Assumptions for the Installed Capacity Requirement (ICR ......ISO-NE PUBLIC ICR Values Schedule •...

ISO-NE PUBLIC AGENDA ITEM 3.2, 3.3 |PSPC MEETING NO. 327 AUGUST 17, 2017 Manasa Kotha • 2018-2019 Third Annual Reconfiguration Auction (2018-2019 ARA 3) • 2019-2020 Second Annual Reconfiguration Auction (2019-2020 ARA 2) • 2020-2021 First Annual Reconfiguration Auction (2020-2021 ARA 1) Assumptions for the Installed Capacity Requirement (ICR) Values Calculations

Transcript of Assumptions for the Installed Capacity Requirement (ICR ......ISO-NE PUBLIC ICR Values Schedule •...

Page 1: Assumptions for the Installed Capacity Requirement (ICR ......ISO-NE PUBLIC ICR Values Schedule • CCP 2018-2019 ARA 3 – Mar 1, 2018 • CCP 2019-2020 ARA 2 – Aug 1, 2018 •


A G E N D A I T E M 3 . 2 , 3 . 3 | P S P C M E E T I N G N O . 3 2 7

A U G U S T 1 7 , 2 0 1 7

Manasa Kotha

• 2018-2019 Third Annual Reconfiguration Auction (2018-2019 ARA 3) • 2019-2020 Second Annual Reconfiguration Auction (2019-2020 ARA 2) • 2020-2021 First Annual Reconfiguration Auction (2020-2021 ARA 1)

Assumptions for the Installed Capacity Requirement (ICR) Values Calculations

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Objective of this Presentation

• Review the ICR Values* development, NEPOOL committee review and FERC filing schedules for Annual Reconfiguration Auctions (ARAs) for Capacity Commitment Period (CCP) 2018-2019 through CCP 2020-2021

• Review the assumptions for calculating: – Installed Capacity Requirement (ICR) – Transmission Security Analysis (TSA) – Local Resource Adequacy Requirement (LRA) – Local Sourcing Requirement (LSR) – Maximum Capacity Limit (MCL) – System/Zonal(as applicable)Demand Curves requirement values

*The ICR, LSR, MCL and Demand Curve values are collectively referred to as the ICR Values


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ICR Values Schedule

• CCP 2018-2019 ARA 3 – Mar 1, 2018

• CCP 2019-2020 ARA 2 – Aug 1, 2018

• CCP 2020-2021 ARA 1 – Jun 5, 2018

– PSPC final review of all assumptions – Aug 17, 2017

– PSPC review of ISO recommendation of ICR Values – Sep 25, 2017

– RC review/vote of ISO recommendation of ICR Values – Oct 17, 2017

– PC review/vote of ISO recommendation of ICR Values – Nov 3, 2017

– File with FERC – by Dec 1, 2017


ICR Values for the following ARAs will be calculated, reviewed and filed concurrently:

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Calculation of ICR Values


LSR, MCL and Demand Curve capacity requirement values will be calculated for the same Capacity Zones determined for the respective Forward Capacity Auction (FCA)

CCP 2018-2019 CCP 2019-2020 CCP 2020-2021

Import Capacity Zone (LSR, LRA,TSA)

Connecticut NEMA-Boston


Southeast New England (SEMA, RI, NEMA-Boston)

Southeast New England (SEMA, RI, NEMA-


Export Capacity Zone (MCL)

- - Northern New England


Demand Curves

System-Wide Capacity Demand Curve

Cap at 1-in-5 LOLE capacity requirement, $17.728/kW-


Foot at 1-in-87 LOLE capacity requirement, $0/kW-month

System-Wide Capacity Demand Curve

Cap at 1-in-5 LOLE capacity

requirement, $17.296/kW-month

Foot at 1-in-87 LOLE capacity requirement, $0/kW-month

Marginal Reliability Impact (MRI) Curves



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ASSUMPTIONS FOR THE CCP 2018-2019 ARA 3, CCP 2019-2020 ARA 2 AND CCP 2020-2021 ARA 1



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Modeling the New England Control Area

The New England ICR is calculated using the GE MARS model – Internal transmission constraints are not modeled. All loads and

resources are assumed to be connected to a single electric bus

– Internal transmission constraints are addressed through LSR and MCL


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Assumptions for the ICR Values Calculations

• Load Forecast – Net of behind the meter (BTM) photovoltaic (PV) resource forecast

– Load forecast distribution

• Qualified Capacity (QC) of resources* – Generating Capacity Resources

– Intermittent Power Resources (IPR)

– Import Capacity Resources

– Demand Resources (DR)

• Resource availability – Generating Resources’ availability

– Intermittent Power Resources’ availability

– Demand Resources’ availability

• Load relief from OP 4 actions – Tie reliability benefits

• Quebec (includes HQICCs)

• Maritimes

• New York

– 5% voltage reduction

* Known resource retirements are removed; new cleared capacity resources are added as applicable; capacity imports are derated


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Load Forecast Data

• Load forecast assumption from the 2017 Capacity, Energy, Loads and Transmission(CELT) Report Load Forecast

• The load forecast weather related uncertainty is represented by specifying a series of multipliers on the peak load and the associated probabilities of each load level occurring – derived from the 52 weekly peak load distributions described by the

expected value (mean), the standard deviation and the skewness


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Modeling of BTM-PV in ICR Values Calculations (MW)

Notes: *For more info on the PV forecast, see

• The ARAs’ ICR probabilistic calculations use an hourly profile of BTM PV corresponding to the load shape for the year 2002, used by the Northeast Power Coordinating Council (NPCC) for reliability studies. For more information on the development of the hourly profile see:

– used for all probabilistic ICR Values calculations – modeled in GE MARS by Regional System Plan (RSP) 13-subarea representation – includes an 8% Transmission & Distribution Gross-up

• The values of BTM PV published in the 2017 CELT Report are the values of BTM PV subtracted from the Gross Load Forecast to determine the Net Load Forecast

– developed using the estimated peak load reduction percent of PV nameplate forecast from the Distributed Generation Forecast Working Group (DGFWG)

– 2018-2019 = 36%; 2019-2020 = 34.6%; 2020-2021 = 33.5%*

• In the TSA, the published 90/10 Net Load Forecast for the appropriate import-constrained sub-areas for each Capacity Zone is used

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Load Forecast (MW) For Applicable Capacity Zones and Total New England

• 50/50 & 90/10 load forecasts values are from the 2017CELT Report’s load forecast (labeled “1.2

REFERENCE - With reduction for BTM PV”) for the corresponding RSP sub-areas used in the ARA ICR Values calculations

• The Reference 50/50 load forecast shown is for informational purposes; in the ICR Values calculations, the GE MARS model sees an hourly distribution of loads with the BTM PV modeled in an hourly profile

• The 90/10 load forecast values are used directly in the calculation of TSA for import-constrained Capacity Zones; all other values shown are for informational purposes

Boston CT SEMA-RI SENE NNE Total New England

CCP 50/50 90/10 50/50 90/10 50/50 90/10 50/50 90/10 50/50 90/10 50/50 90/10

2018-2019 6,174 6,651 7,320 7,993 5,778 6,332 28,764 31,183

2019-2020 12,076 13,125 28,970 31,426

2020-2021 12,202 13,269 5,668 6,069 29,191 31,683

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Resources’ QC Resource Data : Used the latest available data for each CCP


Note: *Qualified New Capacity Resources on critical path schedule monitoring with deliverability prior to June 1st 2020

2018-2019 ARA 3 2019-2020 ARA 2 2020-2021 ARA 1

2018-2019 ARA 2 bilateral period QC


2019-2020 ARA 1 QC Capacity data

2020-2021FCA existing QC data + 2020-2021 FCA New Capacity

Resources amount*

Import Capacity Resources • The QC values are de-rated if the sum of the import QC is higher than the remaining

Transmission Transfer Capability (TTC) of the external interface after accounting for tie benefits

• This is the same procedure used for the ARA ICR calculations in previous years

Demand Resources

• Conversion of Real-Time Emergency Generation (RTEG) resources into Real-Time Demand Response (RTDR) resources is reflected for ARA 2 for CCP 2019-2020 and ARA 1 for CCP 2020-2021

• For ARA 3 for CCP 2018-2019 the Qualified Capacity of RTEG Resources is zero

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Resources’ QC By Capacity Zone & Total New England

2018-2019 ARA 3

2019-2020 ARA 2

2020-2021 ARA 1

Note: • Generating resources include a 30 MW derating to reflect the value of the firm Vermont Joint Owners (VJO) contract • Known Non-Price Retirement requests are removed from the applicable CCP

Resource Type NEMA-Boston Connecticut SEMA-RI New England

Non-Intermittent Generating Resources 3,261 9,200 6,656 30,074

Intermittent Generating Resources 79 171 112 1,073

Import Capacity Resources - - - 1,730

Demand Resources-On Peak 596 82 520 1,904

Demand Resources-Seasonal Peak - 459 - 511

Demand Resources-Real Time 128 102 107 620

Total 4,063 10,012 7,395 35,913

Resource Type SENE New England

Non-Intermittent Generating Resources 9,689 30,336

Intermittent Generating Resources 190 1,017

Import Capacity Resources - 1,510

Demand Resources-On Peak 1,245 2,103

Demand Resources-Seasonal Peak - 509

Demand Resources-Real Time 207 781

Total 11,331 36,255

Resource Type NNE SENE New England

Non-Intermittent Generating Resources 7,286 10,056 30,878

Intermittent Generating Resources 464 188 912

Import Capacity Resources 255 - 1,235

Demand Resources-On Peak 383 1,440 2,313

Demand Resources-Seasonal Peak - - 596

Demand Resources-Real Time 245 200 765

Total 8,632 11,884 36,700

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Internal TTC Assumptions (MW) -For LSR and MCL Modeling


Notes: • Transmission transfer capability limits – presented at the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) on March 22, 2017


Boston Import (for NEMA-Boston

LSR) Connecticut Import

(for Connecticut LSR) SEMA-RI Import


Southeast New England Import (for SENE LSR)

North-South Interface (for NNE


CCP N-1 N-1-1 N-1 N-1-1 N-1 N-1-1 N-1 N-1-1 N-1

2018-2019 4,850

4,175 2,950

1,750 1,280


2019-2020 5,700


2020-2021 5,700



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Proxy Unit Characteristics

• Proxy unit characteristics based on a study conducted in 2014 using the CCP 2017-2018 FCA #8 ICR model

• Current proxy unit characteristics: – Proxy unit size equal to 400 MW – EFORd of proxy unit = 5.47% – Maintenance requirement = 4 weeks






100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450





Proxy Unit Size (MW)

LOLE @ Proxy Unit Size FCA8 Model LOLE (0.0296)

Point where proxy unit characteristics achieve system LOLE


• The 2014 Proxy Unit Study was reviewed at the May 22, 2014 PSPC Meeting and is available at:

• Proxy unit characteristics are determined using the average system availability and a series of LOLE calculations. By replacing all system capacity with the correct sized proxy units, the system LOLE and resulting capacity requirement remain unchanged

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Resource Availability Assumptions Generating Resources

• Forced outages assumption – Each generating unit’s Equivalent Forced Outage Rate on (non-weighted

EFORd) modeled – Based on a 5-year average (Jan 2012 – Dec 2016) of generating unit data

submitted to Generation Availability Data System (GADS) – NERC GADS Class average data is used for immature & non-commercial units

• Scheduled outage assumption – Each generating unit’s weeks of maintenance modeled – Based on a 5-year average (Jan 2012 – Dec 2016) of each generating unit’s

actual historical average of planned and maintenance outages scheduled at least 14 days in advance

– NERC GADS Class average data is used for immature & non-commercial units

• Each CCP will have the appropriate generating units modeled along with their individual availability statistics

• Intermittent Power Resources are modeled as 100% available since their outages have been incorporated in their 5-year historical output used in their ratings determination


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Resource Availability Assumptions, Contd. Demand Resources (DR)

– Uses historical DR performance from summer & winter 2012 – 2016 (same values developed for FCA #12)

For more information see the May 2017 PSPC presentation

– Modeled by zones and type of DR with outage factor calculated as 1- performance/100

– The same performance values will be applied for CCP 2018-2019 through CCP 2020-2021

Import Capacity Resources

– Modeled in the ICR calculations as: • Pool backed are 100% available

• Resource backed are modeled with availability assumptions show below


NERC Class Average EFORd % Maintenance

(Weeks) HYDRO 30 Plus 3.49 6.77

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Resource Availability Assumptions, Contd.


EFORd Assumption for Non-Commercial Large Combustion Turbines (CTs)

• ISO-NE requested a Class Average value from NERC for CTs greater than 200 MW and greater than 300 MW – NERC was not able to provide a value for CTs greater than 300 MW

since too few units report in that category to maintain confidentiality – 2011 - 2015 five-year average EFORd for units greater than 200 MW is

4.69% (received this data from NERC in February 2017) – For the five-year period there were, on average, 26 units reporting

with an average age of 9 years – ISO-NE is using the 4.69% NERC Class Average EFORd assumption

value for CTs greater than 200 MW (currently only applies to Canal 3)

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Resource Availability Assumptions, Contd.



• Non-Intermittent Generating Resources uses the same per unit EFORd and maintenance weeks values developed for FCA #12. In the LOLE simulations, individual unit values are modeled

• Assumed summer MW weighted EFORd/Forced Outage Rate (FOR) and maintenance weeks are shown by resource category for informational purposes

• Non-Intermittent Generating resources category includes a 30 MW derating to reflect the value of the firm VJO contract

Resource Type Summer MW

Assumed Average EFORd/Forced Outage Rate (%) Weighted by

Summer Ratings

Assumed Average Maintenance Weeks

Weighted by Summer Ratings

Non-Intermittent Generating Resources 30,074 7.6 4.7

Intermittent Generating Resources 1,073 0.0 0.0

Import Capacity Resources 1,730 2.0 4.5

Demand Resources-On Peak 1,904 0.0 0.0

Demand Resources-Seasonal Peak 511 0.0 0.0

Demand Resources-Real Time 620 9.9 0.0

Total New England 35,913 6.6 4.1

CCP 2018-2019 ARA 3

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Resource Availability Assumptions


CCP 2019-2020 ARA 2

Resource Type Summer MW

Assumed Average EFORd/Forced Outage Rate (%) Weighted by

Summer Ratings

Assumed Average Maintenance Weeks

Weighted by Summer Ratings

Non-Intermittent Generating Resources 30,336 7.5 4.7

Intermittent Generating Resources 1,017 0.0 0.0

Import Capacity Resources 1,510 2.5 5.2

Demand Resources-On Peak 2,103 0.0 0.0

Demand Resources-Seasonal Peak 509 0.0 0.0

Demand Resources-Real Time 781 10.5 0.0

Total New England 36,255 6.6 4.0


• Non-Intermittent Generating Resources uses the same per unit EFORd and maintenance weeks values developed for FCA #12. In the LOLE simulations, individual unit values are modeled

• Assumed summer MW weighted EFORd/FOR and maintenance weeks are shown by resource category for informational purposes

• Non-Intermittent Generating resources includes a 30 MW derating to reflect the value of the firm VJO contract

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Resource Availability Assumptions , Contd.


CCP 2020-2021 ARA 1

Resource Type Summer MW

Assumed Average EFORd/Forced Outage Rate (%) Weighted by

Summer Ratings

Assumed Average Maintenance Weeks Weighted

by Summer Ratings

Non-Intermittent Generating Resources 30,878 7.4 4.7

Intermittent Generating Resources 912 0.0 0.0

Import Capacity Resources 1,235 3.1 6.0

Demand Resources-On Peak 2,313 0.0 0.0

Demand Resources-Seasonal Peak 596 0.0 0.0

Demand Resources-Real Time 765 10.5 0.0

Total New England 36,700 6.6 4.2


• Non-Intermittent Generating Resources uses the same per unit EFORd and Maintenance weeks values developed for FCA #12. In the LOLE simulations, individual unit values are modeled

• Assumed summer MW weighted EFORd/FOR and maintenance weeks are shown by resource category for informational purposes

• Non-Intermittent Generating resources includes a 30 MW derating to reflect the value of the firm VJO contract

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TSA Assumptions for Import Capacity Zones 2018-2019 ARA 3, 2019-2020 ARA 2 and 2020-2021 ARA 1

2018-2019 ARA 3

2019-2020 ARA 2

2020-2021 ARA 1

• DR Qualified Capacity are same values used for the ICR calculation and are shown on slide 12 • Derating Factors for DR that are used in different Capacity Zones for TSA are CT: 7%, NEMA-Boston:

14.5%, SEMA-RI: 24.5% • Peaking Generation is factored into the Non-Intermittent Generating Resources category in prior


Resource Type Connecticut NEMA-Boston SEMA-RI


Non-Intermittent Generating Resources 7,546 9% 2,956 9% 6,280 12%

Intermittent Generating Resources 171 0% 79 0% 112 0%

Peaking Generation 1,654 20% 305 20% 376 20%

Resource Type SENE


Non-Intermittent Generating Resources 8,679 12%

Intermittent Generating Resources 190 0%

Peaking Generation 1,011 20%

Resource Type SENE


Non-Intermittent Generating Resources 9,076 11%

Intermittent Generating Resources 188 0%

Peaking Generation 980 20%

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Operating Procedure No. 4 (OP 4) Assumptions - Actions 6 & 8 - 5% Voltage Reduction (MW)

• Use the 90-10 Peak load forecast net of BTM PV minus all DR

• Multiplied by the 1.5% value used by ISO Operations in estimating relief obtained from OP4 voltage reduction


90-10 Peak Load Passive DR RTDR RTEG

Actions 6 & 8

5% Voltage


June 2018-Sept 2018 31,183 2,415 620 0 422

October 2018-May 2019 23,878 2,368 616 0 313

June 2019-Sept 2019 31,426 2,611 781 0 421

October 2019-May 2020 24,017 2,409 779 0 312

June 2020-Sept 2020 31,683 2,909 765 0 420

October 2020-May 2021 24,135 2,849 756 0 308

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OP 4 Assumptions, Contd. - Tie Benefits (Summer MW)

• Values for 2018-2019 ARA 3 tie benefits are based on the recent study

• Values for 2019-2020 ARA 2 and 2020-2021 ARA 1 are those calculated for the corresponding FCAs (FCA #10 and FCA #11, respectively)

• Modeled in the ICR calculations with the tie line availability assumptions shown below:


External Tie Forced Outage Rate (%) Maintenance


Cross Sound Cable 0.89 1.50

Highgate 0.07 1.28

HQ Phase II 0.39 2.74

New Brunswick Ties 0.08 0.37

New York AC Ties 0 0

Control Area 2018-2019

ARA 3 2019-2020

ARA 2 2020-2021


Quebec over the Phase-II Interconnection 1,030 975 959

Quebec over the Highgate Interconnection 107 142 145

Maritimes over the New Brunswick Ties 425 519 500

New York over AC Ties 346 354 346

Total 1,908 1,990 1,950

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OP 4 Assumptions - Minimum Operating Reserve Requirement (MW)


• Minimum Operating Reserve is the 10-Minute minimum Operating Reserve requirement for ISO Operations

• Modeled at 200 MW in the ICR calculation

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Summary of all MW Modeled in the ICR Values Calculations (MW)


• Generating Capacity Resources includes a 30 MW de-rate to reflect the value of the firm VJO contract

• Intermittent Power Resources have both the summer and winter capacity values modeled

• Import Capacity Resources reflect a derating to account for TTC and each CCP’s tie benefits

• OP 4 voltage reduction includes both Action 6 and Action 8 MW assumptions

• Minimum Operating Reserve is the 10-Minute minimum Operating Reserve requirement for ISO Operations

• Tie benefits for 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 are those calculated for the corresponding FCA


Total Capacity Breakdown 2018-19 ARA3 2019-20 ARA2 2020-21 ARA1

Generating Capacity Resources 31,147 31,352 31,790

Demand Resources 3,036 3,393 3,674

Import Resources 1,730 1,510 1,235

Tie Benefits 1,908 1,990 1,950

OP4 - Action 6 & 8 (Voltage Reduction) 422 421 420

Minimum Reserve Requirement (200) (200) (200)

Total Capacity 38,043 38,466 38,870

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