Associations between transforming growth factor /ft RNA ...invaginating dental epithelium (Fig. IB)....

Development 113, 985-994 (1991) Printed in Great Britain © The Company of Biologists Limited 1991 985 Associations between transforming growth factor /ft RNA expression and epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during tooth morphogenesis ANNE VAAHTOKARI 1 *, SEPPO VAINIO 1 - 2 and IRMA THESLEFF 1 1 Department of Pedodontics and Orthodontics, University of Helsinki, Mannerheimintie 172, SF-00300 Helsinki, Finland 2 Department of Pathology, University of Helsinki, Haartmamnkatu 3, SF-00280 Helsinki, Finland * Author for correspondence Summary We have studied the expression of transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-/W) RNA during mouse tooth development, using in situ hybridization and experimen- tal tissue recombinations. Analysis of the serial sections revealed the appearance of local expression of TGF-/J1 RNA in the dental epithelium at bud-staged teeth (13- day embryos). Just before transition to the cap stage, TGF-/J1 RNA expression rapidly increased in the epithelial bud, and it also extended to the condensed dental mesenchyme. At cap stage (14- and 15-day embryos), there was an intense expression of TGF-/31 RNA in the morphologically active cervical loops of the dental epithelium. During early bell stage (16- and 17-day embryos), TGF-/J1 RNA expression was detected in the inner enamel epithelium where it subsequently almost disap- peared (18-day embryos). After birth TGF-01 tran- scripts transiently appeared in these cells when they were differentiating into ameloblasts (1-day mice). The transcripts were lost from the ameloblasts when they became secretory (4-day mice), but the expression continued in ameloblasts in enamel-free areas. Transient expression of TGF-/J1 RNA was also detected in epithelial stratum intermedium cells at the time of ameloblast differentiation. In the mesenchyme, TGF-/J1 RNA was not detected during bell stage until it appeared in differentiated odontoblasts (18-day embryos). The secretory odontoblasts continued to express TGF-/J1 RNA at all stages studied including the odontoblasts of incisor roots. Analysis of the distribution of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation indicated apparent correlations between TGF-/31 RNA expression and cell proliferation at the bud and cap stages but not at later stages of tooth development. Tissue recombination experiments of bud- staged (13-day embryos) dental and non-dental tissues showed that tooth epithelium, when cultured together with tooth mesenchyme, expressed TGF-/31 RNA. When the tooth epithelium was combined with non-dental jaw mesenchyme, TGF-/J1 transcripts were not expressed. However, TGF-/J1 RNA expression was seen in oral epithelium cultured with dental mesenchyme, while no expression of TGF-/J1 transcripts was seen in the oral epithelium during normal development. Thus, TGF-/J1 RNA expression seems to be regulated by epithelial- mesenchymal interactions. Key words: TGF-/51, tooth morphogenesis, epithelial- mesenchymal interactions, in situ hybridization, BrdU. Introduction The tooth is an organ whose development is controlled by a chain of reciprocal interactions between its epithelial and neural crest-derived mesenchymal com- ponents (Kollar and Braid, 1970; Slavkin, 1974; Thesleff and Hurmerinta, 1981; Ruch et al. 1983). Tooth morphogenesis begins with the thickening of the oral epithelium. When the jaw mesenchyme condenses around the epithelial bud, the tooth germ has reached the bud stage. Tissue recombination experiments have shown that until this stage the epithelium contains all the information required for the formation of a mature tooth, but at this stage the instructions for subsequent odontogenesis shift from epithelium to mesenchyme (Mina and Kollar, 1987; Kollar and Braid, 1970). During the following cap and bell stages, the mor- phology of the tooth crown is established and at late bell stage the dentine-producing odontoblasts and enamel- producing ameloblasts differentiate. Although the exact molecular mechanisms involved in the tissue interactions that regulate tooth develop- ment are largely unknown, there is evidence from our and other laboratories that ECM molecules and growth factors as well as their receptors may play central roles. These include the ECM glycoprotein tenascin and the cell surface matrix receptor syndecan which are intensely expressed in the condensing dental mesen-

Transcript of Associations between transforming growth factor /ft RNA ...invaginating dental epithelium (Fig. IB)....

Page 1: Associations between transforming growth factor /ft RNA ...invaginating dental epithelium (Fig. IB). This ex-pression was evident only in a restricted region along the mesiodistal

Development 113, 985-994 (1991)Printed in Great Britain © The Company of Biologists Limited 1991


Associations between transforming growth factor /ft RNA expression and

epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during tooth morphogenesis


1 Department of Pedodontics and Orthodontics, University of Helsinki, Mannerheimintie 172, SF-00300 Helsinki, Finland2Department of Pathology, University of Helsinki, Haartmamnkatu 3, SF-00280 Helsinki, Finland

* Author for correspondence


We have studied the expression of transforming growthfactor beta-1 (TGF-/W) RNA during mouse toothdevelopment, using in situ hybridization and experimen-tal tissue recombinations. Analysis of the serial sectionsrevealed the appearance of local expression of TGF-/J1RNA in the dental epithelium at bud-staged teeth (13-day embryos). Just before transition to the cap stage,TGF-/J1 RNA expression rapidly increased in theepithelial bud, and it also extended to the condenseddental mesenchyme. At cap stage (14- and 15-dayembryos), there was an intense expression of TGF-/31RNA in the morphologically active cervical loops of thedental epithelium.

During early bell stage (16- and 17-day embryos),TGF-/J1 RNA expression was detected in the innerenamel epithelium where it subsequently almost disap-peared (18-day embryos). After birth TGF-01 tran-scripts transiently appeared in these cells when theywere differentiating into ameloblasts (1-day mice). Thetranscripts were lost from the ameloblasts when theybecame secretory (4-day mice), but the expressioncontinued in ameloblasts in enamel-free areas. Transientexpression of TGF-/J1 RNA was also detected inepithelial stratum intermedium cells at the time ofameloblast differentiation. In the mesenchyme, TGF-/J1

RNA was not detected during bell stage until it appearedin differentiated odontoblasts (18-day embryos). Thesecretory odontoblasts continued to express TGF-/J1RNA at all stages studied including the odontoblasts ofincisor roots.

Analysis of the distribution of bromodeoxyuridine(BrdU) incorporation indicated apparent correlationsbetween TGF-/31 RNA expression and cell proliferationat the bud and cap stages but not at later stages of toothdevelopment. Tissue recombination experiments of bud-staged (13-day embryos) dental and non-dental tissuesshowed that tooth epithelium, when cultured togetherwith tooth mesenchyme, expressed TGF-/31 RNA. Whenthe tooth epithelium was combined with non-dental jawmesenchyme, TGF-/J1 transcripts were not expressed.However, TGF-/J1 RNA expression was seen in oralepithelium cultured with dental mesenchyme, while noexpression of TGF-/J1 transcripts was seen in the oralepithelium during normal development. Thus, TGF-/J1RNA expression seems to be regulated by epithelial-mesenchymal interactions.

Key words: TGF-/51, tooth morphogenesis, epithelial-mesenchymal interactions, in situ hybridization, BrdU.


The tooth is an organ whose development is controlledby a chain of reciprocal interactions between itsepithelial and neural crest-derived mesenchymal com-ponents (Kollar and Braid, 1970; Slavkin, 1974;Thesleff and Hurmerinta, 1981; Ruch et al. 1983).Tooth morphogenesis begins with the thickening of theoral epithelium. When the jaw mesenchyme condensesaround the epithelial bud, the tooth germ has reachedthe bud stage. Tissue recombination experiments haveshown that until this stage the epithelium contains allthe information required for the formation of a maturetooth, but at this stage the instructions for subsequent

odontogenesis shift from epithelium to mesenchyme(Mina and Kollar, 1987; Kollar and Braid, 1970).During the following cap and bell stages, the mor-phology of the tooth crown is established and at late bellstage the dentine-producing odontoblasts and enamel-producing ameloblasts differentiate.

Although the exact molecular mechanisms involvedin the tissue interactions that regulate tooth develop-ment are largely unknown, there is evidence from ourand other laboratories that ECM molecules and growthfactors as well as their receptors may play central roles.These include the ECM glycoprotein tenascin and thecell surface matrix receptor syndecan which areintensely expressed in the condensing dental mesen-

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chyme (Thesleff et al. 1987, 1988). Of the growthfactors, epidermal growth factor (EGF) affects toothmorphogenesis (Partanen et al. 1985) and EGF recep-tors appear to be regulated by epithelial-mesenchymalinteractions during early tooth development (Partanenand Thesleff, 1987).

TGF-/J1 is a multifunctional peptide growth factorwhich is known to be both a positive and negativeregulator of cellular growth (Roberts et al. 1981; Moseset al. 1985) and differentiation (Ignotz and Massague,1985; Masui et al. 1986; Massagu6 et al. 1986; Seyedin etal. 1987), and to enhance the deposition of ECM(Heino and Massagu6, 1989). TGF-/31 may alsomodulate cell adhesion and phenotype e.g. by regulat-ing the synthesis of integrins (Ignotz and Massagu6,1987). Growth factors belonging to the TGF-/3 super-family have been shown to be involved in the inductionof mesodenn formation in Xenopus embryos (Rosa etal. 1988) and in the mediation of interactions betweenmesoderm and endoderm in Drosophila embryos(Panganiban et al. 1990). TGF-/3 has also been shown tomediate epithelial-mesenchymal cell transformationsduring chicken heart development (Potts and Runyan,1989; Potts et al. 1991).

TGF-/S1, TGF-£2 and TGF-/S3 RNAs have beendetected in the tooth germ (Lehnert and Akhurst, 1988;Pelton et al. 1990), and TGF-/S1 protein has beenlocalized in developing teeth by immunohistology(Heine era/. 1987; Camera/. 1990; D'Souzaetal. 1990).Although TGF-/31 RNA has been localized in develop-ing teeth, the consecutive changes in the distributionpattern of TGF-/91 transcripts during tooth develop-ment have not been studied earlier. Also, there hasbeen no experimental evidence concerning involvementof TGF-/31 in secondary inductions during toothdevelopment.

Materials and methods

Preparation of tissuesThe regions of first (and occasionally second) molar toothgerms were removed from 11-day mouse embryos to 4-daypostnatal mice (CBAxC57BL). Embryonic age was deter-mined according to the vaginal plug (day 0). In addition, thenon-mineralized apical regions of the roots of incisors wereremoved from 14-day mice. All tissues were staged by usingmorphological criteria. For in situ hybridization, tissues werefixed in 4 % paraformaldehyde (PFA) in phosphate-bufferedsaline (PBS) and embedded in paraffin. Serial sections of 7 /anwere cut and transferred to siliconized slides.

Preparation of probes[35S]UTP-labelled single-stranded RNA probes were syn-thesized by in vitro transcription from a 974 bp Smal-Smalfragment of murine TGF-/51 cDNA (nucleotides 421-1395 inthe cDNA) (Derynck etal. 1986; Wilkinson and Green, 1990).Most of the sequence resides in the region encoding the TGF-pi precursor peptide. The same region was earlier used byLyons et al. (1990) and Pelton et al. (1990) to generate RNAprobes for in situ hybridization. They could not detect anycross-hybridization with the other TGF-/3 transcripts underconditions similar to ours. Also, we have found that using the

procedure described here, the distribution pattern of TGF-/J3RNA differs from that detected for TGF-/S1 RNA (A.Vaahtokari, unpublished results).

pBluescript II SK(-) (Stratagene) into which TGF-^1DNA fragment had been subcloned was linearized usingEco~Rl restriction enzyme (Boehringer Mannheim) andtranscribed with T3 RNA polymerase (Boehringer Mann-heim) to generate the antisense TGF-/31 RNA probe. Thecontrol sense probe was obtained using 5amHI-linearizedplasmid and T7 RNA polymerase (Boehringer Mannheim).The probes were shortened to an average length of 100 basesby a limited alkaline hydrolysis (Cox etal. 1984) and separatedfrom unincorporated [ S]UTP (Amersham), using SephadexG-50 (Pharmacia) gel chromatography. After ethanol precipi-tation, the probes were redissolved in the hybridization bufferand diluted to about Sxl^ctsmin"1/^"1. Before hybridiz-ation the probes were denaturated by heating at 80°C.

In situ hybridizationIn situ hybridization was performed as described by Wilkinsonet al. (1987, 1990). Briefly, tissue sections were pretreatedwith proteinase K (Sigma) and acetylated. Hybridization wasdone overnight in a moist chamber in 60% formamide at50°C. Also, 50% formamide or 52°C were used in someexperiments. The results were identical with both concen-trations and temperatures. After hybridization, the tissuesections were washed using high-stringency washes asdescribed by Wilkinson and Green (1990). Dried slides weredipped in diluted (1:1) autoradiographic emulsion (Kodak),dried and exposed for 10 days at 4°C in the presence of silicagel. Following development, the emulsion was fixed, and thesections were stained with Delafield's hematoxylin andmounted with DePeX (BDH). Photomicrography was per-formed using Leitz Orthoplan microscope and Ilford PanFfilm.

Cell proliferation assayDissected tooth rudiments were preincubated in a Trowell-type culture for 3h in Minimum Essential Medium (MEM)supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS, GIBCO) at37 CC. Subsequently the tissues were incubated for 60min inthe same medium containing 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine(BrdU) and 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (both included inAmersham's labelling reagent, diluted in 1:1000), whichincreases BrdU incorporation by lowering competition byendogenous thymidine. The tissues were washed in PBS,pH7.3, for 3x5 min at room temperature, fixed in coldethanol and processed for immunohistology. BrdU incorpor-ated into DNA was located in the tissue sections by using aspecific mouse monoclonal antibody (Amersham). The boundantibody was detected using biotinylated secondary antibodyto mouse immunoglobulins and the Vectastain-ABC kit(Vector).

Tissue recombination experimentsDissected molar tooth germs with some surrounding tissue of13-day embryos were incubated for 2 min in 2.25% trypsin/0.75 % pancreatin on ice, and the epithelia and mesenchymeswere microsurgically separated in MEM supplemented with10 % FCS. The epithelium of the tooth bud was separatedfrom the oral epithelium and the dental mesenchyme from thenon-dental jaw mesenchyme. 3-5 isolated epithelia wereplaced in intimate contact with 3-5 isolated mesenchymes ona polycarbonate membrane (Nuclepore Corp.). The recombi-nations were cultured for three days in Trowell-type culturesin MEM supplemented with 10% FCS. The explants were

Page 3: Associations between transforming growth factor /ft RNA ...invaginating dental epithelium (Fig. IB). This ex-pression was evident only in a restricted region along the mesiodistal

TGF-fil RNA expression in odontogenesis 987

fixed in PFA and processed for in situ hybridization asdescribed above.


Tooth development until bud stage (11- to 13-dayembryos)The examination of the serial sections indicated thatduring tooth development the pattern of TGF-/51 RNAexpression changed along both mesiodistal and buccol-ingual axes corresponding with the advancing morpho-genesis and cell differentiation.

During the initiation of molar tooth development(11-day embryos), no specific hybridization signal wasdetected either in the jaw epithelium or in the jawmesenchyme in the region of the presumptive molartooth germ (data not shown). Analysis of serial sectionsof the lower jaw of 13-day embryos indicated that rapidchanges of TGF-/?1 expression take place during thebud stage: no TGF-/S1 transcripts were seen either in.epithelium or mesenchyme at the early bud stage (datanot shown), but after a short period low levels of TGF-fil RNA expression were located at the tip of theinvaginating dental epithelium (Fig. IB). This ex-pression was evident only in a restricted region alongthe mesiodistal axis of the tooth germ. At this stage, noTGF-/31 expression was detected in the dental mesen-chyme. Just before transition to the cap stage, TGF-/J1RNA expression increased in the epithelium, and it alsoappeared in the condensed dental mesenchyme sur-rounding the bud (Fig. IE), again in a localized regionalong the mesiodistal axis. TGF-/J1 transcripts were notdetected in Meckel's cartilage or in the surrounding jawmesenchyme, which is in contrast to an earlier reportaccording to which TGF-^1 transcripts were located inthe mesenchyme between the epithelium of the toothbud and the lip furrow in the 13-day mouse embryo(Lehnert and Akhurst, 1988). The developing mandibu-lar bone expressed high levels of TGF-/?1 RNA(Fig. IE). In sections hybridized with the sense probe,no specific hybridization was detected at this or laterstages (Fig. 3E).

Cap-staged tooth (14- and 15-day embryos)In the 14-day embryo, first molar development hasreached the cap stage. An intense expression of TGF-pi RNA appeared in the developing cervical loops ofthe dental epithelium, and relatively high levels ofTGF-/J1 transcripts were also seen in the inner enamelepithelium between the developing cervical loops andin the mesenchyme (Fig. 1H). However, analysis of theserial sections indicated regional differences in theexpression pattern: in the mesial and distal ends of thetooth, no TGF-/S1 transcripts were detected in theepithelium (data not shown). In 15-day embryo, thefirst molar tooth germ is still at the cap stage, and thecervical loops of the dental epithelium and the innerenamel epithelium continued to express TGF-/51 RNAin the central areas of the tooth. In the mesial and distalends, TGF-/31 transcripts were only localized in themesenchyme (data not shown).

Bell-staged tooth (16- to 18-day embryos) andcompletion of crown morphogenesis (1- to 4-daymice)During the early bell stage (16- and 17-day embryos),expression of TGF-jSl transcripts diminished in thedental epithelium so that, in comparison with the capstage, lower levels of TGF-/S1 RNA expression weredetected in restricted areas in the inner enamelepithelium (Fig. 2B). In the dental mesenchyme, noTGF-/51 RNA was detected at this stage (Fig. 2B). Oneday later, expression of TGF-/31 transcripts almostdisappeared in the dental epithelium whereas in thedental mesenchyme TGF-/J1 RNA expression wasdetected in the polarized odontoblasts (Fig. 2D).

In 19-day embryos, the epithelial stratum inter-medium cells transiently expressed TGF-/J1 RNA(Fig. 2F). After birth, preameloblasts also expressedTGF-/91 transcripts transiently at the onset of theirdifferentiation (Fig. 3B). Interestingly, even aftercrown morphogenesis was completed (4-day postnatalmice), the non-secreting ameloblasts at the tips of thecusps continued to express TGF-/51 RNA (Fig. 3D). Inother areas secretory ameloblasts as well as otherepithelial cells lacked TGF-01 transcripts.

TGF-/S1 RNA expression persisted in terminallydifferentiated odontoblasts (Fig. 3D). Secretory odon-toblasts expressed TGF-/S1 at all locations examined,including the roots of the incisors of 14-day mice(Fig. 3F). Examination of the second molars, whichdevelop two days later than the first molars, revealedidentical distribution of TGF-/S1 transcripts as detectedin the first molars (data not shown). No TGF-/31 RNAwas detected in the mesenchymal and epithelial tissuessurrounding the developing tooth germ except in thedeveloping mandibular bone.

Changes in cell proliferationProliferating cells were localized by analyzing theincorporation of the thymidine analogue, BrdU, intoreplicating DNA. Incorporated BrdU was detected by aspecific monoclonal antibody and immunoperoxidasestaining. During active morphogenesis, both epithelialand mesenchymal cells incorporated BrdU intensely.However, regional differences were observed in thedistribution of dividing cells. An apparent correlationbetween cell proliferation and TGF-/J1 RNA expressionwas seen during the bud and cap stages. During theearly bud stage, BrdU incorporation was evident in thedental epithelial cells and mesenchymal cells next to thebasement membrane separating the epithelial andmesenchymal components of the tooth (Fig. 1C). Atthe late bud stage more cells in the dental mesenchymewere BrdU-positive (Fig. IF).

At the cap stage the developing cervical loops whichintensely expressed TGF-/J1 transcripts also incorpor-ated BrdU (Fig. II). At the same stage, dentalmesenchyme which expressed TGF-/S1 RNA was alsoBrdU-positive. However, the correlation betweenBrdU incorporation and TGF-/31 RNA expression wasnot consistent. The stellate reticulum cells incorporatedBrdU but did not express TGF-/31 RNA. At later stages

Page 4: Associations between transforming growth factor /ft RNA ...invaginating dental epithelium (Fig. IB). This ex-pression was evident only in a restricted region along the mesiodistal

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db ,*;?; dex

of tooth development, no co-distribution of TGF-/J1transcripts and cell proliferation was detected. Thus,TGF-/91 RNA expression pattern could be correlatedwith cell proliferation only during the bud and capstages.

Tissue recombination experimentsThe possible role of tissue interactions in the regulationof TGF-/51 RNA expression was studied by experimen-tal tissue recombination experiments. Epithelial andmesenchymal components of bud-staged molar tooth

Page 5: Associations between transforming growth factor /ft RNA ...invaginating dental epithelium (Fig. IB). This ex-pression was evident only in a restricted region along the mesiodistal

TGF-fil RNA expression in odontogenesis 989

Fig. 1. Localization of TGF-/?1 RNA and proliferating cellsin bud- and cap-staged teeth. (A) Bright-field photographyof an early bud-staged tooth (13-day embryo). Thedeveloping mandibular bone is also present in the section(arrow). (B) Dark-field photography of the section shownin A. A faint hybridization signal is visible in cells at thetip of the dental epithelium. In the developing mandibularbone, strong TGF-/W RNA expression is detected.(C) Immunoperoxidase localization of BrdU incorporationin a bud-staged tooth (corresponding to A and B). BrdU-positive cells are accumulated in the dental mesenchymeand the dental epithelium next to the basement membraneseparating the epithelial and mesenchymal components ofthe tooth. (D) Bright-field photography of a late bud-staged tooth (13-day embryo). (E) Dark-field photographyof the section shown in D, snowing hybridization in boththe dental epithelium and the dental mesenchyme. Thedeveloping mandibular bone is also strongly labelled, butMeckel's cartilage shows no expression of TGF-/51transcripts. (F) Immunoperoxidase localization of BrdUincorporation in a bud-staged tooth (corresponding to Cand D). BrdU-positive cells are accumulated in the dentalmesenchyme and in the dental epithelium adjacent to themesenchyme. (G) Bright-field photography of a cap-stagedtooth (14-day embryo). An intense hybridization signal isvisible in the developing cervical loops of the dentalepithelium (arrows). The dental mesenchyme shows aweaker signal. (H) Dark-field photography of the sectionshown in G. (I) BrdU incorporation in a cap-staged tooth(15-day embryo). The cells of the developing cervical loops(arrows), the inner enamel epithelium and the dentalmesenchyme show strong positivity. db, developingmandibular bone; de, dental epithelium; dm, dentalmesenchyme; me, Meckel's cartilage.

germs (13-day embryo) were separated and cultured invitro in different combinations. After three days inrecombination culture, restricted regions of the dentalepithelium and dental mesenchyme formed a structurethat resembled a cap-staged tooth germ. In thismorphologically distinct region, local TGF-/?1 RNAexpression was detected in the epithelial cells adjacentto the mesenchymal component (Fig. 4B). In otherparts of the epithelium and in the mesenchyme no TGF-pi transcripts were seen. When a similar experimentwas made by combining dental epithelium with non-dental jaw mesenchyme, no expression of TGF-/31 wasdetected either in the epithelium or in the mesenchyme(Fig. 4D). However, in the reciprocal recombinantTGF-/31 RNA expression was seen in the oral epi-thelium cultured with the dental mesenchyme (Fig. 4F).This expression was restricted to epithelial projectionsresembling the developing cervical loops of a toothgerm.


The role of TGF-/31 in epithelial-mesenchymalinteractionsOur in situ hybridization analysis of serial sections ofcarefully staged tooth germs from initiation to com-pletion of morphogenesis indicates that marked

changes take place in the expression pattern of TGF-/J1.Although our studies confirm most earlier findings ofTGF-/S1 RNA expression in the developing tooth,interesting patterns were revealed that have goneunnoticed in previous studies.

The appearance of TGF-|S1 RNA first at the tip of theepithelial bud and subsequently in the condensedmesenchyme suggests that epithelially derived TGF-/J1induces its own expression in the dental mesenchymalcells, i.e. TGF-/51 may act as an autoinducer (VanObberghen-Schilling et al. 1988). Our results are inagreement with the finding that intracellular TGF-/J1protein has been found both in epithelial and mes-enchymal tissues (Thompson et al. 1989; Flanders et al.1989). The extracellular TGF-/31 protein product hasonly been detected in mesenchyme of developingorgans including the tooth (Heine et al. 1987; Thomp-son et al. 1989). Although there is evidence that TGF-^1regulates growth in some epithelial tissues, the currentdata can be interpreted so that the primary respondingtissue for the TGF-/91 synthesized by the dentalepithelium is the underlying mesenchyme (Shipley et al.1986; Kurokowa et al. 1987).

That epithelial-mesenchymal interactions are in-volved in the regulation of epithelial expression ofTGF-̂ Sl RNA is suggested by our experimental tissuerecombination experiments. Bud-staged dental epi-thelium expressed TGF-/51 RNA when culturedtogether with the dental mesenchyme, whereas noexpression of TGF-/31 transcripts was detected whenthe dental epithelium was cultured with the jawmesenchyme surrounding the tooth germ. In thereciprocal recombination, the dental mesenchymeinduced the expression of TGF-^1 RNA in the oralepithelium, which does not express TGF-/S1 transcriptsduring normal development. Thus, the bud-stageddental mesenchyme appears to regulate the expressionof epithelial TGF-/S1 RNA. The epithelial tissues werenot cultured alone, because without any mesenchymaltissue the epithelium grows poorly and loses its normalmorphology. Because the environment for develop-ment is sub-optimal in in vitro cultures, the levels ofTGF-/31 expression may be lower than in vivo andpossibly for that reason the less intense dentalmesenchymal expression of TGF-/?1 was not seen inrecombinations.

One candidate molecule which may be involved inthe regulation of epithelial TGF-/J1 expression ishomeobox gene Hox 7.1 which has been found to beexpressed in the dental mesenchyme earlier than wehave detected TGF-/51 RNA in tooth germs (Mackenzieet al. 1991). It has recently been shown that, inDrosophila, homeotic genes regulate the expression ofdecapentaplegic (dpp), which is a member of the TGF-/3superfamily (Reuter etal. 1990). Thus, it is possible thatalso in tooth development the homeobox genes regulatethe expression of TGF-/31.

The possible functions of TGF-/31 in the dentalmesenchymeOur BrdU incorporation analysis showed that at the

Page 6: Associations between transforming growth factor /ft RNA ...invaginating dental epithelium (Fig. IB). This ex-pression was evident only in a restricted region along the mesiodistal

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Fig. 2. Expression of TGF-/31transcripts in 17- to 19-dayembryos. (A) Bright-fieldphotography of a section of anearly bell-staged tooth (17-dayembryo). (B) Dark-fieldphotography of the sectionshown in A. Only the innerenamel epithelium shows TGF-pl expression (arrow in A).(C) Bright-field photography ofa section of a late bell-stagedtooth (18-day embryo).(D) Dark-field photography ofthe section shown in C. TGF-/31 transcripts are visible in thedental mesenchyme in the firstpolarized.odontoblasts (arrowin C). (E) Bright-fieldphotography of a section of atooth from 19-day embryo.(F) Dark-field photography ofthe section shown in E. TGF-/31 RNA expression is detectedin stratum intermedium (arrowin E) and odontoblasts. Thedifferences between the buccaland lingual cusps are due toslightly tilted plane ofsectioning, de, dentalepithelium; dm, dentalmesenchyme.

bud and cap stages the dental mesenchyme is rapidlyproliferating while the dental epithelium intenselyexpresses TGF-^1 RNA, and the mesenchyme itselfalso expresses TGF-/31 although at lower levels. It isknown that TGF-/51 can function as an indirect mitogenby inducing the expression of platelet-derived growthfactor A and B chains in some cells (Leof et al. 1986;Makela et al. 1987). Thus, the local expression of TGF-)S1 in the dental epithelium may regulate cell prolifer-

ation in the underlying dental mesenchyme andcontribute to the determination of tooth morphology.

Another possible function of TGF-/31 during toothmorphogenesis is regulation of matrix deposition,because TGF-/31 is known to promote the synthesis ofECM, to modify cell surface matrix receptors and toprevent degradation of ECM (Rasmussen andRapraeger, 1988; Rizzino, 1988). The ECM glyco-protein tenascin and the cell surface proteoglycan

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TGF-fil RNA expression in odontogenesis 991


Fig. 3. Expression of TGF-/J1 transcripts during completion of cuspal morphogenesis. (A) Bright-field photography of atransverse section of a molar tooth (1-day postnatal mouse). (B) Dark-field photography of the section shown in A. Themesenchyme-derived secretory odontoblasts as well as the differentiating epithelial ameloblasts show hybridization signal.(C) Bright-field photography of a sagittal section of a tooth (4-day postnatal mouse). (D) Dark-field photography of thesection shown in C. TGF-^1 RNA is expressed in all secretory odontoblasts. The secretory ameloblasts do not expressTGF-/31 transcripts, but the ameloblasts in enamel-free areas at the tips of the cusps (arrows in C and D) continue toexpress TGF-/& RNA. (E) Bright-field photography of a horizontal section of a dental root (14-day mouse) hybridized withTGF-/51 sense probe showing non-specific hybridization. The epithelium and dentin have been lost during preparation ofsections. (F) Bright-field photography of a similar section but hybridized with an antisense probe. The odontoblasts show ahybridization signal, a, ameloblastic layer; de, dental epithelium; dm, dental mesenchyme; o, odontoblastic layer.

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Fig. 4. Expression of TGF-/31 RNA in tissue recombination explants (from 13-day embryos) cultured for three days.(A) Bright-field image of a section of an explant of recombined dental mesenchyme and dental epithelium. (B) Dark-fieldimage of the section shown in A. TGF-/31 RNA expression is visible in the dental epithelium adjacent to the dentalmesenchyme. (C) Bright-field image of a section of an explant of recombined non-dental jaw mesenchyme and dentalepithelium. (D) Dark-field image of the section shown in C which shows no specific hybridization signal. (E) Bright-fieldimage of a section of an explant of recombined oral epithelium and dental mesenchyme. (F) Dark-field image of thesection shown in E. TGF-/31 transcripts are detected in the oral epithelium adjacent to the dental mesenchyme. de, dentalepithelium; dm, dental mesenchyme; oe, oral epithelium; jm, jaw mesenchyme.

syndecan are expressed in the condensed mesenchymearound the epithelial dental bud (Thesleff et al. 1987,1988), and their expression is regulated by the dentalepithelium (Vainio et al. 1989). TGF-/31 is also knownto modulate both syndecan and tenascin expression(Pearson et al. 1988; Rapraeger, 1989). Syndecanexpression in the dental mesenchyme increases signifi-cantly from the bud to cap stage and decreases rapidlyduring the bell stage (Thesleff et al. 1988), just as TGF-p\. RNA expression in the dental epithelium. Thus, it is

possible that TGF-/31 is involved in regulation ofsyndecan and/or tenascin expression in developingtooth.

Possible autocrine functions of TGF-fil in ameloblastsand odontoblastsAt later stages of odontogenesis, TGF-/J1 RNA wasdetected transiently in stratum intermedium cellsbefore the differentiation of ameloblasts. TGF-/91

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TGF-fil RNA expression in odontogenesis 993

synthesized by stratum intermedium may regulate theinitiation of ameloblast differentiation in a paracrineway.

The expression of TGF-/91 in ameloblasts wasrestricted to a short period during their polarization;when ameloblasts became secretory, TGF-/31 tran-scripts disappeared. Only the ameloblasts at the tips ofthe cusps that do not differentiate terminally and whichremain non-secretory continued to express TGF-/31 atleast 4 days after birth (Sutcliffe and Owens, 1980).TGF-/S1 RNA has been detected by northern blotanalysis in the ameloblastic layer isolated from embry-onic bovine teeth (Robey et al. 1987). However, TGF-p\ RNA has not earlier been reported in ameloblasts byusing in situ hybridization. This may be due to thedevelopmental stages studied because the expression ofTGF-/JI RNA in most ameloblasts is transient and maytherefore go unnoticed. Our data suggest that TGF-/31may regulate the terminal differentiation and/or thesecretory functions of ameloblasts.

In the dental mesenchyme, no TGF-fil transcriptswere detected in the preodontoblasts when theypolarized, whereas high levels of expression of TGF-/31transcripts were detected in secretory odontoblasts.Recent comparison of the distribution of TGF-/S1,TGF-/32 and TGF-£3 by Pelton et al. (1990) suggestedthat odontoblasts do not express TGF-/31. However,TGF-/31 transcripts were detected in the subodontoblas-tic mesenchymal cell layer. The most probable expla-nation for this discrepancy in comparison to our resultsis a fixation artefact: in the report by Pelton et al. in thesection that represented TGF-/J1 RNA distribution theodontoblasts appeared poorly preserved and thus theexpression noted in subjacent tissue may actually haverepresented TGF-pi RNA in the odontoblasts.

We suggest that in odontoblasts TGF-/31 acts as anautocrine factor which regulates both its own synthesisand the formation of dentin matrix. Since TGF-/J1 hasbeen reported to induce the expression of type 1collagen gene (Roberts et al. 1986) and type I collagen isthe main component of dentine, the regulation of type 1collagen is a possible function of TGF-/J1 in odonto-blasts. TGF-/3 also enhances the expression ofosteonectin/SPARC (Noda and Rodan, 1987) which isa matrix molecule expressed by odontoblasts (Hollandet al. 1987). Another possible fate for TGF-/S1 proteinsecreted by odontoblasts is to accumulate in dentine(Harada et al. 1990) from which it may become releasedduring pathological resorption associated e.g. withinfections and stimulate reparative processes by regu-lating differentiation and/or matrix production ofmesenchymal cells.

In conclusion, the stage-specific changes detected inthe distribution of TGF-/31 RNA in the developingtooth suggest that TGF-/31 has multiple roles inodontogenesis. Our results support the proposal thatTGF-/31 acts as a paracrine and autoinducing factor aswell as participates in the epithelial-mesenchymalinteractions.

We thank Merja Makinen, Anja Tuomi and Annikki Siren

for excellent technical assistance. We also thank Dr D.Lindholm, Max-Planck-Institut fiir Psychiatrie, Planegg-Martinsried, Germany, for generously providing the TGF-/J1plasmid. The work was supported by grants from the FinnishAcademy, The Sigrid Juselius Foundation, The FinnishCancer Foundation and by the NTH grant DE09399-01.


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(Accepted 19 July 1991)