ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on...

ASST Workshop on Engineering ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, Syria Admission Policies in the Far-East Admission Policies in the Far-East 19 July 2010 Sor Heoh Saw 1,2 and Sing Lee 1,2,3* 1 INTI International University, 71800 Nilai, Malaysia 2 Institute for Plasma Focus Studies, 32 Oakpark Drive, Chadstone, VIC 3148, Australia 3 Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education, Singapore 637616 e-mails: [email protected] ; [email protected]

Transcript of ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on...

Page 1: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering EducationASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges Present Status, Trends and Challenges

19-21 July 2010, Damascus, Syria

Admission Policies in the Far-East Admission Policies in the Far-East

19 July 2010

• Sor Heoh Saw 1,2 and Sing Lee 1,2,3*

• 1INTI International University, 71800 Nilai, Malaysia • 2Institute for Plasma Focus Studies, 32 Oakpark Drive, Chadstone, VIC 3148, Australia• 3Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education, Singapore 637616

• e-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]

Page 2: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee


• Admission policies and student selectionAdmission policies and student selection• MQA-Student Selection and Support Services (AREA 4 COPIA & MQA-Student Selection and Support Services (AREA 4 COPIA &

COPPA)COPPA)• COPIA Standards for Area 4.1 Admission and Selection COPIA Standards for Area 4.1 Admission and Selection • COPIA Standards for Area 4.2 Articulation Regulations, Credit COPIA Standards for Area 4.2 Articulation Regulations, Credit

Transfer and Credit Exemption Transfer and Credit Exemption • COPIA Standards for Area 4.3 Transfer of Students COPIA Standards for Area 4.3 Transfer of Students • COPPA - Information on Area 4.1 to 4.3 : Student Selection COPPA - Information on Area 4.1 to 4.3 : Student Selection • Admission Criteria and guidelines for Engineering Degree Admission Criteria and guidelines for Engineering Degree


Page 3: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

Admission Policies and Student Selection - 1/3Admission Policies and Student Selection - 1/3

Admission Policies ensure that institutions enroll only applicants who:

•Possess the required pre-requisite knowledge and ability

•Are most likely to successfully achieve the stated learning outcomes of the programme

•Are most likely to successfully complete the studies

Page 4: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

Admission Policies and Student Selection - 2/3Admission Policies and Student Selection - 2/3

Admission Policies:• Guide the development of degree curriculum (or vice-versa) to ensure that there is a smooth learning transition from

high school into the degree study

• Guide the introduction of appropriate bridging courses where necessary to address knowledge gaps between high school and degree curriculum for applicants from particular region or nationality

• Provide information to potential applicants on the expectations of the degree programme with the aim to facilitate the applicants to make informed decisions and to better prepare themselves for degree studies

Page 5: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

Admission Policies and Student Selection - 3/3Admission Policies and Student Selection - 3/3

Student admission is:

• Governed by policies formulated by Ministry of Education/ Higher Education and together with the BEM-EAC for Engineering programme

• One of the areas of Quality Assurance for HEIs

Page 6: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

MQA - Student Selection and Support Services MQA - Student Selection and Support Services (AREA 4 COPIA & COPPA) - 1/2 (AREA 4 COPIA & COPPA) - 1/2

• Student admission is governed by policies formulated by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Malaysia

• There are varying views on the most appropriate way to select students into a higher education institution; there is no one best method of student selection

• Whatever method is selected, the HEI must be able to defend it consistently

• Appropriate developmental or remedial support must be made available to assist students

Page 7: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

MQA - Student Selection and Support Services MQA - Student Selection and Support Services (AREA 4 COPIA & COPPA)(AREA 4 COPIA & COPPA) - 2/2 2/2

• The number of students to be admitted is determined by the resources and capacity of the HEI as well as the number of qualified applicants

• The admission and retention policies of the HEI must not be compromised for the sole purpose of maintaining a desired enrolment

• If an HEI operates geographically separated campuses, or if a programme is a collaborative one, the selection and assignment of all students must be equally consistent with national policies.

Page 8: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

COPIA Standards for Area 4.1 COPIA Standards for Area 4.1 Admission and Selection - 1/4Admission and Selection - 1/4

Benchmarked Standards (10)•The HEI must have clear criteria and processes of student admission --- including those affecting transfer and exchange students --- and select students whose capabilities are consistent with these criteria and processes

•The criteria and processes of selection must be published, disseminated and publicly accessible, especially to students

•Prerequisite knowledge and skills for purposes of student entry into each programme must be appropriate and clearly stated

Page 9: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

Benchmarked Standards (10) –continue

• If a selection interview is utilised, the process must be structured, objective and fair

• Student selection must be fair and transparent

• There must be a clear policy on, and appropriate mechanism for, appeal

• The HEI must offer appropriate development or remedial support to assist students who need such support

COPIA Standards for Area 4.1 COPIA Standards for Area 4.1 Admission and Selection - 2/4Admission and Selection - 2/4

Page 10: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

Benchmarked Standards (10) –continue

• The number for each student intake must be related to the resources, capacity and capability of the HEI to effectively deliver its programmes

• Visiting, exchange and transfer students must be accounted for to ensure the adequacy of the HEI’s resources to accommodate them

• The admission policy must be monitored and reviewed periodically to continuously improve the selection processes

COPIA Standards for Area 4.1 COPIA Standards for Area 4.1 Admission and Selection - 3/4Admission and Selection - 3/4

Page 11: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

Enhanced Standards (4)•Student performance should be monitored as a feedback mechanism to assist in improving selection processes

•The review of the admission policy and processes should be in consultation with relevant stakeholders, nationally and internationally

•Student intake should incorporate social responsibility by privileged consideration for people with special needs

•There should be a relationship between student selection, programmes, and the desired learning outcomes

COPIA Standards for Area 4.1 COPIA Standards for Area 4.1 Admission and Selection - 4/4 Admission and Selection - 4/4

Page 12: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

COPIA Standards for Area 4.2 COPIA Standards for Area 4.2 Articulation Regulations, Credit Transfer and Credit Articulation Regulations, Credit Transfer and Credit Exemption Exemption

Benchmarked Standard•HEP must have well defined and effectively disseminated policies, regulations and processes concerning articulation practices, credit transfers and credit exemptions

Enhanced Standard•The HEI should be in touch with the latest development and thinking about the processes of articulation, credit transfers and credit exemptions including cross-border collaborative provisions

Page 13: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

COPIA Standards for Area 4.3 COPIA Standards for Area 4.3 Transfer of Students - 1/3Transfer of Students - 1/3

• In this age of increased cross-border education and student mobility, nationally and globally, the question of the transfer of students and credits and the articulation of accumulated learning has become a very important aspect of higher education

• Thus, sufficient attention must be given to ensure that transfer students are smoothly assimilated into the institution without undue disruption to his studies

Page 14: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

COPIA Standards for Area 4.3 COPIA Standards for Area 4.3 Transfer of Students - 2/3 Transfer of Students - 2/3

Benchmarked Standards (2)•The HEI must have a well-disseminated policy with clear criteria, mechanisms and processes, both academic and non-academic, to enable qualified students to transfer to another programme, within it or in another HEI

•Incoming transfer students must have comparable achievement in their previous institution of study

Page 15: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

COPIA Standards for Area 4.3 COPIA Standards for Area 4.3 Transfer of Students - 3/3Transfer of Students - 3/3

Enhanced StandardThe HEI should have in place policies and mechanisms that facilitate student mobility between programmes and institutions, within the country or cross- border, through articulation arrangements, joint degrees, exchange semesters, advanced standing arrangements, and the like

Page 16: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

COPPA - Information on Area 4.1 to 4.3: COPPA - Information on Area 4.1 to 4.3: Student Selection - 1/6Student Selection - 1/6

4.1 Admission and SelectionInformation on Benchmarked Standards• Who is responsible for student selection? State the academic criteria

and the mechanisms for admission to the programme and any other additional requirements. Show evidence that the admission policy and mechanism are free from discrimination and bias

• Provide evidence that the students selected fulfill the admission policies

• Describe the admission mechanisms and criteria for students with other equivalent qualifications (where applicable)

• Show how the criteria and mechanisms are published and disseminated

Page 17: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

COPPA - Information on Area 4.1 to 4.3: COPPA - Information on Area 4.1 to 4.3: Student Selection - 2/6Student Selection - 2/6

4.1 Admission and SelectionInformation on Benchmarked Standards (continue)• Describe the appeal mechanism• Describe the characteristics of students admitted. Provide a copy of

any technical standards that have been deployed for the admission of students with special needs

• Indicate the forecast student intake for the next five years. (Refer also to item 13 of Part B). Describe how the size of student intake is determined in relation to the capacity of the department and explain the mechanisms that exist for adjustments, taking into account the admission of visiting, exchange and transfer students

Page 18: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

COPPA - Information on Area 4.1 to 4.3: COPPA - Information on Area 4.1 to 4.3: Student Selection - 3/6 Student Selection - 3/6

4.1 Admission and SelectionInformation on Benchmarked Standards (continue)• Describe how the selection methods comply with the HEP’s social

responsibilities, human resource requirements and needs for further studies and lifelong learning

• If a selection interview is utilised, describe it• State what special programmes are provided for those who are

selected but need additional remedial assistance• How does the department continuously monitor and periodically

review student selection processes

Page 19: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

COPPA - Information on Area 4.1 to 4.3: COPPA - Information on Area 4.1 to 4.3: Student Selection - 4/6Student Selection - 4/6

4.1 Admission and SelectionInformation on Enhanced Standards

• Describe how the department engages the relevant stakeholders in the review of its admission policy and processes

• Show the relationship between student selection, the programme, and the learning outcomes

Page 20: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

COPPA - Information on Area 4.1 to 4.3: COPPA - Information on Area 4.1 to 4.3: Student Selection - 5/6 Student Selection - 5/6

4.2 Articulation Regulation, Credit Transfer and Credit Exemption

Information on Benchmarked Standard• Describe the policies, regulations and processes of credit transfer,

credit exemption and articulation practices, and how these are disseminated.

Information on Enhanced Standard• Describe how the department keeps abreast of latest development

with regards to articulation, credit transfer and cross-border provisions.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education, Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-23 July 2010 -Admission Policies in the Far-East

S H Saw & S Lee

Page 21: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

Admission Criteria and guidelines for Admission Criteria and guidelines for Engineering Degree Studies 1/3Engineering Degree Studies 1/3

Admission Criteria for Engineering Degree Studies in MalaysiaAdmission Criteria for Engineering Degree Studies in Malaysia

Minimum entry qualifications approved by MOHE-2 Principal Passes at STPM including Mathematics and 1 Science subjector-equivalent

Page 22: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

Admission Criteria and guidelines for Admission Criteria and guidelines for Engineering Degree Studies 2/3Engineering Degree Studies 2/3

Admission Criteria for Engineering Degree Studies in Malaysia - Admission Criteria for Engineering Degree Studies in Malaysia - continuecontinue

Equivalent qualifications approved by BEM:•2 Passes at A-Level including Mathematics and any Physical Science•Diploma in Engineering approved by MOHE•Foundation Studies in the relevant field approved by MOHE•Or equivalent qualifications approved by MOHE

Page 23: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee

Admission Criteria and guidelines for Admission Criteria and guidelines for Engineering Degree Studies 3/3Engineering Degree Studies 3/3

Admission Criteria for Engineering Degree Studies in MalaysiaAdmission Criteria for Engineering Degree Studies in MalaysiaFor International Applicants :

• Follow guidelines provided by MQA – Provide the matching of overseas qualifications to Malaysia

SPM & STPM qualifications

• Entry requirements developed by Institution’s Academic Committee– Establish the levels of achievement for overseas

qualifications equivalent to approved local qualifications

Page 24: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July 2010, Damascus, SyriaAdmission Policies in the Far-EastS H Saw & S Lee


In this lecture we have covered the following areasIn this lecture we have covered the following areas::

• Admission policies and student selectionAdmission policies and student selection• MQA-Student Selection and Support Services (AREA 4 COPIA & MQA-Student Selection and Support Services (AREA 4 COPIA &

COPPA)COPPA)• COPIA Standards for Area 4.1 Admission and Selection COPIA Standards for Area 4.1 Admission and Selection • COPIA Standards for Area 4.2 Articulation Regulations, Credit COPIA Standards for Area 4.2 Articulation Regulations, Credit

Transfer and Credit Exemption Transfer and Credit Exemption • COPIA Standards for Area 4.3 Transfer of Students COPIA Standards for Area 4.3 Transfer of Students • COPPA - Information on Area 4.1 to 4.3 : Student Selection COPPA - Information on Area 4.1 to 4.3 : Student Selection • Admission Criteria and guidelines for Engineering Degree StudiesAdmission Criteria and guidelines for Engineering Degree Studies

Page 25: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

ASST Workshop on Engineering EducationASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges Present Status, Trends and Challenges

19-21 July 2010, Damascus, Syria

Admission Policies in the Far-East Admission Policies in the Far-East

• Sor Heoh Saw 1,2 and Sing Lee 1,2,3*

• 1INTI International University, 71800 Nilai, Malaysia • 2Institute for Plasma Focus Studies, 32 Oakpark Drive, Chadstone, VIC 3148, Australia• 3Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education, Singapore 637616

• e-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]

Page 26: ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges.

Thank youThank youQ & AQ & A