Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says...

Astronomy 103 Final Review Spring 2009

Transcript of Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says...

Page 1: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant



Page 2: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant



B. Ithasejectedacloudoflow‐densitydust.

C. ItisemiIngfarinfraredradiaKon.


Page 3: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant



B. Ithasejectedacloudoflow‐densitydust.

C. ItisemiIngfarinfraredradiaKon.


Page 4: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A. starsandotherobjectsofknownintrinsicbrightnesswhoseapparentbrightnesscanthenbeusedtofindthedistance.

B. standardlaboratorylightsourceswithwhichthebrightnessofagalaxycanbecompared.

C. heatsourcesofstandardintensityusedtocalibrateinfraredobservaKonsofgalaxies.

D. laboratorylightsourceswithaccuratelymeasuredspectraforcalibraKngstellarandgalacKcspectra.

Page 5: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A. starsandotherobjectsofknownintrinsicbrightnesswhoseapparentbrightnesscanthenbeusedtofindthedistance.

B. standardlaboratorylightsourceswithwhichthebrightnessofagalaxycanbecompared.

C. heatsourcesofstandardintensityusedtocalibrateinfraredobservaKonsofgalaxies.

D. laboratorylightsourceswithaccuratelymeasuredspectraforcalibraKngstellarandgalacKcspectra.

Page 6: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant



B. twiceasdistantasgalaxyA.

C. halfashotasgalaxyA.


Page 7: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant



B. twiceasdistantasgalaxyA.

C. halfashotasgalaxyA.


Page 8: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  Visiblema>erformedalongdarkma>erfilaments

B.  SuperclustersareulKmatelytheresultofdensityfluctuaKonsintheearlyuniverse

C.  VoidsintheuniversegetlargerwithKme

D.  Alloftheabove

Page 9: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  Visiblema>erformedalongdarkma>erfilaments

B.  SuperclustersareulKmatelytheresultofdensityfluctuaKonsintheearlyuniverse

C.  VoidsintheuniversegetlargerwithKme

D.  Alloftheabove

Page 10: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  PopIIIstarsbegantoform

B.  Thefirstatomsformed

C.  NeutrinoscouldfreelytravelintospaceD.  TheuniversebeganitsinflaKonphase

Page 11: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  PopIIIstarsbegantoform

B.  Thefirstatomsformed

C.  NeutrinoscouldfreelytravelintospaceD.  TheuniversebeganitsinflaKonphase

Page 12: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A. Thesegalaxiescontainsignificantamountsof“darkma>er”thatcannotbedetectedusingelectromagneKcradiaKonatanywavelength.

B. Thestarsinthesegalaxies,likeplanetsorbiKngtheSuninourownsolarsystem,moveprimarilyunderthegravitaKonalpullofalargemassatthecenterofthesystem.

C. ThestarsinthesegalaxiesinfluenceeachothergravitaKonallyinsuchawaythatthegalaxyrotateslikeasoliddisk.

D. Mostofthemassofthesegalaxiesislocatedinthedisk;relaKvelyli>lemassislocatedinthecentralbulge.

Page 13: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A. Thesegalaxiescontainsignificantamountsof“darkma>er”thatcannotbedetectedusingelectromagneKcradiaKonatanywavelength.

B. Thestarsinthesegalaxies,likeplanetsorbiKngtheSuninourownsolarsystem,moveprimarilyunderthegravitaKonalpullofalargemassatthecenterofthesystem.

C. ThestarsinthesegalaxiesinfluenceeachothergravitaKonallyinsuchawaythatthegalaxyrotateslikeasoliddisk.

D. Mostofthemassofthesegalaxiesislocatedinthedisk;relaKvelyli>lemassislocatedinthecentralbulge.

Page 14: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant






Page 15: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant






Page 16: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant



B. Theyarelesscommonintheearlyuniversethantheyaretoday.

C. TheyareatenormousdistancesfromEarth.


Page 17: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant



B. Theyarelesscommonintheearlyuniversethantheyaretoday.

C. TheyareatenormousdistancesfromEarth.


Page 18: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  TheLMCandSMCusedtobepartoftheMilkyWayB.  ThegravityfromtheMilkyWayisdisrupKngtheLMC

andSMCastheyorbitthegalaxyC.  TheLMCandSMCaresKllformingfrommaterial

surroundingtheMilkyWayD.  TheKdalstreamsaren’tdirectlycorrelatedtotheLMC


Page 19: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  TheLMCandSMCusedtobepartoftheMilkyWayB.  ThegravityfromtheMilkyWayisdisrupKngtheLMC

andSMCastheyorbitthegalaxyC.  TheLMCandSMCaresKllformingfrommaterial

surroundingtheMilkyWayD.  TheKdalstreamsaren’tdirectlycorrelatedtotheLMC


Page 20: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant



B. seenatananglearound45°totheaccreKondisk.

C. thathaverunoutoffuelintheiraccreKondisk


Page 21: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant



B. seenatananglearound45°totheaccreKondisk.

C. thathaverunoutoffuelintheiraccreKondisk


Page 22: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant
Page 23: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A. thephotonsslowdownduetotravelingthroughanexpandinguniverse.

B. moredistantgalaxiesaretravelingawayfasterthroughspace.

C. thereismoreabsorbingma>erbetweenusandmoredistantgalaxies.

D. therewasastrongergravitaKonalredshiVwhentheuniversewasyoungeranddenser.

Page 24: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A. thephotonsslowdownduetotravelingthroughanexpandinguniverse.

B. moredistantgalaxiesaretravelingawayfasterthroughspace.

C. thereismoreabsorbingma>erbetweenusandmoredistantgalaxies.

D. therewasastrongergravitaKonalredshiVwhentheuniversewasyoungeranddenser.

Page 25: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A. Itwasthefirstradiotransmissionbelievedtoindicatethepresenceofextraterrestriallifeintheuniverse.

B. ItindicatedthedifferencebetweenTypeIandTypeIICepheidvariablestars.

C. ItshowedaconnecKonbetweenmillisecondpulsarsandX‐raybursters.

D. ItistheremnantofaburstofradiaKonreleasedduringtheveryearlyhistoryoftheuniverse.

Page 26: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A. Itwasthefirstradiotransmissionbelievedtoindicatethepresenceofextraterrestriallifeintheuniverse.

B. ItindicatedthedifferencebetweenTypeIandTypeIICepheidvariablestars.

C. ItshowedaconnecKonbetweenmillisecondpulsarsandX‐raybursters.

D. ItistheremnantofaburstofradiaKonreleasedduringtheveryearlyhistoryoftheuniverse.

Page 27: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A. willremainparallelnoma>erhowfartheyextend.

B. willdivergeawayfromeachotherastheyextendintospace.

C. willeventuallycometogetherandintersectastheyextendintospace.

D. areundefined.

Page 28: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A. willremainparallelnoma>erhowfartheyextend.

B. willdivergeawayfromeachotherastheyextendintospace.

C. willeventuallycometogetherandintersectastheyextendintospace.

D. areundefined.

Page 29: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant



B. TherotaKonspeedshouldincreasesmoothlywithincreasingdistancefromthecenter.

C. TherotaKonspeedshoulddecreaserapidlytozerojustoutsidethecentralbulgebecausethediskhassuchalowmasscomparedtothebulge.

D. TherotaKonspeedshouldremainessenKallyconstantwithincreasingdistancefromthecenterbecausethebulgeisanextendedmass,notapointmass.

Page 30: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant



B. TherotaKonspeedshouldincreasesmoothlywithincreasingdistancefromthecenter.

C. TherotaKonspeedshoulddecreaserapidlytozerojustoutsidethecentralbulgebecausethediskhassuchalowmasscomparedtothebulge.

D. TherotaKonspeedshouldremainessenKallyconstantwithincreasingdistancefromthecenterbecausethebulgeisanextendedmass,notapointmass.

Page 31: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  AgeB.  DensityC.  ComposiKon

D.  Temperature

Page 32: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  AgeB.  DensityC.  ComposiKon

D.  Temperature

Page 33: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A. mostdistantTypeIasupernovaearefainterthantheywouldbeiftheexpansionwerenotacceleraKng.

B. mostdistantquasarsarefainterthantheywouldbeiftheexpansionwerenotacceleraKng.

C. cosmologicalredshiVoflightfromthemostdistantquasarsisgreaterthanitwouldbeiftheexpansionwerenotacceleraKng.

D. mostdistantgravitaKonallensesareweakerthantheywouldbeiftheexpansionwerenotacceleraKng.

Page 34: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A. mostdistantTypeIasupernovaearefainterthantheywouldbeiftheexpansionwerenotacceleraKng.

B. mostdistantquasarsarefainterthantheywouldbeiftheexpansionwerenotacceleraKng.

C. cosmologicalredshiVoflightfromthemostdistantquasarsisgreaterthanitwouldbeiftheexpansionwerenotacceleraKng.

D. mostdistantgravitaKonallensesareweakerthantheywouldbeiftheexpansionwerenotacceleraKng.

Page 35: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  ThehomogeneityoftheCosmicMicrowaveBackground

B.  Theexistenceofdarkma>eringalaxyclustersC.  TheflatgeometryoftheuniverseD.  BothAandC

Page 36: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  ThehomogeneityoftheCosmicMicrowaveBackground

B.  Theexistenceofdarkma>eringalaxyclustersC.  TheflatgeometryoftheuniverseD.  BothAandC

Page 37: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  distantquasarsB.  galaxyclustersC.  thenatureoftheuniverseD.  darkma>er

Page 38: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  distantquasarsB.  galaxyclustersC.  thenatureoftheuniverseD.  darkma>er

Page 39: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant



B. globularclusters.

C. molecularclouds.


Page 40: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant



B. globularclusters.

C. molecularclouds.


Page 41: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  Thelargeamountofdarkma>erinthecluster

B.  ViolentinteracKonsbetweengalaxiesthatstripoutgasanddust

C.  ResidualheatfromtheBigBang

D.  LargeellipKcalsthatdominatetheclustercenter

Page 42: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  Thelargeamountofdarkma>erinthecluster

B.  ViolentinteracKonsbetweengalaxiesthatstripoutgasanddust

C.  ResidualheatfromtheBigBang

D.  LargeellipKcalsthatdominatetheclustercenter

Page 43: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  RedshiV,Cepheidvariables,TypeIasupernovaeB.  Cepheidvariables,TypeIasupernovae,redshiVC.  TypeIasupernovae,redshiV,CepheidvariablesD.  Allmethodsworkatalldistances

Page 44: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  RedshiV,Cepheidvariables,TypeIasupernovaeB.  Cepheidvariables,TypeIasupernovae,redshiVC.  TypeIasupernovae,redshiV,CepheidvariablesD.  Allmethodsworkatalldistances

Page 45: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  Neutralhydrogendoesn’tcorrelatewiththestructureoftheMilkyWay

B.  DustandgasblockourviewthroughthegalaxyC.  Wedon’thaveradiotelescopesstrongenough


D.  Alloftheabove

Page 46: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  Neutralhydrogendoesn’tcorrelatewiththestructureoftheMilkyWay

B.  DustandgasblockourviewthroughthegalaxyC.  Wedon’thaveradiotelescopesstrongenough


D.  Alloftheabove

Page 47: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  TheirevoluKonarystage,withgalaxiesmovingthroughtheHubbleSequenceastheyage

B.  TheirmassC.  Theapparentshapeofthegalaxyasviewed

fromEarthD.  Theiroverallluminosity

Page 48: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  TheirevoluKonarystage,withgalaxiesmovingthroughtheHubbleSequenceastheyage

B.  TheirmassC.  Theapparentshapeofthegalaxyasviewed

fromEarthD.  Theiroverallluminosity

Page 49: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  TheuniverseishomogenousB.  GroupsofclustersaregravitaKonallyboundtoone

anothertocreatestructuresliketheGreatA>ractorC.  Clustersformalongfilamentarystructuresofdark

ma>erD.  Theuniversebecomesmoredenselypackedwith


Page 50: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  TheuniverseishomogenousB.  GroupsofclustersaregravitaKonallyboundtoone

anothertocreatestructuresliketheGreatA>ractorC.  Clustersformalongfilamentarystructuresofdark

ma>erD.  Theuniversebecomesmoredenselypackedwith


Page 51: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  Galaxystructurehasremainedthesamethroughthehistoryoftheuniverse

B.  GalaxiesatlargeredshiVaresimilarinshapebutmuchmoremassive

C.  MostgalaxiesatlargeredshiVareirregular

D.  MostgalaxiesatlargeredshiVarespiralgalaxies

Page 52: Astronomy 103 Final Review - Home | UW-Madison Astronomygosnell/finalreview.pdfThe Hubble law says that if galaxy B has twice the redshi of galaxy A, then galaxy B is A. half as distant


A.  Galaxystructurehasremainedthesamethroughthehistoryoftheuniverse

B.  GalaxiesatlargeredshiVaresimilarinshapebutmuchmoremassive

C.  MostgalaxiesatlargeredshiVareirregular

D.  MostgalaxiesatlargeredshiVarespiralgalaxies