ASUG’s Roadmap to Influence QM Session. What Influence used to be... Submit written development...

ASUG’s Roadmap to Influence QM Session
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Transcript of ASUG’s Roadmap to Influence QM Session. What Influence used to be... Submit written development...

ASUG’s Roadmap to InfluenceQM Session

What Influence used to be...• Submit written development requests to

ASUG • ASUG spent considerable resources

organizing requests• ASUG members would “vote” on requests

and prioritize what went to SAP• Submission of requests (DRQs) were not

aligned with SAP’s development cycle

…and the agreement going forward

• SAP and ASUG agreed to explore efforts that would deliver mutual value to both parties by– Aligning ASUG feedback with SAP solution

development– Offering opportunities for ASUG members to

provide feedback on future releases of new and existing solutions

ASUG’s “Roadmap to Influence”

• Seek to align our Influence initiatives with SAP’s Solution Development Lifecycle to increase the value of ASUG participation

• Expand the approach to Influence to appeal to all ASUG members, rather than focusing on Continuous Improvement alone.

ASUG Influence Levels

• Continuous Improvement– Simple requested change to report/screen formats,

usability, performance

• Product Change– New/complex business processes, changes in

implementation methodology, and multiple components/products involved

• Strategic Direction– Long range product development in new areas

Continuous Improvement Level

• DRQ System

• SAP Points of Contact – SAP provides a point of contact for each ASUG Group and SIG. Find your point of contact at

• Discussion Forums – use forums to reach consensus on where to influence SAP.

DRQ System

• ASUG members currently utilize the DRQ system • All ASUG members can create, save, and search for

DRQs. Directions for these processes are posted to and were sent to you with this presentation.

• Only ASUG Influence Volunteers (SIG Chairs or Coordinators) can submit a DRQ to SAP

• SAP reviews and considers for product planning • No formal ASUG voting process• See written processes for creating and submitting

DRQs that were sent with this presentation.

Getting started with DRQs

• In order to create or submit a DRQ you need to get an ASUG DRQ ID at

• SAP issues ASUG DRQ IDs through the SAP Service Marketplace.

• SAP responds to requests for ASUG DRQ IDs within 48 hours.

• You CANNOT access the DRQ system using the same ID and password that you use for OSS notes.

DRQ Reports

• Monthly reports come to SIG Chairs and Influence Coordinators with all of the DRQs that have been submitted for the previous month.

• SIG Chairs should review DRQs and submit appropriate DRQs to SAP. SIG Chairs need special access to the DRQ system to do this. Contact Becky Grossman at [email protected] to ensure that you have proper access.

• Step by step instructions for submitting DRQs are included in the monthly DRQ email and were sent out with this presentation.

• Work through your SAP Point of Contact before submitting your DRQs…You can add value by discussing these with SAP first!

DRQ requirements

• DRQs must be “forward-looking” and request changes to future releases or extension sets.

• SIG Chairs should review DRQs before submitting them to SAP and assure that:– The DRQ is not a duplicate of a previously

submitted DRQ– The DRQ falls under the scope of your SIG– SAP’s Development Lifecycle is at a place where it

can accept DRQs (check with your SAP POC)

This is what you should see

when you access the

DRQ system.

Click here to expand the menu

Click on “Search for Development


You can search by:

•Number•Creation Date•Voting Group

*All of this information is in the monthly DRQ report

Select the DRQ that you would like to

review by clicking on the blue text.

Product Change Level

• Initiatives focus on incorporating complex business processes, new business processes, multiple components or products, and changes in implementation methodology– ASUG-Initiated Influence Councils– SAP-initiated Influence Councils– Virtual Councils– Polls & Surveys– Usability Testing

Influence Councils

• Participation offers an easy and effective way to help SAP design products that are tailored to ASUG member needs.

• Only Installation Members can participate in Influence Councils. Some Influence Councils may seek participants with a specific expertise.

• All costs associated with travel for any Influence Councils are the responsibility of the individual participants.

• See Influence Process Documents that were sent to you with this presentation for detailed process steps.

Virtual Councils• Same goals as Influence Councils -- to

enable members to communicate ideas and concerns about product plans directly to SAP development and product managers.

• All activities conducted through teleconferences, webcasts, and e-mail (no travel required)

• SIG Chairs are asked to help ASUG HQ spread the word about both Influence and Virtual Councils through postings to your SIG’s Discussion Forum and announcements at face-to-face meetings.

Polls & Surveys

• Participate in SAP-sponsored polls to share your company’s business requirements.

• Use WebSurveyor to find out what topics your Group membership wants to bring to SAP

Usability Testing

• Opportunity to test new and existing solutions and provide on-the-spot feedback to SAP developers, product management specialists, and usability experts

• Takes place at ASUG Annual Conference & Vendor Fair and selected Group Meetings

Strategic Direction Level

• Vision sharing among SAP and their customers’ senior management on long range product development to acquire strategic advantage

• For C-level Executives and Directors

• High degree of confidentiality


• Offer senior management from member companies an exclusive opportunity to voice their business requirements to SAP and gain insight on SAP's vision for future solutions.

• One-to-two day meetings.• Participants fund their own travel and lodging

expenses. • Influence volunteers will be asked to recruit

and nominate the appropriate senior executive from their company and complete a brief application on

Questions & Answers

• Do you have any questions on the Influence Model or on Influence opportunities coordinated by ASUG?

Thank you for attending!Please remember to complete and return your evaluation form following this session.

Session Code: 3909