at… · wilderness tempted...

Inside this issue Lent 2016 .................................... 2 Children’s Lent Acvity ............... 3 The Last Supper .......................... 3 Making Sense of Holy Week ....... 4 Concert Series Events ................. 5 Member Care Mutuality ............. 6 Faith Stepping Stones ................. 7 Children & Family Acvies ........ 8 Redeeming G.R.A.C.E .................. 9 Redeemer Refugee Team ........... 9 Call Commiee Leer ................. 10 Happy Birthday ........................... 11 Summer Events ........................... 15 from Pastor Mary Peters “The Seasons of Lent and Easter” And God said, "Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years… Genesis 1:14 Jesus was raised from the dead on the first Sunday following the feast of Passover! The calculaon of the date for Passover thus affects the date of Easter. Using a formula of the first Sunday aſter the first full moon aſter the spring equinox (more accurately using a table from the Council of Nicea) Easter falls between March 22 and April 25 th . Most of us just ask, “When is Easter this year?” and someone or some calendar will provide the date. Your printed or calendar program will also tell you when to begin your 40 days of fasng and repenng, excluding Sundays, of course, for the season of Lent. Or, perhaps when does Lent begin is not your queson at all. Perhaps you are more interested in Mardi Gras celebraons, Valenne’s day or the ming of school spring break. And don’t forget the income tax filing deadline. Our calendars are full of tasks, deadline and appointments. Yet, the season of Lent is an opportunity for something other than manic acvity. Rather than just another day for the business of daily life, instead Lent offers a chance to stop, reflect and ask yourself some important quesons such as, “Am I living my life or is my life living me?” or “Where is God in all this?” It’s a me to think about something other than self-graficaon. The season of Lent offers a me to think, evaluate, respond to God more fully, be a blessing to someone else. Please take a look at the informaon in this newsleer about our book study, Jesus is the Queson and the opportunies for learning and sharing in a small group. During midweek worship at 7:00 pm our themes will include quesons of compassion, doubt, community, healing and the reach of love. This is a season to consider what maers enough to shape the way you live. Redeemer at February—April 2016

Transcript of at… · wilderness tempted...

Page 1: at… · wilderness tempted by Satan and preparing for his ministry. During lent we focus on repentance, fasting

Inside this issue

Lent 2016 .................................... 2

Children’s Lent Activity ............... 3

The Last Supper .......................... 3

Making Sense of Holy Week ....... 4

Concert Series Events ................. 5

Member Care Mutuality ............. 6

Faith Stepping Stones ................. 7

Children & Family Activities ........ 8

Redeeming G.R.A.C.E .................. 9

Redeemer Refugee Team ........... 9

Call Committee Letter ................. 10

Happy Birthday ........................... 11

Summer Events ........................... 15

from Pastor Mary Peters

“The Seasons of Lent and Easter”

And God said, "Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to separate the day from

the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years… Genesis


Jesus was raised from the dead on the first Sunday following the feast of Passover!

The calculation of the date for Passover thus affects the date of Easter. Using a

formula of the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox (more

accurately using a table from the Council of Nicea) Easter falls between March 22

and April 25th. Most of us just ask, “When is Easter this year?” and someone or

some calendar will provide the date. Your printed or calendar program will also tell

you when to begin your 40 days of fasting and repenting, excluding Sundays, of

course, for the season of Lent. Or, perhaps when does Lent begin is not your

question at all. Perhaps you are more interested in Mardi Gras celebrations,

Valentine’s day or the timing of school spring break. And don’t forget the income

tax filing deadline. Our calendars are full of tasks, deadline and appointments.

Yet, the season of Lent is an opportunity for something other than manic activity.

Rather than just another day for the business of daily life, instead Lent offers a

chance to stop, reflect and ask yourself some important questions such as, “Am I

living my life or is my life living me?” or “Where is God in all this?” It’s a time to

think about something other than self-gratification. The season of Lent offers a time

to think, evaluate, respond to God more fully, be a blessing to someone else. Please

take a look at the information in this newsletter about our book study, Jesus is the

Question and the opportunities for learning and sharing in a small group. During

midweek worship at 7:00 pm our themes will include questions of compassion,

doubt, community, healing and the reach of love. This is a season to consider what

matters enough to shape the way you live.

Red e em e r at

February—April 2016

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Dinner—5:30 pm

The Great Questioner

Lenten Study—6:30 pm

Lenten Worship LIVE

7 pm


Devotions in real time, Wednesdays at 7 pm

On Wednesday nights during Lent, our devotions

and study will merge in a 30 minute event streamed

live and recorded for viewing during the following

week, accessible through links on the Redeemer


Each week will focus on a different theme with

a variety of music and readings, culminating in an

opportunity for those gathered in the room to

participate in an activity related to the theme.

With music from the Redeemer Choir, Canticum

Novum, Bar Church, and a variety of instrumentalists

and soloists, these events should provoke creative

thinking and discussion throughout the week, but

especially for those who gather to worship together

each Wednesday night at 7pm

Lent begins with ASH WEDNESDAY, February 10. Lent signals more than a change of seasons; it signals a change of heart. We acknowledge the passage from death into life, and we recognize that we are truly dust as we receive the ashes of Lent at noon and 7 pm services.


T H I S L E N T , T H E G R E A T Q U E S T I O N E R

Lent is a penitential time in the church year where we remember the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness tempted by Satan and preparing for his ministry. During lent we focus on repentance, fasting and preparation for the coming of Easter. It is also a time to ask questions and explore our faith. Redeemer’s Lenten theme is The Great Questioner. Together we look at the questions that Jesus asked and maybe the ones we have asked ourselves. We encourage you to join a small group. We will read and discuss the book, Jesus is the Question by Martin B. Copenhaver.

Wednesday Evenings During Lent

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Children’s Lent Activity

The congregational Home Altar project continues. During Advent, we made home altars with a cross and paraments (altar clothes) for different seasons of the church year. Lent continues this project with a a candle and paraments for remaining church year seasons. Join the creativity in Sims Atrium during Lent. Donations of felt squares and votive-sized candles are welcome and can be dropped off in room 121 thoughout the Lenten season.

T h e L a s t S u p p e r L e o n a r d o D a V i n c i | S i m s A t r i u m

The Last Supper is Leonardo's visual interpretation of an event chronicled in all four of the Gospels. The

evening before Christ was betrayed by one of his disciples, he gathered them together to eat, tell them he

knew what was coming and wash their feet (a gesture symbolizing that all were equal under the eyes of

the Lord). As they ate and drank together, Christ gave the disciples explicit instructions on how to eat and

drink in the future, in remembrance of him. It was the first celebration of the Eucharist.

The last supper is a

mural painting

painted from 1495

to 1498 on the back

wall of the dining

hall at the

Dominican convent

of Sta Maria delle

Grazie in Italy.

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What Does “Maundy” Mean?

Derived from the Latin word mandatum, meaning "commandment," Maundy refers to the commands Jesus gave his disciples at the Last Supper: to love with humility by serving one another and to remember his sacrifice.

Maundy Thursday is observed during Holy Week on the Thursday before Easter. Also referred to as "Holy Thursday" or "Great Thursday" in some Christian denominations, Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper when Jesus shared the Passover meal with his disciples on the night before he was crucified. In contrast to joyful Easter celebrations when Christians worship their resurrected Savior, Maundy Thursday services are typically more solemn occasions, marked by the shadow of Jesus' betrayal.


THE THREE DAYS The Service of the Three Days is actually a series of services that recall Jesus' death and resurrection. The service begins on Maundy Thursday (March 24) when we celebrate the institution of Holy Communion at the Last Supper and ends with the stripping of the altar, representing Jesus' arrest. We continue on Good Friday (March 25) with a midday reflection on Jesus' last words from the cross and a choral tenebrae service in the evening, featuring music from Handel's Messiah. The service culminates on Saturday night in the Easter Vigil (March 26) which begins in the dark and includes the restoration of the altar in preparation for Easter Sunday (March 27).


Ash Wednesday—Noon & 7 pm (February 10)

Wednesdays in Lent — 7 pm (February 17– March 23) Maundy Thursday — Noon & 7 pm (March 24)

Good Friday, Last Words from the Cross — 12 Noon (March 25) Good Friday, Choral Tenebrae — 7 pm (March 25)

Saturday, Children’s Easter Celebration — 10 am (March 26) Saturday, Easter Vigil — 7 pm (March 26)

Easter Sunday Festival Worship — 7, 10, and 11:30 am (March 27) Easter Sunday Jazz — 8:30 am (March 27)

Worship Schedule | Lent, Holy Week, and Easter

Good Friday Services: Vigil at the Cross 12:00noon and Good Friday Worship, 7pm

An Austere time of reflection and intercession, but is also a time of adoration of Christ, the

sacrificial Lamb of God. Austerity is combined with a note of triumph, as we celebrate the

Lord’s Passion through music and scripture.

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E n s e m b l e A u b a d e Sunday, February 7 | 2 pm | Redeemer

Flutist Peter H. Bloom and harpist Mary Jane Rupert, who

tour the globe as the Duo “2”, are joined by noted violist

Frank Grimes in Ensemble Aubade. Known for stellar

musicianship, vivid concerts and engaging commentary,

Ensemble Aubade performs masterworks and rarely-

heard treasures for flute, viola and harp by European and

American composers.


Spivey Hall Children’s Choir

Concert Series Events

B a c h B i r t h d a y B a s h Friday, March 18 | 8 pm | Redeemer

This favorite annual concert is preceded by a dinner at 6:30 pm for which an

advance ticket is required.

Contact Sarah Hawbecker, [email protected]

T h e R e d e e m e r P i a n o E n s e m b l e Sunday, April 17 | 2:15 pm | Redeemer

This gala performance will showcase eight pianists playing

simultaneously on four grand pianos, directed by Mary Brown

Hinely, Redeemer’s Emeritus Choral Director. The ensemble

celebrates its 50th year in 2016, so please come and celebrate

this special event.

Sunday, April 24 | 3 pm | Redeemer

Singing with unmistakable spirit, refinement, and

remarkable beauty of tone and expression, the

Spivey Hall Tour Choir is the most advanced group in

the Spivey Hall Children’s Choir Program.

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Ways to Serve: Rock a Baby at Genesis Shelter Learn to Knit with Faithful Hands Ministry Offer Transportation for a Lutheran Tower Resident Visit the Homebound Join the Choir Contact Pastor Mary Peters for information, [email protected] or 404.874.8664 x224

Let’s Be in Touch! Please let us know if you have changed your email, phone number, or address. Send a quick note to Robin at [email protected]


Member Care mutuality: How Can I Thank You Enough?

A thank you card designed by Patience Brewster shows a leaf, drawn with human features, standing opposite

an acorn similarly drawn with a face, arms and legs. Affection and gratitude are obvious on both the face of

the leaf and the face of the acorn as they gaze at each other.

The simple sentiment inside the care reads: How can I

thank you enough? But who is speaking, the acorn or the

leaf? Who is indebted to whom?

Member Care at Redeemer is the mutual giving and receiv-

ing between all members. One who is hospitalized, going

through difficult circumstances, is grieving, or coping with

disease receives the prayers, cards, care of a Stephen Minis-

ter, a phone call, a visit, Holy Communion, a meal delivered,

or a supportive hug from another sister or brother in Christ.

All of us who make up this body of Christ at Lutheran

Church of the Redeemer are called to respond and make

Christ’s love visible. On behalf of those who have received

support I’m often asked to express gratitude to those who

responded to a need. Yet who is the more blessed, the one

who receives care or the one who gives care?

In the seasons of Lent and Easter be attentive to those around you. Make a call or send a note to someone missing from church. Be ready with an encouraging word for our

young families, express appreciation to our faithful elders who have served this congregation so well. Be ready to say

yes to a pastor’s request to take a meal to another. And then notice how your heart says, “How can I thank you enough for this opportunity to be of service and to come to know you?”

Pastor Mary Peters

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F a i t h S te p p i n g S to n e s a t R e d e e m e r

3rd Grade—Bib le Adventure Sundays, February 7, 14, & 21 in room 201 during the 9:30 Sunday School hour. Blessing during 11:00 worship on February 21. Parents and children attend this Faith Stepping Stone together.

3 year o lds — Welcome to Worship Parents’ class Sundays February 28 & March 6 in room 103 during the 9:30 Sunday School Hour. Parent-child class March 13 at 9:30 in room 103. Blessing during 11:00 worship on March 13.

Mom’s Group

Moms lead busy lives, balancing many roles. It can be draining! Join us for Mom’s Group, a time of fellowship, devotion, humor, and support – a

time to recharge spiritual batteries.

Moms group meet the

first Thursday of the month from 6 pm-7:30

pm in room 211. Nursery care is provided. For

more information, contact Jen Fuchs at

[email protected] Upcoming dates are

February 7 and March 3.

Souper Bowl of Caring

February 7, 2016 Last year Redeemer Youth raised over $2,000! Please help them raise more this

year for those less fortunate. For more

information contact Bill Porter,

[email protected]

Faith Stepping Stones is a ministry where families and the church partner to live out the promises made the day of their child’s baptism. Baptismal promises don’t end with baptism, and Faith Stepping Stones are a resource to families and the congregation to continue in the journey of nurturing faith. Each grade of Sunday School has its own special Faith Stepping Stone throughout the year, and classes take many forms. Some classes are for kids and parents together, some take a one-day retreat format, and others have separate child and parent classes held simultaneously. Be sure to watch for special recognition of these milestones during worship in the coming months.

Kindergarten — Remember ing Our Bapt ism

Sundays, April 17 & 24 in room 111 during the 9:30 Sunday School hour. Blessing during 11:00 worship on April 24. Adult Faith Stepping Stone on Baptism is held in the library for parents of Kindergarteners and other interested adults on April 17 & 24, 9:30 am.

Growing Faith One Step at a Time

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Children and Family Activities

Swimming Party Make a splash at the children and family swim party February 21st! The party is from 2-4 at Crawford Leisure Pool at the Georgia Tech Recreation Center. Come meet new people, swim with the kids, and swish down the water slide! If you would like to grab a bite between worship and the party meet in Sims Atrium at 12:15 and we’ll go to the Varsity. Come and we’ll have a splashing good time!

Hike Inn Come and hike! We are planning a

trip to Hike Inn Saturday, February

27. This is a unique inn where all

guest hike in. If you are interested,

email [email protected] or

call Hike Inn at 800-581-8032 to

make your reservations. A block of

rooms are on hold for Redeemer.

They take reservations between

10am and 5pm Monday through

Friday. Space is limited so make

your reservations today!!

Parents Night Out Parents work hard all week long and

sometimes need a break. Join us

Saturday March 12th from 6:00 to

9:00pm for a parents night out.

Babysitting and dinner is provided at

the church for children, $15 of the

first child and $5 each additional

child. You are welcome to join us at

a restaurant near the church or

make your own plans. RSVP with

Jen Fuchs at [email protected].

Easter Celebration March 26th from 10-12:30!

Beginning with a short children's

worship service then crafts,

activities, a petting zoo and ending

with an Easter egg hunt..

Volunteers and supplies are

needed. Donations of Easter eggs

stuffing treats are needed; stickers,

small toys and wrapped candy are

collected starting in Lent.

Collections and volunteer sign up

outside Jen Fuchs Office.

Bowling Join us for strikes and spares at the children & family day of bowling, Sunday April 17th from 1-3. We head to Midtown Bowl for a day of fun. $5 per bowler. Please RSVP to Jen Fuchs at [email protected].

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February Emphasis Month for Redeeming G.R.A.C.E.

Redeeming G.R.A.C.E. (Galvanizing Resources Against Child Exploitation) asks for your support! Our goal is to bring awareness about the dark truths of domestic child sex trafficking to our church and to our community in an effort to end this tragedy. The mission is two-fold: to minister to the child victims (ages 12 to 17) who are enrolled in Wellspring Living’s restorative residential program and to support legislation geared towards eradicating child sex trafficking in Georgia. Here are ways you can be a part of our efforts this month: Visit our display in Sims Atrium for more information about our ministry and our accomplishments to

date and learn how you can help. Serve as advocates! On February 11, Redeeming G.R.A.C.E will be part of Lobby Day at the Capitol, an

opportunity to stand with other community members, advocates, and elected officials to show support for legislation protecting children from Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking, as well as a time to thank our legislators for their hard work and commitment toward the issue. A key issue this year is voter ratification of Senate Resolution 7 during the November 2016 General Election. The purpose of this ratification is to enable the Safe Harbor legislation from last session, ensuring that services and support are provided for child victims of sex trafficking in Georgia - furthering the principle that children are victims and should not be charged and treated as criminals. You can register at

Shop and/or donate at a Wellspring Treasures store. Proceeds support Wellspring Living. Stores are located in Atlanta, Peachtree City, Duluth, and a new one is opening at the end of January in Marietta. Visit for store locations.

Contact our co-chairs Katy Hurley [email protected] or Amy Carpenter [email protected] for more information about volunteer opportunities at Wellspring Living.

Uncomfortable Challenges Create Strong Changes

The Redeemer Refugee Team visited Po, Day, and the boys delivering Christmas gifts and one-of-a-kind Redeemer made ornaments!

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Dear Members and Friends of Redeemer,

The six members of the Senior Pastor Call Committee were chosen by ecclesiastical ballot by the

Congregation Council in early December and were installed at the 11:00 worship on Sunday, December 20,

2015. The Call Committee will be chaired by me, Lew Engle, and the five other members are Diane Cur-

rence, Bob Gibeling, Mary Howle, Derek Peterson, and Cassie Smith.

We have had the opportunity to meet first with Pastor Dave, then with the Congregation Council

at their annual January Retreat, as well as with Michelle Angalet, who is the Executive Assistant to Bishop

Julian Gordy of the Southeastern Synod, ELCA. Ms. Angalet provided the Call Committee with a detailed

overview of our process to search for Redeemer’s next Senior Pastor.

The Call Committee would first like to assure the Congregation that we have no preconceived no-

tions about who should receive this important pastoral call. Ours will be a nationwide search. We were

reminded by Ms. Angalet that our primary focus in this endeavor must be to know “Who we are and

who we are called to be in our community.” Together with the Congregation, that will be the Call Com-

mittee’s guiding mission with the help of the Holy Spirit.

The first task of the Call Committee is to complete a “Ministry Site Profile “(MSP) document.

After the MSP is approved by the Congregation Council, it is submitted to Bishop Gordy and the search

process begins. The MSP is a 12-page document that encapsulates who Redeemer is as a Body of Christ,

what ministry Redeemer is called to do by God in this community, and correspondingly what gifts we

seek in a Senior Pastor to fulfill this ministry.

To prepare the MSP, the Call Committee will need input from the Congregation. The more Redeemer members who participate, the stronger the MSP will be. To that end, the Call Committee and Congregation Council will first host Listening Posts to give all members an opportunity to share their thoughts with us. After we hold the Listening Posts, the Call Committee will distribute a survey to solicit further input from the Con-gregation. Additionally, the Call Committee has an email address to which you may send your feedback at any time throughout the call process. The email address is: [email protected].

Once the Call Committee selects a candidate, he or she will be presented to the Congregation

Council for their approval prior to a vote of the Congregation to extend a call.

Please take advantage of the opportunities we will provide to give us your input. Also, keep the

Call Committee in your prayers as we complete this work on behalf of Redeemer.


Lew Engle

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Rob Deebel

Karl Suhr

Mark Helsel

Arthur Roche

Lynn Dawson

Franklin Hudson

Deborah Hakes

Scott Bitter

2 Ed Kuettner

Rakayla Kapoor

Kate Bachman

3 Gertrude Swint

Christian Kelm

Forrest Davis

Margaret Verner

Jillian Serfozo

Ansley Ashlock

Jonathan Moody

4 Carla Schissel

Elizabeth Gleason

5 Emilia Hermann

Ross Wise

Andrew Schrader

6 Diana Hodnett

Lila Brown

Kelda Brown

Robert Love

Mary Souther

Chris Heisler

Danielle Williams

Madeleine Lawrence

Radu Ziub

7 Ann Sprague

Christopher Floyd

Ashley Burnett

Carey Rountree

Maxwell Serfozo

Henry Hetrick

8 Robby Johnson

Paul Simo

Grace Smith

Christina McCoy

Oscar Dela Cruz

Carolyn Ballard

9 Robert Brown

Jon Waterhouse

Adrienne Hoover

John Carr

Christine Rasmusson

9 Josephine Phippen

Leonard Studley

10 Richard Botters

Lloyd Barnard

Edwin Griner

John Thomas

Jo Rawls

David Grice

Denise Quinland

Katherine Foresman

Russell Ballard

Randall Hill

Sally Pearson


Marlee Krohn

Shelley Melton-Hancock

Samantha Lindsey

Lauren Fuchs

12 Preston Vassar

Tenley Vassar

Marian Knight

Mike Stevens

Alyssa Degler

Michael Davidson

13 Fraser Pearson

Debra LeVorse

Zachary Volan

Mason Doan

Jeff Mullen

Kristen Sickles

Jackie Mentz

14 Theresa Yelich

Charles Morris

Amanda Wilkerson

Kerry Jones

Daniel Steinbaugh

Petras West

Davis Marshall

15 Evan Gundersen

Jay Rawls

Amanda Stevens

Chuck Martin

Wren Kalin

Sherry Stephenson

David Vella

David Hansen

Nolan Dougherty

Margo Long

Molly Engle

Autumn Rowe

Jennifer Sexton

Christopher Ranney

16 Paul Isaacson

Peter Ihnen

Cathy Pelkington

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Jacob Parent

Drew Adamson

Donna Dixon

17 Jayne Huguenot

Susan Engle

William Ide

Weston Kershner

Carol Hensley

Mia Vey

Katrina Sides

Lindsay Sacco

18 Joy Christensen

Olivia Summer

Courtney Denney

Jacqueline Foster

19 Sara Sides

Melanie Johnson

Erica Massaro-Hales

Janelle Davis


Sarah Foster

Jeffrey Elkins

Connor Hild

LeAndra Douds

21 Theresa Breuer

Marie Gay


Yusef Crowe

Joshua Buchanan

Daniel Johnston

Lorela Wilkins

Graham Ruder

Justin Delbrook

Harrison Woods

23 June Day

Sally Bridges

Caroline Wayco

Scott Rountree

Sarah Warren

Madeleine Leonard

24 William Laird

Emmett McNulty

Eamon McNulty

Brigitte McNulty

David Wyse


Donna Matern

Reba Nyen

Gabrielle Ritger

Mike Forster

Mayla McCray

Matthew Williams

Jude Hawley

Laura Keipert

Dina Feldman

Graham Phippen

26 Kathy Smith

Rob Stivers

Jennifer Kanter

Douglas Hattermann

Janet Preston

Pat Shannon

27 Sandy Deebel

Sarah Boone

Tad Squires

Helen Churchill

Cecil Laird

Scott Nienow

Susan Neuman


Sarah Rawls

Valerie Bischoff

Edwin Kuehn

Tom Ehrensperger

29 Martie Barnard

Judy Whitmer

Mary Clara Haury

Grey Donner


Bonnie Bowen

Leslie Misch

Desiree Martin

James Taylor

Caius William

Susan Dowdell

2 Art Scharlau

Olivia Weller

Harriet Burnett

Rich Guemmer

Nesz Wright

Grant Hysong

3 Maxim Waterhouse

Nikki Chunn

David Kalin

4 Liesl Merkel

Evan Lanham

Amanda Wuest

Kimberly Boye

5 Andrew Currie

Katherine Steinbach

Joseph Paul Hermann

Charmaine Isenhour

Miatta Dennis

Laura Sundal

Loran Johansen

6 Matthew Bohannon

Joseph McCloskey

Noelle Whitmire

John Green

Katharine Staak

Valerie Walters

7 Janice McMurrey

Douglas Carlson

Jonathan Wolf

Walter Hensley

William Foster

John Russell

8 Brooks Donaldson

Olivia Martin

Amanda Martin

Avery Hill

Jennifer Fuchs

Carl Brook

9 Grace Englert

Karen King

Molly Rigatti

10 Gary Mandigo

Jenny Borchers

Ellen Meilander

Darin Glass

Mary Beth Heidt

William Kastner

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11 Janet Rountree

Cameron Hernholm

Jenny Lee

Ben Leonard

Jacob Jones

Chris Reading

Amelia Teeple

12 Terry Eshenour

Micah Thomas

Jill Kirr

Andrew Hallberg

Freddy Hartzell

Jordan Hartzell

13 Eric Conaway

Denise Held

Allison Swanson

14 Holyn Thigpen

Connor Westbrook

Donald Miller

Leith Fitch

15 Joel Medford

Brandon Barnes

16 Jason Engle

Ron Nienow

Anders deNeergaard

Brian Forstner

Parker Barnes


Shaun Pinyan

Joseph Hickman

Mindy St. George

Shari Lotz

Casey Herrity

Jacquelyne Carr

Piper Grogg

Katie Grogg

Andrew Cobb

Patricia Chardavoyne

18 Harriet Berthelsen

Wesley Miller

Mark Rasmussen

Debra Anderson

19 Don Carter

Richard Hallberg

Doug Mulford

Theodore Trapp

Lisa Beck

Lindsay Fritz

20 Elisabeth Arenburg

Bob Spielmann

Gretchen Buchanan

Robert Gerds

Ashley Grant

Reed Van Hoosear

Gregory Bohlken

21 James Huiner

Theodore Neuman

Michael Clark

John Brook

22 Joel Hutsell

Fenwick Huss

John Hurst

Vicki Morelock

Samuel Giffin

23 Michelle Breckwoldt

Claudia Barnes

Kimberly Kuhlman

Lilia Bohntinsky

24 Dominique Martin

Donna Jennings

Victa McCray

Wren Carlson

25 Robyn Vassar

Wesley Smith

Doris Thomas

Dick Cordell

Jerry Christman

26 Helen Frenette

Tina Gooch

Kaitlyn Parent

Erik Belgum

Thomas Kegley

27 Carol Bowman

Brooke Brostrom

Erik Viberg

28 Jeanne Merritt

Hunter Reed

Denise Howe

Scott Wright

Julian Carlson

Michele Poirier

Nichole Beck

29 James Heidt

Sarah Boltz

Hollis Weber

Natalie Bachman


Connie Eshenour

Chip Battle

Sue Miller

Wesley Moss

Christie Wright

31 Matthew Isaacson

Don Schroer

Ronald Hale

Thomas deNeergaard

Hunter Josephson

Tayor Reed

David Kummer


Ben Rish

Arthur Martin

Reese Dumont

Sarah Johnson

Allyson Hattermann

Tori Adamson

Daniel Adrian

Tara Douds


Kennedy Mason

Julian Glantz

3 Shirley Glenn

Victoria Rubel

Luke Hightower

4 Natalie Sween

Carol McCloskey

John Wilkinson

Gabriel Adrian

5 Mendal Bouknight

Hope Englert

Lauren Floyd

Amanda Jo Thomas

Eric Hassel

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Catherine Hickman

Dorothy Speights

Nicholas D'alessandro

Charles Anderson


Mary Hinely

Derek Nowatzki

Aaron Hobby

Mark Rigatti

Keira Grant

Luka Feldman

Carrie Herold

7 Miriam Guthrie

Alexis Gilbert

Brigitte Merkel

Jonathan Keller

Virginia Dorough

Sally Busko

Teri Hansen

Karin Greeson

8 Dan Bello

Cheryl Madean

Gina O'Shea

Peter Franetovich

Morris Mitchell

Luke Isler

Hanna Cramer

Melissa Smith


Krichelle Smith

Fredric Kennedy

Samuel Wessinger

Joan Williams

Luke Harrison

Ina Braun


Peter McGaffigan

David Meilander

Stephanie Hart

Grace Peterson

Jessica Burnett

Bran Foster

Riley Kegley

Fallon Ukpe

11 Lewis Engle

Beverly Christner

Maynard Zipf

Paul Hilburger

Elizabeth Selgrade

12 Jennifer Isaacson

Jessica Wooten

Catharine Dressel

Marge Egger

Jannie Gerds

Creston Herold

13 Katherine McDermott

Arthur Mathews

Linda Heisler

Mahala Broad

Calista Fortin


Zachary Frenette

Hayley Whitmore

Walt Carpenter

Miriam Coonan

Fran Mentz

Sarah Hawbecker

John Howe

Addison Liverman

Eric Brewer

15 Carla Williams

Kennedy McWilliams

Kinley Smith

Brian Selgrade

Joseph Colosimo


Benjamin Gray

Amy Carpenter

Cooper Wells

Stacey Holmfelt

Beth Josephson

Belinda Heath

Ryan Carruth

Charlie Moss

Kenneth Sexton


Andy Kmetz

Harley Fingarson

Cameron Martin

Linden Donner

Colin Banks

18 Timothy Eastling

Kelly Charlson

Elaine Millsaps

Herbert Bastin

Abbie Lin Smith

Natalie Fuchs

19 Donna Ruder

20 Christa Martin

Richard Rudolph

Lynda Bodelson

Erik McKeithen

Christian McKeithen

David Walker

Emma Schroer

Nancy Smith

Margaret Kyle

21 Stephanie Greene

Alison Steinmetz

Cheryl Iverson

Mumbi Stevens

Adam Lee

Jennene Cheshire-Rea

Michael Puline

Elizabeth Squires


Harold Webber

Caron Morgan

Kay Volan

Heidi Brothers

Lauren Mengel

David Thomson

Thomas Swanson

Jacob Clark

Matthew Schafer

Sharon Jeffries

Stephen Kolb

23 Alexa Whitmore

Bill Ide

Danielle Lambert

Paul Walter

Brett Wise


Lee Spurlock

Kendrick McWilliams

Virginia Peterson

Shari Herrity

25 Janet Sosebee

Don Juberg

Wade Thornton

Julie Lawrence

Zachary Williams

Ashley Fritz

Ryann Hill


Claire Puckhaber

Sandy McGaffigan

Donald Day

Lewis Van Gorder

Adison Wells

Caren Owen

27 Kimmy Worth

Lynette Walker

Emily Sue Forstner

William Thomson

Belinda Walters-Brazile

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28 Amanda Hyde

Jennifer Peterson

Thomas Lindsey

Elizabeth Brigham

29 Liam Puckhaber

Werner Kuettner

Stella Simo

Debbie Herrity

James Mulford

30 Samantha Sayar

Jack Rafferty

VBS Planning Team

This year in VBS we are traveling back to Egypt and meeting Joseph's on his journey from prison to palace! Join us in leading this great faith-filled experience by being apart of the leadership team. Out first meeting is February 17th at 6pm in the conference room. We need help organizing crafts, volunteers, decorating, registration and so much more!

Join the Team!

Lutheridge week June 5-11, 2016

Campfirmation June 19-25, 2016

VBS & Camp Hope June 20-24, 2016



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This Quarterly Newsletter is published by the Communication Ministry of Redeemer Lutheran Church.

Contact Susan Cordell, [email protected] or Robin Durdin, [email protected] for information or to submit articles.