,.ey«8» Aha colorjel,-called to Mrs. •Hay«$*ftii"d asked herif she could do the work. She promptly took, it, and ^ff^^^jsxeii^n. People.:, v : . J" 'So people'in the world suffer, as linden,. wita-JDvapopsia-as Americans, hAKhough-yoaraof eXMrience in niedi- 1 Hno had^allekl-to aocOmplisn a certain and. sure -remedy for this'disease and its effects, such as Sour Stomach, Heart-burn,-Water-brash, Sick Head- ache, Costlvenessi" Palpitatiba^ot the Heart, Liver Complaint, coming up of the rood,-loWis6Mte£general debility, etc.. Set'slrieo"the introduction of GREEN'S ACGCST PLOWEB we ^believe there Is no case of Dj'spepsia ttiatcanr. not be relieved. Thirty thousand 'do^- ea were sold JaaJLyoarwithoutoner case ot failure. reported-^Gd-tO* your 'drug-; gist, Clark & Co., agents for Kingston, and get.a Sample.Bottlo for 10cents and try it.- Two doses will relieve you. Regular.size75 cents* .. . ^... . j t r a d y ' a S l a s l c L o i l u u . .' :;:.;.'' 1'or pala.'tis strango, 'tis wonderfuljrhatcan be accomplished by sclenUfic study andTesearch. We Uvo lu an age otrprogrjeislvo' sclonco,'aud constantly demonstrating that old fogy. In- ventions mustjilve way later and more sclen- Ufic discoveries. - One of the most marvelous, successful and'dosirable products la) thelcom- pouad paln-rellevine-agents composing Bxady's Magic Lotion. It is adapted to the Infant or tho Aged, a positive cure~for pains, and aches-of evory description. Internal or external, from the "crown of the hood to tho Soles or the feet Try It, and by its magical powers bo.convinced. 25c 50c. and $1 per bottle. Sold by B. DEXO, Bon- dout. John H. Eltlnge, Jr., agent lor Kingston •tlili ••'i FIRE pI^AMTSa^XX^VeKSTKUnz, _-•-•'-' •'•-"-oisTiotox;^. •.;'•:;.!- ".carerESOIXEIB—M; T,TCewklrk. ", ;;; ' - c - '' Ttxri usisxJSix ZxccrEEX—Christopher Bef tertoi.>,••', . v v.--- ': ..... ... .••','•• BXCOSD" ASSISTANT: ExacuxB-^oha ?r.. Cum. mlngs;- 'v.J.. : --. ; ..... .••.-• ! ' ",' ctaEra: coxr&xrts. •' ft American Eagtne Co. Xo. 1, Clinton avenue. '• WashingtonSteamerNo.' S.Talr street. G. J. JPreUeweh Engine Co. Jfo. 4, Crown street. John T. Hallahan Engine Co. No. 5, Dunn street. . S ,-.--• A. Sahler Hook and Ladder Co. No'. 1" Pair stre*t_<r.-i lu'v*. I'' ' ?•'•-'- Wlltwyck Hose Co. No, 1, Fair street. ' . j ' Kingston Hose Co. Ko. 2, Clinton avcatio. Excelsior Hose Oo. Xb.' *, Crown street.- -' l BoothHoseiCo.Xo. 5.iBunn'street.• ..o»bornc'«jr^a.TOaxaclc : ja;mers. - A^rare-comblnntiolxofpiodlcalproperties and matetlals, BrQbablyithojnbstrarffln nso, sure- ly the most successful combination ot-medical extracts known, and named Tamarack Bittors. -la this great vegetable tonic are blended; In the most ha^mbnlousTnahner, with tho greatest purity possible to obtain, the most active ,alte; ra'Jvo, Invigorating and purifying: elements nhatcan be selected from the, vegetabJoj-klDg- f (- doth. - These,- nature'n •Ttsslstants, are Jield. In solution and wondorlully assisted by, tho-best diffusive stimulant In use, pure old Jamacla: •rum,-and-oddlyrenouEh-lsaUowed lb enter this -combthatloriof'-Tegetable-oltracta'to. preserve their properties and promote tho genera! hpajthl; Is It strange that perrect digcstlon.regularity of tho Uvor, systemaUc evacuations of tho bowels, natural flow'o'l the bUe, purity ot tho-blood, healthy and brilliant condition of ths' mind, good nature, bright.oyes, dear comploxfbn and good trppeUte should bo actively-promoted by -the-uso-of tamarack Bitters," in which rare and valuable materials, culled, from lorosf. and. -HoWpreparodj-rrlth "exauislte' care, to act_inl harmony wltn > "Tiatnre^ v ' "aiedTcal men .aro. having a degree of faith In Tamarack (Bitters seldom extended to proprietary compounds., Their power to oontond with and expel malarial and mlasmlc poisons is having a marked effect. Address the International Medical Co.; No. 74G Broadway, 2T;!Y. SbH byCB.VDEXO, Bondout. .John H. Eltlnge, Jr-, agont for Kingston, For tao H a l r o n d S c a l p . '" . * Osborne's DandrnfT.Banlshcr, Hair Dressing. and Brosprjratlv.e.j:ThJ3-preparatlon is charms ingly perfumed, possessing unrlvaUed.' tonic, qualities that are designed to provent -baldness I and promaturo gray hair, being cooUngJOr tho» scalp, instantly allays all Itching, banishes dandruff ami ali oruptivo humors, causing thcr young hair to growby stimulating andstrength-. fening Jho^talr folllcesund papllas, whlchaffords Uiarootacf-tbehnlr-nutrlment and life.. In its composition no animal oils aro admitted, con- sequenUy^helr.pcriitclous oftocts-aro not rea- lized: It,win not.closo tho'lwrcs of tho-scalp .and thus chock the natural qlly spcrotlons of the sobaccund'glands, which aro of sd much Importance in , rendering tho hair strong, healthy,'soft, glossy and beautiful. It la en ttcoly_lrco from-alcoholic-effect j lnsteairfof: hSriiig^oiVixl^hwdTiSttFthi '^TpTd^L^S^^^f^.-' 85 '; 1 -' 0 -^^ 1 ; 1 -logout Its hattrralvnulds;-Tenaoring it hard devoid otlceUng^olastldry- and Yitatlty, it Is refreshing to the scalp, boauUfylng to tho hair, promoting tho health of both. Price 75cts. Ad- dress tho InternaUonal Medical Co., No. 740 Broadway. K. T. Sold by B. DETO, Rondout. John H. Elllngo, Jr., agent for Kingston. fSfciW Mrfqirltlh^tie after- LiJ -t5r*rTJtt»rm5a J 'tb-*hi8 com- . •. :ftjnrlon'aCream of Beauty. - ~- Ladles are aware that beauty rather than In- tellect has been worshiped by all generations of men, from tho tlmoot Paris and tho boauUful Helen. Antony and tho magnificent Cleopatra, KlngHonry and tho lovely Anno JBoloyn; and- with all dneievorenco toour ladles of modern day, who share tho glory* of being, beautiful; This - being tho case. Is it strango or 'surprising that much ot ladles' time is devoted in discover- ing tho secret of promoting and preserving their beauty in Its highest dogroes ot protection. In* telllggnt ladles aro woll owaro that whon gontle- m.<Ki»P*«kof Intellect, or intellectual womon;: •they «pcak modestly, crlUcany, sensibly and quletly.j trot when thoynXnttcrf the lovollnoss and charms of a beautiful lady their language is enthusiastic, their eyes kindle with anima- tion, rholr whole spirit soems to enter into the. earnestness of their remarks. Ladles, by their" natural quickness of perception, discover these' facts and thus improve ovory opportunity and use every means at their command to become. GODDESS ot tho admiration and adoration bt- man. Arguoas we may against tho methods and means.devlsed-by tho ladle* for enhancing . and preserving molt beauty; there still oxlst»4 ,llig'-.r-r'nrTr.*-* l r*r.*-il fact taa4 ^g»&Ufthteni »«*dom;i prefer the society of a plain, sohslblo lady.,or4 ono of genius, to that of n blooming beauty of less Intellectual Attainments.. Cream ot Beauty .has the desired effect. And Is jnsUy crowned ••Queen of -ho Toilet." Addross tho Int«rn»tloni '«BMriatOo:!TTo>T!(«BroadwAy,K. V.Sold by It. tJfeTO.-Ttonaoh",' "JohnTEf. Eltlnge, Jr., agent for Kingston. . - ; . , '. :. %gSSStgBB*jgggSB£!£££!&B££!2!22 »——»--. I XT- YrSDPBEATJSCOURT.-Ulster, Ir-Jt'r •• Caunty-.'wmiirrn"»; -r>h>t>a«sbeck, plain- \ -ttrcVrVsuArt*be Al Vredetifcurgh IndlMdttany T rades and told them i»ow tho colonel : .•,-;j-C^ved *iwr4»nd how^klodly tho wo- , '^:^l»CT r Bddl^6ok ,lh^';worV r .hn(l they I *1i:»;And-:Wobaf later la.ih'a.:day, barker" •:.', . nppeared with hisblonseneatly mend- ^lm^vrA , a^i7je i ^klJt8 rri;tt; he -*as "limi *JMMB> ll "•|<nrd.irie,iwife 61 3«tfe;Ofhoi'aigb.t., fflbM&^dfiM rfsfrOtl-Tiihfe'j; elnmber-r. t'imhaKittr^yvv^xrmatit"' »ln» 'growled. , log." ,v It*« the bed Ucldng/' respond^ ^SS^VtlSSS and a* administratrix of the estate of Ell V. Kekert, deceased, Albert Vredenburgh her hus- band, Joh-LH. Eck»rt» Daniel E. Ilrodhesd and James a pine, defendants. In pursuance and byvirtne of a decre« and lodgment ot fore- . cloeuro and sale granted in this action by th*4 3$OT<- 8«tprsme Obttrt of tB* »»t*i>t K^w.^otT. onthe * • — -53th day of November, l»7o, and.entered on tba »th day 6f Jtotsmber. 1ST*, in the office ot the CI*rk ot the County of Ulster, I, the subscriber, th«»eMr»«a«ry ar^otntod for such purpose, waioellnrpoMIoaatlon'.ariBe W«ti\ door of Ut* OoflrfHotn*, tn tit* city of JC!h|-»wn, In the OrMntyoltfUler.-X. T..-***!** «4.llaJ of Do- . cember, 1S7«, at ten o'clock Jn th> forenoon of that day, WW ToMointl|f -tfrs^rtbed lands awt- »T»mI»M;t»W|ftt»fr , «ki-rt««*crfVed'lB the coj*' plaint and Jhdir»*»t 1» t 6 W action: All rt'»T| certain lot ot land lying south of 8t; James street,In UioTUlAiw(imrdtr) ot Xlngston, N. T, »M'kwo^tt'at>d'dlHrftjrtrt»hM as lot JJo. 11, bounded as follows- *—'—' • "-- ™- r » ^ . „ ««.;«»-! Beginning at tho south- west oormor of lot Ho.. aS.r»*lontrtng to Abtlsti "George, it sounds like a watch lIcK-lJh^iijpeejfiw^onciittwtt^^^.i-Aixw^;^ paetAtMBVOnxM* a!*og ths , :*»«»-M«Hr'wi»t£B«rt*«t tothe-H aorthetut come* ot -wido* JS>->«tn'» lot, > tmmos alon* her lot a n * tho JoWot: aanmt oardtner south fifty-tilght degreoa ami torty-flre minutes «ww«kia«htradred»wf»attj:T«*t, th**e# sout* thirty d*fff«* *ast, sixty.three tt*i five Inches tothepr -•-—— — - and Mid taortrac* th rMledJUn^sto: .miaxXHrir. V. ':• -'. ;•- j io -;..-. • • TWENTIETH B.VrTALIOJf, N.'O. S. N.( V,_Heod quarters and Board of Officers: Boom, city Hall: B Company's ArmoiT Voorhees' Hall, Clinton avenuo:e ( D.EandFCompanies" Armory Wash. lagton Ball, Abeel street IKXSHJSpcrEXIES. ,- " ST^MAEi's T, A. B. SOCXETT—Meots every 8un dayafterubon In St. ilary,'s. School Hall, .Unlo avenut'.'l ;• r, . .:"r .... ».' a ....... iSTi-SLSBT's MCTCAl, BS3i-Ev6t,EST I foctCTT— meets the last Sunday In,each month In St. •ITary's School Hall, Union avenue, - •• pi; JOSEPH'S T. A. B. SOCEETT—Meets every Sunday, atternoon la SW Josoph's Hall, Fair -street. --. "•'•.'•.- •• . . .. ! . -.* ST. Josaipa's MCTO.U, BEXEVOLEXT Socnrrr— Moots'the last Sunday in each month in St; Joseph's Hall, Fair street. A. O^ H . ' , Meets the last Tuesday in each month. In Murray Hall, The Strand. OBDEn X.Y1TED AMKRICA.X .....'..v. . CHANICS. HIJR- : Eagle.CouncllNo. 9J, meets every Weilnesday eye-nlug, Hlxschrs Hall; Tho Strand. . - PVBtilO HAJ.xV*. OLympic TaEAThE—Corner r/nlon avenue-ami The,Strand. , '. .^' . .. • •'• ' 'MUSICHAXL—Corner Jolin and Fair street. " pWASHTSQTOx HAi.L—Abeel Street.' ,',' ;•• ^:opEEIE3.HAH,—CllntonAvetUt*.. .• ;-•"?. --..:•• . T«:rTlPKttA.Kf>fc.- '." • 1 '' - MEKESASA: DrvtstoSv"No: ; 80, S.' of T.—Meota" every Trklay evening In'Hlrsch's Hall, Tht Strand:.:::.. ..••-.'-'-; :c'-J', -' ; ' ;, •.. .;.. ;.;!Wtt.TWTCZ DrnsiOS.*?ib..28. S.' of ,T.,-Meot -evory Monday evening In Komeyn's Building Wall street. ,-";;. . BAItKS.- , r;.". .' » KJNGsioh' NATfoX.ii BASK—Main street, cor-. :ner of,Fair .street. :iiri-:,s ..... •", .STAXBiW .-NZW XOlOr. NAITOSAt. BA>'K—Wall street corner: ofJolth street. ; \ X-WICCfAT.CXSTEB COtWTr BASJC—"W'ali:Strcet THENATips-AL BA^xep-EOSrotTT—FerrVst' - FrBSTj:2rATio>-At. BAiac or BoN'Dorr—The Strand, corner of Onion avonue.-j V ' Epi-TJOrTaA-tTXGS BAXX—The StroiidL. CTsiEB y C'oCxry SATIXOS JISSTITPTIOS—Wall sU'eet, ._. , ,- ATI^ ; - ; wtrs i CAh' soci irirxEv; , -.SOCLti? MASSSBoaon—John' Huber, Loader -moets every. Monday evening at John Huber's- Union avenue. -.-•THF^<H.\.)n^EB9''^Bxi>ert";8.0ran,Wagonen ; Teaacr,';fnee"t3.7e'ipry. Monday evening at Hon. Fredarick'Stophaa'-» residence, Union nveriue. •rA-EnTsQrUEiETrE-CL-uB—C.w. McKown, First lonort Marliis Turck,...Second Tenor; J: H. Tripp,yirstBass; Frank Tripp, Second Bas*. Meets every Thursday evening. "~ iTMSOIVIC. IKISOSTOX- ;LODO£ 'No:;lO F.. JtA. M.—Meets every Tuesday evening i at their Hall, 8avings BankBulldlng. BOXDOCT-LOTXIE No. 313 F. * A. M.—Meets overy Monday ovonlng at. 7:50 o'clock^ at Ma- sonic HaU, The Strand .• Motrsx HohEB CHAPTER No. 75, B. A. M.—Moots tbo first and third Wednesdays or each month atjangjton Lodge Boom, Savings Bank Build- l^e.'WaU street. .._. ;,,... ; . .. .:.:..':••)-! -.: THXMOS Brnra CocscTi> No. a'of B. & s . M.— Bcgular l assembly arst'Thursday of every -jnonth;-.: .?;_..; .... :,.;.•.. ^ ' : - .'• . .., ' - J Ko'SDOrrC<>5ISIASI)EE'l.yo. 52-^Moots- lrt" Ma I sohlOHall, second arid fourth Wednesday eve phlngs'ofeaoh month.-".': . . -ZEPtiAStAa LODOE, No. 131,1. O. B. B., meets every othor Sunday at Hlrs-ch's Hall.lhe Strand atSo'.clockP. M. -• --..v. WASKCJOTOS LODOE, NO. SI, K. 8. B. meets l-ev«ry other Sunday at 3 o'clock P. M., in Cor- '-.nelirs-Bulldingy,a;;;7; ;j_.'\ ._"> "'-"" -- '-- " ' .meets M. in ovtrry'other Sunday evening at Cornell's Building :-X> P. CUOKCHES. BAPTIST CHCBCH—Wurts street, PBEaBTTEBUS ClttatCH—Abpel street, corno 1 W^rrst etreevBeT.'^Isaac;Plark, pastor. WCRTSSTBEET M. E. CKUBCH—Wurts street, HOV M. S. Terry, Pastor. - 8BCoyDM. E. CHCBClt—Clinton avenue, Kcv. A'-K^Banlord, Pastor. ., - . .iCDXltfpOETkEHOL*8PiBiT—(EpIscopal)Wnrts street, A. Sldnoy Dealoy, Kector. GTatat.vii" -EVASOEMati, LUTHTJIAS CncKCH— Spring street, corner Hone street, r.ov. James M. Btelncr, Pastor. ST. PETTB'S OEBBAS CATHOLIC CBTBCH—Wurta stroet, cor. PIcrpont Street, Bev. Emlle 8ten2el, .Pastor... .• .-.. --. 'Sr; MASffrCATnoxtc-Circntcir—Union nvenne Bov. Father O'Earrcll ofllclatos. UXION CBTBCH—Abruyn street. OBhXAV'LT/rHEB.ss.CBxncH—Livingston St BoViMr. 6'tuu, Pastor. :• COTcan«UTioSAx,E«AXrjTx—Union street,E»v Mr^ Wolff, Babbl, - CoxoaroATiosAifsrit; CBESX»_Uhlon street. ..\Exast ParsmrrxliUstCRCBcn—Tabernacle, El mondbrtntrbet.. .'..',.',..,.. : ...... -. -JFIEST kr.roiiMEDCHCUCH—Main stroot, corner Wall street. Bov. D. N. Vandevere, Pastor. rfl';SXOtEVD3rroTUfr3> cmrscn—Fair street. Rev Jnj>v>» pemarest. Pastor. ftr.JAafrSK,E. Ctfcsctr—Talr street. Rev. O. E; Strobrldge, Pastor, , •• >e •• ••• > ^ • 8-f, Motet's CrisoorAt'' Cnrttcn .Wall streel Ber. Mr. Oamp,- nector. ' riBSTBArrigT CtrtmCT—vUbanr itvenuo, Bev H. 8. WestBate. PaatOr^^-.'i Jj V» •' ... 8T. JOSEPH'S CATHOUC Cnrttc»i-Wali street, comer of Main street, Bev.- Jrmej Dougherty AageVO.Qt,rar: W»r<yitjb«.rtfiifermed)—Fox TiailaVehue, Wlltwyck, Bev. J. It. TAlmadge, D. D. officiating. AnticASZtox M. E. CHCBCH—Bowery street, Bev. Cyrus Oliver, Pastor. • - - AXXSICAX Uxtos M. E. CltCBCH—Foxhsll ave. cv*; ,Pastor. vy ~V\f T" i .' .t, '. jTO«>?«At*ba&y>^Wall»fJe*t.. 'lr ';•'. .'\ '\.. * ' '— . ', •.-. (41 C I T Y C O T E B N M B W . :\ , MATOP.—James O. Undsley. " , ? CtTT Ct-r.RX—Aug. schepmoes, office la fifty Hall, Union avenue. i .li;'.r xx)Bt)T.»—Aug. SclwpmoesjpJfkcInaiyBain >n avBnno?, %~^'{ S~~*i ! V J < JJ'. ' iVtr»ATIrtfWrtl(aW^SeyMTn>X. SjebtJIns,. TmtAircBr.it—Orove Webster, office 3Plr»t.3f«v. tlonal Bank otBondout, Th« strsnd. U.^, Oaasbeek, office, on Union avenue. . : , ' f' t tanye, offlce-uhlonltvcnjie near .Grand Central .BUMaj \S3 c; t,.;ctfii«S -c, ;,u.>ri atlh Coxjrox Coosctt, me»t«.<rv«ry Friday •TwrolAif ttheCitynall, VntnH*r*ui)«s£•" J ••v-\ Tocsin .nKr«»!« otiBiKff An A»|I< oiATion. . . . _ tun OT»r James O, Memt's until furtherJtotice. otlhft touni,Men's 5 Cnris^t- IttrtMM «*v**IWwtno«<»nl' .,.., - .... , .... ,™-,. r SarroJTitorit ci««*.cairnty,-rmtlJ thAAAS^JaMAnBooiiMv |artvijnj»BOordlitj|«^f*w,-; W^«»K'p' store on Wall; cwrftj FKBHIliH. I..«?: : j.".— %tmxeuttrtxxt-Vtinf*tmi: " " n *, 1 Ht.-«ino» iatn«,s*i .-•iBfal^niMwit^yiqAt-t'oot «t TtAshr»»<£ ! 'f. Wrorct»* K&S •'8<rirxiti<o»itKWrxJFaRr—Ah*et utresi, ,, UNITED QJXXAX LOJXIE—So. 503,1. O.^TX), JF.X moots every Thursday evehlrig In Odd rellows cJ^;Tfc»8trw»d.h7..--'r;'.e:-H-:c'xq J it^iv.^-.: ..HtSttBOUWVdtEDt—Meets every Tuesday evc- nlog at Wachmeyer*s Halloa Honeatxcet. HTjatsiBV!fl>:sxcriOXii—Meetsthelth Frl- iloy-pf each,^ton^a, at achnltxlorfo Hall, Mill 1 r > ST. PETEK's 8ICX aiiD AXD SocTCTT-OUtocta e v e r y 4th Sunday in St. P»t«r;s School HSuse, corner .PierpontandXdamsstreet .... , \i,-^-• . TirJFWTDO-trs'-AXD^OBPHAXS' 'SOCirTr—Me* 9' the 1st Sunday ot each month In St. Peters School House, corner ot'Plerpontantridlims' .streets..-.:"' ', ... ' ' * .'." ,/U^.y - 1 O a e U B I B - SoctEXr-rMeets the 1st Sunday of each month,-ta 8t; Peter's School House, corpor JiArpbntand.Adamsstreet.., xt ..,".-, " - ! TBE l "toc6tQ LADhs' SociEnc—Meets ' tho : sd suhday.of each month In St.- Peter's School. . Hqnsa, corner Plorpont and Adams strcoL "QKBJtA!,- S i c i ASP Am SOClETr—First and third "Monday* or each month, at Bnglert's Hall; Union javehUe;,.: •:;•;..'.-;j:,;j ;'.•::o ••J-.:-0-.:. . .,,.„ .. . Tr«XEB ASSOCTAHOS—Meets the first. Sunday of each month aiTurn Hall, East Kavlno street:' ' ' *' • f.*ilSlXTi OBBFELLOTCS. ••J'icrj Koscicsxo LODOE NO. SG or NOBTHEBX-NEVT tOBX—Moots at Odd Fellows' HaU, North. Front street, every Wednesday evening. "ABxriSi LODOE NO. 173 1. 0. or O. F. ; —Meew ovory .Wednesday evening In Odd Fell ws" HaU, .Tho.Strand.-,, ,,.,•.• .. . , . ..-;,-„• -,„+„. '*' USITEI) OEBXAX LODOE NO. S03l—Meets every .Thursday evening In Odd FeUows" Hall.:: ::.'.t ;( : Excrxsion Esavxpaxxi No. 21—Meets on the flrst and third Fridays of each-month", at Odd. Fellows'Hall. Bondou*. '"'.:•-• *•- - :•:. K.\itJiixat W»"»*.VTMI.\!«. FP.AskLa LODGE Xtf. ^^XIOETS OF PTTHtAS : Meets at Odd: Fellows' Hall, North Front stree- .overyThuwdayovpnlng^t :; , -,, Ul^TEkLorjOE.No. 1&X. or J?._^Meets every TueSday-«veUluV,Hlr»cli's.Hall,The Strand. :";'•'.;?'. v.; ".'•'.: ' "m — - " -: . "'.'•'•'_ ••••"' I REDrfaJZN. ' _''HiAVATk.\TBiw2-No. 20, i.'0..'B.'M.—MOCW every,Wednesday avenlng In Wood's bulldiDg ,WaU,3trJjet, .. ; ., .;. .,: . - n - ... : lo-.it _ Tho, piacpverejj, Jmd y Oomi »o«ir^v !t; sisW i;ni;l«ai irfflFiosraiis After nXohy years of the most successful prac tlce ta spoclal-diseases, with an unsurpassed experience In the application ot'certaln combi- nations In tho treatment of those diseases. Dr. Von Moschzlsker has been Induced to place his remedies on the public market, that they may be within roach oXfiU*vho need. them. E WASH. For Innanted and Diseased Eyes and for tbo Preservation of Sight. This Wash should be In .the possession of all who deslro to keep their oyoa Inn strong and .healthy, condition; espec- ially students, or thoso whoso occupation ren- ders > unimpaired . sight a necessity, fi oz. BOTTLES FIFTY CTS. - . . .""/ Catarrli Kemedy| and Specific. ' Tor; Diseases 6l the Besplratory Organs, Throat, Lungsi Chest Affections; both local and Constitutional,-- These remedies will cure the severest cases of Catarrh, and should bo used In accordance with directions; such as extraordi- nary discharges from tho nose, offensive or btherwlse, water dropping Into tho throat from thohoad, loss of acuteness in smell, "taste or hearing; sharp pain In the head, and unusua sonsltlvonoss to cold. Price $1.2J per set o Two Largo Bottles and Inhaler. '-• ' THROATCARCLE. Tor Soro Throat, generally accompanying, and frequently following.-SOAKLET-'PEVEB. and MEASLES, it Is Invaluable As-tonic for tho volco, Clorgymon and Public Speakers will find' It valunblo,- PBIOE $1.00, . ;•.•: , COUCH; SYRUP. For Coughs, whethor arising from Irritation of the Throat, Bronchial Tubes or Lungs, this Syrup will be fblind most soothing and effec- tual. ' PRICE 50cts. and $1.00. EAR REMEDY. Specific for ^Discharges from the Ear, arising from Scarlet, Typhoid, or other Fevers,-Measles or Inflammation ot tho Inner Ear. Also, a Bern edr for NOISES..IN THE HEAD and SLIGHT .DEAFNESS from any . cause. Price per set , two large bottjoe, $1.50.. ?...-' Constitutlonai! Remedy, Alterative!for purifying tho Blood, and bene- ficial action ;upon the Liver and Kidneys. : A: Constitutional Bemody for .Debility, arising from such complaints jis above mentloued PRICE $1.00. For sale by B. DETO, The Strand, Bondout, Clark k Co., Agents lor Kingston, John F. Henry Curran k Co., wholesale agents, New Xork. 1 - - - '• * . J - - ' Thfeihd^pehderit In addition to all Its foririor excellencies, hereto- fore.surpassed, by no other joliglous weekly nowspaper In the world, wUI offor several ENTIRELY NEW FEATURES, of great importance and yaluo. < FISST.—Woshallprlnt throughthe yoar SER- MONS by. the. most, eminent clergymen ol thlf country, of all denominations, from Maine to California. .Our readers will, thoroforo, have tho pleasure of hoorlng the most famous minis- ters of Now Tork.vBrodklyn.'Boaton, Philadel- phia, Cincinnati, Chicago, St.' Louis,' San Fran-' Cisco,otc. ' 8E005D —We shall publish a series of articles on CHRISTIAN WORK, by REV. STEPHEN H. TTNO, D. D.fWhlch will be invaluable to clergy- men, Sunday School teachers, and every Chrls- tlan,man and woman. THIRD.—A now sorial story of American lite will l>o begun about the mtddlo ot December. Its title will be A PAPER QITK by LV B. Locke (Bov. Potroloum V.,Nasby). 'It vividly illustrates tho prcsont ora'of specula- tion, of living without work; of making money without capital; and will 00 one ot the'mosi sparkling and "attractive serials ever pub Ushcd. - I'-*-' FotntTH.—Wo shall publish ascxlcs of articles from tho pon of ELDEB BREWSTER,! JB., of BrowstervUlo, Mass., on men and things, re- ligion and politics, and every "top topic" as it comes up. Finn.—Our great premium for the year we bollevotobo the best over offered—viz.: - THE WOEES of 0HAELE3 DIOKESS in tho famous and unsurpassed "Household Edition of Messrs. Leo & Shepard. tho well- known publishers ot Boston. Look at our offer! To oach and every porson, whether already a subscriber or' not, who sends us $3, wo will forward THE rxPEPEtDK>T one year, postage paid, together with any ono. volume from the fbUowIng list: . 1.-Th'o Plciwtck Papers. 500 pages. t. Our Mutual Friend. 51S pages. - . . 3. David CopperOold. pages. t. Nicholas Nlckleby. Ms pages. 5. Martin. Chuzxlowlt. 830 pages. 6. Domtoy and Wont-WMpsfj^?. - - • - . 7. Old Curiosity Shop, and Reprinted PlJ-ces. 6S0 pages. t S. Llttlo Dorrlt. BOt p a g e s . ~. 9. Bleak House. HI pages. 10. Barnaby Bu"dge,and Hard Times. 070 pages, 11. OUTor: Twist; Pictures from Italy, and Amer. lean Notes. H»pagoa., 1 ' -. la.A-Talo of Two Cities, and'Great Expects- -••'..'ticni.- 81* paires. » 13.,Christmas Btorles, and Sketches by Boz. TI« pages. 14. Uncommercial Traveler, sift! additional r Chrtstioos atorlesi \ 3i« pages. 15. The MJ-slery of Edwin Drood. A Child's .'- Hlatory ot;Krigland, Slaster .nurophrey's- ,r Clock, etc.oWpages.^,. .. •; ror:, ;.^...; r .;:;.v. ( i ,, ..... Trr - ^.... ; . , : FIFTEEN SUBSCRIBERS w»'wlU*»nd -•"•:.! i -JLH::! •:/. DICKENS COMPLETE. r: ^v9ry3iu^o^^,Tlri^§i3m^t^wnta'rni Wl*r|Wo<<tnVo-pWw(,'fc*lhli>lt'« * « * * t / » « < » ' »ln4lnlt»<«lti'wher*Mf»H otheftfflMod rellg- ,lons papers have only/rem J6 to. so; pages, of c-ThuS t*t r^r*yaTrWT'offerJ?Rrrtl twloe'as «u<4j 4* KStf otSief MlJMoBS .yiuftml 'in the .conntryot tho'irorKV4Ml* wro-Mjrtnaptly eciiKatipTiok pnitTB^ot Tine Btswrwrifcitr. ^rtth premlnm, »».»Oj)«r*nnai»vihf '• Ji - A months; iMp'remranti. M| P vi1.*l,','[ •« " " •t?.itili u *•»•'' ftjJVlIstof other ifiStet t 7.'3X *um , .. . And other.valuable preparations, entered up on his professional career wlUt'.the Important. advantage of a. regular Modlcal education lnono of the oldest and best schools. In -Philadelphia, and, porhaps; In th,o' world:' %6 tnlbi:eQ,uenUy Betvedaiaithfultenaotpactlce.'l«'$he Phila- delphia. Dispensary, and foe many years, attend- ed also In the hospital.- In these Institutions ho onjpyod the most; ample. opportunities ot. ob ' tatnlng an Insight Into dlsoasos ln-all i their var- ious forma, as woll as for ascertaining the 'best .methods oltho.tr treatment.' 'In onwrlng, there- fore, to the people of tho United. State* the fruits of bis extensive professional experience in the t : medical compounds, aa- ;tht>- best i results' ot his skill and observation^ he feels thai he Is but, proffering a boon to every—family" throughout tho land, resting, as he.doerfl,«»n.fldontly.ln; tho meti)sand emcacIouB virtues.ol the remedies be herewith commends.--The'vast amount of testimony - .from -> »U parta-.ot the world > has proven "Br. Swayne's Compound Syrup ot Wild Cherry"'.the most' efneajclous'remedy known, and it Is admlttedby our moat eknln»nt phy- sicians, and all who have wltneasedlts wondor! furheallng.properUes.- WILD CHBBBT, In all ageaof tha world, ahdin all countries where-It 'Is known, has been Justly' celebrated for Its Iworiderful medicinal -qualities, --but lis: groat power to cure, some ot the worst-antt (most - dla, tresslng diseases "among'usf" wasi"neves:' - ly ascertained until the; experiments of that skill- ful physician Dr. Swayoc. had demonstrated Its hlghadaptatioji; In combination with Pine Tree Tar and Other equally- valuable'vegetable ln- gredleuts..whleh. chemically combined, renders.- lis action ten told more certain and beneficial in curing nll-dis-nsos of rfho throat, breast and lungs. ~DR. SWATNE'S WILD CHEBBX COM- POUND strikes at tho root of disease by puri- fying the bloofl; restoring tho llvox and-kldjioys: to hoalthy action, Invigorating the nervous and 'shattered cons tltutStn. -It does so without pros- trating or weakening the body lu,any way. It cures not only tho lungs and Uyer, but ovory organ depondentupona wasted or Impoverished alttto of tho blood. ,.„, •,..-.. A^EMARKABLE CURE .was' that of Edward's.'ilam'so'n, Ehgth'ecr at George Sweeny's'Pottery, 'lWJUdgd ^Avehue, Phlladoli>hln.', He - had a .violent .cough, 'night sweat, soro throat, groat weakhfce's,' spit at dif- ferent times a pint of blood; gavo up all hope of recovery.' Through tho uso or u Sr. Swayne's Wild Cherry Syrup" became a sound and hearty man, and remains so to: this: Cay, although ovor twenty years' havo elapsed since he was cured. . . . . . . . IS- We aro permitted to refer to tho foUowlng gentlemen who have exporieucbd great benont, and used "Dr. Swayne's Compound;Syrup of Wild Cherry" in their family for many years.,., •SA2TCEI. G. SCOTT (Firm ot JacobBeigel k Co., 'Dry Good*, No.' 333 Market street",-Phllo.) . EX.WOOD T-; POSET (Formerly,firm;of Wise, Puscy't Wise, N. E-.cornet Fifth.and Market streets, Phila.) ' ' ~.~..ij .::.;; • - v :j: - ROBERT HCTCUESSOS, N O . 2101 Spring. Garden street, Pblin. '" - JOHX.J. LiTix,. Dry Goods Morchaht, corner Sovcnth and Spring Garden streets, Phila. . • . .JOHXD. MTXBS, FSunder, Coatcs street, above Twonty-second.Phlla. .... -...-,. .,-• Xnd thousands of .othcr3. from- every section of thdhabltable globe.' '•.:.. PRICE Sl-00,6 BOTTLES FOB $J.Ca If not sold by your druggist ox storekeeper we will forward haU dozen to.any addross, freight paid, on receipt ot the price. Prepared only by DB. SWAYNE k SON.. 330 N.OBTH SIXTH STREET, PHILA., PA. , Sold.by nil prominent druggists. ' - - Pli.ES! Aro gonerally preceded by a. moisture. like pcrsplration;"distrosslng Itching; ias : though pin worms were crawling Inandaboht the rec- tum, particularly by, night, when,. undressing, brln bedafter getting warm often.-.tlmes shows itself around the private parts; arid, frequently females aro sorely afflicted, extending Into the vagina,, proving vory distressing 1 .. Coses ot long standing aro permanently cured by simply ap- plying ' ' '. , . SWAY N E'S Ol NTM ENT. EXTRACTS FBOJt :LETTEBS. -Dr. Swayne J: Son: Gentlemen—Tho box of Ointment you sent me by mall cured me entirely ot Itching Piles, which I suffered with for Ave years; enclosed find SO cents for another box torafrlond-otmlno. ANDREW J. BEACH, .. rartuwell Station, Loudon Co., Va. Dr. Swayne J: Son: Enclosed please And ono dollar for two boxes of your Ointment: for Itch- ing Piles. These are for_some of my frlonds who are afflicted with this. distressing complaint. Tho box you sent mo a year ago, used about one half ol It, ond lam glad; yosxam proud to say it mado.a*porlect cure.'. I>thlnk'lts officacy should be published through the-length and broadthot^tho land; You can' publish this if youThliik Proper. .-,•/ - • : " , • --•:•'• DAVID GROSSXICKLE, . .- - , LadlcsburgrFreddrickCo., Md. Rr_vDER':—K you are. suffering with this an- noying complaint, or Totter, any crusty, scaly, Itchy skin dlseaso, goto your druggist and get a boxbtgwayrtoW-AlPHealingOintmont. •-It wUI surely euro you'.' Prico GO cents 'a box."" Three boxes tor $1.23; six boxes J2.50. '-Sent by mall to any address; on recoipt of price. Prepared only by , . . . ' . . . : , Dr. Swayne & Son, 330MM ; SWffla.- ,'lnadtanbai t 3 si«>etmAa copies, coi'f .Ptwmtfltos.sewt tn**.' ilUUMMn H Utit THU , T *<MW:«T»^4»'SMr«T&A7**6i»'JWTt foitt^S OVtatlno, hereby having town ot r^ia^-Ab^ jawHv" *lihr-tt»> •• vu uotfsrs U t* i lnpjw | .-deno»,JWt5Z»«* DMM ShSaT' * of ih*,. ^M^»tcjrnJw»-ror; ifARtAH TO'OKA. jffitiMm'tor, 01 MOMlAlITr! Lofidon -Hair Color Restorer. London Hair Color Restorer. Not a Dye; makes hHrsh'bnlr soft and silky; cleanses tho scalp from all impurities, causing the hair to grow where It bas fallen. off or be cemo thlrr. .;; ,..:,"'. ,, ', , ' ' Can be applied bythe' 'hand '. ssV It doe? not •stain tho skin orsoil tho Unast linen, r As a Hair •Dressing if l r t h e TMOStjSeWect. tho world has over- prodveed-. • The- hair.Is'rono'vated and ; strongthoned aud natural color restored with- out tho application or mltioralsubatances. . Sinco-tlK) introductlonol "thls'truly valuable proparatlou hitO-thtseonhtry,.lt "has boentho wondor and admiration of all elassos, as It has v proved to bo-tho onlyattlclo thattvUlsbsolutcry without deception, rcstoro'itray hair to. Its orig- inal color; health, softness, Instio and beaut r and produce hair on bald-heads,"of its Orljr'-aii growth and color. ".'.;'•-. ,.'..:',• ' KEF.PTOURnEADAND'"HAIR'Hri>'I,TTrr 1J( 1—it will rostors gray hatrioiiroritlnal color a-It will thlckon thin hair: causa a nS?i£w?h' i~l l . "J. 1 rt, «? 01 ^ dandruff andnchlngs.' B_ltwili make thohalr soft, flossy/, anfffaxi. S-jJ rjjJ SS5*fT*!r be . ^K'Sat-Wtw to old *«.. . ». .,, P ^ e b t I"' liairfrom. tnlltng off. ,, 8—It will euro all diseases ot fho, scalp ' ' HERE is THE:; IEOOF SuBeripr Excelleiae^. -^.*'i t y*£° i ™" <> i C wi nc * ,< S , * st l n »d toby Ed.' wardB.aaVrigues.cinedf'n;o most «miK>t*nt Druggtsts and ChomlstS.ot Phll«lolphT™ni 1 Si whose .voracity nono can doubt. ! ' * . , -iftm happy to add Wy tFstlrnony 16. the rfTeat vaiuo' or the "London Hair Color Besto?!?' which restored myhnlr to Its original cotor.^hd the hue appears to be permanent. I am -flr2, tied that tlii preparation Is hotMng lik™ a dvo b u t o p « « # » upon tbo mWMftlons;- U aliio 7 . beautiful' hair arMslng Jnd nromotM^thJ •""VS""^ P"« s1,a » « ' »««• ""« l*W» from Ed! .ward B. Oarrlguea. druggist,. Team aadOoaiAi streevwho can also testify,my' hau - s.^ntt! .. r/?P-?30North Ninth street, phila. JJB.-8WXWT. A SOW, Beipeeted rrlcnds ! ! 11 h av„ thepleash,1re to intbrth yohihar.W lidv nt^Z acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, Is doUghted -mat Jhi juccjas ot your "Kondon 6atr Cdror^fteMo^?" HerJialr.waa.*iUlaB rapidly and qnUe IJiV Tho.colot has.bce«.jeasorcd,.lhe ?aAln*7& ' entirely stopped,' And -the^o^'gT^-wth ot h Jt'r*?. 1, OT«Wl»-|,cor.WhAifd,Co»te3js1sr,Phna,; , 1; •;. ; Boston Testimony. July Md-lgTl.-D*. SWAWSASOJt! Last win ter whlleln Trenton, Jf. X.'I Moeurod >JV XX, tie. ot -.-London B.lr' Oolrf s S^^. .^1cTi like very much, in fact hotter.than. anvthinS, i haw u.«tlTrth« lMthrtnyyeat-i? "f yJJ ««£/ ;.end me ono dowsv bhtUesfo; 0?».\ K"e btv' 'iff :• I-JKS: THE BEST EQCtPPEI?' ' .f^ooit irari«taiontiayaBrt»y^rrr;t."Trrre: •."iii Fottrth.-Mcmdsj^ln-Janatiryf.'i&i..., .rourthMonday In MarctCy.„.<..,. ^i.H^J&5'^6fSx»'WBttr- ;n i»!it..rs. r :'.i b:-'•*- .XtxaXTiiLt',l ff. Thlr* M«nday in TebruaTT .'f.V.-V.;*. Fourth Monday In May .v.'...-i , .V.>,.'.7i Second: Monday in December, .r.j... 'i-'c-.'l BCHonAniE. •»t»nd'irouaar?ltffjranu4iT77.* Third MondATloAprll.v .^. <s% BEWKSV NEW; YORK'. AND'/vrlliBANY Iji LOCATED OX JHI SECOND FLOOR The Freeman Office . 1. ."V The; Newest Styles of Type THE LATEST IMPROVED PRESSES, STEAM POWHflRk SfflEOTiTE'iPEMTnS, A Large Force of "Workmen 1'^'AELE CSTO PRODrCE .Westbrook .-Westbrooi ... ..Osboru Ibgalls .... Osbom Westbrook Ingalli .. .Osbora ^...IngalN . weslbrock Ingalt. , ^jinj.ti.Wostbrook WM<*!$S$M WX.» -Osborr. SULUVAN Fourthf Mondoy In.' May .... ' FoirnhMohUay In October. j,-., !,..".,. ,,•.-. iESSSELAEB,., p jsb'cond'Monday Inyebruftrj;..«,'.!. Seco=3 Mondny In May;(. i v...'.'..: Second Monday in NOTem.ber;;.;;i CtSTES. 9j5J' Osborii ..Westbrocl lngal .:.-;...Os born ->:.TVeaibrook .v.... -Westbrcoi •<•«» 'Ingalu .•-^...-...Osborn Swi'.-Jv2;,:*I First>Monday ^lnfJonusjry.-... Second Monday ta^prll,.^... First Monday i n -OctoBeKSV/J Spcc{aYfcmtfa*3lttimren&i"at' J C:ty''IIaJI, Albany I^t.Tuesday»r : Jatrairy."<V. ..'.!£.. lngall> Last Tuesday, qf .February^,j ,i Osborr Last Tuesday ot March:'::...*.'t:v.V.\,.TVestbroo'i LastTuosday,of April;...;*0.. ASK..... Osborn LostTuosday.otMay -.. v . i ^„1 .... lngalls Lost Tuesday of Juno .... . v. i ^.V,.'.?i .Tfestbrix-k Last Tuesday ot July.; Last Tuesday of August Last Tuesday Qt September.'. 1.:-. Last Tuesday ,of October...-..i... Last Tuesday ot NovBmbor'..':'.;.' Last Tuesday oCPeceinber...'...'. Osborn .Westbrook ..... lngal Is .Westbrook Osbor ..... Ing- -Sjpjci'nf Ttfmt'Jor Motion] an&Artpumnt of ZV. mtrrrcri <tt CbaMban.'• <• First Tuesday of ovorymontn, except August at Troy—Ingalls. • - ^ r - . - -• Second,Tuesday of ovory month, at Albany 'Osborn. ' , ' . " ." ",' , n . Third Tuesday, ot every, month, at Hudson , Osbqrn. _,..-, ,....,- ,- <•• ; Third Saturday of every month, at" Klnsston— tvestbrook. . ' '•.i '.. .)-'<" When Judges ore not otherwise engaged such terms are only for motions in the Third Judicial District and always open toxaparu business. Special Terms-at'Chambers ot thn Justice always ppen for.er'parte business. ". g. B. INGALLS,. •'!•>! ' : ' W: L. LEABNED, •1 C •;•,-- T.B.WESTBBOOKj 1 -,. Justlco,.'bIthe8uDranre Ccian ner ot a stone wall, thonco north thre» yxSt ODB. half (3,'<) degTocs west thirty (30) ltnyi ^ h «„^, along tbo lands of Benjamin Post, nr r t three (53; degrees cast soven (T) chaln/j to a stone ror. i i, Bailmte, Mercliaiils Mteet, Boston 1 ton.', Respectfulty jronrs.' - . Dr. Dalton. ot Philadelphia j^r, of i«? 5-v. London Hair Color B e ^ f t T O n t e d TMT exten »lv*ly »mon«mr>p«tWntaand friend.T as••wwti J^^Kl^^OTTL^.ei^itle'lZ Ssnt W; T •tep»Wt e ,to r , daH j4%g > Ip | 0 j^.hy l •AddressroMett W, DB." BTTATTSr A- nr»w MM' m PP»J»Tl«tOr».; tna^yo^ Ft>V8ferbbvalI Dru^Rlsts, ' AN'D TttE REST OP XVXKrj.b," IN- 8UPERlOR«TYLE And nt prices usually charged ior Inferior "work. COME ANE> SEE. OUfettEME : doTJBT.^-rUlstor Co. KJ Ann Murphy, plaintiff, agatniit Charles -Dreytuj sndHeIeK»r»Tro»hJ«»ife; Isaac Mer-; hack. The First National Bank bt Bondout, and Mary- WrY»nX«urpn,'a«f*jMlAnljj, In pnrnd' ot *3ud|hn»ni ot the Supreme Court atxhb of New York, rendered la thla-action, and •ntsred In th«offlcwotthbCMrkdtTJlstercoun- :ty,Tjn tho l«thday.ot November,. 1BT8, th»;jnhi Sfcrtber, a* Befereo .therein, wilt j>ell at public , auction, arthn front door of ih«i Court House, In tho city of Kingston, tn th« ootsnty ef Bister. On the l»h day of December, 1S7S. at 40 o'clock A. M., all that certain parrel awl lot ot land situ»t«, lying and botngln tho city tlf Kingston aforesaid, di.it>.""-'-- 1 M Jot* Nos. one hun MJ ; nd a, ed together as .follows,: to Mary's Avonu*. bii re*fc b» taryw an 00 •Utn .........,.»..->»»,ca«« jot» Hoa. one hun- dred *»d-U»lriyfonr-tiM),-bT*o huBdrwt and •thirty-five, (Ut); one-hundred. a»d 1 thlrtrjitx^ '(1M), ahdone hundred and u.l«--- " hundred and, thtrty-neroa jisV), on »»p of tho land* of John O'JWiny/ and bound- 1 together M follows,: to j trtt t : LOH : front hy . -J*. on r e s t by• "lot»> JKos,.one hnn- dmd and thlrty-ejitht (l&v-*h*'on* 1 hundred , and toftr^nn (lM),t>p ttfl *»*t*ld« by Bre Street and on ths wfst side hyJen*. street: being the awno low of I»a4 this day conveyed by the party cover an uhf>*ld potUos of th« purt-b.se money' \J The People ot tho'. fjtatd o t ' x , ¥ y or v in Hllas Soxton. i Sheriff ot the Or,.*!*, x S,: ter OroettngtJion^ro hereby Wjjg&ltowm "?l 0 . n ri, h f , n^rfSS , Jl,F.T.^"S. "\ shall have been ^ RW ? X %£% t ¥?ry' "«rvo as Jurors, at a lrt and forTour <x>**X7t at tho Court House, in --'*" * v *-* "do'unty.on Monday, —pear, thereat, to „„., ...1 .prisoners-then ._„-_ r.„ j— bfyonr con my; together with all prooojises and proceodlngs any way concern- Ing thorn In your band»,'"»hrf . » " * \ proclama- tion: In wanner prescribed, try i»w, notifying all persons hound to appear at tho -said court by McognUts-AoftOrothwwlAe.'-td »pp*a> thereat,- and requiring «U Jhstlcea ot Uto PvAce, Coro- hers'ahd other ofllcers who. have-taken rrcog- hlianosfor the appearance*of <wy person at such octtrc, or-jrbohnvo taken any. inquisition, or the exjuninallohot any prisoner or witness, ;t« return nuoh TecogTtlvAnces, lntlnttltlonii and f xamlnattotts to the codrt; «t tho opening there- oFohtpo UWtday.ot: ItaaltUng. .^-TT, s^a^^SaiCS."^ 5S^JW»"« , «t'a,i *«..^« o u e n u 01 saf< I wnntyylnconfarrniry ton pr«copt.ln this be hatfairbctcd,'anddelfvorcd, by this hU procta ! matlnn, -tTMintresjIK^crDbns bdnnd'to appear " tho County Court*"'' <*"••• •-• " —" M.Se**!o»». to be •ISJ 0 . 1, Vnster, at ?«>nttky; the nth ^,„ JtOntfo* forenoon ;S*tS? ! ^ ( ^ t »* ,,n » t, <>n of .!•» fiSffi* suchjrecowii. ^w:;;Sfe,-» r :n,,„„. 1 ra-ttss-iSSSS-sgr*' *.'-.' ://• ':"'• ':••'.. •:. ... •' ]'-•_,'- v '- ; ••:"'. : -'"/:"S"" i: : ,„?i t *».">xTo»,8htfr«f;;-.-. ; ."•Mdltfahit iKlrtjprttvn; day of Dt ot that 'A •PPeJWtto the P«»«i h»ve tak* aneeol » -^1,-i',, t^iMBiHfilwiftilii 1 •iMiiiiritiiiiffTOMB»iiliirii 1 T*r'lni'77r C17PBEME GOUBTT--lOsteTCo" KJ Adam Xorrlo against AbramB. Brlgra et ii' In pursuance ot a judgment ol foreclosure an i sale made and ontorod In tho above ontltlod ac tlon,6n tho 2Sth day ot November, 1870. 1 TVII Horn T; Morris, tho Betoree In said iudgment named, will son ot public auction, from thn stops In front ottfce Court House, in the city of ' Kingston, on tho 0th day of January 1877' at r> 0'clock.noon, tho following doscribod promises" viz.: All that cortaln piece'or parcel ot land lying nndi being In the-rtllngo ot Wilbur, town of Klnjston, County ot Ulster and Stato of Sow Xork, and on both srdosot-tne Twaalfsklll stream and tormerlyknown as tho Dowltt Mill PFS?. 6 .^-" Commencing on'tho southerly side of MU1 stroet and the inortherly corner ot the blacksmith shop lot, runnings thence westerly across sold stream about sixty (CO) feet to'Rod- ney; stroet, thence northerly: along Rodney street two hundred and fifty (200i feet moro or less to lot "V. K. lands of Edwin Smith," thenco along the same down tho hin about fifty (SDi feet to the mill pond, thence - across tho sumo and the plonk road about thirty (30) degress west two- hundred and eight? toot to lanusoif Booth s, late Skools, to or near a telegrajii pole thenco along said Booth's land u'ptho tSTnorti.' sixty-six (GO) degrees,, oast- about - sovoa .1-1 chains to a mark In tho rock "B. p." ami ttwOr —--.hre»ar- TOr ' Unto, thence ?V nr.rth fifty.- i .... i along the lands of Benjamin three (53^ degrees cast soven (. set In tho ground marked "B, P/'lfjcnce olong sold Post and G. A. Smith's lnnd^ south thirty- seven (37) degrees, east two huj/drod and ffftv (2J0) foot to a heap of stones,- tkb'en'ce about south fllty.(50) degrees, wost 86T0n.' aUndred and flfty ("50)foet'tbapolnton th.obrc,wot the hin fifty (50) links north otthe Covo/jnorry, thenco down ' tho hill about south flfty-t'Uroo (53) degrees, west one hundred and seventy «70) feet moro or less to apolnt twenty-flto (y,) feotnorth of D. Dono- "van's stono wall,, thoa'jo parallel to said wall and twehty.ftvtj (JS) .leet northwesterly of she, samo flfty (SO) foctjnoro or less to' Mill street, thenco across tho samo eighty (80) leet more or less to the place ot "beginning; together with tho >mlU, kilns, shads, quarries-, 1 ; dam» water power, water couvs© with the right to-dam and flow as heretofoco flowed." Also those two lots on tho corner of Dunn and Rodney-streets be- ing togothor flity (30) feet front and rear, and running backrtortho liiU to-tho -lands of Edwin Smith and embracing tho old Dowltt barn ana- marked on tho-map ot said Smith as Xo. 37, which map. lsnow: on'Blein'th'o'office of the Clefk ot the County, .ot..Ulster, and being tho samo premises' granted and conveyod to Abram B. Brlctss and Michael A. Cnmmlngs by George D. CraeTnand Lydla B., his wife, by deed dated May 13th, 1869, and recorded in tho Ulster Coun- ty Clerk's ofllco, In Ifbor 155 of deeds nt page 33a. Datod Xcw Tork. 23th Nor., 187C. ' ;".' VOLLIAM T. MOBBIS, Referee. . FOSTBE-t THOVS05, Pl'tlfTS Att'y, •• • •-, ! v- t»WaUSt.,X. r. • ' I I tm m m ' mi m '•-... m I S UPREME COURT.—Ulster Co. -Stephen-.C '• Williams, plaintlft, against George D; JOavls-, Jr.; Georgo: W.-- Grohar. Seth M.Harris,Julia ttr. Pope,. Jacob Dunning audi Leonora M.hd3 -wifp, Francis Clomow. assign*-);. Gcorgo H. Robinson, recolvor, Jano B. KeUnttv VfUllam -WYKoUott, Mary I.- Kbllett, defendants^ To the ocfendantsond each ot them. Sou. w^ horobysumrD'"neii and required to answsr '. nn twmplalnf'Q^J, action; which Svlll ftl* d j n J bo .- ofl Lco ot tho Clork'dl tho County. ot ' ji 8 tcr, . jio city of Kingston, ln..sald_cour jty> anU to servo n copy ot your onswor to the - gaId ^n,. plaint, on thosubscrlbor,. at his v_^co, No. 30 Wall stroot In tho city of Nov* Xork, within twonty days aftor tho sorvico ot this summons on you, exclusive ot tho day of such sorvico: sndlf yojrfall to answer t' J0 said complaint within tho time aforesaid. Jho plaintiff in this action will apply to thpC'jurt for tho relief <le- mandod In tho comploltyt.-. Dated November 8th, 1878. , ;•.:•;. .. ,' JAS. tV-.-BrsvATKE, Plaintiff's Att'y. Tho complaint in thdahnve entitled action was filed in thoofftcoot tho Clerkof tho County of Ulster, on tho 18th day of TfoTember, 187C. -" - •• 1 '. JAS. 1\'. BnVATEB, - ,,- ... ;•: ,.Plnlntirt'sAttorney. S UPREME GOURT.'^Coiirity of Ulster. Honry D, Varlck special .guardian of thetchildren ot John R." Varlck. oocoased, against Jomos C. Adnms,and Josophlno his wifev, Robert E. Allen. Benjamin Palmer, James Vfe-j. miller, tho Farmers*-.and Manntacturers.' Na- , ttonal Bank ot Poughkcopsie, tho City Xhtlonal Bank ot Poughkoepsle, Josoph K.JFullor, I. Ho- bart -Warren, George A. Wells, Walter P. Warron, Dennis O. Uttlefleld, Henry.O. LtttleOold, Thomas N. McCann, George Petry; Benjamin H. Bevler and Sarah Terwinigofi To tho obovo named defendants: Ton are hereby required to answer tho complaint of the plaintiff In this action, which will bo filed with tho clork of tho county ot.Ulstor and to servo a . copy of your answer en tho subscriber, at his ofllco In tho Ponghkcepalo Savings Bank In Poughkoopslo, within twonty days aftor tho ser- vice of this summons upon you, oxcluslvo of the day of soxvlco.or tho plalritttrwln wjjjjij. to -the. court for-tho rellof demanded in tho complaints -• - H. D. VABICR, PlalnUfTs Atto mey~ Tho complaint In tho abovo entitled actfon was filed In tho offloc ot tho Clerk, In tho Counir ot Ulster, On tho S3d day of 'October; 1874. ; (.. H. D. [YABlCK.PWnUtrsAttor',,,,. m Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of —The great and tof bis extensive professional experience ...fultonhistory.com/newspaper...

Page 1: —The great and tof bis extensive professional experience ...fultonhistory.com/newspaper 10/Kingston NY Daily... · e iDg requirements,have becQ.me execed-,-ingly! complicated. •Perhaps



3r iraquo

HoS vliCdJiflt3afampdflfottfiPirstPaltjeTk T

Of ijoaadsijfon fbudkets^ litampj andiUMHal drajtlaquoisfOE6apkiQSi table cloths etc

tlQgtjjclaquodthpoundaislaquo$ some shelves are exraquo olclaquoejifty1-^UcllriKclass doors and

bull Where the principal uoor j s left open ^ch^thii9^rwiu^ltle9lrflbl8ijiCtielt

$ l gt ^ amp 9 1 S 0 h s IcttObjaacTasetraay open Intv^thyjiOuo^to advantage but it

bull bullbull dhoutdbe made to close tightly when bull ynotJa lac tua l r i i so iTho- practicepL amp making thechina closet a passage Jr with doors a t eltherohtf Is not a good laquolaquos one 3M~-attQrdihampry houso where t^o~Kilstr46^-wa8hesthe choice cHsbts fja pajQtiyaink is open to tbo objection tlt t ha t tbampTcaterls soldonr hot enpughto bull)eJSectivgtrTfae_ portable tub QUod- -((TsJVItJiouiijg^vatcr Iroui the kitchen -7-jrange is blaquoftterroemltimgtraquou bull- JI g^egtltspatiaflil^atJciqslaquot should be bdquolraquoo4yplusmnp^hjb IrcmT^Toor bht not topq r hWtw^Cot engtrvgt tWeretfc^Jtfshould be itgt atgood sizevwith pjenty-ol- hooka long -bullgtiftaoughtdjKJlQiaiVstoye-plpq hat-se-

bullbull^uleiyiajaristrong-ieniiugbtb teariff 7- tgtsiltpoundpt|Ui--TiMiuit hooks shaudbe - bull- Jhigltenough to have on independent bull Towotcoat hooksbelqwv~ana unless

provision is made In a lavatory or side oomSfclasetraquofonjsuclcthings there

shpuldbe-boxes tor pigeon holes Tor gtbull boors andsboes-near thef loor t

To each chamber- there should be gt one ftoodcios6Vandto the-principal

Void igtvdbdquoTuei- should have plenty of bull hooks and a shelf- or-two- high up

The practice of putting fixed chests or drapersuthesQciosets though-edtri-

T mon is n o f agood one The old-bull TaScionbd bureau- exposed in the broad Jight-ot-tbo roomisbetter On

the first chamber floor or on a stairshycase landingshould be a linen closet with two or-threo deep drawers and a good m a n y shelves placed hear - toshy

g e t h e r and wide enough for piles of sheets etc In- the nurse-y a small medicinecupboard is a convenience for other things beside drugs

bullIatheattic-a t runk room is almost indispensable and a storage place for woolens is equally important -This latter shouldTbe roomy a n d especialshyly-guarded against the housekeepers greatest enemy moths Cedar and camphor are riotonly expensive but are not a sure protection-- The place

should bamp well -lighted (moths are averse to -light)- and- should bnvOa

tight closing door1 2UIcloset walls floors andcoil ings should -bepainted ir it caabegtauoraea Pains should be

- taken to^see tha t tho floor-board joints are snagiaiid nil cracks and crevices avoided bdquo bull

v iTheilconsicleratioa of this like all-mother house problems must end witfc

the statement that every casei has its VSpecialiieedsjwUich must bci studied by the Jighfc_6f common serise -What

others do and have done is of use but perhaps as often teaching- what to avoid as what to follow Modem liv-

e iDg requirementshave becQme execed--ingly complicated bullPerhaps we may bull -driftbabk-fromthe confusion oryxes

ent luxuries to- some of the olu^rnrie simplicity If clothes axe only for use

comfort and real beauty-less) storage might be needed ror them and if our

houses were simpler in their coastruc- tion andarrangement they would re-r quire muohJess- everlasting plhki rig

u p v-iv

1FKOW-f Haio is an actfvlltgtnvya papsivo disr pleasuxeutt^jjebu ho t surprise us therefore 4amp see Jkov aulcjclyv envy-

| ^ 8 ^ i g 0 a t e i | j | l j^gfj ^ f e i 5 i t Was~corTtam asTTis wonddriul ihi t

rtrj4thnfld erjcorSprlngarrom thep^anitflaquo sourceiwemust orten t h e r e r d r e ^ ^ warcrof injuring error lest we injure

D i s r i c f t r r

ZasxsssBstxxi EMirxnat-i-JiimiM cook ~ J COStello-

i bullbull- bull

Tmf dhii^use of THUKSTONS J[VORX PEAiiiTooTKPovi(DEK will preseirSe t h e

Ueeth trorndScaRnftd keepthemclean- white- and Bound as ardentrlf lceat -1ST

npt ciiiji^Et^-feltHsncWnrA3tasgtlt ^ n 3 - -

Jraquomraquoi OvUnOraquolej-Stflaquo^alaquogtrXcgt 3 Abeol raquotrtC jwacilioc3eHgtstlaquoimraquorHo-3-Wnton axrteu --)

msplt$ltipoundXastm w Ho laquoHonraquo-raquotrlaquolaquo v^eraquo(^9Hoolfio41altlltlerCo^CoJAJgtlaquoelstrlaquoet

H K W I l m V M W I f

-J Bftptd BOJSO OOVgtOgt1HQOlaquo raquotrelaquot

QDUCKSVCWSH TEmdashThe great and cheap^medj^fpr Dysjpepsia Billlousvj nessv-aiid - Beadache As- so Druggists- JPrlco 25 conts^

d by all

j T- SJgtekiii ia5ClaquoSllaquoojrfiDii ^Catarrh Ms rccosnliiKr- H9 tiia- niost universal disasrjwable and dlsgustlnjj- (lis-case known to the human race- and the offorts to euro It have been mosUy frulUots Tho more tho victim ot this loathsome disease has snuffod washeddeluged gargled and gaff-god over the nauseating smarting and blistering effects ot tho wonderful euros offered for tho curoot catarrh the morodiscouraBcd Add -dls- gostod ho 1)ocoine3v tho- aisousft continuing- Its rsvasesTintt^rin breath becomes so Offensive that his nea- ilt trlouds avoid him and hoBecs distinctly b-rj him the ghost of consumption Butdear lrleiiloheer-uprtlgterpl3 hope for you -TJso-OBboi-ne9-Catarrh-Expeller- accordshying to directions a consUtutlonal as jrelLas local remedy and you can onco moro taile^6ur place In society and not bffaTDldaa but anxiousshyly sought and eagerly(Hteatloned In iregaxd to tho wonderful euro of catarrh youJfllla bull onco stato that Osbornes Catarrh EipeUcr Is

choapestand besj^3well as most dollghtfalto bullusoahda^bottlb Costing flfty cents make a

f quart for gtuse6ehtraquobyf-man- on receiptor price Addross tho International Medical Co XoTlG Broadway gt Y Sold by K DEXO Bon-) rtout John^Si-Eltlnge Jr agent for Kingston

Price of Food in Old Times Amiil the never eudintr comments

on the high price of provisions it is difficult Tor us to realize the fact that a time existed in Britains history

when_whearasfood for one hundred - forawhoIeUayfwasjworth6ulyashilyri

- - irhgvaodtliampftverage-Npriee of sheet) four pence In the reign of Henry I the price of wine was raised to six )gtence a quar t for red and eight pence

-bull-bullraquoquart-Tor white in order that the - sellersJmigiraquotbe enabled to live-byit r -Wlien the jvheatwas at six shilliugs-a

- -quarter (eight-bushels) the farthing - laquoloaLwastobeequaiinweighttotwen-l

tyounces-iflhacfeof the whole grain I ^ -fthd toVsiiteeif dunces^ if consisting

-T raquoolelyofwhiteVi Ahagtwheri the wheat was only one shilling and- six pcrnee

y perquar te t atf-it sometimes wastho farthing white loaf was to contain-six--ty-four-ounces-and-rthe whole grain

ntpetirsi-vpooiidloat of good wheaten bread for a farthing In t h e n i n e -

bull -T-teenthyearof tbexeign of Edward I the price of provisl6risof the Cityof London was fixed by the Common Council a t artrtrlirby which Two pullets were sold at threehalPpehce a part-ridgeortworwoodcock for the same while a fat lamb was to be six pence

_p raquo -bullirom Christmas to Shrovetide and the - - r e s t of the year four pence i laf thd

bull lt -fourteenth centrrry Parliamentiix^d-V - - ~ tlie-price^oraIJitdsatfofty-eightshil~

l ings ta8horn sheep at live shillings bull two dozen eggs a t three pence ahd the

^ - best wino ac-twentylaquoents per tun -An r actrof Parl iament passed in 1533 setshy

tled the value ofbeef a n d pork fit a half-penny per pound and veal a t three farthings1

Mrs Gov Haves is a handsome re-gt~ lined airtl kindly mat ron dark eyed

and black haired Her home she i s said to mako cozy and comfortable

r j ther tharrpretefntious There is an --l- --amusing storytold-6ther -visit to her

-husbanos cafopio 1803- In ope of the bull bull bullbull ebmpaniejj o l lns regiment was a good-

aaturedunsophistlcaiedsoldiernamed PflrJcer who befora Mrs Hayess ar-

bull rival was known waaiaoienting to his comrades thefact^tfaat there was no-

--bull -body in eatnfp to-mehdarid put pockets raquo -in nJ8inrfredblouse^ -One-Df -them re^ 1bull-Iijjjedr Wliy don t you take it to the

bull-bullbullwoman who does tne sewing for the regimeotund get her to fix i t Didnt

I n gtw there waaench a w o m n n where bull is she aSkedParKef Shes up in

the colonels tent said his comrade and if youll take your blouse up

bdquo there shell mend i t for you that s 3 k2 ^vhat shes hero for Parker al^opce

_bdquorT_iltartampJToT theco5onersteDt blbaso-in y hand- Col- Hayes bull politely- returned

t ifJt his9aluteinvited him in and inquired 1 what ho watited He replied that he

-bdquo wahtdd his blousomended and pockets p u t in -and that ho understood there

was a woman there to doscwing for the regiment With a merry twinkle In

Jiseylaquo8raquo Aha colorjel-called to Mrs bullHaylaquo$ftiid asked he r i f she could do the work She promptly took it and

^ff^^^jsxeii^n People v J

So peoplein the world suffer as linden wita-JDvapopsia-as Americans

hAKhough-yoaraof eXMrience in niedi-1 Hno had^allekl-to aocOmplisn a certain

and sure -remedy for thisdisease and its effects such as Sour Stomach Heart-burn-Water-brash Sick Headshyache Costlvenessi Palpitat iba^ot the Heart Liver Complaint coming up of the rood-loWis6Mtepoundgeneral debility etc Se t s l r ieo the introduction of GREENS ACGCST PLOWEB we ^believe there Is no case of Djspepsia ttiatcanr not be relieved Thir ty thousand do^-ea were sold JaaJLyoarwithoutoner case ot failure reported-^Gd-tO your drug- gist Clark amp Co agents for Kingston and ge t a SampleBottlo for 10cents and try it- Two doses will relieve you Regularsize75 cents ^

j t r a d y a S l a s l c L o i l u u 1or palatis strango tis wonderfuljrhatcan

be accomplished by sclenUfic study andTesearch We Uvo lu an age otrprogrjeislvo scloncoaud constantly demonstrating that old fogy Inshyventions mustjilve way traquo later and more sclenshyUfic discoveries - One of the most marvelous successful anddosirable products la) thelcom-pouad paln-rellevine-agents composing Bxadys Magic Lotion It is adapted to the Infant or tho Aged a positive cure~for pa ins and aches-of evory description Internal or external from the crown of the hood to tho Soles or the fee t Try It and by its magical powers boconvinced 25c 50c and $1 per bottle Sold by B DEXO Bon-dout John H Eltlnge Jr agent lor Kingston

bull t l i l i

bull bull i


_-bull-bull- bullbull--oisTiotox^ bullbull- c a r e r E S O I X E I B mdash M TTCewklrk - c - Ttxri usisxJSix ZxccrEEXmdash Christopher Bef tertoigtbullbull v v - - - bull bull bull bull

BXCOSD ASSISTANT ExacuxB-^oha r Cum mlngs- v J -- bullbull-bull

ctaEra coxrampxrts bull ft American Eagtne Co Xo 1 Clinton avenue

bull bull WashingtonSteamerNo STalr street G J JPreUeweh Engine Co Jfo 4 Crown street John T Hallahan Engine Co No 5 Dunn

street S ---bull A Sahler Hook and Ladder Co No 1 Pair

stret_ltr-iluv I bullbull--

Wlltwyck Hose Co No 1 Fair street j Kingston Hose Co Ko 2 Clinton avcatio Excelsior Hose Oo Xb Crown street- bull - l

BoothHoseiCoXo 5iBunnstreetbull

oraquobornclaquojr^aTOaxaclc jamers - A^rare-comblnntiolxofpiodlcalproperties and matetlals BrQbablyithojnbstrarffln nso sureshyly the most successful combination ot-medical extracts known and named Tamarack Bittors -la this great vegetable tonic are blended In the most ha^mbnlousTnahner with tho greatest purity possible to obtain the most active alte raJvo Invigorating and purifying elements

n h a t c a n be selected f r o m the vegetabJoj-klDg- f (- doth - These- naturen bullTtsslstants are Jield In

solution and wondorlully assisted by tho-best diffusive stimulant In use pure old Jamacla bullrum-and-oddlyrenouEh-lsaUowed lb enter this -combthatloriof-Tegetable-oltractato preserve their properties and promote tho genera hpajthl Is It strange that perrect digcstlonregularity of tho Uvor systemaUc evacuations of tho bowels natural flowol the bUe purity ot tho-blood healthy and brilliant condition of ths mind good nature brightoyes d e a r comploxfbn and good trppeUte should bo actively-promoted by

-the-uso-of tamarack Bitters in which rare and valuable materials culled from lorosf and

-HoWpreparodj-rrlth exauislte care to act_inl harmony wltngtTiatnre^v aiedTcal men aro having a degree of faith In Tamarack (Bitters seldom extended to proprietary compounds Their power to oontond with and expel malarial and mlasmlc poisons i s having a marked effect Address the International Medical Co No 74G Broadway 2TY SbH byCBVDEXO Bondout John H Eltlnge Jr- agont for Kingston

F o r t a o H a l r o n d S c a l p Osbornes DandrnfTBanlshcr Hair Dressing

and BrosprjratlvejThJ3-preparatlon is charms ingly perfumed possessing unrlvaUed tonic qualities that are designed to provent -baldness

I and promaturo gray hair being cooUngJOr thoraquo scalp instantly allays all Itching banishes dandruff ami ali oruptivo humors causing thcr young hair to growby stimulating andstrength-

fening Jho^talr folllcesund papllas whlchaffords Uiarootacf-tbehnlr-nutrlment and life In its composition no animal oils aro admitted con-sequenUy^helrpcriitclous oftocts-aro not reashylized Itwin notcloso tholwrcs of tho-scalp

and thus chock the natural qlly spcrotlons of the sobaccundglands which aro of sd much Importance in rendering tho hair strong healthysoft glossy and beautiful It la en ttcoly_lrco from-alcoholic-effect j lnsteairfof hSriiig^oiVixl^hwdTiSttFthi ^ T p T d ^ L ^ S ^ ^ ^ f ^ - 8 5 1 - 0 - ^ ^ 1 1

- l ogout Its hattrralvnulds-Tenaoring it hard devoid otlceUng^olastldry- and Yitatlty it Is refreshing to the scalp boauUfylng to tho hair promoting tho health of both Price 75cts Adshydress tho InternaUonal Medical Co No 740 Broadway K T Sold by B DETO Rondout John H Elllngo Jr agent for Kingston

fSfciW Mrfqi r l t lh^ t ie after-LiJ-t5rrTJttraquorm5aJtb-hi8 com-

bull f t j n r l o n a C r e a m o f B e a u t y - ~-Ladles are aware that beauty rather than Inshy

tellect has been worshiped by all generations of men from tho t lmoot Paris and tho boauUful Helen Antony and tho magnificent Cleopatra KlngHonry and tho lovely Anno JBoloyn and-with all dneievorenco toour ladles of modern day who share tho glory of being beautiful bull This -being tho case Is it strango or surprising that much ot ladles time is devoted in discovershying tho secret of promoting and preserving their beauty in Its highest dogroes ot protection In telllggnt ladles aro woll owaro that whon gontle-mltKiraquoPlaquokof Intellect or intellectual womon bullthey laquopcak modestly crlUcany sensibly and quletlyj trot when thoynXnttcrf the lovollnoss and charms of a beautiful lady their language is enthusiastic their eyes kindle with animashytion rholr whole spirit soems to enter into the earnestness of their remarks Ladles by their natural quickness of perception discover these facts and thus improve ovory opportunity and use every means at their command to become GODDESS ot tho admiration and adoration bt-man Arguoas we may against tho methods and meansdevlsed-by tho ladle for enhancing and preserving molt beauty there still oxlstraquo4

llig-r-rnrTr-lrr-il fact taa4 ^graquoampUfthteni raquolaquodomi prefer the society of a plain sohslblo lady or4 ono of genius to that of n blooming beauty of less Intellectual Attainments Cream ot Beauty

has the desired effect And Is jnsUy crowned bullbullQueen of -ho Toilet Addross tho Intlaquornraquotloni

laquoBMriatOoTTogtT(laquoBroadwAyK VSold by It tJfeTO-Ttonaoh JohnTEf Eltlnge Jr agent for Kingston bull - gSSStgBBjgggSBpoundpoundpoundpoundampBpoundpound222 raquomdashmdashraquo--

I XT- YrSDPBEATJSCOURT-Uls te r Ir-Jtr bullbull Caunty-wmiirrnraquo -rgthgttgtalaquosbeck plain- -ttrcVrVsuArtbe Al Vredetifcurgh IndlMdttany T

rades and told them iraquoow tho colonel bull-j-C^ved iwr4raquond how^klodly tho wo- ^ ^ lraquoCT rBddl^6ok lh^worVrhn(l they I

1iraquoAnd-Wobaf later laihaday barker bull nppeared with hisblonseneatly mend-

^ l m ^ v r A a ^ i 7 j e i ^ k l J t 8 rritt he -as limi JMMBgt

l l bull|ltnrdirieiwife 61 3laquotfeOfhoiaigbt

fflbMamp^dfiM rfsfrOtl-Tiihfej elnmber-r timhaKittr^yvv^xrmatit raquolnraquo growled

log vItlaquo the bed Ucldng respond^ ^SS^VtlSSS

and a administratrix of the estate of Ell V Kekert deceased Albert Vredenburgh her husshyband Joh-LH Eckraquortraquo Daniel E Ilrodhesd and James a pine defendants In pursuance and byvirtne of a decrelaquo and lodgment ot fore- cloeuro and sale granted in this action by th4 3$OTlt-8laquotprsme Obttrt of tBraquoraquot igt t K^w^otT onthe bull mdash

-53th day of November lraquo7o andentered on tba raquo t h day 6f Jtotsmber 1ST in the office ot the CIrk ot the County of Ulster I the subscriber thlaquoraquoeMrraquolaquoalaquory ar^otntod for such purpose waioe l lnrpoMIoaat lon ar iBe Wlaquoti door of Ut OoflrfHotn tn tit city of JCh|-raquown In the OrMntyoltfUler-X T- laquo 4 l l a J of Do- cember 1S7laquo at ten oclock Jn thgt forenoon of that day WW ToMointl|f -tfrs^rtbed lands awt-raquoTraquomIraquoMtraquoW|fttraquofrlaquoki-rtlaquolaquocrfVedlB the c o j plaint and Jhdirraquoraquot 1raquo t 6 W action All rtraquoT| certain lot ot land lying south of 8t James streetIn UioTUlAiw(imrdtr) ot Xlngston N T raquoMkwo^ttatgtddlHrftjrtrtraquohM as lot JJo 11 bounded as follows- mdash mdash bull --trade - r raquo ^ bdquo laquolaquolaquoraquo- Beginning at tho southshywest oormor of lot Ho aSrraquolontrtng to Abtlsti

George i t sounds like a watch lIcK-lJh^iijpeejfiw^onciittwtt^^^i-Aixw^^ paetAtMBVOnxM aog ths raquolaquoraquo-MlaquoHrwiraquotpoundBlaquortlaquot tothe-H

aorthetut come ot -wido JSgt-gtlaquotnraquo lot gt tmmos alon her lot a n tho JoWot a a n m t oardtner south fifty-tilght degreoa ami torty-flre minutes laquowwlaquokialaquohtradredraquowfraquoattjTlaquot the sout thirty dffflaquo ast sixtythree tti five Inches tothepr - bull - mdash mdash mdash -

and Mid taortrac th


miaxXHrir V bull - bull - j io - -

bull bull TWENTIETH BVrTALIOJf NO S N( V_Heod quarters and Board of Officers Boom city Hall B Companys ArmoiT Voorhees Hall Clinton avenuoe ( DEandFCompanies Armory Wash lagton Ball Abeel street

I K X S H J S p c r E X I E S -

ST^MAEis T A B SOCXETTmdashMeots every 8un dayafterubon In St ilarys School Hall Unlo avenutl bull r r raquo a iSTi-SLSBTs MCTCAl bull BS3i-Ev6tEST I foctCTTmdash

meets the last Sunday Ineach month In St bullITarys School Hall Union avenue - bullbull

pi JOSEPHS T A B SOCEETTmdashMeets every Sunday atternoon l a SW Josophs Hall Fair -street -- bullbullbull- bull bullbull - ST Josaipas M C T O U B E X E V O L E X T Socnrrrmdash Mootsthe last Sunday in each month in St Josephs Hall Fair street

A O H Meets the last Tuesday in each month In Murray Hall The Strand



EagleCouncllNo 9J meets every Weilnesday eye-nlug Hlxschrs Hall Tho Strand -


OLympic TaEAThEmdashCorner rnlon avenue-ami TheStrand bull bullbull MUSICHAXLmdashCorner Jolin and Fair street pWASHTSQTOx HAiLmdashAbeel Street bullbull ^opEEIE3HAHmdashCllntonAvetUt bull -bull

- - bull bull TlaquorTlPKttAKfgtfc- bull 1

- MEKESASA DrvtstoSvNo80 S of TmdashMeota every Trklay evening InHlrschs Hall Tht Strand bull bull - - - c-J - bull

WttTWTCZ DrnsiOSib28 S of T-Meot -evory Monday evening In Komeyns Building Wall street

- B A I t K S - r

raquo KJNGsioh NATfoXii BASKmdashMain street cor- ner ofFair street iiri-s bull bull STAXBiW -NZW XOlOr NAITOSAt BAgtKmdashWall street corner ofJolth street

X-WICCf ATCXSTEB COtWTr BASJCmdashWaliStrcet THENATips-AL BA^xep-EOSrotTTmdashFerrVst

- FrBSTj2rATiogt-At BAiac or BoNDorrmdashThe Strand corner of Onion avonue-j V


sUeet _ -ATI^

bull - wtrs i CAh s o c i irirxEv -SOCLti MASSSBoaonmdashJohn Huber Loader -moets every Monday evening at John Hubers-Union avenue --bullTHF^ltH)n^EB9^Bxigtert80ranWagonen

Teaacrfneet37eipry Monday evening at Hon FredarickStophaa-raquo residence Union nveriue

bullrA-EnTsQrUEiETrE-CL-uBmdashCw McKown First l o n o r t Marliis TurckSecond Tenor J H TrippyirstBass Frank Tripp Second Bas Meets every Thursday evening ~


IKISOSTOX- LODOpound NolO F JtA MmdashMeets every Tuesday evening i at their Hall 8avings BankBulldlng

BOXDOCT-LOTXIE No 313 F A MmdashMeets overy Monday ovonlng at 750 oclock^ at Mashysonic HaU The Strand bull

Motrsx HohEB CHAPTER No 75 B A MmdashMoots tbo first and third Wednesdays or each month atjangjton Lodge Boom Savings Bank Build-l^eWaU street _ bullbull)-

- THXMOS Brnra CocscTigt No aof B amp s Mmdash Bcgular l assembly ars t Thursday of every

-jnonth- _ bull ^ - bull -JKoSDOrrCltgt5ISIASI)EElyo 52-^Moots- lrt Ma

I sohlOHall second arid fourth Wednesday eve phlngsofeaoh month-

-ZEPtiAStAa LODOE No 1311 O B B meets every othor Sunday at Hlrs-chs Halllhe Strand atSoclockP M -bull -- v

WASKCJOTOS LODOE NO SI K 8 B meets l-evlaquory other Sunday at 3 oclock P M in Cor--nelirs-Bulldingya7 j_ _gt

- -- - - meets M in ovtrryother Sunday evening at

Cornells Building -Xgt P


BAPTIST CHCBCHmdashWurts street PBEaBTTEBUS ClttatCHmdashAbpel street corno

1 W^rrst etreevBeT^IsaacPlark pastor WCRTSSTBEET M E CKUBCHmdashWurts street

HOV M S Terry Pastor -8BCoyDM E CHCBCltmdashClinton avenue Kcv

A-K^Banlord Pastor - iCDXltfpOETkEHOL8PiBiTmdash(EpIscopal)Wnrts street A Sldnoy Dealoy Kector

GTatatvii -EVASOEMati LUTHTJIAS CncKCHmdash Spring street corner Hone street rov James M Btelncr Pastor

ST PETTBS O E B B A S CATHOLIC CBTBCHmdashWurta stroet cor PIcrpont Street Bev Emlle 8ten2el

Pastor bull - - - Sr MASffrCATnoxtc-CircntcirmdashUnion nvenne Bov Father OEarrcll ofllclatos

UXION CBTBCHmdashAbruyn street OBhXAVLTrHEBssCBxncHmdashLivingston St

BoViMr 6tuu Pastor bull COTcanlaquoUTioSAxElaquoAXrjTxmdashUnion streetEraquov Mr^ Wolff Babbl -bull CoxoaroATiosAifsrit CBESXraquo_Uhlon street bull

Exast ParsmrrxliUstCRCBcnmdashTabernacle El mondbrtntrbet - -JFIEST krroiiMEDCHCUCHmdashMain stroot corner

Wall street Bov D N Vandevere Pastor rflSXOtEVD3rroTUfr3gt cmrscnmdashFair street Rev

Jnjgtvgtraquo pemarest Pastor ftrJAafrSKE Ctfcsctrmdash Talr street Rev O

E Strobrldge Pastor bullbull gte bullbull bullbullbull gt bull 8-f Motets CrisoorAt Cnrttcn Wall streel

Ber Mr Oamp- nector riBSTBArrigT CtrtmCTmdashvUbanr itvenuo Bev H 8 WestBate PaatOr^^-i J j Vraquo bull 8T JOSEPHS CATHOUC Cnrttcraquoi-Wali street comer of Main street Bev- Jrmej Dougherty

AageVOQtrar Wraquorltyitjblaquortfiifermed)mdashFox TiailaVehue Wlltwyck Bev J It TAlmadge D D officiating

AnticASZtox M E CHCBCHmdashBowery street Bev Cyrus Oliver Pastor bull - -

AXXSICAX Uxtos M E CltCBCHmdashFoxhsll ave cv Pastorvy ~Vf T i t jTOlaquogtlaquoAtbaampygt^WallraquofJet lr bull

mdash bull- ( 4 1


MATOPmdashJames O Undsley CtTT Ct-rRXmdashAug schepmoes office la fifty

Hall Union avenue i l i r xx)Bt)TraquomdashAug SclwpmoesjpJfkcInaiyBain gtn avBnno ~^ S~~i VJ lt JJ iVtrraquoATIrtfWrtl(aW^SeyMTngtX SjebtJIns

TmtAircBritmdashOrove Webster office 3Plrraquot3flaquov tlonal Bank otBondout Thlaquo strsnd U ^ Oaasbeek office on Union avenue f

t tanye offlce-uhlonltvcnjie near Grand Central BUMaj S3 c tctfiilaquoS -c ugtri

at lh Coxjrox Coosctt meraquotlaquoltrvlaquory Friday bullTwrolAif t theCitynal l VntnHrui)laquospoundbull bullJ bullbullv-

Tocsin nKrlaquoraquolaquo o t iBiKff An Araquo|Ilt o i A T i o n

_ tun OTraquor James O Memts until furtherJtotice

otlhft touniMens5 Cnris^t-IttrtMM laquovIWwtnolaquoltraquonl - trade - r SarroJTitorit cilaquolaquocairnty-rmtlJ

thAAAS^JaMAnBooiiMv |artvijnjraquoBOordlitj|laquo^fw- W^laquoraquoKp store on Wall cwrftj

FKBHIliH Ilaquo j mdash tmxeuttrtxxt-Vtinftmi n1Ht-laquoinoraquo iatnlaquosi

- bull iBfa l^niMwit^yiqAt- t oot laquot TtAshrraquoraquoltpound f Wrorctraquo K amp S

bull8ltrirxitiltoraquoitKWrxJFaRrmdashAhet utresi

UNITED QJXXAX LOJXIEmdashSo 5031 O^TX) JFX bull moots every Thursday evehlrig In Odd rel lows cJ^Tfcraquo8trwraquodh7--re-H-cxq J it^iv^-

HtSttBOUWVdtEDtmdashMeets every Tuesday evc-nlog at Wachmeyers Hal loa Honeatxcet

HTjatsiBVflgtsxcriOXiimdashMeetsthelth Frl-iloy-pf each^ton^a at achnltxlorfo Hall Mill1

r gt ST PETEKs 8ICX aiiD AXD SocTCTT-OUtocta every 4th Sunday in St Praquotlaquors School HSuse corner

PierpontandXdamsstreet i-^-bull TirJFWTDO-trs-AXD^OBPHAXS SOCirTrmdashMe 9

the 1st Sunday ot each month In St Pe ters School House corner o t P lerpontantr id l ims

s treets - U^y -1 O a e U B I B - SoctEXr-rMeets the 1st Sunday of each month-ta 8t Peters School House corpor

JiArpbntandAdamsstreet x t - -TBEltoc6tQ LADhs SociEncmdashMeets tho sd suhdayof each month In St- Peters School

Hqnsa corner Plorpont and Adams strcoL QKBJtA- S i c i ASP Am SOClETrmdashFirst and third

Monday or each month at Bnglerts Hall Union javehUe bullbull-jj bullo bullbullJ--0- bdquo TrlaquoXEB ASSOCTAHOSmdashMeets the first Sunday of each month aiTurn Hall East Kavlno street

bull laquo bull filSlXTi bull O B B F E L L O T C S bull bull J i c r j

Koscicsxo LODOE NO SG or NOBTHEBX-NEVT tOBXmdashMoots at Odd Fellows HaU North Front street every Wednesday evening

ABxriSi LODOE NO 173 1 0 or O FmdashMeew ovory Wednesday evening In Odd Fell ws HaU

ThoStrand- bull bull --bdquobull bull - bdquo + bdquo USITEI) OEBXAX LODOE NO S03lmdashMeets every Thursday evening In Odd FeUows Hall t ( Excrxsion E s a v x p a x x i No 21mdashMeets on the flrst and third Fridays of each-month at Odd FellowsHall Bondou bull - bull bull- -

bull K i t J i i x a t W raquo raquo V T M I laquo

FPAskLa LODGE Xtf ^^XIOETS OF PTTHtAS Meets a t Odd Fellows Hall North Front stree-overyThuwdayovpnlng^t -

Ul^TEkLorjOENo 1ampX or J_^Meets every TueSday-laquoveUluVHlrraquoclisHallThe Strand bull v bull m mdash - -

bullbull_ bullbullbullbull I REDrfaJZN

_HiAVATkTBiw2-No 20 i0BMmdashMOCW everyWednesday avenlng In Woods bulldiDg WaU3trJjet -n -

lo-it _

T h o p iacpvere j j Jmd y Oomi raquoolaquoir^v t sisW inillaquoai

irfflFiosraiis After nXohy years of the most successful prac

tlce ta spoclal-diseases with an unsurpassed experience In the application otcertaln combishynations In tho treatment of those diseases Dr Von Moschzlsker has been Induced to place his remedies on the public market that they may be within roach oXfiUvho need them

E W A S H For Innanted and Diseased Eyes and for tbo

Preservation of Sight This Wash should be In the possession of all who deslro to keep their oyoa Inn strong and healthy condition especshyially students or thoso whoso occupation renshyders gt unimpaired sight a bull necessity fi oz BOTTLES FIFTY CTS -

Catarrli Kemedy| and Specific Tor Diseases 6l the Besplratory Organs Throat Lungsi Chest Affections both local and Constitutional-- These remedies wil l cure the severest cases of Catarrh and should bo used In accordance with directions such as extraordishynary discharges from tho nose offensive or btherwlse water dropping Into tho throat from thohoad loss of acuteness i n smell taste or hearing sharp pain In the head and unusua sonsltlvonoss to cold Price $12J per set o Two Largo Bottles and Inhaler -bull

T H R O A T C A R C L E Tor Soro Throat generally accompanying and frequently following-SOAKLET-PEVEB and MEASLES it Is Invaluable As-tonic for tho volco Clorgymon and Public Speakers will find It valunblo- PBIOE $100 bullbull

COUCH S Y R U P For Coughs whethor arising from Irritation of the Throat Bronchial Tubes or Lungs this Syrup will be fblind most soothing and effecshytual PRICE 50cts and $100

E A R R E M E D Y Specific for Discharges from the Ear arising

from Scarlet Typhoid or other Fevers-Measles or Inflammation ot tho Inner Ear Also a Bern e d r for NOISESIN THE HEAD and SLIGHT

DEAFNESS from any cause Price per set two large bottjoe $150 bull -

Constitutlonai Remedy Alterativefor purifying tho Blood and beneshy

ficial action upon the Liver and Kidneys A Constitutional Bemody for Debility arising from such complaints j is above mentloued PRICE $100

For sale by B DETO The Strand Bondout Clark k Co Agents lor Kingston John F Henry Curran k Co wholesale agents New Xork 1 - - - bull J - -

Thfeihd^pehderit In addition to all Its foririor excellencies heretoshyforesurpassed by no other joliglous weekly nowspaper In the world wUI offor several


of great importance and yaluo lt FISSTmdashWoshallprlnt throughthe yoar SERshy

MONS by the most eminent clergymen ol thlf country of all denominations from Maine to California Our readers will thoroforo have tho pleasure of hoorlng the most famous minisshyters of Now TorkvBrodklynBoaton Philadelshyphia Cincinnati Chicago St Louis San Fran- Ciscootc bull 8E005D mdashWe shall publish a series of articles on CHRISTIAN WORK by REV STEPHEN H TTNO D DfWhlch will be invaluable to clergyshymen Sunday School teachers and every Chrls-tlanman and woman

THIRDmdashA now sorial story of American lite will lgto begun about the mtddlo ot December Its title will be

A PAPER Q I T K by LV B Locke (Bov Potroloum VNasby) It vividly illustrates tho prcsont oraof speculashytion of living without work of making money without capital and will 00 one ot themosi sparkling and attractive serials ever pub Ushcd - I --

FotntTHmdashWo shall publish ascxlcs of articles from tho pon of ELDEB BREWSTER J B of BrowstervUlo Mass on men and things reshyligion and politics and every top topic as it comes up

FinnmdashOur great premium for the year we bollevotobo the best over offeredmdashviz -


in tho famous and unsurpassed Household Edition of Messrs Leo amp Shepard tho well-known publishers ot Boston Look at our offer To oach and every porson whether already a subscriber or not who sends us $3 wo will forward T H E rxPEPEtDKgtT one year postage paid together with any ono volume from the fbUowIng list 1-Tho Plciwtck Papers 500 pages

bull t Our Mutual Friend 51S pages - 3 David CopperOold 5 raquo pages t Nicholas Nlckleby Ms pages 5 Martin Chuzxlowlt 830 pages 6 Domtoy a n d Wont-WMpsfj^ - - bull - 7 Old Curiosity Shop and Reprinted PlJ-ces

6S0 pages bull t S Llttlo Dorrlt BOt pages ~ 9 Bleak House HI pages

10 B a r n a b y Budgeand Hard T i m e s 070 p a g e s 11 OUTor Twist Pictures from Italy and Amer

lean Notes Hraquopagoa 1 - laA-Talo of Two Cities andGreat Expects--bullbullticni- 81 paires raquo 13Christmas Btorles and Sketches by Boz TIlaquo

pages bull 14 Uncommercial Traveler sift additional

r Chrtstioos atorlesi 3ilaquo pages bdquo 15 The MJ-slery of Edwin Drood A Childs

- Hlatory otKrigland Slaster nurophreys-r Clock e t c o W p a g e s ^ bull

ror ^rv(i Trr


w raquo w l U raquo n d - bull bull i - J L H bull

DICKENS C O M P L E T E r ^ v 9 r y 3 i u ^ o ^ ^ T l r i ^ sect i 3 m ^ t ^ w n t a r n i Wlr|WoltlttnVo-pWw(fclhligtltlaquo laquo t raquolaquoltraquo raquoln4lnltraquoltlaquoltiwherMfraquoH otheftfflMod rel lg-lons papers have only rem J6 to so pages of

c-ThuS tt r^ryaTrWTofferJRrrtl twloeas laquoult4j 4 KStf otSief MlJMoBS yiuftml in the conntryot thoirorKV4Ml wro-Mjrtnaptly

eciiKatipTiok pnitTB^ot Tine Btswrwrifcitr ^rtth premlnm raquo raquo raquo O j ) laquo r n n a i raquo v i h f bullJi-A

months iMpremrantiM |Pvi1l [ bulllaquo bulltitiliu bull raquo bull

ftjJVlIstof other i f i S t e t t 73X

um And othervaluable preparations entered up on his professional career wlUtthe Important advantage of a regular Modlcal education lnono of the oldest and best schools In -Philadelphia and porhaps In tho world 6 tnlbieQuenUy Betvedaia i thful tenaotpact lce llaquo $he Philashydelphia Dispensary and foe many years attendshyed also In the hospital- In these Institutions ho onjpyod the most ample opportunities ot ob tatnlng an Insight Into dlsoasos ln-all i their varshyious forma as woll as for ascertaining the best

methods olthotr treatment In onwrlng thereshyfore to the people of tho United State the fruits of bis extensive professional experience i n the

t medical compounds aa- thtgt- best i results o t his skill and observation^ he feels thai he Is but proffering a boon to everymdashfamily throughout tho land resting as hedoerfllaquoraquonfldontlyln tho meti)sand emcacIouB virtues ol the remedies be herewith commends--Thevast amount of testimony - from -gt raquoU parta-ot bull the world gt has proven Br Swaynes Compound Syrup ot Wild Cherrythe most efneajclousremedy known and i t Is admlttedby our moat bull eknlnraquont physhysicians and all who have wltneasedlts wondor furheallngproperUes- WILD CHBBBT In all ageaof tha world a h d i n all countries where-It Is known has been Justly celebrated for Its Iworiderful medicinal -qualities --but lis groat power to cure some ot the worst-antt (most - dla tresslng diseases amongusf wasineves - ly ascertained until the experiments of that skillshyful physician Dr Swayoc had demonstrated Its hlghadaptatioji In combination with Pine Tree Tar and Other bull equally- valuablevegetable ln-gredleutswhleh chemically combined renders-lis action ten told more certain and beneficial in curing nll-dis-nsos of rfho throat breast and lungs ~DR SWATNES WILD CHEBBX COMshyPOUND strikes at tho root of disease by purishyfying the bloofl restoring tho llvox and-kldjioys to hoalthy action Invigorating the nervous and

shattered cons tltutStn - I t does so without prosshytrating or weakening the body luany way It cures not only tho lungs and Uyer but ovory organ depondentupona wasted or Impoverished alttto of tho blood bdquo bull -

A^EMARKABLE CURE was that of Edwardsilamson Ehgthecr at bull George SweenysPottery lWJUdgd ^Avehue Phlladoligthln He - had a violent cough night sweat soro throat groat weakhfces sp i t at difshyferent times a pint of blood gavo up all hope of recovery Through tho uso or uSr Swaynes Wild Cherry Syrup became a sound and hearty man and remains so to this Cay although ovor twenty years havo elapsed since he was cured

I S - We aro permitted to refer to tho foUowlng gentlemen who have exporieucbd great benont and used Dr Swaynes CompoundSyrup of Wild Cherry i n their family for many years

bullSA2TCEI G SCOTT (Firm ot JacobBeigel k Co Dry Good No 333 Market street-Phllo)

EXWOOD T- POSET (Formerlyfirmof Wise Puscyt Wise N E-cornet Fifthand Market streets Phila) ~~ij bull -v j - ROBERT HCTCUESSOS NO 2101 Spring Garden street Pblin - JOHXJ L iTix Dry Goods Morchaht corner

Sovcnth and Spring Garden streets Phila bull JOHXD MTXBS FSunder Coatcs street above

Twonty-secondPhlla - - - bull Xnd thousands of othcr3 from- every section

of thdhabltable globe bull PRICE Sl-006 BOTTLES FOB $JCa

If not sold b y your druggist ox storekeeper we will forward haU dozen to any addross freight paid on receipt ot the price Prepared only by DB SWAYNE k SON

330 NOBTH SIXTH STREET PHILA PA Soldby nil prominent druggists - -

PliES Aro gonerally preceded by a moisture like

pcrsplrationdistrosslng Itching i a s though pin worms were crawling Inandaboht the recshytum particularly by night when undressing br ln bedafter getting warm often-tlmes shows itself around the private parts arid frequently females aro sorely afflicted extending Into the vagina proving vory distressing1 Coses ot long standing aro permanently cured by simply apshyplying


-Dr Swayne J Son GentlemenmdashTho box of Ointment you sent me by mall cured me entirely ot Itching Piles which I suffered with for Ave years enclosed find SO cents for another box torafrlond-otmlno ANDREW J BEACH

rartuwell Station Loudon Co Va Dr Swayne J Son Enclosed please And ono

dollar for two boxes of your Ointment for Itchshying Piles These are f or_some of my frlonds who are afflicted with this distressing complaint Tho box you sent mo a year ago used about one half ol It ond l a m glad y o s x a m proud to say i t madoaporlect cure Igtth lnk l t s officacy should be published through the-length and broadthot^tho land You can publish this if youThliik Proper -bull - bull bull

--bullbullbull DAVID GROSSXICKLE - - LadlcsburgrFreddrickCo Md

Rr_vDERmdashK you are suffering with this anshynoying complaint or Totter any crusty scaly Itchy skin dlseaso g o t o your druggist and get a boxbtgwayrtoW-AlPHealingOintmont bull-It wUI surely euro you Prico GO cents a box Three boxes tor $123 six boxes J250 -Sent by mall to any address on recoipt of price Prepared only by bull bull bull

Dr Swayne amp Son 330MMSWffla-

lnadtanbai t 3 bull silaquogtetmAa copies coif Ptwmtfltossewt tn i lUUMMn H Utit THU T

ltMWlaquoTraquo^4raquoSMrlaquoTampA76iraquoJWTt foitt^S

OVtatlno hereby having

town ot

r^ia^-Ab^ jawHv lihr-ttraquogt bullbull vu uotfsrs U t i l n p j w |



of ih


ifARtAH TOOKA jffitiMmtor

0 1 MOMlAlITr Lofidon -Hair Color Restorer London Hair Color Restorer

Not a Dye makes hHrshbnlr soft and silky

cleanses tho scalp from all impurities causing

the hair to grow where It bas fallen off or be cemo thlrr bull

Can be applied bythe hand ssV It doe not bullstain tho skin orsoil tho Unast linen r As a Hair bullDressing i f l r t h e TMOStjSeWect tho world has over- prodveed- bull The- hairIsronovated and

strongthoned aud natural color restored withshyout tho application or mltioralsubatances Sinco-tlK) introductlonol thlstruly valuable proparatlou hitO-thtseonhtrylt has b o e n t h o wondor and admiration of all elassos as It has

vproved to bo-tho onlyattlclo thattvUlsbsolutcry without deception rcstoroitray hair to Its origshyinal color health softness Instio and beautr and produce hair on bald-headsof its Orljr-aii growth and color bull - bull


1J( 1mdashit will rostors gray h a t r i o i i r o r i t l n a l color a - I t will thlckon thin hair causa a n S i pound w h

i~ll J1 r t laquo 0 1^ nraquo dandruff andnchlngs B_ltwi l i make thohalr soft f lossy a n f f f a x i

S-jJ rjjJ SS5fTrbe ^KSat-Wtw to old laquo raquo P ^ e b t I liairfrom tnlltng off 8mdashIt will euro all diseases ot fho scalp


SuBeripr Excelleiae^ -^ i t ypounddeg i trade lt gt i C wi n c lt S s t l n raquod toby Ed wardBaaVriguescinedfno most laquomiKgttnt Druggtsts and ChomlstSot PhlllaquololphTtradeni1Si whose voracity nono can doubt -iftm happy to add Wy tFstlrnony 16 the rfTeat vaiuo or the London Hair Color B e s t o which restored myhnlr to Its original cotor^hd the hue appears to be permanent I am - f l r 2 tied that t l i i preparation Is hotMng liktrade a dvo b u t o p laquo laquo raquo upon tbo mWMftlons- rlaquo U a l i io 7 beautiful hair arMslng Jnd nromotM^thJ bullVS^ Plaquo s 1 araquolaquo raquolaquolaquobull laquo lWraquo from Ed ward B Oarrlguea druggist Team aadOoaiAi s treevwho can also testifymy hau - s ^ n t t

bdquo rP-30North Ninth street phila JJB-8WXWT A SOW Beipeeted rrlcnds 11 h avbdquo

thepleash1re to intbrth yohiharW l idv nt^Z acquaintance Mrs Miller Is doUghted -mat Jhi juccjas ot your Kondon 6atr Cdror^fteMo^ HerJialrwaaiUlaB rapidly and qnUe IJiV Thocolot hasbcelaquojeasorcd lhe a A l n 7 amp

entirely stopped And -the^o^gT^-wth ot h Jtr1


1 bull Boston Testimony July Md-lgTl-D SWAWSASOJt Last win

ter whlleln Trenton Jf XI Moeurod gt J V XX t ie ot --London Blr Oolrf s S ^ ^ ^1cTi like very much in fact hotterthan anvthinS i h a w ulaquotlTrthlaquo lMthrtnyyeat-i f yJJ laquo laquo pound

end me ono dowsv bhtUesfo 0 raquo Ke btv

i f f bull


THE BEST EQCtPPEI f ^ o o i t irarilaquotaiontiayaBrtraquoy^rrrtTrrre

bulliii Fottrth-Mcmdsj^ln-Janatiryfiampi

rourthMonday In MarctCybdquolt ^ i H ^ J amp 5 ^ 6 f S x raquo W B t t r - bull n iraquoitrs ri b-bull- XtxaXTiiLtl ff Thlr Mlaquonday in TebruaTT fV-V Fourth Monday In May v-iVgt7i Second Monday in December r j

i-c-l BCHonAniE bull bullraquotraquondirouaarltffjranu4iT77 Third MondATloAprll v ^ lts





The Freeman Office



The Newest Styles of Type



S T E A M P O W H f l R k


A Large Force of Workmen



-Westbrooi Osboru


Osbom Westbrook


Osbora ^ IngalN weslbrock

Ingalt ^jinjtiWostbrook WMlt$S$M W X raquo bull -Osborr

SULUVAN Fourthf Mondoy In May FoirnhMohUay In October

j - bull- iESSSELAEB p jsbcondMonday Inyebruftrjlaquo Seco=3 Mondny In May( i v Second Monday in NOTemberi


Osborii Westbrocl

lngal -Os born -gtTVeaibrook

v-Westbrcoi bullltbulllaquoraquo Ingalu bull-^-Osborn

Swi-Jv2I FirstgtMonday ^lnfJonusjry- Second Monday t a ^ p r l l ^ First Monday i n -OctoBeKSVJ

SpccaYfcmtfa3lttimrenampiatJCtyIIaJI Albany I^tTuesdayraquorJatrairyltV pound lngallgt Last Tuesday qf February^j i Osborr Last Tuesday ot MarchtvVTVestbrooi LastTuosdayof April 0 ASK Osborn LostTuosdayotMay - v i ^ bdquo 1 l n g a l l s Lost Tuesday of J u n o v i Vi Tfestbrix-k Last Tuesday ot July Last Tuesday of August Last Tuesday Qt September 1- Last Tuesday of October - i Last Tuesday o t NovBmbor Last Tuesday oCPeceinber

Osborn Westbrook lnga l Is Westbrook

Osbor I n g -

-Sjpjcinf TtfmtJor Motion] anampArtpumnt of ZV mtrrrcri lttt CbaMbanbull ltbull

First Tuesday of ovorymontn except August at TroymdashIngalls bull - ^ r - - -bull

SecondTuesday of ovory month at Albany Osborn n Third Tuesday ot every month at Hudson Osbqrn _- - - ltbullbull Third Saturday of every month at Klnsstonmdash

tvestbrook bulli )-lt When Judges ore not otherwise engaged such

terms are only for motions in the Third Judicial District and always open toxaparu business

Special Terms-atChambers ot thn Justice always ppen forerparte business

g B INGALLS bullbullgt W L LEABNED

bull1 C bullbull-- bull TBWESTBBOOKj 1 - JustlcobIthe8uDranre Ccian

ner ot a stone wall thonco north threraquo yxSt ODB half (3lt) degTocs west thirty (30) l tnyi ^ h laquobdquo^ along tbo lands of Benjamin Post nr r t three (53 degrees cast soven (T) chalnj to a stone

ror i

i Bailmte Mercliaiils

Mteet Boston 1

ton Respectfulty jronrs -

Dr Dalton ot Philadelphia j^r of ilaquo 5-v London Hair Color B e ^ f t T O n t e d TMT bull exten raquolvly raquomonlaquomrgtplaquotWntaand friendT asbullbullwwti

J ^ ^ K l ^ ^ O T T L ^ e i ^ i t l e l Z Ssnt W

T bull t epraquoWt e t o r d a H j 4g gt ^raquo I p | 0 j ^ hy l

bull A d d r e s s r o M e t t W DB BTTATTSr A- nrraquow MM

m PPraquoJraquoTllaquotOrraquo t n a ^ y o ^

FtgtV8ferbbvalI Dru^Rlsts


8 U P E R l O R laquo T Y L E

And nt prices usually charged ior Inferior work


OUfettEME doTJBT^-rUlstor Co KJ Ann Murphy plaintiff agatniit Charles

-Dreytuj sndHeIeKraquorraquoTroraquohJlaquoraquoife Isaac Mer- hack The First National Bank bt Bondout and

bull Mary- WrYraquonXlaquourpnalaquofjMlAnljj In pnrnd ot 3ud|hnraquoni ot the Supreme Court atxhb of New York rendered l a thla-action and

bullntsred In thlaquoofflcwotthbCMrkdtTJlstercoun-tyTjn tho llaquothdayot November 1BT8 thraquojnhi Sfcrtber a Befereo therein wi l t jgtell at public

auction arthn front door of ihlaquoi Court House In tho city of Kingston tn thlaquo ootsnty ef Bister On the l raquo h day of December 1S7S at 40 oclock A M all that certain parrel awl lot ot land situraquotlaquo lying and botngln tho city tlf Kingston aforesaid di i tgt - - - 1

M Jot Nos one hun MJ


a ed together as follows to Marys Avonu bii refc braquo

t a r y w an 00 bullUtn

raquo-gtraquoraquocalaquolaquo jotraquo Hoa one hunshydred raquod-Uraquolriyfonr-tiM)-bTo huBdrwt and

bullthirty-five (Ut) one-hundred araquod 1 thlrtrjitx^ (1M) ahdone hundred and u l laquo - - - hundred and thtrty-neroa jisV) on

raquo raquo p of tho land of John OJWiny and bound-1 together M follows to j trtt t LOH front hy

-J on res t bybull lotraquogt JKosone hnn-dmd and thlrty-ejitht ( lampv-h on 1 hundred

and toftr^nn (lM)tgtp ttfl raquotldlaquo by Bre Street and on ths wfst side h y J e n street being the awno low of Iraquoa4 this day conveyed by the party

cover an uhfgtld potUos of thlaquo purt-bse money

J The People ot tho fjtatd o t x yen y o r v in Hllas Soxton i Sheriff ot the O r x S t e r

OroettngtJion^ro hereby Wjjgampltowm l0nrihfn^rfSSJlFT^S shall have been ^ R W Xpoundtyenry mdash laquorvo as Jurors at a lrt and forTour ltxgtX7t a t tho Court House in

-- v- dountyon Monday mdashpear thereat to

bdquo bdquo 1 prisoners-then _ bdquo - _ rbdquo j mdash bfyonr con my together with

all prooojises and proceodlngs any way concern-Ing thorn In your bandraquoraquohrf raquo proclamashytion In w a n n e r prescribed try iraquow notifying all persons hound to appear at tho -said court by McognUts-AoftOrothwwlAe-td raquoppagt thereat-and requiring laquoU Jhstlcea ot Uto PvAce Coro-hersahd other ofllcers who have-taken rrcog-hl ianosfor the appearanceof ltwy person at such octtrc or-jrbohnvo taken any inquisition or the exjuninallohot any prisoner or witness

tlaquo return nuoh TecogTtlvAnces lntlnttltlonii and f xamlnattotts to the codrt laquot tho opening there-oFohtpo UWtdayot ItaaltUng ^-TT

s^a^^SaiCS^ 5S^JWraquolaquo laquo t a i laquo laquo o u e n u 01 saflt I wnntyylnconfarrniry t o n prlaquocoptln this be

hatfairbctcdanddelfvorcd by this hU procta matlnn -tTMintresjIK^crDbns bdnndto appear

tho County Court ltbullbullbull bull-bull mdash MSeoraquoraquo to be bull I S J 0 1 Vnster at laquogtnttky the n t h

^bdquo J t O n t f o forenoon

StS^(^traquonraquotltgtn of bullraquo fiSffi suchjrecowii

^wSfe-raquornbdquobdquo 1 ra-ttss-iSSSS-sgr - bull bull bullbull bull bull ]-bull_-v- bullbull -Si bdquoi traquogtxToraquo8htfrlaquof--

bullMdltfahit iKlrtjprttvn day of Dt ot that A bullPPeJWtto the Plaquoraquolaquoi hraquove tak aneeol


-^1-i t iMBiHfilwiftilii 1 bulliMiiiiritiiiiffTOMBraquoiiliirii1Trlni77r

C17PBEME GOUBTT--lOsteTCo KJ Adam Xorrlo against AbramB Brlgra et ii In pursuance ot a judgment ol foreclosure an i sale made and ontorod In tho above ontltlod ac tlon6n tho 2Sth day ot November 1870 1 TVII Horn T Morris tho Betoree In said iudgment named will son ot public auction from thn stops In front ottfce Court House in the city of Kingston on tho 0th day of January 1877 at rgt 0clocknoon tho following doscribod promises viz All that cortaln pieceor parcel ot land lying nndi being In the-rtllngo ot Wilbur town of Klnjston County ot Ulster and Stato of Sow Xork and on both s r d o s o t - t n e Twaalfsklll stream and tormerlyknown as tho Dowltt Mill PFS6 ^- Commencing ontho southerly side of MU1 stroet and the inortherly corner ot the blacksmith shop lot runnings thence westerly across sold stream about sixty (CO) feet toRodshyney stroet thence northerly along Rodney street two hundred and fifty (200i feet moro or less to lot V K lands of Edwin Smith thenco along the same down tho hin about fifty (SDi feet to the mill pond thence - across tho sumo and the plonk road about thirty (30) degress west two- hundred and eight toot to lanusoif Booth s late Skools to or near a telegrajii pole thenco along said Booths land uptho tSTnorti sixty-six (GO) degrees oast- about - sovoa 1-1 chains to a mark In tho rock B p ami ttwOr

mdash - - h r e raquo a r - TOr Unto thence

V nrrth fifty-



along the lands of Benjamin three (53 degrees cast soven ( set In tho ground marked B P l f j c n c e olong sold Post and G A Smiths lnnd^ south thirty-seven (37) degrees east two hujdrod and ffftv (2J0) foot to a heap of stones- tkbence about south fllty(50) degrees wost 86T0naUndred and flfty (50)foettbapolnton thobrcwot the h in fifty (50) links north otthe Covojnorry thenco down

tho hill about south flfty-tUroo (53) degrees west one hundred and seventy laquo70) feet moro or less to apolnt twenty-flto (y) feotnorth of D Dono-vans stono wall thoajo parallel to said wall and twehtyftvtj (JS) leet northwesterly of she samo flfty (SO) foctjnoro or less to Mill street thenco across tho s a m o eighty (80) leet more or less to the place ot beginning together with tho gtmlU kilns shads quarries-1 damraquo water power water couvscopy with the right to-dam and flow as heretofoco flowed Also those two lots on tho corner of Dunn and Rodney-streets beshying togothor flity (30) feet front and rear and running backrtortho liiU to-tho -lands of Edwin Smith and embracing tho old Dowltt barn ana-marked on t h o - m a p ot said Smith as Xo 37 which map l snow onBleinthooff ice of the Clefk ot the County otUlster and being tho samo premises granted and conveyod to Abram B Brlctss and Michael A Cnmmlngs by George D CraeTnand Lydla B h is wife b y deed dated May 13th 1869 and recorded in tho Ulster Counshyty Clerks ofllco In Ifbor 155 of deeds nt page 3 3 a bull bull

D a t o d X c w T o r k 23th N o r 187C

VOLLIAM T MOBBIS R e f e r e e FOSTBE-t THOVS05 Plt l fTS At t y

bullbull bull bull- v - t raquo W a U S t X r

bull I I tm m m

mi m bull-



SU P R E M E COURTmdashUlster Co -Stephen-C bull Williams plaintlft against

George D JOavls- Jr Georgo W-- Grohar Seth MHarrisJulia ttr Pope Jacob Dunning audi Leonora Mhd3 -wifp Francis Clomow assign-) Gcorgo H Robinson recolvor Jano B KeUnttv VfUllam -WYKoUott Mary I- Kbllett defendants^ To the ocfendantsond each ot them Sou w ^ horobysumrDneii and required to answsr n n t w m p l a l n f Q ^ J action which Svlll braquo ftl d j n bull Jbo-oflLco ot tho Clorkdl tho County ot j i8tcr

j io city of Kingston ln sa ld_cour j t y gt a n U to servo n copy ot your onswor to the - g a I d ^ n plaint on thosubscrlbor at his v_^co No 30 Wall stroot In tho city of Nov Xork within twonty days aftor tho sorvico ot this summons on you exclusive ot tho day of such sorvico snd l f yojrfall to answer t J 0 said complaint within tho time aforesaid Jho plaintiff in this action will apply to thpCjurt for tho relief ltle-mandod In tho comploltyt-

Dated November 8th 1878 bull bull

JAS tV--BrsvATKE Plaintiffs Atty

Tho complaint in thdahnve entitled action was filed in thoofftcoot tho Clerkof tho County of Ulster on tho 18th day of TfoTember 187C

- - bullbull 1 JAS 1 BnVATEB bull -bull - bull P l n l n t i r t s A t t o r n e y

SU P R E M E GOURT^Coiiri ty of Ulster Honry D Varlck special guardian

of thetchildren ot John R Varlck oocoased against Jomos C Adnmsand Josophlno his wifev Robert E Allen Benjamin Palmer James Vfe-j miller tho Farmers-and Manntacturers Na-

ttonal Bank ot Poughkcopsie tho City Xhtlonal Bank ot Poughkoepsle Josoph KJFullor I Ho-bart -Warren George A Wells Walter P Warron Dennis O Uttlefleld Henry O LtttleOold Thomas N McCann George Petry Benjamin H Bevler and Sarah Terwinigofi bull

To tho obovo named defendants Ton are hereby required to answer tho complaint of the plaintiff In this action which will bo filed with tho clork of tho county otUlstor and to servo a copy of your answer en tho subscriber at his ofllco In tho Ponghkcepalo Savings Bank In Poughkoopslo within twonty days aftor tho sershyvice of this summons upon you oxcluslvo of the day of soxvlcoor tho plalritttrwln wjjjjij to -the court for-tho rellof demanded in tho complaints

bull -bull - H D VABICR PlalnUfTs Atto mey~ bull Tho complaint In tho abovo entitled actfon

was filed In tho offloc ot tho Clerk In tho Counir ot Ulster On tho S3d day of October 1874

( H D [YABlCKPWnUtrsAttor


Untitled Document

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Thomas M Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
