Assignment 9

Sanel, Kaya, Rahel, Gia Assignment 9 – Getting into Groups

Transcript of Assignment 9

Sanel, Kaya, Rahel, Gia

Assignment 9 – Getting into


Group Member 1 - Kaya Sumbland

What Grade did you receive from Assignment 8? D-

What did you learn from it?• Not to be too basic• To think carefully before I put a genre to my idea so that it fits perfectly• Think about health and safety when planning my idea

What skills do you I bring to the group… • Detail of idea’s• My creativity

Targets I set myself to improve my individual presentation… • Film theory• Do more research into my idea and develop it cautiously

• I received a C- for Assignment 8 and I learned how genre conventions are applied in my inspirational films. I also learned how to develop my ideas into plans for an opening sequence.

• I bring my creativity and understanding to the group.

• The targets I have set myself from Assignment 8 are the consideration and application of film theories.

• WWW – good layout and well organised slides, wide range of shots

• EBI – more detailed target audience, more inspirational films

What grade did you receive and what did you learn from assignment 8?

I received a grade D. In assignment 8, I learnt that if you ask yourself what went well and what you felt on what you could improve on (EBI), it also helps you to improve on your work and chances of you getting a higher grade. Also I learnt that a storyboard helps you to have a clear idea of what your opening sequence would be like.

What Skills would I bring to the group?I would bring creativity and enthusiasm stability because I am a annalistic person.

What are some targets you have set yourself to improve from the individual presentation?I have set myself an organisation target as I need to improve the way I lay out my work so others can understand the presentation more clearly.

Group Member 1 - Kaya Sumbland(My Theme and idea for opening sequence has changed as I’ve made a second draft)

Theme is Mystery / Death

My idea for the opening sequence is…• Girl gets phone call, no one on other line• Two days later, has loads of missed calls, she panics • Two days later he/she calls again when she’s at home• Scary/freaky things happen to her • Her doorbell rings, when she opens the door her face gets deformed and she screams


WWW • Good detail of characters and target audience• Good detail on my storyboard

EBI• More detail – too basic• Use pictures to back up my point• Add more appropriate conventions

• The theme of my film is addiction and the concept is overdose.

• Opening sequence:1. The girl has passed out on the floor2. She skips school and calls dealer, he threatens

to attack her3. Flash back of how she got introduced to drugs4. Waits for friend in the park, the friend doesn’t

turn up5. Empty bottle of pills on the floor

What was your theme and/ or concept for your film?

My theme was revenge

What was your idea for opening sequence

WWW & EBI of your ideaI think that I had some good explanations but it was very basics and could have been more clearer.

• A car comes• Jessica hand on the ground• A rose on the grave• Jessica starts following the bully Amy• Amy gets scared.



• We want to do this genre because it will keep our audience engaged and interested in the film.

• It has many diverse ways of creating enigma.

• We feel as a group we can challenge and meet the conventions.

• Also we like thought of being scared.

• A large majority of our target audience find thriller’s more exciting than other genre’s.

Devil – 2010

Devil is a thriller film because throughout the film you don’t know who the devil is and it really thrills you to figure out who the devil is throughout the film and at the end when you find out who it is it really shocks you. Also at the end of the film you think that everything is solved but its not.

Examples of thriller films

Examples of thriller films

Buried – 2010

Buried is a thriller because throughout the movie your always anticipating to see what will happen next, to him in the coffin/box. Also at then end when the sand is pouring in and he’s about to be saved it builds up all this excitement but, when you find out they got the wrong guy, it really shocks you.


Use / Develop /Challenge

Purpose andDescription

Examples fromFilms

False EndingUse – Someone lies, won’t keep their promise. A man.Develop – A woman.Challenge – Something demonic and scary giving false hope. Keeping audience scared not just annoyed.

Purpose – To keep the audience thinking; Cliff hanger. Change the way you view curtain situations.Description – We through there would be a new equilibrium, but it ended with a cliff hanger and the demon is still inside her.

Paranormal Activity

Ending – Demon still in her.

Innocent Victims

Use – Young girl.Develop – An older age, possibly a manChallenge – Almost being the villain, the victim ends up killing the villain.

Purpose – To make the audience feel sympathy for the character and to shock from her killing the villainDescription – At the end of the film the woman taken hostage ends up killing the men that took her showing no remorse over it.

Disappearance of Alice Creed

The Victim kills the villain.

Convention’s based on our film


Use / Develop /Challenge

Purpose andDescription

Examples fromFilms

Escaped convicts

Use – Middle aged male.Develop – Female.

Purpose – To show the mentality of the character – how smart and cunning they are.Description – The man planned his escape from prison before her went in to out smart the police and get justice.

Law abiding Citizen

Planning an escape from prison.

ShockUse – Kidnap film.Develop – Making it psychological.Challenge – Making it horrific and unexpected. Not predictable . Disturbing.

Purpose – To shock the audience, showing a real life situation in a disturbing and terrifying manner.Description – The villain holds 3 people hostage and shocks the audience in doing some extremely unexpected disgusting the audience

The Human Centipede

Takes people hostage and creates them into a human


Convention’s based on our film


Use / Develop /Challenge

Purpose andDescription

Examples fromFilms

BloodUse – To show someone's hurtDevelop – To disgust the audienceChallenge – To present a symbol from belief using pain and blood horrifying the audience

Purpose – To show psychological state of characters and their horrible mentality, also how much they believe in somethingDescription – When the serial killer cut out a jigsaw from a victims skin to show his symbol/trademark.

Saw 2

Cut out trademark some someone's skin.

SupernaturalUse – To show ghost existDevelop – Scaring the audience putting the supernatural in realistic situationsChallenge – Showing the supernatural invading personal space and someone's mind.

Purpose – To terrify the audience showing that supernatural is stronger than yourself and can controlling your mind.Description – The victim is possessed and cant control herself, she forms into unnatural positions and talks in demonic voices of the demon.

The exorcist of Emily Rose

Possessed on the floor and saying demonic voices.

Convention’s based on our film


Use / Develop /Challenge

Purpose andDescription

Examples fromFilms

Relief at the end.

Use – A man get’s away and starts his life again else where.

Develop – It becomes scary and it plays with your mind.

Challenge – Making it so disturbing and horrific - although your relieved, your still disgusted and feel uncomfortable.


The Town

The Human Centipede

At the end of the film the guy gets away and start his life again elsewhere with no attachments

At the end of the film the man is sorry for what he did and he is rescued yet there is still tension about where the devil goes next.

At the end the police come over and even though there's loads of gory killing the girl in the middle will be recued.


Use / Develop /Challenge

Purpose andDescription

Examples fromFilms

Villain and Victim

Use (villain) – Can’t see details, remains a mystery.Use (victim) – An attractive innocent woman.

Develop (villain) – You can hear that it’s a male in their voice, not that much of a mystery.Develop (victim)– Both makes and females, you can see them hurt but not them getting hurt.

Challenge (villain) – Very shy and insecure.Challenge (victim) – Male, showing him in a gore like manner hurt.



Hose of wax

You don’t see the villain killing nor who they are killing the woman in the shower, it makes the audience wonder who it is.

The villain is a male and you see the girl he killed hurt but you don’t see how he killed her or the gory details.

The victim is a male who is killed by a shy and vulnerable villain, you see the victims get killed and in detail what it looks like.

Inspirational Films

The exorcism of Emily Rose – 2005

Drama/ Horror

Saw – 2004

Horror/ Mystery

The disappearance of Alice Creed – 2009

Crime/ Thriller

When Emily is possessed on the floor in unnatural positions also when she talks in demented tones.

When Jigsaw cuts out a trademark symbol out of one of his victims skin.

When the innocent kidnaped girl at the end of the film, kills the men who kidnapped her.

Inspirational Films

Law Abiding Citizen- 2009

Thriller/ Crime

Human Centipede – 2009


Paranormal Activity – 2007

Horror / Thriller

The way he had planned his escape from prison for 10

years before going in.

Being a film about Kidnap its shocking in the sense you wouldn’t think this would happen to them.

At the end, instead of a new equilibrium, the film ends with the demon still being in the girl and the problem isn't resolved.

Idea 1Revenge

Idea 1Revenge

Death• Someone gets hit by a car• Violent• Pain• horror

Sadness• Crying over the person death.• Loss• Grief Bullying

• Physical• Verbal• cyber bulling




Idea 2Mystery

Idea 2Mystery

Murder• Violence• Assault• Death

Solving• Unknown death• Clues• Puzzles• Curiosity

Secrets• Hidden

Supernatural demon

Shadow walking

Vulnerable victim

Mystery of the killer

Idea 3possession


Idea 3Possession



Paranormal Activity



Extra- Terrestrials

Theme: PossessionConcept: Hostage

PossessionWhy we choose this theme

• The reason we choose possession was because of the excitement of getting scared and we thought it would have been an interesting theme for our target audience.

• Most thriller movies are based on possession such as ‘Mirrors and Paranormal Activity’ and most teenagers would watch it with friends too soften the fear and perhaps make it darkly comic.

• Such films can bring about a giddy sense of fear and adrenaline that appeals to a wide range of target audience.

• Also we asked everyone out of our three ideas (Revenge, Mystery and Possession) which one would they want to watch more and most of them said possession. So we decided in the end that possession would be our theme.

Idea Development Option

Our first meeting!

On our first meeting we all discussed each other’s individual idea and then collaborated them together coming up firstly with revenge. We then decided to make 2 more idea’s to have some more variety which we then came up with the mystery idea and lastly the possession idea. We then as a group decided it would be best to do possession as our theme as it is the most thrilling and we though we could really develop into a really good opening sequence that creates a lot of enigma.

Idea Development Option

We collaborated multiple ideas into one idea and worked towards developing it from…• Kaya’s idea of possession and the devil and a theme of religion• Sanel's idea of the escaped convict and the news• Rahel’s idea of pictures across the walls and the concept of hostage• Gia’s idea of where we should locate the O.S

Everyone is contributing by…• Meeting up 3 times a week• In each meeting everybody comes up with new developing idea’s• Watching more thriller films for extra inspiration

Whole Film

• Gwyn (villain) talks about escaping from prison

• Gwyn escapes from prison• Takes Paige (victim) hostage and does

demonic possessions on her• Gwyn takes more people hostage to possess

as a statement• Paige kills Gwyn

Opening Sequence• Gwyn (Villain) makes a video and puts it on

the internet• Gwyn watches the news and her video is

played• They show how the tape is shown across

the internet• They play the tape with Gwyn and Paige

(Victim) holding her hostage• The news ends with a dramatic line telling

the world to keep safe

ENIGMA• Current films in the Thriller genre create enigma

in their opening sequences.• In our opening sequence we are going to create

enigma by using the concept of kidnap which we got inspiration from Kiss The Girls

The use of dark settings in Kiss The Girls gave us the inspiration to use dark and secluded settings in our opening sequence.

How we will create enigma

In our opening sequence we will create enigma by…

• The news reader saying very dramatic lines at the end of her report which will alarm the audience

• Not showing why Gwyn is the way she is

• The audience will want to watch more to know more about her cult

• The audience will want to know further what happens to Paige – and if she will survive.

• Also the music we will play through out the opening sequence will add tension and build it up to a climax getting the audience excited.

Target Audience

From the feedback we received on our questionnaires, 4 in 5 of them though we should make the villain have the mental illness schizophrenia as they thought it would be more interesting. Also they all thought the opening sequence created enigma making them watch more, but again 4 out of 5 of them liked the sound of the whole film and what it is about.

Age – 15 - 18

Gender – Females

Ethnicity – European, mainly religious countries

Location – Inner city; London

Interests/Hobbies – Religion, The unknown

Lifestyle – Hectic, religious, but not overly religious lifestyle


CharactersThe Villain – Gwyn DuPont

The Victim – Paige Shay

The News reporter – Audrey Donahue

CharactersName – Gwyn DuPont

Gender – Female

Age – 32

Costume - White dirty tattered hospital scrubs

Props – Video camera

Make up – Very muddy and blood stained face

Stereotype – Crazy possessed woman

Character representation – The villain Body Language – Very open, lanky Facial Expression – Open eyed, dramatic movements

CharactersName – Paige Shay

Gender – Female

Age – 17

Costume - jeans and a shirt

Props – None

Make up – Run down mascara, pink checks

Stereotype – Young, teenage innocent girl

Character representation – Victim Body Language – Timid, shy Facial Expression – Terrified, confused

CharactersName – Audrey Donahue

Gender – Female

Age – 42

Costume - Long, fitted, pencil dress

Props – Microphone

Make up – Professional, classy, subtle but there

Stereotype – Middle class woman

Character representation – News reporter Body Language – Straight back, good posture Facial Expression – Tight faced, not showing expression


• This is the Janitors spare room in the basement of our school.

• It’s always accessible apart from the holiday’s if there are no revision sessions on.

• We would film after school and film during in our free periods.

• There is no need for any health and safety concerns, it is in a very reliable environment.


• This is outside the inisfree house next to our school building.

• It’s always accessible as we only need the street and the look of the building.

• We can film after school or we would travel from home on the holidays and do it.

• There is no need for any health and safety concerns, it is in a very reliable environment.

NarrativeOur film is an open narrative because at the end of our film it’s a cliff hanger, you don’t know what will happen to Paige and the rest of the possessed soul’s she’s trapped with after she kills Gwyn.

It is also linear narrative because the whole film is shown in order of its occurrence. From start, middle to end.

Film TheoryTzvetan Todorov – Narrative film theorist

Equilibrium – Gwyn is in prison and Paige leads her normal life.Disequilibrium – Gwyn takes Paige hostage.New Equilibrium – Paige kills Gwyn.

Claude Levi-Strauss– Narrative film theorist

Good Vs. Evil

Paige Gwyn

Vladimir Propp – Film theorist

We don’t feel that our film applies to the Propp theory as only one of our characters fit his criteria – that being the villain.