Assignment 8 draft 2

Assignment 8 – Draft 2 By Kaya Sumbland

Transcript of Assignment 8 draft 2

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Assignment 8 – Draft 2

By Kaya Sumbland

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What I’ve learnt from Draft 1…

Video on the blog…

What I’ve learnt from the class feedback was that the majority of my topics were too broad and

didn’t have a specific purpose or idea, for example, my episodes didn’t have anything strong enough to

interlink them together.

Some good and realistic topics was the idea of technology going too far and some controversial aspects of the UK, for example the debates upon the Muslim veil.

Though, the majority of my topics like ghosts, UFO’s, the Bermuda triage, were not realistic to film, and I wouldn’t have been able to get any good primary

resources from it.

However, with the topics I am exploring now, on social inequality and socializing through the internet, generally it is something many people across the UK can

relate to.

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Is the UK too dependant on the

internet for socialising?

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Research on ‘Is the UK too dependant on the internet for socialising?’

The most common way to socialise with friends is through social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Twitter.

According to new research people spend more time on a social networking site rather than meeting up with their friends face to face!

In the UK on average people spend 11 hours socialising on the internet – but 10 hours properly socialising in person.

BUT how has this happened?

65% of young professionals aged between 18 – 34 said they are too busy to plan events with friends.

And YouGov found that 37% of the people they asked said they’d avoided meeting up with friends because

they thought they would pull out.

While 25% said it was too must hassle to get a firm commitment.

YouGovHassle Pull outSocial

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Research on ‘Is the UK too dependant on the internet for socialising?’

Nigel Marlow, Director, Business & Consumer Psychology from London Metropolitan University, with expertise in group dynamics, said:

"Young professionals are increasingly ready to accept the substitute of 'virtuality' over 'the real thing'.

Meaning: People don’t mind having to do things online rather than in real life.

"This research shows that whilst people want to and indeed prefer to meet up with friends, they are not making the effort to initiate face-to-face interaction by organising get-togethers. The perceived inconvenience involved and the misplaced fear of failing to organise an enjoyable social event, is resulting in people hiding behind their computers.“

Meaning: People have become too lazy to interact, going online is a much easier option, and going online clears the threat of being rejected in going out

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Research on ‘Is the UK too dependant on the internet for socialising?’

Are people really too lazy to go out?

The older generation never had the internet when they were younger –They were always out play games being active, going places

but now, this generation can see what they want online, play games online in the comfort of their own homes.

But how is this affecting their health?This most likely to cause…

• Increase in obesity • Can cause bed sores

• Sight issues

People who sit in front of a computer screen all day are 125% more likely to have a heart-related death!

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Research on ‘Is the UK too dependant on the internet for socialising?’

However, you never know who is online…Many people make fake accounts online, being potentially dangerous for an innocent user. People expect to meet new people online when these people could be - Lying about their age, ethnicity, gender- Using their pictures for other things- Hacking their account- Taking down their details

This leaves opportunities for paedophiles, stalkers, and for people to possibly hurt them.

An example of this was ‘The girl who became 3 boys’

Where she posed as various different boys creating fake accounts, enabling her to go into

relationships with her real friends.Doing this she sexually abused her friends and

mentally scarred them.Significantly ruining their lives.

It shows how easy it is to pretend to be someone else.

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Research on ‘Is the UK too dependant on the internet for socialising?’

Online Dating

Dating websites has made it easier and more efficient for people to find love over the internet. Being able to click boxes and find your perfect match people are depending

more on these online sites than in real life.

7.8 Million UK singles logged on to find love in one year! Internet dating has now become more that just a niche activity!

It isn't as much as a taboo than it used to be in previous years because of the increase of people using them and the unique purposes for some:

Such as…

Emotional Connections

Culture Based


Casual Sex

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Research on ‘Is the UK too dependant on the internet for socialising?’

Although these sits can help you find someone – People keep talking to these other people they find online for so long through the internet, when they meet,

the person could be very different from what they seem.

But is there a point?

Many Britons forget the importance of a physical relationship and get too emotionally connected through the internet

Many call this ‘Artificial love’ and say it is destroying the old traditional way of finding love, going on dates and slowly

growing fonder of one another.

People are blinded by the easy access to internet dating to realise the fact they cant find real love is because they don’t have a

physical connection

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What are the problems of internet dating?

- Dating someone without knowing their real track record (criminal convictions) e.g you could be meeting a teacher, without realising he has a paedophile past (though some argue this applies for face to face dating as well)

- Fake accounts – letting someone be someone their not e.g changing age, ethnicity, religion, gender

- Meeting up, and being attacked e.g you could get sexually abused, stalked, beaten up

- Person keeping secrets: e.g diseases, disabilities

However, that doesn't mean internet dating sites have helped hundreds of thousands of people find


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Research on ‘Is the UK too dependant on the internet for socialising?’

Keeping in touch with loved ones

Years before the internet as around the only way of getting in contact with loved ones was through letters – because it was cheap and simple.

This old tradition is barely used because of the dependency on things such as Skype and Facetime to keep in touch with people across the Globe.

Because this technology is able to capture the sound and visuals of the person you are calling – This is making parents, partners

and friends to not make effort to see each other in life, and without them realising their conception is slowing detraining,

being blinded from the dependency of technology.

Another cause for concern is the future of this type of contact – how far can technology evolve.

Maybe one day it will go as far as virtually have their whole body with you, though you are miles apart, where by traveling wont even be


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Research on ‘Is the UK too dependant on the internet for socialising?’

Socialising through interest

A popular way many youth socialise is though their interests in fashion, music, humour etc. A great way of doing this is form going out into local social groups

in your area or going to events and meeting new people.However, the most popular way of doing this is through blogs such as Tumblr,

blogspot etc.

However, a major cause for concern is the fact these sites are pubic.

An example is Tumblr, the pages are public, and it enables you to ask bloggers anything you want – And if you are posed as someone in the similar age bracket and interest – the blogger generally

without realising gives out lots of personal information and post the same information as a

post unknowingly gives access to thieves, paedophiles and stalkers

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Though, its not completely dependant on the internet.Blogs commonly organise meet ups, so that these people can socialise face to face rather than behind the pictures and posts.

Though when these meet ups occur, there's always the dangerous risks of:- It being fake- Who go’s- What they bring- What they do

So because of primarily inviting people through the internet – you truly do not know what will happen and if people will really come (like with social networking)

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Research on ‘Is the UK too dependant on the internet for socialising?’

Digital lives

Many people get fed up with their own live, therefore realising the opportunities of the internet, and making a good life for themselves over the internet.

These people might see the perks in doing this, but eventually these people can forget reality and isolate themselves from the real world – becoming so obsessed not to leave

their homes for days. Much like hyper reality or living in a fantasy world.

Socialising too much online can make you physically unable to socialise with people face to face.

For example: Catfish

A woman created 15 identities over Facebook, though the programme focused on the directors relationship with a woman.But all that she said was a lie and who she was, was a lie because she was bored with her own life.

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Research on ‘Is the UK too dependant on the internet for socialising?’

Online games

Even more worrying it has a horrible impact to you health…- Seizures

- Likelihood of obesity- Back problems- Strain injuries

- Death through addiction- Skin disorders

Finally mainly young boys have now got the access to social through online games such as ‘Call of Duty’ where by he can talk to other players

of this the game while playing.These people then make friends with on another and end up

being addicted to these games – never going out and staying at home in front of the TV

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Research on ‘Is the UK too dependant on the internet for socialising?’

How safe really is socialising on the internet?

Can it ever really be reliable?

Can you really trust human nature?

Should the social sites inform its uses of the dangers?

Should their age limits be more strict?

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Does social equality still exist in the UK?

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Research on ‘Does social inequality still exist in the UK?’

The extent to the level of inequality in the UK lies within the different aspects of the individuals:

- Ethnicity- Status- Gender- Culture- Religion- Class- Age- Sexuality

These different variables potentially affect people life chances, aspiration, and directs in life.

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Research on ‘Does social inequality still exist in the UK?’

A group of people were asked which of these they would Assess someone social class they said this:



How they t

alk Job


they w

ear Pay







Use of le

isure time




l part

y support



Indicator of class

Indicator of class

Adapted from Hadford, G. and Skipworth, M. (1994) Class London:


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A persons class is measured Subjectively and Objectively

How the individual views their own class

How society views their social class

Objective :

Educational background – 92% of the UK’s children go to public schools where they are given free education. However the remaining 8% are prevailed to go to private schools leading them into better jobs, better speech, better values. Moreover having a better standard of living in comparison. Also poorer people in the UK struggle to help provide their children with what they need to learn.Over half of private school’s results with A’s and A*’s giving then a greater advantage in life than anyone else. From an early age already showing their unequal advantage over the working and lower classes. Therefore from their failure have no aspiration to move on to A-Level. Then affecting how you talk, which would be an indicator of what class you are and parental background

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Research on ‘Does social inequality still exist in the UK?’

Job – People judge people within their society based on their job. A bin man is regarded as a low class job but in fact receives more pay than a nurse who went though a lot more education to be in their position and is regarded middle class. Also they both have an important function for society. So is it fair that a nurse be paid so little?Also these different pays will affect their quality of living. A nurse considered middle class objectively, but think of herself as working class because of her neighbourhood and norms then subjectively thinking she is working class. This also affects what someone wears, if you see someone in designer clothes they have more social respect, but if we see someone In you avoid socialising with them deeming than to be a lower class

Political party support – Generally, if you are a labour supporter you will be thought of as working class and the majority vote for it.But if you vote conservative, you are probably rich as that is who they favour.So you would be judged on who you support

Neighbourhood – Depending of the neighbourhood you live in, it can affect how you speak, your norm, values and social capital. Living in Brixton people would judge you differently to someone who lives in Central London. Also depending on your area, there will be different social groups that would better you in life and ones that wont.

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Research on ‘Does social inequality still exist in the UK?’


Youth:One crime is committed every two minutes by youth offendersBut, that is only the MINORTY!Many young people in the UK feel discriminated by society, mainly through media exposure and minority crime convictions. Especially the working class.Everyday, the media amplifies Youth violence, rebellion, criminal convictions etc..

This then leads them to think they’ll have nothing in life, limiting their aspirations, making them fail in the education, because they don’t think they're worth

anything.More over making them desperate for control, and ending up getting frustrated

with the inequality they face leading to crime – such as the London Riots.

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Research on ‘Does social inequality still exist in the UK?’


Old age:

Old people are often patronised and although they have most common knowledge than any one else – they are seen as stupid and weak.

Research has found no relationship between old age and job performance.

When applying for a job society would think less of a worker and their experience because of their age. Also encouraged to retire earlier than necessary.

More over if in a care home old people are more likely to be miss-treated by the care workers because sometimes they are valued less by society.

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Research on ‘Does social inequality still exist in the UK?’

Sexuality Depending on what kind of society you live in sexuality is treated differently.

However, many gay’s, bi’s, lesbians, and trans people face prejudice from people of a higher and even lower class from them

This affectively limits their social capital (who they know) then limiting how far they are able to go in a career to better their lives.

People of a different sexuality sometimes don’t feel socially accepted if it is not publicised in the area.

Other aspects of society are regarded as more important than trying to make them feel socially accepted.

It's against the law to discriminate when people:• work, including applying for jobs• go to school or university, or apply for a course• buy things in shops, hotels etc• try to, or use the services of professionals or tradespeople• rent a house or flat, or buy property• apply for credit or a loan• deal with banks, superannuation or insurance companies• try to, or use state or local government services.

But does it really stop them?

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Research on ‘Does social inequality still exist in the UK?’


Racism is the most common form of inequality. Almost everyone has a pre-conceived idea’s on race.

In the UK a white man is more respected and classed higher than any other ethnicity – prominently because this is a white country.

However over time it has become increasing better and different ethnicities are widely accepted in London as it is an open society

Stereotyping affects the job, the house, the friends, etc you will haveThese are some common stereotypes…

Blacks -> Criminals

Chinese -> Smart

Indian -> Illegal Immigrants

Eastern European -> Cheap Non-Educated Workers

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Research on ‘Does social inequality still exist in the UK?’


Status is strongly interlinked with class – but the difference struggles within each status within a class makes the difference.

Within a class like middle class you get a high status and a lower status.An example of this a … Head Teacher and a teacher

Judge and a Lawyer

Doctor and a Nurse

Shop manager and a cleaner

These different status’ form social groups and the same views in life with will end up benefitting you. Like, Trade unions, being in a golf club -> more social capital (know

someone who knows someone – links)

But can anyone move to the top? Without the right education people get stuck with their status

but, some people are judge on the background or their image from moving up in their status, leading to their status frustration.

Polarisation is now making it even harder to move up and down because the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer

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70% of the two billion poor are womenCould this possibly be because of the priority of men in the workforce?

Men are considered more powerful and wiser, than women – They should be the leaders and the bread winner of a household.

Commonly women are seen to be a lower status than men, submissive, they should stay at home, and the idea of going on a maternity leave, would put of

an employer.

However, Women now have better chances in education, and some families the wife is

the bread winner with is higher class job than her husband – but in some social class scales, women’s occupation isn't even regarded, and the males occupation

is the definer of the household class

It has become more normal for men to be a stay at home dad

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Some cultures are socially accepted over the other because of their influence and domination, stereotypes of society.

If you are upper class and rich you are more respected in society because of media portrayals of this culture and the royal family is becoming pop


However the black ethic culture and the Muslim culture is also strongly shown throughout the media in the news and current debates.

Cultures based on the black race social defects their way in life because of racism, affecting where they can go, what they can do, prejudice because of the amplification on crime bring portrayed as a deviant


The Muslim culture also face prejudice because of they way they isolate themselves from society being a close nit culture with others like

themselves. The media portray them as secretive and there are many current debates on how they dress. Also being linked with terrorism they

are socially restricted.

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Christian Buddhist Hindu Jewish Muslim Sikh Other0%








80%Religions in th UK

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Research on ‘Does social inequality still exist in the UK?’

ReligionCatholics and Christians dominate over most societies in the UK.So therefore their religious holidays take over many social places during the time of celebration. This gives them a bigger influence on society and possibly are seen as a more respected religion receive less prejudice from the middle or upper classes.

For example – Christmas time

Though different religions give different status in different societies.

For example in Southall, a Islamic person may have better chances in success, where by a Jewish person may not, because its ‘different’

But when outside their society, in a work of multiculturalism, they would face prejudice being linked with things such as terrorism limiting the opportunity to get a higher class job in an upper class society without social respect or social


Nativity statues displayed in local parks

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Developing potential topic!

Is the UK too dependant on the internet for


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Is the UK too dependant on the internet for socialising?

What is the purpose of the documentary?

The purpose of the documentary is to show social networking users that they are become too dependant on the internet to

meet friends, find partners and generally contact people.I want to show my audience the old traditions they are ignoring

from being blinded of the evolution of technology to keep in touch.

Also to enforce the real dangers that can happen to anyone, and how easily it can

happen.Moreover inform parents who don’t even know much about some of these sites and

who can be on the other end of the computer screen.

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Is the UK too dependant on the internet for socialising?

What would people learn about this topic?

• People would learn the facts on how excessive Britons have become on their dependency on the internet to stay in touch with their friends.

• They would also learn the true health issues that will occur if they keep on leading their life this


• Real stories of people been affected by fake accounts and the stories of why people made

these fake accounts

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Is the UK too dependant on the internet for socialising?

Connect purpose to the audience?My audience would want to learn from this topics because its very

relevant to them. This is a current debate among people in the UK because of some

of the health issues it has created and because of the recent problems caused from these sites.

Also because they may have themselves experiences some of the issue raised in my documentary – or not even be aware of them.Furthermore people who have considered joining sites such as

dating ones but afraid of it being a taboo would want to learn what you can do, have far you can find someone, but also be aware of

the risk factors in joining.I think the audience would ant to watch so they can be

knowledgeable on the facts of how dependant they are of the internet.

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Is the UK too dependant on the internet for socialising?

Who is the audience?

Target Audience:

Secondary Audience:

My target audience is a working class mass audience because of the popularity and relevance to many people in the UK. Over half of the UK are on a social networking site. My Documentary would be more leaned towards girls than to boys because the majority of my topics are female orientated, so I think more girls would watch it.I would target the documentary to people ages 16 – 24 because it is the from the youngest age (16) people are more naïve to dangers and more older people (24) are mostly socialise though the internet. Also though these ages they share common interest

My secondary audience would be middle class adults between the ages of 35-40 because it is the more common age in using dating websites and those with children would want to see how dependant their children are on the internet. Also It would be equally male and female because of the male interest in games and their participatory on these sites and using these technologies.This would be a more niche audience because the general interest is based around the youth- However older people are interested in learning how Britons have become too dependant.

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Is the UK too dependant on the internet for socialising?

What style of documentary is it?

• This would be a persuasive documentary to pursued people in the UK to become more socially active face to faceI will do this by showing more of the bad qualities than the good that come out of socialising online because I think it is some bad, and because its something that should not develop into a bigger situation in become socially restricting

• To inform how dependant Britons have become on the internet, if they didn’t know it before.I will do this by informing the audience on the dangers of socialising through the internet and informing them on real stories from people who have went though the health issues, experienced dangerous situations and those who completely depended their life doing this. More over informing how the technology could evolve.

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Is the UK too dependant on the internet for socialising?

What each episode would be about?

Episode 1 : Different ways of socialisingThrough interest, culture, fetish, keeping contact, games, comparing the ways it can be done face to face – success stories

Episode 1 : Is this generation too lazy? Health risks, Old traditions, we’ve become too dependant on internet – easier, real stories

Episode 1 : Dangers onlineStalkers, paedophiles, attackers, fake accounts, real stories

Episode 1 : Digital livesHyper reality, how the tech might evolve, postmodernism

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Is the UK too dependant on the internet for socialising?

What channel would it be on?

I would put this documentary on Channel 4 because this documentary it explored the negativity of too

much socialising on the internet. Channel 4 have the ability of attracting various audiences through

simplistic advertising – as my topic varies in interest.

Channel 4 furthermore have a similar documentary series called ‘Dispatches’ which explores a certain concerning

topic in the same what which I want to.

I would show it at 8pm because it will not have any bad language or any inappropriate context too significantly throughout.

Also it will get a better audience at 8pm than 9pm because other programmes targeted towards my target audience are commonly shown at 9pm, so I I’ll have

more chance of their viewings at 8pm.

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Is the UK too dependant on the internet for socialising?

Audience Feedback

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Developing potential topic!

Does social inequality still exist in the UK?

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Does social inequality still exist in the UK?

What is the purpose of the documentary?

The purpose of the documentary is to express the views of those who are discriminated against in society giving them a voice to

be heard. Showing how, without even realising it, open societies though

claim that anyone can make it to the top, there are always inequalities between all different people that are going to limit

how far and what they are able to achieve in life.

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Does social inequality still exist in the UK?

What would people learn about from this documentary?

People would learn about how each aspect that makes everyone in society can affect their stand in

society• Ethnicity

• Status

• Gender

• Culture

• Religion

• Class

• Age

• Sexuality

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Does social inequality still exist in the UK?

Connect purpose to the audience?

My audience would want to learn from this topics because everyone is different, and most people in society has faced social inequality at least one in their life time. Some more than others, and would want to hear that there are many people like them,

and because these types of people like to hear experiences they went though – because in a way they feel socially connected with

that person.Also because my audience would like to see social awareness of a

topics that significantly effected and is effecting their lives

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Does social inequality still exist in the UK?

Who is the audience?

Target Audience:

Secondary Audience:

My target audience for this documentary would be mass working class people who feel they have been socially mistreated. The documentary is more aimed towards the people who aren't financially safe, Indians, blacks, gays, European etc. – anyone who doesn't feel specifically British. It would be targeted towards males as they are prominently seen as the bread winner of a family, so would be more interested in the inequalities faced in society. Also men ages from 38-48 because they have a lot of experience on inequality throughout their life, and are not too old to understand todays generation as well as the one before.

My secondary audience would be Younger boys aged 18 – 22 who feel they are being socially discriminated as its where they tend to begin their own life as an individual. This would also be a mass audience as the UK is very multi-cultured, and also an open society which effects this age because of things such as new exams and rise in uni fee’s. Also I think it would be more leaned towards black males because of the current debates and media amplification of their crime and their majority of their association In the London riots when they hear the words ‘social inequality’

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Does social inequality still exist in the UK?

What style of documentary is it?

• This would be a Observatory documentary to show viewers how situations can happen I will do this to show people how social inequality come about primarily and to show people who haven't experienced what its like. I want to do this to show first off how it is done, and so that the audience can relate to what are being shown

• To inform how much inequality happens in the societies that claim to be open to opportunity.I will do this by informing the audience of the facts and the theory's from sociologists who have researched these issues. Also by telling people experiences and how they felt and how it effected them.I would do this because It’s important for my audience to have a related connection with what in informing the audience on.

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Does social inequality still exist in the UK?

What each episode would be about?

Episode 1 : Parental backgroundHow it effects your class, education, speech, neighbourhood, norms, values attitudes.

Episode 1 : Media InfluenceAmplification on different religions, cultures, ethnicities, spent time (leisure) and sexuality

Episode 1 : Workplace Age, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, laws

Episode 1 : Is Briton really an open society?Can we call ourselves open? Status frustration, conclusion of it all

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Does social inequality still exist in the UK?

What channel would it be on?

I would put this documentary on BBC 1 because it’s a mature channel with an older audience. Also the

channel recognises all people and cultures and has shown many programmes on different societies and

different people.

BBC 1 furthermore have a similar style documentary series called paranormal targeted towards an older audience

exploring similar ‘covered up’ topics

I would show it at 9pm because on BBC one controversial topics are usually shown later at this time. They usually show mainly family shows at 8pm.

Furthermore, it might contain mild language, violence, but nothing too graphic.

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Does social inequality still exist in the UK?

Audience Feedback

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What I learnt from the interviews

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Topic of choice

My Topic of choice is

Is the UK too dependant on the internet for socialising?

I chose this topic because I think it has a bigger relevance to today current interests and debates. I can get better primary resources, and more involvement from the public about this topic. Also I will be able to capture a wider, bigger audience.

Across different ages, races, culture etc.Also it was generally liked by my target audience feedback.