Astrology Houses

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Transcript of Astrology Houses

  • 8/12/2019 Astrology Houses


    Astrology Houses

    The twelve Signs of the Zodiac show

    the positions of the planets along thepath of the Sun (called the ecliptic) on

    any date. These planetary positions

    dont change very much at all during

    the 24 hours of a single day. However,

    the rotation of the earth sees a new

    rising sign about every two hours

    because theres 12 Signs of the Zodiac.

    Each of the Houses in Astrology

    represents the different areas of your

    life as follows:

    First Self-image, first impressions, our general outlook on life

    Second Self-worth, earnings, possessions

    Third Communication

    Fourth Home, parents, family

    Fifth Pleasures, romance, children

    Sixth Health, work

    Seventh Partners, marriage

    Eighth Change and our attitude towards that change, sexuality

    Ninth Beliefs, philosophy, travel and foreign cultures

    Tenth Career, reputation

    Eleventh Friends, aspirations, personal goalsTwelfth Secrets, soul growth, karma, limitations

  • 8/12/2019 Astrology Houses


    The First House is Aries and you simply rotate anti-clockwise around the Zodiac Wheel above,so that the Second House is Taurus and so on, finishing with the Twelfth House of Pisces.

    The Houses are also distributed across the four Hemispheres, but to complicate matters, theSouthern Hemisphere appears in the upper part of the horoscope and the Northern Hemisphere

    in the lower. If most of your planets fall into one particular Hemisphere, this will be the effect:Northern Hemisphere

    People with a majority of Planets in the Northern Hemisphere tend to be very private

    individuals who are very subjective. They will also be very sensitive to the moods of others.Southern HemisphereA majority of Planets in the Southern Hemisphere will result in an individual who will be able

    to focus on self or what is important to them, including humanitarian causes.Eastern Hemisphere

    A beliver in free will, those born under a strong influence of the Eastern Hemisphere will havestrong self-motivation and be very independent. They have strong self-belief.

    Western HemisphereThose born under the main influence of the Western Hemisphere will always take others views

    into account and are happiest caring for others as they like to feel needed.

    The Importance of ElementsThe Elements are also significant when you look at the groupings of the houses as follows:

    Individual Houses: These are the First, Fifth and Ninth Houses (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius),which are controlled by the Element of Fire. They focus on life identity.

    Temporal Houses: These are the Second, Sixth and Tenth Houses (Taurus, Virgo andCapricorn), which are controlled by the Element of Earth. They focus on meeting material


    Relative Houses: These are the Third, Seventh and Eleventh Houses (Gemini, Libra andAquarius), which are controlled by the Element of Air. They focus on relationships, socialcontact and mind-sharing.

    Terminal Houses: These are the Fourth, Eighth and Twelfth Houses (Cancer, Scorpio andPisces), which are controlled by the Element of Water. They focus on our emotions.

    The Importance of QualitiesYet another significant grouping corresponds with the Qualities (Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable) ofthe Signs of the Zodiac. The significance of a cluster of planets in a group of these houses is as

    follows:The Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) are the First, Fourth, Seventh and Tenth

    Houses. They are the initiators of the Zodiac who are great at starting things but find it hard tosee them through.

    Because of their enthusiasm they can sometimes come across as domineering and controllingand they can be, but you have to admire their energy and drive.

    The Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) are the Fifth, Eighth and EleventhHouses. They enjoy personal stability, which allows them to maintain order in their lives. Just

    as Cardinal Signs initiate, the Fixed signs are the completer-finishersthat every team orrelationship needs.
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    However they do have a tendency, thanks to their self-confidence, to believe they are alwaysright.

    Fixed Signs are patient, reliable and steady and will always remember the people who helpthem out.

    The Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) are the Third, Sixth, Ninth andTwelfth Houses. They are the signs that are flexible and adaptablethey really do go with the

    flow and will happily put their own views to one side if it is for the good of the majority.

    Because of their versatility, they can be different people in different situations andenvironmentsthey are the chameleons of the Zodiac.But their desire to please can get them into trouble and they are in danger of being seen to be

    indecisive and perhaps two-faced.Among the most unselfish signs of the Zodiac, Mutable Signs will bend over backwards to help

    others and although they may stretch themselves thin in the process, they know how to bounceback with renewed energy.

    All of this explains why, although you may know your Sun Sign and its characteristics, thesefactors mean that the combination of the other signs in your Birth Chart, will also have a huge

    influence on your personality and your life.Image:Zodiac Wheel Posterbydavzke.Available as a Poster and other products