Astral Projection Guide - V 1

1 Astral Pr o j ec t i on Guide To you reader , who is holding this manuscript at this time, is meant this introduction, so a number of things are made very clear. May I thank you for downloading this document: besides being for a very particular purpose, by engaging in owning your life and changing it, not only will you succeed in your attempt, but you will also transform and elevate yourself in ways you cannot yet understand. There are a number of things I need to point right now , from the beginning: First of them is that I won’t be repeating things in my text: read carefully every single line as I won’t be coming back on them; every single word is meant and full of sense. Please follow my instruction to the letter: magic is a very serious business. Second, I have done this method myself and communicated with the entity here mentioned, and with success. Y ou can be assured that you will obtain results: you need only to be patient and persevere, results WILL come. You need only persevere and be patient. The astral body is part of our “lower personality”. As your physical body allows you to interact with the dense world, your astral body allows you to exist in the word of emotions, also known as the astral plane. To most people, the consciousness is tied to the physical body, and only abstracts from it when we are asleep (and we remember it as dreams), because the body is not available. The latter is very important and is step one for a successful astral projection: you need to disable your physical body in order for your consciousness to switch to your astral one. This involves a very profound relaxation, very similar to your state when you fall asleep. BUT , if you are too tired, then you will just fall asleep. Hence rule number one to succeed with astral travel is to have enough rest and sleep. Y ou should be fully rested when attempting your experiments. Mental and physical relaxation are essential and required, but not enough, and to that I will come a bit later. To effectively relax you need to focus and be present, so before relaxing your body you need to calm down your mind. There is a very effective and simple method to do the later, called the Betty Erickson technique. This technique involves focusing on things you see, hear and feel in order to keep your conscious mind occupied so that it doesn’t interfere with your unconscious mind as it works in the background to fulll your goal for the hypnosis session. Proceed as follows: 1. Get in a comfortable position. 2. Determine the length of time for the session – 20 minutes is pretty standard, but you could go longer or shorter (15 or 30 minutes, for example). 3. State your purpose for the session – Speaking out loud or insid e your head, v erbally state your goal. For example: “I’m entering a state of self-hypnosis for 15 minutes with the purpose of detaching from my physical body and engage into astral travel.” 4. Looking in front of you, notice three things (one at a time) that you see. Go slowly , pausing fo r a short while on each. Look at small things, such as a spot on the wall, door knob, candle ame, crystal on the table, etc. S ome people like to name the items as they look at them. As you stare, focus all of your attention on the object’s appe arance and try to keep your mind as free of random thoughts as possible. 5. Now turn your attention to your auditory chann el and notice, one by one, three things that you hear . Y ou might notice the sound of a clock ticking, fan blowing, creak of a settling building, cars passing by outside, or birds chirping. If it seems perfectly quiet in your particularly environment, notice the sounds of your breathing and swallowing, or create a sound by gently tapping your foot

Transcript of Astral Projection Guide - V 1

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Ast ral Pr oj ect ion Guide

To you reader, who is holding this manuscript at this time, is meant this introduction, so a number

of things are made very clear. May I thank you for downloading this document: besides being for a very

particular purpose, by engaging in owning your life and changing it, not only will you succeed in your

attempt, but you will also transform and elevate yourself in ways you cannot yet understand.

There are a number of things I need to point right now, from the beginning:

First of them is that I won’t be repeating things in my text: read carefully every single line as I won’t be

coming back on them; every single word is meant and full of sense. Please follow my instruction to the

letter: magic is a very serious business.

Second, I have done this method myself and communicated with the entity here mentioned, and withsuccess. You can be assured that you will obtain results: you need only to be patient and persevere, results

WILL come. You need only persevere and be patient.

The astral body is part of our “lower personality”. As your physical body allows you to interact with the

dense world, your astral body allows you to exist in the word of emotions, also known as the astral plane.

To most people, the consciousness is tied to the physical body, and only abstracts from it when we are

asleep (and we remember it as dreams), because the body is not available.

The latter is very important and is step one for a successful astral projection: you need to disable your

physical body in order for your consciousness to switch to your astral one. This involves a very profound

relaxation, very similar to your state when you fall asleep. BUT, if you are too tired, then you will just fall

asleep. Hence rule number one to succeed with astral travel is to have enough rest and sleep. You shouldbe fully rested when attempting your experiments.

Mental and physical relaxation are essential and required, but not enough, and to that I will come a bit

later. To effectively relax you need to focus and be present, so before relaxing your body you need to calm

down your mind.

There is a very effective and simple method to do the later, called the Betty Erickson technique. This

technique involves focusing on things you see, hear and feel in order to keep your conscious mind occupied

so that it doesn’t interfere with your unconscious mind as it works in the background to fulfill your goal for

the hypnosis session. Proceed as follows:

1. Get in a comfortable position.

2. Determine the length of time for the session – 20 minutes is pretty standard, but you could go

longer or shorter (15 or 30 minutes, for example).

3. State your purpose for the session – Speaking out loud or inside your head, verbally state your

goal. For example: “I’m entering a state of self-hypnosis for 15 minutes with the purpose of 

detaching from my physical body and engage into astral travel.”

4. Looking in front of you, notice three things (one at a time) that you see. Go slowly, pausing for

a short while on each. Look at small things, such as a spot on the wall, door knob, candle flame,

crystal on the table, etc. Some people like to name the items as they look at them. As you stare,

focus all of your attention on the object’s appearance and try to keep your mind as free of 

random thoughts as possible.5. Now turn your attention to your auditory channel and notice, one by one, three things that you

hear. You might notice the sound of a clock ticking, fan blowing, creak of a settling building, cars

passing by outside, or birds chirping. If it seems perfectly quiet in your particularly environment,

notice the sounds of your breathing and swallowing, or create a sound by gently tapping your foot

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or clicking your teeth. Focus all of your attention on each sound for a short while. If it was just a

momentary noise, replay it in your head a few times.

6. Next shift your attention to your physical being, and notice three sensations that you feel. Again,

go slowly from one to the next. Try to use sensations that normally are outside of your awareness,

such as the weight of your eyeglasses or the skin sensations created by a watch, piece of jewelry,

article of clothing, hair on your forehead or neck, the soles of your shoes, your lips touching, etc.

Even focus on an itch if you feel one.

7. Repeat the process with two different objects, two different sounds and two different feelings.

8. Repeat the cycle once again using one different object, one different sound and one differentfeeling.

At this point, you’ve completed the “external” portion of the process. Now it’s time to begin the

“internal” part by closing your eyes.

1. Imagine one small thing you see. Use whatever pops into your head (a leaf, diamond, toothbrush,etc.)

and focus all of your attention on it for a short while.

2. Then imagine one thing you hear. It could be a part of a song or the sound of a lawn mower, whistle,

running water, etc. Though this is technically the “internal” part of the process, feel free to use an

actual environmental one if it comes to the forefront of your attention. It’s better to incorporate

such a noise than be distracted by it.

3. Next, imagine one thing you feel. You could think of the feelings created by the sun on your nose,

wet sand under your toes, a kiss on the lips, dental floss between your gums, a razor shaving your

face or legs, etc. Try your best to focus all of your attention on these sensations as if they were

actually happening. Again, if an actual physical sensation comes to your attention, feel free to use


4. Repeat the process with two different images, two different sounds, and two different feelings.

5. Repeat the cycle once again using three different images, three different sounds, and three different


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The next step is physical relaxation, and it needs to be done one your mind is quiet and focused.

Lay down on your back, and beginning from your toes, contract every single muscle for a few seconds,

and up to your head. Then relax as much as you can. Focus your mind on every of the muscles you have

contracted, one at a time, starting from your toes and up to your head. Relax as deeply as you can.

Focus on your breath for a minute or two, and then start a countdown, starting at number fifty (50) and

finishing at zero (0). Every time you down a number, visualize it on your mind, as a white number on a darkbackground. At any stage now, you must not move any part of your body.

Once you have finished with the countdown, focus again on your breath. Your body should feel very heavy

or numb, or even better, you might have lost any sensation, which means you are transitioning out from

it. Look into your closed eyes. You might see some colors and shapes, do not give them attention. Some

thoughts may come by, ignore them.

When you get to the stage where you have no or very little incoming thoughts, focus on a point on your

forehead, keeping of course your eyes shut. And then, make that point travel away from your forehead, to

an approximate distance of 50 cm (about 20 inches) directly above your head. Focus for a while, and then

make that ping travel backwards, away from your head, about another 50 cm or 20 inches. If you were ona vertical position, you would be looking up now. Do not move your physical eyes up.

With this movement, you should be getting a sensation difficult to explain, that can only best be described

as a vibration, or a vertigo sensation. This is the point of no return, where you get out of your body. This is

where you should get, where technique can get you. If you rest enough, you should be achieving this state

within ten days of daily practice.

The next part of this method, the one that makes all the difference, requires to jump into some theory.

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The world we live in is the lower end of a Reality we do not always perceive. We could say it is

the bottom of a ladder, or the stage of a puppet theater. For something to happen, the idea needs to

blossom at upper stages (eg the puppeteer’s mind) who will action the necessary mechanisms so that thing

eventually happen on stage.

The plane where the ideas are initiated in is called the Causal plane. Before these ideas can manifest in

our material plane, they need to travel through the mental plane, the astral plane and finally the denseplane, in that particular order.

On every plane there are a number of entities who are in office for very specific duties. Some of them

control aspects of the weather, of culture and music, of economics, of feelings. These entities are unipolar,

their whole purpose is to keep order on whatever their office is. They cannot evolve and do not look into it

either. They just are what they are and are busy at keeping things in order, where on their duty. They only

obey Divine commands and are only limited by the Law of Karma.

We do not have their power (well we do, but do not know how to use it, but that’s a whole different

chapter), but we can command them, because we are quadripolar - at the image of the Divine Providence.

That is why if we summon these entities in the correct way, we can make whatever we need and want,happen.

There is one very specific Intelligence whose role is to teach and manage astral travel. Her name is Laosa,

and she is the one your are going to request guidance and help. She is the one who will meet you when

you get to the vibration and vertigo stage I described earlier on, and will take it from there. She will

provide you with the personalized steps you require, given that arrived at this stage, everyone’s needs are


To successfully evoke (evoking is when calling an Intelligence outside of you, invoking is calling one into

you – NEVER do the latter unless you know what you are doing), and more importantly, command an

Intelligence, you need to be as close as possible to our divine nature. For this reason, you need to purify

yourself. Evocations are to be done during a waxing (growing) moon; 10 to 15 days before, you need to

start dieting and stop all red meats. Eat poultry if you wish, except for the last 3 days, where no meat at all

is to be eaten. Avoid all alcohol, tobacco and sexual activity during at least 10 days prior to the ceremony.

Keep your body very clean, including your mouth, nails, etc… and get enough sleep.

This will take care of your physical purification, but you need as well to cleanse your subtle self. In order

to do so, every evening before going to bed you are going to perform the Quablistic Cross and the Lesser

Banishing of the Pentagram. This is a western ceremonial technique, often related to the Hermetic Order

of the Golden Dawn, that is the spiritual equivalent of a good shower: it pulls the dirt (the one you cannot

see) away.

The cross is as follows:1. Stand facing east, facing your altar. Point you index and middle finger of your right

hand to your forehead (your other fingers are closed on your fist) – see image below:

1. Say: “ Atoh” (“h” is pronounced as a light “j”). Means: “To you belongs...”

2. Point your fingers, keeping the above mentioned shape, towards your pubis, and say:

“Ve Malkuth” – means “the Kingdom...”

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3. Point your hand to your right shoulder and say: “Ve Geburah” - means “the


4. Point your hand to your left shoulder and say: “Ve Gedulah” - means “and the


5. Join both hands in a prayer position by your chest and say: “Le Olam, Amen.” Means:

“By the Elohim, Amen”.

The banishing is as follows:

1. Still facing east, trace with your fingers a patch from your left hip to the front of your head,

with your right arm and always fully extended. Then from your head down to your right hip,

then diagonally up to your left shoulder level, then horizontally up to your right shoulder,

and from them down to your initial point, your left hip: you’ve just drawn a pentagram.

Pronounce: YOD-HE-VAW-HE .2. Turn a quarter to your right, facing south, and repeat the pentagram drawing in the air, but

say: ADONAI .3. Turn a quarter to your right, facing west, and repeat the pentagram drawing in the air, and

say: HEHIEH .4. Turn a quarter to your right, facing west, and repeat the pentagram drawing in the air, and

say: ATOH GEBOH LEOLAM ADONAI .5. Turn another quarter right and come back to your initial position.

2. Now raise your arms side to side and say:

1. “Before me stands Raphaal”2. “Behind me stands Gavriaal”,

3. “To my right stands Mikhaal”,

4. “To my left stands “Aourial”.5. In front of my burns the pentagram, around me burns the hexagram.

Follow this routine and you will be sure to have prepared yourself as best as you could have. If you have a

sense of faith, pray for your success as well.

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Now that you are preparing yourself, you need to prepare your tools for the evocation ritual: you

need a protective circle, called a circle of Art, and a triangle where to get the Intelligences to manifest,

called a triangle of Art.

The circle is consecrated and represents the Universe. It is also a protective circle and by NO MEANS, once

the evocation has started, should the operator be at any moment, with any part of his body, outside of this

circle. The dangers range from insanity to death.

Traditionally the circle is 9 feet (2.7 meters) in diameter. I suggest you take a large cotton sheet and a

marker and draw it:

Please refer to the bonus folder for the detail of the Names of Power. They will grant you protection and

authority during the ritual. I strongly recommend you perform your full astral projection from the circle as

well, for the same protection issues. I will come back to protection further on.

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This is what mine looks like:


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The Triangle of Art is where we get the Intelligences to manifest. It represents the material creation

and world. It needs to be standing outside of the circle, at sight level. This is what mine looks like, made

out of simple MDF:

Here is a schematic for yourself:


The inner circle is what is called a black mirror, and it is essential. You can either cut a piece of glass and

paint it black or buy one (just google black scrying mirror).

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The evocation goes as follows.

We will be evoking Laosa, the 24th Intelligence of the Astral Sphere of Earth. As said, She is a very High

being that is an initiator in Astral travel.

High Intelligences come always from the east, hence place the Triangle of Art in that direction, just by the

outer border of the Circle of Art. Face east yourself and perform the Quabalistic Cross, as explained on anearlier ritual of this manuscript, and evoke the four angels from their four corners.

Holding the Sigil of the spirit in your hands gaze into it and repeat the name of the spirit over and over for

at least 10 min. Then put the paper with the sigil and your command in the triangle of art and gaze into

it. Try not to blink, your eyes will become used to it after a few minutes. Concentrate while reciting the


“I evoke and conjure thee, O Laosa, by the Supreme Majesty - the true God who is known by thenames of YOD HEH VAV HEH (yode-heh-vahv-heh), ADONAI (ah-doe-ney), EHEIEH (eh-hey-yay), and  AGLA (ah-gah-lah) to appear before me in this triangle of art, in a fair and comely shape, and to

obey my command and realize my will. Come Laosa from wherever you may be, visibly, affably and without delay, and in the name and by the power of El, to whom all creatures are to obey and towhose image I am done, manifest what I shall ask from you.”

Continue to gaze into the triangle until the image of the entity becomes clear to see. Something that really

helps is having one candle at each side of your face. Repeat the call as often of necessary. Usually your

reflection will fade out and when it comes back, you will not see yourself, but the manifestation of the

Entity. Also, please check the bonus folder to find this same first conjuration in Enochian.

Enochian Magic is a powerful system of evocation transmitted to a certain John Dee, in the seventeenth

century. It has a reputation of being dangerous and powerful, and both statements are right. Enochian

refers to the Enochian language and angels, although the nature of these entities is often questioned.

Enochian is extremely complex, is based on a number of tablets, and specifically uses a language that is

said to belong to the angels. This language is so powerful that it had to be transmitted backwards to John

Dee in order not to be misused.

There is a place for the Enochian language in evocation, for those who want to use it: this language is so

powerful and sacred that it adds another further pressure on the spirits evoked to compel them to obey.

High Intelligences are willing to collaborate, in this kind of evocation you need not compel further the

spirit. Repeat the invocation as long as necessary and keep gazing into the dark mirror.

When you can see the entity then ask it “what is thy name?” If it gives the correct answer then ask it to

sign its name in the space surrounding it. If the spirit turns out to be someone else then you can ask it toleave or ask what its purpose of coming before you. If it is the correct spirit then you must welcome it by


“In peace I welcome you, O Laosa, and in the name of the Most High I command you to stay withinthis mirror until you are dismissed, to speak honestly and to answer all questions truthfully that I  put before you.”

Now is time to request that next time you put yourself in a deep stage of relaxation, and at your command,

Laosa comes and meets you, and helps you out of your body.

The following is very important: when asking for a transformation of your life, you need to show commitment,

as the spirit will only go as far as you engage yourself: this means you have to power the Intelligence, and

It will use this energy to perform the request. In other words, you are providing with instructions and fuel,

the entity will put them in use with efficiency. You will also need to repeat the ritual until you get results.

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I find 3 rituals per waxing moon very effective, as it keeps an active link with the Intelligence, proves

commitment and generates enough energy for things to happen and change. If you require very urgent

action, then it will be appropriate to perform the ritual nightly as required.

You thus need to generate enough energy and concentrate it on the triangle. This is done by concentration

and visualization. Just pour your attention into the mirror and visualize that all the energy in the world

goes to the entity at your command (don’t pour your own energy, use the world’s energy, otherwise you

risk very serious illnesses and weakness). Keep your concentration for as long as you can, I usually go for

one hour.

Once you are done with the spirit, you must license him to depart. Take note that you must give this

dismissal even if the entity does not show itself, for it could actually be there and you not know it and then

you would have a spirit hanging around:

“Go in peace and return to your sphere of origin, O Spirit Laosa, by the authority of the True God,I command thee to harm none as you depart, and to be ready to come quickly if called upon again.Leave and work on the mission I have given you and do not rest until it is accomplished. May the peace of God be always between you and me”.

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The sigil or Laosa is as follows:

This is a quotation from a very serious grimoire reserved only to Initiates, about Laosa:

“Laosa - (colors of sign: red, blue and green) is again a female intelligence of the zone

 girdling the earth. She teaches the magician how to move about freely and without any

danger in the various sub-divisions of the degrees of density. She also initiates the magician

into a special magical practice by which he can leave, any time he likes, his physical body

with his mental and astral body in order to betake himself to the zone girdling the earth. Laosa is an excellent initiator into the magical practices of mental and astral wandering..” 


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The last thing you need to know is how to protect yourself, while astral travelling.

First, your body: if possible, do you relaxation into your Circle of Art. And in any case, whether you

are in your circle on in your bed, you will have put in place a line of copper all around your bed, and

attached each ending to a knife, planted or standing on your floor, a bit like if you were earthing a system:

this will prevent low entities from penetrating your physical body while you are away. DO NOT skip this


Second, if you are ever scared while travelling, or encounter a lesser entity that is aggressive, just repeat

over and over: YOD-HE-VAW-HE. That is the sacred name of God, and will always protect you from anything,

here or there.

Now, I wish you best of success in your endeavors. You know what you need to know to proceed.

What is the key: As above, so below.

What is the creed: To know, to will, to dare, and to keep silence.

What is the secret of the way: you are one with god.

Nathaniel Oldman.