
13 Personal memories and the family album Cultural awareness and an European identity can be presented in many ways. Looking at the perspectives of the Hanvey model and the concept of multiperspectivity it would be wise to start in our own environment, our person surrounding. This part of a European Identity can be divided in four smaller parts, going from a personal perspective to a global perspective. It can be divided in the following parts: 1. Me and my family 2. Me and my hometown 3. Me and my country 4. Me and my culture My European Identity Me and my culture Me and my country Me and my hometown Me and my family

Transcript of Assignment

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Personal memories and the family album Cultural awareness and an European identity can be presented in many ways. Looking at the perspectives of the Hanvey model and the concept of multiperspectivity it would be wise to start in our own environment, our person surrounding. This part of a European Identity can be divided in four smaller parts, going from a personal perspective to a global perspective. It can be divided in the following parts:

1. Me and my family 2. Me and my hometown 3. Me and my country 4. Me and my culture

My European Identity

Me and my culture

Me and my country

Me and my hometown

Me and my family

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In the end all knowledge will be combined and used to create your own European Identity. The levels can be seen as follow ups but all of them are also related in many ways. For example, parts of Me and my family can be found in the level of Me and my culture. This way all knowledge can be linked and combined. An European teacher must be able to use this own created identity to teach about his culture and can be an objective participant in discussions about the different identities in Europe. If an European teacher is aware of this own Identity he can speak from knowledge and can look at a more respectful way at other identities. Me and my family To create a global, European awareness takes a lot of strength. Looking at the Hanvey model, Hanvey considered cross-cultural awareness as the most difficult to attain because it refers to the highest level of global cognition. Many others (for instance Haavenson) have been looking for the most effective ways to promote and teach cross-cultural awareness. One of the promoted ways, using videos, is also integrated in another part of the materials for European identity. A teacher can grow to the level of being part of an European identity by looking at their own personal surrounding. One of the first questions could be: Were do I come from? A teacher must me capable to answer this, and many other, questions before he/she can start think about an European Identity. He/she must research their own personal identity. The best way to start this investigations is by creating a family album. After this research a teacher must be able to transfer the outcomes to a national and global level. He can describe how his own researched identity can be seen as a part of our developing European Identity. Multiperspectivity To be sure that teachers in different countries can create a family album in the same way the multiperspective point of view can be very useful. Multiperspectvity can give them a schedule with different global aspects that can be found in any country and culture. These aspects can not be seen as individual aspects, they are connected in many ways. By using all aspects the students can create a complete awareness of their personal identity. The SLO (Stichting Leerplan Ontwikkeling)in Enschede, the Netherlands, creator of the multiperspectivity theory, defined the following aspects: economic, social, political, cultural, individual and natural aspect. In different assignments the aspects be tested. In the examples for the creation of an family album the different aspects will be mentioned. All dough all aspects can be used, it would be wise to select the strongest aspects. By using different aspects in different subject, in total you will create a complete multiperspectivic point of view. How do you work with it? For the creation of the family album you can create (digital) family cards. Every card is for one specific subject. The following examples are just two of the many possibilities. It would be wise to choose at least five subjects. The chosen subjects can be different. The (historical) circumstances can make that the choice for certain subject is not possible. Please, keep in mind that all aspects of multiperspectivity must be found in one the subjects.

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The family album: teacher’s example The family album, family pictures Aspects: All

From the 1850s family pictures are common in many countries. The costs for making a picture dropped. At the end of the nineteen century it was possible for almost all group in a society to have family pictures taken. These pictures are important materials for the family album. Pictures can tell you a lot about the family past, for instance about the professions, social and economic groups, clothes, special occasions. See if there are any old family pictures left in your own family. Try to collect al much information about this person. Maybe there are still persons with person memories about the person on the picture. Make the information into a family document, using the following questions.

Questions: What was the name of the person on the picture? When did this person live? Is there any information about were this person lived, profession, religion and family structure? Are there any special stories about this person?

Goals: Create a complete historic picture of this person by using all the aspects of multiperspectivity. Your past is a part of your own personal identity

This card is only one example. Cards can be made in various ways and do not have to look like this one. Please keep in mind that it is important to have the subjects, aspects, questions and goals on all cards. Subject In this part a teacher or student gives information on a chosen subject. This includes a picture and written text. Both must be in the proportions. If there is more material on the subject, use the internet links. Aspects Choose two or three aspects to create an multiperspective view on your subject. It is important to seen how the aspects are connected.

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Questions Make as much questions as possible on the subject. There are two kinds of questions. Fist the questions you have on your subject. Second some questions others may have on the subject. Goals How can this subject be of interest to others? How can it help to create an European Identity? This includes your own personal reflection on these questions.

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The family album: students’ examples

Me and my family Aspects: social and historical

The Battle of Sarikamis between the Russian and Ottoman Empire from December 22, 1914 to January 17, 1915 - part of the Caucasus Campaign - resulted in a Russian victory. The Ottoman troops, being ill-prepared for winter conditions, suffered major casualties at Allahüekber mountains. The Turkish official history states; 32,000 killed in action, 15,000 died sickness, 7,000 prisoners, 10,000 wounded, some 50,000 casualty. One of those soldiers was my grandfather’s father.His name was Süleyman KUM.He was born in 1895.When he joined the battle he was only 20 years old.He was married and had a baby.Bu t he was in the army and he had to fight for his country.So he left his family.The conditions were very bad for the battle.The weather was so cold and their materials-equipments weren’t so good enough for a battle,they didnt have got enough clothes,food etc. Because of these conditions he couldn’t survive.It’s thought that he was one of the frozen soldiers.His dead body couldnt be found.We are proud of him becasuse he died for his country.

Questions: When did the battle start? Why did Ottoman Republic lose the battle? Why is he so important for our family?

Goals: The battle’s conditions were against to us.We lost it.We are proud of our soldiers because they made the battle for our nation.


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Me and my family Aspects: social and historical


My family name in Dutch is ‘Bloem’. In English it means Flower. Family-names often comes from job names through the history and from addresses. Maybe the first family name what was flower was cold after their street; ‘the flowerstreet. Also through the last century, people gave themselves a last name what was called to their job, or something what has to do with their job. If you look to the name ‘Bloem’ then, it can also come from a florist. Or It can come from a rollerman who used meal, because meal is in Dutch also flower (‘Bloem’). From the internet: Dutch and North German (in the Lower Rhine area): from Dutch bloem, Middle Low German blom ‘flower’, possibly applied as a nickname, an ornamental name, or a metonymic occupational name for a gardener or florist.

Questions: What do you see on the picture? Does it has anything to do with the country? What does it mean? Where do you think the name ‘Bloem’ comes from?

Goals: It can be very interesting if you search for the meaning of your name. What is the meaning of your family name?


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Me and my hometown Aspects: Culture and historical

From the 1860’s a lot of Dutch men and women earn there money in the textile industry. In Twente the textile industry was very important. It made city’s like Hengelo and Enschede as big as they are now. In this picture you see the textile fabric of Delden. Around 1970 the textile industry collapse. There was to many competition from foreign countries. The fabric of Delden were closed. Many people lost there jobs. The association of culture decided that the building must be a monument of the textile history. Nowadays the chimney and a part of the fabric is still standing in the centrum of Delden

Questions: Where is this building standing? What is the function of this building? Are there any special stories about this building? What impact had this building on the Dutch society? Is there any information about why this building was build? What are the consequences for the workers when the industry collapse. How can big industry be effective for the whole world? Why are many people looking for a job in another country nowadays?

Goals: To create a historic image of the textile industry in Twente by using the aspects of multiperspectivitiy. The past of your hometown is apart of your living nowadays.


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Me and my hometown Aspects: Culture and historical

My hometown is a place called Eastwood, which is within Nottinghamshire. It is a small town but has lots of history. The famous author, poet and artist, D.H Lawrence (1885- 1930), was born and lived in Eastwood throughout his childhood. The school which he attended is still being used by children today and I myself and my siblings attended this infant school, ‘D.H. Lawrence Infant School’. The D. H Lawrence Birthplace Museum is also situated in Eastwood, as his childhood home; it has now been restored as much as possible to how it would have been in the 1800s. This house is available to visitors and many school trips visit here. The scenery of Eastwood’s surrounding areas is what inspired D.H Lawrence when writing his novels. His most popular novel (which made him famous worldwide) was ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’. D.H Lawrence has great historical importance within Eastwood and his symbol of the Phoenix is recognisable in many places throughout the area. The blue lines painted in his memory throughout the town lead people to his Birthplace Museum. I feel that this local history is something to be proud of as a recognisable symbol of my home town.

Questions: How can having information about your local town help to build up your own individual cultural self? How can knowing about someone else’s cultural history allow you to become a more European student? What impact does this particular historical event have on the representation of the town in which you live?

Goals: To teach about cultural recognition To allow international students to become aware of others cultural history, whilst making them more interested/ aware of their own- cross cultural awareness. To learn how a particular historical event can effect how a person views a particular town and how this can represent a town and its values.


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Me and my country Aspects: Culture and Social

For millions of years, the mighty volcanoes of the Central Anatolian Plateau erupted and spewed their contents across the land that would become the cradle of civilization. 'Fairy chimneys,' cones and strange rock formations have been sculpted by wind and rain. Cappadocia which is in our days one of the most important tourism centers of Turkey is visited every year by hundred thousands of tourists coming from every part of the world.

Questions: Where does the Cappadocia stand? What did the volcanoes cause? How had the fairy chimneys been shaped?

Goals: Cappadocia has a volcanic and geographic history. And it’s a kind of place that we can’t see often. The aim is to make people see this place and understand how did it happen.


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Me and my country Aspects: historical and culture Schönbrunn Palace

Schönbrunn Palace together with its ancillary buildings and extensive park is by virtue of its long and colourful history one of the most important cultural monuments in Austria. Scheduled as a listed monument, the whole ensemble, including the palace, the park with its architectural features, fountains and statues and the zoo – the oldest of its kind in the world – was placed on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List in 1996. The history of Schönbrunn and the former buildings that stood on this site goes back to the Middle Ages. The whole estate was referred to as the Katterburg from the beginning of the 14th century and belonged to the manor of the monastery at Klosterneuburg.

In 1728 Emperor Charles VI acquired Schönbrunn, but used the estate only for shooting pheasants. Eventually he made a gift of it to his daughter, Maria Theresa, who is documented as having always had an especial fondness for the palace and its gardens. Maria Theresa's reign marked the opening of a brilliant epoch in Schönbrunn's history, with the palace becoming the centre of court and political life. Under her personal influence and the supervision of the architect Nikolaus Pacassi, Joseph I's grand hunting lodge was rebuilt and extended into a palatial residence.Schönbrunn Palace was not only an imperial residence and the setting for countless festivities, but also a place where famous artists and craftsmen from many different epochs created interiors of great beauty.

Questions: Since which year takes the Schönbrunn palace place on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List? What are the most important parts of the palace? Under whose regency became Schönbrunn the centre of court and political life?

Goals: Get to know something about the history of the building.


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Me and my culture Aspects: historical, culture FLAG OF TURKEY

The current design of the Turkish flag is directly derived from the late Ottoman flag, which had acquired its final form in 1844. It is known that the Ottomans used red flags of triangular shape at least since 1383, which came to be rectangular over the course of history.

The flag has a complex origin since it is an ancient design, and uses the same symbols of the late flag of the Ottoman Empire which was adopted in 1844 with the Tanzimat reforms; though the shape, placement and shade of the color varies. The geometric proportions of the flag were legally standardized with the Turkish Flag Law in 1936

The origin of the flag is the subject of various legends in the country, some contradicting the historical knowledge about the Ottoman Flag.


After the Battle of Kosovo on July 28 1389, Murad I was assassinated and on that night there was a unique moment of Jupiter and the Moon next to each other. If one considers this sight on a pool of blood, the current structure of the Turkish flag can be seen easily. One problem with this theory is that the Battle of Kosovo actually took place over a month earlier - on the 15th of June in the Julian Calendar

Questions: What are the colours of Turkish flag? What are symbols of Turkish flag? What is the legend about Turkish flag?

Goals: A flag is a piece of cotton, often flown from a pole or mast, generally used symbolically for signaling or identification. It is important to learn about nationality.

Literature: Picture 1: Picture 2 : Text:

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Me and my culture Aspects: culture, social

The anniversary is the day on which one celebrates that he/she has become a year older. This is related to people, but celebrating an anniversary is also possible related to, for example, a company or an association. There are people who celebrate the anniversary of their pet. In many countries, among which agree the Netherlands and Belgium, the anniversary is similar to the birth day. Who ever is born on 13 April celebrates this year his anniversary on 13 April 2009.

Anniversaries go accompanied by getting gifts from family and friends and treating on school or on the work. Also it is usual that one goes to visit the person whose birthday it is. At children it is usual that the living room is decorated with beams. Further it is usual that on that day the people sing for the person whose birthday it is. Also a childsparty can be kept. Frequently there are some special anniversary rituals on primary schools:

sing birthday songs, treating, visit other classes with or without a birthday cart, birthday crown and beams. You can also send a birthday cart to the one who’s birthday it is to congratulate him/her with is his/her birthday.

Questions: Name some special anniversary rituals on primary schools. When do we call somebody an Abraham? Where can a birthday be celebrated as well?

Goals: You know how we celebrate birthdays in The Netherlands.


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Final notes Making the cards is just a part of creating an European identity. Teachers shoot notice that personal comments are important to work on the identity. The personal reflection on the goals for the created cards can help. By explaining his or her personal point of view students are able to discuss not only the created cards but also why the cards can be used for the creation of an European identity. The discussion can help use to work on the cross cultural awareness, the part of the Hanvey model that can be noticed as the hardest part to achieve. The cards are not the way to help, but only a way. I hope they are useful to many European teachers. Remarks on the family album method are welcome. It give use the possibility improve the cards in the future.