ATENEWS November-December 2009 Magazine Release



Copyright (c) 2009. ATENEWS. The official student publication of the Ateneo de Davao University. Covered Court Building, Ateneo de Davao University, Jacinto St., Davao City, Philippines 8000. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission or proper citation is prohibited. For comments, inquiries, suggestions and other information, e-mail us at [email protected] or visit us at Member of the College Editors Guild of the Philippines.

Transcript of ATENEWS November-December 2009 Magazine Release

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Page 2: ATENEWS November-December 2009 Magazine Release

Editorial BoardEditor-in-chiefMa. Cristina raMos

Managing EditorsJobelle obguia

Janina PatriCe DoMinique surPosa

News EditorMaryaM ross eMbalsaDo

Features Editorgabriel FaroFalDane

Honorary Editorsantigo Paulo PasCual

Staff WritersKathleen DoMinique aliño, Maria Katherina

galoPe, Mherill JeM llerena, angeliCa aquino, Paul ranDy guManao, toM louis

herrera, Jan PatriK laroya, JoFFreyle Marie oPiano, rea Kristina roMero, reyMonD PePito,

revelen solis, Kathleen anne veloso

PhotojournalistsJM MerCaDo

aPril Kriszle Muit

aDrian leuterio

Maritoni nanini

Paolo villanueva

Graphics TeamKarlo JaMes DaviD bringas

sanJu Chugani

Layout ArtistsJan MiKKo Canarias

al PasCual

IllustratorsaDrian ablazo

Joselito lagon,Jr.

Web TeamroDrigo Po, Jr.CinDy Mae Paulo

ContributorKarlos ManluPig

Moderator Dr. viCtoria tataD-Pre

Vol. 55, No. 4 | NoVember-December 2009

ATENEWS is the official student publication of the Ateneo de Davao University. We accept articles, pictures, illustrations, and other contributions for publishing.

Member of the College Editors Guild of the Philippines. Photography by Maritoni Nanini

Page 3: ATENEWS November-December 2009 Magazine Release

It is now December. 2009 is coming to an end, and with its close comes the end of a decade, but not of an age.

This is the 21st century; the Age of Aquarius, as the astrologers are wont to say, when the old order yields to the new. This decade was supposed to see the Philippines turning into an industrialized country. This decade was supposed to be about peace and prosperity, about the eradication of corruption in favor of competent and humane leadership. At least that was the dream.

Consider the reality of these 10 years: 2003 – the P728 M fertilizer scam, in which GMA’s complicity cannot be proved; 2004 to 2005 – massive vote-rigging as evidenced by the Hello Garci tapes; 2008 – rice prices shoot up to almost P50 as a consequence of government’s inability to support rice farmers; 2009 – Ondoy et. al. enundates more than half of Luzon, resulting in deaths, millions of pesos’ damage to property and food supply, and, of course, the Maguindanao massacre. Reality failed our dreams. You will recall in the late 90’s the crop of self-proclaimed prophets giving dire warnings, saying the end of the world is coming. The doom-sayers should have been right. The world should have ended, in the sense that the cancers underlying these ugly incidents should have been cured already.

But we must not give in to despair. Now consider the better events that happened: 2009 – Efren Peñaflorida, Jr. and Manny Pacquiao get the recognition they deserve as a modern hero and the best boxer of our generation, respectively. The heroism, faith and sheer determination, all our great traits, manifested itself well this decade: witness the mass diaspora of nurses, manual laborers and skilled professionals into other lands as they search for the good life their homeland, giving up the comforts of home and family for loneliness and drudgery; notice the selflessness of kids and volunteers working overtime for no compensation in universities and relief centers to aid the victims of the flood; remember the unity in grief of the people upon learning of Corazon Aquino’s death. Certainly our lesser traits have shown itself too, but it is heartening to see that the better ones outshone it all, like the mellow dawn sunlight slicing through the oppressive mist.

“To fail is a natural consequence of trying. To succeed takes time and prolonged effort in the face of unfriendly odds. To think it will be any other way, no matter what you do, is to invite yourself to be hurt and to limit your enthusiasm for trying,” says David Viscott. We have tried, but for circumstances we were not able to control we have failed. With the coming of the second decade of this millenium should come a greater resolve on our part to make things right. We must ensure that the new set of politicians we bring into office be truly representative of our needs, and we must ensure that our voice, the voices of the gagged, be heard and be followed. Above all, we must continue on dreaming, and trying.

From thE Editor’s dEsk

Photography by Jan Mikko Canarias


Page 4: ATENEWS November-December 2009 Magazine Release



CoVEr story

News Feature



Column06 | Turning Blue Christmas into

winter wonerland

07 | Hero

09 | HR Summit

09 | One Concerto

10 | New Building almost Finished

10 | Rock the Vote

10 | Classic meets Rock

11 | Pinoy Pride: 2009 CNN Hero ofthe Year

The recent floods brought about by tropical storms Ondoy, Pepeng, Quedan and Ramil took countless lives and property and left even more people homeless. Ranking as perhaps the most calamitous of natural disasters in recent memory to have struck the Philippines, the flood is a testament to government inaction and climate change. Yet even in this direst of circumstances, hope can still be had just by linking up.




08 | Advertisements and Events

14 | Kuha: Balay sa Tulay

16 | In the Name of Fake Development

19 | SBG Enrollment Woes

20 | ASIS

21 | How to use the Addu Student Information System

22 | Review Corner

24 | 12 Facts of Christmas

25 | Dissecting 2010 Automated

philippine elections

26 | Inverbati

27 | Christmas Inverbati

Page 5: ATENEWS November-December 2009 Magazine Release



Brussels-based International Federation of Journalists President Christopher Warren once stated in 2003 that the Philippines is in danger of becoming the new Colombia as one of the world’s most

dangerous places to practice journalism. Fast forward to 2009, the recent gruesome Maguindanao Massacre killed 64 people (and counting), including 34 journalists, women and lawyers. With the number of journalist killings reaching its peak under the Arroyo regime, the Philippines is crowned as the most hazardous country for journalists, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. A lot of extrajudicial killings of journalists had occurred since Martial Law. In the recent years, the country had been tainted with impunity on these killings which leaves journalists unsure of their security. Although the masses cannot offer the media protection, duty and responsibility to inform the people are the main factors for journalists to risk lives. Here in Davao, last 2006, Juan “Jun” Pala, a DXGO radio commentator, was shot dead by unidentified gunmen. Pala was known for his fiery criticisms about communist rebel groups and exposés on corruption among local politicians. Up to date, this case is far from being solved. In Ateneo, Benjaline “Beng” Hernandez, the former ATENEWS Features Editor was conducting research on the human rights siutation in Arakan Valley, North Cotobato, was allegedly slain by military men along with three others last April 5, 2002. Pala, Hernandez and those 34 journalists who were massacred in Maguindanao, just to name a few, are epitomes of killed responsible journalists whose aim is to investigate the issues in our country. Angry journalists vehemently condemn the Maguindanao massacre which killed a lot of their co-workers. These barbaric killings of journalists do not only happen in Maguindanao. In a country where government institutions are weak, where wealthy political dynasties are prevalent, where government officials have no other means of making themselves affluent except to access public funds, it’s predictable that future massacres are all set in one place or another. For as long as there are righteous and responsible journalists who are willing to stand up to their call of duty with the people supporting them, then the greedy and lusting for power will feel threatened about their evil schemes being exposed. So as to prevent such from happening, the perpetrators of these crimes will never hesitate to silence the journalists by drawing blood, even in broad daylight. The damage has already been done. What we can do, however, is bring the masterminds to justice. For as long as the mass murderers run free to ply their trade, we should ask ourselves: After the journalists, who do you think they will come after?

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haCkiNG thE systEm

With only a few days left before my favorite day hits once again, the anticipation of a two-week long school break, along with parties and get-togethers with family and friends, gifts, big sales and discounts on almost every item in leading department stores, sumptuous dishes served on Noche Buena and Media Noche, and jolly yet sometimes annoying carolers all bring a feeling of joy and excitement for the upcoming merry-making events. Needless to say, I always look forward to the Christmas season because of the happiness and relaxation it brings. At least, even for a short time in a year, everyone will be able to take a break away from all the worries that ordinary days offer. However, with the recent adversities faced by the country in the form of tropical storms since last September and the gruesome massacre in Maguindanao just last month, I think I better modify my perspective on how to view and celebrate Christmas. Experts say that the Philippine economic growth target may be cut this year because of the impact of tropical storm Ondoy and may dampen the Christmas season. For business persons, this means not achieving their high target profit that they usually get in the past Christmas seasons. For ordinary people, this might mean a tradeoff of goods, maybe settling for an MP3 instead of an iPhone to give to their loved one, or the initially planned festive Noche Buena may just become a simple and humble dinner. However, for victims of Ondoy and for the families left behind by those slain in the Maguindanao massacre, this year’s Christmas brings loss and sadness. Aside from losing houses, properties and livelihood during the storms, the floods’ victims would also be disheartened as they look back to their previous Christmases when they were still with their dead loved ones. It’s a depressing situation to be in thinking, about

a way to survive and start a life all over again. For the families of the massacre victims, Christmas would also mean the same thing. It’s losing an important person in their lives: a bread winner, a promising youth, a better half. The idea of the whole universe celebrating as they are mourning adds insult to the injury. We are a country that bleeds from the core because of all that had happened in the recent months. We cannot just say that it’s okay because it’s not, considering the loss. But then, as the famous adage goes, “Life has to go on.” Filipinos, no matter how distraught, are known for being resilient. We roll with the punches and easily recover from the blows. Although nothing could replace what was there, we are always eager to look forward to what. Despite everything, we still believe in the beauty of life and of being alive, we still hope for the best, we still try to go on and we still recognize the real essence of Christmas—that is, the birth of the Messiah, our Lord and Savior. The series of misfortunes led me to realize that this year’s Christmas is very much different from the previous ones, not only because the economy is falling off, which would surely affect our spending patterns, but also because we should be all the more prayerful that life would become better in the coming year. See, the alarming events made us check ourselves and what we are doing. Sometimes, it’s too easy to be apathetic and just focus on the Christmas festivities but with what’s happening, we could not just give a cold shoulder to it. We should look beyond the bright lights because a large number of people are still in the dark. We should be conscientious with how much we spend for decorations because some remain homeless. We should realize that the best gifts come unwrapped. A brand new start. And justice.

As lights of various sizes and colors twinkle enthusiastically in the dark and radio stations eagerly play sweet carols every now and then, I can’t help but say “Really, Christmas is in the air…”


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PiGs Will Fly


he•roby Karlo James David Bringas

The evening news aren’t exactly a joy these days, but I find it so heartening to see Efren Peñaflorida, Jr. in CNN, choking up and his eyes wetting as he gives his acceptance speech upon receiving that hunk of glass by the CNN Hero of the Year competition. He seems to me the ultimate vindication of the urban poor: bullied and put upon, he struggled to attain an education and improve his life, and then shared his blessings to the kids like his former self. Seeing him ascend that podium and surveying that crowd gathered all over the world to celebrate his achievements is the most wonderful image from 2009 we can carry on to the next year. The grimness of today’s headlines could make it seem as though nothing good happens anymore, but in fact so much good happens every second of every day. These are little acts, done by little people in unremarkable circumstances to an audience of almost none. Consider the taxi driver who swings by the police station to hand back an envelope containing P25,000 left in the backseat of his cab. Or that man in a tie and tailored slacks offering to carry a pregnant woman’s groceries through the parking lot, even as he is answering a business call. On a larger scale, consider those college kids in Luzon and even here, in this school, who organized fund-raisers on behalf of the flood victims in the height of Ondoy et. al., who made sure to it that food and supplies are delivered and distributed to numerous makeshift evacuation centers, and who had worked tirelessly to keep the evacuees on the minds and hearts of those spared of the waters and fortunate enough to be in a position to help. A friend recently asked me what occasion is celebrated on November 30. I knit my brow and told her I don’t know. It’s Bonifacio Day, she said. She didn’t know, too; a friend of hers commented over the phone that he is coming by Davao on the thirtieth for the occasion and he might swing by the Atenews office to see her. She asked him why. He told her to guess. She replied that it was Rizal Day. He laughed. I don’t know if this is because the two of us, my friend and I, got distracted by other things not to remember Bonifacio’s birthday or just plain forgot. I guess that’s the way with proclaimed heroes. They shoot up, grabbing our imaginations as we beatify and celebrate them on many fronts of our lives, but are forgotten a month or so after their acts. That’s also the way with tragedies. I’ll bet my left arm that come January the public outrage directed to the Ampatuans and all the perpetrators of the Maguindanao massacre will ebb, and only the media organizations and the Mangudadatus will

give a damn as to the progress of the investigations, which will most probably be stalled indefinitely by then. Maybe the act of forgetting is simply part of our reflex to move on, which is a shame as well as wrong. I’m just putting my hopes on the fact that many more heroes will rise to the occasion in the future, and that future scumbags can be condemned by public rage, if not by justice. On reflection, heroes like Efren and those youth volunteers shouldn’t be necessary. Efren and the Dynamic Teen Company, which he founded, push their kariton because those kids do not have access to a good education, nutritious food or doctors, issues that should have been non-issues if the government took actual efforts to address them. The damage caused by the storms is the result of poor city planning due to politics, just as much as it is the result of climate change. More funds could have funded public schools with fancy technology for teaching. But the damage is here, and the heroes have thankfully arisen. It is sad, but nonetheless it is heartening to see them, noble and idealistic, striving hard to make a difference. It is a cliche, but I’ll have to say it nonetheless: heroes are not a thing of the past, revered yellowly in history books and bronze monuments. Heroes walk amongst us to this day. They don’t sport natty bowler hats and flippy hair, red hot pants with matching neck-scarf or a cape and tights. They look like us, and they’re one of us. The heroes are us. In the words of Kuya Efren, “Each person has a hidden hero within, you just have to look inside you and search it in your heart, and be the hero to the next one in need.” In these direst of times, it is now up to us to find our heroes to save us.____________________For more information on the Dynamic Teen Company and

how could help, visit their website at

Human nature vindicates itself even as it appears to be mired beyond repair.

– noun; 1. a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities, 2. a person who has heroic qualities and is regarded as a model or ideal.

Page 8: ATENEWS November-December 2009 Magazine Release


JANUARY 2010Jan4 - Start of Classes - Deadline of Advisory GradesJan28- 30 - Midterm Exam of Graduating Students

Nov12 - University Mass for the DeadNov13 - Nursing DayNov16 - Natural Science DayNov18 - BM/Accountancy Day - Computer Science DayNov23 - Philo and Humanities DayNov25 - SSE and Engineering DayNov26-Dec.2 - Mindanao Week of PeaceDec7 - University Service AwardDec8 - Immaculate Conception DayDec14-19 - Advisory Exam


Mar4 - Deadline of Midterm Grades of Undergraduate StudentsMar4-6 - Final Exam of Graduating StudentsMar6 - PE Night for PE2Mar12 - Deadline of Final Grades for Graduating StudentsMar13 - NSTP/CWTS Culminatng ActivityMar15-20 - Final Exams of Undergraduate StudentsMar19 - Baccalaureate MassMar20 - Graduation DayMar27 - Deadline for Final Grades of Undergradute Students

MARCH 2010

We accept posters and announcements for publishing.

Drop by our office or e-mail us at [email protected] for details.

Feb1-28 - Atenista Ako... Maligdong!Feb5-6 - Usapang HanapbuhayFeb11 - Deadline of Midterm Grades of Graduating studentsFeb8-13 - Midterm Exam for Undergraduate StudentsFeb17-20 - College DaysFeb20 - Parents Assembly Feb22-24 - Research and Publication ForumFeb25-26 - Theology DaysFeb27 - PE Night for PE4



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“Never again, never again to Martial Law!”, chanted around 500 Mindanao delegates to the 2nd Mindanao Human Rights Summit last December 5 at the Brokenshire Resort and Convention Center. Delegates from the academia, the church, indigenous peoples, non-government organizations, and student organizations from all over the region gathered to call for justice for all political killings. Commission on Human Rights (CHR) Chairperson Hon. Leila de Lima gave a speech on the situation of human rights in Mindanao. “The failure to protect Human Rights is both a cause and effect of a disturbed, if not an altogether peace (sic) … Both AFP and MILF appear accountable for loss of civilian lives, property and structure (sic).” De Lima also stated that no one is safe, as even the CHR itself, much more the citizens of the Philippines, is an object of harassment. Nick Taylor, Development Councilor of the European Union, was also present. The group Karapatan gave messages with different Human Rights Groups also giving reports on human rights situations in their respective regions. A torch rally took place at the end of the summit.

“Never again, never

again to Martial


2nd Mindanao Human Rights Summit: Stop the killings! End the impunity now!

by Maryam Ross Embalsado

The Ateneo way of celebrating talent and music was showcased and staged through a chorale concert of

two Ateneo campuses. On November 28, 2009 at Ateneo de Davao University’s Finster Auditorium, the 1st Magis: All-Ateneo Glee Club commenced. The event highlighted the theme “Celebrating the Sesquicentennial Year of the Ateneo Way”. The concert featured two of the finest chorale groups bearing the Ateneo’s name: the Ateneo de Manila Glee Club (ACGC), Philippines’ First Chorale Ensemble, and the Carillon Ateneo Glee Club (Carillon), Ateneo de Davao’s premier competing and performing chorus. The groups were led by the bright conducting prowess of Mrs. Maria Lourdes “Malou” Hermo (ACGC Choirmaster) and Mr. David Cesar “Dave” Fortuna (Carillon Choirmaster). Mr. Jairus Rosello, president of Carillon, spearheaded the event together with ACGC’s Ms. Chrissie Tan (Tour Com Head) and Mr. Miguel Bautista (President). At 7 p.m., the lights were dimmed and the chorale groups started the show the Jesuit way, singing the Prayer of Generosity followed by the Ateneo Blue Knight Song and Ateneo de Manila Hymn. The ACGC repertoire, impressing and garnering praise and cheers from the crowd, included musica sacra songs like the Pater Nostre, Anima Christi, and Salmo 150; folk songs such as the Pamugun and Paru-parong Bukid; and nationalistic hymns like Mga Awiting Bayan, Lupang Hinirang, and Bayan Ko. On the other hand, Carillon swooned and captivated the audience with inspirational songs such as Light of a Million and O Sifuni Mungu; foreign songs like the

Duerme Negrito and Eres Tu; contemporary songs like the Abba Acapella Medley, Bohemian Rhapsody, and Man in the Mirror; and OPM Favorites like Paduda, Nais Ko, Hanggang sa Muli, and Magsimula Ka. The best part of the night, however, was the joining together of the Ateneo choirs in the songs Go the Distance and O Fortuna, featuring the Ateneo de Zamboanga Band.It was the first time to have three Ateneo campuses perform in one event. The concert ended successfully at about 9:30 p.m., gratifying and fulfilling both performers and show watchers. It is the first time for the Carillon Ateneo de Davao Glee Club to host a grand event backed up by the school. It gears toward the development of Carillon in events planning and organization and also in the development of their musicality as a whole.

ONE CONCERTOMerill Jem Llerena

Photography by JM Mercado Carillon photoshoot at People’s Park

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Davaoeños were captivated with an evening of great

music as the Rock the Vote Concert reached Davao City last September 17 at Rizal Park. First to grace the show were local bands who did not fail to mesmerize the crowd with their original songs while famous artists such as Hale, 6 Cyclemind, Luke Mijares, TJ Ortiz, and Sandy David captivated the hearts of the youth with their music.

Sen. Kiko Pangilinan, Rep. Risa Hontiveros and Mayor Rodrigo Duterte intensified the said concert by encouraging the youth, especially the first-time voters, to register and vote for the 2010 elections. Also, Hon. Mabel Acosta and former congressman Neric Acosta were

present during the concert to give their support. A slight drizzle briefly interrupted the night of fun and music but the energy of the youth kept the concert ablaze thus contributing to its success. On the other hand, Ateneans greatly participated in the concert as two members of a local band, Eevee, who played during the concert, are Ateneans, namely Paolo Segura and Jerrick Sy. The said band just won the Nescafe 3 in 1 Soundskool 2009 Competition held at the Ninoy Aquino Sports Stadium last November 14. Meanwhile, the AB-Mass Communication 4A class, spearheaded by their class president, also volunteered during the said Rock the Vote concert. The said fourth year students believed in the importance of being registered voters when two of them strongly stressed out their stance during the interview of GMA-7. Rock the Vote concert is just one of the many approaches of the Register and Vote advocacy to urge the youth to participate in the upcoming 2010 elections.

ROCK THE VOTEAngelica May V. Aquino

Tentatively named the Jubilee Building in commemoration of the 150th year of the

Jesuits in the Philippines, construction of the new building situated between the campus chapel and the covered court is on its way to completion. When asked about the building’s percentage of completion, Engr. Manuel Abrina, Physical Plant Office Director, said that it is presumed to be 85% to 90% complete. The building is said to be a management-supervised construction as the university has its own engineer to facilitate the operations. Demolition of the old structures along the area of the new building began in April 2008. Construction began immediately and is expected to be finished by June 2010. T h e b u i l d i n g would have a total of five floor levels. The Ground Floor will house the Mechanical Engineering Machine Shop, Admissions Office, Ateneo de Davao University Employees Credit Cooperative and University Chaplain. The Personnel Office, Archive and four clasasrooms will be on the Second Floor. Meanwhile, the Institute of Small Farms and Industries (ISFI) and another four classrooms will be the main features of the Third Floor. Four more classrooms and the Multi-Purpose Hall will occupy the Fourth Floor of the new building. The Student’s Center and PE room will be located on the Fifth Floor. The new building shall have one elevator, in accordance with the Building Code. After the completion of the new building, the administration is planning to push through with what they refer to as the “second leg” of the plan which is to renovate the covered court and the structures along the Jacinto area. However, there are no definite plans for this matter yet.



Photography by Paolo Villanueva Stint Band, Ateneo de Zamboanga’s wind band, at Ateneo de Davao High School Sports Complex.

Photography by Maritoni Nanini Left to right: Mayor Duterte, Neric Acosta, Mabel Acosta and Senator Panhilinan.

Proposed Building Perspective

Prepara ustedes para experiensya musica que nunca ustedes ay

olvida. September 4 – The Ateneo de Davao Zamboanga’s Stint band, led by Mr. Apolonio G. Enriquez, marched through the campus grounds, performing Soaring (soundtrack of Superman movie). Later that day the

band performed at the Ateneo High School Sports Complex. There, they played Soaring, the 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky, excerpts from a Madonna concert, Explosion, and Hans Zimmer’s At World’s End from Pirates of the Carribean. It was definitely a night to be remembered, problems were set aside, and of course, it was a night when two campuses were united by one grand thing: MUSIC.

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PINOY PRIDE: CNN HERO FOR 2009Reymond L. Pepito

The whole country was still overwhelmed with a sense of

pride as People’s Champ Manny Pacquiao won the WBO welterweight title in his fight against Miguel Cotto when another feather to its cap was added just a few days later. Another fellowman, Efren Peñaflorida, brought home the bacon when he was awarded as the 2009 Hero of the Year on November 22 in the CNN Heroes: An All Star Tribute at Kodak Theater in Hollywood. A person who sees the real value of education, the newly-proclaimed hero brought education to the streets for the sake of the youth who are unfortunate not to experience a formal education. Peñaflorida astonished the world with his determination and perseverance as a pushcart educator, gaining him the recognition. He received the most out of 2.75 million votes cast in the competition, besting nine other nominees and standing out among the 9,000 hero submissions by the panel. Like any other youth living impoverished in the city, Peñaflorida had experienced the life amongst gangsters. However, through God’s guidance, he chose to prioritize his studies and decided to leave the terrible life he experienced. At the age of 16, Peñaflorida founded a team called Dynamic Teen Company (DTC) which aims to bring the Filipino youth away from street gangs through education and recreating school settings in slums

and streets. Through his program, together with the 10,000 members of DTC, he has brought reading, writing, and proper hygiene to at least 1,500 youngsters in Cavite. They also provide basic lessons in M a t h e m a t i c s , Science and English. In his a c c e p t a n c e speech, quoted by CNN, Peñaflorida said: “Our planet is filled with heroes, young and old, rich and poor, man, woman of different colors, shapes and sizes. We are one great tapestry. Each person has a hidden hero within. You just have to look inside you and search it in your heart, and be the hero to the next one in need.” Peñaflorida received $100,000 which will be used to fund his work in the DTC and to help them continue their noble goals. Such a simple mission had provided a magnificent result and gained his mission a worldwide recognition. Today, there are a lot more Efren Penafloridas working

hand in hand to remedy the illiteracy problems within our country. Education is a vital element in the society that should be given adequate attention by the government in order to achieve progress. This euphoria of a great victory achieved by our fellow Filipino is not only an evidence that we have a voice around the world and a power to make a change but also an eye-opener for the government to embark on a reality check on what services they have been missing to provide their constituents.


Idlip by ogs

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STORMS HIT LUZONThe Unanticipated Visits

by Revelen R. Solis

If there is one thing about Davao that its denizens have to be thankful for, it is the fact that all the typhoons traversing the country do not reach the city. Davaoeños may have experienced

heavy downpours, thunderstorms and occasional flooding but it had never rained in Davao as much as it had in Luzon and some parts of the Visayas.

Late September, Bagyong Ondoy (Internalnational name: Ketsana) has shocked the entire country. Ondoy may have been just another guy from the Visayas or any other Visayan-named tropical storm had it not caused a month’s worth of rain in just six hours and set off the worst floods Metro Manila has seen in nearly 40 years, leaving thousands of families homeless, people marooned on rooftops, wide-spread blackouts and property damage in the hundreds of billions of pesos. Just barely a week after Ondoy striked across the region, Pepeng (International name: Parma) came and wrought havoc in Northern Luzon. Ondoy and Pepeng altogether brought not just record-high rainfall that mired Metro Manila and large swaths of farmland in neighboring provinces but also tremendous damage, killing more than 850 people, displacing hundreds of thousands and destroying at least P27-billion worth of crops and infrastructures. When Pepeng moved out of the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR), Luzon was left with a total of 30 towns submerged in 3-10 feet of

floodwater and immeasurable destruction, but before Luzon can recover another superhowler, Quedan (International name: Melor) came in. “Typhoon Quedan entered the country and was expected to pull Pepeng back to Northern Luzon in what government meteorologists called the Fujiwara effect,” the Inquirer said. The path of Quedan brought a “see-saw” interaction with Pepeng. The latter was able to gather strength anew after having remained stationary over the South China Sea, bringing yet another glaring hit over the northern part of the island. Not long after the jolt of the back-to-back-to-back typhoons, Typhoon Ramil (International name: Lupit) moved toward Northern and Central Luzon. The local governments and residents, still bearing the effects of the massive landslides and floods spawned by Pepeng, braced themselves, hoping to lessen the blow of the approaching typhoon. In the wake of the devastation wrought by the storms that came and went out of the country, yet another one came. Santi (International name: Mirinae), may sound godly, which it definitely isn’t

Photography by Karlos Manlupig, Man and son scrambling to save life and property from Ondoy’s rampage.

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as it is the fourth tropical storm to thump the Philippines in just over a month. True enough, Santi packed more punch as it swirled toward the country, stranding people heading to their respective provinces for All Souls’ Day. The tropical storms that left Luzon in a standstill brought many firsts to the Filipinos: for the Philippine Navy, it was the first time they have received a big number of simultaneous calls for help; for the weather bureau, it was the first time they dealt with a very erratic path of a tropical storm; for people in Luzon, it was the first major natural calamity they have come across with in nearly 40 years; for all the Filipinos, it was the first time that such overwhelming support and concern was actually felt by all and it was the first time in recent years that the government dealt with issues other than politics. More importantly, it was the first time the chilling reminder of the need to seriously give attention to climate change was accentuated. Experts said that the massive floods and landslides that inundated Metro Manila and the adjacent provinces remind everyone to give a rather serious attention to the issues on climate change. For the record, more rain fell on Manila and surrounding regions in just nine hours than the amount Hurricane Katrina plunked down on New Orleans in 2005. In this country, where an average of 20 typhoons hit per year, the ferocity of Bagyong Ondoy and the other four tropical storms that walloped the Philippines in such a short time shocked even the most experienced experts. Everything that happened is actually just a glimpse of what may happen in the future, if we are not careful. We were only made to have a taste of things that may come to pass in the coming times. More than heightened preemptive measures and preparedness, there is a need for global accord to earnestly work on issues on the unforeseen changes in the climate. In every effort to save the environment, we always have to factor in climate change. We Davaoeños may have been considered fortunate for not having experienced the destruction that occured in Luzon. However, with all that our fellowmen have undergone, we cannot just say: “Maayo na lang wala ta’y labot.”

Photography by Karlos Manlupig. Hungry, ticket-less, and spurned.

Photography by Karlos Manlupig. Braving the flood-water: scenes after the devastation.

Photography by Karlos Manlupig. No lining up for baby. Not just yet.

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Sakaling gigibain ka na mamaya,Tutuklapin ang tagpi-tagpi mong katawan At tatanggalin ang iyong mga binti.

Gayun din ang mga tawanan nina Inday at Nene,Mawawala na ang ngiti sa mga labi ni Juan,

Ito ang kanilang huling hapunan na kasalo ka




by J







by J


ito L


, Jr.




by J







by J


ito L


, Jr.




by J







by J




At pag tuluyan ka nang bumagsak,Matutulog si Pedro sa silong ng tulay, Dama ang lamig ng lupa Amoy ng ilog na minsang ninakawan ng buhay,

At sa kanyang pagkain, makakasalo niya ang mga halimaw na kakain sa kanyang mga pangarap.




by J




Mawawalan na ng kaibigan ang mga dagang kalaro mo sa gabi

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by J



doAt pag tuluyan ka nang bumagsak,Matutulog si Pedro sa silong ng tulay, Dama ang lamig ng lupa Amoy ng ilog na minsang ninakawan ng buhay,

At sa kanyang pagkain, makakasalo niya ang mga halimaw na kakain sa kanyang mga pangarap.

B a h a y s a T u l a yKuha nina JM Mercado at Joselito Lagon, Jr.Tula ni Jan Mikko Canarias

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In the Name of Fake Development

by Paul Randy P. Gumanao

“The government and the capitalists hate the term ‘exploitation’.For them, it is ‘development’.”

Image Source:

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We might tire of hearing our fellow Filipinos boast about how rich the Philippines is in

terms of natural resources. Forgive me if I’m going to remind you quickly that our country is home to tons of mineral deposits and to a lush and diverse ecosystem. While the rest of the whole world discovers one biological species per family per year, the Philippines discovers five to six species per family per year! These make the Philippines a “sellable” and interesting place to invest in with large sum of money and to be exploited. Oh, sorry. The government and the capitalists hate the term “exploitation”. For them, it is “development”. Well, despite all the natural wealth and the “development” our country has, the Philippines, as reported by the International Committee of the Red Cross, holds the title as the world’s fourth most disaster-prone country (after China, India, and Iran). It is also fourth in the number of persons killed, injured, or missing as a result of disasters brought along by the massive environmental degradation. Just weeks ago, and even up to the present, our country has suffered from the violence of five successive typhoons. And who are we going to blame for these misfortunes? Natural calamities, which are beyond human control, are always worsened by human-induced disasters. And these human-induced disasters always go alongside the so-called “development” imposed by the state. The devastation wrought by recent environmental catastrophes are but reflections that our society has failed to meet the challenge of preserving the environment while upholding the people’s development. What’s worse is that our government directly and indirectly promotes environmental degradation through poor environmental management programs and by pursuing crooked economic policies. During the latest disasters, it was truly disturbing whenever public officials, and even most citizens of this country, put blame on climate change as the culprit, instead of looking at it as a global phenomenon and as just one major effect of environmental degradation. They also point their fingers at poor sanitation and waste disposal of individuals, burning of plastics, use of greenhouse gasses, etcetera. Well, their blames are valid. It’s just that these blames are too shallow.

The government, as it failed in its disaster-preparedness programs, also fails to recognize (or perhaps it intentionally denies?) its being a major culprit to the crime of environmental destruction. Can our officials justify that the continued issuance of logging permits and opening of mining concessions to bureaucrat-capitalists would not do great damages to the nature and to the local inhabitants? How would they convince us that the drastic growth of urban population due to lack of opportunities and rampant militarization in the countrysides does not harm the environment? Even the government’s policy on agricultural reforms devastates nature. Massive land conversions, which transform rice and corn fields into vast banana, oil-palm, and rubber plantations for commercial use, cause long-term toxicity to the environment, to the farm workers and to the other inhabitants due to voluminous applications of dangerous chemicals. Trade-liberalization, which is the model for the import-dependent and export-oriented economy of the country, allows further explorations and exploitations of our natural resources. In effect, it also opens our market for the influx of cheap foreign imports that later become waste. It implies that “GDP growth” could not hide rising poverty levels and environmental deterioration. This article is not to say that development or advancement is bad. Of course, where would we get the paper for this publication if there would be no logging? Where would we get elements and minerals needed for science, technology and medicine if we would not mine? How would we enjoy electricity if we would not harness the energy resources from nature? We need advancement. We need development. However, we need a genuine one. A genuine development is integral. What we need is a development that empowers the people and could be enjoyed by the majority, not just by the few elites. We need a development that is not profit-oriented, but rather benefit-oriented; a development that is conscious of its obligations and responsibilities towards the nature and towards the coming generations.

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Volcanic Eruptions, Flash Floods, Electric Storms, Cyclones and Earthquakes. Natural disasters can happen at any moment, and at any time, they are almost impossible to predict, even with the advance technology that we have at our disposal. That is why each and every individual must be prepared for a catastrophe at all times. Taking this into consideration, I am proposing a “Calamity Bag”, a bag filled with necessary equipment to help individuals survive a disaster such as the ones that recently occurred (Ondoy and Pepeng). The bag must be light, void of any unnecessary accessories, it must be made of water proof material, and equipped with Velcro tapes instead of zippers for easy access, and most importantly it must be placed in a location that can easily be located and attained. I designed it this way to increase time efficiency, when in a dire situation, every second counts, every pound has to be taken into account, and you never know when a disaster involving water will arise, hence the water proof material proposition which can be viewed in the third panel above. Below are the recommended items that should be present within the “Calamity Bag”.

Flashlight and Pocket Knife - During a calamity it is inevitable that blackouts will occur, having limited or no vision during a disaster can prove fatal, that is why one of the most important gadget that should be included in the calamity bag is a “Flashlight”. Disasters can strike at any time, we humans have created a world of our own with ropes, bolts, screws, doors, and obstructions. When in a calamity, most of our technological structures will be distorted and disarranged, and In order to get past the objects that are obstructing our path we will need an all-purpose pocket knife with features such as a scissor, lighter, can opener, screw driver, and a knife.

Important documents and Money - There is a large possibility that during a disaster such as the Ondoy and Pepeng flood, property and estates will be completely destroyed, and the sad thing is that, not all people have access to banks or safe havens where they can keep important documents such as passports, land titles, certificate of time deposits, and other important documents that cannot be replaced or may take a long period of time to replicate. Another extremely important item is Money, without money individuals wont be able to replenish the spent resources, and they will have a hard time reaching a destination that has been deemed safe, because even at a state of calamity human nature remains the same, no money, no service.

First-aid kit and Prescribed medications - Everybody has his or her unique allergies and sicknesses, and the medications required to cure those illnesses are not always readily available, especially during a calamity. It would be irrelevant to not include these medications, and aside from prescribed drugs a first-aid kit is extremely important as well, syringes filled with tetanus vaccines, alcohol, antiseptic, latex gloves, sterilized gauze bandages, a roll of cloth adhesive tape, Ammonia inhalants, and cold packs.

Potable water, baby formula, and pet food - Unlike adults, babies and animals cannot contain there hunger and are more susceptible to hunger and fatigue induced diseases, that is why baby food/formula, and pet food should be included in the calamity bag. But most importantly, potable water because there are many sicknesses, diseases and parasites than can be transmitted through dirty/unsanitary water, and clean water is extremely hard to find especially after a damaging disaster.

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Enrollment in Ateneo de Davao University has never

been an easy task. The 2nd semester for Academic Year 2009-2010 was not left behind when it came to complaints from our fellow Tinyos and Tinyas. This semester however, the School of Business and Governance (SBG) division gets the spotlight as some students aired out their grievances with the enrollment process and on how some things work.

As with any division in the university, uniform steps for enrollment are followed. Grades are printed out and evaluated by a student’s respective coordinator. A trial form is filled up, which is then encoded and signed by the division chair. Payment of tuition is done at the Finance Office to finalize the enrollment and the ID is validated for the new semester.

In the SBG division, BM representative Tristan Licudan assisted students during enrollment. According to one BM student, as early as 11am, he already told students that there

was no point in queuing as the division is about to close. Even with the assistance of volunteers also under Tristan, enrollment happened at a snail’s pace.

The adding/dropping period was even more of a hassle for students as a priority number system was followed. The BM Sec, a group of selected students who are assigned to assist during enrollment were supposed to release priority numbers at 7:30 in the morning. However, they came in at 8:30 and eventually gave out numbers at 9am. An average of 60 priority numbers are given per day, but on that particular Saturday (November 7, 2009), only 25 were given. Students who came late or were not able to get a number were not entertained for that day.

A group of 4th year students also had some problems with taking a subject alongside its pre-requisite. The remaining subjects they were to take consisted of a pre-requisite and a succeeding subject which they wished to take at the same time

since they are to be graduating this March. According to *Karlo, SBG dean Mr. Danilo Te declined the request of the 4th years involved with regards to Father Samson’s strict regard about the matter of pre-requisites. They then asked the opinion of the assistant dean, who said that they can take the said subjects together as they follow the old curriculum. *Ara (one of the 4th year students) took the initiative and got a lawyer to back them up. In the end, they were able to take the subjects before things got worse and the issue would proceed to the court.

Undeniably, even with a systematic enrollment process, flaws are still present which can be attributed to a lot of factors. Nothing and nobody may be perfect, but the idea of improvement should always be kept in mind. Complaints should be viewed as constructive criticisms that serve as a reminder to check on what may be lacking with efforts to serving students, especially during enrollment

NOTE: * real names with held

Enrollment WoesSBG

by Maryam Ross Embalsado

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First Semester School Year 2009-2010 when the Finance Office presented to Ateneans its new innovative machine which will cater students’ inquiry and other requests. The installation took time and was continuous because they were doing trials to enhance its capabilities. As a result, we now have this functional and internally developed machine with new features and services.

Here are the already existing and added features of ASIS: 1.) LCD touch screen, 2.) Quality Access and Security, 3.) Balance Inquiry, 4.) Permit Issuance, 5.) Student Clearance. To access ones account, inputs required are Student ID number and Password. Students are free to choose their 4-digit password which serves as the security code. Examination Permit is an added feature of ASIS which allows students to acquire a computerized and printed permit. On finals, students can easily check whether they are already cleared

with their individual obligations and requirements through the computerized and paperless student clearance. The already existing Balance Inquiry is still present in ASIS.

Currently, we have two ASIS machines functioning – one is at the finance office and the other is located near Claveria gate. There is no reason for students to unable to get a printed permit because these two machines are functioning 24/7. Meaning, anytime before or during the exam week, we can get our permits without delay. Students are also encouraged to familiarize the usage of ASIS because the old way of getting permit (at the student assessment window) was already abolished and according to the finance officer, this is also a move towards an innovative system which will give convenience to Ateneo students.

In view of the advantages given by ASIS, we can’t possibly deny the fact that there are

also lapses in its usage. One disadvantage is the poor resistance to erasures of the thermal paper, the paper used in printing the permit. If we can observe, the ink can be easily removed from the paper if not properly kept and maintained. For its proper maintenance, be sure to fold the permit inward; print should be the inside fold to avoid its exposure. This is important because students are only allowed to print a permit once. In case it was misplaced or lost, one must pay the charge of acquiring another permit.

Another problem which the finance is concerned is the interval of time at which students get their permits. Usually, because of its accessibility, there is a tendency for students to mad rush in getting permits causing them a delay. We should be aware of the fact that the machine functions 24/7, meaning there’s no reason for us to be late and be stuck up in a long line.

A S I SThe usual “fall-in-line and wait” routine of students every examination week is one of the

undesirable systems that runs in Ateneo de Davao University –not until the “press and print system” was introduced to us. Thanks to the newly improved machine installed by the Finance Office, the so-called ASIS or Ateneo Student Information System.

by Tom Louis Herrera

A d D U S t u d e n t I n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m

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1 2 34 5 6

7 8 9 NEXT






1 2 34 5 6

7 8 9 NEXT


Enter your five- or six-digit student identificationnumber.

Enter your four-digit PIN number (Visit the MISoffice at room F-605A to set your PINnumber).




1 2 34 5 6

7 8 9






Choose your transaction from any of the fourbuttons on-screen. Once your finished with onetransaction, click YES to make another transaction,or NO to exit.

MY ACCOUNT displays payment information and history of the student, particularly the amounts tobe paid for Prelims, Midterms and Finals, as well as the total dues,amount paid and the balance.

CHANGE PIN allows the student tomanually set the PIN number to hisor her preferred combination.

PRINT PERMIT allows the student toprint an exam permit for the selectedgrading period at his or her leisure.

ANNOUNCEMENT displays relevantannouncements pertaining to paymentperiods, grading periods and the like.

How to usethe ADDU



Graphics by BREAD+BUTTER

You thought it was an ATM? Guess again! And, no, it’s not an arcade game thing with the big buttons and the joystick, or some vending machine. It’s the ASIS, or the ADDU Student Information

System. The steps below will help you on how to use the new ASIS Machine.

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What is buzzing around the Ateneo grounds when it comes to their likes and dislikes? Where do the students go for stress-relieving activities? What do

they listen to in their iPods and radios? These are the questions that seem to be so unimportant but apparently, make up a good conversation inside the concrete walls of Ateneo. Reviews by Kathleen Aliño and Holden Caulfield.






Revenge of the Fallen is a long awaited sequel by all. Since the coming of the first “Transformers”, everyone wants to know what happens next. Since the first movie hints that the story isn’t quite over, the audience expected more. Ateneans in general think that this movie is better than the first as it shows more action in the fight scenes and the new “Autobots” are great. Some do not appreciate the movie just as much, saying that there is too much action, distracting them from seeing the plot of the movie. There was a change in the storyline from the first movie to the current one. If you haven’t noticed it, in the first “Transformers”, Megatron was the leader of the “Decepticons”, but in the sequel we found out that Megatron was under the command of this old geezer robot named the Fallen. Which is which, director? And have you guys noticed that Megatron was easier to defeat in the sequel than he was in the first movie? Yeah, talk about change of character. But nonetheless, everyone agreed that the movie was still worth watching. Michael Bay (Director) still did a good job and nobody can resist the tandem of Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox which made the movie a lot more interesting.

Transformers 2

2. G-force was an interesting twist of a storyline since the making of the movie “Alvin and the Chipmunks”. The movie was casted with little animals (as always, they always bring out the best out of a movie), mainly a bunch of guinea pigs, a couple of mice and hamsters (of course). Cute as they are, the guinea pigs play the role of agents doing missions for the government until they were shut down and returned to their natural habitat, meeting the rest of the cast in a pet store. Thwarting a mad man’s plans to take over the world, the movie is a funny, entertaining, and heart-warming piece as cute guinea pigs give a shot at heroism.

3. The Ugly Truth, starring Gerard Butler and Katherine Heigl, was a bag of laughter as this hilarious, sexy, and endearing movie hit theaters. The story was about a workaholic woman who apparently has no luck in her love life. She always had a list of ideals for the man of her dreams until she met a charming and very opinionated man, played by Butler, starred in a TV show titled, “The Ugly Truth” which talked about the nasty truth about relationships and what Men and Women really want. With their opposite ideas of Love and Relationships, they find each other in a sexy and complicated

affair that can send you laughing off your seat.

4. 2012 which is just recently released in cinemas made us think again of what may be happening to our world. Using famous American landmarks to destroy to show reality in the movie was a good call for most of them. This movie not only used American landmarks to destroy but places including Paris, the Vatican, India, China, Brazil, the Middle East, Russia and a lot more too. After watching, you can’t help but ask, is 2012 really the end? Is the government hiding something from us, about our world and what may be happening to it? The movie revealed a remarkable truth or even a possibility of what may happen to the world in the near future.

New movies are out by the end of the year, namely: New Moon, Alvin and the Chipmunks 2, Aliens in the Attic, Avatar, Saw 6 and a lot more. Ateneans have a lot to watch out for in the cinemas before the end of 2009. And with that, more reviews would be out soon enough.

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by J

an M





Music ReviewKorean Pop takes Philippines by storm with the popular girl groups such as Wonder Girls with their songs Nobody; 2NE1 with Fire, I Don’t Care, among others; and the newest that has hit the charts this month, the Girl Generation. Their song Genie (Tell me your wish) has lured their audience with their charm and voices.

RnB has always been a thing for Ateneo students. It’s like when they hear a good beat to dance to, they bust a groove. One song that has been in the charts for only a couple of weeks now is “Down” by Jay Sean featuring Lil Wayne. It’s upbeat and modern as they all say and it’s a tune to dance to. Another R&B song “3” by Britney Spears had already gained its popularity. It’s been used in several dance numbers in local shows and has been heard in the radio ever since it was released.



The Lost Symbol The third book of Dan Brown starring the great Robert Langdon, symbologist extraordinaire from Harvard, “The Lost Symbol” follows Dr. Langdon as he delves deep into the secrets of the Freemasons, those mysterious master builders long looked at askance for their mysterious rituals and hand-shakes. Here, Langdon is on the trail of his mentor, Peter Solomon, a Mason who was taken hostage by a religious villain named Mal’akh seeking to unlock the Ancient Mysteries. “The Lost Symbol” is, like its predecessors “Angels and Demons” and “The Da Vinci Code”, a thrilling read, taut and filled to the brim with tons of research, a testimony to Dan Brown’s ability to combine heart-stopping action and high-brow intellect. With a movie adaptation slated for release in 2012, “The Lost Symbol” is a read you cannot afford to pass up.

Unmasking the Face Ever wondered if your date is only pretending to be interested in you? Did you ever had the sneaking suspicion that everybody is pulling your leg, just for the heck of it? With this book, “Unmasking the Face” by Paul Ekman and Wallace V. Friesen, now you’ll never be fooled when people lie to your face! Of course, the book isn’t new (it was first published in 1975) and it is dense with somewhat technical information, but “Unmasking the Face” gives plenty of useful tips for reading emotions. The book is composed of many pictures detailing the facial expressions associated with a particular emotion described in comprehensive paragraphs. It also details how two or more emotions combine to form peculiar expressions. “Unmasking the Face” is a very entertaining and educational read, perfect for whiling away the boring hours between holiday feasts and get-togethers.

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1 2 F A C T S O F C H R I S T M A Sby Jan - Patrik Laroya

1. The word Christmas comes from the old English word, “Christ’s Mass”. It is often called Xmas because the first letter for Christ in the Greek New Testament is X.

2. The famous Christmas song “Jingle Bells” was first written for Thanksgiving Day but it became popular around Christmas time.

3. The character of Santa Claus is actually based on two Christmas legends: Saint Nicholas and Father Christmas. Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of children, who generously gives gifts to the poor and orphans while Father Christmas just visits every home along his way, not giving gifts to the children, but merely feasting with the family.

4. According to historical accounts, the first Christmas in the Philippines was celebrated 200 years prior to Ferdinand Magellan’s discovery of our country.

5. The Philippines is one of the few countries in the world known to celebrate Christmas weeks before and after the actual Christmas Day.

6. Fond of the song “Twelve Days of Christmas”? The song refer to the 12 days between the Christmas Day (December 25) and the Feast of Epiphany (January 6).

7. How many reindeers does Santa really have? He actually has lots of them. It’s just that the most famous among them are the nine reindeers who pull Santa’s sleigh and were included in the song Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and they are: Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Donder, Blitzen, Cupid and Comet.

8. Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of children and sailors and was a 4th century bishop from Asia Minor. He was famous for giving gifts to children.

9. Christmas is the fourth most important Christian date after Easter, Pentecost and Epiphany.

10. American natives’ tales say that bread baked on Christmas Eve will never go moldy.

11. Each year, between 36-38 million Christmas trees are produced to cope with the holiday demand.

12. In 1647, the English parliament under Puritan leader Oliver Cromwell passed a law that made celebrating Christmas illegal. Anybody caught celebrating was arrested. The ban was only lifted when the Puritans lost power in 1660.

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RA 9369

Republic Act 9369, which mandates the automation of elections in the Philippines on 2010, has raised arguments from lawmakers, information technology experts, political analysts and ordinary citizens of this country. Some see this as a good sign for our country’s technological development for us to be at par with our neighboring Asian countries while others see this as yet another tool of the present administration to manipulate the upcoming elections, be it national or local.

RA 9369 or “An Act Authorizing The Commission on Elections to Use An Automated Election System in the May 11, 1998 National or Local Elections and in Subsequent National and Local Elections”, took several years before being passed into a law. It was spearheaded by Congressman Teodoro Locsin and Senator Richard Gordon.


Comelec first attempted to automate the electoral process way back in 1992. It has been 17 years since this first attempt to automate Philippine elections. The effort has already spanned three administrations. Unknown to many, even former presidents Joseph Estrada and Fidel Ramos also attempted to automate the elections when they were still in the position.

System Provider

The election automation will be made possible by the joint venture of the multinational company Smartmatic and Total Information Management (TIM) Corporation, which won Comelec’s bidding for the poll automation contract. Smartmatic-TIM and the other bidders were initially declared ineligible to bid by the Comelec Special Bids and Awards Committee. All bidders filed Motions for Reconsideration, but only Smartmatic-TIM completely complied with the technical and financial requirements, passed the testing and eventually won the bid.

And just like any thing in this world, election automation has advantages and disadvantages.


1. Unlike in the antiquated traditional or “mano-mano” elections, the use of computers will make the election itself faster rather than manually counting the votes of each candidate. The usual process would take several weeks before winners would be proclaimed.

2. Election automation vis-a-vis traditional elections will ensure a speedy, orderly and clean process of election results that will help minimize, if not, completely eradicate allegations of electoral fraud.

3. Automation will be advantageous to the government because the Comelec will be saving money in the long run. The acquisition of the machines may be very expensive, but its cost would be divided in the succeeding elections which would also mean less expenses for the government in the future.


1. Voting using the electronic computer system may be tedious for those who don’t have any experience in using computers and for those who find it hard to cope with advances in technology. This might lead to a decrease in voter turnouts as these people might get discouraged.

2.Election automation will just worsen election fraud. The concern of those seeking to nullify the automation contract is that the non-techies will find it hard to detect cheating cases as they don’t have concrete ideas on how to detect one.

3. If and only if, there would be a massive failure of elections in 2010, i.e. the machines don’t work, aside from the fact that it will surely create chaos and political limbo, President Arroyo is the one who will directly benefit from it because she could still assume her office until a new president is proclaimed.

There has been a clamor in the preceding years to automate the elections as public officials believe that electronic machines would help the Comelec to gain back the credibility it lost after many controversial anomalies involving its commissioners a few years back. With impeccable automated electronic machines, the new electoral process should be fool-proof as it will require minimal human intervention.

So, to wrap this long-winded article up, although automated counting machines may be more secure, fast, transparent, clean and invulnerable, let us not forget that it is still the responsibility of every Filipino to be vigilant and to scrutinize and choose wisely among the candidates for every position to ensure that nothing else will fail.

The political arena in the Philippines has always been bombarded by controversies involving traditional election cheating cases such as counting and collating of election returns, done by popular politicians with self-serving interests. With our

government’s first actual attempt at by-passing these pitfalls, is the Philippines ready for the automated system of elections on 2010? Will automating next year’s elections be the answer to the deteriorating political system that we have? Those are just two of the many hypothetical questions that will remain unanswered until the election day.

“ the Philippines ready for the automated system of elections on 2010?”

by Jan - Patrik Laroya

Dissecting 2010 Automated Philippine Elections

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I n v e r b at i

compiled by Ma. Cristina Ramos

When everything in this University comes with a higher-than-average price, one can’t help but wonder why some things here are in their mediocre, if not regressed, state.

Enrollment after enrollment, disgruntled students have something to say about the inconveniences they experience brought about by the rather traditional and ineffective system. When classes start, students also come to realize how minimal the service they get from the lofty amount of tution fee they pay. So to speak, Ateneans don’t really feel that they are getting their money’s worth. Given the chance to express what the unapathetic and concerned Atenean has to say, we at Atenews compiled what’s written down in the improvised freedom wall posted on the early part of November this year and come up with this Inverbati special. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the concerned people will act on these complaints so as to alleviate the situation and make the students get their money’s real value.

Spelling, grammar, capitalization and punctuation marks are copied whenever possible from the original post.

ON THE ENROLLMENT PROCESS:Actually sa amin sa BM, mas naging mahirap yung proseso kasi binago na yung sistema. Parang mas humaba kasi ang pila...mas nakakapagod...maghintay...mas magulo!! Cno ba ang biktima dito?!?! -waiting_in_vain-

• Enrollment process sa BM! Bulok! Binago nga kaso mas naging COMPLICATED! People there were quite inconsiderate! Hahaha. Walang centralized system. -Avril Lavigne fan-

• Walang kwentang sistema ang mayroon sa BM Division. Paunahan System, tanggap pa, kaso SIPSIP SYSTEM ang umiiral! -anti-leeches-

• After 7 days, naenroll na jud ko! Ang pangutana nako...katong nagkaproblema ang mga students, naa bay initiative ang SAMAHAN para sa students? Serb ‘d students ba jud? O Serb themselves and the Admin? Asa na ang platforms and promises ninyo? -A.B.LFS 09-

• Ang hirap ma-enroll, parang nakakawala ng gana. -Siffsy

• More complicated, more chaotic. The higher we pay, the harder we enroll. Ironic, isn’t it? - decipher90- The Frugalminds

• Magcounterstrike ka nalang habang naghihintay. Ahy. -Alicia Danocup, CPA, MBA.

• Wala sa akin ang TFI, alam ko na yan. PERO ang enrollment process. Kailangang SYNCHRONIZED!!! -Toshi

• Adam- replied: “Is this an Atenean line? Para sa imo barato, pero dili para sa kadaghanan! PAGMATA!”

ON THE CLASSES PROPER• Asa ang hustisya sa pagbayad sa speech lab nga

wala nagamit, dili pa jud marefund. - Vida• Palagi nalang kami nasa D building. Kung wala,

nasa grade school. Ang mahal-mahal ng bayad namin! -NSG

• Lagyan ng aircon lahat ng rooms especially ang B500 at C rooms. -Giinitan-

• Ang room sa Accounting, nganong sa “C” lang? 3 hours, init kayo! Nagtipid mo?? -

• Dapat lahat ng rooms aircon! Cheap kaayo! Mahal baya ang tuition. -another Giinitan-

• Dagdagan niyo ang ELEVATOR!! -• Paki-improve daw sa C building KY INIT KAAU!

-Giinitan kaayo-• Teachers should pass the grades on time!!! –LG• Taronga ninyo ang schedule oi, naga-bayad baya

mi…dapat classmates ang mga mag-section… -imissmyclassmates-

ON TUITION AND OTHER FEES:• Mahal ang miscellaneous fees!!!• 1 subject = 7000??!! • pakitanggal daw ang internet fee...pls! -MD• Hoy! Crisis na! Kwai ang unnecessary fees!

-unnamed-• Nagbayad mi pero ang serbisyo, di tarong!

-Unggoy• Barato unta ang tuition! Waah. -wishful_thnker-

OTHER COMMENTS• Wow! Yearly ang pagbabago ng gazebo!! -ANG

MAHAL• Mag-out of school youth na lang ko uie! -a• Diri nalang ko magcharge sa akong CP ug laptop

para at least magamit nako akong gibayad! Wahahaha! -Electra Availera-

• Fair rights for students. -siglo• Ayaw mog sigeg pabida! Pakit-a pud me ug

improvements! -Irky • Wag na tayo mag-aral kung ganito ang sistema.

-The Man• Their system is not the optimal solution. They

just made it worse. -Kate• Pagkatanga ng sistema. Dapat ayusin nila ito

dahil nahihirapan kami. -Jan• Bulok ang sistema! Dapat nagawan ng admin

at ng mga divisions ng solusyon ang problema hindi lamang sa enrolment kundi pati na rin sa pagtaas ng matrikula! -A.B.LFS09-

• Transparency. -Ogs• Ipawelga ang parents! LOL! :))))• -LFS- replied: “Pwede man kita bah! Ngano

parents pa man na nagkalisod na sila? Kita dapat maglihok ani!”

• OSA, wag naman kayo masyadong istrikto.

Page 27: ATENEWS November-December 2009 Magazine Release


Christmas has always been one of the most awaited events every year. Popularly known as the celebration of the birth of our Savior, people more often than not somehow lose the real essence of this season by putting

some unnecessary fuss about it. It can be observed that Christmas has evolved into a season of commercial expenses rather than the profound celebration of Jesus Christ’s natal day. As Ateneo aims to promote the real significance of this celebration, ATENEWS asked students, school officials, employees and other individuals in this university on how they will take part in the merry-making event this year.

compiled by Jan - Patrik Laroya and Paul Randy Gumanao

“After having witnessed the sufferings of our countrymen, I was able to realize that I have to become more relevant and useful, as a teacher and as a citizen. And just recently, with the Maguindanao massacre, I could not dare to have lavish Christamas celebration while the families of the victims of such injustice are anguishing. My wishes this Christmas include my desire to be given the grace to know what is essential and to grow more in understanding life. I am also praying for everyone to have the heart to share to others.”--Ms. Gina Villagonzalo, FYDP and NSTP-CWTS Instructor

“Para sa akin, buo lang ang family ko, owkie na kahit walang handaan ...”-- Mabel Calimbo, Juice Ko Day Representative

“My family and I usually go out of town, since it’s the only time of the yr. that we get to be complete .on the eve of Christmas, we make sure we eat a special dinner together and thank God for our year. My Christmas should be spent w/ my loved one. It will always be a time for me to take a break from school and experience LIFE.”--Anonymous, 3-BSE

“I will spend my Christmas with my family, specifically with my brothers and sisters and will have a prayerful celebration to commemorate my mom’s first year death anniversary. It’s a celebration of life and a new beginning.”-- Rikki Enriquez, Office of the Student Affairs (OSA) Director

“I will celebrate Christmas with my family and friends -- the two things that really matter after one hard school year.”-- Ria Lumapas, SAMAHAN President

“Sa pamamagitan ng masayang pagsasama-sama ng boong pamilya sa Simbang Gabi, at sa kahit konting tinapay ay kape at konting pulutan at inumin at pamamahagi ng aginaldo, magagawa ko ng masaya ang Christmas Day ko.”-- Elizar C., Security Guard

“Mas pait ang kahimtang karon. Pero maningkamot gihapon mi nga magkatapok mi sa akong lima ka anak sa pagcelebrate sa Pasko. Basta malipayon lang mi ug nay maayong panglawas, okay na. Kung mas mayo gani, naa pud untay igong kwarta. -- Ate Virgie B., Maintenance Aide

The significance of Christmas’ existence in our lives opens a window that exposes a wide horizon of life’s reality. We may have varied ways and reasons of celebrating the season according to our lifestyles and customs. However, we must not forget that the first Christmas happened in a stable, one silent night. This season, may we be able to find a moment of silence to reflect on the realities around us. How many mothers, like Mary, have to be continually deprived of decent maternal health care? How many fathers, like Joseph, have to manually work hard and get unjust wages? How many children, like the child Jesus, have to be born in “stables”? And how many families have to continually live in a life of poverty and sufferings? May we have a blessed and meaningful celebration of Christmas and may justice peace and integrity prevail. Happy holidays, Atenistas!

“Ipagdiriwang ko ang aking Pasko kasama ang masang Pilipino sa pamamagitan ng pagmulat sa kanilang mga kaisipan hinggil sa mga nangyayari sa ating lipunan. Maaaring masusubok nito ang aking kakayahan bilang isang lider ngunit sa tulong ng aking mga kasamahan ay maaari ko itong makamit ngayong darating na Kapaskuhan.”-- Myrna Imperial, Kabataan Partylist

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Page 28: ATENEWS November-December 2009 Magazine Release

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