Assignment 3 a

Sam bates Assignment 3A FACTUAL PLANET EARTH 2 Planet earth 2 is a 2016 British nature documentary series produced by the BBC as a sequel to planet earth. This was broadcasted in 2006. The first episode date: 6 November 2016 Final episode date: 11 December 2016 Number of episodes: 7 Presented by David Attenborough Cast: David Attenborough The reason David Attenborough is the star of the show is because he is very well known and has one of them voices that fits well with the documentary. Also because David Attenborough is very well known it will draw people in to watch the documentary. The positioning is very important in the planet earth 2 series because the documentary is filmed around wildlife and sometimes very dangerous animals and they have to camouflage the cameras somewhere the animals won’t see. There are loads of different camera angles everywhere throughout the show and when watching you never see another camera anywhere. When watching planet earth 2 you feel like you are observing the wildlife, you’re like a fly on the wall. The planet earth series is a very educational documentary because David Attenborough tells you everything you need to know about the wildlife, because the show is very educational the age range for this is probably around 7+ because it’s a good way to learn about the wildlife. Even though it educates you its also very entertaining

Transcript of Assignment 3 a

Page 1: Assignment 3 a

Sam bates

Assignment 3A



Planet earth 2 is a 2016 British nature documentary series produced by the BBC as a sequel to planet earth. This was broadcasted in 2006.

The first episode date: 6 November 2016

Final episode date: 11 December 2016

Number of episodes: 7

Presented by David Attenborough

Cast: David Attenborough

The reason David Attenborough is the star of the show is because he is very well known and has one of them voices that fits well with the documentary. Also because David Attenborough is very well known it will draw people in to watch the documentary.

The positioning is very important in the planet earth 2 series because the documentary is filmed around wildlife and sometimes very dangerous animals and they have to camouflage the cameras somewhere the animals won’t see. There are loads of different camera angles everywhere throughout the show and when watching you never see another camera anywhere. When watching planet earth 2 you feel like you are observing the wildlife, you’re like a fly on the wall.

The planet earth series is a very educational documentary because David Attenborough tells you everything you need to know about the wildlife, because the show is very educational the age range for this is probably around 7+ because it’s a good way to learn about the wildlife. Even though it educates you its also very entertaining watching the monkeys swing from tree to tree and the fish jump up stream. By educating the public parents aren’t going to mind letting their children watching it. Also the reason planet earth is so popular is because of the wildlife. People love to see animals they can’t see at home like if you live In England and you want to see a kangaroo then watching planet earth will give you that opportunity.

The product attracts the audience because of how the outside world is still their behind all the technology we use. By filming animals that most people like such as monkeys and dolphins will also bring in popularity because of the popular animals that are being featured.

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When watching it you are expected to see the world’s natural beauty unfold and get a real insight to the honest world we live in.

Plant earth 2 is a documentary that is pretty similar to many other documentaries, for example the voice over of planet earth will be the same as another voice over on a different documentary. With many other documentaries the voice over will have different people taking over the top of the recordings, this is sometimes a big star because even though you can’t see the person talking if the person is famous you will be able to recognise there voice.


Located off the coast of Costa Rica, the Jurassic World luxury resort provides a habitat for an array of genetically engineered dinosaurs, including the vicious and intelligent Indominus rex. When the massive creature escapes, it sets off a chain reaction that causes the other dinos to run amok. Now, it's up to a former military man and animal expert (Chris Pratt) to use his special skills to save two young brothers and the rest of the tourists from an all-out, prehistoric assault.

Release date: 11 June 2015

Director: Colin trevorrow

Production companies: universal studies, Amblin Entertainment, Legendary entertainment, The Kennedy/Marshall Company.

The film Jurassic world was realised in June 2015. It is a sequel to the very famous Jurassic park films that first came out on June 9th, 1993.

Before the film is even released the producers know that it will be a big hit because of the quality of the Jurassic park films. With the Jurassic park films becoming so popular they raised the bar the for the release of Jurassic park. Some celebrities in the film are people such as Chris Pratt and he has been in some big films like passengers, guardians of the galaxy and a voice over in the Lego movie.

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The film has is pretty educational in a way because everything about the dinosaurs in the film is true and if you listen to the facts in the films they can give off loads of information. But the film was mainly released for entertainment purposes clearly. Being Able to see dinosaurs run the streets on a film is very enjoyable and exciting for the viewers. It is pretty obvious that this film is a fictional film because dinosaurs haven’t been around for a long time and it’s impossible to see on these days.

The age range on this film is going to be roughly around 12+ because some younger children my find the dinosaurs scary because they aren’t meant to be friendly, calm, cuddly animals. Also because at the age of 12 just before you become a teenager things like dinosaurs as big as the t-rex and the indominous rex becomes really interesting.

The gender for this film doesn’t really matter but is probably aimed at boys/men because not all women are interested in dinosaurs and things being destroyed or killed. The class that is targeted by the film is very wide because everybody will watch it for different reasons. Category a so people like doctors will watch it for their own reasons and students in category E will watch it, the only people that probably won’t watch the film is pensioners. All people will watch this film for their own reasons; older upper class people will probably watch it for educational purposes where as teenagers and category E people will watch it for entertainment purposes.

Representation in this film is very important as some of the dinosaurs are made to be more popular than others. The raptors are used as family to Chris Pratt and the indominous is known as the scary non approachable hybrid.

The reasons this film was a big hit other than the dinosaurs is because it’s set in the future. The structures, buildings and the technology are all set in the future whereas the dinosaurs are set in the past. With the use of futuristic technology intrigues people because at the moment who knows where technology is going? When you mix the past with the future the possibilities are endless.

In Jurassic world they have many features and logos to do with the old Jurassic park films like the car with the Jurassic park logo on it and the equipment used from them films. As the new film was so popular because of the old films they have also gave back the favour by using Jurassic world stuff in the Jurassic world films to advertise the film even though its years old.

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Pepsi advert

The Pepsi advert was made in 2010 and was filmed in Africa. The advert was released to raise the name of the brand Pepsi.

This advert has many football stars throughout it and the reason Pepsi have used these football stars is because if football fans see some of the biggest names In football drinking Pepsi then people are going to be interested in buying the product in the impossible chance that they will turn out like these stars. Not only are the celebrities In the advert but you also see them drinking Pepsi and kids hope they can do the same.

From this advert I think that Pepsi are aiming there target audience to around younger people and teenagers because adults are wise to the fact that it’s full of sugar plus younger people don’t really care. Younger people will find this product more eye capturing because of the bright blue can/ bottle.

This product isn’t really gender specific because it’s for everyone but I think more boys than girls will drink this because girls care more about their appearance and Pepsi isn’t good for you whereas younger boys are like savages and will do anything.

The class for this item is probably category C2, D, E because they are students and jobs with lower wages.

Pepsi realised this advert in 2010 because they want to make their product more popular and they realise it to inform people about the product. It’s also an entertaining advert because lots of people like football and because of the footballers on the ad it will bring in more publicity and popularity than if some cricket players were starred in the advert.

There are persuasive techniques in this advert but not with their words its mainly because the footballers start running around and playing football after they drink Pepsi making you think it will happen to you.

This advert has an advantage over lots of other drink adverts because not many companies will be able to get all of these stars in one advert. The Pepsi adverts have a habit of using football stars within their adverts. Football stars like Sergio Aguero, James Rodriguez and Alexis Sanchez. Clearly this 2010 ad brought in so much popularity they used more football stars to do the same thing but obviously not in Africa again.