· that the first brick school was built...

* **' VJV atch 73 r, January 4, 1956 Tax payers eon take a in .1056 according to .Senator Carle-, of y ^ tax ttttee^ ley, die. Greicfcsa wins Ford Grumelot' sr.'diea. entertain* Brighton club. The ] "Wl bfift B%hfet bV No. 1 -by Mai svertTi! rHc^rry. 5AZ€TTi ANO W/ 3 SI6NE0 THE Two ?pew atate of eittrfbution which S tftt of every 3 cen The- busness activities fax. LBSS THAN •, VIRGINIA. TO THOSS /• 4^'Fred Teepje* celebrate sdd^xg anniversary.'* High school hold* athletic "award banquet. t* * top gap was qmetty made-je*- . Charles Sk&aer dies.Vera Lipstruw and Roy Zayitz married, x April 27. Idasjtiic district' meeting ing at №&q|hq £ter. High school is defeated byjtSt$ckbridge 17 to 2 but nt last year by er limit. Senator Mortis ^ s^id thi l/3 s ywigc limt. ^ ^ tiffftnees boom of the last/3* years ina Increased all tax is a fly in the oun-me^v. *^» j j^ts _„, m^y have to ^ay.more for I iji cka sch L "' titl% 1Q9 school here; \t in the battle advocates a •way supporters led b; gsiuioner 2 "" lore roal* are -for them. Sen; toll road authority 8 to 5. James .Rock of j wins district spelling J ~ get polio shots at. .^ a highway Jrom Toledo to the ackinac bridge. New^York fwan will accept toll*road boads 1 L M. a y 4-Engagement of Donnalee ••; Swarthout and Bddie Stapleton an. will get: rxaiBCe d, Mcmer and Daughter ban , quet at the ^hooi Jerry Vince dies. °* , Pinckney los§s to Manchester 13 to and 12 to 6. Pinckney beat Chilson prison waats to 8 beats H soft bailers camp %G to 0. Gu3 Ledwidge pitch ed. Mrs*. Alice Stonebrook dies at fn southern Michigan but doubt ^ ; Hil and. t . « toll road in thinly populated nor.h May u jvf^higan week. Pinckney «rn Michigan would pfcy dividends, exchanges miiyors with LiVonia.Ki But Gienn Richards of ^Detroit says wari / s en tertains Mayor Hartom and the Mackinac Bridge bonds will not ,,.: re ^ Livoaia, High school beats pty dividends unless a -highway is ^m Lyoa 10 to 9 and Boysville built to bring traffic to it. 8 to 3. Anthony Balogh shoots him '- the farmers have a friend in Gov.^ setf otl Morgan farm. Mrs v . Grace * is "" who has appointed an a* Runciittan, Mrs. Thressa Marin die,, -or re commission to work ^ marketing and promotional 9|ethods for farmers. He denies he. Donald kaiser and Wilma Latimor j| a v ^ j Ho p draws' big irrpwd, LOCAL NEWS Rev. Kcit^jf ledwidge of Davis<m and )ir-\ >ian Muabon and tiaughtur )' A in Ari,ur :""TC New Yeara wiih Mrs. ii.i ye It .••lib ^? to t!i! V The "Andrew Ixsbitts were Mu:i- of the Gordon Healer^ nt on LM.U:^ Meabon and 'ua wotk end at Lovells. lt*y liuins and wife called Tiij. .Jennie Hart in South Lyon , ..La. day. or'::-; 1 i Xaiu-y Read part .. . . _'k i.. ti.*, M litter home in ytoc 1;bridge. Tommy also visited at the Fred Schafor home in Ypsilan*.: ever the-week end. The Harold. HarUuffs of Greg oi y called v.i tilt- l).ii'j .M:!.cis iSu,i_ d a y . «*' Georgia Trajan, at' liic i'h iipinos \va- ; the fLueign siu. > . > .-, .iia'i d al the Dale Miller home, .--: Y.V I :. 'lay. - uha Uoyer and wifo spc. N .. ,'Ui s with Mrs. Ella Walsh W -> > .• )• •:!«. L^l L. it the Petev S :i& f !;.. u home iu Yj:i. ! anti. •.i." l U.iv > - if i' <i.,vk'i i ville and i>ir. ai.-.; .'•!••• ..M-.ioj-k'i.. L; lk of Rush Lake :. ...'iM. on i lie ii.\)\ the vet-k end . r COMMENT Did you .,i?et your tax bill the school debt came t cMies the school tax more.We do not believe such 1 expansion program would Ixen possible here years ago. Hack in the eighties the voter* turn i down a proposition to replace the spent ( id red school several times and it was not until it mysteriously burned that the first brick school was built here. But times have changed. The school population has doubled uid tripled and the new people who r. into the district are city peo. pie used to modern school facilities ;md accustomed to paying for tl:i>m. According to school author! '•'.», whu have taken a survey,owing increasing birth rate the expansion program is not the .Vet over 1 : !-r The- Asher Uylie fa.aily spent u,, fk tryin to get his "Seal of Quality' ; Masonic lodge holds centennial £w<nv<m effect . i oxial dinner for Masonic home. y gram into effect I Denald Winder, Pinckney fp Swarz Ceek in ?ron invitational dinner for Masonic home. Ar lesta Roderick & Rich MiUer get U. of M. plaques.Vem Clark and shir ley Hosier married. High school 'os Manchester 4 to .1.. ' ' Masons attend ttbe. The LOCAL MEET)N<b-PLACE FOR.Tf% HELPING TO ESTABLISH A' POTATOES, ITS COLUMNS A»?.€ OEDfCAl THAT TRADE ANO THE s holiday \viin the Willia-.n family in Ionia. Cdli'ers of the William Shehans last week were George and Emmett of Fo',vlii.ville ana Airs. Mad j ->ate supreme c-oui"t has rul : t ro church has the power, to ; a law that a business place wo', svii li(juor within 500 feet, oi c'n ; :-eh. This cancels a license g:v o ihe ijj.<j- Bear Market in Detro in 195'J to sell beer, wine and liq uor to take out. The Bethlehem Fin over , r ; . a Church at that time waived the . 1 500 ft. limit law. Judge Fox of Kal iv.u.-Kjo called in to hear the case in \.'.<yiu' county ruled a church has no ;uch power as waiving enforce mein of a law. That if *they did boards "would be sujected tt<* Roche and d:iujrhtev3, uiy Kay of Ann Ar'uuv. ..: Wyiie luid her Lon.sils Grett|| I asch salutatorian of. the sen Ackey, worthy and on i il'e >A o;tt ov.r tiic \\eeiv end. itfhton-and \v._ nt New '.no Aibei'C Dinkcl home. Iho/Be^ft!"Whites attended the fun ;\Y i>'> John Lau^hlin in Howell Ia:>t / and wilh tho Louis Stack--- the i'unerul of iJanv fc\c.s 'it at at '•hurt*-i si:ch pressure that dissension would jesult in many churches The ruling v. as appealed to the supreme court v.-ho have upheld Judge Foxes ver- ihA. In Pinckney the location of the Meimunite Church .has prevented iny l'inckney business place in tht Yea-iH 1 block south of the church from gett i LMy an SDM license. Thy jjaie Millers ealleii on Va/iSla'iMtii-ock and b<ib : (.^i)iLil. Howll, "IT. l % gwartz Creek center, IB the at 7 seconds of ;.the ov Siriod to give Swart*' Cr- a1 game 40 to 30. -'• Satuidav night the Pirates «4 Linden all wajr.wjpning^ 47 to 36. Dick Higgis #ho was ca ttlin got 16 pointy *«* reaeived the Itpphy.There were bu Pinckney there Saturday Keith Ledwidge says firat channel mat elemeotarjt chool. ! co«*ng. to iw|ence. Jackaon, Jbrighton oil sta-- attendantt nitirtitjiea.i Ger drowned Lgke\ Sun&a. _._ ... Newport Beach.Ac story he with Dave Koland, 13, son of Eddie Kolander, t->-Pinckne/ observes Memor j Don were Bn - d Don Tol >y Roberts, 12, son of D ^ Riley Roberts hitch! 1 de\'ct. ons. _ _ \ iW\ "VinUe" Coniessioius. Friday evening After Rjii iiau^hn , J'ohn Noyeaa. Devotions and Sac>urday from Lloyd VanBlnncums. The use of the national guard to in cnfoi'cinK traffic laws has tid off according to the state pol Ucoi'din^r to their figures dur i: nil- 1 Or-istmas week 39 people v<i'<> killed in traffic in Michifwa <>f these only 7 on the ttfttt k lines which were patrolled by lie. tru 9:00 T). in. and Sunday be- 8:00 Mus*. n that Uhurcft pifmfR voA paTau^. [ ? They school band plays. ,fel were bating across the lake when sk*#je&. Jerry and Letft fto t)ie y & ot On thi « ice near the chann-1 S. 3- Supt. Hib L ^ a «d went through. The Kolander tefb managed to hold Fiackney •Burns'. i FT 0 4 2 3 3 0 0 0 0 binson drown at Hi-land Lake.Soft ball team beats Chilson prison cm 9 to 6 and 18 to L William;! iel Joles of Meaick contest; _ ai," *6 ' uiurdcr of Lawrence ^ackAoJCHlgh * ; school loses to South Lyq^ arad Loysvitle. MtnnOnjte Church Ezra Beacby, Pastor Walt r Each ng Worship y Sch< ol . 10;00 11:00 ice but the Gains- Young People*. Meeting Ctt Fllhi S Alon/.<; V'anSlumbi ook, Ck iK a n d wi. ;,ii ; M. i:w\ \^ p ift' called at ilic (• u;n.-i i iLi Ho,i.(j in Saline ivlu-j'f iUn t/o-iy ui" VJIO died a t I 'i,•. v\ i nday \va« taken, i .IIA, 'the ijalf Fo:; i.. other, Thcodoi'c trc»HeiJ. So ; f^ t||e nat has r only been lifted oa ock '<u.l Sunday Fasdick," U, lesides her por- i.s. tiie.'e i.i a ^'tcr, Ru\- ;tn 3 1 & 0 0 ,0 afcay by the cur..' Cottage Fellowship Service Robert Boltpn of Portage who a fish houae near heard their cries and with the help of Alvin „ , ^ XM . - J. W. Winger, 8:00 d|' sponsors, base md%r 14. Ida Black and Earl Wilson married. The ir incknSy team loses. 1st ^ game in FG FT PF TP rorth 3 0 2 6 3 .0 0 4 5 2 4 1 2 0 1 1 4 4 county league Jerry June Howell : Geer. Roberts 10 i 1 June 8-Pa-tricia Rebinan 'and i J*** b . o{ A™ Arbor wliow was with Charles Lamb mejried at Yp$!lanti ' " im & ot tn « Kol «0%^ .!?j Mrs. Elizabeth Hagdon and WiHiai»| b °y s out The ^ Stabler die.,An7iual commenceinient. I about 3 p. m. xgfrBgmty ^rttaj Gretchen^Tasch an<! Ruth A. Bates« bod y was not recwei^Satil 5 35S*3!£* iie^-Wilsoti -awardji. ^" t- ^y use of hooks by Z Haxh Art>or" de- Potter-dles^'Barbara" P tttie »» Art Devoe, husband of Viola Burnett, and Nolan Lee. Gerald White, the Dexter diver who did some diving last slimmer in drown- ings here went down in 51 feet of uaj$r but did not locate the body. The Dexter fire dept. went out. ClIIMLi£&&I№llill Ain School 9:U0 a. m* Morning \v >rihip 10:45 a. m. Thurs. nigh prayer meeting at th' church at 8:00 Wed. r practice 7:30 p. m. The PaoBia't Church M 36 « et betwee^ Main and Unadilla Streetc 1 Rev. \r\th Ruegsegger, Pastor School : 9:45 a. m. Worship 10:50 A.M. Youtl Group ".. . 7:00 p. m in ue & ._ __ —._ ^.^^...^.p w tw •**!& *> county league \ with Max Southwell ' 6 pitching, Alw win at Cassidy Lake ie rtr> ..l2.*X.Q«nid Fitzsimmons I 91 owns at Clai*k Lake. Rev. 52 Ledwidge T appointed to Davison. Con 0 giegationaf' church to build annex. HKathryn Strait and David West and TP s»Mh Ann Reason.,aaA'^Mft48 Fish 4 sisters and 3 brothers.The fun Sr. f*oir Practice Wed. 7:8« p. ra eral wa^s today at S t Joseph's Cath. olic church in Dexter. MRS. EDLA POTTER FAREWELL PARTY The friends of Mr. and Mrs. ard Green of Ru«h Lake pave them Mine. The I'untral was al S. liuu ."vuday. I>L.le i'u^dii k uwn.i . ui.seo facloi'y here . Ito. 's Read a..d wife were in Ai'uor Thursday. Ciaie Miller and wife were Aluia Sunday. Mrs. Lfealah Miller eutortaii.ed ( lur.cheon'^Jew ^eai .^, the Clare Uilltr faiiiily,Mrs. Mary Teeple, the ( ;aude Sv. afthout and Noijnan M'<\ <jy families. The Andrew Campbell^ and Dick Yoangs wre NL \V Vears quests «. f the Glen Km^.sic y^. Walter '''iiiitoii and ^ife of JiJa^k Lake were week end KUCSLS of Ov.i U. J. Clintoiio. Mrs. Clara Ei^ele and children of Detroit and Charles Eisele and wife of Kowlervjlle were Sunday guesis ii Mr . i^iUina Vwllmer. Leo Lavey and son, Robert attend" il a ,UA\i\ De^ic mctJtinj;, at Fenton Thursday ni^ht. . t The Ona Campbells f^pent the week c e'dtitayonal exenditures for nation show a__\vjde variance. N T ew York state spenT |7,627 j i or class rooms unit for teachers . ;.Mi >, and other expenses per \ ear MUsissipi tjnly spent $1,451. Xint; '•lates averaged helow $3000 a ,uar ;wid 12 over $5000. This doss ;u ( serin U; be a reflection of will or unwillingness to spend on educatkjn as it indicates that peu apitu income rules the .'injjiint to be Hficnt on .schools. Of ihe 12 si.'ite r:inhing the lowest on i/ii.lay per i>upil, all but one, Maine, \ i in the south. Expenditures per pupil ranged from $125 to $225 P'' pupil. Vet all but Kentucky, ^ irj.;inia and Maine spent more of their tax money on education than Hie nauonal average which wa» LAi'J. percent. North Carolina spent ;• percent but only $168 per pupil Or tho o'.h:. li::nd the big eastern .siaics only spent 2 percent but wtre ;<LK' to spi'iid ?.'i35 a pupil.Nt w Mex : •• pen^ iuj most 3.70 percent 3 0^ 8 i ! r farewell party Dec.28 at the v ^ at the Carl Lent/, home in Lan Mrs. Edla Potter, 80, died at the of Thomas Bonner.They are movi/ip: Colonial Manor Nursing Home at to Cario where Mr. Green has bnen Chelsea Tuesday. She was the transferred by the conservation of Louis and Minerva I department. sses were Mesdamos El Tile Merwiit Campbell* and Arnold Berquist were x \Xew Years guests of Miss Mane Kossman in Owosso. Mr. Clad\\s C'iinton r.nUp.d on y[ri, who served dinner to The Induoirial Xe»v3 Review of this week strf sse their three pet peeves:The Tennessee Valley Auth •irity, Federal Aid to Education and h^riefc Supports. Their weakness is they offer no alternative plan. They claim thc only reason the authority can furnish power cheaper is that they pay no taxes. The rural electri fjcation program was started be cause there were many 50 N0.T6 Saturday, Jan^l, 2 di*^"^ CALENDAR LE. A. de ___.**the Aim Arbor M F night at lUonzo V P. W. Curlettf the Masonic BldfcJlfls'n. meet mce Baughn and Helen elected to the board, ibrook h chairman and Miller, Sec. Treas. ' Other are Orlcmd Winslow,Sadie and Virginia VanNorma; ! The tables were beautifully decorat rnvfl^v.^t, M ^«. f Carried to Rev.Nelson Potter at Sup ' e<i end there were several fine cakns. CONSERVATION NOTBb erior, Wis. The moved to Pinckney' R^hard Randall in behalf of the The conservition dept Will start ia 1939. Mr.Potter died in June 1955 j Rssembly presented the Greens with mapping program Surviving ie a sister, Mrs. Ef fie « """ a stepson, { The its winter lake Jan. 3. So far 2400 lakes have been Wilson of Dexter"and "^PP* 1 i Richard Potter of 5 wjolves, 164 coyottes, 184 fbxes New Jersey, and 66 bobcats were bounded in Nov Th e funeral will be at the Swar 7 s t St . I of Kint Tlv;rsday a 5 lb girl. The Jlerb 1'iilnu r and Jim Meyers fam ily called on them Sunday. Rev. Michaels preached for Rev. Kuej^c^Ker Sunday who was in Georgia. list included the Douglas The Ambrose Eichman family of Db d M Ad Eih f* extend power lines to them and lake a loss.Federal aid to education ivas started because thrafederal gov erirtent collects muchtf&^.'^totax money and the people wanted their share of it back. Price support* i Smiths, Mrs. Matteson and sons,thc . The funeral will be at the Swar .Horns, , l.thout Funeral Home, Friday at 2 & George Brunton, Mrs. Helen G«rycz Mrs. Ethel Sprout spent the New * »., Rev. Merle Meeden of Howell M4'daughter, the Holli s Whites,, } ears with the Charles Soule fam d R L MAf Rhd Rdll »ly Thomds Bonners. ?f LIBRARY NEWS books t ore Retreat, Prom I lorn Wylle, by Dunn, Champion of] Wayne Guliek by VenalMHiL Buffalo I most The waterfowl census will be tak. _, w w « ww «« en Jan. 3 to 16 by this dept i and Rev. J. W. Winger of Pinckney L**ter McAfees, Richard Randalls, 102 grouse were trapped, banded' officiating. Burial ia MUfcri Cent ~ "" ^ * T> ., ^ and released last year. ' etery. 6 sportsmen's dubs in Calhoun ^_——«•.__^ county have formed g 'council to im prove hunter farmer .^elation*. , *•": * - Dick Campbell entertained lowing fri New Years OPEN HOUSE NEW TEARS KIWANIS XOTE r 79 friends end retaftves attended Andy Anderson of Chelsoa in the ' the open hou«e neld New Years af> stalled the Kiwanis officers Tuas their ladki ut' terneon honoring the 25th wedding day night Gerald Reason, presi at Ws IwaeJ J aimlrersary of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. dent; Martin Rittcr, fir t vice;Er.i :er,Herb ^yer Hem^iests were there from Ak fst Bottke, 2nd vice, Clifford Mill BiU Mltkr. 4 .ro^stiPtt Ana After, ChjjiwiiJ^int er, Treas., ; J. W. Winger, Sec. ' was ipiiflihitlil Sheri^a, ^HoweC^regory Tswdoy night the Boy Scoots' Dearborn and Mrs. Ada Eichmftn of ''"T mi enrency measures to 'I Syl Zak», A««Jd Bechlors, Clif Van Detroit were Now Years 8 ue St8 rf ^ f ™« «™» ^Z?™**"** •/om S . W. Bova, Edvin Park.r. the Gen, Eich m a nS . . »^ t *™££*?*£* 24 year apo and that, is still in eff. ee» practically unchanged. Jf' ANNOUNCEMENT 4 i, . At a dinner at the home Sunday attended' of the Krahn ami Waft fomiliet the en^ag*ment o? theiir l o u f h t e r ^ B a i > Jolm Paul WaMison of. Thomst v. ares was jumouneed. ily in Howell. Donald Oleskis, J. Reidel^, Arthur The Edwin Sprouts were New Brenninjrstall,Harold Radys and the Years guests of the Harold Housh-- * man>' in Ann Arbor. Medames Joie Fomer and Ella N'ewman of AnnJArbor, the Carl Bid wells of Brighton and the James Forners of Flint called on the Bea Whites last Wednesday. The James Whitleys spent New Years at the Wm. Whittey home in Ann Arbor. 1 The* Howard R*a4» (the-Martin Ritter*. O « « g Kay Wylie apent last Friday with Frank ZeUrolkae wrf *| ftl their charter ai-the Krwaaia. the W. H.. Sulen. o/fro.Aibor New Yetit

Transcript of · that the first brick school was built...

Page 1: · that the first brick school was built here. But times have changed. The school population has doubled uid tripled and

• • *



atch73 r, January 4, 1956

Tax payers eon take ain .1056 according to .Senator Carle-,

of y ^ tax ttttee^

ley,die. Greicfcsa

wins FordGrumelot' sr.'diea.entertain* Brighton club. The ]"Wl bfift B % h f e t b V

No. 1

-by Mai



Two?pew atate ofeittrfbution whichS tftt of every 3 cenThe- busness activities fax.



/ •

4^'Fred Teepje* celebratesdd xg anniversary.'* High

school hold* athletic "award banquet.t* * top gap was qmetty made-je*- . Charles Sk&aer dies.Vera Lipstruw

and Roy Zayitz married,x April 27. Idasjtiic district' meetinging at №&q|hq£ter. High school isdefeated byjtSt$ckbridge 17 to 2 but

nt last year by erlimit. Senator Mortis ^ s^id thi

l / 3 sywigc limt. ^ ^tiffftnees boom of the last/3* years

inaIncreased all tax

is a fly in the oun-me v. *^» j j ^ t s _„,m^y have to ^ay.more for I ijicka s c h

L"' titl% 1Q9school here;\t in the battle

advocates a•way supporters led b;gsiuioner 2 ""

lore roal*are -for them. Sen;

toll road authority

8 to 5. James .Rock of jwins district spellingJ~ get polio shots at .

. ^ a highway Jrom Toledo to theackinac bridge. New^York fwan

will accept toll*road boads

1L M.ay 4-Engagement of Donnalee••; Swarthout and Bddie Stapleton an.

will get: rxaiBCed, Mcmer and Daughter ban, quet at the ^hooi Jerry Vince dies.

°* , Pinckney los§s to Manchester 13 toand 12 to 6. Pinckneybeat Chilson prison

waats to 8 beats Hsoft bailerscamp %G to 0. Gu3 Ledwidge pitched. Mrs*. Alice Stonebrook dies at

fn southern Michigan but doubt ^ ; Hil and. t .« toll road in thinly populated nor.h M a y u jvf^higan week. Pinckney«rn Michigan would pfcy dividends, exchanges miiyors with LiVonia.KiBut Gienn Richards of Detroit says w a r i / s entertains Mayor Hartom andthe Mackinac Bridge bonds will not ,,.:re ^ Livoaia, High school beatspty dividends unless a -highway is m Lyoa 10 to 9 and Boysvillebuilt to bring traffic to it. 8 to 3. Anthony Balogh shoots him

'- the farmers have a friend in Gov.^ s e t f o t l Morgan farm. Mrsv. Grace* i s "" who has appointed an a* Runciittan, Mrs. Thressa Marin die,,

-orre commission to work^ marketing and promotional9|ethods for farmers. He denies he.

Donald kaiser and Wilma Latimor

j | a v ^ j H o p draws' big irrpwd,

LOCAL NEWSRev. Kcit jf ledwidge of Davis<m

and )ir-\ >ian Muabon and tiaughtur)' A in A r i , u r : " " T C N e w Y e a r a w i i h

M r s . ii.i




t!i! V

The "Andrew Ixsbi t ts were Mu:i-of the Gordon Healer^ nt


LM.U:^ Meabon and'ua wotk end at Lovells.

lt*y liuins and wife calledTiij. .Jennie Hart in South Lyon, ..La. day.

or'::-;1 i Xaiu-y Read part.. . . _'k i.. ti.*, M litter home in

ytoc 1;bridge. Tommy also visited atthe Fred Schafor home in Ypsilan*.:ever the-week end.

The Harold. HarUuffs of Grego i y c a l l e d v . i t i l t - l ) . i i ' j . M : ! . c i s i S u , i _

day. «*'Georgia Tra jan , at' liic i'h iipinos

\va-; the fLueign s iu . > . > .-, . i i a ' i da l the Dale Miller home, . - - : Y.V I:. ' lay.

- uha Uoyer and wifo spc. N ..,'Ui s wi th Mrs. El la Wa l sh • W ->

> .• )• •:!«. L^l L . i t t h e P e t e v S :i&f!;..

u home iu Yj : i . ! an t i .•.i." l U.iv >-if i' <i . ,vk ' i ivi l le a n d i>ir.

ai.-.; .'•!••• ..M-.ioj-k'i.. L ; lk o f R u s h L a k e

:. . . . ' i M . o n i l i e ii.\)\

the vet-k end .

r COMMENTDid you .,i?et your tax bill

the school debt camet cMies the school taxmore.We do not believe such1 expansion program would

Ixen possible here years ago.Hack in the eighties the voter* turn

i down a proposition to replace thespent (id red school several times and it

was not until it mysteriously that the first brick school wasbuilt here. But times have changed.The school population has doubleduid tripled and the new people whor. into the district are city peo.pie used to modern school facilities;md accustomed to paying fortl:i>m. According to school author!'•'.», whu have taken a survey,owing

increasing birth rate theexpansion program is not


.Vet over



The- Asher Uylie fa.aily spent u,,

fk tryin to get his "Seal of Quality' ; Masonic lodge holds centennial£w<nv<m effect . i oxial dinner for Masonic home.

ygram into effect

IDenald Winder,

Pinckneyfp Swarz Ceek in

?ron invitational

dinner for Masonic home. Arlesta Roderick & Rich MiUer get U.of M. plaques.Vem Clark and shirley Hosier married. High school 'os

Manchester 4 to .1.. ' 'Masons attend ttbe.




s holiday \viin the Willia-.nfamily in Ionia.

Cdli'ers of the William Shehanslast week were George and Emmett

of Fo',vlii.ville ana Airs. Mad

j ->ate supreme c-oui"t has rul: t ro church has the power, to; a law that a business place

wo', svii li(juor within 500 feet, oic'n;:-eh. This cancels a license g:v

o ihe ijj.<j- Bear Market in Detroin 195'J to sell beer, wine and liq

uor to take out. The Bethlehem Finover , r ;. a Church at that time waived the .

1 500 ft. limit law. Judge Fox of Kal• iv.u.-Kjo called in to hear the case in\.'.<yiu' county ruled a church hasno ;uch power as waiving enforcemein of a law. That if *they did

boards "would be sujected tt<*

Roche and d:iujrhtev3,uiy Kay of Ann Ar'uuv...: Wyiie luid her Lon.sils



asch salutatorian of. the sen

Ackey, worthy

andon i

il'e >A


tiic \\eeiv end.itfhton-and \v._nt New

'.no Aibei'C Dinkcl home.Iho/Be^ft!"Whites attended the fun;\Y i>'> John Lau^hlin in Howell Ia:>t

/ and wilh tho Louis Stack---the i'unerul of iJanv fc\c.s 'it



si:ch pressure that dissension wouldjesult in many churches The rulingv. as appealed to the supreme courtv.-ho have upheld Judge Foxes ver-ihA. In Pinckney the location of theMeimunite Church .has preventediny l'inckney business place in tht

Yea-iH1 block south of the church from getti LMy an SDM license.

T h y j j a i e Millers ealleii onVa/iSla'iMtii-ock and b<ib

: (.^i)iLil. H o w l l ,

" I T .

l %gwartz Creek center,IB the at 7 seconds of ;.the ovSiriod to give Swart*' Cr-a1

game 40 to 30. -'•Satuidav night the Pirates«4 Linden all wajr.wjpning^47 to 36. Dick Higgis # h o was cattlin got 16 pointy *«* reaeived theItpphy.There were bu

Pinckney there Saturday

Keith Ledwidge says firat c h a n n e l

m a t elemeotarjt chool. ! co«*ng. toiw|ence. Jackaon, Jbrighton oil sta--

attendantt nitirtitjiea.i


Lgke\ Sun&a. _._ . . .Newport Beach.Ac

story he with DaveKoland, 13, son of Eddie Kolander,

t->-Pinckne/ observes Memor j D o n

w e r e

Bn-d D o n Tol>y Roberts, 12, son ofD ^ Riley Roberts hitch!


de\'ct. ons. _ _\ iW\ "VinUe"

Coniessioius. Friday evening After Rjii iiau^hn , J'ohnNoyeaa. Devotions and Sac>urday from Lloyd VanBlnncums.

The use of the national guard to!« in cnfoi'cinK traffic laws hastid off according to the state pol

Ucoi'din^r to their figures duri: nil-1 Or-istmas week 39 people

v<i'<> killed in traffic in Michifwa<>f these only 7 on the ttftttk lines which were patrolled by



9:00 T). in. and Sunday be-8:00 Mus*.

n that

UhurcftpifmfR voA paTau . [ ? They

school band plays. ,fel w e r e bating across the lake whensk*#je&. Jerry and Letft fto t ) iey &ot On t h i« ice near the chann-1 S. 3- Supt.

H i b L ^ a«d went through. The Kolandertefb managed to hold




4 23 3


binson drown at Hi-land Lake.Softball team beats Chilson prison cm9 to 6 and 18 to L William;!iel Joles of Meaick contest; _

ai," *6 ' u i u r d c r o f Lawrence ^ackAoJCHlgh* ; school loses to South L y q ^ arad


MtnnOnjte ChurchEzra Beacby, Pastor

Walt r Eachng Worshipy Sch< ol .


ice but the Gains- Young People*. MeetingC t t F l l h i S

Alon/.<; V'anSlumbi ook,C k iK a n d w i . ; ,ii ; M.

i:w\ \^pift' c a l l e d a t i l i c

(• u;n.-iiiLi H o , i . ( j i n S a l i n e

iv lu- j ' f iUn t / o - iy ui"

V J I O d i e d a t I 'i,•. v\

i nday \va« taken,i . I IA , ' t h e i j a l f Fo : ;

i.. other, Thcodoi'c

trc»HeiJ. So; f^ t||e nathas ronly been lifted oa

o c k ' <u . l

SundayFasdick," U,

lesides her por-i .s . t i i e . ' e i.i a

^'tcr, Ru\-;tn



afcay by the cur..' Cottage Fellowship ServiceRobert Boltpn of Portage who

a fish houae near heard theircries and with the help of Alvin „ , ^ XM.

- J. W. Winger,


d|' sponsors, basemd%r 14. Ida

Black and Earl Wilson married. Their incknSy team loses. 1st ^ game in







county leagueJerry


Howell : Geer.



i1 June 8-Pa-tricia Rebinan 'and i J***b. o{ A™ Arbor wliow was withCharles Lamb mejried at Yp$!lanti ' " i m &ot tn« K o l«0%^

.!?j Mrs. Elizabeth Hagdon and WiHiai»|b°ys o u t The^ Stabler die.,An7iual commenceinient. I a b o u t 3 p. m. xgfrBgmty

^rttaj Gretchen^Tasch an<! Ruth A. Bates« body was not recwei^Satil 535S*3!£* iie^-Wilsoti -awardji. ^" t- y use of hooks by Z Haxh Art>or" de-

Potter-dles^'Barbara" Ptttie»» Art Devoe, husband of ViolaBurnett, and Nolan Lee. GeraldWhite, the Dexter diver who didsome diving last slimmer in drown-ings here went down in 51 feet ofuaj$r but did not locate the body.The Dexter fire dept. went out.

ClIIMLi£&&I№llill Ain

School 9:U0 a. m*Morning \v->rihip 10:45 a. m.Thurs. nigh prayer meeting

at th' church at 8:00Wed. - r practice 7:30 p. m.

The PaoBia't ChurchM-36 « -et betwee^ Main and

Unadilla Streetc 1Rev. \r\th Ruegsegger, Pastor

School : 9:45 a. m.Worship 10:50 A.M.

Youtl Group ".. . • 7:00 p. m


ue & ._ __ —._ ^ . ^ ^ . . . ^ . p w t w •**!&*> county league \ with Max Southwell '6 pitching, Alw win at Cassidy Lake

ie U--» rtr>-. .l2.*X.Q«nid FitzsimmonsI 91 owns at Clai*k Lake. Rev.52 Ledwidge Tappointed to Davison. Con0 giegationaf' church to build annex.HKathryn Strait and David West and

TP s»Mh Ann Reason.,aaA' Mft48 Fish-

4 sisters and 3 brothers.The fun Sr. f*oir Practice Wed. 7:8« p. raeral wa s today at S t Joseph's Cath.olic church in Dexter.


FAREWELL PARTYThe friends of Mr. and Mrs.

• ard Green of Ru«h Lake pave them

Mine. The I'untral was al S. liuu."vuday. I>L.le i'u^dii-k uwn.i. ui.seo facloi'y here .

Ito.-'s Read a..d wife were inAi'uor Thursday.

Ciaie Miller and wife wereAluia Sunday.

Mrs. Lfealah Miller eutortaii.ed-( lur.cheon'^Jew ^eai-.^, the Clare-Uilltr faiiiily,Mrs. Mary Teeple, the( ;aude Sv. afthout and Noijnan M'<\<jy families.

The Andrew Campbell^ and DickYoangs w r e NL-\V Vears quests «. fthe Glen Km^.sic-y^.

Walter '''iiiitoii and ^ife of JiJa^kLake were week end KUCSLS of Ov.iU. J. Clintoiio.

Mrs. Clara Ei^ele and children ofDetroit and Charles Eisele and wifeof Kowlervjlle were Sunday guesisii Mr-. i^iUina Vwllmer.

Leo Lavey and son, Robert attend"il a ,UA\i\ De^ic mctJtinj;,- at FentonThursday ni^ht. . t

The Ona Campbells f^pent the week

c e'dtitayonal exenditures fornation show a__\vjde variance.• NTew York state spenT |7,627

j i or class rooms unit for teachers. ;.Mi >, and other expenses per\ ear MUsissipi tjnly spent $1,451.Xint; '•lates averaged helow $3000 a,uar ;wid 12 over $5000. This doss;u( serin U; be a reflection of will

or unwillingness to spendon educatkjn as it indicates

that peu-apitu income rules the.'injjiint to be Hficnt on .schools. Ofihe 12 si.'ite r:inhing the lowest oni/ii.lay per i>upil, all but one, Maine,\ in the south. Expenditures perpupil ranged from $125 to $225P ' ' pupil. Vet all but Kentucky,^ irj.;inia and Maine spent more oftheir tax money on education thanHie nauonal average which wa»LAi'J. percent. North Carolina spent;• percent but only $168 per pupilOr tho o'.h:.- li::nd the big eastern.siaics only spent 2 percent but wtre;<LK' to spi'iid ?.'i35 a pupil.Nt-w Mex: •• pen^ iuj most 3.70 percent

3 0 ^8 i

! r farewell party Dec.28 at the v^ at the Carl Lent/, home in Lan-Mrs. Edla Potter, 80, died at the of Thomas Bonner.They are movi/ip:

Colonial Manor Nursing Home at to Cario where Mr. Green has bnenChelsea Tuesday. She was the transferred by the conservation

of Louis and Minerva I department.sses were Mesdamos El-

Tile Merwiit Campbell* and ArnoldBerquist werex\Xew Years guests ofMiss Mane Kossman in Owosso.

Mr. Clad\\s C'iinton r.nUp.d on y[ri,

• who served dinner to

The Induoirial Xe»v3 Review ofthis week strf-sse their three petpeeves:The Tennessee Valley Auth•irity, Federal Aid to Education andh riefc Supports. Their weakness isthey offer no alternative plan. Theyclaim thc only reason the authoritycan furnish power cheaper is thatthey pay no taxes. The rural electrifjcation program was started because there were many


N0.T6Saturday, Jan^l,

2 di*^"^


___.**theAim Arbor M

Fnight at

lUonzo VP. W. Curlettf

the Masonic BldfcJlfls'n. meetmce Baughn and Helen

elected to the board,ibrook h chairman and

Miller, Sec.-Treas. ' Otherare Orlcmd Winslow,Sadie

and Virginia VanNorma;

! The tables were beautifully decoratr n v f l ^ v . ^ t , M ^ « . - f Carried to Rev.Nelson Potter at Sup ' e<i end there were several fine cakns.CONSERVATION NOTBb erior, Wis. The moved to Pinckney' R^hard Randall in behalf of the

The conservition dept Will start ia 1939. Mr.Potter died in June 1955 j Rssembly presented the Greens withmapping program Surviving ie a sister, Mrs. Ef fie « """

a stepson,{ T h e

its winter lakeJan. 3. So far 2400 lakes have been Wilson of Dexter"and"^PP*1- i Richard Potter of

5 wjolves, 164 coyottes, 184 fbxes New Jersey,and 66 bobcats were bounded in Nov • The funeral will be at the Swar

7 stS t. I of Kint Tlv;rsday a 5 lb girl. TheJlerb 1'iilnu-r and Jim Meyers f a m -ily called on them Sunday.

Rev. Michaels preached for Rev.Kuej^c^Ker Sunday who was inGeorgia.

l i s t included the Douglas The Ambrose Eichman family ofDb d M Ad E i h f*

extend power lines to them andlake a loss.Federal aid to educationivas started because thrafederal goverirtent collects much tf&^.'^to taxmoney and the people wanted theirshare of it back. Price support*

i Smiths, Mrs. Matteson and sons,thc

. The funeral will be at the Swar .Horns, ,l.thout Funeral Home, Friday at 2 & George Brunton, Mrs. Helen G«rycz Mrs. Ethel Sprout spent the New* »., Rev. Merle Meeden of Howell M4'daughter, the Holli-s Whites,, } ears with the Charles Soule fam--

d R L MAf R h d R d l l »ly

Thomds Bonners.


books t ore Retreat, Prom I lorn Wylle,by Dunn, Champion of] Wayne Guliek

by VenalMHiL Buffalo I most

The waterfowl census will be tak. _ , w w « w w « «en Jan. 3 to 16 by this dept i and Rev. J. W. Winger of Pinckney L**ter McAfees, Richard Randalls,

102 grouse were trapped, banded' officiating. Burial ia MUfcri Cent ~ " " - - ^ * T> ., and released last year. ' etery.

6 sportsmen's dubs in Calhoun • ^ _ — — « • . _ _ ^county have formed g-'council to improve hunter farmer .^elation*.

, * • " : * -

Dick Campbell entertainedlowing friNew Years


79 friends end retaftves attended Andy Anderson of Chelsoa in-the ' the open hou«e neld New Years af> stalled the Kiwanis officers Tuas-

their ladki ut' terneon honoring the 25th wedding day night Gerald Reason, presiat Ws IwaeJ J aimlrersary of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. dent; Martin Rittcr, fir t vice;Er.i-

:er,Herb ^yer H e m ^ i e s t s were there from Ak fst Bottke, 2nd vice, Clifford MillBiU Mltkr. 4 .ro^stiPtt Ana After, ChjjiwiiJ^int er, Treas., ; J. W. Winger, Sec.

' was ipiiflihitlil Sheri^a, ^HoweC^regory Tswdoy night the Boy Scoots'

Dearborn and Mrs. Ada Eichmftn of ' ' " T mienrency measures to

'I Syl Zak», A««Jd Bechlors, Clif Van Detroit were Now Years 8-ueSt8 rf ^ f ™ « «™» ^Z?™**"**•/omS. W-. Bova, Edvin Park.r. the Gen,- Eichman S. . »^t'«*™££*?*£*

24 year apo and that, is still in» practically unchanged. Jf'

ANNOUNCEMENT4 i, .At a dinner at the

home Sunday attended'of the Krahn ami Waft fomiliet theen^ag*ment o? theiir l oufhter^Bai > Jolm Paul WaMison of. Thomstv. ares was jumouneed.

ily in Howell.Donald Oleskis, J. Reidel^, Arthur The Edwin Sprouts were NewBrenninjrstall,Harold Radys and the Years guests of the Harold Housh--


man>' in Ann Arbor.Medames Joie Fomer and Ella

N'ewman of AnnJArbor, the Carl Bidwells of Brighton and the JamesForners of Flint called on the BeaWhites last Wednesday.

The James Whitleys spent NewYears at the Wm. Whittey home inAnn Arbor.

1 The* Howard R*a4»(the-Martin Ritter*. O««g

Kay Wylie apent last Friday with Frank ZeUrolkae wrf

*| f t l their charter ai-the Krwaaia. the W. H.. Sulen. o/ fro. Aibor New Yetit

Page 2: · that the first brick school was built here. But times have changed. The school population has doubled uid tripled and

Pii^NftSJPlNotes of25 Yean Aft


TEASES FOR A BIKE-It'i a fine chance for you to give him some goodtraining in the old-fashioned virtue of thrift —and we'U help you! Here children of every agehave savings accounts and they find that k's funto bring in their money and make regular de-posits. Start your children on this good habit,then encourage regular saving.

The old toll gate at Inkstarwa» raopanad for t daysChristmas aad motoriata eharg«4 Sefor passing througlit it.

Piscine? Independents beat Cbalaea here 28 to 21. Don Swarthoottbad 16 points for Pinckney and BoyReaaoa 12. El win Hulce had 11 forChelsea. Th« Pinckney second teamloat to the Chelsea raaervaa 18 to11 . Lineup Geryez, Kovac, N. Hiller, Rollie Shehan aad Jim HalL

The cottages of Jake Dona aadEd LeDue of Detreit at Cry»UlBeach aarned •aristaaaa eve.

The Dispatehtrie tight plant for Fiaekaey. Paste*,tar it iBstoUfof oaee,tbe vflssfa payiar the coat

Soy Caveriy hat r«ttignad at theHowell Republican, Hs is spending a»moBth hers and expects to go to Detroit to work.

Percy Hinchey hat be<a aired teI finish Florence Andrews term « t

the Hicks achooL

The annual Siglar Family reunion

4epottta » $10,«* tat awn by our membership in dw

Deposit inavranea Corporation



Lymaa Borers was gives « tarprise party Fxiday on his 83rd birthday.

arl Weddige hat sold? the WhiteStar oil station and lunch room toMatthew Martin of Wayne .

v u at the Frank Sigler home NewYtort Day.

Bar. N. W. Pearee i» aow pattorat Bancroft.

The Methodist Sunday School hatelected the following officers ;SoptrMary VanFleet; A»t,Willis TupperSec., Glen Gardner; AssU Florence

Mark Wilson, 79, a former resid. ] Andrews; Treaa., Jessie Green;(Orent of Pinckney, died at the home j ganist, Florence SproutjAsst, Fernof his daughter, Mrs.Reuben Wright ^gtttdee; Librarians, Earl Tupper &

2 men living in the McGregorff™ ***** **d Lajdn tchoolt unplace on M-36K have been arrested | i t e d i n P ™ 1 * ; ^ • i f S ? 1 * 1 * * 0

fn larceny. A number of stolen art < « r w n ™ » 7 «"•**• ft*"1™ Broicles were., found in the house, tome




Taaa* Wed, Thar., Jan. Z.J. f .Jaaes Data aad NaU&fr Wmd


CiaesftaScope apd Celor

Friday, Saturday, Jaa. 6, 7Poohk Featore


, . •• withMidtey Booftey and Coieea Gray


StarringJohn Erieksoa aad Mari BUnchard

la Superacope and ColorCartaan


•mi HaveJack Pfejaaetv Httfly WsBtera, I«aLeeou, Wendell Carey, Jeaa Hagar

, awl Bad SSteiger

I ftday, Setvrdsy, Jam. 6, 70a«ftle fefttwe

BaadoJnli Scott, Angek Laaabar/

Bill -4uiuW —v


belonged to Rex Harris whothe compliant.




Married at the Arthur Schoenhal*home in Howell New Years Daytheir daughter, Bonnie, tto L. ,J.

\ Henry of Pinckney. Rev. Nobleofficiating. Mrs. Stacy Hall wasmatron of honor, Miss jAlida Shoen


gan and Cora Devereaox were theteachers. Santa Clout was there.

Nellie Gardner and Fannie Monksattended a New Years party at AnnArbor given by Miss Russell.

TeepU Hardware are advertisingrew sleighs,cuttUrs and sleigh bells.

It is reported that Editor Barneshis, bridesmaid. Stacy Hall and Ger of the Howell Republican is in lineaid Henry, best men. Alice LeeWare for a for«j|ik consulate. This itemwas ring bearer. i wat in thejpjgliiiigton News.

Birkett Newkirk is buildingbathing beacch at Portae Lake. ,

The W. H. Eulers are now located T™ ^ J^*4* expected to seeat Fairhope, Alabama. iM$^* O r * n g e b o w l g m m* a t M i a r m >

Mrs.Cora White and Guy ffinciif ^ M r a , H e l e n M i l l e r o f

are serving on jury. | d g oraoziiy 'uo»«MAdam Peist, 71, of Chelsea was , ^he h o l i d a y^ w"ith frienls

was killed by a west bound paasen Mrs> E r m a U w i 8 Had > 0 B ager train at Chelsea Friday.

William Dickson, 44, of Howellwas found dead in his car in Conwaytownship Dec. 27, near the Nichol-son dance hall.

Notes of 48 Years AgoMrs. John Walsh, nee Elizabeth S a t u r d a y-

Christmas guests of the Vern Hollisfamily in Hamburg.

The Otto Poulsont and Mrs.. FOBSit Chambers spent Christmas withthe Clifford Chambers family.

Dick Campbell was in Detroit on

Sun., MOD. Tues. Jan. 8, 9, 10

•TO HELL AND BACK "In Cinemascope and Color

in TechnicolorStarring

Audi* Murphy, Marshall ThompsonCharles Drake, Gregg Palmer and

Jack£ellyNartlty News Cartoon

DANGER"WithBeverly GarlandCartoon

Jam. 8, 9Doagat

IND1AA FIGHTKR-tat ? isor

Ftaturette flmrua Newt Carteea• Tue* Ve4* Thai* 'in. 10, TTTia

%n»**t. >v* Jane Craiat l i !" .KMiiU MARRY

BURNETTES"id nnefeapeNewt Carte**

Wednesday. Thursday, Jan. 11, 11Danny Kaje, Mai Zetterling


it nw ton Buik Loan Yea f«o^ OUT fHOSB EXTRA


and Novelty

ei xuost people. Budgeting takMca.e oi tnem. t>ut when tmforseeu

"gang uh thafs dtfferentl

t>ne ifUt<a-

1/2 off off


Many Other Bargain J

Smith, died Sunday.The funeral wasat St. Mary4!- church.

Ruth Wood of Howell spent the family in Lansing.week end with Gladys Dailey. '

The R. G. Webb family speatChristmas at the Ed Nash-home toMar on. , "'•:,._.,

Fred Campbell is working in thepemacrat oflfice atHoweUiThe icy rosds keep the blacksmiths

working overtime.

Ths Milton Carver family speatNew Years with the Vern Button


Sylvan Theatre will cl«se Bee.19 and reopen Jan. 1J[Merry ihristmas and SappyTear

.aeiivt.ii:Ryour loan at me j?'irti;Bank improves your credit far f a -ture money needs.

UsMiar JTedeuJ buparvviotiMeaife r of Federal) HeterreswtfiUMMi matl (r'«a«ral OajMatltaee Corporatiom.All Deposits bisured Up to $11,100

for Sach depositor

John Higgs oi Hi-land Lake.wrecked his car Hew Years when ihe went off the embankment this fside of Portage Laks bridge. | **M-*

The Merwin Campbellt>jrttendeda^New Years tvs party at Gtorge

at the State San.



art* *"Wort tor Womtn*

Uw Our Lay-a-way PlanWE GIVE GOT.D Sr




n '/.NAPOUS'





rUMffiTT ^ «hTta Mt

iwur vuuite, o



Lb.Ufa ..... T

iAKGE BOLOGNA^Lb!• Monday and Thursday 8:30 to 6:00z Friday and Saturday 8:30 to 9:00

Closed Sundays Custom Butchering TuesdaysTHE HOLUSTCR MARKET


I WIttXOLLECT TAXES A t MY HOME Al233 UNADILLA ST, 2 Blocks North of Pure Gat



DANCEAt tha Gregory School, Sponsored by the Gregory

Ttaeaar Aaaedatiea Ticket* 75f r/ar persW



Ge Ttwards Purchasig a McrkGrafory School

M P.M. U> IM A. M.


WittrSyrtMBi Phmbmg





• • ^ r r " • • • » ) •

I. . • ! >

• « <

' -..;«*«.-

fi3L**ftv..- f a" » • *

• •I

« ft?

Page 3: · that the first brick school was built here. But times have changed. The school population has doubled uid tripled and

Wednesday, Jtaaary 4, 198$

114 Bo. Uo««U 8k .lacks*!Subscription Fjfco

•7. Midi Ia Tow

tore .•r




Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo V«inSlambrook of Gregory at McPherson hospital, Howell.Thuas., Decem-ber 29, an 8 lb. 8 oz. son.

Mrs. Alice Wilson of Brightonspent Friday with Mrs. lva Reason.The Wilsons" have bought a homeat Brighton.

Donald Meabon who was in the.AT corp at March Field,, Calif, has,one overseas.

Corkie Hammel was home fromL5 the naval training station Christmas.

Simmy Amburgey of the air corp.> home from Wichita^vanaa^, for. istmas.

Mrs. Everett Fffltt"*^ visited herjghter, Mi*. Bevejrly Hurst and

at Farmingrton last week.






See your Dealer or Dakeit Edison

Rev. Keith Ledwidge of. -ited his raother,Mis. Eleanor Led,udge Thursday.

Lt. Norman Olson and family of

. .man Olsons.iie has been transred to New Hanipshiie.

The Joe Griffith family ^pent,.\ew Years at the Otis Matte-son

The Ralph Terry aad Dr. CharlesIioder liwmles of Detroit spem NewYears at the Lester McAfee home. •

The Ralph Halls called on vhef red Catrell family in HoweH Suu-day.

Monday the Ralph flail famiy at-tended the Whitaker..Curtis reunionat the Pittsfield grange hall.

Barbara Russell spent the weekend with Evelyn Hall.

The Mark Nash famly entertainedSunday in honor of Mrs. Agnes lliAierdson's birthday the Joe and LouisGearhart tamilies of Howdl, FloydGearhart family of Lake Odessoy,Alice Gearhart and the Jack Clark*of Dexter, the Bud Bekkerings andKenneth Zills and Myron Richard-family of Hamburg.

The Frank Clarks of Milford spentNew Years with the WinstonBsjugrhn amily.

Keith Perry and wife of Ann Afrbor called Dn the Clifford VanHornsSunday.

Some one ha* been stealing gusfrom W. H. Meyer's trucks. Sundaynight someojje phoned him a curwas actittfif'^rospiciously whore hi a

I trucks were parked at his garagein town here. He hurried therThe car was gone but he got their JFjphon hose and can.

New Years eve guests of the l

George VanNorman were the Ru.. 'pert GarttejB of Detroit, Mrs. Hettie 'Carver of Ann "Arbor, Pat Umphrdol Detroit, Bill Ottterben and wife 'of Virginia and Frank Aberdeen^. )

The Harold Porters spent thChristmas week end with their soiJimmie, who is in the air corp in Ok •lahom and called on friends is Ben-!ton Harbor. |

Evelyn Manila!; of Ann Arbor'spent New Ycr., with the Harold |Porters. j

Mrs.Alta Me, er called at the John 'Roberts and Ju k Butler homes in JGregory Sumla; .

Myron Seh ..nhals and family ofthe LJ.Henry and Tom Ware homeshe LJ.Henry and Tom Ware homo*

Jolan Porter spent tthe week endin Detroit.

The John Lundeens of Berkleywere New Years guests of the Francis Shehans.Martin Phillips and family of Ypilanti we* Sunday guests of theHarold Porters.

Ralph Hall and wife called on thePerry Brown family in ^Vnn ArborFriday.

Bert Hooker and wife spent NewYears with Miss Viola Pettys mHowell. They had Miss Fetpya aadthe C. W. Hooker family of Ann forChristm&o guests.


Complete Line of Plumbing Fixtures

and Supplies

Hectic, Oil and Gas Hot Water Heaters



.»••*•• UP 8 3114 1075 E M-36f

t Wagoners Qroterv6G6G PINCKNtY ROAD


Beer and Wine To Take Out


t —









Yen on Both No 1 and


Quality of Coal, Oil andpuilding Supplie*

HO|Y & SONS6-8119


• » I


The James Nash family of -Cold"" water spent New Year at the Lyan

Joyce Chamberlain of Syracufte, Hendee home.N. Y., visited her mother, Mrs. Ca- The Ralph Halls entertained thecia Chamberlain lait week. ; Stanley, Harlan and James Hall and

George Knapp families New Years*Mrs. Kethryn Smith entertained and also called Glenn Hall by tele

—Frank Nichols and wife of Mio and phone at Corvalis Oregon,the Vincent 4k Bill Gleam families Bill Hendee of Tulane Universityof Hortland for Christm**.' and Mrs. Elizabeth ^Jay of Lansing

The George Dagg family of Detro JJ 6 ^ t n e w e e k e n d w i t h t h e W a l t e r

*it spent New Years with Murray C l ™ 8 - „ . „ , . ,n a f f l The Merwin Campbells called on

**' r~ ,the Charles McDaniels family inThe Herbert WaJkers of Lakeland Ch*U* Trtday.

were Friday evening guests of the I „ N e w Y e M t guesU o f t h e Je«aeGeorge Roushes . Henrya rere Den Scott family and

Mr|.>.fiUa Walker of Ann Arbor, thoMesdames Alta Meyer and Mae Cnmrle» Whiteheada ^Beatrice Lam

Daller were in Bad Axe last week » JJ o f ^ngorr.and also visited Griadstoas Qty and' *"*•• °°«>tny Dlnkel and childrenPortAnsttn. \wsre i n Stockbridre a couple of

j days last week taking care of '.heMn-Fannk Bradley of Flint risitf D o n pMcoe children. The Pascoes

Haiaea family test week. ' W 6 o t to t h e ^°ie B o w l Game., v , WiU Brogan of Howell called on

HA Haines, torn tad «aoghler ef ***.**** Ledwidge Thursday..Mr*. Locile Pohey is vWttng

ter-ton Q t o m at•'•vJ

1 * •» , ' ' » * * * •




OUK hOUKi W1UL NOW Bt AS FOLLOWS:MONDAY - 9:00 AM. io 3:00 P MTUESDAY - 9:00 AM. To 3:00 P M

WEDNESDAY- 9:U0 A.M. To 12:00 NoonT H U R S D A Y T m A. M. To 3:00 P M

FRIDAY - y.-uO A.M. To 3:00 P M--4:00 P. M. To 6;00 P. M

SATURDAY-9:00 R | t To 12.-00 Neon;Oar' WwrtwiUK, ta

**: . ;w

A&l*p<*hM Ue toFederal Depesfc

, * • : * •

* * : •

Hy,- ,•>,.

" > A

Page 4: · that the first brick school was built here. But times have changed. The school population has doubled uid tripled and

, **

> • • •


Mere Water Pressure?

ym outgrown your w«*»r «ytt»««?Itvwtoa »••«** mw* *•"" BU'J"


M M ooitiy bfoaUowM.

Wkotovor yoor w«• *rWty Myor« w^or s y s * * •© fill * • M l .

Myon' o/MlHy plus our oxpor-•nd «or*k« add up *>

w«torfor yotrt.

W o will bo ojoo* to «!vo you a frooo« tho coif of * n»w Myon wator

with adequate capacity and prouufO

for you now «i»d •• th« fuhir*.

WrtU or pKon« today. No obligation

TIM • • a f v



Richard Mat* of Jodcaom held illthe jail in the nwmt'ir1 boildiag atChelsea for dnmkaaeai woe shotin both legs when he tried to escape.

j The Kroger Co. distributed, its employees fax southern

in Chriatmas bonuea thet S61,788,00.i Farmer's Week is Jan. 80 to Feb,

at Michigan State University,

The Dexter Coffee shop has beensold by Dorr Titua and Mrs. KailTessmer to Don Boabgm of "Whitmore Lake.

The Dexter Methodist church dedkated a new Baldwin electric organ December 18. Rha Arnold waschairman of the fund raisin? oommittee.

fay JL (taffy, M. I .FS&ekaey l e V *

Ga3 UtOO A. M. to^ Except

':00 to 8:00 P.



BOB C SwariaMlDirector

Medesn EquipmentAmbulance Servic*

PHONE U P t-tl1B

Fred C. IMwff, Si

U i»


St ' l . >::>t: $1^/2 *-ik»i Grand Ibver1551-W UoweU, Michigan


• • . %



* « • o


f r o P


Phone 284

BASK1TBALLJa» •, South Lyon

Jan. IS, Boysville there.Jan. 24, Brit/ton *«*a.Jan. at, Manchester thereJan. 27, Hartland here.Feb. 3, Dexter

' Feb. 10, SouthFeb. 17. BoysvilleFeb. 24, Manchester

Steckbndge there.

* "


March 2,




wife Don

iamily in Arbor

Fry familiea New Ysars.

U It t . Mode of Wo.d,I will Mak. It.U C ^ e t .

Stockbridge had a Christmas treeburning ceremony Sunday. A truckpicked up the. trees and took themto a place to be burnt.

The Ray Laveys ox uregory havereceived* word that their son,Pat & hiavvife will return from Ger

many, where he has been with thearmy in January.

Frank Williams, 77, formerly ofGregory, died at Lansing last week

Rev.Dr.Behner and wife of Stockbridge held open house New Years

( from 3 to 5 p. m. iLeslie Shear, Harry Eldridge and j ~

led Hartwig, the Chilson prison es- !

capees who kidnapped Harley Zeeb,Chilson farmer, and made him drivethem to Detroit were sentenced to£ to 5 years in Jackson prison by

Judge Carland. _v

7 are called; from this county Jan.10 for military service: Herbert

Muncie, Howell; Edwin Tinsley, Norman Watters, Fowlerville; LaceyCarpenter,. Brighton; Maynard Van

| dercook, Fenton, James Sutherland,1 Milf ord.

The Howell postoffice did 19 percent more business Christmas weekthan in 1954.

The 55 mile speed limit on GrandRiver has been extended one moremile east of Howell.

Mrs. Lucy Nash retired from herposition at McPherson State BankHowell, Jan, 1.

A marriage license has been iss)ued to James Murphy, 23, Pinckneyand Betty Bain, 24, Howell.

Mrs. Joe Conklin of Howell ,felland broke her hip while in DetroitChristmas and is in House of Provvidence hospital,

Born to James Larue and wife ofBrighton one day last week &daughter, Shirley ,Celia.

W. B. Clark of Marion is homefrom St. Joe hospital, Ann Arbor.

Byron Lodge No. 80 celebrates itsCentennial January j lu , 14 and 15.Occidental Lodge of Detroit worksan MMJDj&gree the 13th, banquetand program the 14 and church s*rvice the 15th. All events are at thenew school gym. dinners the 13 and


North Michigan AveTelephone Office ?•*

Residence 814Evenings by Appoim.aeat


Call Fowjervilk 226F6

Arnold Berqu&fVycrtcii Kepcdri»g.Gold SiWatcher. Wcich ?'jndsjc

Handmade F«ak*s* biliir '4.


125 Webster 9Pinckney, Michigan

Teddy Tripe MaoGeneralUP

Roger J. Carr AgenqrI N S V K A N C S COV8I

Edith R. Carr1 4 2 MILL ST.

1'incknej, Mica. Phone UP 8-81*1

RaalEtWs ~t c X^U PropcrcQppirtonJties

\ our iih

,,, er — ^09 North**HONE U F



WcJm -daj Mid SaturdayI". \pu lintittent

hilsoit Roa. Vimi. N of U *?-443>

ADVS. FOR SALE—King Midget Cai1.ired Fisii, 8G4U Farley Road

WANTED-Baby Sitting by a rel-iable person. Phone UP 8 9732 at

v Mich. i

LOST-Blatk Cocker Spanisl, whiteblazs betwsen fore legs, long tail,name is Blaekie. $6.00 Reward.

Claude Hull UP 8 9730

I OK RENT Completely modern A f t4 rooms and bath. Available Jam. *\llto*. ir-none uif 8-aiO(. Oscar

NtTlCE: iioy Scout No. 2©t UrowJPatrel are snivelling off sidewalksto raise money ±'..:• patrol equipmentII you want this service Call JerryReason UP i>8166 er UP SS814 '

LOST-In area of Chubbs 0omers$(. uth ,Tw« beagcls, on« male a ader.e fsmalt. Reward. 2Ph«n« ¥F I »72t

FOR RENT--Modarn Room145 Stuart St., Phone UP 8-9971

FOR SAL&-£lectrie Train< cssories on plywood table. $25.Bob Read Pnone UP 8-3295

Call JIM JUSTICEPhone UP 8-8327, " M * ^ *

$2 HOWELLUP 8-8327,










f , ™°«* *? v470i

Lakeland, Mick.

FOR SALE-New cottage at Patterson Lake. Also have lost e creamcolored rabbit dog. Will pay $i re-ward for return. Mike Harnack sr.Phcne UP « 3160

M l d l 4 n d B r l v #

14 at 7:00 p» m.Kindergarten j

We all got nice gifts for Kmas. 1We thank Santa Claus for com-

ing to our party. Also th« mothers 'who helped. *

Carl Tauriainen and Emily Millerare 6 years old this week. t]

FOR 3&NT-Tw0 bedroomGallup UP 8-S10»

'-—Will share awith older lady, private

and shower, large kitchen. |59 amonth. On Portage Lake Read*HA 6-8563

! FOR SALB-1952 House Trailer.Liberty Trailer 41 ft. 202 West

;.Main St., Pinckney : 11

t heuses, strictly med-Sylvester Harris farm supt.

farm. Phone ¥ P

L 0 S T " 2 beagles. $25 rev^idInforms

Phtae UP

y.4 LOST-Cellie, tan and white, 1 yearh' 0\± answers to name of Duke.chiW-

Duwayn Baxter has a newJen* Heath visited his

er Sunday. * ( „ „ , p t t t L i b t r a l r t w a r d , , .The teacher thanks the pupils for pKeae HA 6 3710

the lovely gifts she received at the ! _ .

FOR SALE OR TRADE-—Six <3ubJ c f o o t s e a i e d vnit Electric«or. Cb»»laa BaxterP h o n e ^ p 8 ^788

MISSIONARY MEETINGMrs. Mae Daller was hostess to

the Missionry group of the Peoples

FOR 1AL&8 kinds winter squash,keets. tati 6030 Burgess Road

UP S 9766I N G

D O ^ TYPING, ADDRJSS-^ Mont>hlyW o r k at a'omt.

Phone UP 8-9720

FOR SALE-Mentgoraery — WardIroner in sood condition. Joe Marsh

Church last Tuesday.An interesting 16971 Mentieello Dr. White L«igefeature when each member gave -•her own interpetation of the mean-ing of ChrUtmas. Mrs. Lloyd Wellman led devotions.rr.ents were served .



Mlouse fullyschod bus stop, Short Linefew rods to pavement. AvailableBee. 1. Box 186, Pinckney

uto Poi .Automotive Gtoa Sbld and fcalYedTo; and^Iive'reZ

HoweU 1364 or 11


1018 East G)£dKL.Phon. 151STATE OF MICHIGAN

The Probate Court for the County ofLivingston

In the Matter of the Estate of EraMary L. Hoff, Deceased. (At a session of said Court* held on -t

Dece tuber 15—1355 n^Present Honoable Hiram ft. Smltfc PHONT!

Judge 'of ProbateNetice is HereVy Giwen, That the

petition of Floris G. Clarke, prayingthe instrument filed in said Court beadmitted to probate as the Last Willand Testament of said deceaeed, thatadministration of said estate be (ranted to Floris G. Clarke or some ethersuitable person, and that the heirsof said deceased be determined, win l\be . heard at the Probate Court on!January 10.19M at ten A. M. j

It is Ordered, that Bwtlee thereof]be given by publication of a copy'hereof for three weeks consecutivelyprevious to laid day of hearing, asthe Pinckney Dispatch, ane* that thepetitioner cause a copy of tail noticeto be served upon each knows part)fa interest at Me last known addressby registered mail, return receiptdemanded, at least fourteen (14)&•» prior fte amea hearing, .er .aypei jonal service at teast five (5) daysrrior to such hearingHiram R. Smith, Judge of Probate(Metta PanhaB

n, 4 L GHJT

PUPSPhone UP 8 6447

R. L SORRELLWater Wells and Pumps

18 8 9 HOWWtil Makes of Pom as lervJeed9835 Dezter-Pinek»*y

Phone HA 89454